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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Brooklyn Westfall

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Math Group Date of Lesson: 2/28/17
3 Size: 20

Lesson Content
What Standards (national MAFS.3.OA.3.7:Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the
or state) relate to this relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 5 = 40, one
lesson? knows 40 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory
all products of two one-digit numbers.
Essential Understanding What strategies can you use to multiply with 9?
Objectives- What are you SWBAT use the Distributive Property with addition or subtraction or patterns to multiply
teaching? with the factor 9 with 85% accuracy.
Rationale -I chose to teach this objective as it falls into our larger unit of studying multiplication and
its relation to division. I chose to teach this way because these students work better in a
more group-oriented environment.
-Students need to learn this concept in order to become mathematically literate and
successfully work through harder math courses in their educational careers.
Evaluation Plan- How will Formative Assessment: I will be taking observational notes throughout the lesson on
you know students have student understanding. I will also perform a check and go before releasing students to
mastered your objectives? individual practice to gauge their understanding. Next, students will perform a self-
assessment of how they understand the new material. Finally, I will collect their
homework for formative assessment of how they understand the concept.
Summative Assessment: I will be collecting students unit 12 assessment as my
summative data on how students understand the concept.
What Content Knowledge Teachers must know their multiplies as well as how multiplication and division are
is necessary for a teacher related. Finally, teachers must know the distributive property (break apart method) and
to teach this material? how to use it with multiplication

What background -Students need to know how to multiply and divide and how the two are related. Students
knowledge is necessary for also need to understand how the distributive property can help them solve multiplication
a student to successfully equations.
meet these objectives? -Students have been learning multiplication and its properties since the beginning of the
year and are ready for this information.
-This lesson is for review and practice on these standards.
What misconceptions Some students are unsure of how to solve a missing factor problem like (___2=8). Many
might students have about students will answer this as 4. I will be sure to address this problem during the lesson.
this content?
Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods This lesson will begin as whole group instruction and move to individual work. This
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Brooklyn Westfall
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Math Group Date of Lesson: 2/28/17
3 Size: 20

groups works better as whole or individually. They tend to not get along during group
work and a lot of instructional time is lost due to redirection.

Step-by-Step Plan Time Responsibl Step-By-Step

30 e 1. Introduce Students to topic and have someone read the EQ.
min Teacher 2. Review past strategies we can use for multiplication
-What strategy do you like to use? Why?
3. Work on POTD and have students put their thumb on their
head when finished for check.
-How did you solve this problem?
-What strategy did you use? Why?
-Show student example of distributive property
4. Show students how they could use the distributive property to
break their nine into two smaller numbers (this should be
review for students)
-How could I solve this problem ___3=3?
-What strategies help me solve that?
-How can you tell?
-How could you check your work?
5. Assign check and go and have students rate their
understanding. 80% understanding to move into individual
30 Students practice.
min 6. Based on their understanding students complete their work in
various groups around the room. 3s/4s work individually. 1s/2s
work with a teacher for further support.

What will you do if a student struggles with the content?

Teacher support is provided at the back table for students who are struggling for further
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Brooklyn Westfall
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Math Group Date of Lesson: 2/28/17
3 Size: 20

teaching. FastMath and Learnzillion are computer resources also used if re-teaching is
What will you do if a student masters the content quickly?
Students will have access to prodigy and Khan academy for further practice if the skill is
mastered quickly and practice work is done efficiently.
Meeting your students If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
needs as people and as backgrounds of your students?
learners In order to become contributing members of their community and society, students must
become mathematically literate. This lesson helps students gain fundamental knowledge
necessary to progress in their schooling.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
Students need to know this in order to become contributing members to their community.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
challenge during this lesson (enrichment)?
Khan Academy and Prodigy are both math programs that provide deeper conceptual
practice and are great for students to work at a faster pace than the class is going.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
language support?
The lesson is on PowerPoint for students who need visual aids. Instruction and
worksheets can be given in first language is necessary.
Accommodations (If J.D. will need proximity control and redirection
needed) I.C., I.V., R.Z., R.G. will need monitoring for understanding (will not advocate for self)
(What students need specific M.O., J.B., C.G. get presentation and work with Ms. N
accommodation? List S.L. will need further support at back table (possible reteach)
individual students (initials), J.S., D.D. will finish early and need Khan or Prodigy
and then explain the
accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique

Materials Computers
(What materials will you use? Elmo
Why did you choose these 20 GoMath practice pages 169-170
materials? Include any 20 GoMath homework pages 83-84
resources you used. This can
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Brooklyn Westfall
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Math Group Date of Lesson: 2/28/17
3 Size: 20

also include people!)

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