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The distance d, through which a stone falls varies directly with the square of the
time t, taken. If the stone falls 45 m in 3 seconds how far will it fall in 7 seconds?

2. The life expectancy L, of rats varies inversely as the square of the distribution d of
poison. When the distribution is 1 g/cm 3 the life expectancy is 50 days. How long will
the rats survive if the distribution of poison is 5 g/cm 3 .

3. The number of golden eggs laid by the goose in a week is directly proportional to the
cube root of the average number of hours she sleeps. When she sleeps for 8 hours
she lays 4 golden eggs. How long does she have to sleep in order to lay 5 eggs?

4. The number of hours of hours N, required to dig a hole is inversely proportional to

the number of available men m. When six men are digging it takes 4 hours to
complete the hole.
a. Find the time it takes 8 available men.
b. If it takes hour, how many men are there?

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