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Cindy Buentello Llanas 04/17/17

Competency Reflections

This semester I felt that I gained greater understanding of competencies two and nine. In

competency two, I implemented effective strategies for communicating with and gathering input

from all campus stakeholders by leading my grade level language arts PLC every Wednesday. I

facilitated the meetings and followed-up with the principal if the team had any questions or

concerns. I was also the minute recorder for our Campus Improvement Plan committee, then

after our meetings I dispersed the information discussed to our staff. I also presented and help

create the Spanish Title 1 information meetings and the Social Skill of the month for our parent

workshops every other month. I shadowed my AP multiple times during her sit-ins for all grade

levels PLC to see how she delivered the information and conducted herself with each grade level.

In competency nine, I was able to experience administrative duties by directing students during

morning duty to their assigned rooms and during bus duty I walked the halls to make sure all

students were in their correspondent places. I was also able to monitor and ensure student safety

during our Fall Field Day by helping with parent check-in and student check-out.

Two competencies that I still need to grow in knowledge and understanding are

competency five and competency eight. For competency five, I believe I would have felt a little

more confident with this competency if I would have analyzed more campus data to create or

help with more campus programs. Another competency I felt I needed a little more exposure to

was with was competency 8. I wish I could have been more involved in shadowing my principal

during his budget meetings and by also seeing how he analyzed budget data and made decisions

that would impact student achievement needs. Even though my projects did focus on

competencies five and eight, I personally feel that the only interactions I had with those

competencies was for my projects and I wish I could have had more opportunities to learn more
Cindy Buentello Llanas 04/17/17

about those competencies. The reason being is because I believe that those two competencies

have a great impact in our student achievement.

I aspire to a be a principal like the one I have. He is very approachable and I love his

open door policy because he is always willing to listen to your concerns and ideas. He may not

always agree with you and when he does not he would explain why, which usually makes sense.

He is driven by data when he makes big decisions for his campus. To add more, I would like to

try to consider my staffs input on a lot of the decisions that I would make, especially if its going

to have some type of impact on them.

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