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mputer program for the design of a counter-

current moving carbon bed used for the recovery of b' ,:'rc. :'Jtions. APCOM 87. Proceedings of the Twentieth
International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral Industries. Volume 2:
Metallurgy. Johannesburg, SAIMM, 1987. pp. 197-207.

Computer Program for the Design of a

Countercurrent Moving Carbon Bed
U sed for the Recovery of Gold from
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa

A dual rate kinetic model consisting of differential equations is used to describe

the kinetics of the adsorption of gold cyanide on activated carbon. The par-
tial differential equation describing the material balance in the liquid phase
is written for the special case of a fixed bed system. It is shown that an isotherm
for the case of a closed system is required to yield accurate simulations of
the equilibrium in a column of activated carbon. Whereas the equilibrium
loading of gold cyanide is influenced by the free access of oxygen to the system,
the traditional open batch stirred tank experiments, which are used to estimate
parameters for the calculation of breakthrough curves for organic solutes,
cannot be used here. The program solves this model at incremental heights
in the column at a specific future point in time. Runge-Kutta and backwards-
difference methods are used in the numerical solution. AVon Neumann
method is used to show that the solution is stable.
Kinetic parameters can be estimated either from batch experiments or from
short column runs. In the latter method the column should not be long enough
to contain the concentration wavefront for the system of interest. Results ob-
tained from bench scale continuous column experiments were used to verify
the computer model. Pure gold solutions as well as real leach liquor were used
in both short column and countercurrent moving bed experiments.

Adsorption onto activated carbon has found countercurrent moving bed. The clarity of
increasing application in the treatment of the solution,-the carbon particle size, the
waste-waters, as well as for the recovery of gold content uf the solution and the gold
gold from cyanide leached pulps or clarified loadings to be achieved would largely in-
liquors. The reactor configurations used fluence the design and mode of operation.
are commonly called carbon-in-pulp (CIP), Davidson et al. 3 have demonstrated how a
carbon-in-column (CIC) and carbon-in-leach countercurrent moving bed of carbon could be
(CIl). The CIC-proce~s is favoured when applied to both clarified pregnant solutions
treating pregnant effluents from a heap and conventional gold plant pulps.
leach operation,1 or plant effluents such as Although the process design of adsorption
uranium-plant primary filtrate and slimes in beds of carbon is complex because of the
dam return water. 2 non-steady state of operation, a considera-
Carbon contacting in columns is normally ble amount of work has been published on the
carried out in a fixed-bed, fluidised bed or kinetics and equilibrium of the adsorption


of organics in columns of carbon. 4- 8 Chen equivalent spheres.
et al. 9 and Radcliffe 8 employed a tanks-in- - Accumulation of gold cyanide in the liquid
series model to simulate fixed-bed adsorp- phase within the pores of the carbon is
tion. Since most industrial scale columns negligible.
contain some degree of backmixing, the Equilibrium is assumed to exist between
tanks-in-series concept offers a straight- the liquid film surrounding a carbon par-
forward description of the hydrodynamics in ticle and the gold adsorbed on the exter-
a column. However, when the bed diameter is nal surface of the carbon.
several orders of magnitude larger than that - The rate of transfer across this external
of the carbon particles, axial dispersion in liquid film is described by a linear dri-
the liquid phase can be neglected. 10 In ving force.
this case plug flow may be assumed, which is Radial transport in the macropore network
equivalent to an infinite number of equal- can be approximated by a surface diffusion
size, small, completely agitated tanks ope- mechanism, especially when adsorption is
rated in series. 9 The latter approach will strongly favoured and relatively dilute
be followed in this paper. solutions are used. 13 Although pore
The advantages and disadvantages of the transport occurs in such instances, its
different kinetic adsorption models have contribution to the total flux is negligi-
been discussed quite extensively for orga- ble. 13
nics 4- 7 and the gold cyanide complex. 11 - 12 A linear driving force expression is used
Only some of the principles of the model to describe the rate of diffusion from the
proposed by Van Oeventer 11 will be given in macropores t 0 th e mlcropores.
the next section. - The liquid is in plug flow in the counter-
It is the purpose of this paper to explain current bed, and the carbon displays a
the numerical solution of a model for the continuous loading distribution along the
design of a countercurrent moving carbon length of the column.
bed. Although this system has been studied
on pilot plant scale, no basis has been de- Material balance equations

veloped for the process design thereof. Mass transfer in the macropores can be des-
Bench scale experiments will be used to ve- cribed by the following equation: 11
rify the model. aqm aO m a [ aq
a31;- = rr 3r r 2 arm
J- kmb(qm-qb) ... [1J
Mathematical model
Assumptions According to Hall ~.14 the loading
As explained by Van Oeventer,11 it is custo- gradient at the external surface of the car-
mary to assume an internal structure for the bon can be approximated by a quadratic dri-
carbon. The pores are viewed as either ma- ving force expression. Eq. [1J, may then be
cropores or micropores. Only macropores approximated by the ordinary differential
open onto the external particle surface, equation:
whilst the mjcropores, which branch off the
dq 60aO 1jJ [q2 _ q2j
macropores, are responsible for the slow ap- aerrm = d m s m
2 -----

proach to equilibrium. Further assumptions p 2qm

are summarized as follows: Hall et al. 14 defined the correction fac-
- The carbon particles can be treated as tor 1jJ in terms of a separation factor which


was dependent on the shape of the adsorp- into Eq. [8J yields the continuity equation:
tion isotherm. Because the parameters 0m
'(lC (lC 6k f (1 - E)A
and ~ are both functions of the interaction V-dX
+ sA-
(lt +
dp (C - Cs) = 0 . [1 O-J
between the adsorbate and the carbon, a com-
bined pseudo surface diffusivity 0' is de- which can be simplified to:
fi ned as: 11 m
... [3J o ... [11]

Equati on [2J then becomes: where

dq m [q2 - q2]
60aO'm -6k f (1 - s)
act = -d-2- s _ m - Kl = -sA and K2 = t:d p
p 2qm
The mass balance for the micropore region The liquid phase material balance for a
can be written as: 11-12 batch stirred adsorber is:

(1 - a) -dt = kmb (q- m '" [5] ... [12J

Numerical solution
A material balance is written at the carbon-
liquid interface by equating the surface Equations [4J to [7J, and either [11J or
fluxes: [12], should be solved simultaneously in or-
der to predict carbon loading and liquid
1Oap cD~
[q~ -_q~]. [6J phase concentration profiles in a column, or
P 2qm the liquid phase concentration decay curve
The equilibrium at the carbon-liquid inter- for a batch stirred adsorber, respectively.
face is described by a Freundlich isotherm Van Oeventer 11 described the numerical solu-
expression: 11-12 tion for the latter case, and suggested a
quadratic transformation of qm i~ Order to
b remove the singularity which occurs in Eq .
s = BC s ... [7J
[4J when qm = 0 at t = O.
The material balance for a differential ele- Figure 1 shows the logic diagram for the
ment aV of the liquid phase in upward plug simultaneous solution of Equations [4J to
flow in a column is: [7J and [111 in the column for a specific
future point-in time. llhen the values of C,
In = Out + Adsorbed + Accumulation Cs' qs' qm and qb have been calculated along
. . the entire column length for such a point in
VC = V(C + aC) + kf(C - Cs ) a c aV
time, the process is repeated for the next
point in time .
+ "V ~
Su (lt ... [8J
A value for Cs is needed at every incre-
mental column height for the current future
Substitution of aV = Aax and the total ex-
point in time. An initial guess of this va-
ternal area of the carbon available in aV,
lue is obtained by assuming that Cs alona ~
i. e.
the entire column length is equal to the va-
6(1 - s) lues of Cs which have been calculated for
d ... [9J
P the previous moment in time. llhen the iter-


Initial Conditions

Guess f~ture Cs and qs values for

next increment in column heioht

Use backwards-difference and fourth

order Runge-Kutta methods to calculate
C, qm and qb at next p8int in column

Solve mass balance at the-external par-

ticle surface for improved Cs and qs



YES Set up present values

for next iteration
in time

Transform carbon
loading profile after
transfer of carbon


FIGURE 1. Logic diagram for the simulation of a countercurrent moving carbon bed


ation is done for the first time, Cs at each future value of Cs at the current column
point in the column is assumed to be equal height, and the process is repeated.
to the value of Cs at the point directly be- After convergence has been obtained at a
low it at the same point in time. Midtime particular point in time along the entire
values for Cs are calculated by averaging column length, the calculated future values
present and future values. of the liquid concentration and the carbon
The future values of qm and qb are calcu- loadings are converted into present values
lated by means of a fourth-order Runge-Kutta for the next iteration.
routine, where the truncation error of the When countercurrent removal of carbon
order k5 can be neglected by using suffi- takes place, the values of qm and qb are
ciently small time step lengths. The Runge- changed to zero for the top fraction of the
Kuttamethods possess the advantage that, column where fresh carbon has been added.
since their use at each stage of the advan- The values of qm and qb in the bottom frac-
cing calculation does not require informa- tion of the column are changed to correspond
tion relevant to past stages, they are com- to those values higher up in the column be-
pletely self-starting and are particularly fore movement of the carbon had taken place.
appropriate when memory requirements are to Calculations are then resumed with these new
be minimized. These procedures are inhe- starting values of gold loading on the car-
rently stable and are such that a change in bon.
spacing is effected easily at any stage of
the advance. Estimation of parameters
The liquid phase mass balance, Eq. [11J, Weber and Liu 16 proposed the use of a micro-
is a.partial differential equation which column for the estimation of kf . In such a
cannot be solved by Runge-Kutta methods. A column substantial incipient concentration
backwards-difference scheme can be deduced breakthrough occurs, as the length of the
to approximate the derivatives in Eq. [11J: column is sufficiently short not to contain
the concentration wavefront. A sensitivity
(-k1 + Khl - K2 ) C.1,n - Khl C.1- 1,n analysis 16 showed that, if the packed column
is sufficiently short, the initial stage of
= -k1 C.1,n- 1 - K2 CSl,n
. ... [13J a breakthrough curve is dominated by film
transfer only. Under such circumstances
This scheme is used to calculate future va- these is no accumulation in an element of
lues of C, and is stable under all circum- liquid in the column, and Cs = O. Therefore
stances, as explained in Appendix A. Eq. [1 OJ becomes:
The liquid film mass balance, as described
by Eq. [6J, is then solved for Cs by means dC 6k f
EQt + -d- (1 - d C = 0 ... [H]
of the Regula-Falsi method. Convergence is p
achieved when the fractional difference be- . dx
when V = E~. Eq. [14J may be in~egrated
tween the estimated value of Cs' which has from Co at t = 0 to Ct at t = EAL/V, which
been used in the Runge-Kutta and the back- yields:
wards-difference scheme, and the solution to
Eq. [6J lies within the accuracy limit. If ... [15J
convergence is not obtained, the solution to
Eq. [6J is used as an improved guess of the The intraparticle kinetic parameters 0'm'


kmb and a can be estimated from a Powell re- 32
q =187'CO,34 Y
gression on the concentration decay curve 28 OPEN SYSTEM ': / CLOSED

for a batch stirred adsorber, or the break- CYANIDE~.

through curve for a packed micro-column.
/ Ill/Ill

Van Deventer 11 explained the estimation of 20

parameters in a batch stirred tank adsorber. ~ ye'~
-.Q) 16
Experimental 0-
I /. Il
The coconut shell carbon used had a wet II~ SOLUTION
~e = 10,49,~,l5
settled density of 485 kg/m3, a mean parti-
cle diameter of 1,66 mm and yielded a 4
voidage of 0,42 in a packed bed. A synthe-
tic potassium aurocyanide solution contain- 00

ing 8,1 ppm gold, and a clarified Witwaters-

FIGURE 2. Equilibrium adsorption of gold cyanide onto ac-
rand cyanide leach liquor containing 7,43 tivated carbon
ppm gold were used in all bench scale runs.
The pH was maintained at 8,5, the level of sions. The access of oxygen to an open sys-
dissolved oxygen was 8,2 mg O2 / in the feed tem causes the equilibrium loading to be
solution and the temperature was 22C. significantly higher than that for a closed
system. This effect of oxygen has not been
Equilibrium and batch stirred tank experi-
ments were conducted both in containers considered before in the modelling of ad-
sorption in columns. Neither is it clear
which were open and containers which were
how the presence of dissolved oxygen in-
closed to the atmosphere, using a stirring
fluences the mechanism of adsorption.
speed of 220 rpm, 2,5 of solution and
Concentration breakthrough curves for the
0,80 g of carbon. Micro-column runs were
cyanide leach and synthetic solutions in a
conducted in a glass column with an internal
micro-column are given in Figure 3. Data
diameter of 31 mm, a packed bed height of
for the first few minutes have been plotted
5,5 cm and a solution flow rate of 8 /h.
in Figure 4 and straight lines extrapolated
Periodic countercurrent moving bed runs were
to yield Ct/C o intercepts from which kf
carried out in a perspex column with an in-
could be estimated by use of Equation [15J.
ternal diameter of 25 mm, a packed bed
A Powell regression of the curves in Figure
height of 34 cm and a solution flow rate of
3 yielded the intraparticle kinetic parame-
6 /h. Carbon was transferred every 24 h
ters given in Table 1 when the isotherm for
when 40% of the carbon bed, i.e. 13,6 cm of
1,0 ,-,--,--,--,--r--,--,,--,----,~~~
the bottom part, was removed while the re-
mainder of the bed was slugged downward and 0,8
13,6 cm of fresh carbon added at the top.
C 0,6
Care was taken to avoid any mixing of the t
c;;- - - REGRESSED
carbon bed. Samples of solution were taken 0,4

periodically and analysed for gold by AA. 11 SYNTHETIC


Application of the model

Figure 2 shows the different equilibrium FIGURE 3, Concentration breakthrough curves for micro-
isotherms and regressed Freundlich expres- column


TABLE 1 Kinetic and equ il i bri um parameters for different systems

Synthetic Cyanide leach solution Sensitivity

Parameters gold solution analysis
(closed) Open system Closed system
kf(m/s) (batch) 5,2x10- 5 5,2x10 -5
kf(m/s) (column) 2,73x10- 5 2,52x10- 5 2,52x10 -5 2,52x10- 5
DI (m2 /s ) 8,52x10- 12 4,65X10- 12 4,65x10- 12 4,65x10- 12
k (s -1 ) 7,82x10- 6 1,20x10- 5 1,20x10 -5 1,20x10- 5
a 0,39 0,35 0,35 0,35
b 0,23 0,34 0,35 0,35
B( g/kg) 17,64 18,72 10,49 10,49
Co (gAu/m 3 ) 8,1 7,43 7,43 7,43

a closed system was used. It was not possi-

ble to obtain a decent simulation of the da- ",-
ta points in Figure 3 when the isotherm for "~
an open system was employed. Figure 5 shows C 0.6
v~ .. ----~D SYSTEM
batch kinetic data for the cyanide leach so- .......... ~-.-~ ---.--o---e----e
lution in both open and closed reactors. CURVES v~v
0.2 v -----V-"-y---
The solid lines were predicted by using the OPEN SYSTEM
parameters estimated from Figure 3 and given
in Table 1. It appears as though the same
kinetic parameters can be used for both
FIGURE 5. Concentration decay curves for batch stirred ad-
closed and open systems, provided that dif- sorber experiments
ferent isotherms are employed.
Figure 6 shows concentration breakthrough
data for the cyanide leach solution fed to
the periodic countercurrent moving bed which
was operated for four cycles of 24 hours MODEL PREDICTIONS:
each. The solid lines represent model pre- 0,6 CLOSED
dictions based on the parameters for open
Co '

/.B /e"
/fIJ 0,2
~ fIJ
0.36 0~~-7--~~2--~~~~4

FIGURE 6. Concentration breakthrough curve and model
FIGURE 4. Estimation of the liquid film transfer coefficient predictions for cyanide leach solution fed to a
Horn micro-column runs countercurrent moving carbon bed


and closed systems which are given in Table 11.
1. As could be expected from the regressed 12 B
----- --------
curves in Figure 3. only isotherm parameters
fora closed system yield satisfactory pre-
dictions. The isotherm parameters for an
open system predicted unacceptably high
loadings on the carbon and therefore too low
concentrations in the effluent. This means
that the equilibrium conditions in a column
of carbon resemble those in a closed stirred - - B =6.29
tank. Whereas oxygen participates in the - - - B = 8.39
o - - - B = 10.1.9
adsorption reaction. the traditional ap- B
proach of estimating parameters in an open
stirred tank cannot be used to predict ad- -L.~~~~==~==~==~==~==~==~
sorption in columns. 1.0'1~~="'--'==~:_::_:_--=-o:::__::::I__-____.J
0.5 ~
Figure 7 shows that kinetic and equili- o
brium parameters for a closed system give an lOgQ05
accurate prediction of concentration break- B
through of a synthetic gold solution fed to -2.0!:-~;:_____;';;____:::_-_:::l:::-_:f:::_-:::l:::___:::';::____:_'
the countercurrent moving bed. As in Figure o 4D

6. it was found that a time step length of FIGURE 8. Sensitivity of the countercurrent moving bed
k = 5 min. and an L/h ratio of 30 was suffi- model to variations in the equilibrium parameter B
cient for accurate calculations. Further 14
decreases in k or h did not affect calcula- 12
tions significantly. 8
Figures 8 to 10 and Table 2 show a sensi- 6 ~
tivity analysis of the periodic countercur-
I I I I I I I 0 16
- -

0,61-- MODEL PREDICTION - - J -1

I-- log.k -2

, ) /j Co

! i: .

1.5 r

0,5 -:::~
"- "-
o '
I-- lOgq-0.5
m~ I I I I I I
1 2 3 4 -2.0
CYCLE NO. 0~~~~~~;:--~~~~~;:--~;:--~4D

FIGURE 7. Concentration breakthrough curve and model

prediction for a synthetic gold solution fed to a FIGURE 9. Sensitivity of the countercurrent moving bed
countercurrent moving carbon bed model to variations in the carbon particle size


11. meter, dp ' and an increase in the fraction
12 of loading capacity available as macropores,
- - - ex; = 0,21 a, all decrease the concentration of gold in
ex - - - - ex; = 0,28
the tailings. The effects of variations in
-- - ex; =0,35
B, dp or a, are, however, more complex in
the case of the countercurrent moving carbon
bed than in the case of a CIP cascade. Ta-
ble 2 shows that, although an increase in
the fractional transfer of carbon increases
the carbon loading slightly, a concomitant
lOg~-2 ex increase in the concentration of gold in the

effluent occurs.

1,0 The proposed computer program predicted the
behaviour of a periodic countercurrent mo-
logq ex ving carbon bed satisfactorily, and could
-1,0 serve as a basis for the design of such co-
lumns. Intraparticle kinetic parameters
could be estimated either from batch stirred
tank data or from a micro-column run.
FIGURE 10. Sensitivity of the countercurrent moving bed
Whereas oxygen influences the loading of
model to variations in the fraction of adsorp-
tive capacity available as macropores gold onto carbon, an open stirred tank can-
rent moving bed model based on the appro- not be used for the prediction of adsorption
priate parameters in Table 1, a column in a column. Equilibrium conditions in a
length of 4,0 m, a carbon particle size of column of carbon resemble those in a closed
1,66 mm, a fractional carbon transfer of 0,2 stirred tank. A sensitivity analysis showed
every 24 hours, and a superficial liquid ve- that an increase in the fractional transfer
locity of 0,61 m/min. As shown for a CIP of carbon increases the concentration of
cas ca de, 1 2 . th e equl. 11. brlum
an .lncrease ln . gold in the column effluent.
parameter B, a decrease in the particle dia-
List of symbols
TABLE 2 Specific external surface area of car-
Effect of fractional removal of carbon on bon (mz".m- 3 )
adsorption performance (average movement = A Flow area of column (m2)
0,8 m/day for 30 days) b,B Empirical constants in Freundlich iso-
Fractional Duration of Ct qp C Liquid phase concentration (g.m- 3 )
transfer one cycle (g/kg)
(days) Co Ci , n C at a specific column height (i) and
a specific point in time (n) (g.m- 3 )
0,1 1
2 0,0001 11,027
dp Carbon particle diameter (m)
0,2 0,002 11,192
Om Surface diffusion coefficient (m 2 .s- 1 )
0,4 2 0,0091 12,326
0' Pseudo-surface diffusivity in the ma-
0,6 3 0,0312 12,15 m
cropores (m 2 .s- 1 )


g Amplification factor in Eq. [A2] the use of activated carbon. J.S. Afr.
h Increment in column height (m) Inst. Min. Metall. vol. 83, no. 8,
k Increment in time (s) 1983 . pp. 181-188.
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(m.s- 1 ) 3. DAVIDSON, R.J., DOUGLAS, W.O. and TU-
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L Height of column (m) rent moving carbon bed. J.S. Afr.
q Average loading on carbon (g/kg) Inst. Min. Metall. vol. 85, no. 11,
r Radial variable (m) 1985. pp. 387-394.
t Time variable (s)
V Volumetric flow rate of liquid 4. McKAY, G. Adsorption of acidic and ba-
(m 3 .s- 1 ) sic dyes onto activated carbon in flui-
Variable in Fourier series in Eq. [A1J dised bed. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. vol.
W Mass of dry carbon (kg) 61,1983 pp. 29-36.
x Dixtance variable along column length
5. NERETNIEKS, I. Adsorption in finite
Greek symbols bath and countercurrent flow with sys-
Fraction of loading capacity available tems having a nonlinear isotherm.
as macropores Chem. Eng. Sci. vol. 31, 1976. pp.

E Void fraction in packed bed of carbon 107-114.

A Paraffieter in Fourier series
Wet settled density of carbon (kg.m- 3 ) 6. SVEDBERG, U.G. Numerical solution of
Correction factor multicolumn adsorption processes under
periodic countercurrent operation.
Subscripts Chem. Eng .. Sci. vol. 31, 1976. pp.

b Mi cropores 345-353.
e Equilibrium
m Macropores 7. JOHANSSON, R. and NERETNIEKS, I. Ad-
o Initial or feed value sorption on activated carbon in coun-
p Product tercurrent flow: an experimental stu-
s Liquid-carbon interface dy. Chem. Eng. Sci. vol. 35, 1980.
t Top of carbon bed pp. 979-986.

References 8. RADCLIFFE, O.F. Lumped parameter mo-

1. DUNCAN, D.M and SMOLIK, T.J. How Cor- dels of adsorption kinetics in fixed
tez Gold Mine heap-leached low grade beds. Chem. Eng. Commun. vol. 25,
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2. DAVIDSON, R.J. and STRONG, B. The re- scale multi col umn adsorption processes
covery of gold from plant effluent by under periodic countercurrent opera-


tion. Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. Dev. 13. KOMIYAMA, H. and SMITH, J.M. Surface
vol. 11, no. 3,1972. pp. 430-434. diffusion in liquid-filled pores.
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11. VAN DEVENTER, J.S.J. Kinetic model tion under constant-pattern conditions.
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tial Differential Equations: Finite
12. VAN DEVENTER, J.S.J. Factors influen- Difference Methods. 2nd edition, Ox-
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adsorption circuit for the recovery of pp. 92-95.
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Appendix A: Stability of Eq. [11]

AVon Neumann method 15 is used here to prove

I [1 + k~l - kK2 - k~l cos AhJ
that the scheme in Eq. [13J is stable. The
inherent error in Eq. [13J is written as a
+ r-T[ k~l sin Ah] 1~1 . .. [A3J
discrete Fourier series in the complex expo-
nential form: + kKhl"_ kK2 - --h--
kKl cos" AhJ2
(-k1 + Khl - K2 ) V -& V e-Ahr-T = 1 V rkK sin AD J
n+1 h n+1 k n + [h!. 2
> 1 [A4]

... [A1J Manipulation of this equation yields:

kKl - kK2 - --h--

9 [ 1 + --h-- "J
kKl (cos \h - v-1 sin Ah)
> 0 . .. [A5J

= 1 ... [A2J Since Kl is positive and K2 is negative, Eq.

[A5J is valid, and Eq. [A 3] is also valid.
For stability it is required that Igl~1. It
Therefore, Igl~1, so that the scheme in Eq.
must therefore be proven that
[13J is stable.


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