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Chapter 16.

Sound and Hearing

Dr. Yousef Abou-Ali

16.1 Sound Waves

16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
16.3 Sound Intensity
16.5 Resonance
16.6 Interference of Waves
16.7 Beats
16.8 The Doppler Effect

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

Goals for Chapter 16

To present sound as a standing longitudinal wave.

To see that waves will interfere (add
constructively and destructively).
To study sound intensity and beats.
To solve for frequency shifts (the Doppler Effect).

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

Of all the mechanical waves that occur in nature, the most
important in our everyday lives are longitudinal waves in a medium,
usually air, called sound waves.

The human ear is tremendously sensitive and can detect sound

waves even of very low intensity.

A mechanical wave is a disturbance that travels through some

material or substance called the medium for the wave.
As the wave travels through the medium, the particles that make
up the medium undergo displacements of various kinds, depending
on the nature of wave.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16


Waves in a fluid are the

result of a mechanical

At right, a stone disturbs

water and creates visually
observable traveling waves.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

Mechanical waves described primarily in terms of displacement.
A description of sound waves in terms of pressure fluctuations is
often appropriate, largely because the ear is primarily sensitive to
changes in pressure.
We will study the relations among displacement, pressure
fluctuation, and intensity and connections between these quantities
and human sound perception.

When a source of sound or listener moves through the air, the

listener may hear a different frequency than the one emitted by the
source. This is Doppler effect.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.1 Sound Waves
The most general definition of sound is that is a longitudinal wave
in a medium. Our main concern in this chapter is with sound waves
in air.
But sound can travel through any gas, liquid, or solid.
The simplest sound waves are sinusoidal waves, which have
definite frequency, amplitude and wavelength.
Human ear is sensitive to waves in the frequency range from about
20 20000 Hz /audible range/.
But we also use the term sound for similar waves with frequencies
above (ultrasonic) and below (infrasonic) the range of human
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.1 Sound Waves
Sound waves usually travel out in all directions from the source of
sound, with an amplitude that depends on the direction and distance
from the source.
On the idealised case of a sound wave that propagates in the
positive x-direction only.
Such a wave is described by a wave function y (x, t ), which gives the
instantaneous displacement y of a particle in the medium at position
x at time t . If the wave is sinusoidal:

y ( x , t ) = A cos(k x t ) (1 6 . 1 )
(so u n d w a v e p ro p a g a tin g in th e + x -d ire c tio n )
 Where k is wave number, A is the amplitude and angular frequency.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.1 Sound Waves
In a longitudinal wave the displacements are parallel to the
direction of travel of the wave, so distances x and y are measured
parallel to each other.
In a transverse wave the displacements are perpendicular to the
direction of travel of the wave.

The amplitude A is the maximum displacement of a particle in the

medium from its equilibrium position. It is also called the
displacement amplitude.

Sound waves may also be described in terms of variations of

pressure at various points.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.1 Sound Waves
Let p (x, t ) be the instantaneous pressure fluctuation in a sound
wave at any point x at time t .
p (x, t ) is the amount by which the pressure differs from normal
atmospheric pressure p a.
Think of p (x, t ) as the gauge pressure; it can be either positive or
negative. The absolute pressure at a point is then p a + p (x, t ).
For the sinusoidal wave:
p ( x , t ) = B k A s in ( k x t ) (1 6 . 4 )
 Where B is the bulk modulus.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.1 Sound Waves
B u lk s tre s s p
B = = (1 1 .1 3 )
B u lk s tra in V / Vo

(a) Displacement amplitude and,

(b) Pressure amplitude versus
position for a sinusoidal
longitudinal wave.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.1 Sound Waves
Equation (16.4) shows that the quantity BkA represents the
maximum pressure fluctuation.
We call this the pressure amplitude, denoted by p max:
pm ax = B k A (1 6 .5 )

The pressure amplitude is directly proportional to the

displacement amplitude A , and it also depends on wavelength.

Waves of shorter wavelength (larger wave number k = 2/) have

greater pressure variations for a given amplitude.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.1 Sound Waves
Example 16.1 ( Amplitude of a sound wave in air):
In a sinusoidal sound wave of moderate loudness the maximum
pressure variations are of the order of 3.0 10-2 Pa above and below
atmospheric pressure pa (nominally 1.013 105 Pa at sea level). Find
the corresponding maximum displacement if the frequency is
1000 Hz. In air at normal atmospheric pressure and density, the
speed of sound is 344 m/s and the bulk modulus is 1.42 105 Pa.
Identify and Set Up : We are given the pressure amplitude p max,
wave speed v , frequency f, and bulk modulus B. Our target variable
is the displacement A , which is related to p max by Eq. (16.5). We also
use the relationship = v k to determine the wave number k .
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.1 Sound Waves
Execute: From Eq. (16.5), the maximum displacement is
A = p max/Bk . The wave number is:

2 f (2 rad)(1000 H z)
k = = = = 18 . 3 rad / m
v v 344 m / s

pmax 3.0 10-2 Pa 8

A= = = 1.2 10 m
Bk (1.42 105 Pa )(18.3 rad/m)

Read Example 16.2/530).

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.1 Sound Waves
Perception of Sound Waves
The physical characteristics of a sound wave are directly related to
the perception of that sound by a listener.

For a given frequency, the greater the pressure amplitude of a

sinusoidal sound wave, the greater the perceived loudness.

The frequency of a sound wave is the primary factor in

determining the pitch of a sound, the quality that lets us classify the
sound as high or low. The higher the frequency of a sound, the
higher the pitch.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.1 Sound Waves
Perception of Sound Waves
Two tones have the same frequency (the same pitch) but sound
different because of the presence of different amounts of the various
harmonics. The difference is called tone color , quality , or timber and
often described in subjective terms such as reedy, golden, round,
mellow, and tinny.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
For mechanical waves in general, the expression for the wave
speed is of the form:

R estoring force returning the system to equilibrium

Inertia resisting the return to equilibrium
When a longitudinal wave propagates in a fluid or pipe, the speed
of longitudinal wave is given by:

v = ( s p e e d o f a lo n g itu d in a l w a v e in a flu id ) (1 6 .7 )

 where B is the bulk modulus and is the density of a fluid.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
When a longitudinal wave propagates in a solid rod or bar, the
speed of longitudinal wave is given by:

v= ( speed of a longitudinal w ave in a solid rod ) (16.8)

 Where Y is Youngs modulus.

Tensile stress F / A F l o
Y = = = (11.10)
Tnsile strain l / l o A l
(Young's modulus)
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Example 16.3 ( Wavelength of sonar waves):
A ship uses a sonar system to detect underwater objects (Fig 16.8).
The system emits underwater sound waves and measures the time
interval for the reflected wave (echo) to return to the detector.
Determine the speed of sound waves in water using Eq. (16.7) and
find the wavelength of a 262-Hz wave.
Identify and Set Up : To use Eq. (16.7), we find the bulk modulus of
water from the compressibility (Table 11.2) and the density (
= 1.00 103 kg/m3). Given the speed and the frequency f = 262 Hz,
we find the wavelength from the relationship v = f .

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Execute: From Table 11.2 we find that the compressibility of water,
which is the reciprocal of the bulk modulus, is B=
(1/54.8) 1011 Pa. We obtain,

B (1 / 45 .8) 1011 Pa
v= = = 1480 m / s
1 .00 10 3 kg / m 3

 The wavelength is given by:

v 1480 m / s
= = = 5 .65 m
f 262 s 1
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Dolphins emit high frequency sound waves (typically 100,000 Hz)
and use the echoes for guidance and hunting.

The corresponding wavelength in water is 1.48 cm. With this high

frequency sonar system they can sense objects that are roughly
as small as the wavelength (but not much smaller).

Ultrasonic imaging is a medical technique that uses exactly the

same physical principle;

Sound waves of very high frequency and very short wavelength,

called ultrasound , are scanned over the human body, and the
echoes from interior organs are used to create an image.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Ultrasound is used for the study of heart valve action, detection
of tumors, and prenatal examinations.
Ultrasound is more sensitive than x-rays in distinguishing various
kinds of tissues and does not have the radiation hazards associated
with x-rays.
Example 16.4 ( Speed of a longitudinal wave):
What is the longitudinal waves in a lead rod?
Identify : We cant simply use the value for lead from Table 16.1, as
that value refers to the speed of sound in a bulk material, not a rod.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Set Up : Equation (16.8) applies to this situation. We find the values
of Youngs modulus Y and the density from Tables 11.1 and 14.1,
Execute: We find Y = 1.6 1010 Pa and = 11.3 103 kg/m3 (that
is, 11.4 times the density of water), so:

Y 1 .6 1010 Pa
v= = = 1 .2 103 m / s
11 .3 10 3 kg / m 3

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Speed of Sound in Gases
Most of the sound waves that we encounter on a daily basis
propagate in air.

To use Eq. (16.7) to find speed of sound waves in air, we must keep
in mind that the bulk modulus of a gas depends on the pressure of
the gas.

The greater the pressure applied to a gas to compress it, the more
it resists further compression and hence the greater the bulk

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Speed of Sound in Gases
The expression for the bulk modulus of a gas for use in Eq. (16.7) is:
B = po (16 .9 )
 Where p o is the equilibrium pressure of the gas. The quantity is
called the ratio of heat capacities.
The speed of sound in a gas is fundamentally a function of
temperature T :

v = ( s p e e d s o u n d in a n id e a l g a s ) (1 6 .1 0 )
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Speed of Sound in Gases
 Where T is the absolute temperature in kelvins (K), which equal to
the Celsius temperature plus 273.15, M is the molar mass or mass
per mole of the substance, and R is the gas constant .
R = 8.314472 (15) J/mol . K
Example 16.5 ( Speed of sound in air):
Compute the speed of sound waves in air at room temperature
(T = 20oC) and find the range of wavelengths in air to which the
human ear (which can hear frequencies in the range of
20 20,000 Hz) is sensitive. The mean molar mass for air (a mixture
of principally nitrogen and oxygen) is 28.8 10-3 kg/mol and the
ratio of heat capacities is = 1.40.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Speed of Sound in Gases
Identify and Set Up : We use Eq. (16.10) to find the sound speed
and the relation v = f to determine the wavelength that corresponds
to each frequency.

Execute: At T = 20oC = 293 K, we find:


(1 . 40)(8 . 314 J / m ol . K )(293 K )

= = 344 m /s
28 . 8 10 3 kg/m ol
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.2 Speed of Sound Waves
Speed of Sound in Gases
Using this value of v and the expression we find v = f , we find:
 At 20oC a 20-Hz note corresponds to a wavelength of 17 m and,

 A 20,000-Hz note corresponds to a wavelength of 1.7 cm.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
Travelling sound waves, like all travelling waves, transfer energy
from one region of space to another.

A useful way to describe the energy carried by a sound wave is

through the wave intensity I.
 Which equal to the time average rate at which energy is
transported per unit area across a surface perpendicular to the
direction of propagation.

In particular, we will express the intensity of a sound wave in

terms of the displacement A or pressure amplitude p max.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
For simplicity, let us consider a sound wave propagating in the
+ x-direction.
The power per unit area in this sound wave equals the product of
p (x, t ) and the particle velocity v y (x, t ).
The particle velocity v y(x, t ) is the velocity at time t of that portion
of the wave medium at coordinate x. Using Eqs. (16.1) and (16.4) we
y ( x , t )
v y ( x, t) = = A sin( kx t )
p ( x , t ) v y ( x , t ) = [ B k A s in ( k x t )][ A s in ( k x t )]

= B k A 2 s in 2 ( k x t )
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.3 Sound Intensity
The intensity is, by definition, the time average value of
p (x, t ) v y (x, t ). For any value of x the average value of the function
sin2(kx - t ) over one period T = 2/ is , so:
I = B k A 2 (16.11)
By using the relation = vk and v 2 = B/, we can transform
Eq. (16.11) into the form:

I = 1 B 2 A2 (Intensity of a sinusoidal sound wave ) (16.12)

This equation shows why in a stereo system, a low-frequency
woofer has to vibrate which much larger amplitude than a high-
frequency tweeter to produce the same sound intensity.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.3 Sound Intensity
It is usually more useful to express I in terms of the pressure
amplitude p max, using Eq. (16.5) and the relation = vk , we find:
2 2
pmax v p max
I= = (16.13)
2 Bk 2B
By using the wave speed relation v 2 = B/, we can also write
Eq. (16.13) in the alternative forms:

pmax 2
I= = ( Intensity of a sinusoidal sound wave) (16.14)
2 v 2 B

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
Example 16.6 ( Intensity of a sound wave in air):
Find the intensity of the sound wave in Example 16.1, with
p max = 3.0 10-2 Pa. Assume the temperature is 20oC so that the
density of air is = 1.20 kg/m3 and the speed of sound is v = 344 m/s.
Identify and Set Up : We are given the pressure amplitude p max,
density , and wave speed v , and want to find the intensity I. This is
done most easily with Eq. (16.14).

Execute: From Eq. (16.14),

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
p max 2
(3 . 0 10 Pa ) 2
I = =
2 v 2(1 . 20 kg / m 3 )( 344 m / s )
= 1 . 1 10 6 J /( s . m 2 ) = 1 . 1 10 6 W / m 2

Read Example 16.7/539.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
The Decibel Scale
Because the ear is sensitive over a broad range of intensities, a
logarithmic intensity scale is usually used.
The sound intensity level of a sound wave is defined by the

= (10 dB)log I (definition of sound intensity level) (16.15)


In this equation, Io is a reference intensity, chosen to be 10-12 W/m2,

approximately the threshold of human hearing at 1000 Hz.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
The Decibel Scale
Sound intensity levels are expressed in decibel, abbreviated dB.
Example ( A high-altitude sound wave):
A ten-minute exposure to 120-dB sound will typically shift your
threshold of hearing at 1000 Hz from 0 dB up to 28 dB for a while.
Ten years of exposure to 92-dB sound will cause a permanent shift
up to 28 dB. What intensities correspond to 28 dB and 92 dB?
Identify and Set Up : We solve Eq. (16.15) to find the intensity I for
each value of the sound intensity level .

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
The Decibel Scale
Execute: We rearrange Eq. (16.15) by dividing both sides by 10 dB
and then using the relationship 10log x = x:

I = I o 10 / (10dB)

 When = 28 dB,

I = (10 12 2
W / m )10 (28dB / 10 dB)

= (10 12 2
W / m )10 2 . 8 = 6.3 10 10 W/m 2

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.3 Sound Intensity
The Decibel Scale
 Similarly, for = 92 dB,

I = (1012 W / m 2 )10(92 dB / 10 dB) = 1.6 103 W / m 2

Read Example 16.10/540.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.5 Resonance and Sound
Many mechanical systems have normal modes of oscillation, these
include columns of air (as in an organ pipe) and stretched strings (as
in a guitar).
Suppose we apply a periodically varying force to a system that can
The system is then forced to oscillate with a frequency equal to the
frequency of the applied force (called the driving frequency ).
This motion is called a forced oscillation.
In particular, we described the phenomenon of mechanical
A simple example of resonance is pushing child on a swing.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.5 Resonance and Sound
The swing is a pendulum; it has only a single normal mode, with a
frequency determined by its length.
If we we push the swing periodically with this frequency, we can
build up the amplitude of the motion.
But if we push with a very different frequency, the swing hardly
moves at all.
If the frequency of the force is precisely equal to a normal-mode
frequency, the system is in resonance, and the amplitude of the
forced oscillation is maximum.
The sound of the ocean you hear when you put your ear next to
a large seashell is due to resonance.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.5 Resonance and Sound
Example 16.13 ( An organ-guitar duet):
A stopped organ pipe is sounded near a guitar, causing one of the
strings to vibrate with large amplitude. We vary the tension of the
string until we find the maximum amplitude. The string is 80% as
long as the stopped pipe. If both the pipe and the string vibrate at
their fundamental frequency, calculate the ratio of the wave speed on
the string to the speed of sound in air.
Identify : The large response of the string is an example of
resonance. It occurs because the organ pipe and the guitar string
have the same fundamental frequency.
Set Up : Letting the subscripts a and s stand for the air in the pipe
and the string, respectively, the condition for resonance is f1a= f1s.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.5 Resonance
va vs
f1a = Stopped pipe & f1s = guitar string
4 La 2 Ls
 Setting these equations equal to each other, we find:
va vs
4 La 2 Ls
 Substituting L s = 0.80 L a and rearranging, we get:
= 0 . 40
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.6 Interference of Waves

Interference of sound waves. A sound wave from the speaker (S)

propagates into the tube and splits into two parts at point P. The two
waves, which combine at the opposite side, are detected at the
receiver (R). The upper path length r 2 can be varied by sliding the
upper section.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.6 Interference of Waves
Wave phenomena that occur when two or more waves overlap in
the same region of space are grouped under the heading
Standing Waves: two waves travelling in opposite directions in a
medium combine to produce a standing wave pattern with nodes and
antinodes that do not move.

ConstructiveInterference: the total wave amplitude is twice the

amplitude from each individual wave.

 constructive interference occurs when: x = n , n = 0, 1, 2, 3.,

where x is the path difference, and the waves arrive at receiver R in

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.6 Interference of Waves
Destructive Interference: the amplitude is much smaller than when
only one speaker (or wave) is present.
 destructive interference occurs when: x = (2n + 1) /2, n = 0, 1, 2,..
where x is the path difference, the wave arrives at R out of phase.

Example 16.14 ( Loudspeaker interference):

Two small loudspeakers, A and B (figure below), are driven by the
same amplifier and emit pure sinusoidal waves in phase. If the speed
of sound is 350 m/s, a) for what frequencies does constructive
interference occur at point P? b) for what frequencies does
destructive interference occur at point P?

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.6 Interference of Waves

Identify :The nature of the interference at P depends on the
difference in path lengths from points A and B to P and how this
difference compares to the wavelength.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.6 Interference of Waves
Set Up : We calculate the path lengths from A to P and from B to P
using Pythagorean theorem. Constructive interference occurs when
x = n , while destructive interference occurs when x = (2n + 1) /2
To find the corresponding frequencies, we use the relationship v = f
The distance from speaker A to point P is [(2.00 m)2 + (4.00 m)2]1/2
= 4.47 m.
The distance from speaker B to point P is [(1.00 m)2 + (4.00 m)2]1/2
= 4.12 m.
The path difference is d = 4.47 m 4.12 m = 0.35 m.
a) Constructive interference occurs when the path difference is:
d = 0, , 2 ..or d = 0, v /f, 2v /f..= nv /f. So the possible frequencies are:
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.6 Interference of Waves
nv 350 m/s
fn = =n ( n = 1, 2, 3, ...)
d 0.35 m
= 1000 Hz , 2000 Hz , 3000 Hz

b) Destructive interference occurs when the path difference is

d = /2, 3/2, 5/2..or d = v /2f, 3v /2f, 5v /2f .= nv /f. The possible
frequencies are:

nv 350 m/s
fn = =n ( n = 1, 2, 3, ...)
2d 2(0.35 m)
= 500 Hz , 1500 Hz , 2500 Hz
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.7 Beats
Lets look at what happens when we have two waves with equal
amplitude but slightly different frequencies.

 This occurs, for examples, when two tuning forks with slightly
different frequencies are sounded together.

 When two organ pipes that are supposed to have exactly the same
frequency are slightly out of tune.

Consider a particular point in space where the two waves overlap.

The displacements of the individual waves at this point are plotted as
functions of time in the figure below (a).

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.7 Beats
Appling the principle of superposition, we add the two
displacements at each instant of time to find the total displacement
at that time.

The result is the graph of figure (b).

At certain times the two waves are in phase; their maxima coincide
and their amplitudes add.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.7 Beats

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.7 Beats
The resultant wave in the figure above looks like a single
sinusoidal wave with a varying amplitude that goes from a
maximum to zero and back.
The amplitude variation causes variations of loudness called beats,
and the frequency with which the loudness varies is called the beat
In this example the beat frequency is the difference of the two
We can prove that the beat frequency is always the difference of
the two frequencies fa and fb , where fa is larger than fb .

f beat = f a f b ( b eat freq uency ) (16 .24 )

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
You have probably noticed that when a car approaches you with
its horn sounding, the pitch seems to drop as the car passes.

This phenomena, first described by the 9th century Austrian

scientist Christian Doppler, is called the Doppler effect.

When a source of sound and a listener are in motion relative to

each other, the frequency of the sound heard by the listener is not the
same as the source frequency.
To analyse the Doppler effect for sound, we will work out a
relation between the frequency shift and the velocities of source and
listener relative to the medium (usually air) through which the sound
waves propagate.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
To keep things simple, we consider only the special case in which
the velocities of both source and listener lie along the line joining

Let v s is the velocity component of source and v L is the velocity

component of listener along this line.

We choose the positive direction for both v s and v L to be the

direction from the listener L to the source S.

The speed of sound relative to the medium, v , is always positive.

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.8 The Doppler Effect
Moving Listener
Lets think first about a listener L moving with velocity v L toward
a stationary source S.

The source emits a sound wave with frequency fs and wavelength

= v / f s.
The figure below shows several wave crests, separated equal
distance .
The wave crests approaching the moving listener have a speed of
propagating relative to the listener of (v + v L).
So the frequency fL (the frequency the listener hears) is:
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Moving Listener

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.8 The Doppler Effect
Moving Listener
v + vL v + vL
fL = = (16.25)
v / fs
v + vL vL
fL = fs = 1 + fs (16.26)
v v
(moving listener, stationary source)
So a listener moving toward a source (v L > 0) hears a higher
frequency (higher pitch) than does a stationary listener.
A listener moving away from the source (v L < 0) hears a lower
frequency (lower pitch) than does a stationary listener.
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Moving Source and Moving Listener
Now suppose the source is also moving, with velocity v s, The wave
speed relative to the wave medium (air) is still v .

The wavelength is:

v vs v vs
in front = = (16.27)
fs fs fs
( wavelength in front of a moving source )

In the region to the left of the source (behind the source), it is:
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Moving Source and Moving Listener
v + vs
b eh in d = (1 6 .2 8 )
( w avelen g th b eh in d a m o v in g so u rce )

The frequency heard by the listener behind the source:

v + vL
fL = fs ( 1 6 .2 9 )
v + vs
( D o p p le r e f f e c t, m o v in g s o u r c e a n d m o v in g lis te n e r )

Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

16.8 The Doppler Effect
Example 16.15 ( Doppler effect I: Wavelengths):
A police siren emits a sinusoidal wave with frequency fs = 300 Hz.
The speed of sound is 340 m/s. a) Find the wavelength of the waves if
the siren is at rest in the air. b) If the siren is moving at 30 m/s
(108 km/h, or 67 mi/h), find the wavelengths of the waves ahead of
and behind the source.
Identify :The Doppler effect is not involved in part (a), since
neither the source nor the listener is moving. In part (b), the source
is in motion and we must invoke the Doppler effect.
Set Up : We use the relationship v = f to determine the wavelength
when the police siren is at rest. When it is in motion, we find the
wavelength on either side of the siren using Eqs. (16.27) and (16.28).
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Execute: a) When the source is at rest,
v 340 m / s
= = = 1.13 m
fs 300 Hz
b) From Eq. (16.27), in front of the siren:
v vs 340 m / s 30 m / s
in front = = = 1.03 m
fs 300 Hz
 From Eq. (16.28), behind the siren:

v + vs 340 m / s + 30 m / s
behind = = = 1.23 m
fs 300 Hz
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Example 16.16 ( Doppler effect II: Frequencies):
If a listener L is at rest and the siren in Example 16.16 is moving away
from L at 30 m/s (Fig. 16.31), what frequency does the listener hear?
Identify and Set Up : Our target variable is the listeners frequency
fL. We know fs = 300 Hz from Example 16.16, and we have v L= 0 and
v s= 30 m/s. (The source velocity v s is positive because the siren is
moving in the same direction as the direction from listener to
Execute: From Eq. (16.29),
v 340 m / s
fL = fs = (300 Hz) = 276 Hz
v + vs 340 m / s + 30 m / s
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Example 16.17 ( Doppler effect III: A moving listener):
If the siren is at rest and the listener is moving toward the left at
30 m/s (Fig. 16.32), what frequency does the listener hear?
Identify and Set Up : The source is at rest (v s= 0) and the listener is
in motion. The positive direction (from listener to source) is still from
left to right, so v L= - 30 m/s.
Execute: From Eq. (16.27),
v + vL 340 m / s + (30 m / s)
fL = fs = (300 Hz) = 274 Hz
v 340 m / s
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16
16.8 The Doppler Effect
Example 16.18 ( Doppler effect IV: Moving source, moving listener):
If the siren is moving away from the listener with a speed of 45 m/s
relative to the air and the listener is moving toward the siren with a
speed of 15 m/s relative to the air (Fig. 16.33), what frequency does
the listener hear?
Identify and Set Up : Both the listener and the source are in
motion, with v L= 15 m/s and v s= 45 m/s.
Execute: Once again using Eq. (16.27), we find:
v + vL 340 m / s + 15 m / s
fL = fs = (300 Hz) = 277 Hz
v + vs 340 m / s + 45 m / s
Dr. Y. Abou-Ali, IUST University Physics, Chapter 16

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