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Communication is the means by which we relate, or is the instrument of expressio

n of our interior, we think, what we believe. ISSUER ... MESSAGE ... RECEIVER Im
portant Points to be remembered by the issuer to avoid communication problems: •
• • • Prepare your speech; Use feed - back, to confirm receipt of the message;
Talking with verbal and nonverbal.
• • • • • Self - image; Listening; Clarity of expression; Ability to deal with t
he annoyance, Self opening.
"It is useless to our knowledge but we know how to express it in the world." (Au
thor Unknown).
• • • • Spatial, Musical, Body, Mathematics.
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• • • Word; tone of voice; Physiology.
The emotion of the speaker has influence in the process of gaining new listeners
. "While no one can go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and make
a new order." (Ayrton Senna)
The capacitadade to convey our messages, our thoughts and feelings are:
• • •
- July 24% - WORD (capacitade of influence among the people) 38% - tone (posture
), 55% - Physiology (study of bodily functions of living beings).
OBS.: The more education is done through words, people become less communicative
• • • • Words, Gestures, Context, Message.
• • • • • • • When fear appears, usually face it, control nervousness; Have the
right attitude; Before you think like, know what to say; Avoid making assumption
s; Avoid acquiring vices; Call your voice by breathing ; The practice will bring
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9) Use audiovisual aids This study is impressive - if only verbally present the
message, after three days the audience will remember the 10% who spoke. If, howe
ver, exposes the subject verbally, but with a visual aid, after the same time, p
eople will remember 65% of what was broadcast. Again, be careful of excesses. No
Power Point brecadinhas accompanied by car, typewriter noises and other noises
that have ceased to be news-there are a lot of time and therefore can 2vulgariza
r presentation. A good visual must meet three major goals: to highlight importan
t information, facilitating the monitoring of reasoning and make the audience re
member the information for longer periods. So do not use the visual as "colinha,
" just because it is beautiful to impress, or because everyone else uses. Ever n
otice if your usage is even necessary. Get visual with letters of a size that ev
eryone can read. Design only the essence of the message in a nutshell. Present n
umbers in graphs. Use contrasting colors, but without excess. Position the unit
and the projection screen in place that allows the viewing audience and facilita
te their movement. Avoid too many appliances. The more devices and more buttons
the better the chances of problems appear. 10) Speak with emotion Always speak w
ith energy, enthusiasm and emotion. If we do not demonstrate interest and involv
ement by the subject we are addressing, how do we want the listeners are interes
ted in the message? 1234567891011121314151617 -
Manage your inhibitions; Structure mentally; Motivate yourself; Look carefully a
t the issue; Set goals, organize the steps of exposure, Adapt language to the ta
rget audience; Use empathy; Create confidence zone; establish harmony; Being upd
ated; Care the utterance; Jogging harmoniously; Communicating with the look; Acc
elerate the mechanism of understanding; Create a personal style; Training, coach
ing and training.
• • • • • • Fear is undesirable, but it is normal to the speakers. Use the posit
ive aspects of it; Admit your fear. Try to understand their origins; You do not
need and should demonstrate their fear. Keep your privacy, use the adrenaline pr
oduced by fear for their benefit. Adrenaline and charisma are all very connected
; Face the audience as your ally. Always transmit the feeling: "I am happy to be
in the company of you" Prepare yourself. Think positively about yourself. Repea
t to yourself whenever any sentence containing strong positive appeal, for examp
le: "I am prepared and balanced. I am convincing, positive and strong. I am also
calm and confident "Public speaking is an art that only improves with time. App
ly yourself to it, fear is overcome by the determination and training.
• •
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We are a visual society, people begin to make judgments based on their body lang
uage when they see it. Hardly the logic of his speech can undo a bad first impre
ssion as to its unkempt appearance or gestures, while good presentation, gesture
s safe and confident style already makes half the battle won. Speakers know that
they must not only master your verbal presentation but also make the non-verbal
communication work for them in a positive way. The non-verbal communication inv
olves our facial expression, body language, movements, gestures and clothes. Be
a model of personal presentation, does not mean "being fashionable" or even attr
actively dressed or "naked." The speaker comes with all kinds of people and thus
must understand that as there is a taste for free, modern, attractive, there is
also a taste for the traditional and conservative. Whereas in an audience have
various kinds of people to serve, with varied tastes, it is recommended for the
appropriate personal presentation of the speaker:
The countenance is one of the most important aspects of body language, so pay sp
ecial attention to it. Make sure it is significant and consistent with the feeli
ng conveyed by words. For example, does not show sadness when talking about joy.
Avoid talking with his hands in his pockets, with folded arms or back. Nor is i
t recommended be rubbing his hands, especially at first, not to convey the idea
that you are unsure or hesitant. 7) Be humorous No study has proved that good hu
mor can convince or persuade listeners. If this was the humorists were always co
mpelling. However, it is obvious that a humorous speaker can keep the listeners'
attention more easily. If the subject permit and the environment is favorable,
use his presence of mind to make the presentation more light, relaxed and intere
sting. Beware, however, not to exaggerate, because the speaker is making jokes a
ll the time can lose credibility. 8) Be prepared to talk Learn as much as you ca
n about the subject that will expose, that is, if you have 15 minutes to speak,
know enough to discuss at least 30 minutes. Do not be content just to prepare th
e content, practice also the way of exposure. Exercise alone speaking in front o
f the mirror, or have conditions, before a video camera. Attention to this tip -
but suggested that training of fluency and pace to the presentation, in general
, does not give birth. For the talks to reach a good level of spontaneity talk t
o people. Gather a group of friends, family or colleagues, or class, and talk a
lot about the subject that will expose.
• • • • Properly adjusted to the body (not too stuck or too wide) Properly adjus
ted to size (neither too short nor too long), A more sober as possible, clothing
should not draw more attention than the person; Avoid straps, necklines and exc
essive transparency.
• • preferably low, for greater comfort; Clean and in perfect condition, which i
ncludes grease and soles in good condition.
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Use any available argument: research, statistics, examples, comparisons, technic
al and scientific studies, etc.. If you eventually realize that the listeners ha
ve some kind of resistance, defend the arguments refuting these objections. Fina
lly, after exposing the arguments and defend them from the resistance of the lis
teners, say which was the subject addressed, so that the audience can better kee
p the main message. 6) Have a good posture Avoid excesses, including rules that
provide guidance on posture. Some, in order to correct mistakes, to start up and
condemn the extreme attitudes which, in certain circumstances, are natural and
correct. So, beware of the "do", "can not", "wrong" and other similar statements
. Prefer to follow suggestions that say "avoid", "unwise," "not recommended", an
d others that look like these. So avoid to rely on just one leg and try not to l
eave them wide open or closed. It is important to move forward to feed back from
listeners attention, but be assured that the movement has some goal, such as de
ploying an information recapturing part of the audience who is inattentive, etc.
, otherwise it is preferable that it is stopped. Beware the lack of gestures, bu
t be more cautious even with excessive gesticulation. Ask to speak looking at al
l the people in the audience, turning the torso and head with calm, sometimes le
ft, sometimes right,€to value and honor the presence of listeners, how to behave
in front of the exhibition and give flexibility to the body, thus providing a m
ore natural posture.
• • • Well cut; Preferably prisoners; Cleaned.
• Well trimmed.
• • • Properly handled, cleaned, did not admit damaged enamel; Prefer color pink
Makeup / PERFUME
• • • Sober, Floral, colonial, deodorant dry.
Posture and gesticulation
The speaker is through gestures and movements to demonstrate enthusiasm and viva
city, but in moderation. Natural gestures and movements and give great variety a
nd vitality of the conversation, not the hiring, the speaker may seem uncomforta
ble and instead use them in excess or forcibly draw attention to them and not to
the subject. c) Ways to avoid the mannerisms, among which the most common is to
play with any object that is nearby. Therefore, the speaker should act with gre
ater ease, taking into account the communication of ideas is more important than
many details.
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a) CARE OF GRAMMAR A grammatical error, depending on its severity, could disrupt
his speech in its content and destroy the image you want to show. Every grammar
must be correct, but mainly, do a review of agreement and verb conjugation. Rem
ember that reading is an excellent source of learning.
Some common errors are committed even by those in positions and hierarchical imp
ortant that audiences hear the doubters of training and competence of those who
commit it. The most serious are: "do so many years," menas "," level "," we are
at six, "half silly," among others. Even if you have a good intellectual trainin
g, always will be worth doing a review of grammar, especially in relation to ver
b conjugation and concordances.
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-5 4) Find out who are the listeners If you make the same presentation in front
of different audiences perhaps even to succeed, but by chance. The forecast, how
ever, does not reach the desired goals. Each audience has its own characteristic
s and expectations, and that must be considered in a presentation. Find out what
is the intellectual level of people, how know the subject and the predominant a
ge group of listeners. So you can prepare in a more convenient and more likely t
o present themselves well. 5) Have a beginning, middle and end Keep this simple
and very useful rule of thumb to arrange a presentation. Advertise what is going
to talk, talk and tell about what they say. After greeting the audience and win
them with sincere compliments, or showing the benefits of the message, tell me
what the theme that will be addressed. In announcing that the subject will devel
op, the audience will follow his reasoning easier, because you know where you wa
nt to reach. Then transmits the message, always facilitating the understanding o
f listeners. If, for example, would provide the solution to a problem rather say
what the problem is. If you want to talk about a current information, explain h
ow it all originally happened until new information arises.
b) to start, middle and end Every speech must have a beginning, middle and end.
At first, look to conquer the listener disarming their resistance and capturing
their interest and attention with courtesy. In the middle, prepare what will be
addressed. In the end, do a quick recap on just one or two sentences, do the sum
mary and check that it was understood. The size and intensity of gestures must m
eet the kind of audience that you face. GENERAL RULE: The bigger the audience un
educated or more, larger and larger should be the gestures, the lower the audito
rium or better prepared, more moderate and smaller must be the gestures. The ges
tures should be shown, represented in part, almost never completed.
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2) Do not rely on memory - take a tour as support Some people memorize your pres
entation word for word so imagining that they will feel more confident. Experien
ce shows that, overall, the result ends up being very different. If you forget o
ne important word in the connection of two ideas, you may feel unsettled and uns
afe to continue. The worst is that when decorating a presentation you can not pr
epare yourself psychologically to speak off the cuff and not find the informatio
n you need, you will not know how to get around the problem. -6Use a script with
the main stages of exposure and phrases that contain complete ideas. So, facing
the audience, read the sentence and then comment on the information, expanding,
criticizing, comparing, discussing, until that part of the message runs out. Th
en€read the next sentence and make other appropriate comments to new information
, make comparisons, enter different observations to complete this stage of reaso
ning act so close to the presentation. A major advantage of this feature is that
you will feel secure by having a script with the entire sequence of the present
ation, while you have the freedom to develop the reasoning to the public. If you
r presentation is simpler may use a note card, a card roughly the size of the pa
lm, which should contain the key words, numbers, dates, numbers, and all informa
tion that can show the sequence of ideas. With this feature you hit the eyes on
the words that are on the card and will be certifying that the planned sequence
is being followed. 3) Use the correct language escorregadinha A grammar here and
there, maybe not come to harm your presentation. However, some blunders might h
arm their image and the institution you are representing.
• • • • • • • The legs should be stopped; support must be in both legs at the sa
me time, slightly open a slightly more forward than the other, without noticing
that the audience, throw the weight of the legs in either leg, then the other; L
eg Movement (faster) should follow the talk; The approach should be toward all d
irections - 19 Most times, the legs should be stopped; should move the audience
to modern form.
• • • Both feet must remain on the floor or one leg next to another, leaving the
thighs resting against the leg and foot that sits on top without support; cross
ed legs can be exchanged; When you need to argue or defend a point of view do fe
et on the ground, it will have greater freedom of movement, allowing improved be
nd the body forward, which demonstrates the conviction behavior; Women can put y
our legs together, pulled back one foot to the other or superimposed "X "without
this being a mistake.

• • • • • • • Arms are in a position to facilitate breathing of the body; Postur
e: the next table, we can hold hands, so straight (forward security) Write down
what you will speak in thick sheets of paper ( ensure nervousness and trembling
of the hands) Put your hands closed clamshell; By supporting the gallery, do so
with four fingers straight out, without support it is beginning to more experien
ced speakers, it greets the audience with arms throughout the body, it is a paus
e, begins with a gesture the subject.
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The countenance is the most expressive of the whole body. Works like a screen wh
ere images of our interior is presented in all dimensions. He also works as an i
dentifier of consistency and sincerity of the words. Should show exactly what yo
u're saying.
6) Position yourself on the chair without rigidity, but with elegance. Place bot
h feet on the floor or cross your legs. Keep your head up, but without exaggerat
ion, not to project an image arrogant. Do not make exaggerated gestures and do n
ot get your legs jumping or moving from side to side in his swivel chair. 7) Giv
e your speech a beginning, middle and end. 8) Talk with emotion - demonstrate in
terest and involvement in the subject.
The mouth communicates well when he speaks, as when shut. It is - 18 it determin
es that the sympathy of the face.
The smile can break seemingly insurmountable barriers. He disarms opponents, con
quer enemies, changing opinions, open minds and hearts. It is a special element
in the communication and should be widely used.
The simple way to speak well and conquered audiences
See how simple it can be to plan and make presentations successful. Follow step
by step a set of rules that will help you speak in public with confidence and ea
se. 1) The naturalness can be considered the best rule of good communication If
you make some technical errors during a presentation in public, but to behave na
turally and spontaneously make sure that listeners can still believe in his word
s and accept the good message. However, using communication techniques, but arti
ficially present her show, the audience may doubt his intentions. The technique
is useful when preserving characteristics and meet your communication style. Pre
senting itself naturally, will feel safe, confident and their presentations will
be more efficient.
The whole face, the eyes have shown more importance to the success of verbal exp
• • • • • • Running away with the eyes (down, up, all sides) because it gives th
e impression that it has the attention of the speaker, too extreme to be avoided
, because look insistently, leaves the listener little libitum; look suspicious
(from side to side), because it creates uncertainty deserved attention by the li
stener; stare, because it gives the impression of hostile behavior of the speake
r, look for "windshield wiper" (above, for sides) look lost.
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10) All of these recommendations help in time to speak, but nothing replaces a c
onsistent preparation. Use this every time you have.
Must look not only with eyes but with the whole body.
1) Train, train, train. Simulate the interview with the help of a friend and a v
ideo camera. See the results and correct the flaws. It's a good way to avoid ner
vousness. 2) Choose the right clothing. Prefer pieces of plain colors, in shades
of blue, wine, beige or gray - a choice that should vary depending on the scena
rio of the studio (try to find out in advance). Forget the garish colors and soc
ks, letting you see the leg. It's also good to avoid noisy and bright accessorie
s that distract the viewer. 3) Know before an interview only if you or a debate,
the time, whether it's live and what style of the interviewer. On D, do not be
late: arrives 20 or 30 minutes before starting. Take a cup of coffee, talk, feel
the environment. By doing so, the risks of doing very ugly fall.
4) Greet the interviewer with a simple "good morning"
His voice is one of their cards. It is very important and will make the audience
accept her speech. To get you success with your voice, you must first know it.
The way you get the phrases, so the vowels, pause, all this is very important fo
r a - 17 good speech. The most-important exercise is to read aloud. Read for you
rself. But what are the elements you should work on your voice for better dictio
n? There are some factors that may separately in his voice. Let them, be analyze
"Good afternoon" or "good night". Nothing "is a pleasure to be in your program,"
Hello, viewers and the like.
5) Start
a) Volume - This element is associated with modulation of speech. If your presen
tation lasts for more than 03 minutes is necessary to adjust the vocal volume (s
peaking louder and lower, faster and slower). In short intervals of 45 seconds t
o 1 minute and a half, speak lower and slower. Remember, however, that when your
voice should be heard throughout the auditorium. After this interval, return to
your normal rhythm so sharp and energetic. This will make your presentations mo
re attractive. Take care with the implementation of this technique, it requires
much training to get you success. However, speaking louder, his voice tends to g
o thinner and disharmonious, requiring great care. b) Tempo and Rhythm - This el
ement is linked to how quickly you articulate the words and sounds, that is, the
ir diction. To greatly improve this factor, we recommend that all "breaks-langua
ges" are trained to follow along and read fluently. In performing these exercise
s suggest that each language is read-breaking 03 times in a row, quickly, loudly
, without hesitation (stop breathing when necessary). The secret lies in getting
to pronounce phonemes rather than words.
to answer that question by looking at the interviewer, but later turn to the cam
era. From time to time, look for him again. The ideal is to look at 80% to 90% o
f the time for the camera. If the program focus on you two all the time (usually
the studio has a TV that shows what is going to air), do the opposite, looking
more to the interviewer.
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The set of phonemes form words and words form the set of prayers. Taking this ha
bit to their daily life, you will have a more perfect diction. Note: • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • juggler prestatório helpful and is about to provide the sleight
prodigious and prestigious. The black stones from the quarry of Peter Quarries
are the boulders that Peter stoned three fillies pregnant. Fast abduction, a qui
ck mouse kidnapped three mice without a trace. - 16 Flat glider in mid-sky, and
hovering over the plateau, admiring the plants planted on the platform of the pl
anter. In three plates of wheat they eat three sad tigers. Brito brito diamond e
arrings, playing breaker. A foot gabiroba "well gabirobadinho" who desengabiroba
r well, good desengabirobador be.€Jabber / Jabber / Jabber / Jabber / Jabber / T
agarelarão. Heaven is enladrilhado; who desenladrilhará? Who desenladrilhar, des
enladrilhador good will. Glue sticks to the cave hoist gringa crying and screami
ng, the vane grid of the great girl. When he speaks of the failure, it failed to
talk. Luiza shined buff striped, polished luster shone. Franks is the cold frie
d chicken, refrigerated the French, in the refrigerator of the friar, Archbishop
of Constantinople will desarcebispoconstantinopolizado; who desarcebispoconstan
tinopolizará? Who desarcebispoconstantinopolizar, desarcebispoconstantinopolizad
or good will.
2) Always take a script written with the main steps of presentation, even if the
y do not need it. Just to give more security. 3) If you happen to read a speech
or message, print the text in a thick cardboard or paste the paper on cardboard,
so if his hands shake a little the public does not realize and you'll be calmer
. 4) On reaching the public is not rushing to start. Breathe as smooth as possib
le, adjust the height of the microphone slowly (without showing it does so on pu
rpose), look at all sides of the audience and begin speaking more slowly and wit
h lower volume of voice. So, do not show emotional instability to the public. 5)
Initially, when the discomfort of standing in front of the public is greater if
there is a board director, greet each component calmly. Thus, gain time to over
come the initial moments so difficult. Among the components of a table is also k
nown to enjoy some personal comment. 6) Before you speak, when already in the en
vironment, do not be thinking what to say, watch what other people are doing and
try to distract a bit. 7) Prior to submission to avoid talking to people who ge
t bored, prefer to talk to people more sympathetic. 8) Before making his present
ation, join co-workers or people nearby and train several times. Remember to wor
k out answers to possible questions or objections, with this careful not to be s
urprised before the public. 9) If it white, do not despair. Repeat the last sent
ence to try to remember the sequence. If this appeal fails, tell the listeners w
ho later on returned to the subject. If you still can not remember, probably nob
ody will charge for it.
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Impromptu speech
Impromptu speaking is to make a speech that was not previously worked. It may ha
ppen that you are asked to take the floor, standing guard. It is unwise to be ab
le to say something that makes sense and is relevant to the subject of the meeti
ng. Thus, when invited to a meeting, seek as much information about the event an
d its participants. Form his point of view on the matter and, if called, tell th
e audience what you think about it. The cuff also has the three phases of discou
rse, ie opening or presentation, development and conclusion. It is recommended t
hat the improvisation has three to five minutes. Next, some necessary informatio
n about: • • • • • • Only accept speaking off the cuff case knows the subject to
be treated; Start your presentation with some form of introduction, you can hig
hlight the ideas of other speakers who have performed , citing their names; Note
phases: opening, development and conclusion; Avoid long gaps; Remember: the imp
rovisation should be shorter than a normal speech, develop a maximum of three id
eas in the body of the submission; Complete using some form of conclusion. • • c
) Focus - This element concerns the tone of his words and syllables. It is neces
sary that people can really grasp its intention. There is a part of prayer (or c
ontext) which, when stressed, better representation of your idea. You can give e
mphases as follows: Take a short break before the snippet you want to emphasize.
Turn up the volume on the vocal-stretch to be emphasized. 15 -
d) Pause - The pause can be used in many ways by the speaker: for emphasis, effe
ct, humor, to draw the attention of the audience, to make people who are talking
during the lecture stop talking, etc.. e) Speed - Surely you've heard someone t
alking points without or without commas. Looks like a machine gun, killing the m
inds of listeners, because nobody can understand phrases pronounced with such sp
eed. Moreover, there are also those who speak so slowly that the listener ends u
p getting upset and impatient.€What is the ideal speed for the speech? Does it d
epend on the speed of the speaker's thoughts? Of course not! The speed of the sp
eech should be in keeping with the theme of the lecture and the preparation of l
isteners. The more difficult the subject of the lecture, or the greater the unpr
eparedness of the audience, should be slower speech. For that, nobody sleeps in
those circumstances, it is necessary to use modulation of voice, speak louder, l
ower, faster or slower. It is necessary to enhance all these elements through ma
ny exercises. Simulate various combinations and choose the best to give the effe
ct you want.

1) Know exactly what to say at first, almost word for word, because at this mome
nt is occurring greater release of adrenaline.
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hout tripping NOT ERR IN A LETTER WORD!
Pays the duck, the cat sleeps, Flee the mouse, it pays the cat, the rat sleeps,
flees the duck, pays the mouse, the duck sleeps, the cat flees. Look at the frog
in the bag, the bag with the frog inside the frog chatting chat And dropping th
e wind. Sweet asked the sweet What is the sweetest sweet - sweet 11. That the sw
eet potato - Sweet responded pro That sweet sweet sweeter than the sweet potato
- sweet candy is the sweet potato - sweet. They said that on my street has done
parallelepiped From parallelograms. Six parallelograms has a parallelepiped. Has
a Thousand paralelepípedovia cobblestones. One is ten thousand paralelepípedovi
a parallelograms. So one is a paralelepípedovia paralelogramolândia? Lalah, Lele
and Lili and her daughters Lalala, and Lelelé Lilili Laleli and his granddaught
ers, and Lelalé Lileli Lilelá And their great-granddaughters, and Lalilé Lelali
And their great grandchildren Laleli, lilalou Lelilá and sang in chorus La la la
la la la la la there.
1. It crocogrilho? It Cocodrilho? - 14 is cocrodilo? It cocodilho? It corcodilho
? It crocrodilo? It crocodile? It corcrodilo? It cocordilo? It is alligator? Did
anyone hit the name of the crocodile moron? 2. The long time asked pro What is
the time it actually has. Time answered pro What time do not have time To tell t
he time That time is the time time time has. A nest was six mafagafos Grue. He h
ad also magafaças, maçagafas, maçafinhos, mafafagos, magaçafas, maçafagas, magaf
inhos. This addition to the E magafafos magafagafinhos. Beans, melons, pine nuts
, papayas. Meijão, suitcase, feinhão, Pima. Pija, Feilai, Manhães, mema. Maja an
d pestle, menhão, feimão. 7.
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