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Pulse Width Modulation

For Power Converters

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Pulse Width Modulation
For Power Converters
Principles and Practice

D. Grahame Holmes
Melbourne, Australia

Thomas A. Lipo
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin

IEEE Series on Power Engineering,

Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Series Editor


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ISBN 0-471-20814-0

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xiv

Nomenclature xv

Chapter 1 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters 1

1.1 Basic Converter Topologies 2
1.1.1 Switch Constraints 2
1.1.2 Bidirectional Chopper 4
1.1.3 Single-Phase Full-Bridge (H-Bridge) Inverter 5
1.2 Voltage Source/Stiff Inverters 7
1.2.1 Two-Phase Inverter Structure 7
1.2.2 Three-Phase Inverter Structure 8
1.2.3 Voltage and Current Waveforms in Square-Wave Mode ..9
1.3 Switching Function Representation of Three-Phase Converters 14
1.4 Output Voltage Control 17
1.4.1 Volts/Hertz Criterion 17
1.4.2 Phase ShiftModulation for Single-Phase Inverter 17
1.4.3 Voltage Control with a Double Bridge 19
1.5 Current Source/Stiff Inverters 21
1.6 Concept of a Space Vector 24
1.6.1 d-q-O Components for Three-Phase Sine Wave Source/
Load 27
1.6.2 d-q-O Components for Voltage Source Inverter Operated
in Square-Wave Mode 30
1.6.3 Synchronously Rotating Reference Frame 35
1.7 Three-Level Inverters 38
1.8 Multilevel Inverter Topologies 42
1.8.1 Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverter 42
1.8.2 Capacitor-Clamped Multilevel Inverter 49
1.8.3 Cascaded Voltage Source Multilevel Inverter 51
vi Contents

1.8.4 Hybrid Voltage Source Inverter 54

1.9 Summary 55

Chapter 2 Harmonic Distortion ................................................................57

2.1 Harmonic Voltage Distortion Factor 57
2.2 Harmonic Current Distortion Factor 61
2.3 Harmonic Distortion Factors for Three-Phase Inverters 64
2.4 Choice of Performance Indicator 67
2.5 WTHD of Three-Level Inverter 70
2.6 The Induction Motor Load 73
2.6. I Rectangular Squirrel Cage Bars 73
2.6.2 Nonrectangular Rotor Bars 78
2.6.3 Per-Phase Equivalent Circuit 79
2.7 Harmonic Distortion Weighting Factors for Induction Motor
Load 82
2.7.1 WTHD for Frequency-Dependent Rotor Resistance 82
2.7.2 WTHD Also Including Effect of Frequency-Dependent
Rotor Leakage Inductance 84
2.7.3 WTHD for Stator Copper Losses 88
2.8 Example Calculation of Harmonic Losses 90
2.9 WTHD Normalization for PWM Inverter Supply 91
2.10 Summary 93

Chapter 3 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg 95

3.1 Fundamental Concepts ofPWM 96
3.2 Evaluation ofPWM Schemes 97
3.3 Double Fourier Integral Analysis of a Two-Level Pulse Width-
Modulated Waveform 99
3.4 Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 105
3.4.1 Sine-Sawtooth Modulation l 05
3.4.2 Sine-Triangle Modulation 114
3.5 PWM Analysis by Duty Cycle Variation 120
3.5.1 Sine-Sawtooth Modulation 120
3.5.2 Sine-Triangle Modulation 123
Contents Vl1

3.6 Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 125

3.6.1 Sawtooth Carrier Regular Sampled PWM 130
3.6.2 Symmetrical Regular Sampled PWM 134
3.6.3 Asymmetrical Regular Sampled PWM 139
3.7 "Direct" Modulation 146
3.8 Integer versus Non-Integer Frequency Ratios 148
3.9 Review of PWM Variations 150
3.10 Summary 152

Chapter 4 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters 155

4.1 Topology of a Single-Phase Inverter 156
4.2 Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase Inverter 157
4.3 Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 169
4.4 Sideband Modulation 177
4.5 Switched Pulse Position 183
4.5.1 Continuous Modulation 184
4.5.2 Discontinuous Modulation 186
4.6 Switched Pulse Sequence ~ 200
4.6.1 Discontinuous PWM - Single-Phase Leg Switched 200
4.6.2 Two-Level Single-Phase PWM 207
4.7 Summary 211

Chapter 5 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters 215

5.1 Topology of a Three-Phase Inverter (VSI) 215
5.2 Three-Phase Modulation with Sinusoidal References 216
5.3 Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 226
5.3.1 Optimum Injection Level. 226
5.3.2 Analytical Solution for Third-Harmonic Injection 230
5.4 Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 241
5.5 Discontinuous Modulation Strategies 250
5.6 Triplen Carrier Ratios and Subharmonics 251
5.6.1 Triplen Carrier Ratios 251
5.6.2 Subharmonics 253
viii Contents

5.7 Summary 257

Chapter 6 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies 259

6.1 Space Vector Modulation 259
6.1.1 Principles of Space Vector Modulation 259
6.1.2 SYM Compared to Regular Sampled PWM 265
6.2 Phase Leg References for Space Vector Modulation 267
6.3 Naturally Sampled SVM 270
6.4 Analytical Solution for SVM 272
6.5 Harmonic Losses for SVM 291
6.6 Placement of the Zero Space Vector 294
6.7 Discontinuous Modulation 299
6.7.1 1200 Discontinuous Modulation 299
6.7.2 600 and 300 Discontinuous Modulation 302
6.8 Phase Leg References for Discontinuous PWM 307
6.9 Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM 311
6.10 Comparison of Harmonic Performance 322
6.11 Harmonic Losses for Discontinuous PWM 326
6.12 Single-Edge SYM 330
6.13 Switched Pulse Sequence 331
6.14 Summary 333

Chapter 7 Modulation of Current Source Inverters 337

7.1 Three-Phase Modulators as State Machines 338
7.2 Naturally Sampled CSI Space Vector Modulator 343
7.3 Experimental Confirmation 343
7.4 Summary 345

Chapter 8 Overmodulation of an Inverter ............................................349

8.1 The Overmodulation Region 350
8.2 Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of One Phase Leg of an
Inverter 351
Contents ix

8.3 Regular Sampled Overmodulation of One Phase Leg of an

Inverter 356
8.4 Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of Single- and Three-Phase
Inverters 360
8.5 PWM Controller Gain during Overmodulation 364
8.5.! Gain with Sinusoidal Reference 364
8.5.2 Gain with Space Vector Reference 367
8.5.3 Gain with 60 Discontinuous Reference 37!
8.5.4 Compensated Modulation 373
8.6 Space Vector Approach to Overmodulation 376
8.7 Summary 382

Chapter 9 Programmed Modulation Strategies 383

9.1 Optimized Space Vector Modulation 384
9.2 Harmonic Elimination PWM 396
9.3 Performance Index for Optimality 411
9.4 Optimum PWM 416
9.5 Minimum-Loss PWM 421
9.6 Summary 430

Chapter 10 Programmed Modulation ofMultilevel Converters 433

10.1 Multilevel Converter Alternatives 433
10.2 Block Switching Approaches to Voltage Control 436
10.3 Harmonic Elimination Applied to Multilevel Inverters 440
10.3.1 Switching Angles for Harmonic Elimination Assuming
Equal Voltage Levels 440
10.3.2 Equalization of Voltage and Current Stresses 441
10.3.3 Switching Angles for Harmonic Elimination Assuming
Unequal Voltage Levels 443
10.4 Minimum Harmonic Distortion 447
10.5 Summary 449

Chapter 11 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters 453

11.1 PWM of Cascaded Single-Phase H-Bridges 453
x Contents

11.2 Overmodulation of Cascaded H-Bridges 465

11.3 PWM Alternatives for Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverters 467
11.4 Three-Level Naturally Sampled PO PWM 469
11.4.1 Contour Plot for Three-Level PD PWM 469
11.4.2 Double Fourier Series Harmonic Coefficients 473
11.4.3 Evaluation of the Harmonic Coefficients 475
11.4.4 Spectral Performance of Three-Level PD PWM 479
11.5 Three-Level Naturally Sampled APOD or POD PWM 481
11.6 Overmodulation of Three-Level Inverters 484
11.7 Five-Level PWM for Diode-Clamped Inverters 489
11.7.1 Five-level Naturally Sampled PO PWM 489
11.7.2 Five-Level Naturally Sampled APOD PWM 492
11.7.3 Five-Level POD PWM 497
11.8 PWM of Higher Level Inverters 499
11.9 Equivalent PD PWM for Cascaded Inverters 504
11.10 Hybrid Multilevel Inverter 507
11.11 Equivalent PO PWM for a Hybrid Inverter 517
11.12 Third-Harmonic Injection for Multilevel Inverters 519
11.13 Operation of a Multilevel Inverter with a Variable Modulation
Index 526
11.14 Summary 528

Chapter 12 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters 531

12.1 Optimized Space Vector Sequences 531
12.2 Modulator for Selecting Switching States 534
12.3 Decomposition Method 535
12.4 Hexagonal Coordinate System 538
12.5 Optimal Space Vector Position within a Switching Period 543-
12.6 Comparison of Space Vector PWM to Carrier-Based PWM 545
12.7 Discontinuous Modulation in Multilevel Inverters 548
12.8 Summary 550
Contents xi

Chapter 13 Implementation of a Modulation Controller 555

13.1 Overview of a Power Electronic Conversion System 556
13.2 Elements of a PWM Converter System 557
13.2.1 VSI Power Conversion Stage 563
13.2.2 Gate Driver Interface 565
13.2.3 Controller Power Supply 567
13.2.4 I/O Conditioning Circuitry 568
13.2.5 PWM Controller 569
13.3 Hardware Implementation of the PWM Process 572
13.3.1 Analog versus Digital Implementation 572
13.3.2 Digital Timer Logic Structures 574
13.4 PWM Software Implementation 579
13.4.1 Background Software 580
13.4.2 Calculation of the PWM Timing Intervals 581
13.5 Summary 584

Chapter 14 Continuing Developments in Modulation 585

14.1 Random Pulse Width Modulation 586
14.2 PWM Rectifier with Voltage Unbalance 590
14.3 Common Mode Elimination 598
14.4 Four Phase Leg Inverter Modulation 603
14.5 Effect of Minimum Pulse Width 607
14.6 PWM Dead-Time Compensation 612
14.7 Summary 619

Appendix 1 Fourier Series Representation of a Double Variable Con-

trolled Waveform 623

Appendix 2 Jacobi-Anger and Bessel Function Relationships 629

A2.1 Jacobi-Anger Expansions 629
A2.2 Bessel Function Integral Relationships 631

Appendix 3 Three-Phase and Half-Cycle Symmetry Relationships 635

xii Contents

Appendix 4 Overmodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 637

A4.1 Naturally Sampled Double-Edge PWM 637
A4.1.1 Evaluation of Double Fourier Integral for Overmodulated
Naturally Sampled PWM 638
A4.1.2 Harmonic Solution for Overmodulated Single-Phase Leg
under Naturally Sampled PWM 646
A4.1.3 Linear Modulation Solution Obtained from
Overmodulation Solution 647
A4.1.4 Square-Wave Solution Obtained from Overmodulation
Solution 647
A4.2 Symmetric Regular Sampled Double-Edge PWM 649
A4.2.1 Evaluation of Double Fourier Integral for Overmodulated
Symmetric Regular Sampled PWM 650
A4.2.2 Harmonic Solution for Overmodulated Single-Phase Leg
under Symmetric Regular Sampled PWM 652
A4.2.3 Linear Modulation Solution Obtained from
Overmodulation Solution 653
A4.3 Asymmetric Regular Sampled Double-Edge PWM 654
A4.3.1 Evaluation of Double Fourier Integral for Overmodulated
Asymmetric Regular Sampled PWM 655
A4.3.2 Harmonic Solution for Overmodulated Single-Phase Leg
under Asymmetric Regular Sampled PWM 660
A4.3.3 Linear Modulation Solution Obtained from
Overmodulation Solution 661

Appendix 5 Numeric Integration of a Double Fourier Series Representa-

tion of a Switched Waveform 663
A5.1 Formulation of the Double Fourier Integral 663
A5.2 Analytical Solution of the Inner Integral 666
A5.3 Numeric Integration of the Outer Integral 668

Bibliography 671

Index 715
The work presented in this book offers a general approach to the development
of fixed switching frequency pulse width-modulated (PWM) strategies to suit
hard-switched converters. It is shown that modulation of, and resulting spec-
trum for, the half-bridge single-phase inverter forms the basic building block
from which the spectral content of modulated single- phase, three-phase, or
multiphase, two-level, three-level, or multilevel, voltage link and current link
converters can readily be discerned. The concept of harmonic distortion is used
as the performance index to compare all commonly encountered modulation
algorithms. In particular, total harmonic distortion (THO), weighted total har-
monic distortion (WTHD), and harmonic distortion criterion specifically
designed to access motor copper losses are used as performance indices.
The concept of minimum harmonic distortion, which forms the underlying
basis of comparison of the work presented in this book, leads to the identifica-
tion of the fundamentals ofPWM as
Active switch pulse width determination.
Active switch pulse placement within a switching period.
Active switch pulse sequence across switching periods.
The benefit of this generalized approach is that once the common threads
of PWM are identified, the selection of a PWM strategy for any converter
topology becomes immediately obvious, and the only choices remaining are to
trade-off the "best possible" performance against cost and difficulty of imple-
mentation, and secondary considerations. Furthermore, the performance to be
expected from a particular converter topology and modulation strategy can be
quickly and easily identified without complex analysis, so that informed trade-
offs can be made regarding the implementation of a PWM algorithm for any
particular application. All theoretical developments have been confirmed
either by simulation or experiment. Inverter implementation details have been
included at the end of the text to address practical considerations.
Readers will probably note the absence of any closed loop issues in this
text. While initially such material was intended to be included, it soon became
apparent that the inclusion of this material would require an additional volume.
A further book treating this subject is in preparation.
The authors are indebted to their graduate students, who have contributed
greatly to the production of this book via their Ph.D. theses. In particular the
important work of Daniel Zmood (Chapter 7), Ahmet Hava (Chapter 8) and
Brendan McGrath (Chapter 11) are specifically acknowledged. In addition,
numerous other graduate students have also assisted with the production of this
book both through their technical contributions as well as through detailed
proof-reading of this text. The second author (Lipo) also wishes to thank the
David Grainger Foundation and Saint John's College of Cambridge University
for funding and facilities provided respectively. Finally, we wish to thank our
wonderful and loving wives, Sophie Holmes and Chris Lipo, for nuturing and
supporting us over the past five years as we have written this book.

N ome.nclature
Generic Variable Usage Conventions

Variable Format Meaning

F CAPITALS: peak AC or average DC value

I LOWER CASE: instantaneous value

<f> BRACKETED: low-frequency average value

1 OVERBAR: space vector (complex variable)

It DAGGER: conjugate of space vector

I BOLD LOWER CASE: column vector



Specific Variable Usage Definitions

Page First
Variable Meaning

a, b, c Phase leg identifiers for three phase inverter 9

- '21t/3
a Complex vector el 34

y Third-harmonic component magnitude M3/M 227

A mn , : Coefficients of Fourier expansion 102

- --
C mn Complex Fourier coefficient C
= A
mn 102

Ok' k=I,2 .. Diode section of inverter switch 7

eaz Motor EMF w.r.t. DC bus midpoint 169

la'!b,le Generic variables in a-b-c reference frame 26

las,lbs,les Generic variables in a-b-c reference frame referenced

to load neutral (star) point

r, Frequency of carrier waveform 112

10 Frequency of fundamental component 112

xvi Nomenclature

Page First
Variable Meaning

is Stationary
. space vector fS
qs - J~s
ds 34

I qdO Vector [fqs,fds,fOsY 36

s s
fq,fd'fo Generic variables in d-q-Q stationary reference frame 26
s s
fqs,fds,fos Stationaryreference frame (d-q-{) ) variables refer-
enced to load neutral (star) point

f{x,y) Unit cell variable 100

HDF Harmonic distortion factor 248

i a, i b , i e Three phase Iine currents 13

Ide DC link current 13

Ih RMS value of the overall harmonic currents 172

ih , k Instantaneous harmonic current over internal k 385

tli a Ripple component of current in phase a 170

j ~ 34

In(x) Bessel function of order n and argument x 110

L Number of multilevel inverter voltage levels 434

Thevenin equivalent stator leakage inductanceof

La Effectivemotor inductance of one phase 170

mk, k=I,2 .. ora,b,c Inverter switching functions 14

m.n Harmonic index variables 102

M Modulation index (modulation depth) 92

M3 Modulationindex for third harmonic 227

n Negative inverter DC rail 9

n Harmoniccomponent number 18

p Positive inverter DC rail 9

p p = dldt, time derivative operator 16

Nomenclature xvii

Page First
Variable Meaning

p pth carrier interval 131

p Pulse ratio 250

p Pulse number 384 Harmonic copper loss 173

q Charge 26

q m + n(roo/ro c) 137

R Rotating transformation matrix 36

rt Thevenin Equivalent stator resistance of induction

Re Equivalent load resistance 172

RMS Root mean square 10

SVx' x = I, ... ,7 Voltage space vector corresponding to three-phase
inverter states
SCx,x = 1, ... ,7 Current space vector corresponding to three-phase
inverter states

Sk,k=I,2 .. Inverter switch 31

Tc Carrier interval 99

T k ' k=I,2.. Transistor section of inverter switch 7

T Transformation matrix 37

THD Total harmonic distortion 58

T Period of fundamental waveform 100


T.I Switching time of inverter switch "i" 218

~T Carrier period - life 158

u per unit EMF - ea!Vdc 170

U Unbalance factor 597

vas' Vbs' Vcs Phase voltages with respect to load neutral 11

xviii Nomenclature

Page First
Variable Meaning

Vab' Vbc' Vca Line-to-line (I-I) voltages for a three phase inverter 11

Vaz' Vbz' Vcz Phase voltages with respect to DC link midpoint 14

s s s
vqs' vds: vOs Stationary reference frame (d-q-O) voltages 28

Voltage between load neutral and negative DC bus 23

Peak magnitude of fundamental voltage component 13

DC link voltage 7

One-half the DC link voltage 5

Space vector magnitude or phase voltage amplitude 35

Amplitude of positive and negative phase voltages 595

Target output space vector 260

Peak input I-I voltage 226

RMS voltage 57

WTHD Weighted total harmonic distortion 63

WTHD2 Weighted THO for rotor bar losses 85

WTHOI Weighted TH 0 for stator losses 89

WTHOO Weighted THO normalized to base frequency 92

Pulse width 146

x(t) Time variable corresponding to modulation angular

frequency 0) ct = 21tfct

Rising and falling switching instants for phase leg 128

y(l) Time variable corresponding to fundamental angular

frequency 0) ot = 21tfot


y' Variable for regular sampling: y - .-(x - 21tp) 131


z DC bus midpoint (virtual) 9

Z(P) Load impedance 16

Nomenclature XIX

Page First
Variable Meaning

a Phase shift delay 17

a Skin depth 76

al Amplitude of modulating function 178

aI' aI' ... , a 2N Switching angles for harmonic elimination 397

Advance compensation for PWM sampling delay 581

ec Phase offset angle of carrier waveform 99

eo Phase offset angle of fundamental component 99

eo(k) Phase offset angle of fundamental component at

sampling time k

A, Flux linkage 17

cP mp ' ~mn Phase angle of positive and negative sequence phase

voltages respectively

'l' Overmodulation angle 353

(oc Angular frequency of carrier waveform 99

(00 Angular frequency of fundamental component 7

roo/roc Fundamental to carrier frequency ratio 106

Introduction to Power Electronic

Power electronic converters are a family of electrical circuits which convert

electrical energy from one level of voltage/current/frequency to another using
semiconductor-based electronic switches. The essential characteristic of these
types of circuits is that the switches are operated only in one of two states -
either fully ON or fully OFF - unlike other types of electrical circuits where the
control elements are operated in a (near) linear active region. As the power
electronics industry has developed, various families of power electronic con-
verters have evolved, often linked by power level, switching devices, and topo-
logical origins. The process of switching the electronic devices in a power
electronic converter from one state to another is called modulation, and the
development of optimum strategies to implement this process has been the
subject of intensive international research efforts for at least 30 years. Each
family of power converters has preferred modulation strategies associated with
it that aim to optimize the circuit operation for the target criteria most appropri-
ate for that family. Parameters such as switching frequency, distortion, losses,
harmonic generation, and speed of response are typical of the issues which
must be considered when developing modulation strategies for a particular
family of converters.
Figure 1.1 presents a categorization of power electronic converters into
families according to their type of electrical conversion. Of these families, con-
verters that change energy to or from alternating current (AC) form involve
much more complex processes than those that solely involve direct current
(DC). The purpose of this book is to explore the converter modulation issue in
detail as it relates to high power DC/AC (inverting) and ACIDC (rectifying)
converters, with particular emphasis on the process of open-loop pulse width
modulation (PWM) applied to these types of converters. This chapter presents
the fundamentals of inverter structures, block-switching voltage control, and
space vector concepts, as a foundation for the material to follow.
2 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

I AC,VbfJ I - .

AC/DC Rectifier

AC/AC Converter
(Matrix Converter)
DC Link
-. I DC,V dcl I ~ ~ I DC, VdC21

! 1/
DCI AC Rectifier

Figure 1.1 Families of solid state power converters categorized

according to their conversion function.

1.1 Basic Converter Topologies

1.1.1 Switch Constraints

The transistor switch used for solid state power conversion is very nearly
approximated by a resistance which either approaches zero or infinity depend-
ing upon whether the switch is closed or opened. However, regardless of where
the switch is placed in the circuit, Kirchoff's voltage and current laws must, of
course, always be obeyed. Translated to practical terms, these laws give rise to
the two basic tenets of switch behavior:
The switch cannot be placed in the same branch with a current source
(i.e., an inductance) or else the voltage across the inductor (and conse-
quently across the switch) will become infinite when the switch turns
off. As a corollary to this statement it can be argued that at least one of
the elements in branches connected via a node to the branch containing
the switch must be non-inductive for the same reason.
Basic Converter Topologies 3

The switch cannot be placed in parallel with a voltage source (i.e., a true
source or a capacitance) or else the current in the switch will become
infinite when the switch turns on. As a corollary it can be stated that if
more than one branch forms a loop containing the switch branch then at
least one of these branch elements must not be a voltage source.
If the purpose of the switch is to aid in the process of transferring energy
from the source to the load, then the switch must be connected in some manner
so as to select between two input energy sources or sinks (including the possi-
bility of a zero energy source). This requirement results in the presence of two
branches delivering energy to one output (through a third branch). The pres-
ence of three branches in the interposing circuit implies a connecting node
between these branches.
One of the three branches can contain an inductance (an equivalent current
source frequently resulting from an inductive load or source), but the other
branches connected to the same node must not be inductive or else the first
basic tenet will be violated. The only other alternatives for the two remaining
branches are a capacitance or a resistance. However, when the capacitor is con-
nected between the output or input voltage source and the load, it violates the
second tenet. The only choice left is a resistance.
The possibility of a finite resistance can be discarded as a practical matter
since the circuit to be developed must be as highly efficient as possible, so that
the only possibility is a resistor having either zero or infinite resistance, i.e., a
second switch. This switch can only be turned on when the first switch is
turned off, or vice versa, in order to not violate Kirchoff's current law. For the
most common case of unidirectional current flow, a unidirectional switch
which inhibits current flow in one direction can be used, and this necessary
complementary action is conveniently achieved by a simple diode, since the
demand of the inductance placed in the other branch will assure the required
behavior. Alternatively, of course, the necessary complementary switching
action can be achieved by a second unidirectional switch. The resulting cir-
cuits, shown in Figure 1.2, can be considered to be the basic switching cells of
power electronics. The switches having arrows in (b) and (c) denote unidirec-
tional current flow devices.
When the circuit is connected such that the current source (inductance) is
connected to the load and the diode to the source, one realizes what is termed a
step-down chopper. If the terminals associated with input and output are
4 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

! (a)
! (b) I (c)

Figure 1.2 Basic commutation cells of power electronic converters using

(a) bidirectional switches and (b) and (c) unidirectional switches.

reversed, a step-up chopper is produced. Energy is passed from the voltage

source to the current "source" (i.e., the load) in the case of the step-down con-
verter, and from the current source to the voltage "source" (load) in the case of
the step-up converter.
Since the source voltage sums to the voltage across the switch plus the
diode and since the load is connected across the diode only, the voltage is the
quantity that is stepped down in the case of the step-down chopper. Because of
the circulating current path provided by the diode, the current is consequently
stepped up. On the other hand the sum of the switch plus diode voltage is equal
to the output voltage in the case of the step-up chopper so that the voltage is
increased in this instance. The input current is diverted from the output by the
switch in this arrangement so that the current is stepped down.
Connecting the current source to both the input and output produces the up-
down chopper configuration. In this case the switch must be connected to the
input to control the flow of energy into/out of the current source. Since the
average value of voltage across the inductor must equal zero, the average volt-
age across the switch must equal the input voltage while the average voltage
across the diode equals the output voltage. Ratios of input to output voltages
greater than or less than unity (and consequently current ratios less or greater
than unity) can be arranged by spending more or less than half the available
time over a switching cycle with the switch closed. These three basic DC/DC
converter configurations are shown in Figure 1.3.

1.1.2 Bidirectional Chopper

In cases where power flow must occur in either direction a combination of a
step-down and a step-up chopper with reversed polarity can be used as shown
Basic Converter Topologies 5

+ + +

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.3 The three basic DC/DC converters implemented with a

basic switching cell (a) step-down chopper, (b) step-up
chopper, and (c) up-down chopper.

in Figure 1.4. The combination of the two functions effectively places the
diodes in inverse parallel with switches, a combination which is pervasive in
power electronic circuits. When passing power from left to right, the step-
down chopper transistor is operated to control power flow while the step-up
chopper transistor operates for power flow from right to left in Figure 1.4. The
two switches need never be (and obviously should never be) closed at the same

1.1.3 Single-Phase Full-Bridge (H-Bridge) Inverter

Consider now the basic switching cell used for DCI AC power conversion. In
Figure 1.4 it is clear that current can flow bidirectionally in the current source/
sink of the up-down chopper. If this component of the circuit is now considered
as an AC current source load and the circuit is simply tipped on its side, the
half-bridge DCIAC inverter is realized as shown in Figure 1.5. Note that in this
case the input voltage is normally center-tapped into two equal DC voltages,
Vdc 1 = Vdc2 = V dc ' in order to produce a symmetrical AC voltage wave-
form. The total voltage across the DC input bus is then 2 Vdc . The parallel
combination of the unidirectional switch and inverse conducting diode forms

Figure 1.4 Bidirectional chopper using one up-chopper and one down-
6 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

Figure 1.5 Half-bridge single-phase inverter.

the first type of practical inverter switch. The switch combination permits uni-
directional current flow but requires only one polarity of voltage blocking abil-
ity and hence is suitable, in this case, for operating from a DC voltage source.
It is important to note that in many inverter circuits the center-tap point of
the DC voltage shown in Figure 1.5 will not be provided. However, this point
is still commonly used either as an actual ground point or else, in more elabo-
rate inverters, as the reference point for the definition of multiple DC link volt-
ages. Hence in this book, the total DC link voltage is considered as always
consisting of a number of DC levels, and with conventional inverters that can
only switch between two levels it will always be defined as 2 Vdc .
The structure of a single-phase full-bridge inverter (also known as a H-
bridge inverter) is shown in Figure 1.6. This inverter consists of two single-
phase leg inverters of the same type as Figure 1.5 and is generally preferred
over other arrangements in higher power ratings. Note that as discussed above,
the DC link voltage is again defined as 2 Vdc . With this arrangement, the max-
imum output voltage for this inverter is now twice that of the half-bridge
inverter since the entire DC voltage can be impressed across the load, rather
than only one-half as is the case for the half-bridge. This implies that for the
same power rating the output current and the switch currents are one-half of
those for a half-bridge inverter. At higher power levels this is a distinct advan-
tage since it requires less paralleling of devices. Also, higher voltage is pre-
ferred since the cost of wiring is typically reduced as well as the losses in many
types of loads because of the reduced current flow.
In general, the converter configurations of Figures 1.5 and 1.6 are capable
of bidirectional power flow. In the case where power is exclusively or prima-
rily intended to flow from DC to AC the circuits are designated as inverters,
while the same circuits are designated rectifiers if the reverse is true. In cases
Voltage Source/StitT Inverters 7

Figure 1.6 Single-phase full-bridge (H-bridge) inverter

where the DC supplies are derived from a source such as a battery, the inverter
is designated as a voltage source inverter (YSI). If the DC is formed by a tem-
porary DC supply such as a capacitor (being recharged ultimately, perhaps,
from a separate source of energy), the inverter is designated as a voltage stiff
inverter to indicate that the link voltage tends to resist sudden changes but can
alter its value substantially under heavy load changes. The same distinction can
also be made for the rectifier designations.

1.2 Voltage Source/Stiff Inverters

1.2.1 Two-Phase Inverter Structure

Inverters having additional phases can be readily realized by simply adding
multiple numbers of half-bridge (Figure 1.5) and full-bridge inverter legs (Fig-
ure 1.6). A simplified diagram of a two-phase half-bridge" inverter is shown in
Figure 1.7(a). While the currents in the two phases can be controlled at will,
the most desirable approach would be to control the two currents so that they
are phase shifted by 90 with respect to each other (two-phase set) thereby
producing a constant amplitude rotating field for an AC machine. However,
note that the sum of the two currents must flow in the line connected to the
center point of the DC supplies. If the currents in the two phases can be
approximated by equal amplitude sine waves, then

'neutral -
. ( root + !!\
. root + I sm
- I sin 2J

8 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

+ -----ol.._-_---.....-_

(a) +


~. TS

Figure 1.7 Two-phase (a) half-bridge and (b) full-bridge inverters.

Since a relatively large AC current must flow in the midpoint connection, this
inverter configuration is not commonly used. As an alternative, the midpoint
current could be set to zero if the currents in the two phases were made equal
and opposite. However, this type of operation differs little from the single-
phase bridge of Figure 1.6 except that the neutral point of the load can be con-
sidered as being grounded (i.e., referred to the DC supply midpoint). As a
result this inverter topology is also not frequently used.
The full-bridge inverter of Figure 1.7(b) does not require the DC midpoint
connection. However, eight switches must be used which, in most cases, makes
this possibility economically unattractive.

1.2.2 Three-Phase Inverter Structure

The half-bridge arrangement can clearly be extended to any number of phases.
Figure 1.8 shows the three-phase arrangement. In this case, operation of an AC
motor requires that the three currents are a balanced three-phase set, i.e., equal
amplitude currents with equal 1200 phase displacement between them. How-
ever it is easily shown that the sum of the three currents is zero, so that the con-
nection back to the midpoint of the DC supply is not required. The
Voltage Source/Stiff Inverters 9

Connection not
p necessary
+ ..----+---.....--....----...--......- - - - . . . - - -

== 1---+----+-----+----t-----.-.-4

Figure 1.8 Three-phase bridge-type voltage source inverter.

simplification afforded by this property of three-phase currents makes the

three-phase bridge-type inverter the de facto standard for power conversion.
However while the connection from point s (neutral of the star-connected sta-
tionary load to the midpoint z (zero or reference point of the DC supply) need
not be physically present, it remains useful to retain the midpoint z as the refer-
ence (ground) for all voltages. Also note that p and n are used in this text to
denote the positive and negative bus voltages respectively, with respect to the

1.2.3 Voltage and Current Waveforms in Square-Wave

The basic operation of the three-phase voltage inverter in its simplest form can
be understood by considering the inverter as being made up of six mechanical
switches. While it is possible to energize the load by having only two switches
closed in sequence at one time (resulting in the possibility of one phase current
being zero at instances in a switching cycle), it is now accepted that it is prefer-
able to have one switch in each phase leg closed at any instant. This ensures
that all phases will conduct current under any power factor condition. If two
switches of each phase leg are turned on for a half cycle each in nonoverlap-
ping fashion, this produces the voltage waveforms of Figure 1.9 at the output
terminals a, h, and c, referred to the negative DC bus n. The numbers on the
top part of the figure indicate which switches of Figure 1.8 are closed. The
sequence is in the order 123,234,345,456,561,612, and back to 123.
10 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

561 612 123 234 345 456

pac p a p b pc b p c
;V~ ~

~~ -,r
b nbc n
S 2Vd~
n c
a n a
- tj,~

_ _Q2V

I 2n/3 51t/3

vcnl~D2Vdc I
n/3 4n/3
Figure 1.9 The six possible connections of a simple three-phase
voltage stiff inverter. The three waveforms show voltages
from the three-phase leg outputs to the negative DC bus

The line-to-line (i-I) voltage vab then has the quasi-square waveform
shown in Figure 1.10. As will be shown shortly, the line-to-line voltage con-
tains a root-mean-square (RMS) fundamental component of

2)6 r:
VI , II , rms = 1t =1.56V dc (1.2)

Thus, a standard 460 V, 60 Hz induction motor would require 590 V at the DC

terminals of the motor to operate the motor at its rated voltage and speed. For
this reason a 600 V DC bus (i.e., Vdc = 300 V) is quite standard in the United
States for inverter drives.
Although motors function as an active rather than a passive load, the effec-
tive impedances of each phase are still balanced. That is, insofar. as voltage
drops are concerned, active as well as passive three-phase loads may be repre-
sented by the three equivalent impedances [and electromotive forces (EMFs)]
shown in Figure 1.10 for the six possible connections. Note that each individ-
ual phase leg is alternately switched from the positive DC rail to the negative
DC rail and that it is alternately in series with the remaining two phases con-
Voltage Source/Stiff Inverters II

561 612 123 234 345 456

p b pcb p c

~ -r ;vS( ;Is
pac p a

s ~

~v~ -t
b nbc

n c
a a -n a


Figure 1.10 The three line-to-line and line-to-neutral load voltages

created by the six possible switch connection arrangements of
a six-step voltage stiff inverter.

nected in parallel, or it is in parallel with one of the other two phases and in
series with the third. Hence the voltage drop across each phase load is always
one-third or two-thirds of the DC bus voltage, with the polarity of the voltage
12 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

drop across the phase being determined by whether it is connected to the posi-
tive or negative DC rail.
A plot of the line and phase voltages for a typical motor load is included in
Figure 1.10. The presence of six "steps" in the load line-to-neutral voltage
waveforms vas' Vbs' and v cs' is one reason this type of inverter is called a six-
step inverter, although the term six-step in reality pertains to the method of
voltage/frequency control rather than the inverter configuration itself.
A Fourier analysis of these waveforms indicates a simple square-wave type
of geometric progression of the- harmonics. When written as an explicit time
function, the Fourier expansion for the time-varying a phase to negative DC
bus voltage n can be readily determined to be

v (t)
= Vdc 1t~[!!4 + sinro0 t + !3 sin3co0 t + !5 sin5co0 t + !7 sin 7co 0 t + ... J (1.3)

The band c phase to negative DC bus voltages can be found by replacing coot
with (root - 21t/3) and ( root + 21t/3), respectively, in Eq. (1.3).
The vab line-to-line voltage is found by subtracting vbn from van to give

vab(t) = Vdc 4~[ sin(root +~) + ~sin( Sroot -~) + ~ sin(7ro ot + ~ + ...J
Similar relationships can be readily found for the vbe and v ea voltages, phase
shifted by -21t/3 and + 21t/3, respectively. Note that harmonics of the order
of multiples of three are absent from the line-to-line voltage, since these trip/en
harmonics cancel between the phase legs.
In terms of RMS values, each harmonic of the line-to-neutral voltages has
the value of

vn, In, rms = V 2./2!n

de 1t (1.5)

and, for the line-to-line voltages,

Vn, /I, rms = Vdc 2~ ~ where n = 6k 1, k = 1,2,3,... (1.6)

Because of its utility as a reference value for pulse width modulation in

later chapters, it is useful to write the fundamental component of the line-to-
neutral voltage in terms of its peak value referred to half the DC link voltage,
in which case
Voltage Source/Stiff Inverters 13


This value is, of course, the fundamental component of a square wave of

amplitude Vdc . It should be noted also that since the use of peak rather than
RMS quantities will predominate in this book, quantities in capital letters will
denote only DC or peak AC quantities. Hence, for simplicity VI in Eq. (1.7)
has the same meaning as VI, : When the quantity is intended to be root-
mean-square, the subscript rms will always be appended. For example, the
term VI, In, rms designates the RMS fundamental value of the line-to-neutral
Assuming an R-L-EMF load, the current as well as voltage waveforms are
sketched for both wye and delta connections in Figure 1.11(a). Note that when
the inverter current flows in opposite polarity to the voltage, the current is car-
ried by the feedback diode (in a step-up chopper mechanism) in much the same
manner as for the single-phase inverter. The transfer of current from main to
auxiliary switches is illustrated by the conduction pattern of Figure 1.11 and
can be used to determine the DC side inverter current waveform I dc . For exam-
ple, from the moment that T 3 is turned off to the instant that O2 turns on, the
input current is equal to the current in T 1, that is, ia . This interval lasts one-
sixth ofa period or 60. During the next 60, switch T6 returns current to the

/ / I ;1

:/ I I I / / IIIII
/ /
1/ I / I

I II V II il
~ II V

0.006 0.012 0.018 0.024 003

0.0 0.006 0.012 0.018 0024 0.03

t (sec) t (sec)

(a) (b)

Figure 1.11 Current flow in three-phase voltage stiff inverter: (a) phase
voltage and current waveform, wye-connected load, and (b)
DC link current.
14 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

DC link. In effect, the link current is equal to -ic' Continuing through all six
60 intervals generates the DC link current shown in Figure 1.II(b). For the
case shown, I dc is both positive and negative so that a certain amount of energy
transfers out of and into the DC supplies. If the load current is considered to be
sinusoidal, it can be shown that I dc is always positive only when the fundamen-
tal power factor is greater than 0.55. However, in any case, the source supplies
the average component of the link current while a current with frequency six
times the fundamental frequency component circulates in and out of the DC
capacitor. The sizing of the capacitor to accommodate these harmonics, regard-
less of the modulation algorithm, is a major consideration in inverter design.

1.3 Switching Function Representation of

Three-Phase Converters
The basic three-phase inverter circuit operation shown in Figures 1.9 and 1.10
can be condensed to equation form by defining logic-type switchingfunctions
which express the closure of the switches [I, 2]1. For example, let
m 1, m2, ... , m6 take on the value "+1" when switches TJ, T2, ... ,T6 are closed
and the value "zero" when opened. The voltages from the three-phase legs to
the DC center point can then be expressed as

V az = Vdc(m 1 - m 4 )

vbz = Vdc( m 3 - m 6 ) (1.8)

v cz = Vdc(m S - m 2 )

Considering now the constraints imposed by the circuit it is apparent that

both the top and bottom switches of a given phase cannot be closed at the same
time. Furthermore, from current continuity considerations in each phase leg

m 1 + m4 = 1
m 3 + m6 = 1 (1.9)
m s + m2 =1

Referencesreferredto throughoutthis text are given at the end of each chapter. A more
exhaustiveset of references are located in the Bibliography.
Switching Function Representation of Three-Phase Converters 15

Substituting Eq. (1.9) into Eq. (1.8) gives

Vaz = Vde(2mt -1)

vbz = Vdc ( 2 m 3 - 1) (1.10)
v ez = V de(2m s - 1)

Since the quantities in the parentheses ofEq. (1.10) take on the values 1,
it is useful to define new variables ma' m b, mc' such that m a = 2m} - 1, etc.
Hence, more compactly,

Vaz = Vdem a
vbz = Vdemb (1.11)

v cz = Vdcm e
The current in the DC link can be expressed as

. m a +1 +. mb+l +. m e +1
I de = la-2- (1.12)
1j,-2- le-2-

However, since

Equation (1.12) reduces to


The line-to-line AC voltages are

Vab = v az - vbz = JTde(ma - mb)

v be = v bz - v ez = JTde(mb - me) (1.14)
v ea = vez-v az = JTde(me-m a)

If the load is star connected, the load line-to-neutral (phase). voltages can be
expressed as

V as = V az - V sz


V es = Vez - Vsz
16 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

For most practical cases, the phase impedances in all three legs of the star
load are the same. Hence, in general,

Vas = Z(P)i a
Vbs = Z(P)i b (1.16)
V cs = Z(P)i c

where the operator p = d/ dt and the impedance Z(P) is an arbitrary function

of p (which is the same in each phase). The phase voltages can now be solved
by adding together the three parts of Eq. (1.16), to produce




The phase voltages can now be expressed as


so that, from Eq. (1.8),





Finally, the power flow through the inverter is given by

Pdc = 2Vdcldc = Vdc(iama + ibmb + icm c) (1.23)

Equations (1.20) to (1.22) are convenient for use in defining switching func-
tions representing the converter's behavior in different frames of reference [2].
Output Voltage Control 17

1.4 Output Voltage Control

A power electronic inverter is essentially a device for creating a variable AC
frequency output from a DC input. The frequency of the output voltage or cur-
rent is readily established by simply switching for equal time periods to the
positive and the negative DC bus and appropriately adjusting the half-cycle
period. However, the variable frequency ability is nearly always accompanied
by a corresponding need to adjust the amplitude of the fundamental component
of the output waveform as the frequency changes, i.e., voltage control. This
section introduces the concept of voltage control, a central theme of this book.

1.4.1 Volts/Hertz Criterion

In applications involving AC motors, the load can be characterized as being
essentially inductive. Since the time rate of change of flux linkages A in an
inductive load is equal to the applied voltage, then

A=JVdt (1.24)

If one is only concerned with the fundamental component, then, if a phase volt-
age is of the form v = VI cosOlot , the corresponding flux linkage is

Al = -slnOl t
00 0

suggesting that the fundamental component of voltage must be varied in pro-

portion to the frequency if the amplitude of the flux in the inductive load is to
remain sensibly constant.

1.4.2 Phase Shift Modulation for Single-Phase Inverter

The method by which voltage adjustment is accomplished in a solid state
power converter is the heart of the issue of modulation. Much more detail will
be developed concerning modulation techniques in later chapters. However, a
very simple introductory example of modulation can be obtained by taking a
single-phase inverter as shown in Figure 1.12(a) and operating each phase leg
with a 50% duty cycle but with a phase delay of 1t - a. between the two phase
legs. Typical waveforms for this inverting operation (DC-to-AC power conver-
sion) in what can be termed phase shift voltage control or phase shift modula-
18 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

(a) 2~c


Figure 1.12 Full-bridge, single-phase inverter control by phase shift

cancellation: (a) power circuit and (b) voltage waveforms.

lion are shown in Figure 1.12(b). Clearly, as the phase delay angle a changes,
the RMS magnitude of the line-to-line output voltage changes.
The switched output voltage of this inverter can be represented as the sum
of a series of harmonic components (a Fourier series in fact). The magnitude of
each harmonic can be conveniently evaluated using the quantity
~ = 90 - a/2 where a is as shown in Figure 1.12. Conventional Fourier
analysis gives, for each harmonic n, a peak harmonic magnitude of

Vab(n) =~ J 2 Vdccosne de (1.26)

Output Voltage Control 19

Vdc; J cosn9dO


8 no.
Vdc-COS- where n is odd (1.27)
1tn 2
Figure 1.13 shows the variation of the fundamental frequency and har-
monic components as a function of the overlap angle a. The components are
normalized with respect to 2 Vdc .

1.4.3 Voltage Control with a Double Bridge

While voltage control is not possible with a conventional six-step inverter
without adjusting the DC link voltage, some measure of voltage control is pos-

1.4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - -

1.2 _ _ _ - 1_ - _ - - 1_ - - - - t - _ - - _t - - - - -l - - - - -l - - - -

1.0 - - - - ~ - - - -:- - - - -1- - - - 1- - - - -I - - - - -I

- _ - _ -l
- - -
- ~ - - - -

Vn 0.8




20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Figure 1.13 First five odd (nonzero) harmonic components of single-
phase inverter with phase shift control as a function of
phase shift angle a normalized with respect to 2Vdc.
20 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

sible with a double bridge as shown in Figure 1.14. Note that this type of
bridge is essentially three single-phase bridges so that voltage control can
again be accomplished by phase shifting in much the same manner as the over-
lap method described by Figure 1.12. To avoid short circuits the three-phase
load must either be separated into three electrically isolated single-phase loads
or a transformer must be used to provide electrical isolation. Figure 1.14 shows
the output phase voltages of this inverter.
Recall also that when the phase output voltages are coupled through a
transformer into a three-phase voltage set with a common neutral, harmonics
of multiples of three are eliminated in the line-to-line output voltages by virtue
of the 120 0 phase shift between the quasi square waves of each phase.

(a) 2Vdc C

---.1 a J.-
Vaa '



Figure 1.14 Double three-phase bridge arrangement: (a) basic circuit

and (b) voltage waveforms.
Current Source/Stiff Inverters 21

1.5 Current Source/Stiff Inverters

Up to this point the focus has been on the most popular class of power convert-
ers, i.e., those operating with a voltage source or with a stiff capacitor on the
DC side of the converter. However, another class of inverters evolve from the
dual concept of a current source or stiff inductor on the DC side. These con-
verters can be developed from essentially the same starting point using the
basic commutation cells of Figure 1.2, except that the diode is replaced with a
second switch in order to have complete control over the direction of the
inductor current. Figure 1.15 briefly depicts the evolution of the three-phase
current source/stitT inverter. In Figure 1.15(a) the current source commutation
cell is shown, and in Figure 1.15(b) the inductor is chosen as the source so that
the switch branches become loads. Since the switch branches are connected in
series with the load, these loads must clearly be noninductive so as to not pro-
duced infinite voltage spikes across the switches. In order to create AC cur-
rents in the load two such commutation cells are used - one to produce positive
current and the other to produce negative current in the load as shown in Figure
1.15(c). A single-phase bridge is produced by recognizing that no current need
flow in the center point connection between the two current sources if they
produce the same amplitude of current, as shown in Figure 1.15(d). Finally, a
third phase is added in the same manner to produce a three-phase current
source inverter, Figure 1.15(e). This evolution realizes the second practical
switch combination suitable for DC current sources, a bidirectional voltage
blocking, unidirectional current conducting switch. At the present time, such a
switch is typically realized by a series-connected transistor and diode arrange-
ment, as shown in Figure 1.15(f).
The basic switching strategy for this converter can again be summarized
using switching functions. If m 1, m 2, . , m 6 are defined as +1 when switches
T b T2, ... ,T6 are closed and zero when they are open, then to ensure current
continuity in the DC side inductor, it is evident from current continuity consid-
erations and Figure 1.15 that



22 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters



(a) (b)

r; ~
(d) (e) (f)

Figure 1.15 Evolution of three-phase current source/stiff inverter from

basic commutation cell.

The load currentscan also be defined as

ia = Idc(m l - m4 )
ib = I dc ( m 3 - m 6 ) (1.30)
ic = Idc(m S - m 2)

The line voltages can then be expressed in terms of the switching functions as

Vab = 2 Vdc ( m 1m6 - m4m 3 )

vbc = 2 Vdc ( m3 m2 - m6mS ) (1.31 )
v ca = 2 Vdc( mSm4 - m2ml)

where it is assumed that the voltage drop across the link inductor is negligible
for any reasonable size of inductor, since the current will then be very nearly
Current Source/Stiff Inverters 23

The phase voltages can be determined in much the same manner as for the
voltage link converter, i.e.,
Van = Vas + Vsn
Vc n = V cs + Vsn
where n again represents the voltage at the negative bus of the DC link voltage
and s denotes the center point of the load. Adding together the voltages of Eq.
(1.32) gives

= 0+ 3v sn (1.33)
from which



Vas = ( m I - ~) 2 Vde
Vbs = ( m3 - ~) 2 Vde (1.35)

V es = (m5-~)2Vde
A plot of the load current assuming a star- and wye-connected load is given
in Figure 1.16. If the load is inductive, it is apparent that the idealized current
waveforms of Figure 1.16 would produce infinite spikes of voltage. Hence,
strictly speaking, the harmonic content for this converter is infinite. In reality,
the slopes corresponding to the rapidly changing di/dt would not be infinite but
would change at a rate dominated by the capacitance of a commutating circuit.
For example, the autosequentially commutated inverter (ASCI) of Figure 1.17
is widely used for implementing a current source/stiff converter. Alternatively,
capacitive filters can be placed on AC output terminals to absorb the rapid
changes in current.
24 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters


(a) ~ ~ ~
~+----I+-----H--_ _ -"'--"-----l


i'0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2
I X 10-2 IX 10-2

Figure 1.16 Current source inverter waveforms: (a) line current for a
star-connected load and (b) phase current for a delta-
connected load assuming a DC link current of 100 A.

Figure 1.17 Autosequentially commutated current source/stiff converter.

1.6 Concept of a Space Vector

The highly coupled nature of inverter loads such as induction and synchronous
machines has led to the use of artificial variables rather than actual (phase)
variables for the purpose of simulation as well as for visualization. The essence
of the nature of the transformation of variables that is utilized can be under-
Concept of a Space Vector 25

stood by reference to Figure 1.18, which shows three-dimensional orthogonal

axes labeled a, b, and c [3]. Consider, for instance, the stator currents of a
three-phase induction machine load which is, in general, made up of three
independent variables. These currents (phase variables) can be visualized as
being components of a single three-dimensional vector (space vector) existing
in a three-dimensional orthogonal space, i.e., the space defined by Figure 1.18.
The. projection of this vector on the three axes of Figure 1.18 produces the
instantaneous values of the three stator currents.
In most practical cases as has been noted already, the sum of these three
currents adds up to zero since most three-phase loads do not have a neutral
return path. In this case, the stator current vector is constrained to exist only on
a plane defined by
The fact that Eq. (1.36) defines a particular plane is evident if it is recalled
from analytic geometry that the general definition of a plane is
ax + by + cz = d. This plane, the so-called d-q plane, is also illustrated in
Figure 1.18. Components of the current and voltage vector in the plane are
called the d-q components while the component in the axis normal to the plane
(in the event that the currents do not sum to zero) is called the zero component.

d-q plane

q axis

Figure 1.18 Cartesian coordinate system for phase variables showing

location of the d-q plane and projection of phase variables
onto the plane.
26 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

When the phase voltages and phase flux linkages also sum to zero, as is the
case with most balanced three-phase loads (including even a salient pole syn-
chronous machine), this same perspective can be applied to these variables as
well. By convention it is assumed that the projection of the phase a axis on the
d-q plane forms the reference q axis for the case where the d-q axes are not
rotating. A second axis on the plane is defined as being orthogonal to the q axis
such that the cross product d x q yields a third axis, by necessity normal to the
d-q plane, that produces a-third component of the vector having the conven-
tional definition of the zero sequence quantity. The components of the phase
current, phase voltage, or phase flux linkage vectors in the d-q-o stationary
coordinate system in terms of the corresponding physical variables are

-- --
2 2
I; la
_J] J]
2 2
Ib (1.37)

10 1 1 1 Ie
where I is a general variable used to denote the current variable i, voltage v,
flux linkage A or charge q. The superscript s on the d-q variable is used to
denote the case where the d-q axes are stationary and fixed in the d-q plane.
In the dominant case where the three-phase variables sum to zero (i.e., the
corresponding current, voltage, and flux linkage vectors are located on the d-q
plane and have no zero sequence component) this transformation reduces to

~ 0 0
Id 0 -1- -
1 b
j2j2 'Ie
0 0 0

where the last row is now clearly not necessary and often can be discarded.

Figure 1.19 shows the location of the various axes when projected onto the
d-q plane. Note that the projection of the a phase axis on the d-q plane is con-
sidered to be lined up with the q axis (the a phase axis corresponds to the mag-
netic axis of phase a in the case of an electrical machine). The other axis on the
Concept of a Space Vector 27

b axis

q axis
(normal to paper)"--.- ..._-------t..----t. a axis

c axis

Figure 1.19 Physical a-b-c and conceptual stationary frame d-q-O axes
when viewed from an axis normal to the d-q plane.

plane is, by convention, located 90 clockwise with respect to the q axis. The
third axis (necessarily normal to the d-q plane) is chosen such that the
sequence d-q-O forms a right-hand set.
Sometimes another notation, using symbols a,~ (Clarke's components), is
used to denote these same variables. However, the third component, For-
tesque's zero sequence component, is normally not scaled by the same factor as
the two Clarke components, and this can cause some confusion. With the trans-
formation shown, when viewed from the zero sequence axis, the d axis is
located 90 clockwise with respect to the q axis. Unfortunately, these two axes
are sometimes interchanged so that the reader should exercise caution when
referring to the literature. When the d-q axes are fixed in predefined positions
in the d-q plane, they are said to define the stationary reference frame [2].

1.6.1 d-q-O Components for Three-Phase Sine Wave

When balanced sinusoidal three-phase AC voltages are applied to a three-
phase load, typically, with respect to the supply midpoint z
28 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

V az = VI sin root

vbz = VI sin( root -

23 )

vcz -- V1s1.n ( root + 3 21t)

It can be recalled from Eqs. (1.15) and (1.16) that for a three-wire wye-con-
nected load with balanced impedances the load voltages can be expressed in
terms of the supply voltages as [2]

V az = vas + v sz = Z(P)ia + vsz

vbz = vbs + v sz = Z(P)i b + vsz (1.40)
v cz = v cs + v sz = Z(P)i c + v sz

where, again, s is the load neutral point, p represents the time derivative opera-
tor p = d/(dt), and Z(P) denotes the impedance operator made up of an
arbitrary circuit configuration of resistors, inductors, and capacitors. If the cir-
cuit is at rest at t = 0, then summing the rows of Eq. (1.40) gives

v az + Vbz + v cz -- Z(P)(I a +.I b +.I c ) + 3 Vsz (1.41)

Since the three currents sum to zero and Z(P) is common to all three-phases,
the voltage between load neutral and inverter zero voltage points, for balanced
loads but arbitrary source voltages, is


In the special case of balanced source voltages [Eq. (1.39)] the right-hand side
ofEq. (1.42) is zero and the corresponding phase and source voltages are iden-
tical. From this result it can readily be determined that, in the d-q-O coordinate


vOs = 0
The use of the subscript s used here to denote the load neutral point can be
remembered as the star point, c(s)enter point, or neutral point of the stationary
circuit. It should be apparent from the orthogonality of the d-q axes and the
Concept of a Space Vector 29

sine/cosine relationships that the phase voltage vector traces out a circle on the

d-q plane with radius AVI where VI is the amplitude of the phase voltage.
The vector rotates with an angular velocity equal to the angular frequency of
the source voltage (377 radls in the case of 60 Hz). The current and flux link-
age vectors, being a consequence of applying the voltage to a linear, balanced
load will also trace out circles on the d-q plane in the steady state.

The fact that the length of the rotating vector differs from the amplitude of
the sinusoidal variable has prompted researchers to introduce methods to "cor-
rect" this supposed deficiency. The difference in length essentially comes
about because the a-b-c axes are not in the plane of the d-q axes but have a
component in the third direction (0 axis) as evidenced by the third row of Eq.
(1.37). However, if the transformation of Eq. (1.37) is multiplied by J2/3 a
scale change is made in moving from a-b-c to d-q-O variables which elimi-
nates this difference. The transformation becomes

2 1 1
-3 3 3
1 1
0 (1.44)
- J3 J3 bs

los J2J2J2
3 3 3

with the inverse relationship of

o 1
_! _J3 _1 (1.45)
2 2 J2
1 J3 1
2 2 J2
Since the same scale change has been made for all three components, the zero
component uses somewhat unconventional scaling. More conventionally, For-
tesque's scaling for this component is

los = 3(fas +I bs +I cs ) (\.46)
30 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

and is also widely used. When the projection of the vector on the zero sequence
axis is zero, Eq. (1.44) reduces to

s 1 0 0
0_-1 _1 (1.47)
I bs
0 0 0 I cs

or inversely as

1 0 0
_! _J3 0
bs 2 2
I cs 1 J3 0
2 2

Note that Eq. (1.47) does not formally have an inverse, but a suitable equiva-
lent can be obtained by first inverting Eq. (1.44) and then setting the zero
sequence component to zero. This modified definition of the stationary frame
d-q-Q components will be used in the remainder of this book.

1.6.2 d-q-O Components for Voltage Source Inverter

Operated in Square-Wave Mode
In general it is readily determined that there are only eight possible switch
combinations for a three-phase inverter, as shown in Figure 1.20. Two of these
states (SVo and SV 7 ) are a short circuit of the output while the remaining six
produce active voltages, as previously indicated in Figure 1.10. Figure 1.21
shows how the eight switch combinations can be represented as stationary vec-
tors in the d-q plane simply by repetitive application of Eq. (1.47). It is rela-
tively easy to determine the values of the six vectors in the d-q plane by
investigating each nonzero switch connection. For example, for vector SV3 ,
switch 8 3 is closed connecting phase b to the positive terminal, while switches
84 and 8 2 are closed connecting phases a and c to the negative terminal.
Assuming a wye-connected load, the phase b voltage receives two-thirds of the
DC pole-to-pole voltage while the parallel connected phases a and c receive
one-third of this voltage. With due regard for polarity, the d-q voltages are,
from Eq. (1.44),
Concept of a Space Vector 31

Figure 1.20 The eight possible phase leg switch combinations for a VSI.

St S3S S
1m (-d) axis

St S3S";
\ot = eo

SIS3S5~ @ ..
Re (q) axis
St S3S S St S3S S

@ @
St S3S S
daxis S1 S3 8 5

Figure 1.21 Eight possible stationary vectors on the d-q plane for a VSI.
32 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters


The magnitude of this vector is

as is the case for all six of the nonzero vector locations. For convenience, the
projection of axes of the three-phase voltages can also be located on the d-q
plane since vectors SVI , SV3 , and SV s also result in a positive maximum
voltage on phases as, bs, and CS, respectively.
Note that the lower phase leg switches (84, 86, 82) are represented as
"NOT" the upper phase leg switches (S I, 83, S5) in Figure 1.21, reflecting the
fact that the upper or lower switch in each phase leg must always be turned on
to maintain current continuity through each phase leg for a voltage source
In general, the inverter attempts to follow the circle defined by the bal-
anced set of voltages, Eqs. (1.39) and (1.43). However, since only nonzero
--- -
inverter states are possible, as illustrated by SVI ' SV 2 ' SV3 ' ., SV6 in Figure
1.20, the vector representing the voltage applied to the load jumps abruptly by
60 electrical degrees in a continuous counterclockwise fashion, approximating
the circle by the points on a hexagon. While only crudely approximated in this
case, more accurate tracking of the target circle on the d-q plane can be accom-
plished by more sophisticated pulse width modulation techniques, as will be
considered later in this book. If a simple inductive load is assumed, Figure 1.22
shows a typical plot of the transient progression of the voltage vector and cur-
rent vector for a typical r-L load initially at rest (zero initial conditions) with-
out PWM. The voltage vector remains confined to the six points of a hexagon
while the current vector traces out a hexagon rotated by roughly 90 electrical
Since any vector has spatial content (length and direction), it is frequently
convenient to abandon the matrix notation and to assign directional unit vec-
tors to identify the components of the vector in the three-dimensional space
defined by the d-q-Q coordinates. In this case, however, one is concerned
Concept of a Space Vector 33


O<lllt<ll13 lllt=O.2lt 5ltl3<cJlt<2lt



Vd 4ro'3<lllt<5lfl3

CD -,
211/3<lllt<1l lllt=X ll<lllt<4ro'3

g +--_I---4----+----+--~ ~j--+--_.-_t--.__.._-----'--
~ 1000 -600 -200 200 600 1000 'lG -i2 -4 12 20
(a) (b) iq
~ I ~_._-..._-.....--

:18.-+- -+- - - f1- - ~_+_ _ _4+_ _ _ 4"_ +_+_~

~1~~ t.

! ~
~J ~+---_~_-+---_-+-_-+-_-+--
-n.o a.z
Oil Lei 7.4 1.0
__ ~~~_-+---_+--_+-..... _...
'0.0 0.8 1.6 2.1
( C) t x 10- ( d) t x 10-2

Figure 1.22 Locus of the (a) voltage and (b) current space vectors for
square-wave voltage source inverter assuming a balanced
r-L load and (c), (d) corresponding time domain
waveforms. Parameters: Vdc = 500 V, r = 2.0 Q, L = 0.1 mll.

almost entirely with rotation in the d-q plane as opposed to linear translation in
the three dimensional d-q-Q space. In such cases, rotation is most readily rep-
resented in complex polar form so the most convenient method of representing
the rotating vector is simply to convert the d-q plane to one which is complex,
whereupon, by definition,

Re~) = r; (1.51 )
Im~) = -t: s

The "jumps" in the vector representing the inverter voltage can now be conve-
niently represented by defining the operator
34 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

a = e j (21t/ 3) = _! + jJ3
2 2

i = ~. In terms of the vector the axes of the three-phase voltages
can be located by the vectors 1, a, and a ,respectively.

Since the phase voltages have been assigned spatial attributes, it is now
possible to visualize the phase variables as spacevectors in the complex plane.
In general, this vector is given by

is = I q: - jlls (1.53)
and, from Eq. (1.47),

1.s = J: -
.(fcs -
Ibs) (1.54)

The quantity -j can be written in terms of the operator aas

-j = .l(a -a) (1.55)
so that Eq. (1.54) becomes
- 1 -2 -
Is = las + 3(a -a)ifcs-Ibs)

1 -2 - 1 -2 -
= las + 3(a fcs + albs) - 3(a f bs + ales) (1.56)

Since the sum of the three components fas,lbs'!es equals zero, this equation
can be written as

- 1 -2 - 1 -2 -
Is = las + 3(a f es + albs) - 3[a (-las - les) + a(-Ias -Ibs)]

which simplifies to
- 2 - -2
Is = 3ifas + albs + a f es) (1.57)

Note the presence of the 2/3 factor, which is necessary to preserve the correct
amplitude 'when represented in phase variable coordinates.

The six nonzero switch combinations can also be considered to be station-

ary snapshots of a three-phase set of time-varying sinusoids with a phase volt-
age magnitude Vm as shown in Figure 1.23. The magnitude of each of the six
active vectors is determined by recognizing that the line voltage at each snap-
Concept of a Space Vector 35


-vm 0 41t/3 51t/3

1t/3 21t/3 1t 21t

Figure 1.23 VSI phasor angular positions in fundamental cycle for space

shot of voltage in Figure 1.23 is 1.5 Vm where Vm is the peak phase voltage, and
that this voltage is equal to the DC bus voltage 2Vdc. That is,

( 1.58)

1.6.3 Synchronously Rotating Reference Frame

The visualization of vector rotation on the d-q plane has also led to transfor-
mations which rotate with these vectors. For example, if axes are defined
which rotate with the stator voltage, one realizes the synchronous voltage ref-
erence frame. In general, it is not necessary to define rotating axes to rotate
synchronously with one particular vector but to simply define a general rotat-
ing transformation which transforms the phase variables to rotating axes on the
d-q plane, viz:

cosf cos(e- 2 1t) cos(e+ 21t)

3 3
qs(S) las
Ids(S) - -2 sinfl sin(e- 21t) sin( e+ 21t) bs
3 3 3
los i:
-1 -1 -
J2 J2 J2
36 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

For completeness, the zero component is also again included, together with
the scale change of J2/3 . The angle 9 is the angular displacement of the vec-
tor on the d-q plane measured with respect to the projection of the as axis onto
this plane. Since the same scale change has been made for all three compo-
nents, the zero component again uses somewhat unconventional scaling. Alter-
natively, Fortesque's scaling for this component can also be selected, namely
los = 3(fas +I bs +f cs) (1.60)

and this is also widely used.

Note that the zero axis does not enter into the rotational transformation.
Hence, the zero axis can be considered as the axis about which the rotation
takes place, i.e., the axis of rotation. Because of the scaling, the power (and
subsequently the torque if the load is a motor) is different in d-q-{) components
than in a-b-c variables and a 3/2 multiplier must be added to the power as cal-
culated in the transformed system of equations since both current and voltage
variables have been scaled by J2/3 .
In vector notation, Eq. (1.59) can be written as

(1.61 )


cos9 cos(9 - 2
lt) cos(9 + 23lt)
T qdO(9) = ~ sin9 Sin(9 - 2
lt) sin(9 + ~lt) (1.62)

1 1 1
J2 J2 J2
The transformation TqdO(9) can, for convenience and for computational
advantage, be broken into two portions, one of which takes variables from
physical phase quantities to nonrotating d-q-{) variables (stationary reference
frame) while the other goes from nonrotating to rotating d-q-{) variables
(rotating reference frame). For this case one can write,
Concept of a Space Vector 37


2 1 1
3 3 3
1 1
0--- (1.64)

cos e -sine oj
R(e) = sine cosfl 0 (1.65)
o 0 1

Note that TqdO(O) is obtained by simply setting S = 0 in Eq. (1.62). The

inverse transformation is


cosS sine
TqdO(er l = ~ TqdO(e{ = cos(e- 231t) sin(e- 21t) ~ (1.67)

cos(e + 231t) sin(e + 231t) ~


cosS sinf OJ
R(S)-l = R(e)T = -sinS costl
o 0 1
38 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

Figure 1.24 shows the locus of the same voltage and current vector as Fig-
ure 1.22, but viewed in a synchronously rotating reference frame. Here, the
superscript e is used on the d-q variables to denote that they are rotating with
the electrical frequency. In this case the locus of the vector continually jumps
ahead by 60 electrical degrees at each switching instant. However, since the
vector subsequently remains stationary while the synchronous frame continues
to rotate, the locus of the vector slowly retreats backward and then jumps for-
ward, repeating the locus shown six times each cycle.

1.7 Three-Level Inverters

Another voltage source/stiff inverter configuration which is becoming increas-
ingly important for high power applications is the so-called neutral-point
clamped (NPC) inverter [4]. This inverter, shown in Figure 1.25, has a zero DC
voltage center point, which is switchable to the phase outputs, thereby creating
the possibility of switching each inverter phase leg to one of three voltage lev-
els. The major benefit of this configuration is that, while there are twice as
many switches as in the two-level inverter, each of the switches must block
only one-half of the DC link voltage (as is also the case for the six center-
tapped diodes). However, one problem, that does not occur with a two-level
inverter, is the need to ensure voltage balance across the two series-connected
capacitors making up the DC link. One solution is to simply connect each of

10 ~-~---'----.---r-----,


e -,


<;" 20

~ -30

~1570 -40 +---.,-----+---+-----+-----4

590 610 e 630 650 67C -20 -12 -4. e.. 12 20
Vd 'd '0

Figure 1.24 Locus of phase voltage and line current in the

synchronously rotating reference frame for the same
parameters as Figure 1.22.
Three-Level Inverters 39



a b c

Figure 1.25 Three-level voltage source/stiff inverter.

the capacitors to its own isolated DC source (for example the output of a diode
bridge fed from a transformer secondary). The other method is to balance the
two capacitor voltages by feedback control. In this case the time that each
inverter leg dwells on the center point can be adjusted so as to regulate the
average current into the center point to be zero [5, 6].
In order to produce three levels, the switches are controlled such that only
two of the four switches in each phase leg are turned on at any time. For exam-
ple, when switches Tal and Ta2 are turned on, the positive DC link voltage is
applied to the phase a terminal, when Ta2 and Ta3 are turned on, the center
point voltage (zero volts) is applied, while when Ta3 and Ta4 are turned on, the
negative DC link voltage appears at the terminal of phase a. Defining variables
mx l ' mx 2' and mx 3 (x = a, h, or c) as a logical one when switch combinations
(T x1-Tx2), (Tx2-Tx3)' (T x3-Tx4) are true, respectively, and zero otherwise, the
three terminal voltages can be written as

V az = Vdc(m a l - ma3 )
v bz = Vde(m b l -m b3) (1.70)
v ez = Vde(m e l - m e3)

In a similar manner to previous work, the line-to-line and line-to-neutral

voltages (in the case of a star-connected load) are given by
40 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

Vab = Vde(m a l - m a3 - m b l + mb3)

Vbe = Vde(mbl - mb3 - mel + m e3) (1.71)

Vea = Vde(mel - m e3 - mal + m a3)


Vas = ~VdC[mal -m a3 - ~(mbl-mb3 + mel -m c3>]

Vbs = ~ VdC[ mbl - mb3 - ~(mal - m a3 + mel - m c3 >] (1.72)

Vcs = ~ VdC[m CI - mc3 - ~(mal - m a3 + mbl - m b3 >]

The load neutral-to-inverter-midpoint voltage is, for this case,

vsz = 31 Vde(m a 1 - m a3 + m b 1 - m b3 + mel - m e3) (1.73)

The three DC link currents are

Jde+ -- .+ .+ .
mat'a mbl'b mel'e
Jd~ = m a 3ia + mb3 ib + m e3 ie

Id~ = m a 2 ia + mb2 ib + m c 2 i c
It is clear from the constraints of the circuit that
mal + m a2 + m a3 = 1 (1.75)
and so forth, so that I d: from Eq. (1.74) can also be written as


Examination ofEq. (1.72) identifies that the line-to-neutral voltage can take on
seven distinct values, namely 4 Vde/3, Vde , 2 Vde/3, and zero.
Figure 1.26 shows the switched phase leg, line-to-line and line-to-neutral
phase voltages for a three level NPC inverter, where the phase legs are
switched with a 30 zero voltage plateau between the +Vdc and the -Vdc steps
to achieve minimum total harmonic distortion (THD). It is obvious that the
switched waveforms of Figure 1.26 are significantly improved compared to
those of a square-wave, two-level converter shown in Figure 1.10.
The fundamental component of the load voltage can now be determined by
calculating the fundamental component of the voltage from one phase leg to
Three-Level Inverters 41

I "
1 I 1
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -, - - - - - - -y - - - - - - r - - - - - - ,- - - - - -
I 1 , , I
I 1 I 1 1
, 1 , I ,

(a) 0

a . . _ - -...... - - - -
, --y
, - -- - - . . . . .- - _ . .

, , 1 ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - I - - - - - - I - - - - - - ,- - - - - -
, I , 1

o 27t/3 47t/3 I07t/3 47t


- - - - -,- - - - - - -, - - - - - - - r - - - - - - ,- -


(b) 0

,- - - -

, - - ,- - - - - -
- 2 Vde - - - - - .....-.-..... - -, - - - - - - I - - - - -
1 , ,
o 27t/3 47t/3 I07t/3 47t

(c) 0

I 1 ,

, , , 1
, , I I
, I I ,

o 27t/3 47t/3 27t 87t/3 107t/3 47t

Figure 1.26 Switched (a) line-to-midpoint, (b) line-to-line and (b) line-to-
neutral voltages produced by three-level NPC inverter. Phase
leg zero voltage step width arranged for minimum THD.
42 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

the DC center point, which will be the same as the fundamental component
measured with respect to the load neutral. Hence

J2 1t Vde cos ijJll


This is not quite as large as the O.90Vdc RMS voltage that is obtained from a
two-level inverter with the same overall DC link voltage of 2Vdc by dividing
the result ofEq. (1.7) by J2 to convert itto RMS. Of course, the same RMS
voltage could still be obtained if the midpoint voltage was never selected, but
this results in a higher harmonic content and more or less defeats the purpose
of having a three-level inverter.
The space vector approach, discussed in Section 1.6, can be utilized to ana-
lyze these types of converters as well. For example, when the possible phase
voltage switching states of the three-level inverter of Figure 1.25 are expressed
as space vectors, a double hexagon is obtained as shown in Figure 1.27.

1.8 Multilevel Inverter Topologies

1.8.1 Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverter

It has been shown that the principle of diode-clamping to DC link voltages can
be extended to any number of voltage levels [7]. Figure 1.28 shows the circuit
implementation for four- and five-level inverters. Since the voltages across the
semiconductor switches are limited by conduction of the diodes connected to
the various DC levels, this class of multilevel inverters is termed diode-
clamped multilevel inverters. For the case of the four-level inverter, switches
Tal, Ta2 , and Ta3 are turned on simultaneously, then T a2, TaJ, and Ta4 and so
forth to produce the desired level. A possible total of 12 voltage vectors are
produced, being kVdeI3, k = 1,...,6 where the k = 2 state does not appear in
the line-to-neutral voltage output. In the same manner, four switches are
always triggered to select a desired level in the five-level inverter, producing
19 voltage levels, kVde/3 , k =1,...,9 plus zero where the k = 1 and k =3 lev-
els do not appear in the output line-to-neutral voltage. Since several intermedi-
ate levels are now created, the problem of ensuring voltage balance across each
Multilevel Inverter Topologies 43

b axis

q and a axis

c axis daxis

Figure 1.27 Hexagons of possible switching states for three-level DC

voltage source/stiff inverter.

of the series-connected capacitors becomes a challenging problem. The prob-

lem is most easily solved by feeding each DC link capacitor with an indepen-
dent DC supply but this sometimes adds undesirable cost to the system. When
supplied by a single DC supply, the issue has been shown to be solvable by the
use of appropriate control algorithms [8]. However, complete control of the
DC link voltages is lost when the output phase voltage reaches roughly 65% of
its maximum value, somewhat restricting the use of this circuit [9].
The switching operation of these converters and the current path for posi-
tive and negative current can further identified by considering the seven-level
diode-clamped inverter of Figure 1.29. The three DC voltages are labeled as
Vde l' Vde2' Vde3 to distinguish them in the inverter output, although in most
cases Vde l = Vde2 = Vde3 . The phase leg switch states required to achieve
the seven output levels can be determined by connecting say phase leg b to the
negative DC bus by triggering all switches in the lower portion of its phase leg.
Then the phase leg a output voltage with respect to the negative DC rail, van'
can be identified for various switch combinations, as summarized in Table 1.1.
44 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters




a a
Vde +



Figure 1.28 (a) Four-level and (b) five-level diode-clamped inverter

implementations (one phase only shown).

Figures 1.30, 1.31, and 1.32, show the switched phase leg, line-to-line and
line-to-neutral phase voltages for a four-level, five-level, and a seven-level,
diode-clamped inverter, respectively. In this case the phase legs have been
switched between the voltage levels at the appropriate times to eliminate low-
order harmonics, as discussed in Section 10.3.1 and summarized in Table 10.1.
The progressive improvement in the quality of the switched waveform is obvi-
ous as the number of inverter voltage levels increases.
Regardless of the number of levels, the blocking voltage of the switches in
this type of topology is limited to Vde' so that inverters operating at the
medium AC voltage range (2 to 13.2 kV) can be implemented with low cost,
high-performance Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) switches. Unfortu-
nately the same is not true of the diodes connecting the various DC levels to
Multilevel Inverter Topologies 45

.----+-+-~_+_-+---o b

Figure 1.29 A seven-level diode-clamped inverter.

Table 1.1 Switch States and Corresponding Current Path for Diode-Clamped
Converter Illustrating Seven Positive Levels for Phase Leg a Voltage
va", Phase b Assumed Connected to the Negative DC Bus

Switch Phase Leg a Devices Current Path with Current Path with
State Voltage Van Turned on la Positive la Negative
Ta6>TaS>Ta4> Ta6>TaS>Ta4>
1 van = 0 Tal to Ta6
Ta3>Ta2>Tal T a3>Ta2>TaI

2 van = Vde3 T a2 to T a7 Da7> T a7

3 van = Vde3+ Vde2 T a3 to T aS DaS>TaS>Ta7
T a3>Da3

van = Vde3 + Vde2 Ta6>TaS>Ta4>

4 T a4 to Ta9 Da9>Ta9>Ta8> T a7
+Vdel D a4

van = Vde3 +Vde2 DalO>Talo>Ta9>

5 TaS to T alO Ta6>TaS>DaS
+2Vdel T a8>Ta7

van = Vde3 Dall>Tall>TalO>

6 T a6 to Tall T a6>Da6
+ 2(Vde2+Vdel) Ta9>TaS>Ta7

van = 2(Vde3 TaI2>Tall>TaIO> Ta7>TaS>Ta9>

7 T a7 to T al2
+ Vde2 + Vdel) Ta9>Ta8>Ta7 TalO>Tall>Ta12
46 Introduction to Power ElectronicConverters

------ ~ - - - - - - .- - - - - -

(a) 0

I I I I t
_ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ J... _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _

, I I I I
r I I I I
I I I , f
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ J... _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _
I I , I t
, I ,

0 21t/3 47t/3 I07t/3 41t



(b) 0
-Vdc '- - - - - - -

-2Vdc - 1- _

-3Vdc - - - '- - - - - -

0 21t/3 41t/3 101t/3 41t


- - - - - :- - - - - -
I I , I

- - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - ~ --- --- ~ -


(c) 0
_____ .J. _

I ,
1 I I 1 I
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ J... _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I I , I ,
I I t I I
1 t I I I
_ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ J... _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _

I I I , I

o 21t/3 41t/3 21t 81t/3 101t/3 47t

000 1

Figure 1.30 Switched (a) line-to-midpoint, (b) line-to-line and (b) line-
to-neutral voltages produced by four-level diode-clamped
inverter. Switching times defined in Table 10.1.
Multilevel Inverter Topologies 47

(a) 0

' I '
I I 1
_ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ ...1 _ _ _ _ _ _ J.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _

, I I I I

o 2rrJ3 41t/3 lO1t/3 41t

-.- - - - - - -. - - -

----- I I

(b) 0



0 41t



(c) 0 ----..,.----

-2Vdc I
-. - - - - - - I
- - - - - -

- 4 Vdc
______ I -1 ~ 1 _

1 I I I I
I t I I

0 21t/3 41t/3 21t 81t/3 lO1t/3 41t

Figure 1.31 Switched (a) line-to-midpoint, (b) line-to-line and (b) line-
to-neutral voltages produced by five-level diode-clamped
inverter. Switching times defined in Table 10.1.
48 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

, ,
6Vde - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------
, ,

_ _ _ _ _ _
,L _ _ _ _ _
_ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ _
I ,
, I

(a) 0

I ,,'------
t I I
_ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I I I t I
t f I I I
_ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _
I I I , 1

o 21t/3 41t/3 I01t/3 41t

, , ---------------- I
I ,

I ,
, I



0 I01t/3 41t

-2Vde _ _ _ _ _ _ I

_ _ _ _ _ I

_ _ _ _ _ _ .1 _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ _
_ _ _ _ _

I , I I ,

, , , , I

-4Vde _ _ _ _ _ _ I _

_ _ _ _ _ _, _

_ _ _ _ _ .J
_ _ _ _ _ _ L _
_ _ _ _ _ ,_
_ _ _ _ _ _

I I I I f

_ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _
t I I , I


o 21t/3 21t 81t/3 I01t/3 41t

Figure 1.32 Switched (a) line-to-midpoint, (b) line-to-line and (b) line-
to-neutral voltages produced by seven-level diode-clamped
inverter. Switching times defined in Table 10.1.
Multilevel Inverter Topologies 49

the switches, some of which must be rated at (k - 2) Vde where k is the number
of levels (k ~ 3 ). The voltage rating of the diodes therefore quickly becomes a
problem and levels greater than five are not considered as practical at the
present time. This problem can be overcome by simply connecting several
diodes in series, but the stress across the series-connected devices must then be
carefully managed. Also since the number of series-connected switches
increases with the number of levels, the switch conduction losses clearly
increase in the same proportion. Fortunately, the power rating also increases at
the same rate so the efficiency of the inverter remains roughly unaffected by
the number of series-connected switches.

1.8.2 Capacitor-Clamped Multilevel Inverter

The capacitor-clamped VSI proposed by Meynard and Foch is an alternative to
the diode-clamped VSI and shares many of the advantages of this topology
[10]. Figure 1.33 illustrates the capacitor-clamped VSI topology for a seven-
level system.


Figure 1.33 Topology ofa five-level capacitor-clamped inverter.

50 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

The circuit operation of the capacitor-clamped topology is best explained

by considering the simple three-level single-phase version shown in Figure
1.34. To obtain an output voltage level of 2 Vde ' switches 8 1, S2' 8 7, and 8 8 are
turned on. To obtain -2 Vdc ' switches 8 3 , 8 4 , 8 5, and 8 6 are turned on. To
obtain Vdc ' 8 1-83-8,88 are turned on, and to obtain -Vdc ' 8 3-84-85-87 are
turned on. If clamping capacitors C 1 are maintained at voltage Vdc' the voltage
on these capacitors in series with the load will partially cancel the source volt-
age, To obtain the zero voltage level, the combinations of either 8 1-83-85-87
or 8 2-84-86-88 can be turned on. The charge of C1 can be balanced by proper
management of the switch combinations.
This topology shares the advantages of all multilevel voltage source con-
verters (V8Cs) listed above, as well as those of a diode-clamped system, in that
the required number of voltage levels can be obtained without the use of a
transformer, This assists in reducing the cost of the converter and again reduces
power loss. Unlike the diode-clamped structure where the series string of
capacitors share the same voltage, in the capacitor-clamped V8C the capacitors
within a phase leg are charged to different voltage levels. To synthesize the
phase voltage waveform the various switches within the phase leg are switched
ON to combine the various capacitor voltage levels with the constraint that no
capacitor is short circuited and current continuity with the DC link is main-
tained for each capacitor. This leads to a significant amount of redundancy in

s~ S1
S1 S1
C1 + a a C1 +

+ s~ S1

S1 S1
Figure 1.34 Three-level capacitor-clamped inverter, voltage on
capacitors C1 regulated to Vdc.
Multilevel Inverter Topologies 51

the switching states that lead to the same phase voltage levels. A similar table
to Table t.l can be readily prepared for the capacitor-clamped circuit of Figure
The capacitor-clamped (alternatively known as flying-capacitor) topology
has several disadvantages that have limited its use. The first of these is the con-
verter initialization. Before the capacitor-clamped VSC can be modulated, the
clamping capacitors must be set up with the required voltage levels. This com-
plicates the modulation process and hinders the performance of the converter
under ride-through conditions. The capacitor voltages must also be regulated
under normal operation in a similar fashion to the capacitor neutral points for a
diode-clamped VSC. However, due to the large degree of redundancy in the
phase voltage states, this regulation problem is generally combined with the
modulation strategy. Another problem concerns the rating of the capacitors that
form the clamping network. Since these have large fractions of the DC bus
voltage across them, the voltage rating of the capacitors must be large when
compared to the diode-clamped topology. It is this requirement and the initial-
ization problems of the capacitor-clamped VSC that have limited its continued

1.8.3 Cascaded Voltage Source Multilevel Inverter

The third topological alternative for a multilevel inverter is to series-cascade
single-phase full-bridges to make up each phase leg of the main inverter, as
shown in Figure 1.35 for a seven-level system. Each full-bridge can switch
between +Vdc' 0, and -Vdc , so that, for the seven-level example shown in Fig-
ure 1.35, each phase leg as a whole can switch in steps of Vdc over the range
+ 3 Vdc to -3 Vdc . Note also that the DC link voltage of each full-bridge has been
redefined to Vdc rather than 2 Vdc as was used in Section 1.1.3. This is the usual
convention for cascaded voltage source multilevel inverter systems. In general,
N series connected full-bridges can generate (2N + 1) switching levels per
phase leg.
For this topology, the DC link supply for each full-bridge converter ele-
ment must be provided separately, and this is typically achieved using diode
rectifiers fed from isolated secondary windings of a three-phase transformer. A
very simple approach is shown in Figure 1.36 using single-phase diode
bridges. Other types of input side converters can also be used such as three-
phase diode bridge rectifiers fed from a secondary star or delta connection. It
52 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

Figure 1.35 Seven-level series-bridge cascaded inverter.

can be shown that with progressive phase shifting of the three-phase secondar-
ies by 60/(k-l) degrees where k is the number of levels, significant harmonic
cancellation can be achieved in the transformer input current.
The cascaded inverter topology has several advantages that have made it
attractive in power conditioning systems and medium to high power drive
applications [11, 12, 13]. The first advantage concerns the ease of regulation of
the DC buses described above, while the second advantage concerns the modu-
larity of control that can be achieved. Unlike the diode-clamped inverter and
the capacitor-clamped inverter where individual phase legs must be modulated
by a central controller, the full-bridge inverters of a cascaded structure can be
modulated independently of each other. Communication between the full-
bridge inverters is required in order to achieve the synchronization of reference
and carrier waveforms, but the controller can be distributed. This makes for a
simpler controller structure than for either of the two previously discussed
topologies. However, the cascaded inverter topology has not been applied par-
ticularly successfully at low power levels to date because of the need to pro-
vide separate isolated DC supplies for each full-bridge converter element.
Clearly, while the control logic to realize the switched state varies, the
same switched phase leg voltages can be accomplished by any of the three
Multilevel Inverter Topologies 53

Phase Voltage


Figure 1.36 Isolated DC voltage supplies obtained from separate
transformer secondary windings for 7-level cascaded
multilevel inverter (one output phase only shown).

multilevel inverter topologies described here, provided, of course, they have

the same number of available voltage levels. Hence, one would anticipate that
the harmonic signature produced by the three circuits would be essentially the
same. This property will be shown to be the case later in Chapter 11. However,
in general the various switches of the phase leg of a multilevel converter are
not equally loaded. This presents some difficulties with a practical multilevel
inverter implementation, but it is possible at least for a cascaded inverter to
rotate its switching between the series-connected full-bridges and hence bal-
ance the average power flow through each bridge. This approach is presented
in Chapters 10 and 11.
One important difference between the three multilevel circuits, which will
not be addressed in this book, concerns the issue of capacitor voltage balanc-
ing. Since the capacitors of each individual single-phase inverter derive from a
different DC source, balancing is inherent. However, this is not the case for the
diode-clamped or capacitor-clamped inverters. In this case the inner capacitors,
such as those producing voltages Vde2 and Vde 1 in Figure 1.29 will become
54 Introduction to Power ElectronicConverters

over or undercharged if the average current fed to the inner taps on the DC link
is not zero. Regulation of the link capacitor voltages has been resolved for
these inverters [14, 15], but the details will not be pursued in this text.

1.8.4 Hybrid Voltage Source Inverter

The hybrid VSC proposed by Manjrekar et al. is a cascaded structure that has
been modified such that the full-bridge inverters that comprise the phase leg of
a hybrid inverter have different magnitude DC buses [16]. Figure 1.37 shows
the structure of a seven-level hybrid inverter, in which it can be seen that each
phase leg is constructed from a high-voltage (HV) stage and a low-voltage
(LV) stage. In terms of operation, the hybrid converter uses the HV stage to
achieve the bulk power transfer and uses the LV stage as a means to improve
the spectral performance of the overall converter. Also note that the HV stage
is shown to be constructed using devices that have high-voltage blocking char-
acteristics but not necessarily fast switching characteristics [e.g., integrated
gate controlled thyristors (IGCTs)], while the LV stage is constructed using
devices that have fast switching characteristics but not necessarily high-volt-
age blocking characteristics (e.g., IGBTs). The major advantages of the hybrid
structure include the fact that it marries the best performance characteristics of
two different power electronic devices, and that it can achieve similar perfor-


Figure 1.37 Topologyof a seven-level hybrid voltage source inverter.

Summary 55

mance to other multilevel VSCs with a reduced switch count (e.g., 24 switches
for a seven-level hybrid VSC as opposed to 36 for diode-clamped, cascaded,
and capacitor-clamped VSCs).

The hybrid system again requires the use of a transformer to produce the
isolated DC supplies for each full-bridge inverter, and the control of the con-
verter is more complex than the standard cascaded structure. However, the
control is still modular in that the LV stage and HV stage have their own refer-
ence waveforms, but the LV stage reference must be created from the HV ref-
erence. Another problem that must be addressed for the hybrid converter is that
the HV stage will supply more power than the load requires in the middle
ranges of the modulation index. Under these operating conditions the LV stage
will be required to operate in a rectification mode, which means that the DC
link must be capable of bidirectional power flow [16]. This necessitates the use
of a PWM rectifier on the front end of the LV stage and further complicates the
control of the hybrid converter system. However, the reduced switch count and
more effective use of the power electronic devices that comprise the hybrid
system make it a particularly attractive system at medium to high power levels.

1.9 Summary
This introductory chapter has presented the switching circuits and block modu-
lation concepts involved in the application of power electronic converters.
While block modulation is still used to produce a variable frequency AC sup-
ply in some applications, it has largely been supplanted by more sophisticated
modulation strategies such as pulse width modulation, which have the major
advantage of allowing simultaneous phase and amplitude control of the output
voltage. Some time has also been spent here introducing the concept of space
vectors, which have great utility in the analysis of the more complex inverter
switching processes that are presented later in this book.

[1] P.C. Krause and T.A. Lipo, "Analysis and simplified representation of a recti-
fier-inverterinduction motor drive," IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Sys-
tems, vol. PAS-88, no. 5, May 1969, pp. 55-66.
[2] D.W. Novotny and T.A. Lipo, Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives,
Oxford University Press, London, 1996.
56 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters

[3] T.A. Lipo, "A Cartesian vector approach to reference frame theory of AC
machines," in Conf. Rec. International Conference on Electrical Machines
(ICEMO,Lausanne, 1994,pp.239-242.
[4] A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, "A new neutral-point-clamped PWM
inverter," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-17, no. 5, Sept.lOct.
1981, pp. 518-523.
[5] M.C. Klabunde, Y. Zhao, and T.A. Lipo, "Current Control of a 3-Level Recti-
fier/Inverter Drive System," in Conf Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society
Annual Mtg., Denver, 1994, pp. 859-866.
[6] S. Ogasawara and H. Akagi, "Analysis of variation of neutral point potential in
neutral-point-clamped voltage source PWM inverters," in Conf. Rec. IEEE
Industry Applications Society Annual Mtg., Toronto, 1993, pp. 965-970.
[7] P. Bhagwat and V.R. Stefanovic, "Generalized structure of a multilevel PWM
inverter," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 19, no. 6, Nov.lDec. 1983,
[8] G. Sinha and T.A. Lipo, "A four-level inverter based drive with a passive front
end," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 15, no. 2, March 2000, pp. 285-
[9] M. Marchesoni and P. Tenca, "Theoretical and practical limits in multilevel npc
inverters with passive front ends," in Conf. Record European Power Electron-
ics Conf. (EPE), Graz, 2001, in CD-ROM, 12pp.
[10] T.A. Meynard and H. Foch, "Multi-level conversion: high voltage choppers and
voltage-source inverters," in Conf Rec. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conf. (PESC), Toledo Spain, 1992, pp. 397-403.
[11] Y. Liang and C.O. Nwankpa, "A new type of STATCOM based on cascading
voltage source inverters with phase-shifted unipolar SPWM," 'in Conf. Rec.
Industry Applications Society Annual Mtg., St. Louis, 1998, pp. 978-985.
[12] N.P. Schibli, T. Nguyen, and A.C. Rufer, "A three-phase multilevel converter
for high-power induction motors," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 13,
no. 5, Sept. 1998,pp.987-985.
[13] R.H. Osman, "A medium voltage drive utilizing series-cell multilevel topology
for outstanding power quality," in Conf. Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Soci-
ety Annual Mtg., Phoenix, 1999, pp. 2662-2669.
[14] X. Yuan, H. Stemmler, and I. Barbi, "Investigation on the clamping voltage
self-balancing of the three-level capacitor clamping inverter," in Conf. Rec.
Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Charleston, 1999, pp. 1059-1064.
[15] C. Keller, R. Jakob, and S. Salama, "Topology and balance control of medium
voltage multilevel drives," in Con! Rec. European Power Electronics Conf.
(EPE), Graz, 2001, in CD-ROM.
[16] M.D. Manjrekar, R. Lund, P. Steimer, and T.A. Lipo, "Hybrid multilevel power
conversion system: A competitive solution for high power applications," IEEE
Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 36, no. 3, May/June 2000, pp. 834-841.
Harmonic Distortion
In Chapter 1 the need to produce voltage control for adjustable frequency
loads, and the concept of regulating the switched state of power electronic
devices to achieve this control, has been introduced. Unfortunately, voltage
control can only be accompanied by undesirable harmonics as a result of the
inherent switched nature of modem power electronic equipment. The need to
consider the degree to which undesirable harmonics are created during the pro-
cess of voltage control leads to the development of basic performance indices
which quantify harmonic distortion. These indices are introduced in this chap-
ter and will be used as a means of comparing various modulation algorithms
throughout this book.

2.1 Harmonic Voltage Distortion Factor

The proliferation of converter modulation algorithms that have appeared over
the years has created confusion as to the effectiveness of one method over
another for comparing various algorithms. One method of comparing the effec-
tiveness of modulation processes is by comparing the unwanted components,
i.e., the distortion in the output voltage or current waveform relative to that of
an ideal sine wave. Given that the output voltage of a solid state converter
v(t) is a periodic function with period T, the root-mean-square (RMS) value of
the function is, by definition,


Vrms = T1 v(t) 2dt (2.1)


Since v( t) is periodic, then it can be represented by the Fourier series

58 Harmonic Distortion


J L..J
00 00
-r ~ ~
LJ VnVk cosnro)t coskro)t dt (2.3)
o n=O k=O

Upon expanding, the integration of terms in which n :t= k become zero, so that,

Vrms = ~ {
n= 0
V; cos

= ~ [[v~+ ~ ~;(1 + cos2nro)t)] dt (2.4)

The double-frequency term integrates to zero over a complete period, so that,


vg+ LT

Vrms = (2.5)
n= 1

Of, in terms of RMS values of the individual harmonics,

L rt.:

r.: =
V0 + (2.6)

In most practical cases the fundamental component can be considered as

the desired output. The remainder of this expression is then considered as the
"distortion". Factoring out this desired component gives

= V
I, rms
1 + (__
V0_)2+ I (VV
n, rms)
2 (2.7)
r, rms 1, rms

The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the voltage can now be defined as

THD = (2.8)
Harmonic Voltage Distortion Factor 59

and the RMS voltage becomes

Note that the RMS value of the waveform is equal to the fundamental RMS
voltage if the THO is zero. Solving Eq. (2.9) for the THO provides an alterna-

tive means for calculating this quantity, namely

THD = (V rms

1 (2.10)

It is clear from the intent of the definition of THO that, if the desired output
voltage is not the fundamental component, then the definition of THD would
have to be modified accordingly.

Alternatively it is possible to eliminate the dependence of the distortion

expression on RMS values by writing Eq. (2.6) in terms of peak values as

1+ C;o)\ f n = 2,3, ...

(~~r (2.11 )

Hence another expression for total harmonic distortion is

THD = c;or f +
n = 2,3, ...
(~r (2.12)

Jf this equation is applied to the inverter circuit of Figure 1.12, it can be

assumed that by proper control, the positive and negative portions of the output
wave are symmetrical (no DC or even harmonics). The voltage harmonic dis-
tortion factor reduces to,

THD = (2.13)
n = 3,5,7, ...

As an example of the use of this equation, consider the case where phase
overlap is used to control the voltage. From Eq. (1.27), the THD becomes
a 2
00 cosn'2
n = 3,5,7, ...
n cos-
60 Harmonic Distortion

A plot of the total harmonic distortion for the single-phase inverter with phase
shift voltage control is shown in Figure 2.1. Note that the harmonic distortion
approaches infinity as the fundamental component of the voltage becomes
~ ~ - I - - - -! - - .
i I
_._-,----. __..

4 - - -1- -
- ~ - - -:- - - ~ - - - ~
- - -1- - - ~
- - - ~
- -

. -- ._..... ,- ._. -- .,. . - - r - - -,- - - 1 - - - r - - -


___ 3 ..... _.-:-_ . _ . ~ . . _.. L ._ _ ._i .._. ... _. .J _ ._ _ '_ _

5= , -
....., 1- ..- _. --1 .

::c: 2 - - - - - - -, - - - - - - f - - -,- - - l
- - -
_ _ _I _ _ _ .2. _ _ _ i_ _ _ .,' _ _ _ l _ _ _! _ _ _ J _
1 1 . .., ._ _.,....
- - - ! - - - -I - - - I- - -

o 00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 140 1600 1800

Figure 2.1 Total harmonic distortion (THD) factor of single-phase
inverter with phase shift voltage control versus phase shift
angle n.

Another means of expressing waveform distortion of an inverter is to nor-

malize or reference the voltage distortion produced, to that of a simple square-
wave (sqw) inverter without voltage control. Referring again to Eq. (2.14),
when a = 1, then thevoltage harmonic distortion for thiswaveform is1
THD sq w 2 (2.15)
n = 3,5,7, ...

Itshould be mentioned that another definition of THDis also in use.Inparticular, Europe-

ansfrequently use thr--e_tl_o_rm _


n =
L3,5,7, ...
where V denotes theRMS value of the overall waveform. This expression hasthe
advanta~~f always being between zeroand one but is rarely usedin the u.s. literature.
Harmonic Current Distortion Factor 61

From Dwight [1] entry number 48.12, it can be determined that

111 1t
2 2
= - (2.16)
3 52 7 8

so that

THDsqw = J( ~2 -1) = 0.4834 (2.17)

The effectiveness of the phase shift method of voltage control can be quan-
tified if one expresses the voltage harmonic distortion as a per unit of the dis-
tortion obtained with the pure square-wave inverter:

v THD sq w

An alternative and perhaps more realistic per unitization for motor drive
applications is to compare the harmonics produced by the phase shift method
of voltage control to the harmonics produced by a square-wave inverter in
which the OC link voltage is controlled so as to produce constant volts per
hertz. That is, the DC voltage is continuously varied so as to obtain the desired
fundamental component. In this case it can be readily shown that

D = 1 THD (2.18)
v (~)THDsqw

where VI, max denotes the fundamental component when the DC link voltage
is at its maximum value. A plot of the normalized total harmonic distortion as a
function of the overlap angle a is shown in Figure 2.2. Note that when com-
pared with DC link voltage adjustment, the harmonic distortion produced by
phase shift type control is only effective near rated voltage, i.e., in the range
from 100 to 80% voltage below which point the distortion increases rapidly.

2.2 Harmonic Current Distortion Factor

While it is the output voltage which is the quantity that is controlled in a volt-
age source/stiff inverter-type system, it is the current which is frequently of
most interest, since losses, output power, etc. typically involve this quantity
rather than voltage directly.
62 HarmonicDistortion

- - - ii - - - -I - - - I - - - -I
i '
- - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- - -

... , ._. _.. - .+ ..-

4 .1 ... .j. -1- - _.

.. T' \'.' "'\ . - r _.

_ _ _! _ _ _ J. _ _ _ '_ _ _ _I _ _ _ .!.. _ _ _' _ _ _ ....! _ _ _ '_ _ _

"--' ... -I ..- 1

c I

~ 2 - - -! - - - 1 - - - ,- - - -, - - - i - - - I- - - "I - - - ,- - -

_ _ _! _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ '_ _ _ _' _ _ _ .!.. _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ '_ _ _

- ..... "-1 _... t 1_ , .. ............ ,._. -' '1 _. -- ..- t ._. _ .


o 00 200 400 600 800 100 120 140 160 180


Figure 2.2 Total harmonic distortion of phase-shift method of voltage

control normalized to distortion produced by a variable DC
link type of voltage control.

Defining the current harmonic distortion in the same manner as for volt-
age, one can state that

THD;= (2.19)
n = 2,3, ...

The current waveform is, of course, dependent upon the load impedance and,
as such, cannot be predicted or characterized in advance. However, in many
applications, the load can be characterized by a lossy inductance, that is, by an
inductance with a relatively small but nontrivial resistance. In this case, the
harmonic current amplitudes can be approximated by the expression,

In =nOll
n = 2,3,4,... (2.20)

where 001 is the angular frequency of the fundamental component of the current
waveform. If DC components do notexist,
Harmonic Current Distortion Factor 63

THD. = -
L(V \')2

nn (2.21)

Normalizing this expression with respect to the quantity (VI / to I L) the

weighted total harmonic distortion (WTHD) becomes defined as

I f(:n)2
WTHD = ~ n=2

It should be noted that the inductance L in the normalizing expression is

taken to be essentially the total motor (stator plus rotor) leakage inductance in
the case of an electrical machine load. In more exact form the proper induc-
tance to be used for an induction machine is
L =L + m 2 (2.23)
o 1 L m + L2

where L I , L 2, L m correspond to stator leakage, rotor leakage, and magnetizing

inductances, respectively. In the case of an induction motor load the nonnaliz-
ing ratio VI / co 1L(1 thus corresponds to the maximum motor inrush current [2].
Again, specifically considering the phase-shifted single-phase inverter as
an example, its WTHD becomes

00 cosn-
~ 5, ... :4[ cos;
WTHD = (2.24)

The weighted total harmonic distortion factor for phase shift voltage control is
plotted in Figure 2.3.
For purposes of comparing various types of switching algorithms the
WTHD can be normalized by comparing it to the WTHD obtained with a sim-
ple square-wave voltage inverter, in which case

WTHDsq w = (2.25)
64 Harmonic Distortion

0.4 - - -I - - - -+ -- - - 1- - - -I .- - .- J.- -- .- - f- - - -i - - -

- - -I - - - T - - - ,- - - -, - - - r - - - ,- - - i -

:i 0.3 .... - _. ~. ... .... ..1 ..

'-' ,
, 1 i

o - - -I - - - -+ - - - 1- - - -I - - - J.- - - - 1- - - -i - - - I- - -

~ 0.2 - - -','- - -- T - .- ._. ,'" "-, ...

....1 ... ... .... ' ... . .._1 ... I...


0.1 - - t- - - -1- - - -t - - - r- - -

I , I
- - -
- - - -I - - - I - - - -I - - - - - -

00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Figure 2.3 Weighted harmonic distortion factor (WTHD) as a function

of the switching angle a for the single-phase inverter with
phase shiftvoltage control.

Referring again to Dwight[1], entry 48.14 canbe found in which


so that

WTHD sq w = J;:-1 0.1212 (2.27)

2.3 Harmonic Distortion Factors for Three-Phase

Thevoltage distortion factor forthethree-phase quasi-square-wave (qsqw) VSI
canbe found in much thesame way as forthesingle-phase inverter. Inthiscase

THD qsqw == ..!..+..!..+_1_+_1_+_1_+ ... (2.28)

2 2 2
52 7 11 13 17 2
Harmonic Distortion Factors for Three-Phase Inverters 65

The infinite series inside the radical can be written as


THD qsqw = J~2-1 = 0.3108 (2.30)

Note that this result is a substantial reduction from the single-phase case where
the equivalentfactor was 0.4834.
A weighted total harmonic distortion factor can also be derived for this
converter. It is not difficult to show that if one again assumes a highly induc-
tive load

I 4
WTHD qsqw = - - 1 - 4- -
96 3 96

J::6 1

= 0.0464 (2.31)

This figure is also a vast improvement over the 0.1212 factor obtained for the
single-phase voltage source inverter.
The THD for a three-level inverter can be computed in a similar fashion.
The RMS value of the line-to-neutral voltagefor the three-level case with a 30
zero phase leg voltage step (minimum THD) can be computedas

vr~s = ~ f
v;s de

66 Harmonic Distortion


vrms =
TVdc (2.33)

Utilizing Eq. (1.77) the THD of the line-to-neutral voltage for a three-level
inverter is therefore, from Eq. (2.10),

THD = -1 = 0.1686 (2.34)

2j2 . 51t

One can note that this result is a substantial improvement over the value of
0.3108 obtained for the two-level case. It can be shown in the same manner
that the minimum THD for four- and five-level inverters is 0.1186 and 0.0943,
Since additional capacitance enters into the picture as a parameter, generic
figures of merit such as THD and WTHD in the case of a current source
inverter become difficult to define. However, if the finite slopes of the current
waveform are ignored, the weighted THD can be defined in the same manner
as for the VSI, as

n = 5,7,11, ...
WTHD = ---------- (2.35)

From previous results, however,

from which

WTHDqsqwc = ~9
~-1 = 0.3108 (2.37)

which is, ofcourse, the same value as the THD for the quasi-square-wave volt-
age inverter. This result is roughly six times greater than the WTHD obtained
for the quasi-square-wave voltage source inverter. However, this result is mis-
leading since the WTHD in the case of the VSI was normalized by the quantity
Choice of Performance Indicator 67

VI, rms/ eo I L which is essentially equal to the inrush current of the machine
while the WTHD for the CSI was normalized by the rated current. Hence,
assuming a motor load, if the per unit inrush current is about six times the rated
current (a very typical value), then the two inverters produce the same amount
of harmonic current under rated current conditions. Moreover, assuming that
the DC link voltage for the VSI remains constant independent of load, the cur-
rent distortion for the CSI, for the same ratio of inrush to rated current, will in
reality be less than the VSI for all loads less than rated load.

2.4 Choice of Performance Indicator

The single-phase voltage source inverter redrawn as Figure 2.4 is one of the
simplest power electronic converter topologies and is used to create a variable
magnitude, variable frequency AC voltage output from a fixed magnitude DC
supply voltage. However, since the PWM techniques used to modulate this
converter form the basis of almost all other fixed frequency converter modula-
tion strategies, it is the most appropriate place to begin. Note that the DC bus
voltage is again shown as a split supply arranged around a zero voltage mid-
point, for convenience of representation of the modulating reference wave-
forin. In practice, this supply midpoint usually does not physically exist.
As an example of how the THD performance indicator fails to provide a
useful comparison, consider the results of two modulation algorithms shown in
Figure 2.5 in which the switching points have been adjusted to provide the
same fundamental component. The first method is derived from what is nor-
mally termed naturally sampled modulation in which the pulses vary nearly


Phase Leg a Phase Leg b

Figure 2.4 Topology of single-phase voltage source inverter.
68 Harmonic Distortion

- ~

0 1t 21t

~.5 -0.5

-1.0 ... .... -1.0

Figure 2.5 Two switched voltage output waveforms of a single-phase
inverter having the same fundamental component.

sinusoidally across a period in order that its time integral approximates a sine
wave. The second waveform is a simple center-notching method with little
regard toward harmonic suppression but with a center "notch" removed to pro-
duce a desired fundamental component. By definition, from Eq. (2.10), the

THD can be expressed as

THD = ( V -1 (2.38)


Vrms = T1 v(t) 2dt (2.39)

Upon squaring either of the two waveforms it is evident that all of the neg-
ative portions have the same squared value as the positive portions. The RMS
value of either waveform is
Hence, the RMS value of either waveform is identical and the THD is, in fact,
nearly the same, differing only because the normalizing fundamental compo-
nents differ. It can be recalled that the energy stored in a capacitor is propor-
tional to the square of its voltage. In like manner the square of the RMS value
of any waveform can be equated to an energylike average per cycle associated
with the waveform. Since a spectral plot is simply another means for portray-
ing this energy, this result says, in essence, that while the location of the fre-
quency domain spectral lines can be shifted by modulation, the total energy
Choice of Performance Indicator 69

content in a given waveform cannot be changed no matter what PWM algo-

rithm is used.
While this simple example uses a single-phase inverter, similar examples
can easily be formulated with the three-phase half- or full-bridge versions.
Clearly, very misleading results can be produced when THD is used as a figure
of merit. Nonetheless, the THO remains a useful figure of merit for sizing filter
requirements at the input side converter since voltage distortion is an important
criterion for specifying a clean voltage waveform.
Another possibility for a comparison base is the weighted value of THO. In
this case the lower portion of the frequency spectra is weighted more heavily
(i.e., inversely with frequency), accurately portraying the expected harmonic
current of an inductive load. While other types of weighting could be intro-
duced to account for nonlinear effects such as hysteresis or eddy current effect,
this performance index is clearly the most widely applicable choice and will be
adopted in this text.
Although the WTHO uses a spectral weighting factor, it is useful to note
that this quantity need not be computed by spectral decomposition, i.e., calcu-
lation of the harmonic spectrum of the waveform. In general, because of its
inherent symmetry, the AC inverter output phase voltage can be expressed as
an even function in terms of cosinusoidal harmonics by

v(e) = L Vncosne where e = wt (2.41)


If one integrates both sides and squares the result,


Integrating both sides of the equation again, this time over a period of the fun-
damental component, yields

70 HarmonicDistortion

Note that all of the terms on the right-hand side of this expression containing
the product of trigonometric functions of two different frequencies equal zero
when integrated over one period.
Recall from Eq. (2.22) that

WTHD = ------ (2.44)

In terms of the results ofEq. (2.43),

; {x (~ V(9)~rd9
WTHD = - - - - -2- - - - 1 (2.45)
Equation (2.45) can be used to numerically calculate the WTHD in closed
form rather than from the summation of harmonic components which is the
usual method. This method removes the uncertainty in terminating the har-
monic series at some point to provide a given accuracy.

2.5 WTHD of Three-Level Inverter

As an example of computing the weighted THD using Eq. (2.45), consider
again the three-level inverter of Figure 1.25, and its voltage waveform plotted
in Figure 1.26. Expressing the waveform as an even function, then over the
first 90 the line-to-Ioad neutral voltage is

for 0 < e < 12


c. 1t < n 1t
V1_ n (8) = Vde lor 12 - o < 4:

n) 2V 1t<851t
v/- n ( U =3 de
lor 4- <12
V/ - n(8) =0 c.
lor 12 - - 2:
Because of symmetry the waveform needs only be defined and WTHD com-
puted over one-quarter cycle, taking care to define an even (cosine) function so
WTHD of Three-Level Inverter 71

as to not produce an average voltage component as a result of the initial condi-

tion. In this case the WTHD becomes

nl2 ( 9

~~ ~ V(O)d9 j dO
WTHD == -----
- - - -1 (2.46)
The integral inside the square brackets can be obtained piecemeal by inte-
grating in four parts, as follows:

f vt_n(O)dO = vdcjo for 0<8<

- 12
f Vt_n(O)d9 = VdC{~ ~ + (0 - 11t~ } for ~<8<!!
12 - - 4

f Vt_n(O)dO = {
VdC j I; + ~ + ~(O -~) } for !! < 8 < 51t
4- - 12

f vl_n(O)dO = V
{43 121t +1t+2
6 36
1t} for 51t<8<!!
12 - - 2
so that
~ e 2

o 0
V1_n(O)dO) dO = over O~O<I;

J: (J
~ 9 2
1t <8 1C
Vt_i O)d9) dO = over 12 - < 4
i2 0
J~2 (f Vl_n(O)dO)
51t 2
2 1091t 1t<8 57t
dO = Vde 5832
over :4 - <12
4 0

~ e 2

Is: (I Vt_n(O)dO) dO = over 51t<e<~

12 - - 2
12 0
72 Harmonic Distortion

Summing these terms gives

Substituting Eqs. (2.47) and (1.77) (multiplied by J2 to return to peak funda-

mental magnitude) into Eq. (2.46), one obtains finally
4 3 149 2
~1t 3888 Vdc
WTHD = (4. 51t )2 - 1 = 0.0161 (2.48)
~sln12 Vdc

Comparison with the similar expression for a conventional two-level nonmo.d-

ulated ("square-wave") inverter having two-levels, 0.0464 in Eq. (2.31), indi-
cates a reduction of 65% when adopting three-level inverter operation. Table
2.1 summarizes the performance of nonmodulated square-wave inverters for
up to five levels. In this case, because of the increasing complexity, the WTHD
of the four- and five-level inverters have been simply computed numerically by
use ofEq. (2.46). These values ofWTHD can serve as good values for compar-
ison with the various pulse width-modulated algorithms to be developed.

Table 2.1 Figures of Merit for Five Types of Nonmodulated (Square-Wave) Inverter
RMS Fundamental RMS Phase
Inverter Type THD(%) WTHD(%)
Phase Voltage Voltage

Single-phasebridge 0.4502Vdc 0.5Vdc 48.34 12.12

Three-phasetwo- 0.4502Vdc 0.4714Vdc 31.08 4.64

level bridge

Three-phasethree- O.4348Vdc 0.441 Vdc 16.86 1.61

level bridge

Three-phase four- 0.4321 r: 0.4351 Vdc 11.86 1.12

level bridge

Three-phase five- 0.4311 Vdc 0.4330Vdc 9.43 0.987

level bridge
The Induction Motor Load 73

2.6 The Induction Motor Load

It has already been demonstrated that WTHD is superior to THD as a figure of
merit for a nonsinusoidal converter waveform since WTHD predicts the distor-
tion in the current and subsequent additional losses which is typically the
major issue in the application of such converters. However, it should be
recalled that Eq. (2.22) was derived assuming that the (small) load resistance
and inductance were constant. When the load is passive, this assumption is
generally quite valid. However, when used with a motor load, special precau-
tions must be taken because of the nonlinear nature of the load impedance. The
assumption of constant inductance and resistance remains valid for the stator
circuit of any random wound AC machine. However, the shorted bars of the
rotor of an induction motor produce special problems due to deep bar effect
which causes the rotor current to rise to the air gap side of the rotor bars. The
overall result is that the resistance and inductance of the rotor circuit become
frequency dependent.

2.6.1 Rectangular Squirrel Cage Bars

Consider the simple rectangular bar placed in an iron slot as shown in Figure
2.6. The total IR drop across the length of the bar at any height y can be
obtained by integrating the electric field over the length of the bar, i.e.,

VR = JE.dl

where I denotes the length of the rotor bar in the laminations. It is shown in [2]
that the voltage drop reduces to

b sinhyd)


Y= Jjro;Jlo (2.51 )

and rob is the angular frequency of the EMF impressed on the rotor bar, flo is
the permeability of air, and p is the resistivity of the conducting bar. Note that
the resistive drop is a maximum at the top of the slot where the parameter
y = d.
74 Harmonic Distortion

Figure 2.6 Rotor bar embedded in laminations.

The total flux crossing the slot above the height y which therefore links the
current below y is

/ d

~m(y) = m dy dz
o y

= ~oIml(cOshYd- coShyy) (2.52)

ybs sinhyd
The total IX drop across the length of the bar at any height y is therefore

/ d

VL = ata B m dy dz (2.53)
o y

or in complex form


~ = jrobJlolml (coshyd - COSh yy) (2.54)

L y b, sinhyd
The Induction Motor Load 75

Note that the reactive drop is zero at the top of the slot and a maximum at the
bottom of the slot, just the reverse of the resistive drop.
The total voltage drop along the bar at an arbitrary height y is the sum of
the inductive and resistive drop or

= YPlm/(C?ShYY) +j(j)bJlolml(cOShY~- COSh yy) (2.55)

b slnhyd y b, slnhyd

which can also be written as [2]

V = yplml coshyd (2.56)

bar b sinhyd
Note that the total drop down the length of the bar is constant, which is to be
expected since all of the current filaments are "connected" in parallel. The cur-
rent distribution in the bar may be thought of as the superposition of a uniform
(average) current and a circulating current flowing additively at the top of the
bar and negatively at the bottom, directed in such a way as to oppose the time
rate of change of slot leakage flux. The deep bar effect forces current to flow in
the part of the conductor area which lies at the top of the slot and the effective
resistance is many times (usually three to four times) as large as the round bar
or shallow bar rotor. In the case of the double bar rotor, the resistance of the top
bar usually has a higher resistance than the bottom bar, making the effective
resistance at starting even larger if desired.
Equation (2.56) can be written in terms of the DC resistance of the bar if it
is recalled that for a rectangular bar


Hence, the effective impedance of the bar is

Zbar = -1-

= R (ydcoshyd) (2.58)
de sinhyd-)
The real portion of the impedance representing the AC resistance of the bar
can be readily evaluated as
76 HarmonicDistortion

R = adR (sinh2ad + sin2a~ (2.59)

ae de cosh2ad - cos2adJ


a = JOl;~o (2.60)

The imaginary component of the impedance represents the reactance of the bar
and is

x = adR (sinh2ad- sin2a~ (2.61)

ae de cosh2ad - cos2adJ
The inductance of a rectangular bar in a slot is [2]
L de = Jl (2.62)
so that Eq. (2.61) can also be writtenas

X = ~ OlbLdC( sinh2ad - sin2at!\ (2.63)

ae 2 ad cosh2ad - cos2adJ
The AC inductance is therefore

L = ~LdC( sinh2ad- sin2a~ (2.64)

ae 2 ad cosh2ad - cos2rUJ)

If ad is large, Eqs. (2.59)and (2.61) can be approximated by

Rae = adR dc (2.65)

Lac = 2ad (2.66)

Equation (2.65) can, by use of Eq. (2.57), be expressed in the form

Rac = ~(ad)

Hence,for sufficiently high frequencies, the AC resistance can be calculated in

the same manneras for the DC resistance if one replaces the actualdepth of the
bar d by an equivalent depth 1/0,. The quantity 1/0, is called the skin depth and
The Induction Motor Load 77

the fact that the current distributes itself unevenlyover a conductor due to sinu-
soidal excitation is called the skin effect. A plot of Rae and Lae normalized with
respect to their DC values is given in Figure 2.7.
One can write Eqs. (2.65) and (2.66) directly in terms of frequency if it is
noted that

Defininga "bar" or "break" frequency

OlhO =
.le.. (2.68)
one can also write Rae and Laefor large ad (high frequency) as

4.5 r-----r----T----,.----r---~-___t_--__r_-__,



3 -----------"1------------+----------- -----------


(L adL~c) actual

o O.S 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Figure 2.7 Sketch of normalized resistance and inductance of solid bar

in a slot as a function of ad and their approximations.
78 Harmonic Distortion


3 Lde
L ae - 2 ,..--- (2.70)
Jrob/ro Ob

If the DC value of Rae and Lae are assumed below rob/roOb = 1 and 9/4,
respectively, and high-frequency approximations are used above these values,
the dashed lines of Figure 2.7 are obtained. A good approximation is obtained
which can be used to estimate the harmonic distortion caused by the fre-
quency-dependant rotor bar parameters.

2.6.2 Nonrectangular Rotor Bars

It is well known that the bar shape of a practical induction motor design is
rarely a simple rectangular structure as considered in Section 2.6.1. Indeed bar
shapes have been devised so as to minimize the losses due to inverter harmon-
ics. Since the analysis of the previous section was limited to this case, it is
appropriate to question the validity of the results for nonrectangular bars.
While a variety of shapes are possible, it appears that essentially all bar config-
urations possess a bar break frequency of the type identified as Eq. (2.68). The
frequency behavior of the rotor resistance and leakage inductance can typically
be approximated as a constant below this break point and as proportional (i.e.,
Rae) or inversely proportional (L ae ) to Jill
b l ill bO beyond this point. The bar
shapes can be shown to mainly affect the slope of the curves beyond the break
point. However, the analysis that has been performed can always be modified
to accommodate a different slope beyond the break point. For example, let K b
denote the multiplier which changes the slope from a unity value described in
Eqs. (2.69) and (2.70) obtained, for example, by finite element analysis. Above
the break frequency the AC resistance for the modified case can then be
expressed as

Ra~ = [Kb(JroblrobO-l)+ l]R de

= KbRae + (1 - Kb)R de (2.71)

The Induction Motor Load 79

which becomes

L '=
b l 00bOL ae
-~=====---- (2.73)
ae K b ( JOObl OObO - 1) + 1
Hence, when the ACresistance and inductance for a particular bar harmonic
has been calculated for a simple rectangular bar, the equivalent result can be
readily translated to a nonrectangular bar by Eqs. (2.71), (2.72), and (2.73).

2.6.3 Per-Phase Equivalent Circuit

Although the impedance has been determined for a single bar, in the balanced
steady state all of the bars of an induction motor experience the same
impressed flux (only with different phase relationships) so that the motor
equivalent circuit rotor impedance maintains the same frequency dependence.
Although a portion of the rotor circuit is comprised of the end ring portion,
again the same frequency dependence exists. Since the rotor can, for practical
purposes, be considered as rotating near synchronous speed, differing only by a
small slip, it can be assumed that the bar frequency is related to an arbitrary
harmonic impressed on the stator by
where the plus sign is taken when the stator harmonic rotates in the negative
direction, (i.e., 2,5,8,11,...) and the minus sign is used when the harmonic
rotates in the positive direction (i.e., 1,4,7,10,13,...). The frequency-dependent
rotor resistance and inductance can then be well approximated by

Rae = lJ.lnOlI R de (2.75)


3 L de
Lac - 2 (2.76)
J( (On (01)1(OOb
The resulting per-phase equivalent circuit for an induction motor with fre-
quency-dependent parameters is shown in Figure 2.8(a).
When high-frequency harmonics are superimposed on the fundamental,
superposition principles can be applied assuming that saturation is not too
severe. When the frequency is high, the slip frequency corresponding to an
arbitrary nontriplen harmonic is
80 Harmonic Distortion


(b) V:,

Vn' = L + L Vn
I m

Figure 2.8 (a) Frequency-dependent induction motor equivalent circuit

for nontriplen harmonic component and (b) approximation
with stator side referred to the rotor by Thevenin's theorem.

(On - (Or
Sn = ~ 1 (2.77)
where oi, is the rotor speed in electrical radians per second, and either the plus
or minus sign applies depending upon whether the harmonic is a positive or
negative sequence, respectively. If ron is sufficiently high, this expression
approaches unity regardless of the polarity of ron.
Because the rotor parameters are frequency dependent, it is useful to refer
the stator side of the circuit to the rotor rather than vice versa. Using Theve-
nin's theorem, the voltage observed at the air gap from the rotor side is
The Induction Motor Load 81

V' == V (2.78)
n r l + jron(L I + L m ) n

For sufficiently high frequencies, Eq. (2.78) can be conveniently approximated

V~ ':: L :L Vn (2.79)
) m
The Thevenin driving point impedance is obtained by shorting the voltage
source in which case
(r l + jronL] )jronL m
Z' == - - - - - - - (2.80)
In r 1 + jron(L) + L m )

Again, if the angular frequency ron is sufficiently high,

,_ L m +. (LIL m )
Zln=rILI+Lm i, LI+L m

r; + jronL,' (2.81)


L I' = L +L (2.83)
It is clear that the frequency dependence of the rotor parameters must
reflect the fact that the rotor is rotating, so that the fifth-harmonic stator volt-
age, for example, impresses essentially a fourth- or a sixth-harmonic voltage
on the rotor depending upon its direction of rotation, due to the fact that it is
positive or negatively rotating with respect to the rotor. In general, for harmon-
ics related to the fundamental component, the three-phase voltage waveforms
remain "balanced". That is, the three voltages have identical wave shapes but
are only phase shifted in time by one-third of a complete cycle. The rotation
sequence can be determined by dividing the harmonic number n by 3 and
examining the numerator of the resulting fraction (if any). If the numerator is
1, the sequence is positive and the minus sign applies in Eq. (2.77), while if the
numerator of the fraction is 2, the sequence is negative (the plus sign applies).
If the value of n is divisible by 3, the component corresponds to a zero
sequence term and should be omitted from the summation since this compo-
nent does not link the rotor.
82 Harmonic Distortion

2.7 Harmonic Distortion Weighting Factors for

Induction Motor Load

2.7.1 WTHD for Frequency-Dependent Rotor Resistance

A very simple figure of merit for the effect of impressing a nonsinusoidal volt-
age waveform on the rotor branch can be developed if one considers only the
frequency dependence of the rotor resistance and assumes that the rotor induc-
tance remains constant. In this case, referring to Eq. (2.69) and Figure 2.7, one
can approximate the variation of r 2 with frequency as

when (Ob > (OOb (2.85)

In the first case the loss in the rotor resistance due to a single harmonic is
V' 2
P2n = 3~n'2 == 3[OOn(L/+ Lz )] '2 (2.86)

if stator resistance can be neglected. When normalized to the loss occurring

during the starting period (due to inrush current), this becomes


which reduces finally to

P2n = -l
(Vn)2 (2.88)
P2, inrush n VI
if it is assumed that the stator resistance drop is negligible compared to the
drop across the stator leakage inductance at the frequencies of interest.

When (Ob> (OOb'

Harmonic Distortion Weighting Factors for Induction Motor Load 83

P2n == (2.89)

or (2.90)

;;- ( n t l ) - -
Oll (V )2
n2 OlOb VI

One can now define a weighted harmonic distortion factor which includes
two sets of terms such that

WTHD bar ==

where no denotes the highest harmonic for which ffi b < ffiOb'
It is apparent that the geometry-dependent parameter ro1/ OlOb has an
important effect on WTHD since the second group of terms are weighted more
heavily with respect to frequency than the first group. In most practical cases
where pulse width modulation is used, the lower frequency harmonics are sup-
pressed and all of the harmonics are greater than mOb' so that one can define

== (~.
I )
L 00 rrr: V
.in t

The quantity co I / OlOb can be considered as a "bar factor" related to the design
of the machine over which the inverter specialist has little control, whereas the
remaining portion is most relevant for the purpose of selecting a PWM algo-
rithm. For 60 Hz operation the value of ro1/ mOb takes on values ranging from
0.25 for small machines (5 HP) to 4.0 for large machines (500 HP).
84 Harmonic Distortion

2.7.2 WTHD Also Including Effect of Frequency-Dependent

Rotor Leakage Inductance
Thus far, only the effects of frequency-dependent rotor resistance has been
considered. When the variation in rotor leakage inductance is also taken into
account, the procedure is similar. In this case three regions can be identified:
when rob s ro Ob (2.94)


The solution for the contributions to the WTHD from the first two ranges of
is the same previous work as in Section 2.7.1. A typical loss term for a har-
ro n
monic belonging to the third region is

Oln (0 1) 3/2
r 2( (2.98)

which, when normalized to the power dissipated during the current inrush
interval (assuming constant parameters under this condition),becomes

r (ro n (0 1) 3/ 2

Harmonic Distortion Weighting Factors for Induction Motor Load 85

This rearranges to

P2n 1 (1+~)2 (OlnOlI)3/2(V;)2

P2, inrush n [
J( Oln +- ro 1)/ mOb + 1.5-L'
OlOb VI'
Some simplification is possible if it is assumed that the primed stator induc-
tance L I' and the rotor leakage inductance L 2 are equal, a standard assumption
in induction machine analysis. Then, neglecting the effects of stator resistance
on the voltage ratio Vn' / VI' , Eq. (2.100) becomes

P2, inrush
I2.[ :
2[(n 1) :Olb J312 (~nl)2 (2.101)
(n 1)_1 + 1.5

A weighted THD factor, termed WTHD2, can now be developed as the

square root of three sets of terms in which Eq. (2.87) is used in the first region
where mb ~ mOb' Eq. (2.91) applies for harmonics in which
ffiOb < ffib ~ (9/4 )m Ob ' and Eq. (2.101) is applicable for values of harmonics
for which Olb> (9/4)m Ob . Again, the WTHD must be presented as a function
of the machine-dependentparameter m I / mOb rather than as a single number.
The resulting function is plotted in Figure 2.9 for the case of the quasi-
square-wave inverter. The complicated nature of WTHD2 prompts one to con-
sider acceptable approximations. In most cases the harmonic content of the
lower harmonics are negligible; indeed this result is the goal of most pulse
width modulation algorithms. In such cases it can be assumed that the har-
monic components of flux rotate in the air gap at a sufficiently high rate of
rotation that the rotor appears as essentially stationary. Hence, one can, in
effect, replace the bar frequency b == n 1 terms simply by n. The final result
for WTHD2 then becomes

WTHD2 == JWl + W2 + W3 (2.102)


n = 3k 1
k = 1,2, ...
86 Harmonic Distortion

::r:: 8
~ Eq. (2.31)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Bar Factor (J) 1/(J)Ob

Figure 2.9 Effect of frequency dependant rotor parameters on the stator

and rotor weighted total harmonic distortion.


W3 = (2.105)

In these equations nOb represents the highest harmonic for which rob < mOb
and n2b denotes the highest harmonic for which co b < 9/ 4co Ob ' Included in this
result also is the fact that third-harmonic components (zero sequence compo-
nents) of stator current do not link the rotor if the stator winding is an ideal
sinusoidally distributed winding. Hence, only values of n = 2,4,5,7,8,10,... are
included in the summation. Since the parameter ro1/mOb cannot be isolated
from the remainder of the expression, the WTHD2 is best portrayed as a func-
tion of co 1/ mOb or specified for particular values of ro1/ mOb. Note also that if
the stator and rotor leakage inductances differ appreciably, a more general
expression for Jf'3 based on Eq. (2.100) should be used
The exact and approximate functions are plotted in Figure 2.9 for the case
of the quasi-square-wave inverter. Since it can be recalled that the quasi-
square-wave inverter output has a full measure of nontriplen odd harmonics,
Harmonic Distortion Weighting Factors for Induction Motor Load 87

the approximation can be considered sufficiently accurate to be used as a figure

of merit.
One should note that at most only two harmonics can exist in the middle
region and could easily be approximated by relegating the lower of the two
harmonics to the first region and the upper one to region three. Also, if all of
the harmonics are sufficiently higher than (OOb' then only values in the third
region apply. Furthermore, if

(nl)- 1.5

Eq. (2. 101) simplifies to


which is simply four times Eq. (2.91). Again making the assumption that the
bar frequencies are sufficiently high that b ~ n, the frequency dependent
WTHD for this condition approximates to

00 )1/4
WTHD2 = 2 ( _1 (2.107)
n = 3k 1
k = 1,2, ...

This result is to be expected since Eq. (2.106) effectively assumes that the
rotor leakage inductance L 2n is zero and, since it has been assumed that
L 1' = L 2 , the current for all harmonics will be twice the value obtained when
L 2n is assumed as a constant equal to L I' .
It must be mentioned here that the assumption of ideal sinusoidally distrib-
uted windings. is a convenient mathematical artifice which is never realized
exactly in practice. In reality, the stator winding distribution is nonideal, mean-
ing the higher harmonic fields are set up in the air gap, that is, fields with sets
of poles which are an odd multiple of the number of poles set up by the funda-
mental component. In most practical cases a small third-harmonic spatial com-
ponent will therefore exist in the air gap when third-harmonic stator currents
are allowed to flow, so that a field is produced which does link the rotor bars.
This field can be shown to be single-phase in nature, i.e., stationary and pulsat-
ing in space. Since this effect is generally small, it is neglected here.
88 Harmonic Distortion

2.7.3 WTHD for Stator Copper Losses

The equivalent circuit of Figure 2.8 can also be used to obtain a suitable figure
of merit for stator losses. The ratio of stator resistive losses due to harmonic n
as a per unit of powerdissipated during the inrushperiod with fundamental fre-
quency voltage applied is
3[OOi L L2 )J r l
V' 2
3[00\(L/+ L2 )J r\
When 00I < ooOb and ooOb ~ 00I ~ 9/ 4oo 0b, both the stator resistance and the
rotor leakage inductance are constantand this expression reduces to


Hence, for harmonics, 0 ~ oob ~ 9/4oo bO' the stator loss WTHD is the same as
previouslyobtained for the rotor when rz and L z are constant, namely

WTHDI f :2 (~~)2

For operation above 9/4oo 0 b


(2.111 )
V' 2
3[001(L/+ L2 )J r l
which, after some manipulation and using the previous assumptions, becomes

PIn =12 4(n1) 2~\)(Vnr (2.112)

PI, inrush n [ 001 ] Ob VI

Again if it is assumed that the bar frequency for each harmonic is suffi-
ciently close to the corresponding stator harmonic frequency, then
Harmonic Distortion Weighting Factors for Induction Motor Load 89

PIn 1 4 (rot) (V )2

PI, inrush == n[~1

n - + 1.5
]2 ro Ob VI


A suitable expression for the stator WTHD is consequently


where no is the highest harmonic for which rob < 9/ 4ro Ob .

Finally, for sufficientlyhigh harmonic content (above 9/ 4roOb )

(n 1)(~)
so that, as a final figure of merit one can reasonablyapproximatethe frequency
dependentstator WTHD by means of the simple expression

WTHDI = 2 (2.115)
n = 3k I

which is simply twice the WTHD obtained by ignoring the frequency depen-
dence of the motor parameters. The factor of 2 is obtained by neglecting, in
effect, the rotor leakage inductance. If the inverterwaveformhas only high-fre-
quency harmonic content, this result demonstrates that WTHD as defined by
Eq. (2.22) remains a reasonable figure of merit for the stator losses of an induc-
tion motor but not for the rotor losses.
Figure 2.9 shows how the two WTHD terms vary as a function of ro 1/(OOb
for the case of a three-phase quasi-square-wave inverter. Also shown for refer-
ence is the WTHD which does not include the effect of frequency-dependent
parameters [Eq. (2.31)]. It is apparent that the deep bar effect has an important
effect on the losses, particularly when the fundamental component is substan-
tially greater than the characteristic bar frequency. The effect on the loss is par-
ticularly dominant in the rotor since the resistance corresponding to the rotor
bar harmonics increases with the bar factor while the stator resistance remains
independent of frequency.
90 Harmonic Distortion

2.8 Example Calculation of Harmonic Losses

The following induction motor is assumed to be powered by a quasi-square-
wave voltage source inverter:
HP= 50 HP VU,rms = 230 V 0)1 = 377 rad/s
rl = 0.03 Q r2= 0.04 Q
Xl = 0.1234 n X2 = 0.1176 n
X m=2.5 Q
For the condition of interest, the inverter operates in the field weakening mode
at two per unit frequency (based on the rating of the motor). The bar character-
istic frequency is determined to be O)hO = 300 rad/s. The task is to determine
(roughly) the motor losses due to the harmonic content of the inverter.

Since the angular frequency correspondingto two per unit is
0)1 = 2(377) = 754 rad/s
the characteristic bar factor is

~ = 754 = 2.51
mOb 300

The corresponding WTHDs from Figure 2.9 are

WTHD1 = 0.067
WTHD2 = 0.135
By definition,

n = (WTHD 1)2 = 0.0672 = 0.00449
P 1, inrush

WTHD Normalization for PWM Inverter Supply 91


V' = Xm V = ~ 230 = 126 5

I Xm+X 1 I 2.6234 Jj .

L' 754 LmL 1 = 2(0.1234}2.5 = 0.2352

(01 I = Lm + L 1 0.1234 + 2.5


0.00449(12:.5) 0.03 = 9.74 W/phase


2 2
n = WTHD2 = 0.135 = 0.0182
PI, inrush

which gives

L P Zn = 0.0182Pinrush =
0.0182( V1,)2

[rol (L l' + L 2 ) ]
Z rz

and eventually
~ P Zn = 0.0182(12~.5) 0.04 = 52.64 W/phase
LJ 0.4704

The total copper loss due to harmonic content in the quasi-square-wave

inverter is

187 W
n n n

which represents roughly 0.5% of the motor 50 HP rating.

2.9 WTHD Normalization for PWM Inverter Supply

In cases where the fundamental component remains constant or when the DC
link voltage is proportional to the fundamental AC component as is the case for
constant volts/hertz drives, the normalization of the WTHD by the fundamen-
92 Harmonic Distortion

tal AC component is a suitable choice. In' particular, note that the THD and
WTHD of the five inverter types shown in Table 2.1 do not change with fre-
quency provided that the DC voltage decreases in direct proportion. In this
case the fundamental component as well as all of the harmonics change by the
same value making the THO and the WTHDs independentof frequency.
In the case of a pulse width-modulated inverter, however, the DC voltage
remains constant while the fundamental component varies. On the other hand,
the harmonic components change relatively little, assuming the same ratio of
switching to output frequency, making the THD and WTHDs vary widely. In
fact, it is easy to see that when the fundamental componentapproaches zero [as
the modulation index (M) approaches zero], the distortion factors approach
infinity, clearly an unsatisfactory situation. The problem can be avoided by
simply choosing a normalization factor which is invariant as frequency
changes. For the case of the half-bridge inverter this quantity is conveniently
chosen as the value of the fundamental AC voltage existing when the modula-
tion index M equals 1, i.e., Vdc . Using the approximation b = n , the WTHDs
normalized to the inverter DC voltage become

"L..J l.v
2 n
WTHDO = ~--- (2.116)

n = 3k 1
k = 1,2,3, ... k
WTHDOI (2.117)
Vn )2

! 4 (

n=3k1 n n-+l.5 ]2

k = k + I, ... OOOb

WTHD02 = JWI + W2 + W3 (2.118)

Summary 93

nOb 2
WI ~ ~ (V n
L..J n r; )

n = 3k 1
k = 1,2,3, ...


1 4 (ffi 1)3/2( Vn
]2 mOb

W3 == .[;z [~l Vdc (2.121)

"u.+ 1 n - + 1.5

In these equations nOb again represents the highest harmonic for which
0) b < ffiOb while n2b denotes the highest harmonic for which rOb < 9/400 ob .
If desired the WTHD is readily obtained from these expressions by taking

WTHD == WTHDO Vdc == WTHDO (2.122)

WTHDI (2.123)
WTHD2 = WTHD02 (2.124)
These figures of merit will now be utilized throughout the remainder of this

2.10 Summary
The concept of the harmonic distortion factor has been extensively explored in
this chapter. The remainder of this text will treat the analysis of the many
PWM algorithms which exist for single-leg, single-phase, three-phase, and
multilevel three-phase inverters. A key to interpretationofthese algorithms is a
suitable performance criterion. This chapter has developed the concept of a
weighted total harmonic distortion for passive or active R-L loads in which the
resistance is either frequency independent or frequency dependent (i.e., induc-
tion motor load). It is now appropriate to tum to the major task at hand, the
derivation and assessment of inverter PWM algorithms.
94 Harmonic Distortion

[1] H.B. Dwight, Table of Integrals and Other Mathematical Data, 3rd ed., Mac-
Millan,New York, 1957.
[2] T.A. Lipo, Introduction to AC Machine Design, Vol. 1, University of Wisconsin
Power Electronics Research Center,University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1996.
Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg
One of the most widely utilized strategies for controlling the AC output of
power electronic converters is the technique known as pulse width modulation
(PWM), which varies the duty cycle (or mark-space ratio) of the converter
switch(es) at a high switching frequency to achieve a target average low-fre-
quency output voltage or current. Modulation theory has been a major research
area in power electronics for over three decades and continues to attract con-
siderable attention and interest. This is not surprising, since modulation is at
the heart of nearly every modem power electronic converter, but the enormous
amount of material published makes it challenging for a user to identify basic
modulation principles and apply them to particular implementations. Much
reported research has presented "new" or "improved" PWM techniques, which
are often only a straightforward variation of a previous approach. But it can at
times be quite difficult to see how they are related.

On the other hand, there have been a number of clear trends in the develop-
ment of PWM concepts and strategies since the 19705, addressing the main
objectives of reduced harmonic distortion and increased output magnitudes for
a given switching frequency and the development of modulation strategies to
suit different converter topologies.

Since the work presented in this book primarily relates to medium and
higher power level hard-switched inverters (i.e., above the 1 kW power level),
this chapter considers only modulation strategies which are appropriate for the
two major converter topologies in this power range, being the voltage source
inverter (VSI) and the current source inverter (CSI). While this chapter con-
centrates on VSI modulation, the principles are equally applicable to a CSI as
will be discussed in Chapter 9.

While there has been a wealth of research investigating the modulation and
control of lower power DC/DC converters, the actual PWM process for these
converters is usually a simple comparison between a reference waveform and a

96 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

sawtooth or a triangular carrier waveform. The operation and performance of

this strategy is straightforward and needs little elaboration in this text.
A more recent area of research in power electronic converters has been the
development of soft-switched resonant converters, and the selection of appro-
priate modulation strategies for this class of converters is a further area of
interest. Generally, closed-loop feedback modulation strategies are used for
this class of inverter, and their performance is more dependent on the perfor-
mance of the closed-loop controller than any intrinsic principles of PWM.
Since the focus of this book is more directed toward fixed-frequency hard-
switched PWM schemes, the modulation and control of resonant converters
and similar topologies will not be considered further in this book.

3.1 Fundamental Concepts of PWM

In principle, all modulation schemes aim to create trains of switched pulses
which have the same fundamental volt-second average (i.e., the integral of the
voltage waveform over time) as a target reference waveform at any instant.
The major difficulty with these trains of switched pulses is that they also con-
tain unwanted harmonic components which should be minimized. Hence for
any PWM scheme, a primary objective can be identified which is to calculate
the converter switch ON times which create the desired (low-frequency) target
output voltage or current. Having satisfied this primary objective, the second-
ary objective for a PWM strategy is to determine the most effective way of
arranging the switching processes to minimize unwanted harmonic distortion,
switching losses, or any other specified performance criterion.
It is interesting to note that despite the wealth of material that has been
published relating to PWM, only three significantly different alternatives for
determining the converter switch ON times have ever been usefully proposed
for fixed-frequency modulation systems. These alternatives are:
1. Switching at the intersection of a target reference waveform and a high-
frequency carrier (naturally sampled PWM).
2. Switching at the intersection between a regularly sampled reference
waveform and a high-frequency carrier (regular sampled PWM).
3. Switching so that the integrated area of the target reference waveform
over the carrier interval is the same as the integrated area of the con-
verter switched output (direct PWM).
Evaluation of PWM Schemes 97

Many variations of these three alternatives have been published, and it

sometimes can be quite difficult to see their underlying commonality. For
example, even the well-known space vector modulation strategy, which is
often claimed to be a completely different approach to modulation, is really
only a variation of regular sampled PWM which specifies the same switched
pulse widths but places them a little differently in each carrier interval.
In this chapter, the principles of PWM are developed in a generalized way
which can be used with any converter topology and modulation implementa-
tion. This development offers a more integrated perspective than that presented
in most technical papers and textbooks.
The fundamental basis of this development is that all fixed-frequency
open-loop PWM strategies can be explained in terms of
Switched pulse width determination.
Switched pulse position within a carrier interval.
Switched pulse sequence within and across carrier intervals.
The harmonic performance of a particular PWM implementation then
results from the effect of these three factors on
The harmonics generated by the phase leg switched waveform.
Harmonic cancellation that may occur between individual phase leg
switched outputs.
Note that switching frequency in this context is not regarded as a signifi-
cant parameter which changes harmonic performance - changes in switching
frequency affect the influence of the sideband harmonics because of attenua-
tion through the low-frequency filtering action of loads but have no direct
impact on the magnitude of these sideband harmonics.
In this chapter, the means by which naturally sampled and regularly sam-
pled PWM determine the switched pulse width of one phase leg of an inverter
is developed. The results of this development are then used in later chapters to
investigate the performance of multiple phase legs arranged as single- and
three-phase inverter systems.

3.2 Evaluation of PWM Schemes

Before proceeding with any investigation into PWM strategies it is necessary
to establish a common basis for comparing the performance of various algo-
98 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

rithms, and this has been the subject of considerable research work over the
years. Some researchers argue the merits of a particular PWM implementation
on the basis of diminished harmonics [1], others propose first- or second-order
filtered distortion performance factors [2], and others evaluate the RMS har-
monic ripple current in a typicalload such as an induction motor [3]. Many
variations of these approaches have been published, all with particular argu-
ments as to why the performance index proposed is preferable. Unfortunately,
one result of all this work is some confusion, since it becomes difficult to pre-
cisely compare the performance of PWM strategies presented by different
researchers. With recent PWM innovations claiming performance improve-
ments of fractions of a percent over previous approaches, it is important to be
sure how much of the improvement claimed is because of more careful physi-
cal implementation, rather than any intrinsic advantages of the new scheme.

In this text, particular care has been taken to compare all PWM variations
on exactly the same basis. The approach used is threefold:

First, where they are available, analytical solutions to the PWM strate-
gies that are to be compared are used to determine the magnitude of the
various harmonic components. This ensures that harmonics caused by
simulation roundoff errors or practical implementation. effects such as
dead time, switch ON-state voltages, DC bus voltage ripple, etc., are
not confused with intrinsic harmonic differences between the PWM
strategies being compared.
Second, PWM strategies are compared at exactly the same phase leg
switching frequencies. Where necessary (e.g., with discontinuous mod-
ulation strategies) the carrier frequency of a PWM implementation is
varied to ensure that harmonic comparisons are done at precisely the
same average device switching frequency per fundamental cycle.
Third, the first-order weighted total harmonic distortion factor WTHDO
(WTHD normalized to the fundamental component at a modulation
index of M = I) is used as a single-term performance indicator for more
rapid comparison of PWM alternatives. As explained in Section 2.2,
WTHD can be interpreted as the normalized current ripple expected
into an inductive load when fed from the switched waveform" and is a
widely applicable performance indicator which has a useful physical
Double Fourier Integral Analysis ofa Two-Level Pulse Width-Modulated Waveform 99

3.3 Double Fourier Integral Analysis of a Two-Level

Pulse Width-Modulated Waveform
The essential concept of a two-level pulse width-modulated converter system
is that a low-frequency target reference waveform is compared against a high-
frequency carrier waveform, and the comparison output is used to control the
state of a switched phase leg. When the reference waveform is greater than the
carrier waveform, the phase leg is switched to the upper DC rail. When the ref-
erence waveform is less than the carrier waveform, the phase leg is switched to
the lower DC rail. The resultant phase leg output is a stream of pulses switch-
ing between the upper and lower DC rails which (hopefully) have, as a funda-
mental component, the target reference waveform, but also incorporate a series
of unwanted harmonics generated as a consequence of the switching process.
Determination of the harmonic frequency components ofa PWM switched
phase leg output is quite complex and is often done by using a Fast Fourier
Transform analysis of a simulated time-varying switched waveform. This
approach offers the benefits of expediency and reduced mathematical effort but
requires considerable computing capacity (especially when analyzing PWM
systems with a higher carrier frequency) and always leaves the uncertainty as
to whether a subtle simulation roundoff or error may have slightly tarnished the
results obtained. In contrast, an analytical solution which exactly identifies the
harmonic components of a PWM waveform ensures that precisely the correct
harmonics are being considered when various PWM strategies are compared
against each other.
The most well-known analytical method of determining the harmonic com-
ponents of a PWM switched phase leg was first developed by Bowes and Bird
[4], who adapted to modulated converter systems an analysis approach origi-
nally developed for communication systems by Bennet [5] and Black [6].
The analysis process assumes the existence of two time variables
x(t) = ffi c l + 8 c andy(t) = ffi o t + 8 o , where

Ole = 21t/Tc = carrier angular frequency (3.1)

T; = carrier interval
8c = arbitrary phase offset angle for carrier waveform
100 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

roo = 21t/To = fundamental (sinusoid) angular frequency, roo < roc (3.2)
To = period of fundamental waveform
eo = arbitrary phase offset angle for fundamental waveform
These variables x(t) and y(t) can be thought of as representing the time
variation of the high-frequency modulating wave and low-frequency modu-
lated wave, respectively, with each of these variables being considered as inde-
pendently periodic. The problem of solving for the modulated f( t) waveform
can then be addressed by exploring the existence of a unit cell which identifies
contours within which f( t) is constant for cyclic variations of x(t) and y( t) ,
as depicted in Figure 3.1.
The value of the function f(t) = f[x(t),y(t)] within each contour region
over the unit cell represents the output phase leg voltage and can be repre-
sented in topological form as shown by allowing the z axis to take on the val-
ues of f(x,y) so that the functional dependence can be considered as three
dimensional. The x axis and y axis of the cell are scaled in radians correspond-
ing to the frequency of the modulating carrier and low-frequency fundamental
reference waveforms, respectively, and span from -1t to 1t. (Note that a span
of 0 to 21t is often alternatively used by many texts, but this makes no differ-
ence to the solution process which only requires cyclic variation of x and y
over 21t intervals. The range of -1t to 1t is used in this book to simplify the
form of the analytical solutions which are developed during the text.)
In general, the value of the function f[ x( t), y( t)] at any point in the unit
cell can be represented as a Fourier Series if it is assumed that the function is

f(x,y) = const

-7[ 7[ x


Figure 3.1 The unit cell.

Double Fourier Integral Analysis of a Two-Level Pulse Width-Modulated Waveform 101

periodic in both x and y. That is, identical unit cells are assumed to exist infi-
nitely in both the x andy directions as shown in Figure 3.2.
From Fourier transform theory [7], any time-varying function I(t) can be
expressed as a summation of harmonic components

.f(t) = "2 + "..J [amcosmrot+ bmsinmrot]

ao (3.3)
m= 1



am = ~ .f(t)cosmrot drot m = 0, 1, ... , 00 (3.4)



bm = ~ flt)sinmrot dest m = 1, 2, ... , 00 (3.5)


In Appendix 1, it is shown that a Fourier harmonic component form similar

to Eq. (3.3) can be developed for a double variable controlled waveform

Figure 3.2 Unit cells replicated in two dimensions.

102 Modulation of One InverterPhase Leg

A 00 00

f(x,y)= ;.0 + L [AOncosny + BOn sin ny] + L[Amocosmx + BmOsinmx~

n= I m=I (3.6)

00 00

+ [Amncos(mx + ny) + Bmnsin(mx + ny)]

m= I n=-oo
(n *- 0)

1t 1t

A mn = 2~2 f(x,y)cos(mx + ny) dx dy (3.7)

-1t -1t

1t 1t

Bmn = 2~2 f(x,y)sin(mx+ ny) dx dy (3.8)

-1t -1t

or in complex form
1t 1t

f(x,y)e dx dy (3.9)

Replacing x by Olet + ec and y by <Oot + eo' Eq. (3.6) can be alternatively

expressed in time-varying form as

fit) = T +L

[AOnCOS(n[Olot+ 90]) + BOnsin(n[Olot+ 90])] (3.10)

I~,~c_OtE tl
n =I Fundamental Compon.ent
& Baseband Harmonics

+ L [AmOCOS(m[Olet+ ge]) + BmOsin(m[Olet+ 9el)]

m= 1 1Carrier Hannonics

+ rAmnCOS(m[Olet+ge]+n[Olot+90]) 1
m= 1 n=-oo
(n *- 0) I SidebandHarmonics I
where m is the carrier index variable and n is the baseband index variable.
Double Fourier Integral Analysis ofa Two-Level Pulse Width-Modulated Waveform 103

It is useful to examine Eq. (3.10) carefully.

The carrier index variable m and the baseband index variable n define the
(angular) frequency of each harmonic component of the switched phase leg
output voltage, as (mille + nroo ) . This means, for example, values of m = 2
and n = 4 define the fourth sideband harmonic in the group of harmonics that
are located around the second carrier harmonic (i.e., within the second carrier
sideband group). This sideband harmonic will have an absolute frequency of
(2OO e + 4(00 ) radls, where roc is the carrier frequency and 000 is the target fun-
damental frequency.
Special groups of these harmonics occur for m = 0, where the harmonic fre-
quencies are defined by n alone, and for n = 0, where the harmonic frequencies
are defined by m alone. These groups are termed the baseband and the carrier
harmonic components, respectively. Note also that with this definition, the fun-
damental component of the switched waveform is the first baseband harmonic
component, although it is often useful to maintain it as a separate component.
The magnitudes of the harmonic components defined in Eq. (3.10) are the
A mn and the B mn coefficients, which must be evaluated for particular values
ofm and n for each PWM scheme to be considered. Equation (3.9) gives a gen-
eral form of the Fourier integral that must be solved to determine these coeffi-
cient values, once the integrals have been adapted to take account of the
particular switching pattern that is to be used. This adaption is discussed in
detail in this and succeeding chapters, but for now it is simply assumed that it
is possible to evaluate Eq. (3.10) for any particular values of m and n, to gener-
ate magnitudes for all the harmonic components that define the switched out-
put waveform of the inverter phase leg.
The first term ofEq. (3.10), A oo/2 where m = n = 0, corresponds to the
DC offset component of the pulse width-modulated waveform (if any).

The first summation term, (L ~= 1.) where m = 0, defines the output

fundamental low-frequency synthesized waveform and its baseband harmonics
(if they exist). This term includes low-order undesirable harmonics around the
fundamental output which should be minimized or (preferably) eliminated
with the modulation process (except for the n = 1 element which, of course,
defines the desired fundamental output waveform and must be retained).
104 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

The second summation term, (I.:= I ...) where n = 0, corresponds to the

carrier wave harmonics, which are relatively high-frequency components,

since the lowest frequency term is the modulating carrier frequency.

The final double summation term, (I.: = I.: =I -00 ) where m, n*-O,
in 0)
is the ensemble of all possible frequencies formed by taking the sum and dif-
ference between the modulating carrier waveform harmonics and the reference
waveform and its associated baseband harmonics. These combinations are gen-
erally referred to as sideband harmonics, and exist as groups around the carrier
harmonic frequencies.

In general the two angular frequencies roo and roc will not be an integer
ratio, and the switched pulse train created by the phase leg will not be periodic.
However, if the Fourier coefficient integral Eq. (3.9) is evaluated over very
many periodic cycles of the fundamental reference waveform instead of just
one cycle, eventually the integration of the carrier frequency cycles will also be
periodic for the same overall integration period. Hence, the harmonic solution
for fit) defined by Eq. (3.10) is valid even for the case where the switched
waveform is not periodic over one fundamental period To.
There does exist a possible source of error if the Fourier coefficients for
noninteger carrier ratios are evaluated over less than the very many fundamen-
tal cycles which may be required to achieve both periodic carrier and funda-
mental waveforms. Of course, such an error would affect only the predicted
magnitude of each harmonic component not its frequency, based on the har-
monic components defined in Eq. (3.10). However, it has been found that if
such errors exist in the theoretical solutions (and in most cases they do not), for
all reasonable carrier frequency ratios they are much smaller than the comput-
ing roundoff errors of simulation studies and can be neglected.

This is in sharp contrast to the more conventional method of determining

the harmonic components of a switched waveform by computing a Fast Fou-
rier Transform (FFT) of the waveform. This method is quite sensitive to both
the time resolution of the simulation and the periodicity of the overall wave-
form. In general, harmonic investigations of PWM strategies using time simu-
lation studies are only effective for exact integer carrier ratios, particularly if
the small magnitude sideband or baseband harmonics are the focus of study.
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 105

3.4 Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation

3.4.1 Sine-Sawtooth Modulation

The earliest and most straightforward modulation strategy is termed naturally
sampled PWM, which compares a low-frequency target reference waveform
(usually a sinusoid) against a high-frequency carrier waveform. A simple
example of this type of modulation is illustrated in Figure 3.3, showing one
phase leg of an inverter driven by a sawtooth wave carrier. It can be noted that,
as described earlier, the phase leg is switched to the upper DC rail when the
reference waveform is greater than the sawtooth wave carrier and to the lower
DC rail when the carrier waveform is greater than the reference waveform. To
obtain a sinusoidal output using this modulation strategy, the reference wave-
form has the form
M = modulation index or modulation depth (i.e., normalized output volt-
age magnitude) with range 0 < M < 1
0) 0 = target output frequency
eo = arbitrary output phase
and the use of the asterisk denotes the "commanded" or "target" value. Note
that the phase leg reference waveform can be made symmetrical about zero,
because the sawtooth carrier ramps from normalized values of -I to 1. With
this type of sawtooth carrier, only the trailing edge of the pulse varies as M
changes value, and hence this type of modulation is termed trailing edge natu-
rally sampled modulation.
The unit cell for trailing edge sawtooth modulation is shown in Figure 3.4,
where rather than !(x,y) having many areas of constant value in the x, y plane,
the function for the case of PWM switching simply has two values of + 2 Vdc
and 0 as a result of the circuit switching action. These values correspond to the
voltage potential of point a in Figure 3.3 with respect to the negative DC bus
point n for the two possible switching states of the phase leg. Note that defin-
ing the switched output with respect to the negative DC bus in this way rather
than with respect to the midpoint z of the DC bus, considerably simplifies the
mathematics of the Fourier solution at the trivial expense of introducing a DC
offset of + Vdc into the final solution.
106 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

r: D} T}
Mcos(root + 90 )
z + a
r; D2 T2

Phase Leg

Figure 3.3 Naturally sampled trailing edge PWM with half-
bridge (one phase leg) voltage source inverter.

The boundary between the two switched levels represents the locus of all
possible solutions to the switching problem defined as the intersection of the
sawtooth wave, defined along the x axis, and the sine wave reference com-
mand, defined along the y axis.
Over multiple carrier and fundamental cycles the sine wave waveform rep-
licates over the x,y plane as shown in Figure 3.5. As time t unfolds, x = Olct
and y = root define a straight line in the x, y plane with slope yl x = rool roc
= carrier ratio (note that both the carrier and fundamental angles are assumed
to be zero at time t = 0, or in other words both ec and eo are zero for this
discussion). Intersections of this line with the boundary locus between the two
switching voltage levels correspond to the actual switching instant for particu-
lar values of roo and roc as shown in Figure 3.6. Hence, if p is the number of



-1t o
Figure 3.4 Unit cell for trailing edge sawtooth modulation.
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 107

Figure 3.5 The x,y plane for trailing edge sawtooth modulation showing
solution for particular values of COo and coc.

the cell along the x axis counting from the origin, then for naturally sampled
trailing edge PWM the switching instants are defined such that
f(x, y) changes from 0 to 2 Vde when

x = n(2p - I) p = 0,1,2, ... ,00 (3.12)

and f( x, y) changes from 2 Vde to 0 when

x = n2p + 1tMCOSOlot p = 0,1,2, ... ,00 (3.13)

The function f(x,y) plotted versus Olct in Figure 3.6(b) is the switched
output of the phase leg. Note that when van' the voltage from phase leg output
to the negative DC bus, is plotted versus coot (projected onto the y axis instead
of the x axis) the waveform is the same as f( x, y), except it is scaled differ-
ently with respect to time (in radian measures of the modulated reference fre-
quency rather than the modulating carrier frequency).
Equations (3.12) and (3.13) specify the limits of the integration regions
defined in Eq. (3.9) for which f(x,y) is nonzero (and constant). Using these
limit definitions, Eq. (3.9) can then be adapted to become
108 Modulationof One Inverter Phase Leg



o 1t


Figure 3.6 Half-bridge switching for trailing edge PWM:

(a) x, y plane showing intersection of reference with unit
cells and (b) x, y plane showing resulting PWM voltage.

1[ 1[Mcosy
j(mx+ ny)
J mn -- -12
A mn +B 2Vde e dxdy (3.14)
21t -1[ -1[

which can be evaluated for particular values of the index variables m and n.
For m = n = 0 [the DC offset in Eq. (3.10)], Eq. (3.14) simplifies to

r; J
1t 1tMcosy
Aoo+lB oo = -2


= -2 r:
(1tMcosy+ n) dy = 2(21t 2 ) = 2Vdc (3.15)
1t 1t

When substituted back into Eq. (3.10), this gives a DC component of

Aoo Boo
- = Vde with - =0 (3.16)
2 2
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 109

For m = 0, n> 0 [the baseband harmonics in Eq. (3.10)], Eq. (3.14) sim-

1t 1tMcosy

A On +jB on = v~c e
j ny
dx dy
-1t -1t

= -2 J1t

(nMcosy + n)e jny dy


j n1t

e j n7t- e- )
= Vdc 1tMcosy( cosny + jsinny)dy + 1t ----
2 jn

The integralwithin the curly brackets is zero except for the case where n = 1,
while the second term is zero for all nonzero values of n, so that Eq. (3.17)
evaluates to


Equation (3.18) defines the magnitude of the fundamental harmonic of the

modulated waveform, which equals as anticipated the target reference defined
in Eq. (3.11), multiplied by Vde .
For m > 0, n = 0 [the carrier harmonics in Eq. (3.10)], Eq. (3.14) simpli-
fies to

1t 1tMcosy
] mO --
A mO +R V2
-1t -1t

V J1t (jm1tMCOSY -jm1t)

=...!!E. e -e dy
1t 2 jm

= .VdC2[
ejmrcMcOSYdy_e--jmrc i
dy] (3.19)
110 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

The first integral within the square brackets of Eq. (3.19) can be evaluated
using Eq. (A2.16), so that Eq. (3.19) becomes
. 2Vdc m
AmO+JBmo = -.-[Jo(mnM)-(-I) ] (3.20)
which can be reexpressed using (_I)m = cos mn as
A mO+ jB mo = j - [ cosmn-Jo(mnM)] (3.21)
For m > 0, n:t 0 [the sideband harmonics in Eq. (3.10)], the inner integral
ofEq. (3.14) evaluates to give

B -
Amn+J mn-

jny( jmtcMcoey -jm1t)
e -e
dy (3.22)
JmTt -1t

and, using Eq. (A2.15), this quantity becomes

A mn + jB mn = - }
d~[21t/Jn(m1tM) - e-
j mn
)J (3.23)

The second term in the square brackets of this expression is zero for all non-
zero values of n, and since
=e 2

Eq. (3.23) becomes

Amn + jB mn = -
j2 r: jn~
- e 2Jn (m1tM)
-m1t for n:t 0 (3.24)

which can be reexpressed as

A + jB = 2VdCJ (m1tM)(sinn!E- jcosn!El (3.25)

mn mn mn n 2 2J
Equation (3.25) is valid for all nonzero values of m and n, i.e., for
m = 1,2, ... ,00 and n = -00, ... ,-2,-1,1,2, ... ,00.
The complete harmonic solution for trailing edge naturally sampled modu-
lation of a half-bridge phase leg can now be formed by substituting the results
of Eqs. 3.16, (3.18), (3.21), and (3.25) back into Eq. (3.10), so that the time-
varying switched phase leg voltage v an(t) can be expressed in terms of its har-
monic components as
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation III


+ 2V
1 cosmn -J ( m1tM) ] sin(m[ roet + Sel)
m o
m= I

From Figure 3.3, it is clear that the phase leg switched output voltage mea-
sured with respect to the DC bus midpoint z is the same as the switched output
voltage measured with respect to the negative DC rail n, but with a - Vde off-
set. Hence Eq. (3.26) also defines the harmonic components of v az ( t), if the
first term which defines the DC offset is discarded.

Figure 3.7 presents the voltage spectrum for trailing edge naturally sam-
pled PWM for the conditions of a carrier ratio of 21 and a modulation index M
of 0.9. This plot shows the single fundamental low-frequency component pro-
duced by the modulation process, and the groups of sideband harmonics
arranged around the carrier and double carrier harmonics. Some sideband har-
monics from the triple carrier group can also he seen on the right-hand side of
the plot. All harmonic components including the fundamental have magnitudes
which have been normalized with respect to Vde , since this is the magnitude of
the synthesized output fundamental for a modulation index of 1.0 (this conven-
tion is followed throughout this book to allow exact comparisons to be made of
the various harmonic plots that are presented).

The WTHDO for this modulation strategy under these conditions is 4.03%,
but this of course varies with both the carrier ratio and the modulation index M
Figure 3.8 shows how the WTHDO changes with these parameters, where it
can be seen how the harmonic significance reduces with increasing modulation
index and an increasing carrier ratio. Note that the precise carrier ratios used in
this figure have no particular significance, particularly in terms of being odd
and/or triplen. The reader is referred to Section 3.8 for further discussion on
the issue of carrier pulse ratio.
112 Modulationof One InverterPhase Leg

- -
- - - - - -1- - - - -
- - - - - -1- - - - - -
== == ==
- - - - - -
=== ~ = ==
- -~
== == == ~
- - - - +- -
== WTHDO=4.03%~
- - r- - - - -
- - - - - -1- - - - - -

------------ =====l======r======C======
_____ 1 _ ~

- - - - - -1- - - - - - ----l------r
I r I
___ J L
- - - - - _1-
------ ----
- - --
-- ------
------ ----
- - - - - -1- - - - - ----l---- -+- - --
-- ------
--- --
- - - - - -1- - - - - ---1--- t - --- --
__ J _ - - - .:.. -
= === = =,=I === = __ J _
----------- -
-,- -
- - - - - - - - --1---

_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ __ J _
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - - ~ -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - - "'1 -
_J _
= = = = ==,= == = - 1 _ J _

- - - - - - ,- - -
- - 1 -


10-3 - - - - - _1- - J _
: : : : : : 1- : -1 -
- - - - - -1- - - ~ -
-------- --
I J _

10- 4 u..._ _~__u,...&..&.I. ......u.L.I~......."'_'__.w.&.......... ~.............~.........-.....


o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 3.7 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with trailing
edge naturally sampled PWM, M = 0.9, lei1 = 0
21 .

The reduction of WTHD with modulation index occurs primarily because

the magnitude of the first carrier harmonic reduceswith increasing modulation,
and this harmonic dominates the WTHD calculation. (It will be seen later that
the main carrier harmonics usually have no influence when phase legs are par-
alleled to make complete inverter systems since they become common mode
terms and cancel. Consequently the way in which WTHD varies with increas-
ing modulation index for complete inverter systems is quite different to that of
one phase leg.) The reduction ofWTHD with an increasing carrier ratio is eas-
ily identified as the reduced influence of the carrier and sidebandharmonics on
the WTHD calculation as they move toward higher frequencies.
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 113

I 1

10 - - - ~ - - - +- - -
1 1
I - - - "I - - - I - - - - - I - - - -, - - - -I - - -

8 ---r---'t---t----1'---"1---"1---"1----;---
1 I I I I
1 I 1
6 ~~"--_.....L..- - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - .J - - - .J .J - - - -' - - - -' - - -
1 I 1 I

4 ~~~-....;...--=---~ - - - - - - - - - - - ..! - - - ..! - - - -' - - -

I I p~31

2 --- r - - - T - - - i - - - i - - - , - - - -, - - - -, - - - ., - - - -I - - -
I I 1 I I I I

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Modulation Index M

Figure 3.8 WTHDO for one inverter phase leg with trailing edge
naturally sampled PWM for varying modulation indices and
carrier ratios.

Note that the WTHD results presented in Figure 3.8 (and in all other simi-
lar plots in this book) have been calculated using harmonic components taken
directly from Eq. (3.26) and normalized with respect to Vdc (i.e., effectively
the WTHDO expression developed in Section 2.9). This means that no adjust-
ment is made for changes to the magnitude of the fundamental component as
the modulation index varies. Such an approach provides a convenient compari-
son of the relative levels of harmonics produced by various modulation strate-
gies and operating conditions, but does not give an indication of the
significance of the harmonics compared to the fundamental target component.

If WTHD relative to the fundamental synthesized component is required,

the results presented in Figure 3.8 can be scaled by dividing their magnitudes
by the modulation index. However, this approach gives a relative WTHD of
infinity at a modulation index of M = 0, which while mathematically valid, is
less useful as a practical measure of the distortion level than an absolute value
of WTHDO based on the normalized harmonic components.
114 Modulationof One Inverter Phase Leg

3.4.2 Sine-Triangle Modulation

The more common form of naturally sampled PWM uses a triangular carrier
instead of a sawtooth carrier to compare against the reference waveform as
shown in Figure 3.9. With this type of carrier, both sides of the switched output
pulse from the.phase leg are modulated, which considerably improves the har-
monic performance of the pulse train. This type of modulation is termed dou-
ble-edge naturally sampled modulation.

r: D1 T1
z + a
r: D2 T2

Phase Leg

Figure 3.9 Double-edge naturally sampled PWM with half-bridge (one
phase leg) voltage source inverter.

A plot of the corresponding unit cell for sine-triangle single-phase modula-

tion is shown in Figure 3.10. Once again, the unit cell is defined over the inter-
val -1t < roct < 1t rather than from 0 to 21t for simplicity of result.



Figure 3.10 Unit cell for double-edge triangular carrier modulation.

Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 115

Using the same sinusoidal reference waveform as given in Eq. (3.11), the
switching instants for double-edge modulation can be expressed such that

X = Lnp - 2( I + Mcosroot)
p = 0, 1,2, ... ,00 (3.27)

for f(x,y) changingfromOto 2Vdc,and

X = 21tp + 2(1 + Mcosroot) p = 0,1,2, ... ,00 (3.28)

for f(x, y) changing from 2 Vde to o.

The switched voltage van(t) measured from the phase leg output to the
negative DC bus and plotted versus roct then becomes the waveform shown in
Figure 3.11. Under the integration limits defined by Eqs. (3.27) and (3.28), Eq.
(3.9) becomes
2(1 + Mcosy)


A mn +oB -
} mn - -1
2 f f 2 + ny) dx dy (3.29)
- ~(l + Mcosy)

which can now be evaluated for the various possible values of m and n.
y = root



x = (Oct
Figure 3.11 Half-bridge switching for double-edge PWM:
(a) x, y plane showing intersection of reference with unit
cells and (b) x, y plane showing resulting PWM voltage.
116 Modulation of One InverterPhase Leg

For m == n == 0 [the DC offset in Eq. (3.10)], Eq. (3.29) simplifies to

2(1 + Mcosy)

J 1t
dx dy
- 2:(1 + Mcosy)

r; J[n(I + Mcosy)] dy =

= ~ 2Vdc (3.30)

Thus A oo = 2Vdc, Boo = 0, which gives the expected Vdc offset in the
final solution when the negative DC bus is taken as the switched reference
For m == 0, n> 0 [the baseband harmonics in Eq.(3.10)], Eq. (3.29) simpli-
fies to
2:(1 + Mcosy)

r: dxdy
- 2(1 + Mcosy)

7r; J[n(l + Mcosy)e


= jny
] dy


VdcJ[jn y M j[n+l]y j[n-l]YJ

== - e + -(e +e ) dy (3.31)
1t 2


Since e dy = 0 for any nonzero value of n, Eq. (3.31) reduces to


for the case of n = 1 only. For all other n> 1 , A On + jB on = O.Once again
this equals the target reference as defined in Eq. (3.11), times Vdc
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 117

For m > 0, n = 0 [the carrier harmonics in Eq. (3.10)], Eq. (3.29) simpli-
fies to
2(1 + Mcosy)

J ejm~dy
- ~(I + Mcosy)

j::2 J[/m~(1

+ Mcosy) _ e-jm~(1 + MCOSY ) ] dy (3.33)


Using Eq. (A2.16), this becomes

AmO+ jBmo =
jm: e 2J o
m"iM;~ - e-jm~2JO( -m"iM;
1t~] (3.34)

and since J o(-~) = Jo(~) from Eq. (A2.22),


This term defines the harmonics of the carrier wave itself.

For m > 0, n :t- 0 [the sideband harmonics in Eq. (3.10)], the inner integral
ofEq. (3.29) evaluates to

. _ r:

jm~(l + Mcosy)
-jm~(l + MCOS Y) ]
jm1t -1t

Vde 1t [ 7t
jny . 1t M cosy
jm'- . 1 tinv
-jm- . . 1t M cosy ]
= -
f e 2e e 2 -e 2 e e 2 dy
This integral expression then becomes, using Eq. (A2.15),

2Vde . 1t .1t . .1t]

1t tm: tn : -jm-7t -.I n -
- - J ( m- M e 2e 2_ e 2e 2 (3.37)
jmtt n 2
118 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

which simplifies to

A mn +jB mn = 4V
n ~ sin ( [m+n]-
- Jn ( m-M ~ (3.38)

These terms define the sidebands of the modulated wave. Note that since n is
both positive and negative, the voltage side bands are equally spread above and
below the central carrier wave harmonics.
The complete harmonic solution for double-edge naturally sampled modu-
lation of a half-bridge phase leg can now be formed by substituting the results
of Eqs. (3.30), (3.32), (3.35), and (3.38) back into Eq. (3.10), so that the time-
varying switched phase leg voltage van(t) can be expressed in terms of its har-
monic components as


4 r; ....;/0
~ 1 ( mn ~ n
2M)sinm2 cos(m[roct+9c])
m > I

+ 4:dCI I ;/lm~M)
m > 1 n =-00
sin([m + n]~

(n;f:. 0) x cos(m[ (Oct + e c] + n[ Olot + eo])

As before, Eq. (3.39) also defines the harmonic components of v az ( t), if the
first term which defines the DC offset is discarded.
Figure 3.12 presents the voltage spectrum for double-edge naturally sam-
pled PWM for the conditions of a carrier ratio of 21 and a modulation index M
of 0.9. Once again this plot shows the single fundamental low-frequency com-
ponent produced by the modulation process, and the groups of sideband har-
monics arranged around the carrier and double carrier harmonics. Some
sideband harmonics from the triple carrier group can also be seen on the right
of the plot. However, the significant feature of double-edge naturally sampled
PWM is that the odd harmonic sideband components around odd multiples of
the carrier fundamental, and even harmonic sideband components around even
multiples of the carrier fundamental, are completely eliminated by the
sin[(m + n)n/2] expression in Eq. (3.39). This is an intrinsic advantage of
double-edge naturally sampled modulation using a triangular carrier compared
to single-edge modulation using a sawtooth carrier.
Naturally Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 119

__ __ ...1_ _ L

::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 1- ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: -I - ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: t : WTHDO=4.00%
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - - -; - - - - - - t - - - -

== = == =1
I === = ===1I ===== II ==== = = II === = = =,=I = ====
------------- -------------------------
,- - - -
- - - - - - ,- - - - - - I -----l------r- - - - - - -
1 1 1 1
- - - - - _1- _ _ _ _ _ I - - - 1- _
------ -----
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I ------4----- to-
--- -----
- - - 1- - - - - -
------ ----- - ---------- -- --- -----
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - .,.1 ------1----- t- - - - 1- - - - - -
______ 1

- - - - - -1- - - - - - -1 -----------
=====J===== ir ===1=I =====
,- - - -
- - - - - -,- - - - - - I - - - - - 1 - - - - r - - - - - -
1 1 1
______ , I _ _ _ _ J _ L _ _ __ I _
--- -----
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - -l - - - - +- - - - - 1- - - - - -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -\ -- --1---- t - - - - 1- - - - - -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - - I ---------
== ==J====
_____ J _
~ -
- - - 1- _
- - - - - - 1- _ _ _ _ _ _I ~ -

,- - -
I 1 1 I
- - - - - - f- - - - - - -, -- --1---- r - - - - --
1 I 1
____ J _ L _
- - - - - - 1- I
------- - -- 1- - - - -
------ ----- -- -- I: -- -- - -
-- --
- - - - - -1- - - - - - I -- ---t---- t - -
- - - -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - -I - - - - to - - - 1- - - - -

r ----
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - I- - - - - - -1 -- I
------- I
- - 1
- - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ J ____ !- - - - 1
- - - -
------:- --r-- : -- ,- -
1 I 1 1

~ r - - - - - -
10- 4 "'-'Ii.- ~......................... ....... I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 3.12 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with double-
edge naturally sampled PWM, M = 0.9, lei10 = 21 .

It should be noted that while the WTHDO for this modulation strategy of
4.00% is almost identical to that of trailing edge naturally sampled PWM, this
is because the major harmonic contributor to WTHD in this case is the main
carrier fundamental at 2110, As will be seen later this carrier is eliminated for
all multiple phase leg converter topologies since it is a common mode compo-
nent, and the performance of the two PWM strategies then differ markedly.
Because of this carrier dominance, and since the carrier fundamentals are
very similar for trailing edge and double-edge naturally sampled PWM, the
variation ofWTHDO with modulation index for double-edge naturally sampled
PWM is virtually identical to that shown in Figure 3.8 and is not shown again
120 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

3.5 PWM Analysis by Duty Cycle Variation

3.5.1 Sine-Sawtooth Modulation

An alternative approach to calculate the harmonic spectrum of naturally sam-
pled PWM is to modulate the duty cycle of a simple buck converter with a low-
frequency sinusoidal reference [8]. This approach can be developed by consid-
ering the switching process of one inverter phase leg during a few arbitrary
cycles of the sawtooth carrier waveform, as shown in Figure 3.13.
If the reference waveform is assumed to be constant within each carrier
cycle (i.e., Ie 10 ) with a duty cycle of d = 1 + Mcosy, from Eqs. (AI.l),
(AI.2), and (A 1.3), the Fourier series of the resultant switched waveform is


van(t) = ~o + (amcosmx + bmsinmx) (3.40)

m= I

7t 1tMcosy

am = ~1 van(t)cosmxdx = 2 V
1tde cosmxdx
-1t -1t

2V de
= --[sin(m1tMcosy) + sin em] (3.41)

1tMcosy = 1tMcosroot


-Vde .......
x = roct
Figure 3.13 Production of PWM waveforms by comparison of sawtooth
carrier wave and low-frequency control input wave.
PWM Analysis by Duty Cycle Variation 121




; = ~ van(t)sinmx dx == 2 :dC sinmx dx

-1t -1t

dc 2V
= --[ cosmn - cos(mnMcosy)] (3.42)
Note that when m = 0, Go = 2 Vdc ( 1 + Mcosy) and bo = O.
From Eqs. (A2.2) and (A2.3)

L cosn~Jn(m1tM)cosny

cos(m1tMcosy) = J o(m1tM) + 2 (3.43)


L sinii~Jn(m1tM)cosny

sin(m1tMcosy) == 2 (3.44)

Substituting these relationships into Eqs. (3.41) and (3.42) allows Eq. (3.40),
the Fourier form of the switched output voltage with respect to the negative
bus, to be written as

van(t) = Vdc(l + Mcosy) + -

L m-[cosm1t
I -Jo( m 1t M) ]sin mx (3.45)
m= I

+ 4V
dc ~
LJ 1. ~
m LJ sinn
m = 1 n = I

_ 4Vdc ~
LJ 1. ~
m z: cosn
m= 1 n= I

Now consider next the behavior of the double summation terms.

For the first term, the result would be the same for negative n, since only
odd n terms can exist because sin(nn/2) = 0 for even n, and from Eq.
(A2.18), J_n(~) = -In(~)butalso sin(nn/2) = -sin(-n7t/2), foroddn.
122 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

For the second term, the result would also be the same for negative n, since
because cos(n1t/2) = 0 for odd n, only even n terms can exist, and from Eq.
(A2.18), J_n(~) = In(~) for even n.
Hence, the summation terms produce the same result if they are summed
from -00 to -1 rather than from 1 to 00. Alternatively, the summation can be
taken over both the ranges -00 ~ n ~ -1 and 1 ~ n ~ 00 provided the result is
divided by two. Thus Eq. (3.45) can be rewritten as

van(t) = Vdc(1 +Mcosy)+--
m= 1

1tdC ~;;1
+ 2V ...J ~ sinn'2Jn(m1tM)cosnycosmx
...J 1t

m> 1 n=-oo
in 0)

_ 2V ~ m.!. ~
1tdC ...J ...J cos n'2Jn(m1tM)
cos ny sin mx
m=l n=-oo
(n:l= 0)

Now, for each value of m, two terms can be taken from the inner summa-
tion expressions with the positive and negative values of n that have the same
absolute magnitude, say, for example, n = N. Consequently, using the trigo-
nometric identities
cosmxcosny = 2[ cos(mx + ny) + cos(mx - ny)] (3.47)

sinmxcosny = ~[sin(mx + ny) + sin(mx - ny)] (3.48)

these two terms when added together become

cosmxcosNy + cosmxcos(-Ny) = 2[ cos(mx + Ny) + cos(mx - Ny)]

+ 2[ cos(mx - Ny) + cos(mx - (-Ny]

= (cos(mx + Ny) + cos(mx-Ny)) (3.49)

PWM Analysis by Duty Cycle Variation 123


sinmxcosNy + sinmxcos( -Ny) = sin(mx + Ny) + sin(mx-Ny) (3.50)

If these substitutions are made for all values of n in Eq. (3.46), it becomes

dCI -[
2V 1
van(t) = Vdc( I + Mcosy) + - - coszsn - Jo(mnM)] sinmx (3.51 )
1t m
m= 1


m= 1 n
I =-00
;In(m1tM)sinn~cos(mx + ny)
(n 0)


m= 1 n
I =-00
;/n(m1tM)cosn~Sin(mx+ ny)
(n;t: 0)

Replacing x by roct + c and y by root + eo' it is evident that this result is
the same as Eq. (3.26) obtained in Section 3.4.1 using the double Fourierinte-
gral technique.

3.5.2 Sine-Triangle Modulation

A similar approach can be used to develop the harmonic spectrum of a sinusoi-
dal reference modulated by a triangular carrier. For a triangular carrier, the ref-
erence waveform has a duty cycle of d = (1 + Mcosy) / 2 , and once again is
initially assumed to be constant within the carrier interval. For this case, the
Fourier series corresponding to the resultant switched waveform becomes


van(t) = ~o + (amcosmx + bmsinmx) (3.52)

m= I

2(1 + Mcosy)

cosmx dx
- ~(1 + Mcosy)
124 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

= 4V
dC (1t2
-;; [ sin m ( 1 + McosY)j~J (3.53)

:2(1 + Mcosy)

1tdC J sinmx dx = 0 (3.54)
- !!( 1+ Mcosy)
Note that when m = 0, ao = 2Vdc(1 + Mcosy).
Equation. (3.53) canbe rewritten as

am = 4:~c[sinm~cos(m~MCOSY) + cosm~sin(m~MCOSy)J m*O

Using Eqs. (A2.2) and (A2.3), Eq. (3.52) then becomes

4 Vdc ~ 1 1t ( 1t ~
van<t) = Vdc(l+Mcosy)+~ LJ;;;sinm o m
2J 2M)cosmx
m= I

4 r; ~ 1 (
LJ ;;/0 m
Vdc( 1 + Mcosy) + 7
2M; sinm2 cosmx
1t 1t

m= I

+ 8: dCI I;JJm~M)sin([m+n]~cosny cosmx

m > 1 n= 1

4 ~ 1 ( 1t ~
Vdc(l + Mcosy) + ~ LJ ;;;Jo m
r: 1t
2M)sinm2 cosmx (3.56)
m > 1

+ 4VdC~ ~!J(m~M)sin([m+n]~l[cos(mx+ny) J
1t LJ LJ m n 2 2J + cos(mx-ny)
m= 1 n= 1
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 125

Equation (3.56) can be readily rearranged by changing the inner summation

limits to become

van(t)= Vdc+ VdcMcosy+---;-
r: L..J
~ ;/01 (1t ~ 1t
m2~sinm2 cosmx (3.57)
m= I

+ 4: i: i: ;JJm~u)sin([m+n]~cos(mx+ny)

m= I n =-00

(n ;t 0)

which is identical to Eq. (3.39) when x and yare replaced by (Oct + 9c and
co ot + 90 , respectively. The simplicity of this approach compared to the double
integral method should be apparent.

3.6 Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation

One major limitation with naturally sampled PWM is the difficulty of its
implementation in a digital modulation system, because the intersection
between the reference sinusoid and the triangular or sawtooth carrier is defined
by a transcendental equation and is complex to calculate. To overcome this
limitation the modem popular alternative is to implement the modulation sys-
tem using a "regular sampled" PWM strategy, where the low-frequency refer-
ence waveforms are sampled and then held constant during each carrier
interval. These sampled values are compared against the triangular carrier
waveform to control the switching process of each phase leg, instead of the
sinusoidally varying reference.
The sampled reference waveform must change value at either the positive
or positive/negative peaks of the carrier waveform, depending on the sampling
strategy. This change is required to avoid instantaneously changing the refer-
ence during the ramping period of the carrier, which may cause multiple switch
transitions if it was allowed to occur.
For a sawtooth carrier, sampling occurs as the carrier waveform falls at the
end of the ramping period. For a triangular carrier, sampling can be symmetri-
cal, where the sampled reference is taken at either the positive or negative peak
of the carrier and held constant for the entire carrier interval, or asymmetrical,
where the reference is resampled every half carrier interval at both the positive
126 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

and the negative carrier peak. These alternatives are shown in Figure 3.14.
Note that there is no concept of symmetrical and asymmetrical single-edge
PWM, because the phase leg switching transition is calculated every (saw-
tooth) carrier cycle.
Figure 3.14 shows that the sampling process produces a stepped reference
waveform which is phase delayed with respect to the original reference wave-

(b) Symmetrically Sampled Reference

(c) Asymmetrically Sampled Reference

Figure 3.14 Regular sampling for (a) sawtooth carrier, (b) symmetrical
sampling with triangular carrier (positive peak sampled),
and (c) asymmetrical sampling with triangular carrier.
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 127

form. For a sawtooth carrier and symmetrical sampling, this phase delay is one
half the carrier interval, while for asymmetrical sampling the phase delay is
one quarter the carrier interval. This phase delay can be compensated by phase
advancing the reference waveform to produce the result shown in Figure 3.15.

Sawtooth Carrier

Phase Advanced
Symmetrically Sampled Reference

Phase Advanced
Asymmetrically Sampled Reference
Figure 3.15 Regular sampling with phase advanced reference for
(a) sawtooth carrier - 1/2 carrier advance, (b) symmetrically
sampled triangular carrier - 1/2 carrier advance, and (c)
asymmetrically sampled triangular carrier - 1/4 carrier
128 Modulation of One InverterPhase Leg

Since the same result can be obtained by phase delaying the sampling point
on the original reference waveform rather than phase advancing the reference
waveform itself, it is clear that this adjustment only affects the phase of the
harmonics of the resultant PWM switched waveform, not their amplitudes.
Figure 3.16 shows how the width and the placement of the switching pulse
created by a phase leg varies depending on the carrier type and the sampling
process used. (Note that the change in the target reference within one carrier
interval is grossly exaggerated from normal in Figure 3.16 for purposes of
As can be seen from this figure, the effect of regular sampling is to change
the position of the switching instants within each carrier interval. This effect
can be reflected into the double integral harmonic integration of Eq. (3.9) by
changing the limits of the inner integral over which the function f(x, y) is non-
zero for each type of modulation.
In general terms, the solution to Eq. (3.9) for two-level modulation can be
expressed as


} mn -- - 1
A mn +B 2 (3.58)
-1t xr

where Xr = instant at which phase leg switches to 2 Vde

XI = instant at which phase leg switches back to 0 V

For naturally sampled PWM with a sawtooth carrier, these inner integral
limits have been previously identified as
x; = -1t xI = 1tMCOSOlot (= 1tMcosy) (3.59)
where the 21t rollover included in Eqs. (3.12) and (3.13) has been deleted for
convenience since it has no effect on the integration.
For naturally sampled PWM with a triangular carrier, the inner integral
limits have been previously identified as
= --(
2 I + Mcosro 0 t) (3.60)

where again the 21t rollover included in Eqs. (3.27) and (3.28) has been
deleted for convenience.
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 129


'\ Target


1------..--........- - - - . . . " . . - - - - - 1
Symmetrica t----+--+---,..,.---...+-+_~

\ Sampled Sampled
,\ TargetI

-1t o 1t

(a) Asymmetrical
NOTE: All sampling Sampled t-----~---1Iooo-f
pointsare phase delay

-1 1t

Figure 3.16 Switched pulse from one inverter phase leg for (a) sawtooth
carrier and (b) triangular carrier, for naturally and regular
sampled PWM alternatives (phase delayed sampling).

Using these limits, the harmonic components of a naturaIIy sampled PWM

waveform under a sawtooth or a triangular carrier have been developed previ-
ously as Eqs. (3.26) and (3.39), respectively.

In order to similarly calculate the harmonic components of a regular sam-

pled PWM waveform, it is now necessary to modify these inner integral limits
to take account of the effects of the sampling process.
130 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

3.6.1 Sawtooth Carrier Regular Sampled PWM

Figure 3.17(a) shows how the switching instants for regular sampling can be
determined by the intersection between the sampled sinusoidal reference wave-
form and the solution trajectory line y=y'+(roo/roc)x. Figure 3.17(b)
shows how the same switching instants can be determined by the intersection
between the continuous sinusoidal reference waveform and a sampled solution
trajectory where y is held constant within each carrier interval. Both
approaches create the samephase leg switched output, but the approach of Fig-
ure 3.17(b) is more mathematically tractable to evaluate since the sinusoidal
reference waveform remains smooth.



o 1t 71t
X = roct


Figure 3.17 Half-bridge switching for trailing edge PWM: (a) sampled
sinusoidal reference waveform and (b) solution trajectory
held constant within each carrier interval.
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 131

The intersection trajectory shown in Figure 3.17(b) is a staircase variable

y' , which has a constant value frozen at x = 0 within each carrier interval. For
example, during the first carrier interval, y' = 0; during the second carrier
interval, y' = --!!.21t; and so on. In general the value of y' within each carrier
interval can be expressed as
y' = -21tp (3.61)
where p represents the pth carrier interval in a fundamental cycle.
The staircase variable y' can also be expressed in terms of the continuous
variables x and y as
y' = y--(x-21tp) (3.62)
The inner integral limits of Eq. (3.58) for the case of regular sampled PWM
with a sawtooth carrier can now be defined using this new staircase variable as
xr = -1t XI = nMcosy' (3.63)
so that Eq. (3.58) becomes

1t 1tMcosy'

A mn + jB mn = Vd2c ej(mx+nY)dxdy (3.64)

-1t -1t

Equation (3.64) can be evaluated by changing the integration variable y to

y = y' + (roo/(Oc)x using Eq. (3.62), where the 21tp rollover term associated
with x can once again be discarded since it has no effect on the integration, to

nr' x]) dx dy'
jMCOS /(mx + + ::
A mn + jB mn = Vd2c
-1t -1t

1[MCOSY' j([m + n roo]x + ny')
V~c e roc dx dy' (3.65)
-1t -1t
132 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

Equation (3.65) can be evaluatedfor particularvaluesof m and n as follows:

For m = n = 0, the solution process for Eq. (3.15) remains valid, so that

For m = 0, n > 0, the solution process leading to Eq. (3.25) can be used,
with m replaced by n( 000 / Ole). This gives basebandharmoniccoefficients of

AOn +jBon = 2 Vde I (ro ~ (1t

n n-1tM) sinn-2- jcosn-
rooJ 1t roc

Equation (3.67) reflects a significant difference for regular sampled PWM

compared to naturally sampled PWM, since the baseband harmonic coeffi-
cients are no longer zero for n > 1. However, in practice the magnitude of the
additional harmonics usually roll off fairly rapidly with n for any reasonable
carrier ratios.
For m > 0, n = 0, the solution process leading to Eq. (3.21) remains valid,
so that


For m > 0, n "* 0, the solution process leading to Eq. (3.25) can be used,
with m replaced by m + n( to 0/ roc). This gives sideband coefficients of

A + jB = 2 r: J ([m + n-
rooJ reM~ (1t 1t)
sinn- - jcosn- (3.69)
mn mn [ ro oJ n co e 2 2
m+n- 1t
As before, Eq. (3.69) is valid for all nonzero values of m and n, i.e., for
m = 1, ... ,00 and n = -00, ... , -I, I, ... ,00.
The completeharmonic solution for trailing edge regular sampled modula-
tion of a half-bridge phase leg can now be formed by substituting the results of
Eqs. (3.66), (3.67), (3.68), and (3.69) back into Eq. (3.10), so that the time-
varying switchedphase leg voltage van(t) can be expressed in terms of its har-
monic components as
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 133


m > I

As before, Eq. (3.70) also defines the harmonic components of vaz ( t), if the
first term which defines the DC offset is discarded.
Figure 3.18 presents the voltage spectrum for trailing edge regularly sam-
pled PWM for the conditions of a carrier ratio of 21 and a modulation index M
of 0.9. Comparison of this plot with the spectrum for naturally sampled PWM
shown in Figure 3.7 shows the anticipated difference between the two modula-
tion strategies - the presence of low-order baseband harmonics above the
desired fundamental for regular sampled PWM. These harmonics are a conse-
quence of the regular sampling process and occur for any regular sampled
PWM strategy. However, the roll-off of their magnitude with n is affected by
the carrier ratio and the modulation strategy. Higher carrier ratios (and/or sine-
triangle sampled PWM as shown in the next section of this chapter) achieve a
considerable improvement in the rate of roll-off of the baseband harmonics,
and are therefore generally preferable.
The other subtle variation in the harmonics created by regular sampling is a
slight shift of carrier sideband energy between the lower and the higher side-
band harmonics. This can be seen by careful comparison of Figure 3.18 versus
Figure 3.7, where it can be seen how regular sampling has distorted the sym-
metry of the sidebands compared to the naturally sampled case. This effect is
essentially a property of regular sampled PWM, although the exact distortion
does vary a little depending on the particular modulation strategy used.
134 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

- : : - - -1- - - - : -
------ -----
- - - - - -1- - - - - -

-,- - - - - -
- - - - -

10- 1 - - - - -,- ----

------- ---- ___ J
-- ----

: : : : : : ,- : : : :
,-..... L _:_::'-::::::

:i ::-1:::: ~ - :'-:::-:
--i---- - - 1- - - - - -
- - - - -1- - - - - ~
-----,----- - - - - -- -
==,===- I - I
- - - -
"'0 ---- -'-I - - - - ------
I ~ - I
-- - -
- - - - -,- - - - --,--- - -
01) I 1
_ J _
~ 10-2 === = =1 == =_
~ - - - - -1- - - - -
----- --- - -1 - - -
(,) - - - -1- - - - - - - -

J __
0 ====,= ===-
--- -'- - - - - J __

- - - -1- - - - ,- -

10- 3 _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ J __
: : : : I: : :
-- -
-t :
- - - -1- - - - -1 -
----,--- -
- - - -1- - - -
10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 3.18 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with trailing
edge regular sampled PWM, M = 0.9, lei10 = 21 .

The WTHDO for regular sampled modulation using a sawtooth carrier

under the conditions listed in Figure 3.18 is 5.03%, which is higher than for
naturally sampled PWM and primarily reflects the influence of the additional
baseband harmonic components.

3.6.2 Symmetrical Regular Sampled PWM

A similar approach can be adopted for symmetrical regular sampled PWM
with a triangular carrier, except that the rising edge inner integral limit x r must
now also be defined using the staircase variable y'. Figure 3.19 shows how the
intersection occurs between the sinusoidal reference and the staircase solution
trajectory for symmetrical regular sampled PWM.
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 135

y' == y--(x-21tp)


(p = 1) (p= 2) (p = 3)


Figure 3.19 Half-bridge switching for symmetrical regular sampled

double-edge PWM showing (a) staircase solution trajectory"
and (b) resultant switched PWM voltage.

The inner integral limits for regular sampled PWM with a triangular carrier
can be defined similar to Eq. (3.60) using the same staircase variable y' as

Xy = -~( I + Mcosy') XI = 2( 1 + Mcosy')


so that Eq. (3.58) becomes

'2( 1 + Mcosy')

j(mx + ny)
A mn ]B mn - -V2
_ de
e dxdy (3.72)
- ~(l + Mcosy')
Once again this expression can be evaluated by replacing y with
y = y'+(roo/Ole)X to become

2'( 1 + Mcosy')


Amn -r]B
i _ Vde
mn - - 2
J /([m nro:}+ny)dx dy'
- ~(1 + Mcosy')
136 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

Equation (3.73) can be evaluated for particular values of m and n as follows:

For m == n == 0, the solution process for Eq. (3.30) remains valid, so that

For m = 0, n > 0, the solution process leading to Eq. (3.38) can be used,

with m replaced by n( roof Ole)' This gives baseband harmonic coefficients of

Equation (3.75) again shows the difference between regular sampled PWM
and naturally sampled PWM, with the existence of baseband harmonic coeffi-
cients for n > 1 for the case of regular sampled PWM.

For m > 0, n == 0, the solution process leading toEq. (3.35) remains valid,
so that


For m > 0, n =1= 0, the solution process leading to Eq. (3.38) can again be
used, with m replaced by m + n( roof Olc). This gives sideband coefficients of

4 r;co J J n([m+n-
ro oJ1t
ro 2
-MDsin ([ m+n-+n
roo J~
m + n-!!. 1t c c

Once again, Eq. (3.77) is valid for all nonzero values of m and n, i.e., for
m = 1,2, ... ,00 and n == -00, ... , -2, -1, 1,2, ... ,00.

The complete harmonic solution for symmetrical regular sampled modula-

tion of a half-bridge phase leg can now be formed by substituting the results of
Eqs. (3.74), (3.75), (3.76), and (3.77) back into Eq. (3.10), so that the time-
varying switched phase leg voltage van(t) can be expressed in terms of its har-
monic components as
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 137

4 r; c:
~ ;/0
1 ( ~ 1t 1t
m2~ sinm
2 cos(m[roct+ 9c])
m= 1

As before, the DC offset voltage Vdc simply reflects the selection of the refer-
ence point for the switching waveform and can be discarded without loss of
Equation (3.78) can be expressed more compactly for the switched output
voltage measured with respect to the DC bus midpoint, vaz(t) , as

v (t)
= 4V
dc I


~ In(q~~sin([q+n]~ (3.79)


where q = m + n(roo/~c) (and is not necessarily integer). Note the change in

the lower summation limit for n depending on whether m = 0, which is
required because baseband harmonics are only defined for positive values of n.
Figure 3.20 shows the voltage harmonic spectrum for symmetrical regular
sampled PWM with a triangular carrier for the conditions of a carrier ratio of
21 and a modulation index M of 0.9. This figure shows a number of significant
differences for this modulation scheme compared to both double-edge natu-
rally sampled PWM and regular sampled PWM with a sawtooth carrier.
First, the carrier sideband cancellations that were achieved by double-edge
naturally sampled PWM have not been fully achieved for the case of symmet-
ric regular sampling. While there is considerable reduction in the magnitude of
the odd sideband harmonics around the odd carrier multiples and the even side-
band harmonics around the even carrier multiples, the cancellation is nowhere
138 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

-- -- -- --- -- -- 1- -- -- -- -- -- -I - -- -- --- --- --

-- -- -- --- t - -- WTHDO=4.00%~
...J 1-
- - - - ~ - -- -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - -- - -1 -- - - ~ - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - I - - - - - - -I - - - -- I - -- - -
- I - - - - - - I- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- - - -- - - - - - - - -
1 I
- - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - I- - - - - - -
- -
1 I I I I
- - - - - - r: - - - - - I - - - - - l - - - - - - r - - - - - 1- - - - - - -
1 I I 1 I

-- --
-- - - -- L --- --- --- --- ---
1 - -- --
- - J ---- -- -
L -- -- -- -- '-- -- -- -- -- -- -
-- ---- --- --- -- 1- - - - - - I --- -- --- --- -~
-- --
-- ---
-- - .. -- -- -- -- 1- -- -- -- -- --
- - - - - - 1- - - - -- -I - - -
- - ; -- - - - ~ - - - - 1- - - - - -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - -
-- - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- - - - I-
- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - -
1 I I
1 J I
-=== = ==1-
- -- --- -- -- -- -
- - - - - - -l ====
== - - - - =- = -- -- -- -= -=
-- = -= ===
- -- - - - -- -
-- - - -; -- -- - -
-- -- -- --
- - - - - 1- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -J - - - - - - - -- - - -
- - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
- - - - - I- - - - - - - J - - - - - - - -- -- -
- - - - - 1- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - -

--- --- --- --- 1-'- --- --- --- -- -- -- -J -- -- -- -- -- ------ --

- -- - - - - -- - ; -
-- - - - -- -- -
- - -- --
-- -- --
- -- -
- -
- 1- - - - - - -1 - - - -
- -- -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - I-
- - - - - - - J - -- - 1
- - - - - - -
- - 1-
- - - - - - - J - - - - - -- - - -
,- - -

---- - 1 - - - - - - - -- -

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 3.20 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with triangular
carrier and symmetrical regular sampled PWM, M = 0.9,
fe/fo = 21.

near complete. This has significant implications for the harmonics produced by
phase legs operated together as single- or three-phase bridge inverters, as will
be considered in later chapters.
Second, the baseband harmonic components produced by the regular sam-
pling process still exist, but their magnitude has rolled off much more rapidly
than for regular sampling with a sawtooth carrier. For the conditions presented
in this chapter, the second harmonic in the baseband for sawtooth carrier regu-
lar sampled modulation has a magnitude of 6%, while for symmetric regular
sampled modulation with a triangular carrier, the magnitude of the second har-
monic is below 0.5%. This clearly illustrates the benefits of using a triangular
carrier in a regular sampled modulation system.
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 139

3.6.3 Asymmetrical Regular Sampled PWM

For asymmetrical regular sampling, the inner integral limits ofEq. (3.58) must
now be modified to account for the two sampling points that are established in
each carrier interval. This can be achieved by creating two staircase variables,
one frozen at x = -n12 within each carrier interval to determine the rising
edge of the switched pulse, and the other frozen at x = 1t/2 within each car-
rier interval to determine the falling edge of the switched pulse.
These variables can be expressed as

000 ( ~,
y;=~21tp-V (3.80)

or in terms of the continuous variables x and y as

y; = y-
~ x- 21tp + V
?!, y) = y- OlO( ~\
~ x-21tp- V (3.81)
c c

The inner integral limits for asymmetrical regular sampled PWM with a trian-
gular carrier can be defined using these new staircase variables as

x, = - ~(l + Mcosy;) (3.82)

so that Eq. (3.58) becomes

i( I + Mcosyj)
j(mx + ny)
A m n + jB mn = V
7td2c e dxdy (3.83)
- !E(I + Mcosy ')
2 r

To solve Eq. (3.83), the switched waveform in each carrier interval is

split into two sections for analysis, with the results added by superposition.
The first section has a modulated rising edge in the first half carrier interval
and a falling edge in the center of the carrier interval. The second section has a
rising edge at the center of the carrier interval and a modulated falling edge in
the second half carrier interval. Each waveform section is evaluated separately,
and their harmonics are then combined to determine the harmonics of the over-
all switched waveform.
Mathematically, this behavior can be expressed as
f(x,y) = fr(x,y) +fjx,y) (3.84)
140 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

where: 1,.( x, y) steps from oto 2Vdc at x-21tp = x,

and from 2Vdc to 0 at x-21tp = 0
and: fjx,y) steps from Ot02Vdcat x-21tp = 0
and from 2VdctoOat x-21tp = XI

Equation (3.83) then becomes

1t 0

-1t - !!( 1 + Mcosy ')
ej(mx+ny) dxdy

V 2 r
A mn +B - de
] mn - -2 (3.85)
1t 1t

7[ 2(1 + Mcosyj)
+ ej(mx+n ) dxdy

-7[ 0

The two sections of Eq. (3.85) can be evaluated by replacing y with

Y = Yr'+ (OOo/OOe) [x + (1t/2)] and y = y;+(ooo/Olc)[x-(1t/2)] for each
section, respectively, derived from Eq. (3.81), to become

7[ 0

- !!( I + Mcosy ')
- de 2
A mn +B
] mn - - 2


Equation (3.86) can be evaluated for particular values of m and n as follows:
For m = n = 0, Eq. (3.86) simplifies to

0 7[ 2( 1 + Mcosyj)


dx dy; +
-7[ o
dx dy;
- !!( 1 + Mcosy ')
2 r
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 141

This result has the expected Vde offset as before.

For m > 0, n = 0, Eq. (3.86) simplifies to

1t 0

-1t _ ~(l + Mcosy ')
dx dYr

2 r

2( I + Mcosyj>
e dxdy)
-1[ 0


+ MCOSYP] dy]
= Vdc -1t
. 2


. 1t M cosy ,]
1[ -Jm-
1- e 2e 2 r dy;

jm~ jm~MCOSYj
e e -1
] dy'

Using Eq. (A2.16), this expression becomes


which simplifies using Eq. (A2.22) to

142 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

. 4 Vde ( 1t ~. 1t
A mO +JB mO m1t J o m M) s1nm (3.90)
2 2
Equation (3.90) identifies that the harmonics of the carrier wave for asymmet-
rical regular sampled PWM are the same as for double-edge naturally sampled
PWM and for symmetrical regular sampled PWM, as per Eqs. (3.35) and
For m, n ;f. 0, Eq. (3.86) can be rewritten as

1t 0

_ !!( I + Mcosy ')
- de 2 r
A mn+B
] mn--2

J~(l + Mcosyj)
/ ([ 0) ]

m+nro: x+nyj- n ro:

[ co ] )
~ dxdy;
-1t o
Substituting q = m + n( 000 / Ole) and solving the inner integration gives

j/( nYr' + [n ::]~) [1 _. jq~(1 + Y r' )]

MCOS dy;
V -1t
J mn -- -.-2
A mn +B de
j(nYj- [n:o]~) [ejq~(l + Mcosyj) -1 ]
1t t
+ e e dy!

Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 143

. jq~Mcosy
Only the terms with an e component need be solved for the outer
integration, since dy = O. Hence Eq. (3.92) can be simplified to

1t <0

jn-!!.~ inv; - jq~ - jq!!:.Mcosy'
- e <Oe 2 e e 2 e 2 r dy]
A mn +B -
J mn -

f -In
1t . <OO1t. . 1t . 1t '
+ e Ole 2 jnYj e]q2 /q2 M cosYj dy;


jny - jm~ - jq~Mcosy ,
- ere 2 e 2 r dy]

= Vde -1t
. 2
Jq1t 1t

jny/ jm!!:. jq~2MCOSY/'
+ e e 2 e dy}

which, using Eq. (A2.15), can be evaluatedas


and using Eq. (A2.21) to

2 Vde 1t . 1t:
n tm -n - Jm-
A +jB =-.-Jq-Mje
( 2_j e 2
mn mn Jq1t [ n 2

2 V- q-M~ (e j[m + n]!!:.2 -e- j[m + n 1?!2)]

= - J (3.95)
jq1t n 2

and which finally simplifiesto

+ jB
4 r:
000 ]
([m + -n
roo J1t
roc 2
-M~ sin([m + n]-
m+ -n 1t
144 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

For m = 0, n;/; 0, Eq. (3.96) can be used with m set to 0, to give

AOn +lBOn =
4 Vde (00 0 1t ~. 1t
in -n- Mj slnn- (3.97)
roo ] roc 2 2
[ -n1t

which once again contains the baseband harmonic components expected from
regular sampled PWM.
The complete harmonic solution for asymmetrical regular sampled modu-
lation of a half-bridge phase leg can now be formed by substituting the results
of Eqs. (3.87), (3.90), (3.96), and (3.97) back into Eq. (3.10), so that the time-
varying switched phase leg voltage van(t) can be expressed in terms of its har-
monic components as

4 Vdc ~ 1 ( 1t ~
+7 L..J;/o 1t
m2"M)sinm2" cos(m[roct+9 c])
m= 1

As before the DC offset voltage Vdc can be discarded from Eq. (3.98) without
loss of generality, and Eq. (3.98) can be expressed more compactly for the
switched output voltage with respect to the DC bus midpoint, vaz ( t) , as

Vaz(t) = 4:
~ In(q~M)sin([m+n]~ (3.99)

m=O ~ n= I x COS(m[ffiet+8c]+n[root+8 0 ] )

where again q = m + n( (00/ (Oe) (and is not necessarily integer). Note the
change in the lower summation limit for n depending whether m = 0, which is
once more required because baseband harmonics are only defined for positive
values ofn.
Regular Sampled Pulse Width Modulation 145

Figure 3.21 shows the voltage harmonic spectrum for symmetrical regular
sampled PWM with a triangular carrier for the conditions of a carrier ratio of
21 and a modulation index M of 0.9. This figure shows a significant harmonic
improvement compared to symmetrical regular sampled PWM with a triangu-
lar carrier.
In particular, the odd harmonic sideband components around odd multiples
of the carrier fundamental, and even harmonic sideband components around
even multiples of the carrier fundamental, are once again completely elimi-
nated by the sin(rm + n]~ expression in Eq. (3.98), despite the regular sam-
pling process. In addition, the even low-order baseband harmonics have been
eliminated by the sin( n~ expression in the first summation term,

10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::==f::====~
==: =: =1- ======1 - =====~ :: =:: =:: =~ ==IWTHDO=3.98%~
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - - ~ - - - - - - +- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -I - - - - - , - - - - - - 'I - - - - - - 1- - - - - -
- - - - - -

- - - - - - _I
' _
- - - - - - \- - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - r - - - - - 1- - - - - -

1 1 1 1
- - - - - _1- _ _ _ _ _ 1 _____ J L_ - - - 1- _
--- ------
- - - - - -1- - - - - - 1 +- - - - - 1- - - - - - -
------ ----- ----------- --- -----
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - 1 -----~----- +- - - - - 1- - - - - - -
-----,----- ----------
======,=I = = ====1I ----- ----- [I = - - - '- - - - - - -
------------- I
----------- - - - '- - - - - - -
,- - - - - - -
1 1 I I
- - - - - -1- - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - r- - - -
I 1 1 I
______ 1 , _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ L _
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - I - - - - -1 - - - - t- -
===' =======
: : 1- : : : : :
- - - - - -1- - - - - - I -- --1---- t- - - - - 1- - - - - - -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I = = __ J _ - ---------
!. - - - - 1- _ _ _ _ _ _

______ , -' - - - - ...! - - - - !. - - - - 1- _ _ _ _ _ _

I I I I 1
- - - - - - ,- - - - - - -1 - - - - 1 - - - - r - - - 1- - - - - -

I 1 I 1

- ,-
- - - - - - - - - --
: : : : I: : : : : : 1 : :
-, __ J
_ L _
r -
- -
,- - - - - -
- ---- ------ --
- - - - -1- - - - - - I -- -~---- t- - - - 1- - - - - -

_ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _

1 _ _ _
J ____ !. _
-- I

- - - -1- - - - - -
I - - -
1 - - - -
r - - - ,- - - - - - -


10- 4 '-&.-"""---......--..I~~........ . . . . . . - - - - -..........................~.......- - - - - '

o 10 20 30 40
Harmonic Number

Figure 3.21 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with
triangular carrier and asymmetrical regular sampled PWM,
M = 0.9, fe/fo = 21.
146 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

These benefits are an intrinsic advantage of asymmetrical sampling com-

pared to symmetrical sampling for triangular carrier (or equivalent) regular
sampled modulation systems and have significant consequences when the har-
monic canceling that occurs between phase legs is considered for the various
converter topologies discussed in later chapters.

3.7 "Direct" Modulation

Another method of determining the width of the switched pulses is occasion-
ally proposed as an alternative to regular sampled PWM. The concept is to
switch the inverter to create an active pulse interval for each carrier interval
that exactly achieves the same volt-second average as the original target wave-
form. The method is not usually practical to implement since it requires inte-
gration over the carrier interval, but it has been presented in the literature [9] as
a more accurate reference against which other strategies can be compared.
In general terms, the required pulse width is given by
Ii + 1

Wdutycycle = (
Ii + 1
J Mcos(root) dt (3.100)

This pulse width can be evaluated either on a symmetrical basis over a com-
plete carrier interval or on an asymmetrical basis at half carrier intervals. Math-
ematically, these two alternatives can be expressed as
i.v sr


W symm = !lIT Mcos( O)ot) dt (3.101)


for symmetrical evaluation, and



Wasymm = ~T Mcos( O)ot) dt (3.102)


for asymmetrical evaluation.

For a symmetrically calculated system, the resultant pulse is placed at the
center of the carrier interval, to create a rising edge in the first half-carrier
"Direct" Modulation 147

interval and a falling edge in the second half-carrier interval. For an asymmet-
rical system, the pulses in each successive half-carrier intervals are placed
alternatively at the start and the end of each interval (i.e., back to back across a
complete carrier interval). Since every two pulses therefore run together, no
intermediate phase leg switching is required between every second pulse, and
there is no increase in switching frequency despite the two pulse width calcula-
tions in each carrier interval. The pulses produced by this strategy are very
similar to those produced by symmetrical and asymmetrical regular sampling,
respectively, as shown in Figure 3.16(b), except that the pulse widths vary
slightly because of the alternative technique for pulse width calculation.
Figure 3.22 shows the voltage harmonic spectrum for asymmetrically cal-
culated direct PWM with a triangular carrier for the conditions of a carrier ratio
of 21 and a modulation index M of 0.9. As could be anticipated, the perfor-
mance of this approach is almost exactly the same as for that of asymmetrical
regular sampled PWM shown in Figure 3.21. A similar result is obtained when
symmetrically evaluated direct modulation is compared against symmetrical
regular sampled PWM.
A simple variation of direct modulation is to approximate the reference
waveform as a straight line across the evaluation interval. Equation (3.100) is
then replaced with
cos [00 0 1;] + cos [00 0 1; + 1]
Wdutyeyele =M 2 (3.103)

which is very close to the value of MCOS[rool i + O.S] used in regular sampled
systems for all reasonable carrier ratios and consequently produces much the
same harmonic performance.
In reality, direction modulation offers virtually no harmonic benefit at any
reasonable carrier ratio..For very low carrier ratios, there is a slightly better
resolution of the fundamental magnitude compared to the reference (remember
that regular sampling does introduce some error in the baseband fundamental
4 Vde 1 ( roo 1t ~ .
because of the - [ ( / )]In n-- M) term m Eqs. (3.78) and (3.98),
1t n roo roc roc 2
and this error increases with a decreasing carrier ratio). However, very low car-
rier ratios also lead to significant carrier sideband.harmonics intruding into the
spectrum below the fundamental (these harmonics are often referred to as sub-
harmonics but are really very low-frequency sidebands from the first carrier
148 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

10- 1


~ 10-2
~ - - - /- - - - - -
--- -----
2 ===C=====
0 - - - /- - - - - -
~ ,---- -
::t I
10-3 1- _ _ _
I: : :
1--- --
- - - - - -
-- 1
- - - -
-- I
- - - -
-- I - - - -
10-4 w- ..-.- ~-..... -.-.."
o 10 20 30 40 50 60

Harmonic Number

Figure 3.22 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with
triangular carrier and direct calculation of pulse period,
M = 0.9, fello = 21.

harmonic group), and hence strategies such as programmed PWM discussed in

Chapter 9 are often preferable. As a result of these observations the direct mod-
ulation approach will not be considered further in this text.

3.8 Integer versus Non-Integer Frequency Ratios

It should be noted at this point that nothing in the detailed mathematical devel-
opment presented in this chapter constrains the carrier ratio to integer values,
and even irrational values, of switching frequency are also permissible. Irre-
Integer versus Non-Integer Frequency Ratios 149

spective of the switching frequency ratio, the PWM process produces a funda-
mental component, baseband harmonic components when any form of regular
sampling is involved, and sideband harmonics grouped around multiples of the
carrier frequency, at frequencies of mf; nfo .

In some literature, non-integer frequency ratios have been identified as

undesirable because they are claimed to introduce subharmonics below the
fundamental. For example, a carrier frequency ratio of 29/3 has sometimes
been said to create subharmonics of one-third and two-third times the funda-
mental component. However, the PWM solutions that have been presented in
this chapter identify that any harmonics that might exist in this region are
really only low-order carrier sideband components. In the case above, for
example, the so-called sub-harmonics would really correspond to the 9th and
10th lower sidebands grouped around the first carrier frequency harmonic. But
as shown in Figures 3.7 and 3.12, the amplitudes of these sideband harmonics
are negligible after the first few components.

For applications using very low carrier frequency ratios (say < 11), there is
an argument for using an integer frequency ratio to ensure that all significant
lower sideband harmonics from the first carrier group have a frequency above
(or at worst equal to) the fundamental frequency. For natural and asymmetrical
regular sampled PWM with a triangular carrier, there is further justification in
using an odd frequency ratio to ensure that the lowest significant sideband har-
monic will be at least three times the fundamental frequency (recall from Sec-
tions 3.4.2 and 3.6.2 that these modulation strategies eliminate odd sideband
components around odd carrier multiples, so that for m = 1, Ie nlo must
always be odd for an integer carrier frequency ratio and the lowest possible
sideband component is therefore a third harmonic of the fundamental).

Finally, it should be noted that the selection of an appropriate carrier fre-

quency ratio can become a little more complex for the more sophisticated
PWM strategies discussed in the next three chapters of this text. Essentially,
the choice depends on how rapidly the sideband harmonics from the first car-
rier group roll off in magnitude away from the carrier, and this must be consid-
ered individually for the various PWM strategies presented. The issue will be
revisited as appropriate in later chapters.
150 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

3.9 Review of PWM Variations

Table 3.1 summarizes the magnitudes of the significant harmonics for the three
approaches to the determination of switched pulse width presented in this
chapter, normalized with respect to the naturally sampled PWM fundamental
component. From this table it can be seen that there is negligible difference
between the fundamental components for the carrier ratio of 21 that was used,
and it can therefore be argued that there is virtually no fundamental component
differentiation between the techniques at the carrier ratios typically used in
modem inverter systems.
In terms of the secondary objective of harmonic minimization, it can be
seen that the harmonic performance of direct modulation is almost identical to
regular sampled modulation. This is only to be expected, since regular sampled

Table 3.1 Harmonic Components for Single-Phase Leg PWM Strategies, M = 0.9,
fe/f = 21, All Harmonics Normalized with respect to Vde (%)
Symmetri- Asymmetri-
Naturally Regularly Naturally Direct
cal Regular cal Regular
Sampled Sampled Sampled Modulation
Harmonic Sampled Sampled
PWM (%) PWM(%) PWM (%) Asymmetri-
Number PWM(%) PWM (0/0)
(Sawtooth (Sawtooth (Triangular cal Calcula-
(Triangular (Triangular tion (%)
Carrier) Carrier) Carrier) Carrier) Carrier)
1 90.0 89.8 90.0 89.7 89.9 89.9
2 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.61 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2
4 0.0 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 2.1 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
17 7.0 4.3 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.7
18 17.7 15.0 0 1.1 0.0 0.0
19 30.5 31.9 26.8 24.8 25.1 25.0
20 25.5 27.9 0.0 5.3 0.0 0.0
21 51.2 51.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.3
22 25.5 21.5 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
23 30.5 28.3 26.8 28.1 28.4 28.3
24 17.7 19.4 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.0
25 7.0 9.8 1.2 1.9 1.9 2.0
26 2.1 4.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
WTHDO 3.88 4.91 3.86 3.86 3.84 3.85
Review ofPWM Variations 151

PWM simply linearizes the sinusoidal reference about its average for each car-
rier or half-carrier interval. For carrier ratios above about 15, little difference
would be expected between the linearized volt-second average and the exact
volt-second average calculated by direct modulation. As a consequence, it
would be anticipated that regular sampled PWM and direct PWM would have
the same harmonic consequences, since they essentially produce the same
switched pulse widths, and these pulses are placed in the center of each half-
carrier interval.
In terms of regular sampled PWM compared to naturally sampled PWM,
there are a number of specific differences that can be seen from the results pre-
sented in Table 3.1. First, as predicted by the analytical results of Section 3.6,
regular sampling creates low-order baseband harmonics just above the funda-
mental component. These low-order baseband harmonic multiples are usually
quite small because of the rapid reduction in the Bessel function in the first
term of Eqs. (3.78) and (3.98) and so are often overlooked by researchers,
especially when carrier ratios are greater than about 15. However, they are an
intrinsic consequence of regular sampled modulation, and their rate of attenua-
tion varies with different modulation strategies and carrier ratios. For example,
single ended modulation has a much slower decay rate for these terms, so that
for this implementation they can make a nontrivial contribution to the WTHD
even for the typical pulse ratios of at least 30 which are used in modem invert-
Second, comparing natural and regular sampled PWM, it is found that the
regular sampled modulation process attenuates the lower side sideband har-
monics and increases the high-side sideband harmonics around the carrier fre-
quency. This can also be seen by careful comparison of Figures 3.12 and 3.20,
and is an intrinsic property of regular sampled PWM [10]. This attenuation
preferentially reduces the lower order harmonic components of the switched
waveform and can significantly improve the WTHD for modulation imple-
mentations with a low pulse ratio. But as a consequence, claims for an
improved "new" PWM algorithm compared to naturally sampled PWM may
simply reflect these effects of regular sampling rather than any intrinsic advan-
tage of the new scheme, and this may not be appreciated by the proponents.
Third, the major difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical PWM
is that symmetrical regular sampled PWM causes additional sideband har-
monic components to be present in the output voltage spectra, while asymmet-
152 Modulation of One Inverter Phase Leg

rical regular sampled PWM and naturally sampled PWM do not create these
components. This is an intrinsic limitation of symmetrical sampled modulation
compared to asymmetrical sampled modulation [10].

3.10 Summary
This chapter has presented the basic concepts of determining switched pulse
width by modulation, and has determined from these concepts that:
Low-order harmonic multiples of the fundamental are produced by the
regular sampling process.
The lower side sideband harmonic components are attenuated slightly,
and the high-side sideband harmonic components are increased slightly
for regular sampled PWM.
Symmetrical regular sampled PWM leads to additional carrier sideband
harmonics in the phase leg output voltage and "is therefore inferior to
asymmetrical PWM.
Direct modulation produces an almost identical harmonic response to
regular sampled PWM.
For full inverter systems with multiple phase legs operating together, both
the absence of harmonics by virtue of the modulation process and the elimina-
tion of harmonics by cancellation between the phase legs of an inverter, playa
significant part in determining the harmonics seen in the I-I output voltages of
the inverter. Hence it is important to have a precise realization of the phase leg
switched output when investigating the harmonic performance of various
inverter topologies and modulation implementations. The theoretical under-
standing presented in this chapter, and the exact match between theoretical
analysis and numerical simulation that has been achieved (not elaborated on
here, see [11]), provide the basis to evaluate the performance of the more com-
plex switched inverter structures investigated in the following chapters of this
References 153

[1] S.R. Bowes and R. Bullough, "PWM switching strategies for current-fed
inverter drives," lEE Proceedings (London), vol. 131 Pt. B, no. 5., Sept. 1984,
pp. 195-202.
[2] M.A. Boost and P.o. Ziogas, "State-of-the-art carrier PWM techniques: a criti-
cal evaluation," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 24, no. 2, March
1988, pp. 271-290.
[3] H.W. Van der Broeck and H.C. Skudelny, "Analytical analysis of the harmonic
effects of a PWM ac drive," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2,
March/April, 1988, pp. 216-223.
[4] S. Bowes and B.M. Bird, "Novel approach to the analysis and synthesis of
modulation processes in power converters," lEE Proceedings (London), vol.
122, no. 5, May 1975, pp. 507-513.
[5] W.R. Bennett, "New results in the calculation of modulation products," The
Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 12, April 1933, pp. 228-243.
[6] H.S. Black, Modulation Theory, Van Nostrand, New York, 1953.
[7] E.O. Brigham, The Fast Fourier Transform, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
[8] T.H. Barton, "Pulse-width modulation waveform - the bessel approximation,"
in Conf. Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Mtg., Toronto, 1978,
pp. 1125-1130.
[9] Y. Kim and M. Ehsani, "An algebraic algorithm for microcomputer-based
(direct) inverter pulse width modulation," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applica-
tions, vol. 23, no. 4, July/Aug. 1987, pp. 654-660.
[10] J.T. Boys and P.G. Handley, "Harmonic analysis of space vector modulated
PWM waveforms," lEE Proceedings (London), Pt. B, vol. 137, no. 4, July
[II] D.G. Holmes, "A generalised approach to the modulation and control of hard
switched converters," Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Australia, 1997.
Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage
Source Inverters
A PWM controlled inverter combines both voltage control and frequency con-
trol into one system. The inverter typically operates from a fixed voltage DC
source, i.e., perhaps an uncontrolled diode rectifier, a battery, or in some cases
both. The principle is basically simple. Each of the phase legs of the inverter
are switched at a high frequency and operate essentially as choppers. Assum-
ing a motor load, this high carrier frequency is modulated by the desired motor
fundamental frequency which consequently determines the speed of the motor.
The inverter output voltage amplitude is then controlled by the chopping
action. Clearly, the correct control of the imposed switching patterns calls for
complex control electronics, but this is no longer a serious problem with the
availability of low-cost microprocessors, signal processors, and other custom
digital logic chips.
Chapter ~ has presented an analysis of the PWM processes for one phase
leg of a voltage source inverter. This analysis has identified the fundamental
and harmonic voltages produced by the modulation process itself, taking into
consideration a variety of carrier and sampling alternatives that all slightly
effect the phase leg switched output voltage waveform. These are all issues to
do with the determination of the switched pulse width for the phase leg.
Once the performance of the phase leg modulation process has been deter-
mined, the next step is to consider interactions between the phase legs that are
grouped together to make a complete inverter system. The overall harmonic
performance of an inverter is determined both by the harmonics produced by
each phase leg and the potential harmonic cancellation that may occur between
the phase legs. With grouped phase legs, issues such as switched pulse place-
ment within a carrier interval and switched pulse sequence across carrier inter-
vals now also become important and can influence the inverter performance.
This chapter investigates the operation and performance of the simplest
type of inverter - a single-phase inverter made up of two phase legs that are
156 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

switched cooperatively. Later chapters then explore the operation and perfor-
mance of three-phase legs combined into a three-phase inverter, which offers
much more potential for variation in modulation strategies.

4.1 Topology of a Single-Phase Inverter

Figure 4.1 shows once more the general structure of a single-phase voltage
source inverter. Essentially, it is made up of two single-phase legs as described
in Chapter 3, connected to a common DC bus. Each phase leg is modulated in a
complementary pattern by a carrier/reference waveform comparison circuit,
which switches the phase leg to the upper DC rail when the reference wave-
form is greater than the carrier, and to the lower DC rail when the carrier wave-
form is greater than the reference waveform. The particular form of the carrier
and reference waveforms depends on the PWM strategy that is implemented.

Phase Leg a Phase Leg b


n~----...---4-------- -~



Figure 4.1 Single-phase full-bridge (H-bridge) voltage source inverter.

Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase Inverter 157

4.2 Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase

In the example shown in Figure 4.1, both phase legs use a common carrier
which happens to be triangular. The two phase legs are modulated with 180 0
opposed reference waveforms, defined as


M = modulation index (i.e., the normalized output voltage magnitude)
with the range 0 <M < 1
= target output angular frequency
and each phase leg reference waveform is referenced to the DC bus voltage
zero midpoint.

The fundamentalline-to-line (I-I) output voltage reference for the inverter

is the difference between the two-phase leg reference voltages, and is given by


This arrangement achieves three-level naturally sampled sine-triangle PWM,

which has significant harmonic advantages over most other single-phase
inverter modulation strategies. But it is by no means mandatory to use a com-
mon carrier for both phase legs, or even two sinusoidal reference waveforms.
Many other variations have been proposed over the years with very different
carriers and reference waveforms, and some have advantages in specific appli-
cations. Some of these alternatives are considered later in this chapter, but for
now the analysis will be confined to continuous PWM strategies with common
carrier waveforms.

Figure 4.2 shows the three-level naturally sampled PWM process for a sin-
gle-phase inverter, where it can be seen how each phase leg of the inverter
switches between the upper and the lower DC rails continuously over the fun-
damental cycle as the carrier waveform ramps above and below the reference
waveform. Note that the switched I-I output voltage takes on values of +2 Vdc
and zero during the positive period of the reference and -2 Vdc and zero during
the negative period of the reference. This is why this PWM arrangement is
158 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

I Fundamental forPhase Legb
Switched Waveform
forPhase Lega


Switched Waveform
,."--,,,....-w-~r--" ,-fo
.....r Phase Legb

-- -- -- '-
-- ---
Phase Lega

-Vdc-t-- ~
+2Vdc v,..-- '

I-I Output Voltage


Ii 'i+l 'i-I 'J '1+1

Expanded Carrier Cycle Expanded Carrier Cycle
-1t/2 s root S 1t/2 1t/2 s root s 31t/2
Figure 4.2 Three-level naturally sampled sine-triangle PWM process
for single-phase VSI.
Three-LevelModulationof a Single-Phase Inverter 159

called three-level modulation, since the inverter output voltage switches

between three levels over a completefundamental cycle.
The switching process is illustrated in more detail in the expanded carrier
period shown at the bottom of Figure4.2. Looking at this figure, it can be seen
that the switched I-I output voltage consists of zero voltage magnitude regions
(Vz ) at the start and the end of each half-carrier period, and active voltage
pulses of magnitude 2 Vde (~ctive) which are approximately centered within
the half-carrierperiod. It is significant to observe that the repetition frequency
of the active I-I output pulses is twice the triangular carrier frequency (f) c
where ~T is the period of one cycle of the triangular carrier.
The harmonic solution for double-edge naturally sampled PWM of a phase
leg has already been established in Chapter 3 as Eq. (3.39). This solution is
immediately applicable to the phase legs of the single-phase inverterby setting
eo = 0 and eo = -1[ for phase legs a and b. respectively, i.e.,


I I ;/"(mg~ sin([m + n]~ cos(mroct + nroot)
oo 00




+ 4:dC
m= I n=-oo

Note that the arbitrary carrier phase angle ee in both cases has been set to
zero for convenience since it is the same for both phase legs. In addition, the
main carrier harmonic terms, generated when m>O, n == 0, have been incorpo-
rated into the carrier sideband terms for simplicity (this substitution must be
considered individually for the analytical solutionof each form of modulation,
since it is not generallyapplicable).
The I-I output voltage harmonic components for the inverter are given by
Yab = Van - Ybn and can be readily developed from Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5) as
160 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters


OO 00
+-- 1
1t 2mJ 2n - I (m1tM)cos([m + n - 1]1t)
m= 1 n =-00
x coS(2mOOcl + [2n - 1](00 / )

Equation (4.6) shows that the odd carrier and associated sideband harmon-
ics are completely cancelled from the I-I output voltage pulse train, leaving
only odd sideband harmonic (2n - 1) terms of the even (2m) carrier groups.
Mathematically, this cancellation can be explained by recalling from Section
3.4.2 that when the m summation index in Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5) is odd (i.e., odd
carrier frequency multiples), the n index must be even to create a non-zero
{sin([m + n ]1t/2)} term in the last summation expression of both equations.
But if n is even, the {coS(mOOcl + n[ root -1[])} term in Eq. (4.5) creates the
same harmonic components as in Eq. (4.4). These harmonic components can-
cel when the two phase leg voltages are subtracted, so that the I-I voltage can
have no odd carrier harmonic or associated sideband harmonic components.
Note that the indices m and n have consequently been modifiedin Eq. (4.6) so
as to produce only even carrier multiples (2m) with odd sideband harmonics
(2n - 1) (recalling also from Section 3.4.2 that even harmonic sidebands are
eliminated around the even carrier multiples by virtue of the PWM process
within the phase legs).
Physically, the cancellation of the odd carrier harmonics can be explained
by referring again to the expanded switching detail in Figure 4.2, where it was
previously identified that there are two active output switched pulses for each
triangular carrier cycle. Clearly the switching frequency of the I-I output is
twice the carrier frequency, and thus suppression of the sideband harmonics
around the odd carrier multiples is to be expected.
The theoretical phase leg a voltage harmonics are shown in Figure 4.3(a),
together with the I-I output voltage harmonics in Figure 4.3(b), forthe particu-
lar operating conditions of a carrier ratio of 21 and a modulation index M of
0.9. The cancellation of the odd carrier multiples and their associated sideband
harmonics can be clearly seen. Note that all I-I harmonics are normalized with
respect to 2 Vdc to make a direct comparison with the phase leg harmonics.
Exactly the same approach can now be used to determine the I-I switched
output voltage harmonic components for all of the combinations of carrier and
Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase Inverter 161

==: : : - 1- : : - : : -I - : : - - :::.: -f : :
- - - - - -,- - - - -, - - -f-

==_=- _1_ ==_- _I == - - J =_

- - - - - -'1 - - -'1 - - - ..!I - - - I _
_ _ '_
_ _

- - - - - 1- - - - - I - - - -, - - - - r - r - -
~ I I I I t
d - - - - - _1- I _____ J L_ _ __ 1 _

ci : :: : :: : :I: : : : ::: I ::::::~::::=t: :::~::::::

'-' - - - - - -,- - - - - -
- - - - - -1 - - - - - . . - - I- - - --
I == _=J=-==-
J ____
_ _ '_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ~

1 1 1 1 1
- - -, - - r - - - r - - -
(a) 2 ,
- - - - -1- - - - - 1
~ ==- ===' = -=
--- --- --- --- --- --1-
=' == == J == =:
- - --- -- -- 1I --- --- --- -- 1-f --- --- --- --
-1- - .. - ===1- === =
--- -- -- I-r -- --- - ---
=: -=J == _ -

u ======1- =- = == I e= - -,= = - = =
'2 - - - _1- _ _ _ I __ J _ _ - - 1- _ _ _

, - - ,- -
, 1 1 I 1
0 - --- r-
- - - 1- - - -,

1 1 I , I
1 _ __ J _ L L
~ 1-

::t - - - -
- --- - -I: - - -
- -- - I :: ::::j:::: ~ - _:: ~:-
- - - - - 1- - - I - .. -- 1---

:--r -
- - - -, - - - - 1 ., ., __ ~ _
_ _J _ _ = - .= = =
- - - - _I I
-- '--- t

~ rr
1 I
10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

= =- == =', - _ =_= '1 == - __ J - = ==- ~ - =_=- ='__ = _ =

_ _ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _' _ _ __ ~

I I , I I
- - - - - - 1- - - - -, - - -, - - - r - - - 1- - - - - -
~ I I I I t

~ ______ , , J _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ __ L _

ci : ~ : :: : :: 1- ~ : :: ~ ~ :1 : ~ : : : :: ~ : : : .. ;: :: : : ~ : : : : ::
'-' - - - - -1- - - - -I - - - -1 - - - - - .. - - - - I- - - -
Q) ==_= =1= _- - ===1 =_=__ =J _ =- = ~= _ =_t == ==
"tj __ _ _ '_ _ _ _' __ J _ ~ ' _
I , I I I
r - -
- - - - 1- - - - - -, - - - , - 1- - - - -
00 J _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _
:: :: :: :: =::1- = =:::: :1 =:: :: :: - :: -1 :: ~ = =::
:: : - :: :: :: :: : I: :: ::
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - - 1 - - - to - - - 1- - - - -

o ==- ==-1_ = == II _==_=JJ =- _= [ -_ =- -_ 1_'_ =- _==

'2 _ _ _ _ _1 _ _

, I
_ _ _

0 r - - -
- - - - ,- - - - - - -I - - - , - I-

I I I 1 I
1_ _I J L _ _ L
:I: : : : : : :.: : ': _ - - _ :': - : : : : =i : - : - t : -= I: - - - - -
-- 1-- - -
______ 1 _ _ , ~__ ~ __ 1_- _
- - - - _I _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ ..! _ !. _

- - - - -
,- - - - -
-. - - - - 1 -
I 1
r - ,-
- --
1 I 1 1 ,
I 0- ...--.-~-----------.............................- - -.....
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 4.3 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter

modulated by double-edge naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.9, lei10 = 21.
162 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

sampling alternatives that were explored in Chapter 3. In fact, the following

combinations are possible, all within the definition of three-level continuous
Naturally sampled reference, single-edge carrier- Eq. (3.26).
Naturally sampled reference, double-edge carrier (see above)- Eq. (3.39).
Regularlysampled reference, single-edge carrier - Eq. (3.70).
Symmetrical regular sampled reference, double-edge carrier ~ Eq. (3.78).
Asymmetrical regular sampled reference, double-edge carrier - Eq. (3.98).
Analytical solutionsfor all these alternatives are
Naturallv sampledreference. single-edge carrier:

~ ~ 1
LJ LJ ;;;In(m1tM)sinn2 cos(mroct + nroot)

m = 1 n =-00
(n *" 0)

Naturallv sampled reference. double-edge carrier (repeated for completeness):


1: 00 00

2mJ 2n - 1(m1tM)cos([m + n - 1]1t)
m = 1 n =-00
x cos(2mroct + [2n - 1]root)

Regularsampledreference. single-edge carrier:

Vab(t) = 4V
1tdC ~ _1-Jn(nro1t~sinn!!:2cos(nroot)
~ [n::J roc

1: 00 00

m = 1 n =-00
(n ~ 0)
Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase Inverter 163

Symmetricalregularsampled reference. double-edge carrier:

In(n roo~~
vab(t) = -;- ~
..J roe
ro 2 sin(n[ 1 +;-
00 0
2 sinn1t1 cos(nroot)
n =I [n ro:J e (4.10)

00 In([m + n roo J~M)

8 Vdc ~ ..J
..J ~ roc 2 roo + nJ1t)
. ([m + n-
sm -
1t m=l n=-oo [m+n:oJ I I roc 2
(n .. 0) e X sinn~ cos(mroet + ntot)

Asymmetricalregularsampled reference. double-edge carrier:

(4.11 )



~J (q'~2M\) cos([m + n -
..J q 2n-l
m= 1 n = -00 x cos(2mooct + [2n - 1]root)

where q' is defined as q' = 2m + [2n - 1]00 0 / roc and need not be an integer.
Spectral plots for phase leg a and the I-I voltages are shown for all these
combinations of carrier and sampling alternatives on the following pages.
From these results, it can be seen that all harmonics where n is even are
cancelled between phase legs for all carrier/sampling combinations. But what
is interesting is that this apparently minor effect has a large influence on the
resulting performance of the various modulation strategies. With a single-edge
carrier or with symmetrical regular sampling, where the modulation process
produces both odd and even sideband harmonics around each carrier multiple,
significant odd sideband harmonics remain in the inverter output waveform
around the odd carrier multiples despite harmonic cancellation between the
phase legs. With a double-edge carrier, the effect for both natural sampling and
asymmetrical regular sampling is to totally cancel the sideband harmonics
around the odd carrier multiples from the I-I waveform. Clearly these latter
two modulation alternatives are superior as a consequence.
164 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage SourceInverters

:: :: :: :: :: : ,: :: :: :: :: :: -:::::-~::---:
- - - - - ... - - - - - - ::::::1::::::
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -
- -----1---
-- - - - --
- - - - - -l - - - - - -

==-==='====== : -::J--====
_ _ _ _ _ -'-
, - - -- - - - - - I _ _ _ _
- - - - II- - - - - -
-- - - - - - - -r - - - - -
..-..... ,
- - - - - -1- - - - -
:i _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ J _ L _

:: :: :: :: :: ': :: :: :: :
- - - - 1- -
: :: :: ~ :: :: ::::
1 - - -
- ': : : : -:
I- - - -

====--'===_- __ J= __ I: - : =
::J - - - - - -'- - - - - ..! - I_-
----- ,- -
- - ,- - -

o~ 1 1 ,r - - -

~ ======'= ==='_-I + ~ -I ""01 ... ,_: :-

: : : : : : ': : : : _
J - -
~ : :: L' , 'L'
'-JI L ,-" L.--,

- - - - -1- - - -"1 -
02 = ====='_=
______ 1___
-_ __..!_
J =-
0 -,
- - - - - -,- -

::::-::~ : ~ 1I~~ 1~I }~IJ ~rH ~ :
- - - - - -,- - ~ H ~IIUI-f H-I .. ,.,IJI-f tHtl-l-t H i l H
------. - _ J=
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1__
-ltHit-lit-l11t- J -


20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

:: :: :: :: :: ::,: : :: :: :::: ::::::::: ~ : :: :: :: ::I WTHDO=2 20%

- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - I .
======,= ==__ = ======J _ - __ - ~ =__ - - ='_ ==_=
- - - - '_ - - - - - - - ..! - - - ~ - - - - - -I _ __
1 ' "
- - - - - ,- - - - - - , - r - - - r - -
______ ,_ _ _ _ _ __ J _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ L _

:: :: : : : :I: : : :: _ _ : : : ~ : :: .: : t:: :::: ~:::::::::

- - - - - 1- - - -l - - - to - - - t- - - - -
_ _ _ _ -'- - - -_-J = tr .r c.:; =
----- '- - - - _..! - - ~ - - - '- - - -
,- - - I I I
----- - - , - - r - - - r - - -
, , I ,

(b) :==
: :=:==
: ='= = ==
- ,-: _:= - ~~=~~~:~ ;= ~:~::
-- -- -,- - -- - "1 - to - - t- - -

= = = = - -'- - - = - - ==_J =- - = L= =- ,- = - =
- - - - - -'- -- - , -
- - - - - -1- - - - r - -
r; _ J l ,
: : : : : - I:: :- : - ; - :- t:- -- ~ ---
- - ~ - -- t-- : - l-: - :
- - - - I J- = ~ -
----- ,-- __ J_ L
- - - - - ,--
- ,- I
- r -
1 - -
I I 1

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 4.4 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter

modulated by trailing single-edge naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.9, Ie/fo = 21.
Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase Inverter 165

: : : : : :I: : : : : : :::::::::::: ~:::::::::::

- - - - - -1- - - - - ----- -i------t--
== =,=, - - =- =
- - - - - - -
_- __=J _ === = =~ _= _ _ ==1= : : __=
- - - - I I _ _ _' _
I ' I I
r - - - r - - - -
,-.... - - - - - 1- - - - - - , - - - -

1 I I I
______ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ __ J _ _ _ _ _ l 1 _

: :: : :: : : I: : : : :
- - - -1- - - - -
::~ : : : :
- - -i - - - -
- :: '::: : : - ::
-I- - - - -
"0 =- : : :.: - : :-... 'U..,.I J-I.fl-.- : J ==- I ( ==-
::s - - - - _ '-

- - -1.1-04 .. "'U "'1- - J- - -
~ '- - -

2 - ---1- --- - , - - - - 4 H - I .. I-IH.... I-Itfl---

(a) 01) , I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: ~ ~ ~ I~ ll~) I~lt IU : ~ :: :I~ ~II=I B=I H;=I n:11 R-


:E - - - - 1- - - - - 1 - - -
:_ ===,- =: = ]J :__:
r-I '1 1-1-1 t l-ll .... '1 t I-It H 1tl-
_ _ '_ _ _ _
0 I

- - - - 1- - - - , -


10 60

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -=: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I WTHDO=2.22%1

: : =: - :( : : =: =:. ==: =: =]
______ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _..! : : - ===I =
'_ _ ==(
_ === ' : : =:_ :
_ _ ~

1 I , ,

- - - - - -,- - - - - - - - -,------r------r-----
,-.... I , , ,
d - - - - - - ,- - - - - ___ J l_ ___ L _

t: :::_::t:::::
ci -,- :- :- :- :-
:- :- ::- ::- : :': ::::~::::
'-" - - - i ----1---- -
- - - - to -
~ ::::::.::==: ==:J:=:= r: : :: '::::
- ' ---
"tj _J ____ _
------,-- --

- - - - - - ,- - - - - ---,-- - -
I I 1 I

8 ,, , r - - - r - - -
en _____ _ I
L _
(b) ~
:: :: :: :: :: : ,: : : : : == ~====
:::-i:::: : - - .. - ~

~ - - - - - 1- - - - - ---1---- t - :: t-:

:: J:-==_ -- -_
oS = =:=:(-=== __ 1
I: I _

,~ -
- 1 - I _ _

0 - ---
-,- --- - ,- - - -
r r' - -
r - -

::r: -'-
:::: ': : : : :
_ _


__ ,

- ~:
:: .. :
- - t- - -
- - - - -,- - - - -- -i - -- t--
_ ----,----- u, - 1 _ _
!. - - -
I _ _

- - - - - ,- - - - -
rr -- --
, I
10- 4 t..L...J",_-.L--'-.L-I-........&..I-.....................................~....&-L...L..I
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 4.5 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter

modulated by trailing single-edge regular sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 009, fe/fo = 21.
166 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

_ _ _ _ _ _ L. _

::-:::~:::--~-:::::~:::::- :::-::':.:::::
- - - - -1- - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - t- - - - - ~

: : =: = - I'= =- =: - =1I _-===J--- __ =

---- - I - -- I - - - - ~I - - - - - - -=====.:-====
- - - -'-, - - - -
,,-..... - - - - - - ,- - - - - , - , - - - - - -r - - - -

______ L , _____ J _
- - - '- - - - - -
:- :- ::- :- ::- :I: : : : :: I
- ,- - - -
- - - - - -1 - - - -
- - t- - - - -
=: === -1- - - = =_ =_=_J:===-
_ __J _ __ =::r:==:::
------, -- - - - -'- - ----
2 I
,- - -- -
2 - - - -
-1- - - - --- - ---- -
(a) eo
tU -: :-:- :- :--: ,:
'- :- :- :- :- ==~==== -,------
~ ------
- - - - -,- ---- -- -----
: : -i : _ - -
-- - - 1 -- --r------
0 - ==: - =': - - - - =: J _- = _ -=.-=====
8 - - - ,'- - - - -'- - - - - -
- - , -- - -
0 I I

, r - - - - -

- - - - -1- - - -

1_ J L
: : : _ I: : - _ ...
- H ~I 1-14 1-1: : ~ : : _ .=:::::
- - - -1- - - - -t tI-t .. ti U-li - -i - - - t- - - - - -
= ==='- === -t U-t .. t-If .. -Ii
- - - - -
- - - -:- - - - -I t H i J-If J-I i - ~ - -

- - -:- - - -1 t IH it-Ii .. -Ii - ~ - - -

10- 4 u.u._~__1-1u...&.LoL"l"l.,l".L.I""I,.L,-.....--&.u.u..u....~~_---,
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

----- -.: : ----

: : : : : : : : :
: ===_:.: - : =: _ : - =: : =J - ==__ : [ - : =: : - I: : =: : =
______ '_ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - I _ _ _1 _
, I I ,
- - - - - ,- - - - - - - - -, - - - t - - - - - ,- - - - - -

______ '- J L_ ___ L _

~~::::~::::: ::::::~::::: ~:
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - "'1 - - .. -
===:::. ===== = _===J_ =_= rr ==-C_==::
- - - - -
'_ - - - - - - - - - - .! - - - - -
- - -'- - - - - -
- - r - - - - -
. ,
- - - - - ,- - - - - - - - -, - - - t-

(b) _____ -'- - - - - ===~====

L _
: : : : : : ,: : : : : ~ : -_:.:::::-
- - - - - f- - - -
- --- -- 1--i -- - --- ---
- t -
--- -----
=====_ ==== 1_ = -J=:_= [ : ===.::====
- - ..! - - I
, - _1- _ _ __

---- ,- - - - -
-- ,/
r - - ,------

: ::::I: : : : : '-
J ir,
t :
- - '-.= - - - - -
- - - - 1- - - - -
----I ----
- - - -i - - - - ~ -
, ~= =-- 1-1= - == = =
- - - - -- - - -
----:- --T --- ~ ---1-
I - _

- - ,- - -- ,- - - - - -

, rr'
10-4 u-L_--a.---o...................................--....a...."",.,..,................._ - - - '
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 4.6 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter

modulated by symmetrical double-edge regular sampled
PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M == 0.9, fe/fo == 21.
Three-Level Modulation of a Single-Phase Inverter 167

::=::::=::,: :::::::::: ~ : =::: :::: ~ ::_: :::::: t ::::::::::::;: ::: ::::::

- - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - - ~ - - - - - - to - - - - - - I- - - - - -
===_= ,= =_- _- -, - ===J - - =- =~ ==- - _,= =- ===
- - - '_ - _I _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ __ ' _
I 1 1 , 1
- - - - , - - r
,,-.... - - - - -,- -
- I
-1- - --

1 I 1
_____ J l 1 _
- - - - - - '- - - - - - I
ci : : : : : : ,= : : : .: ' :::::j:~::: f: ~~~~:::::
'-' - - - - - -,- --- , - - - - - ~ - - - - ... - - -I- - - - - -

======(=- _== I =_- ==J =_: =_ [-
_____ J__ _ ~_
_==I: =_===
__ 1 _

- - - - - _1- '
, I , I ,

2 - - - - - 1- - - - 1 - - - , - - - - r - r - - --

(a) eo , 1 I , ,

ro ______ 1
: : - : - : ,: : : : - :

: :: =:~:::: ~= :::~=::::
:E -- -- -- -- - - -- - - --
- -1- 1 -"f - - - t -
-- -- -- I- -- -- -- -- --
2 ======1_==-- I .r: _=J=-==
tr_ -==c=====
_ __ ' _
- - - - -' - - -
I _ _ _ _ ~

0 I I I I I
- - - - -,- - - - - r - - - ,- - - - - -

1 - - , - - - -
, I I I
r, I _ _ J L _ _ '-
::c: -
- - - -I:
- -
-- -- -- 1- - -- -- - -- - I::
1 --
= ====, -=- - I == - 1J ==== [L __ == 1- =====
_ ---'-I ---- '_ __ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ __

- - - - -,- - - -
, -, - -- r- -- 1- - - - - -


10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ : ~ : : ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~: ~ ~ ~ ~ 1WTHDO= 1.05%1

=====_( ==- - ==,I ==-
- - - - - - 1-
= =J1 =====-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[ =-_ _- =-
=,= ===___=
_ 1_ _ _ ~
, , I , ,

...-.. - - - - - - 1- - - - -, - - - - - - , - - - - r - - - -r - - - - -

I 1 1 I I
______ '- J J L_
:: :: : : :: :':: : :: : : :': : : : :: :: ~ : : : .: t:
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -I - - - - - - ~ - - - - ...-
~ ==-===,==-====1 ===-=J_ -== [= ==-(=====
- - - 1- _
~ ~_
- - - - - - '_ - - - - _I _ _ _ _
1 I I I 1
r- ---r---
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -, - - , - -
, I 1 I I
______ , , J _
(b) ~ - - -'- - - - - -
:E =: =: =: 1-
- - - - -
: : ==: =- : =: = ----
----- :1 ------ ~ =: ==
1- - - - - - -I - - - - - - "1 - - - -
to -
t -
- - - -----
===_ ===1' - == = _1J === _= [=
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= = _ = = =1=
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0 1 I I 1 I

- - - - - - ,- - - - - - -I
_1_ _,
- - - 1 - - - -

r r'
- r - -- - -

::x= : -:::~=-:::~:::::-~:::: :: .=-----

- - - - - 1- - - - - - -I - - - - - - ~ - - - - -- 1------
'1__ __
=_ == J
J _==_
_ =
- =
- r= =
1- _ = == =
_ __
- --- -.- -
- - -, - - - - - -,
, I
-- r- -- .- - - - -
, I
10-4 '-L-L._-....._ _.a....-_-.....---a..........u...A.....,.,....&.LJ.._---l

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure4.7 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter
modulated by asymmetrical double-edge regular sampled
PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.9, fe/fo = 21.
168 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

It should be observed also that for both symmetrical and asymmetrical reg-
ular sampling, only odd baseband harmonics remain in the I-I output voltage,
since the even baseband harmonics produced by the symmetrical regular sam-
pling process cancel between the phase legs. But the distinction between this
cancellation and the elimination of the even harmonic with asymmetrical regu-
lar sampled PWM is important. Cancellation of harmonics between phase legs
depends on precise modulation control implementation. The elimination of the
even harmonics by asymmetrical regular sampling is intrinsic to the nature of
the asymmetrical modulation process itself and is not so dependent on the
accuracy of the modulation implementation.

It is interesting to reflect also on the physical mechanism which leads to

symmetrical modulation retaining sideband harmonics around the odd carrier
multiples despite harmonic cancellation between the phase legs. Essentially,
while symmetrical sampling produces two I-I output pulses per carrier cycle in
the same way as natural sampling, the width of these pulses is only varied once
per carrier cycle. Hence some harmonic influence must be retained at all car-
rier multiples to reflect this sampling process. Asymmetrical sampling re-
assesses the switched pulse widths at twice the carrier frequency, and so does
not require any sideband harmonics around the odd carrier multiples. This is an
intrinsic limitation of symmetrical sampled modulation compared to asymmet-
rical modulation as identified by Boys and Handley [1].

The cancellation of the main carrier harmonics themselves between the

phase legs also substantially reduces the overall WTHD of the I-I switched
output voltage, as shown in Figure 4.8. Note that the results shown in Figure
4.8 have been deliberately presented at the very low carrier pulse ratio of 11, to
highlight any differences between the various carrier/sampling alternatives.
But even in this extreme case, there is essentially no difference between dou-
ble-edge naturally sampled and double-edge asymmetrically regular sampled
PWM. Double-edge symmetrical sampling has a little more WTHD at higher
values of M, and single-edge naturally and regularly sampled PWM produce
significantly more switching harmonics in general. The same trend applies for
any carrier pulse ratio; but, of course, the differences between the PWM strate-
gies become less significant at higher carrier frequencies. However, the influ-
ence of the baseband harmonics caused by sampling processes is still
negligible for triangular carrier modulation strategies, even with the very low
carrier ratio selected for this example.
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 169


- T - - - T - - - T - - - , - - - , - - - , - - - -, - - - -I - - -
, I
OIL---.A.--....L.--....&.-.--"-_~_--...._--L_----'L...-_ ...... __J

o O.J 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Modulation Index M

Figure 4.8 WTHDO of I-I switched output voltage of a single-phase inverter

for various carrier and sampling alternatives, lei10 = II.

4.3 Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses

Since the half-bridge circuit forms the basic building block for many inverter
configurations, it is useful to derive closed-form solutions for the harmonic
currents and consequential losses of this circuit, in order to form a basis for
comparison against and between more advanced modulation methods [2].
To obtain such closed-form solutions, it is reasonable to make the assump-
tion that the average internal EMF e az of the load, measured with respect to
the DC bus midpoint over an arbitrary switching interval ~T is essentially con-
stant. The load current can then be expected to have a high-frequency AC rip-
ple component at the switching frequency Ie = 1I ~T. It can be further
assumed that the losses in the load, while nontrivial, can be neglected for the
purposes of calculating the ripple current. This approach is a good approxima-
tion for high-efficiency loads such as transformers and electrical machines.
170 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

With such an effectively inductive load, the load current will rise and fall
linearly about its target value, driven by the difference between the instanta-
neous applied voltage from the phase leg as it switches and the internal EMF of
load. This is shown in Figure 4.9, where the quantity ~ja is the current ripple,
i.e., the difference between the actual current and the reference current.
Over the interval T 1 the rise in current ripple is given by
(V -e) Vd
~ia(t) = dc az t = _c( 1- u)t (4.12)
La La
where for convenience u = eaz / Vdc and where La corresponds to the effec-
tive inductance between the phase leg switched output and the load internal
EMF. In a transformer or an induction motor this inductancecorresponds to
L 2L m
L cr = LI + L + L (4.13)
z m
where L 1, L2, and L m are the primary leakage (or stator leakage), secondary
leakage (or rotor leakage), and magnetizing inductances of the transformer (or
induction motor) load, respectively.
At the end of T1 ' the current ripple will have reached a peak value of
(V -e) V
.1ia ( T I ) = dCL az T I = LdC(l- u)TI (4.14)
a a
During the second interval T2 , the fall in current ripple is given by

_ t
'\eaz= (v oz)
.141 +- Tz-.I +- Tz-.I~I
Figure 4.9 Switched voltage pulse and corresponding harmonic ripple
current within an arbitrary pulse period of a single-phase
half-bridge with an inductive load.
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 171


for T} 5: t 5: T) + T2 .

At time T, + T2 , the current ripple will have returned to zero, so that

T[(I-u)T t-(I+u)T2 ] == 0 (4.16)
Equation (4.16) together with the knowledge that T] + T2 == AT/2, can be
used to solve for T1 and T2 in terms of AT, with the result of

T}==(l+u)- T2 = (l-u)- (4.17)
4 4
The RMS copper losses due to switching over the interval ~T/2 are pro-
portional to the average of the square of the current during this time. Thus, an
expression proportional to the losses over this interval can be written as

T T t + T2


(6.i:)=(:dC)2~T J(l-u)2idt + [(1-u)T1-(l+u)(t-T1)]2 dt

o T
Equation (4.18) can be simplified by changing the integrating variable to
x = t - T) , so that the loss expression becomes

(6.i0 = (::)2~T{ !~1-U)2idt + f[(1-U)T 1-(1+u)x]2 dx }

which reduces to


The RMS value of the harmonic current ripple over any PWM interval ~T is
172 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

t, = J(,1.i2) = VdC(l _ u 2) AT (4.21)

a La 4/3
since the contribution over each of the two half periods ~ T12 is the same.
The instantaneous level of harmonic current ripple varies over the com-
plete fundamental cycle and is worst when the voltage ratio u crosses through
zero (i.e., when the EMF of the load passes through zero). Figure 4.10 shows
the variation in the harmonic current over a complete fundamental cycle for a
modulation index of M = 0.9 with a highly inductive load.
It is of interest to also determine the accumulative effect of the harmonic
current over one complete cycle. The harmonic power dissipated in the load is
proportional to the equivalent load resistance Re times the square of the har-
monic current. Thus integrating Eq. (4.20) over a fundamental cycle gives

, -, v
0.6 r\ V
\, I
~ 0.2 v
(a) ~ 0 r\ II
\ I
~ -0.2 ~ I

-0.4 \ I
-0.6 ~ V
-0.8 ~ V
'-.. I-- V

3 -------
(b) OH-+++-t-t-t-f-++++-t~~_\_+_lIIr+++_+_t_+_t_t_++++_t~+_++++-t

-2 I I

- ------"T------r
I I , I

-4 - - - - - -,-
- - - - - -I -

- - - - - ~
- - - - - - ...
- - - - - -.-

, , , I

-5 00 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600

Figure 4.10 (a) Reference and switched voltages for single-phase leg
(voltages referred to DC bus centerpoint) and (b) harmonic
current ripple with inductive load, M= 0.9, !clio = 21.
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 173

(VdC)2~T2 1 J 2 2
Ph,cu = Rih,ave = s, La 4821t [l-u] de o (4.22)
In general, the average value of the applied voltage over a switching instant
equals the internal EMF uVdc plus the fundamental component of the reactive
voltage drop across the internal inductance La. For an ideal inductance, this
voltage drop will be in quadrature to the load EMF, so that the applied voltage
will have the same magnitude as the internal EMF (but of course phase shifted
to some extent). So in terms of the overall harmonic losses, the EMF term u in
Eq. (4.22) can simply be replaced by the instantaneous applied p.u. voltage at
any point in the fundamental cycle, Mcos8 0 ' and the loss expression becomes

VdC) 2 ~T 2 1
Ph,cu = e,( T 4821t
2 2
[I-M cos 80 ] dao
2 (4.23)
By repeated use of the trigonometric identity, cos = (I + cos2<p)/2, Eq.
(4.23) can be expanded to an expression containing only a constant and a part
containing cosine terms. Since the integral is evaluated over a complete cycle,
the part involving cosine terms is zero, and the constant becomes


The function f(M) = I-M + ~M4 is plotted in Figure 4.11 and illustrates

how the overall harmonic losses vary with modulation index.

Figure 4.12 shows the ripple current over one carrier interval for the more
realistic case of the complete single-phase inverter of Figure 4.1, controlled by
the modulation process illustrated in Figure 4.2. Note that in this case four
switching events occur over the modulation interval, rather than the two that
occur for the single-phase leg. As a consequence, the ripple frequency is dou-
bled for the same ~T. Also, the ripple current is now driven by a voltage that
switches between zero and 2 Vdc rather than + Vdc and -Vdc as before.

Figure 4.13 shows the variation in the harmonic current for a single-phase
inverter over a fundamental cycle for a modulation index of M = 0.9 with a
highly inductive load. The difference between this current ripple and that of a
single-phase leg shown in Figure 4.10 can be clearly seen.
174 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Half-Bridge:JtM) = I-M
0.9 I
- - -I - - - -I - - - -I - - - -I - - - - - - - -I- - -
I , I I I ' I
0.8 - - - - - - - T - - - T - - - "I - - I - - - I - - - -, - - - -, - - - -, - - -
I I , I ' I I I
0.7 - - - r - - - T - - - T - - - T - - - , - - - - - - , - - - -, - - - -, - - -
1 1 I I t
1 1 I I , I I I I

0.6 - - - ~ - - - to - - - + - - - + - - - -t - - - -t - - - - - - -i - - - -I - - -

~ 0.5
2 3 4 I
Full-Bridge:f(M) = 2M - (32/31t)M + (3/2)M :
0.3 ,
0.2 - - - r - - - T - - - T - - - T - - - , - - - , - - , - - - -, - - - -, - - -

0.1 - - - ~ - - - to - - - - - - + - - - -t - - - -t - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - -I - - -

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Modulation Index M

Figure4.11 Normalized harmonic copper losses as a function of

modulation index M for pure inductive load.

However, the harmonic losses as a function of modulation index for the

complete single-phase inverter can still be solved in the same manner, as fol-

For 0 s t s T 1



and when T1 s t s T1 + T2 (for the positive half fundamental cycle)

2 Vd -e ) e
~. (t) = ( c ab (t - T ) - ...E!!. T (4.27)
lab L 1 L 1
cr cr

~. (T + T ) = ( 2 VdLc - e) T -...E!!.T
e o (4.28)
lab 1 2 2 L 1
cr 0'
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 175

\ Phase Leg a
t1T/4 t1T/2 3t1T/4

\ /
\ / t1T
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ / Phase Leg b
t1T/4 \ ~T/2 / 3~T/4 ~T
I \ I ~ I I ....

\ T / t
\ /

I-I Output Voltage

and Ripple Current

Figure 4.12 Modulation process and resulting ripple current for single-
phase full-bridge VSI.

From the relationship T) + T2 = t1T/4 it is straightforward using Eqs.

(4.27) and (4.28) to show that T) = (1 - u) t1T/4 and T2 = u t1T/4 for the
positive half fundamental cycle, where u is now defined as u = e ab/ 2 Vdc .

Using these relationships, the average squared value of the current ripple
over the interval ~T/ 4 can be written in the form

(A.iab) =
4{JT\ utdt+ JT2[(1-u)x- u Td dx
(2LaV )2A.T
dC 2 2 2 }
o 0
176 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters


~ 0.5
(a) ce "
0 I)
ci -0.5 1\ II


5 '" I , I

4 - - - - - -,- - - - - - -:- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -
I , I

3 - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 - - - - - -:- - - - - - -;- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -;- - - - - -
(b) o lAMM~4IffilJ ~MWW\AA~
-2 " I

I I I , I
- - - - - -,- - - - - - -, - - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - - ,- - - - - -
, I I I t
I I I I ,

-4 - - - - - - 1-

- - - - - -I -
- - - - - ....
- - - - - - ~
- - - - - - 1-
- - - - -

I , I I I

eo 2400

Figure 4.13 (a) Reference and switched voltages for" complete single-
phase inverter and (b) harmonic current ripple with
inductive load, M= 0.9, fe/fo = 21.

where x = t - T1 Equation (4.29) can be evaluated to form

V 2 2
( A
.2) = (-!!E.)
2( I _ )2~T
U 12 (4.30)

The losses due to the harmonic current ripple over a full cycle are therefore

Ph, cu = R) 1t
J (fli;b) da o


=R (V )2~T2! dC
(Mcos9 o )2 (1-Mcos8 o )2 d8 0 (4.31)
e La 12 1t
Sideband Modulation 177

using the same substitution of replacing u with Mcos8 0 ' and recognizing from
Figure 4.13 that inverter operation in the negative half of the fundamental
cycle produces the mirror image current ripple response compared to the posi-
tive half cycle, with identical harmonic losses.
By repeated use of standard trigonometric identities, it is again not difficult
to show that Eq. (4.31) reduces to
3 4
P = R (VdC)2~T2 [2M 2 _ 32M + 3M ] (4.32)
h, cu e Lo 48 3n 2
The square bracketed term in Eq. (4.32) has the same per unit normalized value
as in Eq. (4.24) and is also plotted in Figure 4.11. However, a major difference
between the two equations is the absence of the constant term in Eq. (4.32)
which occurs because of the optimum use of the zero states in the modulation
of the full-bridge. Also, while many other modulation algorithms can also be
devised, placement of the active pulses in the center of each half period as
shown in Figure 4.12 clearly achieves the minimum losses since it minimizes
the peak of the current ripple.
Finally, it is important to mention that while Eqs. (4.24) and (4.32) are use-
ful figures of merit, they become less useful at reduced carrier ratios Icllo or
at close to unity modulation (M ~ 1), since the assumption that the EMF
remains constant during a switching interval becomes less accurate. It has been
shown, however, that these results remain accurate to within a few percent for
'fclfo ~ 9 [2] and for modulation indices below about M= 0.95.
Where precise accuracy is required, the exact harmonic solutions of Eqs.
(4.7) to (4.11) can be used under any modulation conditions or carrier pulse
ratio to determine the harmonic current ripple on a per harmonic basis.

4.4 Sideband Modulation

Examination of the terms in the spectrum of Figure 4.3(b) shows that the dom-
inant harmonic terms in the spectrum are located at 2moo c + (2n 1 )00 0 For
the case shown, the most significant of these harmonics is at
(2 x 21 )00 0 - (2 x 1 - 1 )00 0 = 4100 0 , and it would be beneficial if this term
could be reduced or eliminated. Takahashi et. al. [3] have shown that by using
a derivative of frequency modulation (FM) theory, the triangular carrier wave
can be "dithered" or modulated in such a manner so as to cancel this term.
178 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

While difficult to represent in the linear time domain, a solution becomes pos-
sible in a time domain that is adjusted to account for the dither effect. In partic-
ular let the phase angle of the triangular carrier wave be modulated such that
tri( roct') denotes a triangular carrier in a modified time domain t' where

While the two time domains are related by a nonlinear equation, a solution in
the linear time domain t can be obtained if there is a one-to-one correspon-
dence between the two times, that is, if there are no "double value" or negative
solutions to Eq. (4.33). Consequently a monotonic positively increasing solu-
tion is guaranteed under the constraint
From Eq. (4.33), this constraint requires that
dt' ro
-d = 1 + al-.cos(root) > 0 (4.34)
t Ole
Therefore the two times continue to increase as long as a I zs < 1 .
In addition, intersections of the triangular carrier and sinusoidal reference
must always occur in each carrier interval. This requirement can be satisfied if

d [tri(roct' )]1> IdVa~1 (4.35)

I dt' dt'
where v a~ is the target reference voltage in the t' domain, defined by

Va~ = 2 VdcMcos[root + 0,1 sin(root)] (4.36)

The slope of the triangular carrier wave is given by
d [tri( roctl)]1 = 2 VdcOlc (4.37)
I dt' 1t

while the slope of the fundamental reference is

dv a: dt
dt dt'

-2 VdcMsin[coot + a 1 sincoot] [coo + alcoot sinroot]

1 + aI-coso> t
COc 0
Sideband Modulation 179

As a worst case condition, let the numerator be as large and the denominator as
small as possible for Eq. (4.38), in which case the limiting condition of Eq.
(4.35) becomes


or solving for 0.1'

roc - Mtu;
a 1 < Ol--+-M-1t-ro- (4.40)
o 0

The restriction is greatest for large values of M. Setting M = 1 gives

roc - 1troo
0. 1 < ro + 1tco or (4.41)
o 0

At a typical carrier ratio of say ro c / ol o = 21, 0. 1 < 4.31 rad or --245.

Consider now the behavior of the harmonic sidebands corresponding to

m = 1 in the general solution ofEq. (4.6). These sideband terms have the form

n =-00

Replacing root with root + at sin co ot in this expression gives

vab(m=l) = -;- L..J J 2 n _ I ( 1tM) cosmt (4.43)
n = -00 x COS(2Olct + [2n - 1]( Olot + a 1 sinOlot)

The time-varying terms of Eq. (4.43) can be rearranged into the form
cos(2roct + [2n - 1 ]root + [2n - 1 ]0. 1 sinroot) , and then the complete expres-
sion can be expanded using Eq. (A2.8) to become

n =-00

x LJ k ( [2n - 1]u I )cos(2OOct + [2n - 1]OOot + kOOot)

k =-00
180 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

The terms from Eq. (4.44) contributing to the sideband harmonics just
above and below the double carrier frequency at 2roc roo can be collected by
setting [2n - 1] + k = 1 whereupon k = -2n; -2n + 2. Similarly the val-
ues of k producing harmonic terms at 200 c 300 0 are k = - 2n - 2; - 2n + 4
for the lower and upper spectral lines, respectively. For the two sideband har-
monics immediately below 2oo c ' the precise magnitudes are therefore

-00 )

cosxn J 2n - 1( rc M) J_2n( [2n - l ]a 1) (4.45)

n = -<X)

n =-00

The magnitudes of the two major sideband harmonic components just above
2roc at 2roc + roo and 2roc + 300 0 will be the same by virtue of the symmetry
in the Bessel functions.
Figure 4.14 shows the variation of the sideband harmonic component
defined by Eq. (4.45) (normalized against 2 Vdc since this is the maximum
value of the I-I output voltage) as a function of at for five values of the mod-
ulation index M. Since the summation terms roll off rapidly, only values of n
from -5 to 5 need be considered in the summation term. The corresponding
behavior of the next sideband harmonic defined by Eq. (4.46) and located at
200 c - 300 0 is illustrated in Figure 4.15.
From Figure 4.14 it can be seen that the first sideband harmonic is mini-
mized at all modulation indices for a value of 0. 1 of about 3.5 rad. On the other
hand, Figure 4.15 shows that the second sideband harmonic is minimized for a
value of at of about 0.7 rad. Clearly there will an optimum value for at
which minimizes the overall harmonic distortion, or WTHD, for the PWM
switched waveform, somewhere between these two limits.
For the single-phase inverter, there are only four major harmonics which
contribute significantly to the WTHD of the switched output voltage, at fre-
quencies of 2ro c roo and 2roc 300 0 as can be identified from Figure 4.3(b).
The WTHD contribution from these harmonics can be readily calculated from
Sideband Modulation 181

0.4 ..----T-- -----,--~- - __--...._-__.

1 I I
_ L _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _
Q) 0.35
I I I 1 , I
I 1 I ,
I , I I I I

.~ 0.3 l _ _ _ _ l
_ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ ...I _ _ _ _ ...I _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _

t I , 1
~ ,
, I

J. _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _
o 0.25
'8 I
o I I I

_ _ _ _ _ - J _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _
0.2 I I 1

:I: I I
_ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _
] 0.15 r
.~ I
1 I

0.1 - - - - ._' - - - -
o ,
Z ____ l l l J_
0.05 , ,

o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
al (rad)
Figure 4.14 Variation of the spectral line 200 c - 300 0 as a function of phase
modulation amplitude a 1 for various modulation levels M

0.4 r--~-_--~----....-- __- __- - r _ - - - .

I I 1
_ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ ...I _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _
0.35 , I I I I I 1
I I ' I
_ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _
0.3 I I , I I
I t I I I

I I "
____ L l l J J J __
0.25 I I I I

0.2 - - - - L - - - - l - - - - 1 - - - - J - - - - ...I - - -

0.15 - __ l
I I '
L l J _



0.05 - --

o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
at (rad)
Figure 4.15 Variation of the spectral line 200 c - 3 roo as a function of phase
modulation amplitude (11 for various modulation levels M
182 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

2 2 2 2
roo V(2oo - 300 ) V(2oo - 00 ) V(2oo + 00 ) V(2oo + 300 )
WTHDO =- - c 0 + C 0 + C 0 + C 0
2 Vdc 200 c - 3roo 2roc - roo 2roc + 00 0 2roc + 300 0
where again all harmonic voltages have been normalized with respect to 2 Vdc .
The variation of WTHDO with a 1 is shown in Figure 4.16, with an opti-
mum value for at of about 2.5 rad. From Eq. (4.41), this would be achievable
with a carrier ratio of greater than 14, which is quite realistic. Essentially then,
phase modulation of the carrier offers the potential to spread harmonic energy
between the significant harmonics to an overall improvement in the harmonic
It should be realized that there is also potential to increase the magnitude of
the outer sideband harmonics using this technique, so that they may become
significant under some conditions. However, in this case of the single-phase
inverter under three-level modulation, the next sideband harmonics at
2roc 5roo are so much smaller that there is little risk of this effect occurring.

2.0 r---_-....__-poo---_-~ __....._-...._____.,.


1.8 - - - - ; - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - -: - - - - -: - - - - -,- - - -

1.6 - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - -: - - - - -:- - - -
, I I I I
1.4 - - - - r - - - - r - - - - T - - - - , - - - - , - - - - , - - - - -, - - - -

..-... I I
~ 1.2
~ 0.8

0.6 ----j - -
0.4 - - - - r - - - - r - - - - T - - - - 1 - - - - , - - - - , - - - - -, - - - -

I I I I M=O.l _ - - - - I_ . . . . . ,
0.2 - - - - .. - - - - .. - - - - t - - - - -i - - - - . - - - -, - - - -

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

at (rad)
Figure 4.16 WTHDO for I-I output voltage of single-phase inverter with
phase modulation amplitude a 1 for various modulation
levels M, fcllo = 21.
Switched Pulse Position 183

4.5 Switched Pulse Position

Pulse position is a crucial factor in determining the harmonic performance of a
PWM implementation, particularly for more complex converter topologies.
For the single-phase inverter only a few placement variations are possible, but
it is still illustrative to see the effects that these alternative placements can have
on the harmonics generated. This will provide a useful introduction to the
many more alternatives that are possible for pulse position for the three-phase
inverters considered in the next chapter. But in all cases, the important issue is
that once a pulse width has been determined by the modulation strategy, the
placement of the pulse within the carrier or half carrier interval then substan-
tially influences the harmonic performance of the inverter.

The primary objective of any PWM strategy is to generate a I-I output

active pulse within each (half) carrier period which achieves the same funda-
mental volt-second average as the original target reference waveform over that
period. This objective is satisfactorily fulfilled if the active I-I output pulse is
placed anywhere in each half carrier period, since the position of the pulse
within a half carrier period does not affect its cumulative volt-second average
over that period. However, the position of the active pulse does significantly
influence the harmonic performance of the switched output voltage.

This issue is illustrated in Figure 4.17, which presents the two extreme
pulse placements (i.e., pulses centered and pulses placed at the edge of the half
carrier period) for a 50% duty cycle switched voltage applied to an inductive
load which has an internal EMF equal to half the switched voltage. While the
average current is zero in both cases since the switched output volt-second
average equals the load EMF, the peak current ripple when the pulses are cen-
tered in the half carrier period is clearly less than the peak current ripple when
the pulses are positioned back-to-back to span across two half carrier periods.
Furthermore, when the switched pulses are centered in each half carrier period,
the current ripple frequency is twice that of the back-to-back pulse placement.
Since the harmonic losses in the load are proportional to the RMS value of the
ripple current, they are obviously also sensitive to the location of the pulses in
the half carrier period, and it is not difficult to show that when the duty cycle is
50% the losses in the two extreme positions can differ by up to a factor of 4. A
detailed proof of the necessity for centering the pulses in each half carrier
period is given in [2].
184 Modulation of Single-Phase VoltageSourceInverters

Best Case Pulse Placement

t1.Tfl - -........-- t1.Tfl--~

...~.......- - -.. vab

Worst Case Pulse Placement

Figure 4.17 Best and worst case placement of I-I active voltage pulses
within a half carrier period.

The conclusion to be drawn from this simple example is that modulation

strategies which place their switched pulses closer to the center of each carrier
period have a superior harmonic performance compared to those which do not
center the pulses, irrespective of how the switched pulse width is produced.
However, while centering the switched pulse in each half carrier period
achieves the best harmonic response, the cost is usually that both phase legs
must be independently modulated, and this is generally a more expensive
implementation than some of the following alternatives. This raises the possi-
bility of changing the position of the active I-I pulse within the half carrier
period, to see if some implementation benefit is gained.

4.5..1 Continuous Modulation

The natural and regularly sampled PWM schemes discussed in Section 4.2
require both phase legs of the inverter to switch between the upper and lower
DC rails at the carrier frequency. This approach is termed continuous modula-
tion, since all devices switch continuously throughout the fundamental cycle.
The consequence of the switching patterns created by three-level double-
edge continuous modulation for a single-phase inverter is that the I-I output
pulse is implicitly placed approximately in the center of the half carrier period
as shown in Figure 4.2. Note that in actuality, for natural sampled PWM, the
Switched Pulse Position 185

switched pulse is only approximately centered since the reference wave is not a
constant during the triangular carrier period, while for regular sampled PWM,
the switched pulse is positioned exactly in the center of each half carrier inter-
val for either symmetrical or asymmetrical sampling because of the sampling
effect. It is this slight difference in pulse position within the carrier interval
over the fundamental cycle that helps suppress the baseband harmonics of nat-
urally sampled modulation compared to regular sampled modulation.
For regular sampled single-edge PWM, geometry dictates that the switched
pulse width calculations are the same as for double-edge modulation. For natu-
rally sampled PWM the switched pulse widths will vary slightly between sin-
gle- and double-edge modulation, and this slightly affects the harmonic
performance. But the main difference between single- and double-edge modu-
lation is where the switched pulses are placed within each carrier period.
The analysis presented in Sections 3.4.1 and 3.6.1 show the considerable
disadvantage of single-edge modulation compared to double-edge modulation,
in that the phase leg switched voltages contain twice as many harmonic com-
ponents as before. Essentially, the elimination of every second harmonic that
occurs with double-edge modulation, achieved by the sin(n1t/2),
sin(m1t/2), and sin[(m+n)1t/2] terms in (3.39) and (3.98), no longer
occurs. Also, the contribution of the Bessel function coefficient in reducing the
sideband harmonics is less as the summation index increases, which means that
the magnitude of the harmonics as well as their number is increased compared
to double-edge modulation.
Figure 4.4(a) and Figure 4.5(a) particularly show the additional harmonics
intrinsically created by the single-edge modulation process, with sideband har-
monics occurring at every fundamental frequency interval away from each car-
rier multiple, rather than at every second fundamental frequency interval as is
the case for double-edge modulation. And yet the switched pulse width is vir-
tually the same for each modulation process. Pulse position is clearly a critical
factor in determining the performance of a modulation system.
Furthermore the regular sampled single-edge modulation process produces
larger baseband harmonic components [Figure 4.5(a)] than does the double-
edge process [Figure 4.7(a)], with a particularly significant second harmonic
component. While this component is eliminated from the I-I output voltage by
cancellation between the phase legs for a single-phase inverter, this is not
always the case for other topologies such as three-phase inverters.
186 Modulationof Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Of course many of the carrier sideband harmonics are eliminated by can-

cellation between the phase legs of a single-phase inverter even with single-
edge modulation, since all even sideband harmonics cancel in the I-I switched
output waveform. This creates an output voltage harmonic spectrum similar to
that of double-edge switching shown in Figure 4.3(b) but centered around the
carrier frequency rather than around the double carrier frequency, as shown in
Figure 4.4(b). However, it is always better to avoid creating harmonics within
the phase leg switching pattern than to rely on accurate waveform generation
to cancel harmonics between the phase legs, even disregarding the benefit of
the higher effective switching frequency presented to the load by double-edge
It can also be seen that the uncanceled third harmonic low-order compo-
nent is still present in Figure 4.5(b). This component is caused by the regular
sampled process and does not cancel between phase legs since it is odd.
Single-edge modulation variations which incorporate discontinuous
switching usually result in a further degradation in spectral response and are
not considered further in this text since they are a straightforward extension of
the concepts presented below, essentially impractical, and do not add to funda-
mental understanding.

4.5.2 Discontinuous Modulation

Looking again at Figure 4.2, it is straightforward to express the width of the
I-I output voltage pulse in each half carrier period under asymmetrical regular
sampled modulation conditions as


where the sampling time ti is set at the start of each half carrier period for con-
venience and the sign of Tl-l(i) determines the polarity of the output pulse.
Once this pulse width is known, its position can be moved within the half car-
rier period to achieve the same volt-second average over this period, but with
alternative switching sequences.
For example, if the two I-I output pulses are moved together into the mid-
dle of the full carrier period, the center Vz states shown in Figure 4.2 disappear,
and it becomes unnecessary to switch both phase legs in each carrier period.
This PWM strategy is known as discontinuous modulation, where only phase
Switched Pulse Position 187

leg a is modulated in the first half of the fundamental cycle, while phase leg b
is modulated in the second half of the fundamental cycle (the modulated phase
leg swaps as positive and negative polarity I-I output pulses are generated in
each half fundamental cycle). It should be recognized that unlike single-edge
modulation, both switching edges are still modulated throughout the funda-
mental cycle, first by one phase leg and then by the other. But the phase legs
never switch together within the same carrier period.
Discontinuous modulation can be achieved with either natural sampling
using the half cycle reference waveforms for each phase leg shown in Figure
4.18, or by symmetrical or asymmetrical regular sampling with the active pulse
intervals calculated using variations of Eq. (4.48) with appropriate sampling
points. For all cases, the harmonic performance can be evaluated using the
techniques developed in Chapter 3 for continuous modulation, with appropri-
ate adjustments for the changed reference waveforms.

For phase leg a under discontinuous naturally sampled modulation, Eq.

(3.9) becomes
1t/2 7tMcosy

A mn +i: = 12
f f 2 Vdce
-1t/2 -7tMcosy
j(mx + ny)
dx dy (4.49)

where the outer integral is only evaluated for half the fundamental period since
the switched output is zero with respect to the negative DC rail for the remain-
der of this period, and the inner integral limits reflect the revised intersection of
the fundamental reference with the triangular carrier.

Equation (4.49) can now be evaluated for the various values of m and n.

For m = n = 0, Eq. (4.49) simplifies to

7t/2 7tMcosy

f f dxdy
-7t/2 -7tMcosy


f 21tMcosy dy =
7 M (4.50)
188 Modulation of Single-PhaseVoltage Source Inverters


Switched Waveform :
for Phase Leg a

for Phase Leg b

-Vdc ....- - - ' - - - _.....~


Switched I-I :
Output Waveform :

-- --- --
-- --- -- 1-.-

PhaseLeg a

Phase Leg b
-Vdc ~--..... --+--..,.---e
I-I Output Voltage

~i-) Ij

Expanded Carrier Cycle Expanded Carrier Cycle

-n/2 s Olot ~ n/2 n/2 s Olot ~ 31t/2
Figure 4.18 Single-phase inverter switching pattern for discontinuous
naturally sampled PWM - both phase legs modulated.
Switched Pulse Position 189

Equation (4.50) gives the expected DC offset in the final solution caused
because the negative DC bus is taken as the switched reference voltage. Unlike
continuous modulation, this offset now varies with modulation index.
For m = 0, n > 0, Eq. (4.49) simplifies to
n/2 1tMcosy

A On +B - de
} On - -2
-1t/2 - nMcosy
j ny

= Vde
21tMcosye dy

__ Vde Jn/2

j[n+ J]y
) dy (4.51 )

Unlike continuous modulation, Eq. (4.51) does not evaluate to zero for n "* 1.
Instead it integrates to

A +B
On } On
V i
=....!I.E.- e

l[n + 1]

l[n -1]
+ 1t
] n/2

In = I
n>0 n 1 -n/2

= VdC12Sin[n + 1]~ + 2sin[n - 1]~ + nl ]

1t [n + 1] [n - 1] n=1
n>O n>l

V M[ 4 sin [n + 1] ~ ]
= d~ 1tln=I-[n+l][n-l]
n> I

4V M cosn-
MI n 1 _=
[n + 1] [n - 1] 1

The first term of Eq. (4.52) is the same fundamental component as Eq. (3.32)
in Chapter 3. The remaining terms represent even order baseband harmonics
that are created because the reference waveform is only a half sinusoid, with
considerable low-frequency distortion. (These additional harmonics would be
expected to cancel between the phase legs to create an undistorted I-I output.)
190 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

For m > 0, n = 0, Eq. (4.49) simplifies to

1t/2 1tMcosy

} mO -- -2
A mO +B r; ejmxdxdy
-1t/2 - nMcosy

= Vde (eJmnMCOsy _ e-jm1tMCOSY ) dy
. 2
[mt; -n12


-- Vde2 J 2sin(mnMcosy) dy (4.53)

mt: -1/2

Using Eq. (A2.3), this becomes

A mO + ]B mO :=
4 Vde
mrr? J L
n/2 [ 00


-n/2 k = 1

8 VdC~
--2 LJ Jk(mnM)
k=l k


Equation (4.54) defines the harmonics of the carrier wave itself. Unlike the
carrier harmonics for continuous modulation, Eq. (4.54) defines a summation
which must be evaluated for each specific value of m. However, in practice,
summing over the range 0 ~ k ~ lOis usually sufficient because of the rapid
roll-off in magnitude of the Bessel function J 2k - 1(mnM) as k increases.
For m > 0, n "* 0, the inner integral of Eq. (4.49) can be evaluated, again
using Eq. (A2.3), to
jny jmrrMcosy -jmnMcosy
J mn -- -.-2
A mn +B de e (e - e ) dy
Switched Pulse Position 191

_ 2Vdc
- --2
J112[~J( mtc M).sink2 e }[n+kly+ e }[n-klY)]dy
~ k
1t (

-112 k == 1 (4.55)
The outer integral expression then becomes, with some manipulation

sin[n + k]!!:
[n + k]

sin[n - k]!!:
+ 2
[n -k]

+~I2 n= k

mn 00 [2k - 1] cosn-
4~ 2
-~L/2k-l(m1tM)[n+2k_l][n_2k+ 1]
Inl ~ 2k- 1
This equation defines the magnitude of the sideband harmonics of the switched
waveform, and has two terms which must be added for each particular m and n.
The first term has the same form as the sideband harmonic terms for continu-
ous modulation, given by Eq. (3.38). The second term is a summation expres-
sion which once more must be evaluated for the values of m and n of interest.
As before, summation over the range 0 < k < lOis usually sufficient because
of the roll-off in the Bessel function magnitude as k increases.
The complete harmonic solution for discontinuous naturally sampled mod-
ulation of phase leg a can now be formed by substituting the results of Eqs.
(4.50), (4.52), (4.55), and (4.56) back into Eq. (3.10), so that the time-varying
switched phase leg voltage van(t) can be expressed in terms of its harmonic
components as
192 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

I 1I
oo oo

+ -2- - --1 J - )(m1tM) cos(mOlct)
1t m 2k- 1 2k
m =) k=)

2Vdc ~ I ~ 1t
+ -;- .i...J ;;; .i...J I n (mit M) sinn"2 cos(mroct + nroot)
m= 1 n=-oo

[2k - 1]cosn

- 8V;Cf;
J 2k - 1( m1tM) [n + 2k- Inn - 2k+ 1]
m==l n=--oo k=1
(n ~ 0) Inl *-2k-]
x cos(mroct + nOlot)

The harmonic solution for phase leg b can be found by phase shifting the
fundamental reference in Eq. (4.57)by 1t (i.e., replacing root with root -1t), to

+ -2-
I L2-1


-k-J2k-1(m1tM) cos(mroct)
m= I k=]

2VdC~ 1 ~ 1t
- -;- .i...J;;; .i...J I n (m1tM) sinn"2 cos(mroct + nroot)
m=l n=-oo

~ 1. ~
[2k - 1] cosn
_ 8Vdc
1t 2 .i...J m .i...J J 2k - 1( m1tM) [n + 2k-1 nn - 2k + 1]
m=l n=--oo k= 1
(n ~ 0) Inl ~2k-l
x cos(mroct + nOlot)
Switched Pulse Position 193

Note that all the more complex expressions in Eq. (4.58) do not change sign,
since they are only nonzero for even values of n. This, of course, could be
anticipated, since it is expected that they will cancel between the phase legs for
the I-I solution.

The I-I output voltage harmonic solution is then found by subtracting

Eq. (4.58) from Eq. (4.57) to give


4V ~ ~ 1 1t
+ ..J ..J ;;/n(m1tM)sinn'2 cos(mrocl + nroal)

m= 1 n=-oo

Equation (4.59) is very similar to the I-I harmonic solution for continuous
modulation given by Eq. (4.6), except that the carrier sideband harmonics are
clustered around multiples of roct rather than 2ro c t , have a different magni-
tude, and there are some differences in the sign of the harmonic sidebands.
However, discontinuous switching halves the phase leg switching frequency
for the same carrier frequency, since each phase leg is only modulated for 50%
of the fundamental cycle. Thus the carrier frequency can be doubled and still
achieve the same losses, and also similar THD and WTHD performances as for
continuous double-edge PWM. This makes the sideband harmonics of Eq.
(4.59) identical in magnitude and absolute frequency to those of Eq. (4.6), so
that a harmonic performance identical to continuous PWM has been obtained,
and no performance benefit has been achieved with discontinuous switching.
Figure 4.19 shows the harmonics of the switched output for phase leg a and
the I-I output, where it can be seen that the harmonic performance of the I-I
output is identical to that shown in Figure 4.3 for double-edge continuous natu-
rally sampled PWM. (The carrier ratio for discontinuous modulation has been
doubled for this example to achieve the same number of switch transitions for
each phase leg over a complete fundamental cycle.)

While no particular benefit has been achieved in this case with discontinu-
ous modulation applied to a single-phase inverter, the concept of combining
active switched pulses together to eliminate zero intervals can be used with
more complex inverter topologies and modulation strategies, where it can
achieve reduced switching frequencies and sometimes harmonic benefits under
particular operating conditions. This issue is considered further in Chapter 5.
194 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

:::::::::,:::::::::: ~::::::::::::-r::::::::::
------1--- --'i------ .. -- ---
- = = = = =, = =_ =_ J == = =_ - [ - - =- - =
- - - - _' - - - - - I ' _ _ _
1 I 1

.--.. - - - -,- -
- -, - - - -
- r
d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I J L

------1- - --'i--- -

~ = = _= -_ =
_ =-
_ =1
_'_ __=
=== _J=
__ __= =-
_ __
2 -- -- -- - -,- - - - - - , - -
1 I

(a) eo I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _

Cd :: -:::: :.- - -:: - ~::

~ - -- -- -- -- -- -1-- -- -- - -- -- ---
0 == - =- =, ==== =- ==
E -- - -'- - - - - -
0 1
-- ---,----- --
Cd -

::t :: :,-- ::

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::~ ~ r WTHDO= 1.05%(

== ===- 1_ =- = = = =,' =
- - - - - - I
= _- __}j _ = = =_ - - ~~ =_
_ _ _ _
====,= = === =
_ _ _ __ ' _
I , , I I
- - - - - -,- - - - - -,- - , - - - - r - - - -,- - - - - -
~ , , 1 1
- _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ L_ _ __ L _

: :: :: : :: ::':: :: : :: : j: :: :: : :: : ~ :: :: : :::: t::
- - - - - - ,- - - - -I - - - of - - ~
- - -I- - - --
"tj === ==_,= =_ - _ _ ,= = = =- J _ === L=
- - - - -'- - - - - - '- - - - _..! - - ~ - = ==,= =====
- - _I _

2 ---- ,-
- -,
- -- ,----
, I
- - - ,- - - - - -

8 1
I 1
Ol) __ - , - , J _

(b) Cd : : : : - :.: - - : : - :.: : : :: :: : ~ : :: :: -

; : :: :: ::
':: :: :: :: :: ::
~ --
- -
- - - -1- -
- -,
- ---
- - -;
- - ~- - -I- - - - - -
0 ==-==_'_==_ - _I =---J= = L= - ==1- - =- _
2 - - - - -', - - - -', - - ..!1 - - - - -'- -----
0 I 1
-,- - - - - -
- - - - - 1- - - - -I - - - -, - r r' --

Cd ,_ _, J l -- '-
: : : : : - ,: : - - : - :': : - - -
- - - - - -,- - - - - - -I - - - - - -
~ -:
of --
: ~
- :::
,::: - : :
==-=- _1- - __ 1= - =- J- = ~ - - ., ,= - - =- -
- - - -'-
- - -'
- ..!
- !.
, - ,,------
- ,- - - - -
- - - , - -,- 1 - -
I I I ,
10- 4 u.-_-.J.-_ _~_......._ ............................~l.-_--'
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 4.19 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter
modulated by discontinuous naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 009, fc/fo = 42
Switched Pulse Position 195

Similar analytical solutions for discontinuous symmetrical and asymmetri-

cal regular sampled modulation can be found using the techniques developed
in Chapter 3, by replacingy with y =: y' + (ooolooe)x in Eq. (4.49), to give

n/2 nMcosy' ([ 000] )

-:f f
j m+n- x+ny'
A mn + jB mn = f e roc dxdy' (4.60)
-1t/2 - nMcosy'

for symmetrical sampling, and

n/2 0

f f
- de
V -n/2 - nMcos y;
A mn +B
} mn - - 2 (4.61)

J .(
nMcosy; [ ,0 onro ro])
mx+nYr+-x - - -
e J 2roc ro e dx dy;
-n/2 o

for asymmetrical sampling.

For discontinuous symmetrical regular sampled modulation, after some
algebraic manipulation and using the substitution of q = m + n( rool roc)' Eq.
(4.60) can be solved to yield the solution ofEq. (4.62) for phase leg a.
Examination of this solution yields some familiar terms.
The first line of Eq. (4.62) contains a DC offset term, and a series of base-
band harmonics that are very similar to those of the analytical solution for con-
tinuous asymmetrical regular sampled modulation developed as Eq. (3.98). It
should be noted that these harmonics are only odd, unlike those of continuous
symmetrical regular sampled modulation developed as Eq. (3.78).
Line two of Eq. (4.62) contains a more complex double summation series
of even baseband harmonics reflecting the half sinusoid nature of the refer-
ence, which will cancel between the two phase legs of the inverter.
Lines three, four, and five of Eq. (4.62) are the same as those of Eq. (4.57),
and identify as carrier and complex even sideband harmonics that will cancel
between phases, and more conventional odd sideband harmonics that again
closely match those ofEq. (3.98) for continuous asymmetrical regular sampled
196 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters


- --de L

(roo ~ [2k-1]COSn~
1t [ co oJ 2k - I co c [n + 2k - 1] [n - 2k + 1]
n = I n u.I
.'''e k= 1 Inl *2k-l
x cos(nroot)

8 Vde
+ -2-
L m1 L 2k-1


- - J2k _ 1(m1tM) cos(mroet)

m=1 k= 1

2VdC~ ~ 1 1t
+ -;- L..J L..J ;/n(qnM)sinn'2 cos(mroct + nroot)
m= I n=-oo

8V c 00 00 {oo [2 k - 1]cosn ~ }

- 1t: ~I (n~) ~ ~ J 2k
(qnM)[n + 2k-l][n - 2i+ 1] Inl .. 2k-1

x cos(mroct + nroot)

As before, the solution for phase leg b can be found by replacing root with
(ro ot - n) in Eq. (4.62), and the I-I output voltage harmonic solution is then
found by subtracting the phase leg b solution from the phase leg. a solution to


m= 1 n=-oo

Figure 4.20 shows the phase leg and I-I harmonics for this modulation
strategy, with the upper and lower sideband harmonic magnitude skew that is a
characteristic of sampled modulation systems, clearly visible in Figure 4.20(b).
Switched Pulse Position 197

- - - - - -i - - - - -to - - - - -1- - - - - -

_==_=_J ======~ - _= ===,=I ==_=_

_ __ ' 1
- ,- - - - - -
-- ,- -- -

,,-.... - - - - 1 - - - - - r

::i ______ J
1 I
__ L

~~~~~~~::~::: t ~~':~~~~::
- - - - -1 - - - - - .. --t------
=- __ =J== = [ -=(=====
______ J _ _

- - -
- - 1 - - -
_ t

- r
-'-I - - - - -

(a) Cd
______ J __
1 1

~ - - - - - - --


10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I WTHDO= 1.05%1

==- =- =.= = == =:' = ===- : J : =: : : = ~ =- === =,- == ===
- - - - - - 1- _ _ _ _ _' ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _
I I I I ,

,,-.... - - - - ,- - - - -I - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - -r - - - - -
::i I
_ _ _ _ _ _,
J _ _ _ _ _
l_ ___ L

"'-" : : : : : ~ ': : : : : : :':: : : : : ~ ~ : : : .: t:: ::::~::::::::
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -t - - - - - -1 - - - - ..- ---t------
=: .:_ rr

=: - ===( =====:.=: : :_ =:_ JJ =
_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ '_
- - - - -
,- - -
- -, - - - - - - 1 - -
- -
= = _1-
=1= : : : __ :

- - - r -
Of) I , , 1
J _
cc:s ______ 1 I
(b) - - - 1

~ :::: =:: :: =
- - - -
I: =:::::::::':: :::::::::: ~ :::: ::::
- ,- - - - - - -I - - - - - - 1 - - - -
-- -- -- 1- -- -- -- - --
oS ===_==
___ ='__
__ 1 : = ==_', ===== JJ =- = =
- - .'- - - - - -
- - ,- - - - - -
I , 1 1

- - - - - 1- - - - -, - - - - - 1 - -
1 , , 1
1_ _I J l - - ,-
::I: - - : : : I: : : : : : :': : : : : : ~ : : : : t:- -: .= - - - - -
- - - -1- - - - -1- - - - - -4 - - - t--
_ _ 1 ' _ _ _._ J _ [ - - 1- _

,'- - - -
J __ __ 1. _
_ _ '_
_ I _ _
_ _
I 1
- - - -,- - - - - -,- - - 1 - - - - r ,------
, I I ,
10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 4.20 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter

modulated by discontinuous symmetrical regularly sampled
PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.9, lei10 = 42
198 Modulationof Single-PhaseVoltage Source Inverters

In fact the I-I harmonicperformance of this discontinuous symmetrical regular

sampled modulation exactly matches that of continuous asymmetrical regular
sampled modulation (Figure 4.7) once the switching frequencies are adjusted
to achieve the same average number of phase leg switch transitions over a
complete fundamental cycle. Hence it might be argued that for symmetrical
modulation, there is a benefit in using discontinuous modulation, since it elim-
inates the carrier sideband harmonics that are visible in Figure 4.6. But, of
course, the effective sampling frequency has increased by two for discontinu-
ous modulation to achieve the same number of switching transitions, and so it
is no surprise that the first carrier sidebands now occur at twice the continuous
modulation of the first carrier frequency band. Overall, no harmonic perfor-
mance benefit has been achieved in moving to discontinuous modulation for a
single-phase inverter, and in practice some performance degradation might be
expected since there are now many more harmonics that need to precisely
match between the phase legs so they can exactly cancel on a I-I basis.

Similar techniques can be used to evaluate Eq. (4.61) for discontinuous

asymmetrical regular sampled modulation. However, the solution is not
included here because the result presents little additional insight or advantage.
In fact, asymmetrical sampling has no particular benefit for discontinuous
modulation, as the following explanation illustrates.

For continuous modulation, the I-I output pulses of a single-phase inverter

occur at twice the carrier frequency, because of the interaction between the
phase leg transitions as shown in Figure 4.2. Since asymmetrical sampling sep-
arately calculates the rising and falling switching edges of the phase leg transi-
tions, for continuous modulation this sampling strategy effectively recalculates
each I-I output pulse width individually. In contrast, for discontinuous modula-
tion, since only one phase leg is switching at a time, the I-I output pulses occur
only at the carrier frequency. (Recall that the carrier frequency is doubled for
this case, so that the I-I output pulse frequency is the same as for continuous
modulation.) Thus symmetrical sampling is sufficient to recalculate each I-I
output pulse width individually. Asymmetrical sampling in this situation sepa-
rately calculates each rising and falling edge of the I-I output pulses, which
achieves negligible harmonic advantage while requiring the modulation sys-
tem to operate twice as fast again. Figure 4.21 shows the harmonic perfor-
mance for discontinuous asymmetricalregularsampled modulation, with only
a slight change in the sideband harmonic magnitudes as anticipated.
Switched Pulse Position 199

-------I------\-- ----

===-==J ======[ - _- ==_

- - -
,- 1 ~

- - - - 1 - - - - r
=i ______ J _ _ _ _ L

ci ::::::~::::
v = == === J _ ==- [
- - - - - ..!, - - -

2 - - - - - - 1 --

(a) eo 1

~ ======~==
~ -- -- -- -- -- -- -I --

I-I..f1-1-1 IH-I I H H-I .1-" t HI t H t 1-
r I
10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J _

: : : : =::= : : : : : =:: :: : : : ~ : -: :: 1WTHDO= 1.05%1

===: ==I:- ===: =, =- _=_=J =: =: - : I ==: : ==( ==: ==
______ '_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ __ I ~ ' _
, I 1 , I
- - - - - -,- - - - - - -, - - - - 1 - - - - r - - - - ,- - - - - -
I 1 1 1 I
=i _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ l_ _ __ L _

~ : : :: :: :: ::I: :: :: :: :: :: :1:: :: :: : :: :: ~ :: : : :::

- - - - - - ,- - - - - - -I - - -, - - - -I - - - -
!:: :::t::::::
... - - - -1- - - - - -
v ::::::~:::::)-:::-:J:===- r:
'"0 ..! _ _ _ _ _ ===c=====
- - _1- _
- - - - - _1- _ _ _ _ _I _ _ ~_

....... 1 1 , I
- - -,- - - - - -

'2 - - - - - - ,- - - - - -I - - - - - , - - - - r-
eo 1 I 1
l _

______ 1 I j _ - - _1- _
~ :: :: :: :: :: :: 1- :: :: :: : :: :':: :: :: :: :: ::
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -I - - - - - - ;
~ :: :: : ::
- - - -
~ :
... -
- - - ... - - - - -
o ======( :1: == ===J..! == ==_ t= ==- 1- = =_ = =
_ '_ _
- ===:
2 _ _ _ _ - - - - _I _ _ _ __
~ - - - 1-
, _

0 1 I 1 1
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -I - - - - - - 1 - - - r - - - 1 - - - - -


::-:::~:::::;::::::~- ~~
__ l

:: \-::


:: ,..:: ::
- - - - 1- _ _ _ _ _ 1
== I1 ==
-- , --

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 4.21 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter
modulated by discontinuous asymmetrical regularly
sampled PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched
voltage waveforms, M = 0.9, fe/fo = 42.
200 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

4.6 Switched Pulse Sequence

Once the switched pulse width and position within the carrier have been deter-
mined, a final parameter to be determined is the pulse position sequence across
multiple carrier periods (the pulse width to be used across multiple carrier peri-
ods is determined directly by the modulation process). Again, this parameter
has more significance for the modulation of more complex converter topolo-
gies, but it does have some relevance for single-phase inverter modulation.
For example, another perspective of double-edge modulation is to consider
that it makes each phase leg switching sequence "invert" from one half carrier
period to the next. For example, as shown in Figure 4.2, each phase leg starts
low and switches high in the first half carrier period, and then starts high and
switches low in the next half carrier period. This alternating switch sequence is
the prime benefit of continuously switched double-edge modulation, since it
leads to higher frequency harmonic components for the same device switching
For the single-phase inverter, the I-I switched output pulse produced by
double-edge modulation is identical in each half carrier period, and the
reversed switching sequence cannot be detected in the output switched wave-
form. But conceptually, the I-I switched output pulse can be considered to be
reversed by double-edged modulation for every half carrier period, with the
start becoming the finish in the next period, and the finish becoming the start.
While this reversal has no significance for continuous modulation of a single-
phase inverter, it is important for the harmonic performance of modulation
strategies of more complex inverter topologies, as discussed in Chapter 5.
For discontinuous PWM as shown in Figure 4.18, the effect of pulse
sequence is more obvious, since the active I-I output pulse is placed alterna-
tively at the start and the end of each successive half carrier period. The result
is a single (wider) pulse placed across the half carrier period boundary, but this
wider pulse can alternatively be viewed as two half carrier pulses which hap-
pen to adjoin at the half carrier boundary. The implications of this issue for dis-
continuous single-phase leg switched modulation will now be considered.

4.6.1 Discontinuous PWM - Single-Phase Leg Switched

The discontinuous PWM variations presented in Section 4.5.2 require both
phase legs to be modulated and demand a certain level of complexity for the
Switched Pulse Sequence 201

controller implementation. Sometimes, a more cost-effective approach may be

to modulate phase leg a only, and to simply switch phase leg b between the
negative DC rail and the positive DC rail for each half fundamental cycle, as
shown in Figure 4.22. It can be seen that for this switching arrangement, the
interval of time that phase leg a is connected to the negative rail is the inactive
zero interval Vz during the first half of the fundamental cycle, and the I-I out-
put pulse interval ~ctive during the second half of the fundamental cycle. Fig-
ure 4.22 also shows the inverted sinusoidal reference waveform required for
phase leg a during the negative half cycle of the reference that is required to
achieve this modulation strategy.

It should be further noted that the switching arrangement shown in Figure

4.22 means that the modulation of phase leg a over each carrier interval starts
with the phase leg connected to the negative DC rail. This is a common con-
straint for hardware timer-based PWM implementations and is highlighted
here to illustrate how alternative pulse sequence arrangements can occur per-
haps unintentionally with a particular PWM hardware design. Note also the
two additional switch transitions required for both phase legs as the fundamen-
tal reference changes sign, which contribute nothing to the I-I switched output.

A particular consequence of this arrangement is that for the fundamental

region of 1[/2 S root ~ 31[/2, the active I-I pulse is split into two segments at
each side of the carrier period with each active segment joining that of the
adjoining carrier period to make a complete active pulse. This effectively
causes a half carrier shift in the active pulse placement for each half of the fun-
damental cycle as shown in Figure 4.22(b).
The harmonic analysis of the complete switching pattern of phase leg a can
be evaluated by considering it as two trains of pulses, during the intervals
-1[/2 ~ root ~ 1[/2 and 1[/2 s root s 31[/2, respectively. The analytical
solution for the first train of pulses is immediately identifiable as Eq. (4.57),
since the phase leg a reference waveform is the same during this interval as for
two phase leg switched discontinuous modulation". For the second interval,
when the fundamental target is negative, Eq. (4.49) becomes

3n/2 n + nMcosy
/(mx+n ) dxdy (4.64)
n/2 - n - 7tMcosy

and can be evaluated, resulting in

202 Modulationof Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Switched Wavefonn
for Phase Leg a

Switched Waveform
....- - - - -.....- ......- - - - - for Phase Leg b

-Vdc .........~--_.. I
Switched I-I I

Output Waveform :

--- --- '--

Phase Leg a

Phase Legb
-vdc .....- - . . . . - -.....-~----t

I-I Output Voltage


Ii 'l+1

Expanded Carrier Cycle Expanded Carrier Cycle

-1[/2 5: OJot 5: n/2 1t/2 5: OJot 5: 31[/2

Figure 4.22 Single-phase inverter switching pattern for discontinuous

naturally sampled PWM - phase leg a only modulated.
Switched Pulse Sequence 203

2Vdc 4VdC~ 1. 7t
van(part)(t) = Vdc ----:;;-M+ VdcMcos(root) ----:;;- LJ ~smn2cos(nroot)
4V cosn-
/cMI [n + 1Hn2_ 1] cos(nroot)


oo 00 jmTt
+-- em In(m7tM)sinn~ cos(mroct + nroot)
m= 1 n =-00

8V [2k - 1] cosn-
00 00 jmn 00
+ Iem I J2k- 1(m7tM)[n+2k_lHn_2k+l]
m=l n=-oo k=1
Inl ~ 2k- I
x cos(mrOct + nOlot)

Summing Eqs. (4.57) and (4.65) gives the complete harmonic solution for
phase leg a of

4VdC~ 1 7t
van(t) = Vdc + 2 VdcMcos(root) ----:;;- LJ ~sinn2cos(nroot) (4.66)
n =I
00 jm1t 00
8Vdc~ l-e ~ 1
+ -2- LJ m LJ 2k- /2k_l(m7tM) cos(mro/)
m= I k= I

_ 8 V2dC~ ~ 1 _~jm1t ~ [2k - 1] cosn 2
7t LJLJ J2k
LJ - (m7tM) [n + 2k - l Hn - 2k + l ]
m= I n=-oo k= I
(n:;e 0)
Inl ~ 2k-1
x cos(mrOct + nOlot)
204 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

The switched waveform of phase leg b is a simple square wave at the fun-
damental reference frequency, which is easily shown to have a harmonic solu-
tion of

4VdC~ 1
vbn(t) = r;----:;- 7t
L.J ~ sinn 2cos (nrool) (4.67)

taking into accountthe phase shift of the square wave.

As before, the I-I output voltage is found by subtracting phase leg b from
phase leg a, i.e., Eq. (4.67) from Eq. (4.66). This clearly cancels the square-
wave harmonics ofEq. (4.67), but the result equally clearly does not match Eq.
(4.59), the /-1 output voltage when both phase legs are discontinuously modu-
lated. Figure 4.23 shows the harmonic performance of single-phase leg
switched modulation, where it can be seen that there is considerable difference
in the harmonic pattern of the switched I-I output waveform, Figure 4.23(c),
comparedto Figure 4.19(b). It should be noted also that in this arrangementthe
carrier frequency cannot usually be doubled, since phase leg a is always modu-
lated and switches at the carrier frequency. In effect, the switching losses of
both phase legs have been pushed onto phase leg a only,and the increased car-
rier frequency benefit of discontinuous modulation often cannot be achieved.
However, in the interests of a direct harmonic comparison between single- and
two-phase leg discontinuous modulation, the carrier frequency has still been
doubled for the results presented here.
The reason that discontinuous modulation with only one phase leg
switched does not create the same harmonics as when two phase legs are
switched is because of the change in position of the active l-l output pulse for
each half of the fundamental cycle. Figure 4.24 shows how this can be
resolved, by inverting the carrier waveform during the second half of the fun-
damentalcycle when the alternative phase leg a reference waveform is active.
The effect of this apparently trivial change is to change the formulation of
the harmonic solution during the negative half of the fundamental cycle from
Eq. (4.64) to

A mn + jB mn = :;c f f
31t/2 [ 1tMcosy
dx + f1t ~
/(mx + ny) dx dy
1/2 -1t -rtMcosy
Switched Pulse Sequence 205


10- 1
bO 10-2
(a) (lj

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
:.: :=i: :j::
:.: - ~: :;
:': -, ~
] [ c
-.- ., , i

, : _.J_ .I l
, ~~: ~

- I
. r
I .(
, r -r

(b) 1=
~ :~
Ft ; ;
I J r

h , r r


: ~ :: ; ,~

- 1 J [


1 1

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
=.= ==f=
:.: : ~:
WTHDO= 1.050/01
1- -I r

_1- L.
:,: ~ ~ +: c
:.: :. ~ ; ;:.
, J r r:

-.- -,

:.-' :! =
:.: :, : : : :


: : : : : : :
:: : : :

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 4.23 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter
modulated by single-phase leg switched discontinuous naturally
sampled PWM without inverted carrier: (a) phase leg a, (b)
phase leg band (c) I-I switched outputs, M = 0.9, lei10 = 42.
206 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Switched Waveform
forPhaseLeg a

Switched Waveform
~---- ....- ......---.... forPhase Legb

-Vdc I

+2Vdc Switched I-I :

Output Waveform :

'--- --

------ ---
PhaseLeg a


I-I OutputVoltage

ti-I 'i+l

Expanded Carrier Cycle Expanded Carrier Cycle

-1t/2 s root s n/2 n/2 s root s 31t/2

Figure 4.24 Single-phase inverter switching pattern for discontinuous

naturally sampled PWM - phase leg a only modulated
with carrier inverted while reference target is negative.
Switched Pulse Sequence 207

Solving Eq. (4.68) in the same manner as previously leads to a full funda-
mental cycle harmonic solution for phase leg a of

4VdC~ I 1t
Van(t) = Vdc+2VdcMcos(Olot)-7 LJ ~sinn2cos(nOlot) (4.69)

4V ~ ~
+ ndCLJ LJ ;;;I I n (m1tM) sinn1t2 cos (mroct + nOli)
m= I n=-oo

which is clearly the same as Eq. (4.59) except for the extra baseband harmon-
ics that will cancel out against the square harmonics of phase leg b. Therefore
modulating a single-phase leg in this way will again achieve the I-I harmonic
performance of Figure 4.19(b), as shown in Figure 4.25 However, it can be
seen from Figure 4.24 that phase leg a must now start "high" at the beginning
of the carrier cycle for the negative half of the reference cycle, and this may not
be possible with some digital PWM hardware implementations.
This result illustrates the effect that alternative pulse sequences can have,
where the harmonics in the output can vary substantially depending on the way
in which the active I-I output pulses are moved together and placed throughout
the fundamental cycle. For the single-phase inverter with matched phase leg
switching frequencies, the difference in WTHD when modulating either one or
both phase legs with discontinuous conduction is negligible, but for more com-
plex inverters, poorer modulation performance can occur if care is not taken.
Furthermore, it should be remembered that when the switching frequencies are
matched for single-phase leg discontinuous modulation, all the switching
losses reflect into phase leg a devices only, and this affects losses and hence
PWM implementation considerations.

4.6.2 Two-LevelSingle-Phase PWM

Two-level single-phase modulation is included in this chapter for complete-
ness, although it is in fact merely an alternative combination of all three factors
of pulse width determination, pulse placement, and pulse sequence. Essen-
tially, the two-level modulation strategy makes the switching of one phase leg
exactly mirror the other, as shown in Figure 4.26. Both single- and double-edge
modulation are quite feasible, although only double-edge modulation is illus-
trated here.
208 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

10 :1: :. .. :~
J r r
i ,-

::S -,
, ,
ci 10- 1 , : _I .J L.
Q) ~ f t:
"'0 , r ,-
I ,
2 r 'r
eo ,
10- 2

J i
(a) ~ ,

J I, ,
2 , ,~
0 r

E 10-
t !~
:I: : : : : : :
J ~
: ,

, r I~

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
10 :,:
:,= :. . :~
J !
.-..... 1- r

10- 1
5 Q) ,
: -I

"0 , I
J !, ,C
2 r

(b) ~ 10- 2
: J i
t'I:S ~ :~ I:
: : ;,: :
~ , ,
, J I,

2 ,
, r ,~
10- 3
, :
: : J
: :
::t } 'j
,~ r ,~

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

10 :': :=l:
: ~:
nWTHDO= 1.05%1
d -,- 0 r r

E: 10- 1 _1-
::. ~
Q) :,: :,
E - , -', J, ,
, ,
2 -,- , r
~ 10- 2 -,- '-~

J i
:,: =t
=,= =t ~ ;.
(J :.: I J I C
2 , J
0 1- -, r

E 10-
3 _1-
:': :.-'
&. L.
::r: ~
: ;:
I: :

-, -, , r ,-
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 4.25 Theoretical harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter
modulated by single-phase leg switched discontinuous naturally
sampled PWM with inverted carrier: (a) phase leg a, (b) phase
leg b. and (c) I-I switched outputs, M = 0.9, leif o = 42.
Switched Pulse Sequence 209

Switched Waveform
for Phase Leg a

Switched Waveform
r--",r-~ .......",~........--.for Phase Leg b


+2Vdc ........ l,--._ _ : Switched I-lOut ut Waveform

--- -- --
--- ------
Phase Leg a

Phase Leg b

I-I Output Voltage

Ii-I Ii li+1 'i-I 1 1+ 1

Expanded Carrier Cycle Expanded Carrier Cycle
-n12 ~ ooot s nl2 1t/2 S ooot s 31t/2

Figure 4.26 Two-level naturally sampled sine-triangle PWM process for

single-phase VSI.

The I-I output voltage Yab produced by two-level modulation is quite dif-
ferent from three-level modulation, since it continuously switches between
positive (Vp ) and negative (Vn ) active pulses in each half carrier period with-
out any zero states. One way to view this strategy is to consider that one part of
210 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

the switched waveform provides the same volt-second average as the target
reference waveform, while the remainder of the half carrier period contributes
an effective zero state because of cancellation between the remaining positive
and negative waveform segments. But, of course, this would not be expected to
be a harmonically advantageous arrangement.
Since the switched output of phase leg b is the exact opposite of phase leg
a, it will have identical magnitude and inverted sign harmonic components.
Consequently when phase leg b is subtracted from phase leg a to create the I-I
output voltage for two-level modulation, all the harmonic components of phase
leg a will remain in the I-I solution without any cancellation. As a particular
consequence, the odd carrier sideband harmonic cancellation between the
phase legs that occurs for three-level modulation, will not happen for two-level
modulation. And of course, this lack of cancellation will occur for any of the
sampling or carrier variations considered in this chapter.
Analytical solutions for two-level modulation can be developed by refor-
mulating the inner integration limits of Eq. (3.9) for phase leg b to suit the
alternative switching arrangements, i.e.,

7t 7t
j(mx+ ny)
A mn -r]B
i _ V2
mn - -
de e dxdy (4.70)
-1t 1tMcosy

from Eq. (3.14) for single-edge modulation, and

- !!( 1 + Mcosy)

1t 2 7t

A mn
+.]B _ Vde
- 2 /(mx+ny)dx + e j(mx + ny) dx dy
1t 1t
-1t 2(1 + Mcosy)

from Eq. (3.29) for double-edge modulation.

These formulations reflect the change in switching pattern for phase leg b,
which now starts at the positive DC bus, and switches to the negative DC bus
and back over the period of the carrier unit cell.
Note that although at first glance it seems attractive, it is in fact invalid to
attempt to generate analytical solutions for two-level modulation by setting
eo' ee = -1t for phase leg b in the various single-phase leg modulation solu-
tions of Chapter 3. This is because these solutions were obtained by assuming
Summary 211

that the phase leg switching starts at the negative DC bus and switches to the
positive DC bus and back over the unit cell period. Shifting the phase offset of
the carrier does not change the way in which these unit cell switching limits are
defined and thus does not correctly define the two-level modulation phase leg
b switching pattern. However, it is interesting to observe that the two-level
modulation phase leg b solution is correctly formulated for two-level triangu-
lar carrier, naturally sampled and asymmetrical regular sampled modulation
by setting eo' ee = -7t in the single-phase leg solutions, while the solution for
two level sawtooth carrier and triangular carrier symmetrical regular sampled
modulation derived in this manner is incorrect. This result is because the
changed {sin ([ x] 7t /2)} delimiters that are developed in the exact solutions
can only be reflected into the {cos(m[ffiet + ee] + n[ ffiot + eo])} time-vary-
ing terms for those modulation strategies that intrinsically cancel sideband har-
monics within the phase leg solution. Further consideration of this issue is left
for the interested reader to pursue.

Two-level modulation has the particular attraction that it can be imple-

mented with very simple circuitry since one phase leg maintains the inverse
switch state of the other. However, Figure 4.27 shows the inferior harmonic
performance of two-level single- or double-edge modulation compared to
three-level double-edge modulation. In particular, observe how the two-level
double-edge implementation generates substantial carrier frequency and side-
band harmonics in contrast to the (only) double carrier frequency and sideband
harmonics generated by three-level modulation. Note also how the two-level
single-edge implementation generates even more significant second and third
fundamental harmonics because of a lack of harmonic cancellation between
the two phase legs and the reduced roll-off in magnitude of the baseband har-
monics that occurs with this modulation strategy.

4.7 Summary
Techniques for modulating a single-phase VSI have been explained in this
chapter using new perspectives of the fundamental principles of PWM which
are independent of converter topology and modulation strategy.

From this work, it has been demonstrated that there are three basic factors
which affect the harmonic performance of a PWM system, viz:
212 Modulation of Single-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

-:.- q WTHDO= 1.050/01 :r:
: ~:
-4 ~ ~ WTHD0=3.98%~
I -I
J I :. ]
, I
,I I I I
,I I

I , .
r r <r-

.J .1- .J
:c-4 .
.t .: ~ ..
~ t :.:
. I J r

.: ., ., J


-,- , I
, I I
h, ,I I I

, , , r
, ,
r:" -1- r t:

-'- -'-
J 1: 1-
:.: :~
J 1 _l.
:': ,~ ,.t : ~
~ ~
-1- ~-

:., I
': -1-
-, ~
, I
I I I I I 1

-,- , , -h, ,
r r -1-
, r

-'- J J L l. 10-3 ~ J L L
:': ~ ~ !. ~ :r: Ft ! .;
: -1-

: : j

: -.-
: ~I
,, --
-- I
, ,
:r , ,
, r I- I r
~ ~I
10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(a) (b)

""' 10
------:- ------: -.---~ ------}-----.:- -----
10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:: ::::r:: ::: ::. :::: :J
---------.--- 1
- - -. - i - - - - - - i
- - - - -,- - - - --
~ ------,------rt ----,------r- ----,.----- ------,------ ---,-_._--, -----,.-----

~ 1
- =: - - :: :'~ ::::E::::
--- ~-- --- ~- - - -~ - - - - - ------1.._--- __ J L

..., 10-
---- . -----tF :::t::::: ::::::.::::: ::E:::
=::::: :: --= ::.:_:.
:: ::

~ ------1------ ---1------ -----1-----

.a~ :::::::::::::
- - .. - - - - t
::: ::r::::- ::J:::-
====E==== rt ===:====== I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ : : - - - - ~-- --- - - r - - - - - -----,---- --,---

~ d~ n~ -~~::::::::

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

10- -::::,::::
o -:::::::::: ::~:::: ::::r:::: J::-
o -----:---- I


~ 10-3 ,____ J L _
____ 1__ -
J __

~ ~~~~;~~i IT] ~
::::.::: 1:
::::.::: ~ :
10- ----1---
4 I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(c) (d)

Figure 4.27 Theoretical I-I harmonic spectra for single-phase inverter

modulated by
(a) three level asymmetrical regular sampled PWM,
(b) two level asymmetrical regular sampled PWM,
(c) two level symmetrical regular sampled PWM,
(d) two level single-edge regular sampledPWM,
M = 0.9, Ie/fo = 21.
References 213

1. Determination of the width of the active I-I output switched pulse. This
can be achieved using a naturally sampled, regular sampled, or direct modula-
tion strategy, but the only significant difference for pulse ratios above about 11
is the presence of low-order harmonics of the fundamental generated by regu-
lar sampled PWM or direct modulation, compared to naturally sampled PWM.
2. The position ofthe active pulse within the halfcarrier period. Naturally
sampled PWM moves the active pulse around the center of the half carrier
period during the fundamental cycle, and this has harmonicadvantages. Regu-
lar sampled PWM exactly places the active pulse in the center of the half car-
rier period. Single-edge modulation places the active pulse at the start of the
carrier period, and this arrangement is usually harmonically disadvantageous.
3. The sequence ofthe active pulses within and across successive halfcar-
rier periods. The effect of this is best seen by comparing the pulse pattern gen-
erated by double-edge modulation with that generated by single-edge
The interplay between these three factors determines the harmonic perfor-
mance of a particular modulation implementation. In particular, different PWM
strategies can avoid creating harmonics within a phase leg's switched voltage,
eliminate harmonics by cancellation between phase legs, or achieve a combi-
nation of both. In the next chapter, these three factors will be applied to a three-
phase system to show how they relate to this more complex topology. From
this extension, the concept of zero pulse creation and placement will be
included as a fundamental parameter which determines the harmonic perfor-
mance of a PWM algorithm.

[1] IT. Boys and P.G Handley, "Harmonic analysis of space vector modulated
PWM waveforms," lEE Proceedings (London), vol. 137, Pte B, no. 4, July,
1990, pp. 197-204.
[2] H.W. Van der Broeck and H.C. Skudelny, "Analytical analysis of the harmonic
effects of a PWM ac drive," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2,
March/April, 1988, pp. 216-223.
[3] I. Takahashi, S. Sekiguchi, and S. Miyairi, "Control of PWM inverter output
wave with reduced low-order harmonics," Electrical Engineering in Japan, vol.
97, no. 3, 1977,pp.57-63.
Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage
Source Inverters
Chapter 3 has presented a comprehensive development of the fundamental
principles ofPWM that analyzes fixed-frequency open-loop modulation strate-
gies in terms of:
Switched pulse width determination.
Switched pulse placement within a carrier period.
Switched pulse sequence within and across carrier periods.
This approach offers a more integrated perspective than that presented in exist-
ing papers and textbooks, which can be used with any converter topology and
modulation implementation. In Chapter 4 these principles were applied to the
simple topology of a single-phase inverter to expl~in the concepts.
In this chapter these concepts of pulse width, position, and sequence are
extended to a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) and are used to present
a common understanding of the established fixed carrier frequency modulation
strategies that have been proposed for this topology. From this development,
the position of the zero space vector is identified as the significant parameter
which differentiates the performance of various well-known PWM strategies
for a VSI [1]. Later chapters will then explore the influence of the zero space
vector and show how the VSI and current source inverter (CSI) topologies are
linked through their common topological base so that the same integrated mod-
ulation perspective can be applied also to a CSI.

5.1 Topology of a Three-Phase Inverter (VSI)

The topology of a three-phase inverter is shown in Figure 5.1, where it can be
seen that the essential difference compared to a single-phase inverter is that a
third phase leg has been added, and the reference sinusoids for each phase leg
are now displaced by 120 0 ,not 180 0 , as was the case in Chapter 4.
216 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Phase Phase Phase

Leg a Legb Lege

Figure 5.1 Topology of a three-phase voltage source inverter.

The fundamental modulation concepts for a three-phase inverter remain the

same as for a single-phase inverter and, of course, include the variations of nat-
urally sampled and regularly sampled PWM, continuous and discontinuous
switching, and a triangular or a sawtooth carrier waveform, as discussed in
Chapters 3 and 4. However, the implementation of these variations for a three-
phase inverter is somewhat more complex, and the identification of pulse
width, position, and sequence as the fundamental building blocks of modula-
tion requires some development, as will now be discussed.

5.2 Three-Phase Modulation with Sinusoidal

Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show the naturally sampled PWM process applied to a
three-phase VSI, with the three sinusoidal references displaced in time by
1200 , viz:

V c: = Vocos(root+21t/3) = MVdccos(root+21t/3) (5.3)

where ~ = output voltage peak magnitude, M = modulation index = VjVdc'

and the reference waveforms are defined w.r.t. the DC bus center point z.
Three-Phase Modulation with Sinusoidal References 217

Fundamental for Phase Leg c

Fundamental for Phase Leg b
Fundamental for Phase Leg a

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg a

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg b

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg c

~------t See Figure 5.3 for Expanded t----..

View of One Carrier Cycle

Figure 5.2 Naturally sampled sine-triangle modulation for three-

phase voltage source inverter.
218 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

I Expanded View of One Carrier Cyclel

- Phase Leg a

~--- ---- - - - - - - - t- - Phase Leg b
I . - - T3 I
-I - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Phase Leg c

Vab I-I Output Voltage

L--_~_ _-+- "be I-I Output Voltage

-2Vdc I I
+2Vdc V I Vz I.--Ts - T}---.I Vz
z V
ea I-I Output Voltage
VI + v2

Ij-l Ij+l

Figure 5.3 Sine-triangle modulation for three-phase voltage source

inverter: expanded" view of one carrier interval.

As with the single-phase inverter, the fundamental target three-phase I-I

output voltages are given by the differences betweenthe phase leg voltages, i.e.,

vab - v az* - V bz*-M
,.,j" dccOS ( root +1t)
6 (5.4)



Note that the maximum reference magnitude for a modulation index of M = 1

is only Jj Vde' compared to 2 Vdc for a single-phase inverter, as developed in
Three-Phase Modulation with Sinusoidal References 219

Eq. (4.3). Note further, however, that this limit can be increased to M = 1.15 by
changing the common mode reference definition for the target fundamental
waveforms, as will be discussed later in this chapter.
From Figure 5.3 it can also be seen that, similar to the single-phase
inverter, each switched I-I output voltage is once again made up of two pulses
per carrier period with magnitude +Vdc or -Vdc (the polarity depends on the
position in the fundamental cycle). But now these pulses are not always cen-
tered in each half carrier period, and this is the important difference between
single-phase inverter modulation and three-phase inverter modulation.
The analytical harmonic solution for double-edge naturally sampled PWM
of a three-phase inverter can be readily developed using the same strategies as
has been applied to a single-phase inverter in Chapter 4, i.e., set
8 0 = 0, -21t/3, 21t/3 for phase legs a, b. and c respectively, i.e.,


r: ~
+ 47 L..J ~
L..J I ( 1t ~
;/n ( ~l
m2~ sin [m + n]2J cos(mroct + nroot)
m = I n =-00


+ 4: dC
m= I n=-oo


+ 4: i: i: ~Jn(m~M)sin([m+n]~cos(mroct+n[root+231tJ)

m = 1 n =-00

Subtracting these phase leg solutions from each other yields, after some
manipulation, the I-I output voltage solution of (voltage vab only shown as
220 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters


;/n(m~M) Sin(lm + n]~ sinn~

m = 1 n =-00
x cos( mroet + n[root - ~J + ~J

Equation (5.10) is significantly different from the single-phase inverter I-I

output voltage solution, Eq. (4.6), since a quite different harmonic cancellation
occurs between the phase legs. In particular, there is no longer complete har-
monic sideband cancellation around the odd carrier multiples, and instead it is
the triplen (i.e., n is a multiple of 3) sideband harmonics that cancel on an I-I
basis. Note also the magnitude adjustment of the sideband harmonics to allow
for the magnitude contribution of the sin (n1t/ 3) triplen elimination term.
Overall, the following phase leg harmonic components will-not appear in
the I-I output voltage:
Carrier harmonics, since they are the same for all phase legs.
Sideband harmonics with even combinations of m n . More precisely,
these harmonics are eliminated within each phase leg by the
sin([m + n]1t/2) terms in Eqs. (5.7), (5.8), and (5.9).
Triplen sideband harmonics, where n is a multiple of 3. The phase
angles of these harmonics rotate by multiples of 2n for all phase legs
and hence are the same for all phase legs.
Since all odd sideband harmonics are eliminated in the first carrier har-
monic group (m = I), this means that the significant sideband harmonics in this
carrier group will occur at frequencies of Olet 2OO o t , Olet 4OO o t . (Phase leg
sideband harmonics for n > 7 are already known to be insignificant, as shown
in Figure 3.12). For the second carrier harmonic group, the significant side-
band harmonics will occur at 2w e t Olot, 2w el 50l0 t , and 20le t 700 01.

Figure 5.4 shows the phase leg and I-I harmonic components for a three-
phase inverter operating under double-edge naturally sampled PWM, where
the predicted significant sideband harmonics in the first and second carrier
groups can be clearly identified in Figure 5.4(b). Note the increase in WTHDO
for the I-I voltage, from 1.05% for a single-phase inverter, as identified in Fig-
ure 4.3, to 2.04% for this three-phase system. This is a direct consequence of
first carrier group sideband harmonics remaining in the I-I output voltage.
Three-Phase Modulation withSinusoidal References 221

: : : : :::,: : :: : : ~: :: : : :.~ : : :::: : t:: :::: : :;: : : : : :

- - - - - - ,- - - - -I - - - - -l - - - - - ~ - - - - - - I- - - - - -

==- ==:1= _==:

______ 1_ _
- =, __ =_=
__I _ _
J ===:
_ _
==[ ======I:==:
_ _ I
_ ~ ~

1 1 , 1 ,

,,-...., - - - - - 1- - - - - - h - - - -, -----r - - - -r - - --
1 I 1 , ,
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _L _ _ _ _ _

ti : : : : : : I: : : : :: , : : : : : ~ : : : :: t: : : :~ : : : : :
'-.-/ : : : : : : I: : - : - : I-t : - : : : ~ : : : :: ~ - - - - t- - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ 'I == ==J===== tr_ ===c====-
_ _ _ .1 _ _ _ _ _
1 1

r -
_ __ '_ _ _ _ _

- - -r
- - -
- - - - - 1- - - - - I - - - - 1 - - -

(a) ~
______ 1_ _ _ _ _
1 _ _ _ _
J _ _ _ _
~ =
,_ ___ =
=:: :: ~ : : : :
:: :: :: :: :: ::,: :: :: :: -:: 1 ~ - ::: I- : - : -
- - - - - - 1- - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - t - - -.... - - - -
o ==-=-:.:=-- -, -: ==J==_= [: -- .::== =
2 _____ , ..!____ I ~_ __ , _
0 I 1 , , I

- - - - -1- - - ,- - 1 - - r - ,-
I I I I 1
1_ I _ _ j L _ _ L

: : : : : ::~ : :: : ~ ~: ==: ==== ~: ~ ~ ~:: =

1_ == _

-----:- --r-:--r --- - --:-

_ _ _ _
=-_ '_=
_ 11 =-_ == J =_- =
_ _ ..! _ _ _ [L = ==
__ ,__
1 1 1 , 1

~ ~ -1- -

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

= = == _ =,- _: =
______ 1_ _ _
=- _'_' _ =_ - : =: J ==_-
_ _ I _ _
__ I
= = =- : _':'_ =
_ _ _ _
=: = =
_ _
1 1 I I I
,,-...., - - - - 1- - -, - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - r - - - - r - --

~ I
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _
1 1 ,
1_ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ L _
_ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _

'-.-/ ~~ : : : ::I: : : : ::: ':::::::::: ~ : : :: : : : t:: ::::::: ~ : : : :: :
- - - - - - 1- - - - 1- - - - - - -l - - - ~ - - - - t- - - -
;:s ==- ==
- - - -
=,=1- __-_ ==_ ,= = = =J == ==- =[-_ =-
_ _ _ ' _
=(1_ ===-
_ _ _
_ ~ ~
~ , 1 1 I ,
.~ - - - - - -1- - - - ,- 1 r - ,- -
(b) :E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:- :: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ : = ~ ::::::: :: ~: ~:: ~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~
- - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - 1 - t - - - - I- - - - - -
u - -

2 : ===- =I: : = _ :
- - - - 1- _ _ _
=:: =J..! =:
_ _ _ _
_- : ~:
_ ~ _
- = : _c: : - ==
_ ' _
, I I 1
- - - - -,- - - - - - - 1 - - - r - - - -r - - -
::r:: : : - : : : ,:


- -:
- j
- - =i - - - -
~ :: ::
- - - - - 1- - - - -
1__ - __
- - - - _I __ ~ -- -- I- _ _ __
- - - - - -I - - - - ..! - - -
- - -
-- ,- - - 1
-- -r-
I - --

10- 4 u - . . . _ - - ' - _..........~_ _~--'-_ _~---'- ......... I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 5.4 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by double-edge naturally sampled PWM: (a) phase
leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.9,
.fc/fo = 21.
222 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

As would be expected, a three-phase VSI can also be modulated using a

regular sampled PWM process, with the reference value sampled either asym-
metrically or symmetrically. However, the analysis of these two alternatives
presented in Chapter 3 clearly shows the advantage of the asymmetrical sam-
pling process, with half the phase leg harmonics (i.e., for m n even) being
intrinsically suppressed. This lessens the number of harmonics remaining to
potentially be cancelled between phase legs, which is obviously preferable.
Hence only asymmetrically sampled PWM will be analyzed in detail in this
chapter, since from the perspective of pulse width determination, symmetrical
sampling is a subset variation which has poorer harmonic performance.

Figure 5.3 shows the switching times TI, T3, Ts, for the three-phase VSI
when controlled by regular sampled PWM, which are given by


T -- ~T
-m (0)
-- ~T{l+M
cos [0)0(/;+1;+1) -


where m}(i), m3(i), ms(i), represent the normalized on-switch time (i.e.,
switched to the positive rail) for each phase leg over the half carrier interval Ii
to li+ t
The active I-I pulse widths T} - T3, T3 - Ts; Ts - T}, shown in the lower
part of Figure 5.3 are now readily determined by subtracting each of the two
appropriate phase leg switch on-times, whereupon

Three-Phase Modulation with Sinusoidal References 223

where a negative pulse width time in these equations is interpreted to mean that
a negative polarity I-I pulse with the same magnitude is generated by the
action of the regular sampled PWM process.
Equations (5.14) to (5.16) confirm that the peak I-I output voltage obtain-
able from a three-phase inverter under regular sampled PWM is j)/2 of the
available DC bus voltage 2Vdc' since the j)Mcos9 terms can never exceed
j) for 0 ~ M s I. Hence each I-I pulse width is always less than j)/2 of the
half carrier period ~T/2 , and so it could be considered that the PWM process
does not fully utilize the available modulation space as a consequence. This
issue will be explored further in the next section of this chapter.
The analytical harmonic solution for asymmetrical regular sampled PWM
of a three-phase inverter is similarly developed as for naturally sampled modu-
lation, by setting 9 0 = 0, -21t/3, 21t/3 for phase legs a, b. and c respectively,
into the single-phase leg solution of Eq. (3.99). The I-I output voltage is (volt-
age vab only shown as representative)

~Jn(q~M)Sin([m+n]~Sinn~ (5.17)
m>O ~ n=-oo
x COS(mcoct + n[coot - ~J + ~J

where q = m + n(roo/ro c ) as in Chapter 3.

Note that the maximum value of the fundamental component in Eq. (5.17) is
4j) r: 1 (Olo~ M)~ __ M
J) 2 = ",3 Vdc (5.18)
1t 000 Olc Olc


This result agrees with naturally sampled PWM, as expected.

Figure 5.5 shows the theoretical harmonic spectra for naturally and the var-
ious regular sampled PWM strategies applied to a three-phase inverter [the
analytical solution for trailing single-edge modulation is simply derived from
Eq. (3.70) and is left as an exercise for the reader to develop]. As before, the
harmonic performance of these algorithms is determined by the .intrinsic har-
224 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

:': :~:
~ l WTHDO=2.04%1~ :': :~:
~~ WTHDO=2.02%(
, :.:
-I- .-1-
, J , I
, J ,
, -,-
1 I
, I
I ,
, I
I , ,
-,- r-.- -,- -r h- -,-
, , 1
, ,
, ,
, , t

-'- u. J L _L. 10- 1 -,- LI. J L .L

-,- ~: ~ f= :f :': ~~ .
~ f :f
, I-t-
,- J


.c ,
.- ]

[ ,

, ,
I 1 I
, ,
t"!- -,. h- ,
, I
r .'-
, t , ,r ,
10-2 -,.
-'- '-
J 1 L. J L _L
:': R: ~ :.: :,: ~: ~ :.:
~ z; :,= z:
, 1-1:
J, ,
I ,
:t-,: :j
j [ -,-
, ,, , ,
,, , ,
t I I I

-,- -~- -r -,. -~- ,-

I t
I I I ,r
:': ~

..~ :
:': :~: J
: : t-.:
, : : ~
: : : ~
: : : : ,
:~: : : : .. : : : ~
:: ::

, J, [
, J
I I I t
-,- h-
,. -,.
, , I

, r
, , , r
, ("

10-4 10- 4

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
HarmonicNumber HarmonicNumber
(a) (b)

q WTHDO=2.05% ~~
~1: := WTHDO=4.l6%~
, J , ,. -,]
, , , ,
I , , I I

h- ,-
'r ' --,-
, ,
-1- 1 t
, I I ,
.,- J L L .1_ J L _L
:': ~ f f :r:
-,- ..~ f :f
, ~ ~ -~

, j
, ,( I j
, I

-1-, , .,.
, I

, r
I ,
-,. '-~
J _'. J

.,~ :': ~
,- -t j
I j
, ,
-,. ,, I ,

-,. 1
-,- J L _I. J

:': ~ ~
-- :,: ---- ~ -- -
-- J--
::: , : : : : :
::: : : : ': : - --
:r -:-
, ,

, --
-I' If ~:I
to 20 30 40 50 60 to 20 30 40 50 60
HarmonicNumber HarmonicNumber
(c) (d)

Figure 5.5 Theoretical I-I harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by
(a) double-edge naturallysampledPWM,
(b) asymmetrical regularsampledPWM,
(c) symmetrical regularsampledPWM,
(d) trailingsingle-edgeregularsampledPWM,
M = 0.9, fe/fo = 21.

monic cancellation within each phase leg achieved by each modulation strat-
egy and the harmonic cancellation that occurs between the phase legs.
Three-Phase Modulation with Sinusoidal References 225

From Figure 5.5, it can be seen that there are some interesting similarities
and differences compared to the harmonic spectra given in Chapter 4 for the
single-phase inverter, viz:
The sideband spectra for a three-phase inverter are quite different from
that of a single-phase inverter for all modulation strategies. This is
because for the three-phase inverter, m 3n harmonics are cancelled in
each carrier sideband harmonic group, instead of the m 2n cancellation
which occurs for the single-phase system. One major consequence of this
is that it is impossible to eliminate all sideband harmonics in the first car-
rier group for a three-phase inverter. Hence for the same switching fre-
quency, the I-I output voltage WTHD for a three-phase inverter will
always be greater than that of a single-phase inverter.
As before, the only significant difference between naturally sampled
modulation shown in Figure 5.5(a) and asymmetrical regular sampled
modulation shown in Figure 5.5(b) is the skew in the sideband harmonic
magnitudes. (Recall that this effect was identified as a theoretical conse-
quence of the regular sampling process in Chapter 3.) However, it is
interesting to note that unlike the single-phase inverter, in this case the
effect achieves a slight reduction in WTH.D because of the magnitude
skew toward the higher sideband harmonics in the first carrier group.
Although trivial for the modulation conditions used here, this effect can
become more significant for very low carrier/fundamental ratios.
The third-harmonic baseband component created by the regular sampling
process shown in Figure 4.7(b) is not present in Figure 5.5(b) because all
triplen harmonic components are cancelled between phase legs for a
three-phase inverter. But in contrast the second-harmonic baseband com-
ponent, which is created by symmetrical regular sampling as shown in
Figure 4.6(a), is not cancelled in a three-phase system, as shown in Fig-
ure 5.5(c), and may significantly increase WTHD in particular implemen-
tations. This again illustrates the limitations of symmetrical sampling.
The same effect also occurs for regular sampled single-edge modulation,
However, in this case the baseband second harmonic has a magnitude of
nearly 6%, and this is quite significant. Hence single-edge modulation is
unattractive for use with a three-phase inverter unless the carrier/funda-
mental ratio is high enough to rapidly roll off the magnitude of the base-
band nontriplen harmonics.
226 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

5.3 Third-Harmonic Reference Injection

A major limitation with the three-phase inverter modulation concepts pre-
sented thus far is the reduced maximum peak fundamental output line voltage
of j3 Vdc that can be obtained compared to the available DC link voltage. This
limitation has important implications for motor drive applications where it is
very desirable to use a standard, rated voltage motor in variable speed drive
application, for the following reasons.

It is readily shown that for a peak input I-I voltage of Vp , the average recti-
fied DC link voltage will be 3 Vp / 1t assuming a perfect zero impedance source
and the rectifier operating in continuous conduction. (In practice an approxi-
mate 5% drop in the rectified DC link voltage would be typically expected at
rated load due to source impedance.) The maximum peak inverter output volt-
age will therefore be (j3/2)(3 Vp / 1t ) or 82.7% of Vp ' Since the motor must
run at rated volts per hertz to sustain rated load torque without overheating, this
implies that the motor, when connected to the output side PWM inverter, will
be capable of only about 83% of rated power, a very significant derating.

If the rectified input voltage is smoothed with a very large DC link capaci-
tor, the DC link voltage will increase by 4.7% to Vp , and this will increase the
peak inverter output voltage to (Jj /2) Vp ' or 86.67% of Vp ' However, while
this is an improvement, it is still well short of achieving the desired target of
inverter output voltage equals AC source input voltage at maximum modula-
tion index.

5.3.1 Optimum Injection Level

Beginning with Buja and Indri in 1975 [2], it has been gradually recognized
that maximum modulation index of a three-phase inverter PWM system can be
increased by including a common mode third-harmonic term into the target ref-
erence waveform of each phase leg [3-5]. This third-harmonic component
does not affect the I-I fundamental output voltage, since the common mode
voltages cancel between the phase legs, but it does reduce the peak size of the
envelope of each phase leg voltage. Hence the modulation index M can be
increased beyond M = 1.0 without moving into overmodulation (i.e., the region
where the reference waveform magnitudes exceed the carrier peak at various
times during the fundamental cycle). Overmodulation is known to produce
low-frequency baseband distortion and is to be avoided ifpossible.
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 227

Equations (5.19), (5.20), and (5.21) define the appropriate sinusoidal tar-
get reference waveforms, which have been extended from Eqs. (5.1), (5.2), and
(5.3) to include this third-harmonic component, viz:


vcz* (rej + 3) = Vdc[Mcos(ooot+21t/3)+M3cos300ot] (5.21)

By dividing through by MVde' these equations can be written in per unit form
[6] as
v = cosfl; + ycos3S o (5.22)
where 'Y = M3/ M represents a parameter to be optimized to reduce the maxi-
mum value of the function as much below unity as possible. The maximum
value ofEq. (5.22) will occur where its derivative is zero, i.e.,
dv _ _
dt - 0 - sirrO, + 3ysin3S o (5.23)

While this function obviously has either a maximum/minimum at

So = 90 (depending upon the polarity of 'Y), if it is a maximum, the value
would be greater than unity, while if it is a minimum, it would not be of interest
anyway. However, another maximum/minimum can be found as follows.
Recall that
sin38 0 = sin28ocos8 o + cos28osin8o

= 2cos2SosinSo + (2cos 20o- 1)sinOo

= (4cos20o- 1) sine o (5.24)

Substituting this expression into Eq. (5.23) gives
o= 1+3y(4cosSo-1)

which rearranges to
1- - = 4cos

and finally

cosS =
J 3y-1
228 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

cos390 = cos29ocos9o - sin29osin9o

= (2cos29 0
- 1)cos 90 - 2sin

= (4 cos 90 - 3)cos90 (5.26)
so that, from Eq. (5.25),

cos39 = - (6y+ 1)
o 6y

Substituting Eqs. (5.25) and (5.27) into (5.22) yields

vmax I
=- 3(3y- 1) 313y- J 1 =-3(3y-1)~1-3Y
I r:-c (5.28)

Equation (5.28) identifies vmax' the maximum value of v, as a function of

the parametery. The maximum possiblevalue of Vmax is obtainedby setting its
derivativewith respect to y equal to zero. Thus

dv max = _ J1-1-!y-!( 3y-1 = )_1 0 (5.29)

dy 3 6 Jl - 1/3y 3y2

With some rearrangement, this becomes


For this expression to equal zero, its numerator must be zero, which gives
possible values for y of
1 1
y=3and-6 (5.31)

From Eq. (5.28), the value y = ~ produces vmax = 0, which must bea min-
imum because the square root term cannot become smaller than zero without
becoming imaginary. The value y = - ~ produces a maximum of
v max = Jj /2 = 0.866. Recalling that v az = MVdc ' this means that
v az , max = 2 MVdc (5.32)

Hence the modulation index M can now increase to 2/ Jj = 1.15 before

vaz , max reaches Vdc Note also that since y = M3/ M, M3 must consequently be
increased in proportion to M and reaches a value of M 3 = Jj /9 = 0.192
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 229

when M = 2/ J3 .
Note that at this modulation index, with a large filter capac-
itor in the DC bus, the AC output voltage magnitude now equals the AC source
input voltage magnitude.

An alternative and simpler method of establishing this result is to recognize

that the third-harmonic has no effect on the value of the reference waveform
expressions when root = [2k + 1 ]1t/6, since cos(3[2k + 1 ]1t/6) = 0 for all
k. Hence M3 can be chosen (for k= 0) to make the peak magnitude of the refer-
ence waveforms defined in Eqs. (5.19), (5.20), and (5.21) occur where the
third-harmonic is zero, i.e., at root = 1t/6. This would, in turn, assure the
maximum possible value for the fundamental component. For example, when k
= 0, the voltage vaz(ref +3) reaches a maximum when

dv az(re/+ 3) . .
d = - MVdcstnroot - 3M3 Vdcsln3root = 0 (5.33)
which for root = 1t/6 results in
M3 =-6"
Under these conditions, the maximum possible modulation index Mis

IVaz(ref+ 3)1 = IMV dc COSroot - ~VdCCOS3 ro ot i = Vdc for root = ~ (5.34)

which occurs when M = 2/J3 = 1.155 as before.

This analysis shows that a 15% increase in modulation index can be

achieved by simply including a one-sixth third-harmonic injection into the fun-
damental reference waveforms. The technique is equally appropriate for natu-
rally and regularly sampled PWM, with either a triangular or sawtooth carrier
wave. Furthermore, this increase in possible modulation index is exactly that
obtainable by the more elaborate method of space vector modulation which
suggests that the increase in modulation index is achieved by a fundamental
process separate from the pulse width determination. Chapter 6 identifies this
process as the zero space vector placement, which controls the switched pulse
position within each half carrier period.
While a one-sixth value of third-harmonic has been confirmed here as
achieving the maximum possible increase in fundamental component, other
researchers [7, 8] have proposed that the optimum third-harmonic injection
component should have a magnitude of 25% of the target fundamental, arguing
that this leads to reduced harmonic distortion. The cost of this option is a slight
230 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

reduction in the maximum linear modulation index from 1.15 down to 1.12,
since the peak of the target reference waveform no longer occurs at
Olot = n16.
Figure 5.6 shows the fundamental target reference waveforms for phase leg
a without third-harmonic injection, one-sixth magnitude third-harmonic injec-
tion, and one-quarter magnitude third-harmonic injection. The reduction in the
peak magnitude of the resultant reference waveform, and hence the ability to
increase the maximum linear modulation index, can be clearly seen.

5.3.2 Analytical Solution for Third-Harmonic Injection

The theoretical harmonic solution for PWM with third-harmonic injection is
developed using a similar analysis technique as before, but with rather more
complicated mathematics because of the additional reference component [9].
For naturally sampled modulation, the analysis proceeds by recognizing
that the integration limits, defined by Eqs. (3.27) and (3.28) for a simple sinu-
soidal reference, change to include the third-harmonic reference component.
Hence Eq. (3.29) becomes





Figure 5.6 Phase leg a PWM reference waveforms for third-harmonic
injection of zero, one-sixth, and one-quarter of the
fundamental magnitude, M = 1.0, leila = 21.
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 231

1t 2( 1 + Mcosy + M3 cos3y)

A mn + ]B m n = -12 2 Vdce
dx dy
21t 1t
-1t - 2( I + Mcosy + M3cos3y) (5.35)

which can again be evaluated for the various possible values of m and n.

For m = n = 0, Eq. (5.35) once more is found to result in

Aoo = 2 Vdc Boo = 0 (5.36)

which gives the expected Vdc offset in the final solution when the negative DC
bus is taken as the switched reference voltage.

For m = 0, n > 0, Eq. (5.35) simplifies to


+ . _ Vde
A On lROn - -2
- 2{
I + Mcosy + M3cos3y)

= r: J[1t(1.+ Mcosy+ M

-2 3cos3y)e ] dy

V;c J
jny j[n+ l]y j[n-l]y)
e +- e +e
= 2 dy (5.37)
M ( . j[n + 3]y j[n - 3]y)
-1[ +-3 e +e

f /n
Again using dy = 0 for any non zero value of n , Eq. (5.37) reduces to



for the case of n = 1, 3 only. For all other n, AOn +jB on = o.

232 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Not unexpectedly, these coefficients define the fundamental and third-har-

monic reference components specified in Eq. (5.19).

For rn > 0, n;l:. 0, the inner integral ofEq. (5.35) is evaluated to give

r; J jny

A mn+]Bmn = -. - 2 e dy
]rn1t . 1t . . 1t 3
-1t -.1 m
-jm- Mcosy -jm- M3COS y (5.40)
- e e 2 e 2

This integral expression then becomes, using Eq. (A2.1),


. 1t
e 2


x Jo(m~M3) +2LlJk(m~M3)COS3hY

-2 e jny

Jo(m~M) + 22:r kJk(miM) cosky

0m~ k=1
-e 2


x Jo(m~M3) + 2 2:rhJk( m~M3)COS3hY

h == I
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 233

which rearranges with some manipulation to





+ m~~Jh(m~M3) Sin([m + k+ h]~

k=I h=I x (e j[ n + k + 3h]y + e j[ n - k-3h]y )

Integrating Eq. (5.42) gives the closed-form solution for third-harmonic

injected PWM of

Jo( m~M3)Jk(m~M) sin([m + k]~ I

k= Inl

+ Jo(m~M)Jh( mi M3) sin([m + h]~ I

3h = Inl

Amn + jB mn = ~~c + LJk(m~~Jh(m~M3) sin([m + k+ h]~ I

k + 3h = Inl

+ IJk(m~M)Jh( mgM3) sin([m + k+ h]~ Ik-3h = Inl

+ IJk(mgM)Jh(m~M3) sin([m + k+ h]~ 13h-k= Inl
234 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

where the terms in the summation expressions are summed for any values of k
and h over the ranges 1 s k ~ 00, 1 s h s 00 for which the conditional limita-
tions are met. For example, for n = +2, values for (k, h) in the second sum-
mation expression would be (2,0), (5,1), (8,2), (1,1), (4,2), (7,3), etc.
Note that in principle an infinite summation of Bessel function terms is there-
fore required for the harmonic coefficients to be calculated for any particular m
and n. This is common with the closed-form solution of the more complex
modulation strategies. However, experience suggests that only the first 10 or so
terms need to be calculated, because of the rapid roll off of the Bessel function

It is appropriate to comment here that for integer carrier/fundamental

ratios, harmonics generated in the baseband, the first carrier sidebands, and
higher order carrier sidebands may have the same resultant frequency. The
extent of this overlap depends on the carrier/fundamental ratio, and the rate at
which the sideband magnitudes roll off (which is determined by the modula-
tion strategy). Hence it is important to add as phasor quantities, harmonics
from all harmonic group sources that have the sameresultant frequency, to cor-
rectly identify any particular harmonic cancellation that may occur.

Equation (5.43) is valid for both the sideband harmonic components, and
also for the carrier harmonics by making m > 0, n = O.

Taken together, Eqs. (5.36), (5.38), (5.39), and (5.43) define the coeffi-
cients of the general form of the phase leg harmonic solution, Eq. (3.10), for
double-edge naturally sampled modulation with third-harmonic injection.

Figure 5.7 shows the harmonic performance of this modulation scheme, for
both a single-phase leg and the resultant I-I output voltage. The result is a sub-
stantial change in harmonic performance compared to the simple sinusoidal
reference of Figure 5.4. In particular, the single-phase leg solution shows the
expected significant third-harmonic baseband harmonic component (which of
course cancels between the phase legs since it is common mode), and also a
flattening and broadening of the first carrier group sideband magnitudes.
Effectively, harmonic energy has been channeled from the first pair of side-
band harmonics to the outer sideband pairs.

For the /-1 output voltage, Figure 5.7(b), the expected cancellation of tri-
plen harmonics between the phase legs has again occurred, while the remain-
ing sideband harmonics remain flattened and broadened in magnitude
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 235

: : : : : : ,: : : : :;: ~ ~ ~
-- -- - -- -- --1- -- -- -
- - - - -,- - -
-I ~ t- I-
_I J [ ,-
- - - - 11 - I
- 1_ _ _
_ I _
- - , --
- - - , - - - - - r - - --1------
- - - - - -,- - - - - -I

_ _ _ _'- _ _ _ _ _ ,
I 1 1
: ____ J _ _ _ _ _ l_
-- -,- - - --
::::::: ': :: :::: ::' :-
- - -1- - - - -, -
- -1 - - - -
t: :::1::: -=
.. - ---I- -
- - - - -,- - - I
-=J= __ =
_ J _ __
[=_ ===.:_=
- - _'_ - I ~
---' --
-,- - - -
I , , 1 I
- - ,- - - - 1 -- r - - - r - -
(a) , I I I

- - '- --

====1= ==
- - - -1- - - -
- -- --
~ ..~ =- :: ,:::
: : : : - ,- : : _: -t ': -"1-- - to- :: 1"':
= - ==-( =- - =-, - = t_
- - - I
I I 1

, r
I - - - I --

, 1 I

-- - - - -I:
- -
- , -- -
- -
: - /-::
1 __

- - - -1- - --I .. - -: /--:
= ==-=. _= - ~=
~ -~ -~:1 ~ - --: I
I -
-- ,-

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

= - =- -,= - = =- -, ==_- - J ==- ==_[ - _- == t - =_=_

--- - --
_ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ '_ _ ~ _ _ _ __ I 1
, , I I
- - - - ,- - - - -, - - - -, - - - - r - - - - r - - - - -
1 I I , I
______ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 J l _ _ L _ _ __

:: :: :: :: : ::I: :: . :
- - - - - - ,- - - -
:: '::::
- I - -
::: j :: : : :: - ::
- - -1 - - - - -..-
t: ::::::::~:::

_ _ _ _I _ _
= ,=-=
_ J _ .tr
_ _ ~
= = = =I: := .:
- - 1_
1 I , 1
,- - -
- - - ,- - - , - - - , - - - - - r -
I , I I I
_____ , 1 J l_ I _ _ _ _
(b) :: :: :: :: :: :: ,: :: :::: ::'::: :::: ~ :: :: :::: : ~: .: :: -:
- - - - 1- - - -, - - - - '1 - - - to t--

==- === 1__ - _ == I ===_ - =

J ==== - LI - ( == --
_____ 1
, , 1 I
- - - - - - 1- - - - - ,I - - - - , - - r - 1---
, 1 1 ,
,_ , J _ _ l

: : : : : - I: : : - -: ' : : : : - =t : : : : t: :
- - - - - 1- - - / - - - - - of - - - ..

- - - _'_ - - - - 1- _ -~- '- - -

- !. '- - --
~~~~--r-~-- i- - - 1 -r
r - - --
10- 4 ""'-_--u.....-........ I.oI.............- . . . . . " ' - -.......-.w..............-....... .-....-~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 5.7 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter
modulated by double-edge naturally sampled PWM with
one-sixth third-harmonic injection: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I
output switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.9, fe/fo = 21.
236 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

comparedto a simple sinusoidalreference, Figure 5.4(b). The result is a signif-

icant reduction in WTHDO, from 2.04 to 1.77%,that occurs entirely because of
the redistribution of the sideband harmonic energy. This effect is a fundamental
benefit of using referencescontaining a third-harmonic component.
Once again, theoretical analysis of single-edge, and double-edgesymmetri-
cal and asymmetrical regularly sampled modulation with third-harmonic
injection proceeds using the techniques developed in Chapter 3, by replacing y
with y = y' + (00 0 / ooc)x in Eq. (5.35), to give phase leg solutions of
1t n(Mcosy' + M3cos3y') .( [roo
j mx+n y'+-x
A mn +]B
. _ V2
- -
de e roc dx dy' (5.44)
-1t -n

for single-edge regularlysampled modulation,

1t/2 i( I + Mcosy' + M3 cos3y')
V i(mx + n[y' + rorocxJ ) dx dy'

A mn +R -
] mn -
1t J J
-1t/2 - ~(l + Mcosy' + M3cos3y')

for double-edge symmetrical regularly sampled modulation, and

nl2 0


~[l + Mcosy'; J
2 + M 3 COS3 yf ' .( [ , roo ro 0 1t] )

e roc roc 2 dx dy;
-1t/2 o
for double-edge asymmetrical regularly sampled modulation.
Solutions for these three modulation variations can be obtained using sim-
ilar analysis principlesas presented above for naturallysampled PWM, and are
as follows:
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 237


J O( q1tM3)Jk ( q1tM)j l
k= Inl
+ J O(q1tM)Jh(q1tM3)j l
3h = Inl

-2jV + IJk(q1tM)Jh(q1tM3)/k+hll
= q1t
-- dc
k+ 3h = Inl

+ IJk(q1tM)Jh(q1tM3)/k+hll
k-3h = Inl

+ IJk(q1tM)Jh(q1tM3)/k+hll

for single-edge regularly sampled modulation, and

J o( q~M3)Jk(q~~ sin([q + k]~ I

k= Inl

+ Jo(q~~Jh(q~M3) Sin([q + h]~ I 3h = Inl

+ LJk( q~M)Jh(q~M3)sin([q + k+ h]~ I

k+ 3h = Inl

+ LJk( q~~Jh(q~M3) sin([q + k+ h]~ Ik-3h = Inl

+ L J/q~~Jh(q~M3) sin([q + k+ h]~ 13h-k = In

for double-edge symmetrical regularly sampled modulation, and
238 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Jo( q~M3)Jk(q~M) sin([m + kl I

k == Inl

+ o( q~M)Jh(q~M3) sin([m + hl I

3h == Inl

+ IJk(q~M)Jh(q~M3) sin([m + k + hl~) I

k+ 3h = Inl

+ IJk(q~M)Jh(q~M3) sin([m + k+ hl~) Ik-3h = Inl

+ IJk(q~M)Jh(q~M3) sin([m + k+ hl~) I

3h-k = Inl
for double-edge asymmetrical regular sampled modulation, over the limits
m = 0, 1 ~ n ~ 00 , 1 ~ m ~ 00, -00 ~ n ~ 00 for all cases and with
q = m+n(ooo/ooc)'
Note that once again, the process of sampled modulation produces a decay-
ing series of baseband harmonic components. Also, asymmetrical sampling
continues to naturally eliminate the even baseband harmonic components, the
odd sideband harmonics around the odd carrier multiples, and the even side-
band harmonics around the even carrier multiples, within the phase leg.
Figure 5.8 shows the change in harmonic spectra of the I-I output voltage
for the various third-harmonic injection alternatives that have been presented.
It can be seen in this figure that there is a slight reduction in WTHDO for a one-
quarter magnitude compared to a one-sixth magnitude third-harmonic compo-
nent. This is primarily because the sideband harmonics in the first carrier group
are flattened more with the one-quarter magnitude component, to the point
where all four major sideband harmonics have almost the same magnitude.
This is clearly the point of optimum contribution to WTHD. However, the ben-
efit is very slight for the modulation conditions shown, as is often the case.
More interesting is the effect of symmetrical sampling and single-edge
modulation on the baseband harmonic components. It has, of course, already
been identified that these modulation 'strategies produce additional harmonic
components because of the poorer harmonic cancellation that occurs within the
phase leg, including, in particular, additional baseband harmonics. When a
Third-Harmonic Reference Injection 239

:': : ~: q WTHDO= 1.75%1= :,:

:: ~:
-i- WTHDO= 1.7I 0/0
J ,-
-,- , ,

I , I ,
r r
I ,
-1- r r
_1- : ~- J L
: L .1. u, L L
:1: ~: ~ f E :':
-,- ~: f E
, , -4
] l:, ,
, ,.
f"1- to
r, ,
, ,
, , , , ,-
-,- , I
-,- ,-
r r
I I , r
1 ,r
_I. J L L .1-
,J= L L
:': ~ ~ .: :': ~ t:
f1: ; ;. "1: ;.
,- "1
J [
,.: ,t c
I 1 I
1 I

, , I

1- -,-
1 I I 1
,r , r
, ,r
-,- 10-3 -
~ ~
J_. L L L L
:': ..f :
.;: :.: !
... :
: , :..:
, : : -,- ,-
f-!- : : .. :
, t .:


- - I
1 1

.,- I

, , 1 - r r
, ,r
-I- I
I 1 I
10-4 ',I I

10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(a) (b)

uncancellednon- q WTHDO=I .78% uncancelled non-: WTHDO=3.63%-4

triplen baseband J , triplen baseband J
harmonics , I I
harmon c , 1 I

,- , , I
, I

, , r
-r r -r

I I 1 I I
J .L. J
_1- L L .L
-,- ~ f
:t :-.:':
--,- ~ t :t
, r -(
-4 -t-

- - ::.:,
, ,
} [
, 1

, r
-,- ,

-'. i=: 10-2 .'-


:.: ~
] . :;
, I I I

.,- I
1 -,.

_I. J .1. J
:.: ~ :': ~
: : : :

: : : : : : :
: :.:
, I ]
.! -

. -,-

I =f
1 -

:jF I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(c) (d)
Figure 5.8 Theoretical I-I harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter
modulated by
(a) asymmetrical regularly sampled PWM with one-
sixth magnitude third-harmonic,
(b) asymmetrical regularly sampled PWM with one-
quarter magnitude third-harmonic,
(c) symmetrical regularly sampled PWM with one-sixth
magnitude third-harmonic,
(d) single-edge regularly sampled PWM with one-sixth
magnitude third-harmonic,
M = 0.9, Ie/fo = 21.
240 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

third-harmonic component is added to the reference, this effect is enhanced,

because the fourth, fifth, ..., baseband components increase in magnitude
(because of the deliberately injected third-harmonic component). Obviously
the nontriplen baseband harmonics do not cancel and hence become enhanced
in the I-I output voltage, compared to a simple sinusoidal reference. Figures
5.8(c) and 5.8(d) show this effect clearly and should be directly compared
against Figures 5.5(c) and 5.5(d), respectively. However, it is interesting to
note that for the modulation conditions used in these figures, the WTHD is still
less for third-harmonic injection compared to a simple sinusoidal reference in
all cases, primarily because of the contribution of the first major sideband har-
monics around the first carrier group. Of course, this influence would be less if
.a more realistic carrier/fundamental ratio was used instead of the deliberately
low ratio of 21 that has been used for illustration purposes in this book.

Figure 5.9 shows WTHDO versus modulation index for the various three-
phase inverter modulation strategies presented so far. Clearly third-harmonic
injection into the reference has the advantages of achieving both a greater fun-
damental output voltage (M = 1.15) and a reduced harmonic distortion, com-
pared to a simple sinusoidal reference. Asymmetrical regular sampling also
provides an additional WTHD advantage, because of the shift in harmonic
energy to the upper sideband harmonics around the first carrier group. How-
ever, this benefit depends on the actual carrier/fundamental ratio and is sub-
stantially enhanced for the results shown in Figure 5.9 because of the very low
ratio of 11 that has been used for illustration. With a more realistic carrier ratio,
the difference between natural and regular sampling is usually slight.

It should be noted also that while there is a slight WTHD benefit for inject-
ing a one-quarter magnitude compared to a one-sixth magnitude third-har-
monic, there is more benefit to be gained simply by implementing
asymmetrical regular sampling in preference to symmetrical regular sampling.
This is because the skew in the sideband harmonic magnitudes toward the high
side, and the elimination of the even low-order baseband harmonics achieved
by asymmetrical sampling, outweighs the slight evening of the sideband har-
monic magnitudes achieved by the injection of a one-quarter magnitude third-
harmonic. Such a result is not uncommon. Quite often it is the quality of the
PWM implementation that determines the performance of a particular system,
not a minimal theoretical advantage of one modulation scheme compared to
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 241

6r------r---- ----".---~---..___--__"

5 ------'-------

r - - - - - -
ISingle Edge Regularly Sampled, 1/63rd Hannonic I
- ,- - - - - -I - - - - - - , - - - - - - 1- - - - - -

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Modulation Index M

Figure 5.9 WTHDO of I-I switched output voltage of a three-phase

inverter for various modulation alternatives, e l f o = 11. .r

5.4 Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses

In the same way as was done for a single-phase inverter in Section 4.3, it is
useful to derive closed-form solutions for the harmonic currents and conse-
quential losses for three-phase modulation, in order to once more allow com-
parison against and between the various modulation methods [10]. As before,
these solutions are developed under the assumptions that the average internal
EMF earn of the load over an arbitrary switching interval ~T is essentially
constant, and the losses in the load can be neglected for the purposes of calcu-
lating the ripple current.

For the case of a three-phase inverter, it is convenient to assume that the

inductive load is delta connected to avoid issues associated with the zero
sequence component. If the load is in fact star connected, the currents which
flow can always be readily calculated by means of the usual deltalwye trans-
formation equations.
242 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Figure 5.10 shows a sketch of a single carrier switching period with the
load between output phase legs a and b. For each of the periods T], T2 , T3, the
current ripple through a delta load element is defined by
. eab
o~ 1 ~ T 1 : ~lab(/) =- T 1 (5.50)



where La is now the I-I leakage inductance of one element of a delta load.

r: \ Phase Leg a
~T/4 ~T/2 3~T/4

\ I 1
\ I f!T
-Vdc \ /
\ I
\ I
r; \ /
Phase Leg b
~T/4 \ ~T/2 / 3~T/4 ~T

-r: v

eab= (v ab) ~iab I-I Output Voltage
2Vdc - / and Ripple Current

Figure 5.10 Modulation process and resulting delta element ripple

current for two phase legs of three-phase VSI.
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 243

Substituting t = T1 + T2 + T3 = ~T/2 into Eq. (5.52) gives

~. (~n = _
'ab 2-)
L T +(2V L
dc - e ab)T
_L e ab T
= 0 (5.53)
cr cr cr

from which it can be shown that

T2 = (u 1 - u2 )4 (5.54)

U2 = ;b, de
and u, - u 2 = ;b.
Similarly, it follows that


The average squared value of the current ripple over the interval ~T/2 can
now be written in the form


+ [(u2-u,)x'+(2+U2-U)T2+(U2-U)Ttl2dx'
where x = t - T1 and x' = t - T 1 - T2 Evaluating Eq. (5.56) gives

2 3
(U 2 - U 1) T1
3 3
[(2 + U2 - Ut)T2 + (U2 - Ut)Tj ] - [(U 2 - u1)T1]
+ -----------------1
2+U2- UI
[(2 + U2 - Ut)T2 + (U2 - u1)Tt ]
U -U
2 1

244 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Substituting for T., T2, and T3 using Eqs. (5.54) and (5.55) gives

_ (VdC)2~T2 2{(1+U 2)3+(I-U t)3}

- La 48 (u 2-u\) (l +u

After some manipulation, Eq. (5.58) simplifies to

.2 =
T 2
48 {(u 2-u t ) +(u 2-u 1) +(u 2-u)(u2- u))}
3 3 3

The harmonic losses can then be determined by integrating Eq. (5.59) over
a positive half fundamental cycle (the above development is only valid for
eab> 0), with appropriate substitutions for ul and U2 for each modulation
strategy to be evaluated, to determine the (squared) harmonic current ripple,
and then multiplying this result by the equivalent load resistance Re , i.e.,


Ph, cu = R)t (~i;b) da o (5.60)

For a single-phase inverter, u 1 = -u 2 = McosOo Substituting this sim-
plification into Eq. (5.59) gives

= (dC)
V 2 2
(J11ab) T 12(Mcos9 2
o ) (I -Mcos9 o )

which is the same result as was achieved in Eq. (4.31) in Chapter 4.

For a three-phase inverter modulated with simple sinusoidal references, the

phase leg reference voltages are given by u t = Mcos9o and
u2 = Mcos(9o-21t/3). Substituting these definitions into Eq. (5.59), with
9 0 replaced bye for brevity, gives

2 _(V 3M2cos2(O+~) -3.f3M3cos3(o+ID

(J11ab) - TdC)2 IiT2
48 (5.62)
a _ .f3Atcos(0 + ID( 3
cos ( 0 - 21t) - cos
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 245

Figure 5.11 shows the variation in the delta load harmonic current for a
three-phase inverter under this modulation strategy over a fundamental cycle
for a modulation index of M= 0.9 with a highly inductive load. The asymmetry
and harmonic distortion of this current compared to the harmonic load current
for a single-phase inverter as shown in Figure 4.13 is obvious and reflects the
changing position of the active I-I pulse within each carrier interval over the
fundamental cycle caused by the three-phase modulation process.
The average RMS harmonic current can now be determined by integrating
Eq. (5.62) over the positive half fundamental cycle of the I-I voltage, i.e., over
the interval -2n/3 <: 00 < n/3 . Only the positive half cycle need be consid-
ered, since it is clear from Figure 5.11 that the current ripple during the nega-
tive half cycle is a mirror image of the positive half cycle, and hence will have
the same RMS harmonic contribution. The integral expression is



, v

i\ V
(a)~ 0
~ i\ I
ci. -0.5
~ I
-1.0 ~ v

5 '" I I I

4 - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) Ot-+++-H~I-.+~H-ft+ft-H~t-++....-rt....,.........Ht-t-..+iH-*-Hf+iIf-Ht-f

-2 I I

-3 I - -:- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - :- - - - - -

, I I I

-4 - - - - - -;- - - - - - -: - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -:- - - - - -
-5 I I
L - - _ - ' -_ _....Ioo-_ _l o - - _ - ' -_ _. . . . I o o - _ ~

0 360

Figure 5.11 (a) Reference and switched I-I voltages for three-phase
inverter with simple sinusoidal PWM and (b) harmonic
current ripple with inductive load, M= 0.9, fe/fo = 21.
246 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

which after considerable manipulation and simplification, reduces to


A similar development can be done for a three-phase inverter modulated

with sinusoidal references with a third-harmonic injection component. For this
case, the phase leg references are defined by ul = Mcos8 o + M)cos38 o and
u2 = Mcos(So - 21t/3) + M) cos3S o' with the third-harmonic component
magnitude being defined by M 3 . As discussed in Section 5.3.1, the two most
useful levels of third-harmonic injection are M 3 = -M/6 and M) = -M/4.
Note that the addition of a third-harmonic component only effects the M
term in Eq. (5.62), since it cancels out in all the (u 2 - u 1) terms in Eq. (5.59).
Hence the integration and evaluation of Eq. (5.59) with third-harmonic injec-
tion is only a little more complicated and results in an average harmonic cur-
rent ripple term of

where b = M.

Figure 5.12 shows the harmonic current ripple waveform over a complete
fundamental cycle for a three-phase inverter under PWM modulation with,
respectively, one-sixth and one-fourth third-harmonic injection. It can be seen
that the effect of the injected third-harmonic component is to improve the sym-
metry of the ripple current waveform and to reduce the peak excursions, by
better centering the active I-I pulse within each carrier interval over the funda-
mental cycle. This in tum reduces the RMS average value of the ripple current
and explains the better harmonic performance of PWM modulation with third-
harmonic injection.
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 247

4 - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - -
(a) 1
o hfM~~WJWMN\l\MUWW\~_NW~
-1 - I - -

-2 t

I I , I
- - - - - - ,- - - - - - -, - - - - - - .., - - - - - - r - - - - - -.- - - - - -
I I I , I

-4 - - - - - :-1- -
- - - - -, -
- - - - - ... -
- - - - - ~
- - - - - -.- -
- - - -


-5 '-----1----....---"'------1----....-----'

5 I I I

4 ------ 1- - - - - - -: - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -



(b) 0
-2 , I I I

-3 - - - - - -;- - - - - - -;- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -:- - - - - -


-4 - - - - - -:- - - - - - -:- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -:- - - - - -


-5 '------------....---"-----'---"""""-----'
0 60 0 1200 t 80 0 240 0 300 0 360 0 e
Figure 5.12 Harmonic current ripple with inductive load: (a) one-sixth
third-harmonic injection and (b) one-fourth third-harmonic
injection, M= 0.9, fc/fo == 21.

Evaluating Eq. (5.65) for the various cases gives

Simple Sinusoidal PWM

ab, h, rms
= (VdC)2~T2(~M2_ 4J3
L 48 2 1t
M3+28 M4) (5.66)

One-Sixth Third-Harmonic Injection PWM

= (~) ~T (~M2 _~ M 3 + M 4 )
22 M
I2 (5.67)
ab, h, rms L 48 2 1t

One-Fourth Third-Harmonic Injection PWM

V 22
ab, h, rms L 48 2
= (~) f!tT (~M2_ 4A/3 M3+63 M
1t 64
4) (5.68)
248 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

or in more general terms as

Iab,h,rms =
( de) 2
T 48f(M)
where the function f(M) is the harmonic distortion factor (HDF). HDF is
commonly used as a figure of merit for PWM strategies that are independent of
switching frequency, DC bus voltage, and load inductance.

The HDFs for the three continuous PWM strategies discussed in this chap-
ter for a three-phase inverter are shown in Figure 5.13, where the performance
superiority of the third-harmonic injected modulation strategy for a three-
phase system can be clearly seen. For comparison, the HDF for a single-phase
inverter taken from Chapter 4 is also shown. It is interesting to note the har-
monic superiority of single-phase modulation over all three-phase alternatives,
particularly at high modulation levels. But a moment's thought confirms that
this is only to be expected, since single-phase three-level modulation elimi-
nates all harmonics up to the second carrier group, in contrast to three-phase
modulation which must retain some harmonics in the first carrier group.

. 3 - 1 4Jj 3 9 4
....---- -tThreePhase,SlmplePWM: j{M) = "2A1---;;-Ar +gM


0.2 ,

-- - - - -,- -
- - - - -
I 1 I
0.1 - - - - - - 1- - - - -, - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - -
I 1 I

- - - - - : - - - - Single-Phase Bridge: j{M) = 2M- + (3/2)M4 - (32/3lt)AI

o 0.2 0.4
. . . -----.&.---~-----'
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Modulation Index M
Figure 5.13 Harmonic distortion factors for different PWM modulation
strategies as a function of modulation index M for pure
inductive load.
Analytic Calculation of Harmonic Losses 249

The relationship between HDF and WTHDO is readily derived as follows.

By definition from Eq. (2.116)
00 00

WTHDO = (5.70)
V1I M = I J3 r:
where VI at M= 1 has a magnitude of J3 Vdc since it is a I-I quantity.
Each harmonic voltage component in the I-I switched output voltage cre-
ates a harmonic current component of
Vn Vn 1
I = - = - - (5.71)
n OlnLa n oooL a

where all voltages and currents in Eq. (5.71) are peak quantities.
The RMS magnitude of the harmonic current components taken together is
given by

ab, h, rms
L...J 2
![n2 (5.72)

where the scaling factor of ~ inside the summation is required to convert from
peak to RMS magnitude. Substituting Eq. (5.71) into Eq. (5.72) gives

I 21 (V--;:; 1L )2
1 2 _
ab, 11, rms -
or alternatively


Substituting this result into Eq. (5.70) gives an alternative expression for

250 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

Further substituting from Eq. (5.69) gives

Vde) 2 ~T2
.firooLcr ( T 48 f(M)
WTHOO = J3 cr


Finally, since

L\T = .!. (5.77)

Eq. (5.76) simplifies to

WTHOO = 2rtfo
JliM) = ..2!.- J
72 felfo
= ~ HOF
J 18

where lei10
is often referred to as the pulse ratio, p.
However, it is important to appreciate that Eq. (5.78) becomes progres-
sively less exact as the carrier/fundamental frequency ratio is reduced since
j{M) was derived assuming a sufficiently large pulse ratio so that the load EMF
over each half carrier interval could be assumed to be constant.
Finally, Figure 5.14 shows the WTHDO for sinusoidal PWM with one-sixth
third-harmonic injection for the cases of p = 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 25. It can be
recalled from Eq. (2.31) that the WTHD for simple six-step square-wave mod-
ulation (no PWM) is 4.64%. Once this result is scaled by 4/1t to convert to
WTHDO, it can be shown as a straight line in Figure 5.14 with a value of
5.910/0. Hence, for a three-phase inverter, the carrier/fundamental frequency
ratio must be at least 7 for the WTHD of a PWM system to be less than that of
six-step modulation at M = 1. This provides a convenient reference point for
the decision to use a PWM strategy versus another more complex modulation
strategy in particular applications (such as very high power inverters).

5.5 Discontinuous Modulation Strategies

Looking again at Figure 5.3, it can be seen that within each half carrier inter-
val, there is an initial zero I-I output voltage pulse labeled Vz, two sequential
active voltage pulses labeled VI and V2 , and a trailing zero I-I output voltage
Triplen Carrier Ratios and Subharmonics 251

10 , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I

9 - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - ~ ------ ~ - - - - - -:- - - -


8 - - - - - -: - - - - - - -:- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - :- p == 5- -
I I I , I

7 - - - - - -:- - - - - - -I - - - - - - ~ - - - - r - - - - - - 1- - - - - - -

~ 1 I I 1 I p==7
?f 6 Sj~ ~!ep _9~lJI~!i9n __ ~ ~ :_ _ _ _
o::z:: 5
_ _ _ _ _ _ I_

_ _ _ _ _ _I

_ _ _ _ _ _ .J _ _ _

~ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ ...! _ _ _ _ _ _ .!.. _ _ _ _ _

~ 1 I I

O~----&.----.--...---....J..------J---_..1.__ __ __J

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Modulation Index M
Figure 5.14 WTHDO versus modulation index M for sinusoidal PWM
with a one-sixth third-harmonic injection for increasing
carrier/fundamental frequency ratios.
pulse again labeled Vz. Clearly, as was presented in Section 4.5.2 for single-
phase inverters, it is possible to move the position of the active voltage pulses
around within the half carrier interval, to eliminate one zero output voltage
pulse while still retaining the same average volt-seconds over the carrier inter-
val. Modulation strategies using this concept are termed discontinuous modu-
lation, and a number of possible alternatives for three-phase inverter systems
have been reported over the years. However, since all these schemes essen-
tially just rearrange the placement of the zero output voltage pulse(s) within
each half carrier or carrier interval, their treatment will be deferred until Chap-
ter 6 where they can be discussed using space vector concepts.

5.6 Triplen Carrier Ratios and Subharmonics

5.6.1 Triplen Carrier Ratios

It is firmly entrenched in the literature that three-phase inverter systems require
a carrier that is an odd triplen multiple of the fundamental reference frequency
in order to achieve optimum harmonic cancellation between the phase legs,
particularly for low carrier/fundamental pulse ratios. However, the material
252 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

presented in this chapter shows no justification at all for this belief, and it is
clear, from the analytical solutions presented in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, that the
cancellation of harmonics between phase legs is independent of the frequency
ratio between the carrier and the fundamental. Carrier harmonics cancel
between phase legs because they are the same, while triplen sideband harmon-
ics cancel between the phase legs because of the 3600 rotation that occurs
when n = trip/en. Other sideband harmonics do not cancel.
It is interesting to speculate on how this very widespread belief of the
requirement for an odd trip/en carrier pulse ratio may have occurred. One
explanation is that early researchers [II] anticipated that the harmonics caused
by the PWM process would be integer multiples of the fundamental (assuming
an integer carrier ratio). This assumption would easily extend from an appreci-
ation of the harmonics produced by SCR type systems, which always occur at
simple integer multiples of the fundamental. Hence the general harmonic
forms for the switched waveforms of phase legs a, b, and c may have been
expected to be

VazU) = L [AOncos(nroot) + BOnsin(nroot)] (5.79)


VbzU) = i:[
1tJJ+ BonSin(n[ root - 231tJJ]
AoncOS(n[ root - 23 (5.80)

VczU) = f
n = 1
1tJJ+ BonSin(n[root- 231tJJ]
[AonCOS(n[ root- 23 (5.81 )

With this formulation, it is obvious that harmonics would only cancel between
the phase legs when n is a triplen integer multiple, which may well have led to
the assumption that the carrier frequency had to be a triplen multiple of the
fundamental to cancel between phases. In fact, of course, as has been shown,
this is simply not the case.
The requirement for an odd carrier ratio may well derive from the fairly
classical consideration that even harmonics represent a DC offset, or at least
asymmetrical AC half cycles. Such a waveform is considered to be intrinsi-
cally unbalanced for an AC system, and should therefore be avoided if at all
Triplen Carrier Ratios and Subharmonics 253

possible. However, once again, since the major harmonics of PWM are the
sidebands that occur around the carrier multiples, there seems to be no particu-
lar reason to require an odd carrier/fundamental ratio.

The analytical solutions presented in this chapter show an important har-

monic result. First, the frequency of the .carrier harmonic is independent of the
fundamental reference frequency, and hence always cancels between phase
legs. Second, it is the "triplen multiple of n" sideband harmonics that cancel
between the phase legs, with their frequencies matched irrespective of the
absolute carrier frequency, and their phase shifts matched to the 120 0 shift of
the three-phase references (times the n multiple). With this understanding, it is
clear that there is no particular benefit to be gained by a triplen carrier pulse

5.6.2 Sub harmonics

A further constraint that is often presented in the literature is that the carrier
should be an integral ratio of the fundamental frequency to avoid subharmon-
ics, particularly for low pulse ratios. Subharmonics are harmonic components
with a frequency that is less than the fundamental and can cause considerable
heating losses in AC motors if they are close to 0 Hz.

Once again, the analytical solutions for all forms of PWM applied to
single- and three-phase inverters show that no such harmonic components are
created as a result of the modulation process. The only possible way that mod-
ulation-induced harmonics would have a frequency below the fundamental is if
the carrier frequency is so low that the lower sideband harmonics of the first
carrier group intrude below the fundamental. This would imply that
0) c - 40)0 < 0)0' or 0) c < 50)0. While virtually no PWM system would operate

with a pulse ratio this low, this result does suggest some justification for setting
the minimum carrier pulse ratio to 7. At this ratio, the lowest significant side-
band occurs at roc - 4 roo = 3 roo' which may have some advantages in particu-
lar applications. But it should be noted that this apparently triplen harmonic is
not co-phasal between the phase legs and will not cancel in the I-I output volt-

It is appreciated by the authors that these conclusions are inconsistent with

many reported observations of very low frequency subharmonics in drive sys-
tems using PWM-controlled inverters, particularly when the carrier /funda-
254 Modulation of Three-PhaseVoltage Source Inverters

mental ratio is low. There are two explanations for this discrepancy between
theory and observed practice.

First, it is possible that poorer quality PWM implementations were used in

some of the reported work. This is perhaps more likely for earlier systems that
typically used analog reference and carrier waveforms. Slight errors in these
waveforms, particularly in the fundamental frequency range, would cause a
variety of intermodulation effects that could well result in unwanted very low
frequency harmonics. This explanation would be consistent with the signifi-
cantly reduced reports of subhannonics in more recent PWM literature.

The second explanation stems from a basic assumption in the solutions pre-
sented in this book - that the DC bus voltage is exactly constant. In practice,
the DC bus voltage will vary with load, and will often also have a six times AC
input frequency ripple component because of the diode input rectifier that is
conventionally used. This ripple frequency interacts with both the output fre-
quency and the carrier frequency, to produce a rich spectrum of additional har-
monic components. Some of these may well be at subharmonic frequencies.
Further analysis of this interaction is beyond the scope of this book and is left
for future research.

Figure 5.15 presents some experimental results for a three-phase inverter

modulated by asymmetrical regular sampled PWM under the conditions of M
= 0.9 at a carrier frequency of 1000 Hz. The inverter DC bus supply is pro-
vided from a 200 V switched mode power supply to provide a clean constant
DC supply voltage with minimal differential or common mode AC harmonics
and was operated into a very small resistive load of 200 W per phase, to mini-
mize deadtime effects.

Comparison of these experimental results with the previous theoretical

results of Figures 5.5(b) and 5.8(a) shows an extremely close match for har-
monics of magnitude greater than 0.1%. Below this level, it is considered that
deadtime and other practical switching effects have influenced the experimen-
tally measured harmonics.

Figure 5.16 shows an expanded low-order spectrum of one phase leg of the
inverter with a fundamental frequency of 44 Hz, where the DC bus has been
alternatively supplied from a high-frequency switched mode DC power supply,
and from a simple rectified single-phase AC supply.
Triplen Carrier Ratios and Subharmonics 255

X:50 Hz Lin Spec Y:90.7232 mVrms X:50 Hz Lin Spec Y:90.3225 m Vrms
>~ ~- - - - - - -- - r---~-......._-~-r__,.-_,_--:---_r____....____.
:- ~F -z :- ::
- I:- -z :- -:, -z ::--z
---1- -- - -- -
~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ - =1===t=:=t

g ---1---.---'
-l---r---r o
E ~:::~:::
::.: : : : I: : :
-r - - -,- - -,- --
=,: :: -
---,----,----, -1---T---r: o 1---T--- -,----,----/---
---I----1----f -+---+--- -+---+--- --1----\----1---
I , , I I , I I 1 1 I ,
___ ' 1 _ _J 1 __ _J l _ _ _t 1 _

r : :,::::,:::-
.: : : : i : : ~
:1=: _ =- =
:: :1: : _:
~ ---1----1--- -T---r-- -l---r--- --,----,-- - -
~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~l~~~i~~ , ~l~~~i~~~ - - - ~ ~ ~( ~ - - -

~ --:----:---
I 1
1 I
I 1

---,-- I

1===1= 1===1-= ==='= = -

~ : ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ = 1:::r: I::: r: :::1::
l:::r: l:::r: - :: :r: :
~ -~~::~~~~:- +---t- +---t- - ---1--
o --1----1- of---+- -f---t- - --1--
....J _J J_ I L l L
__ I_-
I I I I / I
I 1 I I , I I
- : -/= ~:: ::':: :::::f:: i~:~f:: ::1 -
1 :: :1: :::1 :::1 : :'
I --1- 1 ---t - 1


::L ::L
o o
OHz Frequency 3.2 kHz o Hz Frequency 3.2 kHz

(a) (b)

X:50 Hz Lin Spec Y:90.1266 mVrms X:50 Hz Lin Spec

JE -1-
.:,: 1
~ : :!:


:1: :
:,: :,:
- .)
- - -,_ - __ 1_ -
- - - -
.. :::.:::i
~ - - -l-

8 -,- -,-
-I- i-
1 r
T r -,- -,-
-,- -I- g -- -,- --,- - ,- - T -- - T - --r
1 1 T r -I- - - -\- - - -1- - 1- - 1 - - - T- - -
-I- -l- -f + t -1- -1- -I- - - -1- - - ~ - - - of - - - ~ - - - .. - - -
I 1 1 I I I I I I I , I
1 1
5: == =
:: ~ :\:
_1- \-
t :1:
:1: ~ ~
=:: :==
z :,: - : - z
I =1= ~ T
tI) ---'----1-
~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~l ~
-'I J I


-,- 1
T -,I o
U ' 1
I 1 I I I ~ I I
I ='
~ ~~:~~~~~
io ~ :::::~:
- 1----1-

1 J
I I ,
1 ~ _ 1
I I I I 1 I
1 iI I
I : : I : I

I t
I , I

>~ -I I I ~
>:::t -
l- I I
::L I
o '----'
OHz Frequency 3.2 kHz o Hz Frequency 3.2 kHz

(c) (d)

Figure5.15 Experimental harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by asymmetrical regularly sampled PWM:
(a) phase voltage, simple sinusoidal reference,
(b) I-I voltage, simple sinusoidal reference,
(c) phase voltage, one-sixth third-harmonic injected,
(d) I-I voltage, onr-sixth third-harmonic injected,
M = 0.9,10 = 50 Hz, Ie = 1000 Hz.
256 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

X:44 Hz Lin Spec Y:90.0681 mVnns .., X:44 Hz Lin Spec Y:89.2973 mVnns
Jr--.---r~,---,...-~.....,...---,.-,-----;---, ';;..~ ..-~-_-.,._I_-_-_....,.._ - _~-l-----...-_-_-_~:--_-_-.,._-_-
e s ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ }~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~
~ g ---1- --1 --'---f---r---r----'----I---'---
---,----, - -'---'---T---r---r--T---,---
- - -1- - - -l - - i - - - ~ - - - .. - - - .. - - -I- - - -1- - - -1- - -
I I I I , I I I I

~: 6 Hz Intermodulation of Fundamental : ~ :
f I)
and DC Bus Harmonics
- - -,-- -, - - j- - -. - -- ~ -- - ,---,-- - -,- - - -,---

~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~~: ~ ~ ~ ~ 50 Hz and 100 Hz ~:~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ _

~ I I I DC Bus Harmonics 1 1

I w~~m mmITmzmmmmm I
_~ ~I:: ~ ::::'
:: :: ~

i -::::: ~
:: :: E:: ::E :: ~ ::1:: ::::::1:: ::::-
: :1: : : j : J: : : 1 : : : : : t: : r: : : :1: : : :1: : :
--1----1 -1---i-- ---t-- -t----I----I---
1- - - -- - r - -, - - -,- - -,- - -
J .J -
'" - -1- - - -, -

~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ 1-- - ~~~~~ - f - - :~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

::1. ::1. I 1 I I I
0lUl........... ..--wl..J,lJ,.o............u...AoooU.I.-..-..-............_ ........ ..-.I UIUI.-................ ~"""-_..___u..I~ ................lWIooLlooIo_.I.I .._....J

OHz Frequency 200 Hz o Hz Frequency 200Hz

(a) (b)
Figure 5.16 Low-frequency experimental harmonic spectra for three-phase
inverter modulated by asymmetrical regularly sampled PWM:
(a) DC bus supplied by 2500 W DC power supply and
(b) DC bus supplied by rectified single-phase AC supply,
M = 0.9,10 = 44 Hz, Ie = 1000 Hz.

In these results, it is particularly interesting to see 50 Hz and multiples of

this frequency in the phase leg output spectra (note that these experimental
results were measured in Australia, where the mains supply frequency is 50
Hz). Investigations showed that these harmonics were present on the DC bus
itself, despite the substantial filtering that was implemented. In fact, it was also
suspected that some of these harmonics came from common mode injection
through the mains connection of the power supplies of the instrumentation sys-
tems and the inverter controller itself, but this was extremely difficult to pre-
cisely quantify.
However, irrespective of the source of these mains input harmonics, it is
clear that their effect is to create a very low frequency harmonic of 6 Hz, most
likely because of intermodulation between the target fundamental output fre-
quency of 44 Hz and the mains supply of 50 Hz. Clearly, this harmonic has
nothing to do with the carrier frequency and the modulation process. These
results support the explanation that "subharmonics" as reported in the literature
can be caused by incoming mains ripple on the DC bus interacting with the tar-
get output frequency, independently of any particular modulation process.
Summary 257

5.7 Summary
This chapter has extended the concepts of naturally and regularly sampled
pulse width determination from the single-phase development of Chapter 4 to a
three-phase inverter. It has shown the cancellation of the I-I harmonic compo-
nents that occurs compared to the phase leg components, including in particu-
lar the triplen sideband harmonics. Also, while the modulation index for both
regularly and naturally sampled PWM is limited to unity for a simple sinusoi-
dal reference, it has been further shown that with the simple addition of a one-
sixth third-harmonic to the modulation reference waveforms, the modulation
index can be increased to 1.15.

[1] D.G. Holmes, "The significance of zero space vector placement for carrier-
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[2] G. Buja and G. Indri, "Improvement of pulse width modulation techniques,"
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[4] D.A. Grant, J.A. Houldsworth, and K. Lower, "A new high-quality PWM ac
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[5] D.A. Grant, M." Stevens, and J.A. Houldsworth, "The effect of word length on
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[9] D.G. Holmes, "A general analytical method for determining the theoretical har-
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258 Modulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters

[10] H.W. Van der Broeckand H.C. Skudelny, "Analyticalanalysis of the harmonic
effects of a PWM ac drive," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2,
March/April, 1988, pp. 216-223.
[11] A. Schonung and H. Stemmler, "Static frequency changers with subharmonic
control in conjunction with reversible variablespeed AC drives," Brown Boveri
Review, 1964,pp. 555-577.
Zero Space Vector Placement
Modulation Strategies
In the development of three-phase naturally and regularly sampled PWM pre-
sented in Chapter 5, the placement of the switched pulses for each phase leg
was explicitly defined by the modulation strategy. Consequently, there was no
opportunity for variation of this placement within the basic definition of the
algorithm. However, pulse placement within each half carrier period was
shown to have a significant effect on both the VSI maximum output voltage
(modulation index) and the harmonic performance of the modulation imple-
mentation, as demonstrated by the effect of adding a third-harmonic compo-
nent to the sinusoidal reference component.

In this chapter, modulation techniques which explicitly vary pulse place-

ment are presented and reviewed in terms of their increased modulation gain
and spectral advantages. However, it is commented that all these strategies
simply manipulate the placement of the inactive Vz intervals within each half
carrier period. Hence they are really just pulse position variations of the com-
mon approach to PWM that has been presented already.

6.1 Space Vector Modulation

6.1.1 Principles of Space Vector Modulation

In the mid-1980s a form of PWM called space vector modulation (SVM) was
proposed, which was claimed to offer significant advantages over natural and
regular sampled PWM in terms of performance, ease of implementation, and
maximum transfer ratio [1, 2, 3]. In this section, the fundamentals of SVM are
presented, and SVM is identified as simply an alternative method for determin-
ing switched pulse widths. In fact, the main benefit of SVM is the explicit
identification of pulse placement as an additional degree of freedom that can
be exploited to achieve harmonic performance gains.

260 Zero Space Vector PlacementModulation Strategies

The principle of SVM is based on the fact that there are only eight possible
switch combinations for a three-phase inverter. The basic inverter switch states
were discussed in Chapter 1 and are shown again in Figure 6.1. Two of these
- -
states (SV o and SV7 ) correspond to a short circuit on the output, while the
other six can be considered to form stationary vectors in the d-q complex plane
as shown in Figure 6.2. Note that each stationary vector corresponds to a par-
ticular fundamental angular position as shown in Figure 1.23. The magnitude
of each of the six active vectors is, from Eq. (1.50),
Vm = 3Vdc (6.1)

Having identified the stationary vectors, at any point in time, an arbitrary

target output voltage vector Vo can be formed by the summation ("averag-
ing") of a number of these space vectors within one switching period AT/2.
This is shown in Figure 6.3 for a target phasor in the first 60 segment of the
plane. From geometric considerations, the minimum number of active space
vector components required to create any arbitrary vector on an average basis
is at least two [4] but could be three or more.

@ @ @

Figure 6.1 Eight possible phase leg switch combinations for a VSI.
Space Vector Modulation 261

Re(q) axis

Figure 6.2 Location of eight possible stationary voltage vectors for a VSI
in the d-q (Re-Im) plane, each vector has a length (4/3)Vdc .

As an example, the geometric summation shown in Figure 6.3 can then be

expressed mathematicallyas


for each switching period of tlT/2, where Tsv is the time for which space
- 1 -
vector SV. is selected, and Tsv is the time for which space vector SV2 is
selected. In polar form (using peak voltages), Eq. (6.2) can be expressed as

~2T VoLe = 0 Tsv VmL O+ Tsv VmLn/3

1 2

or in Cartesian form

i . e0 )IlT
Vo ( cos e0 -rjSlD T -- TsV Vm+ TSV Vm( cOs3'+jsln3'
I 2
1t . 1t) 64

Equatingreal and imaginary components gives the solution of

VoSin(~ - eo) AT
Tsv (active time for SVI ) (6.5)
I V. 1t 2

Vosin8o ~T
= (active time for SV2 ) (6.6)
TS V2 . 1t 2
262 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Target Output
. ~ Space Vector Vo
@+@ @rorTime TS V2
for time (~T/2 - Tsv - Tsv ) "'-- _\
t 2 ~

Figure 6.3 Creation of an arbitrary output target phasor by the

geometrical summation of the two nearest space vectors.

It should be noted in passing that SVM is an intrinsically regular sampled

process, since in essence it matches the sum of two active space vector volt-
second averages over an equivalent half carrier period, to a sampled target
volt-second average over the same period.

Since 0 s Tsv ' Tsv s ~T/2, the maximum possible magnitude for Vo is
1 2
Vm , which can occur at 00 = 0 or 1t/3 radians. However, a further constraint
is that the sum of the active times for the two space vectors obviously cannot
exceed the half carrier period, i.e., Tsv + Tsv ~ ~T/2. From simple geome-
I 2
try, the limiting case for this occurs at eo = 1t/6, which means that

Tsv +Tsv 2Vo sin~

I 2 s1 (6.7)
~T/2 V ' 1t
m s1n
and this relationship constrains the maximum possible magnitude of Vo to

Vo == Vmsin~ == ~ Vdc (6.8)

Since Vo is the magnitude of the output phase voltage, the maximum possible
I-I output voltage using SVM must equal
VI_I = J3 Vo = 2 Vdc (6.9)

This result is the same as for a three-phase VSI with a common mode third-
harmonic injected into the reference, and again represents an increase of 2/ J3
or --1.15 compared to regular sampled PWM, as developed in Section 5.3.
Space Vector Modulation 263

Note that the balance of the half carrier period is made up of any combina-
- -
tion of the zero space vectors S Vo and S V7. However, so far no rationale has
been identified for selecting a particular combination of the two zero space
- -
vectors (although equal intervals for SVo and SV 7 are common). This freedom
of choice allows the placement of the space vectors to be varied anywhere
within the half carrier period, which is the basis of most of the various space
vector modulation alternatives that have been reported in the literature. This
issue is addressed further in Section 6.6.
Table 6.1 shows the two nearest space vector components used to create an
arbitrary target output phasor of any phase angle, together with appropriate
expressions defining the active time intervals for each space vector. It should
be noted that all the sets of space vector active times in Table 6.1 are identical
in structure and simply reflect 60 movements of the target reference phasor
from space vector segment to segment. In practice most space vector imple-
mentations take the alternative approach of redefining the target phasor refer-
ence angle every 60 to keep it within the bounds of 0 ~ eo ~ 1t/3, and then
use only one set of expressions.
It is not difficult to show that the space vectors and sampling times summa-
rized in Table 6.1 produce the desired output voltage. For example, during the
period 0 ~ 8 0 < 1t/3 the target voltage is made up using SVt and SV2 . The
target voltage in vector form is, from Eq. (6.2),

1t)-I Vde2 0
Vo -J3 cos ({} + - SV + -Vo -J3 cos ({} - - SV (6.10)
= -V2 2

The component of this vector along load phase a is the average value of the
phase voltage with respect to the load-neutral point, taken over the sampling
interval centered at 8 0 = root, i.e.,


264 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Table 6.1 Active Space Vector Components for a VSI

Olot = 80 SpaceVectors SpaceVector ActiveTimes

Tsv = Vo J3 cos(9 +~) AT
I Vde 2 0 6 2
0<8 <-3
cos(9 - IDAT2
- 0
SV2 Ts = Vo J3
2 Vde 2 0

TS V2 =
Vo J3 (9 1t)AT
SV2 vdcTcOS 0 -
1t<8 21t
3- 0<3 -
SV3 Vo J3 (
Tsv) = V T COS 9 0 - 651t)AT

= V
J32 COS( 90 _~AT
21t < 80<1t
SV4 _ Vo J3 (9 71t)AT
TS V4 - vdcTcOS 0 -
6 T
- Vo J3 COS( 51t) AT
SV4 TS V4 = V T 9 - "6 T 0

< e 41t
1t_ 0<3
SVs _ Vo J3 ( 31t)AT
Tsvs - vdcTcOS 9 0 -
2 2
- Vo J3 (
Tsvs = V T COS 9 0
6 T
SVs -

41t < e 51t dc

3 - 0 < 3 -
SV6 _ Vo J3 COS( ll1t)AT
TS V6 - V T 90 - 6 T

- _ Vo J3 (9 31t)AT
SV6 TS V6 - vdcTcOS 0 -
51t < e
3 - 0<
SV, Tsv =
Vo J3
Vde 2
cos(9 0
_ ~)AT
6 2
Space Vector Modulation 265

so that Eq. (6.11) becomes

) =
J3 [cos(e +~)
l-v 0
+!sine ]
6 .2 0 0

which reduces to

(Vas) (6.14)
as expected.

6.1.2 SVM Compared to Regular Sampled PWM

While the formulation of the SVM algorithm is quite different from that of reg-
ular sampled PWM, the two algorithms are both regularly sampled systems
and have the same primary objective of creating a switched output waveform
which represents a given target fundamental. Clearly, there must be a relation-
ship between the two strategies. This relationship is established by again exam-
ining Figure 5.3, where it can be seen that the output voltage pulse VI has the
same switch conditions as space vector SV1 ' and theoutput voltage pulse V2
has the same switch conditions as the space vector SV2 . In other words, the
process of regular sampled PWM automatically generates the two nearest
space vectors to create the target output waveform.

The active I-I pulse widths for regular sampled PWM have been developed
previously as Eqs. (5.14), (5.15), and (5.16). These clearly have the same form
as the space vector intervals defined in Table 6.1, when the reference phase
angle 8 0 is made the same as the sampled fundamental angle ooo(t; + t i + ) )/2.
In particular, for the region 0 ~ 8 0 ~ 1t/3, which is shown in Figure 5.3,

T\-T3 = Tsv, = MJ3cOS(eo+~)~T (6.15)


if VolVdc = M.
Equations (6.15) and (6.16) show that the active I-I output pulses produced
by SVM and by regular sampled three-phase modulation are in fact identical.
Taking account of the limits of ~ defined by Eq. (6.8), this definition of M also
confirms that SVM allows the modulation index to increase to 2/ J3,
i.e., an
increase of ~ 15 % over simple regular sampled PWM. Indeed the only differ-
ence between regular sampled PWM and SVM is the position of the zero (inac-
266 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

tive) space vectors within each half carrier period. For regular sampled PWM,
the position of these zeros is prescribed by the algorithm definition given in
Eqs. (5.11), (5.12), and (5.13), and thereis no opportunity for variation. For
SVM, the zero space vector positions are left undefined, and there is an oppor-
tunity to explore possible harmonic benefits by manipulating the zero pulse
placements as noted before. However, the conventional SVM implementation
[1] centers the active space vectors in each half carrier period, and splits the
- -
remaining zero space vector time equally between SVo and SV7 . This creates
a space vector sequence (for 0 s 9 0 ~ 1t/3 ) of:

SVO->SVt->SV2->SV7->SV7->SV2->SVt->SVO (6.17)
104 !iTI2 ~ I-- !iT/2 ~I
which is precisely the same as the sequence produced by regular sampled
PWM except for the equal spacing of the zero space vector time. A similar
sequence is readily established for the other five sextants of the space vector
phasor space using the two nearest space vector components for each sextant.
Figure 6.4 shows the pulse pattern in the first sextant for conventional space
vector PWM with equally spaced zero space vectors SVo and SV7 .

, ....


vbz I ....

- I I
I vcz I
I I I .........
-Vd (
I I , I I
, Tsvo ITsv(1 TSV21 TSV7 I
I , I I I
,4 ~T12 ~,4 ~TI2---'

Figure 6.4 Pulse pattern of space vector modulation in the first sextant,
os 9 0 s 7[/3 with centered active space vectors.
Phase Leg References for Space Vector Modulation 267

It should be noted from Eq. (6.17) that the sequence of space vectors
reverses over a complete carrier, interval, and this is a normal consequence of
triangular carrier modulation. It is, of course, entirely possible to implement a
SVM scheme without this active space vector. sequence reversal, but a
moment's thought identifies that such a sequence is equivalent to sawtooth car-
rier modulation, which has been previously identified as being suboptimal in a
harmonic sense. In the same way, the sequence of Eq. (6.17) can be imple-
mented with the active space vector periods Tsv and Tsv recalculated every
1 2
half carrier period (equivalent to asymmetric regular sampled PWM) or once
per entire ~T (equivalent to symmetric regular sampled PWM). Each of these
variations would be expected to achieve a different harmonic performance sim-
ilar to carrier-based PWM, with reverse sequence SVM calculated every half
carrier period anticipated to be the harmonically superior alternative. Hence,
this is the implementation that should be compared against carrier-based PWM
to identify any benefits of explicit zero space vector placement.

6.2 Phase Leg References for Space Vector

It can be recalled from Chapter 5 the magnitude and harmonic benefits that
were achieved by simply adding a third-harmonic component to the sinusoidal
phase leg reference voltages. Since both regular sampled PWM and SVM pro-
duce identical mean output voltages, one could expect that a similar compo-
nent could be added to sinusoidal phase leg reference voltages to achieve
SVM. This component can be found by examining Figure 6.4 in more detail.
From Figure 6.4, the reference (average) values of the three-phase leg volt-
ages over the interval ~T/2, expressed in terms of the midpoint of the DC
link, are



268 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Substituting from Table 6.1, these average voltages canbe expressed as

(v az> = 1Vo[cos(eo+~)+cos(eo-IDJ (6.21)

(vbz> = 1 Vo [-COs(8 +~ +COS(8 ~J

0 0 - (6.22)

(v ez> = 1Vo[-COS(80+~-COS(80-IDJ (6.23)

Since the maximum value of Vo is set by Eq. (6.8), Vo in general can be

expressed as Vo = MVdc where 0 s M s 2/jj. The line-to-DC midpoint
voltages can therefore be written as

(v az> = 1 MVdc[ COS(8 +~ +COS(8 ~J

0 0 - (6.24)

(vbz> = 1 MVcic[ -COS(8 +~ +COS(8 IDJ

0 0 -

(VCZ> = 1 MVdc[ -COs(8 +~ - COs(8 ~J

0 0 -

These equations reduce to

(v az> = 1 MVdcCOS( 8 0 - ID (6.27)


(Vez> = 1 MVdcCOS(8 0 + 5
1t) (6.29)

for theperiod 0 s 90 s 1t/3.

Once the solution for all three-phases is known over one 60 interval, a
complete solution can be readily determined for an entire cycle using half
cycle and three-phase symmetry concepts as developed in Appendix 3. Inpar-
ticular, for the interval x/B ~ 80 + 1t/3 ~ 21t/3,

(valO o + j = -(vbz(Oo) (6.30)

Phase Leg References for Space Vector Modulation 269


The solutions for the remaining four 60 sextants are easily obtained by pro-
gressively increasing the arguments of Eqs. (6.30) to (6.32) and are summa-
rized in Table 6.2.

The resulting solution for phase leg a is plotted in Figure 6.5, where (v az)
is a space vector equivalent phase leg reference voltage that can be used in
either a naturally or regular sampled PWM system to produce output voltages
with the same average low-frequency content. This voltage can be thought of
as consisting of two quantities: (vas) the sinusoidal phase-to-Ioad neutral volt-
age which can be as large as (21J3) Vdc when M = 21 J3 and (v sz) the
three-times-fundamental-frequency triangular voltage between load-neutral
and DC midpoint that is made up of odd triplen harmonics and is injected into
( vaz )' Hence it is evident that the space vector concept adds third-harmonic
quantities to the basic regular sampled PWM method in much the same manner
as does simple third-harmonic injection.

Table 6.2 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for SVM

Phase Leg a Phase Leg b Phase Leg c
60 sextant
(vaz)IVdc r:
(vbz) 1 (v cz)/ Vdc

21t < e
3- <
0-1t f MCOS( 90 + ID -Mcos
(e --
(e +- 21t)
3 0

J3 M sm 9 -J3
~ < 8 < 21t 3 9
3 - 0- 3 2Mcos8o T 0 2 MsIn 0

0<8 <1t
0- 3
( 8 -- 1t)
3-Mcos ( 8 -21t)
- J3
MCOS( 9 + 51t)
0 2 03

--3 -< 80<- 0 J3 J3
MCOS( 9 +~) -Mcos (8 -51t)
- 21t)
3-Mcos ( 8 +-
2 06 2 6 0 2 0 3

3 - 0 <--
1t 3
iMcos8o J3 MsIn 9
T -J3 9
- M sIn
- 0
2 0

-1t <
e <--
3 -Mcos
(8 --1t)
6 0 2 03
3-Mcos ( e -- f MCOS( 90 + 5
270 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

- - - - - -1 - - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - - ,- -

<v az>


- - - - -, - - - - - - ""j - - - - - - r - - - -
I <vsz >

- - - - - -1- - - - -

Figure 6.5 Mean phase leg output voltage and its two components under
SVM, referred to z (midpoint of the DC bus), M = 2/ J3 .

6.3 Naturally Sampled SVM

As developed in Section 6.1, conventional SVM intrinsically assumes that it is
a regularly sampled process. Usually, the active space vector magnitudes and
placement are determined by a microprocessor, but, of course, this does some-
what limit the switching frequency that can be achieved in a practical system
and high-speed digital signal processors (DSPs) must usually be used to obtain
an acceptable performance.
In Section 6.2, an equivalent phase leg reference waveform was developed
that will achieve SVM by centering the active space vectors in each half carrier
period. This reference waveform can be generated in an analog sine-triangle
modulator by adding a continuously varying offset voltage to the set of three-
phase voltage references which centers their envelope around zero at all times.
Naturally Sampled SVM 271

A simple circuit to implement this arrangement is shown in Figure 6.6,

where the three-phase reference waveforms are rectified to produce their enve-
lope magnitude, this magnitude is scaled by 0.5, and is then added as an offset
to each voltage reference as it is passed on to a conventional sine-triangle
modulator [5]. The mathematical expression for this implementation is

_ * * * * + mln(v
max(vaz' vbz' v cz)
. az*' vbz'* v cz)
* (6.33)
vaz(comp) - v az - 2

where the "max/min" expression centers the sinusoidal references defined in

Eqs. (5.1), (5.2), and (5.3) around zero at all times. [It should also be noted that
Eq. (6.33) can be implemented equally easily using regular sampled modula-
tion techniques. In the authors' opinion, this is often the most effective way to
implement a digital SV modulation system.]
This equivalent naturally sampled SVM concept relates to regularly sam-
pled SVM in exactly the same way that naturally sampled PWM relates to reg-
ularly sampled PWM, as described in Chapter 3. Thus the theoretical
differences between the two techniques would be expected to be that
Naturally sampled modulation balances the low-side/high-side carrier
sideband harmonic components.
Naturally sampled modulation does not create low-order fundamental
components in the phase leg harmonic spectrum. This means that a sin-
gle-edge implementation of the analog SVM, where the triangular car-
rier is replaced by a sawtooth carrier, would not produce low-order
fundamental harmonic components.

R Triangular Carrier

Figure 6.6 Circuit for implementation of analog space vector

272 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

These differences are shown in Figure 6.7, where the harmonic spectra for
regular sampled SVM are compared against naturally sampled SVM for both
double- and single-edge modulation conditions. In particular, the uncanceled
second and fourth low-order harmonics caused by single-edge regular sampled
PWM, shown in Figure 6.7(c), are clearly not produced by the naturally sam-
pled SVM equivalent process shown in Figure 6.7(d). Note that these results
were generated using the analytic solutions presented in Section 6.4 for dou-
ble-edge modulation, and by time-based switched waveform simulations for
single-edge modulation.
The major benefit of the analog SVM concept is that the switching fre-
quency can be set to any arbitrary maximum frequency limited only by the
inverter phase leg switching capability. Also, since the strategy does not
require the injection of a specific third-harmonic offset, it is particularly effec-
tive for situations where the demanded inverter phasor voltage may abruptly
change from computational cycle to cycle and determination of the third-har-
monic is difficult. Typical applications would be a motor drive system or an
active filter system [6].
Finally, it should be noted that as with any analog sine-triangle comparison
modulation implementation, it may be necessary to include slew rate limiting
for the final reference signal, which is compared against the triangular carrier,
to limit the slope to less than that of the carrier. Otherwise, multiple switch
transitions can occur within one half carrier period. However, this is a normal
consideration for any analog sine-triangle modulation implementation

6.4 Analytical Solution for SVM

The analytical solution for SVM can now be developed by extending the tech-
niques that have been applied to single-phase and three-phase inverters with
continuous reference waveforms in the previous chapters, first for naturally
sampled SVM and then in turn for symmetrical and asymmetrical sampled
SVM [7]. Essentially, this extension involves re-defining the integral limits of
the basic double Fourier integration expression Eq. (3.9) to take account of the
fact that the phase leg reference waveform is no longer continuous but is now
made up of six segments across a complete fundamental cycle. Hence the outer
integral term becomes a summation of six integral terms, each spanning 60 of
the fundamental, i.e.,
Analytical Solution for SVM 273

:': ::~: WTHDO=1.72%1 I: : ~: WTHDO=I 75%1

I -, ] , I
-. I
, I

, r r
-1- 1- T
J L 10- 1 _1- u, L L
_I- I-
8: ~ f t ~: t t
~- .. I-
~- I-

, J i c i .:
, ,
, I
-,- tJ-
, ,
, r
-I- I T T
J l 1- _I l 1-
:,= ~: ~ ~ ~ :1 ~: ~ ~
f1= 1 t l- f1=,- t
': , I
, r

-I T ~ T I-

~ ::
l 1- L
.: Et:

-l: ~


,- : I ~:
~ ~
,- -. ,

, T
T I-

10- 4

to 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number HarmonicNumber
(a) (b)

:': ~: -4
_I J I ,

, I
-I- T
_1- L

T 1'IW~I
:t t

~k,~: - - ..[

Balanced Upper
IJ & Lower Sidebands

-, ,

: : : : : :

10- 4 I
10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(c) (d)

Figure6.7 Theoretical I-I harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by
(a) asymmetricalregularsampled double-edge SVM,
(b naturally sampled double-edge SVM,
(c) regular sampled single-edge SVM,
(d) naturally sampled single-edge SVM,
M = 0.9, fc/fo == 21.
274 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

6 ye(i) xl)
j y
Amn+jBmn = 2~2L 2Vdc e (mx +n )dx dy (6.34)
i = 1 Ys(i) x,(i)

where the outer and inner integral limits ofEq. (6.34) are defined in Table 6.3.
With these limits identified, Eq. (6.34) can now be evaluated for various
possible values of m and n.

For m = n = 0, Eq. (6.34) simplifies to

6 ye(i) xJi)

A oo + ]B

oo = Vdc~
-2..J dxdy (6.35)
i = 1 yJ(i) x,U)

which not unexpectedly evaluates to


Table 6.3 Outer and Inner Double Fourier Integral Limits for SVM
ys(i) ye(i) x r( i) (rising edge of switched xli) (falling edge of switched
waveform) waveform)

1t f
-~[ 1 + MCOS~+ IDJ ~[l + MCOS~+ IDJ f
-~[ 1 + ~MCOSY] ~[ l + ~MCOSY]
1t 21t
2 - -
3 3

3 0
3 f
-~[ 1 + MCOS~- IDJ ~[l + MCOS~-~J f
0 -~[ 1 + f MCOS~+ ~)J ~[ l + f MCOS~+ ~)J
-~[ 1 + ~MCOSY] ~[ l + ~MCOSY]
21t 1t
3 3

6 -1t
3 -~[ 1 + f MCOS~- IDJ '2T +TMcos
1 (Y-61t)J
Analytical Solution for SVM 275

since the DC offset would be expected once more to be Vdc for a symmetrical
reference waveform such as is shown in Figure 6.5.

For m = 0, n > 0, Eq. (6.34) simplifies to

Ye(i) xli)
V 6 y
A On +JROn = ~cL /n dxdy
i=I y/i) xr(i)

6 YeO)

-- Vd2c~
LJ jny
[Xli) -xr(i)) dy (6.37)
i :::: I ys(i)

Substituting for xr(i) and xli) from Table 6.3 gives, after some manipulation

and recalling that dy = 0 for any nonzero value of n,

i = 1,4

L J3 J

+ [ej[n + I]y+ ej[n-l]y] dy

i = 2,5 ys(i)

]y-~) ~j
+ L Ye( i) [

J e
j([n + I
6 +e
j([n -l]y +
i = 3,6 Ys(i)

276 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

For n = 1, Eq. (6.38) further simplifies to

L J3 f
j 2y
+ [e + 1] dy (6.39)
i = 2,5 yJ{i)

which integrates, with substitution for ys(i) andye(i) from Table 6.3, to
j(2y + ~\ .7t j2y 3
e 6J
---+ye 6
+ J3[eo 2 + yJ
} 7t


3 o
A +'B = "'!jMV.
.J 4n de e
J6 e
j(2y +~)6 -J-

01 } 01 + j2 + ye + +ye 6


j2y ~ / (2y- ro j~
+ J3 [~2 + Y] + j2 + ye 6
3 -1t

Equation (6.40) reduces, after some simplification, to
A 01 +JB OI = MVdc (6.41)

Equation (6.41) is immediately recognizable as the target reference wave-

form magnitude, which is the object of the modulation process. It should fur-
Analytical Solution for SVM 277

ther be noted that nothing in this development has restricted the maximum
value of M, so that the modulation limit remains at 2/,/3 as identified already
For n > 1, again with substitution for ys(i) and ye(i) from Table 6.3,
Eq. (6.38) integrates to form


ej(ln + I]y+ ID ej(ln -1 Jy- ID

j[ n + 1] i[ n - 1]


j[ n + l]y
+e _
j[ n - I lY] 3

j[ n + 1] i[ n - 1]

/(In + l]y- ID /(In -I]y + ID
+ +
j[n + 1] j[n - 1]
,/3 uv.; 0
AOn + jRon = (6.42)
41t 0

+ [e j([n + l]y + ~) + e j([n - I]y - ~) ]

j[n+ 1] j[n-l]

J3 [ jln+ I]y+ e j[n- 1]Y]
+ 3 e
j[ n + 1] i[ n - 1]
e j(ln + I]Y-~) e j(ln-I]y + ID
+ +
i[n + 1] i[n - 1]
278 Zero Space Vector Placement ModulationStrategies

which can be expressed more compactly as

sin( [n + l]~ COS( [n + 1]~)



Expressing this result under a common denominator produces

/3 M Vdc sin([n + l]~ cos([n + 1]~(2Sin(nj) - /3)

Aon+jBonln>;= 7t(n2 - 1) ( ?!l ( ~l( (1t) )
+sin [n -1]6) cos [n - 1]2) 2sin n3" + /3

It can be readily verified from this expression that only the triplen baseband
harmonics are nonzero. Equation (6.44) reduces even further, if it is now
rephrased to take account of the fact that the nontriplen harmonics are zero, to

M V . ( 1t) . ( ~
A On + jB on = 3/32 dc sm n- sin n- n = 3,9,15 ... (6.45)
1t(n - 1) 6

Thus it is clear that Eq. (6.43) defines the triplen baseband harmonic compo-
nents that make up the triangular common mode offset voltage shown in Figure
6.5, similar to the third-harmonic injected component defined by Eq. (5.39) in
Chapter 5.

For m > 0, the inner integral ofEq. (6.34) evaluates to

V 6
A +'B - de ~ ejnY[ejmXji)_ ejmxr(i'h ely
mn } mn - -.- 2 ~ J
jmn i =I y,(i) (6.46)
Analytical Solution for SVM 279

Substituting for xr(i) and xli) from Table 6.3 gives

yin . 1:
tm .
Jm-- 1J3
M cos Y (+ -1)
jny e 2 e 2 2 6

~ e
. 1t
-Jm- .
-Jm-- 1tJ3
M cos Y (+1t)-

-e 2 e 22 6

Ye(i) . 1t . 1 3
V e
Jm- - M cosy
Amn +'B -
~ f
de jny 2 2
} mn - -.- 2 + e dy
Jrn1t . 1 . 1 3
i = 2,5 y/i) -Jm- -Jm- - M cosy
- e 2 e 22

Ye(i) . :1
tm .
Jm-- 1tJ3 1)
M cos ( Y --
jny e 2e 2 2 6
+ ~ f e dy
i = 3,6 y/i)

Equation (6.47) can be rearranged, using Eq. (A2.1), to become

i = 1,4 ys(i) i = 2,5 ys(i) i=3,6 ys<i)

where the terms within the integrals are given by


+2 f J m~1t M) sin([m +k]~) COS(k~ +~]

01 == e (6.49)



J o( m
3; M) sinm~
n2 = e 00
+ 2 ~ J k( m
M) sin([m + kJV cosky
280 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Jj1t ~. 1t
J o( m7 M)Slnm

j ny
n =e (6.51)
3 +2 J k( m~1t~ sin([m + k]~ COS(k~-~]

Terms Il I' 02' and 03 can be readily rearranged into the more easily integra-
ble forms of

Jj1t ~.
n I = J 0 ( m--M 1t in
Slnm-e (6.52)
4 2


00 (3
1t ~
+IJkm 4 M) sin
([m+k]~)[e j[ n + k]y

k=1 +e

Tl J J)rt ~.
m--M rt JOny
slnm-e (6.54)
3 4 2
Analytical Solution for SVM 281


ej(ln + k)y + k~)

j[n + k]
k=1 ej(ln - k)y - k~)
j[n - k]


Jo(m 4 ~ sinmg~:Y + I n( m
4 M) Sin([m + n]~yl
k = Inl

A2= j[n +__

k]y I
_e (6.57)
00 (3 (
J m-!!:.M~ sin [m + k]!! j[n + k] ) k:l=-n
LJ k 4 2 j[n-k]y I
k=1 +_e_ _
j[n-k] k:tn

M jny M . 7t
",31t . 1te ",31t. 1t In-
Jo(m-M1slnm--.-+J (m-M'Sln([m+nJ-)e 6y
4) 2 In n 4) 2
k= Inl

j[n + k]
+ fJk(m~1t~Sin([m+k]~ k:t-n

k=l ej(ln - k)y + k~)

j[n - k]


With considerable manipulation, a final solution for Eq. (6.46) can now be
developed as
282 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

A mn + jB mn = (6.59)

_l-Sin([m + k]~) cos([n + k]~ sin([n + k]~)

8Vdc 00
[n+k] 2 6
2 + I
4M)+ 2cos([2n + 3k]IDJ m~1t~ }
m1t 31t
k=1 x {Jk ( m k(
(k:# -n)

_l-sin( [m + k
]!!:)2 cos([n - k]!!:)2 sin([n - k]!!:)6
4M) + 2cos([2n - 3k]IDJ m~1t M) }
k= I x {Jk( m k(
(k n)

It should be noted that this solution is also valid for the condition of
m > 0, n = O. In addition, while Eq. (6.59) contains infinite summations for
each value of m and n, in practice, summation over the range 1 ~ k ~ lOis usu-
ally sufficient to calculate harmonic magnitudes to an acceptable level of accu-
Equations (6.36), (6.41), (6.43), and (6.59) together define the magnitudes
of the harmonics for any value of m and n for naturally sampled space vector
modulation with the active space vectors centered in each half carrier interval.
Once again, theoretical analysis of double-edge symmetrical and asymmet-
rical regular sampled space vector modulation proceeds by replacing y with
y = y' + (Olo/Olc)X in Eq. (6.34), to give

+. _ VdC~ fYe(i) fXfi) j([m+n:o}+ny) I

A mn ]B mn - - 2 .i...J e c dxdy (6.60)

i= I y/i) xr(i)

for double-edge symmetrical sampled modulation, and

Analytical Solution for SVM 283

Vd2c ,",
A mn +jB mn == ~
xl i) ( [ (0 (0]
ort )

i=1 . ,0
Jmx+ny/+-x--- ,
e (Oc (Oc
2 dx dYj
for double-edge asymmetrical sampled modulation.

Solutions for these two modulation variations can be obtained using simi-
lar analysis principles as have been developed above for naturally sampled
SVM. However, the detailed working is not presented here since it follows
almost exactly the processes used for the solution of naturally sampled modu-
lation, and little point is served by the repetition. Detailed development of the
solutions presented below is left as an exercise for the reader.

For m = n = 0, the solution of Eq. (6.36) continues to be valid, since all

sampled reference waveforms have a DC offset of Vdc.

For all other harmonics, the solution process leading to Eq. (6.59) must be
used, since the exponential terms remain in Eqs. (6.60) and (6.61) irrespective
of whether m is zero or nonzero. Not unexpectedly, the results have a very sim-
ilar form to naturally SVM, with substitutions of q for m as appropriate for the
two regular sampled variations. [The parameter q was developed in Chapter 3
as q = m + n(roo/ro c ).]
284 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

For symmetrical regularly sampled SVM, the harmonic magnitudes are

given by


_l-sin([q + k]~) cos([n - k]~\in([n - k]~)

[n-k] 2 2J 6

(k* n)
x {Jk(q3; M) + 2coS([2n - 3k]~)Jk(q~1t M) }

For asymmetrical regularly sampled SVM, the harmonic magnitudes are

given by
AnalyticalSolution for SVM 285


_l-sin([m + k]?!) cos([n + k]?!:l Sin([n + k]?!)

[n+k] 2 2J 6

x {J/q341t M) +2COS([2n+3k]IDJ/q~1tM)}

_1_ sin([m + k]?!:l cos([n - k]?!) sin([n - k]?!)

[n-k] 2J 2 6

k= 1 x {J/q341t M) + 2cos([2n - 3k]~)Jk(q~1t M) }


It is commented again that the summation expressions defining the harmonic

component magnitudes for SVM are quite complex and must be carefully eval-
uated to calculate accurate values for particular harmonics.
Figure 6.8 shows the phase leg and I-I harmonic components for naturally
sampled SVM, where the triplen harmonic common mode injection created by
centering the active space vectors can be clearly seen in the phase leg harmon-
ics. Figures 6.9 and 6.10 show the comparative harmonic performance for sym-
metrical and asymmetrical regularly sampled SVM, respectively.
Once more, it can be seen that for symmetrical regular sampled SVM, the
sin([q + n]1t/2) and sin([q + k]1t/2) terms in Eq. (6.62) lead to additional
harmonic terms compared to naturally sampled and asymmetrical regular sam-
pled modulation. Also, the baseband components created by the symmetrical
sampling process can be clearly seen as low-magnitude second, fourth and fifth
fundamental harmonics in the I-I voltage shown in Figure 6.9(b). However, as
expected, only the fifth harmonic component is present in the I-I voltage of
asymmetrical regularly sampled SVM (Figure 6.10) because of the even base-
band harmonic cancellation achieved intrinsically by this sampling strategy.
286 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies


: ==: = Triplen Common Mode Injection ~ =: : : :

- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - 1- _ _ _ _

- - - - ,- - - - - II - - - - -'I - - - 'I - - - I- - - - -
- - - - -,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - - -
, I , , ,
- ~ ~ ~ :~ -~ ~ ~: :~ f~
___ L _

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: :::~:: -=
- - - - 1- - - - , - - - - -I - - - .. - - - ... - -
= =:: 1--= : I :: ::J::-: rr
, , _J ___ _ ~
- -'-
- -
I , , I
-, - - - r- - ,- - -
(a) , , I , I

10-2 = -- ,I == --- 'I = ~= -= ~to -=

- -
:: 1-::
I __
- -
- -
I -- -~::
-- - -I -
- 1
:: to::
I -J
I _J
- - I -- - I -- -, - - r - -
, I

- - , --
I __
J .L
- - , -- - ~ - - . t= - -
, --
- - I --
-- - I -- --I :: 1-::
- ..!
,, -
I - - I --
10-4 u....a....L.....&........~~.........,I.o-I-........~..r......&.-~..r-..&..""'""-'I.I . . . . .'""'--I.~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~r WTHDO= 1.75%1

===== =.= =_ ===_' = _ =_- J _=- _=[~ _==- - =,= == == _
- - - - - - '_ - - - I _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _
- - - - - - ,- - - - -, - - -, - - - r - - - -,- - - - -
, I I I I

- - - - - - ,_ - - - - - I _ _ _
- - - -'- - - --
: : : : : : I: : : ~ : :
- - - - - ,- - - - -
1- - -
::-:t:: ::
- - ... - - --
==-= =,-=-=== '-== =_ J __ _[ .: .c : : .:
------,--- -- ,--- _ J _ _ _
I I ,

-- -', - -
,- - - --
, ,
- , - - - r
- - - - - 1- - - - - I - -
(b) == ===' - -== '=== =:
:: z z ;
~ : === : ~
:-: ':-: - - - i - - -to
I- :
-- -- - -- , - - 1
- - - - - - - - 1---__ - to to -
,- - -- -= ..!j
_ __ L
-~ '- -
,--- - , I I I

, r r -

, I

,- - -
--- -- ~ - t .= -
,----- - -l -t- I- -

'-- '- =
, ,--
- -, - - - , ,- -
I I ,
10- 4 u..-...&..-I.--w.-"----'--I~~......~~...... ""__o.&.....I.I.........._'___....

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 6.8 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter
modulated by naturally sampled SVM: (a) phase leg a and
(b) I-I output switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.9,
[clio = 21.
Analytical Solution for SVM 287

: ==:
- - -
::1 ===: =: t: :: ==:
- - -i - - - - - - .. - - - --

- - _- - = J1 =_ = ===
~I ==
= ==_
- -, - - - r -
1 1
__ J _ _ _ _ _ L_

::~::::: ~:
- 1 - - - .. -

= J- ~=
J_ 1

- ,t
J ==
-i -
~ I.... ,a. ..... ~I-I .& 1--1~ 1-11 - -
-- J.I-I~I-I~I-HI--I"I-I J
- ll-llJ-U I-I~ 1-:1-1 J-IUHJ-IU-I~

- "I-I~H~J-IH-J.f

- .. H .H t ..of t H" H oflH

10- 4 ~......-.............."..",..........................-...........&...U..........~...a..u.~........................
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

2nd , 4th and 5th I-I baseband ~I WTHDO=1.76%1

harmonicscaused by == ====- - ,= ==- ==
symmetricalsampling - - - - - - -: - - --
- - - - - 1- - -, - - - , - - - - - - - 1- - - - - -
I I I 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _

: ~ : : : :I: :::: I::: .: j : : : ~ .:

- - - - - 1- - - - - - 1- - - - "1 - - - -
: : : : ': ~ : : :
- - - - .... - - - -

=== ==, ====_ -- = =-J====

~ - - -
= = = ==r:====_
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- _ _

I 1 1
-- - - - - - - - 1- - - -

J __
(b) ::- = =1= = ==== - - - - - -
-- --- -1- -- -- --- --- --- - -
-(- ~::

- 1 - -

-= - -= J
J -_ _= =
_ =
_ =
_ -_

- ,1
- - - - - -
- - - ~ - - - - - -
- - - - - - -i -

= = = = _== - = = J -
- - - - - - - - - J _
1 -

10- 4 u.L-.u..-.L..L.L...u-.u....L..J..""U"..u-.L.L.Uo.Io..I.I...I.Io...............A...LL..........u....J.L...U.l
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 6.9 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by double-edge symmetrical regularly sampled
SVM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.9, fe/fo = 21.
288 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

:: :: :: :: :: :: ,: :: : :: :: :: :,: :: : : :: : ~ :: :: : : : : ~ : :: :: :: :: ::,: :: :: :: :: ::
- - - - - - f- - - - -I - -i - - - ~ - - - - t- - - - - -

======,-==_- - -, - =- =J = _=[ _=====,= _====

- - - - - - '_ - - - _' - - - I _ _ ' _ _ _ __ ' _
I , , , ,

- - - - - ,- - -I - -, - - r - - - - 1- - - - - -
, I , , ,
____ L , _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ l _ _ L _ _ __

- ::::':: : : s:
- - - - - ,- - - - -
- -
- -
: : : :
- -
~ -
- - ~:: : =
- - t- - - -

= _=-=,==== - I _= =_J-=== tr .r ,==_ =

_ _ __ I
_ _ _ _
' _ __ _ J __ _
, ,_
~ _ '_ _ _

- - - - - ,- - - - ,- , - - - - r - - - r - - -
(a) :: ::::

,_:::: _ _ 1

:::: :: ~

:: :: :: ::

~ :: _ _

L _ _ ::
- :: ,- - - :: H - - : -i : ~ - - l- : : -
- -- 1- --, -'1 - ~- -- r:: -
_ ,
I =__ _J
_ .!
.t ,_
, _
, , I 1 1
- --, - --, - -, -- r- - , -- -
, 1 , , ,
_ _ I __ I _ _ J _ _ L _ _ , _

: ~~: = ~~:~: :: ~~ := ~~~:: :

o: -=
1_ _ I
1 ==_ =J
_J ==
__ rr
L __
_'_ 1__ _
, I I , ,
- --, - --, - , -- r- - , -- -
, I I , ,
I 0- ~"""""""""""""""""""""'~I-.Io..o"""""""""~"""""""""""""",,",-,--'-'-~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

: : ~h : : : ,: : : : : : :,: : : : : : ~ : : : :: ~ r WTHDO= 1.72%1

I~ 5 I-I harmonic caused by f __ __ _____ _ _
Ij asymmetrical sampling t-- =~ - _ - =-:= ==- == , I
- - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - -, - - - r - - - - r - - - - -
I I , I I

- - - - - -'- - - - - , -- _ _ j l L _ _ _ _

: : : : : :I: -: : : : 8:: :
- - - - -,- - - - - 1- -
"i - - ~
.: t :: .:
1- - - --

- - - - - _' - - - - 1 _ = J_ _ t - _: ': .: ==
______ 1 __ 1 _ _ J ___

'- -
, ,- - -
1 1
-,-- - r-- -
I , , 1 ,
(b) _ -'- - - - - - '- - - =::~===:: =~ - - = '- ::
- - ::
-- -,- ------ - ---i -
-- - ~ ,:
-I --- t- - --

,--- [ ,= =- = =
I ~
1--- r r -
I ,
10- 3 :: :- 1
1--- --~
~: :: '-
,: -
, --
- ~ t-
I -~ - =- ,= =
, 1-
,--- - r- ,
I ,
10- 4 u...-.......--.................~~.........."".Io.....-"'-'-~"""'--.......Io...-&......t--~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 6.10 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter
modulated by double-edge asymmetrical regularly sampled
PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.9, Ie/lo = 21.
Analytical Solution for SVM 289

The main benefit of SVM compared to simple sinusoidal or third-harmonic

injected PWM can be seen by contrasting Figure 5.5(b) for a simple sinusoidal
reference, and Figure 5.8(a) for one-sixth third-harmonic injected modulation,
against Figure 6.1O(b). Clearly, the effect of SVM is to transfer harmonic
energy into the outer sideband harmonics and to some extent to the sidebands
of the second carrier group, and reduce the inner sideband harmonics as a con-
sequence. This reduces the overall WTHD of the switched output waveform.
To further illustrate this effect, Figure 5.8(b) shows that with a one-quarter
third-harmonic injection, the magnitudes of the four major sidebands of the
first carrier group are almost identicaL This explains the improved WTHD per-
formance of this modulation strategy even over SVM. But, of course, these dis-
tinctions become less significant at higher carrier and sideband harmonic
frequencies, where the influence on the load ripple current is greatly reduced.
It should be noted also that the rate of decay of the sideband harmonics is
much slower than for PWM with either a sinusoidal or a third-harmonic
injected reference. This occurs because the common mode injection compo-
nent for SVM contains multiple triplen harmonics, and the higher order triplen
components increase the magnitude of the outer sideband harmonics. The
effect of this is twofold.
First, when calculating the magnitude ofa particular harmonic frequency, it
is important to add all harmonics that have the same resultant frequency as
phasor quantities. Harmonic contributions can come from the baseband, and
sidebands from various carrier groups, and the wider sideband spread of SVM
increases the potential for harmonic groups to overlap and unexpectedly can-
cel. For example, there is no seventh harmonic in the symmetrically sampled
SVM result of Figure 6.9(a), and this is because of phasor cancellation
between the baseband component and the first sideband group component.
Second, the increased lower tail of the first carrier group sidebands
increases the possibility of noticeable harmonic intrusion into (and perhaps
below) the fundamental frequency region, particularly for low fundamental/
carrier ratios. In general, this is not a concern for practical systems, but it may
need to be kept in mind for applications with special modulation requirements.
Table 6.4 confirms these conclusions by summarizing the normalized mag-
nitudes of the significant harmonics for each of the four major PWM strategies.
Table 6.4 also includes an estimate of the harmonic distortion produced by the
290 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

major sideband harmonics of the first carrier group (single carrier harmonic
distortion, or SCHD) and the second carrier group (double carrier harmonic
distortion, or DCHD), calculated as

n =j
i = start of harmonic region
SCHD or DCHD = (h n )2
j = end of harmonic region
n= j

and where hn is the harmonic magnitude normalized to Vdc as before.

The overall shift in harmonic energy to the outer sidebands (and also a little
up to the second carrier group sidebands) because of the improved space vector
component placement is clearly shown by these partial harmonic distortion
parameters. Note also that the total harmonic distortion calculated using the
significant hannonics over the carrier and double carrier regions is almost
identical for all four modulation strategies. This result confirms that the har-
monics listed in Table 6.4 are the only significant components for a three-phase
VSI PWM implementation, since these are the components which are summed
in the THD given in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 I-I Harmonic Components for Asymmetrical Regularly Sampled

PWM and SVM,fc/fo = 21,M=O.9
Sinusoidal PWM + 1/63rd PWM+ 1/43rd SVM
Harmonic PWM(%) Harmonic (0/0) Harmonic (%) (0/0)
00 c -400 0 0.66 7.98 11.65 9.80
00 c - 2000 25.05 17.04 12.91 15.09
00 + 200 28.38 19.50 14.85 17.26
c 0
1.94 10.75 15.19 12.92
c +400 0

SCHD (I" carriergroup) 37.91 29.15 27.45 28.08

2oo c - Sco o . 1.39 7.10 9.11 7.39
200 c - oo o 27.57 31.53 32.18 31.88
2roc + 00 0 23.46 27.36 28.03 27.72

200 c + Sooo 3.05 9.35 11.59 10.22

DCHD (2 carriergroup) 36.35 43.37 45.15 44.09
2 2 52.52 52.25 52.84 52.28

WTHDO (n = 15) 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.11

WTHDO (n = 60) 2.02 1.75 1.72 1.72
Harmonic Losses for SVM 291

6.5 Harmonic Losses for SVM

A closed-form solution for the harmonic current produced by a SVM scheme
can now be developed using a simple extension of the solution process pre-
sented for three-phase modulation in Chapter 5, as follows.
Equation (5.59) in Chapter 5 is a general expression which defines the
square of the harmonic ripple current over one carrier interval for any arbitrary
instantaneous values of the phase leg reference voltages. The overall harmonic
losses for any particular modulation scheme can then be calculated by integrat-
ing this equation over a positive half fundamental cycle. For the modulation
schemes presented in Chapter 5, the phase leg reference voltages are continu-
ous functions, and the integration can be done over one set of limits, as shown
in Eq. (5.63). For space vector modulation, the phase leg reference waveforms
are separate sinusoidal segments in each 600 sextant, as listed in Table 6.2.
Substituting u 1 = vaz and u 2 = v bz into Eq. (5.59) from this table (with eo
again replaced by e for brevity) then creates separate expressions for the
squared harmonic ripple current in each sextant over the positive half funda-
mental cycle, as follows:

3M 2cos 2 ( e + :!!\ 1t)

6J - 3 '"3M M 3cos 3(e + 6
V 2 2
( 1\ .2) = (-!!E) ~T (6.64)
lab L 48

V)2 23M 2cos2(e + 1t) 3 3( 1t)

-6 - 3 '"3 M cos e + -6

(11;2 >=(-!!E I1T (6.65)

ab La 48 -gMcos
9 4 (
9+ 1t)[ cos 9-"6 3(
51t) -cos 9+ 3( 1t)J
6 6

- 89M 4 cos ( e + 1t).
6 [sin 3e- 3",M3 cos 3e]
_27t <e <_~
3 3
292 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

2 3
Not unexpectedly, the M and M terms in these equations are identical to
each other and to those in Eq. (5.62). This is because they involve only I-I ref-
erence quantities, and these must be the same for any modulation strategy for a
given fundamental I-I output. Hence the integrated solution coefficients for
these terms developed in Eqs. (5.66), (5.67), and (5.68) are still valid. How-
ever, the Ai term must be integrated separately in three parts, as follows:

]2 I - - (VLadC)2I!:.T
ab, h, rms M4 - 48 8



cos(e + ~ [3./3 cos3( e - 231t)- cos3(e -~] ~


+ Jcos(e+~[cos3(e-561t)-cos3(e+~]~

Using standard trigonometric substitutions of

. 3
SID 9 = -3.sin9 - -1.
sin 39
4 4
cos 9 = -cose + -cos39
4 4 (6.68)
cosa cos b = 2( cos[a + b] + cos[a - b])

cos a sin b == ~ ( sin [a + b] - sin[a - b])

Harmonic Losses for SVM 293

Eq. (6.67) rearranges to

lab, h, rms
I 4 =
L 48 8M
M 0'

9J3cos(9 +~) - 3J3cos39

Jo ~cos(9

+~ de
+ 3COS(9 - ~ + sin39
J 2cos4(9+~d9
1t +

J !COS(9+~)r-3sin9+sin39

+ Jde
4 l 6 + 9J3cos9 + 3J3cos39


j/3 -3J3{ 3sin29 - 3cos~ + cos(49 + ~ + cos( 29 - ~} d9

o + 3cos29 + 3cos~ + sin(49 + ~ + sin(29 - ~


+ J [4+8COS(29+~)

-3 sin(29 + ~ + 3sin~ + sin(49 + ~ + sin(29 -~)


3COS(29+~) +3cos~
-21/3 + 3J3 6 6

+ cos(49 + ~) + cos(29 - ID
294 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Equation (6.69) integrates with some manipulation to

/ ab, h, rms
I 4 =
(VL )2 /:iT48298 At(32- 8-;-
dC 9J3) (6.70)
M cr

so that the complete closed-form solution for the harmonic current produced
by a SVM scheme is

ab, h, rms
= (--f!!)
V 22
L 48 2
8 2 8
~T [~M2 _ 4~3 M + ~(~ _ ~~)M4J
Evaluating the coefficient of the M term gives a result of 0.9897, which is
very close to the result for sinusoidal PWM with third-harmonic injection, Eqs.
(5.67) and (5.68) in Chapter 5.

6.6 Placement of the Zero Space Vector

In Section 4.5 it was concluded that the best harmonic performance for a PWM
algorithm is achieved when the active I-I output pulses are placed in the mid-
dle of each half carrier period. This was verified for a single-phase VSI, where
it was determined that an implicit consequence of three-level PWM was to
place the I-I pulses in this manner. For a three-phase VSI, it is not physically
possible to place all three sets of I-I output pulses centrally in each half carrier
period, since the switching process implicitly generates sequential I-I output
pulses as shown in Figure 5.3. Consequently the placement of the I-I output
voltage pulses for a three-phase system is constrained by the need to balance
the pulse position of all three sets of I-I output pulses, so that the harmonic
components of all three I-I output voltages match.
Further examination of Figure 5.3 shows that the two active pulses VI and
V2 always directly follow each other, since the transition between them is a sin-
gle-phase leg state change. Hence the process of pulse position for a three-
phase VSI becomes simply the process of placing the total active pulse interval
VI + V2 within each half carrier period. Of course, the phase leg switching
could be arranged so that an extra zero state is inserted between the two active
space vector components of Figure 5.3, but this requires additional switch tran-
sitions within the half carrier period. Such a strategy is clearly suboptimal,
since it increases the switching frequency of the phase legs and moves the
active I-I output pulses (which are the space vector components) further from
the center of the half carrier period, rather than closer as is desired.
Placement of the Zero Space Vector 295

Figures 6.11 and 6.12 show how the active I-I output pulses are distributed
within each half carrier period over a complete fundamental cycle, for:
Simple sinusoidal regular sampled PWM.

PWM + one-sixth magnitude third-harmonic injection.

PWM + one-quarter magnitude third-harmonic injection.

SVM with the active space vectors centered in each half carrier period.
It should be noted that the carrier/fundamental ratio for Figures 6.11 and 6.12
has been changed to 18 (i.e., 10 fundamental steps between asymmetrical
sampled points) for clarity of illustration. This change does not affect the valid-
ity of the conclusions drawn below, since the relative influence of pulse posi-
tion on harmonic performance is the same at any carrier frequency.
The effect that the different modulation strategies have on the position of
the active space vectors can be seen by looking at the region
n/6 ~ 8 0 ~ 2n/3. For all four modulation strategies, the total active space
vector period at 00 = n/6 and 00 = nl2 is identically placed in the center
of the half carrier period. While all three-phase VSI pulse position variations
add common mode triplen components to the target reference waveform, the
triplen components are zero at (2n + 1)1t/6 multiples of the fundamental
phasor angle.
Note also that the total active space vector interval has its maximum value
at the (2n + 1)n/ 6 multiples of the fundamental phasor angle, since this is
the point where equal amounts of the two nearest space vectors are required to
make the target space vector. This interval is shown as SVmin on Figure 6.11
and is the limiting factor for the maximum possible modulation index of M =
1.15 as discussed earlier. However, while the total active space vector interval
is centered in the half carrier period at 00 = 1t/6 and 00 = n/2, the two
individual space vector components within this interval reverse their position
in each successive half carrier period. This creates a carrier frequency oscilla-
tion for each space vector component, and, since the I-I output voltage pulses
are made up from these components, one would expect to see incomplete odd
carrier multiple sideband cancellation and consequential odd carrier multiple
sideband harmonics in the I-I output switched waveform, as indeed occurs.
Furthermore, at 90 = 1t/3 and 90 = 21t/3 there is a clear difference
between the modulation strategies, as follows:
296 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

v.v. ~_ .,. ~.SJ~o ~_ .,.- ~. ~ _.- .~.._

.._ ;--
o 11th (b) OlJ ~ 1It

Figure 6.11 Space vector placement for (a) regular sampled PWM and
(b) regular sampled PWM + one-sixth magnitude third-
harmonic (modulation index M= 0.9).

Regular sampled PWM without third-harmonic injection [Figure

6.11(a)] places one edge of the total active space vector interval signifi-
cantly outside the SVmin region, first on one side and then on the other
side in each successive half carrier period. This placement not only lim-
its the maximum modulation index to M = 1.0, but also increases the
Placement of the Zero Space Vector 297

Figure 6.12

oscillatory movement of the space vector component(s) within each

successive half carrier period. This additional movement increases the
magnitude of the odd carrier multiple sideband harmonics since pulses
in successive half carrier periods are not separated as far apart as they
would be if they were centrally placed in the half carrier period.
298 Zero Space Vector PlacementModulation Strategies

Regular sampled PWM with one-sixth magnitude third-harmonic injec-

tion [Figure 6.11(b)] restricts the placement of the total active space
vector interval to within the SVmin region, which allows the maximum
modulation index to increase to M= 1.15. However, there is still some
oscillation of the position of the space vector component(s) in each suc-
cessive half carrier period. However, at least the magnitude of the odd
carrier multiple sideband harmonics should be reduced compared to
regular sampled PWM.
SVM with centered active pulses [Figure 6.12(a)] continues this con-
cept, by explicitly centering the vector component(s) in every half car-
rier period. This cancels the odd carrier sidebands at this point in the
fundamental cycle, but of course the space vector oscillation at other
parts of the fundamental cycle still remains so that the total odd carrier
sideband cancellation will not be complete. However, the harmonic
performance clearly will improve under this strategy.
Regular sampled PWM with one-quarter magnitude third-harmonic
injection [Figure 6.12(b)] has a further effect. This strategy centers the
total active space vector interval at every 1t/6 step in the fundamental
phase angle, but also offsets the total interval slightly outside the SVmin
region in between these points. The effect of this is to bias the interme-
diate space vector placements so that the larger space vector component
(i.e., the longer pulse) is more centered at the expense of the smaller
component. Since the larger component is more significant, the result is
closer to the (unreachable) ideal of exactly centering every I-I output
pulse in each half carrier period. This should improve the harmonic
performance of this strategy even compared to SVM, although there is
a slight consequential loss in maximum modulation index down to M =
1.12 because the space vector interval is now placed slightly outside the
SVmin region for some of the fundamental cycle.
Indeed, taking this concept further, it should be possible to position the space
vector components in each half carrier period to optimize the reduction in odd
carrier sideband harmonic components by biasing the position of the space
vectors in favor of the larger space vector component. This work has been done
by [8-10], and in all three cases the conclusion reached is that the optimal
space vector pulse position is almost exactly that achieved by a one-quarter
third-harmonic injection strategy.
Discontinuous Modulation 299

6.7 Discontinuous Modulation

The previous sections of this chapter have established that the zero space vec-
tor contributes as the fundamental difference between PWM strategies, and the
various alternative implementations simply vary the position of the space vec-
tor active pulses within each half carrier period. From this understanding, fur-
ther alternative modulation strategies can now be identified where the active
space vectors in successive half carrier intervals are moved to join together,
and the intermediate zero space vector consequently disappears. These strate-
gies have the advantage of eliminating one switching transition in each half
carrier interval, which allows the switching frequency to increase by a nominal
value of 3/2 accordingly for the same inverter losses. This may improve the
harmonic performance of the inverter by virtue of the reduced influence of
higher frequency switching harmonics. However, any particular benefit will
depend on the precise harmonic performance of these alternative discontinuous
modulation strategies.

6.7.1 1200 Discontinuous Modulation

The most straightforward approach to achieve discontinuous switching is to
move the active space vectors in Figure 6.11 to eliminate one of the two space
vectors, similar to the removal of the center Vz states described in Section
4.5.2 for the single-phase VSI. The only difference is that for the three-phase
topology, each phase leg in tum is now continuously locked to the upper or
lower DC rail (whichever is chosen) for one-third of the fundamental cycle
(120). This variation is termed 120 discontinuous modulation, and the con-
sequential space vector placement is shown in Figure 6.13, with either the SVo
or the SV? zero vector eliminated depending on which DC rail is used as the
clamping reference.
Examination of Figure 6.13(a) (DPWMMIN strategy) shows that space
vectors SV2 , SV4 , SV6 , have been concatenated into one pulse per carrier
period, while space vectors SVt ' SV3 , SV5 , remain as separate pulses in each
half carrier period. This procedure is done in a similar manner as the Vactive
pulses which were combined for the single-phase inverter as shown in Figure
4.18. However, the arrangement has a complex effect on the I-I output
switched waveform. Considering the I-I voltage Yab- Figure 6.1 shows that
only space vectors SVI , SV3 , SV4 , SV6 , lead to active pulses between phase
legs a and b (the other space vectors create an I-I short circuit across able Also,
300 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

o 7tf6 7t/3 7t/2 27th (b) roJ -. lit

Figure 6.13 Space vector placement for (a) DPWMMIN with active
pulses moved to lower DC rail and (b) DPWMMAX with
active pulses moved to upper DC rail.
it has just been determined that 120 discontinuous modulation concatenates
spacevectors SV4 , SV6 into one pulse per carrier period, while space vectors
SV t , SV3 remain as two pulses per carrier period. Hence all I-I voltages will
be asymmetrical across a fundamental cycle. Figure 6.14 shows the switched
phase leg voltages and Yab voltage for this strategy, where the asymmetry in the
I-I voltage can be clearly seen.
DiscontinuousModulation 301

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg a

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg b

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg c

....... IP-"l'..... r ....


Switched l-l Output Waveform (vab)

(Asymmetrical over Fundamental Cycle)

Figure 6.14 Phase leg and I-I switched output voltages for DPWMMIN
120 discontinuously switched PWM, M = 0.9,
!clio = 24.

Simply from this asymmetry, it would be expected that the harmonic per-
formance of 120 discontinuous PWM will be suboptimal compared to contin-
uous modulation strategies. However, it can also be identified that to maintain
the same effective phase leg switching frequency as for continuous modula-
tion, the space vector calculation frequency (i.e., twice the carrier frequency)
should be increased by approximately 50%, since each phase leg only switches
during two-thirds of each fundamental cycle. It is the trade-off between these
two effects that offers potential advantages for 120 discontinuous PWM
under some modulation conditions.
A further limitation with this strategy is that one device of each phase leg is
always turned off during its 120 unmodulated region, while the other device
is always conducting. Hence conduction losses are not shared equally across
the two devices in each phase leg. However, this limitation can be avoided by
clamping to alternate DC buses every half cycle (i.e., cycle between the
DPWMMIN and the DPWMMAX strategies).
302 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

6.7.2 60 and 30 Discontinuous Modulation

An improved discontinuous modulation strategy that inherently balances the
switching losses is to place the space vectors to alternately eliminate zero
space vectors SVo and SV7 for successive 60 segments of the fundamental
cycle. This arrangement is called 60 discontinuous modulation, since each
phase leg is now unmodulated for only 60 at a time (alternately switched to
the upper or to the lower DC rail). It has the particular benefit that the l-l
switched voltages are now symmetrical, as shown in Figure 6.15. The space
vector arrangement for this modulation strategy is shown in Figure 6.16(a).
This type of discontinuous switching pattern is termed DPWM 1 and cen-
ters the nonswitching periods for each phase leg symmetrically around the pos-
itive and negative peaks of its fundamental reference voltage. This is the best
position for a resistive load, since the peaks of the line currents follow the
peaks of the fundamental voltages. Therefore each phase leg does not switch
just when the current is at its maximum value, and this obviously minimizes
switching losses.

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg a

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg b

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg c

Switched 1-1 Output Waveform (vab)

(Asymmetrical over Fundamental Cycle)

Figure 6.15 Phase leg and I-I switched .output voltages for DPWMI
60 discontinuously switched PWM, M = 0.9,
fe/lo = 24.
Discontinuous Modulation 303

(a) Ii



(b) 'i


() 7t/6 rei 3 21t

(c) ';

li-l -~
o n/6 1C{3 1r/2 Olo' --- 21t

Figure 6.16 Space vector placement for 60 discontinuous PWM:

(a) DPWMI (zero clamp at voltage peak), (b) DPWM2
0 0
(30 laggingclamp), and (c) DPWMO (30 leadingclamp).
304 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

A little thought suggests further that it is feasible to place each 60 non-

switching period anywhere within the 120 region where the appropriate
phase leg reference voltage is the maximum/minimum of the three-phase set.
For example, the 60 "clamp to + Vde " nonswitching period for phase leg a
can be placed anywhere in the region -'Tt/3 ~ 'Tt/3 , since the a phase refer-
ence voltage is more positive than the other two phase reference voltages dur-
ing this period. Similarly, the "clamp to - Vde " nonswitching period for phase
leg a can be placed anywhere in the region 2'Tt/3 ~ 41t/3, since this is the
region where the a phase fundamental voltage is more negative than the other
two-phase reference voltages. This freedom allows alternative 60 discontinu-
ous PWM strategies to be considered which minimize the switching losses for
loads which are not unity power factor.
For a lagging power factor (pf) load, it is clearly preferable to retard the
non-switching period by up to a maximum of 30 (pf of 0.866 lag), depending
on the load current power factor. This is the discontinuous modulation strategy
DPWM2 shown in Figure 6.16(b). For a leading power factor load, the non-
switching period can be advanced by up to 30 (pf of 0.866 lead). This is dis-
continuous modulation strategy DPWMO shown in Figure 6.16(c). It should be
noted however, that incorporating this advance/retard of the nonswitching
period reintroduces asymmetry into the I-I voltage, as shown in Figure 6.17.

A final variation [11] is to eliminate zero space vectors so as to clamp the

phase legs to the opposite DC rails in each 60 segment, as shown in Figure
6.18. This strategy is sometimes termed 30 discontinuous modulation, since
it requires the clamping phase leg to change every 30. Figure 6.19 shows the
switching pattern for this modulation strategy, which is again symmetrical.

Switched I-I Output Waveform (vab)


Figure 6.17 Phase leg and I-I switched output voltages for DPWM2
and DPWMO 60 discontinuously switched PWM,
M = 0.9, fe/fa = 24.
DiscontinuousModulation 305

Figure 6.18 Space vector placement for DPWM3 30 discontinuous


Switched Waveform for Phase Leg a

.............--...... ---.Switched Waveform for Phase Leg b

Switched Waveform for Phase Leg c

........ r - - - -.....~ ..

Switched l-l Output Waveform (vab)

(Symmetrical over Fundamental Cycle)

Figure 6.19 Phase leg and I-I switched output voltages for DPWM3
30 discontinuously switched PWM, M = 0.9,
Ie/lo = 24.
306 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Figure 6.20 shows the sections of the three-phase voltage envelopes that are
clamped to the DC rails for the various discontinuous modulation strategies.

-Vdc ----- : ------;---- --: -----;----- : -----

6()0 12()o 18oo 2400 3000 3600 ()O 6()0 12oo 18oo 2400 3000 3600
(a) (b)


180 360 oo 6()0 12oo 18oo 2400 3000 360

(c) (d)


120 1800 2400 3000 3600 00 600 12oo 18oo 2400 3000 360
(e) (f)
Figure 6.20 Clamped waveform sections for discontinuous PWM:
(a) DPWMMIN (clamp to lower DC rail), (b) DPWMMAX
(clamp to upper DC rail), (c) DPWMI (clamp at voltage
0 0
peaks), (d) DPWM2 (30 lagging clamp), (e) DPWMO (30
leading clamp), and (f) DPWM3 (clamp to opposite DC rails).
Phase Leg Referencesfor Discontinuous PWM 307

6.8 Phase Leg References for Discontinuous PWM

0 0 0
It is useful to consider how the 120 , 60 , and 30 discontinuous modulation
strategies achieve the proper mean sinusoidal commanded voltages across the
load. Consider, for example, the 120 DPWMMIN case illustrated in Figure
6.13. During operation in the first sextant of Figure 6.2, 0 ~ e s 1t/3, the
phase leg switched voltages have the pulse patterns shown in Figure 6.21.

I vbz I
I I t

-v: I
I Tsvo I Tsv1 I TSV2 I I
1 4

1 4
~T/2 .1

Figure 6.21 Pulse pattern for 120 DPWMMIN discontinuous PWM in
the first sextant, 0 ~ e0 ~ 1t/3 .

The three-phase leg voltages can now be expressed as

(v az ) Vdc~T(TSVl + TS V2 - Tsvo) (6.72)


(Vcz ) (6.74)

However, since
TS V1 + TS V2 + Tsvo = 2
308 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Eqs. (6.72) to (6.74) become

2 2
(v az ) = 2Vde ( ~TTsVl + ~TTsV2-2J
1, (6.75)

(vbz> = 2 dC(;TTSV2 - ~ (6.76)

(v ez ) = -Vde (6.77)

From Table 6.1

TSV1 = VVo J32 COS(S + ~)~T

6 20

V J3 (
o 1t)~T
TSV2 = vTcOS SO-2 T (6.79)
Substituting Eqs. (6.78) and (6.79) into Eqs. (6.75) and (6.76), and knowing
that Vo = MVde , the three-phase leg reference voltages become

(v az> = VdC[ J3Mcos( eo - ID -1 JI (6.80)


(vbz> = Vdc [ J3Mcos(eo - ~ - 1JI (6.81)

O:$; 9 0 :$; 27t/3

(Vcz) = -VdcIOS9oS7t/3 (6.82)

Once the solution for the first 120 interval has been obtained, the solution for
the remaining intervals can be obtained in the same manner. A similar strategy
can also be used to determine the phase leg reference waveforms for the other
discontinuous modulation strategies.
Tables 6.5 and 6.6 summarize the reference waveform segments for
DPWMMIN and DWPMMAX 120 discontinuous modulation strategies,
respectively. Table 6.7 summarizes the reference waveform segments for the
DPWMI 60 discontinuous modulation strategy, while Tables 6.8 and 6.9
summarize the reference waveform segments for the 30 phase-shifted varia-
tions of DPWMO and DPWM2. Table 6.10 lists the reference waveform seg-
ments for the DPWM3 30 discontinuous modulation strategy. In all cases, it
can be seen how the phase leg reference segments are in fact sections of the
required I-I voltage, referenced to the phase leg which is clamped to either the
upper or the lower DC rail voltage.
Phase Leg References for Discontinuous PWM 309

Table 6.5 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for 120 DPWMMIN
Discontinuous PWM
Phase Leg a Phase Leg b Phase Leg c
60 Sextant
(vaz)1 Vde (vbz)IVde (vez)IVde

21t < e < -I - 1- J3Mcos( 80 + ~ - 1 + J3Mcos( 80 + 5 1t)

3 - 0-1t 6

0<8 <21t
0 - 3
- 1- J3Mcos( 8 + 5 1t) -1 + J3Msin8 -1
- 0 6 0

_21t<8 <0
3 - 0- - 1 + J3Mcos( 80 +~) -I -1- J3Msin8

-1t <8
- 0-
<--3 -I - 1- J3Mcos( 80 + ID - 1 + J3Mcos( 80 + 5;)

Table 6.6 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for 120 DPWMMAX
Discontinuous PWM
Phase Leg a Phase Leg b Phase Leg c
60 Sextant
(vaz)1 Vde (vbz)IVde (vez)1 Vde

3 - 0 <1t
- +1 + J3MCOS(80 +~) +1 +1- J3Msin8

-!!:<8 <!!:
3- 0 - 3 +1 +1- J3Mcos( 80 +~) +1 + J3Mcos( 8 + 51t)
0 6

-1t <
- - 3 + 1- J3Mcos(80 + 561t)
80 <-~ +1 + J3Msin8
0 +1

Figure 6.22 shows the reference voltages for phase leg a and its two com-
ponents, the target sinusoid and the offset voltage required to achieve discon-
tinuous modulation, for the cases of DPWMMIN, DPWMl, and DPWM3 at
the maximum modulation condition of M = 2/J3 . Figure 6.23 shows the
phase leg reference waveforms for a reduced modulation index of M = 0.9,
where the discontinuous nature of the switching process can be seen more
Figure 6.24 shows variation of the 60 DPWMI discontinuous switching
scheme as the modulation index M changes. While complicated in shape, since
the equations describing the functions are relatively simple sections of sinuso-
ids, they can be readily implemented in real-time digital form.
310 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Table 6.7 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for 60 DPWMI Discontinuous
Phase Leg a Phase Leg b Phase Leg c
60 Sextant
(vaz)IVdc (vbz)IVdc (vcz)1 r:
51t< 8 <
6 - 0-1t -1 - 1- J3Mcos(90 + ID - 1 + J3McoS( 90 + 5;)
!E < 9 < 51t
2 - 0- 6 +1 + J3Mcos(9 0 +~) +1 +1 - J3Msin9

!!<8 <!E
6 - 0- 2 - 1 - J3Mcos(9 + 51t) -I + J3Msin8 -1
0 6 0

-~ < 9 < ~
6- 6 +1 +1- J3Mcos(90 +~) + 1 + J3Mcos( 90 + 51t)
0- 6

_!E < 8 <_!! -I + J3Mcos(9

2 - 0- 6 0
+~) -1 -1- J3Msin8 0

_51t<9 <_!E + 1 - J3Mcos(9 + 51t) +1 + J3Msin9 +1

6 - 0- 2 0 6 0

-1t < 9 0 <--6 -I -1-J3MCOS(9 0 +ID - 1 + J3Mcos(90 + 51t)
- - 6

Table 6.8 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for 60 DPWMO Discontinuous
PWM (30 Leading Clamp)
Phase Leg a Phase Leg b Phase Leg c
60 Sextant
(vaz)IVdc (vbz)1 r; (vcz)/ Vdc

27t< 9 <
3 - 0-1t -I -1- J3Mcos(9 0 + ~ -I + J3Mcos(90 + 51t)

!E < 8 < 21t

3 - 0- 3 + 1 + J3Mcos(90 + ~) +1 +1- JjMsin9

0<9 <!E
0 - 3
- 1 - J3Mcos(9 + 51t) -1 + J3Msin8 -1
- 0 6 0

_!E < 8 < 0

3- 0 - +1 +1-J3Mcos(9 0 +~ + 1 + J3Mcos(9 + 51t)
0 6

3 - 0 -<--3 - 1 + J3Mcos(90 +~) -] -1- J3Msin8 0

-1t <
8 0<--
- 3 + 1- J3Mcos(9 + 5 0 6
1t) +] + J3Msin8
0 +1
AnalyticalSolutions for DiscontinuousPWM 311

Table 6.9 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for 60 DPWM2 Discontinuous
PWM (30 Lagging Clamp)
Phase Leg a Phase Leg b Phase Leg c
60 Sextant
(vaz)IVde (vbz)1 Vde (v )IV
cz de

<8 <
3 - 0-7t +1 + J3Mcos(eo +~) +1 +1- J3Msin8

~ < 8 < 27t

3- 0 - 3 - 1- J3Mcos( eo + 51t) -1 + J3Msin8 -I
6 0

0- 3 +1 +1- J3Mcos(eo +~) +1 + J3Mcos( eo + 561t)

-~3 <
- 80 <
0 - I + J3Mcos(e o +~) -1 -1- J3Msin8

- 3- -<8 0 -<--3 +1- J3Mcos( eo + 51t)

27t 7t
+1 + J3Msin8 +1
6 0

-1-J3McoS(e o+~) - I + J3Mcos( eo + 51t)

-1t < 8 0 <--
3 -I
- - 6

6.9 Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM

The analytical solution for 120 discontinuous modulation can now be devel-
oped using the same principles as those used for SVM in Section 6.4. In partic-
ular, Eq. (6.34) still holds, but with a different set of limits for Ys and Y e, as
listed in Table 6.11, to reflect the discontinuous reference waveform segments
appropriate for this modulation strategy. In fact, since there are only two active
waveform segments, Eq. (6.34) reduces to
2 ye(i) xfi)

Amn + jB mn = 2~2L
i= I
ys(i) xr(i)
2Vdc e
j(mx + ny)
dxdy (6.83)

where the outer and inner integral limits ofEq. (6.83) are defined in Table 6.11.
With these limits identified, Eq. (6.83) can now be written explicitly as
312 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

Table 6.10 Phase Leg Reference Voltage Waveforms for 30 DPWM3 Discontinuous

PhaseLeg a PhaseLeg b PhaseLeg c

600 Sextant
(vaz)1 Vde (vbz)IVde (vez)IVde

51t < 9 <

6- 0-7t +1 + J3Mcos(90 +~) +1 +1-J3Msin9

21t < 9 < 51t

3 - 0- 6 -1 - 1- J3Mcos(90 + ID - 1 + J3Mcos( 90 + 57t)

!! < 9 < 21t - 1- J3Mcos(90 + 57t) -I + J3Msin9 -1

2 - 0- 3 6 0

~<9 < ~
3 - 0- 2 +1 + J3Mcos(90 +~) +1 +1-J3Msin9

!!<9 <!!
6 - 0- 3 +1 +\ ~J3Mcos(90 +ID + 1 + J3Mcos(90 + 57t)

0<9 <!!
0- 6
- 1- J3Mcos(90 + 57t) -1 + J3Msin9 -1
- 6 0

6 -< 9 0 <
0 - 1 + J3Mcos(90 +~) -I -1 - J3Msin9

_!E < 9 <_!E +1 +\-J3MCOS(9 0 +~ + 1 + J3Mcos(9 + 57t)

3 - 0- 6 0 6

_!E < e <_!E + 1- J3Mcos(9 + 5 7t) +1 + J3Msin9 +1

2 - 0- 3 0 6 0

_ 21t < 9 <_!! - 1 + J3Mcos(9 +~) -I -1- JjMsin9

3 - 0 - 2 0 0

f-51t < e < _ 21t -I -1-J3MCOS(9 0 +ID - 1 + J3Mcos(90 + 57t)

6 - 0- 3 6

-7t < e < _ 51t + 1 - J3Mcos(9 + 5 7t) +1 + JjMsin8 +1

- 0- 6 0 6 0
Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM 313

---:< v-- ---->--><~ ~ - - - - -- - - - - - -:- - -

as V
I I , 1
1 1 1

(a) 0 --

~.....Iior---:-----"-~ - - - - - - ,- - - - - -
0 60 1200 1800 2400 300 3600
,, . ,,
- - -,- - - - - - -, - - - - - - ., - - - - - - r - - - - - -,- - -

:<Vas > .<v >'

, az :
- 1 1

1 sz

(b) 0 --

600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600



0 60 120 1800 2400 3000 3600
Figure 6.22 Phase leg a mean reference voltage and its two components for
(a) 120 DPWMMIN, (b) 60 DPWMI, and (c) 30 DPWM3,
referred to z (midpoint of the DC bus), M = 2/,J3.
314 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

, I ' I
I I ' I
- - - - - -,- - - - - - -. - - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - - r - - - - -
I t I f
I t I


______ , . . L - _ - - - : -_ _ ~

0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600



I 1 , I t


------ :------;<:-V->:------
, I I

, I SZ ,


_______________ _ '---~_J j" _


0 60 1800 2400 3000 3600



- - - -,- - - - - -


0 60 0 1200 1800 240 0 3000 3600

Figure 6.23 Phase leg a mean reference voltage and its two components
for (a) 120 DPWMMIN, (b) 60 DPWM1, and (c) 30
DPWM3, referred to z (midpoint of the DC bus), M = 0.9.
Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM 315

I I 1 I
+ Vde ..----~- - - I - - - - - - -I - - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - - 1- - -~----.
I 1 1


Figure 6.24 Variation of the mean reference voltage <vaz> with
modulation index, 60 DWPM 1 discontinuous modulation.

Table 6.11 Outer and Inner Double Fourier Integral Limits for 120 DPWMMIN
Discontinuous Modulation

X r(i) (rising edge of switched x ( i) (falling edge of

i ys(i) Ye(i) f
waveform) switched waveform)

1 -21t 1t o(always low) o(always low)


2 0 21t/3 -~J3MCOS~- ~ ~J3MCOS~-~)

0 -~J3MCOS~ +~) ~J3MCOS~+~
4 -1t o(always low) o(always low)
316 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies


j(mx + ny)
2Vdc e dxdy

For m = n = 0, Eq. (6.84) simplifies to

~J3MCOS~-~) 0 ~J3MCOS~+ ~

J -~J3MCOS~-
J ~) J -~J3Mcos~+ID
. Vdc
Aoo+]B oo == -2 dxdy + dxdy
0 27t


J1tJ3MCOS~-~dy+ J1tJ3MCOS&+~dy
3 0

n 0 2n

J3 M VdC . 1t + Sln-
(Sln- . 1t . 1t
+ Sln- .
+ Sln- ID (6.85)
1t 2 6 6

so that the DC offset component is

A "B - 3 JjMVdc (6.86)

00 +} 00 - 1t

Note that the DC offset is no longer constant, but varies with modulation index,
as would be expected from the shape of the reference waveform.
Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM 317

For m = 0, n > 0, Eq. (6.84) simplifies to

21t !:.JjMcos(y-~)
326 o
A On +R - de
} On - - 2
f f /n dxdy + f f

o -~JjMcos~-ID 21t 7t h
- - --",3Mcos y+- (1t)

Evaluating the inner integral ofEq. (6.87) gives


f /nYrc./3MCOS~ f /nYrc./3MCOS~
V 3 0
AOn+ jB on= rc~c - ~)dy + + IDdy
o 21t
which then rearranges to


f 3
[ej([n + I ]y-lt/6) + ej([n -I]y + It/6 dy
./3 MVdc 0
AOn +iBOn = 21t
j([n + l]y + 1t/6) j([n - l]y -1t/6),d
+ f [e +e J~

For n = 1, Eq. (6.89) further simplifies to

3 0
A +jB = ./37rcVdc f[e j (2y-lt/6)+ /It/6]dy+ f [e j (2y+lt/6)+ e-jlt/ 6] dy
01 ol
o 21t
which integrates to
3 O
. _./3 MVdc [d(2 y
- n/ 6 ) j1t/6JI [d(2Y +1t/ 6) -j1t/6J
Ao,+JBo1- 2rc j2 +e + + j2 +e
o 21t
318 Zero Space Vector PlacementModulation Strategies

Equation (6.91) again reduces, not unexpectedly, to

A01 + jB OI = MVdc (6.92)

which is once more immediately recognizable as the target reference waveform

magnitude. Furthermore, as with SVM, nothing in this development has
restricted the maximum value of M, so that the modulation limit remains at
2/ n.
For n> 1, Eq. (6.89) integrates to

j an+ l)y-1t/6) + j<[n - I]y + 1t/6)J 1 3
/jMVdc [ j[n+ 1] j[n-I] 0
A On + jBonl
21t + [j([n + I]y +7t/6) + j([n- l]y-1t/6)J 0

j[n + 1] j[n - I]
which can be evaluated to give

2J3 M Vdc n ~ 1 Sin([n + 1]~) COS([2n + 1]~)

A On + jBonl n>]
1t + _1-sin([n-l]~)cos([2n-l]~)
n -I 3 6

As with SVM the two sinusoid product terms of Eq. (6.94) are nonzero only
for odd triplen values of n, i.e., n = 3, 9, 15, ... , and can be simplified to

. 2/jMVdC { 21t 1} = 3,9, 15, ...

A On +]R On = - 2 cosn- + 2- n (6.95)
1t(n - 1) 3

so that it only defines triplen baseband harmonic components that will cancel
in the I-I voltage.
Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM 319

For m > 0, the inner integral ofEq. (6.84) can be evaluatedto give


jny(e jm~JjMCOS~-~) -jmr.;JjMcos~-~)J

e 2 6_ e 2 6 dy

V o
Amn +B
} mn -

jny(ejm~J3Mcos~ + ~ -e-jm~J3Mcos~ + ~ Jdy

J o


Equation (6.96) can be rearranged, using Eq. (A2.1), to become

3 00

Jo e
jny ~
k = 1
jj1t ~ ([ 1tl')
LJ Uk -j-k v, ( mTM;cos k Y-6jJdy


1t ( .n ~ ([ 1tl')
3 00

Jo e
jny ~.
smk'2Jk m-2-Mjcos k Y-6j)dy

o 00

_ 21t
jny ~.
k == 1
1t (
LJ smkiJk jj1t
m- ~ ([ 1tl)
- Mj cos k y+ 6jJdy

320 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

which can be further rearranged to



c: .~

J31t ~
smk:2Jk m-- Mj
i([n + k]y - k!!)
o k= 1 J(ln- k]y + k!E)
. 2Vdc +e 6
A mn +JBmn =-2
o M ei([n + k)y + k~6)


+ c:
~ . 1t ( ",,31t ~
smk:2Jk m-- Mj
21t k = ]
-3 +e
i(r n - k]y - k~l~
and then integratedto give

. 2 Vdc ""3
Ad 21t + A21
0 ]
A mn + ]B mn = --2 (6.99)
mti [ 0 _27t

J3rt ~ rt in!!
I n ( m--M) sinn- e 6 y
2 2 k = Inl

00 j( [n + k]y - k!!) i([n - k]y + k!E)

+ ~ Jk(m~7tM)sink~ e 6 +e 6
~ j[n+k] k~-n j[n-k]


",3rt ~ 1t -In-
I n ( m--M sinn- e 6 y
2 2 k= Inl
A2 --

Analytical Solutions for Discontinuous PWM 321

A final solution for Eq. (6.99) can now be developed as


8 Vdc
+ [n~k]Sin([n+k]j)Sink~COS([2n+k]~Jk(m~1t~
k= I
2 (k =t: -n)


+ [n k] sin([n - k]j) sink~cos([2n- k]~)Jk(m~1t M)

(k# n)

As with SVM, this solution is valid also for the condition of m > 0, n = O.

Equations (6.86), (6.92), (6.94), and (6.102) together define the magnitudes
of the harmonics for any value of m and n for naturally sampled 120 DPWM-
MIN discontinuous modulation.

An analytical solution for symmetrically or asymmetrically sampled 120
discontinuous modulation can be developed once more using the substitution
of y = y' + (roo/roc)x into Eq. (6.84) and following through the evaluation
using the principles presented already for continuous modulation strategies.

Without presenting the working detail, the harmonic magnitudes for asym-
metrically sampled 120 DPWMMIN discontinuous modulation are given by
322 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

_l-sin([n + k]~) sin([k- n rooJ~'

. 8 Vdc +
[n+k] 3 2) roc
A mn +JB mn =-
q1t k=l x cos([2n + klIDJk ( m~1t AI)
ik -n)

00 _l-sin([n - k]!!) sin([k- n

[n-k] 3
roc 2
x COS([2n-klIDJlm~1tM)
where q again equals m + n(roo/ro c ).
This solution is valid for all values of m and n, except m = n = 0, where
Eq. (6.86) still applies.
Solutions for 60 DPWMO,DPWMI, DPWM2, and 30 DPWM3 discon-
tinuous modulation can be developed using similar principles as presented
above but are left for the reader to develop as an extension to this text.

6.10 Comparison of Harmonic Performance

Figure 6.25 shows the theoretical harmonic spectra for DPWMMIN 120 dis-
continuous modulation at a modulation index of M = 0.9. Figure 6.26 shows
the spectra for DPWMI 60 discontinuous modulation at the same modulation
index. Figure 6.27 shows the 1-1 spectra for the discontinuous modulation
strategies ofDPWMO, DPWMI, DPWM2, and DPWM3. Note that in all cases
the carrier-to-fundamental ratio has been increased to 30, to at least partially
reflect the increase in switching frequency that is possible for discontinuous
modulation strategies because of the reduced number of switch transitions per
fundamental cycle. This issue is discussed further in Section 6.11.
Comparison of Harmonic Performance 323

:: :: : :: :: ::I: :: :: :: :: : ::::::::::~:::::::~::::::::::~::::::
- - - -
- - ... -
-1- - - ...... -
1-'" - - -
- - - -
- - - - ~ - ... - - - - ... - - --
- - - - 1- I
-- - - - - ...... ~
- - I...
_ _

... - r ...- - - ,- - - ...

... - - -1-"'''' --

d - - - _1- _ _ _ _ _ __ __ l
, I
... L _
- ::::::I: : : : :::: .:
- - - -1- - - - - --
- ::::t:::::::::::~:::::
-- ~ - - - -... ...-
====-_ _c_=-
~ = =- - =1- - =_ ==
2 - - 1
_ ... _ __ - - ~...
- - ... - 1- __

o~ - - - 1- ---- r - - - - - r

(a) ro I
1 1

- ...... - :::t i-~ l=UI:t H::tH:::t

~ 1-
1- f.H ..I I '4J-I-f ,4 '-If-I-I -f .. H .. I-

2 ... - '-
... - ... '-

Hit-H.,i .H.'-

-, f. ...'U.......... 1--1-1""4 J...'-I

.H t-Htl-i tHI JI-

-If.H" J...H~I-U'-'-U'-II-II'"I-'-l

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

: ~ : ~ ~ ~:~ :: ~ ~ :: :: ~: ~ ~ ~ :: :: ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ) WTHDO=1.68%
= == =- =1_ =.. - _= =1 _ =_ - = J - - == = r _=- - =_.- _ =- _
... - _ ... - 1_... __' _ ~ _ ... _ _ ~ _ _ 1_ ... ...

..-.. - - - - - 1- - -I - - - , - - r - - - - r - ...
d 1 1
_ _ ... _ _ _ '- _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ J
_ l _ ... _ _ _ ... '- _ _ ...

- - - -,- - ...... - -, -
- - :t::::::t::-
- - - to - - - ... t-
"'0 = === _1_ - == -I == - = J = = I = = _ - - C_ =
- - ... - ... - I . . . _1_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ ... _ 1 _
1 1 I I I
2 ... - -... ,-... ... -,... - - , r _ ...
eo I I

(b) ro ==_= =1_ ==_== _ _ J _ _ _ _ _

~ --- --- --- -1-1- -- -- -- - ...- - -i
= =- = =,- - - =: : = = J =
2 ____ __ _ _ J _
, 1

- -

~ - - - ~ - -
- -t -

_ = _ J
_ _ J_
- - 1 - -

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 6.25 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by naturally sampled 120 DPWMMIN
discontinuous PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.9, le/lo = 30.
324 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

-- -- ------~ -----~-----
=- : = - =: =- [ : : : : : =I: _: : -:
- -- --
, -~
, I _

- - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - ,- - - - - -
________ L , _

- --t----
=:= _ -:: :-: :-c:= =
- - - - - - - 1- _ _ _

-11 I=I:U:11 I:I:U:U u-


- - - - -Hft-lft-llf ... t .. t-t .. l-tl- ...

- - ~ .1-11 ~H.I-I f'H .. IHf .. I i .. I i .. Iii ...........

10- 4 u.LL,LU",&,,,L,L,,U,..,,,L,&,,I...u..L.II.,,W.L.f,,,,I.,,I,,~"""""..Io..I,,,I,,I,..u.I~I.L,,L,,I,,,"""""~.r..&.I I
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

:: :: :: : :: ::': :: : :: :: ::
- - - - - - 1- - - - -

======,- , =- =: -- = - = J = .:
---------- , -- II
- - - - - - ,- - - --

: : : : : :I: : : : ::: - :::

- - - - - - '- - - - - - j
- - -
_z ;
- - - -
- - -
:: - - - - -
- - - - - - ,- - - - - -
- - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - -t - - - - - - --

______ ' - - --- JJ -_ _==

__ ___ =
=== _

- - - - - ,- - - - - - - - -
- 1 - - - - - - -
(b) === --- ==- - ----- ~-t - - - - - -

=== .r : :-= - = = j
= = - =
- - , I
--- ------1-
==_=_====J=== _
- - - - - - - - .!, -
- 1 -

10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 6.26 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter
modulated by naturally sampled 60 DPWMI PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M == 0.9, fe/fo = 30, spectra derived from
time-based switching simulation.
Comparison of Harmonic Performance 325

:1: : ~: ~

WTHDO= 1.68% :': : ~: WTHDO= 1.78%

, ool

, ,
I 1 1
, r r
I. I I I
_1- J J '- 10- 1 _I. J
: l t,

:': :. : ~
~ :.: ~ f
.. ~
, J .-
-1- -t

1 I ,I

, 1

10- 2
J : : = =: = = = = =
: .,~ :



: :

II I I :1 II 10- 4
10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(a) (b)

:t:= :: ~:: :': : ~: ~

WTHDO= 1.69%[
WTHDO= 1.67%

1- ~ -I- ~

J, , :1 J ,
i ,-
I I .1 I I
, I 1
, I

1 1

1 , , r
_1- J J '- _1- J J l _L

:': ~ ~
~ :': :. ~ f
.. :~
, -c
-1- I- -1- -t ~ -l-

, J I I
j i ,
,I I
, I
, -,- , 1
, I
, , , r
J : 10-2 .'-
:,: iJ: J L
~ FI: .,~ ;: ;
:1 '1-
j j [ .:

,,- I
,I I
, r


~ ~~ : ~ t t
: : : : : : : : : : : f-t-
,- : : : ::
j I
[ .:
, ,-
, r I-
10-4 I I I

10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number Harmonic Number
(c) (d)

Figure 6.27 Theoretical I-I harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter

modulated by
(a) naturallysampled 60 DPWMO PWM,
(b) naturallysampled 60 DPWMJ PWM,
(c) naturallysampled 60 DPWM2 PWM,
(d) naturallysampled 30 DPWM3 PWM,
M = 0.9, fe/fo = 30, spectra derived from
time-based switching simulation.
326 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

It can be particularly noted from these plots that the harmonic sideband
cancellations (e.g., the cancellation of odd harmonics around the first carrier
multiple) that is a feature of continuous modulation strategies no longer occurs.
In addition, the roll-off in magnitude of the sideband harmonic components is
much slower than for continuous modulation. In the first instance, it would be
expected that these additional harmonic components would cause an increased
WTHD compared to continuous modulation strategies, and indeed this is the
case (at least for the same switching frequency, as discussed in the next sec-
tion). Finally, it is illuminating to identify baseband triplen harmonics in the
phase leg voltages for discontinuous modulation, in Figures 6.25(a) and
6.26(a). These triplen harmonics are to be expected, since they are required for
PWM strategies to modulate beyond M = 1.0, up to the theoretical maximum
of M= 1.15.

6.11 Harmonic Losses for Discontinuous PWM

From the previous section, it should be clear that discontinuous switching pat-
terns lead to a suboptimal harmonic performance compared to continuous mod-
ulation arrangements in terms of the number and magnitude of carrier
sidebands that are generated. However, the advantage of these modulation
strategies arises from the reduction in the number of switch transitions per
phase leg that can be achieved over each fundamental cycle. This reduction
makes it possible to increase the carrier frequency for each variation by approx-
imately 3/2 compared to continuously switched regular or naturally sampled
PWM, while still maintaining the same number of device switch transitions for
each phase leg over a fundamental cycle. (It should be noted that the exact mul-
tiplier varies slightly for each discontinuous modulation alternative, because of
extra switch transitions that are required to change the clamped DC bus and the
position of the DC bus clamping interval.) For higher modulation indices, the
increased switching frequency leads then to an improvement in the WTHD per-
formance of discontinuous modulation compared to continuously switched
modulation despite the additional sideband harmonics that are generated.

This advantage can be" illustrated by calculating the RMS ripple current in
the same manner as was done in Section 6.5 for space vector modulation, using
the reference waveform segments listed in Tables 6.5 through to 6.10 for dis-
continuous modulation strategies DPWMMIN, DPWMMAX, DPWMI,
DPWMO, DPWM2, and DPWM3, respectively.
Harmonic Losses for Discontinuous PWM 327

The resultant closed-form solutions [12] for the harmonic current produced
by the various modulation strategies are (note that previous results already pre-
sented for continuous modulation strategies are reproduced here also for com-

Simple sinusoidal PWM

= (VLdC)2 ~T2[~M2
48 2
M3+ 2M4J

One-sixth third-harmonic injection PWM

/2ab, h, rms =(VdC)2~T2[~M2_4/3M3+M4J

L 48 2 1t
One-quarter third-harmonic injection PWM

= (VLdC)2 ~T2[~M2
48 2
M3+ 63
M4J (6.106)

Space vector PWM

ab, h, rms
= (VLdC)2~T2[~Al_
48 2
1t 8 2 8 1t


ab, h, rms
= (VLdC)2 ~T2[6M2
_ 35/3
M3+ (278 + 64
81 /3)AtJ
DPWMI discontinuous PWM

]2 = (VdC)2~T2[6M2_(45+4Jj)M3+(27 + 27Jj)M4J (6.109)

ab, h, rms L 48 21t 1t 8 32 1t
DPWM3 discontinuous PWM

ab, h, rms
= (VLdC)2~T2[6M2+(45
48 21t
_31Jj)M3+(27 + 27 Jj)M4J (6.110)
1t 8 16 1t
The harmonic distortion factors for the various modulation strategies,
defined as f(M) in Eq. (5.69), are compared in Figure 6.28(a). It is clear from
this figure that, as expected, the discontinuous modulation strategies produce
greater harmonic distortion and harmonic losses than continuous modulation
strategies for the same switching frequency.
However, since with discontinuous switching the inverter phase legs only
switch for two-thirds of the fundamental carrier period, the switching fre-
328 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

0.6 - - - - - - ,- - - - - - -, - - r - - - - - 1- - - - - - -

I 1

0.5 - - - - - - 1-
I _ - 1-



(a) 0.2
1/6 Third PWM

Space VectorPWM
0.1 - --- - - - - - - - - I - i/4 Thi~J pw~,f - -,- - - - - - -

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2
Modulation Index M
0.5r------------------------ I
Simple Sine PWM : I
- - - - - - I_
_ _ _ _ _ _' _
_ _ _ _ _ ~
_ _ _ _ _ _

0.4 - - - - -
- 1- - - - - -
-. - - - - - ,------,--
, I



Third PWM I
- - - , - - - - - - I - - - - - - ,- - - - - - -

(b) Space Vector PWM


0.1 - -I - - - - - - , - - - - - - r - -
11/4 Third PWM 1
1 ,

- - - - - - -I - - - - - - -l - - - - - - ... - - - - - - 1- - - - - - -
I I I 1

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2
Modulation Index M
Figure 6.28 Harmonic distortion factors (HDF) for different PWM
modulation strategies as a function of modulation index M
(a) same switchingfrequency and (b) discontinuous strategy
switchingfrequencies increased by 3/2.
Harmonic Losses for Discontinuous PWM 329

quency of these strategies can be increased by this amount for the same switch-
ing losses. Hence the HDFs for discontinuous modulation should be scaled by
(2/3)2 for a direct comparison with continuous modulation. These results are
shown in Figure 6.28(b), where it can be seen that discontinuous modulation
strategies now become harmonically advantageous at high modulation indices.

From a practical point of view, device losses are the key parameter for
comparing switching strategies. Switching losses essentially vary proportion-
ally to the magnitude of the instantaneous load current, for an inverter operat-
ing with a constant DC bus voltage. Hence for a unity power factor load, the
switching losses for a continuously switching phase leg over one half of a fun-
damental cycle are

P loss( continuous) = Ve I mn J cos e de (6.111)

where 17e is an equivalent DC voltage for determining the switching losses.

Equation (6.111) readily works out to
p/os s(continuous) = ~ Vel m (6.112)

i.e., the average value of a sine wave, as one would expect.

For the case of DPWMI 60 discontinuous modulation, switching losses

do not occur over the region -1t1 6 ~ e ~ 1t/6 , so that

P/oss(DPWMI ) = Vim ~[ cose de+ j/2cos e del (6.113)
-n/2 n16)

which can be evaluated to give

P/os s(DPWM1) = ~ Velm = 0.5P/os s (continuous) (6.114)

or one half of the switching losses of continuous modulation. In a similar man-

ner it can be determined that

p/os s ( PWMMIN,PWMMAX) = ~ 2( 4J3)

1- Velm = 0.567 P1os s (continuous)

P/os s ( D PWM 3) = ~ J3) Vel

2(32-"2" m = O.634P/oss(continuous) (6.116)
330 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

When the power factor of the load is not unity, as is invariably the case
with practical loads, the above calculations will change since the peak of the
load current no longer coincides with the peak of the target fundamental wave-
form. As identified previously, discontinuous strategies DPWMO and DPWM2
offer some benefit in this case, since they slew the DC bus clamping intervals
by 30 leading and 30 lagging, respectively. Hence, they will achieve the
minimum switching loss condition for loads with power factors of 0.866 (lead-
ing or lagging as appropriate). Obviously, it is possible to go further and design
0 0
a 60 discontinuous modulation strategy that would clamp for 60 anywhere
0 0
within the region +60 to -60 around the peak of the phase leg reference
voltage. This would allow minimum loss discontinuous switching to be
achieved for loads with power factors of between 0.866 leading and 0.866 lag-
ging, which covers the range of many typical loads. Finally, it is also possible
to modulate with 60 discontinuous switching outside of this power factor
range, with the cost of some loss of maximum modulation index [12].
This analysis also suggests that it is possible to increase the switching fre-
quency of discontinuous modulation strategies by more than 3/2, and still have
the same overall losses. However, the calculations are only approximate since
they are based on the harmonic current loss expressions which in tum assume
an infinite switching frequency. Also, the harmonic losses for discontinuous
modulation increase away from the minimum loss condition as the power fac-
tor of the load varies from the optimum value, and an allowance must be main-
tained for this mismatch. Finally, discontinuous switching strategies require an
additional switching transition as the DC bus clamp varies from positive to
negative, and this has not been considered in the calculations so far. For a prac-
tical modulation system operating at realistically low switching frequencies, all
of these issues must be taken into account when comparing continuous versus
discontinuous modulation strategies. Nevertheless, discontinuous modulation
does offer considerable advantages at high modulation indexes.

6.12 Single-Edge SVM

The effect of single-edge modulation for a SVM harmonic injection strategy is
similar to that using the regular sampled technique but with an increased fourth
harmonic and decreased second-harmonic low-order component compared to
Figure 5.8(d). Detailed results for this variation are not presented here since
they contribute little additional fundamental understanding regarding the
Switched Pulse Sequence 331

effects of single-edge modulation. Similarly, discontinuous single-edge modu-

lation for a three-phase VSI is not explored further, except to comment that it
simply produces a degraded spectral response compared to the previous
schemes described.

6.13 Switched Pulse Sequence

It has been shown that the major parameter which defines all three-phase VSI
modulation alternatives is the zero space vector pulse position. However, the
sequence of the active space vectors within a half carrier period and across
multiple half carrier periods can also effect the harmonic performance of the
modulation algorithms, similar to the effect described for a single-phase VSI in
Section 4.6.1.
In general, the pulse sequence for a three-phase VSI is constrained by
switching considerations. Once an active space vector has been selected, the
minimum switching transition is to switch to the next nearest space vector
when appropriate, and then to a zero space vector for continuous modulation,
or back to the previous space vector for discontinuous modulation. While it is
theoretically feasible to insert an additional zero between the two active space
vectors, as mentioned in Section 6.6, this increases the phase leg switching fre-
quency for no harmonic benefit, and is therefore of little practical value.
The effect of this switching constraint is that the normal switched pulse
sequence for a three-phase VSI operating under continuous conduction is

\ ....
where S Vi and S ~ represent the two nearest stationary space vector compo-

For discontinuous conduction, when the SVo zero space vector is elimi-
nated, for example, the switched pulse sequence is

SV7 -> SV.I -> SV.] -> SV.] -> SV.I -> SV7 (6.118)

1'-~T/2 ~I r---~T/2----"
332 Zero Space Vector PlacementModulation Strategies

Single-edge modulation creates the following pulse sequences:

SV7 -> SV; -> S~ -> SVo -> SV7 -> SV; -> SJ} -> SVo

I" I1TI2 ~II" I1T/2 ~I

for continuous modulation, and

SV7 -> SV.I

SV. -> SV7 -> SV.I sv.

I" I1T/2 ~II" I1T/2 ~I

for single-edge discontinuous modulation (SVo eliminated).
Some variations on these sequences have been proposed [12] which
achieve limited harmonic benefits at best when their effect on phase leg
switching frequencies are considered. However, the intrinsic switching con-
straints of the VSI topology leave little scope for significant variations in
switch sequence.
The other major pulse sequence issue for a three-phase VSI occurs with
60 discontinuous modulation at the space vector boundaries, where the zero
- -
space vector usage changes between SVo and SV7 Figure 6.16(a) shows the
common variation, where the position of the zero space vector shifts by one
- -
half carrier period as the zero vector usage changes from SVo to SV7 . The
shift occurs because it is usually easier to build a modulator which maintains a
constant switching sequence across successive half carrier periods. Hence, for
example, at time Ii, either two- or three-phase legs are always switched to the
positive DC rail, while at time li+ 1 either two- or three-phase legs are always
switched to the negative DC rail (the third phase leg will be switched to the
opposite DC rail if the inverter is currently producing an active space vector
The alternative approach would be to arrange the inverter switching so that
the zero space vectors are always placed across the same half carrier period
transitions. For example, this would mean changing the switching sequence to
move say SV7 in Figure 6.16(a) to always occur at time 1;+1. This could be
achieved by inverting all phase legs simultaneously at each 60 space vector
transition boundary. One approach to achieve this would be to invert the carrier
waveform for every second sextant. But, of course, this would result in a con-
sequential increase in modulation controller complexity.
Summary 333

Figure 6.29 shows the harmonic spectra for these two alternative place-
ments of the zero space vector in successive sextants, and they are clearly quite
different. For the case where the switching sequence shifts the zero space vec-
tor one half carrier period in each successive sextant, the spectrum is more
spread out, with flatter carrier sideband peaks. For the case where the switch-
ing sequence does not shift the zero space vector placement, the harmonic
spectra more resembles 120 0 discontinuous modulation with larger low-order
sideband peaks but a faster roll-off. There is also better cancellation of har-
monics between phase legs for this sequence.
The selection of the "best" of these two alternatives is not straightforward,
since based on the WTHD, there is virtually no difference between the two
approaches for the modulation conditions analyzed. But equally, one.sequence
may achieve a lower WTHD for other modulation indices and/or carrier fre-
quencies. This would need to be checked by more extensive simulation studies
for a practical implementation, operating with the particular modulation condi-
tions of interest. Overall, pulse sequence is an important factor in a modulation
implementation and needs to be considered carefully, particularly for discon-
tinuous switching arrangements.

6.14 Summary
This chapter has further extended the concepts of pulse width determination,
pulse position, and pulse sequence for a three-phase VSI. The pulse placement
concepts which have been presented offer a clear physical explanation as to
why the differences between the alternative modulation strategies occur. It has
been shown that the third-harmonic injection and space vector modulation
methods achieve essentially the same pulse placement objective, indirectly via
third-harmonic injection and by direct calculation in the case of space vector
modulation. The extension has identified the placement, of the zero space vec-
tor as the major factor in the implementation of a particular PWM algorithm
and has demonstrated how the same basic concepts can be found in all major
PWM variations that have been proposed in the literature.
In this context, discontinuous modulation can be regarded as a pulse place-
ment variation of continuous modulation concepts, achieved by the elimination
of selected zero space vectors for sections of the fundamental cycle. This elim-
ination allows a higher effective carrier frequency to be implemented for the
334 ZeroSpace VectorPlacement Modulation Strategies

- - -- - - - - -- - - :::: ~ :: :: : ~ ~ I WTHDO= I 78%

= _= J - [ _ = =_- 1= _===-
~ - --- ~
- - I'- - - - - -
1 - - r -r --
1 I ,

- - '- - - - - -
--I- -- -

J = - == - -,= =- =-
.! - '--- --
, I

(a) ,
--- J = = = =
- - -- -
_ J
- .!
- , I


- ~
- -i -

_ _ = J
- - ..!
- - , 1

10- 4 1"I",&"..~.a....r...L...L.L.."""""~~"""""'''""''''''-I."""","",,,--'-'-''''''''--I'''''''''~...&..L....I.I.I
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

~ ~ : ~ : ~:~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ : : : : : : 1WTHDO= 1.78%

==- ===,= == =__ :' - = === =J : _- =I ==- ===,= =_===
- - - - _'_ - - - - _' - - - I _ _ I '_ _ _

I I I f '
- - -- -,- ---- ., - - r - - - -r - - --
, I I I I
_L '- _
- - - - - -,- - -

: : : : : : ': : : : : :: :1: ::
-- -- ,-------,-
- - - -, - - - -

.: ~
- j

.. - - ,- - - --
==== _ '_ ===: =:' = =- == J .: .r .:
- -
- - - -
.- -
- - '
- - .!
I .r'- - -- --
, I I

(b) :::--:, ::: : 1=== ==

, _
'- - -
- - - -
- -
-I - - - - -
- -- - "1-i
,- - -
I- - -
r - -
- - I -
- - --- I _ J
I: _= = =
, -_.! 1- _ _ __

-- , , --, I I
r -
I - - j t,
- 1=: : ~ ,: -- ::
-- - -, -- - 1-- ---i -- -~- --- ,--- __

, '- ~ - '- - - --
-- ---, , -- --
-- -- , ,- -r- .- - -

I 0- 4 u..-........~..I-o-~--.......&.o-..........---..~~---'-"""""""-.........~

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 6.29 Simulated I-I harmonic spectra for three-phase inverter
modulated by regularly sampled DPWMI discontinuous
PWM: (a) zero space vector position alternating every 60
and (b) zero space vector position constant in successive
carrier periods, M = 0.9, !clio = 30.
References 335

same number of phase leg switching transitions over the complete fundamental
cycle, which achieves an improved WTHD performance for higher modulation
indices. Conceptually, discontinuous conduction becomes advantageous when
the oscillatory placement of continuously modulated active space vector com-
ponents across two half carrier periods causes more carrier sideband harmonic
distortion than is caused by the more numerous, but higher frequency, sideband
harmonics of discontinuous modulation.

[1] J. Holtz and S. Stadtfeld, "A predictive controller for the stator current vector of
ac machines fed from a switched voltage source," in Conf. Rec. IPEC Conf.,
Tokyo, 1983,pp. 1665-1675.
[2] H.W. Van der Broeck, H. Skudelny, and G. Stanke, "Analysis and realization of
a pulse width modulator based on voltage space vectors," IEEE Trans. on Indus-
try Applications., vol. 24, no. 1, Jan.lFeb., 1988, pp. 142-150.
[3] O. Ogasawara, H. Akagi, and A. Nabae, "A novel PWM scheme of voltage
source inverters based on space vector theory," in Conf. Rec. European Power
Electronics Con! (EPE), Aachen, 1989, pp. 1197-1202.
[4] H.W. Van der Broeck and H.C. Skudelny, "Analytical analysis of the harmonic
effects of a PWM ac drive," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2,
MarchiApril 1988, pp. 216-223.
[5] M. Depenbrock, "Pulsewidth control of a 3-phase inverter with non-sinusoidal
phase voltages," in ConfRec. IEEE Industry Applications Society Int. Semicon-
ductor Power Converter Conf., 1997, pp. 399-403.
[6] S. Bhattacharya, D.G Holmes, and D.M. Divan, "Optimizing three phase cur-
rent regulators for low inductance loads," in Conf. Rec. IEEE Industry Applica-
tions Society Annual Mtg., Orlando, 1995, pp. 2357-2366.
[7] J.F. Moynihan, M.G Egan, and J.M.D. Murphy, "Theoretical spectra of space-
vector-modulated waveforms," lEE Proceedings (London) Electr. Power Appli-
cations, vol. 145, no. 1, Jan. 1998, pp. 17-24.
[8] S.R. Bowes and A. Midoun, "Suboptimal switching strategies for microproces-
sor-controlled PWM inverter drives," lEE Proceedings (London), vol. 132, Pte
B, no. 3., May 1985, pp. 133-148.
[9] IT. Boys and B.E. Walton, "A loss minimised sinusoidal PWM inverter," lEE
Proceedings (London), vol. 132, Pte B, no. 5, Sept. 1985, pp. 260-268.
[10] S. Fukuda and Y. Iwaji, "A single-chip microprocessor-based PWM technique
for sinusoidal inverters," in Con! Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society
Annual Mtg., Pittsburgh, 1988, pp. 921-926.
336 Zero Space Vector Placement Modulation Strategies

[11] J.W. Kolar, H. Ertl, and F.C. Zach, "Calculation of the passive and active com-
ponent stress of three phase PWM converter system with high pulse rate," in
Conf. Rec. European Power Electronics (EPE), Aachen, 1989, pp. 1303-1311.
[12] H.W. Van der Broeck, "Analysis of the harmonics in voltage fed converter
drives caused by PWM schemes with discontinuous switching operation," in
Conf. Rec. European Power Electronics Conf. (EPE), Florence, 1991, pp.
Modulation of Current Source
The majority of this work on pulse width modulation relates to the control of a
voltage source/stiff inverter (VSI), since this topology has a number of charac-
teristics which make it more attractive for many applications. In particular, a
VSI requires a fixed DC voltage supply which is easily created from an AC
source using a simple rectifier, and is also suitable for open-loop modulation
for low-performance variable speed drive systems without requiring expensive
feedback transducers. The major modulation strategies for a VSI are analog
natural sampled sine-triangle PWM, regular sampled PWM, and more recently
space vector modulation. Each approach has particular advantages and disad-
vantages, which have already been documented.
In contrast, there has been considerably less research work into the control
and modulation of the alternative current source/stiff inverter (CSI) topology.
This topology has the benefit of implicit short circuit protection, and direct
capability of reverse power flow back to an AC supply when the current source
is based around a thyristor controlled rectifier (as is often the case). However,
variable speed drive operation of an induction motor using a CSI can only be
achieved using a closed-loop control system. Nevertheless, the CSI topology
has considerable potential in drive systems particularly in high-power applica-
tions, provided a modulation performance similar to a VSI can be achieved [1].
However, this advantage has not been widely exploited to date.
In this chapter, a general method of adapting any VSI modulation strategy
to suit a CSI is presented. The method works by treating the modulation pro-
cess simply as a way of generating active and zero switching states, and then
mapping these states to their equivalent CSI switch pattern. With this
approach, all of the existing knowledge and experience relating to modulation
and control of a VSI is readily applicable to a CSI, without requiring any addi-
tional research or development of specific modulation algorithms. Much of the
material presented comes from the research work of Dr. D.N. Zmood [2].

338 Modulation of Current Source Inverters

7.1 Three-Phase Modulators as State Machines

It has been shown that conventional three-phase two-level inverters can only
change between a limited number of switch combinations, which can be identi-
fied as six active states and two null states for a VSI. In this same manner,
examination of the switch states for the CSI again reveals six active states plus
three null states in which short circuits occur in the three legs of the CSI. Each
of the active states directly map to six stationary output phasors, spaced
equally at 60 intervals around the complex plane, as shown in Figure 7.1.
In terms of a state machine, the modulation objectives for a three-phase
inverter are:
The identification of the active states required to achieve a target output
The placement and sequencing of these active states in conjunction
with additional nulls as required.

8 1S3S5

St S2

.-S1 S4

8 4S 5

868 1

(a) Three-Phase VSI (b) Three-Phase CSI

Figure 7.1 Topologies and space vector states for three-phase VSI
and CSI configurations.
Three-Phase Modulators as State Machines 339

The well-known "standard" PWM strategies achieve these objectives either

implicitly or explicitly when applied to VSI control. For example, naturally or
regular sampled three-phase VSI modulators both generate six active states
and two null states, while 120 discontinuous three-phase VSI modulators
generate six active states and one null state.
Using the state concepts developed above, a CSI can be directly controlled
by any VSI modulation strategy if the active states created by the modulator
are mapped to the six stationary space vectors, and hence to the switch combi-
nations associated with these phasors, as follows.

State 1 ~ SV I ~ SCI State 2 ~ SV2 <=> SC 2

State 5 <=> SVs <=> SC s State 6 <=> SV6 <=> SC6

However, it should be noted that the resultant output current for a CSI will be
displaced 30 compared to the VSI modulator reference waveforms because
of the phase shift in the state phasors used by the CSI. Of course, this can be
easily compensated by phase shifting the reference inputs to the modulator.
Next, it is necessary to determine how the CSI null states should relate to
the modulator state outputs, which is done as follows:
For a VSI, the identification of the minimum switch transition null states
by the modulation process is often implicit (especially for sine-triangle modu-
lation) and may not be identifiable as a separate part of the modulation process.
This is particularly so because the output of each phase leg sine-triangle com-
parison is a binary quantity (i.e., on or off), and this maps to the VSI phase leg
"either upper or lower" switching requirements on a one-to-one relationship.
For a CSI, there is no direct mapping between the binary output of a sine-
triangle phase leg modulator and the inverter phase legs because each phase
leg can adopt one of three states (either upper on, lower on, or oft). Hence an
explicit minimum switch criterion must be developed to determine how the
three null states of a CSI should be used.
From Figure 7.1, the CSI switch logic control signals which relate to each
CSI state are defined by the simple logical combinations of
340 Modulation of Current Source Inverters

SI(CSi) = SC6 + SCI + SC 7 (7.1)

S2(CSi) = SCt + SC2 + SC9 (7.2)
S3(CSi) = SC2 + SC 3 + 8C g (7.3)

S4(CSi) = SC 3 + SC 4 + SC 7 (7.4)

SS(CSi) = SC4 + SC S + SC9 (7.5)

S6(CSi) = SCS + SC 6 + SCg (7.6)

where SC 7 , SC g , SC 9 are the three null states corresponding to the shorting

of switched pairs S I (csi) -S4(csi)' S3(csi) -S6(csi) ' and SS(csi) -S2(CSi) ' respec-
tively. Note that in these equations, SCx' x = 1, ... , 8, denote logic variables
that simply identify when the CSI is in a particularspace vector state.
The CSI switch control logic signals can also be defined in terms of switch
outputs from a VSI modulator, i.e.,

St(CSi) = S6(CSi)*SI(vSi) + SC7 (7.7)

S2(csi) = St(cSi)*S2(vSi) + SC9 (7.8)

S3(CSi) = S2(csi)*S3(vsi) + SCg (7.9)

S4(csi) = *
S3(CSi) S4(vsi) + SC 7 (7.10)

SS(csi) = S4(cSi)*SS(VSi) + SC9 (7.11 )

S6(CSi) = SS(csi)*S6(VSi) + SC g (7.12)

which is similar to the approachdeveloped by [1].

The identification of when a null state is required can now be determined
either directly from the state modulator (i.e., by identifying when an active
state is not required) or indirectlyderived from the outputsof a VSI modulator
using the logic identity

null = SI(vsi) S3(VSi) SS(VSi) + SI(VSi) S3(VSi) SS(vSi) (7.13)

where the overbar on these symbols designate the logic complement of the
phase leg switch state. This result can be mapped to one of the three real CSI
nulls based on the last known active state, according to Table 7.1.
This approach ensures the same (minimum) number of switching transi-
tions as for an equivalentVSI modulatorand suits modulation strategieswhich
Three-Phase Modulators as State Machines 341

Table 7.1 CSI Zero States for Minimum Switching Frequency,

Equivalent Triangular Carrier

Last Active State Last VSI Switch State Null State

- -
SCI SI(VSi) S6(vsi) S2(vsi) SC 9
- -
SC2 Sl(vsi) S3(VSi) S2(vsi) SCg
- -
SC 3 S4(vsi) S3(vsi) S2(vSi) SC 7
- -
SC4 S4(vsi) S3(vsi) SS(VSi) SC9
- -
SCS S4(vsi) S6(vsi) SS(vsi) SCg
- -
SC 6 Sl(vsi) S6(vsi) SS(vsi) SC7

exit from the null state back to the same "last active state". Such strategies
essentially use an explicit or implicit triangular carrier waveform, which
reverses the sequence of the active states in each half carrier cycle.
For example, the active states required in the first sextant of CSI modula-
- -
tion are SC6 and SCI' and the state sequence for continuous switching modu-
lation would be

null} ~ SC6 ~ SCI ~ null, -4 SCI ~ SC6 ~ null. (7.14)

From Table 7.1, the correct null states for minimum switching with this state
sequence are

Discontinuous switching removes one null state, so that the state sequence
would become

Similar sequences can be established for all sextants of modulation using
Table 7.1. However, the approach used in Table 7.1 does not take advantage of
the additional reduction in switching transitions that can be achieved with a
CSI by virtue of the extra null state that is available. An alternative approach is
to identify the null state to be used from the sextant of the reference wave-
forms, according to Table 7.2. This approach allows an equivalent sawtooth
carrier to be used without the penalty of extra switching from one null state to
another that occurs for a VSI.
342 Modulation of Current Source Inverters

Table 7.2 CSI Zero States for Minimum Switching Frequency,

Equivalent Saw Tooth Carrier

Last Active Last Active

Sextant State #1 State #2 null

-1t/6 ~ 1t/6 - - -
-1t/6 ~ nl2 SCI SC 2 SC 9
1t/2 ~ 51t/6 SC2 SC3 SCg
51t/6 ~ 71t/6 SC3 SC4 SC7
71t/6 ~ 31t/2 SC4 SC s SC9
31t/2 ~ -1t/6 SCs SC6 SCg

For example, continuous sawtooth modulation for a VSI produces the state
sequence over one carrier interval of

where the transition from null SV7 to null SVo in the next carrier interval
requires extra switch transitions on two phase legs and hence five switch tran-
sitions overall per carrier period. Discontinuous modulation reduces this to
four switch transitions because one null state is no longer required.
The equivalent sawtooth modulation for a CSI using the null definitions of
Table 7.2 produces the state sequence over one carrier interval of

where the transition from null to null in the next carrier interval, of course,
requires no switch transitions. Hence the total number of switch transitions is
only three over the carrier interval irrespective of whether continuous or dis-
continuous modulation is used (the only difference is the placement of the
active states within the carrier period). Consequently the sawtooth carrier fre-
quency can be set to twice that ofa triangular carrier (which requires six switch
transitions), and this can give significant harmonic benefits at higher modula-
tion indices as discussed previously.
A further advantage of this general approach to CSI modulation is that sat-
uration is implicitly managed in the same way as for VSI modulation. Irrespec-
tive of the modulation algorithm that is implemented, saturation of the
Naturally Sampled CSI Space Vector Modulator 343

modulator still simply creates a sequence of active states over the carrier
period, and these states map immediately to their CSI counterparts.
Finally, the concept of third-harmonic injection is still relevant with the
modulation mapping concept presented here. The prime function of third-har-
monic injection strategies is to move the position of the active states within
each carrier interval to achieve maximum modulation index and decreased
low-order harmonics, and these requirements apply equally to CSI modulation.

7.2 Naturally Sampled CSI Space Vector Modulator

From the ideas of zero vector placement in the carrier interval the analog
equivalent of regular sampled SVM was developed previously for use with a
VSI. Since it has already been shown how any VSI modulator can be mapped
to control a CSI, the concept of an analog Space Vector modulator for a CSI is
obvious, and needs no further development. Essentially, the modulator uses the
envelope of the three-phase reference waveforms to develop an offset which
centers the active states in the middle of each half carrier interval, and the har-
monic benefits of this placement are equally applicable to a VSI or a CSI.

7.3 Experimental Confirmation

The generalized modulation approach for a CSI presented here has been con-
firmed experimentally by taking conventional VSI modulation systems and
mapping the switch outputs from the modulators through "a programmable
logic device (PLD) using Eqs. (7.7) to (7.12) and Table 7.1 to control the CSI
switches. The crossover delay in the VSI modulators was set to zero for these
experiments, and it was assumed that IGBT switching delays in the CSI would
provide sufficient overlap for current commutation. The experimental con-
verter had ratings of lOA, 5 kW, and the DC current source was supplied from
a lOA current regulated power supply through a 80 mH air cored inductor.
Figure 7.2 shows the switched line currents and associated harmonics for a
single-phase CSI controlled by a naturally sampled VSI modulator. The carrier
frequency was 1050 Hz, and the elimination of the carrier frequency sideband
components can be clearly seen in Figure 7.2(b), as would be expected for a
three-level single-phase modulation system.
344 Modulation of Current Source Inverters

CSI - Nat. PWM, I Phase, Line Current

M= 0.9 Ie = 1050 Hz
Timebase = 2ms/div


o Degrees 360

CSI - ~ ~ Single Phase, FFTAnaysis

5.6 Vrms

I M=0.9


~ A ~ t ~J ~~ ft ~

~ ft~~ V~V Wl V~I ~M~ ~~ ~


o 640 1280 1600 2440 3200

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7.2 (a) Experimental switched current for single-phase CSI

controlled by naturally sampled VSI modulation and (b)
measured resulting spectrum, M = 0.9, Ie = 50 Hz [3].
Summary 345

Figure 7.3 shows the switched line currents and associated harmonics for a
three-phase CSI controlled by a regular sampled VSI modulator without third-
harmonic injection. The carrier frequency was 1050 Hz, and the spectrum
shows the well-known two major sideband harmonics either side of the (sup-
pressed) carrier frequency.
Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show the harmonic spectrum of the line current for a
three-phase CSI controlled by regular sampled PWM with third-harmonic
injection, and by analog space vector modulation, respectively.
Figures 7.3(b), 7.4, and 7.5, show in particular the expected reduction of
the two major carrier sideband components in favor of the wider and higher
frequency sidebands, as the modulation strategy moves from regular sampled
PWM, through third-harmonic injection, to centered space vector modulation.
These results match exactly the results obtained previously using the same
modulators to directly control a VSI, and confirm that the mapping concept
does achieve exactly the same modulation performance for a CSI as for a VSI
controlled by the same PWM strategy.
Figure 7.6 shows the harmonic spectrum of the line current for 60 discon-
tinuous modulation, with a modulation calculation frequency adjusted to main-
tain the same number of switch transitions per phase leg. The result is the
expected wider and more complex sideband progression, but the weighted
THO performance will still be improved because of the higher frequencies of
the harmonic components.

7.4 Summary
This chapter has described a generalized approach to the modulation control of
a CSI, which enables all types of fixed-frequency VSI modulation strategies to
be readily applied to a CSI. The approach used is to map the active states of the
VSI modulator to equivalent active states for the CSI. Then CSI null states are
chosen for the periods when no active state is required, selected so as to mini-
mize the number of switch transitions so the carrier frequency can be maxi-
mized for a given amount of device switching losses. The result is a series of
PWM modulators for a CSI which achieve exactly the same harmonic perfor-
mance as their equivalent VSI controller.
346 Modulation of Current Source Inverters

CSI - Reg. PWM, 3 Phase, Line Current


(a) '-


o Degrees 360

CSt - Feg PVVM, llYee Phase, FFT~ysis

1.0 V rms
I 1

I M=O.9


)J ~l
~AflA ~A
~ ~VVI M'V~
~ ~~b~~

o 640 1280 1600 2440 3200

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7.3 (a) Experimental switched current for three-phase CSI

controlled by regular sampled sine-triangle modulation
without third-harmonic injection and (b) corresponding
experimental harmonic spectrum [3].
Summary 347

CSI- Feg PVVM +1/63rd, Three Phase, FFTAnalysis

1.0 Vrms

I M=0.9
I ~

~l~ ~ I~ )I~ rI ~A ~ ~ ~r
n 1'1 T 1
, ~
10 ~Vrms

o 640 1280 1600 2440 3200

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7.4 Experimental harmonic spectrum for three-phase CSI
controlled by regular sampled sine-triangle modulation with
third-harmonic injection, M= 0.9 [3].

CSI-Nct. S\A\,1, T1TeeP~e, FFTAAaysis

1.0 Vrms I

M= 1.05

~ ~

( \

~ ~ \
~ ~J'1 IA
~~ ,

o 640 1280 1600 2440 3200

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7.5 Experimental harmonic spectrum for three-phase CSI
controlled by natural space vector modulation, M = 1.05 [3].
348 Modulation of Current Source Inverters

CSI-ED dad dsrortinLDLS, TtTm R'la;e, FFTArdysis

1.0 Vrms

- -
~ ~ r
~ ~
~ n

o 640 1280 1600 2440 3200

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7.6 Experimental harmonic spectrum for three-phase CSI

controlled by 60 discontinuous modulation, M= 0.9 [3].

The concepts presented here have been verified experimentally by map-

ping the output of a number of VSI modulation systems to obtain switch con-
trol signals for a test CSI. The harmonic spectra of the resultant switched
output currents exactly match their VSI counterparts and hence confirm the
viability of the approach.

[1] G. Joos, G Moschopoulos, and P.o. Ziogas, "A high performance current
source inverter," in Conf. Rec. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf.
(PESC), Cambridge MA, 1991, pp. 123-130.
[2] D.N. Zmood, "A systematic development of improved linear regulators for
sinusoidal power converters," Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Australia,
[3] D.N. Zmood and D.G. Holmes, "Generalised approach to the modulation of
current source inverters," in Conf. Rec. IEEE' Power Electronics Specialist
Co~(PESC), Fukuoka, 1998,pp. 739-745.
Overmodulation of an Inverter
It has been shown in Chapters 5 and 6, that by either adding a third-harmonic
component to natural or regular sampled PWM or by adopting the space vector
modulation strategy, the range of linear control of the output fundamental com-
ponent can be extended by a factor of 1.15 from VI = Vde to
VI = (2/J3)Vdc = 1.15Vdc However, it has also been shown in Eq. (1.7)
that for a six-step square-wave controlled inverter, the magnitude of the output
fundamental voltage is VI = (4/1t)Vdc = I.273Vdc . Increasing the output
voltage of a PWM-controlled inverter from 1.15 Vdc to the limit of 1.273 Vdc ,
is achieved by entering the nonlinear region of overmodulation, within which
the modulation controller gain (the ratio between the target reference and the
actual inverter output voltage) decreases from 1 to 0 as switched pulses pro-
gressively disappear.
The reader might question why it is necessary to enter this region at all
since the maximum modulation index could simply be restricted to the end of
the linear control region, that is, VI = 1.15 Vde: However, it can be recalled
that if a diode rectifier is operating in continuous conduction, its average DC
voltage is given by 2 Vdc = 1.35 Vp /J2 . Hence the maximum inverter peak
I-n output voltage will be limited to

and a motor rated at the input line voltage would still not reach rated power
even with third-harmonic injection or space vector modulation. On the other
hand if the inverter can reach square-wave operation, then the peak output volt-
age will be VI = (4ht) 1.35 V/(2.)2) = 1.053( V/ J3), which is, ideally,
50/0 greater than the peak I-n input voltage. While this additional 5% capability
is not typically offered to a customer, it is an important reserve for making up
the losses in the drive electronics. On the other hand, if the inverter limits at
950/0 of rated voltage, a nontrivial 50/0 (or more) of the power is inaccessible
from motor that is rated at the voltage of the AC input, a significant disadvan-
tage from an applications point of view.
350 Overmodulationof an Inverter

8.1 The Overmodulation Region

The region of operation between the loss of linear control (M = 1.15) and com-
plete loss of control (M = 1.27) is called the overmodulation region. When
overmodulation occurs, the modulation index M exceeds the triangle wave as
shown in Figure 8.1. Note that when M > 1, or M> 1.15 as appropriate, the
actual resultant fundamental component does not linearly follow M, and the
controller is said to have saturated. Consequently, the shape of the output volt-
age waveform is only partially under control. Since the modulator effectively
loses control of the output waveform during the saturation intervals, the output
waveform becomes progressively distorted and includes low-frequency har-
monics of the fundamental component. The final result is the "six-step" wave-
form corresponding to simple square-wave operation of each phase leg. The
process of dropping pulses from the 'output waveform is termed overmodula-
tion and will now be examined in detail.

(a) o
,, I



: I

: - - -IV - - ;-

- ---
-: - - - - - - -. - "
: ~ /

' . :- - - - - - -

: : ", .: , Triangle Carrier Wave

, ' .... .," I


------ -4
--- -- - -
--- --- ~- - - - 1

-- ---- - - --- - --

(b) 0 ------ - -- -- - '"j --- --- - - -- ---

---- -- --- --- "'f ------ - - ------

--- - -- - --- ---

1800 2400
Figure 8.1 Overmodulated naturally sampled PWM: (a) reference and
carrier waves, and (b) switched phase leg output, M = 1.5.
Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of One Phase Leg of an Inverter 351

8.2 Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of

One Phase Leg of an Inverter
It is useful to begin again with the modulation of one phase leg of an inverter,
discussed previously in Chapter 3. The solution process in general involves
evaluation of the double Fourier integral expression

Cmn = A mn + ]B mn =
1t 1t

f(x,y)e j(mx+ny) dx dy (8.2)

-1t -1t

where f(x, y) defines the value of the switched waveform as the modulation
process proceeds and Cmn defines the magnitude of the (mOle + nOlo)th har-
monic component of this waveform.
To define f( x, y) in the overmodulation region it is first necessary to
define the carrier and reference functions in terms of the time-dependent vari-
ables x and y shown in Figure 8.2. Referring to this figure, the triangular carrier
waveform is defined by
f(x) = - 1 - - for -1t ~ X <0 (8.3)

f(x) = -1 +- for 0 ~ x < 1t (8.4)

while the reference waveform is defined by

J(y) = Mcosy (8.5)

M ...----- r-------.

Ot-----1I~--t----#---+--~ Ot-----ir-----+---+----+-----I~

o 1t

Figure 8.2 Triangle carrier waveform and fundamental reference
waveform in the x and y subvariable space for M"?- 1.0.
352 Overmodulation of an Inverter

Combining Eqs. (8.3) to (8.5), and using the knowledge that the phase leg
switches from zero to + 2 Vde only when the reference sine wave is greater than
the carrier, leads to the following expressions for f( x, Y) .
During the interval -1t ~ X < 0 when the triangle wave is decreasing,

f(x,y) = 2 Vdc when Mcosy> - 1 - 2: [i.e., x < -~(l + MCOSY )] (8.6)

and otherwise equals zero.

During the interval 0 ~ x ~ 1t when the triangle wave is increasing,

f(x,y) = 2VdCwhenMcOSy>-1+ : [i.e.,x<~(l+Mcosy)J (8.7)

and otherwise equals zero.

Equations (8.6) and (8.7) lead to the unit cell contour plot for overmodula-
tion shown in Figure 8.3. Note that the point of intersection of the reference
waveform with the y axis is where
-( 1 + Mcos'V) = 1t (8.8)


1t 1t
--(1 + Mcosy) 2(1 + Mcosy)


Figure 8.3 Unit cell for double-edge naturally sampled two-level PWM
under overmodulation conditions.
Naturally Sampled Overrnodulation of One Phase Leg of an Inverter 353

in which case

'V = cos -I( MJI'" (8.9)

The general form of the Fourier integral, Eq. (8.2), can now be written as

2( 1 + Mcosy)

j(mx + ny)dx j(mx + ny)
e dy e 'dx dy


1t - 'V 2" (1 + Mcosy)
+ /(mx+n ) dx dy

-~( I + Mcosy)

which can be solved using the solution process described in Appendix 4 to
determine the magnitude of the harmonic components for various index values
of m and n. The complete solution for naturally sampled overmodulation of
one inverter phase leg can then be written as


r: L [2n~l]Sin([2n-lJ'JI)
+ --

cos([2n - 1]ooot)
1t _ ".sin2n\jf + sin(2[n - 1]'J1)J
11=2 .lJ'~L n [n-l]

00 00

m == I n =-00
(n ~ 0)
354 Overmodulation of an Inverter

where Cmn is given by

ki; Inl
x [Sin ( [n + k] 'II) + sin ( [n - k] 'II )J
[n+k] [n-k]
and 'II is defined by

-l(M)I') for M> 1
w= (8.13)
o for M'5: 1

Not unexpectedly, the solution for the voltage with respect to the DC bus cen-
ter point z is simply Eq. (8.11) without the Vdc offset term. Also, Eq. (8.11)
readily devolves back to the solution for linear modulation of Eq. (3.39) for
W = 0, since all (sinxw) terms become zero for any n.
Figure 8.4 shows the spectral plot corresponding to Eq. (8.11) for the con-
ditions of M = 1.5 and a carrier/fundamental ratio of fcllo = 21 . Note that
the calculation of these harmonics must be done carefully, allowing for phasor
summation between the harmonic components of the various baseband and
sideband groups. The result can be compared against Figure 3.12, and it can be
seen how significant baseband harmonics have now been introduced into the
spectra as a consequence of the distortion of the overmodulation process. It
would be expected that these baseband harmonic components would develop
toward the harmonic pattern of a square wave as the modulation index contin-
ues to increase.
Also, it is interesting to observe how the magnitude of the first carrier har-
monic is smaller for the increased modulation index. But this is explained by a
moment's examination of the analytical solutions for linear modulation, Eq.
(3.39), and for overmodulation, Eqs. (8.11) and (8.12). In both cases, the mag-
nitude of the carrier harmonic includes a J o( m~M) term, and, from Figure
Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of One Phase Leg of an Inverter 355

= =I~ - = ====: ======~ ==== = = ~ ======:= === = ==
- 1- - - - - -
1 - - - - -
I 1
I - - - - - - I - - - - - -
1- - - - - - -

1 I 1 1
- ::: I:::::: I :: :: J : : : : t - - : : : I: : : : : : :
: : : - 1- : : : : ::, :: :: =i : : : : += : : : : : ,: : : - : : :
_ -
_ 1- -- - - - _I
_ -
- _ ...l - - - _ 1. _
- - 1_ _ _
- - - 1- - - - - - I - - - - 1 - - - - t - - - 1- - - --
- - - - ,- - - - - - I r - - - 1- - - --

- - -I __ _...l _
- - -1- - - 1. - - - 1- - - --
I 1 I 1

- 1- __
1- - -
- -
: :
:: : :::j: ::
1. _
+= :
- 1- _ _
- - 1- - - - - -I -- - -1 - -- t- - - - 1- - - --
_ J _ __ 1. _ - - 1- _ _ __

- - '- - - - - -' -- l _
__ 1

1 I
I 1 1

10- - == 1 == == 1 == == 1- = = ==
t - - - 1- - - --
- - I == = = -I == - 1

- ... - -- , -- --
- - I
- - - - -I
- 1
f - - - ,- - - --
I , I I -
-- 1 -- -- 1 -- - -1 t - -- 1-- --
I I , 1

I 0- 4 ....a.-........"",...................................--....-..-..........a-I......~.................-.....................~...... .w
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure8.4 Harmonic components for one inverter phase leg with

double-edge naturally sampled PWM under
overmodulation conditions, M = 1.5, fe/fo = 21.

A2.1, the magnitude of this term increases for smaller values of M. Hence
decreased modulation indices always lead to increased carrier harmonic mag-
Finally, it is important to note that overmodulation does not create any
sideband harmonics at new sideband frequencies, and that in particular all even
sidebands for odd carrier sideband groups and all odd sidebands for even car-
rier sideband groups continue to be eliminated. Thus the influence of the over-
modulation process on carrier and sideband harmonics is only to vary the
magnitude of harmonics that are already present to some degree in the
switched output waveform. Hence sideband harmonic filter systems designed
to work in the linear modulation region will continue to be effective under
overmodulation conditions.
356 Ovennodulation of an Inverter

8.3 Regular Sampled Overmodulation of

One Phase Leg of an Inverter
Analytical solutionscan be developed for symmetrical and asymmetrical regu-
lar sampled PWM under overmodulation conditions using the same techniques
as were applied to naturally sampled PWM in the previous section. However,
the detailed solution process is quite lengthy and is developed in Appendix 4
with only the results presentedhere for reference.
The completesolution for symmetrical regular sampled overmodulation of
one inverter phase leg is

Vaz(t) = Vdc + L COncosnroot (8.14)

n = 1

00 00

m=l n=-oo
(n =jt: 0)

where COn is given by

-1[ sin(roo)
n-1t -Jo(ro n-- (1 + cosnrr)] sinn'll
~ (roo~
0 1t
n roc roc roc

C =---\
On [roo]
n- 1t
Jk(n roo~M) sin([n roo + kJ~'
roc 00
Ole 2 roc 2J
x { 1+ cos( [n + k] 1t ) }
k=l x [Sin([n + k ]0/) + sin([n - k ]o/)J
k=jt: Inl [n+k] [n-k]
Regular Sampled Overmodulation of One Phase Leg of an Inverter 357

and C mn is given by

k=t Inl
x [Sin( [n + k] "') + sin( [n - k] \JI )J
[n+k] [n-k]
with q = m + n(roo/ro c ) and 'V defined by Eq. (8.13).

The complete solution for asymmetrical regular sampled overmodulation

of one inverter phase leg is

Vaz(t) = Vdc + L COncosnroot (8.17)

n= I

00 00

+ Cmncos(mroct + nroot)
m = 1 n =-00

where COn is given by

358 Overmodulation of an Inverter

-1 sIn OOoV (1 - cosn1t ) slnn'V

( n-- .
n OOc

C = - -dc-
On [OOoJ
n- 1t 2
Olc J k ( n ::~M) sink~ {l + cos([n + k]1t)}

k=l x [Sin([n + k]'V) + sin([n - k]\JI)]

k:t:lnl [n+k] [n-k]
and Cmn is given by

sin(n roo~( cos em - cosnn)

1 roc sinmv
-Jo( q~M) sinm~(l + cosnn)

k=l x [Sin([n + k]'V) + sin([n - klo/)]

k* Inl [n+k] [n-k]

with q = m + n(ooolooc) and 'V once more defined by Eq. (8.13). Spectral
plots for these two solutions for the conditions of M = 1.5 and a carrier/fun-
damental ratio of fello = 21 are shown in Figure 8.5. From this figure, simi-
lar differences between naturally sampled and regular sampled modulation as
for linear modulation, can be observed.
First, as before, symmetrical sampling creates even harmonics both in the
baseband region and in the sideband regions. These harmonics occur because
the noninteger n( 000 1 ooc) terms in the arguments of the various sinusoidal
terms of the symmetrically sampled solution preclude sin(n1t/2) cancellation
for even n (as before, this does not occur for asymmetrical sampling).
Regular Sampled Overrnodulation of One Phase Leg of an Inverter 359

I , , I
1 ,
------ -----
::-:::C:-:-::I :::::]=:::==[
1 1

- - - - -1- - - - - -, ::- :~-::: -I: :-:: .:

: : : : - : ': : : : - :' _- : _ J - _:
_ J
: _[
_ L__
= - - : ':
_ __ 1 _
- - - - - _' - - - - _I
I , ,
- - - -,- - - - - - 1

: : : :1: : : : : I :: ::l r t: -:
- : : : :1: : : : - I -- - ~ -- ~ - ---t=-- -
- J :::
- ... -I... ...
- -- - -
- - - -1- - - - \-
- ... - - -1- - - - - 1 -- -
(a) - - - _1_ - __ -I oJ.... -1 ~III-I-I
J _

~ t~ t~It EU -~ ---
- - _1- _
: : :1: :
- 1- -
H ...H I-U I-'H-H -
'- oJl-iI-I-I..... ~I'II-I-I

10- 4 u.u...L.L.LoI...u..L.lL.I.J.I..u..u...I..U.I"U"I",j~~.L.L.U..&..U.Iu.LL.u..A.L..u..u...I..L.LI.,I",L,L,I
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

I 1 I I I
1 I 1 1 I
:I: : : :1 ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~ ~2 ~ ~
: I: : : :,
: I: ==:' : ..._=: : J ...:: - : [ : :
_ _ J __ ... _ L
_1_ _
_ _
- - _ ... _, - - - - - _I
, I I
, 1 - - ... "j ... - - - - I - - - ... 1- ... ... - -

, 1 1 I ,

-:: ::= . . :::: ~ ::

~- ::-.:---

- - - ... -1- __ ... - 1 _= =:i====

-., ...
== C==- =
1 --- r- - r - ...
J __
lo_ - - I- - _
(b) J
l - -

- ~ - -: ~ ... :: t= - -
- "1 - -- t-- ... - t- - -
u, - -
... -'- - - _ J 1

- - ,,...... - _ J L_ ... - ,, --
, I rr
... :=
- - , _ ... - ~
r: ... -
!= - -
I"" - -
- -
~ I- ... :: ... ::
- I --
- I - i r -
- I I-
- - ... I ..... t- ... - 't- -
10- 4 u....IL...&...J.-I"I~~~..&...I.....L...I....,L,~..................L...&............"'"""'-I.I.~...........&.l
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure 8.5 Theoretical harmonic spectra for one inverter phase leg
under overmodulation conditions: (a) symmetrically
sampled PWM and (b) asymmetrically sampled PWM,
M = 1.5, fc/fo = 21.
360 Overmodulation of an Inverter

Second, asymmetrically sampled modulation again produces almost the

same harmonic spectra as for naturally sampled modulation, but with a slight
transfer of energy from the lower harmonic terms to the higher harmonic
terms. This shift occurs for both the sideband harmonics and the additional
baseband harmonics created by the overmodulation process.

8.4 Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of

Single- and Three-Phase Inverters
Using the same approach as was developed for linear modulation in Chapter 4,
the I-I voltage of a single-phase inverter under overmodulation conditions can
be obtained by simply again recognizing, for the second phase leg, that




Substituting from Eq. (8.11) and simplifying to remove all even harmonic
terms that cancel between the two phase legs, gives


~ [2n~l]sin([2n-l]"')
+ - - .L..J cos([2n - 1]root)
1t _ Asin2no/ + sin(2[n - 1]o/)J
n= 2 n~L n [n - 1]

00 00

+ Cmncos(2mroct+ [2n-l]ro ot)

m = 1 n =-00

where Cmn , with the simplifying substitution of 2m for m and 2n - 1 for n

(since all other sideband harmonics cancel between the two phase legs), is
given by
Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of Single- and Three-Phase Inverters 361

sin(2[2n - 1]'JI)J
J 2 n_ I( m1tM) cos( [m + n - l ]1t ) [ 1t-2",- [2n-l]

Cmn = - - 2 00 [J2k_ l (m1tM) cos( [m + k]1t)
2m1t + L" ..J x sin(2[n + k - 1]'JI) + sin(2[n - k]'JI)
k=1 [n+k-l] [n-k]
2k - I :;t 12n - 11

and 'I' is once more defined by Eq. (8.13).
A spectral plot of Eq. (8.22) is shown in Figure 8.6(a) and should be com-
pared against Fig. 4.3(b) which shows the spectral response of a single-phase
inverter for linear modulation conditions. From these plots, it can be seen that,
while the sideband harmonic magnitudes have changed, the sideband harmon-
ics in the first carrier group again cancel in the I-I bridge output voltage and
only occur around the even (second) carrier multiples. Essentially, the only
harmonic difference for overmodulation conditions is the additional baseband
harmonic components caused by the nonlinearity of the overmodulation pro-
A similar approach for a three-phase inverter can be taken by recognizing



so that



362 Overmodulation of an Inverter

: : : _I_~T~~O-=:~.~~~~I_
c ~ ] ::r:-::::c::::-:
,: :, ~ -: ~ -- : : : :~ : : : --:
___ - __ '
,= =,' _ _ _ _.!
J - - r- ==: - =,=, ==: : -_ :
L _ _
, , I , 1
- - - - - - ,- - - - - I - - - '"j - - - j" - - - - - .- - - - - -
, I I , I

I: :' J [ r:
- - - - ,: - - :, - - - - - :j - - - i= - - - -.= - - - - -
: ::::,: - : : : _:1 _: : : : : :i - - : : ~ : :: 1-::::::
- - - - 1- - -I - - - - , - - - t - - - ~ - - - - - -
- - - - 1- - - -, - - - - 1 - - - r - - - r - - - - - -
(a) _ _ - - - 1_ _
_ _ _I _

_ L _
_ _ I- _ _

_ _ _

___ , , J _ l _ _ 1
- :::, - ---:,- ----::j :-: i=- :: .=------
: ---I --:::-,:- : - : .. --: t- :- 1-:::_::
= ==_I == _ _ _, _ _
_ , _ _ _, _ _ _
_ JJ ==_
ll =
= = '_ ===- ==
_ _ L _ _ _ __
1 1 , , ,
- -- 1
-- ---, - ,
- - I
-- ----
1 , I I I
_ :_ 1 - _ I:: _~ :: ~_ :1= _
:: 1:-
: I::
- 1
.. -
:=- - ,. .-=: --

- - 1-- - 1 -- "j -- ,- -- 1 -- -

- -- 1 - -f-t - -1 -- t- -- r-- -
1 I , 1 I
10-4 '-Ioo-I.....L-Io...............a-.&.~~......... ..&.U................... ~ ...... ~ ...........a....w

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
- - -' --
I I WTHD0==2.43%1
:::c:: ~~~~~~~~]~~~~~~r~~~~~~c~~~~~~
: : :,: : : :~:::--:~::-::-~::::::~::::::

: : : ': : :
_ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _
: =.: =:::: J::: =:: r::::::,=::::::
J _ _ _
I _ _ _ _ _ L ' _
I I I I ,
- - - - - - ,- - - - - - ,- - - - .. - - - - I - - - - - ,- - - - - -
, I I , ,

: ': 1 : : J : : : : [ r:
- - - - - : I: - - - - - =,: - - : : =i: : : : - i= - - - - - - t: - - - : : :
: : : : : :.: : :: :,::: :::i:: : : n; ::: -.: :: ::
- - - - - - ,- - - - - 1- - - - - , - - - - - r - - - - ~ - - --
- - - - - -.- - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - r - - - - 1- - - --
- - - - - 1- - - - -, - _ - _ _.J _ - _ L _ _ _ _ I- _ _ __

(b) 2
I I I , ,

10- :: :: _ __ _ ~ : _ ~ __ _ _ _ ~ _ ::: ~ __ ::
:: : : : ,: : -: : f-t: : : : _ ~ _ - _: : t: :: = 1-:: ::
_ _ ., .; =,_., - ., _ I _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ ,_ ., = __
__ L 1 J___ _l L _
, 1 , I ,
- - - - - I - - - - I- - - I - - I - - - ,- - - --

, , I 1 ,

10-3 :: :1 : _: _' _ _ _ ~: : : ~ : :: !=
:: :::' ::: : I::: ::~ ::: :r- ::: r::: ::
-- ---I --- --1- - --of --- - .. - --- ~-- __
-- ---, --- - ,- - --1 --- -r --- .--- --
- - - - -, - - - ,- - - - I - - - i - - .- - - --
-- ---I - - - ,--- --1 --- -t- --- ~-- --
, 1 , , ,

10- 4 l.I.-~ ...................--a.-"""'--Io-""""-""""''''''''Io-.I-o-t.lo.''''''''-...I-oIo''''"---ol'--'-''''''

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number

Figure8.6 Theoretical harmonic spectra for inverter bridges with

double-edge naturally sampled PWM under overmodulation
conditions: (a) single-phase bridge l-l voltage and (b) three-
phase bridge 1-/ voltage, M = 1.5, lei10 = 21 .
Naturally Sampled Overmodulation of Single- and Three-Phase Inverters 363

The solution process then follows the same pattern as for the single-phase case
and is not presented here since the result is lengthy and requires careful use of
Eqs. (8.11) and (8.12) to achieve correct cancellation. The result is shown in
Figure 8.6(b) and should be compared against Figure 5.4(b). Once again, the
same harmonic sideband components as for linear modulation are present, with
the expected additional baseband components caused by the overmodulation
process. It can also be observed how the third-harmonic baseband component
cancels between the phase legs for the three-phase case.
It is interesting in passing to note that the WTHDO for the three-phase
inverter is less than that of the single-phase bridge for these overmodulation
conditions. This is because the additional (odd) baseband harmonics are a
major harmonic contributor to WTHDO during overmodulation, and the third-
harmonic component of this distortion cancels between the phase legs for the
three-phase inverter, but does not cancel for a single-phase inverter.
Similar results can be obtained for sampled modulation, with even base-
band and sideband harmonics remaining for symmetrical modulation, and a
slight magnitude shift to the higher harmonics for asymmetrical modulation, as
would be expected. However, little point is served here in pursing these varia-
tions further, and the interested reader is directed to Eqs. (8.14) through (8.19)
as a starting point if such solutions are required. It should also be noted that it
is usually easier to calculate the harmonic components of each phase leg of an
inverter separately and numerically subtract them (as complex phasors) to cal-
culate the I-I harmonics, rather than developing simplified analytical expres-
sions along the lines of Eq. (8.22).
Finally, it is obvious that overmodulation of a three-phase inverter is
equally possible using a phase reference waveform that includes a third-har-
monic component, except of course the nonlinear distortion will not begin until
M exceeds 2/,J3 = 1.15 rather than M> 1.0. As could be expected, the har-
monic responses for overmodulation with a third-harmonic injected reference
under the various sampling alternatives are very similar to those shown above,
except with the anticipated flattening of the sideband harmonic magnitudes as
occurred under linear modulation conditions. However, there is a difference in
the roll-off rate of modulation gain (the ratio between the target reference fun-
damental magnitude and the actual inverter output voltage) for the alternatives
of simple sinusoidal reference waveforms and more complex reference wave-
forms, and this issue will now be addressed in Section 8.5.
364 Overmodulation of an Inverter

8.5 PWM Controller Gain during Overmodulation

8.5.1 Gain with Sinusoidal Reference

Examination of Eq. (8.11) shows that the amplitude of the fundamental compo-
nent of the overmodulated waveform for one inverterphase leg is

Vaz(I) = :C[ 4 siml' + M(1t - 2o/- sin2o/)]


or, explicitlyin terms of M,

Vaz(I) = V:
{4Sin[cos-1(1i)J + M{ 1t - 2cos-
1(1i) -Sin[2cos-1(1i)J}}
During overmodulation conditions, the effective modulation index M' can be
defined as

(8.31 )

and the gain achieved by a naturallysampled PWM controllerunder overmod-

ulation conditions can then be written as

G(M) M =
= M 1{4. [-I(I\J
cos Ai) +
~ M S1n 1t - 2cos-1(1\ . [2cos -1(I\J}
Ai/-sin MJ
This expression for the change in the modulation gain can be obtained in
alternative fashion if the frequency of the triangle wave is assumed to be much
higher than the commanded frequency, so that only the average output voltage
across each carrier period need be considered. Then, if 'V denotes the funda-
mental angle below which the commanded voltage v a: = MVde cos eo
exceeds the triangle carrier magnitude (so that vaz clamps to Vde)' the funda-
mental component of the output can be expressedas the first term of a Fourier
series, using Eq. (AI.2) and quarter cycle symmetry, as

Vaz(I) = ;( [ Vdccos9o d90 + i/2 MVdccos

o d9o) (8.33)

Equation(8.33) can be integrated to give

PWM Controller Gain during Overmodulation 365

Vaz( 1)
4 V-
= - . + -M[1t- -
dC( Sln'I' 'II -
sin 2",]
1t 'f' 2 2 'f' 2

= ~(4sin",+M[1t-2'V-sin2'V]) (8.34)
which is the same as Eq. (8.29). Also, since 'V has been defined as the angle

this means that 'V = cos -l(if)1) as before.

Substituting Eq. (8.35) into Eq. (8.34) gives
Vaz(l) = :C( 4Msin'V cos'V + M[ 1t - 2'V - sin2'V])

dc .
= --(1t - 2'V + sln2W) (8.36)
Hence the effective modulation index M can be written as

M' = Vaz(l) M( .)
= - 1t - 2W + sln2w (8.37)
Vdc 1t

and the modulation gain G can be written as

G(M) = M = !(1t - 2'V + sin2'V) (8.38)

M 1t

Since the modulation gain is still described in terms of an intermediate, sat-

uration-dependent, variable 'V, it would be useful to eliminate this quantity.
This can be done by recalling that
sin 2'V = 2 sin 'V cos 'V (8.39)

and since cOS'V = ~, this means that simp = JI -(J2. Hence sin2'V can
be expressed as

sin2'V = 2 ~JI-(J2 (8.40)

Also, if 'V = cos-I (~ , this means that 1t/2 - 'V = sin-I C~.

Substituting these results into Eqs. (8.37) and (8.38) gives the effective
modulation index and gain of a saturating modulation controller as
366 Overmodulation of an Inverter

M = ~{Msin-l (~) + JI - (~f } (8.41)

G ~{ = sin-I (~) + ~JI -(~f} (8.42)

Figure 8.7 shows the variation of the effective modulation index and modula-
tion gain against the modulation index M Note that the value of M corre-
sponding to M =1.5, which was used for the calculation of the spectra of
Figures 8.4 to 8.6, is M = 1.171. Note also that since M approaches the lim-
iting value of 4/1t = 1.273 in an asymtotic fashion as the modulation index
M approaches infinity, it appears in the first instance that this point will never
be reached with finite amplitude control signals. However, since the frequency
of the triangle carrier wave is also finite, the intersections of the carrier and the
fundamental sine wave reference will be eliminated discretely as the modula-
tion index increases. Eventually the final PWM pulse will disappear when the
maximum slope of the sine wave reference exceeds the slope of the triangular
carrier wave.

I , I

4/1t L . _ . L _ .L _ J . . _ . J
I I 1
J .J._
, I I
: :M:
- - - r - - - r - - - T - - T - - - , - - - , - - - , - - - , - - - -, - - - -

I I : :


1.0I - - - - - - - - A . - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - -: - - - -


0.8 - f'
- - - - - - 't -
- - "1 -
- - "1 -
- - -, - - - -, - - - -I ~ - - -

I I I ,
I I 1 I I I I
0.6 - - I - - - I" - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - -. - - - -. - - - -
I I I I I I 1

0.4 L - - - .&. -
- - .&. - - - ~ - - - .J _ - - _ ..J - _ _ ..J _ -
- _I _ _ _ -:

0.2 - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - -:- - - -
I I I I I '
I I I 1 I '
I I ,

00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Modulation Index M
Figure 8.7 Effective modulation index M' and gain G as a function of
the modulation index M, for naturallysampledsine-triangle
PWM Controller Gain during Ovennodulation 367

For example, for a "constant-volts-per-Hz" variable speed drive system, if

the period of the nominal rated frequency is Trated' then, for a carrier frequency
of /e = tOO/rated' the triangle waveform changes from -1 p.u. to +1 p.u. in
1/200th of Trated' The magnitude of the sinusoidal wave reference waveform at
any output frequency f o is defined by Mcos(21tt/To) = Mcos(21tfot),
which has a maximum slope of 21tMfo' For this type of system, the modula-
tion index also varies proportionally to the fundamental frequency, i.e.,
M = f o/frated' Hence the maximum slope of the reference becomes
21tf02/hated' Intersections between the carrier and the reference waveforms
no .longer occur when
2 fo (8.43)
T /200 = 400frated < 21tf,--
rated rated

fo = J400
-!rated = 7.98frated
and the phase leg output switched waveform reverts to a square wave when the
output frequency (and the modulation index) reach eight times the nominal
rated value for the system.
The need to allow a control variable to reach, for example, eight times its
nominal value is clearly a drawback in either an analog or digital implementa-
tion of the PWM controller. For example, in a fixed point digital controller,
most of the computation will be done over only one-eighth of the range that
must be reserved for the integer control variable, thereby increasing computa-
tional inaccuracies.

8.5.2 Gain with Space Vector Reference

A similar approach can be used to determine the effect of overmodulation on
the gain of more complex PWM strategies such as those using space vector ref-
erence waveforms. Recall from Chapter 6 that space vector modulation is
equivalent to naturally sampled PWM with the sinusoidal waveform replaced
by the clamped space vector reference waveform shown in Figure 6.5. Over-
modulation in this case begins to occur when M reaches 1.15 or 2/jj , as
shown in Figure 8.8(a). While 2/jj s M s 4/3 , the clamped overmodulated
reference waveform exceeds the DC bus voltage limits twice in each of the
positive and negative half cycles. When M becomes greater than 4/3 , over-
368 Overmodulation of an Inverter

modulation moves into a second region of operation where the clamped refer-
ence waveform exceedsthe DC bus voltage limits only once in each half cycle,
as shown in Figure 8.8(b).

1.5 , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
/ Target S,:, Refere~ce
1.0 - I
- I- - - - - -
-, - - - - - -
"I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 , I

Clamped SV Reference
Vdc 0 _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ .1 _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _
(a) I

, ,


-0.5 - - - - - -,- - - I
- - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - 1- - - - - - -



-1.5 '--_ _--"--_ _ ----I --"--_ _----L --~~---'

~ ~~

1.5 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
/ __ ~ Target SV Reference
'\ I I

1.0 .....-_~' - - - - - -: - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~--~

Cla~ped S~ Referen:ce "'-
0.5 - - - - - - I- - - - - - -, - - - - - - "1 - - - - - - 1" - - - - - t- - - - - - -
I I ' I

(vas) 1
I '

Vdc 0 _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ __
1 I I
(b) 1

I . I 1

-0.5 ----- -,- - I

- - -
-. - - - - - - "'j - - - - - -
I - -- -- .- - - - - - -

I I I 1
-1.0 , . . . - - -.....- - - . 1 - - - - - -,- - - - - --

-1.5 0
Figure 8.8 Target and clamped reference waveforms for naturally
sampled space vector PWM in the overmodulation region:
(a) Region I, M = 1.2 and (b) Region 2, M = 1.5.
PWM Controller Gain during Overmodulation 369

Figure 8.9 shows the trajectory of the output voltage vector vdqs in the Re-
1m or d-q plane during overmodulation, where it can be seen to be clamped to
the space vector hexagon boundary as the vector rotates. When M> 4/3 the
trajectory of vdqs becomes entirely limited to motion on the hexagon.
Using the alternative approach presented in the last section, it can be shown
that during Region 1 when 2/ J3 ~ M s 4/3, the effective modulation index
becomes [1]


from which it can be determined that

~ ~M' < 1.218 (8.45)

During Region 2 when M~ 4/3, the effective modulation index is given by

M' = (~MSin-lCAM) + ~Jl-(/Mr (8.46)

A plot of M' versus M is shown in Figure 8.10.

1.5 r - - - - r - - - . . , . - - - - - r - - - , . - - - - - - . - - - ,
Locus of vdqs :
1.0 - - -1- -

- - - - -I -

- - - - - I - -


I (Irn)
0.5 '- - - --
o 0.0 _



-1.5 '---_--.l.-_ _ ~_-...._ _~_---L_ _- - J

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

p.u, of Vdc
Figure 8.9 Waveforms for SVM operation in the overmodulation
range, Region 1, M = 1.22.
370 Overmodulation of an Inverter


4/n ---~---~---~--~-~~~-~-~-~~-w---w--~--~--4
I 1 I I 1 I 1
1.2 - - - r - - _. T - - T - - - T - - - -, - - - -, - - - -, - - - , - - - -, - - - -
I 1 I I I 1
1 1 I I 1 1

------+--- -~ ---~ ---~ ---~ ---~ ---~ ----: ----

1 I I I 1 1

1 I

0.8 - t
- - - - - - t
- - - "1 -
- - .., -
- - .., -
- - .., -
- - -I -
- - -

I I 1 I 1 1 1

(a) I I I I I

0.6 - - ~I - - - ~I - - - - - - ~I - - - ..!I - - - ..!I - - - -' - - - -'I - - - -


1 1 I

G: I I ,
0.4 - - l- - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - -l - -l - - - -l - - - -I - - - -
I I 1 I
I I I 1
1 I

0.2 - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - -
' I ,'I
I I I 1
1 I 1

00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Modulation Index M





1.15 '---P-..........4-~""'__"__'_-..-"--iI.--'-. . . . ."_"'__'__"'__"""__oiI""'__"__'_~

1.0 1.15 1.33 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Modulation Index M

Figure 8.10 Effective modulation index M' and gain G as a function of

the modulation index M, for naturally sampled SV
modulation: (a) full trace and (b) expanded trace showing
effective modulation index variation in Regions 1 and 2.
PWM Controller Gain during Overmodulation 371

The corresponding gain for the two cases is readily obtained by taking
G =- (8.47)
and is plotted in Figure 8.1O(a), for naturally sampled space vector PWM in the
overmodulation region.

8.5.3 Gain with 60 Discontinuous Reference

Discontinuous PWM, the benefits of which were discussed in Chapter 6, can
also be extended to the overmodulation region. Figure 8.11 shows the target
and clamped reference waveforms for the case of 60 discontinuous switch-
ing, where it can be seen that only two intersections occur per half cycle for a
modulation index beyond M = 1. Also, the output voltage reverts to a square
wave. when M exceeds 41 J3
because of the straight sides of the reference
J3 ,
waveform. Hence, for 1 s M ~ 41 the effective modulation index M' is [2]

M' = _~+(J3_!)M+_4_+~Msin2( 2_1+2J3 Jl-( 2_12

1t 1t 2 J31tM 1t J3M 1t J3M
while M' = 4/1t for M> 41J3.
1.5 I " I I , I
I 'I I I I 1// I

__ {__ /y ~~~~~! ~e_f~~e_n_c~~__ ~

I' . , I , I

1.0 /: : _
I I \ I I I ,I I
..... ,\ I I I I I ,.-
'" I \ 1 I I " /

""~' \ 1 1 I I ~(,-
0.5 t--..........~.... - - -1- - - - - - '1 - - - - - -,.. - -

Clamped R~ferences
dc 1

M= 1.15
-0.5 ---------
M=1.3~'- :
M- 1 5 i-----\-:', I

1.1-=- 2.3 ~\~ ---:- --~ ---:- --~/ -----:- ------

- 1 \ I I
, r
.' II
I '" ,,/ I

1800 2400
Figure 8.11 Target and clamped reference waveforms for naturally sampled
60 discontinuous PWM in the overmodulation region.
372 Overmodulationof an Inverter

Figure 8.12 shows the effective modulation index and gain for all three
modulation strategies in the overmodulation region.

I 60' Discontinuous PWM
! _ _ _ J _ _ _ J J J ' _
1.0 I I I I I

I Space Vector PWM :

Sinusoidal PWM
(a) I

0.6 -----------------------

0.4 - - - ~ - - - -4 - - - -I - - - -
, I


00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Modulation Index M
1.30 r-------------------~
4/n - - - - - - - - - ..- - - -~-.:.-~-....-----+----__t


1.20 - - - -
60 biscontinu~us PWM
(b) _____ J J _

Space Vector PWM

_______ I I
1.10 -

I -----,---------,----------


Sinusoidal PWM
1.05 --------r---------,---------,----------

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Modulation Index M
Figure 8.12 Effective modulation index M and gain G as a function of
the modulation index M, for three alternative PWM
strategies: (a) full trace and (b) expanded trace.
PWM Controller Gain during Ovennodulation 373

8.5.4 Compensated Modulation

In many applications the loss of gain in the overmodulation region can cause
deterioration of the overall performance of a system, since inverter characteris-
tics often play a significant role in establishing the performance of an AC
drive. For example, the constant-volts-per-hertz control strategy requires a
PWM algorithm that delivers a fundamental voltage to the motor whose mag-
nitude varies linearly with supply frequency, to ensure stable operation with a
desired power factor and efficiency. An obvious approach is to simply vary the
modulation index with frequency, i.e., M = kro o . However, this strategy
breaks down when the inverter controller enters the overmodulation condition,
and the modulator gain is reduced.
The problem can be overcome by compensating for the loss of gain by
inserting an inverse gain block into the modulation controller, to linearize its
overall transfer function [3]. This inverse gain is plotted in Figure 8.13 and is
essentially the gain plot shown in Figure 8.12 with its axes reversed. Note that,
in principle, the inverse gains for naturally sampled PWM and space vector
PWM must approach infinity as the commanded modulation index M*
approaches 4/1t. However, as discussed in Section 8.5.1, a gain of 10 to 50,
depending on the application, is usually sufficient to ensure that all switching
- - - - - - - - - - - - _I _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 - - - - - -:- - - - - - -:- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - :- -

- - - - - -:- - - - - - -: - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -:- -
I 1 I
(1) 1 I
] 6 - - - - - -,- - - - - - -I - - - - - - -t - - - - - - .. - - - - - - 1- -
....... I

s:: 1
______ 1

~ I 600 Discontinuous PW '
:; 4
- - - - - - 1- I ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ,_

~ Space Vector PWM

I 1
. . .
~ ------,- -- Si~~~~id-al-PWM --:------,- --

- - - - - -I - - - - - - -t - - - - - - .. - - - - - - 1- - - - - - -
1 I I

1.1 1.2 1.3
Commanded Modulation Index M*
Figure 8.13 Inverse gain function required to compensate a commanded
modulation index M* for overmodulation gain loss.
374 Overmodulationof an Inverter

pulses are dropped. Also, because of the straight sides achieved by the algo-
rithm, 60 discontinuous modulation requires a gain compensation of only
slightly more than two. This is an important advantage over the other two
PWM methods since large excursions in gain limit numerical accuracy and
require fast slewing capability, which can be difficult to accomplish in fixed
point digital systems.
Figure 8.14 shows a simple PWM control system which has been modified
to include inverse gain compensation. It can be seen how the commanded mod-
ulation index, M*, is first adjusted to decouple the modulation process from
DC bus voltage variations, by scaling the modulation index as the bus voltage
varies from its nominal setpoint VdcO [4]. Then, the inverse gain block adjusts
the decoupled modulation index to allow for overmodulation, and the resultant
corrected modulation index Mis fed to the sine-triangle modulation process.
Finally, the switched phase leg output is low pass filtered to produce a low-fre-
quency average output voltage.
Figure 8.15 shows the low-frequency average phase voltages produced by
a PWM controller using gain compensation, for the three modulation strategies
considered. As expected, both space vector and 60 discontinuous modulation
remain linear up to a commanded modulation index of 2/Jj = 1.15. Beyond
this limit, all PWM strategies move eventually to six-step operation, but the
resultant voltage waveshape for each strategy differs during this progression,
as shown. Also, the actual modulation indices required to achieve the com-
manded modulation indices for each strategy can be read from Figure 8.13.

Vdc ------T--------------___._-

Inverse gain
Figure 8.14 Block diagram of compensated PWM controller including
DC bus voltage decoupling and overmodulation
compensation, VdcO = rated DC link voltage, <vas> = low
frequency average phase output voltage.
PWM Controller Gain during Overmodulation 375

1.4 r-----------------,
M* = 4/1t


<v ) 0.8
Vdc 0.6

(a) 0.4


1.4 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
M* = 1.15 M* = 4/n
M* = 1.25

<v ) 0.8
Vdc 0.6

(b) 0.4





(v > 0.8
Vdc 0.6

(c) 0.4

80 30 60 90

Figure 8.15 Resultant line to load-neutral reference voltages after modulation

gain compensation, for naturally sampled (a) sinusoidal, (b)
space vector, and (c) 60 discontinuous PWM. Commanded
modulation indices M* are 1, 1.5, 1.2, 1.25, and 1.273.
376 Overmodulation of an Inverter

8.6 Space Vector Approach to Overmodulation

The space vector method of PWM operates by representing the three target
phase output voltages as a target reference vector Vo located within a hexagon
drawn between six stationary space vectors in a complex vector space (the sta-
tionary space vectors correspond to the six. active states of a three-phase
inverter). Then the sextant of the hexagon containing the reference vector is
determined, and finally a PWM pattern is formed by appropriately dwelling at
the two points of the hexagon nearest the reference voltage vector (plus dwell-
ing for any remaining time at the origin) over a clock cycle ~T/2. This pro-
duces the same average voltages for all three phases as the original targets.
The dwell times for the first sextant are, from Table 6.1,


T = Vo J3 cos(e _~l ~T (8.50)

sV2 Vde 2 0 2J 2

= ~T- TsvI - Tsv2 (8.51)

where the states corresponding to 1, 2, and 0/7 are shown in Figure 6.1. The
trajectory of the reference voltage vector is circular in the steady state and is
located within the space vector hexagon until the modulation index reaches the
value of 2/ J3 .
At this point the on-duration of the zero vector, Eq. (8.51),
becomes zero and the reference voltage vector trajectory touches the hexagon
at the angles eo = (2k + 1)(n/6) where k = 0,...,5. If the modulation index is
further increased, the on-duration time of the zero vector becomes negative and
hence meaningless. Therefore, the modulation index cannot be increased
beyond 2/ J3 = 1.15 while maintaining a sinusoidal reference voltage.
Once the limit of linear sinusoidal space vector modulation has been
reached, there is still the possibility of programming a higher modulation index
by modifying the angle and magnitude of the reference vector using a prepro-
cessor [1]. This preprocessor uses a set of nonlinear functions to modify the
original circular track of the reference vector so as to follow the boundary of
the space vector hexagon whenever the reference vector points outside the
hexagon. Essentially, a distorted modulation index is defined, M(8 0 ) ' which
functionally depends upon the spatial command angle eo.
Space Vector Approach to Overmodulation 377

Figure 8.16 shows this effect for one 60 sector of the hexagon. The
dashed circle indicates the trajectory of the desired target reference voltage
vector Vo*' Whenever this target vector is within the space vector hexagon, i.e.,
near the outer corners of a sector on the circle segments a-b and c-d, the
inverter controller selects the switching space vectors using Eqs. (8.49) to
(8.51). However, when reference trajectory passes outside the hexa-
gon, the space vector switching times must be modified to make the actual
average space vector trajectory follow the locus of the hexagon itself, i.e.,
along the straight line segment H. The solid line Vo' is the trajectory of the
modified reference vector generated by the preprocessor to take account of this
The switching times during the b-c traverse of the modified reference vec-
tor are proportional to the space vector lengths shown in Figure 8.16. If the
angles defined by the vertices aOb and cOd equal a, then the real and imagi-
nary parts of Vo' are given by
v; cose o = VI + V2cos60 (8.52)
V; sine o = V2sin60 (8.53)

for a < eo < 3" - a .



-- ............
a c Locus of Vo*
.' " . /
/ "
" Locus of Vo'

o Re

Figure 8.16 Overmodulation of space vector method when the

modulation index varies over the range 2/ < M < 4/3. J3
378 Overmodulation of an Inverter



2 V'0 sin
V2 -- jj . 80 (8.55)

Substituting Eq. (8.55) into Eq. (8.54) gives

VI = V; (cos9 0 - ~ sin( 0) (8.56)

Now, xyz forms an equilateral triangle, and so all sides have the same
length of V2 Hence it follows that
VI + V2 = 3Vdc (8.57)

Combining Eqs. (8.55), (8.56) and (8.57) gives

V' 4 Vdc (8.58)

jjsm S0

Finally, Eqs. (8.55) and (8.56) can be expressed as

~ = ~ (jjcos9 0 - sin( 0 )
Vdc 3 (jjcoss o + sinS o )
V2 = 4 2sinS o
Vdc 3 jjcoss o + sin8 0
for a < 8 0 < 3- a .

While these equations are valid for only the first sextant (the sextant shown in
Figure 8.16), it is clear that similar equations can be easily developed for the
remaining five sextants.

Since the per unit space vector switching intervals are equal to the per unit
voltages, they can be written as

SV_t =
_T_ VI and
_sv2 = _V_
~T/2 4/3 Vdc ~T/2 4/3 Vdc
which can be rearranged to give
Space Vector Approach to Overmodulation 379

Tsv = (J3cosO o - sinO~~T (8.62)

I J3coso o + sinO 2

T - ( 2sin8 0 JilT
2 - J3cos8 0 + sin8)T

TS VO/ = 0 (8.64)

for a. < 8 0 < j - a.. Note that Tsv2 can be morereadily computed in a practical
system using
Tsv =~T/2-Tsv (8.65)
2 I

For small excursions of the target vector beyond the hexagon, a further
refinement is to recover the volt-seconds lost as the modified reference vector
tracks segment b-e, by tracking above segments a-b and c-d to compensate.
This allows the correct fundamental component to still be maintained for lim-
ited overmodulation excursions of the target reference vector [1].
Figure 8.17(a) shows the low-frequency (average) phase voltage waveform
for space vector modulation up to a modulation index of M = 4/3. When M
reaches this limit, the distorted modulation index M(9 0 ) becomes completely
constrained by the space vector hexagon, so that u = 0, and hence
Tsv = J1T/2 and Tsv = 0 at 80 == 0, while Tsv = 0 and
1 2 1
Tsv == ~T/2 at 0 0 = 60. The amplitude of the fundamental component of
the phase voltage at this point is 1.212 Vde .

As the modulation index increases beyond this point, a smooth transition to

square-wave operation is accomplished by changing gradually from tracing the
continuous hexagon, to switching in a discrete six-step sequence. This is
achieved by dwelling progressively longer at the six discrete hexagon vertices
as M increases beyond 4/3, as shown in Figure 8. 17(b). Commonly, the pro-
gression to six-step is arbitrarily constrained to take place over the range
1.33 < M < 1.45. The dwell interval, up' is the period of fundamental angular
time where the inverter stays switched to each of the two hexagon vertices of
each 60 sextant interval, and increases linearly from 0 to 30 as M increases
from 1.33 to 1.45.
The magnitude variation of the actual fundamental component of the
phase voltage (the distorted or effective modulation index M') as M progresses
from 1.15 to 1.45 is shown in Figure 8.18. It should be noted that the variation
380 Overmodulation of an Inverter

is roughly linear. However, if necessary, the nonlinearity can be corrected by

an inverse function as discussed in Section 8.5.4.


-, I

1.2 - - - - - -:- - - CIS-, ----~ ~:..: -- ~ ------:- ------

I I I", I I

1.0 - - - - - -:- - - - - - :- - - Values - --: --- -- -:- - - -- - -



(vas) 0.8 ------;- - 1- -~ ------~ ------~ --~ --~ ------

de 0.6
- - - - -: - - -- --
: : '-:
~ -- ----~ ----- ~


0.2 - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - I - - - - - - j" - - - - - - ,- - - -
1 I I 1

Pause at State (1,0,0)

1.4 ....--------~~-------......
1.2 - - - - - - 1- - - - - -


1.0 - - - - - - 1-


(vas) 0.8

I 1 1
0.2 - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - "i - - - - - - j" - - - - - -,- - - -


0 30
Figure 8.17 Equivalent line to load-neutral reference voltage for
naturally sampled space vector modulation:
(a) Mincreasing from 1.15 to 1.33 and (b) up increasing
from 0 to 30 as M is increased from 1.33 to 1.45. Dwell
angle up corresponds to fraction of each 60 sextant
interval locked to one space vector state.
Space Vector Approach to Overmodulation 381


4/n - - -- - -- - -- - -
~ I-- - -

1.25 /
M' /
1.20 -~

-V ~

1.15 30


/ 10 d~

1.00 / o
1.15 1.20 1..25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50
Modulation Index M

Figure 8.18 Effective modulation index M as a function of modulation

index M within the overmodulation region using modulation
scheme of Figure 8.17.

Table 8.1 summarizes the strategies to be used for space vector modulation
in the different regions of overmodulation.

Table 8. t Space Vector Modulation Strategies for Various Levels of Overmodulation

O<M<1.15 M'(9 = M= IVo*1 Linear modulation


1.15 < M < 1.33 M'(9 0 ) =

IV'*I = f(M, (
T 0
Trace hexagon boundary
using Eqs. (8.59) and (8.60)

Transition from hexagon

1.33 < M < 1.45 M(9 o ) = f(u p ) trace to six-step modulation

1.45 < M M'(8 o ) = 4/1t Six-step modulation

382 Overmodulation of an Inverter

8.7 Summary
This chapter has presented a detailed evaluation of the overmodulation opera-
tion ofPWM inverter systems. The overmodulation region ofPWM provides a
useful extension of the operating range of an inverter without requiring an
increased DC link voltage. However, the modulation gain of all modulation
systems becomes nonlinear in this region, and the switched output voltage
includes low-order baseband harmonic components, as well as the expected
sideband harmonics caused by the switching process.
The general form of gain roll-off is the same for all modulation strategies,
but the rate varies for different approaches. Simple PWM with a sinusoidal ref-
erence has the most rapid gain roll-off and also becomes nonlinear above a
modulation index of M = 1. Third-harmonic, space vector, and the discontinu-
ous reference modulation strategies are linear until M exceeds 1.15, with the
60 discontinuous PWM strategy then having the least gain roll-off until the
limiting output voltage of 4 Vdc / 1t is reached. This makes this strategy attrac-
tive in fixed-point digital implementations where the numerical gain range is
an issue. Direct space vector modulation offers an alternative approach that
achieves a similar roughly linear gain response in the overmodulation region,
by distorting the space vector modulation command vector.

[1] J. Holtz, A.M. Khambadkone, and W. Lotzkat, "On continuous control ofPWM
inverters in the overmodulation range including the six-step mode," IEEE
Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 4, Oct. 1993, pp. 546-553.
[2] A.M. Hava, "Carrier based PWM voltage source inverter in the overmodulation
range," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1998.
[3] .R.J. Kerkman, D. Leggate, BJ. Seibel, and T.M. Rowan, "Operation of PWM
voltage source inverters in the overmodulation region," IEEE Trans on Indus-
trial Electronics, vol. 41, no. 1, Feb. 1996, pp. 132-141.
[4] A.B. Plunkett and T.A. Lipo, "Source impedance effects in the control of
inverter-induction motor drives," World Electrotechnical Congress, Moscow,
USSR, June 21-25,1977.
Programmed Modulation Strategies
It has already been learned from Chapter 3 that modulation techniques fall into
several classes. These alternatives are:
Modulation using naturally sampled sine wave-modulating wave inter-
Regular sampling defined by sine wave-modulating wave intersections
Direct modulation
It has also been shown that modulation involves the exact positioning of
the pulses within a clock cycle so as to achieve a minimal distortion waveform.
However, up to this point, all three modulation methods have been "clocked".
That is, the basic carrier interval (mark-space interval) has been held fixed. In
this chapter this constraint will be removed so that the individual pulses will no
longer be constrained within a clock pulse window but can vary in width and
position over a much wider interval (typically set by cycle symmetry require-
ments). The overall approach to define the switching times is then based on the
minimization of a suitable objective function which typically represents sys-
tem losses.
It is a common feature to all these methods that the optimization computa-
tion process is done off-line on a personal or mainframe computer. The result
of the computation is a set of switching angles which are functions of the mod-
ulation index M The switching angles are stored in the memory of a PWM
controller or an EPROM. The stored angles are accessed in real time to deter-
mine the optimized switching angles. Since these angles always are synchro-
nized to the fundamental component, the harmonic spectrum is free from
subharmonic components. The switching of pulses always operates in synchro-
nism, so that the number of pulses per cycle must be changed in discrete fash-
ion as the frequency decreases in order to maintain a good quality waveform.
Because the computational effort needed to compute the switching angles
increases greatly with the number of switching angles to be calculated, these
methods are generally combined with natural or regular sampling methods to
384 Programmed Modulation Strategies

complement these optimal methods over the lower end of the fundamental fre-
quency range. While benefits exist, the overhead in time, effort, and computing
resources frequently prevent their use in many lower cost applications. How-
ever, optimized methods can be combined with regular sampling to produce a
low-cost approximation to the methods described in this chapter [1].

9.1 Optimized Space Vector Modulation

Space vector modulation, described in Section 6.1, is based on converting a
reference vector Vo*( I) into a sequence of discrete sampled values Vo*( Is) with
sampling instants Is regularly spaced at ~T/2 intervals. Each sampled refer-
ence value is then approximated by selecting a sequence of three switching
state vectors in closest proximity to Vo*(ls) to achieve the same time-averaged
value over the interval /!"T /2. For example, when the vector Vo*(ls) is located
between switching state vectors S VI' S V2 ' and S Vo(or S V7 ) the time-aver-
aged value is

- Tsv, - TS V2 -
Vo*(ts) = AT/2 SV1 + AT/2 SV2 (9.1)

while the remaining time in the interval

= ~T/2 ~ Tsv - Tsv
1 2

is spent on a combination of the null voltage vectors SVo and SV7 . Within the
interval ~T the minimum number of switching events of the inverter is
achieved by the sequence

... => SVo => SV I => SV2 => SV7 => SV2 => SV1 => SVo => ...
When normal space vector modulation is used, the duration of all of the
half-intervals /!"T/2 is assumed as constant. Assuming that the switching fre-
quency is synchronized to the fundamental cycle, N such intervals can be
formed over one period. That is,

tJ.T =_1 (9.3)

2 Nf)
where N = 2p and p is the pulse number (the number of on-off transitions per
cycle of each inverter switch). The pulse number is, in turn, related to the
switching frequency Is by
Is = plo (9.4)
Optimized Space Vector Modulation 385

The current flowing over any interval k, 1<k < N, is, approximately,

di k _
La dt == Vo,k - ek

where La and ~ represent the motor load leakage inductance [transient induc-
tance defined by Eq. (2.23)] and the load induced EMF, respectively. This
expression can be arranged into the form

- - -
where ik == i 1,k + ih,k and the subscript h indicates the harmonic component.
The first term on both sides of Eq. (9.5) represents the voltage producing
the desired fundamental component of output current while the second term
represents the undesired harmonic component

di h k
t.; d; = Vo.k - Vo~k (9.6)

Vo,k = MVdce
j9 k
ek = Olot k (9.7)
In the first sextant the inverter voltage over every first 6.T /2 half-interval
is made up of the three subintervals (see Section 6.1) of

The times Tsv and Tsv are determined from

I 2

~T -
Tsv\SV1 + TSV2SV2 = T Vo~k(tk) (9.9)

resulting in Eqs. (6.5) and (6.6), that is,

VoSin(~ - 9 0) I1T
Tsv1 (9.10)
. 1t 2
386 Programmed Modulation Strategies

Vosin(80) ~T
TS V2 = . 1t T (9.11)
Vm sln
The alternate time intervals are made up of the sequence SV2 => SV1 ~ SVo
and can be written out explicitly in similar fashion.
The harmonic component of each interval has a period equal to ~T/2. If it
is assumed that current which flows within each interval is independent of the
current flowing in the previous or subsequent intervals k-l or k+1, the RMS
current for the kth interval is simply
tk + ~T/2

~T J
I~.l dt (9.12)

ih,k =
V -Vo,k(I_1 + I h, k(1)
L k
k (9.13)

Over a full cycle comprising N intervals, the RMS current is therefore

N tk+~T/2

t, = ~TL
k= 1
I~.l dt (9.14)

The duration of the half-interval AT /2, thus far considered as constant,

can now be treated as a variable [2]. Replacing the constant ~T/2 by the vari-
able Tk , N independent variables are produced which can be used to define an
optimization problem by assuming that the harmonic current waveform
defined by Eq. (9.14) is piecewise linear. The optimization is subject to the
constraint that the number of intervals per cycle remains constant, that is
~ r, == P !!T = N!!T = .! (9.15)
L..J 2 fo

During the subcycle Tk one can write

Optimized Space Vector Modulation 387

Assuming operation in the first sextant, the three states chosen are SV 1, SV2 ,
and SVo. Since the forcing function for each interval is assumed constant, the
current changes linearly during each of the three subintervals. Also, since the
harmonic current is periodic with period Ti, it can be assumed that the initial
current at the beginning of each subcycle tk is zero, Le.,

Ih,k(t k) = 0 (9.17)
The square of the RMS harmonic current for the first of the three subinter-
vals is then given by

V0, k I -ek t 2 dt

r3 - - 2
k) Vo,k) - e k
3 t, La
If the period of the interval Tk is changed to kT k , the corresponding subinter-
vals change by the same value, Le., from Tk to kT k ' etc. The square of the
RMS value of the current during this modified interval is therefore


It can be shown that the square of the RMS value for the current in the
remaining two subintervals similarly changes by k2 Hence, the RMS value of
the current of the overall interval increases in proportion to the duration of the
interval itself. One can therefore say, in essence, that
I h, k = Tk I h, ko (9.21 )
where I h, k is the normalized reference value of I h, k given by
tk + To

., ko = ;0 J
I~.l dt (9.22)

where To = I1T/2.
The optimum set of variables Tk can be found by minimizing the RMS rip-
ple current over a complete period NTo, expressed by
388 Programmed Modulation Strategies




N 3
-1 - 3 I2 (9.26)
N T h,ko
k=l 0

where N is the number of subcycles within a fundamental period, Tk is the opti-

mal time duration of the kth subcycle, and I h, k0 is the harmonic current in the
subcycle k before optimization when all subcycles have the time duration To.
Squaring Eq. (9.26), and making use of the constraint Eq. (9.15) gives

I; = N~i[ ~ T; I;'ko+ [NTo- ~ TkJI:'ko] (9.27)

To minimize I;, the derivatives with respect to an arbitrary member} of the set
of intervals N must be set to zero [2], hence

:~ = :T; [T/ I;'jo -(NTo- ~ Tkr I: k O] == 0 (9.28)

The difference between derivatives of the j th member and any other kth mem-
ber (other than the last or N th member) is therefore
2 2 2 2
TJ" I h, J"0 - Tk I h' k0 = 0 (9.29)

so that for any subinterval I ~} ~ N- 1

I =-[ (9.30)
h,jo T" h, ko
Optimized Space Vector Modulation 389

However the optimal currentof interval j is relatedto the nonoptimal reference

value by Eq. (9.21), viz.
Ih,j = Ih,jo (9.31)
Ih,k = r1h,k o (9.32)
From Eqs. (9.31) and (9.32) it is clear that Eq. (9.30) can only be valid if
Ih,j = I h, k (9.33)
Hence a minimum RMS value for the overall switched waveform is reached
only when the RMS values of the harmonic components of each subcycle are
identical. Defining this optimum value as I h , min' the optimal value of the time
duration in the kth interval is
Ih .
T = T ,min (9.34)
k 0 I

where I h, k0 is given by Eq. (9.22). However, since

L r,

= NT o (9.35)

then, from Eq. (9.34),


NTo = To Ih,min L~ (9.36)

k= I

Ih,min = (9.37)

k= 1

Hence, the optimum time durationof the kth intervalcan be expressedas

Tk = - - - - (9.38)
N 1
/h,koL r:
k = 1 h, ko
390 Programmed ModulationStrategies

It is interesting to note that all of the terms on the right-hand side of Eq.
(9.38) are known or can be readily calculated by means of Eq. (9.22). There-
fore the optimum times have now been determined in closed analytical or
numerical form so that iteration procedures are not required.
Evaluation of Eq. (9.38) over a one-sixth of a fundamental period is shown
in Figure 9.1 for the case where N = 36 (IsIJI = 18) and modulation index M =
0.9. Note that the optimum switching intervals are relatively longer when the
command voltage vector is located near zero or 1[/3 since the voltage error is
a minimum at these points (i.e., where the command vector voltage is near the
stationary voltage vectors in Figure 6.2). Conversely, the intervals are shorter
in the intermediate region of 1t16 where the error voltage is a maximum.
Since the exact location of the sampling instants is arbitrary, the pulse dura-
tions shown in Figure 9.1 are one of an infinite number of possibilities, each
differing only by a phase shift corresponding to the instant where the initial
sampling instant occurs. [In Figure 9.1 the initial sampling instant is taken
when the phase of the vector Vo* with respect to the Re axis (or phase a axis)
is zero.] If the chain of synchronized cycles are displaced by small increments,
the discrete values Tk can be represented by a continuous function
Tk [ arg( Vo* )] as illustrated in Figures 9.2 and 9.3. Optimum values are differ-
1.6 ~ ~ ,- -,- - -,-
: :
1.4 - r ,- - - --
: :-
1.2 j" ,-
Tk 1.0 - L '- -- - -

To 0.8 - ~
,- I-
-'- -

- .. :
0.6 L. _1- _1- - -1- - -

0.4 - ~ to- t- -1-

- - 1- -
: :
0.2 -- ~
- ~ -t- -,- -,- -
o ; ; ; l ;
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
arg( Vo, k* )
Figure 9.1 Durations of optimal switching intervals versus phase of the
sampled space vector command voltage Vo~k' lsiII = 18,
M= 0.9.
Optimized Space Vector Modulation 391




3.0 - - - - - - - - ,
- - - - - - - - -1- -
- - - - - - - r - - - - - - - -
T - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - -

I 1

2.5 I

Tk I

2.0 ----- ---------: --------- -------- -------0. g-5- - - -

~ ~ ~


1.5 I



arg( Vo~k)
Figure 9.2 TJ!To plotted as a continuous function of the phase angle of
the space vector command voltage for the up-stroke interval
(SV 1 => SV2 => SV7 ) during sextant #1; points computed
in Figure 9.1 shown as vertical bars.

ent for the up-stroke and down-stroke conditions corresponding to switch state
transitions SV1 => SV2 => SV7 and SV 2 =:> SV1 =:> SVo ' respectively. Note
that the maximum values are reached (longest pulse width) when arg( Vo ) is
near re/3 (and also re and 51t/3) for the "up-stroke" condition where the inverter
switches change from the negative to the positive bus, and when arg( Vo ) is
near 0 (and 21t/3, 41t/3) for the "down-stroke" condition where the inverter
switches change from the positive to the negative bus. Minimum values (short-
est pulses) occur near re/6 radians and also 1t/2, 51t/6, etc., since the function
repeats every 1t/3 radians. It can also be seen that as the modulation index M
becomes smaller, the excursions ofTk from To become progressively smaller
since the variations in the amplitude of the error voltage vector as a function of
the vector position become smaller for decreasing M. Note that since Figure
9.3 can obviously be obtained from Figure 9.2 data by simply reading the digi-
tally stored data in reverse order, only one set of curves needs to be stored in
computer memory. A block diagram of the controller to implement this optimal
form of SVM is shown in Figure 9.4.
392 Programmed Modulation Strategies


1 1 1

3.0 - - - - - - - - ,

- - - - - - - - -,- -
- - - - - - -,... -
- - - - - - -
T -
- - - - - - - ,

- - - - - - - -

I I 1 , I
I I 1 I I

o.s :
I I I I ,

I : :

Tk I

- - - - Jf5 - - - - -: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, I t I

2.0 ~O ~ ~ ~

TO ' 0.8
1.5 : 0.7



arg( Vo*k)
Figure 9.3 TJ!To plotted as a continuous function of the phase angle of
the space vector command voltage for the down-stroke
interval (SV2 => SV1 => SVo) within sextant #1.

Figure 9,3 / """'"----I /

Vo*(t s + [Tk/To]~T/4)

Figure 9.4 Block diagram of the optimized space vector modulator

assuming operation in sextant #1 (0 ~ arg( Vo~k) ~ 1t/3).
Optimized Space Vector Modulation 393

It should be recalled that sampled systems such as that presented in Figure

9.4 introduce a sample delay of one-half the basic pulse width, which is often
not corrected as long as the pulse period ~T is constant as is the case for con-
ventional fixed-frequency modulation. (This delay is typically not corrected
because it is small enough to have a negligible effect on the dynamics of the
system.) However, in this case the pulse widths near"the 0 and 60 points
have become considerably extended to more than three times the smallest sub-
cycle duration over each 60 sextant. This variation in sample delay would
cause a low-frequency harmonic distortion if not corrected. In Figure 9.4 the
commanded voltage Vo*(t s) has been corrected to Vo*(t s + [Tk/To]~T/4) by
simple linear interpolation to avoid this error.
Figures 9.5 and 9.6 show a comparison of modulation using conventional
space vector modulation against using optimized SVM. In Figure 9.5, the tra-
jectory of the space vector corresponding to the harmonic component of cur-
rent is shown over the first 60 of the switching hexagon for the case of 10
switching intervals. Because of symmetry, the behavior of the function in the
remaining five 60 portions is identical. The current locus for each of the
switching intervals forms a closed triangle. A circular locus of amplitude 0.175
is sketched in dotted lines so that the two modulation methods can be com-
pared. The triangle sizes of the optimized case are clearly much more uniform.

0.20 - 0.20 --- -~,- -;:'----- ~~-_:.:.--:~:~:~l- ----------
0.10 ------ 0.10 ------ i__ ~'_\~ _
j \,

-0.10 -0.10 ---------------------

-0.20 -0.20 L..----"'-_--"------''-----'--_~___'_ __J

-0.10 0 0.10 0.20 -0.10 0 0.10 0.20

(a) (b)
Figure 9.5 Current error space vector vs. angular position of the
voltage command vector from the real axis, e = arg( Vo* )
for (a) conventional SVM and (b) optimal SVM, pulse
number p = 30, modulation index M = 0.8.
394 Programmed Modulation Strategies

In Figure 9.6 the amplitude of the current error is plotted as a function of

the angular location of the command voltage Vo*. It can be seen that the ripple
current amplitude pulsates with a frequency of six times the fundamental com-
ponent for conventional SVM, while the current ripple is nearly constant for
the optimized SVM strategy. While arbitrary normalized units have been used
to compute the current ripple, the ratio of the two values for Ih,rms of
0.112/0.126 = 0.888 will be the same regardless of the inductance. There-
fore a 21% reduction in losses can be anticipated for this case (p = 30).

RMSValueof i~, rms = 0.126
0.20 --~~~~!~ ~~~~~ ---r---- ---- ----
0.15 --

(a) 0.10


0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
arg( Vo~k)



(b) 0.10


0 6 ]2 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
arg( Vo*k)

Figure 9.6 Amplitude of current error and incremental RMS value versus
angular position of the voltage command vector from the real
axis, e = arg(Vo* ) for (a) conventional SVM and (b) optimal
SVM, pulse number p ~ 30, modulation index M = 0.8.
Optimized Space Vector Modulation 395

By careful examination of Figure 9.6(b) it can be seen that the RMS value
per pulse obtained for the optimized SVM is not quite constant. This is a result
of the approximations made in the derivation (piecewise linear variation of the
current amplitude). This assumption is clearly violated, particularly during
switching intervals 2 and 9. Nonetheless, the approximation is within a few
percent of optimal which is generally close enough. If an exact answer is
required, the problem then to be solved constitutes a constrained optimization
problem (the constraint being that the RMS values of the current in all of the
switching cycles must be the same). The exact, nonlinear variation of the incre-
mental current must then be taken into account. Hence the term optimized SVM
has been used for this type of controller in the context that the switching peri-
ods have been "optimized" [2]. However, it is not, in the classical sense, a truly
"optimal" PWM strategy, but is instead a "nearly optimal" strategy.
Figure 9.7 compares WTHDO for normal SVM and optimized SVM. Very
little improvement is obtained below M = 0.5, but the improvement reaches a
factor of 2 as M approaches 1.15.

1.5 .--------r--~----y---,__---,r____-__r--~
I (a) : (b) !

1 I 1 I
- - - - -,-
- ---- - -----

1 I I
I 1 1
1 I

,-..... 1.0 ------,-------1------ - ---------------------------

1 1 I I I
I 1 1

1 I

0 1 I t
0 _______ L .J 1_ _ L _

I I I 1 ,

~ : : : : (c) :
~ I

0.5 - - - - - -1- -
- - - - - ~ -
- - - - - -4 -
- - - - - -1- -
- - - - - ~ -
- - - - -

I I I 1 I
1 , I I I
I , 1 1 1
1 1 , 1 I
1 I I I 1 1
- - - , - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - ,.. - - - - - - , - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - ,.. - - - - - -
1 I I , I
I , 1 , 1
1 1 1 I I
1 , I , I
I l i t ,

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M
Figure 9.7 WTHDO versus modulation index M for space vector and
optimized space vector operation, p = 30: (a) conventional
naturally sampled modulation, (b) space vector modulation
(naturally sampled equivalent), and (c) optimized space
vector modulation.
396 Programmed Modulation Strategies

9.2 Harmonic Elimination PWM

Whereas the previous method of optimization relaxes the concept of regular
timing pulses by allowing the half carrier interval to vary about its nominal
value To, the concept of clocking the pulses can also be eliminated completely.
In this case the switching events are allowed to roam freely over the period of
the fundamental component consistent only with the need to maintain wave-
form symmetry. One of the earliest forms ofPWM [3], termed harmonic elimi-
nation, seeks to progressively eliminate the low-order harmonics beginning
with the largest (fifth) harmonic consistent with the number of pulses available
to be manipulated [4,5].

In general, the two-level output of each phase leg can be switched an arbi-
trary number of times per cycle as shown in Figure 9.8, in order to vary the
fundamental component of voltage applied to the load and also to reduce the
harmonic content of the output voltage waveform. Figure 9.8 shows two gener-
alized output waveforms with N notches per half cycle (2N+1 switching
events). For both waveforms, switching events are always assumed to occur at
the half cycle points, 0, 180, 360, resulting from the basic square-wave
switching and not being part of the notching process. Hence, waveform A
begins its positive half cycle with a positive-going voltage transition (a non-
controllable event since the basic square-wave voltage always goes positive at
this point), while waveform B begins with a negative-going transition (also
noncontrollable). Correspondingly, each negative half cycle begins with non-
controllable opposite polarity transitions.

Furthermore, N can be odd or even for either waveform. However, when N

is odd in the case of waveform A, or even in the case of waveform B, a notch
with the opposite polarity to the target fundamental peak will be necessarily
located in the center of each half cycle, i.e., symmetrically located around the
90 and 270 0 points of the fundamental sinusoid. In either case this results in
unacceptable solutions, so that, for practical purposes N must be even for
waveform A and odd for waveform B.

Note that with no notches, it is evident that the resultant square wave con-
tains all odd harmonics h = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 000 In addition, if it is assumed that

three such half-bridges will be connected to form a three-phase system and,

furthermore, that the load will ultimately be connected in wye, then only the
non-triplen harmonics result in currents flowing in the load.
Harmonic Elimination PWM 397

Switching Event
Fixed in Time Switching Event
Fixed in Time


Switching Event <12 <l4 <12N-1 1t <12N+2

Switching Event
Fixed in Time

I - - - -- - I Fixed in Time

M ~ ~
Q. Q.
~ ~ 0 0
u root



0 <11 <13 <12N-2 <12N <12N+1 u2N+3

Figure 9.8 Generalized output waveform of half-bridge inverter showing

2N notches per cycle: (a) waveform type A, positive half
cycle having positive going initial step and (b) waveform
type B, positive half cycle with negative going initial step.

If a h 0,2' .. , a2N define the angular positions of the N notches shown in Fig-
ure 9.8, then the waveforms can be represented in general by a Fourier series as

f( rot) = L ansinnrot+ bncosnrot (9.39)

n = I

where, utilizing half-wave symmetry,


~ f( rot) sinnrot deu (9.40)

398 Programmed Modulation Strategies


bn = ~ f(Olt)cosnOlt dtot (9.41)

Substituting for j{mt) in Eq. (9.40) and, using the half-wave symmetry prop-
erty, then for waveform A of Figure 9.8(a)


L (-ll J sinxror dcst +


an = ~VdC f sin-nor diet (9.42)

k= 0 Uk U 2N

where, necessarily as identified before, ao = O.

For waveform B,

(_I)k+ \ sinnOlt dOlt- sinnOlt dust (9.43)
k=O U 2N

Evaluating the integrals gives

an = (I)-!Vdc "'" (-I)k[cosnuk- cos(nu k+ I)] (9.44)
n1t L..J

= (1)4:: C[1
+ I
k= 1
(-I)kCOsnuk] (9.45)

where + 1 is used for waveform of type A (for even values of N) and -1 is used
for waveform type B (odd values ofN).


bn = (it) n:
4V c [ 2N
L (-t)ksin(nuk) ]
k= I
Equations (9.45) and (9.46) form a set of equations in 2N unknowns. Hence
given values for the a's for any particular case, the harmonic spectral compo-
nents a, and bh can be readily solved. The number of unknowns can be reduced
if one now assumes quarter-wave symmetry, so that
k= 1,2, ....,N (9.47)
Harmonic Elimination PWM 399

Hence the sine terms in Eq. (9.46) occur in pairs, so that

bn =0 for all n (9.48)
From Eq. (9.47), it is also apparent that

cos(nu k ) = cos [n(1t - u 2N - k + I)] k= 1,2,..., N (9.49)

or, simply
cos(nhu k ) = -cos(nu 2N _ k + I) k= 1,2,..., N (9.50)

Substituting Eq. (9.50) into Eq. (9.45), one obtains finally,

4V [ N k dC
an=(l)mt 1+2~(-1) cos(nu k ) ] (9.51)

The set of equations given by Eq. (9.51) are nonlinear since they are trigo-
nometric functions of the variables uk' One convenient approach to solving
these equations is to use an n-dimensional form of Newton's method [4,5]. For
this method, the N equations ofEq. (9.51) can be written as the vector

~ [1 +2 (-I)kCOS(n\ak)]
I k =)

1,0.2, , uN)

~ [1 +2 (-llcos(n 2ak )]
F) (0.
F 2 ( u l, a 2, , uN)
= F(a., 0. 2' ... , aN)

2 k = 1
FN(al' 0. , ... , aN) (9.52)


;-[1 I (-I)kcos(n~k)]

where the n's are harmonic numbers to be eliminated. This equation can be lin-
earized about a nominal value by taking the slope and multiplying this result
by an incremental value around the nominal value. In the case of an N-dimen-
sional variable, this is equivalent to
400 Programmed Modulation Strategies


... aFt





U 1-U 1,0
L\u = (9.55)


The grad function is called the gradient of the vector F. The solution is
obtained in the same manner as the scalar form for Newton's equation. A suit-
able starting point is guessed and the gradient computed from the known func-
tions given by Eq. (9.52). Assuming that the function is linear, the function is
projected toward the origin and the intercept on the axes is located. These val-
ues are then used to fix a new operating point. The slope is again computed and
the process repeated until convergence is obtained (hopefully). Formally, this
iteration is described by solving Eq. (9.53) as

at -1 a 1, 0
: =-[gratf(F(<lI,<l2' ... ,<IN)la=a)] F(<l,,<l2' ... ,<IN)la=a
+ :
aN U~o

The process of convergence is illustrated along a single axis of the N-dimen-
sional axes shown in Figure 9.9.
Should convergence fail, other more sophisticated solution techniques are
available. As a practical matter, many excellent algorithms are, for example,
available in the MATLAB programming language. A low-cost solution is also
available via numerical methods available in standard mathematical libraries
such as IMSL [6] or NAG [7].
Equation (9.51) can be solved to make any particular an equal to zero, i.e.,
the harmonic component corresponding to any harmonic n can be eliminated.
However, since even harmonics are readily set to zero by simply maintaining
Harmonic Elimination PWM 401


Figure 9.9 Illustration of Newton's method.

symmetry in the waveform, only odd nontriplen pairs of harmonics are typi-
cally set to zero by use ofEq. (9.56).
For example, for N = 2, the two lowest nontriplen harmonics of the basic
square wave that should be eliminated to minimize WTHD are the fifth and
seventh. In this case, 0.1 = 16.247 and 0.2 = 22.069 for waveform type A. A
sketch of the resulting waveform together with the harmonic content of the
waveform for N= 2 are shown in Figure 9.10 and Table 9.1. Note that while
the selected harmonics are eliminated, the harmonic just above the largest
eliminated harmonic increases as the number of transitions increases. In effect
this is a natural consequenceof the sampling principle.
Examining Figure 9.10 it can be seen that 10 switching events per phase
leg result in an effective switching frequency of five times the fundamental.
The fifth and seventh harmonics have now been eliminated by the optimized
switching angle. (In PWM terms, these are the carrier harmonic and the side-
band at the switching frequency plus twice the fundamental.) The lower side-
band at the switching frequency minus twice the fundamental is eliminated by
virtue of it being a triplen harmonic, The sidebands at the switching frequency
plus/minus the fundamental are even harmonics which are eliminated by
arranging a symmetrical waveform with half and quarter cycle symmetry. The
harmonic at twice the sampling frequency is also zero since it is even, leaving
only the sidebands at the switching frequency plus/minus the fundamental
( 10 1) as significant. However, the ninth harmonic is also triplen and does
not appear across the load so that, finally, the eleventh harmonic becomes the
first important spectral contribution from the point of view of the load.
402 Programmed Modulation Strategies

Table 9.1 Harmonic Magnitudes for Elimination of 5'" and T" Harmonic, N = 2

Order of Absolute Magnitude of Magnitude of Harmonic

Harmonic Harmonic Coefficient (0/0 of Fundamental)
1 1.1879 100.00
3 0.2070 17.43
5 0.00 0.00
7 0.00 0.00
9 0.1086 9.14
11 0.2412 21.31
13 0.3223 27.13
15 0.3084 25.96
17 0.2030 17.09
19 0.0514 4.33
21 0.0825 6.94

-. ------.- ..

: :
: :
: : :
: : :
o 0
: : : :
: I

: : : :
- - - -,- - -- - - -,-- -- : : :
1800 240 0 300 0 3600
(}o (b)

- ---i------i------.------


- Vde - _-: :_- _- __ ~ _

00 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600


Figure 9.10 Solution and waveform for elimination of the 5th and 7th
harmonics using waveform type A, 0.1 = 16.247, 0.2 =
22.069: (a) Line-to-DC midpoint voltage vaz ' (b) line-to-
line voltage vab' and (c) line to load-neutral voltage vas.
Harmonic Elimination PWM 403

It can be noted from Table 9.1 that if the two free values of a are used to
eliminate the fifth and seventh harmonics, the fundamental component is fixed
and cannot be varied. While this may be suitable for passive, constant fre-
quency loads, use of such an inverter for an AC motor drive requires that the
fundamental voltage be controlled in a manner such that the volts/hertz remain
constant. Assuming that the switching pattern is not altered as the frequency
changes, this implies that the fundamental voltage must also be changed.
Hence, one of the constraint equations denoted by Eq. (9.51), namely the equa-
tion for at, must be altered to the form


or, as a per unit of Vdc '

al,(pu) = (1)~[1 + 2 I
k= 1
(-l)k cosu k] = M (9.58)

Again the +1 and -1 are taken for even and odd N, respectively. Since Eq.
(9.58) must be satisfied, one less harmonic can be eliminated than previously.
Because Eq. (9.50) forms an additional constraint, the switching angles Uk now
become a function of the per unit voltage and the solution becomes more com-
Figure 9.11 shows the simple case where a single notch is introduced per
half cycle using waveform A. In this case all nontriplen odd harmonics remain,
and the single free switching angle is used to vary the fundamental component
of voltage. Figures 9.11(c) and 9.11(d) show two harmonic distortion curves.

In Figure 9.11(c) the WTHD is expressed as a per unit of the fundamental

component of voltage as defined by Eq. (2.22), namely

WTHD = ~--- (9.59)

404 Programmed Modulation Strategies

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

I I , I , I
I I 1 I I I
16 -- - - -l- - - - - -4 - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~- -~ -
-1-----f-----t-----~ ---- i I : l
I I I - - - - - - - -

25 - - - -1- ----"1-
, ,
I I I I ! !
I I I I - - - - ... - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - T" - - - - - - - - -r- - - - -

;? : : l: ! !
--i -----t-----r- ---r----
, , I I I I

-----'-----l-----i-----; -----r-----r----

12 -- - - -!-----l--

~ 20 ~

'-" I
oo l:
----,----- ----! ! !r - ! - - -r - - --
15 -----l-----i-----1-----f---- t
I I I I I I -"T - - - - - T - - - - -

:I: ~---- :I: : I : : : :

f-t f-t 8 - - - --:-- - ~ - - - - - 4----- t-----~ ---- ~ ----
~ ::::::

10 - - - -1-----1-----t-----t-----r- --l- ----
----1-----i-----t-----r-----. ----
I , I I I


i-----1-----t-----t-----~ ----~- ----

I I I , I I
I 4 ---
5 ----1-----1-----t-----t-----~----' ---- I I I I I I

- - - - ~I - - - - - +----- ~ ---- -1-- - --

I , I I I ,
- - - -1-
- - - -1-
I I I I I I I , I I I I
I I I I , ,
: I I : I :

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)
Figure 9.11 (a) Switching angle at vs. modulation index M,
(b) resulting 5th , 7th , 11 th , and 13 th harmonics, (c) WTHD,
and (d) WTHDO. Type A waveform used with one chop per
half cycle, harmonics shown in per unit of Vdc' fundamental
voltage proportional to M

In the case being examined only nontriplen odd harmonics exist since the
waveform is half-wave symmetrical. If both Vn and VI are expressed as a per
unit of Vdc ' then Eq. (9.59) can be written as

~ [(V6k - l , (PU)1 (V6k6k+

2 2
_ 1 + + PUil J I, (
WTHD - M L..J 6k-l) 1) (9.60)

Equation (9.60) is important as a figure of merit for inverter drives which oper-
ate with constant-volts-per-hertz. In such cases the per unit fundamental com-
Harmonic Elimination PWM 405

ponent of voltage and per unit frequency are identical so that their ratio always
equals unity. The modulation index Mhas already been defined in such a man-
ner as to represent the per unit fundamental component of voltage and, hence,
its use in Eq. (9.60). Since the fundamental component of voltage reaches zero
at zero frequency, it is clear that the WTHD becomes singular when VI = o.
In other applications, such as uninterruptible power supplies, the voltage
VI is varied while the frequency is kept constant. In such cases the WTHD can
best be expressed in terms of a fixed reference voltage. Using the peak voltage
obtained with M = 1.0, i.e., Vdc ' Chapter 2 has defined

~[(V6k_I(PU)2 + (V6k+1(PU)2] (9.61)
L..J 6k-1 6k+ 1

in which case,
WTHD = WTHDO (9.62)
Figure 9.11(d) shows the behavior of this function.
Figure 9.12 shows the two switching angles needed to eliminate the fifth
harmonic on the output while again producing the desired fundamental output
voltage. The angles at and a2 are plotted as a function of the desired funda-
mental output voltage in per unit of the maximum possible fundamental volt-
age for square-wave operation (i.e., in terms of the modulation index M).
Switching angles and other data for two possible solutions are plotted. The
solid line solution retains both switching angles within the region 0 S a S Tt/3
corresponding to 60 discontinuous switching as described in Chapter 6.
Switching of this type suggests that each inverter phase is clamped to the posi-
tive or negative DC rail for 60 (during the region 60-120 and 240-300 in
the case of the waveform shown in Figure 9.8). Hence, such switching can be
considered as a form of 60 discontinuous switching. When the angles occupy
the entire half cycle, by comparison, the solution corresponds to a form of con-
tinuous switching.
In both cases waveform A is used (positive-going pulse at the zero crossing
of the fundamental component). The dashed line gives the solution for continu-
ous switching over the 90 and therefore, by symmetry, switching over the
entire 360 period. Also shown are the next three most important harmonics
(i.e., the seventh, eleventh and thirteenth) as a function of M for both cases.
406 Programmed ModulationStrategies

90 ---I-----t
! a2 :----
. .......'1:
I .... I

~ 75 -----:-----~----- ----,;~~~:'--~-----~----
th I ~lj- . . -.... ....,.....! I !
! 60 ....----:::F:----1----- -----t-----~ -----~ ----
~ !: a2 1 1 1
] 45 -----r----l----- - --~-----r-----r----
g> !: ! I 1

..( 30 - - - - -!- ----~- ---- -----+- - - - - ~ - - -~ - - --

g> :: :
! ! al
I :

:E : : I

.~ IS - - - - - -- --: - - - -
~ - -- --: --- - -: -- - - -- - -
~ : ::
tI) 0 : ::
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)



I I , I I I

Waveform A '~-----1-----

50 10 -_ -__- -_ -_1::,;-_ -_ - -_ -_ ~ - -

! Discontinuous 1
~ Wavetorm A- l-----l----
---i -- --- t ---- - r-----r- - - - -
40 - - - -1- ----l- 8
~ I
I '
I 8
Discontinuous: 1
: :
O , : : :
I ' I .... , I

6 ---- :------1-----i--,;,;.:;.t--~-::-~----~----

L_J~Sr_wa~eforinA_J ----
30 - - - - -:- - - i - - - - - "t - - - - - t - - - - - t - - - - - ~ - - - - E-
!: i Waveform A
-r---- ~
E- 1
~ C' 4 - __
20 \----!------:---
I I ,
-~-- ~nt1n~ous

I .... 1
\ I I I I I I
~"""": ! ontmuous
-~~~i:--:--..+-- ~::::--~---:+----I----- 1----- i-----t-----t---- -~-- --1-----

10 2 -7!
, ,





: I : : :

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)

Figure 9.12 (a) Switching angles aJ, 0.2 for two chops per half cycle,
(b) resulting 7th , 11 '". and 13th harmonics, (c) WTHD, and
(d) WTHDO. Both type A waveforms, solid and dashed lines
show discontinuous and continuous switching, respectively,
5th harmonic eliminated, remaining harmonics shown in per
unit of Vdc' fundamental voltage proportional to M

Note that the seventh harmonic component is dominant which can be described
as follows. The pulse rate for this case is P = 2N + 1 = 5. Since the fifth har-
monic has been eliminated and even sideband harmonics are zero due to the
symmetry of the waveform, the dominant sidebands are 5 2 = 3 and 7. The
third harmonic is eliminated because it is common mode, and thus the seventh
harmonic becomes dominant. The WTHD normalized for variable frequency,
constant V1Hz and for fixed-frequency operation are given in Figures 9.12(c)
and 9.12(d). In both cases the continuous switching case is superior to the 60
Harmonic Elimination PWM 407

discontinuous case. Unfortunately, the solution terminates near M = 1 and can-

not be readily used in the overmodulation region.
It is important to note that the solutions for the switching angles uk termi-
nate when any ui is equal either to 0 or 1t/2. Hence, if one value of uk is
always known when the modulation index reaches its maximum value, then
Mmax can be found by letting one uk equal zero (or 1t/2) and treating M as a
variable instead. Solutions of the resulting set of equations yield the remaining
values of uk plus the maximum value of M for a particular solution. The num-
ber of solutions has been found to be surprisingly large [8]. Table 9.2 is taken
from this reference showing the maximum values of uk and M for N = 2
through 10. These values of uk can be used as the starting point to back calcu-
late the intermediate values of uk from M == Mmax back to M = 0 by assuming
an additional value of uk equal to either 0 or 1t /2. The resulting set of uk's may
or may not generate a range of solutions over a feasible range of the parameter
M. For example, when N = 3, the four possible points which could generate a
solution are as shown in Table 9.3. It has been shown in [8] that the number of
solutions obtained in this manner follow the sequence shown in Table 9.4. It
can also be noted from Table 9.2 that only one of the solution set of points con-
tains values of uk no greater than 1t/3. Hence, one and only one solution cor-
responding to 60 switching is possible for each value of N.
Figures 9.13 through 9.16 give additional results for three chops through to
five chops per half cycle. Only the significant solutions for N = 3, 4, and 5 are
shown. It should be mentioned that the nonlinear nature of the system equa-
tions prevents a decisive assessment of all possible solutions. While the solu-
tions found in [8] are numerous, they are not exhaustive since at least one
additional solution has been found for N== 5, as shown in Figure 9.17. Since
the uk's for this solution do not terminate at 0 or 1t/2, it cannot be predicted by
the approach used to develop Table 9.2. Its existence suggests the presence of
possible additional solutions.
Note that when N > 2 a pattern emerges showing tha.t angles depart from
equally spaced points along the ordinate which can also be used as the starting
points for the solution algorithm. Reference [9] illustrates a method of solving
these equations by identifying these existing symmetries and defining a set of
straight lines which approximate the exact solution. These existing symmetries
and straight-line approximations are of considerable benefit in the implementa-
tion of this switching strategy in hardware [10].
408 Programmed Modulation Strategies

Table 9.2 Maximum Values of ak and Modulation Index M for Feasible

Solutions, Number of Chops per Half Cycle N = 2 to 10 (8)

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
N Mmax
2 1.22 0.227
0.98 1.448 Maximum Delay Angle a (radians)

3 1.1884 0.2836 0.3852

1.16690 0.1780 1.5448

4 1.1779 0.1526 0.4258 0.4845

1.1733 0.1647 0.2578 1.5511

5 1.1704 0.1841 0.2809 0.5394 0.5736

1.1690 0.1717 0.2631 1.4845 1.5057

1.1668 0.1186 0.3020 0.3671 0.6051 0.6283

6 1.0330 0.1483 0.2700 0.8423 0.8854 1.5345
1.1663 0.1136 0.2757 0.3269 1.4546 1.4751
1.0217 0.1883 0.2644 1.2062 1.2526 1.5328

1.1638 0.1362 0.2212 0.4030 0.4474 0.6654 0.6807

1.1596 0.1057 0.2574 0.3208 0.7459 0.7546 1.5557
7 1.1636 0.1339 0.2173 0.4277 0.4598 1.4108 1.4257
1.1596 0.1061 0.2612 0.3156 1.3392 1.3479 1.5557

1.1621 0.0969 0.2341 0.2963 0.4694 0.5021 0.7034 0.7148

8 1.1613 0.1004 0.1715 0.3018 0.3490 0.7252 0.7345 1.5578
1.1620 0.0952 0.2263 0.2805 0.4758 0.5069 1.3777 1.3888
1.1612 0.1008 0.1721 0.3093 0.3469 1.3598 1.3691 1.5577

1.1606 0.1081 0.1825 0.3213 0.3675 0.5323 0.5561 0.7409 0.7490

9 1.1603 0.1041 0.1763 0.3047 0.3478 0.7519 0.7591 1.5078 1.5234
1.1606 0.1074 0.1812 0.3321 0.3713 0.5335 0.5571 1.3449 1.3530
1.1602 0.1036 0.1753 0.3' 32 0.3497 1.3349 1.3420 1.5073 1.5229

1.1597 0.0818 0.1912 0.2486 0.3832 0.4192 0.5751 0.5937 0.7657 0.7721
1.0383 0.0908 0.1764 0.2950 0.3580 0.7117 0.7421 0.9272 0.9501 1.5487
1.1595 0.0797 0.1846 0.2398 0.3529 0.3786 0.7706 0.7766 1.4900 1.5066
10 1.0269 0.0906 0.1782 0.3199 0.3510 0.9267 0.9516 1.3506 1.3828 1.5477
1.1597 0.0811 0.1882 0.2409 0.3862 0.4212 0.5761 0.5946 1.3219 1.3282
1.0345 0.1125 0.1741 0.2940 0.3578 0.7116 0.7426 1.1438 1.1673 1.5484
1.1595 0.0791 0.1818 0.2331 0.3568 0.3810 1.3176 1.3236 1.4898 1.5063
1.0228 0.1146 0.1764 0.3193 0.3505 1.1422 1.1679 1.3500 1.3830 1.5474

Table 9.3 Possible Solution End Points for N = 3, ak in Degrees

al a2 a3 Solution
0.00 16.35 22.07 TypeA
16.35 22.07 90.00 Type B*
0.00 10.20 88.51 None
10.20 88.51 90.00 Type A
* Range restricted to 1.172s M s 1.188.
Table 9.4 Number of Solutions vs. Number of Chops per Half Cycle N (8)
N 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
Solutions 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 8 12 12 12 16 24 ...
Harmonic Elimination PWM 409

70 -- - - -!- -----1- ---- ~ -- -- -

~ : : VII
I :

~ 60
o I


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

" l : WaveformB
- ---',l---- - ~ -- I- - - - - - l- - - - -

r-, : Discontinuous!

12 - - - -1- - :l-----i- ---t-----r-----



----1- --- -1-", ~ :-----t-----t-----r----

I ' I I I
-. I " I I I
::r: 8 --- - -!- ----1- ----~'" --- t-----~ ----
I I "I I I I

I - - - -

~ -----i-----~---J!-~-
1 ! !
-~' ~~----~
! """ !

4 -~::~~~:~~-~l~~~~F~~~r~:~~f~~~~
00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(C) (d)

Figure 9.13 (a) Switching angles u., u2, u3 for three chops per half
cycle, (b) resulting 11 th, 13th , and 17th harmonics,
(c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO. Both type B waveforms, solid
and dashed lines show discontinuous and continuous
switching, respectively, 5th and 7th harmonics eliminated,
remaining harmonics shown as per unit of Vdc .

Figure 9.18 shows a plot of the WTHD for both types of waveforms with
two different chopping frequencies, N = 3 and 6. Note that type A and type B
curves cross near a modulation index of 0.8. The type B curve proves superior
for low voltages (low frequencies) for N odd and type A for N even. However,
it is apparent that the complexity of the solutions make the use of harmonic
elimination difficult to use particularly at low frequencies when the number of
chops per quarter cycle becomes very large. The process of sorting out the best
410 Programmed Modulation Strategies

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Modulation IndexM
(a) (b)

----1----- Wav~form+A- --'-----r----
I , I

16 ---- : ----~--Discontinuous.}-----~----
l : 1 I : ! ~
! i ! i WaveformA '-'0 4 : Discontinuous:
-----,-- ---I ---r !
I I J,.. --:----l :
t I

~ 12 - ----:-- - -- 0
::::::::: I I I

c ! ! : Continuous
I - - - - -{ - - - - - I . -

I ::c I : "': : : I

i: ---- :-----7~ - -1-----t-----t-----:-- ---

I' I I 1

!! I! ~ 3
~ 8 -/~=--t-~;;~i-----: - -f-----r-----~---- :

! ,/:
' : 1 : :

! .Waveform A -r----

! !" ,1 2 -- --,-,---,-----,-
1 : ;
I I I ' ... I I I
~' Continuous!
4 ---- -l-----~ -----~ ------~i ~~~ : ----~ ----
--r,':-: -----1-: ----t-----:-----:-----
: : : :
1 I , 1 I

o I ,': ! ! ! ! !
I I I , I
I I I , ,
I 1 1 1 I
: 1 I I : I , I 1 1 I

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)

Figure 9.14 (a) Switching angles ai, a2, a3' a4, for four chops per half
cycle, (b) resulting 13th , vt": and 19th harmonics,
(c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO. Both type A waveforms, solid
and dashed lines show discontinuous and continuous
switching, respectively, 5th , and 11 th harmonics r:
eliminated, remaining harmonics shown as per unit of Vdc .

solution from the large number of possibilities when N is large becomes nearly
an impossible task and has never been reported in the literature. Generally
speaking, harmonic elimination becomes most valuable during the pulse drop-
ping mode ( 21J3 ~ M s 'Tt/4). A possible modulation strategy for a converter
limited to a switching frequency of 1000 Hz with a fundamental frequency at
M= 1.27 of89 Hz is shown in Figure 9.19.
Performance Index for Optimality 411



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

,. I 1 I I I
4 ,.....-..-------.---------.-----,------.
_ _ _ _ _1_ \! ~
oJ ! Waveform B
.1. .
Waveform B
: 'I I 1 Discontinuous Discontinuous --J..
I __ :
-- 6 --- -:-----,,- ---~-----~-----~ ----~---- -----1- ---- ~ -- ~~~---- ~~ y ::: ':':- ----
~ ! ;",: ! :
-- --:------:---'Ao.-i- --+-- -f------l-----
I : )" Waveform B!
-----:----r .--- .
-~-- --:-----
! : ,,~ : ! : ! ,/! Continuous: :
-----:-/ -- ~ -----i ----- t-----~ --- -~ ----



---I------1-----~-'~~~-+- ---t-----~----



I ., : : : : :
----,-: ---- ~ -----i ----- t-----f---- -r- ----
,~ I I I I I

I : : : : :

- - - -{- - - - - -t- - - - - +- - - - - ~ - - -- -:-- -- - -:-- - --



- --+----~-----~-----t-----~----+----
I I I I 1
: I
: : I
: :I
: I I I

00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)

Figure 9.15 (a) Switching angles ab ... , 0.5 for five chops per half cycle,
(b) resulting 17th , 19th , and 23rd harmonics, (c) WTHD, and
(d) WTHDO. Both type B waveforms, solid and dashed
lines show discontinuous and continuous switching,
respectively, 5th , r': 11 '". and 131h harmonics eliminated,
remaining harmonics shown as per unit of Vdc '

9.3 Performance Index for Optimality

Pulsewidth modulation is most often used in forced commutated inverters to
supply variable speed AC motors where the ultimate purpose of the modula-
tion is to create, to as high an accuracy as possible, a sinusoidal current flowing
in the motor stator winding. Rather than deal indirectly with the problem by
attempting to create a sinusoidal voltage by progressively eliminating harmon-
412 Programmed Modulation Strategies



, I I

~ : I I : a3: :
~ 60 -';:f~-:.::i-----1-----t-----r-----r-----
~ I a4 ! ----:----~---J__ !
~ 45 -----~-.:_.::d---.:-+--~~t---::::-t-::,-~----
~ ---1- a3 ! ! ! ! \ 1

< 30 - -- - -!- ---- ~- ----4- - - - - +- - - - - ~ - - - - 1~ - - --

~ ::::::
:E : a2 : ! ! a2 ! !
~ 15 ----1----- I- I: I
.~ 1 at l I aL~ __-
C/) 0 :_---~-------- I

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)



10 - -- -l- -----1- ---- ~ ----- t-----t-----~ ----



~ !! i Waveform B !
8 ---- ;-----I-----i-Oiscontinuous
::: i i
~ ,,~
- --- -!-~~.: : ---- :-----1-----:- -----:- ----
I : : : :

~ 6
I ' I
4 -----:------l----~+-:- --~-----~-----~----
! : :/": i :
Waveform BA' '1'....: :
2 Continuous -1---- -1----'r'::--l----
I " , I

: :
: :I
: : : :

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)

Figure 9.16 (a) Two additional groups of switching angles at, ..., as for
five chops per half cycle, (b) resulting 17th , 19th, and 23rd
harmonics, (c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO. Both type B
waveforms, solid and dashed lines show discontinuous and
continuous switching, respectively, 5th , 7th , 11", and 13 th
harmonics eliminated, remaining harmonics shown as per
unit of Vdc .

ics, another approach is to simply use the distortion in the current as a figure of
merit and to attempt to minimize this function [11,12]. This problem is, of
course, more difficult, since the current waveform is not known a priori with-
out current sensors or without some knowledge of the load. Nonetheless, con-
siderable headway can be made with a few simple assumptions. In addition,
with the arrival of powerful signal processing chips, the possibility of on-line
optimization appears to be on the horizon.
Performance Index for Optimality 413

90~-="""'------'---'--~----~-""'" I

~ 70 - - - - -1- -----1- ---

~ I I
-1-----i-----t-----~ ----

: 60 - - - - -1- ---- ~- ---- -1- --- -1----- t-----~ ----

~ I I / I / I

o : :V17 : ..---~... : :
----t----l-'5,-,-'l-----i---.. . .,t-----r----
;;J. so
I I ~... I... I I

~ 40 -- - - +----f ----1-----i-----t-'\---~ ----

tI.l I I' I , ., I

"'g :,' : : Vl 9 : : \~:

.t::: 30 - - - - -1-- 7~ - -{- - - - - ~;- - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - -for ~ - - --
0. ! " ,....:--..... 4 1 : ,'\.!
<e 20 -- -- -f~L~ - -~-----
I, IV ~- ~'--i----- t-/--'i:~- ---
! 23 I '~_:,': 1
I " 1'/

~ ::' 1
~ 10 -T --:-- -- -l-\---1- -..-..-..~---~ ...)~ -- t: ----
o ', :
I ---.,1-..
: _)..... t..
: " ,': '\, :
: " I ":

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

(b) Modulation Index M

4r-------,---T----r----.,...----....-~- ....
____ J J--- __1I 1__- __L L _
-l- ----i-----1-----t-----r-----~ ----
: : I I I I

10 - - - - : ! : : : i
,-, ::::::
't: : : : :
-----1-- ---~- --..,..!"f-------~1: ~~ . . . ~:- ---~ -- --
'" 8 -- -- -:~ -- - ~ - - -- - i - - - - - +- - - - - ~ - -- - -:- - - - - ! ;,,/: ! ! ..... -l
s: ! "" i l ! ! i - - - - -:- - - -
I ,
7~ - - - - -
-I- - - - - t - - - - -I- - - - - -:- - - - -
I I , I

-----!-7~-- ~---- -~--- -- +-----~ -- ---~-- --

I 'I I I I ,

~ 6 - --- -L --- -1~~,-- J- --__ 1__ ---L---- -L ----

~ : ! ' .. : : I ! J'






: : t......: : : -1- - - - - iI - - - - - +- - - - - ~I - - - - -:-I - - - -

4 -- - - -1- ----l-----i --- -'i,~ ---f-----r- - - --
, I I'" I I I - - - - 7'- - - - -
,I I I

: ! : ! ! i
! i ! l<, ~'--,L
2 -----:- ---- i - - - - - ~ - - - - - t - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - -
- - - - -l- - - - - i - - - - - +----- ~ ---- -l- - - - - -:- - - - -
/ I I I I I - - - - .,- - - - - , - - - - - .,. - - - - - ,. - - - - - r- - - - - -1- - - - -


: : ! ! : ! : i : ! :
: I : : : :

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(C) (d)
Figure 9.17 (a) Yet another undocumented group of switching angles
Ub ... , as for five chops per half cycle, (b) resulting 17 ,
th rd
19 , and 23 harmonics, (c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO.
Type B waveform, s". 7 th , 11 th , and 13th harmonics
eliminated, remaining harmonics shown in per unit of Vdc .

Assume that the load under consideration consists of an AC motor. It is

well known that the impedance to harmonics above the fundamental is limited
principally by the leakage inductance of the motor. Recall from Section 2.2
that if the leakage inductance is not frequency dependent and if the voltages
applied to the machine are a symmetric three-phase set with no DC component,
then the RMS current in one of the motor phases can be expressed as

I rms (9.63)
414 Programmed Modulation Strategies

2 ,. - - T -
Figure 9.14 (c)
- - I- -
Figure 9.16 (c) I Figure 9.15 (c)

1.0 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3
Modulation Index M

Figure 9.18 Weighted total harmonic distortion for N = 1 through N = 5

with type A and type B voltage waveforms,

84.9<fo<89.0, H.E., N= 1, P= 3
82.7</0<84.9, H.E., N = 2, P = 5
82.1</0<82.7, H.E., N= 3, P= 7
fo 81.4</0<82.1, H.E., N = 4, P = 9
80.0</0<81.4, H.E., N = 5, P = 11
89 - --------------r ----------- M= 1.27
80 --------------. M= 1.15
sine/A + 3Har, P= 12
69 M= 1.0


40 ----------...-.----.,---------------. M= 0.58

20 - - - - - - - - - - 600-_ _~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
sine/A, P = 48
M= 0.145
10 ----------.......----.-------------.
asynch sine/~

480 960 ~ I000 Hz

Figure 9.19 Modulation strategy to reach square wave mode using
harmonic elimination (H.E.) in the overmodulation region.
Performance Index for Optimality 415

I rms = RMS value of the sum of the harmonic currents
Vn == peak value of the harmonic n of the output voltage
(00 = fundamental angular frequency
La = nominal sum of the motor stator plus rotor leakage inductance, or,
L2L m
La = LI +L +L (9.64)
2 m
L] , L 2 = stator and rotor leakage inductance per phase, respectively, and

Lm == magnetizing inductance per phase

This equation can be written as

(0 L I 1
o (J rms == WTHD == (9.65)
V1,rms VI

where VI and VI ,rms are the peak and RMS fundamental componentof the volt-
age. Hence, to minimizethe RMS value of the harmoniccurrents it is sufficient
to minimizethe harmonic voltagesexpressed in per unit weighted by their har-
monic order. With motor loads, VI generally changes in direct proportion to
frequency, so that Eq. (9.65) tends to infinity as VI approaches zero, making
this expressionunwieldy for deep modulation indices. However, if one normal-
izes Eq. (9.65) and chooses instead as the reference voltage, the value of VI
obtained when M == 1, then

(0 L I 1 ~ (V ,2
o (J rms == WTHDO == L..J nn') (9.66)
V1I M = I Vdc

Equation (9.66) constitutes the performance index against which various opti-
mizing PWM methodscan now be compared. While other factors could readily
be used which incorporate skin effect, etc. as demonstrated in Chapter 2, Eq.
(9.66) will be used initially here for simplicity. The use of more elaborate per-
formance indices will be discussed toward the end of this chapter.
416 Programmed Modulation Strategies

9.4 Optimum PWM

While the concept is straightforward, the process of minimizing the perfor-
mance index given by Eq. (9.66) is very difficult since the expression is, in
fact, again a function of the switching angles (i.e., same as the a's discussed in
Section 9.2). Figures 9.20 and 9.21 show the optimum switching angles com-
puted for the case of two switching angles (N = 2 chops per half cycle) as a
function of modulation index. In this case the two switching angles allow the
performance index to be minimized in addition to realizing the proper funda-
mental component of voltage. Two solutions are again obtained, one for type A
and one for type B switching. In order to obtain the overall minimum WTHD,

I 1 I , I I

~ 75 - - - - -!- ----~ -----~ -----+- - -- - ~ - - - - - ~ - -- -

~ ! 1 ! l ! !
! 60 - - - - -1- -----;----- i-----f-----~ -----~ ----
rs i
45 -----:-----i---
U2! ! !
_ I J I I J I

~ !:! !
- - - - -1- --- -1-----i-----t--- -~ -----~ ----
I :

:1 II :I :I :I
15 -----r----'-----r-----r-----r----1
: :uI: : ~
--- 1

{/j 0 I I I I:
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
ModulationIndex M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

1 I I I
____ ...1
I ...J J.I 1
.L IL 11 _
I I I I 1 I _ 14 ----~-----1-----+-

-l- ----1-----i-----t-----r-----r---- -- 12
I '$. !! 1 1 I

; 30 - -- ----J-----~--- -~-----~-----L ----:..----

8 !!!!!
-----:-- -J- - - - -1-----t-----t-----~ ---- :I: 10
- - - - -1- ----J - - - - i-----t-----~ - ---~ ----
"-' 1 I I I I I

~ 20
l!::: l
- - - - -!- -----r----1- - -t - - - - - r-----r- ----
- - - - -:-- - -1-----4-----t-----~ -- --~ ----
I I I I J J I I I , I I

6 ---- : : : : : :
I I I 1 I I
- - - - -J-- - - - -j - - - - - {- - - - - i - - - - ~ - - - - -:- - - -- -1- - - - , - - - - - "t - - - - - ... - - - - - ,.. - - - - ,.. - - - -

! ! ! ! ; ! :
, , I I I I

: : : :
10 ----r---r----r---T----r --r--- 4 - - - -:-- - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - t-----~ -----
: : : : : :
----r---r--T---T----r---- r---- 2
--- ~ ---- -1-----t-----~ -----~ -----1- ----







o0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M (d) Modulation Index M
Figure 9.20 Optimum switching for chop number N = 2, type A
switching: (a) Switching angles a" a2' (b) 5th, 7th , 11 th , and
13 th harmonic amplitudes, (c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO.
Optimum PWM 417

I I 1

__ I!

(12) : 1
~ 75 -- -- 'r -----;-----1- ---- -----.. -----,
~ : : I : :

~ 60
~J~----- -----~-----~----
1 I I

..lire : : : : :
::: ::
45 -----l-----~-----i----- -----r-----r----
gp !: 1 l:
-< 30 -----:-----~-----4----- -----~-----:-----
..c :::
I! ::
i I!
B 15 ----l-----i-----t----- -----i----i-----
.~ ::: ::
en o'-----L._-l--_~____l.
::: _
:: __J__--L.-____J

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)
40 r----.----T--~----,-~- ____.

__ 7 ---- ~ --- -- i ----- +----- t-----~ -----:- ----

____ .JI -'I .J.I I
1. IL 1I _
'g( ::: '! :
r-----~ ---- ~
I 1
~ 30 -- - - -:-- - - - ~ - - -- - ~ - - - - - +- - - - - 6 ---- ~- - -- - ~ ----- +- - - - - ~ - - - - - L- - r -- --
e. : : ! ! : : c !!:!:!

t ---!-----i---- ..
- ---:----- 1- - - - - +- - - - - t - - - - -:-- - - - ~
-j - - - - - 5 --- - -l- ----:-- --i -----t-----r-----r----
r-- :::.:::
: ::::
~ 4 - - -- -:-- - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - -- +----- t-----~ ----
+-- -+-- -- t-----~ ---- -t----
~ 20 - - -

3 -- -- -! ---
10 ~~~-~~~~~~r--~r~~T~~~T~~~r~~~ 2 -- - -j-----1-----1-----r-----!-----i----
----i- ----1---- -1-----(---r-- ! I - --- i----- i-----i-----:---- -i-----j- ----
00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M (d) Modulation Index M
Figure 9.21 Optimum switching for chop number N = 2, type B
switching: (a) Switchingangles o.b 0.2, (b) s": 7th , 11 th , and
13th harmonic amplitudes, (c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO.

the two solutions must be combined as shown in Figure 9.22 and require the
switching angles to be abruptly changed near M = 1.15.
As the number of switching angles increases, the possible number of solu-
tions again increases rapidly. In this case the number of solutions becomes
more difficult to predict than for harmonic elimination. The solution space
must be carefully examined to extract all possible local minima. Figure 9.23
shows the solution space for N = 3 when type A switching is used. The WTHD
is plotted as a contour plot versus switching angles 0.1 and 0.2 for the particular
case of M = 0.5. The value of 0.3 at any location on the coordinate system is
implied by Eq. (9.58). Three minima can be located on the contour plot as
418 Programmed Modulation Strategies

-----~--- -~-----
I !

~~~~~r~~~ ~r~~~~-

'.,c5 30 ----~-----i----- -----~--- -~----

~ ~ I I I I
.'::: I I I I
._ I I I I
:> I I I I

~ 15 ----~-----~----- ----- -----~--- i ---

I I t
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M
Figure 9.22 Switching angles 0.1, 0.2 for overall minimum WTHD with
shown. Being on the boundary of the contour, minima A 1 can be verified to be
a special case in which 0. 3 = 90, so that the solution degenerates to the N = 2
case. When tracked over the full range of modulation index, Figures 9.24 and
9.25 result for points A2 and A3, respectively.



en 70

~ 60

(1) 50
ee 40
0 30



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
SwitchingAngle 0.1 (degrees)

Figure 9.23 Contour plot of WTHDO as a function of ul and 0.2' Type A

switching, chops per half cycle N = 3, modulation index M = 0.5.
OptimumPWM 419

90.----,--~--r----,---,-'-~----, 80r--~---r-----...-----,.---r----,
I ,

~ 75 -----hi-3--~-----
~ I I

-----1------1----- ----- -----r-----r----

bO ' : I I
Q) 'I "
~ 60
~ I I "
tS :: ::
~ 45 -----l-----l----- ----- -----f-----r----
~ !: !!
< 30 -----!-----~----- ----- -----~-----~----
.~ I! I!
~ 15 - - - - J----- ~ ----- ----- -----L- -- - J-----
.~ (1t \ ! (12 I !!
tr: 0 j i i : I

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

--- -l- ---- ~ -----{----- t-----~ -----~ ----

---1---- -1-----1-----t-----~ --- --~----
, I I , , ,

I ~ 10 --
30 - - - - '-- - - - -1- --- -1- ---- +- - - - - r-----!- ----
, I , , I I
'-' I I I I ,
~ :::::: 8 : :

8 -- - - _:_ - - - - 1 ~ ~

_ _ _ _
~ _

-----:-- --~-- ---~ -----t-----t-----~ -- --

::t ::::::
i-----t-----i-----r---- 1=~ !! i i ; !
20 - - - - -j----- ! - -- -
----r---r---T----r-----i ----
~ I I I I I ,

6 -----,
-----j- ----1-----:


4 - - - -1- --- -1-----i-----t-----r-----f----

: l :

+--- -1-----[:---(--
10 - -- - ~ - - - -- ~ - - - - - t - - - - - f - - - r -- ---:--- --
I : :

-----j- ---

i 2 --- -i----- j-----j- ---+--- +---- -1- ----

! ! : !
! :
00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(C) (d)
Figure 9.24 Optimum switching for chop number N = 3, type A
switching, minima A2: (a) Switching angles at, u2' a3'
(b) v':
t"; 11 th , and 13 th harmonic amplitudes, (c) WTHD,
and (d) WTHDO.

A contour plot can again be computed for type B modulation. In this case
the contour shown in Figure 9.26 is obtained for the case of M = 0.5. Three
local minima can now be located designated by Bl, B2 and B3. Each minimum
represents a possible solution. Using the values of Uk corresponding to minima
Bl (0.1 = 5,0.2 = 67, u3 = 85), as the initial search point, the solution can
now be traced as a function of the modulation index M The result is shown in
Figure 9.27. The process can be repeated for the two remaining minima B2 (at
= 8.7,0.2 = 17, a3 = 47) and B3 (at = 24,0.2 = 37,0.3 = 53) resulting
in Figures 9.28 and 9.29. Note that minima B3 does not exist for values of M
greater than 1.16, a situation which frequently occurs in this type of analysis.
420 Programmed Modulation Strategies

90 r - - - - - , - - - - , - - - r - - - . , . - - - - - , - - = _
--.., 40r-----.----,-----~-r-----....,.---,

1 I

~ 35 -- -- -1- ---
1 1 1

~ 75 - - - - -!- ----i - - - - - : - - - - L- - - - - ~ - - - -
~ 30 - - - - -!- ---- ~-- ---1-- ---+--- -- r-----~ ----
~ I I I I I I
u : : : a2
a: !
~ I 1 I 1 1 1

So :
! 60 - - - - -!- -----!-----1- ---- --~ --r----+---- *- 25 ---- -!- ----l-----i -----t-----r-----
I :
- I I I 1 1 1
O I '

~ ::: :: 1 - - - -

~ ! ! ! ! Vs :
45 -----r--- -l-----i----- -----r-----r----
::: ::

u 20 - - - - -:-- - - -1- ----:-----1- ----t
I : : : : V7 :
- - -: - - --
gp ! l! !! ~ 15 - - - - -1- ---- -i---- -1- ----f- --~ - -i - - - -
< 30 ---- -!-----~-----4----- ---- -~- --- -~ ---- : VI 3
.SO ! l! ! l
~ 10
: : :
: J___ ;-- -i----- :
t ---
15 - - - - -:- - - - - -: - - - - - r----- -----:-:----
-r---- - I I I

~ ::: ::
rJ) 0 : :: :: o L-------L.____.;~_~____.;:MCO.-_"______.:._ __a

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)
I 1

7 - -- --:-- - --: - - - - - t----- t-----:------!- ----

____ ..11 -1I J.I I
1. IL 1 _ 1 I 1 1 I 1
*- :::::
I I I I I 1
1 I 1 , 1 1
I 1 1 I I I

30 - - - - -1- ---- i ---- -1- ----+----- r-----r- - - - - 6 - - - - -1- --- -1- ----+----- t-----~ ---
I , 1 I I 1 I

~ ~

-----!------i-----~ -----t-----t-----:- ---- c~ i!:!::

-1-----i-----; ---r-----r----
0"' I , I I 1 I
'-' I I I 1 I 1

..,... I I 1 1 I 1
5 -- - - -1- ---
- - - -!- ----+----1- ----+----- r-----~ ---- ~
,...".. I I , I I 1
4 - - - - -1----- ~ -- -i - - - - - +- - - -- ~ - - - - - ~ -- - -

~ 20
~ 1 I I I I I

, I I I I I : t : : : :

3 - - - - -l--
I 1 I I I I I I I I I I

--- ~- - - - - -1-- - - - ~ -
- - - - ~I - - - - - I~ - - - - - I~ - - - -

-1-- -J- - - - - f-----t-----~ -----!-----

I I I 1 I
I t I I I I I I I I I I

- - - ~, - - - - - ,I - - - - - t1 - - - - - tI - - - - - r1 -- --
1 I 1 I I I
10 - - - 2 - - - - -:--
: :
1 I
: I
- - - - -1- - - - - , - - - - - .. - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - .. - - - - - + - - - - - ...- - - - - ... - - - - -1- - - - -

: : ! : ! : ! !
1 I 1 I ,
: : : 1 I I I 1 I
: I : : :

0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(C) (d)

Figure 9.25 Optimum switching for chop number N = 3, type A

switching, solution A3: (a) Switching angles (1b <X2' (13,
(b) 5th , 7th, 11 th , and 13th harmonic amplitudes, (c) WTHD,
and (d) WTHDO.

The four solutions can now be combined to form the overall optimum solu-
tion shown in Figure 9.30. The solid line of Figure 9.30 shows the overall min-
imum obtained by using type A switching from (roughly) M = 0.1 to 0.5, type
B 1 switching from M = 0.5 to 1.I, and finally type B2 switching from M = 1.1
to 1.27. Type B3 switching is not used. If it is desired to operate with a modu-
lation index below 0.1, a condition rarely if ever needed, switching pattern B2
would again be optimal. It is interesting to note that the optimal algorithm nat-
urally transitions from continuous modulation (type Bl switching) to discon-
tinuous modulation (type 82 switching) at M = 1.1.
Minimum-Loss PWM 421


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
SwitchingAngle 0.1 (degrees)

Figure 9.26 Contour plot of WTHDO as a function of at and a2. Type

B switching, chops per half cycle N = 3, modulation index

The process of identifying solutions at local minima for pulse numbers of

N = 4, 5 and larger is obtained in much the same manner as has been demon-
strated. However, as the number of switching events per quarter cycle
increases, the number of local minima also increases. Also, the searchable
space for these minima also increases making the guarantee of finding all local
minima difficult. For example, when N = 5, the searchable space is four dimen-
sional (the fifth switching angle is constrained to realize the required funda-
mental component). Eight solutions have been shown to exist in Ref. [13] of
which four are needed to assimilate the overall optimal solution.

9.5 Minimum-Loss PWM

It has already been mentioned that an optimum PWM technique should mini-
mize the harmonic losses in an inductive load or in an induction motor with
constant parameters. If the harmonic losses of interest are simple copper losses
and if the WTHD is known, one can readily find this loss by solving Eq. (9.63)
for I rms and then taking
422 Programmed Modulation Strategies

90--~-......---....-----.---.....--r-----, 40----~---~-~-......---..

I ~
: ,: ~ 30
- -- --:- -- -- -:- --- - - - -- - ~- - - - -~ - --- o
1 1
I ~
!! ::
----------4----- - -- - -1-- - - - - .... - - - -
~ 20
I 1 I 1

I 1
I 1 1 1 .~ 15

~~~~l~~~~r~~~ ~~~~r~~~r~~~ ! al
';;:..r:. 5
o o
I 1 1

L-.-_..J-,_.......L_ _"--_..J-,_.......L_ _~ _..... _ __ L __

L - _ - L . . . _ - - . L ._ _.J....,;I"'-~_---1 __'

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

1 I , I

e 5 ----1-----1-----1-----r-----I-----i----
1 , 1 1 , I
- - - - i-
- - - -1-
- - - - f1 - - - - - tI - - - - -:-, - - - - -:--
- -- - : : : I I :
, , , 1 I I
1 I , I I ,

- ----1-11 ----,-
- -- - ..-
-- - -+11 --- - -t-1I - - - I

~ 30 o
- - .... - - - - 1 , I I , I

'-----r-----: ----
1 1 I I I I 1 I 1
I , I 1 , I , I I , I 1

~ 4
1 1 1 I 1 I
1 I 1 1 I ,
- - - - -:- - - - - i - - - - -;- - - - - t - - - - - ~ - - - - -l- - - - - I I I ' I

:t 1
Eo- ,

~ 3
I 1 1 1 I 1

~ 20 -----1---- -- . . - - -- - - - - -:-- - - -1- - - - - ~ - - - - - t - - - - - t - - -- - ~ -- --

I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I
- --- 1-- - - - -1- - - - - ... - - - -
1 I 1
-+1 , 1
I I I 1 1 1 I , I 1 ,
I I I I I I I I I I 1
I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 , , 1

r-----r- ----
1 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1
r - - - - -r - - --
2 - - -- -!-----i -----i ----- f-----
- - - - -,- - - - , - - - - -"T - - - - - T - - - - - I 1 I I I I
I 1 I I I
1 I I I , 1
I I I 1 1
1 1 I , 1 I

I 1 I 1 1 1
1 I I I 1 I
, 1 I I 1 I
I I I , , I
- - - - .... - - - - - .. - - - - - ~ - - - - - I- - - .... -1_ - - - -
10 1
I I I I I 1
1 I , 1 1 I
1 I I I I 1
: I :
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)

Figure 9.27 Optimum switching for chop number N = 3, type B

switching, solution Bl: (a) Switching angles at, 0,2, 0,3,
(b) 5th , t"; 11 th, and 13 th , (c) WTHD, and (d) WTHDO.

2 2
3WTHDI II, inrushrl

WTHD1 PI , inrush


where r 1 is the induction motor stator winding resistance and

Minimum-Loss PWM 423


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4

Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

____ J 1 I .1I I
1. IL 1I _ I I I I I I

: : : : : :
---!-----i----- i---- -t----- r-----r---- ~ 7 ~~~~r~~~l~~~~~C~~~!-~~~I~~~r~~~

I I I 1 1 1

30 -
- ---:-: :::::
6 ! i i ! ! !
~ 5 --- - -1- - --:-----i -----t--- f-----r- ----

- - -1- - - - - t - - - - - t - - - - -:- - - --
::t ::::::
~ 20 --- - :-----

~ !
4 - - - - -; - - -
1 !
-1-----! -1-----r --- ---- I :

I I "I 1 I I

- - - - ~- - - - - 'I - - - - ~ - -- - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - -~ - - - -
I 3 ---
I0 - - - - ~ - - - - -1- ----t - - - - t-----~ -----l- ----
1 I I I 1 ,

2 - ---:-- - ---{ ----- i - - - - - t - - - - - ~ - - - - -I- - - - -

! ! ! : ! :
1 , I I I

- - - ~ - - - - -1- ----t-----t-----~ -----!-----

1 I I 1 1 I
- - - - -l- - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - I :- _
: : : :

! ! : : ! :
: I : :
o0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
1.0 1.2 1.4 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(C) (d)
Figure 9.28 Optimum switching for chop number N = 3, type B
switching, solution B2: (a) Switching angles aI, a2, a3'
(b) 5th , 7th , 11 th , and 13 th harmonic amplitudes, (c) WTHD,
and (d) WTHDO.

00 2
L :2 (~:)

It is important to observe that the purely load-dependent quantities, stator resis-

tance and leakage inductance, have been isolated from the purely source-depen-
dent quantity outside the square brackets in Eq. (9.67). Hence the quantity
outside the square brackets can be expressed as the loss factor for stator copper
Pl(cu) without frequency dependence, as
424 Programmed Modulation Strategies

90r------r---r--.......--.,---r-----r----, 80.-----T'---r------...,---.-------T'---,

o L-----I._-.J-_--'--_-...---'~_._.._--'
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

I I , I I I I
I , , I I I

- - - - ~ - - - - - i - - - - - +----- t - - - - -I- - - - -:- - - - -

I I ' I I I I I I I I I
- -- - -J-- -- -1-- -- - t- --- - t- - - - - ~ - - -- -:- - - -- I I I I I ,
I I I , I I
I , , I I ,

I I , I I I

----J-----~ -----1- ----1- -- ~ -----L ----

I I I I , I

~ 30 - - - - I I I I I I
__ I I I I I I
i ! ! : ! :
o -----:- ----i - - - - -1- - - - - +- - - - - t - - - - - :-- - - -
I , , I I ,
- - - - -:- - - - -,- - - - - i - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -l- - - - -
~ I I I I I I
: : l ::
~ I , I I I I

I ,_ _ I '-I I

~ 20 ----
- - - - _1- ~ _ .& ~ ~ _

: I : : : :

i-----i-----t-----~ -----~ ---- -r----i-----i-----t-----r-----r----

I , I , I I I I I I I

- - - -l - - - - 3 ----
I I , I I ,

10 - - - ~ ~ - - - J-----+----- ~ -----~ - -e - - -!- ---- : l 1 :

2 - - ---:--- -- -:-- - -- ~ --- -- +-- -- -I- - - - - -I- - - - -
: :

I I , I I ,
I , I I I I
I I ,
I I I l 1
- - - - -:-
- - - - -l-
- - - - ~I - - - - - .,.I - - - - - t-I - - - - -:- - - - -
- - - - ...- - - - - ~ - - - - - +- - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - -,- - - - -
I I I I , I






I 1 I I I I 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.4
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(c) (d)
Figure 9.29 Optimum switching for chop number N = 3, type B
switching, solution B3: (a) Switching angles 0.2, 0.3, a.,
(b) 5th , 7th , I l/h, and 13 th harmonic amplitudes, (c) WTHD,
and (d) WTHDO.

.. 2
:= _I [
.. 2
~ 1. (V )2]
L..J 2 V
M M n de

In practice, it can be recalled that skin effect can have a significant influ-
ence on both the stator and the rotor copper losses due to the relatively large
rotor bars. The stator resistive losses (in per unit of stator power dissipated dur-
ing the inrush period) can be expressed approximately as a function of fre-
quency by taking the square of Eq. (2.117), to give
Minimum-Loss PWM 425

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Modulation Index M

Figure 9.30 Composite optimum solution for pulse number N = 3 using

type A3, BI, and B2 switching: (a) Overall minimum
WTHDO (solid line) and (b) correspondingswitchingangles.

P1(cu) WTHD01
= Pl(cu)
P I, inrush Ai

Likewise, the rotor copper losses as a per unit of inrush current are
obtained by squaring Eq. (2.118) to give
P2(cu ) WTHD02
P = P2(cu) = ,. 2. (9.71)
2, inrush M

WI + W2 + W3
where WI, W2, and W3 are defined by Eqs. (2.119) to (2.121).

Similar loss factors can be derived to account for other loss components,
for example, iron loss. In this case the problem becomes exceedingly compli-
cated since the iron losses have many components. However, theoretical and
experimental investigations seem to have confirmed that the increase in core
426 Programmed Modulation Strategies

loss due to time harmonic main fluxes is negligible [14] since the stator har-
monic currents in a squirrel cage induction motor are essentially opposed by
equal and opposite rotor harmonic currents resulting in the main air gap flux
remaining nearly sinusoidal. The core loss due to nonsinusoidal spatial varia-
tion of flux density, (space harmonics) is also small. However, the end-leakage
and skew-leakage fluxes, which normally contribute only to the stray load loss,
also produce an appreciable core loss at the harmonic frequencies since these
flux components tend to enter the rotor perpendicular. to the plane of the lami-
nations. If an unskewed rotor is used, the dominant such component is the end-
leakage loss. Alger, Angst, and Davies [15] indicate that these losses are pro-
portional to the frequency times current squared. In effect, the equivalent resis-
tance corresponding to end-leakage loss can then be considered as a .linear
function of frequency, and the power loss due to end leakage can be written as

2 nfo
Pew = 3InrewOr (9.73)
where r ewO is the equivalent end winding resistance measured at rated fre-
quency fOb. The corresponding loss factor for end winding leakage flux

Pew 2
P = Pew = WTHD i (9.74)
t, inrush

= ); ~(;;/ (9.75)

Finally, the stray load losses are given generally by



where the exponents x and y depend upon the machine construction. It has been
determined [16] that this expression is estimated sufficiently well by setting
x = 2 and y = 1.5, so that the power loss term becomes

L I; ({5

Psl/ = Ksl/ (9.77)


The form of this equation suggests the definition of an equivalent stray

load loss factor of the type
Minimum-Loss PWM 427

R sll , n = KSIIOfol.S (1Y-S

= (1
rSll o 0

y S (9.78)

In per unit the power dissipated in the stray load loss is

Psl/ 2 = (WTHMDOSli,2
- - - = Psll = WTHD sll ') (9.79)
P sll , inrush


In general, the total per unit power loss produced by harmonic current flow
in the machine can be expressed by


Pharmonic loss = (P1(cu) + p 2(cu ) + Pew + P s ll) (9.81 )

Equation (9.81) can be written as

P harmonic loss = [Pl(CU) + (:2 ) P 2(cu) +

C~wo) C~1O)
Pew +
PSIlJP 1, inrush
Hence, it is therefore possible to define an overall harmonic loss coefficient for
any machine as

Ph = Pl(cu) + Y2(cu)P2(cu) + YewP e w + YsUPsll (9.83)



and so forth for Yew and 1s/l ' Consequently, an overall effective weighted total
harmonic distortion can be defined as
WTHDO e// .--------------
WTHD eff = M = '/Pl(cu) +Y2(cu)P2(cu) + YewP ew +YsllPsll
The per unit quantities Y2(cu)' Yeli!' and 'tsucan be determined by test or by direct
computation using finite elements. Hence, the harmonic loss for any particular
induction machine can be minimized by choosing the switching angles to min-
imize WTHDeffin Eq. (9.85).
428 Programmed ModulationStrategies

The following three figures show an example of such an optimization with

the parameters: Y2(cu) = 1.0, Yew = 0.2, Ysll = 0.1 for the case of N = 3. Figure
9.31 and Figure 9.32 are maps of WTHD efJ for the condition of M = 0.5 with
type A and type B switching. The contours of these figures can be compared
with Figures 9.23 and 9.26 to observe the effect of the frequency-dependent
parameters. The distortion has again been normalized to the DC link voltage. It
can be noted that the contours are not greatly affected by the frequency-depen-
dent parameters and incorporation of iron and stray loss. It can also be
observed that the amplitudes of the corresponding figures are different since
the WTHDO in Figures 9.23 and 9.26 pertains to the harmonic distortion
related to the copper losses in the stator or the rotor while WTHDO eff in Fig-
ures 9.31 and 9.32 accounts for stator and rotor copper losses as well as stray
and iron losses. For a more representative comparison, WTHDO in Figures
9.23 and 9.26 should be modified by 1 + r;/rt (= 2 in the case under consider-
ation). In this case the WTHD can be estimated to have roughly doubled (four
times increase in the losses). Figure 9.33 shows the overall switching angles
and harmonic distortion and can be compared with Figure 9.30.

90 - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


60 A2 A 50 A3

30 ~40JO
::~l o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Switching Angle a I (degrees)

Figure 9.31 Contour plot of WTHDO eff as a function of at and a2. Type A
switching, chops per half cycle N = 3, modulation index M = 0.5.
Minimum-Loss PWM 429



Q) 60
tS 50

r= 40
:E 30


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Switching Angle a.) (degrees)

Figure 9.32 Contour plot ofWTHDOeffas a function of at and a2. Type

B switching, chops per half cycle N = 3, modulation index


50 - - - -1- -----: -----:----- t-----:----- l - - --

I , I I I I

l 1
40 - - - - -l- --- -l- ----i ---
I A3 1 ! i
-: ----r-----r----
~ : : : : B2: B3:
t;::s :::::.:
o ~ 30 - - - - -!----- ~ ----- :----_1_- - - t-- --~ ----
1""'\ I I I I I
~ I I I I I

----+- -;- :
~ I I I I
~ I I

~ 20

10 --

o L----~_ __'___~___'_~_~____'

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Modulation Index M

(a) (b)

Figure 9.33 Composite optimum solution for pulse number N = 3, using

type A2, A3, Bl, and B3 switching: (a) Overall minimum
WTHDOejf and (b) corresponding switching angles.
430 Programmed Modulation Strategies

9.6 Summary
It has been shown in this chapter that considerable reduction in losses can be
derived by varying the pulse interval ~T during the course of a cycle. Savings
in losses are particularly large during the overmodulation region when the
inverter approaches square-wave operation. It should be noted that the word
"optimum" must be used with extreme caution since it always implies an asso-
ciated set of assumptions which sometimes are forgotten. For example, all of
the optimum switching angles calculated as part of Section 9.4 assume con-
stant motor parameters, which in actuality vary with frequency as illustrated in
Section 9.5. Furthermore, both of these sections have made the implicit
assumption that the optimum waveform must have no even harmonics, i.e., it is
assumed that the waveform is half-wave symmetric. In reality, allowing for the
presence of a small amount of even harmonics could produce switching angles
which realize a still smaller value of the performance index. The true "opti-
mum" clearly remains an elusive target which will certainly occupy the interest
of researchers for years to come.

[1] S.R. Bowes and A. Midoun, "Suboptimal switching strategies for microproces-
sor-controlled PWM inverter drives," lEE Proceedings (London), vol. 132, Pta
B, no. 3., May 1985, pp. 133-148.
[2] 1. Holtz and B. Beyer, "Optimal pulsewidth modulation for ac servos and low-
cost industrial drives," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 30, no. 4,
July/Aug. 1994,pp. 1039-1047.
[3] F.G Turnbull, "Selected harmonic reduction in static DC-AC inverters," IEEE
Trans. Communication and Electronics, vol. 83, July 1964, pp. 374-378.
[4] H.S. Patel and R.G. Hoft, "Generalized techniques of harmonic elimination and
voltage control in thyristor inverters: Part I - harmonic elimination," IEEE
Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-9, no. 3, May/June 1973, pp. 310-317.
[5] H.S. Patel and R.G. Hoft, "Generalized techniques of harmonic elimination and
voltage control in thyristor inverters: Part II - voltage control techniques,"
IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-IO, no. 5, Sept.lOct 1974, pp.
[6] "IMSL - International mathematical and statistical library," Visual Numerics,
Inc., Suite 270, 2000 Crow Canyon Place, San Ramon CA 94583, http://
[7] "NAG," Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Rd.,
Oxford, OX28DR, United Kingdom,
References 431

[8] T. Kato, "Precise PWM waveform analysis of inverter for selected harmonic
elimination," in Conf. Rec. Industry Applications Society Industry Applications
Society Annual Mtg, Denver, 1986, pp. 611-616.
[9] P.N. Enjeti and J.F. Lindsay, "Solving nonlinear equations of harmonic elimina-
tion PWM in power control," lEE Electronics Letters, vol. 23, no.12, June
[10] Q. Jiang, D.G. Holmes, and D.B. Giesner, "A method of linearising optimal
PWM switching strategies to enable their computation on-line in real-time," in
Conf. Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Mtg., Dearborn, 1991,
[11] G.S. Buja and G.B. Indri, "Optimal pulse width modulation for feeding AC
motors," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-13, no. 1, Jan.lFeb.
1977, pp. 38-44.
[12] G.S. Buja, "Optimum output waveforms in PWM inverters," IEEE Trans. on
Industry Applications, vol. IA-16, no. 6, Nov.lDec. 1980, pp. 830-836.
[13] F. Zach and H. Ertl, "Efficiency optimal control for ac drives with PWM invert-
ers," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-21, no. 4, July/Aug. 1985,
[14] BJ. Chalmers and B.R. Indri, "Optimal motor losses due to nonsinusoidal sup-
ply waveforms," lEE Proc. (London), vol 115, no. 12, Dec. 1968, pp. 1777-
[15] P.L. Alger, G. Angst, and EJ. Davies, "Stray-load losses in polyphase induction
machines," AlEE Trans. Power Applications & Systems, vol. 78, pte III-A, June
1949, pp. 349-357.
[16] J.M.D. Murphy and M.G. Egan, "An analysis of induction motor performance
with optimum PWM waveforms," in Con! Rec. Int. Conf. on Electrical
Machines (ICEM), Athens, 1980, pp. 642-656.
Programmed Modulation of Multilevel
Semiconductor switch ratings have limited the application of power converters
rated in the tens to hundreds of megawatts. Large inverters operating at these
power levels in the medium voltage range (2000 to 13.8 kV) have traditionally
been the domain of gate tum off (GfO) thyristors. However, their switching
speed is severely limited compared to IGBTs so that the carrier frequency of a
GfO inverter is generally only a few hundred hertz. Higher switching frequen-
cies can be achieved by replacing each of the slower switches in such a con-
verter by a series string of faster IGBT switches so that each individual IGBT
shares the impressed DC link voltage with others in the string during its off
state. However, the operation of each of the series switches must be carefully
matched to turn on and off in concert with the other series switches to prevent
transient overvoltages. Since device characteristics vary with device current,
temperature, and aging, the solution of this problem requires sophisticated
adaptive gate control algorithms.
Multilevel converters, introduced in Sections 1.7 to 1.8.4, offer an attrac-
tive alternative for higher power applications. These converters also use higher
speed switching devices but avoid the problems of linking them in series by
connecting single devices between multiple DC voltage levels. They are more
complex to modulate because of the number of switching alternatives that are
available, but they do also provide the benefit of reduced harmonic compo-
nents in the switched output voltage. The modulation and control of multilevel
converters will be considered in this and in the next two chapters.

10.1 Multilevel Converter Alternatives

Multilevel converters were initiated by the invention of the so-called neutral
point-clamped inverter of Nabae et at. [1]. At present, the two most common
multilevel inverter structures are the diode-clamped inverter [2] (Nabae's con-

434 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters

verter topology renamed) and the cascaded inverter [3]. The diode-clamped
inverter uses one DC bus subdivided into a number of voltage levels by a series
string of capacitors. The voltages across the individual switches of the inverter
are clamped by diodes at the voltage level of only one of the series string of
capacitors. In contrast the cascaded inverter is made up from series-connected
single-phase full-bridge inverters, each with their own isolated DC bus.
The most common type of diode-clamped inverter is shown in Figure 10.1
for one phase leg. If L is the number of levels, the diode-clamped inverter
places a stress of Vdc across any nonconducting transistor. However, the volt-
age stress across the diodes can reach Vdc(L - 1) often necessitating the use of
a series string of diodes to block the required voltage. A number of alternative
connections have been considered to avoid the buildup of large voltages across
any single device. Two possibilities are shown in Figures 10.2 and 10.3. Figure
10.4 shows a further approach using bidirectional switches. While impractical
at the present time, the development of symmetrical GfO-type devices could
result in this circuit becoming advantageous.

Vdcl -1
J '"

Vdc3 ~

Figure 10.1 One pole ofa five-level diode-clamped multilevel converter.

Multilevel Converter Alternatives 435

Figure 10.2 Single phase leg of alternate five-level inverter with

reduced stress on clamp diodes.

The major difficulty associated with control of the diode-clamped inverter

is the balancing of the capacitor voltages when the link is supplied by a single
rectifier. This problem can clearly be alleviated by supplying each link capaci-
tor with its individual, isolated DC supply. However, the cost associated with
this option is considerable as the number of levels increases. Another alterna-
tive is to use an active bridge or chopper to control the inner voltages of the
link (which are nominally floating). An example is shown in Figure 10.5 for a
single pole of a four-level inverter. However, the voltage range can only be
somewhat increased with this method of control.
The topology of the cascaded inverter concept for a seven-level case, previ-
ously introduced in Section 1.8.3, is shown again in Figure 10.6. In this case
nine isolated DC power supplies are required. Although the problem ofbalanc-
ing the link capacitors does not then exist in principle, it is at the expense of a
436 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters


Vdc2 /i'




Figure 10.3 One phase leg of a nested three-level inverter producing

five levels but requiring only four clamp diodes.

complicated transformer if the DC voltages are derived from a single three-

phase AC supply.
Combinations of the diode-clamped and cascade converters are also possi-
ble. Figure 10.7 shows one implementation which combines a three-level NPC
with a single-cascade inverter bridge. In this case six levels can be obtained.
Four independent power supplies are required.

10.2 Block Switching Approaches to Voltage Control

In general, as suggested in Figures 10.1 and 10.6, the DC voltage level magni-
tudes need not be identical but can be adjusted as desired. Furthermore, in
applications where the output voltage amplitude and frequency are relatively
fixed, PWM need not be used to synthesize the output voltage since a suffi-
ciently small WTHD can be obtained by simple fundamental frequency
Block Switching Approaches to Voltage Control 437

Figure 10.4 One phase leg of a four-level inverter realized with

bidirectional switches.
switching, or block switching, of the semiconductors. Flexibility in the instant
of application of the voltage blocks as well as its amplitude allows a means to
synthesize an output voltage by choosing appropriate switching angles and DC
voltage amplitudes as illustrated in Figure 10.8 for a seven-level inverter.
Two possibilities for voltage output synthesis can be proposed:
1. The DC voltages remain equal: Vdc 1 = Vdc2 = Vdc3 = ... = Vdc '
The angles u j are adjusted so as to adjust the fundamental voltage
component and minimize the WTHD [4].
2. The voltage and angles are both adjusted to minimize the WTHD [5].
It should be mentioned that while the waveform of Figure 10.8 applies
equally well to both diode-clamped and cascaded inverters, the inner voltages
of the block-switched diode-clamped inverter cannot be maintained constant
unless the load is purely reactive (i.e., a VAR control application). Otherwise
438 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters

~ /7"'\ Vdc2

Secondaries +t
/1'\ Vdc3

Figure 10.5 Active control of link capacitor voltages of a four-level

these inner capacitors must have auxiliary charging means not explicitly shown
in Figure 10.1. It has been shown that balance can be maintained by using
redundant states, i.e., pairs of states in which the current is directed into or out

a b c

Figure 10.6 Seven-level cascaded inverter.

Block Switching Approaches to Voltage Control 439

Figure 10.7 One phase leg of a hybrid three-level NPC cascade inverter.

of an inner capacitor node. However, the balance of the capacitor voltages is

lost when the modulation index approaches unity since there is insufficient
time to use the redundant voltage states to sustain capacitor voltage balance.
Various solutions to this problem have been proposed in the literature [6-14].

Figure 10.8 Voltage waveform of seven-level inverter using level

440 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters

10.3 Harmonic Elimination Applied to Multilevel


10.3.1 Switching Angles for Harmonic Elimination Assuming

Equal Voltage Levels
For the case of equal voltage levels the Fourier coefficients of the output volt-
age are, for an L level inverter:
Vaz n = -[ Vdccos(na)) + Vdccos(na 2) + ... + Vdccos(na(L_l)/2)]
, nn (10.1)


The placement of a's for a seven-level cascade inverter are shown in Figure
10.9. The solution for even L is valid only for the diode-clamped arrangement.
To optimize these switching angles, either harmonic elimination or opti-
mum PWM can be pursued. For example, ifharmonic elimination is chosen for
a seven-level inverter, then either a maximum number of three harmonics can

....... '"

Figure 10.9 Switching diagram for seven-level cascade inverter.

Harmonic Elimination Applied to MultilevelInverters 441

be eliminated, and the resulting value of M is predetermined, or if M is speci-

fied then one fewer harmonic can be eliminated. In the first case the values of
M and WTHDO (excluding triplen harmonics since they cancel between phase
legs) are shown in Table 10.1 for three toseven levels. It should be noted that
when the number of levels is even, the number of capacitors on the DC link is
odd. In this case, for purposes of visualization, the center capacitor can be split
into two equivalent capacitors of double value to establish the link midpoint z.
For the second case where M is specified, the switching angles and WTHD
as a function of M are shown in Figures 10.10 and 10.11 for five and seven lev-
els, respectively. No solutions exist below M = 0.35 and 0.5 for five- and
seven-level inverters, respectively. It should be noted that in a practical appli-
cation the frequency of the inverter would be fixed and therefore the output
voltage would be expected to vary only by a relatively small amount near the
rated point. Switched voltage plots of the optimum solutions corresponding to
the switching angles taken from Figures 10.10 and 10.11, for M = 1.0, are
shown in Figures 10.12 and 10.13, respectively.

10.3.2 Equalization of Voltage and Current Stresses

It is apparent from Figure 10.9 that block modulation results in unequal losses
in the semiconductor switches unless corrective action is taken. The voltage
and current stresses within each single-phase bridge of a cascade inverter can
be equalized as illustrated in Figure 10.14 [15]. The voltage and current
stresses among the individual bridges can be accomplished by sequential
swapping of the voltage pulses PI, P2, and P3 identified in Figure 10.9, as

Table 10.1 Optimum Switching Angles aj for Harmonic Elimination When Maximum
Possible Number of Harmonics Are Eliminated (Vs = 0 for all cases)

M WTHDO 0.1 0.2 0.3 V7 VII Vl 3 V J7

(0/0) (deg) (deg) (deg)
Harmonic elimi-
1.211 1.94 18.0 - - 0.107 0.110 0.058 0.044
nation, 3 levels
Harmonic elimi-
1.200 1.13 24.0 - - 0.058 0.030 0.076 0.058
nation,4 levels
Harmonic elimi-
1.180 0.95 5.14 30.9 - 0 0.086 0.056 0.035
nation, 5 levels
Harmonic elimi-
1.176 0.45 12.3 33.6 - 0 0.036 0.009 0.037
nation,6 levels
Harmonic elimi-
1.172 0.38 7.10 15.9 36.2 0 0 0.042 0.0\9
nation, 7 levels
442 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters


---~--- -1- - - -1- - - -1- - - -

! el2:
---l---r--j----l ---
---r--- I I I
l ~T~D I l
I t I I. I I I I I

, ~

---r---r--T--r-T .t .l
o tit
---+---- -J-- c

;a !

l 1 ~

--t--- ~ - - -:- - - - ~ - - -} - - - -i ---i - :- --

~~l~~ :


- - - i - - -1- - - 1- - - -:-- --


---l- ~~~~~ -~ --+ --~ --+ -+ --~
I I I I OL----:._-J...._..L----J,_~_...a.______'~--t.._...l___.I

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ].0 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

Figure 10.10 (a) Optimum switching angles i 1,2 for a five-level a"
inverter eliminating the 5 harmonic and (b) the resulting
modulation indices WTHD and WTHDO.



Eo- 0.4
~ 0.2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)

Figure 10.11 (a) Optimum switching angles a; i = 1,2,3 for a seven-level

inverter eliminating the 5th and 7th harmonics and (b) the
resulting modulation indices WTHD and WTHDO.

shown in Figure 10.15. Alternatively, the pulses can be programmed as shown

in Figure 10.16. In this case two of the half cycle pulse widths are 1t - a 1 - a 3
while the pulse width of the third is 1t - 20,2. Since 0. 2 is roughly halfway
between 0. 1 and 0,3' satisfactory balance among the three phases can be
achieved. If desired, interleaving of the two pulse widths can again be intro-
duced to ensure balanced device losses.
Harmonic Elimination Applied to Multilevel Inverters 443

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

-0.4 -0.4


-1.2 L......-.--L-----!..._...!....----l....----:._-J.-----!...-----J -1.2 "----:....---:.._....:.--:.....----:~--!.----2-----J

00 100 0 200 0 300 0 400 0 00 1000 200 0 300 0 400 0
(a) eo eo (b)
___ ..I JI !I JI ,
,L _
I , I I I I

1.6 ---- - ---~-----~-----~----. vab -----f-----

V -----,-----
I I - I

: I : : de I
0.8 -----:------1--- --:------l-----
----- -----
-----:- -----f --- -:- ---- -l- -----l- ---- ~- --- ~- ----
I I I I , I I
, I I I I I. I


- 2.4 L-----!.----!.._~~_:......___J__..--:....____'
00 1000 2000 3000 4000
Figure 10.12 Time domain voltage waveforms for five-level inverter
eliminating the 5th harmonic for modulation index M == 1.0:
(a) line-to-DC midpoint voltage vaz' (b) line to load-neutral
voltage vas' and (c) line-to-line voltage vab.

10.3.3 Switching Angles for Harmonic Elimination Assuming

Unequal Voltage Levels
If minimum harmonic distortion block switching is pursued, then the number
of harmonics that can be eliminated is again equal to the number of levels
(L-l )/2 if L is odd and (L/2-1) if L is even. The bus voltages on the positive
and negative side of the center point ground must be symmetrical to eliminate
even harmonics. The voltage Fourier coefficients of the output voltage are
then, for an L level inverter (L odd),
444 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters

1.2 1.2 I I I , I
__ J, - - __ JI - _.1I I
I -
~ -
I , l ! I

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0 0

-0.4 -0.4

-0.8 -0.8

-1.2 -1.2
0 100 200 300 400 0
(a) 90 (b)
I ,
___ ...I JI - J, 1I I
I~ _

-- -r--- rvr:r': ----r----



v ab

0.8 -~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~r. --~~~r. ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~


_____ ,1-





~~~ ~ ~~~ ~
f I I I I


(c) I I I I I



-2.4 ~~--'_~~_-'----'-_-'-------'
Figure 10.13 Time domain voltage waveforms for seven-level inverter
eliminating the 5th and 7th harmonics for modulation index
M = 1.0: (a) line-to-DC midpoint voltage vaz' (b) line to
load-neutral voltage Vas' and (c) line-to-line voltage vab'

n1t[Vdcl cos(na l ) + Vdc 2cos(na2) + ... + Vdcncos(na(L_I)/2)]
where the voltages are constrained by

V dc1 + V dc2 + ... + Vdc(L _ 1)12 = (L; 1) V dc (10.4)

If L is even (again valid only for the diode-clamped arrangement) then the har-
monics are given by
Harmonic Elimination Applied to MultilevelInverters 445

7t+Uj Gright


Figure 10.14 Single-bridge waveform and switching method to balance

stresses, G1ejt, Gright represent gate control logic, i.e., "0"
when lower device is on, "1" when upper device is on.

-: -- <, -: -- <,

7t 2~
1 ~
o \1
r 1l
I eo
-v; \ rr
-2Vdc -
-3Vdc l"-. ~/r
r: P3 P2



Figure 10.15 Interleaving of voltage pulses to balanced stress among

cascaded inverters.
446 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters

3Vdc -
2Vdc -
Vdc I


-2Vdc -
-3Vdc -
Vdcl-_.........- - -


Figure 10.16 Alternate arrangement of pulses for seven-level cascaded


Vaz,n = n1t -2- + ~el cos(nul) + ... + Vdcncos(nuLI2_1) ] (10.5)

where the link voltages are constrained by

2~o + Vde 1 + Vde2 + ... + Vde (L I 2 - 1) = (L-1)V

2 de (10.6)

It is apparent that since both the switching angles and values of the bus
voltages are variables, more harmonics can be eliminated than if only the
switching angles were varied. In general, when L is odd, the number of har-
monics which can be eliminated are [(L -1)/2 + (L - 3)/2] or L-2 harmon-
ics. When L is even, [(L/2 - 1) + (L/2 - 1)] or L-2 harmonics can be
eliminated. One fewer harmonic can be eliminated if the amplitude of the volt-
age fundamental component (modulation index M) is specified. However, this
solution can be considered as impractical since the DC link voltages which are
normally set to fixed values must now vary with M to achieve this result.
Table 10.2 shows the results when the maximum number of harmonics are
eliminated. Since the voltage levels of the individual cascaded inverters are
now unequal, it is apparent that in this case the interleaving procedure of Fig-
ure 10.15 cannot be used to equalize the power supplied by the converters.
This limitation can be considered as a significant drawback to this approach.
Minimum Harmonic Distortion 447

Table 10.2 Optimum Switching Angles ui and Bus Voltages Vdel in Per Unit for Harmonic
Elimination When Maximum Possible Number of Harmonics are Eliminated

M WTHD at 0.2 0.3 VdcO Vdcl Vdc2 Vdc3

(%) (deg) (deg) (deg) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)
l.18 0.98 30 - - 1.39 0.804 - -
nation, 4 levels
1.173 0.47 10.97 35.24 - - 1.268 0.732 -
nation, 5 levels
1.167 0.42 20.0 40.0 - 1.527 1.133 0.603 -
nation, 6 levels
1.032 0.92 16.44 34.59 58.99 - 1.269 049 0.682
nation, 7 levels

10.4 Minimum Harmonic Distortion

A second useful criterion for selecting the switch angles of a multilevel
inverter is to employ an optimization algorithm to minimize the WTHD, thus
minimizingthe losses in a motor load. If the DC voltage levels are assumed as
equal, then only the switch angles become variables. When the number of lev-
els equal three or four, only one switch angle can be varied, so that the "opti-
mum" solution becomes the "only" solution. Solutions for five-, six- and
seven- level inverters are given in Figures 10.17, 10.18,and 10.19.

90: ::: : I I

~ !:!!!:! . -
__ I\... - I
_ - L- I
L- I
.4I _ _ I -1I -1I I1 _

- - - t---t---+-- -1- --~ --- ~ ---i

~ ~

~ 75
I I I I I I t I I
- -L - - -L - - -
I I I I I I I ,
I 1 I I t I I I I
I I I I t i t I I
Of) : : : : : : : :.' I 1 I I I I I I I

.g I: l ! : ! ! - - - I- - - - ~ - - - + - - - .. - - - of - - - - - -4 - - - -t- -

- -1- - -

~ 60 - - - f -- ~ r---t---t---i ---i ----i--- I

~- ---. ---

~~~~~~~~~~T~l~~r~r-r r~r~
V) : : : : : : : : :

~ 45 - -- ~ -- - t--- +- - -1- -- ~ ---1- --~- --~- ---~ ---

: : : : ' : : : :

~ 30 - - - ~ - -- t---t---i---i--- -i----1- ---

I : : : :

---f---f-- \trT~D61 -i- --1----1- -1---

: : : ! : ! ! :
1- :- - -

:E at: -- -:-- - - ~ - - - ~ - - - t - - - t - - - ~ - - - -1 - - - -1- - - - - -

B :::::::::
.~ 15 - - - r---r---T---1- --:---:---T-- -r---r--- I I

--.i. --t---1---J---j ---J---J---J---~- --




Vl :::::::::
o ! : : ! : ! : ! : ! ! ! : i ! ! 1 !
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Modulation Index M

Figure 10.17 (a) Optimum switching angles 0.1 and 0.2 using minimum
WTHD as the performance index for a five-level inverter
and (b) the resulting minimum-modulation indices WTHD
and WTHDO.
448 Programmed Modulationof MultilevelConverters

:: ::::
I 1 I ' I I
"......, I ' I I 1 1
CI} I I f 1 I

~ 75 --- ---t---f--- --- ---1---~----:- --!---- ___ I'-

I , I
.1I .1I .JI

I I I t i l I I 1

I I I I , I I 1 I
1 I 1 (I2: , I I I 1 I I , I

---t---t--- --- ---i---l---l----l---

"'0 1 I 1 I I 1

~ 60 ---
:: ::::
45 --- ---~---+--- --- ---~---~----l----~---
<~ :! I 1
' I '
! !

eo 30 --- ---}---+--- --- ---~---i-- :----:---- ---f---r---t---t---i---i---

t: I

I I 1 I , t

!! !! i (II: ! ! ! wtHDO ~ ,
'i r---t--- --- ---1---1----r---r--- --r-r--r--T-T-T-T--r-r-
:: : l : : 1 I

15 - - - - - -
o l:
I I t
!! '

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Modulation Index M Modulation Index M
(a) (b)
Figure to.18 (a) Optimum switching angles at and 0.2 using minimum
WTHD as the performance index for a six-level inverterand
(b) the resulting minimum modulation indices WTHD and
, 1

e 75
1 ,

CI} I I : : , I : : I

---t---t---+---1---~---1---~-~--:- --~---
___ IL I
1. L1 I
.&. .11 .J1 ~
I .JI ,1 _

: : : : WtHO' : : :
1 I I I I I I , I

eo !! i ! : i i ! ~

-8 : : : : : : : l (I3:

~ 60 - - -t---r---t---t---i --- :---l- --l- -- -l- -- ~ 1.0 -- -~ -- - ~ - --} --- i--- i-- ;-- 1- -- -J---
t:S : I : : : : : : : ~
I t '
CI) : : : : : : : : t i l l ' ,
'--- '--- ~--- -: -
..... I I

~ '----1---- Eo-
45 ---t---t---+---1---~---1---~-- -- -~ ---:---- t ---f - --l----'b
.~ 30 - -- r---
! 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 :
: : : : : : : : (I2: o~
t---t---t---i---i---1----1- ---1- --- :I: 0.5
: : : :lWTHD

I ,
: :

L- I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1

~ ! i ! ! ! : : : :
t i l
.~ 15 ~-_-~---~---~---J---J- __ ~---_4-
I ! : ! : ! : : (II:
- - - I.... I.... - _ _ I.... 1 I _ _ - 41 ..I -'I I -_
~ ~ ~ _

1 I 1 I I , 1 , I
, I , 1 1 1 1 I I

I II! ! 1 l I l
1 t i l t I I I I

\I~ 0
1 I , 1 I 1 1 , I
1 1 I I I 1 I 1 ,
I , I t i l I , 1

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Modulation Index M (b) Modulation Index M
Figure 10.19 (a) Optimum switching angles ab 0,2' and 0,2 using
minimum WTHD as the performance index for a seven-
level inverter and (b) the resulting minimum modulation
indicesWTHDand WTHDO

When unequal. DC bus voltage levels are permitted, nontrivial solutions

can be obtained for four levelsand greater. Again, the DC voltages can now be
selected to realize an optimal condition for a given fundamental voltage. But
once selected, this value, practically speaking, must be held constant since
treating these voltages as variables would imply expensive adjustable voltage
DC supplies for each level. Optimal solutions for two representative values of
modulation index, M= 1.0and M= 1.1, are summarized in Table 10.3.
Summary 449

Table 10.3 Minimum WTHD for Two Values of Modulation Index MWhen Both Swltc
Angles and Bus Voltages are Varied

WTHD 0.1 0.2 0.3 VdcO Vde } Vde2 Vde3

(%) (deg) (deg) (deg) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)

5 levels 0.820 18.8 53.2 - - 0.532 0.468 -

6 levels 0.630 25.39 55.67 0.350 0.429 0.397 -

7 levels 0.340 14.19 34.74 58.66 - 0.382 0.311 0.307

M= 1.1
5 levels 1.32 16.7 42.5 - - 0.575 0.425 -

6 levels 0.485 24.5 51.9 - 0.546 0.486 0.241 -

7 levels 0.430 9.54 35.7 59.9 - 0.507 0.376 0.117

10.5 Summary
This chapter has explored the modulation benefits of utilizing additional DC
levels beyond the two levels provided by the conventional three-phase inverter
topology that has been examined up to this point. It has been shown that the
simple addition of multiple switched voltage levels has a dramatic effect on the
reduction of WTHD. It can be recalled from Chapter 2 (Table 2.1) that the
WTHD of a simple square-wave inverter is 4.640/0 and that progression to
three-, four-, and five-level inverters results in a reduction in WTHD to 1.6,
1.12, and 0.987%, respectively. It has been further shown that these values can
be reduced to 1.53,0.89, and 0.75%,.respectively, when the DC source voltage
levels are optimized (Table 10.1) and to 0.82, 0.63, and 0.34% (Table 10.2)
when both the DC levels and switching instants are optimized. Hence signifi-
cantly reduced values of WTHD can be achieved with multilevel block modu-
lation techniques without necessarily resorting to pulse width modulation.
Unfortunately, however, the approach only appears to be practical when the
output voltage target range is relatively small [e.g., for an' uninterruptible
power supply (UPS) application]. When the output voltage amplitude demand
is wide and the slew rate is relatively rapid (e.g. in an ACmotor drive) pulse
width modulation of multilevel converters again becomes almost a necessity,
and hence this approach will now be explored in the next chapter.
450 Programmed Modulation of Multilevel Converters

[1] A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, "A new neutral-point-clamped PWM
inverter," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-17, no. 5, Sept.lOct.
1981, pp. 518-523.
[2] P. Bhagwat and V.R. Stefanovic, "Generalized structure of a multilevel PWM
inverter," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 19, no. 6, Nov.lDec. 1983,
[3] P.W. Hammond, "A new approach to enhance power quality for medium volt-
age AC drives," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 1, Jan/Feb.
1997, pp. 202-208.
[4] F.Z. Peng, J.S. Lai, J.W. McKeever, and J. Van Coevering, "A multilevel volt-
age-source inverter with separate DC sources for static VAR generation," IEEE
Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 32, no. 5, Sept.lOct. 1996, pp. 1130-1138.
[5] Q. Jiang and T.A. Lipo, "Switching angle and DC link voltage optimization for
multilevel cascade inverters," Electric Machines and Power Systems, vol. 28,
July 2000, pp. 605-612.
[6] M. Marchesoni, M. Mazzucchelli, and P. Tenca, "About the DC-link capacitors
voltage balance in multi-point clamped converters," in Conf Rec. Int. Conf. on
Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), Aachen, 1998,
pp. 548-553.
[7] M. Marchesoni, M. Mazzucchelli, F. Robinson, and P. Tenca, "Analysis of DC-
link capacitor voltage balance in AC-DC-AC diode-clamped multilevel con-
verters," in Con! Record European Power Electronics Conf. (EPE), Lausanne,
1999, in CD ROM.
[8] M.C. Klabunde, Y. Zhao, and T.A. Lipo, "Current Control of a 3-Level Recti-
fier/Inverter Drive System," in Con! Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society
Annual Mtg., Denver, 1994, pp. 859-866.
[9] H.L. Liu, N.S. Choi, and G.H. Cho, "Space vector PWM for three-level inverter
with DC-link voltage balancing," in Conf. Rec. Int. Conf. on Industrial Elec-
tronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), Kobe, 1991, pp. 197-203.
[10] S. Ogasawara and H. Akagi, "Analysis of variation of neutral point potential in
neutral-point-clamped voltage source PWM inverters," in Con! Rec. IEEE
Industry Applications Society Annual Mtg., Toronto, 1993, pp. 965-970.
[11] Y.-H. Lee, R.-Y. Kim, and D.-S. Hyun, "A novel SVPWM strategy considering
DC-link balancing for a multi-level voltage source inverter," in Conf. Rec.
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Dallas, 1999, pp. 509-514.
[12] D.H. Lee, S.R. Lee, and F.C. Lee, "An analysis of the midpoint balance for neu-
tral-point clamped three-level VSI," in Con! Rec. IEEE Power Electronics Spe-
cialists Con! (PESC), Fukuoka, 1998, pp. 193-199.
References 451

[13] N. Celanovic and D. Boroyevich, "Comprehensive study of neutral-point volt-

age balancing problem in three-level neutral-point-clamped voltage source
PWM inverters," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 15, 2000, pp. 242-
[14] C. Keller, R. Jakob, and S. Salama, "Topology and balance control of medium
voltage multilevel drives," in Con! Rec. European Power Electronics Conf.
(EPE), Graz, 2001, in CD-ROM.
[15] L.M. Tolbert, F.Z. Peng, and T.G Habetler, "Multilevel converters for large
electric drives," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 35, no. 1, Jan.lFeb.
1999, pp. 36-43.
Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel
The era of multilevel inverters began in the 1980s with the development of the'
three-level diode-clamped inverter by Nabae, Takahashi, and Akagi in 1981
[1]. Proposals for diode-clamped and cascade multilevel inverters with higher
number of DC voltage levels appeared shortly thereafter [2,3]. The first treat-
ment of modulation principles for a multilevel inverter also dates to the 1980s.
A major contribution to the categorization of the numerous modulation possi-
bilities, the disposition process by Carrara et a1. [4] in 1992, then set the stage
for the detailed assessment of modulation alternatives that has appeared more
recently in the research literature.

This chapter extends to multilevel inverters the principles of carrier-based

PWM that have already been developed for two-level inverters. Much of the
material presented comes from the research work of Dr. B.P McGrath, and a
substantial part of the theoretical underpinnings of the chapter have been
derived from his Ph.D. thesis [5].

11.1 PWM of Cascaded Single-Phase H-Bridges

Multilevel cascaded inverter topologies as shown in Figure 10.6 use series-
connected single-phase H-bridge inverters to achieve an increased voltage
range and reduced output harmonics. In the previous work of Chapter 4, the
analytical solution for three-level naturally sampled modulation of one single-
phase H-bridge was developed as Eq. (4.6), adapted here as


+ 4V1tdC~
LJ ~ 1
L.J 2mJ2n_l(mltM)cos([m+n-l]lt)
m =I n = -00 x cos(2mroct + [2n - 1] Olot)

454 Carrier-BasedPWM of Multilevel Inverters

by scaling 2 Vdc to Vdc to suit the more usual bus voltagedefinition for single-
phase bridges cascaded into a multilevel inverter.

It can be recalledthat Eq. (11.1) was developed by subtracting two expres-

sions corresponding to the switchedvoltages of phase legs a and b with respect
to the DC neutral point. It can be further recalled that around each odd carrier
multiple group (roc' 3roe, 5roe, etc.), these expressions contain only even side-
band harmonics, and these sidebands cancel despitethe 1800 phase shift of the
fundamental of phase leg b with respect to phase leg a. Hence, sideband har-
monics of the line output voltage of a single-phase H-bridge only exist at even
carrier multiplegroups (2roe, 4roe, 6roe, etc.).

A furthercancellation can now be obtained by appropriately phase shifting

the remaining harmonics of several series-connected single-phase H-bridges.
This modulation process is denoted as phase-shifted cascaded PWM or
PSCPWM. The essential principle of PSCPWM is to retain sinusoidal refer-
ence waveforms for the two phase legs of each H-bridge inverterthat are phase
shifted by 1800 and to then phase shift the carriers of each bridge to achieve
additional harmonic sideband cancellation around the even carrier multiple
groups. To illustrate, Figure 11.1 illustrates the carrier and reference arrange-
ments for the two single-phase H-bridges that are connected in series in the
phase leg of a five-level cascaded inverterstructure.

Optimum harmonic cancellation is achieved by phase shifting each carrier

by (i - 1)1t/N, where i is the lh converter, N is the numberof series-connected
single-phase inverters per phase leg, and N = (L-l )/2 where L is the numberof
switched DC levels that can be achieved in each phase leg. This can be shown
as follows.

Assuming natural samplingand equal DC voltages of Vdc across each sin-

gle-phase bridge, the overall cascaded inverter phase leg to DC link midpoint
voltage is given by

L V~b(t)

Vail) = (11.2)
i > I

where v~b is the line output voltageacross each single-phase bridge i.

PWM of Cascaded Single-Phase H-Bridges 455





-1.0Vdc L.---.&.-a----J~......L.---I--...L--_ __I____r.._ __J..____JJ__~--_f_L-I

00 1500 200 0
Figure 11.1 Phase-shifted carrier PWM (PSCPWM) strategy for five-
level cascaded inverter showing the sinusoidal reference
waveforms and carriers for the phase legs of the two
cascaded single-phase bridges, M = 0.8, lei10 = 5.

Substituting from Eq. (11.1) gives

vaz(t) = NVdcMcOS(Olot) (11.3)
2mJ2n-1 (m1tM)cos([m + n - 1]1t)

+ 4:deI I x L COS{ 2m(

roel + [i -~ ]1t) + [2n - 1]rool}
m = I n =-00
i= I


i = I
456 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

for all m kN, k = I, 2, 3,..., the only phase leg harmonics remaining across
the cascaded bridges will be sideband harmonic components centered around
the 2N th carrier multiples, or

2mJ2n-1(Nm1tM)cos([Nm + n -1]1t)
m= I n=-oo x cos (2NmOO c l + [2n - 1](00 1)

Therefore,for two cascadedH-bridges with carrierphase shifts of 90, har-

monic cancellation up to sidebands around multiples of 4fc will be achieved.
For three cascadedbridgeswith carrier phase shifts of 60 , harmonic cancella-
tion up to sidebands around multiples of 6fc will be achieved, and so on. It
should be noted that this cancellation is not dependent on the carrier/funda-
mental frequency ratio and is valid even for very low pulse ratios. Of course, in
addition, triplen sidebandharmonic cancellation around the 2N th carrier and its
multiples will also occur between the phase legs as a separate process because
of the 120 phase shift that occurs between the fundamental referencecompo-
nents of a three-phase system. Figure 11.2 illustrates the theoretical spectra for
a single-phase cascaded inverter consisting of one, two, and three series-con-
nected H-bridges, respectively. The successivecancellation of sidebandgroups
is clearly evident.
For cascaded H-bridges controlled by two-level modulation, the carrier
phase shift required between the cascaded inverters becomes 2( i-I )1t/ N
because of the lesser harmonic elimination that is achieved by this modulation
strategy within each single-phase bridge. Hence, this strategywill only achieve
harmonic elimination up to the Nth carrier multipleand is therefore not recom-
mended for multilevel cascaded inverters since it only achieves half the har-
monic benefits of a three-level modulation strategy.
The solution for the voltage across a cascadedmultilevel inverterphase leg
with the single-phase bridges modulated by either symmetrical and asymmetri-
cal regular sampled PWM with phase-shifted carriers can be developed in the
same manner as has been done for the naturally sampledcase. However, it can
be recalled from Chapter 4 that for symmetrical regular sampled PWM, the
odd carrier group sideband harmonics do not fully cancel, as shown in Figure
4.6. Hence cascaded bridges modulated under this strategy can only eliminate
PWM of Cascaded Single-PhaseH-Bridges 457

~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - .. - - ~ ~ ~ WTHDO= 1.27%E

- - - - -.- - - - - -I - - - - -

- - - - - ,- - - - - 1
- - - - - I - - - - - ,- - - - -

- - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -

- '- :- :- :- :-
- =.=
____ L , _
-: =:
: : : : : ,: : : : : ::::::::
- - - - ...~ ::::::::::'::
--- =::::::
: : : :: : ': : : : : : : : : ,c ::: :

(a) -
'- :- :- :-
:- :- :- : :- ,:
_ _ _ L __
r ccc z;
: : : =: ,= : : :
-- - - -.- - - - : : : j: : :
- - - r - -
10- 3 - - - - -'- - - - ,
_ _ _ L __

:: :: :: :: :: ':: :: :: :: ::::t:::

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~I f~ '~~~t~t
10-4 ' -I [_.-.----.. ~
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

,-.... - - - - - ,- - - - - -,- , - - - - .., - - - - - I - - - - -.- - - - -

, - - - - 1- . .
:i - - - - -.- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -
ci ,
_ _ _ _ _ , ' .J _ ____ L _

: : : : ~ : ,: : : : : :,: : : : : : : : : =
- - - - ... - - - --.-
:= :: := .: :: :: := :: ::'= :: :: :: ::

: : : : :.:, : :.: : :':
., : : ::: J:
.. : : : : : : : c : : : : : ': : ::: :
- - - - I - - - - -.- - - - -

eo . . - - - - r - - - - -.- - - - -
- - - - - 1- - - - - -I - - - - - , - - - -

___ ,'
(b) ~ 10- 2 _ _ _ _ _ ,_
: : : : : ,: : : : : :1: : : : :
_ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ L
: : : : : : : :.: : : : :

:::j : : : ~
: ==: =,= ==: : :,: ===: ::; : =: =: =;:==: =:.= =: : =
(,) : : : : :.: : : : : :1: : : : : J : : : :::0::::::.:::::
'2 -------------------- ,
-------------- ,,

I ,

0 - - - - - ,- - - - - ,- - - - - ,, - - -
- - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -
10- 3 _ _ _ _ _ ,

::- =::
- - =::
- ,= ::- ===='
- - - -,=::-.-
- - ::- ::- ::- ...~ ::- ::- ::-
, J _ ___ L

===~ =::==::.= =::==

: : : ;: : : : : : ,: : : : :

-------------------- ===.:, =====.=, ====

, - - - - -.,- - - - - ,, - - -
- -- - , I
- - - r - - - - - ,- - - - - ,
, .
20 120 140

.-. - - -.-
. - - - - -,-
- - , - - - - -,- . - - - - .. - - - - -,-, - - - - , - - -- . -.-
:i - - - - - ,- - - - - -. - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -.- - - - -
, , I

10- 1 _____ ,

:: :: =:

: ,: : : : : =,: : : =: :4 =: : : : 4: =: =: : c: =: =: : ,: : : : =
.J .L '- ' _

: : : ,: : : : : :,: : : : : : : : : : ;: : : : : : ;:. : : : - : ,: - - - -
: : : : : ': : : : : :': : : : : J : : : : : ! : : : : : c : : : .-
E , , . ,
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - I - - - - - .. - - - - - ,- - - - ,
'2 I

on - - - -
, ,
- - -
, -
.rL __
-,- - -
- - - - , - - - - - T - - - - -

(c) ~
Cd _____ ' 1.
: =: =:.: : : : : :.: : : : : :4 : : : : : ; =: ===j: : :
' J

: : : =: 1= ===: :,: =: =: ; : ==: : ; =: ===;:=:

: : : : : ': : : : : :': : : : : J : : : : : I : : : : : c : :
'8 -------------------------------

r - -
,' . ,
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - -

10- 3 _____ , J 1. L __
~ =====,= =====, ===== =i ===: = + = ==== ~ ==

0~~ ~ ~~o ~ ~ ~ ~;o~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ !! ~ ~ ~ ~I;;

::I: : : : : : ,: : : : : :.: : : : : : : : : : ;: : : : : : ;: : : ~

10- 4 f 120 ~ 40

Harmonic Number
Figure 11.2 Theoretical spectra for phase leg of a cascaded inverter with
naturally sampled PWM for (a) one H-bridge (3-level
modulation), (b) two H-bridges (5-level modulation), and
(c) three H-bridges (7-level modulation), M= 0.8, fe/fo = 20.
458 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

harmonics up to the }/h carrier multiple using a phase shift of 2( i-I )1t/N
(the same as for two-level PWM). In contrast, cascaded bridges modulated by
asymmetrical regular sampled PWM will eliminate harmonics up to the 2Nh
carrier multiple if a carrier phase shift of (i - 1)1t/N is used, i.e., the same as
for naturally sampled PWM. Thus only this strategy will be explored further.
The analytical solution for cascaded inverters modulated by asymmetrical
regular sampled PWM is

v (I)
L oo
-- ro o 1t ~.
1 J ( n--M
[ ro oJ n ro c 2
2 0
I) (11.6)
n= I n
+ 4N dC
L Lao 1J
-; ~
( q'-21tM cos([Nm+n-I]1t)
q 2n-1
m= I n=-oo
x cos (2Nmro cl + [2n - 1]rool)
Figure 11.3 shows the progression of harmonic cancellation from a single-
phase bridge (three-level modulation), two cascaded bridges (five-level modu-
lation), and three cascaded bridges (seven-level modulation), modulated using
asymmetrical regular sampled PWM. Complete cancellation of the switching
harmonics up to the 2Nh carrier group sideband harmonics is again clearly evi-
For a three-phase multilevel inverter made up of cascaded bridges, the I-I
voltage is again found by taking the voltage difference betweenphase legs with
fundamental components that are phase displaced by 120. The analytical I-I
solution for naturally sampled modulation is given by

PWM of Cascaded Single-PhaseH-Bridges 459

-- ----_ :1: --- --

-- ---- -- ---
- ----- --- : ~ 1WTHDO=I.27%~
~ - ------ --,- - --.-----
::3 - - - - - ,- -
--- - - - r
, - - - - -,- - - - -
~ , ,-
L ,_

----'= ----
---- ---- ,
- - -
, -1- - - - - - - -- -- ~... - - -- - - ,-
'= - - --
::s ---------
, , : : : : c: : : ': ::
-- - -- --- - , -- , ,


- - - - ,- - - ,
- - - r - -

(a) cd '- - L
i= - :: ;:
~ : : - : ::~ : : : - I
- - - j: - -
C,) :::c::
a0 - - - -,- - - -
, - - r - -

cd '-
-- -- -- _I:
t= -
- ,- - - -
~ ~
====='-==- ,
- - - -,- - I ' ~--r -
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WTHDO~O:32%~


(b) cd 10- 2

10- 3
- - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - -l - - -

_====,= , =====':
------------------- , : : : : :':
, ::
- - - - - ,- - - - - -,- - - - - , - - -
, I

, ,

, , , , , I
- - - - - ,- - - - - -I - - - - - -, - - - - - I - - - - - ,- - - - - -.- - - - -
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - ~ - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -
I , , , , ,
_____ , , j .L L [ _

:: :: :: :: :: ,: : : : : :,: : =: : =: =: =r =: : =: t: : =: =: ,: : : =:
,: : : : : :,: : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : : ;:. : :: : ,: : - - -
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - T - - - - - ,- - - - '_
- - - - -.- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - 'j - - - - - ,- - - -
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - I - - - - - ,- - - -
- - - - - ,- - - - - -I - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - -

I I , I
_____ J L L __
: : : : : ,: : : : : :,: : : : : =4 : : : : : ; : : : : : ~ : :
: : ===,: : : : : :,=: : : : ; : : : : : ;:: =: : : ;=: =
: : : : : ': : : : : :': : : : : J : : : : : I : : : : : c : :
, , I , ,
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - 'j - - - - - ;- - -
- - - - -.- - - - - -I - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - -
_ _ _ _I
, ', J I
L 'L __

=====,= +: = = = = =t: = =
- : : : : ,: :=====,
: : : :,:=====
: : : : :j~ :=:====
: : : ; : : : : : ;. : :
- - - - - ,- - - - - -,- - - - - -, - - - - - i - - - - - .- - -

- ====:= =====: =: : : : ~ : = === ~ ==== =:= ==

r - -
, ,
- - - - -.- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - -
10- Ou..a......---J..----'----~-~~-~~u.
20 40 60 80 100 120 ~40
Harmonic Number
Figure 11.3 Theoretical spectra for phase leg of a cascaded inverter with
asymmetrical regular sampled PWM for (a) one H-bridge (3-
level modulation), (b) two H-bridges (5-level modulation), and
(c) three H-bridges (7-level modulation), M= 0.8, fe/fo = 20.
460 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

while the I-I solution for regular sampled PWM is given by

+ 8NV
dc ~
- 1 t - z:
z: 1
q,J2n -
~ (1t)
q'2~ cos([Nm + n]1t)sin [2n -1]3"

m =I n= --<X)
x sin 2Nmro + [2n - 1] [1tJ)

ct root - 3'

Figures 11.4 and 11.5 show the progression of I-I harmonic cancellation
from a single-phase bridge (three-level modulation), two cascaded bridges
(five-level modulation), and three cascaded bridges (seven-level modulation),
modulated using natural and asymmetrical regular sampled PWM, respec-
tively. Complete cancellation of the switching harmonics up to the 2Nh carrier
group sideband harmonics is again clearly evident, together with the expected
cancellation of the triplen harmonics from the 2Nh carrier group sidebands.

Experimental phase leg waveforms of a five- and a seven-level cascaded

inverter are shown in Figures 11.6 and 11.7. Corresponding measured spectra
are shown in Figures 11.8 and 11.9 These spectra compare directly with the
theoretical predictions of Figures 11.3(b) and 11.3(c), respectively, and the
match is very close. The only significant differences are the low-magnitude
baseband harmonics in the experimental spectra, which are caused by practical
implementation issues in the experimental switched output voltages [5]. Such
issues are, of course, inevitable with any physical inverter and typically cause
slight low-order harmonic distortion compared to the theoretical ideal.

It should be noted that to achieve effective harmonic sideband cancellation

for a cascaded inverter system, it is essential that all single-phase bridges have
exactly the same DC bus voltage (to within a few percent). Also, for regularly
sampled implementations, it is critical to sample the reference waveform for
each single-phase bridge at the peak and base of its particular (phase-shifted)
triangular carrier. In other words, the reference waveform sample point must
be phase shifted by the appropriate triangular carrier phase shift for each indi-
vidual bridge. Otherwise, harmonics across the multiple bridges will not have
the correct magnitude and phase relationships to achieve proper cancellation.
PWM of Cascaded Single-Phase H-Bridges 461

- .= -
- - --- - -
- - - : - ,: -----------
:- ~ 3-WTHDO=1
----- --
,-... - ---- - -- -- -----,----------
::i - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - r- - - - - - ,- - - - -
~ I

- -- -
_ _ _ _ _ L. _,_
"-" I: ~ :.:
------ --: :
- - : -.: ---- : : : :: - - - : - - - - - : I: - - - :
----- -----.--- ,- ----

-- -------
- - - - -
- - - - - i - - -
- --- --- I --

- - - - -,- - - - - ----- , -----,.--- ,, --
(a) ~ 1- L. ,

:E -----.= --
:=: - : ---t=---
~ I

- ----
- - - - - ---
::: : : :::c::: -
--- -
S -- - ------ , -
0 - - - ,- -- -- - - ---r--- -
E - _I:'- --- --- L.

:: ,

;; - :
:t r --
~ = = =I~ ~ =~I ' -
, - :::c: -
---- ;- ---I : r--
1- -- ---r-

t -

, ~=
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

:::: ~:~::: =~:~ ~: ~ ~ 3:::: : ~:: 3~!H~~~~~~~~~

,..-.. - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - , - - - - - I - - - - -, - - - -

d - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - t" - - - - - r- - - - - -.- - - - -
I I ,


Q) 1= ::1 ~ f 1=
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - -
"'0 c : : : : : _: : - :
a : : : : : '_ : : : : _': : : : : J : : : : :
----,--- ------- --- - ----- -----1----- I
1 :
: : : :

- - - - - 1- - - - - -. - - - - - , - - - - - - - -,. - - - - -.- - - - -

(b) ~ 10-2
, , I I I

- -
1_ _, .J
,: :1 ~ :: : =
---- -.= --- :, -----:; ---
- : : : : '_ : : : : _I:: : : : J : : :
-- - - - - ; - - - - - ,: - - -
E --------------- , --- --- --- ------
0 - - - - - 1- - - -I - - - - - , - - -
- - - r - - - - - 1- - - - -

~ 10-3 1_ _, .J L

1= z, =l E
,: - =i :
: : : : : : '_ : : : : : : _I: : : : : : J ::: ::: : : : : c ::: : : : : : : '__ : : : :::
---------------- ---1
--- ----------
- - - r -
- - - - - 1-
- - - - -, -
- - - - ,

- - -
, - - .-, - - -
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

,..-.. - ------- ---------------- ----------- I I I

d - - - - - 1- - - - - -, - - - - - ,
- - - - - T - - - -
,. - - - - - 1- - - -

ci , , I I J

1_ _I .J L L. I_

Q) I: :1 :. t:
- - - - - - - - - - :1- - - - - - - - - - - ;: - - - - ;; - - - - -I: - - : :
"'0 ----- ---- ------I-----r-----.--- - -
_--::===-:===:::-===::i::-==-==- --
- - - - - 1- - - - - -I - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - -,. - - ,
- -

I '
(c) ~
~ 10- 2 1_
:. +
-- - - 1= - - - - =, - - - - :;- - - +- - - - - ; - - - ,
(,) :::::_-:::_:::_:J:::_:1::_::'::::
'E ---- -- - -- --- - --- -- --- -- - - -. .

0 - - -.- - - - -, - - - -, - - - - - T - - - - - r - - -

" .J .L "
1_ _,

:~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ :~ ~: ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ;-:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F:
~ .= ~ + t=

10- 0--.....r..--------~-~-----::~.A.oIo-II~12......0--~140
20 40 60 80 100
Harmonic Number
Figure 11.4 Theoretical I-I spectra for three-phase cascaded inverter with
naturally sampled PWM for (a) one H-bridge (3-level
modulation), (b) two H-bridges (5-level modulation), and
(c) three H-bridges (7-level modulation), M== 0.8, fc/fo = 20.
462 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

- -, -----,----- -
, -
- -
,r - - - -
- - T - - - -1- - - - -

L. ,_
- 1= _ ~
-- - --- -t--
, , =_-


---- , - - - --- -

(a) - - - - - ---
----- - -- -- - L
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
----- -- ,
----- --- :::c:-:
--- --- --- --- L
- - -

, ===f, =: =
- -I I
- r - - -

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number
: : : : : ,= : : : : :': ~ : : - = : - - : :T~ : - ~ WTHDO~O~2-4%E
------ --- -- I
-- -- ---- -------------
, I

,-. - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - -, - ----- - --------

:i - - - - ,- - - - -, - - -, - - T - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -
ci ,_
. ,
:1 _ _~ _ _ t 1=
- - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"'0 - : : : - _ - : - : _ : : : _ - J - : - - : - : : : c : : : : : '_ : : : :
E -------- ------- ---- ----- ---------- ,
eo , - - - -, - - - - , -
- - - - - ,- - -
, ,
- - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -

(b) ~
:, ::.
_, J
~ - - - - - ,: - - - - :, - - - - - ::; - - - : : - - - ~ - - - -I: - - - -
: : : : : '_ : : : : _': : : : - J - : : - I -
, c : : : : : r; : : : :
--- , ----------
(.) :::

2 ------ ----, --- -- ,

- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - , - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -

,_ _, J _ _ L. ,_
__ '= :' _ __ : =
~ t ': _
- - - - - - - - - -
-- - --
- - -. - -
- -- ---
- - - I - - - - -.-
- - - -

10- 4 ==- = =;= === -: =- ==- - = - - ~ ~ ~ 1= ~ = = ====:= = ===

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 ]40
Harmonic Number

,-. - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'j - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - -
:i - - - - - ,- - - - - -I - - - - , - - - - T - - - - - r- - - - -
-1- - - - -

5 .=:, ::r
_I J .L
;: -
- - - - -.: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"'0 ;: - - - - - - - - - - - - : :
;:s : : : : : _ : : : : __ - : : J :: :1:::-:-:::: __ - ::
i -- ------------ -- -- ----- --- -
, I I ,
- - - - - 1- - - - - -, - - - ., - - - - T - - - - - r - - -

(c) ~
~ 10- 2 "
t: I
- - - - -,= - - - - =. - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - ~ - - - ,
(.) ::_::C::::_::_= J : - -r:::_:c::: ,
's ------, -------- I
- - ----- --- I '
0 - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - r - - -
1_ _, L
~ =i ;: ~
X - ;: ;:
: : : : : '_ : : : : _ : : _ : - j : : : __ I : : : : : c: : : I

---------------- ----- --- - ---

, "
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - T - -
- r - - - I

20 40 60 80 100 120
Harmonic Number
Figure 11.5 Theoretical I-I spectra for three-phase cascaded inverter with
asymmetrical regular sampled PWM for (a) one H-bridge (3-
level modulation), (b) two H-bridges (5-level modulation), and
(c) three H-bridges (7-level modulation), M= 0.8, !c/fo = 20.
PWM of Cascaded Single-Phase H-Bridges 463

5A ~--+-----t----+---tnt1tn----t----+---+--~II1tr---+----t


-5 A t------+----+~--+--t___--+-------"-~-__t_-___ir__-_+_--'"'tfIt
300 V


- 300 V ...-----+--
o 10 T.ime (ms) 30
20 40 50

Figure 11.6 Experimental switched phase leg voltages and load current
for two cascaded bridges, asymmetric regular sampled
PWM,M=0.8, t; = 50Hz, fe/fo = 20[6].
ioo v

5A 1norn---+----f----+--nrMHrtr.-r---t-----+------it--~~-~-___t


-5 A ----+---t------t---"-l~---H
J - - - - + - - - - - - f I I........

300 V h---4----+---__+_-


- 300 V 1 - - 0 + - - -
o 10 20 'nime (ms) 30 40 50

Figure 11.7 Experimental switched phase leg voltages and load current
for three cascaded bridges, asymmetric regular sampled
PWM, M= 0.8, f o = 50Hz, fe/fo = 20 [6].
464 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

====-~~~~~~~~~1~~~E~~E=====~f~~~~~~~-1:~'~HZ =
to = 50 Hz -
I I I I I L-- .....J
d 10- 1 ______ ~ ~ L --- ~ ~ __
------~-------~- - - - - ~-----

aJ :===:=~=======J=======I=====
- __ -1 - - _...l- -.L _ _ _ _ _ ====~==:====~==
-- 1_ - _ - - __ .-1 _
-- -- - - -,- -- -- - -1- - - - - - - TI -- - -- I
- - - --,--- I
------~ ~-------~----- ----~-----__ J __
.~ I I I I I
2 1 I I I I
cd 10-
~ ======~=======~=======t====
a0 - -- - ---1- - -- - - - - f
____ ~ ...l
-- - +- - - -
- _- -__
- -1- -
- - - - - _t - -
~ __
I ' J I I

::r: 10-3
~'l'U~IE~ll~======~ ~~~=~~$~~~~ ~~~3~~~~~~~~~=

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11.8 Experimental phase leg voltage spectrum for two cascaded
bridges (5-level), M= 0.8, 10 = 50Hz, fc/fo = 20 [6].

-- - - - - --: -- - - --
- - - - ~ - - - - - - -:
1 = 50 Hz -
I '----_ _----I
______ ~ ~ l L ~ ~ __

======~=======~=======I=======c======~==== ~
- _ - - _ - -J - _ J - - - - _ - - .L - - _ - - _ - I- - - - - - - _1_ - - - ... .a ... __ ... --.11--I

I I , , I
I I , I I
------~-------4-------L----- __ I_------~---
- ~ - - --I -- - - - -- f - - -- -- - - + - - - - - - - r-- - - - - - -I - - -
___ ~ ---- .L L ~ _
--~------- ------+-------~------~---
======= =====-===== ~~~=~~~~~
- -

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11.9 Experimental phase leg voltage spectrum for three cascaded
bridges (7-level), M== 0.8, 10 == 50Hz, !clio == 20 [6].
Overmodulation of Cascaded H-Bridges 465

11.2 Overmodulation of Cascaded H-Bridges

Utilizing the results obtained in Chapter 8, it is also possible to determine the
behavior of multilevel cascaded H-bridges in the overmodulation region for
both the naturally sampled and asymmetric regular sampled cases [7].
For the naturally sampled case

vaz(t) = - - [4 sin 'l' + M(1t-2'1'- sin2'1')]cosOlo t (11.10)

NV ~ [2n~ l]sin([2n-I]'!')
+ - dc
- LJ cos([2n - 1](00 1)
1t _ AAfsin2no/ + sin(2[n - 1]o/)J
n= 2 L n
H", [n - 1]

oo oo

+ 4NV2dC 1 C cos(2Nmroct + [2n - 1 ]Olot)

1t 2Nm mn
m = 1 n =-00

where Cmn is given by

sin(2[2n - 1]W)l
J 2n_ I(N m1tM) cos( [N m + n - I ]1t) ( 1t-2,!,- [2n- I] )


+ 2k_I(Nm1tM)cos[(Nm + k)1t]
k= 1 {sin(2[n + k - 1]W) + sin(2[n - k]W)}
2k - 1 ;t: 12n - 11 x [n + k - 1] [n - k]

and 'I' is once more defined by

COS-I (~) for M> 1

'1'= (11.12)
o for M~ 1

For the asymmetric regular sampled case the phase leg voltage spectrum
for an N-Ievel cascaded inverter is
466 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters



COn = - - 1- -
L J ([2n-1]::~M) cosh

+ 2k - 1

2k-: :1~n-ll x [Sin(2[n + k - 1l\JI) + sin(2[n - kl\JI)]

[n+k-l] [n-k]


[2n~ 1]sin([2n-l]'If)Sin([2n-l]::~

+ J2n_l(q'~M)cOS([Nm+n-l]1t)
x [ 1t - 2'1f - [2n ~ 1] sin (2 [2 n - 1]'If)]

L J2k+l[q'~MJeoS([Nm+k]1t)

k= I x [Sin(2[n + k - 1]0/) + sin(2[n - k ]o/)J
2k - 1 :,t /2n - 11 [n + k - 1] [n - k]

PWM Alternatives for Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverters 467

and where q' is defined by

q' = 2Nm + [2n - 1 ]roolroc ( 11.16)
While these equations are quite complex, upon examination it becomes
apparent that the complexity is primarily related to the magnitude of the har-
monic terms, and that new harmonic components are only created in the base-
band region with frequencies of [2n - 1 ]root. These harmonics can be readily
identified as the low-order odd harmonics created by the overmodulation pro-
cess as the effective reference waveform approaches a square wave in a similar
fashion as identified for two-level modulation in Chapter 8. The important con-
sequence of this characteristic is that the harmonic cancellation of the sideband
harmonics that is achieved by cascading H-bridges into a multilevel inverter is
not affected by overmodulation. Hence, one would expect the same harmonic
benefits of cascaded bridges to be achieved for any modulation index.
Figure 11.10 shows the phase leg spectra for a five-level cascaded inverter
with the two sampling methods for a modulation index of 1.2. Cancellation of
sideband groups up to the fourth carrier multiple again occurs in the same man-
ner as in the linear modulation region.

11.3 PWM Alternatives for Diode-Clamped

Multilevel Inverters
Diode-clamped circuits make up the other major category of multilevel invert-
ers. Carrier strategies similar to those employed for conventional two-level
three-phase inverters can be readily extended to the three-phase multilevel
case. Again, various types of single-edged (i.e., sawtooth) waveforms could be
considered. However, it has already been shown in previous chapters that the
benefits ofhannonic cancellation are always superior when a double-edged tri-
angular carrier is utilized, and hence only triangular carrier modulation ofmul-
tilevel inverters will be considered further.
Double-edge modulation can be easily achieved by increasing the number
of triangular carriers to L - 1 where L is the number of voltage levels compris-
ing the DC link [4]. These carriers are arranged so that they fully occupy con-
tiguous bands in the range of -(L - 1) Vdc/2 to (L - 1) Vdc/2 (for L odd). A
single sinusoidal reference is then compared with these carriers to determine
the switched voltage level to be attained. Three alternative PWM strategies
with differing phase relationships have been developed in the literature [4].
468 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

....' : I WTHD0=2.51%
C:, :: :: i ::::: : : c : : : : : C : : : : :
,::, : : i : : : : : i: : : : : : ,: : : : : :

_____ '
': _'
' J
: : ! : : : : :
: : : :':' : : : : :_
, I I , ,
- - - - -,- - - - - -,- - - - - i - - - - - j" - - - - - r - - - - -,-- - - - -
: : : : : I: : : : : :1: : : : : J : : : - : I : - : : : t : : : : : ': : : : : :
- : : : : ,: : : : : :.: : : : : =i : : : : +: ::: ~ : : : : : ,: : : : : :
: : : :,:: : : : :,: : : : : ~ : :: : r : ::: c: : : : : ,:: : : : :
- - - -1- - - - - -, - - - - - 1 - - - - t - - - - r- - - - - - 1- - - - - -
- - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - - -
(a) __ - -,- - - - - -,- - - __ ..I _ _ _

, "
_ __ L.


_' , J _ _ _ _ __ '- , _
: ,: : : : : :,: : : : : =i: : : : : : .: : : : : : ,: : : : : :
: ,: : : : : :,: : : : : ~ : : : : : ; j: : : : : : ,: : : : : :

_, == ===,I = ==== ::i

=.= J ===
_ _ ==
= C===: =,=L
_L === ==

.,- - - - - -,-" - - - - i ,-
" - - - - -,- - - - -

: =::: :': : ::=:
I :: =: ::::': ::: - ::
: :::'::: : : : ': :: -

~Wt lli~~:~,~!f
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number
, 1 I I WTHDO=2.54%
::.:::: : :::.::: : : ::] : : ::::::i ::: ::: : c:: : : : : I:: :: :: :: :
: ,: : : : : :,: : : : : :j : : : : : i : : : : : c: : : : :,:: : : : :
_____ ,
: ': : : : : :':
: : : : JJ : : : : : I! : : : : : c:
: : : : ''= : : : : :_
, , I , I ,
~ - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - 'I - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - - -

- : : : : ,: : : : : :.: : : : : ::j : : :
' "
: : : : : ': : : : : :1: : : : : J : : : : : I : - : : :
t: : : : : :
I: : : : : :
+:: ::: t= : : : : : ,: : : : : :
Q) : : : : ,: : : : : :,: : : : : J : :: : r : ::: c: : : : : I: : : : : :
~ - - - -,- - - - - -I - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - r- - - - - -,- - - - - -
E - - - -,- - - - - -, - - - - - , - - - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - - -
8 - - - -.- - - - - -,- - - - - ..I _ _ _ _ L. , _

(b) eo
____ ,I ," J _ _ _ _ __ "'- , _
: : : : ,: : : : : :,: : : : : ~ : : : : : .: : : : : : ,: : : : : :
~ : : : : ,: : : : : :,: : : : : ; : : : : : ~ : : : : : ,: : : : : :
- ==':
__ 1 == ===., ===== .J _ =-
::i = ==,
_ _ L= =====':
, ==: ==
'2 _ _

0 - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - -
, "
- - ,- - - - -
-.- - - - - -

I , ,

:: ': :: :: :: :: :':: :: :: :: : ~

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number
Figure 11.10 Theoretical spectra for phase leg of a five-level cascaded
inverter overmodulated under (a) naturally sampled and
(b) asymmetric regularly sampled modulation, M = 1.2,
fc/fo = 20.
Three-Level Naturally Sampled PD PWM 469

Alternative phase opposition disposition (APOD), where carriers in

adjacent bands are phase shifted by 180 0
Phase opposition disposition (POD), where the carriers above the refer-
ence zero point are out of phase with those below zero by 180 0

Phase disposition (PO), where all carriers are in phase across all bands.

Figure 11.11 illustrates the carrier and reference arra~gements for five-level
modulation for these alternatives. It is generally accepted that the PD strategy
gives rise to the lowest harmonic distortion for the I-I voltage [4,8]. It can also
be noted that the APOD and POD strategies are equivalent for three-level con-

11.4 Three-Level Naturally Sampled PD PWM

11.4.1 Contour Plot for Three-Level PD PWM

In contrast to the cascaded topology, the multilevel diode-clamped converter
analytical solution is not easily constructed from previous approaches. How-
ever, it has been shown in Eqs. (3.9) and (3.10) that any switched waveform
can be described by

L [AOncos(n[root + eo]) + BOnsin(n[root + eo])]


1(1) = (11.17)


L [AmOcos(m[roet + eel) + BmOsin(m[roet + eel)]


f f
m= 1

+ lAmnCOS(m[ro/+~e]+n[root+eo]) J
+ Bmn Sln(m[ roet + 8e ] + n[ root + 80 ] )
m= I n=-oo
(n ~ 0)


1t 1t

C mn = A mn + jB mn = - 12 f(x, y)ej(mx + ny) dx dv

v (11.18)
21t -1t -1t
470 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

2Vde --.--r---r ........--.....--,,.....-,..--r- ....---.----.--..--.,...-..---.--r---r--,--r--r--,......,


(a) 0

-2 Vde L.1--~L.._L-.L.......I.-.L_JL..-..L.-.L.._L_.L--I~--I--L-.I--I-.L.-L--'--~---L....J

2Vde .----------_...---.. ---.~--.--_----.r---r ........--.......--,r---r--o


-2 Vde L.1--...I.-~---L--L-...L_.JL--.L_.I___L_.L_JL.._.L--L--&.-...I...-.JL..-..L.--L..-&.-...L.-J1...-..L-I

2Vde .......- --..-__-.--..---r .-----r-........--_.---..--r-...,.-~.....-..--,

2 MVde

-2 Vde L.._.L--L.......J.-..l.--lL--J,.--L--L-...L..-JL.--L--l--L-...L.-..J~~~.l.-...I~--I-.-J....-1I

Figure 11.11 Five-level diode-clamped inverter PWM modulation

options using a triangular carrier wave: (a) APOD, (b) POD,
and (c) PO; roc = 240)0.
Three-Level Naturally Sampled PD PWM 471

To evaluate Eq. (11.18), the function f(x,y) must be properly defined in

the x, y plane. In a multilevel inverter the values that the function f(x, y) can
take on is determined by the number of levels of the converter. In two-level
modulation the available levels are + Vde and -Vde . In a three-level inverter
the available levels will be + Vde' 0, and - Vde. The boundaries between levels
will be determined by the particular modulation rules. For example, the modu-
lation rules for the PD technique, when the number of levels N= 3, are:
The N - 1 = 2 carriers are arranged so that every carrier is in phase.
The converter is switched to + Vdc when the reference is greater than
both carriers.
The converter is switched to zero when the reference is greater than the
lower carrier but less than the upper carrier.
The converter is switched to the -Vdc level when the reference is less
than both carriers.
Figure 11.12 shows the defined reference input for the case of natural sam-
pling. This waveform could obviously be revised for regular sampling if
desired, but is only considered here as naturally sampled for simplicity. Figure
11.13 shows the carrier and reference waveforms in the normalized frequency
space. Table 11.1 defines equations for f( x, y) based on the above modulation
rules for various regions of x during a carrier cycle. Figure 11.14 shows a con-
tour plot for !(x, y) over a complete cycle of x and y, based on the definitions
given in Table 11.1.

1 ,...--------,.------+------r-------,
M ---,---

-I '---_ _ ---L ~

-1t -rc/2 0 rc/2 7t

Figure 11.12 Reference waveform for natural sampled PWM.

472 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters


xl fix) == ~
fix) = -- 1t
o r-------+----~-------~~

I x=ro~
f(x) = - I - ~ f(x) = - 1 _!
-1 7t
-7t -n/2 0 1t/2 7t

Figure 11.13 Three-level PD PWM Carrier waveforms.

~n 0 ~ 1t

Figure 11.14 Three-level PD PWM contour plot of f(x,y) , natural


Table 11.1 Three-Level PD PWM Switching Function,j{xJ1), x = (0 cl , Y = (001

j{x,y) When -1t s x s0 When 0 <x ~ 1t
x x
+Vdc Mcosy> -- Mcosy> -
1t 1t
0 - 1 - - < McosY < -- - 1 + - < Mcosy < -
1t 1t 1t 1t

x x
-Vdc Mcosy<-l -- Mcosy<-l +-
1t 1t
Three-Level Naturally Sampled PO PWM 473

11.4.2 Double Fourier Series Harmonic, Coefficients

From this plot the double Fourier series integral of Eq. (11.18) can now be for-
mulated as

2 1tMcosy

j(mx + ny) dx
e dy
1t -1tMcosy

-1 1 1
-1t( 1 + Mcosy) 1t

/(mx+n )
dx + ej(mx + ny) dx dy

-1t -7t 1t( I + Mcosy)

-1 1
1t -7t( I + Mcosy)

j(mx + ny)

j(mx + ny)
dx dy
1t -1t 1t( I + Mcosy)


Equation(11.19) can be simplified by noting that for a periodic function f(x)

-1t - a7t 7t -7t-a7t+21t 7t

f(x) dx +
J 7t+a7t
f(x) dx
f(x) dx +
J1t + c n
f(x) dx

7t-a7t 1t

fix) dx +
f(x) dx


fix) dx (11.20)

where, in this context, a = M cosy. Hence Eq. (11.19) reduces to

474 Carrier-BasedPWM of MultilevelInverters

2 Mcoey

JJ -1tMcosy
x y

n(l-Mcosy) n n(l-Mcosy)

ej(mx+ny)dxdy_ /(mx + ny) dxdy

-1t 1t(t + Mcosy) 1t 1t(l + Mcosy)

A similar simplification can be accomplished by operating on the y vari-
able of the second two terms with a. = -~, to give

1t 3n

2 rcMcosy 2 1t(t-Mcosy)

/(mx+ny)dxdy_ + ny)dx dy (11.22)

_!! -1t Mcosy !! 1t(1 + Mcos y)

2 2

Reversing the limits of integration of the x variable of the second term then
1t 31t

J J :
1tMcosy 2 1t( I + Mcosy)

j(mx + ny) + ny)dx dy
Cmn =
2 e dxdy+ (11.23)
1t -1tMcosy ~ 1t( I-Mcos y)
2 2

Equation (11.23) can be compressed furtherif changes of variables are cho-

sen for the secondterm such that
y=y'+1t and x=x'+n (11.24)
Substituting these variable changes into the secondterm ofEq. (11.23) gives
3n !E

1t( I + Mcosy)

dx dy = e
j[m + n]n JJ
2 -tcMcoey'

jimx' + ny')
!E 1t( I-Mcosy) 1t nMcosy'
2 2 (11.25)
Three-Level Naturally Sampled PD PWM 475

which yields the final result for Cmn of


dc j(mx + ny)
Cmn = -2{I-cos([n+m]1t)} e dx dy (11.26)
7t -7tMcosy

where the primes have been dropped on the substituted variables since they are
simply dummy variables of integration. This expression can now be evaluated
for various values of m and n.

11.4.3 Evaluation of the Harmonic Coefficients

For m = n = 0, since 1 - cosO = 0, clearly Eq. (11.26) reduces to

Coo = (11.27)

For m = 0, n > 0, Eq. (11.26) simplifies to


2 7tMcosy

COn r:
= -2( 1 - cosnn) /nydx dy
1t -7tMcosy



-2(1 - cosnn) 2nMcosye jny dy

MV ej[n+ fly + ej[n-l]y
= -1t-(I- cosnn) 2 dy (11.28)

Since (1 - cosnn) is zero for all even values of n, Eq. (11.28) can only inte-
grate to nonzero values for odd values of n. Note also that 1 - cosnn = 2 for
all odd values of n.

For n = I , Eq. (11.28) can be integrated to form

476 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

jt: -jrt }
C = MVdc {e - e ) + ~ _ (_~l
01 1t { 2j 2 2J
MV de
= --(sin(1t) + 1t ) = MVde (11.29)
which is the fundamental component.
For n > 1 and n odd, Eq. (11.28) becomes

j[ n + I]!! -j [n + I] ~ j [n - I ] ~ -j[ n - I ] ~
MVde e 2-e 2 e 2- e 2
C = -- +-------
On 1t j[n + 1] j[n - 1]

2sin([n+ 1]~1 2sin([n-l]~1

MVde 2J 2J
=-- + =0 n>1 (11.30)
1t [n + 1] [n - 1]

Thus there are no baseband harmonics at multiples of the fundamental compo-

For m > 0, n = 0, Eq. (11.26) simplifies to

2 1tMcosy

C mO r;
= -2(1 - coszsn) e
dx dy
1t -1tMcosy


= --(I-cosm1t)
2. 2

Jm1t IT



= -2(1 - coszsn) sin(m1tMcosy) dy (11.31)
Using Eq. (A2.3) this expression becomes (with the k summation start
index changed to 1)
Three-Level NaturallySampled PD PWM 477

C mO = -
2V2 (1- cosmn) ~

LJ cos([k- 1]1t)J2k _ 1(m1tM) cos([2k- 1]y)cry J


k= I -~ (11.32)

which integrates to form

2sin([2k - 1]~\
2Vdc ~
CmO = m1t 2(1-cosm1t) LJJ2k _ 1(m1tM)cos([k-I]1t) [2k-l]
k= I

~ sin(k1t-~
= m1t 2 (1- cosrnn) LJ J 2k _ 1(m1tM)cos([k-I]1t) [2k-l]
k= I

_ 4 Vde 00
- m1t2(1-cosm1t)IJ2k - 1(m1tM)
cos [ 1]
k- 1t

k = I

= - --(1
- cosnm)
I oo
J 2k _ 1(m1t M)
m1t [2k- 1]
k = I

This result defines the harmonics of the carrier wave itself and will only be
nonzero when m is odd because of the (I - cos m n) term.

For m > 0, n ;j; 0 , the inner integral of Eq. (11.26) can be evaluated as

Cmn =
-.-2 { 1 - cos ([ n + m]n)}

jm1tMcosy -jm1tMcosy
- e ) cry

= -2{I-cos([n+m]1t)} J2

e jnysin(m1tMcosy)dy (11.34)
478 Carrier- Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

Using Eq. (A2.3), this result becomes

C mn :=
m,i {I - cos([n + m]n)} J L
2 jny [

_~ k= 1

:= Vd~{1-cos([n+m]n)}J2 ~ Jk(mnM)Sink?!2[/[n+k~
mn ~ ][n-klv
] dy
1t k=1 +e
The integral expression can then be evaluated, with some manipulation, to

sin[n + k]!E
[n + k] -n"i=k

2~ ~ n sin[n - k]~
Cm n =- 2 {1- cos([n + m]n)} ~ J k(mnM)sink'2
mTt + 2
k=l [n-k] n"i=k

+~I2 n = k
= - dc { 1 - cos([ n + m] 1t ) } (11.36)

x 4 oo [2k-l]cosn
J 2k _ 1(m1tM) - - - - - - 2- -
1t L
k= 1
[2 k - 1 + n] [ 2k - 1 - n] Inl;t 2k _ 1

Note that the summation expression results in a nonzero value only for even
values of n because of the cosn~ term,whilethe In(mnM)sinn~ termis non-
zero only for odd values of n. As a consequence, because of the
1 - cos[n + m]1t term, even sideband harmonics (n even) only exist around
the odd carrier multiples (m odd), and odd sideband harmonics (n odd) only
exist around the even carrier multiples (m even). Also, the summation limita-
tion Inl 2k - 1 is implicitly satisfied and need not be explicitly defined.
Three-Level Naturally Sampled PD PWM 479

The complete harmonic solution for three-level PD modulation of phase

leg a can now be formed by substituting the results of Eqs. (11.29), (11.33),
and (11.36) back into Eq. (11.17), so that the time-varying switched phase leg
voltage v az( t) can be expressed in terms of its harmonic components as


d 00 1 00 J ([2m-I]1tM)
+ _c ~ __ ~ 2k- 1 cos([2m - 1]00 t)
1t 2 L..J 2m-I L..J [2k-I] c
m= 1 k= 1

2VdC~ 1 ~
+ ---;- L..J 2m L..J J 2n + I (2m1tM)cosn1r cos(2mID cl + [2n + 1]IDol)
m= 1 n=-oo

+ 8Vdc~_I_ ~ ~ J2k_I( [2m - l ]1tM) [2k - l ] cosn1t

1t 2 L..J2m-I L..J L..J [2k-I+2n][2k-I-2n]
m= I n=-oo k= 1
(n 0)* x cos([2m - 1]mct + 2nm ot)

Note that the phase voltage vaz is again taken with respect to the midpoint z of
the DC bus.
As in Chapter 5, the line voltage can be found by taking
vab(t) = vaz(t)-vbz(t) (11.38)
where vbz(t) is obtained using Eq. (11.37) with eo set to -21t/3 instead ofO.
It should also be mentioned that a corresponding solution for asymmetric
regular sampling can be developed by using the same approach employed in
previous chapters. In this case the parameter m in Eq. (11.26) is replaced by q,
which is defined as before as q = m + n( mol me). The derivation then pro-
ceeds in the same manner as above.

11.4.4 Spectral Performance of Three-Level PD PWM

Phase and line voltage plots of the resulting spectrum for three-level naturally
sampled PD modulation for the conditions of M = 0.8, fclfo = 20 are
shown in Figure 11.15. A number of significant features can be noted from
these plots.
480 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

: : : : :,: : : : :
- - - - - - - - - - -----t--
- - - - - t - -
L.-- -..I

=====I ====: c=: : : : ,= : : = =

I 1 1

"......... - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -

d ____ L
1 1
~ ::::::::E: ::::::: ':
'-" - - - - ~ - - - - -1-
"'0 ====.=======
- - - - ,'- - - - - - -
- - - - r> -
(a) 00
~ ___ L _

~ : : : i= :
o - - - ,-

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ~:= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ :: ~ ~ :: ~ : =~ j WTHDO=0.45%

==- ==1= =====, ===-_ ==,'_ _=
- - - - - '_ - - - - I _ _
=I - ====,= ===_=,= ====
_: _ _ __ ' ' _
, I 1 I I I
~ - - - - - ,- - - - -,- - - - - . , - - - - T - - - - r - - - - - 1- - - - -

::i _____ L _ _ _
I 1
_1_ _ _ J
_ _ _
1 _
~ :::::':::: :': : :: : :: :' : :: :: ::: ::::::: ~ : : :: : : ': :::::
Q) - - - - -,- -- -1- - - - - -l - - - - - - - - I- - - - - -,- - - -

= === =,= = = = - I === =- :t' - - __ 'I _=: = ==[ : = = : =1= = =:
=' - - - - _1- _ 1 _ _ 1 '_ _ __

1 I , , ,
,- --
-- - , -- -..,--- - -- --r-- - 1 --
, I I I I I
____ -'- - -
:, - -:,
(b) ~ ==== ::~::: ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~
- - - =,= :- =
- --,- - - - ---1--- --
u - - - - -1- - -

2 - - - - -'- - 1 = .r i.: =1= -=_C :_ = 1 =

0 - - - - - '- - '_ .! - I _ _ __ 1 _' _

, I 1
I - - -- - - -- - - I -
:J:: I
I - - - - - - - -
I -
1 - - - - - -, _

20 40 60 80 100
[l~j[[ 120 140
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.15 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-level three-phase

inverter modulated by PD naturally sampled PWM: (a)
phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage waveforms,
M = 0.8, fe/fo = 40.
Three-Level Naturally Sampled APOD or POD PWM 481

First, a major feature of the phase leg spectrum is the substantial first car-
rier harmonic. This is in contrast to the phase leg spectrum for cascaded H-
bridges shown in Figure 11.2, where no carrier harmonics are present. It is this
feature in particular that gives PO modulation its superior I-I performance,
since this carrier harmonic is a common mode component across the phase legs
of a three-phase inverter, and hence cancels in the I-I output voltage. Second,
the odd sidebands around the even carrier multiples, and the even sidebands
around the odd carrier multiples, can be easily seen in Figure 11.15(a), exactly
as predicted by the analytical solution. Third, as with all carrier-based PWM
strategies, only the triplen sideband harmonics (i.e., multiples of three away
from the carrier multiples) cancel in the I-I voltage. As before, this cancella-
tion is independent of the absolute carrier frequency, once again confirming
that integer/triplen carrier to fundamental ratios have no influence on the har-
monic performance of the modulation algorithm.

Finally, the substantial spread of the lower sideband harmonics of the first
carrier group into the baseband region should be noticed. It is important to
observe that these harmonics are sideband harmonics of the switching fre-
quency and are not baseband harmonics deriving from the command fre-
quency. Hence these harmonics are unaffected by the carrier frequency, except
for their attenuation. Consequently, for low carrier frequencies they may still
be significant at the fundamental frequency, and this should be allowed for in a
practical system.

11.5 Three-Level Naturally Sampled APOD or POD

For phase opposition disposition (POD) modulation all carrier waveforms
above zero are in phase and are 180 0 out of phase with those below zero.
Alternative phase opposition disposition (APOO) specifies that every carrier
waveform is out of phase with its neighbors by 180 0 It is clear that when
three-level PWM is specified, the carriers of the two algorithms are identical.
The carrier functions for this case are shown in Figure 11.16. Combining
the carrier waveform in x space and the sine wave command in y space from
Figure 11.12 generates the switching conditions of Table 11.2 and the x,y space
contour plot shown in Figure 11.17.
482 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters


.f(x)=-xlt: I I .f(x)= xlt:
I X = roct
.f(x)= xlt: I l.f(x)=-x/1t
\ I
-1 ~ __ --4- '"""'"'""---_ _~

--7t -rc/2 0 rc/2 rc

Figure 11.16 Three-level APOD/POD PWM carrierwaveforms.

1tr-- --,. -+- ....- ~


-1t ~ ___r. __:._ """"""_ ____

-1t -1t/2 0 1t/2 1t

Figure 11.17 Three-level APODIPOD contour plot of .f(x,y), natural


Table 11.2 Three-Level APOD/POD PWM Switching FunctionJ{x,y), x = roct , y = ill 0'
j{x,y) When -1t sx s0 When 0 <x~ 1t

x x
+Vdc Mcosy> -- Mcosy> -
1t 1t
0 - < Mcosy<-- -- < Mcosy< -
1t 1t 1t 1t
x x
-Vdc Mcosy <- Mcosy<--
1t 1t
Three-Level Naturally Sampled APOD or POD PWM 483

With this definition of j{x,y), the double Fourier series integral of Eq.
(11.18) can be formulated as

2 nMcosy

f f
j(mx + ny)
e dxdy
rt -nMcosy


-f f -f f
2 -1tMcosy n -nMcosy

/(mx+ny)dxdy /(mx+nY)dxd

-1t n Mcoey n nMcosy


This expression for the coefficient Cmn can now be reduced using Eq.
(1l.20) with (l = -~ to give

1t 3n
2 nMcosy '2 -1tMcosy

f f JJ
j(mx + ny) d j(mx+ny)
e dx y e dxdy
n -1tMcosy ~ 1tMcosy
2 2

1t 31t

2 1tMcosy 2 1tMcosy

j(mx + ny) y)
e dx dy + /(mx+n dx dy

1t -1tMcosy 1t -1tMcosy
2 2


f f
2 1tMcosy
/(mx+n dxdy (11.40)
1t -1tMcosy

The solution of Eq. (11.40) for various values of m and n now follows the same
procedure as for the detailed PD example presented previously.
484 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

The complete harmonic solution for three-level APOD and POD modula-
tion of phase leg a is


1tdC ~
+ 2V ~ ~
m.!. ~ J + I (m1tM) cos nn cos(mooct + [2n + 1](00 1)
m=l n=-oo
in 0)

A plot of the spectrum for this case is shown in Figure 11.18 for the phase and
I-I voltages. This result should be compared againstthe spectrum for PD mod-
ulation shown in Figure 11.15. In particular, it can be seen that APOD and
POD modulation do not produce a first carrier harmonic. Instead the first car-
rier group harmonic energy is channelled into the sidebands around the first
carrier harmonic. Consequently, sinceonly the triplensidebands away from the
carrier cancel in a three-phase system, APOO and PD modulation retain more
harmonic energy in the I-I voltages compared to PO modulation. This is
reflected in an increased WTHD result for APOD and POD modulation.

11.6 Overmodulation of Three-Level Inverters

Overmodulation occurs when the commanded amplitude of the sinusoidal volt-
age exceeds the amplitude of the "triangle wave carrier as illustrated in Figure
11.19. The modified contour plot of .f(x, y) for a three-level inverter over-
modulated under PD PWM is shown in Figure 11.20.
From this plot the doubleFourierseries integral can now be formulated as
Ovennodulation of Three-Level Inverters 485

:: : : : : I: : : : : :1 : : : =~ 1WTHDO=1.27%E
- - - - - ,- - - - - -,
- - - - -,- - - - - -I - - - - -t

____ -'-, - - - - =====, - -

===,= =====1= ====
- - - 1- ' _
1 I
- --- -,- - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -
, I ,
_____ L I ____ L , _

:- ::- ::- ::- :I: : : :: '

- - ---
:: :: :: : ~ : : : :: :: ': :: : :
- - - - ... - - - - -1-

=====(==== ====C=== ,-
- - - - _1- _
, - - - - '-
- - - ',
- - -- -,- - - - - - - - -r - - I

(a) ___ L __
, I
====='= = ~ =
: : : : : I: : : : :::j::: I
- - - - -,- - - - - - - ... - - I

=== ==,= ==:_ ===c== I

- - - - _1- - - - ,'- - -
- - - - -,- - - - - - - r - -
_____ L _ __ L __

:- :- :: : ': :: :: :
- - -,- - - -
- - I- - -

, _
- - - - _1-

- - - - -,- - - -
20 140

: : : : :: ,: : ::: : I
- - - - - 1- - - - -I

=====1==== =. :_____I
====1 =====II =- ===,'=_- ===_(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _'
- - - - '_ - - - - I
I I 1 I I ,

..-.. - - - - 1- - - - - , - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - r - - - - 1- - - - -

;:; _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ I
_ _ _ _ .J _ _ _ _ _
1 1
_ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _
,_ _ _ _ _

~ :: :: :: : I~
- - - - - 1- - - - -
: :: . : I
: : :: : j : ~ : ~:
- - - - -t - - - - -
:::: ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~:
- - - - - ... - - - -
~ ~ ~ ::
"0 ::===(==== =====I_===='=====C-== .:
- - - _'_ - - - I - - - _' - - - - 1 _ _ _ _ '- _ _ _ I

- - - - - ,- - - - ,
1 I I I I

'2 ---,----- ---- r---

be I 1
___ L _
(b) = === ='= = == ===='=== :::t=:::
~ - - - - - 1- - - -
- - - - 1- -
- -
: : : -t: - :
- - - "1 - - - ---t----
o ====,=== I_
'2 = = ==='- = ==
- - - - _1- _
____I __ 1
- - - '- ---
- - - - -,- - - -
--- - - ,1 I
- - - r - - -

1- L
: : : : : ,: : : : :::~:::
- - - - - ,- - - - , - - -t - - - - - - - - ... - - - I -

_ _ _ _ -'- - - - - - - _I _

- - - - -'- - - - - - _I _

-- ,-
10- 4 u..-_...A.-..-...Io.jL-IIL...&.L.---L.--"-~I.I..-I.L....a..-""",,-u......u..a&..I.oI...L&--I
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number
Figure 11.18 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-level three-phase
inverter modulated by APODIPOD naturally sampled
PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.8, fe/fo = 40.
486 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters



, fty)=Mcosy

-1 __ L J __
-M 1 C - -_ _- . 4 . --'-- _ _~


-1t -1t/2 1t/2 1t

Figure 11.19 Reference waveform for natural sampled PWM under

overmodulation conditions.

-1t I L..-r__---' "

-1t -1t+\V -1t/2 -'V 0 'V 1t/2

Figure 11.20 Contour plot of f(x,y) for three-level PD PWM under

ovennodulation conditions (M> 1), '" == cos- ( ;).
Overmodulation of Three-Level Inverters 487

-\V 1Mcosy 1Mcosy

1 -1tMcosy
ej(mx + ny) dx dy +

\V -1 Mcosy
ej(mx + ny) dx dy


j(mx+ ny)
+ e dx dy
-\V -1t

Vdc 2 -1t( 1 + Mcosy) 1t

j(mx + ny) j(mx + ny)
2 - e dx + e dx dy
-1+\V -1t 1( 1+ Mcosy)

1t-\J1 -1t( 1 + Mcosy) 1

j(mx + ny) j(mx + ny)
- e dx + e dx dy

-1t 1t( 1 + Mcosy)

-1t+\V 1t 1t 1t

Jej(mx+nY)dxdy - ej(mx+ny)dxdy

-1t -1t 1 - \V -1

Using periodicity conditions as before, Eq. (11.42) eventually reduces to

C mn = -2( 1 - cos[n + m]1t)
-\V 1tMcosy 2 tcMeoe

j(mx+ny) j(mx+ny)
e dx dy + e dxdy
1t -1tMcosy \V -1tMcosy
\V 1t

jimx + ny)
e dxdy
-\V -1t

which can again be evaluated for the various values of m and n.
488 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

Using the same solution principles as before, the harmonic solution for
three-levelPD modulation of phase leg a under overmodulation conditions is

vaz(t) = --!!s. {M( 1t - 20/ - sin2'1/) + 4sin 'V} cosOlat (11.44)

V: ,!;, [2n~ 1Sin([2n-l l 'l' ) - M{ sin~n\"+ Sin{2[~~N'I')}]



x cos([2n - 1]Olot)

dCL -1 L -2k-1
oo oo

+8V- 1- -1- J 2k _ 1( [ 2m - l ]7tM) cosk1t

2 2m
1t m= 1 k= 1 x {coszn + sin([2k- 1]'I/)}
x cos([2m - 1]wet)

sin(2[2n + 1]'11)1
J 2n + I (2m1tM)cosmt( 1t - 2'1' - [2n+ 1l )

J 2k - ) (2mrcM)cosk1t
+ 2Vdc~_1 ~ sin(2[k + n]\f1)
1t 2 L..J 2m L..J [k+ n]
m = 1 n =-00
k = 1 + sin(2[k - n - 1]0/)
(k:t: -n) [k-n-I]
(k =t: n + 1)

J 2k - 1([2m - I ]rcM)cosk1t

00 00 00 cos([ n - k] rc) + sin([2 k - 1 - 2 n] \JI)

+ 4-2-LJ2m-l
Vde " " _1_ "" x [2k-l - 2n]
LJ ""
LJ + cos([n + k]1t) + sin([2k- 1 + 2n]\JI)
1t m= ) n= -00 k =1
(n * 0) [2k-I+2n]

where 'JI = cos

-I( MJ11 and, of course, M> 1.
As with cascaded H-bridges, the solution to an overmodulated diode-
clamped multilevel inverter seems very complex. However, on examination it
Five-Level PWM for Diode-Clamped Inverters 489

becomes apparent that the complexity is again primarily related only to the
magnitude of the harmonic terms, and that new harmonic components are only
created in the baseband region with frequencies of [2n - 1]00 0 1 [line 2 of Eq.
(11.44)]. Once again, these harmonics can be readily identified as the low-
order odd harmonics created by the overmodulation process as the effective
reference waveform approaches a square wave. Apart from this, the only effect
of overmodulation is to change the magnitude of the switching harmonics, not
their frequency.
Figure 11.21 shows the spectra for a three-level diode-clamped inverter for
a modulation index of 1.2. Cancellation of the carrier harmonic and the triplen
sideband harmonics for the I-I voltage again occurs in the same manner as in
the linear modulation region. Note in particular the cancellation of the third-
harmonic in the I-I voltage compared to the phase voltage, so that the first sig-
nificant baseband harmonic under overmodulationconditions is the fifth.

It.7 Five-Level PWM for Diode-Clamped Inverters

11.7.1 Five-level Naturally Sampled PD PWM

The technique for the evaluation of the double Fourier coefficients C mn can be
readily extended to higher odd levels. The carrier and fundamental waveforms
for five-level phase disposition PWM are shown in Figure 11.22. The resulting
switching function conditions are shown in Table 11.3 and the corresponding
contour plot for f(x, y) is shown in Figure 11.23.

Table 11.3 Five-Level PO PWM Switching FunctionJ{x~), x = OJct,y = root

j{x,y) When -1t s x s 0 When 0 <x ~ 1t

1 x 1 x
+2Vdc Mcosy>--- Mcosy> -+-
2 2n 2 21t
x 1 x x 1 x
+Vdc - - < M cosy < - - - - < Mcosy < - + -
21t 2 2n 2n 2 21t
1 x x 1 x x
0 -- - - < Mcosy<-- - - + - < M cosy < -
2 21t 21t 2 21t 21t
x 1 x x 1 x
-Vdc - 1 - - < M cosy < - - - - - 1 + - < M cosy < - - + -
21t 2 21t 21t 2 21t
x x
-2Vdc Mcosy<-l-- Mcosy<-l +-
21t 21t
490 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

, "
: :: :: :: :I:: :: ::: ::::::::::]::: :::: i : :: : : : : : : [
1 "
: : : : : : : : : : c : : : : : : : : ::
: : : : : : : : : ,::: : : z : ::::::::::::::: ~ :::::: :::::: ~ : : : : : : : : : C : ::: ::: ::: : ,: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::

=====,= _ ===
_____ '_ = _ _ _ ====
_ =J = = = = ! = = = ==c
'- == = ==,=
' == = = =
I "
- - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - 'j - - - - - ,- - - - - -,- - - - - -
, 1 ,

: : : : : I: : : : - -: : J : : : - : I : - : : : t: : : ':
- : : : : ,: : : : : : :j : : : : +: ::: ~ : : ,:
: : : : ,:: : : : : ~ : :: - ~ - ::: c: - : ,:
- - - -1- - - - - - "1 - - - - t - - - - r- - -,-
- - - - ,- - - - - , - - - - - - r -

(a) - - - -.- - -
_ - .J _ _ _
_ _ _ L _
_'_ _J __ _ _ __ ,_
: :j: : :

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

. WTHDO=0.94%
:: : : :: ::,::: : : :: :1:: :: :: : : j :: :: :: : :: i ::::::::::c:: : : : :,: : : : : :
: ::: : : : ,: : ::: ::: ::: :,::: ::: ::: ::: : : ::: : ::: ::: i ::: ::: ::: : : C ::: ::: ::: ::: : ,: ::: ::: ::: : :::

: : : :.:' : : : =:':
: : : : JJ : : : : : !! : : : : : ('- : : : : : ''= : : : : :_
1 I I I , ,
- - - - -,- - - - - -, - - - - - "j - - - - - i - - - - - .- - - - - -,- - - - - -
I , 1 1 , ,
: : : : : I: : : : : , : : : : J : : : - : t : - : : : t: : : : : : ': : : : : :
: : : : : ,: : : : : , : : : : : j : : : : +: ::: t: : : : : :.: : : : : :
: : : : : ,: : : :: , ::::::i::: : L: : : : c :: :: ,: :
- - - - -,- - - - , - - - - "1 - - - - T - - - - r - - - - ,- -
- - - -,- - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - -,- -
- - - -,- - - ,- - - - '- - - - -,- -
(b) " __ J _ _ _ _ __ I'- _ _ '
_ _ ,__
: : :j : : : : : ,: -
- - - ,


20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

Figure 11.21 Theoretical harmonic spectra for three-level three-phase

inverter overmodulated by PD naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 1.2, fe/fo = 40.
Five-Level PWM for Diode-Clamped Inverters 491

2Vde ~----': """"--'--'- "'T-"""'II:--r- ~:--r--.---..,,--,r----r-~.....---...........,--,


-2 Vde L-.-A---I.---.....L-&.--.&.~-4-~~-..A--.&.....-..L~--L-""---I. --"--~---L.......a.-...u

Figure 11.22 Five-level PD PWM carrier and fundamental waveform


~ ~

~ ~
1t 7 ..-_-_-__ ---+----..-_....-----.r---~ ~
II 1/

-1t ~ .--.....A-_......._....a.-_ _. . & -_ _""""--_'---_iL---1

-1t ~ -1t+<p -1t/2 -<p o <p 1t/2 1t-<p

Figure 11.23 Five-level PD PWM contour plot ofj(x,y), natural sampling,

<p = cos -l(Vj)'
1 l M'? 0.5. (Note that modulation reduces
to three-level for M < 0.5.)

Using a similar process as before, the resulting solution for five-level PD

492 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters


8 Vde ex> 1 ex> 1

+-2 L2m-lL2k-l J 2k _ 1([2m-l]21tM)
1t m= I k= I x { 1 + 2sin([ 2k - 1]<p ) cos kn }
x cos([2m - 1]wet)

2VdC~ 1 ~
+7 L.J 2m L.J J2n + 1(4m1tM)cosn1t cos(2mooct + [2n + 1](00 1)
m= I n=-oo

J 2k - I ([2m - 1]21tM)cosk1t

+ 4Vdc~_I_~ ~ cos([n - k]1t) + 2sin([2k- 1 - 2n]<p)

1t 2 L.J2m - 1 L.J L.J x [2k- 1 - 2n]
m=1 n=-ex> k=1
in 0)
+ cos([n + k]1t) + 2sin([2k-1 + 2n]<p)
[2k-l + 2n]
x cos([2m - 1]Wel + 2nw ot)

where q> = cos-l(2~' M"? 0.5 (to maintain five-level modulation).

The phase leg voltage and I-I voltage spectra for five-level PO PWM with a
modulation index M = 0.8 are shown in Figure 11.24. Note that the apparent
second fundamental harmonicin Figure 11.24(b) is in fact a sidebandharmonic
from the first carrier group which intrudes a long way below the first carrier
frequency. This low-orderintrusionof the first carrier group sidebandharmon-
ics for PD modulation is an issue which is intrinsic to the modulation strategy
and must be appreciated and allowed for when low carrier/fundamental ratios
are implemented. In particular, it suggests that an odd carrier ratio may be
appropriate for this modulation strategy when using low carrier ratios.

11.7.2 Five-Level Naturally Sampled APOD PWM

The carrier and fundamental waveforms for five-level APOD PWM are shown
in Figure 11.25. The resulting switching conditions are shown in Table 11.4
and the contour plot for f(x,y) is shown in Figure 11.26.
Using a similar approach as before, the harmonic solution for five-level
APOD modulation of phase leg a is
Five-Level PWM forDiode-Clamped Inverters 493

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~3~~~~~ WTHDO=0.66%

:::::c:::: :::::J::::: :::::c:::::r:::::
- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -

- - - - _I. _ _ _ _ _ .' _____ 1__ , _

I 1 I ,
- - - - , - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -
d - --- - ,- - - - - ____ J___
1 1
_ __ L __
__ 1.-

:: : : : : I: : : : :
- - - - -1- - - - -
- - - - ~ - - - - -
: :I: :
- - - t- - - --1--

- - - - _I. _ _ _ :-:~:I::: : : -::c:: ::1::
s - - - - .1- _ _

-,- - -
_ -

- -- ,--
1 __ -

'2 - ---
, - - r - - - 1

(a) on I
C'\S ===1 == I

~ 1



20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

~ : ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ - ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ J WTHDO=0.29%~

: : : : -I:: : _: :I:__ : : :': _: : - I : : : _ c:: _ :c-: : :
_____ '_ _ _ __ I _ _ _' I I _ _ _' _
I , , , 1 ,

,-..... - - - - ,- - - - -1- - - - -, - - T - - - - r - - - - ,- - -
::i ,
_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _.1
I 1
_ _ _ _ J _ _ _
_ l. _ _ _ _ _ L _ _
I ,
_ _L _ __
'--'" ~ ~ : : : ': : : : ~:' :::: j : .:
- - - - - 1- - -I - - - ~ - - -
:!: ~ : : : ~ .: .:': ~ .:
- t - - - - t- - - - - 1- - --
:::::.:: _=1 :-:::': : :1=_:::'::: .:: .:
_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ ' _ _ __I _ _ _! _ _ _ 1_ _ _ I __
1 1 1 , , 1
.~ - - - - - ,- - - ,- - - , - - T - - - r - - I
I , I 1 I ,
(b) ~ ====1= ==
: : : : - 1- - :
'_ ===' ==
' - - ~ - -
= 1 =
: t _
== == _'
:: _: I
- - - - - ,- - , - - ; - - - t - - - ,
'2 ==-:=- =
- .: _ :i=
- 1
0 I , I

- - -
- - - - I
::I: 10-3 = : ' -- -- - 1 - - -- = -
1 -
I -- -- --

11;-1 ~~

10-4 ] r I

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

Figure 11.24 Theoretical harmonic spectra for five-level three-phase

inverter modulated by PD naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.8, fe/fo = 40.
494 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

2Vdc '--~--'- .....---. ....--r_ _-r-..--..,.. ~ r---r---r-a


-2 V dc
~...L..-..L---L...~..r..-.....L~.-JL---"" ....&..-~ ....&..-~ ...&..-...JL...--L-~

Figure 11.25 Five-level APOD PWM carrier and fundamental waveform


-1t ~==::::t:==::::...I_--L--=====--.L-.-_.L.::=::t=:=:=:::J
-1t -1t+<p -1t/2 -<p 0 <p 1t/2 1t-<p 1t

Figure 11.26 Five-level APOD PWM contour plot of .f(x,y), natural

sampling, <p = cos-IC~, M~ 0.5. (Notethat modulation
reduces to three-level for M < 0.5.)


2Vdc ~ ~ cos([m + n]n)

+ -;- L..J L..J" m J2n - 1(2mnM)cos(moocl + [2n + 1](00 1)
m= I n=-oo
(n 0)
Five-Level PWM for Diode-Clamped Inverters 495

Table 11.4 Five-Level APOD PWM Switching FunctionJ(x~), x = co ct, Y = coot

f{x,y) When -n s x s0 When 0 <x s 1t

1 x 1 x
2Vdc Mcosy> - - - Mcosy> - +-
2 21t 2 2n
x 1 x 1 x 1 x
r; - - < Mcosy < - - -
21t 2 21t
- - - < M cosy < - + -
2 21t 2 21t
X X X x
0 -<Mcosy<-- --- < Mcosy < -
21t 21t 21t 21t
-Vdc - 1- - < M cosY < - - 1 + - < M cosy < - -
2n 2n 21t 21t
x x
-2Vdc Mcosy<-1 +- Mcosy<-I--
21t 21t

Figure 11.27 shows the phase leg voltage and I-I voltage spectra for five-
level APOO PWM with a modulation index M = 0.8.
Comparing the PO and APOO results for both three- and five-level modu-
lation, it can be seen that the I-I voltage WTHOO for PO (Figures 11.15 and
11.24) is nearly one-half that for APOO (Figures 11.18 and 11.27) even though
the phase voltage WTHOs are almost the same. This clearly shows the superior
I-I harmonic performance of the PD strategy, primarily because the phase leg
spectrum for PD modulation has its most significant harmonic in the first car-
rier component, in contrast to APOD modulation which only generates carrier
sideband components. Thus, PO modulation places significant harmonic
energy into the carrier components for each phase leg and then takes advantage
of common mode cancellation between the inverter phase legs to eliminate this
carrier from the final I-I output voltage. Consequently, the harmonic side-
bands, which of course do not fully cancel between the three-phase legs, have
less energy.
It is also instructive to note that the five-level solution for cascaded invert-
ers under PSCPWM [N = 2, Eq. (11.5) and Figure 11.2(b)] has exactly the
same harmonic magnitudes as for five-level APOD PWM [Eq. (11.46) and
Figure 11.27(a)]. In fact, the only difference is that the first group of sideband
harmonics are centered around the carrier frequency for APOD PWM, while
they are centered around the fourth multiple of the carrier frequency for cas-
caded inverters. However, since the total number of switch transitions for
PSCPWM is exactly four times the number of switch transitions for APOD
496 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

::~ ~: - :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J WTHDO=0.65%~
= 1= ,= ==, ==! = ====c==========
- - - - -'-I - - - - -'-
- - - - -', - - - - - ~1 - - - - - 'I- - - - - - - - - - -
,,-..... - - - - -,- - - - - -,- - - - - ., - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -

d I I
____ J _
___ L _


- -,- - -
: : : : : ': : : : -::~~::: :: : :: ~ :: ::---,---
:: : ':: : -
- - - - -1- - - - - - - -1 - - -
~ --- ------ ====1
_ _ _ _1 === ===c= ===(== =
- - - - _1-

S - - - - -,- - - - ---.,-- - - r

(a) eo

- --~-- == ~
- - ...
~ -----1--- ---; --
2 ===== 1= = = -
- - - - _1- __
= = ==1 =
- - - _I _
= C
0 1 I
- - - - -1- - -

- - - - -'- - -
__ J_

::z:: : : : : : ,: : :
: : ;: :: i
- - - - -1- - -

=====,=I = = ---'.i;-

. I

20 140

: : : : :.: : :
-- -- - -- 1- - -
- - - - -1- -
,- =_= - =, == I - - - r = - ===,= ==- =
- - - - _' _I I _ _ 1 __ I 1_ _ _
I , I I I 1
..-. - - - ,- - -,- - - - - , - - T - r - -,- -
::i _ _ _ _ J _
- - - - _,_ - -
: :: :: :: :: I: :: :: :: -
- - I
1 - : : : :l:: :
_1 _

:: ~ :
___ L _

: : : ~::
_ __ L

: : : I: : :
_ _ :

(1) - - - - -1- - , ---1 t- ... - - -1- - - -
- - - - I - I
==, - - _!- c: _==(== _
- - - - I1- -
- --', _!- I _ _I _ _ _

2 - - - - -,- -
I -T
- -r -
I - - -
00 I 1 I 1
t'j ____ I _ ,
(b) ~ =!= ==1== = 'I = =
-- -- - -- -1-
-- - I - -i- - - ... - -
-- -
u -
-- -, - -
--1- --t- I -

"2 - =C
- - - - I _ ,
= I
e0 - - - '_ - I -'-, I

- - - - ,-
, - ., -Ii

, ,

::t= - -
- -I: -
_ _
--- - ,- - ---ool-
- --- -' I , I

---- '-
, - ,, --', _I

---- ,- - - , ----, -I

I I , I

20 40 60 80 100 120
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.27 Theoretical harmonic spectra for five-level three-phase

inverter modulated by APOD naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.8, = 40.
Five-Level PWM for Diode-Clamped Inverters 497

PWM, the frequencies of the harmonic components become the same when the
number of switch transitions are normalized across both topologies. This
important observation that APOD and PSCPWM are identical, which does in
fact generalize to any (odd) L-Ievel inverter, will be used again later in this

11.7.3 Five-Level POD PWM

The switching waveforms and conditions needed to achieve phase opposition
disposition PWM for a five-level inverter are shown in Figure 11.28 and Table
11.5, while the resulting contour plot is given in Figure 11.29.

2 Vde ~.,..- --r---r-r--r----r-"""'--r----Ir--r---.----,r--....----,r--r~_ _.,.....-.-,~


-2 Vde L...I.-..L-~--L..-I.-...L-...JL....-L--L..-L--L--JL...-..L--L-....L--L--JL....-L-L.......L.-...L-..JL....-.L..J

Figure 11.28 Five-level POD PWM carrier and fundamental arrangements.

Table 11.5 Five-Level POD PWM Switching Functionj{x~), x = rocl,y = rool

J{x,y) When -1t ~ x s0 When 0 <x~ 1t

I x 1 x
+2Vdc Mcosy>---- Mcosy>-+-
2 21t 2 21t
x 1 x x 1 x
r; - - < Mcosy<-- - -
21t 2 21t
- < Mcosy < - - + -
21t 2 21t
x x
0 -x < M cosy<-- x --<Mcosy<-
21t 21t 21t 21t
1 x x 1 x x
-Vdc - - + - < Mcosy < - - - - - < Mcosy < - -
2 2n 2n 2 2n 21t
x Mcosy <- - - -
I x
2 21t 2 2n
498 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

1t.-----..-.......,..-.-.---........- -.........- ........-~-__.

"'---" --.6- ___

-1t -1+<P -1/2 -<p 0 <p 1t/2 1t-<p 1t

Figure 11.29 Five-level POD PWM contour plot of .f(x,y), natural

sampling, q> = cos-\(2~)' M'? 0.5. (Note that modulation
reducesto three-level for M < 0.5.)
The harmonicsolution for jive-level POD modulation of phase leg a is
Vaz(t) = 2 VdcMcos(ooot) (11.47)

2VdC~ 1 ~
+ ---;- LJ 2m LJ J 2n + \ (4m1tM)cosmt cos(2mrocl+ [2n+ l]ro ol)
m=l n=-oo

J 2n + 1([2m - I ]21tM)cosll1[
X {~_ 2 _ sin(2[2n + 1l<P)}
2 q> [2n+ 1]

+ 4Vdc~_I_~

1[2 LJ 2m-l LJ + J 2k_\([2m-I]21tM)cosk1t

m=l n=-oo
(n ~ 0) k=l sin([2k+2n]p)
(k*-n) x2 [2k+2n]
(k~n+ 1)
+ sin([2k-2n- 2 l <p )
[2k- 2n - 2]

x cos([2m - 1lroct + [2n + 1looot)

where q> = cos-l(2~) , M'? 0.5 (to maintain five-level modulation).
PWM of Higher Level Inverters 499

Figure 11.30 shows the line-to-neutral voltage and I-I voltage for five-level
POD PWM with a modulation index M = 0.8. It can been seen from these
results that POD PWM has the worst I-I voltage WTHD of the three multilevel
diode-clamped modulation strategies that have been considered. This is
because, while both APOD and POD do not channel harmonic energy into the
first carrier harmonic, the APOD strategy still places more harmonic energy
into the triplen sideband harmonics than POD. These triplen sideband harmon-
ics cancel on a I-I basis, hence improving the performance of the APOD strat-
egy compared to the POD strategy.

11.8 PWM of Higher Level Inverters

Analytic solutions for PWM of higher level inverters can be derived using the
same principles as described above, but the algebra is quite tedious [5,6,9]. As
an example, the general phase leg solution for multilevel PD PWM under both
linear and overmodulation conditions, adapted from [5], is


+ N:dC
f {2n~
1 sin([2n - 1 hi) - M{ sin~n't + Sin(2f: =:1'1)}}
x cos([2n ~ 1 ]Olot)

+ -8V
- I
2m - 1
I oo

CmOcos([2m - 1 ]Wc/)
m= I k= I

2V 00 00

+ ~ ~ _1_ ~ c; n cos(2mOOct + [2n + 1 ](0 0 1)

1t2 L..J 2m L..J even odd
m == I n == -00

OO oo oo

+ 4V2dCL _1_
2m-l m n cos([2m-l]coct+2nOOol)
1t odd even
m= I n=-oo k= I
(n;t 0)

500 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

- ,_:, :: :: ~
- 1- -I - - +- - "L.- ----J

. = ,-'- -' == I~ === ==,'-= =-=
-= =.= ==
- -= -'- - - ==
, I , ,

..-.. - - - - - 1- - - - - -,- - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -

d _____ '-
, ,
, J
'- _

ci :: :: : :: :: ': : : . : I :::: ~
: :: : : ::: ~ : : :: ':::::
- - - - - 1- - - - - , - - - - -i - - - - +- - - - t- - - - - ,- - - - -
~ =====( ==_- , - ====. === =I = ===,= ==== ,= ====
2 - - - - - '-
- - - '
- - - -'I - - - _.!., - - - - ,'- - - - - '- - - - -

.~ - - - - - ,- - - I - - - , - - - - r ,- - -
(a) 'I ,
=====' == = ~ == == ~
- - - - - ,- - , - ~ - - - - t-
-----1-- -;-- --t-
2 =====.:- ';
_' _
==c _ '-
,- , ,-
, I


20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

: :.: :.: : : - :. - - : - - I : = =: : .: : : : =: I:: =: :

- - - _'_ - - - - _,- - - _' ~ - - - - - 1 , _
, I I I , ,
-- --,------,--- ,-- -T- ---r- ---,-----
, I
_____ , 1 ____ J _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ __ ,_ _ _ _ _

:: :: : : :I: : : .: I :::::4:::
- - - - - 1- - - - - , - - - - -i-
: : : ~ : : : : : I~ : : : :
- - - t- - - - - 1- - - - -

=====,=-= - , -===J=-= _=c=====.= ====

, - - ,1 - - - -'- - -
- - - - _'_ - - - '- - - - - - '- ----
- - - - - ,- - - - , ---,--
- -r -
- - - ,- - --
I 1 I I ,

(b) ,
- , - - --
- - - - _1- _
: : : : : ,:: =-' == -
== ~

- - - - - 1- - , -
"1 - -
--t- : ,
====-.:= = =. - =c 1

- ,-
- - - _'_ - .1_
, I

-,- - -
- r

I - 1

I I 1

-': I - :


~ I

20 140

Figure 11.30 Theoretical harmonic spectra for five-level three-phase

inverter modulated by POD naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M = 0.8, fe/fo = 40.
PWM of Higher Level Inverters 501

1 ,
CmO = 2k-1 J 2k_ 1( [2m - l ]N 7t M) cosk7t (11.49)

cos kn - cos N' Tt sin ( [2 k - 1] 'JI )

N'-l -1
-2 I sin([2k-l]cos(N~M) )coshn
h =I

C = J2 (2mN'TtM)coSnTt{n-2",_Sin(2[2n+l]",l} (11.50)
mevennodd n+ 1 [2n + 1]


+ J 2k_ t(2mN 'nM) coskn

k= 1 x [Sin(2[k + n ]0/) + sin(2[k - n - 1]o/)J
(k ~ -n) [ k + n] [ k - n - 1]
(k ~ n + I)

Cm n = J 2k _ 1( [2m - I ]N 'Tt M) cosk7t (11.51)

odd even
cos([n - k]Tt) - cosN'7tsin([2k- 1 - 2n]0/)

-2 I sin{ [2k- 2n -1]cos-\N~J }coshn


cos([n + k]1t) + cosN'7tsin([2k - 1 + 2n]\JI)

-2 L sin [2k- 1 + 2n]COs-I(N~M)

N'-l { }
h= 1
+ -.. . ---------------~I-

and \JI ==
o for M~ 1 (linear region)

, N-I
N ==-- where N is the number of voltage levels of the diode-
clamped inverter.
502 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

The reduction of this general solution to the three- and five-level solutions for
multilevel PO PWM presented earlier as Eqs. (11.37), (11.44), and (11.45) is
left as an exercise for the reader.
Figure 11.31 shows the phase leg and I-I output voltage spectra for a
seven-level diode-clamped inverter modulated by PO PWM. Once again, the
strong first carrier harmonic can be seen in the phase leg voltage spectrum and
cancels in the I-I voltage since it is a common mode component.
In contrast; the general phase leg solution for multilevel APOD PWM
under both linear and overmodulation conditions is, again adapted from [5],

vaz(/) = - - {M( 1t - 2'1' - sin2W) + 4 sin 'I'} cosoool (11.52)

+ N'V
~~ 00 { _4- sin ([ 2n _ 1]'1') - M { sm2n'l'
+ sm{2[n
- I )'I'} } }
1t L..J 2n - 1 n [n - 1]
x cos([2n - 1 ](0 0 1)


, , ( sin(2[2n + 1] \V))
Cmn = J 2n + I (mN 1tM)cos([(N - l)m + n ]1t) 1t - 2'1' - [2n + I]

+ LJ 2k _ l ( mN '1tM) cos( [ (N '- I )m + k ] 1t)

(:;~n) x [sin{2[k+ n)\l) + sin{2[k- n - l)\l)l

(hn+l) [k+n] [k-n-l] J

and 'V and N are the same as have already been defined in Eq. (11.51) for
multilevel PO modulation. Once more, the reduction of this solution to the
three- and five-level solutions for multilevel APOD PWM presented earlier as
Eqs. (11.41) and (11.46) is left as an exercise for the reader.
PWM of Higher Level Inverters 503

: : : : : ,: : : : :
- ---
- - - -
--1-- -- -- -- -- WTHDO=0.41 %
=====,=I ==== = ====c=====,= == ==
- - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - _1-
- - - - -\- - - - -
,,-...... ,
- - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -
~ - - - - - 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L '- _

: :: : : :I: : : : : : : : : : :
- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - -
:- t-~ :- :- :- :- :I: : : : :
-1- - - - -
== -=
- - =- = -'-,1= ==== ===== = -
-- -- --- ---
- --- - \- - -
'2 - -- --
(a) eo
~ 10- 2 _1-


(J 1

'2 ,

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

:: ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ~ IWTHDO=0.17%f

==_==1= =- = =1 = =_=, - _= - I =__ - - c '= = _
- - - '_ - _1- _ _I _ ~ _ _ 1 _ _ 1_ _ _
1 1 , , , I
,,-...... - - - - - ,- -,- - - , T - r - - - - ,- - - - -

::i _ _ _ _ _ '-
1 1
1 .J _
_ __ 1
_ L
, _
'-" : : : : ::I: :: :: :: :: :': :: :: :: :: j ::
- - - - - \- - - - -I - - ~
- t-
:: i: : :: :: :: ::
- t- - - - -1- -
I: : : : :
~ === ==,= - =- =:' - =- - =, - ==I __: c== : ==1= =_- =
2 - - - - I _ _ 1 __I - ~ - _'_ - _I-

I 1 1 1 I I
- - - - -1- - - - -1- - , - - r - - - -,- - -
Of) , 1 1 1 1
~ _ L __ ,__
(b) ~ ::::::::=:= - ::::::::: =~ :: -... - - :,: :
- - - - -1- -1- - - t- - -I-

'2 ====-1- 1= = J -'

_ r_
e = ==1_
1- _ _I
- - 1- '__I
0 I , 1 1 I 1

- 1 - - r - - I-

=r: I I

1 - -

- - I

10-4 II r [I = r J.
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.31 Theoretical harmonic spectra for seven-level three-phase

inverter modulated by PD naturally sampled PWM:
(a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched voltage
waveforms, M == 0.8, fe/fo == 40.
504 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

11.9 Equivalent PD PWM for Cascaded Inverters

The results of the previous sections have shown that minimum I-I WTHD is
realized for modulation control of a diode-clamped multilevel inverter by
using phase disposition (PO) PWM. This strategy places harmonic energy into
the first carrier component in each phase voltage and relies upon the cancella-
tion of this component when the I-I voltages are created to achieve an
improved WTHO compared to other modulation strategies.

In Section 11.7.2, it was identified that the conventional modulation of a

cascaded inverter discussed in Section 11.1, phase-shifted cascaded PWM
(PSCPWM), is equivalent to phase opposition disposition (APOD) PWM of
diode-clamped inverters. Since APOO PWM is less effective than PO PWM, it
is likely therefore that PSCPWM is not the most effective modulation strategy
for a cascaded inverter, and that a strategy that places harmonic energy into a
common mode carrier harmonic in each inverter phase leg would be prefera-
ble. Based on the principles of modulation of a single-phase inverter presented
in Chapter 4, this would require that the carrier for each phase leg of each cas-
caded H-bridge is phase inverted by 180 0 , so that the carriers do not cancel
between the two phase legs. Two possibilities can be considered:

Single-phase two-level modulation of each H-bridge, which inverts

both the fundamental reference and the carrier waveform between the
two H-bridge phase legs. However, this strategy is clearly suboptimal,
since it generates harmonics around the first carrier group and does not
achieve the harmonic cancellation up to the second carrier group that
makes PSCPWM so effective.

Discontinuous single-phase modulation, where only one phase leg of

each H-bridge is modulated at a time. This strategy also does not elimi-
nate first carrier group harmonics, but since each phase leg only
switches for one half of the fundamental, the carrier frequency can be
doubled for the same number of overall switching transitions. Hence
this is a more attractive approach to achieve equivalent PD PWM of a
cascaded inverter. Note, however, that it is important to invert the car-
rier between phase legs within each cascaded H-bridge, in contrast to
the approach to discontinuous modulation that was presented in Section
4.5.2 for single-phase inverters (where the objective was to eliminate
the carrier harmonic between the phase legs).
Equivalent PO PWM for Cascaded Inverters 505

Figure 11.32 shows the reference and carrier waveform arrangements

required to achieve this form of modulation for three-level and five-level sys-
tems. Note that the individual phase legs of each full-bridge inverter no longer
switch at every carrier cycle, much the same way as a diode-clamped inverter
operates under PD modulation. It should be recalled again, however, that the
carrier frequency must be doubled to maintain the same overall number of
switch transitions compared to PWSPWM (this is a normal adjustment proce-
dure for discontinuous modulation).

One limitation of PWM operation for diode-clamped inverters of five-lev-

els or more, and this discontinuous modulation strategy for two or more cas-
caded inverters in a phase leg, is the unbalanced switching load that occurs
between the various switching devices. For a diode-clamped inverter, the outer
switches in each phase leg operate less often over a fundamental cycle. For a
cascaded inverter, the outer H-bridge has a significant dead-time period where
neither phase leg switches, as shown in Figure 11.32. While this unbalanced
switching is generally unavoidable for a diode-clamped inverter, it can be eas-
ily compensated for with a cascaded inverter by swapping the reference wave-
form segments between the various H-bridge phase legs over multiple
fundamental cycles. This is illustrated in Figure 11.33 for a five-level cascaded
inverter, where the reference waveforms are swapped between the bridge
phase-legs over two fundamental cycles to balance the number of switching
transitions for each phase leg. Note again the inverted carriers for the even and
odd phase legs within each cascaded bridge that are required to retain the first
carrier harmonic in the overall phase leg so that it can cancel in the I-I voltage.

Figure 11.34 shows experimental voltage and filtered current waveforms

for a five-level cascaded inverter operating with equivalent discontinuous
modulation to PO PWM of a five-level diode-clamped inverter. Figure 11.35
shows the experimental phase leg voltage and I-I voltage spectra for this
arrangement. It should be noted in particular how the use of a discontinuous
modulation strategy for the cascaded inverter has retained the desired carrier
harmonic in the phase leg switched voltage, as shown in Figure lI.35(a). As
anticipated, this harmonic has been completely cancelled in the I-I voltage, as
shown in Figure 11.35(b). (NOTE: While the experimental results shown are
for regular sampled PWM, the difference compared to natural sampled PWM
is only a slight magnitude variation between the sideband harmonics in each
carrier group, and can be neglected.)
506 Carrier-BasedPWM of Multilevel Inverters

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6I "
~ -' - , - I
1 _


, Reference Waveform
-Vdc ' Phase Leg a ,
-+00-----10---'"- - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -""'--.....,.------1
Vdc - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - ---

Reference: Waveform
__________ L " ' - '_ _. . . . .
Phase-Leg b
..... . . . . ._ _.1


__________ L 1 .J 1

I , , I ,
, I I 1
, I

ReferenceWaveform :

-Vdc -+-
Bridge #1, Phase Leg a :
--"" ---'~
.I -~oIoo.---- . . . . - ---_t
ReferenceWaveform :
1 Bridge # 1, Phase Leg b :

(b) Reference Waveform

Bridge #2, Phase Leg b


Figure 11.32 Reference and carrier waveforms required for equivalent

PO modulation of (a) a three-level (one bridge per phase
leg) and (b) a five-level (two bridges per phase leg)
cascaded inverter.
Hybrid Multilevel Inverter 507

~--,... ----:-._._--------~----_._-

Reference Waveform
Bridge #) , Phase Leg a
I '
-------,------------r---r"r:.----~- ---r------------,--------- - -

Refer~nce Wavefo~ : :
Bridge#2, Phase Leg a : :



l:::S -t:l
+ I
l:::S -t:l

--f-- . --- . . ---------------r-LJ~

. L....I.L..I-'--L


Figure 11.33 Reference and carrier waveforms required for equivalent

PD modulation of a five-level cascaded inverter with cyclic
rotation of switching duty between H-bridge phase legs.

11.10 Hybrid Multilevel Inverter

A further multilevel inverter topology called the hybrid inverter [10,11] has
been derived from the cascaded inverter structure. The hybrid inverter utilizes
cascaded series inverters with different internal DC bus voltages and with dif-
ferent switching devices for the different DC levels. The simplest configura-
tion comprises two series-connected single-phase inverters per phase, with
their DC bus voltages sized in the ratio 2:1. The devices of the higher voltage
inverter are operated to switch only at fundamental frequency (block modula-
tion) while the lower voltage inverter is controlled by PWM to achieve an
overall sinusoidal output voltage. Suitabledevices for the high-voltage inverter
508 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

600 V


-600 V
300 V


-300 V

Current ~---+--~..-----t--~__--.f.-~~-~-~:..r-~~~!.1M.f

_______ .JI IL _

10 20 30 40
Time (ms)
Figure 11.34 Experimental switched voltages and filtered load current for
five-level cascaded three-phase inverter modulated by
equivalent PD regularly sampled PWM, M == 0.9,
felfa == 42 [6].
are relatively slow tum-off switches such as GTOs or IGeTs while the switch
for the low-voltage inverter is typically an IGBT. The schematic for a hybrid
inverter with two cascaded inverters per leg is shown in Figure 11.36, while the
switched state of the inverters to achieve the various possible levels of phase
leg output voltage are summarized in Table 11.6. It is important to observe that
seven-levels are produced by this type of cascade arrangement rather than the
usual five-levels produced by a normal cascaded inverter with N = 2. This is an
important advantage in terms of reduced circuit complexity to achieve the
same switched output quality.
Figure 11.37 shows the reference and switched voltage waveforms of the
hybrid multilevel inverter. For each phase leg, the high-voltage (HV) inverter
is modulated with the required fundamental reference sine wave with maxi-
mum magnitude 3 Vdc and switches high if the reference exceeds + Vdc' low if
the reference is less than -Vdc or otherwise produces 0 V. The low-voltage
(LV) inverter is controlled by subtracting the HV inverter output from the over-
Hybrid Multilevel Inverter 509

10 -----,....---...----~----~---...... ---op-.....


- J i -




4 I I
10- .....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Harmonic Frequency (Hz)

======~=======~=:==:===~~===:==:::=~ M= 0.9
Ie = 2100 Hz,lo = 50 Hz
______ ~ ~ L L ~ ~ __

======~=======~=== ===~=======~======~=======~==
~~~~~~3~~~~~~~3~~~ =~~~~~~=~~E=~=~~~3~~~~~~~3~~
______ ~____
- rL ~------
_____ ~____ __~___ L ~__ J

=====~==== ==~=== ~ ~== ~

3 -
_ I l I_
fil-tlt-il~ +tH:It- -I-

~-- -----t-------~--- - - - - - - -1- - - - - -
10-4 .....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . -......
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Harmonic Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11.35 Experimental harmonic spectra for five-level cascaded
three-phase inverter modulated by equivalent PD regularly
sampled PWM: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output switched
voltage waveforms, M = 0.9, fe/fo = 42 [6].
510 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

+ + +
2~ 2~ 2~

Figure 11.36 Schematic of the hybrid multilevel three-phase inverter

comprising two series-connected cascade inverters with
unequal DC bus voltage levels.

all reference waveform. In this manner the LV reference contains information

about the harmonic content of the HV stage, and is used to modulate the LV
inverter using conventional three-level PWM, as shown in Figure 11.37(b).
The result is a waveform that contains the low-frequency harmonic compo-
nents of the HV stage voltage as well as conventional high-frequency PWM
sidebands. When the two switched waveforms are combined together, the
result is a seven-level switched waveform as shown in Figure 11.37(c).

Table 11.6 Hybrid Inverter Modulation Process, a ~ b Denotes Switching

Between LV Inverter Levels a and b
Output switches between BV Inverter (IGCT) LV Inverter (IGBT)
- 3 Vdc and -2Vdc - 2 Vdc OB-Vdc

- 2 Vdc and Vdc - 2 Vdc O~-Vdc

-Vdc and 0 0 OB-Vdc

oand Vdc 0 O~ Vdc

Vdc and 2Vdc 2Vdc OB Vdc

2Vdc and 3Vdc 2Vdc O~ Vdc
Hybrid Multilevel Inverter 511

3Vde --- --- --~---

-- ----1--
--- - ---+-I ------- - ...----
---- - i - - - - - - - - -

I I I I 1


r: - ---- - --., ---- --- -r------- - r- - - -----,- - ------

.-- ---- ---
I I , I I

(a) 0 - - - --- --~

:---- ----- }--- - - ----I
:-- ---- ---
I , I I I

-Vde ---- _-- _ ~_


-- I __ -
1- I
I __ - - -

, I I

--------l-------- --------,--------
-2Vdc I I I

-t-------- ~ ------- -~---- -----


-3 Vde - --- -- - - ~--- ----- -l-- - - --- -


- ----i---- -

\ \ 'I :/
/ I
r\ /
(b) 0 i\ \ -
~ - I
\ I
I \ / I
"- V
~ il

\ I

~ I

~ 1-----

------ -
--- - - I - ----} - --- 1- - ------

; - ----r:--- -l---------1--------,--------,----- -
I , I I I

2Vde ,

.,-- - - - - - - -r- - --- -- - -
, I
r - - - - - - - -., - - - - - - - -""

, I I I I

! : :

r; I

! -----r-------i-------T---- I

(c) 0

::::::-1-~~ :r~-~ ~ ~~ -~--+:_~ _~~-J:::::::-
-3 Vde --------{--------~------ - - -----~--------~---------
00 60 0 1200 1800 240 0 300 0 360 0

Figure 11.37 Hybrid inverter modulation waveforms: (a) high-voltage

(HV) stage reference and switched output waveform, (b)
low-voltage (LV) stage reference and switched output
waveform, and (c) hybrid inverter switched output
waveform and reference command.
512 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

Figure 11.38(a) shows more detail of the reference and carrier waveforms
for each phase leg of the LV inverter. This inverter is modulated in exactly the
same way as for a single-phase inverter operating under continuous three-level
modulation as discussed in Chapter 4, except that the reference waveform is
substantially more complex. In particular, the reference waveform is inverted
between the phase legs while they both use the same carrier, to ensure maxi-
mum harmonic cancellation.
The harmonic performance of this modulation strategy can now be found
by using a two-stage process where the spectra for the HV stage and the LV
stage are determined separately and then added together.
The harmonic content of the HV stage can be found' using conventional
one-dimensional Fourier analysis. This approach yields the result

vHy(t) = 78Vde~ I {
~[2n+l]sin [2n+l]cos
-l( 3M)
1 ,}
n=O (11.54)

The spectral profile of the LV stage can then be found using the double
Fourier series method of analysis. As before, the harmonic coefficients of Eq.
(11.17) are found by evaluating the double integral ofj{x,y) over one cell in the
(x,y) plane. Figure 11.38(b) shows the contour plot ofj(x,y) for one phase leg
of the LV PWM stage of the hybrid inverter,where it should be noted that, sim-
ilar to the approach presented in Chapter 3,j{x,y) switches between 0 and 2Vdc
to simplify the evaluation of Eq. (11.18), the double Fourier series integral.
The integral can then be solved, with considerableeffort, to achieve the expres-

8Vde ~ 1 . { + -1 ( 1 ,}
vLy(t) = 3MVdecosroot-7 ~ [2n+ I]sm [2n I]cos 3M)
cos([2n + 1](00 1)

i: i: ;

+ 2: J 2 n+I(3mnM)cos([m + n]1t )
m= 1 n= -00 X cos(2mOOcl + [2n + 1]000 1)
(n ;t 0)
Summing Eqs. (11.54) and (11.55) gives the phase leg voltage with respect
to the DC bus midpoint of
Hybrid Multilevel Inverter 513

r: _________ .L
1 1 _

(a) 0


Figure 11.38 (a) Phase leg reference and carrier waveforms and
(b) contour plot of ftx,y), for LV stage of seven-level
hybriid Inverter,
. q> = cos -l( 31AI).l
514 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

(n * 0)
and a line-to-line voltage of

vai t ) ::: 3,J3MVdCCOS(root +~) (11.57)

+4VdC~ ~ ;;;J
7 L..J L..J 1 (
2n + 1(3m1tM) cos([m + n]1t )sin [2n+ 1]3
m=l n=-~
(n;t 0) x cos(2mroct + [2n + 1] [root -7[/3] + 1t/2)

In comparison, using Eqs. (11.52) and (11.53), the phase leg solution for a
seven-level diode-clamped inverter modulated by APOD PWM, not overmod-
ulated, is

2VdC~ 1 ~
vazU) = 3MVdccos roof + 7 L..J;;; L..J J 2n + t(3m1tM)cosn1t (11.58)
m= 1 n= -00 x cos(mroct + [2n + 1]root)

Clearly, this equation is almost identical to Eq. (11.56). In fact, the only
significant difference is that for the diode-clamped inverter the first set of side-
band harmonics are centered about the carrier frequency, while for the hybrid
inverter these harmonics ~ppear about the second multiple of the carrier. How-
ever, once the carrier frequencies are adjusted so that each scheme produces
the same number of overall switch transitions per fundamental cycle, the spec-
tra become the same except for the sign of the sidebands [ cos ([ m + n] n) ver-
sus cosnn ]. This difference results from different placement of the active
states within the carrier interval for the two modulation strategies. Theoreti-
cally it could influence sideband interactions as they sum between carrier
groups, but in practice the effect is negligible for pulse ratios greater than 10.
Figure 11.39 shows the theoretical phase leg and I-I output voltage spectra
for a seven-level hybrid inverter modulated by continuous (APOD equivalent)
PWM. Figure 11.40 shows matching experimental results. The close match
between the theoretical and experimental results confirms the validity of the
previous analysis. However, it should be noted that there is a slight magnitude
difference between theory and experiment for some of the sideband compo-
Hybrid Multilevel Inverter 515

-:= ~: ~ : ~ ~ 1WTHDO=0039%E
- - - -
- 1-
, - ,' I
= I ===_1======,=====
~' ' _
, I , I I I
- - - - -,- - - - - -,- - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -
,-....., , , ,
d - - - - _1- , _ _ _ _ .J 1 _ L L _

: : : :: :I: : : : : : I
- - - - -1- - - - -,
- - -1 - - - - - t - - - -
~ : : : : :I: : : : :
t- - - - - -,- - - - -
.-0 =====1= === I ===1 =====I ==== (=====1=====
::s - - - - - 1'- - - - ', ---,----_:_--- '- - - - - _1- _

..... 1 I , 1

E - - - - -,- - -
1 - - , - - - - T r
~ - - - -,- - - - -
(a) on - - - - - '- - -
~ I
= ~ == - ,:::-
~ -- -- -- -- --1-- -- --
- - - - -1- - -
I - -1 - -

- - - - -,- - -
- - -1-
(J I
===, =
8 - - - - -'- , -- --'-,
- --- -,- - - -,-
_____ L __ _ J_

: : : : : ,: : : : =i:

- - - - -1- - - --l-

~ ~ ~~~:~ ~ 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ::~ : :: ~:: ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ :: WTHDO=0032%t

==== =1= - = -,=_==- -, = =_ _I - - =- c- _ =,- == = =
- - - _'_ _' _' - - - - .!. - - - - 1- __ ' _ __
1 1 , , , ,
- - - - ,- - -, - - - -, - - - - T - - - r - - - - - ,- - - -

d _____ ,
I 1
, J
1 ,
1 _ _ _ _
, _

ci : : : : :: I: : : : : : ' : : : : : j : : : :: : : : .: ~:::::::I: : : : :-
'-" - - - -1- - -I -1 - - - t - - - t- - - - - ,- - -
.-0 = === =,= - _= -, _ - =:'_I =- - =_ I = ==
.!. _ _
c'_ =- - _ =,='_ - _ ==_
E _ _ _'

_ _' _

2 - ---
- - , - -
- r
(b) ~
=====' == = ==-'===_=~ ==_ I
~ --- --- --- --- --,-1- -- --- : _:-l: : : I -- 1---
- - - ""I -- t
(J - -
2 = _= _ _= _ ='-,_ - = = ===, - - I
- , ,

--'- I

- --- -,-
- ,, -I

, --

'- -
::t: J l 1
- - - -I: - - - ~: - it -- -- t I
- -
- --
- - - -1- - - If- I 1
I _ _ I
I __ I
, -
IT - - I I
10- 4"~l"".I.L.."Iu....u.....II..I...Ju....&.-uL-L.L.oLI.....UI
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.39 Theoretical harmonic spectra for seven-level hybrid three-

phase inverter modulated by continuous naturally sampled
PWM (APOD equivalent): (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.8, lei10 = 21.
516 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E~ ~ ~ M = 0.8
======J=======J=======r=== Ie = 1050 Hz, fo = 50 Hz
I 1 1
-== t =E

======~=====-- -
~= ~ ~= ~
-==r=======~======~=======~== --~-------~------~-------~--
------~----- ---T-------r------~-------,--
- - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - T- - - - - -I - ~ - - -,- - - - - - - , - -
------~----- ---r--- -- - -- ~- ---- ~--
1 I I I I
_1_ __ .L 1 _ J

=--==~~==~~ t== ~=~. - =

- ~ ====:= ====
- -,--
I I =
I I:

__ ....1 _
- +IHJ- ~I-t-tl-il.t-

- ----- ~- - -

== - =
- ===--5----~~- =~----_
=====~======= _======c=====
5~-- ~~~
~=== ---4--
=~ ===
--- ~-------4------- -------~------~---
______ ~ J 1 L ~ J __
1 I I I I ,
10- 5 ....- I I I 1 I I ...
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Harmonic Frequency (Hz)


Ie = 1050 Hz, fo = 50 Hz
~= -~
...! _
- 1..
~= ~
======~====== ~-=
- ===r=======~======~=======~==
, -
~ ---~-------~------~-------~--

---T------ r-
------~----- ---T-------r------~-------,--
------~----- , - ----~-------,--
------~----- ~ - ---r--- -- ~- --- ~-------~--
I I I I 1 I

_====~~==== ~ _= =~== - - __ 1= ~~ =~~

- - - _,_ - - -
- --\--- - I

--,- ,

== ~=- = ~-~- === =i

====== -----4-------+-
_====~=_=== =r_
--=~- ~~ ---~=-- --- -
------- =====c======~===_===
-----~------~-------4 -_
______ -----4-------+-
~ J L -----~------~-------4
L ~ ~
I , I I I J
10- 5 ....- I 1 I I , I -"
o 1000 5000 6000

Figure 11.40
EquivalentPD PWM for a Hybrid Inverter 517

nents, particularly the first sideband harmonics in the first carrier group. This is
primarily because the experimental system was implemented using regular
sampling, and it has been shown in previous chapters that regular sampling
introduces some sideband magnitude skew compared to natural sampling for
all PWM strategies. In most practical applications, the difference is minor and
can be ignored.

11.11 Equivalent PD PWM for a Hybrid Inverter

Since the harmonically superior PD method of PWM has been shown to be
realizable for a conventional cascade inverter, the question then becomes how
to implement this strategy for the hybrid inverter. The key to achieving this
objective comes again from analysis of the spectrum of the phase voltage for a
seven-level diode-clamped inverter operated under PD modulation, Figure
11.31(a), where the most significant harmonic in the phase leg voltage is the
first carrier component. ,It has been identified already that this placement of
harmonic energy into a carrier component which cancels between phase legs is
the key to the superior I-I performance of PD modulation. Thus to achieve the
equivalent of PD modulation for a hybrid inverter, a carrier component must
again be retained in the phase leg voltage spectrum.

For the cascaded inverter, PD equivalent PWM was achieved by using a

discontinuous modulation strategy, with the switching frequency doubled to
maintain the same overall number of switching transitions as for continuous
modulation. Applying these concepts to the hybrid inverter suggests that the
LV stage reference waveform must be similarly modified to operate under dis-
continuous modulation. Figure 11.41 (a) shows the reference and carrier wave-
form arrangements used for the previous results. Figure 11.41 (b) shows the
modifications needed to achieve discontinuous three-level modulation. Note
how the two reference waveforms are now arranged so that whenever a posi-
tive bridge output is required, the first phase leg is modulated and the second
phase leg is held to the negative rail and whenever a negative bridge output is
required while the first phase leg is held to the negative rail and the second
phase leg is modulated. Also, the two phase legs now use carriers which are
1800 inverted from each other to retain the carrier harmonic in the overall
bridge output voltage.
518 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

, ,,
r: -- - - - - - - - ~
.1 _

(a) 0


r: - - -- - - - - - ~

(b) 0


Figure 11.41 Phase leg reference and carrier waveforms for

(a) continuous and (b) discontinuous modulation of the
LV stage of a seven-level hybrid inverter.
Third-Harmonic Injection for Multilevel Inverters 519

Figure 11.42 shows the phase leg and line voltage spectra of the hybrid
inverter under this form of discontinuous modulation obtained using a time-
domain computer simulation since no analytical solution is available for this
strategy. Figure 11.43 shows experimental results for the same conditions,
which again match very closely except for slight differences in the sideband
harmonics caused by regular sampling compared to natural sampling.
Figure 11.44 shows the experimental switched waveforms for discontinu-
ous PWM of a hybrid inverter. An important feature of this strategy is that it
does not require coordinated switching across all three-phase legs of the hybrid
inverter, except for the use of a common carrier reference waveform. However,
close examination of the switching waveforms reveals a small anomaly - a
spurious pulse in the switched phase voltage each time the HV stage makes a
switch transition (Le., four times per cycle). These pulses occur because when
the HV stage makes a transition, a corresponding LV transition must also occur
at the same instant to avoid a transient voltage error. In a practical system, par-
ticularly with dissimilar devices for the HV and LV inverters, the two transi-
tions will typically not occur simultaneously. Note that this is a drawback of
the hybrid inverter topology in principle and is unrelated to the PWM process.

11.12 Third-Harmonic Injection for Multilevel

In a similar manner as was employed with two-level inverters, it is clearly pos-
sible to inject a third-harmonic component into the reference waveforms for
each phase leg of a multilevel inverter. This would obviously achieve a 15%
increase in modulation index before overmodulation nonlinearities occur, sim-
ply because of the reduced height of the three-phase reference envelope that is
achieved by third-harmonic injection. However, the effect on the sideband har-
monics and the WTHD is not so straightforward.
Figures 11.45, 11.46, and 11.47 show the phase leg and I-I voltage spectra
for a five-level diode-clamped multilevel inverter modulated with PD, APOD,
and POD PWM, respectively, all with third-harmonic injection into the funda-
mental references and a modulation index of M = 0.8. Note that these results
were calculated using a time-domain switched simulation, since analytical
solutions are very complex to evaluate for multilevel inverters with third-har-
monic injected references.
520 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

- - - - - t - - - - - ~ - - - - - ,- - - - -

==== =I =====,= =====,= === =

_____ ~ 1 ' _
, I I
- - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -
,-..., I I
d _____ 1 _ _ _ _ L 1 _

- - - - - t - - - -
.. - - - - -1- - - - -
"0 == === I = = == c =====1= ====
- - - - - ~1 - - - - '- --- -- -- ---
...... I

(a) bO
- - r r - - - - -,- - - - -

~ ~ ::::



20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: ~ : ~ ~ :: ~ ::: ~ :: f WTHDO==0.21 %

====-,======.=_- -=,
- - - - 1 '_ _ I
I=_=- r-==-=,_= .:
1 _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _1 _
I , I 1 1 1
- - - -,- - - - -,- -, - f - r - - -,- -
, I I I I I
- - - _ - 1- 1 J 1 _ _ _ _ L L _

:: :: :: :: :: I: :: :: :: :: :': :: :: :: ::
---- ,--- --1--
oj :: :: :: :: ::
~:: :: . :
I: : : : :
- =- =- ,- - === -, =- _- -, _
_ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ I _' _
- _
c- ====,- ==- =
1_ _ _ _' _
I I , , I I
- - - - ,- - - - -, - - - , - - - T - - r - - - ,- - - -
I 1 , I , ,

(b) ~~ :::- :: :: = ~ : :: :: - : ~ : ~ = s. ~ = ::::::::::

,- - "1 - - - - I - - -

== -,- = = =1 - = ,- = - I =_=. =
- - - - - _' - I _ _ ' _

- , "
- ,- - - -

, I
- I-
-- - ,
- - I

20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.42 Theoretical harmonic spectra for seven-level hybrid three-

phase inverter modulated by discontinuous naturally sampled
PWM (PD equivalent): (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.8, fcllo = 42.
Third-HarmonicInjection for Multilevel Inverters 521

10 ,....---...---~---....
-+ ---~-----.------.-----...-
+- ........
I- ~.=.=-=-=~:..=...::=-=-::::::;..=..;:=..:z...=..=,

======~======~~~~=====~=~~~~~~~ ;:: ~i~o

- - - - - - -1- - - - - - - .., - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - -
Hz,fo = 50 T --

I I I I I 1
______ _ L_ _L__ __
~_ ~ ~__ __~

--~--~~-======~ =~=== ===~==--==~==-====~==

______ ~ ~ ==== :r===
---- -~---
L J __ ~

1 --.-...1
---- -T---
-L _
.1 __
I I I I 1
I , I , I
L __
(a) J _ L__


-=====:==== ~ == l=== -
------- ==
-- 1I =

- -t"'I-:-I+-Hf~- f---
- - -;- ---I
J~ =~-
--- -
-t" -- -- - - - -- - - -I - ---- -
I - ---- -- -+- -- --~------__t--
I ------;-- ----1---- ---,------4-- ----;--
]0- .... I I I ..... I I I _____
4 I I I I 1 I

o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)
--I -+ +- I- -I -4--

======~=======~=======;====== =~I M = 0.8 1-

====--~:-===-=---=i=---==~+-=~----~~ Ie = 2100 Hz~/o = 50 Hz .

,.-... I
- - - - - - -,- I
- - - - - -1- - - - - - - TJ - - - - - - - rI - - - - - - -,-
- - - - - -,I - -
~ 10-1 J------ _l_ ------ ~ ----- _:_ ------ J--
- - - - - - _:_ - - - - - -
~ ======~=======~=======$=======~===== ~=======~==
~ ~~~~~~3~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~E~~~~~ 3~~~~~~~3~~
] ------~-------~----- -+--- ---~- --- ~-------~--
a ------~-------~--- - -t--- ---~-~--- ~---- --i--
~ 10- 2
=====~=== _~ b=:= -_ c~ _ ~-=
== =:-== =:::I:-
r-P-t: ,I - ~t-
======1=_ 1_ __
! --
~ - I
-- -=,I -=-- -1-

' -11---='== = ~ ~ -=
~ 10-
:r: 3 I
~ ~

~ -- =_:: : ~:: - I, ---=:~ ~ :: -


- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -
- -- ;
I- - - - 1-
-~: -:: ~ ~ 1-'

- - - - - "i - -

I 1 I 1 I
1 I I I 1
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Harmonic Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11.43 Experimental harmonic spectra for seven-level hybrid three-
phase inverter modulated by discontinuous naturally sampled
PWM (PD equivalent): (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.8, fc/fo = 42 [11].
522 Carrier-BasedPWM of Multilevel Inverters

375 V ---- - -------~-------"1--------~----

, I I
- -------t'--------t-------- ..----- - -------
I I ,
,, 'I '"
___ ,
' I " I

L J"
L_ ' ",
_ _1.
' "
l _

, ' I ' "

, I I " I
I I I I "

I I "
I "


-375 V


-250 V
Current ,I


_______ 1. -,I ,
.L _
, I ,

10 20 30 40
Time (ms)

Figure 11.44 Experimental switched voltages and filtered load current for
seven-level hybrid three-phase inverter modulated by
discontinuous (equivalent PD) regularly sampled PWM,
M = 0.8, fe/fo = 42 [11].

These figures can be directly compared against Figures 11.24, 11.27, and
11.30, being the phase leg and I-I voltage spectra for five-level PD, APOD,
and POD PWM, respectively, without a third-harmonic component in the refer-
ence. From these results, it can be seen that the effect of a third-harmonic refer-
ence component has again been to transfer harmonic energy between
sidebands, but not necessarily in an advantageous way. For example, for
APOD modulation (Figure 11.27 versus Figure 11.46), the effect has been to
concentrate energy into the first sideband harmonics in the first carrier group,
and this has increased the WTHD with third-harmonic injection. For PD and
POD PWM, the reduction in WTHD with third-harmonic injection is minimal.
[Note also that the effect of third-harmonic injection on the performance of a
cascaded inverter is identical to that of either APOD or PD PWM (for discon-
tinuous or continuous PWM of the cascaded inverter, respectively), since it has
been shown previously that these modulation strategies are identical.]
Third-Harmonic Injection forMultilevel Inverters 523

-- -- -- -- --1-- --- --- --- --- : : : : : :::. : : : : : :: :: :: :: :: ': :: :: :: : -

- - - - - ,- - - - -
- - - - -1-
- - -- -,- - - - - ------i-----
- - - - -,- - - - -
-----,----- == == = =,, == = = = ,
- - - - - - - - --
----------- ,
-----,----- - - - - - , - - - - -
I 1
, ,
::i ____ 1 _ _ J _

- - - - - 1- _

'-'" - :- :- :- :-,-'::- :- :- :- - --- ------

- - - - -i - - - - - : : : :':: : : :
= = = = =, == = = = t
- - - =
- === 1= = === =====( == ==
= - 1-
, _ _ 1 '-----
- - - - -'- - - - -
- - - -,- -,-
1 I
- -1-

eo , ,
(a) Cd - - - -'- 1

::B --- -,- ,

o =(

40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

~ : ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ f WTHDO=0027%r

=== ==''_= ====
_____ - - - - = - ==
- = - - -==
- =. c == ===11= ====_
_I === = = I = = === 1 ~
, I I 1 I 1
- - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -

::i _____ ,
, J _ _
_ _ 1 _ _ _ _ L '- _

: : : : :I: : : : ::' :::: ~ .: ::!:: .: ~ : : : : :I: : : : :
- - - - - 1- - - - - -I - - - - -i - - - - t- - - - - - 1- - - - -
~ = = ===I:
1_ = ==_ = _ == =:.' =
_ = : _ = _ c
:_ = '- =: : : =( ====
_____ _ _ _ ' _
, I I I ,
r - - - - - 1-
- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - -
1 1

(b) - - - - _1- =1
...~ - =
:E : : : : : I:
~ -
: ':
o - - - - :1
2 -'-I - - _I
-,- - - ,I

~ , I


10-4 U.
o 20
60 80 100
1120l 140
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.45 Theoretical harmonic spectra for five-level three-phase

inverter modulated by PD naturally sampled PWM with
third-harmonic injection: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.8, lei10 = 40.
524 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

'::1 :: ! : : : : : ~ : : : : : ': : : : : -
1- -I - - t - - - - - r - - - - -1- - - - -

- - - - - 1-
1 I
: : I! : : : : : 1': : : ==: '1= ==: =
I , I I I ,
- - - - - ,- - - - - -,- - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -1- - - - -
I I I I ,

- - - -'- - - I J 1__ _L L _

: : : :I: : :
- - - -1- - -
I -::: ~ :: ::!::
I - - - ... - -
: ~ : : : : : I: : : : :
- t- - - - - - 1- - - - -

===,I =: __ = C=: : =: I: :
-= =- -==-'-I: -= =-
I : I _ _ : : :
1 _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ 1 ' _

--,- - - - - - ,- -
I I I I I 1
- - - -,- - -
(a) I
- - - _1- __ __ J
1= =
: : : : I: : : :. 1- - -
----,-- I

==::.:: I

- - - -'- - I

- - - -,- -
I -
____ L_
: : : :I: - I
- - - -1- I
- - - _I- I

- - - -1- I

'I I

20 40 60 80 100 120 140


: : : : '::
- - - -1- -


(b) ~

_ J

- -~
--- ...
- _I

- -',
- -,
10-4 I 1

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

Figure 11.46 Theoretical harmonic spectra for five-level three-phase

inverter modulated by APOD naturally sampled PWM with
third-harmonic injection: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.8, lei10 = 40.
Third-Harmonic Injection for Multilevel Inverters 525

- :::I: : : : :: ::':: : : : : ~ : : :
- - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -i - - -

= ===,= =====,' ======,I _===

- - - - _1- _ _ _ _ _ 1 ' _

, " ' I
- - - - -,- - - - - -,- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - -,- - - - -

d ,
_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _
I '
_ _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _
_ L _ _ _ __ L _ _ _ _

ci :: : :: :I: : : : : : : : : ~ : :: : : : : ~ : : : : ::':: : : :
- - - -1- - - - - , - - - - -i - - - - - - t- - - - - -,- - - - -
~ ====c==-= =-==J=====' _ =c == ===': : ===
-- - _1- _ _ _ _ _ __I 1 _ - 1- ' _
, 1 1 1 I

'2 - - - -,- - - I - - ,- r - - - - -,- - - - -

(a) co I I I
cO -: :- -: :-'- - ,, I-
,: : I:
~ 1-
----c, '
- - - -,- - I
'2 ':
0 I I





20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

~:~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S: ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ WTHDO=0.63%

_____=c'- -'
~ '- '- - - - -
I , , I I 1
- - - - -1- - - - - -,- - - - - , - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -1- - - - -
, I , I
____ J 1. L L _

:::::::: ~ ::::::::::::: : : : ~ ::: : : ::': : : : :

- - - - -i - - - - - - - - - - t- - - - - - ,- - - - -

_____ 1_ _ _ _ _ =: == =, == === ==: ==C==: =: ( = == =

_____ '- _ _ _ _
_ -'- - - - - - - - - - '- - - - - - '- - - - -
- - - - - ,- - r - - - - - 1- - - - -

_I _
_ I-

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number

Figure 11.47 Theoretical harmonic spectra for five-level three-phase

inverter modulated by POD naturally sampled PWM with
third-harmonic injection: (a) phase leg a and (b) I-I output
switched voltage waveforms, M = 0.8, fc/fo = 40.
526 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

While these results are only for a particular carrier/fundamental ratio and
modulation index, they indicate that third-harmonic injection offers minimal
harmonic advantage for PWM of multilevel inverters, and hence only has
value to increase the available linear modulation region if this is required.
Analysis over a wider range of operating conditions confirms this expectation.
Furthermore, for operation at lower carrier/fundamental ratios, there can be a
net loss in harmonic performance with third-harmonic injection because of the
increased spread in significant harmonics caused by this reference. Significant
harmonic sideband intrusion into the baseband region then becomes a real pos-
sibility and must be considered in a practical system.

Figure 11.48 illustrates this effect for PD PWM with a reduced carrier
ratio, where the WTHD of the modulation strategy with a third-harmonic
injected reference is becoming significantly higher than without a third-har-
monic component in the reference. Also, the low-order sideband intrusion into
the baseband region has become more significant with the third-harmonic ref-
erence alternative.

11.13 Operation of a Multilevel Inverter with a

Variable Modulation Index
The analyses of multilevel inverter PWM presented so far all assume a rela-
tively high modulation index, sufficient for the reference waveforms to link
across all carrier waveforms. At lower modulation indices for hybrid and for
carrier disposition modulation of higher level diode-clamped inverters, this
will not be the case.

As the fundamental reference waveforms cease to cross the outer carrier

waveforms, the modulation process reverts to that of an inverter with two less
voltage levels. For example, for a diode-clamped inverter, when the modula-
tion index falls below 50% for a five-level system, or 66% for a seven-level
system, the modulation process will revert to that of a three-level inverter for
the five-level system, and a five-level inverter for the seven-level system. It
should be noted also that the seven-level inverter modulation process will have
a further transition to that of a three-level inverter when the modulation index
falls below 33%. For a hybrid inverter, once the modulation index falls below
33%, the PWM process will revert to that of a cascaded inverter with a single
H-bridge in each phase leg. The harmonic performance of PWM of higher
Operation of a Multilevel Inverter with a Variable Modulation Index 527

::: ::::::': : : : :::':: : : : : ~ : : : ::: : ::

- - - - -1- - - - - -1- - - - - -f- - - - - ~ - - L- -J

=====( =====, ======1 =====I =====1= =====.= ====

- - - - - '_ - - - - _1- I ~ ... ' _
I , 1 1 1 ,
r- - - - - -,- - - - -
,,-.... - - - - -,- - - - - -1- - - - - ., - - - - - T - - - - -
t , 1 I I I
==i 1_ _ _ _ _1_ _ J 1 L ,- _

I:::: :1:
1- - - - -1'- -
- -f - - - - - ~ - - - - - t- - - - - -1- - - - -
"'C (1 =- = _'_' = ==,I === ==!I ====='-C=== ==1=I ====
1 1 1 1 1 I

'S -, - -1- - - - - - T - - - - r - - - - -1- - - - -

(a) roeo ,
1 1 1

~ - I
C,) t


20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

: ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WTHDO=0.73%

_ ===1=
_ __ 1 =====1=
' ==== =1' = === =I =====.'= ==========
_ ~

1 1 I 1 1 1
- - - - - ,- - - - - -1- - - - - ., - - - - - T - - - - - r - - - - -1- - - - -
1 , 1 1 1
L _ _ _ _1 J 1 L 1 _

I: : :::: :1::::::::: ~ : : : : : ::::::::: ~ : ::::::::I: : : : :

,- - - - I - - - - -1 - - - - - t - - - - - t- - - - - - 1- - - - -

'_ ___ =====1 ===== II =====('- =====.:' ===_=

I I I 1
- -, - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - -1- - - - -


(b) - - _1- _

20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Harmonic Number

Figure 11.48 Theoretical I-I harmonic spectra for five-level hybrid three-
phase inverter modulated by PD naturally sampled PWM:
(a) without and (b) with third-harmonic injection, M = 0.8,
!clio = 20.
528 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

level inverters under these low modulation conditions must then be determined
from the performance of the appropriate lower level inverter, suitably scaled to
suit the revised fundamental magnitude.
Figure 11.49 shows the variation in WTHOO for three- and five-level
diode-clamped inverters operating under a variety of PWM alternatives. It is
particularly interesting to note the double peak characteristic of the five-level
APOO and PO PWM strategies. The peak at the higher modulation index
occurs during five-level switching, while the peak at the lower modulation
index occurs during three-level switching. In fact, the five-level WTHD char-
acteristic during the region 0 < M < 0.5 is identical to the three-level WTHD
characteristic, simply compressed and scaled appropriately.

Figure 11.49 also shows the WTHDO characteristics for PWM of multi-
level inverters where the fundamental references have a third-harmonic
injected component. Note that the modulation index where the reference wave-
forms cross into the outer carriers increases by the factor 2/J3 under these
conditions. From this figure, it can be seen that third-harmonic injection com-
promises the performance of APOO PWM, improves the harmonic perfor-
mance of five-level POD PWM, and does not make a significant difference to
the performance of PO PWM. Under all conditions, PO modulation is clearly
superior to other carrier disposition modulation strategies.
Separate results have not been included for the performance of a cascaded
inverter under varying modulation indices, since from previous results pre-
sented in this chapter it has been shown that a cascaded inverter has a perfor-
mance equivalent to APOD PWM under continuous modulation, and PD PWM
under discontinuous modulation.

11.14 Summary
The various multilevel inverter circuits such as cascade, diode-clamped,
hybrid, and capacitor-clamped topologies create another dimension of com-
plexity to inverter modulation by introducing the potential to use multiple DC
voltage levels. In this chapter, it has been shown that the harmonic perfor-
mance obtained from these inverters can be determined by applying the basic
principles ofPWM laid out in Chapters 3,4, and 5. It has also been shown that
the phase disposition modulation principle produces the lowest harmonic dis-
tortion for the diode-clamped inverter by placing significant harmonic energy
References 529



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2

Modulation Index M

Figure 11.49 WTHDO of I-I switched output voltage of multilevel three-

phase inverters for various modulation alternatives and
level numbers, = 20.

into a common mode first carrier component, which cancels between phase
legs of the inverter. This leads to the realization that a similar improvement in
modulation performance for cascaded and hybrid multilevel inverter can be
achieved by using discontinuous PWM, which also places significant harmonic
energy into a common mode carrier component. Thus the modulation princi-
ples for diode-clamped, cascaded, and hybrid inverters are shown to share a
common origin and can be linked together.

[1] A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, "A new neutral-point-clamped PWM
inverter," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-17, no. 5, Sept.lOct.
1981, pp. 518-523.
[2] P. Bhagwat and V.R. Stefanovic, "Generalized structure of a multilevel PWM
inverter," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 19, no. 6, Nov.lDec. 1983,
530 Carrier-Based PWM of Multilevel Inverters

[3] M. Marchesoni, M. Mazzucchelli, and S. Tenconi, "Non-conventional power

converter for plasma stabilization," in Conf. Rec. IEEE Power Electronics Spe-
cialists Conf. (PESC), Kyoto, 1988, pp. 122-129.
[4] G. Carrara, D. Casini, S. Gardella, and R. Salutari, "Optimal PWM for the con-
trol of multilevel voltage source inverter," in Conf. Rec. European Power Elec-
tronics Conf. (EPE), Brighton, 1993, pp. 255-259.
[5] B.P. McGrath, "Topologically independent modulation of multilevel inverters,"
Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Australia, 2002.
[6] B.P. McGrath and D.G. Holmes, "A comparison of multi carrier PWM strategies
for cascaded and neutral point clamped multilevel inverters," in Conf Rec.
IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Galway, 2000, pp. 674-679.
[7] B.P. McGrath and D.G Holmes, "Opportunities for harmonic cancellation with
carrier-based PWM for two-level and multilevel cascaded inverters," IEEE
Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 37, No.2, Mar.lApri12001, pp. 574-582.
[8] V.G Agelidis and M. Calais, "Application specific harmonic performance eval-
uation of multi carrier PWM techniques," in Con! Rec. Power Electronics Spe-
cialists Conference, (PESC), Fukuoka, 1998, pp. 172-178.
[9] B.P. McGrath and D.G. Holmes, "An analytical technique for the determination
of spectral components of multilevel carrier based PWM methods," IEEE
Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 4, Aug. 2002, pp. 724-738.
[10] M.D. Manjrekar, R. Lund, P. Steimer, and T.A. Lipo, "Hybrid multilevel power
conversion system: A competitive solution for high power applications," IEEE
Trans. On Industry Applications, vol. 36, no. 3, May/June 2000, pp. 834-841.
[11] B.P. McGrath, M. Manjrekar, D.G Holmes, and T.A. Lipo, "An improved mod-
ulation strategy for the hybrid multilevel inverter," in Con! Rec. IEEE Industry
Applications Society Annual Mig., Rome, 2000, pp. 2086-2093.
Space Vector PWM for Multilevel
In earlier chapters of this book, it has been demonstrated for two-level invert-
ers that sine plus third-harmonic injected reference-triangle PWM is essen-
tially identical to space vector PWM and that the major difference between the
two methods is the treatment of the zero space vector. In this chapter it is
shown how the space vector approach to pulse width modulation can be
extended to include multilevel converters. Comparisons between the two mod-
ulation approaches then indicate that once more the two methods effectively
produce the same result.

12.1 Optimized Space Vector Sequences

It should be evident that the space vector method can be readily extended to
incorporate multilevel inverters. However, the large number of states offered
by multilevel converters can impose massive computational overhead if not
carefully optimized. Optimized space vector sequences were first introduced in
[1] and later refined in [2] and [3]. Figure 12.1 shows space vector diagrams
for three- and five-level diode-clamped converters where each digit of the
space vector identifier represents the voltage level to which the a, b, and c
phase legs are, respectively, switched. It is important to note that in both cases
some of the switched states are redundant and create the same space vectors.
For a three-phase inverter the minimum number of switched transitions in one
switching cycle under continuous modulation is three (i.e., one per phase leg),
so that the converter cycles through four switched states in each switching
period in much the same manner as the conventional two-level SVM. At least
the first and last of these must be a redundant space vector state if only the
three nearest space vectors are to be used (e.g., 101 - 201 - 211 - 212).
Depending upon where in the d-q space the reference vector is located, there
are two alternatives for this sequence, viz:

532 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters


002 102 202 004 104

(a) (b)

Figure 12.1 Space vector states for (a) three-level and (b) five-level
diode-clamped converter.

1. Select two vectors of even redundancy and one vector of odd redun-
dancy (e.g., 211/100, 221/110, and 210), or
2. Select one vector of even redundancy and two vectors of odd redun-
dancy (e.g., 211/100, 200, and 210).
For two-level inverters it can be observed that only alternative 2 is possible
since only the origin provides redundant vectors (000/111).
Figure 12.2 illustrates a portion of the five-level space vector plot. summa-
rizes all possible sequences for this portion which achieves the required mini-
mum of three space vector transitions in a switching period. It should be
recalled from two-level SVM theory that these sequences should be alternately
reversed over consecutive switching periods, and it is assumed that this is done
again here. For triangles (b) and (d) there is only one possible sequence. For
triangles (a) and (c) the most suitable sequence can be identified from the pos-
sible alternatives by ensuring that no extra switching transitions occur when
moving between triangles. For example, sequence (c):(i) should be used when
moving from triangle (b) to (c) since it begins with the same state as the
sequence in (b), while sequence (c):(ii) should be used when moving from tri-
angle (c) to (d) since it begins with the same state as the sequence in (d).
Within triangle (c) sequences (c):(i) and (c):(ii) must be swapped at some
point, and this is most conveniently done when the duty cycle for the space
vector {431/320} exceeds that of {421/31O} [4].
Optimized Space Vector Sequences 533


Figure 12.2 Portion of five-level space vector diagram in which

triangles (a) and (c) have two vectors of even redundancy
and one of odd redundancy and (b) and (d) have one vector
of even redundancy and two of odd redundancy.

Applying this principle to triangle (a) means that sequences (a):(i) and
(a):(ii) cannot be used because they will introduce extra switching transitions
when moving into triangle (c). This is important if the reference vector lies
near the boundary of triangles (a) and (c) because it will cross the linear bound-
ary between triangles (a) and (c) twice in a fundamental cycle, and there are
many type (c) triangles in the space vector plot. Hence, only sequences (a):(iii)
and (a):(iv) can be used, and these are identical to sequences (c):(i) and (c):(ii)

Table 12.1 Possible Sequences in Five-Level Space

Vector Subset of Figure 12.1

Triangle Sequence
(a) (i) {432 to 43 1 to 421 to 321 }
(ii) {210 to 310 to 320 to 321}
(iii) {421 to 321 to 320 to 31 O}
(iv) {431 to 421 to 321 to 320}
(b) {421 to 420 to 410 to 310}
(c) (i) {421 to 420 to 320 to 310}
(ii) {431 to 421 to 420 to 320}
(d) {431 to 430 to 420 to 320}

Note: Reverse sequences to those shown areavailable but

are not explicitly shown.
534 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

except that state {420} has been replaced by state {321}. As a result only state
{321} of the triple redundant vector {432/321/210} is usable.

Similar analyses for vectors with even redundancies greater than three
reveals that only two states can ever be used to achieve minimal switching, and
for vectors with odd redundancies greater than two, only one state is usable.
Note also that all useful sequences begin and end with an even redundant space
vector state.
While the above analysis is from the perspective of a diode-clamped topol-
ogy, the only significant difference with the cascade topologies is that there is a
greater variety of redundancies. A similar analysis for cascaded-type inverters
leads to a similar restriction of states and sequences which can be used to
achieve the minimum number of switching transitions in a fundamental cycle.

12.2 Modulator for Selecting Switching States

The task of the modulator is to determine the position and duration that the
switches should assume during each duty cycle in order to synthesize the refer-
ence voltage vector. However, since the number of possible switching states of
a multilevel converter increases with the cube of the number of converter lev-
els, the number of possible vectors increases as


Nvectors = I+ 6L i (12.1)
i == I

where L is the number of levels.

For example, while a simple conventional two-level inverter has only

2 = 8 switching states and 1 + 6 = 7 possible vectors, a three-level inverter
produces 3 = 27 states and I + 18 = 19 vectors. Furthermore, when the num-
ber of levels increases to 5, the number of states increases to 5 = 125 and the
number of vectors increases to 61. Clearly the computational effort needed to
establish the correct switch conditions rapidly overwhelms even the fastest sig-
nal processor and a random search, for example, over the 91 possible triangles
of a five-level inverter, becomes an impossible task. It obviously becomes nec-
essary to develop a more effective approach that can rapidly determine the
three nearest space vectors without requiring a blind search process.
Decomposition Method 535

12.3 Decomposition Method

Since 3 possible switching states exist for each of the three phases of a three-
level inverter, there are 27 possible states for this inverter topology. The com-
plexity of selecting the proper states for a given command voltage vector can
be considerably simplified by viewing the three-level inverter space vector
hexagon as consisting of a number of two-level hexagons, as shown in Figure
12.3 [5]. The origin of each of these hexagons are located on one of the apexes
of the three-level inverter inner hexagon. Thus each of the two-level hexagons
are shifted by Vdc/3 with respect to the origin of the three-level hexagon.
To proceed with the switching state determination, first one of these six
hexagons is selected, based on the location of the target voltage vector. Second,
the original reference voltage vector is decremented by the voltage vector that
locates the origin of the selected two-level hexagon. This then allows the deter-
mination of the switching sequence and the calculation of the voltage vector
duration to be done in the same manner as for a conventional two-level inverter
using either space vector or sine-triangle modulation concepts.
The choice of two-level hexagon should be such that the reference voltage
vector smoothly progresses from one hexagon to the next as it rotates. This
requirement is satisfied by subdividing the vector space into six regions as
shown in Figure 12.4, and selecting the two-level hexagon from Figure 12.3
whose number corresponds to the region number. Selection of the two-level
hexagon in this way also facilitates a smooth progression from the inner (ori-
gin-centered) hexagon of the three-level inverter to the outer two-level hexa-
gons, for reduced magnitude reference space vectors.
020 220

022 200

002 102
Figure 12.3 Space vector hexagon of a three-level inverter viewed as
being composed of six two-level hexagons.
536 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

4 1

Figure 12.4 Segregation of three-level hexagon into six sectors

s = I, ... , 6. Hexagon s of Figure 12.3 is then used to
generate the space vectors that make up the commanded
voltage vector.

Once the sector is identified, the origin of the reference voltage vector is
changed to the origin of the two-level hexagon associated with the sector. This
is achieved by subtracting a vector locating the center of the selected hexagon
from the original reference vector. The corrections on a phase leg basis are
summarized in Table 12.2, and produce revised reference voltages
*, Vbs'
vas' *, v cs*' from eac h 0 f the ongma
.. l ref *V.
rererence vo Itages vas' * (A sim-
bs' v cs .
ilar correction can be readily developed for stationary frame d/q reference volt-
ages without difficulty for a space vector PWM implementation.)
The particular switching sequence of the three-level inverter is now deter-
mined by the vertices defining the selected hexagon. For example, in the case
shown in Figure 12.5, the minimum transition switching sequence is 211-210-
110-100. If the {211/100} redundant vector is taken to be the origin reference,
this switching sequence becomes exactly the same as that of a conventional
two-level space vector modulator (i.e., 111-110-010-000). Therefore any two-
level modulation strategy can now be used, provided that the correct switches
are selected from the four switches of each phase leg to achieve the required
inverter switched state. This selection can be realized by simple logic circuitry
or equivalent logic statements in a microcontroller for each hexagon.
The concept of partitioning the space vector hexagon of a higher level
inverter into multiple hexagons of a smaller level inverters can be extended to
other multilevel inverters. For example, consider the case of four-level inverter
Decomposition Method 537

Table 12.2 Two-level Hexagon Offset Adjustment for Reference Voltage Vectors
in Sector s

Sector Revised Reference Revised Reference Revised Reference

Voltage V Q~f Voltage V b~f Voltage V C~f

1 Va~- Vdc/3 Vb~ + Vdc/6 Vc~ + Vd c/6

2 Va~ - Vdc/6 vb~ - Vdc/6 vc~ + Vdc/3

3 v; + Vdc/6 Vb: - Vdc/3 V c: + Vdc/6

4 r; + Vdc/3 Vb~ - Vdc/6 Vc~- Vdc/6

5 va~ + Vdc/6 Vb~ + Vdc/6 vc~- Vdc/3

6 ; - Vdc/6 Vb: + Vdc/3 v c: - Vdc/6

whose space vector diagram is shown in Figure 12.6. In this case each phase
leg generates four voltage states and therefore there are a total of 64 switching
states. However, if the four-level space vector diagram is decomposed into six
three-level diagrams, three-level SVPWM algorithms can be used to obtain
switching states and their durations. Then the switching of each of these three-
level inverters can be determined by considering that they are composed of six
two-level inverter hexagons as has just been considered. In this way, simple
logic trees can be built up for any level inverter to allow the proper switching
selections can be rapidly determined for any reference voltage phasor.

III ......- - - -......~~--~ 200

Figure 12.5 Example showing change of reference origin for a voltage

reference vector Vo* located in Sector 1.
538 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

Figure 12.6 Application of hexagon decomposition to a four-level

inverter [5].

12.4 Hexagonal Coordinate System

Much of the computational overhead for the determination of the triangle con-
taining the target vector is introduced by representing each of the vector states
as points in an orthogonal coordinate system. The coordinate system needed to
completely define the three line voltages is, in reality, two dimensional since
the fact that
forms a constraint which places all of the line voltage vector states on a plane.

Since the possible states of both phase voltage and line voltage vectors
naturally form equilateral triangles it has been shown for three-levels [1] and
L-Ievels [2] that the computational complexity is markedly reduced by adopt-
ing a nonorthogonal system in which the basic vectors are directed along two
non-colinear directions of the six possible line voltage vector directions. For
example, one such system can be formed by first considering a three-level
inverter, whereupon
Hexagonal Coordinate System 539


The first vector uis colinear with vectors directed along the phase a axes as
shown in Figure 12.7 while the second vector is colinear with vectors directed
along phase c. The third vector corresponds to one of the two zero state vectors
which form, in effect, a zero sequence component. Vectors along the b axis as
well as the remaining vectors can be determined as components along the u
and v vector directions.
It is useful to consider a transformation to another three-dimensional coor-
dinate system, in which case

{g,h,z} T{u,v,z} (12.4)

It is not difficult to determine that the needed transformation matrix is

-1 I 2 - 1 - 1]
T = {u, v, Z } = 3' -1 2-1 (12.5)
1 1 1

(-2,2,0) (-1,2,-1 ) (0,2,-2)

(-2,0,2) --....._--_...-------------i.........----.. (2,0,-2)

(0,-2,2) (1,-2,1) (2,-2,0)

Figure 12.7 Line voltage vector states of a three-level inverter using

a.b,c coordinates uand v.
540 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

For practical purposes the zero sequence component is superfluous if the

transformation of variables is used on the line voltages since this component
will always be zero. The transformation necessary to simply transform from
U, v to g, h coordinates is therefore

T= J2 r 2 -1 -1] (12.6)
3 l-r 2 1

Figure 12.8 shows the two-dimensional representation of the space vectors and
reference vector which is normalized to the link voltage Vdc for the case of a
three-level inverter. In contrast to Figure 12.I(a), the vectors from the origin to
any vertex can now be represented by only two rather than three integers.

The fact that all switching vectors have integer coordinates is useful in
determining which triangle is occupied by a target voltage vector. For example,
consider a target vector located within the (1,1), (1,0), (0,1) triangle as shown
in Figure 12.8. The vector location can be localized to within a parallelogram
by successively rounding the target vector g and h components up or down as

Vu / = [r r-:1] [~] (12.7)

Lr.; hJ

V/u = [ LVrej,gJ] = [0] (12.8)

rr.: 1
h 1

V uu = [rrr: g 1] [~1
Vre.t: hl
= (12.9)

Vll = [LVref,gJ] = [OJ (12.10)

LVreJ:hJ 0

where x 1 and Lx J denote rounding to the next upper and lower integer value
of x, respectively. This operation places the target vector in either the (1,0),
(0,1), (1,1) triangle or the (1,0), (0,1), (0,0) triangle of Figure 12.8. It can be
seen that Vul and V/u will be two of the vertices of the triangle locating the
target vector regardless of within which of the two triangles the vector resides.
Hexagonal Coordinate System 541

(-2,2) (-1,2)

(-2,0) -- -----tP;- -_e_-- (2,0) ~


(0,-2) (1,-2) (2,-2)

Figure 12.8 Line voltage vector states of a three-level converter in a

hexagonal g,h coordinate system.

The third vertex can now be determined by noting that if Vg and Vh denote
g and h components of any vector located on the diagonal, from V u1 and V,u

Vref,g + Vref, h = Vu1,g + V ul, h = V1u,g + V lu, h (12.11)

The identity of the third vertex can therefore be determined by evaluating the
sign of the expression

Vrej, g + Vref, h - (Vu1,g + V ul, h) (12.12)

If the value is positive, then Vuu locates the third vertex; if it is negative, then
VII locates the third point.

Once the nearest three vectors have been identified, their corresponding
duty cycles can be found by solving

Vrej = duIVul+d/uV/u+d3V3 (12.13)

where V3 equals either Vn or Vuu and d 3 equals its corresponding duty cycle.
The solution is again subject to the constraint

Since all switching state vectors have integer coordinates, the solutions for
two of the vertices are effectively the fractional portions of V ref , that is,
542 Space Vector PWM for MultilevelConverters

d UI = Vrej, g - Vu, g

diu = Vrej, h - VII, h (12.15)

d u = 1- dul - diu

d u1 = -( Vrej, h - V uu, h)

dIu = -( Vrej,g - Vuu,g) (12.16)

duu = I-du1-dlu
if V 3 = Vuu '
As an example, assume that it is necessary to realize a phase voltage of
0.5Vdc at the time instant where the phase position ofthe vector is 15 electri-
cal with respect to the phase a axis reference. In this case the amplitude of the
phase voltage target vector is 0.866 at an angle of 45. (Clearly this step could
be omitted if the phase voltage were commanded directly). The corresponding
line voltages are

VI -
Vbc = Vdc
[ 0.224 (12.17)
1 =
Vca -0.837

In terms of g and h components,

= TV
= V fO.6121


Vul = [~] Vuu = m


VII = [~ r: = [~
The exact location of the vector is determined by evaluating


Thus, the vector is located in the triangle with vertices (0,0), (0, I), and (1,0),
and the duty cycles for the three vectors defining the triangle are
Optimal Space Vector Position within a Switching Period 543

d ul = Vrej,g- Vl/,g = 0.612

dIu = Vrej; h - VII, h = 0.224 (12.21)
dl/= I-dul-dlu==0.163

When the amplitude of the target vector increases from 0.5 Vdc to 0.7 Vdc

in which case the triangle containing Vre] has vertices (0,1), (1,0), (1,1) and

d u1= -( Vrej, h - Vuu, h) = 0.686

diu = -( Vrej;g - Vuu,g) = 0.143 (12.23)
d uu = I-dul-dlu =0.171
A variation of this method has also been reported that is said to provide a
somewhat improved computational efficiency [3].

12.5 Optimal Space Vector Position within a

Switching Period
Once the optimum space vector switching sequence for continuous modulation
has been identified, it must be placed in each switching period to optimize the
harmonic profile of the waveform. This means splitting the duty cycle of the
first vector in the sequence, which is redundant with the last vector, across the
first and last switching states. A technique reported by Fukuda [6] for two-
level inverters can be used to resolve this issue.

Figure 12.9(a) shows the trajectory of the time integral of the converter
output voltage (i.e., the flux) in the d-q space. The ideal trajectory is circular
for a sinusoidal output voltage, but the switched nature of the converter opera-
tion restricts the real trajectory to a quasi-circular path as shown. Figure
12.9(b) shows the flux trajectories for one switching cycle. The switching
sequence uses space vectors VI, V2, and V3 with respective duty cycles d}, d2,
and d3, and the space vector time durations are given by

TVt(l) == kdl~T/2 Tv = d2~T/2

T V,(2) = (l-k)dl~T/2 Tv = d3~T/2
544 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters


(a) (b)

Figure 12.9 (a) Locus of the flux trajectory and (b) flux trajectory over
one switching cycle showing the approximation of circular
arc. Area between the space vector flux paths and the ideal
flux trajectory shows the region to be minimized.

where J1.T/2 denotes the switching period (half carrier interval) and k is an
arbitrary factor that splits space vector VI into two parts so as to occupy both
the first and last state of the switching sequence,
The deviation between the switched quasi-circular trajectory and the ideal
circular path at each switching cycle provides a measure of the harmonic dis-
tortion of the modulating process. This distortion can be evaluated by integrat-
ing the area between the two trajectories over each switching period. The issue
then becomes determining a means to find the value of k that minimizes this
area to achieve the optimum modulation strategy.
Figure 12.10 shows the optimum values for k for successive switching peri-
ods over a complete fundamental cycle for a three-, five- and seven-level
inverter. These values were found from simulation by varying k within each
switching period to minimize the flux error area. Clearly the optimal value of k
varies insignificantly about the value of 0.5 so that for optimal harmonic per-
formance the start and end redundant vector periods can be made equal, at least
for any reasonably high pulse ratio.
Comparison of Space Vector PWM to Carrier-Based PWM 545

1.0 -
,-,. -
~ 0.75 -
~ -
- 7 Level
0.5 - .:..

g 0.25 --

~ -
0.0 -
1.0 -
~ 0.75 -
~ -
0.5 5 Level
0.25 -
~ -
~ 0.75 -
~ - ,.,.
c: 0.5 ...... .A_v " v " 3 Level
0.25 -
0.0 -
1800 240 0 300 0 360 0

Figure 12.10 Value of k which yields minimum volt-second area for a

pulse ratio of 120, modulation index M = 0.8.

12.6 Comparison of Space Vector PWM to

Carrier-Based PWM
It has been shown in Section 6.3 that for two-level inverters the addition of a
common offset voltage to the three phase references of


will center the active space vectors during the switching period of a carrier-
based PWM algorithm and hence match the references of space vector modula-
tion. Figure 12.11 shows the converter switching states which will result when
this offset is used for a five-level system operating under phase disposition
(PO) PWM. For the expanded switching condition shown, the sequence con-
sists of two vectors of even redundancy (VI and V3) and one vector of odd
redundancy (V"2)' Examination of this sequence shows that the durations of the
two states of VI are not equal but rather center the vector of odd redundancy in
the middle of the half carrier period. Hence, this offset does not achieve the
optimum centering of the two middle vectors of the switching sequence.
546 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

+Vdc --t------r---~-.,.......-~~~--...__....,...-_.....----____1


__ I

I , I
, J
I I I ________ :- _ .J ~-----------
----------- - - - - -t----T-------
Phase b I .. I Phase b I I I

Phase'c -..----~~---__t

- Vdc --t~-----;----;--+-----+------ii--"";----+-----~

V2 I
V3 : V)
VI : V3 : V2 I
411 I 410 : 310: 300 300 : 310: 410 : 411

I ~T/2 ~ I : ~T/2
~ I I I
(d. + d3)~T d2~T d3~T (d, -d3)~T d3~T d2~T (d} + d3)~T
2 -2- --2- -2- --2- 2

Figure 12.11 Space vector positions resulting from use of a two-level SVM
common mode offset with a five-level inverter. The effect is
to center the space vector with odd redundancy (V2) rather
than making equal split dwell times for space vector -J:\.

The limitation ofEq. (12.25) is that it assumes that the first and last switch-
ing transition in each switching period is determined by the comparison of the
absolute maximum and minimum reference values against the carrier. This is
not necessarily the case for a multilevel inverter. For example, Figure 12.11
shows that the last switching transition in the first half carrier period is caused
by the comparison of the Vb reference against the carrier, and this is the middle
reference value. Hence, to proceed it is necessary to identify which of refer-
a:' c;
ences v vb:' or v is responsible for the first and last switching transitions
in each half carrier period. This can be done by using a modulus offset function
to vertically shift the two-level optimized reference voltages so that their car-
rier intersections lie within a common carrier band, to create modified refer-
ences of
Comparison of Space Vector PWM to Carrier-Based PWM 547

*' _ 2 Vde )
* + Vol! + V ) mod ( N
Vkz - (Vk de -1 k = a,b,c (12.26)

It should be noted that a DC offset must also be added to the reference wave-
forms to avoid the modulus function becoming a negative number. An addi-
tional common mode voltage which correctly positions the first and last
switching transitions in each switching period can then be determined using a
similar max/min offset expression as for the two-level case, of

Vde max ( Vaz' *' Vez*') + nun

*' Vbz' . ( Vaz'
*' V bz
*' ' Vcz
v'o!! = N-I - 2 (12.27)

The final reference waveforms are generated by adding the offset voltages
described by Eq. (12.27) to the original sinusoidal phase voltage commands.
Figure 12.12 shows the offset waveform and final vaz phase voltage reference
command for three-, five- and seven-level systems [4].



0 5 Level


0 3 Level

00 1800 2400

Figure 12.12 Multilevel inverter centered space vector modulation

reference and offset waveforms [4].
548 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

12.7Discontinuous Modulation in Multilevel Inverters

A further possibility with space vector positioning is to move to discontinuous
SVM by eliminating either the first or last state in each switching sequence.
While this approach does not achieve a minimum flux error, the increase in
switching frequency of 3/2, which is possible because of the reduced number
of switching transitions required, can yield harmonic benefits for certain mod-
ulation ranges.
The easiest approach for discontinuous modulation of a multilevel inverter
is to simply lock particular phase legs to the upper or lower voltage rails for
fractions of the fundamental cycle. For multilevel inverters this may require
additional switching transitions which reduce the possible increase in switch-
ing frequency from the theoretical maximum, but there are still useful har-
monic gains to be achieved. While the increased number of voltage levels does
create a greater variety of possible modes of discontinuity, it has been found
that all have similar harmonic profiles so that only the simplest alternative is
considered here.
Figure 12.13 shows the zero sequence offset waveforms which should be
added to the phase reference voltages to achieve 60 and 30 discontinuous
switching for a carrier-based modulation system. They can be described math-
ematically for 60 DPWMI as

voff = max[abs(v;z)' abs(v bz)' abs(vc~)] (12.28)

vzs, DPWMI = - sgn( voff) + voff (12.29)

and for 30 DPWM3 as

voll = mid[abs(va~)' abs(v bz)' abs(vc~)] (12.30)

vzs, DPWM3 = - sgn(volf) + vol! (12.31)

In practice the required switching can be implemented by demodulating the
phase voltages implicitly developed in equation form by a discontinuous
implementation of the multilevel system controller.

Figure 12.14(a) shows experimental waveforms for centered PD modula-

tion of a three-level cascaded inverter with appropriate zero sequence offsets
added to the phase references to make the start and end redundant space vector
periods equal. Figure 12.14(b) shows the experimental spectra for this system
and Figure 12.14(c) shows the simulated harmonic spectra for offset centered
Discontinuous Modulation in Multilevel Inverters 549

(a) 0

(b) 0

Figure 12.13 SVM demodulated phase voltages for: (a) three-level 60

DPWMI discontinuous PWM and (b) three-level 30
DPWM3 discontinuous PWM.
550 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

SVM operating under equivalent modulation conditions. The extremely close

match of the simulation and experimental results confirms the equivalence of
SVM and PO carrier modulation when an appropriate zero sequence offset is
added to the reference waveforms. Figure 12.15 shows similar results for a
seven-level PD modulated hybrid converter compared to a seven-level cen-
tered SVM. Again the close match between the simulated and experimental
spectra confirm the equivalence between SVM and PD carrier modulation for
this converter topology when appropriate zero sequence offsets are added to
the carrier. Figure 12.16 compares three-level cascaded inverter PD modula-
tion under 30 discontinuous operation with zero sequence offsets against
DPWM3 discontinuous three-level SVM simulation results. Once more a close
match is in evidence. Finally, it is interesting to note the presence of low-order
frequency distortion in these experimental results because of commutation
between adjacent sectors. This signature is a typical result of the practical
implementation of discontinuous modulation strategies.

12.8 Summary
This chapter has applied space vector modulation concepts to multilevel
inverters. Strategies have been presented to select the optimum space vector
sequences from the multitude of switching alternatives that are possible for
multilevel inverters, and it has been shown how the results can be applied to
any multilevel inverter topology. Then, using flux trajectory concepts, it has
been identified that the optimum switching arrangement for a multilevel
inverter centers the middle space vectors of a switching sequence within each
"half-carrier" period. This leads to the development of zero sequence or com-
mon mode offset waveforms for multilevel inverters to achieve identical
results using carrier-based modulation processes. Finally, it has been shown
how discontinuous modulation can be achieved for multilevel inverters in the
same way as for two-level inverters using space vector concepts.
Earlier in this book it was established that carrier and space vector modula-
tion methods for two-level inverters create exactly the same phase leg switch-
ing sequences when appropriate zero sequence offsets are added to the
reference waveforms for carrier modulation. In this chapter a similar equiva-
lence has been demonstrated for PO carrier modulation and space vector mod-
ulation for diode-clamped, N-Ievel cascaded, and for hybrid cascaded
Summary 551

300V ------- ---

Line Voltage

(a) -300 V

Phase Voltage

SA ------- -----...-..
- "'Pl'1rtr.IruJ

Load Current ~-""'-+--~--+---~'----+--~t----I

-5 A
0 10 50
- - - - - - , - - - - - -, - - - - - - - 1 1 - -1- - - - - - - , - -

------ ----- ,-------T-------r------,-------,--
______________ J 1 L__ 1_ I

::i I

ci 10- 1 _I _. .J 1 _ L _ _1_ .1

- - S~
::::::::::::::3:::=::=t::::: E
- ~-----
~ - ---~ - ---~~----- ~-

------------ -,--- ---T-----
r ,-- J





(b) eo I I I I I
10- 2 :::= -- =~ :i; _ = == ~

: l
~ -:=:=-~.= ~ ~-~

-I ~_
--- - - - - I

5 10-
= ~= =-- -: = === -
I 1 I
= ===r===== I
~ - -I ~~--

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

~ ~ ~ ~ ::~ : : : : ~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~I_~!~_~O~O~~~~~
---------------- ----- -- --.-----------
,-.... - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - T - - - - - r- - - - - -.- - - - -
~ 10- 1 _ _ _ _ _1= _ _ _ _ ::'_ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _:f

_- =:

i:: : =: =::~ : ==:


"0 : ==: : : '_ : : : : - : : : : : :' : : : : I : :: ~ : : : : - ::::

a ----------------
- - - - - ,- - - - -, - -
---- - -- ---- ----
(c) ~
10- 2

1O-4 ll
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Figure 12.14 Three-level cascaded inverter with centered PD modulation:
(a) Experimental switched voltages and filtered load current,
(b) experimental 1-1 harmonic spectra, and (c) simulated /-1
harmonic spectra for centered SVM, M = 0.9, lei10 = 42 [4].
552 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

Line Voltage

-375 V ~-~-~~t----!.III!ppr.=----It-----lI-----l-....&!III~--t----i
(a) 225 V J---J--~~~+---+---+--~nnn-~:-+----+----+-~

Phase Voltage
-225 V ~~~_+--_+---LU~.LU..l..!..~_+-_+---.u.~~~--t
8A .--t-~itWir--j--I"-t----:i~~r-----:;i::::=::::===iiI

Load Current J---IdJ--+---~~+--+.4I---+----Ro:---f

-8 A ~:::::Jt:=::::::j==:=:j:==:::::f~======::::::==::S==::::x:::=~
o 10 50
10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:,,:,:..::.:':':.::J:':':':':'':::' -~ - - - :- .; - : - l=- :-::: .- :::. =-= .=.= ~- -= -=:: -= -= -l:: -=
- -. --- - - -1- - - -- - -- - 1 -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - ,- - - - - -- --1- - - - - - - 1 - -
- - - - - - -1- - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r -- - - --- -,- - - --- - - -. ---
-r- - - - --- - - - - --- - r- --- - - - ,-- - --- - - -, --
- - - - - - -1- -- - - - - --
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ __ _ J __ _ _ _ __ _ _ '- , .1 __
d ______ I '.l
I ' '
LI"J I .lI __

___ :_:~::=:~:~l:= :::
______ =C- :===~=:=====~==-
~ ~ L ~ ~ __

a -------1-------,------
I '
_ .__ .1 _ --I _ _ _
---orIL -----,----
-1_ _ _

1 I I ' I
I ' IL I __ , __
(b) 00
_ _ _ _ _ -l

-====~======= ==
~ _ _ _ _ _ _

= c~ ==~==

~ --------- -- --~==
-~- --- -4=======:===- = ~==--~:3~~~~~ ~~-
- -I - - - - - - - ,
- -. - -- - - - r - - - - -
1 I
- - -- - - - "1-- - - -- - - - -f--
10-4~_ ........ 1

I ........__'

o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Harmonic Frequency(Hz)

---------------------------- ----------
.-... - - - - - 1- - - - - -, - - - - - ., - - - - - ,. - - - - - r - - - - - ,- - - - -
1_ _, L 1_

- - - - - - - - - - :, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
=1 =. :i: t: .=
- - - - - - ,: - - - -
"'0 ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : ::: ::: ::: :': ::: : ::: : J : ::: ::: : ::: I, ::: ::: : : : c : : : : : ': : : : : : :
I - - - - - ,- - - - -

- - - - - ,- - - - - -,- - - - - f - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - - - -
., - - - - -
(c) ,_ _I I _

-- -- - '-
- - .=,= - - - -
~ - - - - -:~ - - - - ~: - - - - - ~-
----- ---- - - I
::: : r;
(J I

- -I H "Ilt-It-'-I.-t
I -

5 10- 3 :::: ,

~ lIJ


10-4 1
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number
Figure 12.15 Seven-level cascaded inverter with centered PD modulation:
(a) Experimental switched voltages and filtered load current,
(b) experimental I-I harmonic spectra, and (c) simulated I-I
harmonic spectra for centered SVM, M= 0.9, fe/fo = 42 [4].
Summary 553

Line Voltage

-300 V
(a) 150 V

Phase Voltage
-150 V r----+-tfit~

5 A .--r--~lDiiII---t---t--.-~m----r-r=====::===l:iII

Load Current t-------iIM'---+--.~_+_- I:.:.:-_+--~__I

- 5 A 1!!!:::=jt::::::=::j===:i==~!!:::======:===:!5I:===t::==t
o 10 20Time (ms)30 50
100 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- - - - - - ., - - - -
- - 1 - - -
- -, ----- I ---
-= -~== --~~t==
r- - -
- - - - 1" - - - - - - -
--- r
- - - - ., - - - -
-1 - -
I -
- ----- ------,
______________ J ----- - - rL --~-
.J. 1 _1 _ L _1_ J
-: -::1= .J 1: _ t: ~ _ ::1= _ .J
- - - - 1 - - T - t- - -1- -- - 1
_ _ : _ _ I L
:: __ I :[:::::-~--::-::]--
-,_ _ _ .J __

-- - - --- - - --- --1- - - + - -- I - - - - - - -:- - - - -1- -

------~-------~- - ~
- -- - ----~--
' I


- ~_ - - _1- _ __

- -
+= - -
-===:=:~- t

=:l =
- -- --
- -t --- -~-

f= I - --
------ r-
- --1

--- --,

10- 4 O---.a.-.....:---a..--....---------~

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Harmonic Frequency (Hz)
100 b?==-::=-=:::=__====:=====-::~:=__=~==_~======cJ
~ ~ ~ ~ ~!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I ~- ~- ~- ~- 1_- ~TH~~~O:
.- - - - - -
470/0~ i
- - - - - 1- - - - - -. - - - - - -. - - - - - 1- - - - -

- - - - -.- - - - - -, - - - - - -, - - - - - T - - - - - r- - - - - -.- - - - -
d _____ 1
I 1
I _ _ _ _
cL ==:: = ='= ===:: =1 =:: == ::. ===:
- - - -
- - - - - ,- - - - - -, - - -
- 1- - - : : =: .:;: :==:
== =:= ;:z :====: - - : : :: :.:
-I -
=,::: :: :: :=
- -
-, - - - - - T - - - - - .- - - - - - ,- - - - -
- :.:

"'C:S - - - - -.- - - - - -,- - - =, - - - =1: =====,= = == =1= =- -


- - - - - 1- - - - - -1-
- ,

-.., -

- - - - - r - - -

- ,- -

(c) eo - - - - - 1- _
'- -
~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ =- I -

10- 3

t[ ~
10-4 1
J 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Harmonic Number
Figure 12.16 Three-level cascaded inverter with 30 DPWM3 0

discontinuous SVM: (a) Experimental switched voltages

and filtered load current, (b) experimental I-I harmonic
spectra, and (c) simulated I-I harmonic spectra, M = 0.9,
fe/fo == 42 [4].
554 Space Vector PWM for Multilevel Converters

[1] R. Joetten and C. Kehl, "A fast space-vector control for a three-level voltage
source inverter," in Conf Rec. European Power Electronics Conf (EPE), Flo-
rence, 1991, pp. 2:070-2:075.
[2] N. Celanovic and D. Boroyevich, "A fast space vector modulation algorithm for
multilevel three-phase converters," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol.
37, no. 2,2001,pp. 637-641.
[3] D. Peng, F.C. Lee, and D. Boroyevich, "A novel SVM algorithm for multilevel
three-phase converters," in Conf. Rec. IEEE 33rd Annual Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Cairns, 2002, vol. 2, pp. 509-513.
[4] B.P. McGrath, D.G Holmes, and T.A. Lipo, "Optimized space vector switching
sequences for multilevel inverters," in Conf Rec. IEEE Applied Power Elec-
tronics Con! and Exposition (APEC), Vancouver, 2001, pp. 1123-1129.
[5] 1. Seo, C. Choi and D. Hyun, "A new simplified space-vector PWM method for
three-level inverters," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 16, July 2001,
pp. 545-550.
[6] S. Fukuda and Y. Iwaji, "A single-chip microprocessor-based PWM technique
for sinusoidal inverters," in Conf. Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society
Annual Mtg., Pittsburgh, 1988, pp. 921-926.
Implementation of a Modulation
This text has concentrated on the theoretical processes of pulse width modula-
tion, exploring various alternative ways of controlling the switched state of
power electronic converter phase legs and comparing their relative advantages
and disadvantages. The understanding that comes from this analysis is impor-
tant, since the first step in building a power electronic conversion system is to
know in principle how the power electronic switches should be controlled to
achieve a desired performance outcome. However, it is then equally important
to build a physical system that will achieve this desired switching performance
as closely as is possible within the constraints of the switching device charac-
teristics. In other words, there is limited value in knowing the theoretical har-
monic performance of an asymmetrical regular sampled modulation scheme if
the hardware implementation switches incorrectly or (even worse) makes
switching errors because noise or other interference is injected into the control

This chapter provides an outline of the structure and major component sec-
tions of power electronic conversion systems and their associated controllers.
The material presented is not intended to be definitive - this would be impos-
sible given the rapid advances in technology that have occurred over the last
few years, and the material would be out of date almost before it was published
anyway. Instead, the approach taken is to discuss the major functional areas of
these systems, considering the practical issues and decisions that must be con-
sidered irrespective of the particular final solution adopted, and illustrating
these issues by presenting examples taken from the systems that were used to
generate the experimental results presented in this text. It is interesting to
reflect that despite technological advances in electronics, the same issues asso-
ciated with the physical implementation of these types of systems arise again
and again, and the same style of technical solutions continue to be used.

556 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

13.1 Overview of a Power Electronic Conversion

The operation of most pulse width modulated power electronic conversion sys-
tems can be considered at a number of levels. First, there is the primary control
objective - what is the prime purpose of the conversion system? The outcome
of this process will usually be a command to produce an AC voltage of partic-
ular magnitude and frequency to supply to the load. Second, the PWM switch-
ing algorithm must be selected, with modulation strategy and switching
frequency determined to suit the converter and the application. This algorithm
in tum must be implemented on an appropriate hardware/software platform,
which produces logic level outputs as commands to tum particular inverter
switches ON and OFF. And lastly, these outputs are translated by hardware into
actual gate control signals which control the primary electronic switches in the
converter system power stage. In addition, there are a number of secondary
processes that must be managed and supported by an inverter controller if the
overall system is to work properly and effectively.
There are many different types of power electronic conversion systems,
and each has its own primary control objective. For example, the primary role
of a simple AC induction motor variable speed drive system is to produce a
variable voltage, variable frequency three-phase AC voltage, where the fre-
quency is set to make the motor operate at the speed required by the load with
a matching voltage based (most likely) on a constant V/f characteristic. Sec-
ondary objectives are often then added to these systems, such as controlled
speed ramp rates, frequency jumps to avoid resonances, and speed feedback
control for higher performance applications. However, irrespective of how
complex and sophisticated the higher level control algorithm becomes, its end
result will be to command a modulation system to supply a particular AC volt-
age and frequency to the motor at a particular point in time.
More sophisticated motor drive systems use field-orientated control strate-
gies with inner current loop regulation to achieve improved motor control,
flux control, slip control, or one of the many alternatives that have been devel-
oped over the years. But again, irrespective of the approach taken, the end
result from the primary control system will most often be a commanded AC
voltage of particular magnitude and frequency that must be matched by the
modulation system through its hardware implementation and (eventually) the
physical converter system.
Elements of a PWM Converter System 557

Other types of systems may have different primary objectives. An uninter-

ruptible power supply is typically required to produce an output voltage with a
fixed magnitude and frequency to supply a widely varying load; a grid-con-
nected rectifier must draw a sinusoidal AC current from the supply with a mag-
nitude and phase angle appropriate to meet the real power demands of its load;
and an active filter system will typically be required to inject low-order har-
monic currents of varying magnitude, frequency, and phase, depending on the
filter objective. Once again, for all of these systems, the eventual outcome of
the control algorithm will be to command some type of modulation system to
generate a particular AC voltage and frequency output from the converter sys-
tem at any particular point in time.
It is noted in passing that these concepts are not completely appropriate for
inverter systems that are controlled by hysteresis regulation. Hysteresis control
strategies directly command the switches of the power electronic converter in
response to a measured current error, and there is often no clear separation
between a higher level control strategy and a lower level modulation control
process. However, since modulation using hysteresis concepts is outside the
scope of this book, this issue will not be pursued further.
The choice of a particular modulation strategy depends on a number of
issues such as power levels, selection of switching devices, particular load
requirements, and the capability of the hardware controller that is to be used.
Many of these issues have been explored in previous chapters of this book and
need not be discussed further here. The focus in this chapter is to consider the
physical implementation of the switching processes used by the modulation
system and the higher level control algorithms.

13.2 Elements of a PWM Converter System

Figure 13.1 shows the general structure of a shunt injection active filter sys-
tem, comprising a three-phase VSI coupled into an AC grid system through
series inductances and an optional coupling transformer. Figure 13.2 presents a
more detailed view of this system, showing the internal hardware arrangements
of the physical implementation. Figure 13.3 shows details of an alternative
converter system, being a photovoltaic (PV) generation system supplying
power backinto an AC grid system. While these two systems obviously have
quite a different functionality, it is equally clear that they have a very similar


IGBT Inverter

CB ..


, I nrTl~
, r I c:.CT

I Ha
I Hb
I La
Active Filter
1- _ j

Figure 13.1 Block diagram of an active filter converter system.

r- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Source


Power EMI
Supply Filter

LCD/Key - __ __ __
Active Filter __ _I __ *
Start / Status: Mains Load
Serial Port Stop Ready Power
Run (Neons)
Vl Figure 13.2 Detailed arrangement of active filter converter system.

PV Array
PV Array Grid Connection System Diagram
Keypad LCD MiniBus

+~ t~ t- Power Supply: Re~l8ted - +12 V.

Unregulated - +24 V. +18 V. -18 V. +15 V

4 Conditioned rrent Inputs

Transducer & Power Supply Board
Board Voltage Meas urement Current Measurement
t----- 3 Phase -lineline Input: +1-750 A
Input: +1-750 V AC peak Output: +1-10 V 1"'<
r---- Output: +110 V (from burden resis tor)
.....---- DC
--DC A .... Vnlt.. " .....
DCIDC Input: 0-900 V
Converter Output: 0-10 V

[ 15vu'"llul.ll Ii Ii I I""
~;: I '1 MiniBus lDGet.O,;_

DC ASSEMBL Y i 1ft\.
~---- ~ II f'~
11111.1-~I _ DClDC
: I' : i '
48-96 V->
1-~ -~.....---.-H:....MII'~I, . . .,--+-,.,..,-~ I
:I I \.A.I
600-800 V
. . . ..
M easuring ....-.- '-.. ._..__._._. -.i
& DC Bus Ch8rge Up
--- Controle, Board ContBctDrs ON/OFF & Contaetor Status COl'}taA:>r


Figure 13.3 Detailed arrangement of grid-connected PV generation system.

Elements of a PWM Converter System 561

physical structure both for the power stage and for the controller hardware.
This is often the case with power electronic conversion systems - the same
building blocks are used in different combinations to make up different types
of systems. It is also illuminating to observe that as the level of detail
increases, the relative size on the drawings of the main converter section
reduces accordingly.
Figure 13.4 shows the power stage and controller arrangement for a dual
converter series/shunt active filter compensation system. While this system has
quite a different function compared to the previous two examples, once again it
uses the same building blocks of VSls and associated DSP-based controllers.
From these examples, a number of common building blocks can be identi-
fied as being part of most power electronic conversion systems, viz:
VSI Power Stagers). The center of any conversion system is the
arrangement of the main semiconductor switches to provide the pri-
mary inverter structure.
Gate Driver Interface. This circuitry translates the logical requirement
to change the state of an inverter switch, into the physical voltage/cur-
rent gate signals that are required to control the actual semiconductor
switching device.
Auxiliary Logic Power Supply. An essential part of all conversion sys-
tem implementations is the auxiliary logic power supply, which powers
the control system for the inverter.
Input and Output (I/O) Conditioning Circuitry. All power electronic
control systems require' certain input and output signals to operate.
These signals must be scaled and conditioned from their external volt-
age and current levels to match the electronic control system I/O levels.
PWM Controller Implementation. This is the hardware/software struc-
ture that executes the control algorithm to convert a reference com-
mand into a series of logical signals that define the state of the main
power inverter switches. The algorithm can be open or closed loop.
Ancillary Functions. Most converters have a number of ancillary func-
tions that must be provided by the controller implementation. Examples
of these functions include remote serial port communications, speed
and position encoder support, and provision of power supplies to ener-
gise external field equipment.
0\ Series Coupling
N Bypass Contactor
Voltage Soft Charge Current VOltage
Measurement Contactors Current Measurement Measurement
Vr ~ / VL

Vdc Series Protection

Shunt Series Clamping /Bypass
Cdc VSI Hardware

I pA F

Figure 13.4 General arrangement of series/shunt active filter converter system.

Elements of a PWM Converter System 563

13.2.1 VSI Power Conversion Stage

The basic arrangement of the semiconductor switches for a VSI was estab-
lished in Chapter 1 and consists of two or three-phase legs (for a single-phase
or three-phase inverter as appropriate) connected in parallel across a high-volt-
age DC bus. Each phase leg is made up of two power devices connected in
series, with diodes paralleled across each device to conduct the reverse current.
These diodes may be intrinsic, as is the case for field-effect transistor (FET)
devices, packaged with the main switch, as is done for IGBT and similar
devices, or sometimes even separately mounted. Figures 1.5, 1.6 and 1.8 in
Chapter 1 illustrate different variations of the conventional VSI topology.

At the practical level, the construction of the power stage of a VSI is usu-
ally straightforward but does require some care with the physical layout. The
switching devices must be mounted on an appropriate heatsink to suit the pack-
age, and this heatsink must be designed to dissipate the losses caused by both
the conduction and the switching processes. Most device manufacturers supply
comprehensive application notes to assist in the calculation of these losses, and
the reader is referred to these for further information.

One of the major challenges with designing the power stage of an inverter
is to minimize the electromagnetic interference (EMI) that can be produced by
the high dv/dt and di/dt transitions that occur during each switch transition.
Figure 13.5 illustrates this issue, by showing the path of the load current during
a switching transition of phase leg a as switch S I turns off and the diode of
switch S2 picks up the load current. The important circuit parameters that con-
trol this current transfer are L d l and L d2 , the parasitic inductances between the
DC bus and the upper and lower devices, and L c' the parasitic inductance
between the DC bus and the main DC bus capacitor Cdc' Note that the source
and load inductances have been assumed (as is usual) to be large enough that
their currents remain unchanged during the entire switching transition period.

The switching transition commences when S 1 is turned off and ceases to

conduct. As SI turns off, its forward voltage increases to 2 Vdc' at which point
the diode of 82 becomes forward biased and attempts to take over conducting
the load current. However, this current transition requires that the load current
ceases to flow through the upper parasitic inductance Ld1 and starts flowing
through the lower parasitic inductance Ldl , and this will not happen instantly.
Hence the forward voltage will continue to rise until the current transition
occurs, creating overvoltage stress across S I and an increased EMI hazard.
564 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

---'/----+---- -,
{ Ldl t



L : Ld2 LdJ +' Phase

-v s: Leg a Legb
~ /

---'/---~---- -,
; Ld1 t




4 I
~ Leg a
+' ~~
Leg b

:Phase - Phase

; Leg a Leg b
" -- - ------ -- /

Figure 13.5 Switching sequence for single-phase VSI (a) before

switching, (b) during a phase transition from +Vdc to -Vdc'
and (c) switching complete.
Elements of a PWM Converter System 565

The usual solution to minimize this problem is to install high-frequency

capacitors Chfacross the phase leg switches. These capacitors provide a short-
term path for the transitioning load current as shown in Figure 13.5(b), and this
minimizes the voltage overshoot.
A further issue can be caused by the parasitic inductance of the main DC
bus capacitor, L c. It can be seen from Figures 13.5(a) and 13.5(c) that the cur-
rent through the DC bus capacitor reverses as phase leg a changes state. This
current reversal also cannot happen too quickly because of L c and hence will
add to the potential for voltage overshoot as phase leg a changes state. The
high-frequency capacitors Chfshown in Figure 13.5 mitigate this effect as well.
It is important, however, to design the physical arrangement of the inverter
phase legs to minimize the parasitic inductances between the switching devices
and the high-frequency capacitors. Otherwise their benefit is reduced. The
usual practice is to mount the high-frequency capacitors as close to the switch-
ing device as is physically possible, and to use particular types of capacitors
(such as film capacitors) that have a small internal inductance.
It should be noted that for higher power inverters, other parasitic induc-
tances and capacitances associated with each phase leg circuit may need to be
considered as well. Sometimes, for example, snubbing circuits must be
installed directly across each phase leg output to adequately control the dv/dt
and di/dt transitions that can occur. Consideration of these issues is beyond the
scope of this book and will not be pursued. However, the interested reader is
referred to the wealth of references relating to snubbing of power inverter cir-
cuits that have been published over the last few decades.

13.2.2 Gate Driver Interface

The gate driver circuitry converts the logical command to change the state of
an inverter semiconductor switch, into the particular voltages and currents that
are required to make the switch change state. To tum on IGBTs and FETs, an
initial burst of current must be injected into the gate (up to several amps for
larger power devices), and then a holding voltage is required to keep the device
ON. For tum off, a similar burst of opposite polarity current is required to dis-
charge the gate capacitance, and then a zero or (preferably) negative holding
voltage is required to keep the device OFF. It is also important that the gate
drive circuit that provides this supply presents a low output impedance to the
switch gate, to ensure that Miller capacitance feedback during high dv/dt con-
ditions across the switch does not cause accidental switch state transitions [1].
566 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

There are two main issues to be considered with gate driver systems. First,
the circuitry for each switching device needs a local power supply, to supply
the gate switching current. For the low-side devices, while it is possible to use
the same power supply as the main controller, it is usually preferable to pro-
vide a separate isolated power supply to avoid cross-coupling interference
back into the main controller system. For higher power systems, it is also usu-
ally better to provide separate individual power supplies for each low-side gate
driver. This avoids problems caused by circulating currents flowing through a
common source connection between the switching devices. For the high-side
driver, two alternatives are common - a bootstrap circuit that creates a high-
side driver supply from the low-side driver supply [2], or separate isolated
power supplies for each individual high-side switch in the power stage. Figure
13.6 shows these alternative arrangements. For lower power systems, it is also
possible to directly couple the gate drive signal through a pulse transformer,
and this can sometimes avoid the need to provide a separate power supply for
the gate drive circuitry.
Second, the logic signal that defines the state of the inverter switch must be
coupled into the gate driver circuit. For the low-side switch, this signal can
either be directly coupled or coupled through a isolation system. Almost
invariably, it is preferable to couple through an isolation system to avoid inter-

+Vdc ------~..--- +Vdc - - - - - - - - - - . - -

Gate Power
Supply #1

Gate Power Gate Power

Supply Supply #2

-Vdc - - - - - - - - - -Vdc - - - - - - - - - - ' - -

(a) (b)

Figure 13.6 Alternative high side gate driver power supplies: (a) high
side supply bootstrapped from low side and (b) separate
isolated power supply for each switch.
Elements of a PWM Converter System 567

ference from the high di/dt and dv/dt conditions that are associated with a
switching transition propagating back into the main controller system and
causing misbehavior of the controller logic. For the high-side switch, some
form of isolation (or at least decoupling) is essential, since the source reference
for this switch toggles approximately 2 Vdc as the switch state changes, and this
level of voltage change would swamp the gate drive voltage if it is not pro-
tected. The common strategies to achieve this isolation are optical interfacing
using high-speed opto-couplers [3], fiber-optic transmission, or magnetic cou-
pling using small pulse transformers [4].

Irrespective of the approach used, it is most important that the high-side

gate drive circuitry is isolated from the main controller logic circuits across a
wide frequency spectrum, because of the extremely high dv/dt that is
impressed on the source reference voltage of this device as it changes state.
Hence both the gate voltage supply and the control signal isolation must have a
very large high-frequency common mode voltage rejection ratio, which in tum
implies a very small coupling capacitance across any optical couplers or trans-
formers that are used. Typical ratings should be in excess of 5000 V/fJ.s for
optical couplers, and interwinding capacitances of only a few picofarads for
coupling transformers, to avoid interference problems.

13.2.3 Controller Power Supply

All inverter control systems require auxiliary logic supplies to energize the dig-
ital control logic, the analog interface circuitry, and the gate driver circuits and
to provide a field power supply for external transducers, switches, and the like.
These supplies can be derived from a simple AC transformer and rectifier/reg-
ulator if an AC supply is available or more commonly from a switched mode
power supply (SMPS) that is designed to operate directly from the main DC
bus of the inverter. A SMPS also has the advantage of being able to generate
multiple isolated supplies for very little additional cost.

The typical power supply requirements for an inverter controller would be

a +5 V supply for the digital logic, 15 V for the analog circuitry, + 15 V for a
gate driver supply, and +24 V to provide an external-use field power supply.
One of the most common topologies used is a flyback converter system, which
has the particular advantage that it can be easily arranged to produce multiple
output voltages with a minimum of additional components.
568 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

All of these supplies should be isolated from each other to avoid ground
loops and unexpected interference problems. In addition, the external field
supply may need output protection so that a fault in the external circuits does
not cause the main SMPS supply to shut down. It is usually unacceptable for
the main inverter controller to cease to function because of a fault in the exter-
nal field wiring.
Finally, the gate supply usually needs special consideration, since up to six
separate supplies can be required to power a fully isolated gate driver system
for a standard VSI, and they must all have low coupling capacitances back to
the main logic system to avoid EMI problems because of dv/dt. Often, a more
effective solution is to include small separate SMPSs for each gate drive cir-
cuit, driven from one common supply generated by the main SMPS.

13.2.4 I/O Conditioning Circuitry

The analog and digital inputs and outputs associated with an inverter controller
have a wide variety of voltage and current ranges. Analog inputs can span from
up to 1000 V to measure a DC bus voltage or the peak of an AC input voltage
and down to 100 mV to measure the voltage across a current shunt. Analog
outputs usually span a lesser range but can still be required to supply many tens
of milliamps at voltages in excess of 20 V peak. Digital inputs can range from
the clean contact of a relay (typically using the field voltage supply as a pull
up) to a high-voltage AC status input voltage; digital outputs can take the form
of anything from a 5 V semiconductor logic level output, to energizing an AC
mains-driven coil of a main contactor.
All of these signals require conditioning to convert between the low-power,
low-voltage levels of the converter controller inputs and outputs and the physi-
cal incoming and outgoing field signals. Such circuitry is usually straightfor-
ward in principle, but it must be carefully designed and constructed to work
correctly in the harsh electrical environment of a power electronic converter.
Good grounding practices, low-pass filtering and bypassing, and careful con-
sideration of component ratings are essential to create robust I/O circuitry that
reliably interfaces to the central controller logic.
Modem converter controllers often also include a serial communication
interface to "talk" to other control systems. It is important that this interface is
appropriately isolated, to protect system operators and other equipment, and to
avoid interference problems occurring between the communicating systems.
Elements of a PWM Converter System 569

13.2.5 PWM Controller

The PWM controller translates a commanded reference value into a set of logic
pulse trains that define the status of each phase leg of the inverter, using either
a closed- or open-loop control strategy. The controller can be analog or digital
circuitry, software or hardware, and each implementation variation has particu-
lar advantages and disadvantages-. However, in general the most common
arrangement is a digital controller based around a microcontroller or a digital
signal processor (DSP), since this gives the greatest flexibility and potential to
implement the more sophisticated PWM algorithms discussed in this book. In
addition, the controller usually incorporates a number of additional functions
that are required to make a complete inverter system, such as inverter protec-
tion functions, operator interface, field transducer control signals, and so on.
Figure 13.7 shows the general arrangement of the features that are often
included in a typical inverter controller. Figure 13.8 shows a more detailed
arrangement describing the Low Power Inverter (LPI) controller that was used
to generate many of the experimental results presented in this book. This con-
troller is based around a TMS320F240 DSP [5] that has been specifically
designed to control a three-phase VSI. The controller includes all associated
circuitry on the one printed circuit board and is able to directly measure incom-
ing electrical quantities, perform all calculations required to determine the
switching instants of each phase leg, and output a pulse train that defines the
switching instants of the phase legs.
Specifically, the LPI controller includes
DSP chip and associated memory and logic glue chips required for the
processor to execute programs in a stand-alone mode.
Eight isolated gate drivers based around Hewlett-Packard's HCPL-316J
gate driver integrated circuit (K'). This IC integrates a high-speed opto
coupler with a gate driver circuit to provide an isolated single-chip
interface between the logical command to control an inverter switch,
and the gate terminals of the IGSTs. Each gate drive subsystem is pow-
ered by a separate power supply fed through a high-frequency trans-
former and rectifier.
Ten analog input circuits to measure AC input voltages and currents,
DC bus voltage, temperature, and two user inputs. These circuits pro-
vide all conditioning necessary to reduce high input voltages to a 0-5 V
570 Implementation of a Modulation Controller




Figure 13.7 General arrangement ofVSI controller board.

range, or to directly connect to Hall effect DC current transducers or

AC current transformers, so that the signals can then be fed directly
into the analog-to-digital converters that are incorporated into the DSP.
Three output and two input fully isolated digital circuits, that can be
used to control relays, measure the status of switches, etc.
Fully isolated RS-232/RS-485 multidrop interface to allow communi-
cation with an operator terminal or higher level control system.
Power Supply Analogs (10) (2 x Vac,2 x lac, 1 X Vdc, 1 x Temp, 2 x Pot, 2 x 10 V) ,
I Fail
300 -750 V DC Gain & Offset Reset
or Buffers
I 240 - 440 V AC
Input .-- ---::...-_---:.~+~-_ "I Wait state Gen I ~
I I~ ~I~
Flyback Converter TMS320F240
I with DSP Chip
Transformer Isolation
I Q9.
I rt

I ~~
I <:
.....,J Figure 13.8 Detailed arrangement of LPI controller board for a VSI [6].
572 Implementationof a Modulation Controller

High-frequency switched mode power supply to provide all required

logic and analog supplies directly from the DC bus of the main inverter.
Ancillary functions such as a position encoder interface, current limited
+24 V field supply, display light emitting diodes (LEDs), option selec-
tion switches, and a serial read-only memory to store fixed controller

These types of facilities are typical of what would be expected in a modem

VSI controller, although, of course, other systems will have detail variations
depending on their specific requirements.

13.3 Hardware Implementation of the PWM Process

The role of a PWM controller is to generate a train of logic pulses that indicate
the desired state of the phase leg(s) of an inverter. These pulses then feed
through the gate driver interface to control the switches of the inverter. The
pulses can be generated either by hardware or software, and both approaches
have advantages and disadvantages.

13.3.1 Analog versus Digital Implementation

The most straightforward type of analog PWM controller implementation sim-
ply uses a linear comparator to compare a sinusoidal fundamental reference
waveform against a triangular carrier, with the comparator output directly
defining the inverter phase leg status. Each phase leg of an inverter requires a
separate comparator system. However, while it is simple, this approach has a
number of disadvantages. First, it can be difficult to accurately generate the
sinusoidal reference waveforms and the triangular carrier using just analog cir-
cuitry. This can be a particular problem for a three-phase inverter system,
where three sinusoidal reference waveforms are required with varying magni-
tude and frequency that are accurately scaled and phase shifted 120 from
each other. Second, it is challenging to implement the more complex PWM
strategies, such as discontinuous modulation. These strategies use segments of
sinusoidal reference waveforms that again can be difficult to generate using
analog circuitry. Next, the issues of overmodulation, shutdown, startup, and
other nonlinear regions of operation need to be considered. Once again design-
ing analog circuits to operate in these regions can be difficult. And finally, ana-
Hardware Implementation of the PWM Process 573

log circuits have repeatability and long-term reliability issues to consider

because of component tolerance and aging variations. Nevertheless, for a sim-
ple PWM controller system, analog circuitry does have its place, although in
most cases it is usual to still incorporate a low-cost digital microcontroller into
the system to provide background control and support functions.

Not unexpectedly, for these reasons most modem inverter controllers now
prefer to use fully digital systems to implement the PWM algorithms. Digital
controllers use a digital clock system to determine when an inverter phase leg
should switch, and they offer greatly improved reliability and repeatability.
They are also more flexible and can handle exceptional operating conditions
much more readily than analog systems. However, digital controllers can have
switching frequency limitations, depending on the type of digital system
implementation. Also, digital controllers almost invariably must implement a
sampled modulation strategy, since they operate by incrementing or decre-
menting a digital counting system to a preset time-out interval, and this time-
out interval must be set by the controlling microprocessor some time before the
half carrier interval within which the actual switch transition occurs.
Early approaches for digital PWM controllers used off-the-shelf micro-
computers, with the modulation process implemented in software [5]. The
approach used was to set up digital timer(s) to create software interrupt(s)
when an inverter switch state change was required, with the interrupt software
service program then generating the logic status signals that define the new
switching state of the inverter. While many variations of this strategy have
been developed, the approach in principle has substantial performance limita-
tions since it requires a software response to the timer interrupt to output the
changed status of the inverter switches. Inevitably this causes delays and
uncertainty as to when the inverter state change actually occurs, because of
both interrupt latency and the normal software overheads of interrupt process-
ing. In addition, it becomes more and more difficult to precisely define the
switching performance of this type of system when multiple phase legs are
controlled, the switching transition points of the phase legs cross over in time
as the fundamental output voltages vary, and/or the timer interrupt delays begin
to run into each other within the microcontroller. These issues also become
more intractable at higher switching frequencies, as the relatively fixed inter-
rupt response delay of a microcomputer of several microseconds becomes a
more significant fraction of the PWM carrier period.
574 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

To overcome these limitations, and as levels of digital logic integration

have increased, the more modem approach is to implement the PWM timing
process in a dedicated digital logic subsystem, with the inverter switch status
directly defined by outputs from this subsystem. The digital logic can either be
integrated with the microcontroller to create a single-chip solution or con-
structed in a separate gate array logic chip that is then interfaced to the micro-
computer. In either case, the system operates by calculating the PWM timing
intervals in software and loading these periods into the dedicated hardware
timers during the preceding (half) carrier interval. The timers then count down
to determine the specific switching point during the (half) carrier interval with-
out further software intervention.

13.3.2 Digital Timer Logic Structures

The first imperative for any digital logic PWM implementation is to decide the
level of accuracy that is required. Early work [7] has determined that an 8-bit
timer system can provide sufficient accuracy for most purposes, since such
systems can switch to at least 0.5% resolution (I in 256) over the (halt) carrier
interval. For a converter switching frequency of say 10kHz (which translates
to a half carrier period of 50 us), an 8-bit timer will require a clock frequency
of about 5 MHz (which is typical for older lower performance microproces-
sors) to fully use the available counter range. However, with modem micro-
controllers operating at clock speeds of up to 40 MHz, at least a 10-bit timer is
now becoming commonplace, since at this level of resolution it is virtually
guaranteed that switching accuracy will not be a significant concern for any
type of modulation strategy that may be implemented.
Once the resolution level has been decided, the PWM logic subsystem can
be developed. Two approaches in principle are presented below to illustrate
how digital logic can be used to implement the PWM process. However, they
are by no means definitive, and it is beyond the scope of this book to attempt a
more complete presentation of the various alternatives that are possible.

One approach is to allocate individual timers to each phase leg of the

inverter, and to count down these timers from a common system clock. Each
timer is set to its time-out value at the start of each (half) carrier period, and
triggers a state change for its phase leg when it reaches zero. For sawtooth
modulation, the phase legs are switched high at the start of each carrier interval
(there is no concept of a "half' carrier interval for sawtooth modulation), and
switch low during the timing period as each timer times out. For double-sided
Hardware Implementation of the PWM Process 575

triangular carrier PWM, some additional logic is required, since the countdown
value in the second half carrier interval is ~T/2 minus the countdown value of
the first half carrier period. Either the value loaded into the preset register of
the timer must be varied to suit the particular half carrier interval that is in
progress or perhaps two timer registers could be used, each loaded with the
appropriate timer value for their particular half carrier cycle. Neither alterna-
tive is particularly satisfactory and usually also creates some extra software
overhead. Furthermore, additional logic is required (typically a flip flop and
some "glue" logic) to toggle the polarity of the phase leg transition at each
timer count-to-zero event. Other complications with separate timer systems
include the need to keep the timers precisely synchronized, initialization
issues, and the need for additional logic to lock the timer outputs so that the
phase legs can be clamped to the upper or the lower DC rails for extended peri-
ods, if discontinuous modulation strategies are to be used.

An alternative approach, now more commonly used, is to link a single

timer system to a set of comparison registers that trigger an event when the
timer count matches the comparison register contents. The comparison regis-
ters are "double buffered" with shadow registers that can be loaded at any time,
and the contents of the shadow registers are transferred to the main comparison
registers at the start of each half carrier interval. Each comparison register con-
trols one phase leg, usually with some associated output logic so that the com-
parison event can force the phase leg status HIGH, LOW, TOGGLED, or OFF
(both switches OFF). Sawtooth or triangular carrier modulation can be easily
implemented with this system, either by loading the comparison registers with
new values every half carrier interval as before, or more easily by arranging the
timer to count "up" and then "down" over successive half carrier intervals, and
toggling the logical output from the comparison register as the timer count
passes the compare register value "upwards" and "downwards". This approach
also has the advantage that the timer compare values calculated by the PWM
algorithm no longer need to be subtracted from ~T/2 for the second half carrier
interval, which can be a substantial advantage at higher switching frequencies.
Figure 13.9 shows the arrangement of the event manager (EV) subsystem for
the TMS320F240 DSP manufactured by Texas Instruments, which uses this
type of structure. The TMS320F240 has a particularly flexible arrangement,
since it provides three general-purpose 16-bit timers and twelve compare regis-
ters, with differing levels of logic on the outputs of each of the compare regis-
ters to allow alternative responses to a timer comparison event.
576 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

DSP core
Data bus ADDRbus RESET INT2,3&4

.............- - TMRCLKlTMRDIR
....._ _iiiiiliiiiii.......iliililr-----tl~ADC start

16....- - - -..I----I~ TIPWM/TICMP

16...- ....- -..


....- ...PWMJICMPI
6 Output


16 ....- - - -.. T3PWM/T3CMP

16....- ....- -.. To control logic



Figure 13.9 TMS320F240 event manager (EV) block diagram [8].

Another variation of this common timer system is to use a continuous 16-

bit timer which rolls over every 2 J6 counts [9]. This-system provides eight 16-
bit comparison registers which are loaded from the controlling software into a
content-addressable memory (CAM) file. All eight CAM file entries are com-
Hardware Implementation of the PWM Process 577

pared against the continuous timer every eight processor clock cycles, and if a
match occurs the output event determined by the 8-bit command byte associ-
ated with the CAM file entry is triggered. Programmable events include setting
or toggling a high-speed output, initiating an analog input conversion (ADC)
cycle or simply generating a software interrupt. Figure 13.10 shows the general
structure of this system. The arrangement has the advantage that the CAM file
registers can be loaded at any time (provided, of course, they are loaded before
the switching time has passed!). Hence there is potential to reduce the compu-
tational delay by loading the registers as close to their event trigger time as
possible. However, the approach also has the cost that the PWM calculation
software has to determine each phase leg switching time as an absolute time,
not a relative time within a carrier interval, and this introduces additional com-
plexity since a rolling time offset must be added to the phase leg switching
time calculated from the PWM algorithm.

A further complication with a digital modulation system is how to manage

dead time - the delay that is required between turning OFF one switch of a
phase leg and turning ON the other switch, to avoid the potentially damaging
situation of shoot through, which occurs if both switches are momentarily


Figure 13.10 Intel 8XC196KC/KD high-speed output (HSO) module

block diagram [9].
578 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

turned on together and hence short circuit the DC bus. One approach to man-
age this hazard is for the controlling software to add delays to the computed
switching intervals to guarantee that the outgoing switch of a phase leg turns
off before the incoming switch turns on. However, this adds to the software
burden and requires that the two switches of each phase leg are controlled by
separate counter comparison events. The alternative (and preferable) approach
is to include additional timer logic after the main timer comparison system, to
stagger the switching of the outgoing and incoming devices of each phase leg
to ensure they cannot conduct together even momentarily. This approach can
be seen on the outputs of the three "full compare" circuits in Figure 13.9.

The TMS320F240 DSP timer system also includes one additional variation
to particularly support the implementation of space vector modulation. It can
be recalled from Chapter 6 that SV modulation only requires the calculation of
two time intervals, one for each of the two active space vectors. When this
strategy is to be implemented with the TMS320F240 DSP, the full compare
registers of the EV subsystem are used to time-out the active space vector peri-
ods. Additional logic is then inserted after each compare register output to map
the compare event to the particular set of converter device status conditions
that produce the required space vector. The supporting DSP software is
required to update these mapping patterns as the sextant of the modulation pro-
cess changes.

References [10] to [12] discuss other variations of these types of systems

which also have integrated timers and logic systems with high-performance
microcontrollers to create single-chip PWM solutions. At the time of writing
this book, the authors are unaware of any single-chip product that provides a
floating-point DSP alternative to support the controlling software. Hence, if a
floating-point processor is required with hardware timer PWM support, this
support would currently need to be implemented in a separate programmable
gate array logic IC. This does not change the principles of the PWM logic
described above, but it would require the user to program the logic themselves,
with all the attendant concerns of checking and verification that this involves.
Obviously, of course, the approach of using a separate discrete logic imple-
mentation does provide the advantage of being able to match the PWM logic
specifically to suit the needs of an individual converter system, and this may be
an overriding reason to use this approach. However, most floating-point DSPs
currently available also do not incorporate an integrated ADC system, and
PWM Software Implementation 579

hence this subsystem would have to be separately included into the digital con-
troller circuitry. This would make a "single major chip" controller design
become a "three major chip" controller design, with a substantial rise in cost as
a consequence. However, such issues will not be discussed further since they
are design implementation considerations and outside the scope of this book.

13.4 PWM Software Implementation

Implementing a PWM algorithm in a digital processing system requires time-
critical software that can calculate values to be loaded into the digital PWM
timers every (half) carrier cycle. Until recently, it has been almost mandatory
that this software was written in the machine code (assembly language) of the
processor to be used, to achieve a program that could execute sufficiently
quickly to maintain reasonable switching frequencies. Even then, many imple-
mentations could only revise the timer variables once every full carrier cycle
because of processor speed limitations, which of course corresponds to sym-
metrical regular sampled PWM. (The limitations of this PWM approach have
been discussed in detail in the earlier chapters of this book and it is clear that
asymmetrical regular sampled PWM is to be preferred.)

With the advent of fast digital signal processors, and also the development
of optimized versions of the C programming language, the limitation of writing
PWM programs in machine code have now been removed. Modern compilers
can produce an optimized compiled version of a C program that will execute
with minimal overhead compared to a hand-crafted machine code equivalent,
and with much less programming effort. C language implementations for
microcontrollers also include library functions to directly access the hardware
peripherals, and most can include in-line assembly code to optimize those pro-
cedures that really need to be tuned for speed. Also, the much faster execution
speed of DSPs means that timer updates every half carrier cycle are now quite
feasible for switching frequencies beyond even 20 kHz (this implies the timer
variables must be updated every 25 us).

It is not intended here to attempt to present specific "smart" strategies to

program really fast PWM software systems, particularly since the ways to opti-
mize software are very processor specific and the field is always advancing.
However, there are general principles of a software PWM system that will usu-
ally work well, and these are what will now be considered.
580 Implementation of a Modulation Controller

13.4.1 Background Software

Most time-critical software systems are designed with a concept ofjoreground
and background software. Foreground software is triggered by external inter-
rupt events (timers, serial communications, switch transitions, etc.) and over-
rides the normal background program execution to execute the time-critical
system response. Smaller computer systems, appropriate for applications such
as a PWM controller, will typically execute one background program, with
several interrupt-driven programs able to execute over the top of this program
when their triggering event occurs. More complex systems may support multi-
ple background programs, with their execution scheduled by a central real-time
operating system (RTOS), but this is not important in the context of the PWM
software system and need not be considered further here.

The role of the background software of the PWM system is to determine

the essential parameters of the PWM process. For example, for an open-loop
constant V/f AC motor drive, the essential parameters are the target voltage
magnitude and frequency that the inverter is required to create. For a closed-
loop variable speed system, the target objective is the plant speed, and within
that the demanded current if the system uses an inner current regulation system
within the speed ,loop. The essential parameters required from this system is a
demanded voltage phasor at any particular point in time. The execution of
these procedures is the role of the background software.

Often, some parts of the background software may need to be executed

within an interrupt routine. For example, for a closed-loop drive system, it is
important that the proportional and integral feedback gain calculations are
done at precise regular intervals to maintain stability, and this can only be
achieved properly within a timer-interrupted software service routine. For con-
venience, and if there is sufficient processor speed capacity, these calculations
can be executed within the PWM timer update routine at the converter switch-
ing frequency. Alternatively, they may be executed in fragments over several
PWM cycles, or in various other ways at different levels of software priority
and using other timers. In the context of this discussion, these details are unim-
portant - all of these variations are still considered as background software
execution. All that is required is an eventual outcome that defines the operation
of the PWM process sufficiently for the main foreground interrupt software to
calculate timer values for the hardware digital timers at every half carrier inter-
val and to load them into the comparison registers at ~T/2 intervals.
PWM Software Implementation 581

13.4.2 Calculation of the PWM Timing Intervals

With a regular sampled PWM system, it is critical that the reference waveform
be sampled and held constant over each half carrier cycle. For a digital PWM
implementation, this means that the digital timer values must only be updated
at the triangular carrier waveform extremes (while this waveform is only "vir-
tual" in a digital PWM system, it is still useful to retain the concept of a trian-
gular carrier waveform in terms of sampling issues). This can be achieved by
triggeringa software interruptfrom the PWMtimer systemas the main counter
reaches its upper limit and zero (assuming an up/down counter implementation
as discussed in Section 13.3.2). The interrupt routine then has the following
half carrier interval to calculate the next timer values and to load them into the
timer shadow registers ready for the next half carrier cycle after that. This does
mean of course that the software is always running a half carrier delay behind
the time where the calculated timer values are put into effect, so that a sam-
pling delay adjustment of 3~T/4 is now required rather than ~T/4 as discussed
in Section 3.6. Usually, this is not particularly problematic except for possible
stability concerns in very high-speed closed-loop systems(such considerations
are beyond the scope of this text), and an appropriate phase advance can sim-
ply be added to the reference waveform.
Each PWM timer calculation essentially involves determining a fractional
timing period using a reference sinusoid of the form given in Eq. (3.11), with
the sinusoid angular argument frozen at the carrier extreme (sampling) instant
plus an appropriate phase advance correction to allow for sampling delay. The
typical calculationprocess would be

Timeri,k+l = (~2~ .MCOS(9o(k)+Oadvance)+~4T (13.1)

where 9 0(k) is the phasor angle of the target sinusoid at the /(th carrier extreme
occurrence and 8advance is defined by
3JiT 1
8advance = 4T where To = r (13.2)
o 10

The calculation of the sinusoid can be readily achieved using a software

look-up table, with perhaps 1024 points providing sufficient resolution for
most applications. The variables 0o(k) and 8advance should be directly calcu-
lated as scaled quantities so that they can be used immediately as index point-
ers to this look-up table, and the use of a binary multiple table size allows a
582 Implementationof a ModulationController

quick and easy wrap around calculation using a simple logical AND function.
Note also that it is not necessary to store multiple sinusoidal look-up tables for
multiple phase leg calculations - it is more efficient to store say two cycles of
sinusoids in the table (2048 entries), and to add 21t/3 offsets to Badvance (scaled
appropriately to become a direct index pointer) to calculate the other phase leg
angular indexes. Third-harmonic, space vector, and discontinuous modulation
strategies can also be easily implemented using this approach by varying the
contents of the look-up table to reflect the particular phase leg reference wave-
form that is required (as presented in Chapters 5 and 6).

Once the sinusoid has been determined, the actual timer value can be calcu-
lated by multiplying it by ~T/2 M and adding AT/4 to make it always posi-
tive. This requires a separate multiply and addition process for each phase leg,
but all modem microcontrollers, and particular modem DSPs, have high-speed
multiply functions included in their instruction set, so the time penalty is mini-
mal. Note also that the modulation index M can be prescaled by ~T/2 as it is
varied by the background software, to reduce interrupt software overhead.

In summary, each PWM calculation cycle involves one table look-up, one
multiply and one addition for each phase leg to determine the value to be
loaded into its timer comparison register, once the target phasor angle and
modulation index are known. In practice there is usually a little more software
overhead required to check for saturation (number values less than 0 or
exceeding J1T/2), and to correctly manage issues such as dead time, pulse drop-
ping correction, etc., but this overhead is typically small. As an example, the
overall PWM calculation time for a three-phase inverter using a TMS320F240
DSP is substantially less than 20 us, including all overheads, and with almost
all of the interrupt software routine programmed in C. This is typical of the
performance that can be achieved using a modem DSP controller.

One final issue does need a little more discussion - the calculation of the
phasor reference angle So(k). In general with a digital PWM system, the ratios
between the fundamental frequency, and switching frequency and the sinusoi-
dal look-up table resolution will not be integer. The fundamental frequency can
be an arbitrary value, the switching frequency will be a fixed submultiple of
the microcontroller clock, and the sinusoid table size will be governed by
memory constraints.
PWM Software Implementation 583

One obvious means to maintain the phasor angle of the target reference
voltage is to add an increment to 8 0(k) at every PWM calculation cycle, so


~T ~Tl
~8 = Table length. -j,0 = Table length. - - (13.4)
0 2 2 ~

and "Table length" is the length of one fundamental cycle in the sinusoidal
look-up table. A further refinement is to include ()advance into the initial value
of 80(0), so that it does not have to be added at each PWM calculation cycle.

The limitation with this approach is that for fixed word length systems, the
resolution ofEq. (13.4) is inadequate, and hence the output frequency resolu-
tion will be too coarse to be useful. The straightforward solution to this prob-
lem is to calculate 80 (k) at a much higher level of accuracy, say using a 16-bit
variable instead of the 10 bits that are required to look up values in a 1024-ele-
ment sinusoid table. The variable 0o(k) can then be right shifted down 6 bits
just before it is used as a table index pointer (with appropriate rounding com-
pensation). This approach adds minimal additional software overhead.

With this level of resolution, each increment of 8 o(k) represents an angu-

lar shift of 360/65536 = 0.005493. For a switching frequency of say 5 kHz (10
kHz half carrier update rate), this would mean a minimum fundamental output
frequency resolution of(10000 x 0.005493)/360 = 0.153 Hz, which is suf-
ficient for many applications. If this is inadequate, an even finer frequency res-
olution can be achieved by updating 8o(k) using dithered angular increments
of 8o(k) over several half carrier PWM intervals, so that the overall angular
shift every n interrupt cycles equates to the required angular shift to achieve
the desired fundamental frequency (note that the n cycles need not constitute a
complete fundamental period). The dithered angular increments can be stored
in another cyclic look-up table which is accessed sequentially as the PWM
timer interrupts proceed, to minimize software overhead. The dither table
would be updated by the background software whenever a fundamental fre-
quency change is commanded.
584 Implementationof a ModulationController

13.5 Summary
This chapter has presented an overview of the approaches that can be used to
build a PWM power electronic conversion system in practice. It has reviewed
the physical hardware that is required and has considered the ways in which
the modulation process can be implemented in either hardware (analog) or
software (digital). The material presented in this chapter is intended to be a
"snapshot" of the state of the art at the time of writing, and no doubt newer
technologies will soon emerge that will offer better ways to implement the con-
cepts presented. However, it is anticipated that at least the same functional
objectives will need to be achieved, irrespective of the technology that is used.

[1] Microchip," 1.5A Dual High-Speed Power MOSFET Drivers TSC44261
TSC4427/TSC4428," Data Sheet No. TSC4426/7/8-8, 1996.
[2] International Rectifier, "IR2110/IR2113 High Side and Low Side Drive," Data
Sheet No. PD60147-L.
[3] Hewlett-Packard, "2.0A Gate Drive Optocoupler with Integrated (VeE) Desatu-
ration Detection and Fault Status Feedback," HCPL-316J Technical Data
Sheet, 1999.
[4] IXYS Corporation, "ISOSMART Half-Bridge Driver Chipset," Data Sheet
IXBD44 I0, 2000.
[5] S.R. Bowes and MJ. Mount, "Microprocessor control ofPWM inverters," lEE
Proceedings (London), vol. 128, Pt. B, no. 6., Nov. 1981, pp. 293-305.
[6] Creative Power Technologies Pty. Ltd. ( "MU-
DSP240-LPI Inverter Controller Card," Technical Manual, Rev2.3, Mar. 2001.
[7] D.A. Grant, M. Stevens, and J.A. Houldsworth, "The effect of word length on
the harmonic content of microprocessor-based PWM waveform generators,"
IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. IA-21, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 1985, pp.
[8] Texas Instruments Corp., "TMS320F40 Digital Signal Processor," Data
Sheet, 1996 and rev2002.
[9] Intel Corp., "8XCI96KC/8XC196KD User's Manual," Order Number:
[10] Analog Devices Inc., "ADSP-2106x SHARCTM DSP Microcomputer Family,"
Data Shee, 2000.
[11] Motorola, "DSP56F80I 16-bit Digital Signal Processor," Data Sheet No.
DSP56F801/0, Rev7.0 1/2002.
[12] Infimum Technologies, "CI64CI/SI C164Cl/SL 16-bit Single Chip Microcon-
troller," Data Sheet rev2.0, May 2001.
Continuing Developments in
This text has primarily focused on the development ofPWM algorithms for the
purpose of reducing losses in inductive, primarily motor-type, loads. The con-
cept of weighted total harmonic distortion has been developed as a figure of
merit to assess losses in these types of loads for various modulation algorithms.
However, the loss issue is only one of a number of important concerns associ-
ated with inverters driving motor loads. Other concerns involve, for example,
the degree of torque "smoothness" or "ripple torque" which can also be quanti-
fied by a suitable performance factor [1]. The PWM-induced current ripple
produces rotating magneto-motive force (MMF) waves rotating in the forward
and backward directions which interact with the main, fundamental component
MMF wave to produce ripple torques. Fortunately, these torques are generally
not of concern with modem PWM algorithms except during overmodulation in
which the odd non-triplen multiples of the fundamental component begin to
appear. The reader is referred to the extensive bibliography at the end of this
book for a treatment of this issue.

The subject of converter modulation continues to evolve in many direc-

tions. For example, as a result of increasing concern for source side waveform
purity, PWM has more recently been applied to control of the input side con-
verter (rectifier) which has special requirements. Also, practical effects such as
delays in the turn-on of semiconductor switches have received recent attention.
This effect can result in baseband harmonics of the fundamental inverter output
component, which must be eliminated (or at least minimized) to avoid intro-
ducing unwanted side effects such as torque ripple at low speed. Certain other
types of modulation have also appeared which cannot be strictly categorized
by their waveform. This chapter concludes this book with a selection of such
ongoing practical issues.
586 Continuing Developmentsin Modulation

14.1 Random Pulse Width Modulation

Generally, ovennodulation begins to occur at frequencies of 50 Hz or more, so
that the fifth, seventh, etc. harmonics at this point exist at frequencies which do
not present a danger of producing a mechanical resonance. However, this same
current ripple, in tum, produces a ripple in the rotating flux wave in the
machine which exerts forces in the radial direction, proportional to the square
of the flux density, causing the frame to resonate at the sideband harmonic fre-
quencies produced by the PWM algorithm. When one of the spectral lines of
the PWM algorithm coincides with the resonant frequency of one of the motor
structural parts, cooling fins, fan 'blades, housings, etc., the resulting noise can
become very objectionable. It is desirable then to spread out the frequency
spectrum of the harmonic voltage in such a manner as to eliminate or minimize
the presence of specific spectral lines associated with mechanical resonance.
While any PWM scheme with acoustic noise reduction must produce a
spectrum without energy concentration at discrete frequencies, the switching
frequency should be limited to a spectral range where substantial additional
load harmonic losses do not occur. In addition, the linear transfer function
associated with the fundamental input/output characteristic of the inverter
should be retained. Not unexpectedly, either sine-triangle modulation or space
vector modulation can be modified to achieve random modulation.
One approach to spread the PWM spectral energy is to randomly vary the
period of the triangular carrier, as shown in Figure 14.1. However, in order to
maintain the linearity of the modulation process, it is still necessary for the car-
rier wave to have straight line segments, i.e., it must remain triangular within
each half carrier period. Similarly, as in the case of fixed-frequency modula-
tion, it is assumed that the instantaneous carrier frequency Ie is always much
larger than the command frequency, 10 Hence the PWM duty cycle remains
proportional to the value of the reference over anyone period of the carrier so
that linearity is maintained. The instantaneous value of the carrier frequency
between any two time segments can then be written as

1 + ~I"
I" -
Jc - t _ t -- I"
J cO Yc (14.1)
k+] k

where the change in the frequency of any given segment is given by

Random Pulse Width Modulation 587


I HI ----i

o t-+-------+-.,-+---~f-----_+_T__+__-----__+__+__' I r-4--+"--


Figure 14.1 Generation of random PWM waveform using trianglar

carrier-wave of random periodicity.

where feD is the average value of the period and n( t) is a random variable
between -1 and + 1. The maximum frequency fe, max is set by switching lim-
itations of the PWM inverter [2].
Figure 14.2 shows one method for implementing a random carrier PWM
regulator [3]. In this approach the band-limited random noise is generated
using a look-up table whose contents have been generated oftline. A table
which contains 1024 elements with an 8-bit value is used to determine the
deviation from the center frequency. The width of the band is selected to be
1000 Hz, around a nominal switching frequency of 2500 Hz. The elements
are randomly mixed and stored in an EPROM. A linear weight table of the ran-
dom modulation scheme is shown as an example since it is easy to generate
and all values are uniformly weighted. The weight function is shown in Figure
14.3(a) and the randomly modulated look-up table is shown in Figure 14.3(b).
The frequency data is first converted to analog data and then is scaled to repre-
sent the change in the carrier slope by
Sm =: 4~fe (14.3)
The corresponding voltage spectrum is shown in Figure 14.4. A relatively
smooth spectrum without the presence of discrete spectral lines is in evidence.
However, some peaking at the sideband of twice the nominal PWM switching
frequency remains (2 x 2500 =: 5000 Hz). In addition peaking also occurs near
588 Continuing Developments in Modulation

Data Address


To Sine/Triangle

Average Slope

Figure 14.2 Block diagram illustrating one possible implementation of

random carrier where noise is generated digitally and stored
in a look-up table.

u 1000
~:I: 500
1-4 c:=
(a) ~ 0 0
bO ....
c:= 1U
:E C -500
.~ ~
~ -1000
rn 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Array Number
'-' 1000
~ u
..... c:= 500
~ Q)
(b) ~ ~ 0
~bO -500
o.c .5
.B -1000
o~ 400
0 200 600 800 1000
Counter Value

Figure 14.3 (a) Linear distribution of frequency values over 1024 points
and (b) random elements in the EPROM table. (Courtesy of
F. Blaabjerg [4].)
Random Pulse Width Modulation 589



. ,. ,. . .

..... \

. . . .

80 J ~_ J ~ I
t t
60 ............

~ I ,

~ ~ ~ ~

40 ,.J J : J,

0 234 5 6
Frequency (kHz)
Figure 14.4 Voltage spectra corresponding to linear distribution of
PWM frequencies in Figure 14.3. The center frequency is
2.5 kHz and the frequency band is lOOO kHz. (Courtesy of
F. Blaabjerg [4].)

frequencies corresponding to the nominal frequency plus/minus the maximum

random switching frequency (1500 and 3500 Hz). It has been shown [4] that
these (relatively modest) spectral peaks can be subdued by distributing half of
the points as a linear distribution and half in a hyperbolic distribution (i.e., lin-
ear distribution with respect to the carrier wave period rather than frequency)
as shown in Figure 14.5(a). In this case the distribution is well smoothed,
shown in Figure 14.5(b).

Another distribution one might expect to be beneficial is a Gaussian distri-

bution where the lower switching frequencies are somewhat reduced from the
linear case and the higher switching frequencies are increased. This should
serve to reduce the frequency-dependent load losses. However, the increased
emphasis of the higher frequencies simply accentuates the spectral peaking
near the maximum switching frequency, as shown in Figures 14.5(c) and

While it is possible to control the distribution of the voltage, it should be

mentioned that when supplying an electrical machine, one or more mechanical
resonances can be triggered which would then dominate the noise spectra.
These mechanical resonances are readily found by using the linear/hyperbolic
distribution of frequencies which excite the machine with a nearly uniform
590 Continuing Developmentsin Modulation


. .. .. _ .. ..
.. . .
, 120 ............................... .

>'100 .. .. ... .

-._ ~ _ , " I

, . . .. ..
.... .

~ 80

, tI . . .. _ I. _

~ ~ ~

~ 60 .. " , . .
. , ." " . .

. . . .
~ 40 ......:
__ 1

: :
. . ..
-1000 " - - _ o L - - ...-...-
o --a.-_~ __ L . . - . - _ _ ' _ _ ~

o 200 400 600 800 1000 o 2 3 4 5 6

Element Number Frequency (kHz)

g IOOO.---......--------~ 140 ...-----r---.---...----,,.--

... .. ... ..
, ..
120 ."
......-: ..
~N I , ,
. ,
g-~ 500
- - -, -
- - ,- -
- T -
,- 100 .:. .. .. ,_. ~

~.~ 0
I , G 80 ~... ,. ,. ~... ~. ~..
.1 ", tI

~ I

~ 60 ..... .:
- - -, - - - ,- - - I - - - - - -
.. . . .
......: :........ . .
.~ ::>-500 - -
I , I

- - -'-

5 : .
--- .. ..
- - ~
I , I
- ~ 40 III

I , I I I 20
-1000 a..- . a - - _ . . & . - _ . . & - _......._ . . A I
o 200 400 600 800 1000 0 2 345 6
Element Number Frequency (kHz)

Figure 14.5 Two different look-up table distributions: (a),(b) linear/

hyperbolic distribution and (c),(d) Gaussian distribution.
(Courtesy ofF. Blaabjerg [4].)

spectrum from feD - ~fe to feo + ~fe' By omitting frequency spans around the
resonant frequencies, the acoustical noise peaks can be minimized. The intelli-
gent frequency spans can be realized by first generating a general random
loop-up table and then excluding the unwanted frequencies in the EPROM
table. Another method is to omit the unwanted spans when calculating the ran-
dom look-up table, thus omitting the unwanted numbers which lead to reso-
nances [4].

14.2 PWM Rectifier with Voltage Unbalance

It should be evident that all of the theory developed up to this point is equally
valid for rectification as well as for inversion, since the power flow through the
basic three-leg converter is bidirectional. However, in the vast majority of
cases the inverter load is balanced, that is, the impedances seen by the three
inverter phases are identical. Such a balanced load is typically a three-phase
induction, synchronous, or permanent magnet motor. On the other hand, for a
rectifier the input AC source voltages are frequently unbalanced, particularly
PWM Rectifier with Voltage Unbalance 591

in a weak grid system. Unevenly distributed single-phase loads or nonsymmet-

rical transformer windings as well as faults in the network can typically lead to
an unbalanced supply. This possibility of unbalanced source voltages further
complicates the issue of converter modulation.

Consider a set of general three-phase voltages of unequal amplitude and

arbitrary phase. Assuming that the zero sequence voltage is zero, one can write
the input as the three-element vector



Vag = Vag cos ( Ole t + ~a) (14.5)

Vbg = Vbgcos( Ole t + <Pb) (14.6)
vcg = Vcgcos( roet + <Pc) (14.7)
and g denotes the ground point of the supply. From Euler's equation the volt-
age of phase ag can be written alternatively as the sum of two complex expo-
nentials, as

V -
ag -
2 Vag e
j(ro t+~ )
e a+Ve
-j(ro t+~
e a
)J (14.8)

Similar equations are readily written for the other two phases.
If the phase of the exponential term is combined with the voltage ampli-
tude, then one can define phasor magnitudes as

Vag == V ej~a (14.9)


- t -j+
Vag == Vage a (14.10)
where t denotes the conjugate of a complex number. The equation for vag can
now be written as

I- jro t 1- t -jro t
Vag = 2Vage e + 2Vage e (14.11)

Similar expressions can be written for vbg and vcg'

592 Continuing Developments in Modulation

Substituting these voltage expressions into the defining equation for the
grid input voltage space vector, Eq. (1.57), gives
- 2 - -2
vi = 3(vag+aVbg+a Veg)
1 - -- -2 - jt I 1 - -- -2 - t -jro I
= 3(Vag+aVbg+ a Veg)e e+3(Vag+aVbg+a Veg) e e
1 - -- - 2- j co t I - t -- t - 2- t -j<0 t
= 3(Vag+aVbg+a Veg)e e+ Vag +aVbg +a Veg)e e
The two quantities in the parentheses form the positive and negative sequence
voltage components, from symmetrical component theory. The positive
1 [- -- -2- jt IJ
Yap = 3Re (Vag+aVbg+a Veg)e e (14.13)

Substituting from Eq. (14.9) (and equivalentexpressions for Vbg and Veg) this
expressioncan be written as

Vap = -Re
3 ag g
j~ .[~
27tJ + V e'
1 [( V e a+ Vb e 1 b + "'3
.[+e + 41t . t]
"'3J) e1<Oe (14.14)

Takingthe real part of the bracketedexpression, Eq. (14.14) becomes

Vag cos( OOe t + p a) + VbgCOS( OOi + Pb + ~1t)

Yap =
- (14.15)
+ VCgCOS( OOe t + Pc + ~)


Vag cos( OOet + P a + ~1t) + Vbgcos(00/ + Pb)

vbp = 3 (14.16)
+ VCgCOS( 00/ + jlc + 2

Vep =
I Vag cos( OOi + P a + 2
3 3
1t) + Vbgcos( OOe t + Pb + 2
1t) (14.17)
+ Vegcos(met + <l>e)
PWM Rectifier with Voltage Unbalance 593

When written as a vector, Eqs. (14.15) to (14.17) become

1 Vag cos( wet + cl>a + 4 + VbgCOS( 00/ + cl>b)

Note that the voltage vbp(roet) can be considered as simply as
vap(Olet - 21t/3), and similarly vcp(roet) = vap(roet - 41t/3). Thus the three
positive voltage components form a balanced three-phase set.
In a similar manner the voltage vector representing the negative sequence
components is

1 VagCOS( wet + cl>a + 2 + Vbgcos( wet + cl>b)

VagCOS( wi + cl>a + ~1t) + Vbgcos( 00/ + cl>b + ~1t)

+ VcgCOS( roet + ~c)

The three negative sequence voltages again form a balanced three-phase set
but with reverse rotation. Thus, the unbalanced input voltage vector in Eq.
(14.4) can always be decomposed into two balanced components as
594 Continuing Developmentsin Modulation

From Eq. (1.13) it was shown that the DC link current is related to the AC
input currents by
1(.lama +.lbrnb +.Ierne )
I de -- 2 (1421)

where ma , mb' and me represent the modulation switching functions. When the
currents are balanced and sinusoidal as a result of suitable switching functions,
then the average value of the link current Ide is a constant. In a similar manner,
it can be supposed that when the AC voltage components are balanced and
sinusoidal, then the link DC voltage Vde would be constant [5]. In effect,


where Vag' Vbg' veg are now considered as voltages defined at each converter
phase leg with respect to ground reference. In vector form,
2Vde = m i Vi (14.23)
where T denotes the transpose of the vector mi.
Since Eq. (14.20) demonstrates that any unbalanced voltage is comprised
of two balanced sequence components, a suitable modulation vector can be
assumed for each sequence that will result in a constant DC link voltage.
Hence Eq. (14.23) becomes
2 Vde = (m ip + min) (Vip + v i n) (14.24)
Expanding Eq. (14.24) gives
2 Vde = mipv ip + minv in + mipv in + minv ip (14.25)
Assuming proper modulation, the first two right-hand terms produce the
desired constant DC link voltage while the second two terms can be shown to
produce second harmonics at the line frequency Ie. The proper forms for the
modulation vectors are not difficult to devise. If the three positive sequence
voltages are, for example, defined from Eq. (14.18) by the set of sine waves
vap = Vmpcos(O)et+~p) (14.26)

vbp = VmpCOS( roet + cj)p + 2 7t) (14.27)


PWM Rectifier with Voltage Unbalance 595

then the switching functions of the same form, namely

map == cos( roet + <Pp + <p mp) (14.29)

mhp == cos( roet + ~p + 21t/3 + ~mp) (14.30)

mcp == cos( roet + ~p + 41(/3 + <p mp ) (14.31)

will produce the constant result

T 3
mipv ip == 2Vmpcos(~mp) (14.32)

Similarly, choosing


results in the DC voltage

T 3 Vmn ~
minv in == - 2 V-cos('Vmn) (14.34)

and the last two terms in Eq. (14.25) become

v ip ( roet + <Pmp)v i n v in ( roet + ~mn)vip
Vmp Vmp
However, if one sets
and notes that


the unwanted terms can be made to cancel. The output voltage in Eq. (14.25)
then becomes

2 2
Vip - v in
V cos~mp

596 Continuing Developments in Modulation

Therefore the modulation function needed to produce a constant DC link volt-

age for any unbalanced condition is


subject to the constraint ofEq. (14.36).

Upon substituting Eqs. (14.18) and (14.19) into (14.39), the proper modu-
lation function expressed as an explicit function of time becomes

VbgCOS( roi + cl>b + ~) + VCgCOS(roet + cl>c - ~

mj(roi) = 3 ~mp VCgCOS( roi + cl>c + !El + Vag cos( roet + cl>a -
~ (14.40)

Assuming half-wave symmetry, Eq. (14.40) can also be written as

VCgCOS(roet + cl>c - ~) - VbgCOS( roi + cl>b - ~

mj(roi) = 3 ~mp Vag cos( roet + cl>c - ~)-VCgcos(roi + cl>c - ~ (14.41)

Vbgcos(roi + cl>a - ~)-VagCos(roi + cl>b - ~

It can be noted that Eq. (14.41) involves only the amplitude of the positive
sequence voltage which can be readily measured with a filter. Since the ampli-
tude of the modulation signal can be adjusted via regulation of the DC link
voltage, it is generally not necessary to measure the positive sequence voltage
at all. The three voltages simply represent three line-to-line voltages. Equation
(14.41) can be used to develop the control block diagram of Figure 14.6.
In general, it is possible to keep ~mp at zero to achieve unity power factor
operation at the AC terminals of the bridge for the positive sequence if the rec-
tifier is a buck-type converter. However, if the converter is the more common
boost type, the angle ~mp = ~mn must be increased to achieve voltage boost.
The angles <P mp and <P mn now correspond to the phase shifts on the input side
of the boost inductor.
PWM Rectifier with Voltage Unbalance 597



Figure 14.6 Modulator with unbalance correction, <t>mp = 4>mn assumed.

The maximum DC link voltage that can be achieved decreases as the

unbalance increases. It is useful to define an unbalance factor
U = - (14.42)

in which case Eq. (14.38) becomes

3 2
2Vdc = 2Vmp(1- U) (14.43)

The maximum DC link voltage plotted as a function of the unbalance factor is

shown in Figure 14.7 [5].



4 Vdc 0.6
3 Vmp 0.4

0'-----4--~ ...I.- ......._ 1oo._ooi.....

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 14.7 Normalized DC link voltage Vdc as a function of unbalance

factor in percent.
598 Continuing Developments in Modulation

14.3 Common Mode Elimination

This book has primarily been devoted to the calculation of harmonics resulting
from the pulse width modulation processes. Solutions for these harmonics have
generally been expressed in terms of the line-to-line voltages. These solutions
form what is termed the differential mode since they express the relative volt-
age difference between two points of the load. However, voltages inevitably
also build up across the entire load with respect to Earth ground. This compo-
nent of voltage, neglected up to this point, is termed the common mode voltage
(Vcom). When the load is a motor, the common mode voltage enables voltages
to build up through electrostatic coupling between the rotor and stator frame,
resulting in current flow through the motor bearings when this shaft voltage
exceeds the dielectric capability of the bearing grease. It has been determined
that such shaft currents may cause premature motor bearing failures. In addi-
tion, the common mode voltage causes current through the stator winding insu-
lation to the grounded frame, resulting in false tripping of ground current
relays and contributing to deterioration of the ground insulation.
The common mode produced by a multilevel inverter can be nearly elimi-
nated by selecting only the specific PWM states that result in no common
mode voltage [6]. It is useful to consider, for example, the case of a three-level
inverter as shown in Figure 14.8. One can recall that the numeric 2 denotes that
a particular phase is connected to Vde' 0 denotes connected to - Vde' and 1
denotes connected to the link midpoint or 0 volts. The common mode repre-
sents the average value of the three load-phase voltages with respect to Earth
ground. While the Earth ground is not explicitly expressed in the vector states,


002 102 202

Figure 14.8 (a) All possible voltage vectors that can be realized with a
three-level inverter.
Common Mode Elimination 599

the voltage of the bus center point with respect to Earth ground is constant, and
can be defined as Vzg ' where zg denotes the voltage at the DC bus midpoint z
with respect to Earth ground g. For example, if it is assumed that a voltage vec-
tor is to be synthesized within triangle A of Figure 14.8, then for state 200
Vcom = 3[(Vdc + Vzg ) + (- Vdc + Vzg ) + (- Vdc + Vzg ) ]

= --+V
3 zg
r: (14.44)

Similarly for state 210

Vcom = Vzg (14.45)

for state 211

Vcom = --!!E.
3 + Vzg (14.46)

and for state 100

dc 2V
Vcom =---+v
3 zg

Hence, in the process of synthesizing a voltage within triangle A using the

space vector algorithm, the common mode voltage takes on four distinct values
resulting in a high frequency being impressed with respect to ground during
the modulation process.
It is clear that a constant common mode voltage can be obtained if only
states having the same common mode voltage are selected, Five constant com-
mon mode voltage levels can be identified, corresponding to (2 Vdc/3 + Vzg ) ,
(Vdc/3 + Vzg ) , (Vzg ) , (- Vdc/3 + Vzg ) , and (- 2 Vdc/3 + Vzg ) . The first and
last of these common mode voltages, however, do not produce vector states on
the outer hexagon, preventing the synthesis of phase voltages greater than
Vdc/3. The three remaining possibilities are shown in Figure 14.9. It is appar-
ent that the states producing a common mode voltage of Vzg will achieve the
widest region for synthesis of a voltage vector. Also, this value of common
mode voltage allows the presence of one zero state (i.e., 111) which is impor-
tant for achieving smaller values of output voltage. The usable vector states
produce a hexagon which is the same as the two-level inverter except phase
shifted by 30. It is clear that the modulation process for this reduced set of
space vectors becomes essentially identical to that of a conventional two-level
inverter except for this phase shift.
600 Continuing Developments in Modulation


002 202
(a) (b)



Figure 14.9 Vector states producing a common mode voltage of

(a) - Vdc/3 + Vzg ' (b) Vdc / 3 + Vzg ' and (c) Vzg .

The adoption of a PWM scheme based upon the vectors of Figure 14.9
unfortunately results in a reduced reachable region for sinusoidal modulation
as shown in Figure 14.10 [7]. The maximum value of phase voltage that can be
reached before overmodulation begins is J3/2 Vdc rather than Vdc as occurs
when all states are used. In addition, since none of the states of the inner hexa-
gon are used, the WTHD clearly deteriorates to that of a two-level inverter.

The process of eliminating states can be readily extended to inverters with

an odd number of levels. Figure 14.11 shows the vector states which again pro-
duce a constant common mode voltage of Vzg for a five-level inverter, where it
can be seen that the five-level inverter reduces to the equivalent of a three-level
inverter. Once more the achievable maximum voltage available for continuous
non-overmodulated PWM is reduced by J3/2.
Common Mode Elimination 601


3 c

'- - -1

Figure 14.10 Reduced zero common-mode seven-state hexagon for three-

level inverter, and achievable modulation region for
balanced sinusoidal three-phase voltages.

Inverters with an even number of levels can also be modulated in such a

manner as to achieve a constant common mode voltage. However, the results
are less satisfactory than for odd levels. In general, switching algorithms can
be chosen which will produce a common mode voltage of (kVdc/3 + Vzg )'
k = 0, ... ,9. Many of these possibilities are trivial, since, for example, when
k = 0 or 9, only vectors at the origin are possible, while values of k = 1, 2, 7,
and 8 will only produce vectors in the inner hexagons which prevents the pos-
sibility of applying the full DC link voltage to the load. Figure 14.12 shows the


004 104 204 304

Figure 14.11 Permissible vector states for a five-level inverter that

achieve a constant common mode voltage.
602 Continuing Developments in Modulation

030 130


(a) (b)

Figure 14.12 Permissible vector states for four-level inverter achieving

a constant common mode voltage of (a) (Vdc + Vzg ) and
(b) (4/3 Vdc + Vzg ).

vectors for k = 3 and 4 which will provide common mode voltages of

(Vdc + Vzg ) and (4/3 Vdc + Vzg ) , respectively. While a number of vectors can
be identified for each case, the maximum output voltage for continuous sinuso-
idal modulation is severely restricted. It is readily determined that for k = 3 the
maximum voltage is 3/2 Vdc while for k = 4, the maximum increases to 2 Vdc .
However, this is still poorer in a per unit sense than for the three-level case.
Values of k = 5 and 6 are simply vector rotations of k = 3 and 4 having the same
maximum voltage limitations.
The incompatibility of an inverter with an even number of levels supplying
a load with an odd number of levels (three phase) points to an essential prob-
lem with control of common mode voltage, particularly with respect to the
simple two-level inverter. Since most loads are three phase, common mode
voltages inherently will always exist when a two-level inverter is used. It has
been shown that the problem can be eliminated if the inverter levels and load
phases are both odd. Another possibility, when using a two-level inverter,
would be to implement a load with an even number of phases. This option is
rarely possible for reasons of economy. However, it has been shown that an
extra phase can be synthesized which serves the purpose of a fourth phase for
sustaining the PWM switching harmonics but does not require a fundamental
load component [8]. Thus the switches for this additional phase can be much
smaller in current rating. The circuit concept is shown in Figure 14.13.
Four Phase Leg Inverter Modulation 603

~ LC Filter
Motor Load

Vdc I
+ I
~_ Vdc
Cg - 'I
L _ _ _ _ ..J

Figure 14.13 Four-leg inverter with second-order l.C filter and motor load.

14.4 Four Phase Leg Inverter Modulation

The inverter topology shown in Figure 14.13 can also be used with a fully rated
fourth phase leg for applications such as an unbalanced three-phase star con-
nected load, where a physical neutral point connection is required. In such
applications, the fourth phase leg d should be modulated to follow the common
mode average of the other three phase legs, with a reference waveform defini-
tion given by
( 14.48)
Clearly, where the main phase leg reference waveforms are simple sinusoids,
as defined by Eqs. (5.1), (5.2), and (5.3), phase leg d should be switched to
achieve a zero average, which means a fixed 500/0 duty cycle. For modulation
using more complex phase reference waveforms, such as the third harmonic
injected references defined by Eqs. (5.19), (5.20), and (5.21), the reference
waveform for phase leg d will be defined by


Space vector and the various discontinuous PWM algorithms discussed in

Chapter 6 will each have their own average common mode voltage definitions,
which can be determined by using Eq. (14.48) with the various phase leg refer-
ence waveform definitions given in Table 6.2 for SVM, and Table 6.5 through
to Table 6.10 for discontinuous modulation.
604 ContinuingDevelopments in Modulation

Figure 14.14 shows the l-n output phase spectra (albic phase to d phase)
for the cases of simple sinusoidal and third-harmonic injected primary phase
leg references. In both cases, the spectra are almost exactly the same as for the
primary phase legs alone [Figures 5.4(a) and 5.7(a), respectively], except for a
slight reduction in the carrier harmonic, and the elimination of the baseband
third harmonic for the case of third-harmonic injection. This is only to be
expected since the carrier harmonics of a simple square wave do not have the
same magnitude as the carrier harmonics of a sinusoidally modulated system,
while the baseband third harmonic should be eliminated from the I-n voltage,
since it was injectedas a common mode component in the first place.
Since there are now 16 inverterswitch combinations, the conceptof a space
vector also needs to be extended to suit the four phase leg inverter. However,
becausethe I-I output combinations betweenthe primary three phase legs must
remain unchanged, the only option is to split each active space vector into two
alternatives - one with the fourth phase leg switchedup and the other with the
fourth phase leg switched down. Figure 14.15 shows the creation of these
space vectors in the first sextant region, where it can be seen how SV 2 has
been split into the components SV2L and SV2U to reflect the change of state of
the fourth phase leg during the SV2 interval. Of course, only the largest of the
two active space vectors will split into two at any particularpoint in time, since
the transition of the fourth phase leg will always occur during the longest
active space vector interval becauseof the centeringeffect ofEq. (14.48).
The four phase leg inverter can be represented in a three-dimensional vec-
tor space by applyingan extension of Eq. (1.37), called a Quad transformation
[9], which when scaled for consistency with this text, gives

2 2
o _J3 J3 0
2 2
111 3
2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
Jj Jj Jj _3Jj
2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
where Iz is a fill-in variable that can be discarded when three-phase modula-
tion constraints are imposed (as 10 was discarded for two-level modulation).
FourPhase Leg Inverter Modulation 605

: : : : : : I: : : : - ... : ~ :~
------ --
- ...
-, - - -t-
- - - - - -1- - - - -t-
- - --
=J =[ -,_
--- _, - _, - - - - j - - - - ~ - - - - - ,- --
1 , 1 I ,
- - - - -,- - I - - - - -, - - - - - r - - - - - r - - - - -

____ J _ _ _ _ _ l_ _ __ L _
- - - - - _1- I

- - - - - ,- - - - - -
t: :::::~::::::::
:: : :: :: :: :: ': : :: :: : : :
- - - - - -1 - - - - - t--

=_ --=J--=_=
======,- ===- = , _ _ _ J _ _ _ tr ===1= ===__
- - '- - -
- - - - _I _ _ _ - I ~

-- -- ,
I I , I I
r- -- ,----
- - - -,- - - - I

(a) ______ 1
, __
l _

: : : : : : 1- : - : : I -- ===,==== =
- ---- -- - - - - -1 - - - -
- - t- - -
- = J =- - - [ -
_ _ _ _ _'_ - - I _
- =I
_,- ===
- -
- - - - - 1 _ 1 __ --j
, -- ~ -
--,- -
I I 1
- - - -,- - - - 1 -- r - -
I I 1
,_ I _ _ J l -- ,-
:: ,: - -
- - --
- - - - - -I: - - -
- ---
- I - -
- -
- ::j - - - ~ -
_ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ 1 _ __j__ _

:-- -

_ _ _ _' - - 1 _ 1 ~ _
I ,

I0- 4 l.I..--_--'----'~L.I.Ioo_................,,_..I._'_........~..a....A. .......I I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
__________________ _ ~J L _

:: :: :: :: :: ::,- :: :: :: :: - -I:: :: - :: - - ~ :: - - - - - t :: :::.::: ::

- - - - - - 1- - - - -I - - - ... - - - - t-- - 1- - -

==-==-1:- ==- 1 =- ==J- _ -1_ = =- I':: = = =

- - - - - - '_ - - I _ _ _ 1__ _ ,_ -- ------
1 1 1 I I
- - - - -1- - -I - -, - - - r- ---1--- -
1 I 1 I ,
______ ,_ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ __ J l _ _ L _ _ __

: : : : : : '::: : : s:
- - - - - - 1- - - - - -
=:: .: ~ : :: :: :: - : ~ ::
- - - -i - - - - t- -
- - - t- - -
- - - - - -1- - - I
=- =_ J _=: : [= = - =1= _: - =
_J _ _~ _ ____ I
- - - - _I
__ 1
, I I ,
-- - 1- - - I - --,-- - - r - r - -
I I ,
__ J _
(b) - - - - - _I
::=::::=- 1- :: - :: -:: I
I _
::- - :: :: - - -
- '- - -
- --- -- -- - 1- -
---1- - _:: ... ::-
- - - - - ,- , I
J =- = I

- - - - - -,-
I - , 1
r --
1 -

,_ _ _ I __ J l - - I _
- - - - - -I:: :: t-::
- :- I :- -::j ~
- - ---- -- -- - ...
- - - - - -, -
- - - - - -1- 1 - t--
-- _J r
J u,
10- 4 u.-._....J.a-I.-J~~....................~........ ""'-l.I...................,I",L",.&"..........-I.I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Harmonic Number
Figure 14.14 Theoretical phase-to-fourth-Ieg harmonic spectra for four
phase leg inverter modulated by double-edge naturally
sampled PWM: (a) simple sinusoidal references and (b)
sinusoidal references with one-sixth third-harmonic injection,
M = 0.9, fc/fo = 21.
606 Continuing Developments in Modulation

I I 1 I
I I I V az I
I I I J t

- I I I I
z II

I I I I 1

I-- I I I I
I I I V cz I I
, I r I I
~ I I I I I
I I I vdz I I


I I~ I 2U
I" ~T/2 .," ~T/2 - - -....,

Figure 14.15 Pulse pattern of space vector modulation for four phase leg
inverter in the first sextant, 0 S e0 ~ 1t / 3 with centered
active space vectors.

Applying this transformation to the 16 possible switch combinations of the

four phase leg inverter leads to the space vector diagram shown in Figure
14.16. This figure also shows the projection of the three-dimensional space
vectors back onto the two-dimensional plane, where they match the conven-
tional/-I space vectors that have been considered previously. The space vector
modulation process of a four phase leg inverter can therefore be considered to
be the same process of following a reference phasor that is rotating in a two-
dimensional plane along the unit circle shown in Figure 14.16 (or, of course, a
reduced diameter circle for reduced modulation indexes), with the alternative
switching between the upper and lower space vector options arranged to either
maintain a neutral point, or to address another criteria such as reduced common
mode voltage (as mentioned in Section 14.3 earlier).
Effect of Minimum Pulse Width 607

Target Locus of Maximum
Fundamental Reference (4/3 Vdc )

0011 1011

Figure 14.16 Three-dimensional space vector representation of the

switching states of a four phase leg inverter.

14.5 Effect of Minimum Pulse Width

Harmonic analysis of three-phase inverter PWM has thus far been evaluated in
terms of ideal waveforms. In reality, however, the timing of the output voltage
waveforms is not the same as the ideal. The fundamental reason is that the
pulse widths of the drive signals provided to the two switching devices in each
phase leg are not simple complementary logic. The waveforms must be modi-
fied by including a short period of time between tum off of one of the two
devices and tum on of the complementary device to prevent both devices con-
ducting simultaneously and thereby short circuiting the DC rail. This disas-
trous condition is generally called shoot-through, and the intentional delay
introduced into the switching is referred to as dead time or dwell time, rd. The
dead time provides a safety zone which allows for device-dependent effects
such as transistor storage time to be mitigated.
When the inverter PWM voltage approaches its maximum value, the width
of the pulses become increasingly narrow. When any pulse width is reduced to
the dead time, it cannot be decreased further, and the minimum pulse width
608 Continuing Developmentsin Modulation

becomes td to prevent a shoot-through. This process is termed lockout. Further

increases in voltages are achieved only by a sudden, discrete elimination of this
pulse, a process termed dropout. In general, modem fast switching IGBT
devices require dead times that do not produce a significant volt-second error
during the lockout-dropout process as the inverter heads toward square-wave
operation during overmodulation. However, as the power rating of the switches
increases, slower IGBT devices or GrOs must be adopted, so that the switch-
ing frequency drops progressively and the dead time requirements increase.
The switching frequency for multi-megawatt inverters are rarely greater than a
few hundred hertz. The pulse dropout effect becomes increasingly important,
especially for multilevel inverters where pulse dropouts occur during transi-
tions between levels as well as during transition to square-wave operation [10].
Pulse lockout also prevents the common mode voltage algorithms described in
Section 14.2 from achieving a perfectly constant common mode voltage even
when common mode elimination algorithms are employed [6].

Consider, for example, a sector of a three-level inverter shown in Figure

14.17. In order to balance the neutral point DC voltage, both middle voltage
vectors (V100,V211 and V1IO,V221) must be selected during the time interval
tlT to ensure that current flows both into and out of the link voltage midpoint,
thereby providing a means to equalize the two link capacitor voltages. Con-
sider first operation within triangle A of Figure 14.] 8 which serves to illustrate
the conventional PWM sequence. In this case all of the middle voltage states
are visited over one half switching period ~Tf2. The voltages are visited in
reverse fashion over the next half period. However, when the target voltage
vector is near the right-hand side of this triangle, it can be seen that the duration


110 210

III ~----.:---------->

211 200
000 100

Figure 14.17 One sector of the hexagon for three-level inverter.

Effect of Minimum Pulse Width 609

2Vdc~ - - - - - 221
-.--_ _----+......1-- L -
- _-- -
- --........ _ 110

-----J 222
Vdc - - - - - - ~I-------

I III L . - - _ - - - - - ' 21I

000 100
00011001110 II; I 12111 221122212211 21111'111110 11001 ooo

1.- ~T/2---'1-- ~T/2--.j~ ~TI2---'I'-- ~T/2--..j

Sequence 1

Figure 14.18 First sequence to obtain a voltage vector in triangle A.

of the zero voltage vectors becomes increasingly small. The minimum pulse
width limitation cannot be satisfied in phases a and c along the right-hand edge
so that this portion of the triangle cannot be reached with this PWM algorithm.
Two additional switching patterns, shown in Figure 14.19, can be devised
which will achieve operation in the shaded region of the triangle of Figure
14.18. It can be noted that state 211 becomes abitrarily small along the left-
hand side of triangle A while state 221 becomes small along the bottom border.
Both patterns will produce voltages in the right-hand side region of the trian-
gle. Hence, a combination of the three switching patterns will realize voltage

V 2Vdc- l 1...v_
an_ .....
~~_ I ~n L

en I
Vde - - - - I : I - - - f
I I 111 I 2'11 I 111 I II 0 I 100
100 II 0 oII I II J I 2 II I 22 J I 2 J I I J 11 I 0I J
~~n2~~~n2~ ~ ~TI2~I.- ~T/2 ~I
221 221
1]0 110
(a) Sequence 2 (b) Sequence 3

222 21t 222 211
111 ------' 100 III ]00
000 000

Figure 14.19 (a) Second and (b) third sequences to obtain a voltage
vector in triangle A.
610 Continuing Developments in Modulation

vectors at any point within triangle A. It should be noted that only one pair of
the two pairs of redundant states are used in each of the two additional cases.
As a result only certain switches are active while others do not switch at all.
However, this difficulty balances out over a complete cycle of the fundamental.
In a similar manner sequences of voltage vectors can be devised for trian-
gles B, C, and D. Figure 14.20 shows two possible sequences for triangle B.
Unreachable regions again occur for the two sequences. However, again by
proper selection of the sequence a voltage vector anywhere in the entire volt-
age triangle can be realized except for a small region near vertex 210.
Sequence voltages for triangles C and D are illustrated in Figure 14.21. In this
case only one sequence is possible for each of these triangles. Regions of inac-
cessibility again appear at the outer edge of each triangle corresponding to the
region where the transition is occurring from pulse width modulation to square
wave operation. This condition is, of course, identical to the case of a simple
two-level inverter. The problem can again be alleviated by selective elimina-
tion of pulses in the same manner as outlined in Chapter 9. By proper choice of
sequences, the minimum pulse limitation can be avoided except for the transi-
tion to square wave operation as shown in Figure 14.22. It should be clear that
this issue extends to any number of levels of a diode-clamped type multilevel
2 Vde - .....-----'---.... Van
I 221 210
Vde -----,---- - - - - 110

Vde - ----------

Vde - - - - - - - - v~n- - - - - I

~ I'1T/2 -+--
I I 210 I 211 I 210 I 110 I 100
100 11 0

I'1T/2 ---'-.I (a) Sequence 4

_______ '- _vEn _ 221 210

I 110

Vdc - - - - ~--+----v: - - -:- 211

I I 211 I 221 I 211 I 210 I 110
110 210
j.-- I'1T/2 --+_ I'1T/2 _.j (b) Sequence 5

Figure 14.20 Two feasible sequences of voltages for triangle B.

Effect of Minimum Pulse Width 611


Vdc - - - -

Vdc - - - - - - - - - - - - - _1-
vcn I 211 ~----- 200

1001200 I 210 1 211 I 210 I 200 1100

I-- !!T/2 !!T/2--1

(a) Sequence 6 for Region C


2V - - - - - - v b n
vdc ..--- dc ..... I
r------..I...---.----- 221<----- _
Vdc - - - - - -
V cn
_______ L

11 0 2I 0 I 220 I 221 I 220 I 210 III 0
(b) Sequence 7 for Region D
~ !!T12 ~ !!T/2--.j

Figure 14.21 Sequences for triangles C and D showing unreachable


I II 200
000 100

Figure 14.22 Regions of operation in one sector of three-level hexagon

showing sequence selection due to minimum pulse width
limitations. Remaining unreachable region is shaded.
612 Continuing Developments in Modulation

14.6 PWM Dead-Time Compensation

In addition to invoking minimum pulse width limitations, dead time has
another detrimental effect which occurs at every switching event. This effect
can be examined by considering one leg of a three-phase PWM inverter (Fig-
ure 14.23). Four possible commutation sequences exist as shown in Figure
14.24 [11]. Assuming first that the output current is positive and transistor T 1
transitions from ON to OFF while T2 transitions from OFF to ON after a slight
delay. During the dead zone D2 conducts and D 1 blocks the flow of current to
the positive rail. This condition results in the correct voltage being applied to
the output terminals. Second, with the output current still positive, let T I transi-
tion from OFF to ON while T2 transitions from ON to OFF. During the dead
zone D2 again conducts and 0) block current flow to the positive rail. It can be
noted that this condition results in a loss of voltage since the output remains
clamped to the negative rail during the dead time.
Two additional conditions exist when the output current is negative.
Assuming first that T) transitions from OFF to ON and T 2 from ON to OFF,
then D} conducts and D2 blocks current flow. Again the correct voltage is
applied to the output. Finally, assume that T I changes from ON to OFF and T2
transitions slightly later from OFF to ON. Again 01 conducts and 02 blocks
current. However, in this case the output is clamped to the positive bus whereas
a transition to the negative bus is desired. Hence, this condition results in a
gain in voltage at the motor terminals. When a complete cycle is considered
the resulting waveforms are as shown in Figure 14.25, where the carrier ratio is
only six to more readily illustrate the dead time effect (12]. One should note
that the error voltage verr is in phase with the current and therefore has the

~VdC ---..

Figure 14.23 One pole ofa three-phase PWM inverter.

PWM Dead-Time Compensation 613

___~ Td~ ~ !~~_____ T I (ideal)

___l _i J t T 2 (ideal)

_ _ _ _I 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ T I (practical)

____L________] T 2 (practical)

___ J Loss ..... 111_ ______ T 1 (i> 0)

____11'- Gain 1_ ________ T I (i < 0)

Figure 14.24 Ideal and practical pulse patterns corresponding to devices

TI and T2 for both positive and negative output current.

effect of adding a resistance in series with the load. When the load consists of
any type of AC machine it has been shown that stability is adversely affected
by the presence of series resistance and can actually produce a system instabil-
ity resulting in unforced speed and torque oscillations [13,14]. Also, it is appar-
ent that the voltage is essentially rectangular since the width of all error pulses
are essentially the same. Therefore, since these pulses must result in an equal
and opposite voltage across the load, low-frequency odd-harmonic compo-
nents will now appear across the load. Since the average deviation for each
pulse ~e is measured by
the average voltage deviation over a half cycle of the inverter output is given
N lie

where N is the number of switchings per cycle and !!T is one cycle period.
Figure 14.26 illustrates how the average voltage deviation affects the
inverter output voltage [IS]. The voltage v" represents the ideal fundamental
component of voltage if there were no dead-time effect. Assuming that the
inverter feeds an inductive load the current waveform lags v * by the phase
614 Continuing Developments in Modulation




I I t I

Positive Current
Negative Current
Figure 14.25 Effect of dead time on inverter voltage waveform, vaz = ideal
switched output voltage with respect to DC link midpoint, T I
and T 1 are the logic states of the phase leg switches after
deadtime compensation, v a~ = actual switched output voltage
and Verr == voltage error (vaz - va')

angle <1>' . Since the dead time increases (decreases) the output voltage for the
negative (positive) half cycle of current, the average voltage deviation can be
represented as a square wave ~V that has a magnitude of ~V. If ~vl denotes
the fundamental component of b.v, the RMS value of b.v 1 is therefore

AV = 2J2 AV (14.53)
1 1t

The essential effect of dead time is the superposition of ~V on the ideal ref-
erence voltage v* as illustrated in exaggerated form as the dashed line of Fig-
ure 14.26. Hence the effective fundamental component, including dead time
VI ' becomes the sum of v* and ~vl and is plotted as the heavy solid curve. If
the harmonic components of the current are neglected, the phase displacement
<I> between v I and i corresponds to the fundamental power factor angle of the

load. It is apparent that the resultant fundamental output voltage differs from
the reference wave in both magnitudeand phase.
PWM Dead-Time Compensation 615

Figure 14.26 Effect of dead time on fundamental output voltage.

The relationships illustrated in Figure 14.26 are described in phasor form in

Figure 14.27 [15]. From trigonometry it is readily established that

Solving for the actual output voltage VI as a per unit of the desired voltage,

VI ~Vl ~Vl . 2
- =- - + 1- - sIn p (14.55)
V I* V*1 V*I

Since ~ VI is constant for a fixed ratio N/ ~ T, Td : and Vde' the effect of the
voltage error becomes more pronounced as the reference voltage amplitude
decreases toward zero.
Dividing Eq. (14.53) by the RMS value of the command signal r: and
then noting that J2 r:/
Vdc = M, results in
8NT 1
= - -d - (14.56)
1t ~T M

-- ...... ,
~ VI - - - - - - - - - - - - /- ... "
I \

, I

~=---+--~-~ VI*

Figure 14.27 Phasor representation of Figure 14.26.

616 Continuing Developments in Modulation

Equation (14.56) can be inserted into Eq. (14.55) to obtain an expression

for the per unit output voltage as a function of modulation index. A plot illus-
trating the effect of dead time as a function of modulation index M and power
factor is shown in Figure 14.28 for the case where ~VI/Vdc = 0.05
(NTd / ~T = 0.02). As the power factor increases the voltage drop becomes
smaller. Also, it can be noted that the output voltage decreases to zero when the
voltage drop due to dead time is equal to the commanded voltage.
The waveforms of Figure 14.29 show how compensation for dead time can
be achieved [12]. Figures 14.29(a) and 14.29(b) show the ideal switching
waveforms which are produced for devices Tl and T2 using conventional
dead-time implementation. These two logic signals are OR'd and then delayed
by a time equal to the dead time Td in Figures 14.29(c) and 14.29(d). The four
signals that are required for compensation are given in Figures 14.29(e)
through 14.29(h). Adjusted values of T} and T2 are produced which take on
one of two values depending upon whether the current is positive or negative.
These signals can be derived by OR and AND logic operations on the ideal sig-
nals. The modified logic signals result in the ideal voltage waveform at the out-
put being delayed, however, by a time equal to the dead time. This delay time
can be compensated by a suitable lead circuit operating on the voltage com-

. . .!.<..1 ~~ :..~-~~r~.~.~-~~~~:'~:~l.~ . . ~.~


, / i. : ~ = 30 0 :
: '&' : 0 1 i
: J': 0 : 4> = 60 1 1
0.6 ...
.. -"~: <p
= 90 1:
_ _ :: -- - ' :: _ .
VI "1.: . : :



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Modulation Index M
Figure 14.28 Variation of normalized output voltage with modulation
index M assuming a 5% voltage drop at rated voltage due to
dead time.
PWM Dead-Time Compensation 617

(a) I
C- r,


(c) =u=--e--U'---_LC

(d) ~lJ'__ :--'U"-----+---I

U T3=TJ+T2 delayed by Td

(e) I I 12td I
r T]+T3 = T]' (i>O)

2+T3=T2' (i<O)

T]*T 3 = T]' (i<O)

= T
2' (i>0)

Vdz (actual)

F v az (ideal)

Figure 14.29 Generation of switching waveforms for dead time compen-

sation, where T], T2 = uncompensated gate logic signals, Td
= dead time delay, i = output current, T I' , T2' = modified
gate logic signals, v az (ideal) = target switched phase leg
voltage, va~ (actual) = resultant switched phase leg voltage

mand signal. This phase advance procedure is a modification of a technique

which has already been discussed in Chapter 3, Figure 3.15. A block diagram
of the control logic to implement the scheme is illustrated in Figure 14.30. The
comparator and switching block can be readily implemented with operational
amplifiers. Measurement of the current simply requires determination of the
current polarity which can be accomplished inexpensively. Purely digital
implementations of dead-time compensation are also available in the literature
[11 ].
Thus far it has been assumed that the dead time is a known quantity which
is programmed into the inverter switching logic. It is important to emphasize
that in practice this is not the entire case since turn-off delays occur as a result
of recombination within the transistor device. Two additional delay times must
be estimated and compensated; the storage time delay t.~ and the voltage rise
618 Continuing Developments in Modulation




Figure 14.30 Logic circuit for implementing current-dependent logic

signals for dead time compensation.

time trv [16]. The storage time delay is essentially a pure time delay similar to
the dead time but is a function of the instantaneous charge present in the device
as well as being temperature dependent. A similar but less severe device-
dependent delay occurs during the tum-on of the oncoming device. Hence,
compensation for the delay time can never be exact without elaborate instru-
While the dead time effect is satisfactorily compensated for all significant
values of current, the state of the comparator in Figure 14.30 becomes indeter-
minate when the current reverses through zero as a result of noise as well as
current ripple due to the pulse width modulation process. The result is that the
current remains at or near zero for several PWM cycles. This effect is termed
current clamping [17]. An example of the current clamping effect is shown in
Figure 14.31. Both feedback and feedforward techniques have appeared in the
literature to combat this effect [18,19]. Both methods require an accurate mea-
surement and regulation of current. However, the subject of closed-loop regu-
lation is outside the scope of this text which has focused exclusively on open-
loop pulse width modulation algorithms. Consequently, this issue forms a suit-
able point of closure for this text. The subject of closed-loop regulation meth-
ods will be taken up at length in a future textbook.
Summary 619


___ 2.0

~ 0.0


-6.0 ~_Aooo-_"'---_""""",~ "",-_~_~_~--,

2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0
time (s)

Figure 14.31 Illustration of the current clamping effect due to dead time
delay. (Simulation courtesy ofR.E. Betz [19].)

14.7 Summary
The subject of pulse width modulation has been an ongoing research activity
worldwide for nearly 40 years and the intense interest in this subject shows no
sign of abating. Only several of the significant recent developments in the area
have been considered in this chapter and the reader is referred to the extensive
bibliography for additional information. Surely the development of increas-
ingly powerful microcontrollers and digital signal processors combined with
lower cost transistor switches will propel continued activity in the field for the
forseeable future. Attention has recently focused on active PWM rectifiers,
matrix converters, electromagnetic interference (EMI) control, and various
advanced types of current regulation, which are only a few of the interesting
directions available for future researchers. This text was written to clearly
establish the present status of work in this fascinating field. The future is up to
the reader.
620 Continuing Developmentsin Modulation

[1] S. Fukuda and K. Suzuki, "Using harmonic distortion determining factor for
harmonic evaluation of carrier-based PWM methods," in Conf Rec. IEEE
Industry Applications Society Annual Mtg, New Orleans, 1997, pp. 1534-1541.
[2] A.M. Trzynadlowski, S. Legowski, and R.L. Kirlin, "Random pulse width mod-
ulation technique for voltage controlled power inverters," in Con! Rec. IEEE
Industrial Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1987, pp. 863-868.
[3] T.G. Habetler and D.M. Divan, "Acoustic noise reduction in sinusoidal PWM
drives using a randomly modulated carrier," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
vol. 6, no. 3, July 1991, pp. 356-363.
[4] J.K. Pedersen, F. Blaabjerg, and P.S. Fredericksen, "Reduction of acoustical
noise emission in AC machines by intelligent distributed random modulation,"
in Con! Rec. Fifth European Conference on Power Electronics and Applica-
tions (EP~ 1, Brighton, 1993, vol. 4, pp. 369-375.
[5] D. Vincenti and J. Jin, "A three-phase regulated PWM rectifier with on-line
feedforward input unbalance correction," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electron-
ics, vol. 41, no. 5, Oct. 1994, pp. 526--532.
[6] H. Zhang, A. von Jouanne, S. Dai, A.K. Wallace, and F. Wang, "Multilevel
inverter modulation schemes to eliminate common-mode voltages," IEEE
Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 36, no. 6, Nov/Dec. 2000, pp. 1645-1653
(corrections in vol. 37, no. 1, p3).
[7] P.C. Loh, D.G. Holmes, Y. Fukuta, and T.A. Lipo, "Reduced common mode
carrier-based modulation strategies for cascaded multilevel inverters," in Con!
Rec. Industry Applications Society Annual Conf., Pittsburgh, 2002, vol. 3, pp.
[8] A. Julian, G. Oriti, and T.A. Lipo, "Elimination of common mode voltage in
three phase sinusoidal power converters," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
vol. 15, no. 5, Sept. 1999, pp. 982-989.
[9] M. Ryan, R.D. Lorenz, and R.W. De Doncker, "Modeling ofmultileg sine-wave
inverters: A geometric approach," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol.
46, no. 6, Dec. 1999, pp. 1183-1191.
[10] M. Koyama, T. Fujii, R. Uchida, and T. Kawabata, "Space voltage vector based
new PWM method for large capacity three-level GfO inverter," in Conf. Rec.
Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON),
1992, pp. 271-276.
[11] D. Leggate and R.J. Kerkman, "Pulse-based dead-time compensator for PWM
voltage inverters," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 44, no. 2, April
1997, pp. 191-197.
[12] R.C. Dodson, P.o. Evans, H.T. Yazdi, and S.C. Harley, "Compensating for dead
time degradation of PWM inverter waveforms," lEE Proceedings (London),
vol. 137, Pt. B, No.2, Mar. 1990, pp. 73-81.
References 621

[13] R.H. Nelson, T.A. Lipo, and P.C. Krause, "Stability analysis of a symmetrical
induction machine," IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-
88, no. 11, Nov. 1969, pp. 1710-1717.
[14] P.C. Krause and T.A. Lipo, "Analysis and simplified representation of a recti-
fier-inverter induction motor drive," IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Sys-
tems, vol. PAS-88, no. 5, May 1969, pp. 588-596.
[15] S.G. Jeong and M.-H. Park, "The analysis and compensation of dead-time
effects in PWM inverters," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 38, no.
2, April 1991, pp. 108-114.
[16] A.R. Munoz and T.A. Lipo, "On-line dead-time compensation technique for
open-loop PWM-VSI drives," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 14, no.
4, July 1999, pp. 683-689.
[17] Y. Murai, A. Riyanto, H. Nakamura, and K. Matsui, "PWM strategy for high
frequency carrier inverters eliminating current-clamps during switching dead-
time," in Conf Rec. IEEE Industrial Applications Society Annual Meeting,
Houston, 1992, pp. 317-322.
[18] lW. Choi, S.1. Yong, and S.-K. SuI, "Inverter output voltage synthesis using
novel dead time compensation,". in Conf. Rec. IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Con! Record (APEC), Orlando, 1994, pp. 100-106.
[19] T. Summers and R.E. Betz, "Dead-time issues in predictive current control," in
Con! Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh,
Appendix 1
Fourier Series Representation of a
Double Variable Controlled Waveform
Theprinciple of Fourier decomposition is that any regular time-varying waye-
form f( t) canbe expressed as an infinite series of sinusoidal harmonics, viz:

o ~
r(t) = "2 + L. (amcosmrol + bmsinmro/)
m= 1


am = ~ Jf(/)COsmrold(ro/) m = 0,1, ... ,00 (AI.2)



bm = ~ f( I) sin most d( tor) m = 1,2, ... ,00 (AI.3)


Fora waveform f( x, y) whichvaries as a function of two time variables

x(t) = roct + 8 c (Al.4)

y(t) = root + 9 0 (AI.5)

its Fourier series at a particular value of Y = YI can be written as

aoCY) ~ .
f(x,y)) = - 2 - + L. [amcyt)cosmx + bmcyt)smmx] (AI.6)
m= 1


amCY) =:: ~ f(x,y)cosmx dx m =:: 0,1, ... ,00 (A1.7)



bmCY t) =:: ~ f(x,Yt)sinmx dx m =:: 1, 2, ... ,00 (A1.8)


624 Appendix 1

The coefficients am(Yl) and bm(YI) are clearly just particular values of
two functions am(y) and bm(y) which vary cyclically over the entire range of
y. Since they are cyclic, these functions can also be expressed as Fourier series:

;0 + L [cmncos ny + dmnsinny]
am(y) = m = 0, 1, ... , <Xl (A1.9)


bm(y) = e;o + [emncosny+fmnsinny] m = 1,2, ..., <Xl (A 1.10)



1t 1t 1t

Cmn =~ Jam(y)cosny dy = ~2 fix,y)cosmxcosny dx dy

-1t -1t -1t

m = 0,1, ... ,00 n = 0,1, ... ,00 (AI.II)

:2 J J
1t 1t 1t

d mn == ~ Jam(Y)Sinny dy == fix,y)cosmxsinny dx dy
-1t -1t -1t

m = 0,1, ... ,00 n = 1,2, ... ,00 (AI.12)

=~ Jbm(y)COsny dy =-\ J Jfix,y)sinmxcosny dx dy

1t 1t 1t

-1t -7[ -1t

m = 1,2, ... ,00 n = 0,1, ... ,00 (AI.13)

7t 1t 1t

i: = ; bm(y)sinny dy = -\ fix,y)sinmxsinny dx dy
-7t -1t -7[

m = 1,2, ... ,00 n = 1,2, ... ,00 (AI.14)

Examining these equations, it is seen that the solution obtained is general for
any time t since the x and y values are periodic.
Fourier Series Representation 625

Equations (A 1.11) to (A 1.14) expand using trigonometric identities to

J JJJ(x,y)cos(mx-ny)dx~
1t 1t 1t 1t

Cmn =~ JJ(x,y)cos(mx+ny)dx ~+~

2n -7t -1t
2n -7[-1t

m = 0, I, ... ,00 n = 0, I, ... ,00 (AI.IS)

7t 7t 7t 7t

dmn = ~ fJ(x,y)Sin(mx+ny)dx dy - ~ f fJ(x'Y)Sin(mX-ny)dx~

2n -1t -1t
2n -7t-1t

m = 0, I, ... ,00 n = 1,2, ... ,00 (AI.16)

J JJJ(x,y)sin(mx-ny)dx~
7t 7t 7t 1t

emn = ~ JJ(x,y)Sin(mx+ny)dx dy + ~
2n -7t -1t
2n -1t -1t

m = 1,2, ... ,00 n = 0,1, ... ,00 (AI.17)

1t 7t 1t 1t

i: = ~ JJ(x,y)cos(mx-ny)dx dy - ~ JJ(x,y)cos(mx + ny'[dx dy

2n -7t -7[
2n -1t-7t

m = 1,2, ... ,00 n = 1,2, ... ,00 (AI.I8)

The general Fourier component form for f(x,y) can now be written as


coo 1~
J(x,y) = 4 + 2..J [cOncosny + donsinny] (AI.19)


+ [cmOcosmx+emOsinmx]
m > 1

+ ~ ~l(CmncosnY+dmnSinny)cos~x . ]
..J ..J + (emncosny +f mn sm ny) Slnmx
m= I n= I
626 Appendix 1

Again by the use of trigonometric identities, Eq. (AI.19) can be rearrangedto

f(x,y) = "4 1" 00

coo + 2L.J [cOncosny + donsinny] (AI.20)



+~ [cmOcosmx + emOsinmx]
m= I

2[cmncos(mx + ny) + cmncos(mx - ny)]

00 00
+ ~[dmnsin(mx + ny) - dmnsin(mx - ny)]

m= I n= 1 + ~[emnsin(mx + ny) + emnsin(mx- ny)]

+ 2[fmncos(mx - ny) - fmncos(mx + ny)]

which can be combinedto form


L [cmOcosmx + emOsinmx]


m= 1

+~ r(cmn- fmn)cos(mx + ny) + (emn + dmn)sin(m~ + ny) J

+ (Cmn + fmn)cos(mx - ny) + (e mn - dmn)Sln(mX - ny)
m= I n= 1
From Eqs. (AI. IS) to (AI.I8) the coefficients of the last part ofEq. (AI.21) for
m = 1, 2, ... , 00, n = 1, 2, ... , 00 are

1t 1t

f{x,y)cos(mx + ny) dx dy (AI.22)

1t 1t

f f(x,y)cos(mx-ny) dx dy (AI.23)
Fourier Series Representation 627

1t 1t

j{x,y)sin(mx + ny) dx dy (AI.24)

1t 1t

j{x,y)sin(mx-ny) dx dy (Al.25)

Finally, it can be seen from Eq. (At.12) and Eq. (AI.14) that for any given
value ofn, d mn = -dm(-n) and I mn = -Im(-n) so that the (mx-ny) terms
in Eq. (AI.21) can alternately be obtained by summing the (mx + ny) terms
over negative n.

Hence the complete solution for I(x,y) becomes


4"" + 21 "LJ" [cOncosny + donsinny]

j{x,y) = coo (A 1.26)


+~ [cmOcosmx + emOsinmx]
m =I

+! ~ ~ [(cmn-fmn)Cos(mx + ny) l
2 LJ LJ + (dmn + emn)sin(mx + ny~
m = 1 n =-00

(n:t: 0)

This result can be cast into complex form by multiplying Eq. (Al.24) by j
and adding to Eq. (Al.22), to define the resultant coefficients as
== A
} mn
= (c mn 2-j,) }
(d + e )
mn +. mn
mn (AI.27)


1t 1t

A mn +B 1
- -2
} mn - j{x,y)[ cos(mx + ny) + jsin(mx + ny)]dx dy
21t -1t -1t

1t 1t

= 2~2 j{x,y)e}(mx+ny)dx dy (Al.28)

-1t -1t
628 Appendix 1

Equation (Al.26) can now be expressed in terms of these alternative coeffi-

cients as
00 00

fix,y) = ~O + [AOncosny + Bonsinny] + [AmOcosmx + BmOsinmx]

n=l m=l (AI.29)

L L [Amncos(mx + ny) + Bmnsin(mx + ny)]

00 00

m=l n=-oo
(n;t 0)

Finally, Eq. (A 1.29) can be expressed in terms of time by substituting from

Eq, (AI.4) and Eq. (AI.S), to become
fit) = Too+ L00

[AOncos(n[ root + eo]) + BOnsin(n[root + e.m (A1.30)

n= 1

L [AmOcos(m[roct+ eel) + BmOsin(m[roet+ eel)]


i i
m= I

+ [AmnCOs<m[ffict+ecl + n[O)ot+ eo]) J

+ Bmnsin(m[ooc t + ee] + n[ooot + eo])
m= I n=-oo
(n ;t 0)

Equation (A 1.30) is the form commonly used in the literature [1]. The first
line defines the DC component, the fundamental component (defined when
n = 1) and baseband harmonic components which are integer multiples of the
fundamental component. The second line defines carrier harmonic components
as multiples of the modulation frequency. The third line defines sideband har-
monic components displaced either side of the main carrier harmonics by inte-
ger multiples of the fundamental frequency component.
Note that in the general form of Eq. (Al.30), the angular relationship
between the baseband harmonics including the fundamental, and the carrier
and sideband harmonics, is arbitrary, by virtue of the phase offset angles ec
and eo
defined in Eqs. (AI.4) and (AI.5).

[1] S.R. Bowes, "New sinusoidal pulse-width modulated inverter," lEE Proceed-
ings (London), vol. 122,no. 11,Nov. 1975,pp. 1279-1285.
Appendix 2
Jacobi-Anger and Bessel Function

A2.1 Jacobi-Anger Expansions

A common expression that appears in the development of the analytical Fou-
rier solution of a PWM waveform under various modulation strategies is
ej~cos9, i.e., a sinusoid which has as its argument another sinusoid. In the
development of the analytical solutions for PWM, this expression must be mul-
tiplied by the term cosn8 and integrated over some fraction of 21t, and this is
facilitated by expanding the ej~cos9 expression into a Bessel series form using
the Jacobi-Anger expansion [1] of

e#E,cose = Jo(~) + 2 Lj~k(~)COSk8 (A2.1)

Equation (A2.1) can be restated from its complex form as

cos(~cos8) = Jo(~) + 2 L Cosk~Jk(~)cosk8


= Jo(~) + 2 L COSk1tJ2k(~)cos2k8 (A2.2)

k= 1


sin(~cos8) = 2L sink~Jk(~)cosk8
k= I

= 2L cosknJ2k + I (~)cos([2k + 1]8) (A2.3)

630 Appendix 2

Additionally, using the substitution of e= 8' -n/2, Eqs. (A2.2) and (A2.3)
lead to the following relationships of

L J2i~)cos(2kO')

cos(~sinO') = Jo(~) + 2 (A2A)




sin(~sinO') = 2 J 2k + 1(~)sin([2k+ 1]0') (A2.5)

A further useful result is the expansion of the expression cos(8 + ~ sine) ,
which proceeds as follows:
cos( 8 + ~sine) = cos8cos( ~sin 8) - sin8sin(~ sinO) (A2.6)
Substituting from Eqs. (A2.4) and (A2.5) into Eq. (A2.6) gives

cos(8+~sinO) cOS8[Jo(~)+2tJ2i~)cOS(2kO)]

- sino[2 ~J2k+ )(l;)sin([2k + 1]0)]

L J2k(l;){ cosf S + 2kO) +cos(o - 2kO)}


Jo(l;) coso + (A2.7)

k= I

+ LJ 2k+ 1(~){ cos(8 + [2k + 1]0) - cos(8 - [2k + l]O)}


Grouping like sinusoids and after some manipulation and simplification gives
the final form of

L Jk(~)cos(8 +

costS + ~sinO) = kO) (A2.8)

k =-00
Jacobi-Anger and Bessel Function Relationships 631

A2.2 Bessel Function Integral Relationships

The product 0 f e j~cos9 and cos(n e) Integrate
. d over a 21t Interval
. .

i/j~cose cosne de= [Jo(~) +2 tj'Jk(~)COSke ]cosne de (A2.9)

which becomes
1t 1t 1t 00

f/j~cose cosne de = fJo(~)cosne de + f 2~>kJk(~)coskecosne de

-1t -1 -1t k= 1 (A2.IO)
The only term of the right-hand side of Eq. (A2.1 0) which does not integrate to
zero over 21t is when k = n , so that Eq. (A2.IO)becomes
1t 1t

-1t -1t

which simplifies to

f ej~cos9 cosn o de = 21tJ.nJ n (~) ~ (A2.12)


Using a similar development, ej~coSe multiplied by sinn8 and integrated

over 21t gives

sinn e de
ejf;,cos9. =
0 (A2.13)

Hence from Eq. (A2.12), for any positive value of n and positive exponent of
the natural logarithm,

f /~cose/nede = 21tj'jn(~) (A2.14)


In particular, when n = 0,


de = 21tJo(~) (A2.15)
632 Appendix 2

An additional useful identity can be developed for n having a negative

value. Looking again at Eq. (A2.10), the only nonzero term on the right-hand
side of the integration over 21t will occur when k = Inl, irrespective of the
sign ofn. Hence from Eq. (A2.12), for n negative

j~cose Inl -n
e cos(-n8)d8 = 21tj Jlnl(~) = 21tj J-n(~)
-1t (A2.16)
From Eq. (A2.16), the following identity can be stated:
Another important identity can be derived for the case where the exponent
of the natural logarithm is negative, that is, taking the case of a negative expo-
nent of the natural logarithm from Eq. (A2.12)

-j~cose -n
e cosn8dS = 21tj In(~) (A2.18)

Equation (A2.18) can be alternatively written as


from which the following identity can be stated

In particular when n = 0,
J o(-~) = Jo(~) (A2.21)
Figure A2.1 shows the shape of the first seven Bessel functions for argu-
ments up to 10. Note that only the first Bessel function Jo(~) has a nonzero
value for an argument of zero.
Jacobi-Anger and Bessel Function Relationships 633







0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure A2.1 Bessel functionsJn(~) for n = 0,1, ... ,6.

[I] G.N. Watson, Theory 0.( Bessel [unctions, Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge, England, 1944.
Appendix 3
Three-Phase and Half-Cycle Symmetry
Assume that the phase (and consequently line) voltages of a three-phase sys-
tem satisfy half-cycle and three-phase symmetry but are otherwise arbitrary
steady state functions of time. These voltages have the form [1]

Va = v(8) (A3.I)

Vb = V( e- 231t) (A3.2)

Vc = v(e + 231t) (A3.3)

where e= rot and the angular frequency is constant. By half-cycle symmetry


vb(e + n) = -v b(8 ) (A3.5)

vc(8 + 1t) = -vc(8) (A3.6)

and by three-phase symmetry




Hence, if the solution for a balanced three-phase system is known over the
interval 0 ~ 8 5 1t/3 , by combining Eqs. (A3.4) to (A3.9) the solution for the
next interval, 1t/3 58+ 1t/3 5 21t/3 , can be determined as

636 Appendix 3

va(9+~) = -vb(9) (A3.tO)

Vb( 9 +~) = -vc ( 9 ) (A3.II)

vl9 +~) = -va(9) (A3.12)

where va(9), vb(9), and vc(9) are known from Eqs. (A3.I) to (A3.3).
The solution for the remaining four 60 intervals of a complete fundamen-
tal cycle are readily obtained by progressively increasingthe argumentsof Eqs.
(A3.IO)to (A3.12).

[1] T.A. Lipo, "The analysis of induction motors with voltage control by symmetri-
cally triggered thyristors," IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
PAS-90, no. 2, Mar./ApriI1971, pp. 515-525.
Appendix 4
Overmodulation of a Single-Phase Leg

A4.1 Naturally Sampled Double-Edge PWM

Figure A4.1 shows the unit cell for naturally sampled PWM under overmodu-
lation conditions.

TC ,--- - - - t - - - --, TC

t--- - - - J k - - -- -; TC-1jI

1 - - - - - -- - - - ! - TC+1jI

Figure A4.1 Unit cell for double-edge naturally sampled two-level PWM
for an overmodulation condition, '" = cos - l( 1/ M).

The integral defining the harmonic coefficients over this unit cell is

f f ff
~I + Mc osy
-'I' 2 'I' TC

ejmx+nydx dy + ejmx+nydx dy
-'I' -TC

2( I + Mcosy)
f f
TC - 'I'

+ y
ej(mx+n ) dx dy

638 Appendix 4

where M is the modulation index and w = cos -1( 1/ M).

A4.1.1 Evaluation of Double Fourier Integral for

Overmodulated Naturally Sampled PWM
For m = n = 0, this integral is clearly real (Boo = 0) and can be written as

~(l + Mcosy) 'V 1t 1t - 'V ~(l + Mcosy)

Coo = -2
dx dy + JJ dx dy+ J J dxdy
-7t+\JI _?!( I + Mcosy)
which can be integratedto form

Coo = :~c[l:+:(l + Mcosy)dy + 121tdy+ l-'V1t(l + Mcosy)dy}A4.3)

Further integration then results in

c = Vdc [1t 2 - 27t'l' -7tMsin'l' -7tMsin('I' -7t)] + 47t'l'

00 2
1t + [n _ 21t'V + 1tMsin(1t- '1') -1tMsinw]


For m = 0, n > 0 , Eq. (A4.1) simplifies to

-\JI '2( 1 + Mcosy)

'V 7t

j ny j ny
e dx dy + e dx dy
-1t+'V _?!( 1 + Mcosy) -'V -7t
7t - 'JI ~ (I + M cosy)

+ Jf e
j ny
dx dy
Overmodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 639

Eliminating the inner variable x leads to

-~ ~
y ny
1t(1 + Mcosy)/n dy + 21t/ dy
-n+~ -~


and partially evaluating the outer integral expression results in


4 .
1 -jnw
jnw -jn1t
e ]+ J

COn = 1t

1[ jnn -jn~ jn~] jny

+- e
e -e +
J Mcosye dy

Substituting y' = y + 1t into the first integral expression of Eq. (A4.8) gives

4 . 1 -jn~ jn'V -jnn
- sin n\JI + -=- [e - e e ]- Mcosy'e
jny' jntt
e dy'
n In
Vd c
C =- (A4.9)
On 1t

+ -1 [e jnn e-jn'V -e jnw ] +

Mcosye dy

For n even, Eq. (A4.9) can be reduced to

4 . 2 . 2 .
- slnn\JI- - slnn\JI- - slnn\V
n n n

Conl neven

Mcosye j~ dy + J 1t-~

Mcosye j~ dy
~ \V

which means there are no even harmonic baseband harmonic components even
under overmodulation conditions.
640 Appendix 4

For n odd, Eq. (A4.9) can be reduced to


Co I
n n odd
V 4 . 2
-1tdc n-slnn'l'+:-cosn'l'--;-cosn'l'+2
}n f Mcosye

= v: c[ ~Sinn'JI + M l-~ej[n+ I]y + ej[n-I]y) dy] (A4.11)

For n = 1, Eq. (A4.11) can be further reduced to

COl = -;-
4stn'JI + M
IJI (e
+ l)dy

= -.!!..[ 4 sin 'JI + M( 1t - 2'1' - sin 2 \JI )] (A4.12)

For n > 1, Eq. (A4.11) can be reduced to (since n must always be odd)

O(2n - I)
= Vdc 4sin([2n - 1],,0 + M
[2n - 1]
(e j 2ny + e j[2n - 2]y) dy


= V { 4 Sin( [2n - 1]0/) _ M{ sin2n'JI + sin(2[n - 1 ]'J1)}} (A4.I3)

1t [2n-l] n en-I]

For m > 0, n = 0, Eq. (A4.1) can be simplified to

2( I + Mcosy)
2{ 1 + Mcosy)

jmx j mx
f e dxdy+ f e dx dy
_!E( I + Mcosy) -~( I + Mcosy)
2 2

j mx
e dx dy
-'V -1t

This expression can be integrated to form the result
Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 641

J .tt .tt
-tV [ Im : jm-Mcosy -jm- -jm-Mcosy )
e 2e 2 -e 2e 2 dy

. . 1t . 1t

7t 7t
1t-o/ [ jm- tm: M cosy -rm: -im: M cosy ) (A4.15)
+ e 2e 2 -e 2 e 2 dy

j m1t
+ (/m1t- e- ) dy


The last integral term of Eq. (A4.15) is obviously zero for all m.

Substituting y' = y + 1t into the first integral then gives

M cosy ' . 1t . 1tM

: tm: cosy ,)
tt - \V( . 1t . tt
tm : -jm- rim
e 2 e 2 -e 2e 2 dy'


1t 1t . 1t 1t
1t-\V [ jm- jm-Mcosy -jm- -jm-Mcosy )
+ e 2e 2 -e 2 e 2 dy

Since y and y' are simply variables of integration, Eq. (A4.16) simplifies to

1t (
~m~ 1t M c~y
jm- . 1t M c~y,)
-e e 2 +e


- \v ( 1t ) ( tm:
. 1t -jm-
. 7t) dy
J cos m M cosy
2 e 2- e 2

r-: 1t
4- - Slnm-
mn 2
J 1t-\V

cos (1t
m- M cosYj~ dy
642 Appendix 4

To solve Eq. (A4.17) the Jacobi-Anger expression, Eq. (A2.2), can be used
to form


+2 2/ m~u) coskn f cos2ky dy

k=l W

4 r:2 1t[ ( ~n
mn sinm 2 J o m2M/n - 2'41) - 2 ~ I (1t
f:,"/2k m2~~ cosknsin2k'V]


For m > 0, n =1= 0, the inner integral of Eq. (A4.1) can be evaluated to give

. . 1t.n
mv [ Jm- Jm 2Mcos
y .1t
-.Jm - -Jm
e e 2e -e 2 e 2Mcosy] dy

e jny( e jmn -e-jmn ) dy


Again the last integral term in Eq. (A4.19) is zero.

Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 643

Substituting y' = y + 1t once more into the first integral term then gives


J ~
jny' [
jm~ -jm~Mcosy' -jm!}. jm!}.MCOSY]
e -e 2 e 2 dy'

n-~e jny
. 1t . 1t
jm- jm-
z e 2Mcos
. 1t . 1t
-jm- -jm-zMcosy
z e ] dy

jntt . 1t
jm- . 1t] --.Jm-
-jm- . 1t M cosy
1t-lp e e 2_ e 2 e 2

J e
j ny [

. 1t . . 1t] . 1t
dy (A4.20)
+ e
z-e jntt e-jm-z e"": Mcosy

Substituting the Jacobi-Anger relationship, Eq. (A2.1), into this integral gives


1t ~ -jk~
+2 m cosky
k( 2M)e 2


C mn == -.-2
j ny
e k=1 dy

. 1t
jm- .
jnt: -jm- . 1t]
+ e 2_ e e 2
+ 21: J (1t2M)e~

k m
jk 11
2 cosky
k= 1
644 Appendix 4

t (
JO m-1t~ ~e jnti e jm~2 - e-jm~2 + e jm~2 - e jntt e-jm~2]


It] e2
n jnt:

+e 2_ e e 2


=~:; Je ~ [Sin([m+k]~+coSmtSin([m-k]~J
j ny
IJI +2.L..J
k= I x J k ( m~M) cosky


With some manipulation, it can be shown that

Cosn1tsin([m - k]~ = cos([n + k]1t)sin([m + k]~ (A4.22)

Substituting this result back into Eq. (A4.21) gives

+ 2 ~ J k( m~M) sin([m + k]~
k = 1 x { 1 + cos([n + k]1t)} cosky
Overmodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 645

= 2Vdc
+ Ji
k = I
m~M) sin([m + kl
x { 1 + cos ( [n + k] 1t) } { e
j[n + k]y
j[n - k]y

Integrating Eq. (A4.23) gives

k= 1 e
j[n + k][n-'V]
- e
j[n + k]'V
j[n - k][n-'I']
- e
j[n - k]w
kt:: Inl x[ j[n+kl + j[n-kl

j2n[n-wl j 2n'l' I
+ 2Jn ( m~M) sin( [m + nlV [e j2n- e + 1t - 2", Jk: n

+ 2J-lm~M) sin([m - nlV [e

e 2n j 'l'
+ 1t - 2",]
k =-n

-~Jo(m~M) sinm~(l + cosn1t)sinn",

+ I m~M) sin(lm + n]~)[1t - 2", - ~Sin2n",Jlk:

n( n

= 4 Vd; + I n( m~M) cosn1tsin([m - nlV [1t - 2", - ~sin2n",Jlk:_n


x [Sin([n + k]\jI) + sin([n - k]\jI)J

k= 1
kt:: Inl [n+k] [n-k]

646 Appendix 4

Using Eq. (A4.22), cosn1tsin([m-n]1t/2) reduces to sin([m+n]1t/2), so

that the final form ofEq. (A4.24) becomes

x [Sin( [n + k] ",) + sin( [n - k] \jI )J
k 7: Inl
[n+k] [n-k]


A4.1.2 Harmonic Solution for Overmodulated Single-Phase

Leg under Naturally Sampled PWM
Assembling Eqs. (A4.5), (A4.12), (A4.13), (A4.18), and (A4.25), the full solu-
tion for naturally sampled PWM of a single-phase leg under overmodulation,
using a similar approach as was used to develop Eq. (3.10), is
vaz(t) = Vdc + ~[4sin'V + M(1t - 2'V - sin2'V)] cos root (A4.26)

~ [2n ~ 1] sin( [2n - 1]",)
+ - - L..J cos([2n -1](0 0 1)
1t _ i\sin2n'V + sin(2[n - 1]\II)J
n= 2 L n
H.I [n - 1]

00 00

+ Cmncos(mroct+ nroot)
m= I n=-oo
(n ~ 0)
Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 647

where C mn is given by

x [Sin([n + k]o/) + sin([n - k]o/)J

k~ Inl [n+k] [n-k]

and 'V is defined by

cos -I( M)I) for M> 1

0/= (A4.28)
o for M~ 1

A4.1.3 Linear Modulation Solution Obtained from

Overmodulation Solution
In the linear modulation region, 'V becomes zero, and Eq. (A4.26) reduces to

2: ;;Jo(m~ M) sinm~ cosmroct


vaz ( t) = Vdc + VdcMcosroot + 4 :dC

m= I (A4.29)

+ 4 VndC~ ~ ;/n
c: c: 1 ( n ~ ( ~)
m2~sin [m+n]2Jcos(mroct+nroot)
m = 1 n =-00

(n ~ 0)

This result is the same as Eq. (3.39) obtained in Chapter 3 when ec = eo = o.

A4.1.4 Square-Wave Solution Obtained from Overmodulation

When the commanded modulation index increases without bounds, all of the
solution terms containing Bessel functions approach zero (see Fig. A2.1).
648 Appendix 4

Hence only the first two rows ofEq. (A4.26) remain, representing the DC, fun-
damental component, and basebandharmonics. Recall that by definition
M=- (A4.30)
cos 'J1
Substituting this relationship into Eq. (A4.26) gives

4 VdC[
v (t) = Vd + - - simp +
(1t - 2'11- Sin2W
coste t
)J (A4.31)
az c 1t 4 cos 'J1 0

V ~ [2n~ 1] sin([2n - 1]'If)

+- LJ cos([2n - 1 ](0 0 1)
1t _ [Sin2n\V + sin(2[n - 1]'J1)J
n= 2 n cos \V [ n - 1]cos 'V

As Mincreases toward infinity, 'V ~ 7[/2 whereupon

Vd1tC ~.
[2n~ 1]sin([2n-l]~ cos([2n - 1 ](00 1)

n=2 -m + ~J

L'Hospital's rule can be used to resolvethe 6terms, i.e., for the firsthannonic
lim (1t-2'1f-sin2'1f] = lim - 2 - 2~os2'1f = 0 (A4.33)
1t 4 cos 'I' 7t -4 sin 'V
'J1~2 'J1~2

Therefore,when M approaches infinity, the magnitude of the fundamental har-

monic component of the phase leg output becomes


which is the same result as for a square wave. In a similar manner it can be
readily shown that the baseband harmonics become

_ 4 [(-l)n
Vn - - ~ Vdc 2n - 1 J n == 2,3, ... (A4.35)

which is again the same result as for a square wave.

Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 649

A4.2 Symmetric Regular Sampled Double-Edge PWM

Using the same strategies as were developed in Chapter 3 for linear modula-
tion, the above solution process can now be modified to take into account the
effects of regular sampling. This is done by changing the limits of the inner
integral of Eq. (A4.1) to account for the reference waveform sampling in each
carrier interval. The staircase variable that defines these limits is y' , which is
frozen at x == 0 in each carrier interval. For the pth carrier cycle,


or terms of the continuous variables x and y,

y' = y--(x-21tp) (A4.37)

Applying this relationship to the double integral defined by Eq. A4.1 gives

2"( 1 + Mcosy') 'V 1t

f f

_~( I + Mcosy')
ej(mx+ny)dxdy + f


'2( 1 + Mcosy')

1t - 'V

+ ej(mx+ny ) dx dy
'V _!!( 1 + Mcosy')

Substituting from Eq. (A4.37) and changing the integral variable to y' gives

-\V 2( 1 + Mcosy')
'V 1t

ej(qx + ny') dx dy' + f /(qx + ny') dx dy'

f f f
-1t+'V -~( 1 + Mcosy') -\V -1t

2( 1 + Mcosy')

1t - 'V

+ ej(qx + ny') dx dy'

'V -~( I + Mcosy')


650 Appendix 4

where q = m + n( (00/ (Oc).

It can be noted that this result is almost identical to the expression for natu-
rally sampled PWM, Eq. (A4.1), except that the m index has been replaced by
the q index. Equation (A4.39) can now be solved for various values of m and n.

A4.2.1 Evaluation of Double Fourier Integral for

Overmodulated Symmetric Regular Sampled PWM
For m = n = 0, Eq. (A4.39) can be reduced to
1t 1t
-'I' 2( 1 + Mcosy) 2(1 + Mcosy)
'V 1t 1t-'I'

Coo = -2
1t J J dxdy +
+ 'I' _!!( 1 + Mcosy)
-'I' -1t
dx dy r
J J dxdy
-1t 'I' _!!( I + Mcosy)
2 2
which is clearly the same as Eq. (A4.2) in Section A4.1.1. Hence once more


For m > 0, n = 0, Eq. (A4.39) can be simplified to

_!!( I + Mcosy)

'II 1t
j mx
+ e dx dy
-'V -1t


This is clearly the same as Eq. (A4.14) so that the solution of Eq. (A4.18) can
be used again.
Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 651

For m > 0, n 1; 0, the inner integral ofEq. (A4.39) can be evaluated to give

.-\V jny [ jq~ jq~Mcosy -jq~ -jq~Mcosy]
e e 2e 2 -e 2 e 2 dy
-1t + 'V

+ i-'Vejny[ejq~/q~MCOSY _ iq~ ejq~MCOSY] dy (A4.43)

J '":

+ e e jqt: -e-is ) d~

Since this is much the same form as Eq. (A4.19), the same solution process as
led to Eq. (A4.25) can be used. The only difference is that the last integral term
is no longer zero, and must be evaluated. With this extension, and after some
development, Eq. (A4.43) becomes finally

~[Sin(qn) -Jo( q~M) sinq~(l + COSnn)]sinn'!l

x [Sin([n + k]o/) + sin([n - k]'V)]

k* Inl [n+k] [n-k]


For m = 0, n > 0, q reduces to n( 0) 0/ m c) , and Eq. (A4.44) is still valid.

652 Appendix 4

A4.2.2 Harmonic Solution for Overmodulated Single-Phase

Leg under Symmetric Regular Sampled PWM
Assembling Eqs. (A4.41), (A4.42), and (A4.44), the full solution for symmet-
ric regular sampled PWM of a single-phase leg under overmodulation is

4VdC~ (A4.45)
vaz(t) = Vdc + -2- L..J ConcosnIDot
n= 1

+ L L CmnCOs(mIDct + nIDot)
m=1 n=-oo
(n ~ 0)

where COn is given by

-1[ sin (00

n-1t) -Jo n-- (ro
O Tt
M)~ sin (roo~
n-- (1 + cosnn) sinn'V ]
n Olc Ole 2 Ole

C =-- -
On [(00J
1t Jk(n IDO?!~ sin([n 00roc + kJ~"2J

Ole Olc2
X { 1 + cos( [n + k] 1t ) }
k= 1 X [Sin([n + k]\JI) + sin([n - k]o/)]
k~lnl [n+k] [n-k]

Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 653

and Cmn is given by

~[sin(q1t) -Jo( q~M) sinq~(l + cosn1t)]sinml'

+ I n( qiM) Sin([q + n] ~ [ 1t- 2", - ~ sin2n",]

Cmn = 2

k = 1
+ k]\J1) + sin([n - k]\J1)]
x [Sin([n

k-:t= Inl
[n+k] [n-k]

with q = m + n( (00/ (Oc) and \J1 defined by Eq. (A4.28).

A4.2.3 Linear Modulation Solution Obtained from

Overmodulation Solution
Once again in the linear region \J1 = 0, and Eq. (A4.45) can be reduced to

r; L - -1- Jn ((O

v (I) = Vd + 4- - n--M~ sin O

1t ([n-
(00 + nJ~
- cosnco 1
az c 1t o c2
[ (0 ] (0 (0
c 0
n= n ro I (A4.48)

4 r: ~ I 1t (
+ ----;- LJ;;; sinm 2 J o m 2 M) cosmroct
1t ~
m= 1

4 Vdc ~ ~
+-;- LJ LJ -;/n q2 ~ ([q+n]2Jcos(mroct+nroot)
I (1tM)sin ~\
m= I n=-oo
(n ~ 0)

This result is the same as Eq. (3.78) obtained in Chapter 3. Note also that this
solution produces baseband even harmonics as a consequence of the symmet-
ric regular sampling process. Once again, this reflects the poorer harmonic per-
formance of symmetric regular sampled PWM compared to asymmetric
regular sampled PWM.
654 Appendix4

A4.3 Asymmetric Regular Sampled Double-Edge

For asymmetrical regular sampling, the limits of the inner integral of Eq.
(A4.1) must now be changed to account for two reference waveform sampling
points in each carrier interval. The staircase variables that define these limits
are v; for the switched pulse rising edge and y; for the falling edge. These
variables are frozen at x = -n12 and x = n12, respectively, in each carrie!
interval. For the r" carrier cycle,


or terms of the continuous variables x and y,

y' = y -
_2np + ~)
yj = y - ffio(x
- 21tp - ~\

These variables can now be used to redefine Eq. (A4.1), as

2( I + Mcosy;)

ej(mx+ny)dxdy + J ej(mx+ny)dxdy

2( 1 + Mcosy;)
ej(mx+ny)dxdy + J ej(mx+ny)dxdy

where it can be seen that each integration section has been split into two
halves, once for the start of the switched pulse and one for the end of the
switched pulse.
Utilizing Eq. (A4.50), the integration variables in Eq. (A4.51) can now be
changed to give
Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 655

n[v~ '+ roroo~ll
j(qX +
e r
c 2Y dx d Yr'


2 1'+ Mcos ~r

2( I + McoSYJ)
}o( qx r n [Y
0 1t
I -W
+ e f Olc 2 dxdy}


where again q = m + n( rool roc). Equation (A4.52) can now be solved for
various values of m and n.

A4.3.1 Evaluation of Double Fourier Integral for

Overmodulated Asymmetric Regular Sampled PWM

For m = n = 0, Eq. (A4.52) can be reduced to

656 Appendix 4

-\jI 0
2( I + McosYj)

-7t+'" 7t
dx dyr' +
-2(1 + Mcosy,')
dx elyf'


2( 1 + Mcosyj)

dx dyr' + J dxdy;

which is clearly the same as Eq. (A4.2) and therefore has a solution of
Coo = Aoo +jB oo = 2 Vdc (A4.54)
For m > 0, n = 0, Eq. (A4.52) can be simplifiedto

2( 1 + McosYj)

-\V o

e jmxdxdyr'+


2( 1 + McosYj)

e dx dYr' +
J ejmxdxdyj

which is the same as Eq. (A4.14) since Y; = yj = y, and so has a solution of

Overmodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 657

For m > 0, n :t= 0, the inner integral of Eq. (A4.52) can be evaluated to give



<: = j::2 + i[/n[Y:+ ::~] [1- /q1t ]dy; + /n~;-::~] [e j q1t _ 1]dY; ]


Replacing v; and y; with a common integration variable y, and rearranging,



f roo 1t 1t . roo 1t 1t
-1t+\fI -jn-- jq-( 1 + Mcosy) jn-- -jq-( 1 + Mcosy)
+e ro c 2 e 2 -e roc2 e 2
658 Appendix4

-'V " . ( nOlO1t)

2jSln --
Ole 2
e dy
+ 'V ]1t 1t
roo -2 jq-Mcosy
j"[q - n- "[
roo ] 2
-j q - n- 7t -jq"2Mcosy
" 7t
+e roc e 2 - e roc e

__ Vde mOlt)
+ J 1t-\V
j ny
2jsin ( n--
me 2 dy
\V j[q - nroo]~ jq~Mcosy -i[q - n roo]~ -jq~Mcosy
+e roc 2 e 2 - e roc 2 e 2

Je [2 Sin(n::~)

j ny
j + 2jsin( qtc- n ::~ Jdy

which finally produces

jm~ jq~Mcosy -jm'!!:. -jq'!!:.MCOSY]
e e 2e 2 - e 2e 2 dy

1t - 'V jny [ .jm 7t jq"2
. 1t M cosy " 7 t-.j q21t M cosy]
+ e e 2e -e 2e dy


+ Je j ny
[2jSin(n::~ + 2jsin( mtc + n::~ dy J
The top two integral terms of Eq. (A4.59) can be recognized as the same
form as the top two terms of Eq. (A4.19), except that m is replaced with n in

jq'!!:.Mcosy -jq'!!:.Mcosy .
the e 2 and e 2 terms. Hence the solution of Eq. (A4.25) can be
applied to this part of the integration with a simple variable substitution.
Ovennodulation of a Single-Phase Leg 659

The last two integral terms of Eq. (A4.59) can be readily evaluated to

) [-In'V
2 . oTt
e - e-jn[1t-'Vl + e jn[1t-'Vl- e jn'V+ e jn'V- e-jn'VJ
-sIn ( n--
n ooc 2 + (In'V
e - e

= 4jSin(n roo~\ cossrn - cosn1t)sinn", (A4.60)

Olc V

Gathering up these terms gives a complete solution for Cmn of

1 sin(n ::~)( cos ern - cosnn )

-Jo( q~M) sinm~(l + cosnn)

Cmn = 4 v~c + I n ( q~ M) sin( [m + n]~ [1t - 2", - ~sin2n",]


x [Sin([n + k ]\jI) + sin([n - k]\jI)J
k:t; Inl [n+k] [n-k]


For m = 0, n > 0, q reduces to n( 000 1 roc)' and Eq. (A4.61) is still valid.
660 Appendix 4

A4.3.2 Harmonic Solution for Overmodulated Single-Phase

Leg under Asymmetric Regular Sampled PWM
Assembling Eqs. (A4.54), (A4.56), and (A4.61), the full solution for asymmet-
ric regular sampled PWM of a single-phase leg under overmodulation is

L COncosnOlot

vait) = Vde + (A4.62)


00 00

+ Cmncos(mroet + nOlot)
m=l n=-oo
in 0)

where COn is given by

-sIn roo~( 1 - cosn1t) sInn'll

1 . ( n-- .
n roc

C =-- -
On [rooJ
n- 1t 2 roo1t ~ 1t
00 i,( n Ol 2M) sink 2{1 + cos([n + k]1t)}
-L k= I

x [Sin([n + k ]\JI) + sin([n - k ]\II)J

k:;t Inl [n+k] [n-k]

Overmodulation ofa Single-Phase Leg 661

and Cmn is given by

1 sin(n::~)(cosm1t-cosn1t)
-Jo( q~~ sinm~(l + cosnn)

Cmn = 4 V~c + I n ( q~M) sin( [m + n]~ [ 1t - 2", - ~ sin2n", J


k = 1
x [Sin([n + k]'V) + sin([n - k]'JI)J
ki: Inl [n+k] [n-k]

with q = m + n(roo/ro c ) and 'V defined by Eq. (A4.28).

A4.3.3 Linear Modulation Solution Obtained from

Overmodulation Solution
Once more 'JI = 0 when the phase leg is modulated in the linear region and
Eq. (A4.62) can be reduced to


4 r: ~ 1 (1t ~
..J ;;/0 m"2 M) sinm 2 cosmroct

m= 1

OO oo
+-- 1t 1
-J(1t ~ (
q n 2 2
q-Msin[m+n]- cos(mrot+nrot)
C 0

m = 1 n =-00
(n 0) *
This result is the same as Eq. (3.98) obtained in Chapter 3. Note also that once
again there are no even.baseband harmonic components in this solution,just as
for the development in Chapter 3.
Appendix 5
Numeric Integration of a Double
Fourier Series Representation of a
Switched Waveform

A5.1 Formulation of the Double Fourier Integral

Appendix 1 has developed the double Fourier integral expression for a PWM
switched waveform, f(t) = f(x,Y) , as
L [AOncosny + Bonsinny] + L [Amocosmx + Bmosinmx]
00 00

fix,y) = ~O +
n= 1 m= 1 (A5.I)

L L [Amncos(mx + ny) + Bmnsin(mx + ny)]

00 00

m=l n=-oo
(n ~ 0)


2: J J
7[ 7[

A mn + jB mn = f(x,y)ej(mx+n ) dx dy (A5.2)
-7[ -7[


x(t) = Olc t + 0c (A5.3)

y(t) = Olot + 8 0 (A5.4)

With this representation, for all PWM algorithms the process of determin-
ing the magnitudes of the various harmonics that make up the switched wave-
form becomes the process of evaluating the double Fourier integral, Eq.
(A5.2), as the switched output changes state. For two-level inverters, the
switched output can only take the two values of 0 and 2Vdc ' For multilevel
inverters, the switched output can vary in discrete steps from 0 to Vdc(total)' (It
should be noted that 2 Vde is the usual way of defining the overall DC bus volt-
664 Appendix 5

age for a two-level inverter, while Vdc is often used to define the overall sum of
the series DC voltages for a multilevel inverter.)
Furthermore, the switched output only changes state at defined times
within each carrier interval as determined by the intersection between the (usu-
ally triangular) carrier waveform and the fundamental reference waveform. (It
should be noted also that the reference waveform is not necessarily sinusoidal.)
Assuming that only one rising and one falling switched transition occur in each
carrier interval (the usual arrangement), the instant of these transitions can be
defined as X r and xfi respectively. Hence Eq. (A5.2) can be alternatively
expressed as

n ~ ~ n
A mn + jB mn = 2~2 Jfiej(mx+nYk-+ Jluej(mx+nYk-+ Jfiej(mx + nYk- dy
-n -n X x
r f
where fi is the value of j(x,y) before the rising and after the falling switched
edges, andju is the value ofj(x,y) between these edges. Note that for two-level
modulation,Ji = 0 andfu = 2 Vdc and Eq. (A5.5) reduces to

n Xf

A mn ]B mn
_ -2
- Vde e
j(mx + ny)
dxdy (A5.6)
-1t x;

For simplicity of explanation, only this form will be considered further in this
More complex reference waveforms such as those used in space vector
modulation are made up from segments of sinusoids, and hence the outer inte-
gral of Eq. (A5.6) cannot be evaluated as a single continuous integral. How-
ever, it can be restated as a summation of integral segments, i.e.,

. ye(i) xii)
J .1'

A mn +B
} mn
= Vdc~
2 L...J e
dy (AS.?)
i = 1 Ys(i) xr(i)

where} is the number of segments in the reference waveform andys(i) andYe(i)

are the start and finish angles of segment i. For space vector modulation,} = 6;
for 120 0 discontinuous modulation,} = 3 (of which one segment always has a
magnitude of zero and can be discarded), and so on.
Numeric Integration of a Double Fourier Series 665

It should be noted also that for naturally sampled modulation,

xr(i) = -xli) under all conditions.
The further complication of regular sampled modulation is managed by
changing the reference waveform variable y into a sampled staircase waveform
as presented in Chapter 3, using the substitutions of


for symmetrical regular sampled modulation, and

ro o (
y'=y--x+- 1t) (A5.9)
r roc 2
for asymmetrical regular sampled modulation.

Under these conditions, Eq. (A5.?) becomes

. ye(i) xl))

A +jR = Vdc~ J JO /([m+n::}+n y ') dxdy' (A5.tO)

mn mn
1t 2 iL...JI Ys(i) x,(i)

for double-edge symmetrical regular sampled modulation, and

v j
A mn +n -
} mn -
-2 L...J (A5.II)
i =I

for double-edge asymmetrical regular sampled modulation.

The substitution of q = m+n(roo/ro c ) allows Eqs. (A5.IO) and (A5.II)

to be simplified to

J J.r:
ye(i) xli)

A mn +}.n mn -- VdC~
-2L...J ny') dx dy' (A5.12)
i=I ys(i) x,(i)

for double-edge symmetrical regular sampled modulation, and

666 Appendix 5

j (qx + ny , + n--
e r roc dx dy;
v j
A mn +B - dc,", (A5.I3)
J mn - -2 L..J
j =1

for double-edge asymmetrical regular sampled modulation.

A5.2 Analytical Solution of the Inner Integral

For m == 0, the inner integral ofEq. (A5.7) can be evaluated to

AOn+jBon =
J. Ye(i)

/nY{xji)-xr(i)}dy (A5.I4)
i = 1 Ys(i)

for naturally sampled modulation only. This expression can in tum usually be
readily evaluated since the inner integral limits xr(i) and xli) almost always
contain sinusoidal expressions with y as the argument, and these expressions
combine with the i
term using trigonometric expansions into easily integra-
ble single-term sinusoidal expressions.
For m 0, and for sampled modulation strategies in any case, the inner
integral of Eqs. (A5.7), (A5.12), or (A5.I3) as appropriate is readily evaluated
to give

V j
A mn +B - de ' " ' jn ( jmxji) jmxr(i) d
J mn - -.-2 L..J e e - e y (A5.I5)
j = 1 y,,(i)

for naturally sampled modulation,

. ye(i)

A mn +B
J mn
= VdC~
2 L..J e
jqXr(i) d
y (A5.16)
i= 1 Ys(i)

for symmetrical regular sampled modulation, and

Numeric Integration of a Double Fourier Series 667

Ye(i) (0

v j
jn y; e jn (O0~
- e
jqXr(i)) d '

A mn +'B - dc~ (A5.1?)

J mn - - 2 L.J
1t Ye(i)
i= I (0

J ys(i)
jny/ -in (O0~ (jqXfi)
e c e -
1) d '

for asymmetrical regular sampled modulation.

Equation (A5.I7) can be simplified by combining the two integral expres-
sions to use a common integration variable y, so that it becomes

Since Eq. (A5.I8) must always be evaluated over a complete fundamental

cycle, the first term of this expression sums to
wo 1t jny
2jSlnn--e dy = 0 (A5.I9)
ffi c 2

and hence can be ignored. Equation (A5.I8) therefore reduces to

A mn +JBmn = - dc
Ye( i)
. roo1t
-.1 n - -
Ole 2e

- e
. 00o1t .
In-- Jqxr(l)
roc 2 e
. j
1t i = I Ys(i)
668 Appendix 5

The difficulty in proceeding from this point in general is that since the
inner integral limits xr(i) and xli) almost always contain sinusoidal expressions
with y as the argument, they create jACOSY terms in the outer integrals of Eqs.
(A5.I5), (A5. 16), and (A5.20). This makes these equations complex and diffi-
cult to analytically solve. The alternative approach presented here is to solve
them numerically only, and to simply evaluate them for particular values of m

A5.3 Numeric Integration of the Outer Integral

Substitution of the appropriate inner integral limits into Eqs. (A5.I5), (A5.16),
and (A5.20) creates smoothly varying expressions in y, which can readily be
evaluated using numeric integration. Furthermore, since these expressions only
include the carrier frequency as a constant, they can be evaluated using rela-
tively coarse time steps over the fundamental period. Hence the computational
requirements to determine any harmonic component are essentially fixed irre-
spective of the carrier-to-fundamental ratio. And as an added bonus, there is no
requirement to use an integer pulse ratio between the carrier and the fundamen-
tal component.
The approach is illustrated here for the case of asymmetrical regular sam-
pled PWM with one-sixth third-harmonic injection. For this case, the inner
integration limits become



Note that for this example, only one outer integral summation term is required,
since the reference waveform definition of M cos y - M cos 3y /6 is continuous.
Substitution of these limits into Eq. (A5.20) gives

Amn +]B mn
= -2
J1t e
J ny
. 1t{ 1 + Mcosy - -cos3y
co o 1t Jq-
co c 2 e 2
dy (A5.23)
-1t jn 000 11 _jq~{ 1 + Mcosy - MCOS3Y}
- e coc2 e 2 6
NumericIntegration of a DoubleFourierSeries 669

which simplifies to

A mn +B
] mn
J7t. jm~ jq~{MCOSY-~COS3Y}
e m e e dy (A5.24)

-It -jm15. -jq~{MCOSy-WCOS3Y}

-e 2e

Equation (A5.24) is readily evaluated numerically over the range -rt to 1t to

determine the co-efficients of harmonics defined by any values ofm and n.
Whilst it is not a closed form solution, numerical integration of the outer
Fourier integral provides an easy and reliable way to determine the magnitude
and phase of harmonics for any type of PWM strategy. And in particular for
this text, numerical integration has been used extensively to verify the various
closed form solutions that have been presented.
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A Analytical harmonic solutions (continued)

AC resistance, see Induction motor regularly sampled modulation
Alternative phase opposition disposition double-edge, asymmetrical, 144
(APOD) double-edge, symmetrical, 137
see also Contour plot single-edge, 133
three-IeveI single-phase inverter
integral limits, 482 naturally sampled modulation
principles, 481-484 double-edge, J 59-160, 162
five-level double-edge, discontinuous, 192-193
carrier, 470 revised for multilevel cascaded
integral limits, 495 inverter, 453
principles, 492-497 single-edge, 162
Analytical harmonic solutions overmodulation, naturally sampled,
multilevel cascaded inverter 360-361
phase-shifted cascaded modulation regularly sampled modulation
naturally sampled, 456 double-edge, asymmetrical, 163
overmodulated,naturally sampled, 465 double-edge, discontinuous, both
regularly sampled, asymmetrical, 458 phase legs switched, 196
three-phase I-I, naturally sampled, 458 double-edge,discontinuous,one phase
three-phase 1-1, regularly sampled, leg switched, 203, 207
asymmetrical, 460 double-edge, symmetrical, 163
multilevel diode-clamped inverter single-edge, 162
alternative phase opposition disposition three-phase inverter
modulation 1200 discontinuous modulation
three-level, 484 naturally sampled, 316, 318, 321
five-level, 494 regularly sampled, 322
seven-level, 514 naturally sampled modulation
higher-levels, 502 sinusoidal reference, double-edge,
phase disposition modulation 219-220
three-level, 479 regular sampled modulation
three-level, overmodulated, 488 sinusoidal reference, asymmetrical,
five-level, 492 223
higher-levels, 499-501 regularly sampled modulation, third
phase opposition disposition modulation harmonic injection
three-level, 484 double-edge, asymmetrical, 238
five-level, 498 double-edge, symmetrical, 237
multilevel hybrid inverter, 512, 514 single-edge, 237
one phase leg space vector modulation
naturally sampled modulation naturally sampled, 282
double-edge, 118 regularly sampled, asymmetrical, 285
single-edge, I 1I regularly sampled, symmetrical, 284
overmodulation Asymmetrical regular sampling, advantages
naturally sampled, 353-354 compared to symmetrical sampling, 168
regularly sampled, asymmetrical,
357-358 B
regularly sampled, symmetrical, 356- Bar factor, 83
357 Baseband harmonics, definition, 103
716 Index

Bidirectional chopper, 4 Contour plot (continued)

Bootstrap gate power supply, 566 POD modulation, 498
Break frequency ratio, induction motor optimum modulation, weighted total
resistance and inductance, 78 harmonic distortion, 418, 421
Break frequency; definition, 77 Converter
controller details, 569-572
C elements of, 557-561
Capacitor voltage balance, multilevel Current clamping, dead time, 619
inverters, 435, 438 Current error
Capacitor-clamped multilevel inverter optimized space vector modulation, two-
structure, 49-51 level inverter, 393, 394
Carrier Current source inverter, 21-23
three-level autosequentially commutated, 23
APOD/POO modulation, 482 control logic signals, 340
PO modulation, 472 equivalent zero states
five-level sawtooth carrier, 342
APOD modulation, 494 triangular carrier, 341
diode-clamped multilevel inverter, 470 switching continuity constraints, 21
PO modulation, 491
POD modulation, 497 D
harmonics, definition, 104 DC link voltage, definition, 6
maximum slope, 367 DC link voltage, variation with AC voltage
phase-shifted, multilevel cascaded unbalance, 597
inverter, 455 Dead time
sawtooth, 106 definition, 607
triangular, 114 compensation, 612-618
Carrier/fundamental frequency ratio, 106 phasor representation, 615
integer versus non-integer, 148-149 voltage deviation, 613, 616
Cascaded voltage source multilevel inverter Deep bar effect, 73
see Phase-shifted cascaded modulation Diode, inverse parallel, 5
(PSCPWM) Diode-clamped multilevel inverter
structure, 51-54, 438-439 see Altemative phase opposition
Chopper, 3-4 disposition (APOD)
Clamped waveform sections see Phase disposition (PD)
discontinuous modulation, three-phase . see Phase opposition disposition (POD)
inverter, 306 structure, 42-49, 434-437
Common mode elimination, see Pulse width Direct modulation
modulation strategies, common mode definition, 96
elimination evaluation of, 146
Compensated modulation, see Modulation, Discontinuous modulation
compensated multilevel inverter, 548-550
Contour plot single-phase inverter
minimum-loss modulation, effective both phase legs switched, 186-198
weighted total harmonic distortion, one phase leg switched, 200-207
428, 429 three-phase inverter
multilevel hybrid inverter, 513 120 switching, 299-301
multi level inverter 30 switching, 302-306
three-Ieve I 60 switching, 302-306
APOD/PD modulation, 482 clamped waveform sections, 306
PO modulation, 472 phase leg references
PD overmodulation, 486 120 switching, 309, 313, 314
five-level 30 switching, 312-314
APOD modulation, 494 60 switching, 310, 311, 313-315
PO modulation, 491 switched waveforms, 30 I, 302, 304, 305
Index 717

Double-edge modulation Harmonic cancellation, phase-shifted

naturally sampled, 115 cascaded modulation, 456, 457, 459,
regularly sampled, 126 461, 462, 464
d-q-Q stationary reference frame, see Harmonic components of switched
Stationary reference frame waveform, 102
DSP, event manager (EV) system, 576 Harmonic distortion factor
Dwell time, 607 see also Weighted total harmonic
E current, 61-64
Effective modulation index one phase leg, 173, 174
carrier based overmodulation single-phase inverter, three-level
60 discontinuous reference, 371 modulation, 174, 177
sinusoidal reference, 365 three-phase inverter, 247, 248
space vector reference, 369 comparison, 328
versus modulation index discontinuous modulation strategies, 327
60 discontinuous reference, 372 space vector modulation, 294
sinusoidal reference, 366 summary, 327
space vector overmodulation, 381 variation with modulation depth, 248
space vector reference, 370 voltage, 57-61
Effective weighted total harmonic distortion weighted total harmonic distortion,
minimum-loss modulation, use in, 427 relationship with, 250
Electromagnetic interference (EMI), 563 Harmonic elimination
Equalization ofvoltage and current stress, see generalized output waveform, 397
Switching loss, equalization multilevel inverter
equal voltage levels, 44(}-44)
optimum switching angles
F equal voltage levels, 441
Figures of merit unequal voltage levels, 447
square-wave switching, 72 solution results, individual, 442
weighted total harmonic distortion, 93 unequal voltage levels, 443-446
Flux trajectory, space vector, 544 principles, 396-407
Flying-capacitor inverter, see Capacitor- two-level inverter
clamped multilevel inverter elimination of 5th and 7th harmonics,
Fortesque zero sequence component, 29 solution, 402
Four phase leg inverter, see Pulse width solution results, individual, 404, 406,
modulation strategies, four phase leg 409-413
inverter solution results, summary, 408
Fourier coefficients use in overmodulation region, 414
multilevel inverter, block switching, 440 weighted total harmonic distortion,
Fourier transform, application to pulse width revised, 404-405
modulation, 102 Harmonic losses, calculation
one phase leg, 169-173
G single-phase inverter, 174-177
Gain, during overmodulation, 365, 371 three-phase inverter
inverse, 373 discontinuous modulation, 326-330
versus modulation index, 366, 370, 372 sine-triangle modulation, 241-248
Gate power supply, bootstrap, 566 space vector modulation, 291-294
Gaussian distribution, random carrier period, Harmonic solutions, see Analytical harmonic
590 solutions
Harmonic spectra
H current source inverter, experimental, 344,
Half-bridge inverter, topology, 6
four phase leg inverter, 605
multilevel cascaded inverter
718 Index

Harmonic spectra (continued) Harmonic spectra (continued)

centered PD modulation, experimental, double-edge, discontinuous, both
551, 552 phase legs switched, 194
discontinuous modulation, double-edge, discontinuous, one phase
experimental, 553 leg switched, 205, 208
equivalent PD modulation single-edge, 164
five-level, experimental, 509 overmodulation, naturally sampled, 362
phase-shifted modulation regularly sampled modulation
experimental, 464 double-edge, asymmetrical, 167
naturally sampled, 457, 461 double-edge, discontinuous,
overmodulated, 468 asymmetrical, 199
regularly sampled, asymmetrical, double-edge, discontinuous,
459,462 symmetrical, 197
multilevel diode-clamped inverter double-edge, symmetrical, 166
three-level double-edge, two- and three-level
APOO/POO modulation, 485 switching, comparison, 212
PO modulation, 480 single-edge, 165
PD ovennodulation, 490 three-phase inverter
five-level comparison
APOO modulation, 496 sinusoidal reference, 224
APOD modulation with third- space vector modulation, 273
harmonic injection, 524 third-harmonic injection, 239
PO modulation, 493 discontinuous modulation
PO modulation with third-harmonic 1200 switching, 323
injection, 523 600 switching, 324
POD modulation, 500 alternative zero vector position, 334
POD modulation with third-harmonic comparison, 325
injection, 525 experimental, 255, 256
seven-level naturally sampled modulation
PD modulation, 503 sinusoidal reference, 221
multilevel hybrid inverter third-harmonic injection, 235
APOO modulation, 515 overmodulation, naturally sampled, 362
APOD modulation, experimental, 516 space vector modulation
PD equivalent modulation naturally sampled, 286
experimental, 521 regularly sampled, asymmetrical, 288
theoretical, 520 regularly sampled, symmetrical, 287
PO modulation, comparison with third- H-bridge single-phase inverter, see Single-
harmonic injection, 527 phase full-bridge inverter
one phase leg Hexagon space vector locus, two-level
direct modulation, 148 voltage source inverter, 33
naturally sampled modulation Hexagonal coordinate system, space vector,
double edge, 119 538-543
single-edge, I 12 Hybrid voltage source inverter
ovennodulation structure, 54-55, 510
naturally sampled, 355 voltage switching levels, 510
regularly sampled, asymmetrical, 359 Hyperbolic distribution, random carrier
regularly sampled, symmetrical, 359 period, 590
regularly sampled modulation
double-edge, asymmetrical, 145 I
double-edge, symmetrical, 138 IGCT and IGBT, use in hybrid inverter, 54
single-edge, 134 Inductance
single-phase inverter induction motor, 63
naturally sampled modulation power stage, parasitic, 565
double-edge, 161
Index 719

Induction motor M
AC resistance and inductance Maximum modulation index
nonrectangular rotor bar, 78 single-phase inverter, 157
rectangular rotor bar, 76, 77 three-phase inverter
bar factor, 83 sinusoidal reference, 218
equivalent inductance, 63 space vector modulation, 262
frequency dependence third harmonic injection, 229
rotor leakage inductance, 84 Minimum pulse width, effect of, 607-611
rotor parameters, frequency regions, 84 Minimum-loss modulation, 421-429
rotor resistance, 82 effective weighted total harmonic
rectangular rotor bar, analysis, 73-78 distortion, 427
rotor referred equivalent circuit, 81 variation with c, 428, 429
Integral limits harmonic loss coefficient, 427
multilevel diode-clamped inverter multilevel inverter, 447-448
three-level APOD modulation, 482 solution results, individual, 447, 448
three-level POD modulation, 482 solution results, summary, 449
two-level inverter
five-level APOO modulation, 495
solution 'results, composite, 429
five-level PD modulation, 489
Modulation gain, during overmodulation, see
five-level POD modulation, 497
Gain, during overmodulation
three-level PD modulation, 472 Modulation index (depth), definition, 105
one phase leg Modulation index, effective during
naturally sampled modulation overmodulation, see Effective
double-edge, 115 modulation index
single-edge, 107 Modulation strategies, see Pulse width
overmodulation, 352 modulation strategies
regularly sampled modulation Modulation, compensated, 373-375
double-edge, asymmetrical, 139 Multilevel inverters, topologies, 42-55,
double-edge, symmetrical, 135 434-439
single-edge, 131
single-phase inverter N
naturally sampled modulation Naturally sampled pulse width modulation
double-edge, discontinuous, both definition, 96
phase legs switched, 187 current source inverter, 343
double-edge, discontinuous, one phase principles, 105-107
legs switched, 201 Negative sequence voltage, 592, 593
regularly sampled modulation Neutral-point clamped inverter
discontinuous, both phase legs topology, 38
switched, 195 Newton's method, application to harmonic
three-phase inverter elimination, 399-401
1200 modulation, 3 15 NPC, see Neutral-point clamped inverter
space vector modulation
naturally sampled, 274 o
regular sampled, asymmetrical, 283 Objectives, pulse width modulation, 96
regular sampled, symmetrical, 282 Offset, space vector modulation
Inverse Gain, see Gain, during multilevel inverter
overmodulation, inverse reference voltage, 537
zero, 547
two-level inverter, zero, 271, 545
L Optical isolation, power stage, 567
Losses, switching, see Switching loss, Optimized space vector modulation, see
equalization Space vector modulation, optimized, two-
720 Index

Optimum modulation, 416-421 Phase-to-neutral voltages, overmodulated,

solution results after compensation, 375
composite, 425 Phasor angle, calculation of, 583
individual, 416-424 Placement, 294
switching angles for minimum weighted Positive sequence voltage, 592, 593
total harmonic distortion, 418 Power converter, structure, see Converter,
weighted total harmonic distortion, elements of
variation with a, 418, 421 Power electronic converters, families of, 2
Output reference voltage, see Reference Power supply, converter controller, 567
voltage, target Pulse placement, best and worst case, 184
Overmodulation Pulse ratio, see Carrier/fundamental
compensated phase-to-neutral voltages, frequency ratio
375 Pulse sequence, see Sequence, pulse
gain Pulse width modulation
60 reference, 371-372 evaluation, 97-98
sinusoidal reference, 364-367 Fourier analysis, 99-102
space vector reference, 367-371 fundamental concepts, 96-97
region, 350 hardware implementation, 572-579
space vector approach, 376-381 objectives, 96
strategies for various levels of software implementation, 579-583
overmodulation, 381 three-phase inverter, I-I harmonic
cancellation, 220
p timer calculation, 581
Performance comparison timer logic structure, 576, 577
pulse width modulation strategies Pulse width modulation strategies
one phase leg, 150 see also Space vector modulation
three-phase inverter, 290 common mode elimination, 598-602
Performance index, optimum modulation, four phase leg inverter, 603~06
415 Quad transformation, 604
Phase disposition (PD) harmonic elimination in overmodulation
see also Contour plot region, use of, 414
three-level harmonic elimination, see Harmonic
principles, 469-479 elimination
five-level hybrid multilevel inverter, 507-517
carrier, 470 equivalent PD modulation, 517-519
integral limits, 489 minimum-loss modulation, see Minimum-
principles, 489-492 loss modulation
three-level multilevel inverter
integral limits, 472 alternative phase opposition disposition
equivalent for cascaded inverters, 504-505 (APOO), see Alternative phase
Phase opposition disposition (POD) opposition disposition (APOO)
see also Contour plot phase disposition (PO), see Phase
three-Ieve I disposition (PD)
integral limits, 482 phase opposition disposition (POD), see
principles, 481-484 Phase opposition disposition (POD)
five-level phase-shifted cascaded modulation
carrier, 470 (PSCPWM), 453-467
integral limits, 497 third-harmonic injection, 519-526
principles, 497-499 variable modulation index, 526-528
Phase shift modulation, 17-19 one phase leg
harmonic components, 19 direct modulation, 146-148
Phase-shifted cascaded modulation duty cycle variation
(PSCPWM), 453-467 sine-sawtooth, 120-123
sine-triangle, 123-125
Index 721

Pulse width modulation strategies (continued) Regularly sampled pulse width modulation
naturally sampled modulation definition, 96
sine-sawtooth, 105-111 principles, 125-129
sine-triangle, 114-118 sampling delay correction, 127, 129
performance comparison, 150 Resolution, phasor angle, 583
regularly sampled modulation Root-mean-square (RMS)
sine-sawtooth, 130-133 definition, 13, 57
sine-triangle, asymmetrical, 139-144 expressed using harmonics, 58
sine-triangle, symmetrical, 134-137 expressed using THO, 59
optimum modulation, see Optimum
modulation S
random carrier period, 586-590 Sampling delay correction
three-phase inverter optimized space vector modulation, 393
discontinuous switching, 299-31 ) practical implementation, 581
optimized space vector, 384-395 regularly sampled pulse width modulation,
sinusoidal reference, 216-225 127, ]29
space vector, 259-290 Sawtooth carrier, 106
third harmonic injection, 226-240 Sequence, pulse
Pulse width, minimum, see Minimum pulse discontinuous modulation, 331
width, effect of space vector modulation, 331
PWM controller, compensated for Sideband harmonics, definition, 104
overmodulation, 374 Sideband modulation, 177-182
PWM, see Pulse width modulation, Pulse variation of weighted total harmonic
width modulation strategies distortion with frequency dither, 182
Single-edge modulation
Q naturally sampled, 107
Quad transformation, 604 regularly sampled, 126
Quasi-square-wave switching, see Six-step Single-phase full-bridge inverter
switching three-level modulation, 157-160
topology, 7,156
R two-level modulation, 207-211
Random pulse width modulation, see Pulse Six-step switching
width modulation strategies, random fundamental voltage, 13
carrier period harmonic components, 12
Reference voltage, target voltage waveforms, II
dead time, effect of, 615 Skin depth, 76
four phase leg inverter, 603 Skin effect, 77
multi level cascaded inverter, equivalent Space vector diagram
PO modulation, 506, 507 three-level inverter, 598
multilevel hybrid inverter, 513, 518 current source inverter, 338
multilevel inverter diode-clamped multilevel inverter
discontinuous modulation, 549 three- and five-level, 532
one phase leg, 105 four phase leg inverter, 607
overmodulation hexagon decomposition, 535, 538
60 discontinuous reference, 371 reduced common mode
sinusoidal reference, 351 three-Ieve I inverter, 60 I
space vector reference, 368 four-level inverter, 602
phasor angle, calculation of, 583 five-level inverter, 601
single-phase inverter, 157 voltage source inverter, two-level, 261
three-phase inverter Space vector modulation
discontinuous modulation, 309-314 concept, 25
sinusoidal reference, 216, 218 multilevel inverter
space vector modulation, 269 hexagonal co-ordinate system, 538-543
third harmonic injection, 227 offset adjustment, reference voltage, 537
722 Index

Space vector modulation (continued) Switching intervals

optimal position, space vector, 543-544 optimized space vector modulation, 390-
optimized sequences, 531-534 392
optimized, two-level Switching loss, equalization
current error, 393, 394 block switching, 441-442, 445, 446
optimal switching intervals, 390-392 multilevel cascaded inverter, 505, 507
optimal switching time, 389 Switching waveforms
principles, 384-395 dead time
sampling delay correction, 393 compensation for, 617
weighted total harmonic distortion, effect of, 613, 614
comparison with conventional, 395 four phase leg inverter, 606
sequences, optimized, 532 harmonic elimination, 397
two-level inverter multilevel cascaded inverter
active times, 261, 264 centered PD modulation, experimental,
active times during overmodulation, 379 551, 552
diagram, 31, 261 discontinuous modulation,
integral limits, 274 experimental, 553
maximum modulation index, 262 equivalent PD modulation,
naturally sampled, 270-272 experimental, 508
overmodulation strategies, 381 phase-shifted modulation
principles, 259-267 experimental, 463
references, phase leg, 269, 270 multilevel hybrid inverter, 511, 522
relationship to DC link voltage, 35, 263 multilevel inverter
relationship to phase variables, 34 block switching
switch combinations, 31, 260 cascaded inverter, 440, 445, 446
vector sequence, 266 general arrangement, 439
zero offset, 271 effect of minimum pulse width, 609,
zero vector placement, 294-298 610,611
Spectral weighting factor, use in WTHD, 69 harmonic elimination
Square-wave switching five-level switching, 443
figures of merit, 72 seven-level switching, 444
see also Six-step switching, Total one phase leg
harmonic distortion, Weighted total overmodulation,350
harmonic distortion random carrier period, 587
Stationary reference frame single-phase inverter
definition, 25 discontinuous modulation, both phase
transformation to/from three-phase legs switched, 188
variables, 29 discontinuous modulation, one phase leg
Step-down chopper, 3 switched, 202
Step-up chopper, 4 discontinuous modulation, one phase leg
Subhannonics, 253-256 switched, carrier reversed, 206
Switching three-level modulation, 158
fundamental constraints, 2 two-level modulation, 209
power stage, 564 three-phase inverter
pulse placement, best and worst case, 184 1200 discontinuous modulation, 301,
representation as functions, 14 307
three-phase inverter 30 discontinuous modulation, 305
phase leg switching times, 222 60 discontinuous modulation, 302, 304
space vector switching times, 261 naturally sampled modulation, 217, 218
Switching cells, 4-5, 21 space vector modulation, 266
Switching function, unbalanced AC voltages, Synchronous reference frame, 35-38
Switching instants, see Integral limits
Index 723

T Voltage control
Target reference voltage, see Reference double bridge, 19
voltage, target multilevel inverter, block switching, 436-
THO, see Total harmonic distortion 437, 439
Third-harmonic injection phase shift modulation, see Phase shift
alternative reference magnitudes, 230 modulation
maximum modulation index, 229 VoltslHertz criterion, 17
multilevel inverter modulation, 519-526 Voltage reference point, definition
Three level modulation, see Single-phase negative of DC link, 9
full-bridge inverter, three-level neutral of star-connected load, 9
modulation positive of DC link, 9
Three-phase inverter zero of DC link, 9
carrier modulation Voltage source inverter
phase-leg switching times, 222 four phase leg bridge, 603
sinusoidal reference, 216-225 single-phase bridge, topology, 156
third harmonic injection, 226-240 switching continuity constraints, 14
space vector modulation, 259-272 three-level inverter, 38-42
topology, 216 three-phase bridge, topology, 9, 216
TMS320F240 EV system, 576 three-phase double bridge, 20
Total harmonic distortion Voltage stiff inverter, see Voltage source
current, definition, 62 inverter
expressed using harmonics, 59 Volts/Hz criterion, I7
expressed using RMS voltage, 59 Volt-second average, 96
performance indicator, use as, 67 VSC, see Multilevel inverters
phase shift voltage control, 60, 62
six-step (three-phase), 64 W
square-wave (single-phase), 60 Weighted total harmonic distortion
three-level inverter, square-wave definitions, 63, 85, 89, 92
switching, 66 see also Harmonic distortion factor
voltage, definition, 58 closed form, 70
Trailing-edge modulation, see Single-edge harmonic distortion factor, relationship
modulation with, 250
Triangular carrier, 114 harmonic elimination, revised for, 404-
Triplen carrier ratios, 251-253 405
Triplen harmonics, I-I cancellation, 12 induction motor, effect of frequency
Two-level modulation, single-phase inverter, dependent parameters, 85, 86, 89
see Single-phase full-bridge inverter, normal ized against Vde 92
two-level modulation optimized space vector modulation,
Two-phase inverter, topology, 8 comparison with conventional, 395
performance indicator, use as, 69
U phase shift voltage control, effect of, 63
Unbalanced AC voltages, rectifier, 590-597 pulse width modulation of
Unit cell multilevel inverter, variation with
general, 100 modulation index, 529
two-level modulation one phase leg, variation with
double-edge, 114 modulation strategy, 150
ovennodulation, 352 pulse ratio, 113
single-edge, 106 single-phase inverter, variation with
Up-down chopper, 4 modulation strategy, ]69
sideband modulation, 182
v three-phase inverter, variation with pulse
ratio, 251
Vector transformation, to synchronous square-wave switching
rotating frame, 36 single-phase inverter, 63
724 Index

Weighted total harmonic distortion (continued)

three-level inverter, 72
three-phase current source inverter, 66
three-phase voltage source inverter
definition, 63
see also Weighted total harmonic
WTHDO, definition, 92
WTHDO1, definition, 92
WTHD02, definition, 92
WTHD1, definition, 89
WTHD2, definition, 85

Zero component, d~ plane, 25
Zero offset, space vector modulation
multilevel inverter, 547, 548
two-level, 271
Zero space vector, placement, 294-298
Zero states, current source inverter, 341, 342

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