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Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For


Explain the ICT Package that you used for your verbal presentation.

The chosen topic of my presentation was GAS Turbine. Which I had made on
power point with its basic feature but there was other software and method to do


The following are the feature and uses of power point.

PowerPoint is a highly innovative and versatile program that can ensure you a
successful communication whether youre presenting in front of potential
investors, a lecture theatre or simply in front of your colleagues. Below are five
features you should be using if you aren't already. Learn everything about
these tips: they will improve your presentation skills and allow you to
communicate your message successfully.

1) Adding Smart Art:

Dont confuse SmartArt with the similarly named WordArt. Where WordArt just
allows you to display text using a wide variety of different formats and effects,
SmartArt is a comprehensive and flexible business diagram tool that greatly
improves upon the Diagram Gallery feature found in previous versions of Office.
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

Click the insert Smart Chart Graphic to choose from a selection of options.
SmartArt can be used to create professional diagrams that include pictures and
text or combinations of the two. An obvious use of SmartArt would be to create
an organization chart but it can be used for many different kinds of diagrams
and even to provide some variety to slides using text bullet points.

2) Inserting Shapes:

If you need to include some sort of diagram in your presentation, then the
quickest and easiest way is probably to use SmartArt. However, it is important to
be able to include shapes independently of SmartArt and worth being familiar
with the various Drawing Tool format options.

Not only will they be useful if you do need to manually draw a diagram (and
SmartArt doesnt suit all diagrams), but they can also be applied to objects on a
slide that you might not immediately think of as shapes. For example the box
that contains your slide title or your content. This can be anything from text to a
video, or even the individual shapes in a SmartArt diagram. As you can see, the
gallery of available shapes is very extensive. Once you have selected your
chosen shape, you can just click in your slide to insert a default version of the
shape or, to set a particular size and position, click and drag with the mouse to
create the shape and size you want.
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

3) Inserting an Image:

Here are two content type icons which appear in new content Placeholders for
inserting pictures. You can Insert Picture from File or Insert Clip Art. Alternatively,
the Illustrations group of the Insert ribbon tab includes the same two tools. In
addition, PowerPoint 2010 has a new Screenshot option that allows you to
capture an entire window or part of a window for inclusion on a slide. You can
also copy any image and just paste it directly to a slide.

Insert Picture from File allows you to browse to an image file saved somewhere
on your system whereas Clip Art is held in an indexed gallery of different media
types. Clip Art is not limited to pictures: The Results should be: box lets you
choose between: All media file types and one or more of the following different





Once you have found the image you want to use, click on it to insert it into the
current slide. You can now re-size and move the image accordingly with further
editing options available when you right click the desired image.

4) Slide Transitions:
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

Properly used, slide transitions can be make your presentations clearer and
more interesting and, where appropriate, more fun. Badly used, the effect of
slide transitions can be closer to irritating or even nauseating. Simple animation
effects are often used to add interest to bullet point text. Much more extreme
animation effects are available but, in most cases, should be used sparingly if at
all. Two main kinds of animation are available in a PowerPoint presentation: the
transition from one slide to the next and the animation of images/text on a
specific slide. In PowerPoint 2010 & 2013 there is also a separate Transitions
ribbon tab that includes a gallery of different transition effects. These can be
applied to selected slides or all slides. If you want to apply different transition
effects to different groups of slides, then you might want to choose Slide Sorter
view from the Presentation Views group of the View ribbon.

5) Adding Animations:
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

Whereas the transition effects are limited to a single event per slide, animations
can be applied to every object on a slide including titles and other text boxes.
Many objects can even have animation applied to different components, for
example each shape in a SmartArt graphic, each paragraph in a text box and
each column in a chart. Animations can be applied to three separate events for
each object:

Entrance how the object arrives on the slide

Emphasis an effect to focus attention on an object while it is visible

Exit how the object disappears from the slide

To apply an animation effect, choose the object or objects to be animated, then

choose Animation Styles or Add Animation from the Animations toolbar. Where
an animation is applied to an object with different components (for instance a
SmartArt graphic made up of several boxes), the Effect Options tool becomes
available to control how each component will be animated. So for example, your
animation can be used to introduce elements of an organization chart to your
slide one by one.

The following paragraph explain the uses and features of ICT:

And there are many more software which facilitates with the need of student to
make his best on presentation. The software apart from power point, which I am
going to explain to you is ICT Package.

New technologies are part of our daily life, regardless of whether we are ready to
deal with them or Not. Their impact on our lives is so overwhelming that we see
ourselves forced to keep up with them. And so should our educational system.
The fact that teachers face a digital generation is no news for anyone. This
process not only affects teachers; students must also come to terms with the
fact that they are no longer expected to be mere collectors of information, but to
become intelligent information Users. It is essential for the student to be able to
efficiently search for information, process it and communicate it, transforming it
into knowledge. This process involves a good use of ones intellectual and
emotional capacities and triggers a more and more efficient and autonomous
learning process, According to individual objectives and needs. New technologies
provide us with an endless range of Possibilities; thanks to them, we can share
resources with other educational centres and we can practically find information
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

about anything, anytime. The Internet offers us online dictionaries, Electronic

libraries and encyclopaedia, reviews, newspapers, data bases, guided virtual
visits to almost any museum or city around the world. More and more companies
have understood the impact of new technologies and are redirecting their efforts
into creating educational computer games and Resources, transforming the
craving for information into an extremely profitable business. Considering this
scenario, we cannot afford to forget that, as the development of new
technologies affects the way we communicate and interact, we learn and live;
the educational system must be able to come up with ideas and schemes that
will allow it to adapt itself to these new requirements.


Its about study and show how students make use of the technologies when they
have to face their oral presentations in the subject Advanced English:
Professional Settings (English Studies Degree at Universidad Jaime I in Castellan,
Spain). It is acknowledged that visual aids can be helpful to support a speech but
we want to analyse if the visual aids are successfully applied, how and to which
extent. On the other hand, we want to make out the opinions of their classmates
about the use of these graphical resources (students fill in a questionnaire about
the effectiveness of the visual aids in their classmates presentations and how
they would improve them). Because of the importance of English in professional
contexts earlier this millennium, and preponderance of this language in the field
of cultural, economic and social, we consider essential to develop the acquisition
of knowledge of the English language level (C1 according to the Framework of
Reference for Languages) and its application to professional contexts, in its
speech genres and writings, with particular emphasis on the pragmatic aspects
of language. The teaching of this subject is eminently practical. Thus, students of
this subject should combine theory undoubtedly necessary, provided under the
parameters of tutored practice, both in the classroom as in the activities which
develop externally. They also emphasize the practical sessions provided (both
problem solving and exercises such as laboratory practice) and work
sequentially to develop in the various seminars to make. To prepare and
implement this subject and these oral presentations, we have taken into account
firstly, the P3s in Pedagogy Personalization, Participation, and Productivity;
secondly, when working in groups, establishing a model for the students to be
able to review their peers works and finally, paying special attention to the
following generic and specific competences: Autonomous learning, capacity for
analysis and synthesis, capacity to manage information, capacity for organising
and planning, capacity to communicate acquired knowledge, capacity to identify
problems and research topics as well as assessment of their relevance, capacity
to identify and synthesize bibliographic information, capacity to link philological
knowledge to other disciplines, and team work. About the subject specific
competences, we highlight the global development of communicative discursive
competence in English by means of oral and conversational strategies as well as
reading and writing strategies according to the different oral or written genres,
development of elocutionary and argumentative capacity in English.

In the following paragraph its classified the negative opinions as follows:

- About the text

- About the design (video and audio)
- About the user
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

About the text:

(i) grammatical issues: students were critical in this aspect and they pointed
the grammatical mistakes in their classmates presentations,
(ii) too many words in the slides: students indicated the excessive use of
words in one slide,
(iii) Too much theory: students complaint about the excessive time devoted to
theory as presentations were intended to show the practical part of the
topics and
(iv) The form of the text: some students complained about the impossibility of
reading the text as the colour of the text. About the first item of review
(text), we can conclude that the presenters should pay more attention
with the grammatical and typological mistakes on their slides.
(v) The fact of using visual aids means that the audience will be just as
aware of your words as the visual resources; therefore, presenters should
care more this important issue and review the text before submission.
(vi) On the other hand, it should be also noted, that, sometimes, the
presenters forget that visual resources are used to assist the
presentation, in any case, can replace any aspect. The act of writing too
many words on a slide makes visually unattractive and otherwise, is not
intended to replace our words by the printed text. And finally, regarding
the reviews about the use of specific type of text on the slides, we have
to point out that according to Wax
(vii) We have to pay attention to design, focusing on avoiding the temptation
to dress up our pages with cheesy effects and focus instead on simple
design basics such as the use a sans serif font for body text. The use of
decorative fonts only for slide headers, and then only if theyre easy to
read. We have to put dark text on a light background and align text left or
right and finally we must avoid clutter. As Wax says, your slides are the
illustrations for your presentation, not the presentation itself. They should
underline and reinforce what youre saying as you give your
presentation. Downey
(viii) From The Learning Centre at the University of New South Wales also
reinforces these points in an oral presentation using PWP:

help you cover more ground in less time

link the sections of your presentation
illustrate factors which are difficult to explain or time-consuming to describe
show reality in ways that words alone cannot (photographs, plans, maps)
Help the audience visualise abstract concepts (charts/ diagrams/ conceptual
summarise information (keywords, graphs, tables)
make a dry subject interesting

About the design:

Concerning design, what students complained mostly about were in three clear
(i) The Organization of the visuals,
(ii) Too many videos: if we take into account that a presentation lasted 30
Minutes, there was a student who included five videos which lasted 2/3 minutes
each, and
Adnan Akram Explaining Other Software For

(iii) The Quality of the visual resources. After having seen the results, we
conclude that students main complaint was about the excessive and many
times unnecessary use of videos and the quality of them. We have to be aware
and so our students that including visual aids in the presentations can be many
times useful in order to better organize the presentation, better explain our
points and illustrate our text and words but, sometimes we risk of abusing visual
aids. We should choose the most appropriate ones and make sure we are not
going to have glitches in the presentation. The selection

About the user:

Students also realized about problems using the resources. Students noted some
kind of
Inexperience in some of their classmates when using the visual resources and
complained about this
Fact. This lack of technical skills can turn our presentation into a disaster. As we
have commented in
Our introduction section, new technologies are invading our personal and
academic lives and both
Teachers and students have to accept it and work in the same direction.
About the user, and after the students opinions, we can conclude that although
few students showed some difficulties when using the technical support, most of
them were well prepared in this issue.

Comparison between both software and why one is better:

Slide transitions are the animation effects that are applied to whole slide
whereas animation effects are applied to objects (text, shape, picture etc.) on a
slide. For a slide you can have only one transition effect while each object on the
slide can have multiple animation effects.

Transition effects appear in PowerPoint slideshow view when slides change from
one to the next. Like animation effects we can control the speed of each slide
transition effect, and we can also add music or sound. Video below should help
you understand the difference:


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