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a. slowly c.

Wind Systems in the Philippines
b. rapidly d. randomly
A. Modified True or False
___ 18. A land breeze generally occurs
____ 1. Warm air is more dense than cold air.
a. at nightfall, when the land cools below the surface temperature of the
____ 2. Rising warm air results in low atmospheric pressure. sea

____ , ____ 3-4. The air masses generally moves from the area of lower b. when strong winds blow in from the sea over the land
atmospheric pressure to higher atmospheric pressure
c. only during certain restricted seasons
____ 5. Wind is used to describe vertically moving air.
d. during the day when the land heats above the surface temperature
____ 6. Temperature is the force exerted on a surface divided by its area. of the sea

____ 7. Temperature is the average measure of kinetic energy of the mole- ___ 19. The Coriolis effect is _______________.
cules of an object.
a. a result of the Earths rotation from east to west
____ 8. Southwest monsoon is translated as the amihan.
b. a result of the Earths rotation from the west to the east and causes ob-
____ 9. Northeast monsoon is translated as the habagat. jects to curve to the right in the Northern Hemisphere

____ 10. Trade winds are characterized by descending warm air that rushes c. a result of the Earths rotation from the west to the east and causes ob-
towards the low-pressure zone at the equator. jects to curve to the left in the Northern Hemisphere

B. Matching Type d. unrelated to other physical phenomena on the Earth

11. Monsoon a. Where Northeast and South- ___ 20. Doldrums refers to the
east Trade Winds meet at about
5 degrees North, forcing the a. low pressure zone of rising warm moist air along the equator.

b. low pressure zone of rising cold moist air along the equator.
12. Intertropical Convergence b. The extensive wind system
Zone (ITCZ) that blows continually with the c. low pressure zone of rising warm dry air along the equator.
d. low pressure zone of rising cold dry air along the equator.
13. Land Breeze c. Occurs during day time.

14. Sea Breeze d. Occurs during night time.

___ 21. Our country is heated near the equator. During some months the
15. Prevailing Winds e. Characterized by heavy rain-
earths axis is tilted towards the sun. What season do we experience?
fall due to asymmetric heating
A. hot season B. rainy season

C. Multiple Choice C. winter season D. fall season

___ 22. Why do winds deflect to the right in the northern hemisphere and
___ 16. Temperature is _______________. to the left in the southern hemisphere?
Earths rotation C. Wind is a moving air
a. a measure of kinetic energy of the molecules of an object
Earths revolution D. Air moves from a high to low pressure area
b. only measured with a thermistor 23. How does Convection occur?
A. When the hot air rises and cold air takes its place, distributing the
c. a measure of the level of latent heat of matter amount of heat among them.
B. When the cold air rises and hot air takes its place, distributing the
d. measured only through advection amount of heat among them.
C. When the soil heats up because it is in contact with water.
___ 17. Since large bodies of water heat and cool more ____________
D. When the water heats up because it is in contact with soil.
compared to land surfaces, monthly temperature maximums and mini-
mums tend to be delayed at coastal stations.
D. Fill in the Blanks
Wind Direction Month Known as

NE Monsoon November to February

SW Monsoon

29. The cooler air over the sea rushes toward the land, replacing the rising warm is known as _______.
30. When the warm moist air charging from opposite directions meet at ITCZ, they force the air upward which results to a rising warm air known
as ______ in a low-pressure zone at the equatorial region.
- END of EXAM -

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