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1. Cathy has six pairs of black gloves and six pairs of brown gloves in her drawer.

complete darkness, how many gloves must she take from the drawer in order to
be sure to get a pair that match?

A 3 B 7 *C 13 D 23

2. Michelle was standing on her balcony, looking thoughtfully into the romantic
garden below. I dont know any other plant that spreads and grows as fast as
these charming water lilies, Michelle said.

Suppose one of these plants doubled its surface area daily and needed just 8
days to cover the whole pond, how long would two water lilies need to cover the

A 2 B 4 *C 7 D 8

3. Finally, it was time to snack on a bagel. The math teacher removed her sandwich
and remarked that the coating of mould had now completely covered the surface
of the bread.

It was June 30. The sandwich was first packed for a field trip on June 1. If the
area occupied by the mould doubled everyday, on what day was the surface half
covered with mould?

Answer Jun 29

4. Arnie and Wimpy are playing tug-of-war. Arnie wins, pulling Wimpy into the mud
puddle. Why did Arnie win?

A Arnie exerted a greater force on the rope than Wimpy exerted on the rope.
B The rope exerted a greater force on Wimpy than it exerted on Arnie.
*C Arnie exerted a greater force on the ground than Wimpy exerted on the
D All of the above.

5. You are in a boat on a perfectly calm lake. There's an anchor in the boat. You drop
the anchor overboard and it sinks to the bottom of the lake. During this process,
does the level of the lake rise, fall, or stay the same?

Answer Drops

6. You are in a boat on a perfectly calm lake. A floating log passes near. You grab the
log and put it in the boat. During this process, does the level of the lake rise, fall,
or stay the same?

Answer Same
7. You are in a boat on a perfectly calm lake. A wooden log is in the boat, and the
anchor is at the bottom of the lake. This is the same log as in the previous
problem, and it would float on the water if simply tossed overboard. But instead,
you raise the anchor, tie the log to the anchor, and drop both overboard, the
anchor pulling the log to the bottom. During this process, does the level of the
lake rise, fall, or stay the same?

Answer Rises

Kindly cooked up your own options for the MCQ. Actually, it might be better to ask
them why and how they conjure up their answers. Just my 2 cents worth. Enjoy!

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