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Design of Column subjected to Axial load and Biaxial Bending (IS 456, 2000, SP:16, 1980)


Depth(D, dim. || Z axis ) = 380 mm 380 mm

Breadth (b, dim. || Y axis) = 200 mm 200 mm
Clear cover 40 mm
Main bar dia 16 mm
Effective cover(d) 48 mm
Effective depth 332 mm

Materials of Construction

Grade of concrete fck 25 N/mm2

Grade of steel fy 415 N/mm2

Design Forces

Axial load:(P) = 263KN 263 KN

Moment about Z axis (Mz) = 43.4 KN-m 43.4 KN-m
Moment about Y axis (My) = 4.34KN-m 4.3 KN-m

d'/D 0.126315789
Mz/fckbD2 0.060110803
P/fckbd 0.138421053
Referring chart 45 of SP: 16 p/fck 0.02
Assume a higher value of p/fck 0.06
p 1.5 %
As=(p*b*D)/100 1140 mm2 Required
Area of 16 mm bar 201.024 mm2 Provided
No of bars required 5.670964661 6 No.s
Area provided 1206.144 mm2
Use 6 No.s 16 mm 1206 mm2

Moment Capacities

d'/D=0.15, P/fckbd=0.14,p/fck=0.06 Mz1/fckbD2 0.1 Referring chart 45 of SP: 16

Mz1 72.2 KN-m

d'/D=0.2, P/fckbd=0.14,p/fck=0.06 My1/fckbD2 0.09 Referring chart 46 of SP: 16

My1 64.98 KN-m

Calculate n

Pz=0.45fckAc+0.75fyAs 917.56872 KN
P/Pz 0.286627033
n(For values of P/Pu=0.2 to 0.8, values of n vary linearly Referring to IS:456, Clause 39.6
from 1 to 2.For values less than 0.2,n is 1 for values greater 1
than 0.8 n is 2

Criteria for Biaxial bending

(Mz/Mz1)^n+(My/My1)^n <=1 0.667282241 <=1 SAFE OK

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