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Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853

Advanced oxidation of natural organic matter using hydrogen

peroxide and iron-coated pumice particles
M. Kitis *, S.S. Kaplan
Department of Environmental Engineering, Suleyman Demirel University, 32260 Isparta, Turkey

Received 15 August 2006; received in revised form 12 March 2007; accepted 13 March 2007
Available online 25 April 2007


The oxidative removal of natural organic matter (NOM) from waters using hydrogen peroxide and iron-coated pumice particles as
heterogeneous catalysts was investigated. Two NOM sources were tested: humic acid solution and a natural source water. Iron coated
pumice removed about half of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration at a dose of 3000 mg l1 in 24 h by adsorption only.
Original pumice and peroxide dosed together provided UV absorbance reductions as high as 49%, mainly due to the presence of metal
oxides including Al2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 in the natural pumice, which are known to catalyze the decomposition of peroxide forming
strong oxidants. Coating the original pumice particles with iron oxides signicantly enhanced the removal of NOM with peroxide. A
strong linear correlation was found between iron contents of coated pumices and UV absorbance reductions. Peroxide consumption also
correlated with UV absorbance reduction. Control experiments proved the eective coating and the stability of iron oxide species bound
on pumice surfaces. Results overall indicated that in addition to adsorptive removal of NOM by metal oxides on pumice surfaces, surface
reactions between iron oxides and peroxide result in the formation of strong oxidants, probably like hydroxyl radicals, which further
oxidize both adsorbed NOM and remaining NOM in solution, similar to those in Fenton-like reactions.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adsorption; Advanced oxidation; Coating; Hydrogen peroxide; Iron oxide; Natural organic matter; Pumice

1. Introduction tion, sonolysis, and others (Glaze et al., 1987; Glaze

et al., 1992; Hoigne, 1997; Wang et al., 2001; Neyens and
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are the hydroxyl Baeyens, 2003; Gogate and Pandit, 2004; Vogelpohl and
radical-mediated oxidations which utilize hydroxyl radicals Kim, 2004; Pignatello et al., 2006). Although a range of
(OH) as their primary oxidizing species. Hydroxyl radicals AOPs has been tested for oxidizing natural organic matter
are extremely reactive and non-selective due to their (NOM) in raw waters or humic and/or fulvic acid isolates
unpaired electron. They often have kinetic rate constants dissolved in synthetic waters (Bekbolet et al., 1996; Eggins
much greater for many organic compounds than other oxi- et al., 1997; Gracia et al., 2000; Fukushima et al., 2001;
dants such as ozone. Treatment processes used to generate Wang et al., 2001; Kasprzyk et al., 2004; Murray and Par-
hydroxyl radicals in aqueous systems include hydrogen sons, 2004; Park et al., 2004), full-scale application of such
peroxide/ozone (H2O2/O3), H2O2/ultraviolet (UV), O3/ processes to remove NOM in drinking water treatment
UV, TiO2/UV, O3/OH, Fe2+/H2O2 (Fenton reaction), plants is still very limited, mainly due to high cost, lack
Fe2+/H2O2/UV (photo-Fenton reaction), gamma irradia- of experience, requirement of high degree of pre-treatment,
and operational diculties.
Hydrogen peroxide is a moderately strong oxidant;
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 246 211 1855; fax: +90 246 237 0859. however, its use alone is not eective for certain refrac-
E-mail address: (M. Kitis). tory contaminants or NOM due to kinetic limitations at

0045-6535/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Kitis, S.S. Kaplan / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853 1847

reasonable peroxide concentrations. On the other hand, 2. Materials and methods

aqueous hydrogen peroxide decomposes over heteroge-
neous catalysts including metals (i.e., Fe, Cu, Pt, Ti, and 2.1. Materials
Ni) and metal oxides immobilized on various support
materials such as sand, silica, zeolites, and alumina. As in Natural pumice from Isparta, Turkey was used in this
Fenton reactions, the decomposition of peroxide through work. The raw sample was ground by primary crusher
interactions with the surface sites of such catalysts results (hammer type), and then sieved to four dierent particle
in the formation of strong oxidants including hydroxyl size fractions (<63, 63125, 125250, and 2501000 lm).
radicals, which are shown to eectively oxidize various syn- Each fraction was coated by iron using reagent grade
thetic organic chemicals and NOM (Abbot and Brown, FeCl3 6H2O, employing the method reported by Lai
1990; Al-Hayek and Dore, 1990; Tyre et al., 1991; Watts et al. (2000) and Lai and Chen (2001) with some modica-
et al., 1993; Ravikumar and Gurol, 1994; Gates and Sie- tions. The details of the coating process were reported else-
grist, 1995; Miller and Valentine, 1996; Lin and Gurol, where (Kitis et al., 2007). As demonstrated in preliminary
1996, 1998; Gurol and Lin, 2001; Neyens and Baeyens, coating trials, iron oxide precipitates or colloids in aqueous
2003). It was suggested that the hydroxyl radicals react phase were easily detected by the fast and practical turbid-
with solutes adsorbed on the iron oxide surfaces, causing ity measurements. For many coating trials, the nal solu-
oxidation of the organic compounds (Gurol and Lin, tion turbidities achieved were in fact less than 0.01 NTU.
2001). It was demonstrated that an increase in the To further demonstrate the absence of any potential solu-
iron oxide (goethite particles) concentration signicantly ble or colloidal iron species, in one of the initial coating tri-
increased the decomposition rate of peroxide showing the als, the nal soak distilled and deionized (DDW) solution
eectiveness of the iron oxide surface as a catalyst. The (with a pH of about 5.56.0) was analyzed for total iron
increased rate of peroxide decomposition resulted in faster concentration. It was found to be about 0.7 mg l1. This
removal for BuCl, an indication of faster generation of OH value can be accepted as very low given the fact that there
in the reaction system. The oxidation rate was relatively was 200 g of pumice in 1 l DDW, a concentration much
insensitive within the pH range of 59 and no pH higher than those typically dosed in the experiments (Kitis
adjustment of the medium was needed for eective oxida- et al., 2007). Therefore, these preliminary experiments dem-
tion (Gurol and Lin, 2001). No sludge production and onstrated that iron oxide precipitates/colloids are eec-
the pH-independence were suggested to be the major tively removed from cleaning solutions during coating
advantages of this heterogeneous process compared to and that NOM oxidation is due to iron oxide coated pum-
the Fenton oxidation, which produces signicant quanti- ice not to colloidal iron in the solution.
ties of iron hydroxide sludge and is only eective at pH val- Two dierent NOM sources were used in the experi-
ues of about 35 (Lin and Gurol, 1998; Gurol and Lin, ments: a surface water (Alibeykoy reservoir) supplying
2001). some portion of City of Istanbuls drinking water demand;
The main objective of this work was to investigate the and humic acid (HA) isolate purchased from Acros Organ-
oxidative removal of NOM from waters using hydrogen ics. These two NOM sources were selected since they repre-
peroxide and iron-coated pumice particles as heteroge- sented a low- (Alibeykoy) and a high-SUVA (specic UV
neous catalysts. Pumice is a light, highly porous volcanic absorbance) (HA) water, enabling the evaluation of vari-
stone, available at very low cost. Pumice particles, resem- ous pumices in removing NOM with a wide range of chem-
bling a sponge, consist of a network of irregular or oval ical characteristics. As a simple bulk water parameter,
shape internal voids/pores or vesicles, some of which are SUVA provides a quantitative measure of the unsaturated
interconnected and open to the external surface, while oth- double bonds or pp electron interactions such as in aro-
ers are isolated inside the particle. Original or surface-mod- matic moieties of NOM. The raw water was ltered
ied pumice particles were shown to be eective as granular (0.45 lm) before water quality analysis and oxidation
support media in ltration, in heterogeneous catalytic reac- experiments and kept at 4 C in dark before use. HA solu-
tions and for biolm growth, and as adsorbent in removing tions were prepared in DDW with a target dissolved
target pollutants from waters (Akbal et al., 2000; Rachel organic carbon (DOC) concentration of 6 mg l1. DOC
et al., 2002; Farizoglu et al., 2003; Njau et al., 2003; Rao concentration of DDW was below the detection limit of
et al., 2003; Kitis et al., 2005; Kitis et al., 2007). As an alter- the TOC analyzer (50 lg l1). The DOC concentration of
native to other support materials such as sand, the advan- the natural water was 3.9 mg l1.
tages of pumice particles are that they are highly porous
(pore volumes up to 85%) and have higher surface areas 2.2. Analytical techniques
(about 530 m2 g1), which may immobilize more amounts
of catalysts thus providing more reaction sites on a mass The physicochemical characteristics of each pumice frac-
basis for the oxidation of NOM. To our knowledge, the tion were determined by measuring specic surface area,
use of original or surface-modied pumice particles for point of zero charge (pHPZC), iron content, total surface
the catalytic oxidation of NOM in waters has not been acidic and basic groups, and by SEM-EDX (energy disper-
investigated before. sive X-ray spectrometer) and XRF (X-ray uorescence)
1848 M. Kitis, S.S. Kaplan / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853

Table 1
Characteristics of original and iron-coated Isparta pumice fractions
Pumice Specic surface area Iron content pHPZC Total surface acidic groupsa Total surface basic groupsb
(m2 g1) (mg Fe g1)
(meq g1) (meq m2) (meq g1) (meq m2)
Original (untreated) fractions
<63 lm 14.2 2.1 9.0 1.33 0.09 0.80 0.06
63125 lm 9.6 0.7 9.2 0.40 0.04 0.60 0.06
125250 lm 8.3 0.9 8.8 0.35 0.04 0.73 0.09
2501000 lm 2.1 7.9 9.2 0.80 0.38 0.95 0.45
Iron-coated fractions
<63 lm ICc 9.2 16.2 6.2 1.58 0.17 0.75 0.08
63125 lm IC 6.8 5.4 6.1 1.35 0.20 1.13 0.17
125250 lm IC 6.9 6.6 7.7 0.70 0.10 0.70 0.10
2501000 lm IC 7.9 23.1 8.4 1.20 0.15 0.65 0.08
Values reported are the averages of triplicate measurements.
NaOH uptake.
HCl uptake.
IC: Iron-coated.

analysis (Table 1). The detailed physicochemical character- ducted in parallel CMBRs. Statistical analysis of the data
istics of pumice fractions are presented elsewhere (Kitis was performed based on t-statistics and 95% condence
et al., 2007). Pumice surface chemistry was characterized intervals were calculated from parallel tests and triplicate
in terms of pHPZC and acid and base neutralization capac- measurements. CBMRs used were 60-ml glass amber
ities. Values of pHPZC for pumice samples were determined bottles (solution volume of 50 ml) sealed with PTFE
through a pH equilibration method (Dastgheib et al., 2004). screw-caps. All experiments were conducted at constant
Total surface acidic groups (NaOH uptake) and total sur- temperature of 20 1 C. After dosing original or iron-
face basic groups (HCl uptake) were measured employing coated pumice (doses of 30, 100, 1000, or 3000 mg l1)
the Boehm method (alkalimetric titration) with some mod- and peroxide (doses of 50, 100, 150, 300, 600, and
ications (Summers, 1986; Dastgheib et al., 2004). Iron con- 1000 mg l1), CMBRs containing natural water or HA
centrations in solutions were measured using atomic solution were kept well-mixed (150 rpm) in oxic conditions
absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin Elmer). Acid diges- in a temperature-controlled orbital shaker. CMBRs were
tion analysis was performed to quantify the iron content covered with aluminum foil to prevent the introduction
of the pumice samples (Lo and Chen, 1997). Specic surface of light. Furthermore, the top portion of the orbital shaker
area measurements were conducted using a Micromeritics was also covered to provide dark conditions. After the pre-
Flowsorb II-2300 analyzer employing the conventional selected oxidation time terminated, the bottles were opened
multi-point BET technique (N2 gas adsorption). All analy- and samples were taken to measure residual peroxide and
tical measurements were conducted in triplicates. determine the amount of sodium sulte (Na2SO3) solution
A UVvisible spectrophotometer (UV-1601, Shimadzu) required to quench the residual peroxide and stop the oxi-
was used to measure the UV absorbances (in triplicates) dation reaction. Sulte was added in slight excess (i.e., 1.2
in water samples. DOC analysis was performed by the high times) of the stoichiometric requirements to ensure com-
temperature combustion method using a TOC Analyzer plete quenching. Bottles were then closed and mixed about
(TOC-VCPH, Shimadzu). The minimum quantication 3 min at 100 rpm in the shaker for quenching reaction.
limit of the TOC analyzer was 50 lg l1. A 30% hydrogen Solutions were ltered (1 lm glass ber lters) to remove
peroxide aqueous solution (Merck) was used as the stock pumice particles and analyzed for pH, UV absorbance
solution for all experiments. Hydrogen peroxide concen- and DOC concentration to quantify NOM removal. Filter
tration was measured with a titrametric test kit (Hach papers were pre-washed with 900 ml of DDW to prevent
HYP-1). All chemicals used were reagent grade. DDW potential leaching of materials from the lter matrix. UV
was used for stock solution preparations and dilutions. absorbances were measured at a wavelength of 280 nm
rather than 254 nm since sodium azide was added
2.3. Experimental procedures (50 mg l1) to Alibeykoy water samples to prevent any
potential microbial degradation of NOM before experi-
All experiments were conducted in completely mixed ments. Sodium azide absorbs UV light at 254 nm but not
batch reactors (CMBRs) at various pumice (03000 mg l1) at 280 nm. Furthermore, sodium sulte was also found to
and peroxide (01000 mg l1) dosages. Pumice and perox- interfere with UV measurements at 254 nm.
ide were also dosed alone to determine the extent of While no buer was employed for the natural water
NOM removal by adsorption and peroxide oxidation only. (Alibeykoy) due to its relatively high level of alkalinity
All oxidation and/or adsorption experiments were con- (125 mg l1 as CaCO3), HA solution prepared in DDW
M. Kitis, S.S. Kaplan / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853 1849

1.0 a signicant portion of HA (59% UV absorbance reduc-

tion) (Fig. 2). Correspondent DOC removals were 22%
and 49%. Similar results were found for the Alibeykoy
water at the same pumice dosages (8% and 41% UV absor-
Normalized UV280 Abs.

0.7 bance reductions by original and iron coated pumice,

0.6 respectively). Our previous work similarly indicated that
0.5 iron oxide coated pumice may be a promising novel adsor-
0.4 bent in removing NOM from waters, based on high NOM
adsorption capacities obtained even at neutral pH values.
Furthermore, iron oxide surfaces preferentially removed
high UV-absorbing fractions of NOM, with UV absor-
0.1 bance reductions up to 90% (Kitis et al., 2007). Mainly sur-
0.0 face complexation-ligand exchange reactions are favored
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
by many researchers as the mechanism of NOM adsorption
Time (h)
on iron oxide or aluminum oxide surfaces. In aqueous sys-
Fig. 1. Oxidation kinetics of humic acid with peroxide and iron-coated tems, the hydroxylated iron oxide surface sites behave like
Isparta pumice (<63 lm pumice fraction, H2O2 dose = 300 mg l1, pumice diprotic acids, with three potential species being BFeOH 2,
dose = 3000 mg l1, UV280 absorbance and DOC concentration of initial FeOH and FeO. The replacement of surface-coordi-
HA solution are 0.33 cm1 and 6.1 mg l1, respectively). Error bars
indicate the 95% condence intervals.
nated H2O or OH groups from FeOH 2 or FeOH by anio-
nic functional groups of NOM (i.e., carboxyl and hydroxyl
groups) results in the site-specic NOM adsorption onto
was buered at pH of 7.0 0.1 using 0.001 M phosphate oxide surfaces (Tipping, 1981; Gu et al., 1994; Edwards
buer to prevent variations in pH after dosing of peroxide et al., 1996; Chang et al., 1997).
and pumice and during oxidation. The pH of raw Ali- For both HA solution and Alibeykoy water, peroxide
beykoy water was 8.0. Final pH values after oxidations dosed alone (501000 mg l1) provided minor DOC and
were between 7.98.1 and 6.87.2 for Alibeykoy water UV absorbance reductions, always less than 7% (Fig. 2).
and HA solution, respectively, suggesting that constant This result is expected since it is known that peroxide is
pH conditions were obtained in oxidation reactions for not eective in oxidizing NOM or refractory synthetic
each NOM source. Control experiments were conducted chemicals. On the other hand, interestingly, original
without peroxide and pumice dosing to check for the pos- pumice (3000 mg l1) and peroxide (1000 mg l1) dosed
sible losses of DOC (i.e., via photo-degradation, adsorp- together resulted in UV absorbance reductions of 38%
tion onto bottles, etc.) during 24 h of mixing. Change in and 49% in Alibeykoy water and HA solution, respectively.
DOC concentrations in control bottles were within stan- Even at lower dosages of original pumice (1000 mg l1) and
dard error of DOC measurements (0.1 mg l1), indicating peroxide (300 mg l1), such reductions were 20% and 23%,
the stability of NOM during mixing. which were also statistically higher than those obtained by
Kinetic experiments in CMBRs were performed with peroxide alone based on 95% condence intervals. Similar
constant pumice and peroxide dose at oxidation periods
of 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h. As shown in Fig. 1, initial
kinetic experiments indicated that no more statistically sig- 100
H2O2 only
nicant oxidation of NOM (as measured by UV absor- 90 H2O2+Original Pumice
bance and DOC) occurs after 24 h of reaction with 80 H2O2+IC Pumice
UV280 Abs Reduction (%)

Original Pumice-Adsorption only

peroxide and iron-coated pumice; therefore 24 h of reac- 70 IC Pumice-Adsorption only
tion period was employed for all remaining batch experi-
ments with variable original or coated pumice and
peroxide dosages. After an initial rapid removal kinetics, 50

the rate of removal decreased by reaction time, exhibiting 40

a typical rst-order kinetics. Similarly, rst-order rate 30
kinetics was reported for hydrogen peroxide decomposition 20
on supported iron oxides (Abbot and Brown, 1990) and
goethite (Lin and Gurol, 1998).
0 50 150 300 1000
3. Results and discussion H2O2 Dose (mg/l)

Fig. 2. UV absorbance reductions in humic acid solution by original or

After the initial kinetic work, tests were conducted by
coated pumice (adsorption only), hydrogen peroxide alone, and original or
only dosing pumice to determine the adsorptive removal coated pumice and peroxide together (<63 lm pumice fraction, pumice
of NOM from waters. While original pumice reduced UV dose = 3000 mg l1, reaction time = 24 h, IC: iron-coated). Error bars
absorbance by about 10%, iron coated pumice adsorbed indicate the 95% condence intervals.
1850 M. Kitis, S.S. Kaplan / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853

reductions were found in DOC concentrations. It should be the sum of the individual processes, further proving that
noted that original Isparta pumice contains 16.6% Al2O3, the heterogeneous system is catalytically active.
4.8% Fe2O3 and 0.6% TiO2 by mass. All these metal oxides It was found that an increase in coated pumice and
are known to catalyze the decomposition of peroxide peroxide dosages signicantly enhanced NOM removals
resulting in the formation of strong oxidants. Therefore, (Fig. 4). As the peroxide dose increased at constant
even the natural pumice itself appears to be an eective cat- pumice dose, UV absorbance reductions increased in HA
alyst for the oxidative destruction of NOM. Similarly, solution. Furthermore, as the dose ratio of H2O2/coated
Ravikumar and Gurol (1994) showed that pentachlorophe- pumice (mg mg1) increased, NOM removals as mea-
nol and trichloroethylene adsorbed on natural sand parti- sured by DOC also increased (Fig. 5). Such increases in
cles can be oxidized by hydrogen peroxide even without DOC removals were statistically signicant. The studied
addition of an iron salt. Given the fact that natural pumice dose ratio ranged between 0.02 and 25. DOC concentra-
was found to be moderately eective even for the refractory tion of 1.7 mg l1 was achieved at 0.33 H2O2/coated pum-
NOM in this work, it can also be eective in the oxidation ice dose ratio (1000 mg l1 peroxide and 3000 mg l1
of synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) when used in combi- pumice). Even at much lower peroxide (300 mg l1) and
nation with oxidants such as ozone or peroxide. pumice (100 mg l1) dosages (dose ratio of 3.0), DOC
Coating the original pumice fractions with iron oxides
further enhanced the removal of NOM with peroxide both
in the natural water and HA solution (Fig. 2). Such 1.0
enhancements were statistically signicant based on t-sta- 0.9
tistics. UV absorbance reductions of 70% and 49% were
achieved after dosing 150 mg l1 peroxide and 3000 mg l1 Normalized UV280 Abs.
coated pumice in HA solution and Alibeykoy water,
respectively. Maximum UV reductions obtained were 0.6
86% and 67% for HA solution and Alibeykoy water, 0.5
respectively. Similarly, correspondent maximum DOC 0.4
reductions were 73% and 35%. These results indicate that 0.3
in addition to metal oxides already present on natural pum-
0.2 P=30
ice surfaces coated iron oxides are also very eective in the P=100
generation of strong oxidants, thus in the heterogeneous 0.1 P=1000
oxidation of NOM. This observation was further sup- 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
ported by the strong linear correlation (R2 = 0.95) found
H2O2 Dose (mg/l)
between iron contents of coated pumices and UV absor-
bance reductions obtained at constant pumice and perox- Fig. 4. Impact of iron coated pumice and peroxide dosages on UV
ide dosages (Fig. 3). In addition, as can be noted from absorbance reductions in humic acid solution (<63 lm pumice fraction,
Fig. 2, UV absorbance reductions by combined adsorption pumice dosages are in mg l1). Error bars indicate the 95% condence
(coated pumice) and oxidation are statistically higher than intervals.

90 6
UV280 Abs Reduction (%)

DOC (mg/l)

60 4
y = 6.06x - 23.27
50 R2 = 0.95
2 HA Initial DOC
20 P=100
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Fe Content (mg Fe/g pumice) H2O2 / Pumice dose (mg/mg)

Fig. 3. Impact of iron contents of coated pumices on UV absorbance Fig. 5. Impact of H2O2/pumice (iron coated) dose ratios on DOC
reductions in humic acid solution (H2O2 dose = 300 mg l1, pumice removals in humic acid solution (<63 lm pumice fraction, pumice dosages
dose = 3000 mg l1). Error bars indicate the 95% condence intervals. are in mg l1). Error bars indicate the 95% condence intervals.
M. Kitis, S.S. Kaplan / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853 1851

concentration of 2.8 mg l1 (54% reduction) was obtained. All these results overall indicate that possibly three
Similar trends were also observed for the natural water. mechanisms simultaneously play role in the removal of
The optimum dose ratio of H2O2/coated pumice could be NOM from solutions: (1) a portion of NOM adsorbs onto
selected based on target DOC removal and cost consider- iron oxide on pumice surfaces depending on the coated
ations in a specic application. It was found that, at con- pumice dose, (2) remaining NOM fractions (i.e., more
stant peroxide dose, as the iron coated pumice dose hydrophilic and lower UV-absorbing, as demonstrated by
increased, peroxide consumption increased (Fig. 6). Fur- UV measurements) in solutions are further oxidized with
thermore, peroxide consumption positively correlated with strong oxidants, probably hydroxyl radicals, which are
UV absorbance reductions at each pumice dose level produced from the surface reactions among iron oxides
(Fig. 7), proving that metal oxide surfaces are responsible and hydrogen peroxide, similar to those in Fenton-like
for the decomposition of peroxide resulting in the genera- reactions, and (3) adsorbed NOM fractions on iron oxide
tion of strong oxidants. No correlation was found between surface sites are also oxidized by strong oxidants. Similarly,
peroxide consumption and UV absorbance reduction in the it was concluded that the hydroxyl radicals, produced
case of peroxide dose only. through the interactions of peroxide with the surfaces of
iron oxide (goethite) particles, react with solutes adsorbed
on the iron oxide surfaces, causing oxidation of the organic
1000 compounds (Lin and Gurol, 1996; Lin and Gurol, 1998;
Gurol and Lin, 2001). In addition, in the catalytic ozona-
tion of NOM on alumina, Kasprzyk et al. (2006) found
that adsorption plays a major role only during the rst
H2O2 Demand (mg/l)

100 few cycles of ozonation after which the catalytic ozonation

system becomes in dynamic balance of continuous adsorp-
tion and oxidation of NOM at the solidliquid interface.
Control experiments performed in DDW indicated that less
than 0.2 mg l1 of total iron was released to solution after
24 h of mixing even with the largest pumice dose of
3000 mg l1 and peroxide dose of 150 mg l1 (solution
HP=600 pH 58.3), suggesting the eective coating and the stability
HP=1000 of iron oxide species bound on pumice surfaces. This result
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
conrmed that strong oxidants are generated through
Pumice dose (mg/l)
interactions among iron oxides bound on surfaces and per-
oxide, not through iron species in solutions as in conven-
Fig. 6. Impact of iron coated pumice and hydrogen peroxide dosages on tional Fenton reactions.
hydrogen peroxide demands in Alibeykoy water (<63 lm pumice fraction,
hydrogen peroxide (HP) dosages are in mg l1). Error bars indicate the
95% condence intervals. 4. Conclusions

A total of four dierent particle size fractions of natural

pumice was coated by iron oxides and used as heteroge-
neous catalysts in the oxidation of NOM by hydrogen per-
90 oxide. As an alternative to other support materials such as
sand, the advantages of pumice particles are that they are
UV280 Abs Reduction (%)

highly porous and have higher surface areas, which immo-
bilize more amounts of metal oxide catalysts, thus provid-
ing more reaction sites. For both HA solution and the
50 natural water, iron coated pumice with a dose of
40 3000 mg l1 removed about half of the DOC by adsorption
only. Iron oxides on pumice surfaces preferentially
30 Only H2O2
adsorbed high UV-absorbing fractions of NOM. Peroxide
20 dosed alone provided minor DOC and UV absorbance
reductions. Original pumice and peroxide dosed together
0 provided UV absorbance reductions as high as 49%,
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 mainly due to the presence of metal oxides including
H2O2 Demand (mg/l) Al2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 in the natural pumice. On the other
hand, coating the original pumice particles with iron oxides
Fig. 7. Relationships among hydrogen peroxide demands and UV
absorbance reductions in Alibeykoy water (<63 lm pumice fraction, enhanced the removal of NOM with peroxide both in the
coated pumice dosages are in mg l1). Error bars indicate the 95% natural water and HA solution. Such enhancements were
condence intervals. statistically signicant based on t-statistics (95% condence
1852 M. Kitis, S.S. Kaplan / Chemosphere 68 (2007) 18461853

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Acknowledgements Kasprzyk, H.B., Raczyk, S.U., Swietlik, J., Nawrocki, J., 2006. Catalytic
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This work was supported in part by a Research Grant Environ. 62, 345358.
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peer and policy review and therefore does not necessarily Adsorption of natural organic matter from waters by iron-coated
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technical assistance in the lab work. of copper ions on the surface of iron-coated sand using BET and
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