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Nonexercise Activity Thermogenesis in Obesity

Pedro A. Villablanca, MD, MSc; Jorge R. Alegria, MD; Farouk Mookadam, MBChB, MSc;
David R. Holmes Jr, MD; R. Scott Wright, MD; and James A. Levine, MD, PhD


Obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease. The global increase in sedentary lifestyle is an important factor
contributing to the rising prevalence of the obesity epidemic. Traditionally, counseling has focused on
moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise, with disappointing results. Nonexercise activity thermogenesis
(NEAT) is an important component of daily energy expenditure. It represents the common daily activities,
such as dgeting, walking, and standing. These high-effect NEAT movements could result in up to an
extra 2000 kcal of expenditure per day beyond the basal metabolic rate, depending on body weight and
level of activity. Implementing NEAT during leisure-time and occupational activities could be essential to
maintaining a negative energy balance. NEAT can be applied by being upright, ambulating, and rede-
signing workplace and leisure-time environments to promote NEAT. The benets of NEAT include not
only the extra calories expended but also the reduced occurrence of the metabolic syndrome, cardio-
vascular events, and all-cause mortality. We believe that to overcome the obesity epidemic and its adverse
cardiovascular consequences, NEAT should be part of the current medical recommendations. The content
of this review is based on a literature search of PubMed and the Google search engine between January 1,
1960, and October 1, 2014, using the search terms physical activity, obesity, energy expenditure, nonexercise
activity thermogenesis, and NEAT.
2015 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2015;90(4):509-519

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your energy expenditure in occupation-related7

balance, you must keep moving. and household management8 physical activ-
d Albert Einstein (1879-1955) ity (PA), which also plays a fundamental From the Division of
Cardiovascular Diseases,
role in body weight and overall adiposity.
Monteore Medical Cen-
OBESITY PANDEMIC AND PHYSICAL Decreasing PI is one of the main foci for pre- ter/Albert Einstein College
INACTIVITY venting and treating obesity and the delete- of Medicine, New York,
NY (P.A.V.); Sanger Heart
Obesity is a global pandemic; at least 78 rious health consequences associated with
and Vascular Institute,
million American adults are affected, as are obesity.9 Furthermore, PI is associated with Charlotte, NC (J.R.A.);
almost 17% of children and adolescents.1 an elevated risk of death from cardiovascular Division of Cardiovascular
Diseases (F.M.) and Divi-
Obesity is dened as a body mass index disease (CVD). A dose-response association
sion of Endocrinology
(BMI; calculated as weight in kilograms exists between sitting time and cardiovascular (J.A.L.), Mayo Clinic,
divided by height in meters squared) of at mortality.10 Scottsdale, AZ; and Divi-
least 30.2 Several studies have established Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) sion of Cardiovascular
Diseases, Mayo Clinic,
the relationship between visceral adiposity is one of the components of total energy expen- Rochester, MN (D.R.H.,
and subsequent adverse health conditions,3 diture (TEE). Increasing NEAT is one potential R.S.W.).
with 1 in 5 deaths worldwide attributed to intervention against adiposity and inactivity.
obesity.4 Also, obesity is associated with The aim of this article is to promote awareness
high social economic costs.5 Although caloric of the concepts of NEAT and to facilitate its
excess is a substantial component of half of incorporation by health care providers as an
the obesity paradigm, physical inactivity additional strategy in the management of obesity.
(PI) signicantly contributes to the other A computerized search was conducted in
half of that paradigm. Adult PI worldwide is PubMed and the Google search engine between
estimated to be 31%, and in the United States, January 1, 1960, and October 1, 2014, using the
this number is up to 50%.6 In the past 50 search terms physical activity, obesity, energy
years there has been an important decline in expenditure, nonexercise activity thermogenesis,

Mayo Clin Proc. n April 2015;90(4):509-519 n 509 n 2015 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Activities that promote NEAT include a series

ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS of continuous and vital movements with postural
changes that do not involve moderate- to
n A signicant decrease in physical activity has contributed to the
vigorous-intensity exercise and occur at a trivial
obesity pandemic. Complemented with moderate- to vigorous- or low energy workload on a daily basis for mi-
intensity exercise activity, nonexercise activity thermogenesis nutes to hours.14,15 These activities involve
(NEAT) seems to have a fundamental role in preventing and walking, climbing stairs at work or any recrea-
reducing the obesity pandemic. tional community place, dgeting, singing,
laughing, cleaning, and standing, among others.
n NEAT includes a series of continuous and vital movements that
These additive activities are associated with en-
do not involve moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise. These ergy expenditure beyond the basal metabolic ac-
additive activities account for signicant thermogenesis and tivity and account for signicant thermogenesis
energy consumption. and energy consumption.16,17
n NEAT variability can explain the caloric expenditure differences
in individuals with similar phenotypes. Variances in work and
leisure-time activities in individuals play a fundamental role in NEAT has signicant interindividual variation.
NEAT differences. To understand this variation, the 3 compo-
n By just doing simple daily manual task activities, NEAT can be nents of TEE must be explained: (1) basal meta-
enhanced throughout the workday and at home. These activ- bolic rate (BMR), (2) thermic effect of food
ities should be encouraged in childhood and continued during (TEF), and (3) PA (Figure 1).18 The BMR repre-
sents approximately 60% of TEE. The TEF also
contributes to TEE, and by some estimates
n NEAT decreases cardiovascular disease mortality and improves composes as much as 10% of TEE. The mech-
metabolic parameters. NEAT has good long-term adherence, anism by which energy is expended with food
with positive impact. ingestion and digestion, including mastication,
digestion, absorption, and transportation of
nutrients, constitutes the TEF. The interindi-
and NEAT to identify relevant articles. Articles vidual variability of the TEF is not reviewed
were also identied through searches of reference herein, but note that compared with lean in-
lists and the authors les. Both original and re- dividuals, the TEF in obese people is reduced,
view articles published in English were reviewed. with studies suggesting a lower level of sym-
pathetic nervous system activation19 and a
NEAT: AN EMERGING STRATEGY AGAINST PI diminished thermogenic response to the
Interventions to overcome the net positive exces- high-carbohydrate meal.20
sive energy balance have traditionally been The remainder of TEE involves PA. On
focused on encouraging moderate- to vigorous- average, PA accounts for 15% to 30% of
intensity PA during discretionary time combined TEE. Physical activity can be further divided
with caloric restriction11; however, this strategy into purposeful-voluntary exercise activity
has met with limited success in long-term ran- thermogenesis and NEAT (the movements
domized clinical trials, with no reduction in associated with nonexercise activities).21
the rate of cardiovascular events.12 Hence, a Erroneously, purposeful-voluntary PA has
third strategy has emerged that focuses on been considered as the only major modiable
reducing the total time spent in sedentary pur- component of daily TEE.22 Most overweight
suits. This strategy includes the addition of short individuals, particularly the obese, have
repetitive bouts of nonexercise PA and standing negligible PA, and NEAT could, therefore,
rather than sitting during prolonged periods be an important tool against the obesity
of inactivity.13 pandemic.


NEAT encompasses the expenditure of energy SITES OF ACTION
that is secondary to movement beyond purpose- Emerging evidence suggests that exercise activ-
ful exercise and resistance training activities. ity may be partly genetically inuenced. This is
n n
510 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2015;90(4):509-519

not unexpected because previous work has

demonstrated that the variation in body weight 3000 individual
and body fat distribution is genetically deter-
mined to a certain extent.23 Recent information
Physical NEAT
suggests that the nuclei possibly involved in the activity
regulation of NEAT are located in the hypothal-
amus and extrahypothalamic nuclei24 in a com- Thermic effect Exercise
plex network that determines the level of of food

TEE (Kcal/d)
spontaneous PA. Multiple potential neurome- individual
diators are implicated in this process,25-28
including orexin, neuromedin U, ghrelin, and
the agouti geneerelated protein. These neuro-
endocrine modulators likely represent only a 1000 Basal
metabolic NEAT
partial list of modulators that recognize internal rate
and external signals and activate descending
and ascending projections through limbic
pathways that are incorporated into different Exercise
areas of the brain. This complex neural
network inuences the quantity and quality
of the energy efciency of PA and NEAT and, FIGURE 1. Components of total energy expenditure (TEE). The left column
thus, affects energy balance and promotes shows the 3 components of TEE: basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of food,
energy homeostasis.29 Orexin is the most and extent of physical activity.18 In the right column, physical activity is further
well-established neuromodulator of NEAT. divided into nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) and exercise activity
Animal studies have shown that the ablation thermogenesis.21 The right column also illustrates the theoretical difference in
of orexin neurons causes narcolepsy and NEAT between sedentary and active individuals and the signicant amount of
obesity30 and that the use of orexin antago- extra calories that could be expended.
nists decreases spontaneous movements.31
Conversely, increased orexin levels stimulate
more unintentional movements.32 These molec- to assess NEAT. Volunteers were instructed to
ular ndings have been correlated with low levels continue with their usual daily activities without
of orexin and with depressed responses to orexin adopting new exercise practices. The results
in the brains of obese animals, which suggests showed that the obese individuals were seated
some resistance to NEAT stimuli.33-35 The for longer periods compared with their leaner
Supplemental Figure (available online at http:// counterparts and suggested that if obese indi- illustrates the viduals were to adopt the same NEAT activ-
potential neuromediators of NEAT. ities as the leaner counterparts, an extra 350
By means of the potential NEAT mediators calories per day of energy expenditure would
studied in animal models, Levine36 termed 2 be achieved.
groups of animals that would explain leanness Given that BMR and TEF are relatively
and obesity: NEAT activators are those ani- constant, PA has the greatest variability. There-
mals with a copious and robust NEAT signal, fore, it also primarily inuences fat deposition
and NEAT conservers have a blunted response during excess food intake and, in part, ex-
to NEAT signals and expend lower levels of plains how 2 individuals of similar body size
energy, resulting in obesity.36 can expend different caloric amounts. Studies
on overfeeding indicate that people with the
NEAT MECHANISM highest variation in activity energy expendi-
Inadequate energy expenditure results in the ture have the lowest rate of weight gain
excess energy being stored as fat. Levine et al37 compared with those with low activity, who
demonstrated the relationship between fat gain show an increased rate of weight gain.38 This
and NEAT in obese and lean individuals exposed interindividual variability of NEAT illustrates
to similar environments. Twenty healthy volun- how 2 people with similar physical character-
teers (10 lean and 10 obese) were examined for istics and caloric intake can have different
10 days by comparing body posture and motion body morphometrics.

Mayo Clin Proc. n April 2015;90(4):509-519 n 511

access to motorized transportation, sedentary

jobs, and labor-saving devices, among others.42
Despite some evidence of obesity-promoting
genes,43 genetic changes alone are unlikely to
explain the rapid growth in obesity. It is more
Predesposing level likely that a combination of genetic factors
and the consequences of an environment that
Sitting Moving promotes a sedentary lifestyle and easy access
to unhealthy food is responsible for the obesity
pandemic. A Danish study conducted in
17,058 patients found no difference in BMIs
in physically active people with a genetic pre-
Educators: Neuroendocrine Enviromental
Family regulation: conditions for disposition to obesity compared with those
Teachers physical activity: who did not have the obesity gene.44
Health care providers Workplace Leisure-time activity is increasing,45 and en-
ergy is spent more on household activities, trans-
BMI portation, and occupational activity than in sport
or recreational activity.46 Spending 10 inactive
FIGURE 2. Factors involved in the level of nonexercise activity thermogenesis hours at work and 8 hours during leisure time47
(NEAT). The interindividual variability predisposing to a higher or lower level of affords an opportunity for health care profes-
NEAT is driven by genetic and acquired factors. The genetic regulation of NEAT sionals to suggest changes in the work structure
is possibly inuenced by multiple neuromediators located in the hypothalamus, that may increase NEAT. Figure 2 summarizes
including orexin, neuromedin U, ghrelin, and the agouti geneerelated protein. the factors involved in various levels of NEAT.
This, plus the conditioning of the environment to different levels of physical Ultimately, obesity treatment should empha-
activity and the behavioral factors that we learned from our main educators, will size behavioral methods to foster and maintain
determine an individual to be a NEAT activator or a NEAT conserver, pre-
decreased energy intake with low-calorie diets
disposing us to spend more time either sitting or moving. Educators at all levels
(family, teachers, and health care providers) should encourage NEAT in multiple
in addition to behavioral and environmental in-
settings, ie, the workplace, health care facilities, schools, or any institutions in the terventions to facilitate long-term PA adherence.
community where we spend considerable time. NEAT implementation stra-
tegies are particularly critical for overweight and obesity to prevent the health PI TRANSLATION OF NEAT DEFICIT
consequences associated with this epidemic. Patients should stand up from their Sitting time is independently associated with an
desktops, work in a standing position, climb the stairs, and keep moving to in- increased risk of diabetes48 and total mortality,
crease the level of NEAT. BMI body mass index. regardless of PA level.49,50 A Canadian study
showed a dose-response relationship between
sitting time and mortality from all causes and
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS FOR PI CVD, independent of leisure-time PA.10 This
The wide variability in work practices and prospective cohort study followed more than
leisure-time activities between individuals plays 17,000 patients for an average of 12 years
a fundamental role in NEAT differences.39 An (204,732 person-years of follow-up.) for the
example illustrating the magnitude of this vari- ascertainment of mortality status. After adjusting
ability in TEE would be to consider changing for cofounders, they found a progressively higher
the occupation of an individual who works in risk of all-cause mortality and CVD mortality
a chair-bound job to a more active job, such as across higher levels of sitting time (hazard ratio,
in an agricultural eld. Based on data measuring 1.54; P<.001). Therefore, PA does not coun-
the energy expenditure of different lifestyles and teract the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
activity patterns,40 this type of occupational Although seemingly subtle, this distinction is
change could theoretically increase TEE of the key to our understanding of sedentary behavior.
same individual up to an extra 2000 kcal/d, pri-
marily through NEAT-related activities.41 EVIDENCE BEHIND NEAT BENEFITS
Social and economic advancement has pro-
moted easy access to hypercaloric foods and Metabolic Benets
overfeeding. This advancement has also made The importance of the NEAT approach to weight
it harder to get enough PA because of easy control has already been tested, and benets have
n n
512 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2015;90(4):509-519

been demonstrated at the metabolic level. Lipo-

Eat breakfast, Work on Work on Eat
protein lipase (LPL), an enzyme that plays a cen- get ready computer computer dinner
tral role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and 1h 4h 4h 45 min
7 am 11 pm
obesity,51 was measured in rats with different
Drive Eat Drive Read,
levels of PA. The results show that persistently to work lunch home watch TV
45 min 45 min 45 min 4h
low- to moderate-intensity activities show higher
LPL activity levels compared with nonsustained
FIGURE 3. Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) opportunities to
intense exercises,52 thus demonstrating the effect intervene. From awakening to bedtime, most persons have numerous op-
of NEAT at modulating LPL and the potential for portunities to increase their NEAT.
altering the risk of atherosclerosis. The biochem-
ical benet of NEAT has also been shown in
humans with type 2 diabetes, particularly NEAT should be considered a primary tool in
improving metabolic parameters such as insulin the management of obesity and PI in patients
sensitivity, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with CVD. Evidence from a prospective cohort
level, and blood pressure.53 In a randomized study of 1038 patients with stable coronary heart
crossover design study, 18 healthy individuals disease showed that those who practice daily
followed 3 different PA regimens that included strenuous PA have increased CVD mortality.57
sitting for prolonged hours, vigorous exercise The study showed a reverse J-shaped association
for 1 hour, and minimal-intensity PA that con- of PA level with CVD mortality, with the most
sisted of 6 hours of sitting with 4 hours of frequently active patients also having increased
walking at a leisurely pace and 2 hours of stand- hazard (2.36; 95% CI, 1.05-5.34).
ing. The exercise and minimal-intensity PA regi-
mens differed largely in time spent sitting or lying NEAT IMPLEMENTATION: FROM HOME TO
but were designed to have comparable energy WORKPLACE TO SCHOOL
expenditure. Insulin sensitivity and circulating
lipid levels were measured in the fasting state Household Activities
the morning after each posture allocation. Tri- The promotion of activities with higher NEAT
glyceride, nonehigh-density lipoprotein choles- and the numerous opportunities to implement it
terol, apolipoprotein B, and insulin plasma may be another tool in the armamentarium against
levels improved signicantly in the minimal- the obesity epidemic (Figure 3). Lanningham-
intensity PA regimen compared with sitting and Foster et al58 systematically examined the ener-
showed nonsignicant trends for improvement getics of mechanization on daily tasks such as
compared with exercise.54 manual washing of clothes or dishes, walking
to work, and climbing stairs. Performing such
Cardiovascular Benets NEAT activities instead of using labor-saving
NEAT not only reduces the occurrence of the equipment could expend considerable energy.
metabolic syndrome but also lowers the long- For example, performing yard work (100-150
term risk of CVD events and all-cause mortality. kcal/h) or home cleaning and maintenance
A long-term follow-up prospective Swedish study (500-600 kcal per night) can expend 10 to 50
followed a population of 3839 patients, men and times more energy than sitting in front of the
women, for 12.5 years, with results showing that television (9 kcal/h).41
patients with higher levels of NEAT, regardless of Initiatives comprising NEAT activities that
regular moderate-intensity exercise PA, reduced are benecial and their calorie expenditure are
the risk of CVD events by 27% and all-cause mor- shown in the Table.59 The rst column
tality by 30%.55 These benets were also shown includes sedentary activities, such as watching
in another large prospective cohort of 14,345 television (TV) and surng the Internet; these
men followed up for 11.4 years. Participants activities burn 0 to 50 kcal/h and should be
who maintained or improved NEAT had a lower minimized. Column 2 entails more energetic
risk of all-cause mortality and CVD mortality by activities that require standing around the
15% and 19%, respectively. Change in BMI was house, such as cooking and ironing, which
not associated with all-cause and CVD mortality burn 50 to 100 kcal/h. The last column illus-
after adjusting for possible confounders and trates activities that maximize NEAT, activities
changes in tness.56 that keep you moving and can burn up to 100

Mayo Clin Proc. n April 2015;90(4):509-519 n 513

to 200 kcal/h above the BMR, such as sweeping

TABLE. Daily Activities According to the Amount of Nonexercise Activity
or gardening for 1 hour. Once an individual
Thermogenesis (NEAT)
learns how many calories can be expended, it
Calories Burned per Hour becomes easier to achieve NEAT caloric goals.
Activity 0-50 >50-100 >100-200 Patients should consider changing sedentary
NEAT home activity habits and seated time into NEAT activities,
Barbecuing/grilling X such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator,
Cleaning X reading the newspaper, or watching TV on a
Clearing out storage space/garage X stationary bike. Essentially, activities that create
Cooking dinner X movement will enhance caloric expenditure.
Grocery shopping X A randomized controlled pilot trial studied
Hanging pictures X
the feasibility and efcacy of NEAT during
Ironing X
leisure-time activities.60 The trial examined
Laundry X
Organizing closets X
the benets of stepping in place during TV
Painting walls X commercials in an inactive population of adults
Redecorating X to increase PA and simultaneously combat the
Sweeping X negative effects of sedentary TV viewing. The
Vacuuming X results showed favorable outcomes (P<.05)
General NEAT movements not only augmenting the number of daily steps
Climbing stairs X but also decreasing the TV viewing time and
Pacing X
improving anthropometrics.
Pushing a stroller X
Riding in an automobile X
Standing X Workplace Activities
Stretch band exercises X The workplace can also facilitate NEAT activities.
Stretching X Individuals spend more than half the day seated
Walking (strolling pace) X
at work,61 and this affords an opportunity for
Walking and talking (briskly) X
Walking around the home/ofce X promoting PA and reducing sedentary time.62
Walking the dog X With current technology, a NEAT-promoting
Walking to work X workstation is now feasible.63 Researchers have
NEAT yard activity demonstrated that people will use a walking
Playing fetch with dog X workstation while performing traditional ofce
Gardening X
functions. Other modalities with the same tech-
Mowing lawn X
nology, such as a workstation stepping device,
Planting owers X
Pruning shrubs X
have shown an increase in PA while at work.64
Raking leaves X In addition, simple interventions that have been
Shoveling snow X validated in the laboratory and assessed for safety
Trimming hedges X and utility for use by obese individuals include a
Washing automobile X lanyard with the tag Walk-and-Talk Meeting in
Watering plants X Progress63 and the placement of printers and
Weeding X trash cans farther away from workstations and
Hobbies and other recreational NEAT activity break areas. Figure 4 shows a theoretical
Baking X
example of how an individual could increase
Bicycling X
Bird watching X the energy expended with NEAT at work and
Playing board/card games X during leisure time, and the potential effect on
Bowling X weight loss. The Supplemental Table (available
Dancing X online at http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.
Fishing X
org) illustrates solutions related to NEAT in
Playing Frisbee or other outdoor games X
Hiking X the work environment.
Journaling (while strolling) X
Knitting/sewing X Conception to Childhood
Kayaking X Empirical evidence hypothesized a novel inter-
Playing the piano or another musical instrument X
generational theory of the etiology of the child-
Continued on next page
hood obesity epidemic in which nongenetic
n n
514 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2015;90(4):509-519

vectors of evolution, such as maternal decit of

TABLE. Continued
NEAT and PI during pregnancy, among other
socioenvironmental factors, are the predominant Calories Burned per Hour
causal elements in the recent rise in the preva- Activity 0-50 >50-100 >100-200
lence of childhood obesity.65 Once established, Hobbies and other recreational NEAT activity, continued
childhood obesity is an important predictor of Reading (lounging) X
adult obesity, and it may be amenable to inter- Reading (standing) X
vention.66 The most successful intervention will Skiing (water or snow) X
Surng the Web (sitting) X
be that which prevents the development of Surng the Web (standing) X
obesity before the reproductive years. An exciting Swimming X
possibility is that NEAT-promoting activities Practicing Tai Chi X
could be applied and encouraged in a similar Playing tennis X
form to pregnant women and during childhood Watching TV X
Watching TV on an elliptical trainer X
to prevent onset of the obesity pandemic and Watching TV on a stationary bike X
related complications. A pilot program tested Watching TV on a treadmill X
the hypothesis that elementary schooleaged Playing video games (seated) X
children would be more physically active while Playing video games (while moving) X
attending school in a novel, activity-permissive Doing volunteer work (setting up/serving meals) X
Window shopping X
environment compared with a traditional school. Practicing yoga X
Compared with children in the traditional school,
TV television.
children in the activity-permissive school were
Data from Move a Little, Lose a Lot: New NEAT Science Reveals How to Be Thinner, Happier, and
found to move almost twice as much,67 thereby Smarter.59
increasing NEAT energy expenditure. Further-
more, educational attainment improved.68 With
this evidence and public health policy statements new ways to collect and estimate the intensity,
emphasizing the limitation of PI,69,70 NEAT duration, and frequency of PA, mitigating the
may afford an opportunity to reduce obesity in recall bias of self-report instruments. Given the
childhood. rapid growth of mobile phone technology,
stand-alone devices with consumer applications
NEAT FEASIBILITY IN THE COMMUNITY have been validated. Accelerometers in mobile
An example of the effectiveness of NEAT in a phones enable precise and accurate measure-
community setting where the prevalence of ment of daily PA,74 and wireless technology
obesity is low is the Amish communities. makes them even friendlier to users.
NEAT is applied and accumulated throughout Pedometers and step logs are relatively
the day during occupational requirements, low-cost and attractive strategies for encour-
chores, errands, and transportation. Only 4% aging the measurement of PA.75 With these
of Amish adults are obese. They walk an technologies, it is easy to self-monitor and
average of 18,000 steps per day, perhaps the accomplish personal goals.76 Evidence from
highest mean value reported for a sample at studies showed a signicant improvement
this time,71 compared with non-Amish US not only in the average total steps but also
adults, who average approximately 5100 steps in BMI and systolic and diastolic blood pres-
per day.72 sure. No changes were seen in energy
NEAT QUANTIFICATION A limitation of tracking NEAT using these
One of the challenges faced by researchers trying novel devices is assuming that all PAs have an
to promote PA is having access to accurate and energy cost equivalent while ignoring the
practical instruments to measure, monitor, and intrinsic differences in tness.78 Accelerometers
increase the efciency of measuring PA in a still have limitations regarding generalizability
continuous and unobtrusive manner.73 In the and validity, between-study comparability,
past decade, technologies using low-power and and sustainability.79 In addition, to implement
low-cost electronic sensors have emerged. These and evaluate interventions designed to increase
devices can assess PA and its determinants. PA participation, it is essential to further our
Instruments such as accelerometers provide understanding of PA behaviors in the different

Mayo Clin Proc. n April 2015;90(4):509-519 n 515

15% of individuals succeeded in maintaining

45-year-old woman, 5'3", 180 lb
their initial weight loss,88 and in those who suc-
400 kcal 600 kcal 1000 kcal ceeded, the interventions resulted in modest
weight loss, which was gradually regained over
Walking + NEAT at work + time.89
Standing The average American sleeps 8.5 hours per
Sitting at the desk NEAT during leisure time
15 min/h
15 min/h day, allowing 15.5 hours in which exercise is
185 BMI 32 not being practiced as recommended in the
180 guidelines. The average exercise time in adults
is 18 minutes, and more than half of all leisure
175 172 time is spent watching TV and engaging in other
170 sedentary activities.90 The available information
Weight (lb)

165 164 obtained from self-report questionnaires pro-

160 BMI 27 vides insight into the PA levels of the American
156 population (considering the recall and response
bias often involved with the use of this
method).91 NEAT may be considered as a sub-
145 stitute for the amount of time currently spent
140 sitting to increase the low-grade energy expendi-
0 1 2 3
Duration after initiation of NEAT ture that sitting offers.
at work and leisure-time (mo) Compliance with purposeful exercise is low.
On the contrary, NEAT has a higher rate of
FIGURE 4. Implementing nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): a adherence over time. This was observed in a Chi-
theoretical model. With increased NEAT at work and during leisure time, a nese study that compared the prevalence of
45-year-old female ofce worker who is 5 feet 3 inches tall, weighs 180 lb,
purposeful exercise and NEAT in 32,005 adoles-
and has a body mass index (BMI; calculated as weight in kilograms divided by
height in meters squared) of 32 could, in theory, reduce weight and BMI
cents; NEAT remained high over time and
over 3 months to healthier levels. She expends 400 kcal while sitting for 8 seemed easier to accumulate than exercise in ad-
hours. By progressively increasing standing and walking and adding other olescents regardless of age or sex.92
NEAT activities during work and leisure time, she can theoretically decrease
her BMI from 32 to 27 in 3 months. The dotted line represents the obesity NEAT LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE ONGOING
threshold. TRIALS
Although several clinical trials and cohort
studies have assessed the benet of NEAT
stages of life, from childhood to early and late body morphometrics, blood pressure, and lipid
adulthood, as movement patterns during these markers, there are no robust studies assessing
unique periods differ; and PA recommenda- long-term outcomes on cardiovascular events
tions are specic for each age group.80 or cardiovascular mortality. The potential
benet of obesity reduction on the musculoskel-
NEAT AS A COMPLEMENT TO etal system and related orthopedic conditions
PURPOSEFUL PA has yet to be elucidated as well. In the past
The health benets to support purposeful aerobic decade, attention has shifted to implementing
exercise are well-known,81 and NEAT should not an intensive lifestyle intervention to reduce
be considered a substitute. There is broad agree- obesity. This effort includes moderate- to
ment among clinicians and public health experts vigorous-intensity PA, although long-term re-
that moderate- to vigorous-intensity PA of at least sults have been less than expected. For this
30 minutes 5 days per week for a total of 150 mi- reason, alternative well-designed strategies for
nutes is recommended by guidelines.82 The ben- weight management that incorporate a healthy
ets of moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise diet, purposeful exercise activity, and interven-
in CVD are clear.83,84 However, the long-term tions designed to decrease sedentary time and
success from recent randomized studies has promote NEAT activities should be considered.
been disappointing,12 especially in overweight A robust study using these strategies, with inter-
and obese patients,85 with poor compliance86 mediary, biochemical, and cardiovascular out-
despite the widespread promotion.87 On average, comes and mortality, should be performed.
n n
516 Mayo Clin Proc. April 2015;90(4):509-519

Several trials evaluating NEAT effectiveness ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

on weight loss and PA promotion are currently We thank Dr. Eric H. Yang for the creation of
ongoing or in the process of completion, with Figure 4.
the results expected in 2015. The I-CAN trial
(Intervention Composed of Aerobic Training
and Non-Exercise Physical Activity) will deter- SUPPLEMENTAL ONLINE MATERIAL
mine the effects of aerobic exercise training and Supplemental material can be found online at
increasing the amount of NEAT outside of
training on the fat around the abdomen, weight,
tness, and sensitivity to insulin. The RISE trial Abbreviations and Acronyms: BMI = body mass index;
BMR = basal metabolic rate; CVD = cardiovascular disease;
(Reducing Sedentary Behavior vs Increasing Phys-
LPL = lipoprotein lipase; NEAT = nonexercise activity
ical Activity in Older Adults) is another random- thermogenesis; PA = physical activity; PI = physical inactivity;
ized controlled trial comparing the effects of PA TEE = total energy expenditure; TEF = thermic effect of
interventions in older adults who are able to food; TV = television
walk for exercise. One intervention will target
Correspondence: Address to Pedro A. Villablanca, MD,
150 min/wk of brisk walking, consistent with MSc, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Monteore Med-
current recommendations, and the other inter- ical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 111 E 210th
vention will target a decrease in time spent in St, Bronx, NY 10467 (
sedentary behaviors (eg, sitting) of 60 min/d. In
both interventions, enrollees will wear an activity
armband that will allow self-monitoring of activity
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