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1 Chambers

Avery Chambers

Mrs. Wallace

Spanish 1

02 March, 2017

The Mayan Empire

The Mayan Empire was one of the greatest, most developed civilizations of all time. The

Mayan Empire existed from 1200 B.C. to 900 A.D. The civilization began to truly flourish from

250 A.D. to its decline in 900 A.D. when it seemed to abruptly disappear. The empire spanned

from southern parts of Mexico, to the Yucatan Peninsula, to what we know as Guatemala today.

The Mayan civilizations were divided into many city states. Each state had a king and a

group of respected officials such as a priest. Kings were seen either as middle men between

citizens and the gods or as gods themselves. The mayan people believed the world to be split into

three layers: The Heavens, The Earth, and The Underworld. Along with the many gods they

worshipped, the Mayans also believed in supernatural beings. Gods were offered human blood

sacrifices and products of their harvest. Worship included fasting and periods of celibacy.

The Mayan civilizations were divided into social groups. THe upper class consisted of

kings, priests, and nobles. THe middle class was made up of officials, merchants, and artisans.

Slaves, workers, and servants were considered to be apart of the lowest class. These social

groupings greatly affected what was traded. Most city states were involved in trade. Precious

metals, cacao, and special rocks such as obsidian were traded and used as currency. In each state,

everyone had a job. The men mostly farmed for the town and their families. Some men, however,

were architects, stonemasons, or engineers. The women were allowed to assist with farming, but

were also expected to maintain their households by cooking meals and making clothes.
2 Chambers

The Mayans were very intellectually and culturally developed. They are thought to have

been the first to develop the concept of zero. Their interest in stars allowed them to create several

calendars which are as accurate, if not more, than the ones used today. One of these calendars is

called the Calendar Round which measures time in an endless loop. Their interest in astronomy

heavily influenced their architecture. Grand temples and large cities were built in accordance

with the sun in order to tell time and what season the civilization was experiencing. There are

over sixty nine dialects of the Mayan language. Three of the most common are Qhuche, Kekchi,

and Mam. These are still spoken today by those descended from the ancient Mayans.

The Mayan Empire was one of the greatest in the world and its decline continues to be

one of the greatest mysteries in the world.

3 Chambers

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