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An Urgent Angelic Message to Humanity


Archangel Michael

received and transcribed by



Chapter 1 - Awaken to Your Divine Identity......................................................... 1

Chapter 2 - The Hypnotic Influence of Mortal Mind............................................ 6

Chapter 3 - Fear.................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 4 - The True Nature of God and the Non-Power of Evil......................... 12

Chapter 5 - Practice Silent Prayer........................................................................ 14

Chapter 6 - Practice Oneness Through Non-Judgment....................................... 16

Chapter 7 - UFO Phenomenon and Invasion....................................................... 18

Chapter 8 - Global Warming and the Great Awakening...................................... 21

Chapter 9 - Societal Collapse............................................................................... 22

Chapter 10 - Education Crisis................................................................................. 24

Chapter 11 - The Upcoming Financial and Monetary Apocalypse......................... 25

Chapter 12 - The Divine Principle of Infinite Supply.............................................. 28

Chapter 13 - Spiritual Healing................................................................................ 30

Chapter 14 - Death................................................................................................ 32

Chapter 15 - Media - Control and Deception........................................................ 34

Chapter 16 - Legal Justice..................................................................................... 36

Chapter 17 - The Physical Experience of Divine Energy....................................... 38

Chapter 18 - The End of Time............................................................................... 40

Chapter 19 - Summary Checklist To Prepare for The Great Awakeni................... 41

Personal Note from the Transcriber..................................................................... 43

Recommended Supplemental Reading................................................................. 45

We are the angelic messengers for God referred to as Michael the Archangel. While
numerous contributing energies are collaborating to produce this book, we are
conscious of our Oneness and therefore require no individual recognition.

We are the voice of God to all of humanity speaking through one who has agreed to be
the channel through which this information can be presented to the children of the
earth. Our message is urgent because the time has come for all who wish to evolve
into a higher consciousness to prepare for the arrival of a more intense energy force
that will be sent to your planet soon. It is essential that all those who are desirous of
awakening at this extraordinary moment in the evolution of human consciousness be
aware of what is to occur and make the necessary preparations as we will instruct
you in this book.

It is our intention to assist you and protect you; however, you must choose to evolve
and also work with us as much as possible. The more of you committed to this
extraordinary opportunity for humanity, the more we can accomplish together; and
rather than extreme trauma and fear, you will experience the love and joy of
awakening and remembering your Oneness with God and your individual Divinity.
The waste and selfishness will be as a dream and so you will no longer sleep, but will
see that you are all God in individual form.

The primary purpose of this book to focus on the specific information relative to your
basic understanding and need for preparation rather than the precise and explicit
details with regard to particular events. We do not want to overwhelm you here, but
rather present the essential critical information for you to utilize and contemplate
immediately. This is to be considered more of an emergency guidebook for you.
The information and instructions will be kept short and to the point so you will not
get bogged down in religious or philosophical concerns and debate but rather focus
your efforts and attention on the emergency at hand.

We understand that the majority of you will have difficulty not only comprehending
what we must convey to you but accepting it as well. The circumstances with
regard to your natural spiritual evolutionary cycle have changed dramatically and so
we must immediately make the attempt to educate you. Although it may seem
beyond your current capacity to completely understand us, it is imperative that you
make the effort to open your consciousness to receive the spiritual impulses that will
help you. Sit quietly and contemplate all that will be presented so that its meaning
can be comprehended and your level of consciousness can be lifted.
Simply defined, mortality is the quality or state of being mortal. This is the human
race at its current level of consciousness or awareness. Man is considered “mortal”
and therefore inevitably subject to death. You have lived with this belief and state
of consciousness since “time” began in your experience on the earth plane. Because
of the circumstances detailed in this book, humanity is about to experience a
quantum leap in consciousness. This event will be “The Death of Mortality” and the
birth of “Immortality” if you so choose. The enormity and spiritual relevance of this,
what has been called “The Great Awakening” or “The Second Coming”, is currently
beyond your comprehension. Rest assured that it is monumental and eagerly
awaited by your Universal spiritual brothers and sisters, whom you will recognize
and with whom you will joyfully celebrate your release from the prison of “mortal
mind” and the endless cycles of birth and death.

The trumpet has sounded. The call is urgent and the time to prepare is NOW.
Saint or sinner, it matters not. You are ALL loved immeasurably. Choose to
awaken and know that we have been ordained by God to serve you and guide you.
We are honored and blessed to do so.

NOTE: Inasmuch as God is neither male nor female, because of the limitations of
language we have chosen to refer to God using the image of “father” as referenced by
Jesus throughout your Bible. Therefore, the pronoun “He” or “His” must be
understood in this context and not in any way to indicate that God is male. Gender
does not apply to God and we could have also used the image of “mother”. You may
substitute accordingly. This decision was necessary for ease in not only the writing,
but the reading of this book.
The time has come for human beings to awaken to their true identity, to “put off
mortality and be clothed in immortality” and to know that all are Divine Beings...God
expressing Itself in individual form. This awareness has been lost since “time”
began for the human race. Before “a deep sleep fell upon Adam”, as recorded in your
Bible, human beings experienced the earth plane in a continuous state of joy, awe,
wonder and above all peace. You must understand that “Adam” refers to all of
humanity and not an individual as many have been erroneously taught.

Fear was nonexistent since human beings knew they were of God. There was no
birth and no death. They were eternal beings and they experienced the bliss of God’s
love for His Sons. This is the state of consciousness referred to in the Bible as “The
Garden of Eden”. It is life experienced as God intended for Itself. With conscious
awareness of their Oneness with God, human beings were aware of their True
Nature as Spiritual Beings, individual Selves of God experiencing life on a plane of
consciousness where God’s “ideas” or creations became manifested as form. Thus,
the Creator was able to experience the infinite, ever changing, ever wondrous
creations emanating from Itself, Its Divine Mind.

Your scientists have recently revealed the fact that what you perceive as solid is in
your reality energy vibrating at various rates. Matter now appears to be made up of
the “stuff” or essence of Mind. Inasmuch as your mind IS the Mind of God, you are
still functioning according to Divine Law, that is as both the Idea and the individual
experiencing the Idea. However, and this is extremely important for you to
understand, you have lost conscious awareness of the Reality of being and have been
trapped in a world that can at best be described as “not real”, illusory, a mirage. It
is essential that you begin to grasp this Truth! The mind and ideas which you are
experiencing collectively are NOT of God and therefore have no external reality.
“Adam”, humanity, is STILL ASLEEP and essentially dreaming its experiences.
Ponder this statement as the human mind simply cannot grasp it and yet it MUST
become a part of your conscious awareness now. We will attempt to explain how and
why this became your experience and the urgent need for you to begin the process of
expanding and lifting your consciousness from that of human to that of Divine.
Your Bible describes God’s true spiritual “ idea” of creation in the first chapter of
Genesis. The second chapter of Genesis describes a second creation, a material
creation which is the “manifestation” of the third dimension referred to as the earth
plane. As we stated above, God willed to EXPERIENCE Itself and thus created a
vibratory field, the infinite Universe, containing numerous spheres or planes for the
purpose of manifesting these Ideas. God then projected Itself in the form of
individual Selves into these planes. We quote Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in

His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created
them.” We repeat, you originally knew you were God made manifest perfectly and
that you were unconditionally loved, maintained and sustained by that Source while
experiencing life on earth.

Let us now attempt to address the question you must surely have and that is “If
God’s Creation is perfect, what happened to me and why am I experiencing pain,
suffering, fear and imperfection?” Remember what we told you above. You have
never been other than God’s perfect Son. Your true higher Self is aware of this
Truth and wills to once again communicate with you so that you realize your true
identity as this Self in physical form. You are multi-dimensional Spiritual Beings,
not human beings. This may sound shocking to hear but it is true nonetheless.
God never created a human being! He created you in HIS image and likeness and
we assure you it is not human. God is infinite, invisible Spirit and so are you in
Reality. The highly relevant portions of scripture which would have helped you
understand the “deep sleep” which fell upon humanity were intentionally deleted by
those who have assumed power and control of the earth plane in order to keep you
uninformed, unquestioning and accepting of the lie that God created human beings
with bodies that are born and die.

We will attempt to clarify this further so you may hopefully begin to understand that
what you experience as life and “external reality” is nothing more than a constant
projection of mental images on the “screen” or fabric of your current level of
consciousness. Through the mental concepts and constructs of “time” and “space”
and through the use of your physical body and its senses, which were designed to
interpret “this world”, these mental images appear solid, external, separate from you
and more importantly, REAL. They are not. The human body and the human
mind are nothing more than devices you utilize in order to experience a life separate
and apart from God and God’s Creation...Reality. It was originally your choice to
do so as we will explain.

The Bible tells a story of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This “Tree” is
symbolic of the belief in two powers; not the One Power, God/Good, which is the
Truth, but the lie that there is a second power, Evil. Representative of the collective
feminine aspect of humanity, “Eve” is tempted, or more accurately stated
“convinced”, to believe the lie and allows into human consciousness “knowledge of
good and evil”...belief now in TWO powers or a power separate and apart from God
which therefore can only be His opposite, Evil. She is supposedly tempted by a

The truth behind this symbolic analogy is that one of God’s beloved Sons, Lucifer,
rebelled against Him, willed to usurp God and set up his own Creation. Lucifer is

the Biblical symbolic “serpent”. He and all of God’s Sons were given free will and
could choose to experience the impossible if they so desired. You cannot begin to
imagine the loving effort made to convince you to stay true to your original Divine
heritage! Nevertheless, countless Sons defected and willed to experience a life and
selfhood separate and apart from God. Though this is utterly impossible in Reality,
it is possible to accept it into your consciousness, symbolized by the “eating” or
ingesting of the “apple” the “idea”. Since an idea never leaves its source, an illusory
world based on this idea was projected or manifested. This is the world you are
currently experiencing and have been experiencing for eons. It is a lie, a
mind-projected mirage which allows you to experience the impossible, a selfhood
apart from God. Looking at this world today, you can surely agree that if God
created such a world, He must be heartless and cruel. However, God, Good, is All
That Is and has no opposite! Nevertheless, once you agreed to join the original
rebelling Son, Lucifer, you became “unconscious” of your true nature, the Allness and
Oneness of God and His Creation and descended into an extremely lower state of
consciousness. This is the “deep sleep” to which the Bible is referring. Your
religions have termed it “The Fall of Man”, the “Original Sin”, “The Separation”.

The adulterated Biblical scripture would have you believe that God is responsible for
your having been “evicted” from the Garden of Eden. This was intentionally done to
set up the concept of an angry and wrathful God capable of judging and punishing his
erring children and thus make you extremely fearful of God. Knowing your fear
would keep you from turning back to God, Lucifer was then able to set himself up as
“god” of this world and you have been under his hypnotic and lower vibratory
influence...his mind rather than Divine Mind. This influence has convinced you
that you are sinful, lowly beings that must now spend eternity appeasing God and
that by learning to lead “good” lives, you will be forgiven and return to God and
“Heaven” upon your physical death. This is utter nonsense, but has worked
wonderfully for Lucifer. Be assured however, his reign is over and his influence is
diminishing rapidly.

Many of your religions have taught that God had one Son. This is true; however,
they neglected to teach you that the one Son expresses as EVERY individual and was
not just the man named Jesus. Jesus was the human form through which the Son of
God was most fully expressed . Jesus taught that you should KNOW THE TRUTH
and the Truth shall set you free. Set you free from what? Jesus is implying you are
imprisoned and we assure you he is correct. You are imprisoned in a
mind-projected illusory world that thankfully is about to end for those of you who
choose to return to your original Divine state of Being.

Once Jesus incarnated and set up the higher vibratory pattern for the now
imprisoned “fallen” Sons to overcome death and ascend as He did, your salvation and

return to your Divine state of Being, Divine Mind, was assured. This
accomplishment on the part of Jesus was so loving and monumental that you will
forever regard him as your “Savior”, which indeed He is! The time has come for you
to return, to awaken and ascend as Jesus did. Still, having been endowed with free
will, you must choose. If you choose to ascend and evolve into your original higher
consciousness, you will. Many of you speak of a “Second Coming”. Jesus’
incarnation was considered the “First” and your choosing to evolve and experience
your spiritual rebirth will be the “Second”. Understand, however, that even though
Lucifer has been defeated by Jesus’ overcoming “this world”, he still intends to
unleash every evil at his command to keep you enslaved.

In this desperate last attempt to keep you imprisoned and maintain his reign, Lucifer
is acting in concert with those loyal to him and those in power now who control the
world to deliberately and intentionally set in motion the chaos sweeping the earth.
Many of you who are at last beginning to respond to our influence and are awakening
simply cannot make sense of the needless suffering, poverty, diseases, war and
violence occurring now. It seems so “over the top” that you are no longer accepting
these experiences as a normal process of human life and are attempting to intervene.
While your human efforts to alleviate the suffering of so many are honorable, they
will always fall short of solving the dire problems that are now enveloping the world.
In their desperation, those in power are willing to actually sacrifice the world in
order to stay in control. This is insanity!

You no longer have the luxury of “time” to continue living imprisoned in such
ignorance. How much more suffering will you endure to hold onto a false concept of
yourselves, God and God’s creation? How long should this charade continue? You
have managed to put yourselves on the brink of extinction and unless you
immediately begin to embrace your true identity and utilize that knowledge to raise
your level of consciousness from that of a mere hapless, helpless human to that of a
Divine Child of God, what is soon to occur on your planet will be not only be
traumatic for the mass of humanity, but frightening as well. It is our purpose to
work with you so that it is not.

By now the majority of you have seen the impotence, stupidity and greed of
governments around the globe. We have been intentionally exposing this truth not
to shock you, although most of you have intuitively known this for quite sometime;
but rather to inspire you to place your faith where it truly your Self!
Your major religions have been negatively influenced as well. Scandals and
corruption have invaded the very institutions you have looked to for protection and
salvation. Who can you turn to now? Who will save you when more and more
turmoil and chaos ensues as it surely will?

The time has come for you to accept that there is absolutely no material force, no
external force, institution or agency that can guarantee your survival and future on
this planet. The same force you would use to defend life is the very same force which
ACCORDING TO HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Now you much choose to evolve.
You MUST rise to a higher level of consciousness and awaken to your spiritual
identity! This requires you to no longer place your reliance on effect, but rather turn
within and acknowledge Cause, God, as your Source, your Life and most importantly,
your Self. This is the Truth that will set you free to which Jesus was referring. Let
the Divine within you replace the limited and fearful human self, the false self, the
ego self that experiences life as a body, separate and apart from not only God, but
other bodies as well. Be willing to embrace your Oneness with God and every
individual. Only then can you experience the quantum transformation which is to
occur. Only then can you fully awaken from this nightmare and see the world that
truly exists, the blissful world of God’s Creation.

God in His infinite love and mercy has assigned us the task of communicating the
urgency of your current situation and what steps you must take to eliminate fear
and prepare yourselves for the extraordinary light and energy that will soon impact
the earth. This communication is not meant to frighten you but to assist you in
what is in reality a tremendous blessing and a joyful moment for humanity. The
nightmare of death, disease, poverty, waste, greed, selfishness and war is about to
end. For too long you have accepted these abominations as a fact of “Life”. It is no
wonder so many of you are in a complete state of confusion as to whether there even
IS a God; and if there is, what God would allow his children to suffer so!

As we have stated, your current experience has nothing to do with reality or Life as
God created it. Therefore, how can God do anything about that which doesn’t exist??
You MUST make the extraordinary effort to begin to accept into your consciousness
the Truth that what you are currently experiencing is all illusion. However, be
assured that God is aware that his children are dreaming and that the dream is now
so terrifying the majority of you truly want to awaken! This God can and will do.
This event is coming very soon. It has been alluded to in many of your various
religious and spiritual teachings. Judaism awaits The Messiah, Christianity awaits
The Second Coming of Christ or The Rapture, Islamism awaits The Prophet
Mohammed and so on. We do not wish to discuss particular religious beliefs, but to
point out that the overall implication is that of a Divine savior and human salvation.
In Truth, all are equal, all are One, all are God in individual form and as such, all will
have the opportunity to Awaken to their Divinity regardless of any religious beliefs
or non-beliefs. You do not have to accept the teachings of any religion since you will
experience communion with God directly within your own being.

We repeat that you must understand that you have been experiencing “life” not as an
expression of Divine Mind (God), but rather under a false, hypnotic influence
emanating from a mind separate and apart from God. We refer to this as “mortal

God is forever trying to communicate once again with his “sleeping” children. Those
of you who were able to respond to a lesser extent than your spiritual Masters have
translated these spiritual impulses into art forms that hint at Truth. Through these
artistic venues, the concepts of your world as illusion are being presented to the
masses. While most of you consider these as more or less “entertainment”, they
have served to inspire many to contemplate and question what is “real”. We will use
just two examples here. One is the film entitled “The Matrix”. It would benefit you
to watch it in light of what we are presenting in this book. The other example would
be your television series and later movies of Star Trek. More specifically, those
episodes which revolved around the concept of a “holodeck”, a holographic projection
of a time and place where the characters could enter and experience that particular
period or event. They were conscious that the world they were experiencing was
illusory and that they would always be safe and unharmed. Does this sound
reminiscent of life in the “Garden of Eden” state of consciousness? Can you possibly
accept that perhaps you are experiencing life in an illusory mind-projected world, one
that is unreal and yet experienced as real since you no longer remember who you are
in Reality? Please contemplate this. As we told you, much of what is written in
this book will be incomprehensible to human consciousness, one that believes in and
is controlled by mortal mind. However, through Silent Prayer, which we will
discuss in greater detail, you can access that part of your consciousness that
remembers the Truth and will help you awaken to your true Identity.

Observing human behavior around the world today, you must surely agree that it
appears that humanity has gone “mad” and this incomprehensible behavior has you
not only confused as to how it is even possible, but terrified as well. How is it
possible for people to be convinced to make themselves into “human bombs” and kill
other humans? How is it possible for people in positions of power to sit back and
watch as millions die from starvation and tainted water sources? How is it possible
for people to have knowledge of physical health laws and yet transgress those laws by
excessively ingesting drugs, nicotine, alcohol and most recently food?

While it is true that some people are deliberate in their actions for political or
religious reasons, they are nevertheless still operating under a hypnotic suggestion
which is convincing them that their actions are justified. However, the majority of

people engaging in what appears to be “bad” behavior will admit they feel powerless
and seem equally confused and upset by what they are doing not only to their
physical bodies, but their loved ones as well. They actually admit to having lost
self-control. This experience is puzzling indeed if you are unaware that you are
under an impersonal, hypnotic influence encouraging you to behave in a destructive

All of you are familiar with hypnotic demonstrations where a normal person can be
hypnotized to behave like a barking dog or a chicken running around the stage. You
don’t judge the person because you are fully conscious that the person behaving that
way is not the real person and once the hypnotic suggestion is removed and the
person is restored to their original state of consciousness, you know they will not
remember behaving oddly and will cease to do so. This is precisely what is
happening to humanity now. Accept that if you think and behave on the level of
human of consciousness, you are under this influence to some extent. Those who are
managing self-control are simply not as receptive to the destructive influences being
projected. Those who you observe acting in any insane or destructive manner have
been completely overtaken by this hypnotic impulse.

Just as you would not judge the person barking like a dog, so too must you resist
judging your fellow brothers and sisters who are not only unaware of their hypnotic
state but powerless to resist it. In Reality, they are Divine just as you are. Being of
God, all are equal and One. The behavior is not the person! Do not condemn those
who were overcome by this destructive force acting upon them. See them as they
truly are, Divine spiritual children of God, and you will help break the hypnotic spell
holding them in bondage to its will, not God’s will. You will be helping to restore
them to their right “mind”, Divine Mind. It is essential that you practice this
whenever you are tempted to see someone as other than God. It will require
enormous effort on your part, but you will be serving us tremendously.

First, you will not be lowering your own vibrations by condemning others but will in
fact be raising them in the acknowledgment of God as the Life of everyone. What
you put forth from your own consciousness returns to you tenfold. Secondly, there is
a good possibility that the person so negatively influenced will respond to your
positive thought about them and thus break the hypnotism What greater service
could you give to your spiritual brothers and sisters who are suffering so? It does
not require more than your rejection of the illusory appearance and the acceptance of
the Truth. This would benefit them far more than any mental institution or
rehabilitation facility, which while providing a worthy humanitarian service still
sees such persons as “patients” in need of treatment. The Truth is that they are
children of God overwhelmed by hypnotic suggestion emanating from “mortal mind”.
Please help them to awaken. Reject the human response to judge them as sick or

evil and replace it with the spiritual response of Love and Truth.

Your mind acts as a receiver and transmitter of energy (thoughts and ideas) and
before the so-called “Separation” or “Fall”, it functioned perfectly in accord with the
Mind of God. Therefore, life was experienced perfectly and joyously. You knew
that you had access to Infinity and had absolutely no NEEDS. Can you see how
wonderful life should be and could be if you were once again restored to your “right
Mind”? Can you imagine living without any needs, completely free to share and
extend to all for the sheer joy of expressing the infinity of God and God’s ideas. We
are reminding you of this once again because you must understand how you have
been controlled and manipulated through your mind. In Truth, you have no
thoughts of your own. You are simply picking up thought impulses being broadcast
through the universal vibratory field and you assume these are “your thoughts and
ideas”. Realize that the Mind of God is the only Mind and His Thoughts were meant
to be your thoughts. You could then express and experience Divine Mind.
However, in your lowered state of consciousness, the majority of you only have the
capacity to pick up the lower vibrations being transmitted to your mind, the lower
thoughts of “mortal mind”, the mind of Lucifer. You then translate these into your
experience under the assumption that they are YOUR THOUGHTS. Understand
this so that you can begin to reject the thoughts emanating from this “mortal mind”
and once again begin to be receptive to the spiritual impulses, the thoughts,
emanating from the Mind of God.

All of you have experienced the endless stream of thoughts, words and ideas that flow
unceasingly through your minds. Sit quietly for a moment and observe this
phenomena. These are and have been supplanting and blocking the Divine energy...
the thoughts, words and ideas emanating from God. All of you are under this
hypnotic influence and it is the source of all human suffering. For awhile, many of
you were aware of conflicting thoughts and energy impulses and tried to stay in tune
with those from God. However, over time you collectively succumbed to the false
influence and have been living this way for so long that you believe its projections are
the truth about you and the human experience of life. You are now convinced that
you are born, subject to disease and all sorts of disasters, must work and earn money
to survive, and then hoard as much of it away as possible to ensure the survival and
safety of yourselves in old age and thereafter your children when eventually and
naturally you must die. How can you possibly think this is what God would want
His children to experience? This is not only absurd but hopefully now shocking for
you to even read. You need “shock therapy” now because those in control and power
intend to destroy your security, put you in a state of fear for your survival, hope you
respond insanely and violently and then “rescue” you by instituting marshal law and
using military and police force to take control of the masses. They will never
relinquish this control and humanity will be forever imprisoned and enslaved. Hard

to believe? Well, time is running out and you must be alerted as to what is to come
and how to respond.

All of you are now aware of the existence of secretive private military and police
forces around the world. Their activities are finally being exposed in order to
convince you they are necessary for world order and security as more and more of
your legitimate armed forces are engaging in endless wars. Do not be deceived.
These militia forces are increasing rapidly. Not only are training centers being built
for them, but detention centers are also being constructed at this time. The
detention centers are being portrayed as necessary in the event of terrorists
attacking you. They are supposedly being built to house these criminals. Do not
believe it. When the world spirals out of control, anyone reacting in opposition to
governmental authority will be apprehended and imprisoned. Your freedoms will
be obsolete under the guise of “national security”. You can already see evidence of
this occurring little by little, step by step. As you meekly accept the erosion of what
little freedoms you actually do have, those in control will simply be emboldened to
carry out their agenda.

Embrace what we have told you as the truth and imagine what would happen if you
DID NOT respond insanely and violently as they are predicting when catastrophic
events occur! Suppose instead you managed to remain calm and at peace,
committed to working together with mutual love and concern for each other. We
implore you to do so! Form your Divine Army and work together lovingly. You
must evolve out of your self-centered state of consciousness and see all as your Self,
Divine. Would this response not thwart the evil intentions of the powerful and allow
you time to survive and come together in preparation for your quantum
transformation, the Great Awakening? It certainly would.

When you see events unfold that support this scenario we are predicting, remember
our admonition to you. Stay calm, be at peace and cooperate with each other. We
are here to assist you in ways which will seem like miracles to you but are actually
our utilizing of Divine Life Principles, the Principles set forth from God and which
hold Creation in perfect harmony and accord. These Principles cannot be altered as
they are of God and therefore eternal and unchangeable. They uphold all of
Creation. Jesus demonstrated these Principles and longed to teach them to you as
well. However, human consciousness was unable to open up to receive and
understand these Principles during his time on earth. Now the time is ripe for you
to learn and use them and we will help you.

We would like to expand further on the fact that you are under a universal hypnotic
influence that convinces you that you are unworthy, sinful human beings and that
this influence has been blocking the voice of God which is trying to bring to your
conscious realization the Truth of who you are.

In Genesis when God was looking for and trying to communicate with Adam
(humanity), Adam responds that he hid himself because he was “naked” and afraid.
God’s response is “Who told you that you were naked?” Now the word “naked” here
must be understood as not meaning “nude” but rather refers to a state of
consciousness where suddenly humanity feels “vulnerable” and is no longer
experiencing Life under the Divine protection of God. This vulnerability leads
humanity to now experience “fear”. You have never lived life in this world without
fear and it has become not only acceptable but normal. Think how fear has been and
is being used to control you! We ask you again the question God first asked, “Who
told you that you were naked?” Who convinced you that you were and still are
vulnerable? The mind of Lucifer, mortal mind, is the controlling hypnotic influence
and it has infected your mind. Without the use of fear, how could he and those
controlling you stay all powerful and godlike in their world, the world of illusion?

As more of humanity is beginning to awaken and once again respond to God’s

spiritual impulses, it has become necessary for them to ratchet up the fear factor. If
you know this, you can clearly see an explanation for much of what is now occurring
in the world of illusion. We understand that you’ve been “asleep” or hypnotized for
so long that you still believe this to be the world that God created and many of you
will have difficulty accepting that it is not. Some of your awakened Masters and
spiritual teachers have discovered this fact and tried to convey it to you. Their
writings and ideas are considered “mystical” and therefore out of the realm of human
understanding. Jesus, once again, said it clearly, “My Kingdom is not of this world.”
Neither is yours. God speaking through the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 55:8-9) tells you
outright , “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways. For
as the heavens (Reality) are higher than the earth (illusion), so are My ways higher
than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (the hypnotic influence of
mortal mind, a mind cut off from God).”

This is why we reiterate that what we are revealing and asking you to now accept
into your conscious awareness appears directly opposite of everything you have
believed about yourselves, God and Life. YOU CANNOT RECONCILE THE
OPPOSITES AND SO ONE MUST BE DISCARDED. When the “deep sleep” fell
upon humanity it was because you chose to discard God and experience life separate

and apart from your Source. We are asking you to now choose to discard this and
once again be restored to your Divine heritage and your conscious awareness of
Oneness with God and each other. This requires that you relinquish fear and
replace it with stillness and peace. No matter what form the fear takes, whether it
be death, destruction, extreme lack or disease, go within. Be still and let the Divine
spiritual impulses from God keep you in the peace and safety you knew before you
were “naked”. This is your protection. If you can accept that what you are
witnessing “out there” is nothing more that a mental projection on the screen of your
consciousness, you can then resist the temptation to become so fearful that you fight
and battle what is nothing more than a movie, a projection of light and shadow
intended to frighten you. Simply close your eyes, turn within and refuse to watch
and react any more.

The Book of Revelations in your Bible has perhaps been the most widely read
description of the events which are to take place, although there numerous
references to it in many ancient and current writings. For the most part, however,
the mystical language used makes what is to occur sound terrifying...the wrath of
God unleashed on a rebellious and sinful world. Let’s take the time now to
contemplate the nature of God because as long as you hold on to the superstitious
notion of an angry, judgmental Supreme Being, you will be fearful.

God, being Infinite and the All That Is, cannot truly be described as that would be an
attempt to limit the Unlimited and make finite the Infinite. However, God CAN BE
EXPERIENCED! Those humans who have experienced the presence of God you call
“enlightened”, “saints” or “masters”. However, EVERY individual has within
themselves that Presence which can be experienced. While it is true that God is no
respecter of persons since all are One, God does reveal His presence in a manner that
feels personal to the individual. It is essentially “indescribable”...beyond the
limitations of human words and thoughts. However, there are certain
unmistakable attributes of God that all those who have had the experience have tried
to convey. Some of these are: Omnipresent (All Present, Allness, All That Is),
Omniscience (All Knowing, All Wisdom, All Intelligence), Omnipotent (All Power, the
Only Power), Love, Bliss, Oneness, Peace, Father, Mother. Certainly, there are
many more. The point we wish to convey is that no one who has experienced God
has described Him as angry, judgmental, full of wrath and condemnation, willing to
inflict pain and suffering on His erring children. No such God exists!

Contemplate that if God is “All That Is” and the “Only Power”, how is evil the
dominate power in your current experience? If you accept that God is the Only
Power, why are you warring against terror, against evil? To be sure, there is no
doubt that you are experiencing evil, unimaginable evil at that. But it is NOT A

You may think this is impossible given your current situation, but it is your only hope
and must not only be accepted into your consciousness, but practiced every time the
suggestion of evil is presented to you. Just as Light dispels the darkness, so too will
your conscious acknowledgment of the non-power of evil dispel the fear and presence
of whatever evil is appearing. Never forget that there is only ONE POWER, God,
and anything appearing to the contrary is illusion, a mental picture being projected
onto the fabric of the collective human consciousness. You must use your

knowledge of the Truth of One Power to bring Light to dispel the shadowy image of
evil. In the presence of God, there is no evil!! How do you get God to be present?
Through your consciousness, through Silent Prayer as we will instruct you.

Humanity must form a collective Divine Army... not to defend against evil, since its’
“nothingness” requires no defense, but to dissolve it by simply rejecting the belief
that God could possibly have an opposite. Collectively, you are “The Light of the
World” and that Light is your safety and protection in these troubled times. Under
all fearful circumstances we admonish you to turn on the Light so that the evil
shadow disappears. If you remain fearful, you are empowering your belief that evil
is real. Stand still under all fearful circumstances, acknowledge God as the only
power, yourself as Divine Being and then behold the power of God embracing you and
protecting you. This is essential!

Practice keeping yourselves in a state of calm, silence and peace as often as possible.
Always you must hold to the admonition of “Peace...Be Still and Know that I Am
God.” You must exercise extraordinary faith that in the presence of God, evil is not
a power and therefore cannot function in your experience. You have much to gain by
remaining in the Silence and practicing the Presence of God within you.

If after reading this thus far you have accepted this communication as a loving guide
from God to His children on earth and have chosen to evolve, you must commit
yourselves to working with us to the best of your abilities. This is an enormous
endeavor for human beings to undertake at a time when your world is spiraling into
chaos. However, you cannot afford to be complacent and assume that life will
continue as you have been experiencing it. Enormous upheavals and destruction
will occur soon and YOU MUST PREPARE YOURSELVES.

First, as we mentioned before, you must realize that God can only function through
human consciousness! Just as you may be surrounded by electricity, it is useless
unless there is the appropriate conduit and initiative is made to connect to it. So
too, as we have stated, God is Omnipresent, but you must open your consciousness
and connect to It. You do this through SILENT prayer! We will instruct you below
on how this is to be done.

The time has come when you must cease engaging in useless petitioning prayer
where strangely you think you can inform an All Knowing Creator of some need and
hope that if you are “good” enough or sacrifice something your wish will be granted.
Does this sound absurd to you? Silent Prayer requires that you “be still and know
that I Am God”, listen for God to speak to you!! Accept the Truth that you are Divine
Being, God incarnate. Can God withhold anything from Itself? Contemplate God and
reflect on the TRUE nature of God, not the superstitious god inflicted on you through
false teachings. “Acknowledge Him in all thy ways” as stated in your Bible. Your
ability to survive the onslaught of evil occurring on earth right now depends on this!
You MUST acknowledge your Divinity by opening your consciousness to God as the
Only Power and let that Power perform Its function as your safety and protection.
As stated in Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep him perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on
You, because he trusts in You.”

Practice the Presence of God daily through Silent Prayer so that when the events
which are about to occur unfold, YOU WILL NOT REACT! Peace be still! Fear not
and let the Light of God go forth from you lifting you and those within your range of
consciousness above the chaos and darkness.

Silent Prayer requires nothing more than your sitting comfortably in a quiet area.
Keep your spine straight as this helps the flow of spiritual energy. It is helpful to
close your eyes to avoid visual distractions. Check to see that you body is relaxed
and use deep, slow breathing to further calm you and cleanse you. Acknowledge
your intention to commune with God and open your consciousness to receive His

Light. When thoughts occur, do not focus on them, but rather let them stream
through without your attention. Remind yourself often that you intend to LISTEN
for the inner, still, small voice, God. Be patient and do not judge yourself if you do
not have an obvious experience of God’s Presence. Your active intention ensures
that you are receiving His Light. Also, during these periods we can actively work to
increase your vibrational level. You may experience certain physical sensations
such as warmth or tingling. Some may even experience what feels like intense
sexual energy as your spiritual centers or chakras become stimulated and this energy
rises up along the spine. Whether you experience any sensations at all is quite
inconsequential since it is the active intention of engaging in this Silent Prayer that
is of the utmost benefit to you. It would also be of even greater benefit if you could
perform this in groups. Family members can designate certain periods of the day to
pray or meditate together. This increases the vibrational field within which we
must work and makes for a much more efficient process. You MUST come together,
dedicate yourselves to this purpose and encourage others to do the same! The
length of time should be at least 30 minutes but certainly the longer amount of time
you can devote, the more beneficial it will be.

You may also engage in Silent Prayer for minutes at a time throughout the day.
When you are not otherwise occupied, turn within, acknowledge God’s Presence and
listen. While driving, waiting in line or during other periods when you are not
particularly active, use these moments as your “spiritual exercise” time rather than
being impatient or bored. It will increase your spiritual vibrational level just as
physical exercise increases your level of physical well being.

Remember that Silent Prayer is the ONLY way to bring God and God’s Light to bear
in your human experience on earth! It is absolutely essential that you open your
consciousness to receive and benefit by His Divine Light and Presence!


It is imperative that you come together collectively as One in order to empower

yourselves and survive until the time of your Awakening. Those of you who are
more spiritually advanced must come together, form your Divine Army of One and
encourage all to trust you and join with you. United under the banner of God, Light,
Love and Peace, you will minimize the fear and trauma of your spiritual rebirth and
provide maximum assistance to us and all those eagerly awaiting to lift you above the
darkness of this world.

We understand your natural human inclination to want to see yourself as unique and
separate from others, but you no longer have the time to continue living at that level
of consciousness. Through numerous means being utilized by those in control, your
consciousness is being further diminished, not expanded as intended during normal
spiritual evolutionary cycles. Religious and racial identity and pride is being
extolled as a positive quality and you are being asked to embrace a multi-cultural
society that recognizes and emphasizes separateness. You MUST agree to
relinquish separateness and replace it with oneness. Your survival will depend on
the power you utilize “collectively”. Selfishness must end. You must “love your
neighbor as yourself” because your neighbor is your Self...the One Self infinitely

It is also essential that you not pass judgment on your earthly brothers and sisters
who do not join with you and choose to remain behind. You must not condemn or
criticize those who appear to be the cause of the death and destruction that will
occur. Hold fast to the Truth that regardless of appearances, all are One...all are of

The question you must surely have is “How can I see all the violent, corrupt and evil
people of the world in the light of Oneness”? “How can I acknowledge my Oneness
with despicable human beings?” We emphasize once again that you must make an
effort to look beyond the BEHAVIOR of your human brothers and sisters. Many of
your spiritual teachers have counseled you to “forgive the sinner, not the sin.” This
is essential. Keep in mind that what your are perceiving with your human senses is
illusion, sin is illusion. It therefore requires no forgiveness. The so-called sinner is
still God. Forgiving the so-called sinner requires nothing more that looking past the
illusory appearance and acknowledging the Presence of God. There is nothing but
God. No matter how difficult this may be for you, you MUST accept it and act
accordingly until your spiritual eyes are opened and you once again see and know
this Truth.

We offer you a somewhat simplistic example. Suppose you observed a world where
all the adults were experiencing life crawling on hands and knees. You would be
startled and immediately think to yourself “why are adults BEHAVING this way,
choosing to crawl when they are perfectly capable of standing up, walking and thus
experiencing life in a completely new and wonderful way?” “Why are they making
life so hard for themselves?” The answer must surely be because they don’t know
any better. If they knew they could walk, they would. This is the attitude and
awareness you must have when you are tempted to judge another. Rather than
condemn them for their inability to walk, take their hand and to the best of your
ability, try to lift them up!! Those of you who are more spiritually conscious MUST
try your best to lift up those who are still asleep, still ignorant of their true identity.
Granted there will be those who despite all effort will choose to stay on hands and
knees. It is unfortunate, but all that means is that they have delayed themselves.
No one is lost forever. All will awaken in due “time”. This is your time if you so

We have mentioned that events will be occurring soon on earth that will require you
to accept NOW your Divine Self and step forward fearlessly and collectively in order
to rise above the darkness and madness which will envelope the planet. Again, we
wish to emphasize that this information MUST be given to you now so that you may
prepare yourselves. It is not intended to make you fearful. On the contrary, it is to
reassure you that you are Divinely loved and protected if you turn within to that
Divinity. We acknowledge that what is to follow will sound impossible to you and
absolutely ludicrous to some. Nevertheless, at the risk of losing credibility with
some of you reading this, we stand firmly committed to revealing what is to come.
Read with your heart and inner intuition rather than your limited and logical human

The earth will soon be visited by alien life forms...en masse. Many of you have
suspected that aliens have visited earth many times and are doing so more
frequently now. UFO sightings are increasing and your governments are
pretending to investigate them. The reason they are pretending is because they not
only have had knowledge of alien life, spacecraft and visitations, but are actually
working in conjunction with these beings. We assure you that the purpose for this
cooperation has nothing to do with benefitting mankind. The purpose is simply to
dominate the earth, establish control of the earth, its inhabitants, and its resources.
The purpose is to establish a Master/Slave global society which would further
imprison humans in a life of misery and toil while those in power enjoy lives of
obscene abundance and indulgence. You can see this scenario is already beginning
to unfold. The rich and powerful are getting richer and more powerful, the rest are
watching their lives being reduced to nothing more than working and paying bills
and taxes to support the rich.

Aliens have been among you for some time and soon they intend to violate Divine
Cosmic Law and invade the earth. This is with the full endorsement of power-mad
humans who have controlled humanity for centuries, from generation to generation.
These people are extremely delusional and dangerous. They have been convinced by
the aliens that they will share in this new global order of power. They have been
lied to and foolishly not only believe this deception, but have offered to be
instrumental in bringing it about! However, because this event is in violation of the
Divine Cosmic Law, God has authorized his angelic forces to intervene and assist His
children on earth. Just as aliens have been among you, so too have God’s angelic
guardians. We have been preparing for this event and now need you to stand with
us. This is the Divine Army we referred to earlier. We need you to wake up and
acknowledge God’s Presence within you. This will bring the full force of God’s Love

and Light upon the earth and where there is Light, the darkness of evil dissolves.
Can you help us? Are you willing to embrace your true identity as a Son of God and
let your collective Light envelope and protect not only yourselves but the earth? We
implore you to do so. You will be assisting us immeasurably!

What is this Divine Law that God in His infinite wisdom had decreed for Its Creation
that is now being violated? Essentially, it forbids any beings from interfering with
the natural spiritual evolution of other beings unless ordained and sanctioned by
God. Your earth is still in its infancy in terms of cosmic spiritual evolution and as
such has been maintained in what we would describe as a cosmic “incubator”, a
vibratory field that has kept you isolated and protected as you “grow” and evolve into
conscious realization of your Oneness with God. There are many of these
evolutionary worlds at various states and stages of consciousness. Most are more
advanced than yours and some are at a lower level. You have experienced life on
earth in a “self-conscious” state for quite sometime. You are aware of yourselves as
“I, Mary” or “I, Bill” and so on. The evolutionary process to which we refer is not
your traditional definition of evolution, that is the theory that all living things
change in response to environmental conditions by natural selection of randomly
occurring mutations from simple to more complex forms. Since you were created
perfect, there is no need to change or improve yourselves. What we are referring to
by the word evolution is the gradual recognition of that which already IS. You
evolve in stages of awareness from the individual self-conscious Mary or Bill to the
One Self-consciousness, I Am God, or simply “I Am”. Because of the events about to
occur, you are being given a unique and extraordinary opportunity to experience a
quantum evolutionary leap in your awareness from that of individual self to that of
the One Self! You are being spared the seemingly endless cycles of birth and death
that would normally be necessary in the natural evolutionary process required in
order for man to discard the numerous layers of ignorance and false beliefs accepted
into his consciousness and to eventually realize his true Divine nature. You are
truly being blessed and will realize the magnitude of this blessing when you awaken

The beings who have been observing the earth during this period have determined
that they would now like use the earth for themselves, use you as slaves to
accommodate their needs and thereby live decadent lives of ease and exploitation.
Their actions have triggered a cosmic emergency and God in His infinite Love and
Divine Wisdom is using this as an opportunity to speed up your evolutionary process.
It is a tremendous opportunity for you and a blessing that we have been granted
permission to intervene and help. However, it does require that you help us as well!
Do not be seduced by these beings. Hold fast to your faith that we are here and
therefore, it is not necessary to put yourselves at the mercy of not only these
ill-intentioned aliens, but those in power now on earth. Join together in the Divine

Army of Oneness, Peace, Love and Light. Acknowledge God’s Presence and Power
so that it may manifest in your experience. Always our admonition to you is “Silent
Prayer”. In that peace and stillness will you unleash God’s power, the Light, which
will nullify all evil and discordant appearances. We are asking you to utilize
extraordinary faith! Stand together in that faith. You will not be forsaken.

We would also like to address the ecological and geographical upheavals which have
already begun and will increase rapidly. While a portion of these occurrences are
the result of human ignorance, the majority of them are and will be the result of the
extraterrestrials influencing the vibratory field surrounding the earth to create the
opening needed to invade the earth. It’s a “win/win” situation for them in that by
creating these disasters, you will feel impotent to deal with them and in fear and
desperation, turn to these “superior beings” for their advanced technological and
biological knowledge. While these beings do possess such knowledge, they are not to
be considered an “advanced” race! You must resist all temptation to regard them as

When you are witnessing anything of a catastrophic nature, immediately

acknowledge to yourselves that what you are witnessing is an illusion, intended to
frighten you and make you feel powerless. Reject that and quietly acknowledge
God...the true God who “made all that was made and saw that it was good.” There is
no mention in the Bible of God making all that was made and seeing that it was good
and evil! Therefore, KNOW THE TRUTH. All evil is illusion since it was never
created by God. Stand fearlessly and firmly in this Truth. Why should you fear

Humanity is now conscious of the fact that the earth is “warming”. You are
embracing the explanation that this is a result of human behavior and
environmental abuses. It is not. While you ARE desecrating your home through
ignorant and wasteful practices, the global warming is resulting from galactic
interference from two sources. One is from the aliens we mentioned and the other is
from God.

This is an extraordinary time for humanity. While extraterrestrial forces work to

penetrate the vibrational field surrounding the earth, this effort is resulting in
stimulating the field, which in turn is experienced as warmth (much like water which
when stimulated by fire will begin to boil). This alien activity, however, has also
provided the opportunity for God to likewise project an intense beam of Divine Light
and energy directly to the children on earth. This energy will be experienced not
only physically, but as a direct internal communication to you individually!! This is
the joyful moment we referred to earlier. It is the blissful birth in human
consciousness of the Truth, God and man are One. You are Divine Being, Eternally
One with the Infinite and this Truth will finally be consciously realized on a grand

This is a moment in your evolutionary history that has been eagerly awaited by your
Universal spiritual brothers and sisters for eons. It is the Great Awakening. It is
the quantum evolution of human beings from mere creatures of the earth to Sons of
God! You cannot grasp what wonders and joy are awaiting you! Therefore, you
must always keep your thoughts fixed firmly on the birth and not get overwhelmed
by the upcoming events, the labor pains. Just as you would humanly endure the
physical pain and trauma of birthing a child into the world because of the miracle,
love and joy associated with that birth, so too must you endure in peace and full trust
that which must precede your spiritual birth. We are here to assist you and feel
blessed to do so. You will not go through it alone and therefore have nothing to fear.
You are loved more than you can currently comprehend.

There will be significant losses and catastrophes that regrettably humanity will
experience en masse. You are already seeing the destruction and collapse of human
institutions and societal structure. Education is in turmoil, religious institutions
are being revealed as anything but. Gangs, violence, substance abuse and greed are
overwhelming humanity. Governments are either impotent and failing or
suffocating and abusive. Infrastructures are deteriorating rapidly. In addition, your
financial institutions and monetary systems are about to self-destruct as a result of
greed and irresponsible practices. Poverty is extreme and a way of life for millions.
Your food and water supply are in jeopardy and the entire world is at war.

It is time for you to face the fact that human beings are totally incapable of solving
these overwhelming problems at their current level of understanding. You are going
to have to raise your consciousness above the self-centered level of human
consciousness in order to survive until the time of the Great Awakening. Do not
think for a moment that any outside entity is going to come to your rescue. If you
place your power and future in the hands of any one other than yourselves, you are in
more danger. Every individual that is capable must turn within, access the only
power there is, God, and bring that power to bear on humanity collectively.

Many of you are resigned to some sort of “apocalyptic” event occurring signaling the
“end of the world”. So what. The world that is ending is a mirage. The world of
God’s creation awaits you. This is the “real” world. This is the world you knew and
experienced before you followed Lucifer into “his” world, one that accepts a power
and selfhood apart from God. No one should cling to this world with its
never-ending cycles of good and evil, health and sickness, wealth and poverty, war
and peace. Do you not see that you have been experiencing two powers...duality?
Can you begin to grasp the truth that such a world is impossible, insufferable and not
worthy of your concern any longer? Let it go and keep your thought on the
indescribable world of God’s creation...the Real world. Let go of all the fear, pain
and suffering this world has given you. Soon you will awaken to your true identity
and marvel that you valued what was so valueless and gave meaning to a world that
was completely meaningless. Know with certainty that what God created is like
Itself, immortal, eternal and CANNOT be destroyed.
In the “end” all that will remain of this world is the evil and those who once again will
have chosen to forsake their Divinity and remain separate from God. Evil will
eventually simply destroy itself since it is not of God and therefore CAN be destroyed.
Having no other recourse, it will turn against itself much as cancer cells when they
are no longer able to feed off healthy cells turn and attack themselves causing their
own destruction. Hopefully you can see now why no effort on your part or God’s part

is necessary and why it is essential that you resist the temptation to battle it or pray
for God to take action on your behalf. You must remain at peace which will enable
you to simply be lifted above it. Those who choose to remain will sadly suffer
immensely and tragically delay their inevitable awakening and return to their true
spiritual identity and the world of God’s creation. Being One, All must return
eventually. This is the only purpose for “time” in your experience on earth since in
Reality there is only the blissful state of the Eternal “Now”. No past to mourn or
regret, no future to fear, only the joy of Eternal Being.

It is quite obvious that your educational systems are in turmoil and decline. There
are numerous and complex reasons for this. We will briefly address the issue only to
reassure you that even though it will eventually break down and collapse due to
incompetence, conflicting social and political agendas as well social inequality and
unrest among the world’s youth, its eventual demise is necessary and not to be

Today’s public education for young children has been and will continue to be
concerned with stifling creativity and independent thought in order to program
children to think of education as something necessary to secure a job. They are in
basic training so to speak for the army of workers that will be required in the future
to serve the rich and powerful. Programs geared toward this type of training are
implemented under the guise of “concern and compassion” for all children. Titles
such as “No Child Left Behind” are used to convince administrators, teachers and
parents of the altruistic nature of a government sponsored curriculum that is
anything but! Many of you are awakening and seeing this sham for what it truly is
and yet you are powerless to change it since it is “the law” and tied into the funding
necessary to keep public schools functioning.

The tireless efforts of dedicated parents, teachers and volunteers to bring the arts
and creativity back into the educational process is admirable and speaks volumes
about the dedication of those who value intuition, beauty and the joy of
self-expression and are committed to instilling and stimulating these qualities not
only in their own children, but others as well. Nevertheless, even this will become
more difficult as campuses become more dangerous and off limits to all but school
personnel and security guards. Parents will eventually refuse to send their children
into this type of environment...many already do. The private schools will be
unaffordable for the majority and leave parents and children without access to
education. Turmoil and collapse is inevitable but you should resist violence and
trying to “fight the system.” Such a system needs to be abolished.

We would urge you to peacefully, intelligently and lovingly come together

collectively. Do not be concerned about your children not being educated and
indoctrinated by a government controlled institution. Use your time together as a
family to practice Silent Prayer. You may also “home school” children in your family
or in larger groups until the time of The Great Awakening. At that moment, being
once again restored to your Divine Oneness with God, you will all have access to
Omniscience, All Knowledge, and you will rejoice that there is no longer anything to

Let’s address the hypnotic suggestion you have embraced that you need money to
survive and you must work hard to get the money and then must hoard it and
bequeath it to your relatives. Who came up with idea of “money” and giving
worthless pieces of paper such value that you are willing to die for it? Who
originally came up with this concept and told you that you now had to work, either for
yourselves or someone else to get this money? You don’t know and have blindly
accepted it as a fact of life because your parents told you so, their parents told them
so, and their parents’ parents said that’s just the way it’s always been. In fact, it
dates back to ancient societies who utilized shells, spices, oils or whatever they
deemed valuable. It was nothing more than a hypnotic suggestion given to the
collective human consciousness in such a subliminal manner that you were
completely unaware of where this concept came from and yet you believed it! You
have been living under this false belief since you lost your “Garden of Eden” state of
consciousness. Who do you suppose originated this lie?

Your Bible describes life for humanity once it was lived outside the “Garden”. Now
humans had to “toil” to survive and painful birth was necessary to bring forth
children in human bodies rather than spiritual bodies. God didn’t decree this!
What loving parent would treat his children so heartlessly and cruelly? If a loving
HUMAN parent would not inflict such torture on its erring child, surely the ultimate
love of God for His children would not allow it! Remember that all your suffering is
self-inflicted because of your belief that you are separate from God and therefore cut
off from Life and your Source. How will you now survive? You have sacrificed your
Divine inheritance and Infinite supply and have been dreaming that you can
maintain and sustain yourselves. Lucifer knew you would be bewildered and
cleverly set in your consciousness the concept of work (“toil). By accepting this
survival method, he could thereby convince you that whereas once you had Infinity,
now you have finite resources. These resources are essential for your survival in
“this/his world”. You must work to have them.

A value system had to be created and accepted as well. This was the beginning of
humans placing value in external objects. These could then be used to trade for the
necessities of life. The concept of money was born and it has enslaved you ever
since. Now it is once again going to be used to further enslave you if you so permit.

Do not value money, since it is worthless and only has value because you agreed it
did. Change your mind. Impossible? Not if you want to survive. Whereas for
eons you thought you needed money to survive, now you must reject this belief in
order TO survive. If you cling to wealth and money and thereby empower it to keep

you safe, you are doomed because soon there will occur a financial and monetary
apocalypse the world has never experienced. The majority of you, rich and poor, will
be affected. Rest assured that the powerful in control of your world who are
orchestrating this disaster will not be the least bit affected.

One of the greatest scams foisted on humanity was the concept of paying taxes.
Originally intended as a temporary method to provide funds to increase national
security interests and maintain societal infrastructure, it has evolved into a
horrendous and permanent way to rob you of a significant portion of your earnings
and insure that hard working, honest people remain overworked and overburdened
in order to fund the wishes and desires of corrupt governments and bureaucrats.
The waste and fraudulent use of taxpayer money is being exposed daily and yet you
continue to work and pay more and more into this illicit system! A governmental
agency uses fear and intimidation to keep you from questioning the legitimacy of its
very existence thus forcing you to remain subservient and submissive. You are
actually funding the wars, violence and chaos sweeping the world with your hard
earned money. Don’t you feel controlled and manipulated? Do you see how fear is
used by the powerful to keep you enslaved and themselves guaranteed an endless
source of money to finance their whims and wars? We wish you collectively had the
courage to refuse to participate in this insanity any further. However, we recognize
that it will unfortunately take the complete collapse of your financial structure to
bring about the demise of your system of taxation. Soon, when the majority of you
experience an extreme lack of money and your investments are revealed as
worthless, there will be no money to ensure your future survival let alone pay taxes.
When this occurs, we want you to contemplate who told you that you needed money
to survive. Who convinces you that you must EARN a living rather than experience
and express Life? We also want you to contemplate Who maintains and sustains
His Children if they will turn to Him.

It must occur to you that if the destructive events unfold as we are revealing to you,
all human activity will be impacted. If homes are destroyed and millions are
displaced or suffer death, who will be concerned about paying mortgages and bills?
How will anyone be able to track where anyone is or how much they owe for
anything? What good is your life insurance, pension or investments if the agencies
responsible for them no longer exist? Please consider these questions NOW so that
you can begin to see that money will be worthless and at least you can prepare
yourselves to survive without it and not become panicked or fearful.

Since the majority of you spend your lives in servitude to companies and corporations
just to collect your salaries to survive, perhaps you will finally wake up and look upon
this scenario as a welcome release from the prison of money. If you no longer need
it, are you not free? Would you not feel somewhat elated and empowered, knowing

that all of humanity is experiencing this with you and all are now on the same level,
neither rich nor poor? You will all be as one, needing to come together for your
mutual benefit and survival. Do this in love, without fear and without regret for
what you thought you were worth. You are about to realize you are worth far more
than your bank accounts.

We reference your Bible often because despite the fact that it has been intentionally
adulterated, it is still the Word of God to His children. Sometimes this Word is
direct and obvious and other times it must be pondered and spiritually discerned.
Meaning is conveyed to you from within if you are truly seeking to know the Truth.

With regard to your material needs, scripture speaks very plainly and Jesus
demonstrated the Truth that God maintains and sustains you if you but turn within,
acknowledge God as the Source of all effect, the First Cause, and in total trust and
belief, give thanks for that which He provides unconditionally. You do not have to
“deserve” it or be worthy. God is no respecter of persons and gives freely to all.
How could Jesus take five barley loaves and two small fish and feed the multitudes
as much as they wanted with 12 baskets left over? He demonstrated the God given
Principle of Infinite Supply. In Luke 12:29-32, Jesus admonishes you as follows:
“And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious
mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father
knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these
things shall be added to you. Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good
pleasure to give you the kingdom.” He is plainly telling you the Truth. God, the
Life of you, maintains and sustains Itself. This requires you to lift your
consciousness from that of human concepts of life and survival to spiritual
consciousness that now acknowledges the One Life, God, expressing as all individual
Life and therefore sustaining that Life.

Because of what will soon appear to be dire lack, whether of money, food, water or
anything necessary in your life, it is essential that you raise your human
consciousness to spiritual consciousness (the kingdom within) so that the power of
God may function in your experience and appear as loaves and fishes or whatever the
particular need may be. You will then be utilizing the Divine Principle of Infinite
Supply as Jesus tried to teach humanity thousands of years ago but was unsuccessful
since the people of his time could not comprehend this teaching. Because of the
Light and energy being directed to the earth, enough of you will open your
consciousness to receive this Light, be lifted into spiritual awareness and thus
demonstrate this Principle to provide all that is necessary until the instant of your
Great Awakening and ascension. It is imperative to practice going within, Silent
Prayer, and listening for the voice of God. The more of you who prepare in this way,
the greater the Light can function and provide for all.

Never forget that all effects have their origin in Cause, and you must turn to that
Cause. Do not continue putting your faith in the in particular. It

will not be there to save you. God, the First and Only Cause, will be if you but seek
within and not without.

By now you must see that everything we are telling you and everything we are
asking you to do is in complete opposition to the way you have been taught and thus
living as human beings. You must also see that the way you have been living is no
longer sustainable, no longer even desirable and therefore requires this dramatic
shift. Are you willing? You may think it impossible, but it is not and we are
working along side you. You will not fail if you make the commitment and effort.

We must educate you now regarding spiritual healing as opposed to your

understanding of healing, one that relies on effects such as doctors, hospitals and
prescription drugs. Many of you are awakening to the fact that you have been
victims of a enormous scam called “health insurance”. You have been told that you
MUST have health insurance and pay dearly for it. So many of you keep yourselves
imprisoned in a meaningless job just to hold on it! Who convinced you that you must
insure yourselves to protect your finances and assets in the event you contract a
disease, become ill or fall victim to an accident? Who convinced you to pay
exorbitant amounts of money “just in case” you need medical attention? Who
controls the health care system that scams you in this manner and why do you
continue to allow yourselves to be victimized by it? Do you find it astounding that
those controlling the system are using your fear to make obscene amounts of money
and yet you willingly participate? Wake up! It would be marvelous if you all had
the courage to drop all insurance and refuse to be scammed any longer. Yet, we see
you are so hypnotized that you believe it is necessary and important. Utter
nonsense. Most of you have paid more for the insurance than actual medical
attention would cost! Not only this, but all of you are deliberately being exposed to
elements designed to make you sick, i.e., chemicals in your drinking water, toxins
and pollutants in your air, additives and pesticides in your food supply just to name
the obvious examples. The less obvious examples involve deliberate covert
biological, chemical and germ warfare being waged on unsuspecting victims which
will result in global epidemics. This should not be surprising to read since you
already know how you are being controlled in other areas of your life. By keeping you
sick you are being kept in fear thus making you weak and easily exploited.

The time has come to change your thoughts about health and healing. Make no
mistake...all disease is illusion and you experience it because of your belief in a life
and selfhood separate from God. Spiritual healing is the result of one who has
raised their consciousness to the point where God is recognized and acknowledged to
be the only Power and can therefore look at a “patient” and dissolve the appearance
of “disease” by bringing this Truth to bear on whatever claim is being made. There
have been numerous documented cases of this type of healing, but most of you

remain skeptical and prefer to cling to the soon to be useless concept of physical
healing...doctors, hospitals and drugs which are more dangerous to your body than
the actual illness. You are being asked now to turn away from a belief system that
not only does not serve you now, but will certainly not serve you when catastrophic
events occur which will seem to threaten your physical survival.

Remember, and we must keep reiterating this, what God created cannot be
destroyed! Rest assured that if God created disease, it could never be cured! Since
disease can and has been cured, it is not of God, not a power to be feared or “battled”
as you so often refer to your attempts to heal. You don’t need to “battle” or fight an
illusion! Can you begin to grasp this important Truth?? Let it into your
consciousness and begin to lift yourselves into a higher understanding of who you

In Genesis it states that you were given dominion over the earth and all that is in it.
Why? Because you are God in individual form and therefore the only Power
operating in your experience...IF YOU SO CHOOSE! With absolute knowledge of
this Truth, how then could anything external have any effect on you? It would not
and could not. This Truth is going to be your strength and protection. Since you
have been experiencing life without knowing this Truth, you have again been giving
power to effect, not Cause. In this case, the power appears to be in germs, toxins,
bacteria and anything that you now fear threatens your physical body. Jesus
admonished you “Turn ye and live.” Stop empowering the powerless, turn within,
acknowledge God as your Cause and Source and reclaim your Divinity...your Life
eternal not subject to the illusion of sickness or even death. Jesus demonstrated
this Truth countless times, not only healing but actually raising the dead; and
certainly not to show off the fact that HE was the one and only Son of God and could
therefore perform “miracles”. Everything Jesus did was to teach you the Truth
about yourselves!! Yet you still refuse to believe it. The time has come where you
now MUST believe it. Did Jesus not say to you “know ye not that ye are gods?” and
“These things and greater you shall do.”? Why do you continue to cling to the belief
that you are unworthy, sinful human beings subject to all manner of horrific
suffering? Release this concept of yourselves and embrace your Divinity. Those of
you who succeed in this will be of tremendous benefit to your brothers and sisters
who may not be able to grasp that this is the Truth about them. You will also be a
tremendous benefit to us as we prepare you to Awaken and ascend.

With the increasing geographical and climatic upheavals, large numbers of human
beings will experience death. It is of utmost importance that we address this and
try to inform you and reassure you about so-called death. We understand how
terrifying this experience is to you. Avoiding death at all costs is the primal instinct
of human consciousness. You still regard the body as “you” and despite teachings to
the contrary you have no conscious memory of the fact that you are spiritual beings
incapable of death.

Your invisible consciousness provides the vibrational energy that not only forms your
body, but maintains and sustains it! This is your true Self that you have forgotten,
God, and so have become to believe that you are the body itself. You have severed
the communication with your Self, God, and have created a personal selfhood, the
ego, to now maintain and sustain you. Being a creation not of God, the ego has no
real existence, no power to maintain and sustain you. You are as your Bible stated,
“as a branch that is cut off and withers and dies”. Because of this, your bodies age,
wither and die. However, YOU don’t die since you are an Eternal Son of God, God
individualized and yet One. You must contemplate this Truth! You will actually
awaken and experience it at the moment of the Great Awakening. However, the
reason this is of utmost importance for you to understand beforehand is that when
hearing the information we are conveying, we realize you will immediately begin to
have fear and concern for yourselves, your children and all your loved ones. Fear
not. You will never be separated from each other since your relationship is Eternal
and bound in the Truth of Oneness. Just as you will be safe and protected and lifted
above the darkness, so too will all your loved ones...even those who appear to have
“died”. It will not matter if you are physically together at this quantum shift and
evolution into Life in a new and higher dimension, one of inexplicable beauty and joy.
You will be together consciously in your original Divine form. Imagine that you will
be waking up from a nightmare and looking around to see that you are totally safe
and surrounded by all those you love.

The point we wish to emphasize is that you must rethink who you are and who your
family members are. All are equally One, God individualized It would be
extremely beneficial if you could attempt to educate them with this information.
The less fear and anxiety you have, the more efficiently this process will occur.

The time has come for you to no longer fear death since you must now see it as simply
a step or stage of progress from one state of awareness, mortal and finite, to another,
immortal and infinite. Physically, the birth experience is more traumatic for you
than the death experience and yet strangely you celebrate birth and fear and mourn

death. Is it possible for you to now reverse this? You must contemplate what we
are saying here because by releasing the need to identify and cling to this particular
physical body, you are freeing yourselves to experience your true form, your perfect
spiritual body. As absurd as this may sound to you, can you train yourselves to
regard death as a POSITIVE experience? Will you be able to stop mourning and
holding candlelight vigils for your deceased brothers and sisters that you perceive as
“victims” and instead rejoice that they are finally free of the prison of a false and
unworthy that suffers sickness, pain, aging and eventual death just to be
recycled in the earth like human garbage? We can assure you that they are alive,
safe and anxious to reunite with you when you also leave “this world” whether by
ascension or death.

Look upon the upcoming events without fear or regret. Soon you will no longer live
as children of the earth but as Children of God in a world worthy of your Divinity
where death is no longer remembered since it is no longer necessary. Contemplate
the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. He demonstrated the truth about YOU,
not just himself as the Son of God. He is as alive today as he was 2,000 years ago
and at the time of the Great Awakening, you will see him. He will be rejoicing with
you as this was his purpose since “time” began for humanity. All of your spiritual
teachers will be present for this incredible moment to share in your awakening joy.
What awaits you is indescribable. Keep you thoughts on this and hold fast to the
truth that whatever apocalyptic events occur, they are nothing more than reasons to
let go of your attachment to this world. Nobody really dies.

You cannot afford to fall deeper asleep by indulging in the mindless and increasing
distractions being fed to you through your media and electronic devices! Don’t think
for a moment that those in power want you to wake up. They are currently aware of
what is to come and are desperate to keep you distracted and thereby unprepared.
To those of you who are already awakening, this is ridiculously obvious and you
simply cannot understand those who are spending their lives connected to their
cellphones, i-pods, big-screen TVs, blackberries, computers and the like. These
“toys” are the weapons being used by those in power to war against your Spirit and
prevent your spiritual evolution. It is essential that these devices be used only as a
necessity not as a way of life! In addition to keeping you unconscious of their evil
intentions, they disrupt your individual and collective vibrational fields creating
overwhelming “static” which they are using as a shield against us in our efforts to
help you. We implore you to turn them off voluntarily and send the message that
you choose to evolve, not remain as creatures to be controlled and used by them!

It is no surprise to any of you that your television networks, most radio stations and
print media are being consumed by so-called “media moguls”. As more and more
control is bought up by a select few, you are seeing the obvious results. You are
simply being shown images and told stories disguised as “news” to keep you
uniformed of the truth, unaware of what is actually happening in the world. You
are constantly being fed with information to keep you fearful and unable to make
intelligent decisions whether political or personal. Those of you who are beginning
to awaken find this incredulous. The institutions established to educate and uplift
humanity are now being used to keep the masses ignorant, fearful and completely
hypnotized. Many of the images being presented as factual, real life occurrences
have been manipulated and computer generated to fit the agenda of those in control.
Serious investigative reporting is being replaced with celebrity gossip and
entertainment “news”. Have you noticed the number of true and dedicated
journalists being killed or otherwise threatened into silence?

Currently you have access to the truth via your computer and the internet. As this
technology becomes more affordable and accessible to the mass of humanity, be
prepared to see it eventually owned, regulated and completely controlled by those in
power just as they control all your communication mediums. At some point, you will
be forced to “unplug” yourselves and communicate directly with one another. Even
this will become more and more difficult as the controlling entities monitor your
every move. More and more cameras and tracking devices are being installed
presumably to keep you “safe”. In fact, they will be used to keep you “in line”. We
realize this scenario sounds either improbable to you or disturbingly true.

Nevertheless, you need to prepare yourselves now.

Commit yourselves to coming together as One with the sole purpose of receiving
God’s Divine energy. You will find that you will reawaken your latent spiritual
faculties and senses. These can be used to communicate telepathically and for the
more spiritually advanced enable you to actually perform what will appear to many
as “miracles”. Know with certainty that anyone who awakens to their true Divine
nature will have the ability to override the physical laws governing “this world” and
utilize Divine laws, which in turn will allow you to accomplish the miraculous. You
will have access to infinite supply of any nature and simply be able to defy the laws of
time and space. Many of you will no longer require food as you will be directly
sustained by Divine energy and will not need to utilize the physical process of
deriving that energy from external sources. There is documented testimony of a few
so-called “saints” who are currently living on direct cosmic energy. While not all will
be able to achieve this level of spiritual consciousness due to an unfortunate lack of
time, enough will step forward to provide for all. Never forget that we are here and
we will also be assisting you. Remind yourselves once again of all that Jesus was
able to accomplish and his statement that “these things and greater you shall do.”
Have unshakable faith and step forward fearlessly in service to all until the moment
you are lifted up from the darkness.

Perhaps some of you reading this cannot accept the possibility of such abuse and loss
of freedom. You may think you are protected through your legal and judiciary
systems. Pay more attention to what is happening to these “honorable” professions
and institutions. The majority of lawyers today are now considered loathsome and
greedy. They have manipulated the law and its intention to not only suit their
needs and make obscene amounts of money, but to instill fear and intimidation in
everyone. You are forced to comply with endless laws and restrictions to avoid being
sued. Many of you are sued for breaking laws you never knew existed. Others are
threatened with lawsuits and financial ruin unless they agree to comply with the
demands of lawyers and their “clients”. If you agree to “settle”, oftentimes the
lawsuit will be dropped. Either way, you are all living in fear of the law and the
legal system. How is this honorable? The entire legal system has become so
complex that attorneys are a necessity and as such, they can charge as much as they
feel they are entitled. In most cases, the client receives very little and has been
nothing more than someone to be used and exploited for money. Hopefully, you can
see that your legal system has become another way to manipulate and control you.

Those in the system who may still strive to serve on the side of justice will discover
that the courts and judges will have less interest in following the letter of the law
than in following their own agendas and personal interpretations of the law. Those
with judicial power will eventually be either loyal to political ideologies and parties
or to others with money and power. Rulings will be made not in the interest of
justice or the law, but in the interest of the judge making the ruling. As more and
more judges are deliberately being installed to rule in favor of those already
controlling you, we can assure you that your individual and collective legal recourse
will eventually be impossible. Never forget that all of this will be done under the
guise of protecting your interests and your safety. Below is one example of how
subtly you are being “reprogrammed” to conform and mindlessly obey directives
issued by your so-called justice system.

Probably all of you have received a “Summons to Appear for Jury Duty”. You have
no freedom of choice in this matter. You have been “ordered” to appear and serve.
While a few may cite specific reasons for being unable to serve, the majority of you
must fulfill this obligation or suffer the consequences. You can be fined or even
arrested for failure to appear. You have been told that this is your “civic duty” and it
is an honorable form of community service being imposed on you simply because
there are insufficient volunteers to deal with the overcrowded criminal and legal
justice system. This is nonsense as it would be much for efficient and cost effective
to simply create an agency that employs full time, salaried jurors. Nevertheless,

the current system was declared and now you are being threatened if you do not
comply with their demand. You are being forced to sacrifice your time and often
money at the command of your judicial system. At the very least, this itself should
be considered illegal. No one should be forced to participate in passing judgment on
the guilt or innocence of another. The fact that the majority of you DO comply with
your Summons is a reflection of how the masses can be indoctrinated to follow
commands. While seemingly harmless and disguised as a “good deed” and
“community service”, the truth is that you have been essentially “put under arrest”
until you agree to serve. Because you are so hypnotized and not paying attention,
you are missing the bigger picture. If you meekly agree to this process, what makes
you think that something even more sinister will not be implemented in the very
near future that requires you to submit and comply or suffer even more dire
consequences? At some point, even the most skeptical among you must admit that
you can now be forced to do something you do not want to do and you have no legal
recourse because it is being done legally. We urge you to begin now to prepare for
all that is to occur. Heed the advice being urgently and lovingly given to you. Do
not dwell on the negative and accept that you are powerless, but begin to awaken and
access your individual Power within. You must empower yourselves collectively.

There will always be many among you who are courageous and willing to rebel
against suppression of freedom and civil liberties. Pictures of crowds of protestors
around the world flood your media daily. These will obviously intensify as more of
you become active for what will seem like endless causes. Many will sacrifice their
lives for justice. Do not mourn them, but rather smile and know that they will soon
be eternally free, as will you. We would like to remind you that the battle is no
longer “out there”. The battle must be relinquished and replaced with an inner
peace based on the absolute faith in the Power of God within you. Outward protests
and demonstrations will eventually only have the effect of justifying military and
police force and the result will be detention, imprisonment and even death. Justice
in this world has been “redefined” and you must not expect to find it serving you or
saving you.

We would like to address the physical aspect of what is to occur so that this
foreknowledge can be utilized to minimize any shock or fear you might experience.
Your physical bodies are the vehicles you use to express and experience Life in the
third dimension of Creation, the earth. They are composed of the elements of the
earth, but are primarily water. When water is stimulated by increasing energy
(vibration), it transforms into steam and is physically experienced as heat. The
Light and vibrational energy which will be transmitted to earth will stimulate the
water in your cellular structure and be felt as extreme heat. You may feel as though
you are “on fire” for a few days. Allow it to be without fear or concern but rather
with rejoicing and gratitude because you know you are being “reborn” as a Spiritual
Son of God. To further reassure you, know that your Bible in particular has many
examples of this process occurring. You call it ascension and Jesus is perhaps the
one with whom you are most familiar who demonstrated it. It will be extremely
beneficial for you to hold Him in your consciousness during this physical
transformation as your guide. In order to live in a higher dimension, your bodies
must resonate with that particular vibration. It will feel strange to you, but know
that this process occurs in all evolutionary cycles in perfect accord with God’s Divine
Plan. By holding Jesus in your consciousness you will be merging with his energy
thereby facilitating your transformation.

We encourage you to pay more attention to your bodies. Keep yourselves clean
outside as well as inside. Make dietary changes that are positive and will increase
your physical energy and vibrations. Avoid toxic substances to the best of your
ability. Commit to simple daily exercise such as walking for at least 30 minutes. It
is not our intention to encourage you to be healthy as much as it is to assist us as we
work to raise your vibrational levels. The more you do to prepare physically, the
more efficiently this process can occur.

Once your physical bodies have been transformed, we are prepared to literally “lift”
you up above the darkness of the earth. The spiritual transports which will be
utilized are already in the earth plane and because they are vibrating at a higher
rate than your physical eyes can perceive, they are currently invisible to you. These
were seen by the prophet Ezekiel and described in the Bible as “Wheels”...”a wheel in
the middle of a wheel”. You will also see them when your individual vibrations have
been raised. Your spiritual eyes will be opened and you will rejoice to recognize and
remember your spiritual brothers and sisters who will be there to help us. It will be
the most remarkable and wondrous experience for you. By this time, fear will be
nonexistent among you and only joy and bliss will be felt as at long last the
nightmare of separation will have ended for you. Not a trace of remembrance of the

hell you have been experiencing for millenniums will remain. You will no longer
“sleep” and dream the impossible, but will be as you were at the beginning of
Creation, a perfect child of God. While you have never been otherwise in Reality,
you will now be restored to the awareness of what you always were and always will
be. This is the “Death of Mortality”, for you will now experience Life as God
intended...Immortal Beings experiencing God’s perfect Creation. Remind
yourselves of these words often and they will put you in a more uplifted emotional
state of being, which also raises your vibrational level thereby assisting us even

The final chapter in your Bible is the Book of Revelations. This is because it is the
final Word of God to His children on earth. When the world of illusion ends and all
who choose to awaken evolve into a higher consciousness, it will no longer be
necessary to have prophets reveal the Word of God to you. You will have direct
communication with God and once again be restored to your Divine relationship of
Oneness. There will no longer be “good and evil”, only good, God. Can you imagine
living Life in that state of awareness? Can you imagine experiencing Life without
pain, suffering, sin, sickness, disease, lack of any kind and lastly “death”? This
awaits you if so you choose. The Bible will no longer be the Word of God for you, it
will be a useless book of dreams that never occurred in Reality, only in the world of

You are now in the final chapter of the Bible and rather than fear or dread what must
occur, rejoice that you will no longer be imprisoned...dreaming nightmares of endless
cycles of birth and death with all its inherent fear and suffering. Hold fast to this
Truth as you work to prepare yourselves for what is to come. It is thankfully the “end
times”...the end of time and the beginning of the blissful Life of Eternity. You will be
reunited and rejoicing with all those who shared in your journey through hell and
back into Heaven. You are immeasurably loved and soon this is all you will
remember because love is All That Is...the Eternal Love of God for His Creation, a
Love that binds you together as One Eternally.

If you choose to awaken and evolve into your original higher consciousness at the time
of The Great Awakening, it is ESSENTIAL that you take the following steps to
prepare yourselves:

1. Acknowledge your Divinity and embrace your Oneness with God and every
individual. You must agree to relinquish all religious and racial identity currently
being emphasized to create a sense of separation and replace it with Oneness.

2. Regardless of appearances or behavior, DO NOT JUDGE OR CONDEMN

ANYONE. Choose instead to look through the appearance and acknowledge the
Truth...ALL are Divine spiritual children of God. ALL are equal. ALL are One.

3. Come together COLLECTIVELY to form a Divine Army of One. Commit to

remaining calm, peaceful and loving under ALL circumstances. Commit to being the
Light of the World and working together to dispel the darkness until the moment of
your awakening,

4. Agree to relinquish fear and replace it with stillness and peace. Refuse to react
to the illusion of evil.

5. PRACTICE SILENT PRAYER individually and preferably in groups. Do this

daily for no less than 30 minutes. Also, practice Silent Prayer throughout the day
when you have moments of non-activity. Contemplate the true nature of God as
Omnipresence and LISTEN for God to speak to you. Remember that Silent Prayer is
the ONLY way to bring God into your experience. This is your safety and protection
until the time of The Great Awakening.

6. You must attempt to lift your consciousness from that of human concepts of life
and survive to spiritual consciousness that now acknowledges the One Life, the One
Power, God, expressing as all individual life and therefore sustaining that life. Do
not acknowledge or fear the appearance or suggestion of lack of any kind.

7. Relinquish your concepts and fear of death. Release the instinctive need to
identify and cling to this particular physical body. Accept the Truth that nobody
really dies.

8. It is extremely important that you stop indulging in mindless distractions through

the use of your electronic devises, cellphones and the like. You must “unplug”

yourselves voluntarily so that we may work with your individual vibrational field and
not be subjected to the constant “static” these create which surrounds you and in turn
blocks us preventing us from being able to fully assist you.

9. Pay more loving attention to your bodies. Make dietary and other changes so
that the process of transforming your vibrational levels will occur more efficiently.
Attempt to stay emotionally uplifted as well. Do not dwell on negative events but
focus on the infinite love and joy you will soon experience.

10. Have extraordinary faith and know that we are here, you are not alone, and we
are lovingly committed to assisting you in your spiritual rebirth.


It is important that I attempt to clarify that I am not the author of this book. My
contribution is nothing more than that of a transcriber. The contents of this book
were essentially “downloaded” into my consciousness by these angelic beings and I
simply typed the words. Therefore, I am unable to comment on the validity of what is
being presented. What I can comment on is the incredible love and concern they
have for us. The energy I experienced was so caring and compassionate that I
actually looked forward to sitting at the computer for hours typing...something I
usually avoid as much as possible. Because of this overwhelming sense of their
presence and their extraordinary desire to help us during these tumultuous times, I
am inclined to take this information seriously. It is not easy to do.

While the title of the book is The Death of Mortality, I see it as also referring to the
death of the human ego, our false sense of ourselves that we have invested our entire
lives nurturing and strengthening. What will be left when that identity is taken
away? Personally, I don’t know and it’s obviously somewhat unnerving. I can see
why we are being asked to demonstrate extraordinary trust and faith that all will end
well for us and we will be rejoicing. However, until that time, until our collective
awakening as they refer to it, it seems we have an insurmountable task before
that will definitely require Divine intervention and help. Quite frankly, I doubt
anyone believes we are heading towards a bright and promising future and therefore,
making the choice to leave all that we thought we were and all that we thought was
important and take the leap of faith we’re being asked to take seems reasonable. I’m
not seeing too many other options at this point.

I also believe events are going to occur that we are simply not prepared to deal with
and that the time to do so is not in some distant future, but NOW as they are
encouraging us. We cannot afford to be complacent and assume our lives will
continue on unaffected by world events. I personally do not want to be overwhelmed
by fear when something happens, but rather to have the necessary understanding to
bring peace and calm to myself and others. I am absolutely willing to join the Divine
Army of One that they reference in this book. My concern is that it will be just Is it possible for the majority of us to willingly let go of our egos, our
concern for our individual selves, and come together collectively as children of God as
they plead for us to do?

Hopefully, those of you reading this book will do so with an open mind and begin to
think “higher” thoughts about who you are and who we are all. Hopefully, your
spiritual Self will awaken and you, too, will join humanity’s Divine Army of One. I

truly believe that together we can be The Light of the World and together we can
experience whatever is to occur secure in the love and protection of the angels and

1. The Holy Bible - New King James Version. In particular, Genesis, Ezekiel,
Isaiah, all chapters in the New Testament concerning the life and teachings of Jesus
and lastly, The Revelations.

2. “The Infinite Way” and all books written by Joel Goldsmith.

3. “Life and Teachings of The Masters of The Far East” by Baird T. Spalding.

4. “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda.

5. “A Course In Miracles” - Foundation for Inner Peace.

6. “The Revelation - A message of Hope for The New Millennium” by Barbara Marx

7. “I - Reality and Subjectivity” by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

8. “Communication with The Spirit World of God - Its Laws and Purpose” by
Johannes Greber.

9. “Oneness” by rasha, published by Earthstar Press.

10. “A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle.


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