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ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"
Dr. Greg Tumbush,

Sample Final Solutions Total of 600 points

1. Minimize the following expression and then check your answer using a Karnaugh Map.
(, , ) = + + +

2 solutions both by the Absorption theorem

f(a, b, c) = a bc + cb + a b + b f(a, b, c) = a b c + cb + a b + b
absorption rearrange

f(a, b, c) = a bc + cb + a b f(a, b, c) = a bc + a b cb + b
rearrange OR absorption absorption

f(a, b, c) = a bc + a cb b
absorption absorption f(a, b, c) = a b b

f(a, b, c) = a b
f(a, b, c) = a b

a 00 01 11 10

0 0 0 1 1

1 1 1 1 1
ab a bc cb b

Greg Tumbush Page 1 of 17 Sample Fall Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

2. Using a synchronizer design a circuit in gates that will de-bounce a switch with 3ms of bounce.
When the switch is bouncing it only stays at 0 or 1 for a maximum of 500us. See the figure
below for an example of the input. Be sure to clearly denote the clock speed that the de-bounce
circuit will operate at. 30pts

3ms 3ms


500us 500us

A synchronizer is only affected by the total bounce time so the clock speed for a
synchronizer to debounce an input that bounces for 3ms is 1/3ms = 333Hz. The circuit is

async_in q1 sync_out


Greg Tumbush Page 2 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

3. Design in Verilog a module that will implement the synchronizer from problem 2. 30pts


`default_nettype none

module debounce_sync(
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire async_in,

output reg sync_out

These always block can be combined:
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
reg reg1_q; begin
if (reset) begin
//First register reg1_q <= 1'b0 ;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin sync_out <= 1'b1;
if (reset)
else begin
reg1_q <= 1'b0 ; reg1_q <= async_in;
else sync_out <= reg1_q;
reg1_q <= async_in; end
end end

//Second register
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)
sync_out <= 1'b0;
sync_out <= reg1_q;


Greg Tumbush Page 3 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

4. Suppose the following circuit has been designed:

b and2x1
or2x1 out

The delay through a gate in ns is equal to its number of inputs. The timing constraint (i.e. the
maximum delay on the longest path from input to output) on this circuit is 5.25ns.
a. Does this circuit meet the timing constraint? Explain. 25pts
No this circuit does not meet timing because the delay from input a or b to output out is
2ns+2ns+2ns = 6.0ns

b. What can be done to achieve the same functionality and meet timing? Explain and if a
new circuit is the solution, draw it. 25pts
The timing constraint can be met by reducing the levels of logic to output out. The
resulting circuit is below. The delay from path a or b to output out is now 2.0ns+3.0ns =

or2x1 out


Greg Tumbush Page 4 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

5. Write a Verilog procedure (task or function) that will accept two 8-bit inputs, data_in,
and address, and print out the values in hex. 30pts

Either a task or function will work. Note that a return type for the function is optional. It
defaults to a single bit wire.
function print_func(input [7:0] data_in, input [7:0] address);
$display("data_in = %h, address = %h", data_in, address);

task print_task(input [7:0] data_in, input [7:0] address);

$display("data_in = %h, address = %h", data_in, address);

6. Repeat problem 5 but wait for 10 time steps in the procedure before printing out the
values. 15pts Take off 10 points of they use a function and 5 points of the delay is not


Only a task will work because the procedure consumes time.

task print_task(input [7:0] data_in, input [7:0] address);

$display("data_in = %h, address = %h", data_in, address);

Greg Tumbush Page 5 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

7. Create a controller in verilog for the Cypress SRAM we went over in class. The controller
will act as a slave and the master will be an ARM processor as in Figure 1. The controller
will support single and bursting writes and reads as well as write followed by read or
read followed by write. Your controller must be synthesizable. Assume an active high
reset is provided. 90pts

AHB-Lite Bus SRAM Bus

ARM Processor SRAM Controller Cypress SRAM

Figure 1: SRAM Control Design Environment

The AHB-Lite bus is in Table 1. Directions are from the ARM Processors perspective

Signal Width Direction Description

HCLK 1 output Clock
HADDR 21 output Address
HWRITE 1 output Write flag. 1=write, 0=read
HTRANS 2 output The transaction type. 2b00 = IDLE, 2b10 =
HWDATA 8 output Data to write
HRDATA 8 input Data that was read
Table 1: The AHB-Lite Bus

Timing diagrams of a single write and single read for the AHB-Lite bus are in Figures 2 and 3

Greg Tumbush Page 6 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

Address Data
phase Address Data
phase phase




Figure 2: AHB-Lite Write Transaction Figure 3: AHB-Lite Read Transaction

The Cypress SRAM I/O is in Table 2. Directions are from the Cypress SRAMs perspective

Signal Width Direction Description

A 21 input Address
CE_b 1 input Chip enable, active low
WE_b 1 input Write enable, active low
OE_b 1 input Output enable, active low
DQ 8 inout Bi-directional data for read or write
Table 2: Cypress SRAM I/O

Timing diagrams of a write and read for the Cypress SRAM are in Figure 4 and Figure 5
A Address A Address
WE_b WE_b
CE_b CE_b
OE_b OE_b
DQ Data DQ Data
Figure 4: Cypress SRAM Write Transaction Figure 5: Cypress SRAM Read Transaction


Greg Tumbush Page 7 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

`default_nettype none
module sram_control(

// AHB Bus I/O

input wire HCLK,
input wire [20:0] HADDR,
input wire HWRITE,
input wire [7:0] HWDATA,
input wire [1:0] HTRANS,

output reg [7:0] HRDATA,

inout wire [7:0] DQ,
output reg CE_b,
output reg WE_b,
output reg OE_b,
output reg [20:0] A,

input wire reset


// Delay the address by 1 clock cycle

reg [20:0] HADDR_q;

// Reg to assign data out values to

reg [7:0] DQ_reg;

parameter IDLE = 2'b00,

WRITE = 2'b01,
READ = 2'b10;

parameter HTRANS_IDLE = 2'b00;

parameter HTRANS_NONSEQ = 2'b10;

reg [1:0] current_state, next_state;

assign DQ = DQ_reg;
Greg Tumbush Page 8 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0
ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

always @* begin
// Defaults
DQ_reg = 8'hZ;
CE_b = 1'b1;
WE_b = 1'b1;
OE_b = 1'b1;
A = 21'b0;
case (current_state)
IDLE: begin
next_state = WRITE;
next_state = READ;
next_state = IDLE;
// Do the write on the SRAM
WRITE: begin
A = HADDR_q;
CE_b = 1'b0;
WE_b = 1'b0;
DQ_reg = HWDATA;
next_state = WRITE;
next_state = READ;
next_state = IDLE;
// Do the read on the SRAM
READ: begin
A = HADDR_q;
CE_b = 1'b0;
Greg Tumbush Page 9 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0
ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

OE_b = 1'b0;
next_state = WRITE;
next_state = READ;
next_state = IDLE;
default: next_state = IDLE;
end // always

// Current_state = next state on the active edge of the clock

always @(posedge HCLK or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)
current_state <= IDLE;
current_state <= next_state;

// Delay the address by 1 clock cycle

always @(posedge HCLK or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)
HADDR_q <= 21'b0;


Greg Tumbush Page 10 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

8. Answer the following questions:

a) When should the blocking assignment operator (=) should be used? 10pts
When creating combinatorial logic.

b) When should the non-blocking assignment operator (<=) be used? 10pts

When creating sequential (i.e. flip flops, registers, etc) logic.

c) Complete the verilog code to implement the following boolean equation. 20pts
f ab ab
always @(a or b) begin
if (a)
f = !b;

Greg Tumbush Page 11 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

d) Complete the verilog code to implement a registered version of the same boolean
equation. 20pts

always @(posedge clk or negedge reset)) begin

if (!reset)
f<= 0;
else if (a)
f <= !b;
f <= b;

9. Without using primitives, write the verilog code, complete the timing diagram below
and draw the resulting circuit using the OSU 0.5um library for a positive edge triggered
flip-flop with active low asynchronous reset and active low synchronous set. Recall that
the reset and set inputs for the DFFSR flip-flop in the OSU 0.5um library are active low.


The Verilog code is:

`default_nettype none
20 pts for the code
module dff(
input wire clk, reset, set, data_in,
output reg data_out

always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin

if (!reset)
data_out <= 1'b0;
else if (!set)
data_out <= 1'b1;
data_out <= data_in;
end 20pts for the timing diagram


Greg Tumbush Page 12 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

Timing diagram:


10pts for the circuit


set INVX1 D SQ data_out

reset R

10. The following design will create 2 multipliers. Redesign it to use 1 multiplier. 20pts

`default_nettype none
module resource_sharing (input wire multab,
input wire [31:0] a, b, c,
output wire [??:0] out);
wire [??:0] out_multab = a*b;
wire [??:0] out_multac = a*c;
assign out = multab ? out_multab : out_multac;

`default_nettype none
module resource_sharing (input wire multab,
input wire [31:0] a, b, c,
output wire [63:0] out);

Greg Tumbush Page 13 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

assign out = multab ? a*b : a*c;


11. What is the bit-width of the output out in problem 10? Why? 10pts
The bit-width of the output is 64-bits because the output bit-width for a multiply
requires the addition of the inputs bit-width, in this case 32-bits each.

12. Answer the following question about the PROM circuit in the figure below. 15pts each

OR-Plane (2n x m)
Fusible Link


n to 2n



Figure 6
a) Purpose of the decoder
Every minterm of the inputs is created by the decoder. When an output column of the decoder
is asserted, indicating this minterm has been selected by the inputs, the gate of any remaining n-
type transistors is asserted.

b) Action when a row is asserted and the fuse on the BJTs emitter is intact.
A row being asserted causes any BJT with its gate tied to the row to turn on through the pullup
resister. This causes the column that the source or emitter of the transistor is tied to be logic-1

Greg Tumbush Page 14 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

if the fuse is intact. This will cause the output of the column to be logic-0 due to the inverter on
the column output.

c) Action when a row is asserted and the fuse on the BJTs emitter is not intact.
A fuse not being intact will cause column to be pulsed to logic 0 through the pulldown resistor.
The output of the column will be logic-1 due to the inverter on the column output. Since no
other row is asserted the state of the fuses (intact or not intact) on other rows is irrelevant.

d) How a PROM can be used as a memory

A PROM can be used as a memory by connecting the address lines to the select inputs of the
decoder and leaving the fuse intact on any BJT where the output should be a 0 if the row is
selected through the address and blowing the fuse on any BJT where the output should be a 1 if
the row is selected through the address
e) How a PROM can be used to implement a combinatorial logic equation.
A ROM can be used to create combinatorial logic by connecting the variables of the equation to
the select inputs of the decoder and leaving the fuse intact on any BJT where the output should
be a 0 if the row is selected through the address and blowing the fuse on any BJT where the
output should be a 1 if the row is selected through the address.

13. For the circuit in the figure below and the noted fault answer the following questions.

a s-a-1
c w1

d w2 x

a. Determine the test vector (i.e. the input values) to sensitize the noted fault. Why
does this test vector sensitize the noted fault? 20pts 10pts for the vector, 10pts for why

Solution: The test vector a=0, or b=0, or c=0 will cause w1 to equal logic-0. This
test vector sensitizes the noted fault because the fault location is driven to the
opposite of the fault tested, in this case a logic-0.

b. Determine the test vector (i.e. the input values) to propagate the noted fault to
an output. Why does this test vector propagate the noted fault to an output?
20pts 10pts for the vector, 10pts for why

Greg Tumbush Page 15 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

Solution: The test vector d=1 and e=1, or d=0 and e=0 will cause w2 to equal
logic-0. This test vector propagates the noted fault to an output because if the
fault exists the output will be logic-1. If the fault does not exist the output will be
a logic-0.

14. Explain using words, not an equation, a flip-flops setup time constraint. 15pts

The amount of time before an active clock edge that the input data must remain stable.
0pts for an equation

15. Explain using words, not an equation, a flip-flops hold time constraint. 15pts
The amount of time after an active clock edge that the input data must remain stable.
0pts for an equation

16. What are the valid start points for a timing arc? 10pts
Primary inputs and the clock input of a flip flop.

17. What are the valid stop points for a timing arc? 10pts
Primary outputs and the D input of a flip flop.

Greg Tumbush Page 16 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

ECE 4242/5242 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Digital Design Methodology University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Sample Final Solutions "Engineering for the Future"

18. For the following circuit draw all possible timing arcs. 20pts
tclk_q tcomb tclk_q
t1_comb tcomb_2

tA_1 D Q comb D Q t2_B
1 2
1 2 4
3 C
tcomb_C tC
5pts for each correct arc.

Greg Tumbush Page 17 of 17 Sample Final Solutions Version 1.0

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