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Design of Machine Elements

ME 351 (16/02/17)


Q1. A screw clamp similar to the one shown in the figure has a handle with diameter 5 mm
made of cold-drawn AISI 1006 steel. The overall length is 75 mm. The screw is M12 coarse
and is 145 mm long, overall. Distance A is 50 mm. The clamp will accommodate parts up to
105 mm high.
(a). What screw torque will cause the handle to bend permanently?
(b). What clamping force will the answer to part (a) cause if the collar friction is neglected and
if the thread friction is 0.075?
(c). What clamping force will cause the screw to buckle?
(d). Are there any other stresses or possible failure to be checked?
Sol. 1. Given For M12, D = 12 mm, Force F will be applied at L 75 12 63 mm, T = 63F,
M = (L-6) F = 57F, Sy = 280 MPa, Sut = 330 MPa (AISI 1006, CD).
(a). F 0.06 N, T = 63F = 3.79 N-mm. [3]
d 3
(b). Eq. (8-2): Square threads: Eq. (8-5), f = 0.075, p 1.75 mm (Table: 8-1), l = 1.75 mm:
d m D p / 2 11.125 mm,
Fclamp d m l fd m
TR Fclamp 5.42 N. [3]
2 d m fl
(c). The column has one end fixed and the other end pivoted. Decisions based on mean diameter. Inputs:
D 2 D
C = 1.2, D = 11.125 mm, A 97.20 mm2, Sy = 280 MPa, E = 200 GPa, L = 105 mm, k 2.78 mm,
4 4
L 2 CE
2 2
37.76 . From Eq. (4-45): 130.07 .
k k 1 S y
From Eq. (4-46), the limiting clamping force for buckling is:
SyL 1

Fclamp Pcr AS y 26.069 103 N. [3]

2k CE


Q2. A part is loaded with a combination of bending, axial, and torsion such that the following stresses are created at a
particular location:
Bending: Completely reversed, with a maximum stress of 70 MPa
Axial: Constant stress of 10 MPa
Torsion: Repeated load, varying from 0 MPa to 70 MPa
Assume the varying stresses are in phase with each other. The part contains a notch such that K f ,bending 1.4 ,
K f ,axial 1.1 , K f ,torsion 2.0 . The material properties are S y 300 MPa and S ut 400 MPa. The completely adjusted
endurance limit is found to be S e 200 MPa. Find the factor of safety for fatigue based on infinite life. If the life is not
infinite, estimate the number of cycles. Be sure to check for yielding.
Sol. 2. K f ,bending 1.4 , K f ,axial 1.1 , K f ,torsion 2.0 , S y 300 MPa, S ut 400 MPa, S e 200 MPa :
Bending: m 0 MPa, a 70 MPa,
Axial: m 10 MPa, a 0 MPa,
Torsion: m 35 MPa, a 35 MPa. [1]
Eqs. (6-55) and (6-56):
a 1.470 02 32.0352 155.89 MPa, [2]
m 0 1.1102 32.0352 121.74 MPa. [2]
Using modified Goodman, Eq. (6-46),

1 a m
n f 0.922 . Infinite life is NOT predicted. [1]
nf Se S ut
fS ut 2
From Eq. (6-14): a 648 MPa, [1]
1 fS
From Eq. (6-15): b log ut .085 , [1]
3 Se

From Eq. (6-16): N max 21.4 103 Cycles. [1]


Check for yielding, using the conservative max a m ,
ny 1.08 . [1]
a m

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