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‘Shafts, Keys, Cirlips and Seals Chapter 10 Shaft design A shaft.can be defined as: ‘A rotating member supported by bearings that transmit torque and power) Notes + Therotatingmotion (endtheoad) maybe continous arnteritent uni-directional or reversing. + Shafts to which wheels ae attached are often known as axles. Shafts are usualy circular in shape, either sold or hollow, Somes square section shafts are ured in certain applications where this section offers some advantages. ‘Shafts are usually igh, bot fexble shafts (cables) are used inspecial applications such fs engraving tools or dentist's dri In this chopte, rigid shafts only are considered +The shaft is usualy relatively long (compared to its diameter). + Inengineering, shatsareuualymade of eelor (rothermetal) but nor-metallic: sre sometimes ured. +The torque snd powers transmited fomone location onthe shaft (input) to another Jocation output orloa)..nput torque and powers ususllyprovidedby prime-mo ver such asa motor or engine but in some cases (for example, layshats or intermediate shafts) the input tog and power may te provided by power transmission devicessuch as gers, bells orchais, Output torque andpowermaybe transmitted dretiyothe oad (sina tiver, propel, crusher or rol) but in many cassis transfered by means of gears, belts or chins to another load shat safe ‘Shaft loads and stresses ‘Shalt loads can be classified as steady lds, shock loads and inertia loads ‘Steady loads ‘Steady loads are the primary design loads that occar relatively costinuously during operation ‘They are soramarised in the table below Type of oad | Example Resultant stress Torsional | Motor, gear belt or chain drive ‘Torsional sear stress ending | Transverse load resuking from a weight load| Beading stress, that is axial (ona horizontal shat) or gear forces or belt tension and compression or chain tensions ‘Axial Propeller or weight load (on a vertical shaft) | Axial tension and compression Table 1 Steady shaft loads ‘These loads can and often do, occur simultaneously i es Dee Dan wa ne ‘ees Shalt, Keys, Clips and Seals Chapter 10 Shock loads ‘Aswellasthe steady component ofthe above lads, there ry alo bean atonal shoccoad, ‘Shook load are intermitot nature and cause a sun increase in oad. For example in a ‘olingmillwhen the bile fist enters terol, thereisasuden increase inloadon the oleh A similar situation occurs ina punching or cropping pres when fist contact is made withthe ‘metal. Shockcloads ere ¢ common occurence inengineerng nd shafts must be designed to withstand shock loads eventhough they may occur only momestarly. Inertia toads Tnertin loads occur whenever there isan acceleration ordeceleationof ashaft(thatis change ‘of speed). The magnitude ofthis oad depends upon two factors namely + the rapidity ofthe acelertion or deceleration (the magnitude) * Shetiss moment ofineriaof the shaft itselormare mportantly,themassmomentof inert oftheequipment etched directyto the shat or coupledtoitby means of power. transmission devies. ‘ash operates at reaively steady speed then inertinloads occur daring tines of start-up brshutdown whenthe shafts accelerating upto its operating peed or decelerating down fom its operating sped to rest, ‘When the prime-mover isan eletrc motor, the inertia lod during start-up depends upon Whether the motor i sof-star or hard-start. ‘Withsoft stating, theres acurent-imiting device fied so the starting-uptorqueis limited. Tt ‘is usually no more than 1.5-2 times the rated load torque ‘With hard-starting there is no curent-Simiting device ited, so the motor draws curren in proportion tothe lad. Th means that the tartng-uptorgue can be 3-5 times the rated oad torque, as Shafts, Keys, Circlips and Seals Chapter 10 Shaft failure “Thete are two basic modes of shaft eure. Failure due to excessive load “Thisoovure whenthe stestin the st exceedsthe yield sires, usuallyasaresatofexcesive oad, that sa load significant greater than the desig load. This can occur due to some ‘unforseen event buts relatively rare because inmost cesesin engineering, lad limiting devices are ited, For example, ivan outboard motor, isomefreignobecs jams the propelor, shear pinsortherload limiting device ar ted to tha theyfalbeforetheshaft does. Elecrc tors ‘seuslly ted with overload protections thatthe motor willeut out before damage occur overload occurs and the shaft isnot broken or cracked, the shaft may sillbe serviceable afer yieking, However, fordesignpurpases, the shaft should be designed toprevetstressabovethe Yel stress and be considered to have failed if permanent deformation has occurred, Failure due to fatigue Forshafsthat large name of revolutions during their working lif faire ismostofendue to fitigue. Ftguefirecan occur eventhough stresses are weltelow thei ye point vahicand isthe mot ikely moe offer when the lod isconsnaly actuating, particularly when severe ofstress occurs. Stress reversal ean occur in two ways namely: + Duetoachange direction ofthe load. Thissthe most common way torsional tess reversal occurs. Asan example consider the case of motor vec transmission hats sndaes, Here the torsional shearstressreversesftomitsnormal direction eactime the sccelerator pelt eleased andthe motor acts as abraketo slow thecar down, Also torsional stress eversaloocurs whenever tere isachange nthe direction of rotation fr example when the ca is put into reverse gear. + Duetothe rotation of he shat. Thisis the most common way bending stress eversl ‘occurs. For example, considers horizontal shaft with a flywheel or pulley pasting & 519N y Figure 3 [Note : In this diagram, the resctione at B and D have been assumed tobe positive that sto sot upward ‘Taking moments about D, (with the convention that clockwise moments are postive) BMy= 0 RqyX03 +600x0.1 +519x01=0 Ry =-37N [Note : The negative sign indicates thatthe wrong dretion was assumed for Ry which therefore acts down and nat up. Taking the sum of the forces, (with the convention tht upward forees are positive) BRy=0 Ro -373 +600 - 519 Ry =292N ‘The torque, shear force and bending moment diagrams may now be drawn asin Figure 4 below 21 ‘Shuts, Keys, Cicips and Seals Chapter 10 4 373N }600N a_{p clo |e t Pooon | 65.86 poten RX = on \ WG \ A \ om | ee shear Ea Force \ \\\ Bending Moment | wm 746 Figue 4 ‘By inspection, its soon thatthe most highly stressed postion is at sprocket C, because a this location both the torque and bending moment are at a maximum. The steady torque and ‘bending moment therefore are Ty =6586Nm My =746Nm To allow for shock and fatigue effects go to Table 2, page 290, Because the motors hard- statis reesonabe to assume suddenly apped load with minor shock and therefore: 25. and Ke = 1.75 (osing the mid-point value), Shafi, Keys, Ccipe and Seals 10 ‘Therefore the design torque and moment are : TeKyT, =1.25x65.86=823Nm M2 Ky My =1.8% 746 = 130.6 Nm ‘Using Formula 3, the equivalent torque i 1, = VP = faa + OF ‘Using Formal: 543.Nm the equivalent moment i: Mu=05 (Te + 1) ‘The allowable stresses ae ‘Bending - tension or compression: the smaller of 409 f, oF 24% fy ‘Thats, the allowable bending street smaller of: (04 x360= 144 MPa or 0.24 x 600 = 144 MPa and therefore is 144 MPa ‘Torsion - shear the smaller of 30% f, oF 189% fix ‘Thats, the allowable shear tress isthe smaller of (03 x 360 = 108 MPa or 0.18 x 600 = 105 MPs and therefore is 108 MPs Since there isa keyway atthe etica locaton, chese stresses need to be makipied by 0.75 to allow forte stress concentration inthe key. ‘Therefore the allowable stresses ae bending : 075 x 144= 108 MPa, shea : 0.75 x 108 = 81 MPa ‘The torsional shear stress using Formala 1, with N, mm, MPa units 16, aa 16 x 1543 x 10° axd 4 d2213 mm ‘The bending stress using Formula 2, with N, mm MPa units 32 My ae B eh Der sae yo Sj Ww ‘Shall, Keys, Cicips and Seals Chapter 10 og « 32% 1425 x 10 4=238mm 11s een therefore, that in this case, bending is more critical than shear (because the bearings sae lcsted at some distance from the sprockets). ‘Using the closest standard shaft size from page 177, the required shaft diameter is 25 mm. Example 7- Shaft with mult-plane bending Repeat Example 6 but repice the chin tive by a spur gear drive. Gear Chas a PCD of 125 min and meshes with enother geae Vertically above it. Gear E has a PCD of 100 mm and meshes with another gear vertically below it Solution ‘From Example 6, the input torgue from the motor is: 7= 65.80 Nm ‘The output torque at gear Cis 39.51 Nmand at gear B is 2635Nm. Using Formula & the tangential forces canbe calculated 27 _ 2x 3951 Gare: 2951. oN oT ans ea B: = 22 = 22635 5 sayy 77a Using Forma 9 the separating forces can be calculated (assuming a pressure angle of 20°): "= 632tan 20° = 230N = 52710020" = 192N “The direction ofthe tangential and separating forces atthe gears as shown in Figure 5 (aed on the assumption that the input torque is clockwise viewed from the motor end ofthe shat. oe amy io Shafts, Keys, Ciclige and Seals Chapter 10 Figure 5 Figure 6 ‘The reactions and B and D canbe calculated inthe same way as wes done in Example 6. The reactions are Vertical plane: at BGI at D 103N Horizontal plane: st B 386N1 at 281N1 ‘The torque, shear force and bending moment diagrams can now be drawn forthe hotzontal sand vertical planes as shown in Figure 7, Note that the torque digram isthe same asin Example 6 and isthe sam in both vertical and horizontal panes. somes = ras Peon nT om jason | 109% seo sar 1 epi + cle I $ rat ss20| ' wo] fe ew es ; lee we ; : sa 1 1 1 1a | . cn | e | ' maz, 23 ue 1 jj ; ! ne | Figure 7 ‘By inspection, itis sen thatthe most highly stressed_ postion is at sprocket C, because at this Jocetion both the torque and bending moment ae & a maxinm. The steady torque and ‘bending moment therefore are 1 T, =6586Nm M,=28.2Nm My=772Nm 1 = at ip De i aa 26 ‘mri Shafis, Keys, Cielipe and Seale Chapter 10 Resuant ending moments given by Formula 13 (age 189): Msi oi = (RE TAB «22.26 ‘This isthe steady moment tht is Mg = 74.6Nm Using shock factors as previously: K=125 and Ky =1.75 ‘The design tonque and moment are T=Kily =1.25 x 65.86 =823 Nm Me KM =1.75x 82.2= 143.8 Nm Using Formula 3, the equivalent torque ie he T=\P ow - (OF soe ‘Using Formula 4, the equivalent moment is Me=05 (Th 4M) = 05x (1657 + 143.8) = 155 Nm 165.7 Nm ‘Using allowable stresses as previously: Bending : 44MPa. ‘Torsion: 108 MPa ‘Since there is a keyway atthe eitical location, these sttestes need to be multipied by (0.75 to allow for the stess concentration inthe keywvay. ‘Therefore the allowable stresses are : bending : 0.75 x 144 = 108 MPa, shear: 0.75 x 10 ‘The torsional shear stress 16 T, aa a 16 x 165.7 x 10° ax de 8 d=218mm Beeson le A B Shafts, Keys, Ciclips and Seals Chapter 10 ‘The bending stress samt pe Me ad to = 32% 155 «10° axd d=245 mm Using the closest standard shat size from page 177, the required shaft diameter is 25 mm, Note : Although the use of gear rather than chain drives has incressed the shaft loading, the required standard shaft size isthe same, wo ans ay 200

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