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Miss Pitmans Classroom Management Philosophy

Expectations, Rules, Procedures, and Consequences

I. Class Expectations
A. Respect the teacher and classmates
1. You respect the teacher when you do what she says, dont
talk back, do not touch her property without permission, and
follow all classroom rules and procedures. You respect your
classmates when you follow classroom rules and procedures.
B. Be prepared for class each day
1. Come prepared with all materials necessary: an organized
class binder containing all necessary materials and handouts,
composition books, pencils, color pencils, and highlighters for
emphasizing important text
C. Follow directions
1. This means that you do whatever the teacher tells you to
do without complaining or arguing about it. Example: return
books, go back to seat, copy from board, stop talking, etc.
D. No swearing, teasing, or name calling
1. You do not use obscene or vulgar language in the
classroom for any reason. You do not make fun of or tease
another classmate because of his color, race, language, religion,

II. Class Rules

A. Turn off cell phones & electronic devices
1. Electronic devices are NOT permitted in my classroom
2. Cell Phones should be turned off and invisible during the
class period. If I see or hear your phone it will be taken away
and given to an administrator, according to the schools cell
phone policy.
B. No food or drink in the classroom
1. You are NOT permitted any food or drink in the classroom
or laboratory. Since this class involves handling chemicals,
nothing in the classroom may be consumed (this includes candy
and chewing gum).
2. If food or drink is required by a physician, a note must be
provided and the student will be allowed to step outside of the
room for consumption.
C. Arrive to class on time and never line up at the door before
1. When the bell rings, you need to be sitting in your assigned
2. Be physically and mentally present in the classroom
3. Please remain in your seat until I have dismissed
you. Never line up at the door before dismissal. Remember, I
dismiss you, not the bell.
D. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work
1. Cheating is completely unacceptable. If I see you cheating
on any assignment even for another class I will give you a
zero and report the incident to the other teacher as well as your
assistant principal and parents.
2. Plagiarism (copying work from another source without
giving proper credit) is completely unacceptable. If you
plagiarize on any assignment you will earn a 0 on that
assignment with no opportunity to re-do the work for credit.

III. Class Procedures

There is a specific way I want you to enter the classroom. I expect you
to follow these procedures:
A. You are not to stand or wait around in the hallway. I will be
standing by the door to the classroom and will prompting close
the door at the sound of the bell.
B. Enter the classroom quietly and take your assigned seat.
B. Copy the plan of the day as written on the board (objective,
materials, and homework assignment)
C. Work quietly and by yourself
D. Wait for further instructions from the teacher

You are late to class if you are not inside the classroom when the bell
rings. If you are late to class you must:
E. Walk in quietly making as little noise as possible.
F. Sign-in at the Tardy Sheet. (Name, date, time) If you have a
pass leave it in the folder.
G. Take your assigned seat.
H. Join the activity in progress. If you dont know what the
class is doing raise your hand until the teacher sees you.
C. Continue working (waiting) quietly until I get to your desk.

If You Are Absent, it is your responsibility to make-up any assignments

or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow
this procedure:
A Join the activity in progress. If you dont know what to do,
raise your hand and wait until I reach you.
I. If you need to make-up a test you must make arrangements
with the teacher during the last 5 minutes of class.
J. Tests can only be made up before school or during lunch
and only if previous arrangements have been made.

Turning in Assignments - The teacher will sometimes collect homework,

group-work or individual work. You will turn these in only when the teacher
asks for them. Make sure the assignment has your full name, period number
and date. This should be on the top margin of your paper.

Procedure for the End of Class and Class Dismissal - Right before the bell
rings everyone should: be in assigned seat, be quiet, gather all their
materials and wait for the teacher to dismiss the class.

When You Finish Early - If you finish all of your assigned work early you
may a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c)
write d) draw e) work on extra credit. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS.

Use your coupons for hall passes & late work

A. At the beginning of each semester, I will issue three "coupons"
to each student for passes for the bathroom, drinks, telephone,
etc. These passes are only valid when used at appropriate
times to be determined by the teacher. Each student has the
opportunity to retain these "coupons" for extra credit points at
the end of the semester.
B. At the beginning of each semester, I also issue three "late
homework passes" to each student for emergency situations
when homework cannot be completed by the due date. These
passes do not excuse a student from the assignment entirely,
they only allow a student ONE extra day to complete the
assignment. Assignments must be 25 points or less in order to
use a late pass on them. Each student has the opportunity to
retain these "coupons" for extra credit points at the end of the

IV. Class consequences

A. Verbal warning
B. Detention
C. Call/ Letter Home
D. Referral

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