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Unit 6

Read the text and complete Fig. 6.1:

In Fig. 6.1 there are two gear In the system on the right there
systems. In the system on the left are also 2 gears: C and D. Gear D
there are two gears: A and B. has a greater number of teeth, so
Gear A has a smaller number of it has a slower speed. C and D are
teeth so it has a faster speed than a different size from A and B but
Gear B. They have 36 and 45 teeth they have the same size ratio of
respectively, so the ratio of the 4:5. They therefore have the same
number of teeth on A to the gear speed ratio as A:B. So, if the
number of teeth on B is 4 to 5 two faster gears (A and C) have
(4:5). The gear speed ratio is the same speed, the speeds of B
therefore 5:4 (i.e. it is the opposite and D are also the same.
of the ratio of gear teeth)

Unit 6
Practice 1
Use Fig 6.3 to complete the sentences:
1. D has a _________ number of teeth _________ F
2. B has a _________ diameter _________ C
3. F has a _________ speed _________ _________
4. _________ has a faster speed _________F
5. The speed of _________ is slowe tha the speed of
6. C has a smaller _________ _________ _________ _________ A, so A has a
_________ speed
7. B has greates number of teeth tan A, the speed pf _________ is
therefore _________

Practice 2
Choose a, b, c, d, e to complete the sentences. Use Figs 6.3
and 6.4

1. The ratio of the number of teeth is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the size ratio

2. The two gear systems in Fig 6.3 are _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. A:C and D:F are _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. The movement of A is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the movement of B
5. The speed of B is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the speed of A
6. The direction of movement of D is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the direction of
movement of F

Unit 6
Practice 3
Complete Table 6.1:
The ZX 1000 electric drill has two Speed for holes between 10 and
speeds; the fast speed is 3000 rpm 25 mm. However, for Steel, a hard
and the slower speed is 1000 rpm. material, use the faster speed for
Adjust the speed according to the holes smaller tan 6.5 mm and
type of material and the size of the choose the slower speed to drill
hole. For example, use the faster holes between 6.5 and 10 mm
speed for a soft material such as
Wood to drill holes smaller tan 10
millimeters (10 mm) in diameter
but choose the slower

Unit 6
Practice 3
Use Fig 6.6 and the words in the box to complete the next:

greatest softest
Aluminium is the ________ material
in the table. Drills for aluminium
Hard Steel is the hardest material
have the ________ hlix angle and
table. Drills for hard steel have the
the ________ point angle. They
________ point angle and the
have the ________ spiral
________ hlix angle. They have the
________ spiral.


Read the text to find speeds A and E and to find apertures U

and Z:
The SLR 21 has 5 shutter speeds. number, the larger the diameter of
The fastest shutter speed is 1/500 the apertura; the largest apertura
of a second and the slowest is 1/30 is therefore f2. To increase the
sec. To select the higher speeds, apertura (i.e. to choose the larger
turn the shutter speed control apertures),turn the apertura
anticlockwise; for the lower control clockwise (from the front of
speeds, turn it clockwise. the camera); to decrease the
apertura, turn the control
The camera has 6 aperture
settings between f16 and f2. The
smaller the f

Unit 6

Sentence Patterns
Turn the shutter speed control
anticlockwise for the higher speed.
For larger holes, choose the
slower speed.
Choose the slower speed speed to Selected Vocabulary
drill holes between 6.5 and 10
mm. Operating instructions:

To decrease the apertura, turn the Choose

control anticlockwise. Select
Connectors Adjust
Difference Decrease
AB For Wood,choose the slower
speed for Properties:
holes between 10 and 25 mm
however for steel, use the slower Hard
speed to drill holes between 6.5 Soft
mm and 10 mm Mild

Reference Size:
ABC: A, B, C Gears D, E Small
have and F Great

5 and
2 3 Speed:
respectively Slow

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