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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 91



mars 2017

Marginalia est publi 4 fois par an par

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Un opuscolo di nozze con la letteratrura
GNRALITS Editoriale
8 Magico, geniale, inarrivabile Milani di Grazia Nidasio
9 Per grandi e per piccini di Antonio Faeti
Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gn- 13 Attendendo Mr. Mystery di Alfredo Castelli
ralits prsente des ouvrages dans 15 Avventurarsi nellesistenza, ovvero del coraggio di
lesquels on mlange les genres, les vivere di Silvia Blezza Picherle
inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le 20 Il Dottor Oss raccoglie tutte le passioni e le tendenze
film daventures, lhumour et le comique, narrative dei personaggi di Mino Milani di Laura Scarpa
la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que 23 Leggere a 10 anni. Scritture e scrittori per linfanzia e
certaines curiosits ditoriales... ladolescenza a cura di Fabio Francione
32 Storia di un doppio incontro di Pier Luigi Gaspa
35 A casa di Mino di Giuseppe Bonomi
LITTRATURE 39 Del suo famoso risotto di Roberto Fioraso
41 Ricordi di un giurato di Luca Crovi
44 Tommy River, eroe pucciniano di Bianca Pitzorno
46 Il triste e sognante Tommy River di Pino Boero
COLLECTIF: revue Elcorsaronero, (Rivista 48 Io, il Corrierino, e quellUomo lungo la pista.
salganiara di letteratura popolare), no 25, La poetica dellavventura di Claudio Gallo
novembre 2016. 51 Le avventure, la giustizia, il cavaliere. Appunti per una
lettura di Tommy River di Giuseppe Polimeni
6 "Il Corsaro Nero", la genesi Dieci anni negli arcipelaghi 55 Stephen King sul Ticino di Fernando Rotondo
letterari dell'avventura : Editoriale di Massimo Tassi 59 Mario Uggeri, illustratore di Tommy River di Walter
8 L'ennesima sigaretta di Heidegger di Ben Pastor Fochesato
11 Grazie Sparky di Margherita Forestan 62 .Milani per i ragazzi . come Hemingway per i lettori
16 Divagando su Salgari di Giuseppe Turcato, Roberto adulti.. Mino Milani e Aldo Di Gennaro: lamicizia tra due
Fioraso, Claudio Gallo Maestri di Francesco Testi
26 Gustave Aimard, il trapper francese che si 65 E allora, commisario Ferrari! di Giovanni Giovannetti
intrappol. nei propri romanzi di Luca di Gregorio 68 Mino Milani e il cinema di Fabio Francione
31 Cavalli, indiani e pistole: Salgari incontra Buffalo Bill 71 Mino Milani e il Battello a Vapore di Antonella
di Silvia Rizzini Lavorato
34 Il sognante socialismo di Jack London di Mino Milani 72 Mino Milani al Centro Manoscritti
36 Uno scambio epistolare tra Jack London e Joseph dellUniversit. di Pavia
Conrad di Cristiano Spila di Nicoletta Trotta
39 Gian D.uli traduttore di Jack London di Graziella Pulce 75 Profili biobibliografici degli autori
43 Come si manda avanti un racconto senza ingenuit.. 81 Per una bibliografia di Mino Milani: fumetti,
Alcune note su Jack London di Donato di Stasi romanzi, racconti e saggi in volume o inopuscolo
46 Salgari: sogno dunque sono di Luigi de Liguori di Claudio Gallo
55 Neera: indipendente da qualsiasi corrente
o moda letteraria di Elena Pigozzi COLLECTIF: Footsteps: from Ferrantes
57 "Capitan Tempesta": Eleonora grande Naples to Hammett's San Francisco,
amore del Che e di Paco di Darwin Pastorin
Literary Pilgrimages around the World,
58 Le nuove frontiere del cinema d'avventura
New York, Three Rivers Press & New York
di Renato Venturelli
Times, 2017, 304 pages.
60 Piraterie sul ciliegio di Lucia Chimirri
62 Se avesse amato il calcio di sicuro non si sarebbe
suicidato di Matteo Fontana CONVARD, Didier, L'incroyable histoire du
64 Profili Bio-Bibliografici Canard Enchan: scnario Didier Convard,
69 Cavalcando l'avventura Notizie, anticipazioni e curiosit. conseillre historique Anas Paris, dessin Pascal
spulciando fra libri, film e polverosi scaffali Magnat, couleur Marie Galopin & Patrice
a cura di Gino Bedeschi, Giuseppe Cantarosa, Larcenet, Paris, ditions des Arnes, (Les
Francesco Testi e Bartolo Tondini Arnes BD), 2016, 171 pages.
79 Segnalazioni Bibliografiche
DELANEY, Tim & Tim MADIGAN, Lessons
COLLECTIF: revue Elcorsaronero, (Rivista Learned from Popular Culture, Albany,
salganiara di letteratura popolare), no 24, State University of New York Press, 2016, 284
janvier 2016. Numro spcial, consacr pages.
l'crivain populaire Milo Milani, et dirig par Lessons Learned from Popular Culture offers an
Claudi Gallo, Roberto Fioraso & Giuseppe informative and entertaining look at the social relevance of
Bonomi. popular culture by focusing on a wide range of topics,
including film, television, social media, music, radio,

cartoons and comics, books, fashion, celebrities, sports, and Stevenson on Stage; Catherine Wynne.- 16. Beyond the
virtual reality. Antipodes: Australian Popular Fiction in Transnational
Networks; David Carter.- 17. Adapting Ira Levin: A Case
EMING, Jutta & Ralph SCHLECHTWEG-JAHN Study; Imelda Whelehan.- 18. An Assassin across
(dir.), Aventiure (sic) und Eskapade: Narratives: Reading Assassin's Creed from Videogame to
Narrative des Abenteuerlichen vom Novel; Souvik Mukherjee.- 19. Fan Works and the Law;
Mittelalter zur Moderne, Gttingen, V & R Aaron Schwabach.- 20. Readers of Popular Fiction and
Unipress, 2017, 258 pages. Emotion Online; Beth Driscoll.- Select Bibliography.-
This volume deals with stories of adventure. They describe Index.-
a universal form of episodic appropriation of the world,
which, at the same time, show great historical variation in HORNUNG, Alfred, Jack London. Abenteuer
combination with changing patterns of narratives and des Lebens, Darmstadt, Verlag Lambert-
genres. Adventures only come alive once narrated. As a Schneider, 2016, 320 pages.
narrative, adventure is represented in numerous text forms
and discourses. KORTE, Barbara & Stefanie LETHBRIDGE
(eds.), Heroes and Heroism in British
FULLER, Jenn, Dark Paradise: Pacific Fiction since 1800: Case Studies, New York,
Islands in the Nineteenth-Century British Palgrave, Macmillan, 2016, 215 pages.
Imagination, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Introduction: Heroes and Heroism in British Fiction.
Press, 2016, 195 pages. Concepts and Conjunctures
The discovery of the Pacific islands amplified the qualities Korte, Barbara (et al.)
of mystery and exoticism already associated with 'foreign' Negotiating Modernity, Modernising Heroes: Heroes and
islands. Their 'savage' peoples, their isolation, and their Heroines in Gothic and Sensation Fiction of the Long
sheer beauty fascinated British visitors across the long Nineteenth Century
nineteenth century. Lethbridge, Stefanie
Potentially the Noble Creature? Picturing Heroism in Henry
A SIGNALER Rider Haggards
Martin, Alison E.
The Fate of Heroism After Industrialisation: The Working-
GELDER, Ken (ed.), New Directions in
Class Male in the British Nineteenth-Century Realist Novel
Popular Fiction: Genre, Reproduction,
and Beyond
Distribution, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, Schneider, Ralf
2016, xiii, 474 pages. Death of the Hero? Heroism in British Fiction of the First
Introduction: The Fields of Popular Fiction; Ken Gelder.- World War
in the Time of Finance: Eliza Haywood and the Rise of the A Courage Steadfast, Luminous: Christopher Caudwell
Scenic Novel'; Joe Hughes.- 2. Colonial Australian and the Communist Hero
Detectives, Character Type and the Colonial Economy; Raychaudhuri, Anindya
Ken Gelder and Rachael Weaver.- 3. "The Floodgates of Unspeakable Heroism: The Second World War and the End
Inkland were Opened": Aestheticising the Whitechapel of the Hero
Murders; Grace Moore.- 4. Imperial Affairs: The British Hall, Lucy (et al.)
Empire and the Romantic Novel, 1890-1939; Hsu-Ming Constructing and Deconstructing the Fantasy Hero: Joe
Teo.- 5. "The Future of our Delicate Network of Empire": Abercrombies First Law Trilogy
The Riddle of the Sands and the Birth of the British Spy Petzold, Jochen
Thriller; Merrick Burrow.- 6. Did Indians Read Dime An Unlikely Hero for the War-on-Terror Decade: Patrick
Novels?: Re-Indigenizing the Western at the Turn of the Neates
Twentieth Century; Christine Bold.- 7. Unno Jza and the Falkenhayner, Nicole
Uses of Science in Prewar Japanese Popular Fiction; Seth The Heroic in British Young Adult Fiction: Traditions and
Jacobowitz.- 8. The New Weird; Jeffrey Weinstock.- 9. Renegotiations
From Middle Earth to Westeros: Medievalism, Sperlich, Kristina
Proliferation, and Paratextuality; Kim Wilkins.- 10. Victims and Heroes Get All Mixed Up: Gender and Agency
Denise Minas Garnethill Trilogy: Feminist Crime Fiction in the Thriller
at the Millennium; Sabine Vanacker.- 11. Popular Korte, Barbara
Literatures in Qubec: National Identity and "American"
Genres; Amy J. Ransom.- 12. Glass and Game: The
Speculative Girl Hero; Catherine Driscoll and Alexandra
LEIDUAN, Alessandro, Srialit narrative.
Enjeux esthttiques et conomiques, dans
(RE)PRODUCTION.- 13. Mediating Popular Fictions:
From the Magic Lantern to the Cinematograph; Helen Cahiers de narratologie, no 31, 2016.
Groth.- 14. "The Power of Her Pen": Marie Corelli, Alessandro Leiduan
Authorial Identity and Literary Value; Kirsten MacLeod.- Introduction. Srialit narrative : enjeux esthtiques et
15. Popular Fiction in Performance: Gaskell, Collins and conomiques

Raphal Baroni* REDINGTON BOBBY, Susan % Eileen M.
Le cliffhanger : un rvlateur des fonctions du rcit HARNEY (eds.), The Artemis Archetype in
mimtique Popular Culture: Essays on Fiction, Film
Anas Goudmand and Television, Jefferson (NC), McFarland &
Le roman-feuilleton ou l'criture mercenaire : l'exemple des Company, 2016, viii, 228 pages.
Mystres de Paris Introduction--Tracking the Elusive Goddess: Artemis
Marie Vanoost Presence in
Journalisme narratif : des enjeux contextuels la potique Pop Culture (Eileen M. Harney) 1
du rcit "Alone, I cant be the Mockingjay": Katniss Everdeen and
Franoise Revaz the Artemis Archetype (Jessica Auz and Kaitlin Tonti) 9
Les enjeux sociaux dune narration srielle fictive : Little "Paradise exists in the shadow of the sword": The Feminist
Sammy Sneeze de Winsor McCay (1904-1906) Avenger in Cara Hoffmans So Much Pretty (Sara Hosey)
Julie Mller 35
Proust en BD : conomie de lecture et r-cration Huntress, Hacker, Heroine: Stieg Larssons Lisbeth
proustienne Salander as a Modern Incarnation of Artemis (Kathleen
Marc Marti Lynn Kress) 52
Logique imaginaire et logique de march : analyse dune The Artemis Archetype in the Films of Kathryn Bigelow
cration de fans dans le jeu vido (Randall Clark) 75
Le cas de Espaa en llamas sur Call of Duty 2 Healing the Divided Self: Kara "Starbuck" Thrace and the
Cline Masoni Lacroix et Bruno Cailler Call to Artemis (Susan Redington Bobby) 94
Principes coextensifs de la fiction srielle, de la distribution Race and Sexuality in the Artemis Female: Chimamanda
diffuse une pratique interprtative dialogique : une Adichies Half of a Yellow Sun (Chinyelu Agwu) 122
nouvelle donne socio-narrative ? Sword, Stoicism, Salvation: Michonnes Post-Apocalyptic
Alessandro Leiduan Evocation of Artemis (Brittany Hirth) 144
Le problme de la srialit narrative la lumire du Struggling for Dominance: Artemis Confronts Other
symbolisme des objets de consommation Olympian Goddesses in the Works of Joss Whedon (Eileen
Giuseppe Lovito M. Harney) 170
Le retour du dj connu et l idologie de la Afterword--"Staring at the same tree missing the forest":
consolation dans les uvres narratives srielles tudies Artemisian Heroines in Our Midst (Susan Redington
par Umberto Eco. Consultable en ligne Bobby) 201. Comprehensive Bibliography 209

STRONGMAN, Luke, The Silver Conclave:

MAY, Leila Silvana, Secrecy and Disclosure Heroes, Heroines and Villains of English
in Victorian Fiction, New York, Routledge, Literature, New York, Nova Publishers, 2016,
2017, ix, 242 pages. xv, 364 pages.
May argues that the works of writers such as Charlotte The Silver Conclave presents a critical analysis and
Bront, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Elizabeth reflection on fifty heroes, heroines and villains of English
Braddon, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, and Arthur Conan Doyle and American literature, folklore, history, film and graphic
reflect a distinctly Victorian obsession with the veiling and art. The characters are discussed as individual figures
unveiling of information. critiqued from the novels and narratives of their authors
invention. The chronology of characters spans from the
MOON, Jina, Domestic Violence in Victorian eleventh century and the English legend of the robber-
and Edwardian Fiction, Newcastle upon prince Robin of Sherwood, to Ian Flemings suave
Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2016, viii, 211 double-agent James Bond, who has battled forces of
pages. corruption for MI6 in fiction and in film since the mid-
Extending from the decades before the 1857 Divorce Act to twentieth century, to J. K. Rowlings intelligent modern
the Suffrage era, the book details the changing witch, Hermione Granger, from the ever-popular
circumstances of conjugal violence and divorce in England. Potterverse in the early twenty-first century.
William Makepeace Thackeray's The Memoirs of Barry
Lyndon, Esq. (1844) and Caroline Norton's Stuart of THOSS, Jeff, When Storyworlds Collide:
Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times (1851) expose the Metalepsis in Popular Fiction, Film and
impact of class on reactions to domestic violence. Wilkie Comics, Leiden, Brill Rodopi, 2015, 194 pages.
Collins's The Law and the Lady (1875) and Ouida's (Marie One can find it in the classics of experimental literature
Louise de la Rame) Moths (1880) depict proto-New such as Laurence Sternes Tristram Shandy or the short
Women figures who resist domestic violence, while stories of Jorge Luis Borges, but also in the horror and
traditional wife figures continue to fall victim. In Mona fantasy fiction of Stephen King, in Mel Brookss spoof
Caird's The Wing of Azrael (1889) and Sir Arthur Conan films and Grant Morrisons superhero comics. The talk is of
Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902) and "The metalepsis, the transgression of narrative levels. While this
Adventure of the Abbey Grange" (1904), protagonists exact device was long perceived as a narratological oddity
their own justice on perpetrators of domestic violence. reserved for avant-garde texts, it has recently emerged as a

phenomenon of much wider bearing that exists in numerous CASTLE, Alison (ed.), Les Archives Stanley
media and in popular as well as high culture. Kubrick, Kln, Taschen, (Bibliotheca
Universalis), 2016, 861 pages.
VERNE, Jrme, Indiana Jones: le guide
historique: 1908-1920, Craon, Jrme FISCHER-MAHR, Sabine, Jane Austens
Verne, 2016, 244 pages. Romane in Kino - und Fernshverfilmungen,
Sur la srie tlvise The Young Indiana Jones 1940-2009: eine exemplarische Analyse
Chronicles. von Adaptionen weiblicher Entwicklungs-
romane anhand des Selbstbild-Fremdbill-
Modells, Trier, Wissenscaftlicher Verlag, 2016,
CINMA & TLVISION 374 pages.

FAKRIKIAN, David, Le Cinema de James

ABADIE, Julien, Linda BELHADI, Hugues Cameron, Fantask Edition, 2017, 228 pages.
hoeven, total spectacle, Levallois-Perret, GLINKA, Kai, Bud Spencer: 100 Seiten,
Playlist Society, 2016, 173 pages. Leipzig, Reclam Verlag, (100 Seiten), 2017),
100 pages.
BELL, Alan J. W., Last of the Summer Wine
- From the Director's Chair, Sheffield, GODIN, Christian, Chaplin et ses doubles:
Tomahawk Press, 2016, 208 pages. essai sur l'identit burlesque, Ceyzrieu,
Roy Clarkes Last of the Summer Wine was the longest Champ Vallon, (L'esprit libre), 2016, 209
running TV comedy series in the world, largely due to the pages.
passion, dedication and creativity of its producer/director
ALAN J W BELL. In this book, Alan takes us on the set GRAMP, Sven & Jens RUCHATZ, Die
and into the studio to get up close and personal with the Fernsehserie: eine medienwissen-
series and its actors. chaftliche Einfhrung, Bielefeld, transcript
Verlag, 2017, 200 pages.
BERNARD, Olivier (dir.), Les Arts martiaux:
la puissance d'un imaginaire, Qubec, HASKELL, Molly, Steven Spielberg: A Life in
Presses de l'Universit Laval, 2016, xiii, 247 Films, New Haven, Yale University Press,
pages. (L'univers social des arts martiaux). 2017, xiii, 224 pages.
Quand on voque les arts martiaux, il existe un lieu
commun o se retrouvent nophytes et initis. Il sagit HUNTER, I. Q., Cult Film as a Guide to Life:
dune rfrence accessible tous que lon nomme, tort ou Fandom, Adaptation and Identity, New
raison, la culture populaire. Chacun se forge une image York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, 210 pages.
plus ou moins prcise, plus ou moins idalise, et sappuie Cult Film as a Guide to Life investigates the world and
sur des rfrences contenues dans des films, des bandes experience of cult films, from well-loved classics to the
dessines, des vidos sur Internet, des sries et des worst movies ever made. Including comprehensive studies
missions tlvises ou des comptitions sportives. of cult phenomena such as trash films, exploitation
versions, cult adaptations, and case studies of movies as
BIANCULLI, David, The Platinum Age of different as Showgirls, Room 237 and The Lord of the G-
Television: From I Love Lucy to The Strings, this lively, provocative and original book shows
Walking Dead: How TV Became Terrific, why cult films may just be the perfect guide to making
New York, Doubleday, 2016, xiv, 576 pages. sense of the contemporary world.
In tracing the evolutionary history of our progress toward a
Platinum Age of Televisionour age, the era of The JAZO, Jelena, Postnazismus und Populr-
Sopranos and Breaking Bad and Mad Men and The Wire kultur: Das nachleben faschistoider
and Homeland and Girlshe focuses on the development sthetik in Bildern der Gegenwart, Bielfeld,
of the classic TV genres, among them the sitcom, the crime transcript Verlag, 2017, 284 pages.
show, the miniseries, the soap opera, the western, the
animated series and the late night talk show. In each genre, JONES, Brian, George Lucas: A Life, Boston,
he selects five key examples of the form, tracing its Little Brown Company, 2017, 560 pages.
continuities and its dramatic departures and drawing on
exclusive and in-depth interviews with many of the most
KOLKER, Robert P., The Extraordinary
famed auteurs in television history.
Image: Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock,
and the Reimagining of Cinema, New
CARRAZ, Alain, L'Histoire secrte des
Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 2016, 224
sries TV, Fantask, 2017, 380 pages.

LACEY, Stephen & Derek PAGET (eds.), The SEPINWALL, Alan & Matt ZOLLER SEITZ, TV:
"War on Terror": Post 9/11 Television Two Experts Pick the Greatest American
Drama, Docudrama and Documentary, Shows of all Time, New York, Grand Central
Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2015, xi, Publishing, 2016, xxi, 410 pages.
198 pages.
This book explores the ways in which television has VAUGHAN, Nicko, Rubber Sharks and
engaged directly and indirectly with the new realities of the Wooden Acting: The Ultimate Bad Movie
post-9/11 world. It includes series and single dramas Guide, Bromley (Kent, UK), Telos Publishing,
representing the invasion of Iraq (The Mark of Cain, 2016, 218 pages.
Occupation and Generation Kill), comedic representations
(Gary, Tank Commander), documentary (the BBC WESSLING, Alena, Adaptionsprozess bei
Panorama's coverage of 9/11), 'what if' docudramas (Dirty TV-Serien. Von Hatufilm zu Homeland,
War), 9/11 in popular series (CSI:NY) and representations
Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2016, 164 pages.
of Tony Blair in drama and docudrama.
ZEUL, Mechthild, Joel und Ethan Coen:
LOIROT, Philippe, Les Voitures mythiques
Meister der berraschung und des viel-
la tl et au cinma [2], Paris, Jungle, 2016,
schichtigen Humors, Bielefeld, transcript,
55 pages.
Verlag, 2017, 159 pages.
LUDWIG, Lars, Trigger-Happy Hollywood:
ZIERLER, Wendy, Midrash and Movies:
die soziokulturellen Grundlagen der
Popular Film and Jewish Religious
Selbstjustiz im amerikanischen Film,
Conversation, Albany, State University of New
Berlin, Neofelis, 2017, 360 pages.
York Press, 2017,
MARTELLO, Luca, Groucho e i suoi fratelli.
La vita et l'arte dei Marx, Roma,
Castelvecchi, 2017, 299 pages. ROMANS ET FILMS
MELLEN, Joan & Julien SANDY, Les 7
Samouras, Talence, Akileos, 2017, 95 pages.
MURILLO, Cline, Le Cinma de Jim Jar-
musch: un monde plus loin, Paris,
L'Harmattan, (Champs visuels), 2016, 299

NATHAN, Ian, Tim Burton: The Iconic

Filmmaker and his Work, London, Aurum,
Press, 2016, 176 pages.

POLTRUM, Martin & Bernd RIEKEN (dirs.),

Seelenkenner, Psychoschurken: Psycho-
therapen und Psychiater in Film und Serie,
Berlin & Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, xviii,
2017, 436 pages.

POPE, Heather A & Victoria M. BRYAN (eds.), ADRIAENSEN, Brigitte & Marco KUNZ,
Reflecting 9/11: New Narratives in Narcoficcionnes en Mexico y Colombia,
Literature, Television, Film and Theatre, Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2016, 258 pages.
Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2016, vii, 299 pages. ALLEN, Carol, Journeys & Journals:
Women's Mystery Writing and Migration in
RUSSO, Charles, Striking Distance: Bruce the African Diaspora, New York, et al., Peter
Lee and the Dawn of Martial Arts in Lang, 2017, 200 pages.
Using literary criticism, theory, and sociohistoric data, this
America, Lincoln, University of Nebraska
book brings into conversation black migrations with
Press, 2016, 264 pages.
mystery novels by African American women, novels which
explore fully the psychic, economic, and spiritual impact of
SCHLEICH, Markus & Jonas NESSELHAUF: mass migratory movements.
Fernsehserien: Geschichte, Theorie, Nar-
ration, Tbingen, A Francke, 2016, 252 pages.

BRUNSDALE, Mitzi M., Encyclopedia of HALL, Katharina (ed.), Crime Fiction in
Nordic Crime Fiction. Works of Authors of German. Der Krimi, Cardiff, University of
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Wales Press, (European Crime Fiction), 2016,
Sweden since 1967, Jefferson (NC), 167 pages.
McFarland, 2016, 572 pages. 1. Crime Fiction in German: Key Concepts, Developments
This reference guide introduces the world of Nordic crime and Trends, Katharina Hall:
fiction to Englishspeaking readers. Caught between the Der Krimi; The pioneers (18281933); Crime fiction under
demands of conscience and societal structures, the National Socialism (193345); Post-war crime narratives
detectives in these storieslike the heroes of Norse (194559) and East German crime fiction (194970); The
mythologyknow that they and their world must perish, West German Soziokrimi (1960) and further East German
but fight on regardless of cost. At a time of bleak crime fiction (197189); Turkish-German crime fiction and
eventualities, Nordic crime fiction interprets the bitter end the Frauenkrimi (1980); Historical crime fiction, regional
as a celebration of the indomitable human spirit. crime fiction and the rise of the Afrika-Krimi (1989);
Crime fiction of the new millennium and the lacuna of
CHABRIER, Amlie & Marie-ve Threnty, Jewish-German crime fiction (available Open Access at
Dtective, fabrique de crimes ?, Nantes, Swansea University)
Joseph K., 2017, 192 pages. 2. The Emergence of Crime Fiction in German: An Early
En 1928, Dtective, lanc par Gallimard avec laide des Maturity, Mary Tannert
frres Kessel, prtend tre le premier hebdomadaire de faits 3. Austrian Crime Fiction: Experimentation, Critical
divers, la fois journal et magazine : chaque jeudi, la petite Memory and Humour, Marieke Krajenbrink
fabrique de crimes alimente les kiosques de ses numros 4. Swiss Crime Fiction: Loosli, Glauser, Drrenmatt and
sanglants pour des lecteurs venus chercher leur dose Beyond, Martin Rosenstock
dnigme et dhorreur. 5. Der Afrika-Krimi: German Crime Fiction in Africa, Julia
Ses photographies impressionnent, ses reportages Augart
passionnent, ses signatures prestigieuses (Carco, Mac 6. Der Frauenkrimi: Women's Crime Writing in German,
Orlan, Kessel) attirent. Dtective devient latelier o se Faye Stewart
forge une certaine vision de la France criminelle des annes 7. Historical Crime Fiction in German: The Turbulent
trente et o certaines affaires emblmatiques (les surs Twentieth Century, Katharina Hall
Papin, la parricide Violette Nozire, Stavisky) sont 8. Der Fernsehkrimi: A Short History of Television Crime
exposes au public. Drama in German, Katharina Hall
Annotated Bibliography of Resources on German-language
CRUEGER, Hardy, 111 Grnde, Krimis zu Crime Fiction, Katharina Hall
lieben" Eine Hommage an das
spannendste der Welt, Berlin, Schwarzkopf & HEIMANN, Jim, Dark City. The Real Los
Schwarzkopf, 2016, 312 pages. Angeles Noir, Frankfurt, Taschen, 2017, 448
pages [mai 2017]
DJEBEL, J'aime pas les auteurs de polars,
Marciac, My art book, 2016, 70 pages. KNIESCHE, Thomas, Bchermrde -
Un petit recueil de 35 caricatures dauteurs de polar, Mordsbcher, Darmstadt, Lambert Schneider,
assortis dune citation de leur crit respectif. Vous pourrez 2016, 144 pages.
reconnatre le fameux cigare de Laurent Guillaume, la
crinire rousse dRJ Ellory, le crne lgendaire dEric KORTE, Barbara, Geheime Helden: Spione
Maravelias, lternel couvre-chef de Ian Manook, etc in der Populrkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts,
Gttigen, Wallstein, 2017, 100 pages.
ECO, Umberto & Thomas A. SEBEOK (dir.), Le Nach einem Blick auf wichtige Traditionslinien widmet
Signe des trois: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce, sich Barbara Korte populren Darstellungen von
Lige, Presses Universitaires de Lige, 2015, Geheimagenten im 21. Jahrhundert in Literatur, Film und
273 pages. Fernsehen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die britische Kultur,
Qu'y a-t-il de commun l'investigation policire, l'histoire in der die Fiktion des Spions ihre Ursprnge hat und die mit
de l'art et la mdecine ? Une mthodologie et plus encore un James Bond einen der weltweit populrsten geheimen
mme modle scientifique pourraient-ils oprer de faon Helden hervorbrachte.
transversale dans ces trois domaines ? L'ouvrage dirig par
Umberto Eco et Thomas A. Sebeok, paru en 1983 aux LACROIX, Alison L., Richard H. McAdams &
Presses Universitaires de l'Indiana et dont est propose ici Martha C. NUSSBAUM (eds.), Fatal Fictions:
pour la premire fois une traduction franaise, effectue un Crime and Investigation in Law and
rapprochement fructueux de ces diffrents champs qui Literature, New York, & Oxford, Oxford
partagent le recours l'enqute, elle-mme fonde sur le University Press, 2016, 344 pages.
prlvement et l'analyse des indices. Introduction -- Scott Turow, on my careers in crime -- Part
I: Criminal histories. Daniel Telech, mercy at the
Areopagus: a Nietzschean account of justice and joy in the
Eumenides -- Barry Wimpfheimer, suborning perjury: a

case study of narrative precedent in Talmudic law -- Alison two installments of John Updikes Rabbit tetralogy, Toni
Lacroix, a man for all treasons: crimes by and against the Morrisons Beloved, Joyce Carol Oatess My Sister, My
Tudor state in the novels of Hilary Mantel -- Marina Leslie, Love, and Cormac McCarthys Outer Dark.
representing Anne Green: historical and literary form, and
the scenes of the crime in Oxford, 1651 -- Richard Strier & PEPPER, Andrew & Andrew SCHMID (eds.),
Richard McAdams, cold-blooded and high minded murder: Globalization and the State in
the "case" of Othello -- Pamela Foa, what's love got to do Contemporary Crime Fiction. A World of
with it? sexual exploitation in Measure for Measure: a Crime, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016,
prosecutor's view -- Part II: Race and crime. Justin Driver, ix, 247 pages.
Justice Thomas and Bigger Thomas -- Martha Nussbaum, Introduction: Globalization and the State in Contemporary
reconciliation without anger: Paton's Cry, the beloved Crime Fiction : Pepper, Andrew (et al.)
country -- Part III: Responsibility and violence. Saul The Bad and the Evil: Justice in the Novels of Pago Ignacio
Levmore, kidnap, credibility, and the collector -- Jonathan Taibo II : Schmid, David
Masur, premeditation and responsibility in The Stranger -- Work and Death in the Global City: Natsuo Kirinos : Breu,
Saira Mohamed and Melissa Murray, walking away: Christopher
lessons from Omelas -- Mark Payne, before the law: Local Hells and State Crimes: Place, Politics, and
imagining crimes against trees -- Part IV: Suspicion and Deviance in David Peaces Red Riding Quartet : Shaw,
investigation. Caleb Smith, crime scenes: fictions of Katy
security in the antebellum American borderlands -- Steven The State Were In: Global Politics and Economics in the
Wilf, the legal historian as detective. Novels of Dominique Manotti : Desnain, Vronique
The Scene of the Crime is the Crime: The Southern Border
LAIN CORONA, Guillermo & Mazl OAKNIN and the Representation of Violence in Cormac McCarthy
(eds.), Literatura politica y politica and Don Winslow : Shoop, Casey
literaria en Espana, Oxford, Bern, et al., True-Crime, Crime Fiction, and Journalism in Mexico :
Peter Lang, 2015, vi, 293 pages. Braham, Persephone
The Novel of Violence in Latin American Literature :
MARTIN ESCRIBA, Alex & Javier SANCHEZ Tavares-dos-Santos, Jos-Vicente Scandinavian Crime
ZAPATERO, Continuara... Sagas literarias Fiction and the Facts: Social Criticism, Epistemology, and
en el gnero negro y Policia espanol, Globalization : Nestingen, Andrew
Barcelona, Al Reves, 2017, 210 pages. John le Carr and The New Novel of Global (In)security:
A partir del anlisis de las principales series detectivescas y Pepper, Andrew
policiales, se expone el desarrollo del gnero a lo largo del Geopolitical Reality: The Thriller, Global Power, and the
siglo XX y su situacin actual, caracterizada por la eclosin Logic of Revelation : Cobley, Paul
de ttulos, la diversidad de variantes y la presencia de hitos US Narratives of Nuclear Terrorism : Seed, David
como Eugenio Fuentes, Alicia Gimnez Bartlett o Lorenzo
Silva. PEREIRA, Rodrigo & Jorge ZAMORA (dir.),
Estudios sobre el genero negro hispano:
PANEK, LeRoy Lad & Mary M. BENDEL-SIMSO, libros de critica cilde, Libros Medio Siglo,
The Essential Elements of the Detective 2017, 172 pages.
Story, 1820-1891, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, Este libro est conformado por una coleccin de ensayos
2017, 277 pages. acadmicos sobre distintas obras del gnero negro hispano.
Until recently, only a privileged few could read the rare, Escritos por especialistas importantes, estos artculos
early writings that formed the basis of detective fiction in resultan tiles tanto para los investigadores acadmicos
America and made it one of the most popular literary genres como para los interesados en el tema.
of the 19th century. Drawing on the unprecedented access
provided by digital collections of period newspapers and PEZZOTTI, Barbara, Investigating Italy's
magazines, this book examines detective fiction during its Past through Historical Crime Fictions,
formative years, focusing on such crucial elements as Films and TV Series. Murder in the Age of
setting, lawyers and the law, physicians and forensics, Chaos, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016,
women as victims and heroes, crime and criminals, and vii, 270 pages.
police and detectives. This study explores the ways in which fictional
representations of the past mirror contemporaneous
PEDERSON, Joshua, The Forsaken Son: anxieties within Italian society in the work of writers such
Child Murder and Atonement in Modern as Leonardo Sciascia, Andrea Camilleri, Carlo Lucarelli,
American Fiction, Evanston (IL), Francesco Guccini, Loriano Macchiavelli, Marcello Fois,
Northwestern University Press, 2016, 273 Maurizio De Giovanni, and Giancarlo De Cataldo; film
pages. directors such as Elio Petri, Pietro Germi, Michele Placido,
The Forsaken Son engages the provocative coincidence of and Damiano Damiani; and TV series such as the
the vocabularies of infanticide and Christianity, specifically Commissario De Luca series, the Commissario
atonement theology, in six modern American novels: Nardone series, and Romanzo criminaleThe series.
Flannery OConnors The Violent Bear It Away, the first

REDDY, Maureen T., Noir and the Irish
Nation: Contesting Irishness in Crime A PROPOS DES AUTEURS
Fiction, New York & London, Routledge, 2017,
176 pages.
Reddy argues that writers such as Ken Bruen, Benjamin BERNTHAL J. C., Queering Agatha Christie.
Black, Tana French, Niamh OConnor, Cormac Millar, Revisiting the Golden Age of Detective
Stuart Neville, Brian McGilloway, Declan Hughes, and Fiction, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016,
Declan Burke are collectively working through the problem vii, 304 pages.
of defining Irishness and grappling with deep anxieties J.C. Bernthal reads Christie through the lens of queer
about a society that is rapidly changing in the face of a theory, uncovering a playful, alert, and subversive social
globalized, late capitalist culture. commentary. After considering Christies emergence in a
commercial market hostile to her sex, in Queering Agatha
SUTTER, Laurent de, Potique de la police, Christie Bernthal explores homophobic stereotypes, gender
Aix-en-Provence, Rouge profond, 2017, 180 performativity, queer children, and masquerade in key texts
pages. published between 1920 and 1952.
Et si, au contraire de ce que l'on affirme souvent, la seule
manire de pouvoir comprendre quelque chose la police FEREY, Caryl, Pourvu que a brle, Paris,
tait de se tourner vers la fiction ? Et si les hros iconiques Albin Michel, 2017, 297 pages.
de la pop culture pouvaient nous en apprendre davantage De la Nouvelle-Zlande l'Australie en passant par
sur la police que les plus savants traits ? Tel est le choix de l'Indonsie, la Jordanie, le Chili ou les Etats-Unis, un carnet
Laurent de Sutter : faire le pari de l'intelligence des images de route trs rock, l'autoportrait en noir et blanc de l'auteur
dans la comprhension de ce qui nous affecte le plus de Zulu, Mapuche et Condor, Caryl Frey, chantre du
suivre les images dans la manire dont celles-ci nous thriller engag, avec qui la ralit devient fiction survolte.
racontent la police au prsent. De James Ellroy Police
Academy, de Jean-Pierre Melville ou Maurice Pialat GELTNER, Ted, Blood, Bone and Marrow; A
l'inspecteur Harry, des meutes de Hong Kong en 1967 Y Biography of Harry Crews, Athens,
a-t-il un flic pour sauver la reine, de John Woo aux University of Georgia Press, 2016, xii, 414
banlieues parisiennes en 2004, entre mille variations pages.
inattendues, c'est une tout autre vision de la police que
propose cet ouvrage. HARKUP, Kathryn, Les Poisons d'Agatha
Christie, Paris, ditions du Masque, 2016, 359
SWIRSKI, Peter, American Crime Fiction: A pages.
Cultural History of Nobrow Literature as Il y a mille et une faons de tuer. Ce n'est pas Agatha
Art, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xiii, Christie qu'on va l'apprendre. Mais chacun ses
222 pages. prfrences. Chez la reine du crime, le poison est la
Asking, in effect, a series of questions about the nature of mthode qui revient le plus, au point de devenir un
genre fiction as art, successive chapters look at American personnage part entire dans ses romans.
crime writers whose careers throw light on the hazards and A comme Arsenic est l'abcdaire aussi glaant que
rewards of nobrow traffic between popular forms and fascinant de ses choix en matires de substances ltales.
highbrow aesthetics: Dashiell Hammett, John Grisham, Loin d'tre alatoires, ils rendent compte de l'tendue de son
William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Raymond Chandler, savoir scientifique ; chaque poison possde des
Ed McBain, Nelson DeMille, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. caractristiques prcises permettant l'obtention d'indices
majeurs pour la rsolution de ses intrigues.
SWIRSKI, Peter, American Political
Fictions: War on Terrorism in Contem- KLEWE, Sabine, Gender and Genre:
porary American Literature, Culture and Geschlechtervariation und Gattungs-
Politics, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, innovation in den Kriminalromanen von
xi, 214 pages. Val McDermid, Trier, WVT Wissenchaftlicher
Through a discussion of diverse art and media such as Verlag Trier, 2015, 235 pages.
apocalyptic thrillers, rap, and television, Swirski debunks
the American political system, sieving out fact from a sea of KRETZSCHMAR, Judith, STOPPE, Sebastian &
bipartisan untruths. Engaging with close analysis and Susanne VOLLBERG (dir.), Hercule Poirot
multiple case studies, this book forges a more accurate trifft Miss Marple. Agatha Christie
picture of contemporary American culture and of America Intermedial, Darmstadt, Bchner-Verlag,
itself. 2016, 213 pages.

LE FLAHEC, Nicolas & Gilles MAGNIOUT (eds.),

Jean-Pierre Manchette et la raison
d'crire, Toulouse, Anarchasis, 2017, 304

McCRACKEN, David, Chuck Palahniuk,
Parodist: Postmodern Irony in Six CINMA & TLVISION
Transgressive Novels, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2016, vii, 220 pages. BATH, Claudia, DEINES, Marlene Sophie, et al.,
(dirs.), Wie die Sopranos gemacht sind: zur
MULRY, David, Joseph Conrad among the Poetik einer Fernsehserie, Wiesbaden,
Anarchists: Nineteenth Century Terrorism Springer Verlag, 2017, 359 pages.
and The Secret Agent, New York, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2016, vii, 194 pages. GLOVER, Allen, TV Noir: The Dark Genre on
This book looks at the inception, composition, and 1907
the Small Screen, New York, The Overlook
publication of The Secret Agent, one of Joseph Conrads
Press, 2017, 272 pages.
most highly regarded political novels and a core text of
In TV Noir, noted film and television historian Allen Glover
literary modernism. David Mulry examines the
has written the first complete study of the subject, in this
development and revisions of the novel through the stages
incisive, lavishly illustrated and exciting survey of the
of the holograph manuscript, first as a short story, then as a
television programming that evolved concurrently with the
serialized sensation fiction in Ridgways Militant
film noir heyday. Deconstructing its key elements with
Weekly for the American market, before it was extensively
astute and informed analysis, from NBCs adaptation of
revised and published in novel form.
Woolrichs The Black Angel and the anthology programs of
Note: une nouvelle dition du roman de Conrad vient
the 40s and 50s to the classic period with the likes of
d'tre publie: The Secret Agent: authorative text,
Dragnet, M Squad, and 77 Sunset Strip and the neo-noirs of
backgrounds and contexts, criticism [ed. by Richard
the 70s and 80s including The Fugitive, Kolchak, and Harry
Niland], New York & London, W. W. Norton & Company,
O., Allen Glover presents the essential volume that, at last,
2017, viii, 386 pages.
plumbs the depths of TV noir.
RAMET, Carlos, Ken Follett and the Triumph
KUPPER, Fabian, Serielle Narratation: die
of Suspense: A Popular Writer Transcends
Evolution narrativer Komplexitt in der
Genres, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2015, x,
US-Crime Show von 1950-2000, Wrzburg,
195 pages.
Knigshausen & Neumann, 2016, 728 pages.
SIMS, Michael, Arthur and Sherlock : Conan
LACHETTI, Stefano, La paura cammina con i
Doyle and the Creation of Holmes, New
tacchi alti. Il giallo all'italiana racconta
York, Bloomsbury USA, 2017, 256 pages.
dalle protagoniste e dai protagonisti del
Michael Sims traces the circuitous development of Conan
Doyle as the father of the modern mystery, from his early cinema degli anni Settanta, Piombino, Ass.
days in Edinburgh surrounded by poverty and violence, Culturale il Foglio, 2017, 290 pages.
through his escape to University (where he gained terrifying
firsthand knowledge of poisons), leading to his own LEHMAN, Hauke, Affektpoetiken des New
medical practice in 1882. Hollywood: Suspense, Paranoia und
Sims deftly shows Holmes to be a product of Doyle's varied Melancholy, Boston & Berlin, De Gruyter,
adventures in his personal and professional life, as well as 2017, 374 pages.
built out of the traditions of Edgar Allan Poe, mile
Gaboriau, Wilkie Collins, and Charles Dickens--not just a LEWIS, Jon, Le Parrain, Talence, Akileos,
skillful translator of clues, but a veritable superhero of the 2017, 96 pages [BFI: Les Classiques du
mind in the tradition of Doyle's esteemed teacher. cinma]

SOISSONS, Jean-Pierre, Les Polars d'Edgar: LIARDET, Didier, Chapeau melon et bottes
Edgar Faure en ses romans policiers, Paris, de cuir: au royaume de l'imaginaire,
ditions de Fallois, 2016, 155 pages. Draguignan, Iris, 2016, 366 pages.
A sa mort en mars 1988, Edgar Faure a laiss une oeuvre
crite importante, dont quatre romans policiers, mconnus, LOMBARD, Philippe, Le Paris de Michel
alors qu'ils sont de petits chefs-d'oeuvre. Drles, bien crits, Audiard, Paris, Parigramme, 2017, 128 pages.
ils rvlent un homme charnel, aimant le tabac, les femmes
et la table, mais aussi, plus inattendu, un homme proccup McELROY, Ruth (ed.), Contemporary British
par la dimension spirituelle de l'existence.
Television Crime Drama: Cops on the Box,
London & New York, Routledge, 2017, viii, 210
VERRIER, Hannah, Ian Rankin and "tartan
noir": Literary Origins and Generic
Contributors, many of whom are leading figures in UK
Potential of the Inspector Rebus Series, television studies, analyse popular series such as
Trier, WVT, 2016, 241 pages. Broadchurch, Between the Lines, Foyles War, Poirot,
Prime Suspect, Sherlock and Wallander. Essays examine

the main characteristics of television crime drama A High-Functioning Sociopath Married to His Work: On
production, including the nature of trans-Atlantic franchises Hegemonic Masculinity in the BBCs Sherlock (Deborah
and literary and transnational adaptations. Adopting a range M. Fratz) 82
of feminist, historical, aesthetic and industrial approaches, The BBCs Sherlock: A "Sociopathic" Master of the Social
they offer incisive interrogations that provide readers with a Game (Kathryn McClain and Grace Cripps) 95
rich understanding of the allure of crime drama to both The Evolution of James Moriarty: How Villains Mirror
viewers and commissioners. Cultural Anxieties (Heather Powers) 111
God, Grace and Sherlock: Religious Narrative and Identity
MIKLITSCH, Robert, The Red and the Black: in BBCs Sherlock (Felecia McDuffie) 122
American Film Noir in the 1950s, Evanston Chosen Families, TV and Tradition: Queering Relations in
(IL), University of Illinois Press, 2016, 312 the BBCs Sherlock (Linda J. Jencson) 140
pages. Fan Fiction as an Argument: Arguing for Johnlock through
Mixing scholarship with a fan's devotion to the crooked the Roles of Women and Explicit Sex Scenes in Sherlock
roads of critique, Miklitsch autopsies marquee films like Fan Fiction (Alyxis Smith) 156
D.O.A., Niagara, and Kiss Me Deadly plus a number of (No) Sex and Sherlock: Asexuality, Victorian Abstinence
lesser-known classics. Throughout, he addresses the social and the Art of Ambiguity (Amber Botts) 169
and technological factors that dealt deuce after deuce to the Sherlock and the Case of the Feminist Fans (Charla R.
genre--its celebrated style threatened by new media and Strosser) 180
technologies such as TV and 3-D, color and widescreen, its #Setlock and the Power of Fandom (Jennifer Wojton) 194
born losers replaced like zombies by All-American heroes,
the nation rocked by the red menace and nightmares of REINHARDT, Gnther, Twin Peaks: 100
nuclear annihilation. Seiten, Stuttgart, Reclam Verlag, 2016, 100
MOCKY, Jean-Pierre, Mocky soit qui mal y
pense, Paris, La Cherche Midi, 2016, 199 SILVER, Alain & James URSINI, The Film Noir
pages. Jigsaw: Critical Perspectives on the Classic
Pour la premire fois en soixante-dix ans d'une carrire hors Period, Santa Monica (CA), Pendragon Books,
normes et jalonne de rencontres exceptionnelles, le 2016, 212 pages.
trublion du cinma franais dverrouille les portes de son Film historians and critical commentators, Alain Silver and
jardin secret. L'homme ne faisant jamais dans la demi- James Ursini, authors of THE NOIR STYLE and editors of
mesure, c'est peu de dire qu'elles nous sont grandes FILM NOIR THE ENCYCLOPEDIA and the FILM NOIR
ouvertes. Car au fond, qui est Jean-Pierre Mocky ? READER series, turn their attention to the myriad of other
Sous des dehors ruptifs de provocateur que rien ne semble books and key articles about the classic period from the
pouvoir atteindre se cache un homme sensible, discovery of the cycle by French critics in the aftermath
tonnamment altruiste. of World War II to the on-going attempts to distill the
essence of the noir movement. With 100 illustrations and an
PARENTE, Nico, Ciak, si spara. Da Romanzo extensive Bibliography.
criminale a Gomorra e Suburra: il
criminale italiano sul grande e piccolo WAGER, Jans B., Jazz and Cocktails:
schermo, Salerno, Nicola Pesce Editore, 2017, Rethinking Race and the Sound of Film
160 pages. Noir, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2017,
192 pages.
PFABIGAN, Alfred, Mord zum Sonntag. Jazz and Cocktails explores the use of jazz in film noir,
Tatortphilosophie, Salzburg, Residenz Verlag, from its early function as a signifier of danger, sexuality,
2016, 208 pages. and otherness to the complex role it plays in film scores in
which jazz invites the spectator into the narrative while
PORTER, Lynnette (ed.), Who is Sherlock ? simultaneously transcending the film and reminding
Essays on Identity in Modern Holmes viewers of the world outside the movie theater. Jans B.
Wager looks at the work of jazz composers such as Miles
Adaptations, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016,
Davis, Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, Chico
vi, 218 pages.
Hamilton, and John Lewis as she analyzes films including
Introduction 1
Sweet Smell of Success, Elevator to the Gallows, Anatomy
From Paget to Screen: A (Re)Vision of Sherlock Holmes
of a Murder, Odds Against Tomorrow, and considers the
for the 21st Century (Clare Douglass Little) 5
neonoir American Hustle. Wager demonstrates how the
Modernizing Victorian Sherlock Holmes for Mr. Holmes
evolving role of jazz in film noir reflected cultural changes
and the BBCs Sherlock Special (Lynnette Porter) 18
instigated by black social activism during and after World
"I made me": Narrative Construction of Identity in
War II and altered Hollywood representations of race and
Sherlocks "The Abominable Bride" (Felecia McDuffie) 33
Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes (Lynnette Porter) 48
Its Traumatic Stress, My Dear Watson: A Clinical
Conceptualization of Sherlock (Jennifer Dondero and
Sabrina J. Pippin) 70


McKITTRICK, Casey, Hitchcock's Appetites:

The Corpulent Plots of Desire and Dread,
London & New York, Bloomsbury Academic,
2016, 208 pages.
Casey McKittrick argues in this tantalizing study that we
cannot fully grasp Hitchcock's film oeuvre without
examining his life as a fat man. Drawing on fat studies as
well as queer theory, McKittrick adds depth and nuance to
our picture of the great director and his legendary appetites-
and to our collective appetite for him.

WARHOL. Andy, Warhol-Hitchcock, Paris,

Marest diteur, 2016, 72 pages.
Le vendredi 26 avril 1974, Andy Warhol retrouve Alfred
Hitchcock au Park Lane Hotel, New York. S'ensuit un SCIENCE-FICTION
change clair, que l'on peut rsumer ainsi : c'est l'histoire
de deux artistes qui cherchent parler.
ZNDEL, Jana, An den Drehschauben filmi-
scher Spannung: Zeit und Raum bei Alfred
Hitchcock, Stuttgart, ibidem Verlag, 2016, LITTRATURE
164 pages.

ALBER, Jan, Unnatural Narratives: Impos-

sible Worlds in Fiction and Drama, Lincoln,
YAU, Esther & Tony WILLIAMS (eds.), Hong University of Nebraska Press, 2016, ix, 310
Kong Neo-Noir, Edinburgh, Edinburgh pages.
University Press, 2017, 208 pages. A talking body part, a character that is simultaneously alive
Introduction: Hong Kong Neo-Noir, Esther C. M. Yau and and dead, a shape-changing setting, or time travel: although
Tony Williams impossible in the real world, such narrative elements do
SEEDS OF NOIR IN HONG KONG CINEMA appear in the storyworlds of novels, short stories, and plays.
Chapter 1: A Rose by Any Other Name: Wong Tin-lams Impossibilities of narrator, character, time, and space are
The Wild, Wild Rose as Melodrama Musical Noir Hybrid, not only common in todays world of postmodernist
Lisa Odham Stokes- Chapter 2: Black & Red: Post-war literature but can also be found throughout the history of
Hong Kong Noir and Its Interrelation with Progressive literature. Examples include the beast fable, the heroic epic,
Cinema, 19471957, Law Kar the romance, the eighteenth-century circulation novel, the
Chapter 3: Sword, Fist, or Gun? The 1970s Origins of Gothic novel, the ghost play, the fantasy narrative, and the
Contemporary Hong Kong Noir, Kristof Van den Troost science-fiction novel, among others.
Chapter 4: Doubled Indemnity: Fruit Chan and the Meta- ALDANA REYES, Xavier, Horror: A Literary
Fictions of Hong Kong Neo-Noir, Adam Bingham
History, London, British Library, 2016, 232
Chapter 5: Running on Karma: Hong Kong Noir and the
Political Unconscious, Gina Marchetti
This book offers a chronological overview of the genre in
Chapter 6: Beyond Hypothermia: Cool Women Killers in
fiction and explores its development and mutations over the
Hong Kong Cinema, David Desser
past 250 years. It also challenges the common
Chapter 7: Tech-Noir: A Subgenre may not exist in Hong
misjudgement that horror fiction is necessarily frivolous or
Kong Science Fiction Films, Kwai-Cheung Lo
dispensable. Leading experts on Gothic and horror literature
introduce readers to classics of the genre as well as exciting
Chapter 8: Location Filmmaking and the Hong Kong Crime
texts they may not have encountered before. The topics
Film: Anatomy of a Scene, Julian Stringer
examined include: horrors roots in the Gothic romance and
Chapter 9: Running out of Time, Hard-Boiled, and 24-Hour
antebellum American fiction; the penny dreadful and
Cityspace, Kenneth E. Hall
sensation novels of Victorian England; fin-de-sicle ghost
Chapter 10: Exiled in Macau: Hong Kong Neo-Noir and
stories; decadent fiction and the weird; the familial horrors
Paradoxical Lyricism, Jinhee Choi
of the Cold War era; the publishing boom of the 1980s; the
Chapter 11: The Tentacles of History: Shinjuku Incidents
establishment of contemporary horror auteurs; and the post-
Return of the Repressed, Tony Williams
millennial zombie trend.

BAUER, Gero, Houses, Secrets, and the Pho reviews the racial and national identities of steampunk,
Closet: Locating Masculinities from the bringing in discussions of British chap-hop artists, African
Gothic Novel to Henry James, Bielefeld, American steamfunk practitioners, and multicultural
transcript Verlag, 2016, 233 pages. steampunk fan cultures.

BIENSTOCK ANOLIK, Ruth, Property and BRUMMEL, Barry, Clockwork Rhetoric: The
Power in English Gothic Literature, Language and Style of Steampunk,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016, viii, 233 Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2016,
pages. 208 pages.
Introduction. Possessions: Property and Propriety in the Precursors to steampunk can be found in the works of Jules
English Gothic Mode 1 Verne and H. G. Wells. The imagery of the American West
Part I. Castle and Moat: Property Possession in the English contributed to the aestheticrevolvers, locomotives, and
Gothic rifles of the late nineteenth century. Among young people,
1. Slippery Properties: The Castle of Otranto and The Old steampunk has found common aesthetic cause with Goth
English Baron 13 style. Examples from literature and popular culture include
2. A Century of Loss: Historical Contexts for Property William Gibsons fiction, China Mivilles novels, the
Anxieties 19 classic film Metropolis, and the BBC series Doctor Who.
3. Fantasies of Return: Property Restoration Imagined 28 This volume recognizes that steampunk, a unique popular
4. Nineteenth-Century Expansions 35 culture phenomenon, presents a prime opportunity for
Part II. Ghosts: Possession of Person in the English Gothic rhetorical criticism.
5. Self-(Dis)Possession in The Woman in White 47
6. Dispossessions of the Mind and the Body: A Gothic BYRNE, Aisling, Otherworlds: Fantasy and
Tropology 56 History in Medieval Literature, Oxford,
7. The Double and the Ghost: Refusals of Self- Oxford University Press, 2016,
(Dis)Possession 67 This book offers a new perspective on the "otherworlds" of
8. Resurrection Fantasies: Defying Deaths Dispossessions medieval literature. These fantastical realms are among the
76 most memorable places in medieval writing, by turns
9. Slavery and Marriage: Gothic Reflections of Political beautiful and monstrous, alluring and terrifying. Passing
Rhetoric 81 over a river or sea, or entering into a hollow hill, heroes
10. Missing Mothers and Suppressed Sisters: The Dangers come upon strange and magical realms. These places are
of Primogeniture 103 often very beautiful, filled with sweet music, and adorned
Part III. Fragmented Stories; Appropriated Voices: with precious stones and rich materials. There is often no
Possession of the Narrative in the English Gothic darkness, time may pass at a different pace, and the people
11. Gothic Conventions; Narrative Dispossessions 123 who dwell there are usually supernatural. Sometimes such a
12. Contexts of Contested Narratives: Can the Text Be place is exactly what it appears to be--the land of heart's
Possessed? 132 desire--but, the otherworld can also have a sinister side,
13. The Theology of Narrative Dispossession in Maturins trapping humans and keeping them there against their will.
Melmoth the Wanderer 137 The regions on which this book focuses, Britain, Ireland,
14. Dispossessed and Dispossessing: The Wandering Jews and the surrounding islands, prove particularly susceptible
Possession of Voice and Narrative 150 to this characterization.
Part IV. Beyond the End: Dispossessing Closure
15. "It is only the theory I want": Repossessing Fiction in CALVIN, Ritch, Feminist Science Fiction and
Sarah Waterss Affinity 169 Feminist Epistemology: Four Modes, New
16. The Political Fantastic 191 York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xi, 304 pages.
Conclusion. Toward a Transatlantic Investigation: This book argues that feminist science fiction shares the
Possession and Dispossession in American Gothic same concerns as feminist epistemologychallenges to the
Literature 197 sex of the knower, the valuation of the abstract over the
concrete, the dismissal of the physical, the focus on
BOWSER, Rachel A. & Brian CROXALL (eds.), rationality and reason, the devaluation of embodied
Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, knowledge, and the containment of (some) bodies.
Presents and Futures, Minneapolis,
University of Minnesotas Press, 2016, xvi, 228 CANAVAN, Gerry & Andrew HAGEMAN (eds.),
pages. Global Weirding, in Paradoxa, no 28, 2016,
Like Clockwork offers wide-ranging perspectives on 278 pages.
steampunks history and its place in contemporary culture, Introduction: Global Weirding : Gerry Canavan &
all while speaking to the why and why now of the Andrew Hageman
genre. In her essay, Catherine Siemann draws on authors Interview With China Miville : Mark Bould
such as William Gibson and China Miville to analyze A Conversation Between Timothy Morton & Jeff
steampunk cities; Kathryn Crowther turns to disability VanderMeer : Andrew Hageman
studies to examine the role of prosthetics within steampunk The Terror And The Terroir : Siobhan Carroll
as well as the contemporary culture of access; and Diana M. Hanya Yanigaharas The People In The Trees: Mindi ,

McMann 7. Florence CHERON : R-imaginer Alice au Pays des
Slow Weird Reverse Colonization : David Higgins Merveilles
Science Fiction After Extinction : Gerry Canavan 8. Anne-Lise BGU : Transfiguration de la figure ferique
Global Weirding In A Dark Room : Matt Schneider entre Murkmere et Ambergate de Patricia Elliott : la ferie
Reading Lovecraft At The End Of The World moderne et le sublime
J. Andrew Brown _ Feeling And Healing Eco-Social FERIES POUR UN NOUVEAU SICLE
Catastrophe : Salma Monani Nomie BUDIN : Un imaginaire renouvelable pour une
Jeff VanderMeers The Southern Reach Trilogy cologie de lme
Alison Sperling Thierry JANDROK : Les Cendres de Faery : propos de
The Weirds World-System : Stephen Shapiro Briar Rose de Jane Yolen - Christian CHELEBOURG :
Review Of Chris Paks Terraforming Pour en finir avec la postmodernit : le sens du merveilleux
Andrew Hageman dans la srie Once Upon a Time
"Review Of The Age Of Lovecraft : James Machin
"Review Of Evolution : Steve Rust CLARKE, Bruce & Manuela ROSSINI (eds.),
Review Of An American Utopia : Steven Shaviro The Cambridge Companion to Literature
and the Posthuman, Cambridge, Cambridge
CARPI, Daniela & Marett LEIBOFF, Fables of University Press, 2017, xxxxiv, 231 pages.
the Law: Fairy Tales in a Legal Context, Preface: literature, posthumanism, and the posthuman
Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter, (Law and Bruce Clarke and Manuela Rossini; Part I. Literary Periods:
Literature, vol. 13), 2016, vii, 455 pages. 1. Medieval Karl Tobias Steel; 2. Early modern Kevin
LaGrandeur; 3. Romantic Ron Broglio; 4. Modern Jeff
CHAPLIN, Susan, The Postmillennial Wallace; 5. Postmodern Stefan Herbrechter; Part II.
Vampire: Power, Sacrifice and Simulation Posthuman Literary Modes: 6. Science fiction Lisa Yaszek
in True Blood, Twilight and Other and Jason W. Ellis; 7. Autobiography Kari Weil; 8. Comics
Contemporary Narratives, New York, et al., and graphic novels Lisa Diedrich; 9. Film Anneke Smelik;
Springer, 2017, 113 pages. 10. E-literature Ivan Callus and Mario Aquilina; Part III.
This book explores the idea that while we see the vampire Posthuman Themes: 11. The nonhuman Bruce Clarke; 12.
as a hero of romance, or as a member of an oppressed Bodies Manuela Rossini; 13. Objects Ridvan Askin; 14.
minority struggling to fit in and acquire legal recognition, Technologies R. L. Rutsky; 15. Futures Claire Colebrook.
the vampire has in many ways changed beyond recognition
over recent decades due to radically shifting formations of CRAWFORD, Heide, The Origins of the
the sacred in contemporary culture. The figure of the Literary Vampire, Lanham (MD), Rowman &
vampire has captured the popular imagination to an Littlefield, 2016, xviii, 129 pages.
unprecedented extent since the turn of the millennium. Introduction: Germany's place in the history of the vampire
in literature -- The Habsburgs, vampires and scientific
CHELEBOURG, Christian & Nomie BUDIN inquiry: the vampire's path to literature -- The first vampire
(dir.), Le grand lifting des fes. Avatars poems -- The first German vampire stories -- The
postmodernes du merveilleux, in M@gm@, development of a horror aesthetic by German poets.
(dir. par Orazio Maria Valastro), vol. 14, no 3
septembre-dcembre 2016. DARVAY, Daniel, Haunting Modernity and
Christian CHELEBOURG the Gothic Presence in British Modernist
Avant-propos : Avatars du merveilleux (1937-2016) Literature, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
MIROIR DES FES 2016, xi, 218 pages.
1. Justine BRETON : Le merveilleux et lhumain : Through writers such as Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad,
Kaamelott et les fes arthuriennes Virginia Woolf, E. M. Forster, and D. H. Lawrence, this
2. Caroline DUVEZIN-CAUBET : Maybe it isnt fair. book ultimately expands the boundaries of the Gothic genre
But fairy tales never really are : les fes dans la srie and provides a fresh, new approach to better understanding
October Daye de Seanan McGuire the modernist movement.
3. Viviane BERGUE : La Silhol ou la ferie au prisme du
mythe DAWSON VARUGHESE, Emma, Genre Fiction
4. Isabelle CASTA : Au rendez-vous du merveilleux noir : of New India: Post-Millennial Receptions
vers une ferie nogothique ? of "Weird Narratives", New York & London,
LA CAUSE DES FEMMES Routledge, 2017, xvi, 168 pages.
5. Hermeline PERNOUD : Dun sexe lautre : This book investigates fiction in English, written within,
revendications fministes dans les contes de fes du XIXe and published from India since 2000 in the genre of
et du XXIe sicles : Le Petite Burqa rouge et Barbe- mythology-inspired fiction in doing so it introduces the
Bleue de Tahar Ben-Jelloun, Cendrillon ou le Petit Gant term Bharati Fantasy. This volume is anchored in notions
de soie de Nathalie Azoulai of the weird and thus some time is spent understanding
6. Stphanie SCHNEIDER : The Sleeper and the Spindle de this term linguistically, historically (wyrd) as well as
Neil Gaiman : Quand les reines prennent leur destin en philosophically and most significantly socio-culturally
main because reception is a key theme to this books thesis.

DEFFERARD, Fabrice (dir.), Le Droit saisi par Chronicles of Prydain and Alan Garners The Owl Service,
la science-fiction, Paris, ditions Mare & to some of the most recent, award-winning fantasy authors
Martin, (Libre droit), 2017, 270 pages. of the last decade, such as Kate Thompson (The New
Que peut apporter la science-fiction au droit et la justice ? Policeman) and Catherine Fisher (Darkhenge).
Le prsent ouvrage fait une incursion dans les disciplines
classiques du droit public, du droit priv et des sciences FRAYLING, Christopher, Vampyres: Genesis
criminelles. Il y sera notamment question d'organisations and Resurrection from Count Dracula to
juridico-politiques, d'exploration et d'exploitation de Vampirella, London, Thames & Hudson, 2016,
l'espace, de la condition future de l'homme, du statut des 464 pages. [Version rvise et augmente de
robots, des interactions possibles avec d'autres formes de Vampyres: Lord Byron to Count Dracula,
vie intelligentes... L'aptitude de la "SF" embrasser le Faber & Faber, 1991.
monde rel travers des mondes imaginaires, sa capacit
les faire interagir au-del des rationalits directement HANSEN, Rob, Then : Science Fiction
comprhensibles constituent pour la science du droit un Fandom in the UK: 1930-1980, Ansible
laboratoire exceptionnel, un terrain cratif sans quivalent.
Editions, 2016, 454 pages.
DUBOST, Francis, La Merveille mdivale,
HEIDLER, Christina, Zwischen Magie,
Paris, Honor Champion, 2016, 451 pages. Mythos und Monotheismus: Fantasy
Dans le rcit mdival, le substantif merveille annonce
Literatur im Religionsunterricht, Ostfildern,
gnralement qu'un vnement extraordinaire va se
Matthias-Grnewald, 2016, 505 pages.
produire, extraordinaire par rapport l'ordre de la nature,
par rapport aussi aux trois rfrences antiques, le Beau, le
Vrai, le Bien. La beaut de l'hrone romanesque, la vrit HONEGGER, Thomas & Fanfan CHEN (eds.),
rvle dans la contemplation du Graal et le bien suprme Fantastic Animals, Animals in The
de l'extase peuvent recevoir la mention de merveille ; Fantastic, in Fastitocalon, VOL. VI, NO 1-2,
l'oppos pourtant, il en est de mme pour la laideur du 2016, 188 pages.
monstre, le mensonge du tratre ou le mal accompli sous Contributors are: Friedhelm Schneidewind (Talking
influence diabolique. Animals as Literary Protagonists), Anja Hing (Negotiating
Anthropomorphism in Talking Animal Stories - An
EDWARDS, Justin & Sandra GUARDINI Ecocritical Approach to Fantastic Animals), Steve Gronert
VASCONCELOS, Tropical Gothic in Literature Ellerhoff (The Rabbit Who Saw It All Coming: Western
Concepts of Shamanism in "Watership Down"), Jenn
and Culture, New York, Routledge, 2016, viii,
Grunigen ('Queering the Fox': A Reading of Four Works of
266 pages.
Vulpine Mythpunk), Smadar Shiffman (Kafka's Fantastic
Tropical Gothic examines Gothic within a specific
Animals), Kristine Larsen ("Mutant, Monster, Freak": The
geographical area of the South of the Americas. In so
Mythological World of Andrzej Sapkowski's "Witcher"
doing, we structure the book around geographical
Series), Amber J. Rose (ok ar er mr lfsins vn, er ek
coordinates (from North to South) and move between
eyrum s. And I expect a wolf, when I see a wolf's ears),
various national traditions of the gothic (Mexico, Argentina,
Lukasz Neubauer (The Eagle is not Coming: Some
Brazil, etc) alongside regional manifestations of the Gothic
Remarks on the Absence of the News-Bearing Eagle in
(the US south and the Caribbean) as well as transnational
Peter Jackson's Adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings"),
movements of the Gothic within the Americas.
Victoria Holtz Wodzak (On Pilgrimage Among Beasts:
Narnia, and the Beasts Who Teach), Fanfan Chen (The
FERRIER-WATSON, Sean, The Children's Animal Imaginary of Fantastic Time and Narrative in
Ghost Story in America, Jefferson (NC), "Inuyasha"), Daniel Lau / Sarah Schlter (Anz-
McFarland, 2017, 277 pages. Mesopotamia's mythological thunderbird), Tziona
Ghost stories play a prominent role in American childhood. Grossmark (I saw a frog the size of the Fort of Hagronia
Circulated around playgrounds and whispered in slumber (BT Baba Batra 73b) - Or How Big is an Elephant?), Timo
parties, their history in American literature is little known Lothmann (The ravaging and hoard-guarding antagonist: A
and seldom discussed by scholars. This book explores the cognitive approach to "dragon" conceptualisations in
fascinating origins and development of these tales, focusing "Beowulf" and selected writings of J.R.R. Tolkien)
on the social and historical factors that shaped them and
gave birth to the genre.
HEIDORN, Fritz, Kurz von Ewig: Kosmologie
und Science Fiction : Beitrge zur
FIMI, Dimitri, Celtic Myth in Contemporary Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Science-Fiction
Children's Fantasy: Idealization, Identity,
aus Kosmologie, Religion und Literatur,
Ideology, New York & Berlin, Springer, 2017, Lneburg, Dieter von Reeken, 2016, 231
295 pages. pages. Vorwort Kim Stanley Robinson.
This book examines the creative uses of Celtic myth in 1. Einfhrung: Einsteins Universum und die Phantasie des
contemporary fantasy written for children or young adults
from the 1960s to the 2000s. Its scope ranges from classic 2. Die Tragdie des Menschen in Einsteins Universum
childrens fantasies such as Lloyd Alexanders The 3. Die Literatur des Unmglichen: Science-Fiction und

Vernderung - 4. Der knstliche Gott: Science-Fiction und LATHAM, Rob, Science Fiction Criticism: An
die Religionen - 5. Die Schpfung: Science-Fiction und die Anthology of Essential Writings, London &
Erschaffung des Universums New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, 592
6. Buddhas Universum: Science-Fiction und der ewige pages.
Kreislauf von Vergehen und Entstehen
7. Die Evolution des Universums: Science-Fiction und LAZZARIN, Stefano (dir.), Il fantastico
Kosmologie Italiano. Bilancio critico e bibliografia
8. Superzivilisationen im Universum: Science-Fiction und commentata (dal 1980 a oggi), Florence,
die Ewigkeit
Mondodari Education - 2016, vi, 986 pages.
9. Die Konstruktion einer Zeitmaschine: Science-Fiction
und die Vorstellung von Reisen durch die Zeit
10. Mahlstrom in die Zukunft: Science-Fiction und LEHMAN, Zo, The Victorian Ghost Story
Klimawandel and Theology from Le Fanu to James, New
11. Good Governance in der Zukunft: Science-Fiction und York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, x, 188 pages.
Demokratie This book argues that theology is central to an
12. Menschheit der Zukunft: Science-Fiction und die understanding of the literary ghost story. Victorian ghost
Evolution der Menschheit im Universum stories have traditionally been read in the context of
13. Erst-Kontakt: Science-Fiction und die Begegnung mit agnosticism as stories which reveal a society struggling
intelligentem Leben aus dem All with Christian orthodoxy in a new Enlightened world. The
14. Die Kulturen der Aliens: Science-Fiction und book studies the work of four major authors of the
Astrobiologie - 15. 2000 Light Years from Home: Science- supernatural tale: Arthur Machen, M.R. James, Sheridan Le
Fiction und Musik. Fanu and Henry James.

HUOT, Sylvia, Outsiders: The Humanity and LORENTZ, Christoph F., Lexikon der
Inhumanity of Giants in Medieval Prose deutschsprachigen Science Fiction Lite-
Romance, Notre Dame, University of Notre ratur seit 1900: Mit einem Blick auf
Dame Press, 2016, ix, 348 pages. Osteuropa, Frankfurt am Main, et al. Peter
Lang, 2017, 636 pages.
JONES, Christa C. & Claudia SCHWABE (eds.),
New Approaches, Logan, Utah State LTSCHER, Christine, Petra SCHRACKMAN,
University Press, 2016, 248 pages. Ingrid TOMKOWIAK & Aleta-Amiree von
HOLZEN (eds.), Transitions and Dissolving
KAPURCH, Katie, Victorian Melodrama in Boundaries in The Fantastic, Mnster, LIT
the Twenty-First Century: Jane Eyre, Verlag, 2014, 216 pages.
Twilight, and the Mode of Excess in The fantastic raises a number of significant questions about
Popular Girl Culture, New York, Palgrave cultural and social developments and challenges existing
boundaries. By creating hybrid zones of autonomy, the
Macmillan, 2016, xviii, 239 pages.
This book examines melodramatic impulses in fantastic provides alternatives to conventional
understandings of world, knowledge or identity.
Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre and Stephenie
Meyers Twilight Saga, as well as the series' film With regard to fantastic fiction in literature and different
adaptations and fan-authored texts. Attention to conventions media representations the articles explore crossings into
other worlds, time travel, metamorphoses, hybrid creatures
such as crying, victimization, and happy endings in the
context of the Twilight-Jane Eyre relationship reveals and a variety of other transitions and transgressions. They
melodrama as an empowering mode of communication for analyse hybrid genres, inter-media adaptations,
transpositions into new media, as well as various forms of
crossover as exemplified in the increasing trend of
generation-spanning all-age literature.
KLIMEK, Sonja, Tobias LAMBRECHT & Tom
KINDT, Funktionen der Fantastik: Neue
MAY, Andrew, Pseudoscience and Science
Forme des Weltbezugs von Literatur und
Fiction, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2016, 187
Film nach 1945, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag,
2017, 304 pages.
Both pseudoscience and science fiction (SF) are creative
Der Band versammelt Aufstze zu Funktionen der Fantastik
endeavours that have little in common with academic
in Literatur und Film von 1945 bis in die Gegenwart. Dort
science, beyond the superficial trappings of jargon and
werden neue Formen des Weltbezugs erprobt und zwar
subject matter. The most obvious difference between the
gerade durch die Fantastik-, zum Beispiel durch irritierende
two is that pseudoscience is presented as fact, not fiction.
oder auch als fraglos anzunehmende Hybridformen der
Yet like SF, and unlike real science, pseudoscience is
offen ausgestellten Fiktionalitt. Durch das freie Verfgen
driven by a desire to please an audience in this case,
ber die knstlerischen Traditionen sowohl der Moderne als
people who want to believe. This has led to significant
auch der Postmoderne etablieren sich nach 1945 neue,
cross-fertilization between the two disciplines. SF authors
komplexe Konzepte der Selbst- und Weltreferenz von
often draw on real pseudoscientific theories to add
Fantastik in darstellenden Medien wie Literatur und Film.
verisimilitude to their stories, while on other occasions ,

pseudoscience takes its cue from SF the symbiotic

relationship between ufology and Hollywood being a prime
example of this.

McCARTHY, Elizabeth & Bernice M. MURPHY, Lanthologie permanente des littratures

Lost Souls of Horror and Gothic: Fifty-Four de limaginaire
Neglected Authors, Actors, Artists and no 201, (vol. 42, no 3)hiver 2017,
Others, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016, ix, 240 pages.
248 pages.
This collection of 54 biographical essays examines many
overlooked and underrated figures who have played a role Des textes de fiction: Olivier Paquet, Enola
in the ever expanding world of horror and gothic Deil, Jrme Tousignant, Jose Lepire, Frdric
entertainment. The contributors push the boundaries of how Parrot, Mathieu Croisetire.
we define these terms, bringing into the discussion such Des articles de Mario Tessier: La Qute du
diverse figures as singer-songwriter Tom Waits, occultist jardin d'den" [les Carnets du Futurible] - Marc
Dion Fortune, author Charles Beaumont, historian and Ross Gaudreaut, "Discours littraire et discours
bishop Gregory of Tours and video game designer Shinji
scientifique: l'union de deux langues
+ les rubriques habituelles : Sci-nma, de
Christian Sauv les Littranautes, et les
(eds.), Altermundos: Latin@ Speculative
lectures critiques.
Literature, Film, and Popular Culture,
UCLA, Chicano Studies Research Center Press,
Avec des illustrations de Tornislav Tikulin,
2016, 380 pages.
(couverture), d'milie Lger et de Suzanne
MILLER, Laura, Literary Wonderlands: A
Journey Through the Greatest Fictional
Worlds Ever Created, New York, Black Dog &
Leventhal, 2016, 317 pages.

MILLER, Ron, Spaceships: An Illustrated

SARIOLS PERSSON, Deerie, Des Bestiaires
History of the Real and the Imagined,
aux Monstres. Figures de l'altrit au XXe
Washington (DC), Smithsonian Books, 2016,
sicle, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2017, 514 pages.
256 pages.
Miller takes readers on a visual journey through the history Prface de Daniel-Henri Pageaux.
of the spaceship both in our collective imagination and in Interroger le monstre comme altrit et essayer de le faire
reality. The vivid illustrations trace the spaceship through parler mme dans ses silences, tel est l'objet de cette tude.
its conception, engineering, and building, from the practical Si le mot bestiaire nous dplace au Moyen ge, la
origins of spaceflight in the wartime V-2 rocket to future monstruosit, de son ct, s'est dploye surtout dans
Mars programs. They also chart, in exquisite detail, the l'altrit fantastique moderne, dont les mythes fondateurs
ubiquity of spaceships in the golden age of space travel sont ns au XIXe sicle. En tant que confrontation l'Autre,
(1950s and '60s) plus their broad influence in popular art, les trois enjeux principaux du monstre sont la peur, la mort
television, film, and literature. Spaceships reminds us of the et le mal. Le mal absolu est aujourd'hui reprsent par la
romance of manned space travel as it has been, as we malignit dans l'homme et ses systmes monstrueux.
imagined it could be, and as it may be in the future. Finalement, entre le rire et la peur, nous sommes lis au
monstre par la fascination.
NICHOLS, Joel A., Out of this World
SCHNEIDER, Susan (ed.), Science Fiction
Programs: Using Speculative Fiction to
and Philosophy: from Time Travel to
Promote Reading and Launch Learning,
Superintelligence, Chichester, West Sussex,
Santa Barbara (CA), Libraries Limited, 2017,
Malden (MA), John Wiley & Sons, 2016, x, 422
125 pages.
pages. [2e dition augmente]
PETERS, Gnther, Prometheus: Modelle
SMITH, Andrew, Gothic Death 1740-1914:
eines Mythos in der europische Literatur,
A Literary History, Manchester, Manchester
Weilerswist, Velbrck Wissenschaft, 2016, 580
University Press, 2016, 210 page.
The shift from writing death to interpreting the signs of
death is explored in relation to the work of Poe, Emily
ROBERTS, Adam, The History of Science Bront and George Eliot. A chapter on Dickens examines
Fiction, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, the significance of graves and capital punishment during the
xxii, 524 pages.[2e dition]. period. A chapter on Haggard, Stoker and Wilde explores

conjunctions between love and death and a final chapter on science fiction, discussing Don DeLillo and Michel
Machen and Stoker explores how scientific ideas of the Houellebecq's ideas of revolutionizing man through
period help to contextualise a specifically fin de sicle biotechnology.
model of death.
WHITSON, Roger, Steampunk and
STAPLETON, Patricia & Andrew BAYERS (eds.), Nineteenth-Century Digital Humanities:
Biopolitics and Utopia: An Interdisci- Literary Retrofuturisms, Media Archeo-
plinary Reader, New York, Palgrave, logies, Alternate Histories, London & New
Macmillan, 2015, vi, 210 pages. York, Routledge, 2016, 240 pages.
Introduction: Byers, Andrew (et al.)
American Bodies in a Time of War: The Militarized Body YOUNG, Victoria, Race and Popular Fantasy
as a Utopian Space and Biopolitical Project for the State Literature: Habits of Whiteness, London &
Byers, Andrew - Abnormals or Exceptions: The Use of New York, Routledge, 2016, 224 pages.
Technologies for Intersex People and People with
Disabilities : Das, Arpita
The Inauspicious Regulatory Beginnings of Preimplantation
Genetic Diagnosis : Stapleton, Patricia A PROPOS DES AUTEURS
Utopian Visions of Making People: Science Fiction and
Debates on Cloning, Ectogenesis, Genetic Engineering, and
Genetic Discrimination : Kendal, Evie AKER, Laurena (ed.), The Twilight Saga,
Decolonizing the Future: Biopolitics, Ethics, and Foresight Bristol, Intellect Ltd., (Fan Phenomena), 2017,
through the Lens of Science Fiction : Middleton, Selena 140 pages.
All Day, All Week, Occupy Wall Street!: Space,
Biopower, and Resistance : Cohen, Elena L. ANDERSON, Melanie A. & Lisa KRGER (eds.),
Eating for the Future: Veganism and the Challenge of In Shirley Jackson, Influences and
Vitro Meat : Simonsen, Rasmus R. Confluences, London, Routledge, Taylor &
Utopia and Biopolitics: The Need for an Ethics in
Francis Group, 2016, x 205 pages.
Biotechnology : Barrows, Cameron
"We know only names, so far" : Samuel Richardson,
Shirley Jackson, and exploration of the precarious self /
TATE, Andrew, Apocalyptic Fiction, London Jennifer Preston Wilson and Michael T. Wilson -- A failed
& New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, 192 experiment : family and humanity in The sundial / S.T.
pages. Joshi -- Perception, supernatural detection, and gender in
Visions of post-apocalyptic worlds have proved to be The haunting of Hill House / Melanie R. Anderson --
irresistible for many 21st-century writers, from literary Speaking of magic : folk narrative in Hangsaman and We
novelists to fantasy and young adult writers. Exploring a have always lived in the castle / Shelley Ingram -- The road
wide range of texts, from the works of Margaret Atwood, through the wall and Shirley Jackson's America / Richard
Cormac McCarthy, Tom Perrotta and Emily St. John Pascal -- "Laughing through the words" : recovering
Mandel to young adult novels such as Suzanne Collins's housewife humor in Shirley Jackson's We have always
The Hunger Games series, this is the first critical lived in the castle / Andrea Krafft -- "Listening to what she
introduction to contemporary apocalyptic fiction. had almost said" : containment and duality in Shirley
Exploring the cultural and political contexts of these Jackson's We have always lived in the castle / Ashleigh
writings and their echoes in popular media, Apocalyptic Hardin -- Knowing and narration : Shirley Jackson and the
Fiction also examines how contemporary apocalyptic texts campus novel / James E. Dobson -- The haunting of Fun
looks back to earlier writings by the likes of Mary Shelley, home : Shirley Jackson and Alison Bechdel's queer Gothic
H.G. Wells and J.G. Ballard. Apocalyptic Fiction includes neodomesticity / Jill E. Anderson -- The tower or the
an annotated guide to secondary readings, making this an nursery? : paternal and maternal re-visions of Hill House on
essential guide for students of contemporary fiction at all film / Shari Hodges Holt -- Girl anachronism : We have
levels. always lived in the castle and the depiction of adolescent
psychosis in Excision (2012) and Stoker (2013) / Bernice
THOMSEN, Mads Rosendahl, The New M. Murphy.
Human in Literature: Posthuman Visions
of Changes in Body, Mind and Society after BECK, Peter J., The War of the Worlds:
1900, New York, Bloomsbury, 2015, 258 from H.G. Wells to Orson Welles, Jeff
pages. Wayne, Steven Spielberg, and Beyond,
Grounded in the theory of Niklas Luhmann and drawing on London & New York, Bloomsbury Academic,
canonical works, Thomsen uses literary changes in the 2016, 408 pages.
mind, body and society to define the new human. He begins Starting with the initial serialisations in US newspapers,
with the modernist minds of Virginia Woolf, Williams Peter Beck goes on to examine Orson Welles's legendary
Carlos Williams and Louis-Ferdinand Celine's, discusses 1938 radio adaptation, TV and film adaptations from
the society-changing concepts envisioned by Chinua George Pal to Steven Spielberg, Jeff Wayne's rock opera
Achebe, Mo Yan and Orhan Pamuk. He concludes with and the numerous other works that have taken their

inspiration from Wells's original. Drawing on new archival GUAY, Patrick, Jacques Spitz, le mythe de
research, this is a comprehensive account of the continuing l'humain, Bordeaux, Pesses de l,universit de
impact of The War of the Worlds. Bordeaux, 2017, 192 pages. Prface de
Franois Ouellet.
BROWN, Richard, DUFFY, Christopher & Appuy sur un solide travail de dpouillement et de
Elizabeth STAINFORTH, J. G. Ballard, recherches, Jacques Spitz, le mythe de l'humain propose des
Amsterdam, Brill/Rodopi, (Dialogue), 2016, perspectives fcondes sur l'histoire de l'anticipation et de la
170 pages. science-fiction en France et, plus largement, celle du roman
moderne ; il explore l'oeuvre depuis les premiers pomes
BRENNAN, Michael G., George Orwell and jusqu'aux romans fantastiques Il offre des aperus
Religion, New York, London, Bloomsbury rvlateurs sur son journal intime en plus de fournir un
Academic, 2017, ixi, 184 pages. portrait de l'homme et de replacer l'crivain dans le contexte
littraire o s'est construit son rapport trouble au genre qui
CANAVAN, Gerry, Octavia E. Butler, Urbana allait devenir la science-fiction. Deux nouvelles de science-
(IL), University of Illinois Press, (Modern fiction indites compltent cette singulire page d'histoire
Masters of Science Fiction), 2017, 224 pages.
HELFF, Sissy & Nadia BUTT (eds.),
CHTEL, Laurent, William Beckford: The
Tantalizing Alice: Approaches, Concepts
Elusive Orientalist, Oxford Voltaire
and Case-Studies in Adaptations of a
Foundation, 2016, xvi, 247 pages.
Classic, Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag
Trier, 2016, 210 pages.
COLEMAN, Christopher Kiernan, Ambrose
Bierce and the Period of Honorable Strife:
JAHRHAUS, Oliver (dir.), Zugnge zur Lite-
The Civil War and the Emergence of an
raturtheorie: 17 Modellanalysen zu E.T. A.
American Writer, Knoxville, The University of
Hoffmanns Der Sandmann, Stuttgart,
Tennesse Press, 2016, 296 pages.
Philipp Reclam Verlag, 2016, 320 pages.
EBGUY, Jacques-David, tude sur Honor de
KEEN, Helen, The Science of Games of
Balzac: La Peau de chagrin, Paris, Ellipses-
Thrones, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2016,
Marketing, 2015, 108 pages.
249 pages.
GARTH, Todd S., Pariah in the Desert: The
KERCHY, Anna, Alice in Transmedia Won-
Heroic and the Monstrous in Horacio
derland: Curiouser and Curiouser. New
Quiroga, Lanham (MD), The Rowman &
Forms of a Children's Classic, Jefferson
Littlefield, 2016, 231 pages.
(NC), McFarland, 2016, x, 257 pages.
KLENE, Emily, Jean Potocki: l'homme
Perversity of Things: Hugo Gernsback on
l'preuve du relatif, Montpellier, Presses
Media, Tinkering, and Scientifiction,
universitaires de la Mdirerrane, (Le
Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press,
Centaure), 2016, 429 pages.
2016, 444 pages.
LACOURBE, Roland, B. R. Bruss: un matre
GORDON, Edmund, The Invention of Angela
de l'angoisse, (Semper Aenigma),
Carter, London, Chattos & Windus, 2016, xvii,
2016, octobre 2016, 108 pages.
525 pages. Ren Bonnefoy alias Roger Blondel uvra dans l'insolite, le
bizarre et l'pouvante sous le pseudonyme exclusif de B. R.
GOSETTI, Valentina, Aloysius Bertrand's Bruss et, vingt annes durant, fit paratre aux ditions du
Gaspard de la nuit: Beyond the Prose Fleuve noir quarante-quatre romans de science-fiction et
Poem, Cambridge, Legenda, Modern neuf romans d'angoisse et d'pouvante. Aujourd'hui, la
Humanities Research Association and plupart de ses romans de science-fiction sont tombs dans
Routledge, 2016, x, 170 pages. l'oubli, alors que le souvenir de ses romans d'angoisse
demeure vivace chez ceux qui les dcouvrirent leur
GREENBERG, Jonathan & Nathan WADDELL parution. Parfaitement matre de ses moyens, il use d'une
(eds.), Brave New Worlds: Contexts and palette littraire tendue pour nous faire ressentir avec
Legacies, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, une "glaante efficacit" comme le disait un critique la
xxiii, 254 pages. peur puis l'angoisse de ses infortuns hros. Ce petit
ouvrage se propose d'voquer en dtail les neuf romans
parus dans la collection "Angoisse", qui ont profondment
marqu les esprits de toute une gnration.

LEEDS, Marc, The Vonnegut Encyclopedia: SHAPIRO, Stephen & Philip BARNARD,
[Revised and Updated Edition], New York, Pentecostal Modernism : Lovecraft, Los
Delacorte & Random House, 2016, 755 pages. Angeles, and World-Systems, London & New
York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, 192 pages.
LE GUIN, Ursula K., Words Are My Matter:
Writings About Life and Books, SHERSHOW, Scott Cutler & Scott MICHAELSEN,
Easthampton (MA), Small Beer Press, 2016, The Love of Ruins: Letters on Lovecrat,
316 pages. Albany (NY), State University of New York
Press, 2017, 224 pages.
LOWRY, Lois, Looking Back: A Book of
Memories, New York, Houghton Mifflin SKAL, David J., In The Blood: The Untold
Harcourt, 2016, 259 pages. [mmoires de Lois Story of Bram Stoker, The Man Who Wrote
Lowry]. Dracula, New York, Liveright, October 2016,
672 pages.
MAY, Markus, Michael BAUMANN, Robert
BOUMGARTNER, Tobias EDER (eds.), Die Welt SMITH, Curtis, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter-
von Games of Thrones: Kulturwissen- house Five, New York, Ig Publishing, 2016,
schaft, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2016, 397 ix, 176 pages.
SMITH, Jad, Alfred Bester, Urbana (IL),
OATES, Joy CARROLL, Soul at The White University of Illinois Press, 2016, 216 pages.
Heat: Inspirations, Obsessions, and The Alfred Bester's classic short stories and the canonical novel
Writing Life, New York, Harper Collins, 2016, The Stars My Destination made him a science fiction
387 pages. legend. Fans and scholars praise him as a genre-bending
pioneer and cyberpunk forefather. Writers like Neil Gaiman
PEAKE, Anthony, Philip K. Dick. L'Homme and William Gibson celebrate his prophetic vision and
qui changea le futur, Paris, Hugo Document, stylistic innovations. Jad Smith traces the career of the
2016, 256 pages. Prface de Bernard Werber. unlikeliest of SF icons. Winner of the first Hugo Award for
Philip K. Dick, mort en 1982 53 ans, a crit 44 romans et The Demolished Man , Bester also worked in comics, radio,
plus de 120 nouvelles. and TV, and his intermittent SF writing led some critics to
Il est considr aujourd'hui comme un auteur majeur de la brand him a dabbler.
seconde moiti du XXe sicle. Pourtant, et malgr la plus
grande distinction que peut recevoir un auteur de SF, le " WATZ, Anna, Angela Carter and
Hugo " pour Le matre du Haut Chteau, il ne fut vraiment Surrealism: A "Feminist Liberation
reconnu qu'aprs sa mort, grce aux nombreuses Aesthetic", London, Routledge, 2016, 202
adaptations cinmatographiques de ses romans : Blade pages.
Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report ou Paycheck.
WAUGH, Robert H., Lovecraft and Influ-
RICHMOND, Velda Bourgeois, The Faerie ences : His Predecessors and Successors,
Queene as Children's Literature: Victorian Lanham (MD), The Scarecrow Press, (Studies in
and Edwardian Retellings in Words and Supernatural Literature), 2017, 210 pages.
Pictures, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016, vii,
275 pages.

SALINAS, Alejandra, Liberty, Individuality,

and Democracy in Jorge Luis Borges,
Lanham (MD), Lexington Books, 2017, xv, 135
pages. ALIBERTI, Francesco H., Francesco POMA,
SCHMID, Hans, Frankenstein: Band 1 Gianluca LONGOBARDI, Guida ai 150 villains
(1818-1931). Eine Literatur - Film - und piu' assurdi del cinema horror, CreateSpace
Familiengeschichte, Mnchen, Belleville Independent Publihing Platform, 2016, 142
Verlag, 2017, 560 pages und Band 2, 2017, pages.
560 pages.
SCHMIDT, Erich, Julio Cortazar y Adolfo ALOISO, Giovanni, Alberto PALLOTTA,
Bioy Casares: relecturas entrecruzadas, Universo Dario Argento, Roma, Ultra , 2017,
Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2016, 267 pages. 56 pages.

SCHMITT, Hans-Jrgen, Julio Cortazar, Berlin, BACON, Simon, Becoming Vampire.

Text + Kritik, 2017, 180 pages. Difference and the Vampire in Popular
Culture, New York, et. al, Peter Lang, 2016,

282 pages. Extension of Thai Supernaturalism
Whilst focusing on the films Let Me In and Let the Right Benjamin Baumann: The Khmer Witch Project:
One In to highlight the referential and intertextual nature of Demonizing the Khmer by Khmerizing a Demon
the genre itself, it utilises a broad spectrum of Henri Myrttinen: Stepping Out from the Silver Screen and
methodological approaches to show how the many facets of into the Shadows: The Fearsome, Ephemeral Ninjas of
the vampire can destabilise traditional categories of who we Timor-Leste
are and what we might become. This volume then provides Section 3: Audience
a timely examination of the multifaceted and multivalent Mary Ainslie: The Supernatural and Post-War Thai Film:
character of the vampire and the possibilities inherent Traditional Monsters and Social Mobility
within our interactions with them, making this study a Natalie Boehler: Globalized Haunting: The Transnational
consideration of what we might term vampiric becomings Spectral in Apichatpongs Syndromes and a Century and its
and an exploration of why the undead creatures of the Reception
night remain so fascinating to Western culture. Patrick Keilbart: Pencak Silat, Ghosts, and (Inner) Power:
Reception of Martial Arts Movies and Television Series
amongst Young Pencak Silat Practitioners in Indonesia
BASILONE, Sara, Lo sguardo che uccide. Il Ghost Movies, the Makers, and their Audiences: Andrea
metacinema nel genere horror, Roma, Lauser in Conversation with the Filmmakers Katarzyna
Profondo Rosso, 2017, 200 pages. Ancuta, Solarsin Ngoenwichit from Thailand and Mattie Do
from Laos
BRAUDY, Leo, Haunted: On Ghosts,
Witches, Vampires, Zombies, and Other BROOKS, Mel, Young Frankenstein: The
Monsters of the Natural and Supernatural Story of the Making of the Film, New York,
Worlds, New Haven, London, Yale University Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2016, 198
Press, 2016, xii, 306 pages. pages.
This book explores how fear has been shaped into images
of monsters and monstrosity. From the Protestant CAVENAGHI, Manuel, Francesco GIULIANO,
Reformation to contemporary horror films and fiction, he Luca LUBIATI & Daniele Magni, et al., A volte
explores four major types: the monster from nature (King ritornano. Guida alle saghe dell'horror
Kong), the created monster (Frankenstein), the monster cinematografico moderno, Milano, Blood-
from within (Mr. Hyde), and the monster from the past buster, 2016, 256 pages.
(Dracula). Drawing upon deep historical and literary
research, Braudy discusses the lasting presence of fearful COLLECTIF, Les Animaux fantastiques: le
imaginings in an age of scientific progress, viewing the texte du film, Paris, Hachette Jeunesse, 2017,
detective genre as a rational riposte to the irrational world 320 pages.
of the monstrous.
COLLECTIF, A History of Humankind: The
BRULEIN, Peter J. & Andrea LAUSER (eds.), Doctor's Official Guide, London, BBC
Ghost Movies in Southeast Asia and Children's Books, 2016, 176 pages.
Beyond: Narratives, Cultural Contexts,
Audiences, Amsterdam, Brill/Rodopi, 2016, COLLECTIF, Star Wars Annual 2017, London.
270 pages. Egmont Books, 2016, 72 pages.
In the middle of the Asian crisis of the late 1990s, ghost
movies became major box office hits. The emergence of the
COLLECTIF, Fritz Langs Metropolis, Kln,
phenomenally popular J-Horror genre inspired similar ghost
Universitts und Stadtbibliothek Kln, 2016,
movie productions in Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong
236 pages.
Kong, the Philippines and Singapore. Ghost movies are
embedded and reflected in national as well as transnational
cultures and politics, in narrative traditions, in the social COZZI, Luigi, Gli anni di Guerre Stellari. Il
worlds of the audience, and in the perceptual experience of moderno cinema di fantascienza 1, Roma,
each individual. Profondo Rosso, 2017, 256 pages.
Section 1: Narratives
Vivian Lee: Ghost Movies in Southeast Asia: Universal COZZI, Luigi, Gli anni di Alien. Il moderno
HybridsThe Trans/local Production of Pan-Asian Horror cinema di Fantascienza 2, Roma, Profondo
Elisabeth Scherer: Well-Travelled Female Avengers: The Rosso, 2017, 256 pages.
Transcultural Potential of Japanese Ghosts
Martin Platt: Telling Tales: Variety, Community, and CRAVEN, Allison, Fairy Tale Interrupted:
Horror in Thailand Feminism, Masculinity, Wonder Cinema,
Maren Wilger: Sundelbolong as a Mode of Femininity: New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2017, 254 pages.
Analysis of Popular Ghost Movies in Indonesia Feminism, masculinity and fairy tale figure within an
Section 2: Cultural Contexts extended analysis of Disney's Beauty and the Beast (1991),
Katarzyna Ancuta: Thats the Spirit! Horror Films as an in light of the live-action remake, Beauty and the Beast

(2017). The history of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast is (NJ), Rutgers University Press, 2016, xi, 236
compared with Disney's adaptation which centralises the pages.
figure of the Beast rather than the heroine, Belle.
FRY, Jason, Rogue One: Rebel Dossier, New
DOMINGUEZ LEIVA, Antonio, Mad Max: York, Disney Lucasfilm, 2016, 64 pages.
l'Apocalypse sera motorise, Neuilly-les
Dijons, Le Murmure, (Borderline), 2016 88 GIROD, Patrice & Arnaud GRNBERG, Star
pages. Wars: objets du mythe, pices originales,
levant laccident routier au rang de ftiche civilisationnel archives indites, Vanves, Hachette Heroes,
et de signe apocalyptique, la saga Mad-Max en fait la 2016, 413 pages. Prface: Robert Watts.
matrice de tout un univers de fiction.
Magistrale synthse de plusieurs genres et courants de la
culture pop, cette dystopie routire de lge de
TORRES, Octavio SERRA & Rodrigo Vidal
lacclration srige en prcis de dcomposition de la
TAMAYO, Mostrologia del cine Mexicano,
socit de lopulence. Dcline sur le mode pique, elle
nous confronte la psychopathologie de notre espce sur Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las
fond dpuisement nergtique. Artes, 2015, 158 pages.
Frappe dune injustifiable occultation critique, cette uvre
est enfin ici analyse dans ses diffrentes dimensions. Son HALSKOV, Andrea, TV Peaks: Twin Peaks
influence est dcisive sur notre imaginaire culturel. and Modern Television Drama, Odense,
University Press of Southern Denmark, 2015,
ELLIOTT-SMITH, Darren, Queer Horror Film 300 pages.
and Television: Sexuality and Masculinity
at the Margins, London & New York, I. B. HEARN, Marcus, L'Antre de la Hammer: les
Tauris, 2016, xi, 252 pages. trsors des archives de Hammer Films,
In terms of case studies, this book considers a variety of Talence, Akileos, 2016, 184 pages.
genres and forms from: video art horror; independently
distributed exploitation films (A Far Cry from Home, Rowe HENRY, Boris, Freaks, Tod Browning, Paris,
Kelly, 2012); queer Gothic soap operas (Dante's Cove, CNC, Centre national du cinma et de l'image
2005-7); satirical horror comedies (such as The Gay Bed anime, 2016, 20 pages.
and Breakfast of Terror (Thompson, 2008); low-budget
slashers (Hellbent, Etheredge-Outzs, 2007); and HOLDER, Nancy & Lisa CLANCY, Buffy the
contemporary representations of gay zombies in film and Vampire Slayer Encyclopedia: The
television from the pornographic LA Zombie (Bruce Ultimate Guide to the Buffyverse, New
LaBruce, 2010)) to the melodramatic In the Flesh (BBC York, Harper Collins, 2017, 208 pages.
Three 2013-15).
IVESON, Mark, Cursed Horror Stars,
FAKRIKIAN, David, Le Cinma de James Bromley (Kent, UK), Telos Publishing, 2015,
Cameron, Paris, Fantask Editions, 2017, 228 284 pages.
pages. Lon Chaney Jr, Basil Rathbone, Peter Lorre,
Bela Lugosi & Robert Quarry.
FISHER-HORNUNG, Dorothea & Monika
MUELLER (eds.), , Vampires and Zombies: JACOBS, Stephen, Boris Karloff - More than
Transcultural Migrations and Tansnational a Monster, Sheffield (UK), Tomahawk Press,
Interpretations, Jackson, University Press of 2016, 568 pages. [The New Authorised and
Mississippi, 2016, 256 pages. Definitive Biography].
Although the portrayals of both vampires and zombies can
be traced back to specific regions and predate mass media,
JASPERS, Kristina, Nils WARNECKE & Gerlinde
the introduction of mass distribution through film and game
WAZ (dir.), Science * Fiction * Film, Berlin,
technologies has significantly modified their depiction over
time and in new environments. Among other topics, Bertz & Fischer, 2017, 144 pages.
Das Buch beleuchtet gegenwrtige Tendenzen des
contributors discuss zombies in Thai films, vampire novels
of Mexico, and undead avatars in horror videogames. This Weltkinos wie den Afrofuturismus oder die neue Welle der
chinesischen Science-Fiction, und es hlt Rckschau auf
volumewith scholars from different national and cultural
Spielarten der SF whrend des Kalten Krieges. Und der
backgroundsexplores the transformations that the
Regisseur der schwedischen Erfolgsserie REAL HUMANS
vampire and zombie figures undergo when they travel
beschreibt, was wir ber uns lernen knnen, wenn
globally and through various media and cultures.
Menschen Roboter spielen.
Mit Beitrgen von Christine Cornea, Josef Frchtl, Harald
FRIEDMAN, Lester D. & Alllison B. KAVEY, Hamrell, Andreas Rauscher, Matthias Schwartz, Mingwei
Monstrous Progeny: A History of the Song, Simon Spiegel, Klaudia Wick und Ytasha L.
Frankenstein Narratives, New Brunswick Womack.

horror cinema and TV productions have experienced in
JOWETT, Lorna, Dancing with the Doctor: Spain in the past two decades. It uses a range of critical and
Dimensions of Gender in the New Doctor theoretical perspectives to examine a broad variety of films
Who Universe, London & New York, I. B. and filmmakers, such as works by Alejandro Amenbar,
Tauris, 2016, , 240 pages. lex de la Iglesia, Pedro Almodvar, Guillermo del Toro,
Dancing with the Doctor, the first book on the Doctor Who Juan Antonio Bayona, and Jaume Balaguer and Paco
universe to take gender as its focus, examines both the Plaza. The volume revolves around a set of fundamental
successful revival of the series since 2005 and its spin-off questions: What are the causes for this new Spanish horror-
series, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Lorna mania? What cultural anxieties and desires, ideological
Jowett delves into the distinctive stories and characters, motives and practical interests may be behind such boom?
including the Doctors themselves, their female and male Is there anything specifically "Spanish" about the Spanish
companions, Captain Jack Harkness, Missy, Sarah Jane and horror film and TV productions, any distinctive traits
her young comrades. different from Hollywood and other European models that
may be associated to the particular political, social,
KAPPESSER, Susanne, Radikale Erscht- economic or cultural circumstances of contemporary Spain?
terungen: Krper - und Gender-Konzepte
im neuen Horrorfilm, Berlin, Bertz und McCAULEY, Paul, Brazil, Talence, Akileos,
Fischer, 2017, 252 pages. 2016, 96 pages.

KEESEY, Douglas, Twenty First Century McCOLLUM, Victoria, Post 9/11 Heartland
Horror Films, Harpenden, Kamera Books, Horror: Rural Horror Film in an Era of
2017, 224 pages. Urban Terrorism, Farnham (Surrey),
From the vengeful ghosts of J-horror to the walking dead in Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2016, 154 pages.
28 Days and World War Z, from the creepiness of Spains This book explores the resurgence of rural horror following
haunted houses to the graphic gore of the New French the events of 9/11, as a number of filmmakers, inspired by
Extremism, horror is everywhere in the twenty-first century. the films of the 1970s, moved away from the characteristic
This lively and illuminating book explores over 100 industrial and urban settings of apocalyptic horror, to return
contemporary horror films, providing insightful and to American heartland horror. Examining the revival of
provocative readings of what they mean while including rural horror in an era of city fear and urban terrorism, the
numerous quotes from their creators. Some of these films, author analyses the relationship of the genre with fears
including The Babadook, The Green Inferno, It Follows, surrounding the Global War on Terror, exploring the films
The Neon Demon, Pride and Prejudice and engagement with the political repercussions of 9/11 and the
Zombies and The Witch are so recent that this will be one of ways in which traces of traumatic events leave their mark
the first times they are discussed in book form. on cultures.

KOGGE, Michael, Les Animaux fantastiques: MILLER, Cynthia J. & A Bowdoin VAN RIPER
un film magique, Paris, Gallimard jeunesse, (eds.), What's Eating You ? Food and
2016, 96 pages. Horror on Screen, New York, Bloomsbury
Academic, 2017, 384 pages.
KOGGE, Michael, Les Animaux fantastiques: Let the eater beware. Death at the drive-thru: fast food
les hros du film, Paris, Gallimard jeunesse, betrayal in Poultrygeist and Bad taste / Cynthia J. Miller --
2016, 144 pages. Let them eat steak: food and the family horror cycle / Hans
Staats -- Much still depends on dinner: cannibalism and
LIOI, Anthony, Nerd Ecology: Defending the culinary carnival in Shaun of the dead (2004) and
Earth with Unpopular Culture, New York & Zombieland / Sue Matheson -- Dumplings: the
London, Blommsbury Academic, 2016, 240 commodification of cannibalism and the liminal condition
pages. Drawing on a wide range of examples from of consumption / Alex Pinar and Salvador Murguia -- The
literature, comics, film, television and digital media, Nerd goo in you: eating (and being eaten) in The stuff / A.
Ecology is the first substantial ecocritical study of nerd Bowdoin Van Riper -- Sins of the flesh. Cannibalism as
culture's engagement with environmental issues. Exploring cultural critique: Peter Greenaway's The cook, the thief, his
such works as Star Trek, Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, The wife, and her lover (1989) and Thatcherism / Thomas
Matrix, Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Prasch -- "The red gums were their own": food, flesh, and
Firefly, the fiction of Thomas Pynchon, The Hunger the female in Beloved / Bart Bishop -- "Do I look tasty to
Games, and superhero comics such as Green Lantern and you?": cannibalism beyond speech and the limits of food
X-Men, Anthony Lioi maps out the development of nerd capitalism in Park's 301/302 / Tom Hertweck -- Flesh and
culture and its intersections with the most fundamental blood in Claude Chabrol's Le boucher / Jennifer L. Holm --
ecocritical themes. A hunger for dead cakes: visions of abjection, scapegoating
MARI, Jorge (ed.), Tracing the Borders of and the sin eater / Ralph Beliveau -- The extreme end of
Spanish Horror Cinema and Television, consumption. Coprophagia as class and consumerism in the
New York, Routledge, 2017, 264 pages. human centipede films / Mark Henderson -- Eat, kill " love"
This critical anthology sets out to explore the boom that courtship, cannibalism, and consumption in Hannibal /

Michael Fuchs and Michael Phillips -- Catering to the cult MURGUIA, Salvador (ed.), The Encyclopedia
of Ishtar: blood feast / Rob Weiner and A. Bowdoin Van of Japanese Horror Films, Lanham (MD),
Riper -- From gourmet to gore: Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Rowmand & Littlefield, 2016, xiv, 408 pages.
Delicatessen / Karen A. Ritzenhoff and Cynthia J. Miller --
Who can be eaten? consuming animals and humans in the LAFOND, Frank (dir.), Les Monstres de
cannibal-savage horror film / Erin E. Wiegand -- You are Mayfield Place, Paris, Carlotta Films, 2016,
what others think you eat: food, identity, and subjectivity in 200 pages. [ a propos de The Burbs, de Joe
zombie protagonist narratives / Luanne Roth -- From sugar-
Dante, 1989] Livre de 200 pages pour le coffret ultra
fueled killer to grotesque gourmand: the culinary
collector de The 'Burbs (Joe Dante, 1989),dit par Carlotta
maturation of the cinematic serial killer / Mark Bernard --
le 1er dcembre 2016.40 photos indites.dition limite
Consumption, cannibalism, and corruption in Jorge Michel
3000 exemplaires.
Grau's Somos lo que hay / Stacy Rusnak -- Sinister pastry:
Frank Lafond, Joe Dante, un cinma orgiaque / 9-45
British "meat" pies in Titus and Sweeny Todd / Vivian
Frank Lafond, De Maple Street Mayfield Place : une
Halloran -- All-consuming passions: vampire foodways in
histoire de The 'Burbs / 47-70
contemporary film and television / Alexandra Frank. Florent Christol, Satan est bon, Satan est notre pote :
reprsentation et fonction culturelle du satanisme dans The
MILLER, Thomas Kent, Mars in the Movies: A 'Burbs / 93-109
History, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016, x, Vincent Baticle, Sales gosses contre voisins de l'enfer. L'art
280 pages. du dcalage comique dans The 'Burbs / 111-129
Films about Mars have been a science-fiction staple for Christian Lauliac, Suburban Symphony The 'Burbs,
more than a century. From Thomas Edisons 1910 short Jerry Goldsmith et ses musiques pour Dante / 149-164
film A Trip to Mars to Ridley Scotts 2015 smash hit The Fabien Gaffez, I Don't Want to Be in a Cartoon . Les
Martian, the red planet has captivated audiences worldwide. acteurs de The 'Burbs / 167-196
This comprehensive survey describes 98 significant (and
not so) films, television movies and miniseries, and direct to LAVOREL, Mathias & Julien TELLOUCK,
video productions focusing on Mars. Comprendre Star Wars, Paris, 404 ditions,
2017, 80 pages.
MOLDENHAUER, Benjamin, sthetik des
Drastischen: Welterfahrung und Gewalt im
LAVOREL, Mathias & Julien TELLOUCK,
Horrorfilm, Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, 2016, 360
Comprendre Games of Thrones, Paris, 404
pages. ditions, 2017, 80 pages.
Seit den 1970er Jahren arbeitet sich das Horrorgenre an der
Inszenierung mglichst verstrender Gewaltbilder ab.
LEITCH, Gillian I. & Sherry GINN (eds.), Who
Whrend der klassische Horrorfilm mit seinen Vampiren,
Werwlfen und Katzenfrauen nur andeutete, welche Travels with the Doctor ? Essays on the
Schrecken sich hinter der Tr zur verbotenen Welt Companions of Doctor Who, Jefferson (NC),
verbergen knnten, traten Filmemacher wie Wes Craven, McFarland, 2016, 170 pages.
George A. Romero und Tobe Hooper die Tr mit Getse Introduction--Comrade, Confidante, Companion, Chum:
aus den Angeln. Genreklassiker wie THE TEXAS CHAIN A Friend by Any Other Name (Sherry Ginn and Gillian I.
SAW MASSACRE oder LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, Leitch) 1 - With Whom He Travels: The Companions of the
aber auch jngere drastische Horrorfilme wie HOSTEL Doctor (Gillian I. Leitch) 9 - "Its bigger on the inside":
oder WOLF CREEK kreisen um denselben Kern: Immer Verisimilitude and Companion - Reactions to the TARDIS
geht es um die Zerstrung des Vertrauten und damit um die (Craig Owen Jones) 26 - "The battle-scarred, the insane,
Infragestellung des Vertrauens in die Welt. the ones even you cant control": Disability and the Female
Bodies of the Doctors Companions (Kimberley
McMahon-Coleman) 37 - "Theres nothing only about
MURRAY, Robin L. & Joseph K. HEUMANN,
being a girl": Learning to "Play" the Doctors Companion
Monstrous Nature: Environment and
(David Boarder Giles and Amy Peloff) 52 - Life Post-
Horror on the Big Screen, Lincoln, University
TARDIS? The Case for Jo Grant and Sarah Jane Smith
of Nebraska Press, 2016, 270 pages. (Sherry Ginn) 69 - Rose Is England: Nationhood, British
Godzilla, a traditional natural monster and representation of
Invasion Anxiety and Why the Doctor Will (Almost)
cinemas subgenre of natural attack, also provides a
Always Rescue His Companions (Tanja Nathanael) 79
cautionary symbol of the dangerous consequences of Rory Williams: The Boy Who Waited (Teresa Forde) 91
mistreating the natural worldmonstrous nature on the A Muted Melody: The (Dis)Empowerment of River Song
attack. Horror films such as Godzilla invite an exploration
(Tom Powers) 106 - Companions Who Werent: The
of the complexities of a monstrous nature that humanity
Pompadour and the Pauper (Pamela Achenbach) 123
both creates and embodies. Robin L. Murray and Joseph K. When No One Can Hear You Scream: Doctor Who
Heumann demonstrate how the horror film and its offshoots
Companions on the Printed Page (Aaron John Gulyas) 135
can often be understood in relation to a monstrous nature
that has evolved either deliberately or by accident and that
generates fear in humanity as both character and audience.

LEVAUFRE, Emmanuel, Wes Craven, quelle Cinema, New York, Lexington Books, 2016,
horreur ?, Paris, Capricci, (Actualit critique), 216 pages.
2016, 93 pages. Since the release of The Exorcist in 1973, there has been a
surge of movies depicting young women becoming
LEWIS, Courtland & Paula SMITHKA (eds.), possessed by a demonic force that only male religious
More Doctor Who and Philosophy: figures can exorcise, thereby saving the women from
Regeneration Time, Chicago, Open Court, eventual damnation. This book considers the history of
2015, xi, 340 pages. exorcism cinema by analyzing how the traditional exorcism
narrative established in The Exorcist recurs across the
exorcism subgenre, with only the rare film deviating from
LUPI, Gordiano, Storia del cinema horror
this structure.
italiano. Da Mario Bava a Stefano Simone,
(vol. 5), Biompino, Ass. Culturale Il Foglio,
PELOSATO, Alain, Terreur vgtale dans les
2016, 580 pages.
films fantastiques, d'horreur et de SF,
Givors, SFM ditions, 2016, 111 pages.
LOBORIK, Jason, Annabel GIBSON & Moray
LAING, Doctor Who: l'encyclopdie des
PENNER, Jonathan, Steven Jay SCHNEIDER, et
personnages, Paris, Huginn & Munnin, 2016,
al., Le Cinma d'horreur, Paris, Frankfurt, et
207 pages.
al. Taschen, 2017, 640 pages. [dition
LOBORIK, Jason, Neil CORRY, Jacqueline
RAYNER, Doctor Who : l'encyclopdie
PIATTI-FARNELL, Lorna, Consuming Gothic:
illustre, Paris, Huginn & Munnin, 2015, 176
Food and Horror in Film, New York, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2017, 270 pages.
This book offers a critical analysis of the relationship
LUCKURST, Roger, Shining, Talence, Akileos
between food and horror in post-1980 cinema. Evaluating
(BFI Classiques du Cinma), 2016, 94 pages. the place of consumption within cinematic structures, Piatti-
Farnell analyses how seemingly ordinary foods are re-
LUCKURST, Roger, Alien, Talence Akileos, (BFI evaluated in the Gothic framework of irrationality and
Classiques du cinma), 2016, 94 pages. desire.

NATHAN, Ian, Au coeur de la magie: le PITA, Alvaro, Joe Dane: en el limite de la

Making Of des Animaux fantastiques, Paris, realidad, Applehead Team Creaciones, 2017,
HarperCollins, 2016, 128 pages. 700 pages.

O'BRIEN, Steve, Simon GUERRIER & Ben POWER, Dermot, The Art of the Film:
MORRIS, Doctor Who: Whografica: An Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,
Infographic Guide to Space and Time, New New York, HarperDesign, 2016, 256 pages.
York, HarperDesign, 2016, 224 pages.
PRESSLEY-SANON, Toni, Zombifying a
OCHSNER, Beate, Markus SPHRER, Bernd Nation: Race, Gender and the Haitian Loas
STIEGLER & Alexander ZONS (dirs.), 50 Jahre on Screen, Jefferson (MC), McFarland, 2016,
Star Trek, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2016, 98 vii, 190 pages.
pages. The figure of the zombie that entered the popular
imagination with the publication of William Seabrooks The
OLNEY, Ian, Zombie Cinema, New Brunswick, Magic Island (1929)during the American occupation of
Rutgers University Press, (Quick Takes: Movies Haitistill holds cultural currency around the world.
and Popular Culture), 2017, 160 pages. This book calls for a rethinking of zombies in a
Surveying the landmarks of zombie film and TV, from sociopolitical context through the examination of several
White Zombie to The Walking Dead, the book offers unique films, including White Zombie (1932), The Love Wanga
insight into why zombies have gone global, spreading well (1935), I Walked with a Zombie (1943) and The Serpent and
beyond the borders of American and European cinema to the Rainbow (1988). A 21st-century film from Haiti, Zombi
turn up in films from countries as far-flung as Cuba, India, candidat la prsidence ... ou les amours dun zombi, is
Japan, New Zealand, and Nigeria. Both fun and thought- also examined.
provoking, Zombie Cinema will give readers a new
perspective on our ravenous hunger for the living dead. REVENSON, Jody, Le Monde des sorciers de
J. K. Rowling: la magie du cinma, 1:
OLSON, Christopher J., & CarryLynn D. hros extraordinaires et lieux, Paris,
REINHARD Possessed Woman, Haunted Gallimard Jeunesse, 2016, 102 pages.
States: Cultural Tensions in Exorcism

RHODES, Gary D., Tod Browning's Dracula, pushes Hindi film into new formal and stylistic territories.
Sheffield (UK), Tomahawk Press, 2016, 376
pages. SIDDIQUE, Sophia & Raphael Raphael (eds.),
Few movies in film history have resonated with audiences Transnational Horror Cinema: Bodies of
as deeply and for as many years as Universals original Excess and the Global Grotesque, New
1931 version of Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi as the York, Berlin & Heidelberg, Springer, 2017, 234
vampire count. Filmmaker and film historian Gary D. pages.
Rhodes brings years of research to fruition, providing 1.Introduction.-SECTION I: QUESTIONS OF GENRE.-2.
conclusive answers to everything you ever wanted to know Dracula, Vampires, and Kung Fu Fighters: The Legend of
this iconic film. Overflowing with newly unearthed the Seven Golden Vampires and Transnational Horror
information and fresh analysis, and fully illustrated, Tod Coproduction in 1970s Hong Kong. Sangjoon Lee.-3.
Brownings Dracula is one of the most in-depth books ever Introduction to the Continental Horror Film.Kevin Wynter.-
published on a single film. 4. Butchered in Translation: A Transnational
Grotesuqe.Mike Dillon.-SECTION II: THE HORRIFIC
RUSSEL, Phil, Cinemageddan: A Guide to BODY (DISABILITY AND HORROR).-5. Dead Meat:
the Dark Side of Film, Createspace Horror, Eating Rituals and Disability.Julia Gruson-Wood.-
Independent Publishing, 2016, 416 pages. 6. Music, Sound, and Noise as Bodily Disorders: Disabling
the Filmic Diegesis in Hideo Nakatas Ringu and Gore
SALISBURY, Mark, The Case of the Beasts: Verbinskis The Ring.Stefan Sunandan Honisch.-7. Battle-
Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Scarred Amazon Warriors in the Movies of Robert
Beasts and Where to Find Them, New York, Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino.Moritz Fink.-8. Scary
Harper Design, 2016, 160 pages. Truths: Morality and the Differently Abled Mind in Lars
von Triers The Kingdom.Paul Marchbank.-SECTION III:
RESPONSES TO TRAUMA.-9. Towards a Southeast
SALVESEN, Britt et al., Guillermo del Toro,
Asian Model of Horror: Thai Horror Cinema in Malaysia,
dans l'antre avec les monstres, Paris,
Urbanization and Cultural Proximity.Mary Ainslie.-10.
Huginn & Muninn, 2016, 152 pages.
Planet Kong: Transnational Flows of King Kong (1933) in
Japan and East Asia.Raphael Raphael.-11. Embodying
SANTI AMANTINI, Simone, Christopher Spectral Vision in The Eye.Sophia Siddique
Nolan: realto e sogno al lavaro, San
Giustino, Whiterose Pictures, 2017, 242 pages. STERBA, Wendy, J. J. Abrams vs Joss
Whedon: Duel for Media Masters of the
SCHAUER, Bradley, Escape Velocity: Universe, Lanham (MD), Rowmand &
American Science Fiction Film, 1950-1982, Littlefield, 2016, 304 pages.
Middletown, Wesleyan University Press, 2016,
288 pages. STORCK, Timo & Svenja TAUBNER, Von Game
Escape Velocity charts the historical trajectory of American of Trones bis The Walking Dead:
science fiction cinema, explaining how the genre
Interpretation von Kultur in Serie, Springer
transitioned from eerie low-budget horror like It Came from
Verlag, 2017, 340 pages.
Outer Space to art films like Slaughterhouse-Five, and
finally to the extraordinary popularity of hits like E.T.
Bradley Schauer draws on primary sources such as internal STUTTERHEIM, Kerstin, Game of Thrones
studio documents, promotional materials, and film reviews sehen: Dramaturgie einer TV-Serie,
to explain the process of cultural, aesthetic, and economic Stuttgart, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2017, 100
legitimation that occurred between the 1950s and 1980s, as pages.
pulp science fiction tropes were adapted to suit the tastes of
mainstream audiences. WEINSTOCK, Andrew & Catherine SPOONER
(eds.), Return to Twin Peaks : New
SEN, Meheli, Haunting Bollywood: Gender, Approaches to Materiality, Theory, and
Genre, and The Supernatural in Hindi Genre on Television, New York, Palgrave
Commercial Cinema, Austin, University of Macmillan, 2016, xii, 262 pages.
Texas Press, 2017, 292 pages.
From Gothic ghost films of the 1950s to snake films of the VOIGT, Stefania, "Blut is ssser als Honig"
1970s and 1980s to today's globally influenced zombie and : Angstlust im Horrorfilm im Kontext von
vampire films, Meheli Sen delves into what the supernatural Medientheorie und Medien Pdagogik,
is and the varied modalities through which it raises Wrzburg, Knigshausen & Neumann, 2017,
questions of film form, history, modernity, and gender in 278 pages.
South Asian public cultures. Arguing that the supernatural
is dispersed among multiple genres and constantly in
conversation with global cinematic forms, she demonstrates
that it is an especially malleable impulse that routinely

ROTICA Lappel de la littrature , par LONORE FERNAYE
Le succs de ldition numrique rotique et sentimentale,
Romans et films par ISABELLE ANTONUTTI
La bibliothque avec sentiment, par ROMAIN VANY
Quand la chair se fait attendre. Enqute sur les fonds
rotiques en bibliothque, par WILLIAM JOUVE
Politiques du livre rotique et pornographique en
bibliothques publiques, par COLIN SIDRE
rotique du dpt lgal. Le traitement des documents
rotiques et pornographiques au dpt lgal, par BENOT
Sous la couverture, entretien avec BERTRAND
Les rotiques de Charlotte-Delbo : une spcialit de
ltablissement, par JACQUES ASTRUC
Des roses bien traits, par ANNE VERNEUIL
Conserver les collections sentimentales et rotiques, par

BERCEGOL, Fabienne & Helmut METER (dir.),

ALILUNAS, Peter, Smutty Little Movies: The
Mtamorphoses du roman sentimental.
Creation and Regulation of Adult Video,
XIXe-XXIe sicle, Paris, Classiques Garnier,
Berkeley, University of California Press, 2016,
2016, 345 pages.
352 pages.
BERGERMANN, Ulrike, et al., Sexualitt im
AMATO, Viola, Intersex Narratives: Shifts
Film, Frankfurt am Main & Basel, Stroemfeld
in the Representation of Intersex Lives in
Verlag, 2015, 188 pages.
North American Literature and Popular
Culture, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2016, 315
BJRKLUND, Elisabet & Mariah LARSSON
(eds.), Swedish Cinema and the Sexual
Revolution: Critical Essays, Jefferson (NC),
ANTONUTTI, Isabelle (dir.), Bibliothques
McFarland, 2016, 248 pages.
roses, dans Bibliothque(s), no 81-82,
Swedish cinema became recognized for daring
2015. representations of sexuality with such films as One Summer
DOSSIER : Bibliothques roses Coordination : Isabelle of Happiness (1951), The Silence (1963), I Am Curious
Antonutti (Yellow) (1967) and a wave of sex films in the late 1960s
Le charme ambigu de la srialit, par MATTHIEU and 1970s. The association between Swedish film and
LETOURNEUX sexuality shows up frequently in popular culture. From Taxi
Les reprsentations de la sexualit dans la presse fminine, Driver (1976) to Mad Men (20072015), dirty Swedish
la littrature sentimentale et la presse pornographique movie references abound. Yet the connection has attracted
htrosexuelle masculine, par BATRICE DAMIAN- little critical attention.
Lire Cinquante nuances de Grey. De lexprience de lecture
BREY, Iris, Sex and & The TV: de la
la coopration textuelle, par MAGALI BIGEY et
sexualit des femmes travers les sries
Une communaut romantique, par AGNS CAUBET tl, Mionnay, Libellus, (Sex & The TV), 2016.
Eros encadr, recadr, dcadr. Lencadrement des Prface de Genevive Sellier.
publications rotiques en France, 1930-1970, par ANNE
Censure, fin de partie ? Pdophilie, romans, censure, par CHURCH, David, Disposable Passions:
BERNARD JOUBERT Vintage Pornography and the Material
Dcouverte de la fanfiction, par ISABELLE ANTONUTTI Legacies of Adult Cinema, New York,
La fabrique des sentiments : panorama du roman Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, 288 pages.
sentimental, par SVERINE OLIVIER
Ldition rotique aujourdhui, par OLIVIER BESSARD- COLEMAN, Lindsay (ed.), Sex and Story-
BANQUY telling in Modern Cinema. Explicit Sex,
Le cinma rotique, panorama contemporain, par ANNIE Performance and Cinematic Technique,
DEMEYERE London, I.B. Tauris, 2016, xv, 251 pages.
Quand les dignits culturelles divergent. Bande dessine et With full-frontal genitalia, erections, even actual sex
rotisme en France, 1949-2015, par SYLVAIN LESAGE featuring increasingly in films, this explicitness in
rotisme & pornographie franais sur papier bible, par presentation has caused critical consternation and

accusations that such film narratives are pornographic. This GWYNNE, Joel (ed.), Transgression in
book explores how, rather than being pornographic, explicit Anglo-American Cinema: Gender, Sex and
sex can be an essential element of cinematic storytelling the Deviant Body, London & New York,
today. Offering detailed analysis of how choices are made Wallflower Press, 2016, 184 pages.
in the presentation of explicit sex in often very controversial Films analyzed include Mysterious Skin (2004), Shame
films, such as 'Shame', 'Baise-Moi', 'Antichrist', 'Dogtooth' (2011), Nymphomaniac (2013), and Dallas Buyers Club
and 'Lust, Caution', the expert contributors - including (2013). Navigating queer politics, taboo fantasy, body
Barbara Creed, Jacob Held and Linda Ruth Williams - show modification, fetishism, sex addiction, and underage sex,
how sexual content can aid characterisation, highlight essays problematize understandings of adult agency,
themes, and provide events that serve to develop plot. childhood innocence, and healthy desire, locating sex and
gender as sites of oppression, liberation, and resistance.
DOGGETT, Peter, X-Rated Adult Movie
Posters of the 1960s and 1970s, London HENNING, Jean-Luc, Dictionnaire littraire
(UK), Reel Art Press, 2016, 288 pages. et rotique des fruits et lgumes, Paris,
Pocket, 2016, 683 pages.
DOMINGUEZ LEIVA, Antonio, Pensionnats
sadiques, Neuilly-les-Dijon, ditions Le KADRI, Pierre-Sofiane & Guillaume RENOUARD,
Murmure, (Borderline), 2015, 85 pages. Vice Magazine: du torchon punk l'empire
Lieu de claustration hirarchique, pdagogique et mdiatique, paris, ditions du Cygne, 2015,
homosociale, le pensionnat est vou invitablement hanter 127 pages.
l'imaginaire rotique et, inversement, en tre imprgn.
Mais, espace de l'extrme jeunesse et de l'veil la vie, il KAGAN, Norman, Romance Film: Passion
est aussi vou par un oxymore baroque des plus classiques Strategies in Film and Life, Lanham (MD),
la mort. Cette riche bivalence explique le rle crucial que ce Hamilton Books, 2015, xii, 162 pages.
lieu de dlices et supplices exerce depuis l'ge d'or du Romance Film is a critical history of significant romance
libertinage jusqu' notre poque. Entrez donc dans ce lieu films from Hollywood and abroad. Kagan discusses, among
maudit (et pour d'aucuns bni !) et vous dcouvrirez que, de
others, Marlene Dietrich in Blue Angel, Rita Hayworth in
la pdagogie rotique des verges Harry Potter, la route est Gilda, Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire, Vivien
longue et pave de moult horreurs. Leigh in Gone with the Wind, Kate Winslet and Leonardo
DiCaprio in Titanic, Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, and
FRIEDRICH, Hans-Erwin, Sven HANUSCHECK & Woody Allen in Annie Hall. Each chapter analyzes a type
Christophe RAUEN (dir.), Pornographie in of lover, including the siren, rake, intriguer, dandy,
der deutsche Literature Texten, Themen, innocent, coquette, charmer, charismatic, comic, and the
Institutionen, Mnchen, Belleville Verlag, self-destructive lover. The book discusses each types
2016, x, 436 pages. continuities and the social forces and emotions that shape it.
It also deals with films of first loveTrue Heart Susie
GERACE, Rodrigo, Cinema explicito: repre- (1930), Tarzan the Ape Man (1934), Picnic (1955), Rebel
sentaoes cinematograficas do sexo, Sao without a Cause (1955), The Sure Thing (1985), Dirty
Polo, Perspectiva e Edies Sesc So, 2015, Dancing (1994), Titanic (1997)and the ways in which
318 pages. youth discovers passion, frustration, and fulfillment.

GILLIS, Bryan & Joanna SIMPSON, Sexual KLOSTER, Jens, Femme fatale - Homme
Contents in Young Adult Literature: moderne - Femme natale: romantische
Reading Between the Sheets, Lanham (MD), Liebe als Narrativ fr Subjectivitt,
Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, xiii, 179 pages. Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2016, 283 pages.
Adolescent identity developmentA brief history of sex Ein mnnlicher Held, hin- und hergerissen zwischen zwei
education in American schools -- Sex and the canon -- Frauen von diesem populren Plot entwickelte sich zu
Sexual content in the early days of young adult fiction Beginn der Moderne eine ganz besondere literarische Form.
(1950s-1980s) -- Sex and romance in dystopian fiction -- Auf den ersten Blick bloe Liebesgeschichten, sind diese
Sexual content in young adult romance -- Sexual content in Dreiecksgeschichten und ihre Nachfolger in ihrer
realistic contemporary young adult fiction -- The censorship Tiefenschicht weit mehr: Sie erzhlen vom modernen
of young adult fiction. Subjekt im verzweifelten Kampf zwischen Selbstfindung
und Selbstverlust.
GONZALEZ RIVERA, Jeandelize, Erotismo,
Pornografia o Perversion: una interpre- KOCH, Angela, Ir-reversible Bilder: zur
tacion de lo correcto en El cuerto correcto, Visualisierung von sexueller Gewalt, Berlin,
Jan Juan (Porto Rico), Isla Negra Editores, Vorwerk 8, 2015, 296 pages.
2015, 136 pages.

LASZIG, Parfen & Lily GRAMATIKOV (Dir.), Ziv) 59 - Erotic Pleasure and Postsocialist Female
Lust und Laster - Was uns Filme ber das Sexuality: Contemporary Female "Body Writing" in China
sexuelle Begheren sagen, Berlin, Springer (Eva Chen) 79
Verlag, 2017, 538 pages. Part 2: Interrogating the Erotic
Filme sind kulturelle Produkte kollektiver Phantasien. In Good Vibrations: Shaken Subjects and the Disintegrative
ihnen knnen wir vielleicht Antworten auf die Frage finden, Romance Heroine (Naomi Booth) 99
wie sich heutzutage sexuelles Begehren gestaltet. Namhafte On Not Reading Fifty Shades: Feminism and the Fantasy of
Psychoanalytikerinnen und Psychoanalytiker, schon von Romantic Immunity (Tanya Serisier) 117
Berufs wegen auf den Spuren des Sexuellen, untersuchen Selling Gay Sex to Women: The Romance of M/M and
zahlreiche Filme zum Thema. M/M/F Romantica (Carole Veldman-Genz) 133
Permissible Transgressions: Feminized Same-Sex Practice
LEUWERS, Daniel & Cline MALNO (dirs.), La as Middle-Class Fantasy (Jude Elund) 150
Littrature et l'rotisme, Tours, Association Part 3: Uses of the Erotic
The Politics of Slash on the High Seas: Colonial Romance
internationale de la critique littraire, 2016,
and Revolutionary Solidarity in Pirates Fan Fiction (Anne
155 pages.
Kustritz) 169 - Male Homoerotic Fiction and Womens
Sexual Subjectivities: Yaoi and BL Fans in Indonesia and
LOISEAU, Marie, Eros et Chronos: tude sur the Philippines (Tricia Abigail Santos Fermin) 187
la temporalit dans le libertinage de Selling Authentic Sex: Working Through Identity in Belle
Crbillon Fils, Paris, Honor Champion, 2015, de Jours The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl
189 pages. (Victoria Ong) 204
Sexing Education: Erotica in the Urban Classroom (Alyssa
LUPI, Giordano & Davide MAGNISI, Di Leo D. Niccolini) 225
Calibro 9: Erotismo e noir nel cinema di
Fernando di Leo, Piombino, Ass. Culturale Il POKRYWKA, Rafal, Der Liebesroman im 21
Foglio, (La cineteca di Caino), 2017. Jahrhundert, Wrzburg, Knigshausen &
Neumann, 2017, 360 pages.
MARCHAL, Valrie, L'Amour au cinma, La-
Neuville-aux-Joutes, James Flament ditions, RECHMEIER, Stefan, Das grosse Lexikon
(Philosophie), 2015, 265 pages. des deutschen Erotikfilms, Hille, Medien -
Publikations - und Werbegesellschaft Knorr
NUSSBAUM, Charles & Ronald MILLER, Martens, 2017, 448 pages.
Understanding Pornographic Fiction: Sex,
Violence, and Self Deception, New York, RIGOBELLO, Filippo, El comic erotico: con
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, ix, 187 pages. una analisis sobre el trabajo de A.
Altarriba y una guia tecnica de traduccion
PEAKMAN, Julie, Amatory Pleasures: del comic del espanoel al italiano, Edizioni
Explorations in Eighteenth-Century Sexual accademische italiane, 2017, 276 pages.
Culture, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016,
xvi, 224 pages. ROACH, Katherine M., Happily Ever After:
Encompassing the long 18th century, Amatory Pleasures The Romance Story in Popular Culture,
examines a broad and enticing variety of topics in the Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2016,
history of sexuality in Georgian times. It includes 240 pages.
discussion of sexual perversion, criminal conversation, Catherine M. Roach, alongside her romance-writer alter-
erotic gardens, gentlemen's homosocial societies, ego, Catherine LaRoche, guides the reader deep into
flagellation, pornography, writings of courtesans and the Romancelandia where the smart and the witty combine with
world of female friendship, revealing the secret or hidden the sexy and seductive to explore why this genre has such a
meanings circulating between mainstream and covert grip on readers and what we can learn from the romance
activities of the 18th century. novel about the nature of happiness, love, sex, and desire in
American popular culture.
PHILLIPS, Kristen (ed.), Women and Erotic
Fiction: Critical Essays on Genre, Markets RODALE, Maya, Dangerous Books for Girls:
and Readers, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, The Bad reputation of Romance Novels
2015, vii, 262 pages. Explained, Maya Rodale, 2015, 196 pages.
Introduction: Shattering Releases (Kristen Phillips) 1
Part 1: Originating the Erotic SANCHEZ CONEJERO, Cristina, Sex and
From Black Lace to Shades of Grey: The Interpellation of
Ethics in Spanish Cinema, new York,
the "Female Subject" into Erotic Discourse (Simon Hardy)
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, vi, 105 pages.
25 - Steamy, Spicy, Sensual: Tracing the Cycles of Erotic
Romance (Katherine E. Morrissey) 42
Refiguring Penetration in Womens Erotic Fiction (Amalia

kaufen: Prostitution in Literatur und
Medien, Berlin, Ch. A. Bachmann, 2016, 225
SCHULZE, Marion, Hardcore & Gender: CINMA - LITTRATURE - TV - BD
soziologische Einblicke in eine Globale
Subkultur, Bielfeld, transcript Verlag, 2015,
408 pages. BELLIS, The Hundred Years War in
Literature, 1337-1600, Cambridge, D. S.
SIEGEL, Carol, Sex Radical Cinema, Brewer, 2016, xiim 300 pages,
Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2016,
244 pages. BRODERICK, Mick, Reconstructing
By examining such popular film and television shows as Strangelove: inside Stanley Kubrick's
Mystic River, The Wire, Fifty Shades of Grey, Batman Nightmare Comedy, New York, Wallfloer
Returns, and the HBO hits, Sex and the City and Girls,
Press, 2017, xiv, 216 pages.
Siegel takes the discussion of radical sex in the movies out With rare access to unpublished materials, this volume
of the margins of political discussions and puts it in the assesses Dr. Strangelove's narrative accuracy, consulting
center, where, she argues, it has belonged all along. recently declassified Cold War nuclear-policy documents
alongside interviews with Kubrick's collaborators. It
SILL, Oliver, Sexualitt und Sehnsucht: die focuses on the myths surrounding the film, such as the
Liebe in der deutschsprachigen Gegen- origins and transformation of the "straight" script versions
wartsliteratur, Bielfeld, Aisthesis Verlag, into what Kubrick termed a "nightmare comedy." It
2016, 243 pages. assesses Kubrick's account of collaborating with the writers
Peter George and Terry Southern against their individual
SMERILLI, Filippo, et al., (eds.), Sprachen remembrances and material archives.
der Liebe in Literatur, Film und Musik: von
Platons Symposion bis zur zeitgens- BUDICK, Emily Miller, The Subject of
sischen TV-Serien, Wrzburg, Knigshausen Holocaust Fiction, Bloomington, Indiana
& Neumann, 2015, 346 pages. University Press, 2015, x, 250 pages.

VIVANCO, Laura, Pursuing Happiness: DOTOLI, Giovanni & Marie-Laure GRAND-

Reading American Romance as Political GIRARD & ric SIVRY (dir.), Les crivains
Fiction, Humanities EBooks, 2016, 164 pages. dans la tourmente de la Premire Guerre
The dominance of popular romance in the Us fiction market Mondiale, Paris, Hermann, 2016, 174 pages.
suggests that its trends and themes may reflect the politics
of a significant proportion of the Us population. Pursuing DRAG, Wojciech, Jakub KROGULEC & Mateusz
Happiness explores some of the choices, beliefs and MARECKI (eds.), War and Words:
assumptions which shape the politics of Us romance novels. Representations of Military Conflict in
Literature and the Media, Newcastle upon
WANI, Aarti, Fantasy of Modernity: Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016,
Romantic Love in Bombay Cinema of the 145 pages.
1950s, New York, Cambridge University Press,
2016, 227 pages. EBERT, John David, Apocalypse Now:
scene-by-scene, Eugene (OR), Post Egoims
Media, 2015, 151 pages.
Vous connaissez des
GERDES, Aibe-Marlene, Michael Fischer (dirs.),
personnes qui pourraient Der Krieg und die Frauen. Geschlecht und
tre intresses par ce populre Literatur im Ersten Weltkrieg,
Mnster, Waxmann, 2016, 316 pages.
bulletin ? Il suffit de me
GLENNEY, Colleen, Teaching the Literatures
donner une adresse of the American Civil War, New York, The
courriel et je les Modern Language Association of America,
2016, xi, 317 pages.

GOODMAN, Robin Truth, Gender for the McINTOSH - VARJABDIAN, Fiona, TAKEMOTO,
Warfare State: Literature of Women in Tashio, Jolle PRUGNAUD, et al., crire la
Combat, New York, (NY), Routledge, 2017, guerre, crire le conflit, Villeneuve d'Ascq,
194 pages. ditions du conseil scientifique de l'Universit
de Lille 3, 2016, 370 pages.
GRANT, Matthew & Benjamin ZIEMANN (eds.),
Understanding the Imaginary War Culture, NEUMANN, Bernd & Gernot WIMMER, Der
Thought and Nuclear Conflict 1945-90, Erste Weltkrieg auf dem deutsch-
Manchester, Manchester University Press, europischen Literaturfeld, Wien, et al.,
2016, xi, 303 pages. Bhlau Verlag, 2017, 276 pages.

GREEN, Paul, Encyclopedia of Weird War SOLTYSIK MONNET, Agnieszka & Steffen
Stories: Supernatural and Science Fiction HANTKE (eds.), War Gothic in Literature
Elements in Novels, Pulps, Comics, Film, and Culture, New York, London, Routledge,
Television, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 2016, xxv, 264 pages.
277 pages. Covering the period from the American Civil War to the
Fictional war narratives often employ haunted battlefields, War on Terror, this collection examines how the Gothic has
super-soldiers, time travel, the undead and other provided writers an indispensable toolbox for narrating,
imaginative elements of science fiction and fantasy. This critiquing, and representing real and fictional wars. The
encyclopedia catalogs appearances of the strange and the book also sheds light on the overlap and complicity
supernatural found in the war stories of film, television, between Gothic aesthetics and certain aspects of military
novels, short stories, pulp fiction, comic books and video experience, including the bodily violation and mental
and role-playing games. Categories explore themes of dissolution of combat, the dehumanization of "others,"
mythology, science fiction, alternative history, superheroes psychic numbing, masculinity in crisis, and the subjective
and Weird War. experience of trauma and memory. Engaging with popular
forms such as young adult literature, gaming, and comic
HERZBERG, Bob, The Third Reich on books, as well as literature, film, and visual art, War Gothic
Screen, 1929-2015, Jefferson (NC), provides an important and timely overview of war-themed
McFarland, 2017, vii, 203 pages. Gothic art and narrative by respected experts in the field of
Drawing on studio files, correspondence of the Production Gothic Studies.
Code office and the writings of noted historians and critics,
this book describes the making of many such films
produced in Hollywood, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union
and Eastern Bloc nations. Biographies of several military
and political figures who served as the basis for Nazi
characters compare the cinematic and real-life versions.

JARAUSCH, Konrad H., Christian F,

OSTERMANN & Andreas ETGES (dir.), The
Cold War: Historiography, Memory, BIELLA, Federico & Massimo PRIVITERA,
Representation, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2017, Quando cantavano le Colt. Enciclopedia
310 pages. cine-musicale del western all'italiana,
Contient un texte du collgue Paul Bleton :" Milano, Casa Musicale Eco, 2017, 499 pages.
Machiavellis Angels Hinding in Plain Sight.
Media Culture and French Spy Fiction of the BOURTON, William, Le Western, conscience
Cold War" [134-151] . Sommaire complet sur du Nouveau Monde, Paris, Champion, (Essai,
le site de Walter De Gruyter. 50), 2016, 200 pages.

KRAUSE, Frank, Geruchslandschaften mit COOPER, Lydia R., Masculinities in Litera-

Kriegsleichen: deutsche, englische und ture of the American West, New York,
franzsische Prosa zum Ersten Weltkrieg, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 197 pages.
Gttingen, V & R unipress GmBH Verlag, 2016, Masculinities in Literature of the American West examines
164 pages. how contemporary literary Westerns push back against the
coded image of the Western hero, exposing pervasive
anxieties about what it means to "act like a man."
MARIANI, Giorgio, Waging War on War:
Contemporary Westerns critique assumptions about innate
Peacefighting in American Literature,
connections between power, masculinity, and "American"
Chicago, Springfield, University of Illinois Press,
character that influence public rhetoric even in the late 20th
2015, xxi, 268 pages. and early 21st centuries. These novels struggle with the
monumental challenge of all Westerns: the challenge of

being human in a place where "being a man" is so strictly
coded, so unachievable, so complicit in atrocity, and so
desirable that it is worth dying for, worth killing for, or
perhaps worth nothing at all.
DAY, Kirsten, Cowboy Classics: The Roots
of the American Western in the Epic
Tradition, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University BADOT, tienne, La Cl alchimique de
Press, 2016, x, 229 pages. l'oeuvre d'Herg, Hyres, La Pierre
Cowboy Classics looks at the remarkably intimate Philosophale, 2016, 508 pages. [2e dition
connection between Western film and Greek and Roman revue et augmente]
epic, each of which focuses on a mythic-historical period
from the past where our societal notions of what constitutes BAHLMANN, Andrew, The Mythology of the
heroism, masculinity, and honour were first forged.
Superhero, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016,
Through her insightful analysis of Red River, High Noon,
ix, 203 pages.
Shane, The Searchers and The Man Who Shot Liberty
Superheroes have been an integral part of popular society
Valance, Kirsten Day illustrates the parallels between these
for decades and have given rise to a collective mythology
seemingly disparate yet closely related genres, allowing us
familiar in popular culture worldwide. Though scholars and
to see each through a new lens while gaining insight into
fans have recognized and commented on this mythology, its
the persistence of these concepts in our world today.
structure has gone largely unexplored. This book provides a
model and lexicon for identifying the superhero mythos.
DERAIL, Agns & Ccile ROUDEAU (dir.), The author examines the myth in several narratives
James Fenimore Cooper ou La frontire including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Green Arrow and
mlancolique: The Last of the Mohicans & Beowulfand discusses such diverse characters as Batman,
The Leatherstocking Tales, Paris, ditions Wolverine, Invincible and John Constantine.
Rue d'Ulm, 2016, 153 pages.
BERTHOU, Benot, diter la bande dessine,
DUCHEMIN, Michael, New Deal Cowboy: Paris, ditions du Cercle de la librairie, 2016,
Gene Autry and Public Diplomacy, Norman 123 pages.
University of Oklahoma Press, 2016, x, 316
pages. BIASI, Pierre-Marc de & Luc VIGIER (dir.),
Bande dessine, dans Genesis, no 43,
KRIEGLEDER, Wynfrid & Alexander RITTER PUPS, 2016.
(dirs.), Charles Seasfield und die transat- Prsentation Un nouvel horizon gntique : la bande
lantische Internationalitt und literarische dessine, par Pierre-Marc de Biasi et Luc Vigier
Umsetzungen, Wien, Praesens Verlag, 2016, Enjeux
308 pages. Pierre-Marc de Biasi, Pour une gntique de la bande
LYNDGAARD, Kyhl D., Captivity Literature Thierry Groensteen, La fabrique de la bande dessine :
and the Environment: Nineteenth-Century documents dtape dun processus tag et mouvant
American Cross-Cultual Collaborations, Luc Vigier, Bande dessine : une gntique ciel ouvert
London, Routledge, 2017, 157 pages. tudes
Thierry Smolderen, Processus et composition
TEO, Stephen, Easter Westerns: Film and Franois Matton, Le pas suspendu du dessin
Genre Outside and Inside Hollywood, New Johanna Schipper, Un roman graphique aux rayons X
Sabine Teyssonneyre, Dmler les lignes : carnets et
York & London, Routledge, 2017, 284 pages.
croquis prparatoires
Alexandre Clerisse, Nouveaux espaces numriques du
TETRO, Michele (dir.), Guida al cinema
western, Bologna, Odoya, 2016, 671 pages. Entretiens
Benot Peeters, Des marges dHerg aux secrets des Cits
WOOD, Robin, Rio Bravo, Talence Akileos, obscures, par Pierre-Marc de Biasi et Luc Vigier
(BFI Les Classiques du cinma), 2017, 94 Jean-Pierre Mercier, Planches originales : prserver,
pages. restaurer, lire, par Luc Vigier
Grald Gorridge, Les secrets dune planche, par Luc Vigier
Tpffer, zigzag versus horizon, prsent par Grald
La Bte est morte ! de Calvo, ou la prcision visionnaire
des esquisses, prsent par Jean-Pierre Mercier
Chroniques I

Petit glossaire de la bande dessine, Pierre-Marc de Biasi et Moore? Le scnariste Mark Millar nest-il quun trublion?
Luc Vigier De quoi un superhros cr par un bdiste cynique aurait-il
Jean-Christophe Abramovici, La rgle et llan. Remarques lair? Comment Nietzsche permet-il de mieux comprendre
sur les manuscrits de Sade Watchmen? Pourquoi les excs de violence des superhros
Sophie Hbert, Du document de gense la gense dun en viennent-ils troubler les fans les plus enthousiastes?
genre. Le carnet dcrivain dans la littrature franaise du Comment la condition hypermoderne du monde
xxe sicle contemporain affecte-t-elle les modes de production, de
Chroniques II consommation et de rception du rcit de ces personnages
Daniel Ferrer et Andrei Minzetanu, Dialogue propos mythiques? Mme sil a t dmontr maintes fois que,
de Carnets de lecture. Gnalogie dune pratique littraire pour le superhros, la mort est une condition rversible, il
Comptes rendus douvragesNouvelles dArchives nempche quen raison de son ge, lusure des annes se
fait de plus en plus sentir chez le justicier masqu. Les huit
BLAIR, Davis, Movie Comics: Page to auteurs de cet ouvrage mettent en lumire les diffrents
Screen/Screen to Page, New Brunswick, signes de cette dgradation morale et thique.
Rutgers University Press, 2017, 256 pages.
COLLECTIF, Sexe et BD: les interdits de la
BOILLAT, Alain, BOREL, Marine, OESTERL, BD rotique, numro hors-srie de Beaux
Raphal & Franoise REVAZ, Case, Strip, Arts, 2016, 146 pages.
Action ! Les Feuilletons en bandes
dessines dans les magazines pour la COLLECTIF, Et la BD fut !, dans Le Magasin
jeunesse, Gollion (Suisse), Infolio, 2017, 248 du XIXe sicle, no 5, Paris, Champ Vallon,
pages. 2016, 304 pages.
Prcurseurs des sries tlvises, les histoires suivre qui
paraissaient en bandes dessines dans des hebdomadaires DAROWSKI, Joseph (ed.), The Ages of
pour la jeunesse tels que Le Journal de Tintin, Spirou ou Justice League: Essays on America's
Tarzan ont tenu en haleine les jeunes lecteurs de laprs- Greatest Superheroes in Changing Times,
guerre et faonn leur imaginaire, mais nont ce jour Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 277 pages.
gure fait lobjet dtudes dtailles. Richement illustr, cet This collection of new essays examines more than five
ouvrage se propose de faire connatre une production decades of Justice League comics and related titles. Each
foisonnante et emblmatique de la culture populaire de la essay considers a storyline or era of the franchise in its
priode 1946-1959 en lenvisageant sous langle de historical and social contexts. Exploring both the popular
lhistoire de la bande dessine, de ltude du rcit et de culture and relevant events of the day, the contributors
lintermdialit. Les auteurs y soulignent notamment les discuss how the Vietnam War was addressed in Justice
liens entre BD et cinma, tant sur un plan thorique League comics, how the Cold War transformed the roles of
(logique du feuilleton, rythme narratif, dcoupage de superheroes in the DC universe and how the post9/11
laction) quanalytique (adaptations de films en BD). political climate affected a crossover character.

BRAITHWAITE, Jean (ed.), Chris Ware: FATH, Dietmar, Superhelden, Stuttgart,

Conversations, Jackson, University Press of Reclam Verlag, 2016, 100 pages.
Mississippi, 2017, 272 pages.
DONY, Christophe, Tany HABRAND & Gert
BRAMLETT, Frank, Roy T. COOK & Aaron MEESTERS (eds.), La Bande dessine en
MESKIN (eds.), The Routledge Companion dissidence, Lige, Presses universitaires de
to Comics, New York, London & Routledge, Lige, 2014, 218 pages.
2017, xvi, 455 pages.
GINN, Sherry (ed.), Marvel's Black Widow
COCCA, Carolyn, Superwomen: Gender, from Spy to Superhero: Essays on an
Power, and Representation, New York, Avenger with a Very Specific Skill, Jefferson
Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, x, 236 pages. (NC), McFarland, 2017, 277 pages.
First appearing in Marvel Comics in the 1960s, Natasha
COLLECTIF, Halo Mythos: A Guide to the Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow, was introduced to movie
Story of Halo, New York, Bloomsbury, 2016, audiences in Iron Man 2 (2010). Her character has grown in
208 pages. popularity with subsequent Marvel films, and fans have
been vocal about wanting to see Black Widow in a titular
COLLECTIF, Le Crpuscule des superhros, role. Romanoff has potent appeal: a strong female character
Montral, ditions de Ta Mre, 2016, 233 who is not defined by her looks or her romantic
pages. relationships, with the skill set of a veteran spy first for the
Pourquoi a-t-on cru bon dassassiner Robin? Quest-ce qui KGB, then for S.H.I.E.L.D. This collection of new essays is
se cache derrire le masque de limpitoyable Judge Dredd? the first to examine Black Widow and her development,
quel jeu jouent les personnages issus de la plume dAlan from Cold War era comics to the Marvel Cinematic

GOODNOW, Trischa & James J. KIMBLE (eds.), RASEMONT, Dany, Julius Corentin
The 10 Cent War: Comic Books, Acquefacques, par del la bande et le
Propaganda, and World War II, Jackson, dessin, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 114 pages.
University Press of Mississippi, 2017, 240
pages. ROMAGNOLI, Alex S. & Gian S. PAGNUCCI,
Enter the Superheroes: American Values,
GORDON, Ian, Superman: the Persistence Culture and the Canon of Superhero
of an American Icon, New Brunswick (NJ), Literature, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press,
Rutgers University Press, (Comics Culture), 2016, 246 pages.
2017, 200 pages.
The 10 Cent War presents a riveting analysis of how ROYAL, Derek Parker (ed.), Vizualizing
different types of comic books and comic book characters Jewish Narrative: Jewish Comics and
supplied reasons and means to support the war effort. The Graphic Novels, London & New York,
contributors demonstrate that, free of government control, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, xvi, 294 pages.
these appeals produced this overall imperative. The book
discusses the role of such major characters as Superman, SERRES, Michel, Herg mon ami: tudes et
Wonder Woman, and Uncle Sam along with a host of such portraits, Bruxelles, ditions de Moulinsart &
minor characters as kid gangs and superhero sidekicks. It
Paris, ditions le Pommier, 2016, 139 pages.
even considers novelty and small presses, providing a well-
rounded look at the many ways that comic books served as
WANDTKE, Terrence R., The Dark Knight
popular propaganda.
Returns: The Contemporary Resurgence of
Crime Comics, Rochester (NY), RIT Press,
IRVING, Christopher, Seth KUSHNER, Howard
WALLACH & Lorenzo CHIAVINI, New York 2015, xxvi, 182 pages.
Comics : une visite guide de la capitale,
WELDON, Glen, The Caped Crusade:
Grenoble, ditions Glnat, 2016, 159 pages.
Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture, New
York, Simon & Schuster, 2016, viii, 324 pages.
KUTSCH, Lynn Marie, Novel Perspectives on
German-Language Comics Studies:
History, Pedagogy, Theory, New York, WESSELING, Elisabeth (ed.), The Child
London, Lexington Books, 2016, x, 289 pages. Savage, 1890-2010: from Comics to
Games, Farnham Surrey (UK), Ashgate, 2016,
xi, 257 pages.
LAVOREL, Mathias & Julien TELLOUCK,
Comprendre les super-hros, Paris, 404
ditions, 2017, 80 pages.
LAIN, Jean-Marc, Stan Lee, Homre du XXe
sicle, Paris, Fantask, 2016, 344 pages. ANIMS
MELANON, Benot & Michel PORRET, Pucks
en stock: bande dessine et sport, Chne- AGPAR, Garry, Mickey Mouse: Emblem of te
Bourg, Georg, (Lquinoxe), 2016, 270 pages. American Spirit, San Francisco, The Walt
Disney Family Foundation Press, 2015, 336
MORTON, Drew, Panel to the Screen: Style, pages.
American Film, and Comic Books during
the Blockbuster Era, Jackson, University BARRS, Patrick & Serge VERNY (dir.), les
Press of Mississippi, 2016, 208 pages. Expriences du dessin dans le cinma
d'animation, Paris, ditions de L'Harmattan,
OTMAZGIN, Nissim & Rebecca SUTER (eds.), 2016, 191 pages.
Rewriting History in Manga: Stories for the
Nation, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, BATKIN, Jane, Identity in Animation: A
xv, 191 pages. Journey into Self, Difference, Culture and
the Body, London, Routledge, 2017, 192
POTTER, Benny, Dan RUMBLES, Jason KEEN, pages.
The Rise of Comic Book Movies: from the Le dessin, sous toutes ses formes, intgre les chantiers
Pages of the Big Screen, Coral Gables (FL), d'expriences et les champs de pratiques du cinma
Mango, 2016, 184 pages. d'animation, depuis ses origines au XIXe sicle jusqu'aux
ralisations actuelles. Ce livre prsente, avec la contribution
de chercheurs spcialistes du domaine et de cinastes
artistes, et avec l'appui de nombreuses analyses de films, les

BENDAZZI, Giannalberto, Animation: A World HNSELMANN, Matthias, Der Zeichentrick-
History: (vol. 3), Contemporary Times , film: eine Einfhrung in die Semiotik und
Boca Raton (FL), CRC Press, 2016, 426 pages. Narratologie der Bildanimation, Marburg,
Schren, 2016, 682 pages.
(eds.), Animation & Avant-Garde: Lotte KAWA-TOPOR, Xavier, Cinma d'animation,
Reiniger und der absolute Film, Dsseldorf, au-del du rel, Nantes, Capricci, (Hors
Film Museum, 2015, 184 pages. collection), 2016, 92 pages.

BRODE, Douglas et Shea T. (eds,), Debating KAWA-TOPOR, Xavier & Philippe MOINS, Le
Disney: Pedagogical Perspectives on Cinma d'animation en 100 films, Nantes,
Commercial Cinema, Lanham (MD), Rowman Capricci, 2016, 348 pages.
& Littlefield, 2016, 252 pages.
KERSTEIN, Benjamin, Men of Steel :The Epic
BRODE, Douglas & Shea T. BRODE (eds.), I'ts Battle over Superman: The Movie,
the Disney Version: Popular Cinema and CreateSpace Independant Publishing, 2016,
Literary Classics, Lanham (MD), Rowman & 238 pages.
Littlefield, 2016, 254 pages.
LOBORIK, Jason, Slugterra : guide officiel,
COLLECTIF, L'Art des studios d'animation Vanves, Hachette Jeunesse, 2016, 155 pages.
Walt Disney: le mouvement par nature,
Paris, Art ludique, Le Muse, 2016, 281 pages. McENIRY, Matthew, Robert MOSES PEASLEE &
RoBert G. Weiner, Marvel Comics into Film:
DAVIS, Northrop, Manga and Anime go to Essays on Adaptations since the 1940s,
Hollywood, London & New York, Bloomsbury, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, ix, 270 pages.
2016, xxvii, 410 pages. Introduction (Robert G. Weiner, Robert Moses Peaslee,
and Matthew J. McEniry) 1
DENIS, Sbastien, et al., Le Cinma Part 1: Myth
d'animation: histoire et esthtique, Paris, "Yeah? Well, MY god has a HAMMER!": Myth-Taken
Armand Colin, 2017 [ paratre] Identity in the
Dmile Cohl Hayao Miyazaki en passant par Norman Marvel Cinematic Universe (Brian Cogan and Jeff Massey)
McLaren et Walt Disney, ce sont autant dunivers diffrents "The terms of the contract have changed": How Ghost
qui souvrent au spectateur et lhistorien du cinma. Rider Carries
on Goethes Faustian Tradition (Jacob Garner and Thomas
DENIS, Sbastien, Les Shadoks: histoire, Simko)
esthtique et pataphysique, Bry-sur-Marne, Transformers: The Movie: Making Modern Mythology the
INA ditions, Lormont, Le Bord de l'eau, Marvel Way (Jason Bainbridge) 27
You Cant Stop Her: Elektra Re-Configured (Daniel
(Mdias histoire), 2016, 242 pages.
Binns) 39
Part 2: Licensed Properties
ECKEL, Julia, Erwin FEYERSINGER & Meike
Dare to Be Stupid: The Fetishization of Heavy Metal and
UHRIG (dir.), Im Wandel...Metamorphosen the New in Transformers: The Movie (Eric Garneau) 52
der Animation, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, Science Fiction in G.I. Joe: The Movie: Its Influence,
2017 [ paratre] Origin, Introduction and Development (Liam T. Webb) 60
Conan the Destroyer of a Franchise? Analyzing and
GIESEN, Rolf, Chinese Animation: A History Evaluating the Adaptive and Narrative Features of Conan
and Filmography, 1922-2012, Jfferson (NC), the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer and The Horn of Azoth
McFarland, 2015, viii, 2015, 208 pages. (Rodney Donahue) 72
Although it is almost impossible to completely cover 90 Part 3: The Japanese Connection
years of filmmaking, this book provides a comprehensible Marvel and Toei (Jesus Jimenez-Varea and Miguel Angel
introduction to the industrys infancy, its Golden Age Perez-Gomez) 84
(Shanghai Animation Film Studio) and todays Chinese Japanese Characters and Culture in Marvels American
animation (in feature films, television series and student Films (Stephen Miller) 94
films). There are classics such as Princess Iron Fan (made Part 4: Setting Up the Marvel Cinematic Universe
at the time of the Japanese occupation) and the color Havoc Sowing the Seeds: How 1990s Marvel Animation
in Heaven, both starring the Monkey King Sun Wukong, as Facilitated Todays
well as countless TV stars (Blue Cat, Pleasant Goat and Big Cinematic Universe (Liam Burke) 106
Big Wolf) and many almost unknown works by young The Death of the First Marvel Television Universe (Arnold
filmmakers who are not focusing on an audience of children T. Blumberg) 118
(like most of the industry output). Frozen in Ice: Captain Americas Arduous Journey to the
Silver Screen (David Ray Carter) 129

The Primetime Heroics of Small Screen Avengers: Finding
Sociopolitical Value in Marvel TV Movies (Jef Burnham)
Part 5: The Attempt of Progressivism in the Marvel
Damsels in Transgress: The Empowerment of the Damsel
in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Joseph Walderzak) 150
Elektra: Critical Reception, Postfeminism and the Marvel
Superheroine on Screen (Miriam Kent) 165 BESSIRES, Vivien, Le Pplum, et aprs ?
Gods and Freaks, Soldiers and Men: Gender, Technologies L'Antiquit grco-romaine dans les rcits
and Marvels The Avengers (Jeremiah Favara) 177 contemporains, Paris, Classiques Garnier,
An Archetype or a Token? The Challenge of the Black (Perspectives comparatistes) 2016, 400 pages.
Panther (Julian C. Chambliss ) 189
Part 6: Genre Studies BOWDEN, Martha F., Descendants of
The Daywalker: Reading Blade as Genre Hybridity (Naja Waverley : Romancing History in Contem-
Later) 200 porary Historical Fiction, Lewisburg,
Body vs. Technology: Iron Man: The Rise of Technovore Bucknell University Press, 2016, 270 pages.
and Cyberpunk Culture (Vanessa Gerhards) 212
On Your Stupid Earth: The De-Gerberized Duck (Rick
BRAGG, Tom, Space and Narrative in the
Hudson) 224
Nineteenth-Century British Historical
Part 7: The Anti-Hero
Punishing the Punisher: Can Hollywood Ever Capture the Novel, London & New York, Routledge, 2016,
Essence of 186 pages.
the Character? (Cord A. Scott) 232
Hulk Smash Binaries (D. Stokes Piercy and Ron Von Burg) CONES, John W., Motion Picture
241 Biographies: The Hollywood Spin on
From Comic Book Anti-Hero to Cinematic Supervillain: Historical Figures, New York, Algora
The Transmedia Extension of Magneto (Joshua Wucher) Publishing, 2015, ix, 192 pages.

MITAINE, Benot, Bande dessine et DE GROOT, Jerome, Remaking History: The

adaptation, Clermont-Ferrand, Presses Past in Contemporary Historical Fictions,
Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2015, 367 pages. London & New York, Routledge, 2016, xii, 232
MOSELEY, Rachel, Hand-Made Television:
Stop-Frame Animation for Children in LOUICHON, Brigitte & Sylvain BREHM (dir.),
Britain, 1961-1974, New York, Palgrave Fictions historiques pour la jeunesse en
Macmillan, 2016, ix, 132 pages. France et au Qubec, Pessac, Presses
universitaires de Bordeaux, 2016, 356 pages.
NOESSER, Ccile, La Rsistible ascension
du cinma d'animation: socio-gense d'un MINTZ, Steven, Randy ROBERTS & David
cinma-bis en France, Paris, L'Harmattan, WELKY (eds.), Hollywood's America:
(Logiques sociales), 2016, 308 pages. Understanding History through Film,
Chichester, West Sussex, malden (MA), John
POTTER, Benny, Dan RUMBLES, Jason KEEN, Wiley & Sons, 2016, xii, 432 pages.
Chris STUCKMANN, The Rise of Comic Books
Movies: From the Page to the Big Screen, POLACK, Gillian, History and Fiction:
Coral Gables (FL), Mango, 2016, 184 pages. Writers, their Researchs, Worlds and
Stories, London, New York, 2016, xiv, 192
RALL, Hannes, Animationsfilm: Konzept und pages.
Produktion, Konztanz & Mnchen, UVK
Verlagsgesellschaft, 2015, 342 pages. SY, Kalidou, Structures et signification
dans le roman historique, Paris,
SAFRA, Clment, La Face cache de Mickey L'Harmattan, 2015, 213 pages.
Mouse, Paris, Vendmiaire, 2016, 189 pages.

VIMENET, Pascal, Un Abcdaire de la

fantasmagorie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015-
2016, 2 volumes, 206 et 309 pages.


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