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Hafez Ibrahim

Hafez Ibrahim is one of the most famous poets of the modern era. He is an Egyptian born on 24 February 1872 and
died at the age of sixty years. He grew up orphaned in his poor family, and was said to be one of the wonders of time
in his time. Hafez Ibrahim was one of the prominent poets who left a great legacy of valuable poems, especially his
poems defending the Arabic language, as the language of the Holy Quran. His poetry was generous in defense of the
language and dealt with many literary topics in spinning, love and homeland. He was known for being a great waste of
money, and he was known for his generosity towards friends and family. (1)

Arabic poem for Hafiz Ibrahim

I came back to myself and took my horse
And I called my nation and counted my

Throw me infertile in the youth and lament
I have done a terrible thing to say my gift

I was born and I could not find my bride
Men and efficient and led my daughters

The book of God sought the word and purpose
What I have narrowed down is its sermons

How narrower today is to describe a machine
And format names for inventions

I am the sea in its innermost depths
Did they ask the diver about my scars?

Vai and ruled out and wear my beauties
And from you, even if the medicine is my

Do not call me time
I am afraid that you will come to my death

I see the men of the West attributed and

And how many people in many languages

Their parents came to our miracles
So you come to the words

I will guide you from the west side
In the spring of my life

And if ye tarry the birds, ye shall know
Including a bump and debris

God watered in the belly of the island of the

I feel sorry to soften my channel

Preserving and maintaining the wear and tear
They have a permanent heart

And the people of the west and the east were
Beware of those great spears

I see every day in the newspapers a sleigh
From the grave they are baptized without

I hear the book in Egypt stirring up
I know that the tourists are my enemies

Aghrni Nami - God forgive them
To a language that did not connect to a reader -

I ran the gorse of the rams as secret
Snakes saliva in Mesilat Furat

Then came a thicket with seventy pieces

Different colors problem

To the author of the book and the gathering is
I simplified my request after my complaint

Either life sends dead in wear and tear
And sprout in those my eyelids

Or death or resurrection beyond
Death to my life was not measured by death

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