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<h1 itemprop="name"><a href="/questions/28387312/getting-json-da
ta-from-text-file-in-angularjs" class="question-hyperlink">Getting Json data fro
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<p>I am new to AngularJS and trying to fetch JSON data from a text file:</p>
<p>Here is my HTML:</p>
<pre><code>&lt;div ng-controller="customersController as custCont"&gt;
&lt;li ng-repeat="x in names"&gt;
{{ x.Name + ', ' + x.Country }}
<p>Whereas my controller is as given below:</p>
<pre><code>app.controller( "customersController", function( $scope, $window) {
url: 'test.txt',
dataType: 'json',
method: 'POST',
data: '',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
$scope.names = response;
$scope.names = 'error';
<p>This doesn't show anything. Now if I replace the above http request with test
.txt data assigned to $scope.names then it starts working: I mean, something lik
e this:</p>
<pre><code>$scope.names = [
"Name" : "Alfreds Futterkiste",
"City" : "Berlin",
"Country" : "Germany"
"Name" : "Berglunds snabbkp",
"City" : "Lule",
"Country" : "Sweden"
"Name" : "Centro comercial Moctezuma",
"City" : "Mxico D.F.",
"Country" : "Mexico"
"Name" : "Ernst Handel",
"City" : "Graz",
"Country" : "Austria"
"Name" : "FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A.",
"City" : "Madrid",
"Country" : "Spain"
"Name" : "Galera del gastrnomo",
"City" : "Barcelona",
"Country" : "Spain"
"Name" : "Island Trading",
"City" : "Cowes",
"Country" : "UK"
"Name" : "Kniglich Essen",
"City" : "Brandenburg",
"Country" : "Germany"
"Name" : "Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars",
"City" : "Vancouver",
"Country" : "Canada"
"Name" : "Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti",
"City" : "Bergamo",
"Country" : "Italy"
"Name" : "North/South",
"City" : "London",
"Country" : "UK"
"Name" : "Paris spcialits",
"City" : "Paris",
"Country" : "France"
"Name" : "Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery",
"City" : "Albuquerque",
"Country" : "USA"
"Name" : "Simons bistro",
"City" : "Kbenhavn",
"Country" : "Denmark"
"Name" : "The Big Cheese",
"City" : "Portland",
"Country" : "USA"
"Name" : "Vaffeljernet",
"City" : "rhus",
"Country" : "Denmark"
"Name" : "Wolski Zajazd",
"City" : "Warszawa",
"Country" : "Poland"
<p>The text file obviously contains all the data except the first row (i.e.
<code>$scope.names = [</code> and the last semicolon<code>;</code></p>
<p>That means the $http request to test.txt is failing which is in the same fold
er as html and js files. Anyone can please help.</p>
<p><strong>======= UPDATE ========</strong></p>
<p>There were two issues. </p>
<li>I missed $http parameter in my controller function.</li>
<li>I was using "POST", which I replaced with "GET" to make it work</li>
<p>It now work from local machine as well as remote web server.</p>
<p>Thanks for all your help.</p>
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<div style="display: block;" class="comment-body">
<span class="comment-copy">what is being displayed when you cons
ole.log(typeof response) in your callback? is it a string or an object?</span>
&ndash;&nbsp;<a href="/users/840524/nanndoj"
title="2,978 reputation"
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
05:16Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:05</span></span>
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<tr id="comment-45112370" class="comment ">
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<div style="display: block;" class="comment-body">
<span class="comment-copy">Is it compulsory it will be a text fi
le not a json file ?</span>
&ndash;&nbsp;<a href="/users/1632286/squiroid"
title="9,256 reputation"
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
11:12Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:11</span></span>
<tr id="comment-45112404" class="comment ">
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<div style="display: block;" class="comment-body">
<span class="comment-copy">The file format is json. Only its ext
ension is .txt, plus I would also need to pull some text files as well.</span>
&ndash;&nbsp;<a href="/users/3103244/anjum"
title="1,003 reputation"
class="comment-user owner">Anjum</a>
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
12:52Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:12</span></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">@nanndoj I don&#39;t think its gettin
g into any of those success() or error () functions</span>
&ndash;&nbsp;<a href="/users/3103244/anjum"
title="1,003 reputation"
class="comment-user owner">Anjum</a>
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
13:40Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:13</span></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">Just to be clear, your json in that t
ext file is an array?</span>
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<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
16:47Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:16</span></span>
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<div class="post-text" itemprop="text">
<p>You are missing to define $http as a parameter</p>
<pre><code>app.controller( "customersController", function( $scope, $window, $ht
tp) {
<p>Also make sure you are testing in a web server. You cann't make ajax request
from file:// protocol</p>
<p>Also change your request from POST to GET and it should work fine. <a href="h
ttp://" rel="nofollow">Here is a Pun
<pre><code> method: 'GET',
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<span class="comment-copy">Thanks. Yes I already noticed and cor
rected that. Calling from Server also gives the same error.</span>
&ndash;&nbsp;<a href="/users/3103244/anjum"
title="1,003 reputation"
class="comment-user owner">Anjum</a>
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
25:25Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:25</span></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">Updated my answer adding a working pu
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title="2,978 reputation"
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
36:30Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:36</span></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">I am not using file:// protocol. But
I am able to GET it from my local machine by simply using test.txt as URL.</span
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36:52Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:36</span></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">I have already done that. Thanks anyw
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<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
38:15Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:38</span></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">Yeah. But you have to change the &quo
t;Content-Type&quot;: &quot;application/json&quot; to the one you want</span>
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title="2,978 reputation"
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><span title="2015-02-07 21:
44:04Z" class="relativetime-clean">Feb 7 '15 at 21:44</span></span>
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