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Ingles II

MII-U2-Actividad 4.
Prctica de la gramtica del Mdulo II.

Diego Barraza Gonzlez


Diego Omar Facio Guevara

24 enero de 2017

MII-U2- Actividad 1. Prctica de la gramtica del Mdulo II

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013
1) Forma 3 oraciones usando used to comparando hbitos en el pasado con
acciones actuales. Subraya los verbos.

A long time ago, Julie used to eat lunch at home, now she eats in restaurants.
I used to watch television every day, now I read.

I used to eat a lot of spicy, until I had to get sick.

My mom used to take me every day to train, until I learned to drive.
I used to always miss classes, so I decided to study on the internet

2) Forma 3 oraciones expresando causa y efecto usando if + presente simple con will
Subraya if + presente simple y will + verbo

If I go to sleep early tonight, I will feel good tomorrow.
If you come to my house, you will meet my parents.

If you exercise your body, you will be healthy.

If I send my homework on time, I always get good grades.
If you do not sleep early, you will wake up very tired.

3) Forma 3 oraciones usando verbos compuestos. Escoge tres de la siguiente lista:

break down , call back, call off, check out, cross out, fill out, figure out, put on, sit
down, turn off, take after
Subraya los verbos compuestos.
Please turn on the lights, I cant see the pages.
I ran out of milk, I need to buy more.

I never check the car because I think I'm going to break it down.
I'll take after a shower, first I'll train.
Yesterday I had to call off my appointment with the doctor.

Para formar tus oraciones vas a encontrar en la tabla palabras que vimos en el mdulo. No
ests limitado a usar nicamente este vocabulario; puedes utilizar otras expresiones que
D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013
Time indicators Verbs Additional words
Indicadores de Verbos Vocabulario
tiempo adicional
A long time ago To go give thanks
Over time To cook move
Nowadays To make traditional
Before To sing turkey
Yesterday leaves
To eat
Last week fall
To celebrate delicious
Last year To catch visit
Last month To teach celebration
In those times To get holiday
Now decide
Actually arrive
Currently belong
Then were

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

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