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Case Study

Cicade de Goa

Panjim (Capital City) -Approximate
driving time is 10 minutes &
distance is 7 kms (4 miles) from
the hotel.
5 -S TA R S e a B e a ch H o te l/R e so rt

Capacity 211 rooms

Site Area 40 Acres

The site is contoured and drops down hill towards Vanguinim Beach. The Old and the New
Blocks have been oriented along these afacing them, and hence every room gets a view of
these a from the balconies attached.
Four restaurants offering international & Goan cuisine
Poolside barbecue
2 bars
Swimming pool
Children's pool
Children's room
Ayurvedic & Swedish massage centre
Health club
Beauty saloon
Activity centre
Steam & sauna
Pool table
Live entertainment
Water sports
Beach volleyball & cricket

Its a rural vacation village almost inherently a creation of physically and mentally agreeable
spaces for relaxation, either in privacy or collectively, for distraction andamusement.
Correa engaged some of Bombays legendary film-poster painters like Bhiwandkar
embarked upon the creation of a kaleidoscope sequence of visual images, historical, mythical,
cinemagraphic, throughout the public spaces of the hotel, unlike anything he has done
It has reality and illusion through painting and Kasturba Samadhi, platforms and views
creating color.
Non Spaces
Cidade de Goa is full of tasteful, whimsical and
Cidade de Goa is full of tasteful, whimsical andambiguous allusions to Goas cultural history,
Hindu, Muslim and Portuguese. It imbibes very f ew architectural clichs: the door way with
armed guards on either side is purely trompeloil painting on a free standing wall which has
nothing behind it; an open to skycourtyard (one of several) has additional sky perceptible
through a paintedwindow with a human silhouette.

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