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TP H CH MINH KHA NGY: 27/03/2013 NM HC: 2012-2013

Thi gian lm bi: 150 pht
ny gm 4 trang


Recording One: Listen to the recording carefully, then write down the missing word(s) in each blank in your Answer Sheet.
Our plane landed at Heathrow Airport. We had been away for months and were (1)_____ home for Mums birthday. We
went through passport control, and (2)_____ our rucksacks. After (3)_____ round the world, this was the easy part or
so we thought. We were pushing our (4)_____ through customs, when a customs officer stopped us and spent ages
(5)_____ through our luggage. He must have thought that we were (6)_____ drugs.
We needed to get to London to get the last train to Cambridge. We went down to the (7)_____, bought a ticket and found
out which train to get. The platform was (8)_____ crowded, but we managed to push our way onto the train. (9)_____
through the journey the train suddenly stopped. Then a voice (10)_____ that there was a problem with the track and we
would have to get off.
Recording Two: Listen to the recording carefully, then decide whether each of the statements is True or False. Write TRUE or
FALSE in your Answer Sheet.
11. The Magdalenians lived in Europe as long ago as 1,800 BC.
12. Most of the paintings were discovered in Germany and Spain.
13. Only air-conditioned caves can be visited by the general public.
14. Most cave and rock artworks show pictures of ancient people.
15. The artists preferred caves to outside rocks.
Recording Three: Listen to the recording carefully. Then, write a short answer to each question about the recording.
16. Where was Penelope Cruz born?
17. What did Penelope do when she was a teenage?
18. When did she become famous?
19. What classes had she attended before she started learning acting?
20. For which category did she win an Oscar?
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. (20 pts)
1. The more important an exam is, _____.
A. the more youll get nervous B. the more nervous will you get
C. the most nervous youll be D. the more nervous youll get
2. I wish they _____ less noise; Im trying to concentrate.
A. are making B. could make C. would be making D. had made
3. Theres no point _____ him for money; he wont lend you any.
A. asking B. to ask C. for asking D. in having asked
4. Im sorry I _____ your name again.
A. forget B. have forgot C. forgot D. am forgetting
5. There _____.
A. came our new teacher B. is our new teacher coming
C. is coming our new teacher D. our new teacher comes
6. I dont want to be hard on you, but you _____ me before using my laptop.
A. must have asked B. might have asked C. neednt have asked D. may as well ask
7. Hardly _____ time to go to the cinema these days.
A. should I find B. that I can find C. when I can find D. can I find
8. I met _____ man in the conference.
A. a tall American interesting B. an interesting tall American
C. so tall an American interesting D. an American tall interesting
9. The whole place has been _____ in such a way to provide the disabled with easy access to all the facilities.
A. laid out B. put up C. set about D. arranged for
10. The doctor has been _____ to deal with an emergency.
A. cut out B. sent with C. called away D. told off
11. She watched _____ fascination when he was sketching.
A. in B. from C. with D. on
12. What is your response _____ this forum?
A. of B. with C. to D. about
13. A persons _____ with determine what they believe is right or wrong.
A. psychology B. civics C. ethics D. identification
14. Its possible to get a speeding ticket if you _____ the speed limit.
A. pass B. overcome C. extend D. exceed
15. The threat of failing an exam provides the _____ to work harder.
A. go-ahead B. incentive C. inspiration D. vitality
16. It is _____ cold outside. Do not go out, please.
A. bitterly B. scorching C. frozen D. ice
17. I did some _____ around the house before I turned on the TV.
A. pins and needles B. ups and downs C. ins and outs D. odds and ends

18. It takes me a long time to save enough money for a nice vacation, so such trips are _____ for me.
A. few and far between B. up and about C. big shots D. hot air
19. Yu Na: Ill take part in the beauty contest. Father: _____
A. It is really kids stuff! B. Im sorry about that contestant.
C. Youll do nothing of the kind. D. I cant say it worries me!
20. Lucas: _____ Sarah: Isnt my pigeon.
A. Thats a nice dove. B. Mike is in deep trouble.
C. Whats the matter with you? D. Whats the symbol of peace?
Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (20 pts)
1. Hes a university student majoring in _____. (climate)
2. The teacher gave us a(n) _____ lesson on conservation. (introduce)
3. To be completely fair, we need a(n) _____ person. (interest)
4. The inauguration ceremony was given _____ coverage. (world)
5. After working really hard for the examination, he deserved a(n) _____ holiday. (earn)
6. Such important work needs _____. (exact)
7. The article I read the other day was quite _____. Thats why I keep it for later reference. (inform)
8. _____ enough, no-one else has applied for the job. (amaze)
9. Please check the _____ of the language lab on that day. (avail)
10. The tendency now is to _____ our cell phone ringtones. (person)
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) for each blank space.
PASSAGE A (15 pts)
Every year about seventeen million animals are used in laboratory (1)_____. But in many countries today, a
difficult question is being asked: Do we have the (2)_____ to use animals this way?
The case for using animals in research
The use of animals in medical research has many practical (3)_____. Animal research has enabled researchers to
develop (4)_____ for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It wouldnt have been possible, years ago, to
develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio (5)_____ animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was
(6)_____ first on animals. Future medical research is (7)_____ on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a
rat or (8)_____ of a three-year-old child?
Medical research is also a(n) (9)_____ way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over twelve million animals had
to be killed in animal (10)_____ because nobody wanted them as pets.
The case against using animals in research
The fact that humans benefit cannot be used to (11)_____ using animals in research any more than experimenting
on other humans. Animals (12)_____ a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and they may
be unable to move. Much of the research that is (13)_____ out is unnecessary anyway.
Animals have the same rights as humans do to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them.
Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using cell (14)_____ and computer modeling. There should be
no animals in research laboratories (15)_____.
(1) A. assignments B. trials C. experiments D. inspections
(2) A. law B. way C. equality D. right
(3) A. revenues B. benefices C. benefits D. advances
(4) A. treatments B. solutions C. treats D. symptoms
(5) A. because of B. let alone C. thanks to D. without
(6) A. tested B. assigned C. conducted D. imposed
(7) A. rested B. originated C. relevant D. dependent
(8) A. this B. which C. that D. one
(9) A. embarrassing B. sickening C. expedient D. satisfactory
(10) A. cages B. shelters C. gatherings D. houses
(11) A. justify B. satisfy C. popularize D. reason
(12) A. suffer B. tolerate C. bear D. torture
(13) A. done B. undertaken C. carried D. passed
(14) A. transform B. format C. pattern D. culture
(15) A. at least B. in the least C. all the same D. in all
Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
PASSAGE B (30 pts)
As technology develops, robots are programmed to do more amazing things. Here are some of the most important
(1)_____ in which they help humans.
Robots are being installed in many hospitals around the world. They have already been used for a variety of
operations (2)_____ heart surgery. (3)_____ to surgeons, the work robots can do is more accurate than the work humans
can do. Robots can also help people with (4)_____. For example, robotic arms have been used by people with missing
limbs for many years. Now a new robotic arm has been (5)_____ which is controlled by thought. For the first time (6)_____,
somebody with a false robotic arm just needs to think about a movement like (7)_____ up a book, and the Neuro-
Controlled Bionic Arm will do it. The arm has already been successful, but doctors are (8)_____ developing it. They predict
that (9)_____ faster and stronger version will be (10)_____ in a few years time.
In South Korea, the robot Olympics takes place every year. It (11)_____ together groups around the world who are
(12)_____ with robots. At the event, children as young as six build and program robotic creations that can do all kinds of
things such as run or kick a football. Robot Wars is (13)_____ form of entertainment for robot lovers. Its as TV show that
(14)_____ remote-controlled robot vehicles taking part in games. The most popular game is when teams of people cause
the vehicles to fight each other (15)_____ only one robot survives. Other games include robot races and robot football.

PASSAGE C (30 pts)
The potential of computers for increasing the control of organizations or society (16)_____ their members and for
invading the privacy of those members has (17)_____ considerable concern.
The privacy issue has been (18)_____ most insistently with (19)_____ to the creation and maintenance of data
files that assemble (20)_____ about persons from a multitude of sources. Files of this kind would be highly valuable for
many kinds of economic and social research, but they are bought at too high a (21)_____ if they endanger human freedom
or seriously enhance the opportunities of blackmailers. (22)_____ such dangers should not be ignored, it should be noted
that the lack of comprehensive data files has never (23)_____ been the limiting barrier to the suppression of human
Making the computer the villain in the (24)_____ of privacy or encroachment on civil liberties simply diverts
attention from the real dangers. Computer data banks can and must be given the highest (25)_____ of protection from
abuse. But we must be careful, also, that we do not employ crude methods of protection as to deprive our society
(26)_____ important data it needs to understand its own social process and to analyze its problems.
Perhaps the most important questions of all about the computer is (27)_____ it has done and will do to mans
view of himself and his place in the universe. The (28)_____ heated attacks on the computer are not focused on its
possible economic effects, its presumed destruction of job (29)_____, or its threat to privacy and liberty, but upon the claim
that it causes people to be viewed, and to view (30)_____ as machines.
Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
Because the low latitudes of the Earth, the areas near the equator, receive more heat than the latitude near the
poles, and because the nature of heart is to expand and move, Heat is transported from the tropics to the middle and high
latitudes. Some of this heat is moved by winds and some by ocean currents, and some gets stored in the atmosphere in
the form of latent heat. The term latent hear refers to the energy that has to be used to convert liquid water to water
vapor. We know that if we warm a pan of water on a stove, it will evaporate, or turn into vapor, faster than if it is allowed to
sit at room temperature. We also know that if we hang wet clothes outside in the summertime they will dry faster than in
winter, when temperatures are colder. The energy used in both cases to change liquid water to water vapor is supplied by
heat supplied by the stove in the first case and by the Sun in the latter case. This energy is not lost. It is stored in water
vapor in the atmosphere as latent heat. Eventually, the water stored as vapor in the atmosphere will condense to liquid
again, and the energy will be release to the atmosphere.
In the atmosphere, a large portion of the Suns incoming energy is used to evaporate water, primarily in the
tropical oceans. Scientists have tried to quantify this proportion of the Suns energy. By analyzing temperature, water
vapor, and wind data around the globe, they have estimated the quantity to be about 90 watts per square meter, or nearly
30 percent of the Suns energy. Once this latent heat is stored within the atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to
higher latitudes, by prevailing, large-scale winds. Or it can be transported vertically to higher levels in the atmosphere,
where it forms clouds and subsequent storms, which then release the energy back to the atmosphere.
1. The passage mainly discussed how heat _____.
(A) is transformed and transported in the Earths atmosphere (B) is transported by ocean currents
(C) can be measured and analyzed by scientists (D) moves about the Earths equator
2. The passage mentions that the tropics differ from the Earths polar regions in which of the following ways?
(A) The height of cloud formation in the atmosphere (B) The amount of heat they receive from the Sun
(C) The strength of their large scale winds (D) The strength of their oceanic currents
3. The word convert in line 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) mix (B) change (C) adapt (D) reduce
4. Why does the author mention the stove in line 8?
(A) To describe the heat of the Sun (B) To illustrate how water vapor is stored
(C) To show how energy is stored (D) To give an example of a heat source
5. According to the passage, most ocean water evaporation occurs especially _____.
(A) around the higher latitudes (B) in the tropics
(C) because of large-scale winds (D) because of strong ocean currents
6. According to the passage, 30 percent of the Suns incoming energy _____.
(A) is stored in clouds in the lower latitudes (B) is transported by ocean currents
(C) never leaves the upper atmosphere (D) gets stored as latent heat
7. The word it in line 14 refers to _____.
(A) square meter (B) the Suns energy (C) latent heat (D) the atmosphere
8. The word primarily in line 14 is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) chiefly (B) originally (C) basically (D) clearly
9. The word prevailing in line 15 is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) essential (B) dominant (C) circular (D) closest
10. All of the following words are defined in the passage EXCEPT _____.
(A) low latitudes (line 1) (B) latent heat (line 4) (C) evaporate (line 5) (D) atmosphere (line 11)
Diffusion, the process of introducing cultural elements from one society into another, occurs in three basic patterns:
direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion.
In direct contact, elements of a societys culture may be adopted first by neighboring societies and then gradually
spread farther afield. The spread of the manufacture of paper is an example of extensive diffusion by direct contact. The
invention of paper is attributed to the Chinese Tsai Lun in A.D. 105. Within fifty years, paper was being made in many
places in central China. By 264 it was found in Chinese Turkmenistan, and from then on the successive places of
manufacture were Samarkand (751), Baghdad (793), Egypt (about 900), Morocco (about 1100), and France (1189). In
general, the pattern of accepting the borrowed invention was the same everywhere. Paper was first imported into each
area as a luxury, then in ever-expanding quantities as a staple product. Finally, usually within one to three centuries, local
manufacture started.
Diffusion by intermediated contact occurs through the agency of third parties. Frequently, traders carry a cultural
trait from the society that originated it to another group. As an example of diffusion through intermediaries, Phoenician
traders spread the alphabet, which may have been invented by another Semitic group, to Greece. At times, soldiers serve
as intermediaries in spreading a culture trait. During the Middle Ages, European soldiers acted as intermediaries in two
ways: they carried European culture to Arab societies of North Africa and brought Arab culture back to Europe. In the
nineteenth century Western missionaries brought Western-style clothing to such places as Africa and the Pacific islands.
In stimulus diffusion, knowledge of a trait belonging to another culture stimulates the invention or development of a
local equivalent. A classic example of stimulus diffusion is the creation of the Cherokee syllabic writing system by a Native
American named Sequoya. Sequoya got the idea from his contact with the English; yet he did not adopt the writing system
nor did he even learn to write English. He utilized some English alphabetic symbols, altered others, and invented new
ones. All the symbols he used represented Cherokee syllables and had a distinctly Cherokee form.
11. The passage mainly discusses how _____.
(A) cultures retain their unique characteristics (B) cultural elements transfer from one culture to another
(C) paper came into general use (D) economies grew through trade and manufacturing
12. The word attributed in line 5 is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) credited (B) presented (C) promised (D) limited
13. The word successive in line 6 is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) specialized (B) principal (C) prosperous (D) subsequent
14. The word it in line 12 refers to _____.
(A) diffusion (B) contact (C) trait (D) society
15. According to the passage, a change that occurred in Africa and the Pacific islands as a result of the arrival of
missionaries was _____.
(A) an increase in the presence of soldiers (B) variation in local style of dressing
(C) the manufacture of paper (D) the introduction of new alphabetical systems
16. In stating that the Cherokee writing system is a classic example, the author means that this example is especially
(A) representative (B) understandable (C) difficult (D) old
17. What did Sequoya do?
(A) Adopt the English writing system for use in Cherokee
(B) Study English intensively in order to learn to write it
(C) Teach English to Cherokee Native Americans
(D) Create a Cherokee writing system based on elements of the English alphabet
18. The origins of the Greek and Cherokee writing systems were discussed in the passage because both systems _____.
(A) underwent identical patterns of development in different parts of the world
(B) influenced the development of alphabets of other languages
(C) represented distinct ways in which elements could be introduced into a culture
(D) were introduced by religious missionaries
19. Which of the following statements about direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion is NOT true?
(A) They all cause changes in culture. (B) They all occur in more than one culture.
(C) They all involve the interaction of cultures. (D) They all require the trading of manufactured products.
20. The author organized the discussion in the passage by _____.
(A) establishing a historical chronology from the past through the present
(B) illustrating specific categories with examples
(C) identifying important geographic regions
(D) ranking categories from most to least significant
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in brackets.
1. They say he is able to swim across this river. (swimming)
He ______________________________________________________________________
2. They may be there at the meeting, or they may not. (out)
It is _____________________________________________________________________
3. Dont forget to hand in the paper by the deadline, said the teacher. (reminder)
The teacher _______________________________________________________________
4. Learning English is becoming more and more popular in our city. (increasingly)
It has ____________________________________________________________________
5. Right after disembarkation from the plane, he was taken into custody. (got)
As ______________________________________________________________________
6. The teacher and his students knew nothing about the crack on the wall. (idea)
Neither ___________________________________________________________________
7. The boys effort really impressed the audience and judges. (left)
It was ____________________________________________________________________
8. Instead, you must try to have a good relationship with the others. (get)
I wish you ________________________________________________________________
9. I always go jogging in the morning to keep fit. (invariably)
In _______________________________________________________________________
10. Doubtlessly, Katie is the best violinist in the conservatory. (no-one)
It goes ___________________________________________________________________


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