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Name: ________________________ World History/Olson

Quiz: Scientific Revolution

MATCHING. Choose the person that best matches the description below. You will use only 1 answer
for each question. Not all of the people will be used (there are extras).
Diderot Isaac Newton Thomas Hobbes John Locke
Voltaire Montesquieu Mary Wollstonecraft Rousseau
Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Adam Smith Francis Bacon
Copernicus Descartes Galileo

1. ___________________ discovered a law that made Europeans begin to use scientific reasoning.
2. ___________________ believed that rulers should have absolute power.
3. ___________________ wrote that people had the right to life, liberty, and property.
4. ___________________ wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women and advocated for the equality

of all humans.
5. ___________________ believed in separation of powers in government.
6. ___________________ believed that the government should do whatever the majority of people

7. ____________________ believed that there should be no organized religion.
8. ___________________ believed that one must use observation without any preconceived

explanations to understand the world.

9. ___________________ was forced by the Roman Catholic Church to recant his scientific

discoveries/beliefs and was then placed under house arrest.

10. ___________________ advocated for free economic markets.

11. ___________________ is most associated with deductive reasoning.

SHORT ANSWER. Answer the following questions in the space provided.

1. Name (do not explain) three common goals held by most of the philosophes.




2. Name the belief system which stated that God created everything in the universe but walked
away and does not interfere with man.
Name: ________________________ World History/Olson
Quiz: Scientific Revolution


3. Name three underlying causes of the Scientific Revolution (major trends, movements,




4. Why do historians call the years 1687 to 1789 the Age of Reason?




5. Who wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies?


6. What was the main theory put forward in the work mentioned above?


7. What was the name of Newtons important treatise published in 1687? (Shortened title OK)

TRUE/FALSE. Indicate whether each statement below is true or false.

1. _______ One of the great shifts in thinking during the Scientific Revolution was less reliance on
past authorities.

2. _______ The Roman Catholic Church warmly embraced the emergence of new ideas about the
universe during the Scientific Revolution because these ideas reinforced Catholic teaching about
Gods greatness.

3. _______ Many enlightened philosophes wrote about and supported womens rights.

4. _______ Most of the enlightened philosophes were atheists.

Name: ________________________ World History/Olson
Quiz: Scientific Revolution

5. _______ According to the Enlightenment thinkers, education was key in fighting ignorance and
would therefore improve society.

6. _______ The Encyclopedie was published to stop the spread of Enlightenment ideas.

7. _______ The economic idea of laissez-faire objected to the policies associated with mercantilism.

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