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Revising a Depreciation Schedule in X3

X3 provides for the ability to change the useful life of an asset or the method
upon which the asset is depreciated.

We will be revising the useful life of asset FA008.

Book Value $10,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation: $252.33
Method: Straight Line
Useful Life: 10 years

Step 1: Run the Revise Depreciation process

Go to Fixed Assets/ Revise Depreciation

Header Information
Fixed Asset: assign applicable fixed asset ID #
Last Depreciation Date: specifies the last period the depreciation expense
was generated for the asset
Adjust residual value: if you desire to adjust the residual value of the asset
this box should be ticked and the remaining value should thus be assigned

New Conditions
Method: one can assign a new depreciation method for the book and tax
Number of Years: The useful life of the asset can be updated here (in this
example the useful life is being changed from 10 years to 5 years

Log file that is generated from the process indicating that the depreciation
plan has been revised.

The asset now reflects the new useful life and it also denotes the date that the
new depreciation schedule will start to take place.

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