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The Architect is Present

Luis Fernndez-Galiano

La exposicin The Architect is Present mues- Under the title The Architect is Present, the
Luis Fernndez-Galiano (Ed.) tra la obra de cinco influyentes estudios inter-
nacionales que han hecho de la austeridad su
exhibition shows the work of five influential
international studios who have turned auster-
referente tico y esttico. Extendidos por los ity into their ethic and aesthetic motto. With
cinco continentes, estos jvenes arquitectos offices located in five continents, these young

trabajan en entornos de economa precaria, architects work in underprivileged contexts,
mostrando que la escasez de recursos puede proving that scarcity of means can stimulate
ser un estmulo para la inventiva tcnica y la technical inventiveness and community par-

participacin comunitaria, y el fundamento de ticipation, and indeed become the basis for a
una arquitectura responsable donde la vo- responsible architecture where the vocation
cacin de servicio no excluya la belleza y la of service does not exclude beauty and emo-
emocin. Desde Noruega y Alemania hasta tion. From Norway and Germany to Burkina
Burkina Faso, y desde Paraguay hasta Aus- Faso, and from Paraguay to Australia pass-
tralia pasando por la India o Tailandia, estos ing through India or Thailand, these five stu-
estudios han construido alojamientos, escue- dios have built social housing, rural schools
las rurales o centros sociales de extraordinaria or community centers with an extraordinary
economa de medios, admirable adecuacin a economy of means, admirable adaptation to
las necesidades colectivas y ejemplar mate- collective needs and exemplary material exe-
Cinco estudios de cinco rializacin constructiva, ofreciendo inspiracin cution, inspiring the very numerous architects
continentes (Kr, TYIN, a los muchos arquitectos que hoy persiguen who today, in Spain as in many other coun-
reconciliar el compromiso moral con la exce- tries, seek to reconcile moral commitment
Kundoo, Bentez, Heringer)
lencia artstica. with artistic excellence.
muestran obras e imparten Para facilitar la comunicacin de sus ideas, To communicate their ideas more effec-
talleres y conferencias en cada uno de los arquitectos dirigir un taller tively, each one of the architects will also lead
defensa de una arquitectura de dos semanas a un grupo escogido de es- a two-week workshop with a small group of
austera y responsable. tudiantes avanzados y titulados recientes que recent graduates or senior architecture stu-

Five studios working in

five continents (Kr, TYIN,
Kundoo, Bentez, Heringer)
exhibit projects, deliver
lectures and lead workshops
in defense of an austere and
responsible architecture.


El diseo de la exposicin The exhibition design by
realizado por Jess San Jess San Vicente places
Vicente pone nfasis a special emphasis
en la comunicacin con on the principles and
lenguaje de cmic de los attitudes of responsible
principios y las actitudes architecture, conveyed
de una arquitectura in the gallery space with
responsable, as como de cartoon bubbles, and on
la materialidad tctil de the tactile materiality of its
sus tcnicas elementales. elementary techniques.

asistidos de forma permanente por mentores dents, with the permanent assistance of ex-
expertos se desarrolla en el propio marco pert mentors. These workshops will be held
de la exposicin, promoviendo as el contacto in the exhibition space proper, thereby hoping
directo con los visitantes. El material producido to promote contact with visitors. The material
en los talleres sucesivos se va incorporando a produced in the five workshops will be gradu-
la muestra, que resulta de esta forma enrique- ally added to the exhibition, whose contents
cida por los resultados de ese dilogo profesio- will grow with the results of this professional
nal y acadmico. Y con el objeto de extender and academic dialogue. And aiming to further
ms an el conocimiento de los principios que disseminate the exhibition purpose to par-
articulan este movimiento de regeneracin de ticipate actively in the current movement to
los vnculos entre arquitectura y sociedad, los regenerate the ties between architecture and
cinco protagonistas de la exposicin imparten society , the five architects will deliver sev-
numerosas conferencias en diferentes Escue- eral lectures at different architecture schools
las de Arquitectura del pas, llevando a los ms around Spain, conveying their message of
jvenes su mensaje de responsabilidad y de responsibility and optimism to the younger
optimismo. generation.
El ttulo de la muestra remite a la perfor- The title of the exhibition evokes Marina
mance realizada por Marina Abramovic en el Abramovics performance at the Museum of
Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York en la Modern Art in New York in the Spring of 2010,
primavera de 2010, The Artist is Present, que The Artist is Present, in which for more than
durante ms de 700 horas mantuvo a la artista 700 hours the artist sat motionless before
sentada inmvil frente a los visitantes de la those visiting the monographic exhibition.
exposicin monogrfica. Aqu, sin embargo, el Here, however, the value of presence is not
valor de la presencia no se afirma mediante la asserted through the serene impassiveness
serena imperturbabilidad de la ataraxia artsti- of artistic ataraxia, but through personal in-
ca, sino a travs de la interaccin personal y el teraction and architectural dialog: in the work-
dilogo arquitectnico, sea en los talleres que shops that take place in front of the gallery
se desarrollan a la vista del pblico, sea en las visitors, or in the lectures the architects will
intervenciones de los arquitectos en numero- give at a number of architecture schools in
sas escuelas espaolas, que conjuntamente the country, which together wish to turn the
persiguen hacer de la exposicin un manifiesto exhibition into a proactive manifesto, going
proactivo, desbordando los lmites espaciales y beyond the events boundaries of space and
temporales de la muestra para insertarse en un time to become part of a collective transfor-
proceso de transformacin colectiva. mation process.
Con el propsito de reforzar esta voluntad With the goal of strengthening this com-
de comunicacin, el diseo expositivo de Jess municative purpose, the exhibition design
San Vicente hace hablar a los protagonistas by the architect Jess San Vicente lets the
con globos de cmic, transmitiendo ideas, pro- workshop-leaders speak via comic bubbles,
yectos y deseos mediante una imaginera pop transmitting ideas, projects and desires
que se complementa con la presentacin foto- through a pop aesthetic that is rounded off
grfica de las obras y la proximidad tctil de los with photographs of their works and the tactile
materiales esenciales empleados en ellas: una proximity of the essential materials used in
inmediatez intelectual y emotiva del lugar de la them: an intellectual and emotive immediacy
muestra que aspira a resonar en mbitos ms in the exhibition space that hopes to resonate
amplios, y que incluso se extiende a geografas in larger contexts, and that even extends itself
remotas mediante estancias becadas de tres to remote geographies through three-month
meses de duracin en los estudios de los ar- paid internships in the offices of the archi-
quitectos para algunos de los participantes en tects for some of the workshop participants,
los talleres, establecindose as vnculos que thereby aiming to establish long-lasting ties
persisten en el tiempo con entornos profesio- with professional and social environments
nales o sociales tan distantes y distintos como that are as distant as they are different, and
ejemplarmente estimulantes para un pas que which look particularly stimulating for a coun-
se interroga sobre su futuro. try that ponders on its future.


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