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French Revolution

Environment Pre-Revolutionary
End of the century. XVIII France was in a deep crisis
• Bourgeoisie • People dissatisfied overloaded • Nobility and clergy privileged
• Poor agricultural modernization • Competition and loss of English colonies
• Expenditure on the army • Expenses • No court fees (on the privileged)
• Inability of the king to solve the problems
The Beginning of the Revolution
May 5, 1789 3rd State (People) They open the States General demanded a fair vote
(Per Capita)
Nobility and clergy refuse the proposal
Given that the 3rd state carries out the 1st Revolutionary Act constituting the
National Assembly in
June 17, 1789
The End of the Old Regime
June 14 Bastille
• Prison where opponents of the regime were arrested • It is a symbol of oppress
ion and absolutism of the ancien regime
• violent reaction of the people despite the shortage of bread • violent reactio
n to the attitude of the king who commanded the presence of soldiers at the gate
s of Paris
August 4, 1789 National Constituent Assembly abolishes the feudal rights and pri
The August 26 is created in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
It was now necessary to create a constitution
The Constitutional Monarchy
1791 is hereby established the Constitution been instituted constitutional monar
• The king sharing power with the House and the courts • The Bourgeoisie won the
right to vote and obtain the abolition of corporations and free trade • However
the little folks and women only get their status as citizens
The Convention and the Radical Republican
France is invaded by the armies of other countries to recover the power of Louis
The revolution became radicalized: the National Assembly is dissolved and the co
nstitutional monarchy abolished. It created the Convention proclaimed the Republ
Had great importance in death by guillotine of Louis XVI. • Girondins are remove
d • Convention becomes more radical • It begins the period of "terror" during wh
ich thousands of French people are tried and beheaded.
Come the sans-culottes
Popular revolutionary radicals and hotheads who urged Members to take action fav
orable to the third state
July 27, 1794
Robespierre is guillotined
The more radical phase of revolution came to FIM
The Directory - 1795/1799
The convention concludes a new constitution A new phase of the Revolution: The D
Took the opportunity to legislate in their favor and strongly suppress outbreaks
of insurrection
Internal instability
Intend to keep: • Order; • Peace; • Power; • Profits.
The most lucid people equate the benefits of military dictatorship
Napoleon Bonaparte - the ideal man to carry this mission
The Consulate (1799/1804) and the Empire (1804/1814)
Napoleon abolishes the directory (with the support of the Government High Bourge
oisie Period - 2 phases 1st phase - the second phase of the Consulate - the Empi
He shared power with two consuls
Ruled alone with the title of Napoleon I
Pacified the country expansionist policy in Europe Policy Centralization adminis
trative and judicial
Their governments have consolidated power (the bourgeoisie) Economic Policy
1806 - Napoleon declared the Continental Blockade
1815 - Napoleon was finally defeated at Waterloo 1814/1815 - Country winning the
war against Napoleon
Gathered at the Congress of Vienna to restore absolutism and reset the European
The Achievements of the French Revolution
• End of absolute regimes • End of Inequality in Society Orders • Establishment
of the Constitutional Monarchies and Republics of curries liberal • Recognition
of the nation's sovereignty by voting and guaranteed by the Constitution • Trium
ph of individual freedom and economic • Influenced the Revolutions of the Libera
ls Europe and was independent movements in Latin America
The French Revolution because of its importance, serves as a frame of separator
between the Contemporary and Modern Age (news)

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