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Name: ________________________________________

Adverbs Tell How

Directions: Adverbs tell information about a verb in the sentence. An adverb can
tell how something is done. Choose an adverb to complete each sentence.

quietly correctly sadly suddenly neatly

1. Please be sure to answer the question .

2. Zena whispered while in the library.

3. , Peter dismantled his Lego creation.

4. The sky darkened and, , it began to rain.

5. Pamela wrote her name very in cursive.

Directions: For each verb below, write an adverb that could explain more about

6. Bob and Jan walked .

7. My hamster Fidget eats .

8. The snow began to fall .

9. Isabelle planted each flower .

10. Mr. Peebles new computer worked .

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