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FIRST TIME Disciplines Social and Environmental Studies Means of Expression and
Representation 1 Drawing 1 Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism an Ap
plied Mathematics Applied Physics Total SECOND PERIOD Introduction to Architectu
ral Design, Urban Design and Landscaping Means of Expression and Representation
Theory and Drawing 2 2 History of Architecture and Urbanism 2 Topography and Iso
static Strength of Materials Total THIRD PERIOD 3 Design Theory and History of A
rchitecture and Urban Design 3 Architecture Design of an Urban Environmental Com
fort 1 1 (Thermal) Introduction to Structural Systems Aesthetics and Total FOURT
H TIME History of Art Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Design 4 Arch
itecture of Urban Design 2 2 Environmental Comfort 2 (noise and light) Structura
l Systems 1 Total FIFTH PERIOD Theory and History of Architecture and Urban 5 Pr
oject 3 Project Landscape Architecture 1 Information Technology Applied to Archi
tecture and Urban Design Models and mockups 1 Construction Technology 1 TOTAL SI
XTH PERIOD Architectural Design 4
CHS 04 04 04 04 02 02 20 04 04 04 04 04 04 24 04 04 04 04 04 04 24 04 04 04 04 0
4 04 24 04 04 04 04 04 04 24
CHA 72 72 72 72 36 36 360 72 72 72 72 72 72 432 72 72 72 72 72 72 432 72 72 72 7
2 72 72 432 72 72 72 72 72 72 432
Landscaping Project 2 2 Structural Systems Information Technology Applied to Arc
hitecture and Urban Design Construction Technology Photography 2 2 TOTAL TIME SE
VENTH Architectural Design, Urban Design and Landscape Design a Building Install
ation Technical Retrospective 1 (Conservation and Restoration) Project Managemen
t object constructions Environmental Comfort 3 (ergonomics) TOTAL EIGHTH TIME Ar
chitectural Design, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture 2 Building Installat
ion 2 Urban and Regional Planning Project Programming Visual Scientific Methodol
ogy Professional Ethics and Law NINTH PERIOD TOTAL Work Graduation Final TENTH P
ERIOD TOTAL Work Graduation Final TOTAL SUMMARY Hours of Work Courses Undergradu
ate Final Complementary Activities Hours Total
04 04 04 04 02 22 08 04 02 04 04 02 24 08 04 04 04 02 02 24
72 72 72 72 36 396 144 72 36 72 72 36 432 144 72 72 72 36 36 432 200 200 200 200
3348 400 200 3948
1st period Discipline: Social Studies and AmbientaisCarga Hours: 72 hours Summar
y: Analysis of interrelated process of development of capitalism as a mechanism
of ideological incorporation of urban spaces. The city's capital and the process
of spatial segregation. Social struggles city: work, land tenure and equipment
for collective services. Major urban schools of thought. Evaluation process and
effectiveness of public policies (housing, care for children and adolescents, to
generate employment and income, health, education and leisure), in relation to
the reduction of socio-spatial segregation. The ecological balance and sustainab
le development of natural and built environment. Basic bibliography: CHAUÍ, Mari
lena de Souza. What is ideology. 39. ed. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1995.
CHOAY, Françoise. Urbanism. Outlook: São Paulo, 1979. DAMIANI, Amelia Luisa; CAR
LOS, Ana Fani Alessandri; SEABRA, Odete Carvalho de Lima. (Orgs.). The space at
the end of the century: the new rarity. 2. ed. São Paulo: Contexto, 2001. LEFEBV
ERE, Henry. The right to the city. Trad. E. Rubens Frias. São Paulo: Moraes, 199
1. Recommended Books: IANNI, Otavio. Theories of Globalization. São Paulo: Nobel
, 1999. ORGANIC LAW OF Votuporanga. Votuporanga (Sao Paulo), April 5 de1990.PLAN
O DIRECTOR OF Votuporanga. Votuporanga (Sao Paulo). ROLNIK, Rachel. The city and
the law: legislation, policy and urban areas in Sao Paulo. São Paulo: Studio No
bel: FAPESP, 1999. SANTOS, Milton. The Brazilian urbanization. São Paulo: Hucite
x, 1996. __________ The space of the citizen. 4. ed. São Paulo: Nobel, 1998.
Discipline: Means of Expression and Representation 1Carga Hours: 72 hours Summar
y: Means of Expression and Representation, Language Arts, Media and Materials. B
asic bibliography: Peixoto, N. Brissac. "The Look of Foreigner." In: The Look. S
ão Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1988. __________________. See the Invisible. Mim
eo. Recommended Books: MASSIRONI, M. View by Design. São Paulo: Martins Fontes,
1982. Itten, J. The art of color. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1976. COMBED
, J. A. Visual Communication and Expression. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacion
al, 1977, vol. 1. WONG, W. Principles of Form and Design. São Paulo: Martins Fon
tes, 1998.
Discipline: Design 1Carga Hours: 72 hours Summary: Introduction to drawing, basi
c geometric constructions; mongeana projection;€geometric representation of soli
d objects by means of orthogonal and oblique projections. Basic bibliography: CA
RVALHO, Benjamin A. Geometric Design. 3. ed. São Paulo: the technical book, 1988
FRANCISCO, A. M., BARON, C.M.P. Technical Drawing. (Handout). Recommended Books
: ABNT. NBR-8196-Technical Drawing Scales. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1999. ____. NBR
8402 Executive character-writing in technical design. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 199
____. NBR-10 061 General Principles of representation in technical drawings. Rio
de Janeiro: ABNT, 1995. LORIGGIO, Placido. Descriptive geometry. 1 vol. New Yor
k: Industrial Press, nd. MARM, Carlos. Basic constructions. Book 1. São Paulo: M
oderna, 1964. MARM, Carlos. Conics. Book 4. São Paulo: Moderna, 1966. MONTENEGRO
, Gildo. Descriptive Geometry. São Paulo: Edgar Blucher, 1991. Discipline: Theor
y and History of Architecture and Urban Planning 1 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Grec
o-Roman antiquity: the old city, the Greek polis, the Roman metropolis. Greek an
d Roman architecture. The medieval village. The culture of the Renaissance: mark
et towns, treated urban renaissance. Renaissance architecture. Mannerism. Baroqu
e architecture and urbanism. Absolutist baroque capitals. Neoclassical architect
ure. Basic bibliography: Charity, Leonardo. The city's history. Perspectiva, São
Paulo. 1983. __________________. Introduction to architecture. Ed Mestre Jou. G
lancey, Jonathan. The history of architecture. Ed Loyola / Rio PUC São Paulo, 20
Recommended Books: BENDALA, Manuel. Knowing see Greek art. Martins Fontes. São P
aulo, 1991. BRACONS, Joseph Saber see Gothic art. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 199
2. Ezquerra, Jaime Alvar. Learn to see the art Mesopotamian and Persian. Martins
Fontes. São Paulo, 1991. GYMPEL Jan. Historia de la architecture: de la Antigüe
dad a nuestros days. Barcelona. Ed Könemann, 1996. GOITIA, Fernando Chueca. Brie
f history of urbanism. Ed Presence. Lisbon 1982. LAMAS, Joseph G. Ressano Urban
morphology and design of the city. FCG. Lisbon, 1992. LE GOFF. Jacques. The heyd
ay of the medieval city. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 1992. KOCH, Wilfried. Dictio
nary of architectural styles. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 2001. MARTIN, Alfonso J
iménez. Learn to see the Etruscan and Roman art. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 1992
. MIRABENT, Isabell C. Knowing see neoclassical art. Martins Fontes. São Paulo,
1991. MUNFORD, Lewis. The city in history. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 1982. PISC
HEL, G. Universal History of Art. Mirador Internacional. São Paulo, 1966. RAMALL
O, Germán. Learn to see the Romanesque art. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 1992. Sum
merson, John. The classical language of architecture. Martins Fontes. São Paulo,
2002. TAFURI, Manfredo. Theories and history of architecture. Ed Presence. Lisb
on, 1979.
Discipline: Mathematics aplicadaCarga Hours: 36 pm Menu: Geometry flat. Spatial
geometry. Equation Systems. Basic bibliography: Iezzi, G. [Et. al.] Fundamentals
of Elementary Mathematics (vs. 1, 5, 9 and 10), 6th ed., São Paulo: Atual, 1993
. Recommended Books: SWOKOWSKI, E. W. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, v. 1st, 2
nd ed., São Paulo: Makron Books, 1994.
Discipline: Physics aplicadaCarga Hours: 54 pm Menu: Measures. Mechanics. Thermo
logy. Acoustics. Basic bibliography: ACIOLI, JL, Basic Physics for Architecture.
Editora Universidade de Brasília. 1994. Recommended Books: HALLIDAY, D., RESNIC
K, R., WALKER, J. Physics. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: LTC - SA Scientific and Techn
ical Books, 1996. Nussenzveig, H. M. Course in basic physics. Vol I. São Paulo:
Edgar Blücher Ltda, 1997. Tipler, P. A. Physics. Vol I. 3.ed. New York: Technica
l and Scientific Books S. A., 1995. Syllabus and bibliography of 2nd period Cour
se: Introduction to Architectural Design, Urban Design and Landscape Hours: 72 p
m Menu: Fundamentals conceptual and methodological and theoretical-practical for
developing new designs, architecture, urbanism and landscape Architecture and T
own - perception, elements of space organizers, reading intersemiotic; concepts
in architecture, design scales; Intervention in space and building space 1:1. Ba
sic bibliography: CHING, F. D. K. Form, Space and Order. São Paulo, Martins Font
es, 1999. FERRARA, L. D. The look peripheral. São Paulo: Edusp, 1996. __________
____. The Strategy of Signs. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1992. ______________. See C
idade.São Paulo: Edusp, 1990. Zevi, B. Learn to see the architecture. São Paulo:
Martins Fontes, 1994.
Recommended Books: Arnheim, R. Art and visual perception. São Paulo: Livraria Pi
oneer Press, 1994. DONDI, A. D. Syntax of Visual Language. São Paulo: Martins Fo
ntes, 2000. FERRARA, L. D. City: Image and Imagination. Conference Seminar on "I
mage of the City." Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 1994.
LEMOS, C.A.C.€What is architecture? São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2003. LYNCH, K. The
Image of the City. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1985. MERLEAU-Ponty, M. Phenomenol
ogy of Perception. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1999. Peixoto, N. Brissac. Urban L
andscapes. São Paulo: Senac / Watermark, 1996.
Discipline: Means of Expression and Representation 2Carga Hours: 72 hours Summar
y: Drawing Hand Free, Instrumental and Practical Techniques for Two-Dimensional
Imaging. Basic bibliography: COMBED, J. A. Visual Communication and Expression.
São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1977, vol. 1. WONG, W. Principles of Form
and Design. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998. Recommended Books: SMITH, Ray Intr
oduction to perspective. Trad. Maria Aparecida Batista. São Paulo: Ed Manole, 19
96. Discipline: Drawing 2 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Stages of architectural desig
n. Representation of architectural design in plan, section and facade. Roofing S
ystems. Basic bibliography: MONTENEGRO, Gildo A. Architectural Design. 2. ed. Sã
o Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 1980. ____________________. Ventilation and covered. Sã
o Paulo: Edgard Bluck ltd. 1984.
Recommended Books: ABNT. NBR-6492 Representation of architectural projects. Rio
de Janeiro: ABNT, 1994. _____. NBR-8196-Technical Drawing Scales. Rio de Janeiro
: ABNT, 1999. _____. NBR-10 126 Dimensioning in technical drawing. Rio de Janeir
o: ABNT, 1987. ALVES DE AZEVEDO, Helio. The building up their coverage. 2. ed. S
ão Paulo: Edgard Bluck ltd. 1977 CHING, Francis D. K. Manual Dibujo architecture
. Barcelona: G. Gili, in 2000. OBERG, L. Architectural Design. Rio de Janeiro: A
o Livro Técnico, 1997. Panero, Julius; ZEINIK, Martin. Las dimensiones human in
los espacios interiors. Barcelona: G. Gili, 2001
Hours: 72 hours Course: Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism 2 Summar
y: Architecture and Urbanization of Colonial Brazil. The pre-Hispanic empires in
America. The formation of the urban network of cities. Architecture civil, reli
gious and military. Architecture of the Pioneers. The Baroque in Brazil. Eclecti
c and neoclassical architecture in Brazil. Basic bibliography: Bazin, Germain. B
aroque and Rococo. Tras. Álvaro Cabral. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1993. (The Co
LEMOS, Carlos A C. The republic teaches to live (better). HUCITEC. Sao Paulo in
1999. REIS FILHO, Nestor G. Contribution to the study of urban developments in B
razil (1500-1720). 2nd ed .. São Paulo: Pini, 2000. Recommended Books: Charity,
Leonardo. The city's history. Perspectiva, São Paulo. 1983. BRESCIANI, Stella (e
d) Images of the city: nineteenth and twentieth centuries. ANPUH / FAPESP. Sao P
aulo 1993. MAN, Maria Cecilia N. The palace Paulistano. Sao paulo: Martins Fonte
s: 1996. GOITIA, Fernando Chueca. Brief history of urbanism. Ed Presence. Lisbon
1982. KOCH, Wilfried. Dictionary of architectural styles. Martins Fontes. São P
aulo, 2001. LAMAS, Joseph G. Ressano Urban morphology and design of the city. FC
G. Lisbon, 1992. MIRABENT, Isabell C. Knowing see neoclassical art. Martins Font
es. São Paulo, 1991. MUNFORD, Lewis. The city in history. Martins Fontes. São Pa
ulo, 1982. PISCHEL, G. Universal History of Art. Mirador Internacional. SãoPaulo
, 1966. REIS FILHO, N. G. Pictures of towns and cities of colonial Brazil. São P
aulo: Edusp: FAPESP, 2000. Segawa, Hugo. Prelude to the city: architecture and u
rbanism in Sao Paulo in the passage of sec XIX to XX century. Workshop ed. São P
aulo, 2000. Summerson, John. The classical language of architecture. Martins Fon
tes. São Paulo, 2002. TAFURI, Manfredo. Theories and history of architecture. Ed
Presence. Lisbon, 1979. Screened, Juan-Ramon. Learn to see the baroque art. Mar
tins Fontes. São Paulo, 1991.
Discipline: Surveying Hours: 72 hours Summary: Divisions of topography, patterns
and basic elements of land. Systems and Geographic Coordinates UTM. Planimetry:
Types of surveying instruments, knowledge and manipulation. instruments; distan
ces, angles and measures; Guidelines angular; Methods planimetric surveys; Calcu
lation of coordinates, calculation of areas, Reading and interpretation of plant
s. Altimetry. Concepts (altitude, elevation, difference in level). Smoothing met
hods. Leveling (instrumental, simple and compound). Representation of relief (fl
at rated, profiles, contour lines) Reading and interpretation of plants (slope,
background, shares) Implementation of works and earth moving. Basic bibliography
: BORGES, Alberto C. Topography, Vol 1. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher Ltda,
2002. ___________________. Topography, Vol 2. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher
Ltda, 2002. BRANDALIZE, Maria Cecilia Bonato. Topography. Curitiba: PUC / PR (Ha
Recommended Books: Borges, Alberto de Campos. Topography exercises. 3.ed. rev. S
ão Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher, 2002
Spartel, Lelis.€Field Handbook. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Globo, 1948.
Course: Strength of isostatic and MateriaisCarga Hours: 72 hours Summary: Study
of the general classification of structures emphasizing the structural systems p
lans. Analysis of the linkages of these systems in place plans to provide static
balance, analysis of the efforts of petitioners plane structures and tensions t
ensile, compression, shear, bending and torsion resulting from these efforts alo
ng with analysis of displacements. Basic bibliography: ALMEIDA, L.D.F. Strength
of Materials. 7a. Edition. Publisher Erica, São Paulo, SP. 1999. MACHADO JR, E.
F. Introduction to isostatic. Project REENGE. San Carlos, EESC-USP, 1999. REBELL
O, CP YOPANAN The Structural Design and Architecture. São Paulo: Ziggurat, 2001.
Recommended Books: MORI, D.D.. Solved Exercises Resistance of Materials - Volum
e 1. Department of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 1994. MORI,
D.D.. Solved Exercises Resistance of Materials - Volume 2. Department of Structu
ral Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 1993. PROENÇA, S.P.B.. Course of Stren
gth of Materials - Volume 1. Department of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP.
San Carlos, 2001. PROENÇA, S.P.B.. Course of Strength of Materials - Volume 2. D
epartment of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 2001.
Syllabus and bibliography of the 3rd period Discipline: Design 3 Credit Hours: 7
2 hours Summary: Details of architectural design. Vertical circulation. Project
executive. Two-dimensional graphical representation of architectural design: met
hods of representation of perspective, for the perspective and method mongeano p
rojection. Axonometric perspective, linear perspective and conic. Basic bibliogr
aphy: FERRARA, P. Architecture design. Rio de janeiro: When technical book, 2001
. MONTENEGRO, Gildo A. The perspective of professionals. São Paulo: Edgard Blüch
er Ltda. 1983. 155p. SCHAARWÄCHTER, Georg. Prospects for Architects. Mexico: G G
ili, 2001. Recommended Books: ABNT. NBR-6492 Representation of architectural pro
jects. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1994. _____. NBR-8196-Technical Drawing Scales. Rio
de Janeiro: ABNT, 1999. _____. NBR-10 126 Dimensioning in technical drawing. Ri
o de Janeiro: ABNT, 1987. AZEVEDO, H. A,. The building up their coverage. São Pa
ulo: Edgard Bluck ltd. 1977. CHING, F. D. K. - Manual Dibujo architecture. Barce
lona: G. Gili, in 2000. COSTA, A. F.. Detailing the architecture I. RJ-Valencia,
s / d. (Printed).
___________. Detailing the architecture II. RJ-Valencia, s / d. (Printed). _____
______. Detailing the architecture III. RJ-Valencia, s / d. (Printed). _________
__. Detailing the architecture IV. RJ-Valencia, s / d. (Printed). ___________. D
etailing the architecture VI. RJ-Valencia, s / d. (Printed). MONTENEGRO, G. Arch
itectural Design. 2. ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher Ltda. 1980. ________________.
Ventilation and covered. São Paulo: Edgard Bluck ltd. 1984.
Discipline: Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning 3 Hours: 72 ho
urs Summary: modern architecture and urbanism. Urban settings of the late ninete
enth and twentieth centuries from the Industrial Revolution. Socialist utopias,
urban sanitation, beautification of cities, garden cities. Changes occurred in t
he architecture and the new ideologies of the project. International Style. Basi
c bibliography: FRAMPTON, K. Critical History of Modern Architecture it. Barcelo
na: G. Gilli, 1983. Charity work, Leonardo. The city's history. Perspectiva, São
Paulo. 1983. Charity, L. History of Modern Architecture. São Paulo: Perspectiva
, 1998. LAMAS, Joseph G. Ressano Urban morphology and design of the city. FCG. L
isbon, 1992.
Recommended Books: argan. G. C. Modern Art. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 199
2. BANHAN, R. Theory and Design was the first machine. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1
979. BLASER, W. Mies Van der Rohe. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001. BOESIGER, W.
Le Corbusier. 1910-65. Barcelona: GGili, 1976. CARTER, P. Mies Van der Rohe at
Work. Phaidon, 2001. CHOAY, F. Urbanism. Perspective. São Paulo, 1969. GOITIA, F
ernando Chueca. Brief history of urbanism. Ed Presence. Lisbon 1982. GROPIUS, W.
Bauhaus: New Architecture. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1977. Le Corbusier. For an A
rchitecture. São Paulo: Ed Perspectiva, 1977. MUNFORD, Lewis. The city in histor
y. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 1982. PFEIFFER, BB Frank Lloyd Wright: Masterworks
1867-1989. Taschen, undated Sitte, Camillo. The construction of cities accordin
g to their artistic principles. Ed Attica. São Paulo, 1992. WICK, R. Pedagogy of
Bauhaus.São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1989.
Discipline: Architectural Design 1 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and practice
of building design on the scale of urban lot. Concept of habitable space. Sizing
space and functionality.€Theme: single-family housing. Basic bibliography: COST
A, L. Architecture. Porto Alegre: Center for University Students of Architecture
, 1962. Tramontana, M. Modern housing: construction of a notion. SãoCarlos: USP,
1993. _______________.Novos Lifestyles New Living Spaces. São Paulo: USP, 1993.
_______________. Contemporary Housing: Preliminary Risk. São Carlos: EESC-USP,
1993. Recommended Books: CONSTANTINOPOULOS, V. ED. 10X10. Phaidon, 2001. DUNST,
D. 100 single-family homes architecture de la del siglo XX. Mexico: GGili, 1994.
MAN, Maria Cecilia N. The palace Paulistano. Sao paulo: Martins Fontes: 1996. L
EMOS, Carlos A. The Republic teaches us to live (better). São Paulo: HUCITEC, 19
99. NEUFERT, E. Art of Design in Architecture. São Paulo: GGilli Brazil, 1981. S
TEELE, James. Architecture of today. Phaidon Press London. 1997.
Journals: Journal Project. New York: Arco. Magazine Domus. Milano: Editoriale Do
mus. Quaderns magazine. Barcelona: CAOS.
Discipline: Urban Design 1 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and practice of urban
design at the scale of the court. Understanding the urban site. Urban design el
ements and their sizing. Use and land cover. Basic bibliography: Acioly, C. & DA
VIDSON, F. Urban density - tips for the architect and urban planner. Rio de Jane
iro: Mauad, 1998. Mascaro, Juan Luis. Handbook of Urbanization and Land Division
s. S. Paul, 2000. RODRIGUES, Ferdinando. Urban design - head, field and clipboar
d. S. Paul: ProEditor, 1999.
Recommended Books: DEL RIO, V. Introduction to urban design in the planning proc
ess. S. Paulo: Pini, LACAZ, J. P. The methods of urban planning. Campinas: Papir
us, 1993. 1990.
ROLNIK, R. The city and the law. S. Paulo: FAPESP / Nobel, 1997. SANTOS, Milton.
The space of citizen S Paulo: Nobel, 1993. VILLAÇA, Flavius. Intra-urban area i
n Brazil. S. Paulo: Studio Nobel / FAPESP, 2000.
Discipline: Environmental Comfort I (thermal) Hours: 72 hours Summary: Understan
ding climate. Influence of climate on thermal comfort of buildings and the urban
environment. Thermal comfort in the built environment: concepts, materials and
techniques. Natural ventilation. Heat exchange (man and buildings). Comfort Indi
ces. Building thermal performance. Adequacy of the architecture to the climate.
Sheet Mahoney. Insolation and its geometry in the built environment. Urban plann
ing aimed at the thermal comfort. Influence of vegetation on the urban thermal c
omfort. Exploitation of natural ventilation in urban design. Basic bibliography:
FLEET Anésia Barros, Schiffer, Sueli Ramos. Handbook of thermal comfort. 2.ed.
São Paulo: Studio Nobel, 1995. 243 p.
Recommended Books: COSTA, Ennio Cross. Ecological Architecture - Natural thermal
conditioning. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 1982. 266 p. COSTA, Ennio Cross. Physi
cs applied to construction - thermal comfort. 4. ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher,
1991. 268 p. HERTZ, John B. Ecotècnia in architecture. São Paulo: Ed Pioneer, 19
98. 124 p.
Course: Introduction to Structural Systems Credit Hours: 72 hours Summary: Studi
es on the actions in the buildings followed by a review of the strength of mater
ials to understand the security settings in the structures. Study of the general
security structures. Stability analysis of structural components individually.
Analysis of the stability inherent structural materials concrete, steel and wood
. Introduction to structural systems, covering simple systems such as cables, ar
ches, beams, trusses, etc., to the more complex systems such as shells and other
s. Basic bibliography: MACHADO JR, EF Introduction to isostatic. Project REENGE.
San Carlos, EESC-USP, 1999. TOPIC OF THE METAL STRUCTURES. Security in the stru
ctures. Department of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 2002. MAN
CINI, E. Buckling. Department of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos
, 1998. Takeya, T. Experimental Analysis of Structures. Department of Structural
Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 2001. Recommended Books: ALMEIDA, L.D.F.
Strength of Materials. Publisher Erica seventh. Edition, 1999.
Syllabus and bibliography of the 4th period Discipline: Aesthetics and History o
f Art Credit Hours: 72 h
Summary: Concept Art. Artistic avant-gardes of the twentieth century. Aesthetics
and Art History in Brazil; Developments of leading Europe in a modern setting o
f the first half of the twentieth century in Brazil; Contemporary Art. Basic bib
liography: argan, G. C. Modern Art. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1998. COLI,
J. What is Art. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1981. SANTOS, M. G. V. P. Art History.
São Paulo: Attica, 1996.
Recommended Books: argan. G. C.; FAGIOLI, M. "Prelude to the Study of Art Histor
y." In: Guide to Art History.€Lisbon: Editorial Estampa, 1994, p. 11-42. Balza,
J.J. Impressionism. São Paulo: Attica, 1992. BARILLI, R. Aesthetics Course. Lisb
on: Editorial Estampa, s. d. BENJAMIN, W. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechani
cal Reproduction." In: Selected works. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1985. BERNARDINI,
A. F. (Org). Italian Futurism: Manifestos. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1980. CARAME
LLI, E. Art History Fundamentals Semiotic. Bauru, São Paulo: EDUSC, 1998. COOPER
, P. Toulouse Lautrec. New York: H.N. A. Press Inc., 1982. FABRIS, A. Futurism:
a poetics of modernity. São Paulo: Perspectiva / Edusp, 1987. GOMBRICH, E. H. Ar
t History. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 1999. GROPIUS, W. Bauhaus. São Paulo: Perspectiv
a, 1994. KANDINSKY, W. Point and Line Plan. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001. SCH
AFFNER, I. Vincent Van Gogh. New York: H. N. A. Press Inc., 1998. SERULLAZ, M. V
elázquez. H. N. A. Press Inc., 1987. WOLFFILIN, H. Fundamental Concepts of Art H
istory. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1979.
Discipline: Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism 4 Hours: 72 hours Su
mmary: Modern Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil. Development of cities in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Urban sanitation, beautification
of cities, garden cities. Plan of new cities. Revolution 30 and the new State. O
rigins and development of Modern architecture. Brasilia. Basic bibliography: BRU
AND, Yves. Contemporary architecture in Brazil. São Paulo. Perspective. 1981. Se
gawa, H. Architectures in Brazil from 1900 to 1990. São Paulo: EDUSP, 1999. ____
______. Prelude to the city: architecture and urbanism in Sao Paulo in the passa
ge of sec XIX to XX century. Workshop ed. São Paulo, 2000.
Recommended Books: AMARAL, Aracy (coord.). Architecture Neocolonial: Latin Ameri
ca, Caribbean, United States. São Paulo: Memorial: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1
994. ARTIGAS, J. B. V. The Paths of Architecture. São Paulo: Ed Pini, 1990. Char
ity work, Leonardo. La proyetacción de la ciudad moderna. G Gilli. Barcelona, 20
00. Bonduki, N. Affonso Eduardo Reidy. São Paulo: Instituto Lina Bo Bardi and M.
Bardi, 2000. BRESCIANI, Stella (ed) Images of the city: nineteenth and twentiet
h centuries. ANPUH / FAPESP. Sao Paulo 1993. Cavalcanti, L. Architecture Guide 1
928-1960: When Brazil was Modern. Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplane, 2001. FARRET, Ricar
do (org). The area of the city: a contribution to urban analysis. Project. São P
aulo, 1985. FRAMPTON, K. Critical History of Modern Architecture it. Barcelona:
G. Gilli, 1983. GOITIA, Fernando Chueca. Brief history of urbanism. Ed Presence.
Lisbon 1982. Hilberseimer, Ludwig. La grand architecture de la ciudad. G Gilli.
Barcelona, 1999. MINDLIN, Henry. Modern architecture in Brazil. Ed airplane / I
PHAN. Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
Discipline: Architectural Design 2 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and practice
of building design on the scale of the court. Themes: Small buildings like kinde
rgartens, primary schools. Basic bibliography: COSTA, L. Architecture. Porto Ale
gre: Center for University Students of Architecture, 1962. NEUFERT, E. Art of De
sign in Architecture. São Paulo: GGilli Brazil, 1981. Ibelings, H. - Supermodern
: architecture en la era de la globalizacion. Barcelona, Gustavo Gilli, 1998.
Recommended Books: Bestetti, Maria Luisa T. Planning of recreational areas: the
architectural design. Campo Grande: UNIDERP, 2000. CONSTANTINOPOULOS, V. ED. 10X
10. Phaidon, 2001. CORBELLA, O.; Yann, S. In search of a sustainable architectur
e for the tropics. Rio de Janeiro: Revan:. STEELE, James. Architecture of today.
Phaidon Press London. 1997. Journals: Journal Project. New York: Arco.
Magazine Domus. Milano: Editoriale Domus. Quaderns magazine. Barcelona: CAOS.
Discipline: Environmental Comfort II (acoustic and light) Hours: 72 hours Summar
y: Comfort Acoustic: Acoustic - performance and concepts. Noise: definition, mea
surement and acceptable levels. Acoustical treatments (indoor). Standards of aco
ustic comfort indoors. Acoustic urban. Acoustical treatments for urban noise. St
andards on acoustics in urban and noise barriers. Legislation. Comfort light: Us
e of natural lighting. Supplementary artificial lighting - integrated solutions
to natural lighting, minimizing power consumption. Types of lamps and fixtures.
Standards and recommendations for interior lighting. Geometry of heatstroke in u
rban space. Street lighting. Standards on public lighting and outdoor use. Basic
bibliography: CORBELLA, Oscar, Yann, Simos. In search of a sustainable architec
ture for the tropics - environmental comfort. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2003. 288 p
. Moreira, Vinicius de Araujo. Electric lighting. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blüc
her Ltda, 2001. 190 p. Souza, Léa Cristina Lucas de, Almeida, Manuela Guedes de,
Bragança,€Louis Bê-a-bah of architectural acoustics - listening to the architec
ture. Bauru: L.C.L. de Souza, 2003. 152 p.
Recommended Books: HERTZ, John B. Ecotècnia in architecture. São Paulo: Ed Pione
er, 1998. 124 p.
Discipline: Urban Design Project 2 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and practice
of urban design at the scale of the neighborhood. Urban design elements and thei
r sizing. The management of cities and urban guidelines. Basic bibliography: Aci
oly, C. & DAVIDSON, F. Urban density - tips for the architect and urban planner.
Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 1998. Mascaro, Juan Luis. Handbook of Urbanization and L
and Divisions. S. Paul, 2000. RODRIGUES, Ferdinando. Urban design - head, field
and clipboard. S. Paul: ProEditor, 1999.
Recommended Books: LACAZ, J. P. The methods of urban planning. Campinas: Papirus
, 1993. SANTOS, Milton. The space of citizen S Paulo: Nobel, 1993. DEL RIO, V. I
ntroduction to urban design in the planning process. S. Paulo: Pini, ROLNIK, R.
The city and the law. S. Paulo: FAPESP / Nobel, 1997. VILLAÇA, Flavius. Intra-ur
ban area in Brazil. S. Paulo: Studio Nobel / FAPESP, 2000. 1990.
Discipline: Structural Systems 1
Hours: 72 hours
Summary: Reinforced concrete: study of general structural systems for reinforced
concrete. Concepts, typologies and structural pathologies of concrete materials
. Interpretation boards Release of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Molds and Arm
or. Sizing Slabs, Beams Pillars. Pathologies of the elements in reinforced concr
ete. Study of structural systems of the usual materials derived from Concrete: M
ortar Armada, the Pre-Molded Concrete and Prestressed Concrete. Study of applica
tions of structural materials. Interpretation boards and project construction. S
tudy of the main pathologies of these materials. Basic bibliography: ADAM, FX; H
emerly, AC Concrete: new millennium. Rio de Janeiro: Interciências. Hanan, J.B..
Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete. Department of Structural Engineering - EE
SC USP. San Carlos, 2001. MASON, J. And Prestressed Concrete. Editora LTC. 1976.
Recommended Books: AGNESINI, M.V.C. Concrete with Air Incorporated. Materials Te
sting Laboratory Building. Department of Architecture and Urbanism - EESC - USP.
San Carlos, 1988. GIONGO, JS Concrete: Structural Design of Buildings. Departme
nt of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 2001. Moliterno, A. Noteb
ook Masonry Structures and Comcreto Simple. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 2001.
Syllabus and bibliography of the 5th period Hours: 72 hours Course: Theory and H
istory of Architecture and Urbanism 5 Summary: The crisis of the ideologies of t
he MM and the search for new paths. The American architecture of the '60s and '7
0s. Postmodernism. Brazilian architecture post-Brasilia. Contemporary architectu
re. Urban contemporary. Basic bibliography: BASTOS, Maria Alice J. Post-brasília
: routes of Brazilian architecture. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2003. MONTANA, Josep
Maria. Después del movimiento modern: architecture de la del siglo XX second ha
lf. GGilli. Barcelona, 1993. PORTOGUESI, Paolo. After the modern architecture. M
artins Fontes. São Paulo, 2002. Deak, Csaba; schifo, Sue R. (Eds.). The urbaniza
tion process in Brazil. São Paulo: EDUSP, 1999. Recommended Books: ARANTES, Otil
ia. The place of modern architecture then. EDUSP. São Paulo, 2000. Cejka, Jan. T
endencias de la contemporary architecture. G Gilli. Mexico, 1995. FRAMPTON, Kenn
eth. Critical history of modern architecture. Martins Fontes. Sao Paulo 200. Ghi
rardi, Diane. Contemporary architecture. Martins Fontes. Sao Paulo 2002.GLANCEY,
Jonathan. The history of architecture. Ed Loyola / Rio PUC São Paulo, 2001.
GYMPEL Jan. Historia de la architecture: de la Antigüedad a nuestros days. Barce
lona. Ed Könemann, 1996. Ibelings, Hans. Supermodern: architecture la era de la
globalización. G Gilli Barcelona, 1998. JACOBS, Jane. Death and life in big Amer
ican cities. Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 2001. Koolhaas, Rem. S, M, L, XL. The Mo
nacelli Press. New York. 1998. LYNCH, Kevin. The image of the city. Martins Font
es. São Paulo, 1997. RAJA, Raffaele. Post-industrial architecture. Perspective E
d. São Paulo, 1993. VENTURI, Robert. Complejidad y la contradición in architectu
re. G Gilli. Barcelona, 1978.
Discipline: Architectural Design 3 Credit Hours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and pr
actice of building design on the scale of the neighborhood. Concept of urbanity.
Theme: building institutional or assemblies midsize sport. Basic bibliography:
HOLLAND, F. - Architecture and urbanity. São Paulo: Pro-Associate Editors, 2003.
NEUFERT, E. Art of Design in Architecture. São Paulo: GGilli Brazil, 1981.
Recommended Books: ARTIGAS, V. - Brazilian architects.€São Paulo: Editorial Blau
- Instituto Lina Bo e PM Bardi., 1997. BAKER, G. H. - Le Corbusier, a shape ana
lysis. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998. Cejka, J. - Trends of her contemporary a
rchitecture. Barcelona, Gustavo Gilli, 1999. HEJDUK, J. - Education of an archit
ect. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1996. Hertzberg, H. - Lessons
of architecture. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1999. Ibelings, H. - Supermodern: a
rchitecture en la era de la globalizacion. Barcelona, Gustavo Gilli, 1998. LIMA,
J. F. - Brazilian architects. São Paulo: Editorial Blau - Institute Lino Bo Bar
di and PM. 1999.
Discipline: Landscape Design 1 Hours: 54h Syllabus: Theory and practice of lands
cape design at the scale of urban lot. History of landscaping. Fundamental conce
pts of landscaping - and modes of intervention. Fundamental concepts of botany a
nd ornamental plants. Open spaces and green areas in urban environment - Graphin
g functions and qualities and ways of implementation. Topics: housing, small sch
ools, kindergartens. Basic bibliography: LORENZI, Harri & SOUZA, Hermes Moreira.
Ornamental Plants in Brazil: shrubs, herbs and vines. Nova Odessa, Plantarum, 2
001. LORENZI, Harri & SOUZA, Hermes Moreira. Tropical Plants of R. Burle Marx. S
ão Paulo, Institute for the Study of Flora Plantarum, 2001.
LORENZI, Harri & SOUZA, Hermes Moreira. Trees Brasileiras: manual for the identi
fication and cultivation of native tree of Brazil. Nova Odessa, Plantarum, 2001.
LORENZI, Harri & SOUZA, Hermes Moreira. Palmeiras. Nova Odessa, Plantarum, 2001
Recommended Books: Segawa, Hugo. To love the public: gardens in Brazil. São Paul
o, Studio Nobel / FAPESP, 1996. MOTTA, Flávio Lichtenfels. Roberto Burle Marx an
d the New Vision of Landscape. São Paulo, Nobel, 1983. LEENHARDT, Jacques. In Ga
rdens of Burle Marx - Collection Studies 150, São Paulo, Perspectiva, 2000. JUNI
OR, Antonio Carlos Gouveia. Gardens of Brazil - Brazilian Yearbook of Landscape
Architects, G & A Editorial - Volume 4, 2000. CORREA, Manoel P. Dictionary of Us
eful Plants of Brazil and exotic cultivated. IBDF, 1984. SILVIO, Macedo Soares.
Squares Brasileiras - Edusp - Collection Quapá, 2000. SILVIO, Macedo Soares. Tab
le of Landscape Architecture in Brazil - Edusp - Collection Quapá, 2000. CULLEN,
Gordon. The urban landscape. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1982. JEAN, Irwin Smith
. What tree is that?-Colored A guide of 43 Brazilian ornamental trees. São Paulo
, 2000. JOLY, Aylton Brandão. Botany Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. São Paulo,
Editora Nacional, 1997. FRANCO, Maria de Assunção Ribeiro. Environmental design:
an introduction to landscape architecture with the ecological paradigm. São Pau
lo: Annablume. FAPESP, 1997. Pavey, Graham A. Gardening Series: Gardens of Vesse
ls; Gardens Flower Gardens and Rock Gardens Herbs. Editora Nobel, 1998.
Course: Computer Architecture and Urbanism applied to a Hours: 72 hours Summary:
Development, understanding and memorization of basic commands in practical exer
cises supported by lectures. Preparation exercises and computer work. Basic bibl
iography: MATTOS, João Henrique Volpini. AutoCad 2000 - Working in Two Dimension
s. São Paulo: MAKRON Books, 2000. MATSUMOTO, Aelia Yathie. AutoCad2000 - Fundame
ntals 2D & 3D. São Paulo: Erica, 1999. FILHO, Reynaldo Turquetti, Marlos Fabiano
de Moraes, Leonardo Berges Benedict. Learn to Draw with AutoCAD 2000: 2D and 3D
Modeling with Solids. São Paulo: Erica, 2000.
Recommended Books: OMURA, George. Mastering AutoCAD 14. Technical Books and Scie
ntific Publishing SA, 1999. SMITH, Bud, Jake Kichter, Mark Middlebrook. AutoCad
12: Powerful Tool. São Paulo: Brazil Berkeley, 1995.
CORAINI, Ana Lucia S, Ieda Maria Nolla Sihn. Course in AutoCad 13: A Guide for W
indows and DOS. São Paulo: Makron Books, 1995.
Discipline: Models and mockups Summary: Models and Dimensional Models. Basic bib
Hours: 72 hours
CONSALEZ, L. Models: the representation of architectural space. Barcelona: G. Gi
li, 2001. KNOLL, W; Hechinger, M. Architectural models. Trad. Alexander Krug. Sã
o Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2003. Recommended Books: LANDI, Sebastian A. Conpêndio
technical models. Pocos de Caldas: Sources of Life, 2002. Course: Construction T
echnology 1 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Study of construction materials like cerami
cs, raw land, plastics (polymers), glass, concrete, simple, high performance con
crete and so on. Basic bibliography: AZEVEDO, H. A. The building up its coverage
. São Paulo: Edgard Bluncher, 2000. BAUER, L. A. F. Building Materials. 3rd ed.
New York: Scientific and Technical Books Editora Ltda, 1988.
Recommended Books: HIRSCHFELD, H.€Code of Works and Buildings. Editora Atlas. Sã
o Paulo, 1993 BORGES, A. C. Practice for Small Buildings. 4th ed. São Paulo: Edg
ard Blüncher, 1969. Petrucci, E. Building Materials. Rio de Janeiro: Ed Globo, 1
Syllabus and bibliography of the 6th period Discipline: Architectural Design 4 H
ours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and practice of building design on the scale of t
he neighborhood. Theme: cultural center. Basic bibliography: HEJDUK, J. - Educat
ion of an architect. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1996. HOLLAND
, F. - Architecture and urbanity. São Paulo: Pro-Associate Editors, 2003. NEUFER
T, E. Art of Design in Architecture. São Paulo: GGilli Brazil, 1981.
Recommended Books: ANDRADE, Nelson. Hotel: planning and design. 3rd ed. São Paul
o: Senac, 2001. ARTIGAS, V. - Brazilian architects. São Paulo: Editorial Blau -
Instituto Lina Bo e PM Bardi., 1997. BAKER, G. H. - Le Corbusier, a shape analys
is. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998.
Cejka, J. - Trends of her contemporary architecture. Barcelona, Gustavo Gilli, 1
999. Hertzberg, H. - Lessons of architecture. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1999. I
belings, H. - Supermodern: architecture en la era de la globalizacion. Barcelona
, Gustavo Gilli, 1998. LIMA, J. F. - Brazilian architects. São Paulo: Editorial
Blau - Institute Lino Bo Bardi and PM. 1999.
Discipline: Landscape Design 2 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Theory and practice of l
andscape design at the scale of the court. Open spaces and green areas in urban
space - function and quality. Graphical representation and forms of execution. T
heme: squares. Environmental planning. Environmental impacts. Environmental pres
ervation areas. Optimizing use of natural resources: water, soil. Alternative en
ergy sources. Reuse of discarded materials. Recycling. Solid waste treatment. En
vironmental sustainability. Permaculture. Ecological housing. Basic bibliography
: LORENZI, Harri & SOUZA, Hermes Moreira. Ornamental Plants in Brazil: shrubs, h
erbs and vines. Nova Odessa, Plantarum, 2001. FRANCO, Maria Assunção Ribeiro. En
vironmental Design - An introduction to landscape architecture and ecological pa
radigm. S. Paul: Annablume: FAPESP, 1997. HERTZ, John, B. Ecotècnia in architect
ure - how to design in the humid tropics of Brazil S. Thompson Learning, 1998. R
UANO, Miguel. Ecourbanismo - Sustainable human environments: 60 proyeto. Barcelo
na: Gustavo Gilli, 2000.
Recommended Books: JUNIOR, Antonio Carlos Gouveia. Gardens of Brazil - Brazilian
Yearbook of Landscape Architects. G & A Editorial - Volume 4, 2000. CORREA, P.
Manuel, Dictionary of Useful Plants of Brazil and exotic cultivated. IBDF, 1984.
CULLEN, Gordon. The urban landscape. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1982. JEAN, Irw
in Smith. What tree is that?-Colored A guide of 43 Brazilian ornamental trees. S
ão Paulo, 2000. JOLY, Aylton Brandão. Botany Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. São
Paulo, Editora Nacional, 1997. LORENZI, Harri & SOUZA, Hermes Moreira. Tropical
Plants of R. Burle Marx. São Paulo, Institute for the Study of Flora Plantarum,
2001. _______________________________________. Trees Brasileiras: manual for th
e identification and cultivation of native tree of Brazil. Nova Odessa, Plantaru
m, 2001. _______________________________________. Palmeiras. Nova Odessa, Planta
rum, 2001. MACEDO, S. S. Table of landscaping in Brazil. S. Paul: Collection Qua
pá, 1999. Pavey, Graham A. Gardening Series: Gardens of Vessels; Gardens Flower
Gardens and Rock Gardens Herbs. Editora Nobel, 1998.
Discipline: Structural Systems 2 Hours: 72 hours Summary: Study of structural sy
stems of the usual materials derived from Concrete: Mortar Armada, the Pre-Molde
d Concrete and Prestressed Concrete. Study of applications of structural materia
ls. Interpretation boards and project construction. Study of the main pathologie
s of these materials. Structural Systems with raw earth and wood. Concepts for u
se of materials. Interpretation boards detailing of structures. Visit the works.
And constructability analysis of pre-sizing of structural components usual. Pat
hologies of materials. Basic bibliography: MASON, J. And Prestressed Concrete. E
ditora LTC. 1976. Moliterno, A. Notebook Masonry Structures and Comcreto Simple.
São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 2001. PFEIL, W. Wooden structures. New York: Scienti
fic and Technical Books, 2000.
Recommended Books: CALIL JR, C.C. et al. Timber structures. Laboratory of Wood a
nd Timber Structures. São Carlos: EESC - USP, 1998. GIONGO, JS Concrete: Structu
ral Design of Buildings. Department of Structural Engineering - EESC - USP. San
Carlos, 2001. Hanan, J. B. Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete.€Department of S
tructural Engineering - EESC USP. San Carlos, 2001.
Discipline: Computer Science applied to Architecture and Urbanism 2 Hours: 72 ho
urs Summary: Development, understanding and memorization of the basic commands i
n practical exercises supported by lectures. Presentation of exercises and compu
ter work. Preparation of urban design to support interdisciplinary and repertoir
e. Basic bibliography: MATTOS, João Henrique Volpini. AutoCad 2000 - Working in
Two Dimensions. São Paulo: MAKRON Books, 2000. MATSUMOTO, Aelia Yathie. AutoCad2
000 - Fundamentals 2D & 3D. São Paulo: Erica, 1999. FILHO, Reynaldo Turquetti, M
arlos Fabiano de Moraes, Leonardo Berges Benedict. Learn to Draw with AutoCAD 20
00: 2D and 3D Modeling with Solids. São Paulo: Erica, 2000.
Recommended Books: OMURA, George Mastering AutoCAD 14. Technical Books and Scien
tific Publishing SA, 1999. Smith, Bud, Jake Kichter, Mark Middlebrook. AutoCad 1
2: Powerful Tool. São Paulo: Brazil Berkeley, 1995. CORAINI, Ana Lucia S, Ieda M
aria Nolla Sihn. Course in AutoCad 13: A Guide for Windows and DOS, São Paulo: M
akron Books, 1995.
Discipline: Photography Summary: Construction of the photographic image.
Hours: 72 hours
Basic bibliography: HEDGECOE, J. Photography Course. São Paulo: Improvements, 19
80. Kubrusly, C. A. What is Photography. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1983.
Recommended Books: DUBOIS, P. The Act Photography. Campinas, São Paulo: Papirus,
1994. S amain, E. The Photo. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1998.
Course: Construction Technology 2 Hours: 36 hours Summary: Sub-systems of the bu
ilding after the civil structure (fence, hedge, building and so on. Until the re
turn of keys). Basic bibliography: AZEVEDO, H. A. The building up its coverage.
São Paulo: Edgard Bluncher, 2000. BORGES, A. C. Practice for Small Buildings. 4t
h ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blüncher, 1969. HIRSCHFELD, H. Code of Works and Buildin
gs. Editora Atlas. São Paulo, 1993
Recommended Books: BAUER, L. A. F. Building Materials. 3rd ed. New York: Scienti
fic and Technical Books Editora Ltda, 1988. CAMPOS, JR Building Installation of
Hot Water. Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation - EESC USP. San Carlos, 1982.
DI BERNARDO, L. Installation Building Stormwater. Department of Hydraulics and
Sanitation - EESC USP. San Carlos, 1984. DI BERNARDO, L.; ARAÚJO FILHO, HR & Blu
nder EC. Plumbing Prevention and Fire Fighting. Department of Hydraulics and San
itation - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 1983. DI BERNARDO, L.; blunder, CE & ARAÚJO FI
LHO, AR. Cold Water Installations. Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation - EES
C - USP. San Carlos, 1981. FORESTI, E. & Blunder, C.E.. Building Installation of
Sewage. Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation - EESC - USP. San Carlos, 1980.
Petrucci, E. Building Materials. Rio de Janeiro: Ed Globo, 1988.
Syllabus and bibliography of the 7 th Course: Architectural Design, Urban Design
and Landscape 1 Hours: 144h Syllabus: Theory and Practice of Design at the city
scale. Reading the urban landscape. Urban design. Environmental impacts. Enviro
nmental preservation areas. Environmental sustainability. Choice of place: crite
ria and opportunities. Understanding of the structural elements that involve mor
e than one city. Theme: housing complex, involving the design of architecture, u
rbanism and landscape. Basic bibliography:
FRANCO, M. DE A. R. Environmental Design: An introduction to landscape architect
ure with the ecological paradigm. FAPESP, São Paulo, 1997. MOORE, C., ALLEN, G.,
Lyndon, D. La Casa: Form y Diseño. Barcelona: G. Reprints Gili, 1999. NEUFERT,
E. Art of Design in Architecture. New York: G. Gili, 1976. Tramontana, M. New li
festyles New Living Spaces. São Paulo: USP, 1993.
Recommended Books: BONDUKI, N. Origins of Social Architecture in Brazil. São Pau
lo: Estação Liberdade, 1998. CONSTANTINOPOULOS, V. ED. 10X10. Phaidon, 2001. DUN
ST, D. 100 single-family homes architecture de la del siglo XX. Mexico: GGili, 1
994. DEL RIO, Vincent and OLIVEIRA, Livia de. Environmental perception: the Braz
ilian experience. S. Paulo: Studio Nobel: 1996. Folz, R. Furniture in Public Hou
sing. San Carlos: RiMa, 2003. GAP. Housing: Inventory of action. São Paulo: FINE
P, 5. GARCÍA, A. Cocinas y Baños. D. Mexico F.: Atrium, 2001. Mascaro, Juan Luis
. Handbook of Urbanization and Land Divisions. S. Paul, 2000. MILANEZ, Alvaro. H
ygiene of housing. New York: Library of Education and Health, 1982. Panero, J.,
Zelnik, M. Las Dimensiones en los espacios Human interiors. Barcelona: G. Gili,
2001. RODRIGUES, Ferdinando. Urban design - head, field and clipboard. S. Paul:
ProEditor, 1999. RUANO, M. Ecourbanismo: Sustainable human environments: 60 proy
ectos. Barcelona: Gustavo Gilli,€1999. SANTOS, Milton. The space of citizen S Pa
ulo: Nobel, 1993. STEELE, James. Architecture of today. Phaidon Press London. 19
97. Journals: Journal Project. New York: Arco. Magazine Domus. Milano: Editorial
e Domus. Quaderns magazine. Barcelona: CAOS.
Discipline: Design of a Building Installation Hours: 72 hours Summary: building
installation of cold water. Building installation of hot water. Sanitary drainag
e facilities. Building facilities pluviais.Noções water project of building faci
lities for protection and firefighting. Calculation and design. Basic bibliograp
MACINTYRE, Joseph Archibald. Manual Plumbing. Rio de Janeiro: LTC Editora Scient
ific and Technical Books SA, 1990. ISLAND, Sangoi Maria de Oliveira. Cold Water
Systems in Buildings: Technical Text. São Paulo: EPUSP, 1994. Recommended Books:
ABNT. NBR-5626: Building Installation of Cold Water. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1998
. _____. NBR-7198: Design and Implementation of Building Installation of Hot Wat
er. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1993. _____. NBR-8160: Building Services Sewage. Desig
n and Implementation. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1999. _____. NB-10 844: Building Ins
tallation Stormwater. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1998. CREDO, Helium. Plumbing. New Y
ork: Scientific and Technical Books Publishing SA, 1988 DI BERNARDO, Luiz. Build
ing Installation Water Fria.São Carlos: EESC-USP, 1991.Apostila FORESTI, Eugenio
. Building Installation Sewage Sanitários.São Carlos: EESC-USP, 1991. Apostila C
AMPOS, José Roberto. Lecture Notes On Water Facilities Quente.São Carlos: EESCUS
P, 1991. Apostila DI BERNARDO, Luiz. Installation Building Stormwater. São Carlo
s: EESC-USP, 1991. Apostila
Discipline: Technical Retrospectives (Conservation and Restoration) Hours: 36 ho
urs Summary: Analysis of interrelated process of occupation and incorporation of
the Western Plateau Paulista. Dichotomy: the coast - interior. Sociability hick
. Historical context: urban design and architecture: building techniques. Charac
terization and Protection of Cultural Heritage. Process Tumble. Preventive Conse
rvation: theoretical study of conservation, restoration, restructuring and reuse
of urban buildings of historical, architectural and landscaping in the MRG Votu
poranga. Basic bibliography: CHOAY, Françoise. The allegory of the heritage. Tra
d. Luciano Vieira Machado.São Paulo: Estação Liberdade: Editora UNESP, 2001.
Recommended Books: BRAZIL. Constitution (1988). Constitution of the Federative R
epublic of Brazil. 10.ed. São Paulo: Editora Ltda icon., 1988. BRAZIL. Ministry
of Culture. Cultural laws. Available at: <http / /. Br / legislati
able in State -89 / Accessed: September 23,
2002. FUNARI, Peter Paul & PINSKY, Jaime (Orgs.). Tourism and cultural heritage
. São Paulo: Contexto, 2001. Chapter 1. Bo Bardi. SESC - Factory Pompeii. Lisboa
: Editorial Blau, 1996.
Bo Bardi. Theatre Workshop. Lisboa: Editorial Blau / Instituto Lina Bo e PM Bard
i, 1999. PEICHOTO, Regina Evanir Moro. The incorporation of the pioneer capitali
st dream: reflections on the history of coffee in Votuporanga - 1940 to 1980. Ub
erlândia: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2001. 211p. (Thesis, MA). Zein, Ru
th Green. Sala São Paulo concert / revival of Júlio Prestes Station. São Paulo:
Alter Market, 2001. Discipline: Project Object Hours: 72 hours Summary: History
of design. Development of design object. Furniture. Basic bibliography: Bigal, S
. The design and industrial design. São Paulo: Annablume, 2001. DENIS, RC An Int
roduction to the history of design. São Paulo: Edgard Blucher, 2000.
Recommended Books: MALDONADO, T. El diseño industrial reconsidered. Barcelona, G
ustavo Gilli, 1993. MUNARI, B. Things are born things. São Paulo: Martins Fontes
, 1998. Tambini, M. The design of the century. São Paulo: Attica, 2002.
Discipline: Management of Construction Hours: 72 hours Summary: Studies elementa
ry administration and its main tools. Overview of industrialization in construct
ion and their consequent rationalization of design and production. Studies of so
cial and economic issues that are involved in construction such as housing needs
, manpower, financing, etc.. Study of Project Planning and Control with the tool
s PERT / CPM directed to works of Construction and study of programming of works
. Basic bibliography: BRUNA, P. J.V. Architecture, Industrialisation and Develop
ment. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1976. REGISTRAR SON, E.€Management in Construction
. São Carlos: EESC-USP, 1998. Project REENGE.
Recommended Books: Motoyama, S. (Ed.). Technology and Industrialization in Brazi
l. São Paulo: UNESP, 1994. ROSSO, T. Rationalization of Construction. São Paulo:
FAUUSP, 1980. Discipline: Management of Construction 2 Hours: 36 hours Summary:
Study of Project Planning and Control with the tools PERT / CPM directed to wor
ks of Construction and study of programming of works. Basic bibliography: BRUNA,
P. J.V. Architecture, Industrialisation and Development. São Paulo: Perspectiva
, 1976. REGISTRAR SON, E. Management in Construction. São Carlos: EESC-USP, 1998
. Project REENGE.
Recommended Books: Motoyama, S. (Ed.). Technology and Industrialization in Brazi
l. São Paulo: UNESP, 1994. ROSSO, T. Rationalization of Construction. São Paulo:
FAUUSP, 1980.
Discipline: Environmental Comfort III (Ergonomics) Hours: 36 hours Summary: Hist
ory of ergonomics. Ergonomics applied to the workspaces and homes. Universal Fur
niture. Basic bibliography: LIDA, I. - Ergonomics and production. São Paulo: Edg
ar Blucher, 1990. Panero, J. and Zelnik, M. - Las dimensiones en los espacios hu
man interiors. Barcelona, Gustavo Gilli, 2001.
Recommended Books:
Syllabus and bibliography of the 8th period Discipline: Architectural Design, Ur
ban Design and Landscape 2 Hours: 144h Syllabus: Theory and Practice of Design a
t the city scale. Identification of urban problems and proposing solutions throu
gh the reading of the city. Impacts. Sustainability. Theme: multifunctional asse
mblies, groups of buildings, large event centers. Basic bibliography: Bo Bardi.
SESC. São Paulo: Instituto Lina Bo P. M. Bardi / Blau, 1996. NEUFERT, E. Art of
Design in Architecture. New York: G. Gili, 1976. ROLNIK, R; SAUL, N. JR. Statute
of the City: New perspectives for urban reform. São Paulo: Polis, 2001.
Recommended Books: Panero, J., Zelnik, M. Las Dimensiones en los espacios Human
interiors. Barcelona: G. Gili, 2001. FRANCO, Maria Assunção Ribeiro. Environment
al Design - An introduction to landscape architecture and ecological paradigm. S
. Paul: Annablume: FAPESP, 1997. HERTZ, John, B. Ecotècnia in architecture - how
to design in the humid tropics of Brazil S. Thompson Learning, 1998. MACEDO, S.
S. Table of landscaping in Brazil. S. Paul: Collection Quapá, 1999. RUANO, Migu
el. Ecourbanismo - Sustainable human environments: 60 proyeto. Barcelona: Gustav
o Gilli, 2000. Journals: Journal Project. New York: Arco. Magazine Domus. Milano
: Editoriale Domus.
Quaderns magazine. Barcelona: CAOS.
Discipline: Project 2 Building Installation Hours: 72 hours Summary: Fundamental
s and sizing calculation for a residential electric bill. Execution of electrica
l installations buildings. Input patterns of low voltage. Electrical design of a
residence. Basic bibliography: PIRELLI MANUAL OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 2nd
ed. São Paulo: Editora Pini, 1999. Recommended Books: SMITH, Vinicius de Araújo.
Iluminação Electric .1 ed. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher, 1999 CREDO, Helium
. Electrical Installer's Manual. 1st ed. New York: Scientific and Technical Book
s Publishing SA, 1995.
Discipline: Urban and Regional Planning Hours: 72 hours Summary: Urban planning:
history and current events, social movements, urban management, tools and stand
ards; Master Plan, the City Statute. Formation of urban networks, the integratio
n of the city in the region: urban and regional productive activities regional a
dministrative organization of urban and regional proposals for further regionali
zation. Basic bibliography: CARNEIRO, Ruy de Jesus Marçal. Organisation of the c
ity. [S.I.]: Editora Max Limonad, 1998. Maricato, Erminia. Brazil, cities - alte
rnative to the crisis of urban planning to Brazil. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2002.
Recommended Books: SINGER, Paul. Political economy of urbanization. S. Paulo, Br
asiliense, 1989.
Discipline: Visual Programming Project Hours: 72 hours Summary: Definition of Id
entity. Signaling processes, visual, urban legibility and visual functionality.
Visual design and branding. Digital information. Basic bibliography: Bigal, Sola
nge. Design and Industrial Design. Anna Blume, 2001. DONDI, Donis A. The syntax
of visual language. 2.ed. Bracelona, eductor Gustavo Gili, 1997.
Recommended Books: PIGNATARI, D. Information: Language: Communication. São Paulo
: Perspectiva, 1969. FERRARA, L. The Strategy of Signs. São Paulo: Perspectiva,
1986. MUNARI, B. Design and Visual Communications. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 19
95. AZEVEDO, W. Signs of Design. London: Global, 1994. (Collection Encounter) Pe
vsner, N. Pioneers of Modern Design.€São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1995.
Tambini, M. The Design of the Century. São Paulo: Attica, 1999.Revista Arc Desig
n. Sites:
Discipline: Scientific Methodology Hours: 36 hours Summary: Structuring the acad
emic work. Textual analysis. Methods of research. Writing of academic papers. De
velopment stages of a research project. Technical Rules of ABNT. Basic bibliogra
phy: LAKATOS, Eva Maria; MARCONI, Marina de Andrade. Methodology of Scientific W
ork. São Paulo, Atlas, 3. ed., 1991. SALOMON; Délcio Vieira. How to make a monog
raph. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Atual, 1991.
Recommended Books: Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), 2000. AZ
EVEDO, I.B. The pleasure of scientific production. 7. ed .., Piracicaba: Unimep,
1999. BARS, Robert. Scientists must write: writing guide for scientists, engine
ers and students. Sao Paulo, Queiroz T / Edusp, 1979. DEMO, Pedro. Principle sci
entific research and education. São Paulo: Cortez, 1990. GAGLIANO, A. William. S
cientific method: theory and practice. New York: Harper & Row in Brazil, 1988. G
IL, Antonio Carlos. How to develop research projects. São Paulo: Atlas, 2000. ME
DEIROS, Joao Bosco. Scientific writing: the practice of annotated summaries, rev
iews. 3.ed. São Paulo, Atlas, 1997.
Hours: 36 hours Course: Professional Ethics and Law Syllabus: The Ethics of hist
ory as an instrument of regulation of professional activity. The Code of Ethics
of the professions in the technology area. The standards and methodologies for t
he preparation and presentation of professional work. Basic bibliography: LOPES
DE SA, A. Professional Ethics. São Paulo, Atlas, undated REIS, Nestor Goulart (o
rg). 100 years of teaching architecture and urbanism in Sao Paulo. São Paulo: FA
UUSP, 1996. FERNANDES, Edésio (ed.). Urban law. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, 1998.
Recommended Books: SOUZA Maria Adelia, Urban Government. São Paulo: Nobel, 1988.
Lefevre, Henry. The right to the city. São Paulo: Centaur, 2001.
EVALUATION: The process of teaching and learning. In the evaluation of academics
considered to school attendance and achievement. Assessments are made every two
months and an assessment at the end of the school year, as forecast in the Scho
ol Calendar. The results of bimonthly assessments can be transformed into semi r
ecords delivered to the General Secretariat for archiving and distribution to st
udents as decided by the Board of Education, Research and Extension. Attendance
at the lessons and activities developed in the course is compulsory, with no all
owance of absences, the safeguarded provided by law. The teacher is responsible
for the records of attendance and assessment of recovery and the General Secreta
riat for its control. Approved the student is considered that given the frequenc
y of at least 75% average get less than seven integers, as a result of the arith
metic average of the grades obtained in assessments and school activities during
the year, as provided in the syllabus, of course. The student who obtains the a
rithmetic mean of less than seven and more than four integers summing the annual
average at least five integers can take the exam for achieving the average of a
pproval. The monitoring of student performance is done by the teacher through wr
itten tests in their various forms, papers, reports, case studies and other form
s listed in the syllabus developed by teachers for discipline at the beginning o
f each school year. In the records of assessments are used scores from zero to t
en, ignoring decimal fractions less than five tenths. Grade of zero will be assi
gned to the student who makes use of illicit means in the evaluation and what do
es not attend the final evaluation on the date fixed for the assessment and this
could, in the second case, on justification, require it to another date with th
e Coordination of course. The written evaluations, conducted during the year, ar
e returned to the student to analyze their performance, which must also know the
criteria used by teachers in their preparation. The student who can not get eno
ugh use by up to two courses will be promoted to the next grade and can cursálas
under dependency, under the legislation. Dependence or adaptation of students w
ill be developed through activities planned for this purpose in special times, u
sing appropriate methodology, as approved standards. Will enroll in the same ser
ies the students who can not consent on three or more disciplines, where it will
travel. The evaluation system adopted by the institution for the courses, in ke
eping with the laid down Rules and regulations adopted by the School Board of Ed
ucation, Research and Extension.

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