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Thomas Croneberger

TLED 430
Dr. Rippard
Analyzing Data Assignment
Class Test Results
1. Overall Class performance
A. On the first basic math test, the class performed poorly at a 67% average. Additional

instruction of addition, subtraction, and division concepts will be required for most of

the class to get all students up to a minimum 80% proficiency on the final basic math

test. 37.5% of the students had a failing grade on the test, showing a clear issue with

the wording of the questions or the structure of the lessons leading up to the test.
B. With a 60-point range between the highest scoring student at 100% and the lowest at

40%, a different strategy may be needed to ensure that the concepts are being

absorbed by all students. By only providing one lesson, I as the educator have not

considered the different learning styles of all the students. Creating a few more ways

to relay the information may help bridge the gap between the students excelling at

math and those falling behind.

2. Individual Strengths
A. Juan got every question on the test correct. He seems to be more than proficient in

these basic math concepts. Putting him on a more advanced track may help to keep

him motivated and progressing. Coursework on higher level concepts will be needed

while the revision with other students is implemented.

B. Cody had perfect scores on the subtraction and division questions of the test. He

scored at 80% proficiency on the addition questions as well. This shows that Cody

may benefit from more advanced coursework and instruction. Helping him with the

questions missed in the addition section will ensure that he stays well rounded and

efficiently challenged.
C. Jack tested at 80% proficiency in addition, subtraction, and division. He is already

reaching the goal for the class but could still improve his score. Test questions will be

reviewed to ensure that wording errors are not present. Jack could also benefit from

advanced coursework but will need to go through the revised lessons that the other

students participate in to ensure that he is performing at his optimal level.

D. Both Hugh and Jamal are also scoring at 80% proficiency on the test. However, they

are both earning 60% on the division questions. This area will need to be focused on

during the review which may bring them to a place in which we can prepare to

advance them along with the others.

3. Extra Attention Needed
A. Luke had the poorest performance on the test at 40%. He scored the same on every

section of the test and will need to have extra help in addition to the revised lesson.

Doubling his scores to reach the 80%proficiency goal for the final test will require

positive reinforcement and better communication to find out what he is not absorbing

during the lesson. A parent phone call may be helpful to ensure that Luke continues to

practice these concepts at home as well.

B. Nathan scored 47% on the basic math test. He struggled most in the subtraction

section of the test. A tutoring session and/or a parent phone call to ensure home

practice would help to get Nathan up to the class level at least. Along with focusing

on his specific weakness, I as the educator will also need to ensure that he stays

motivated to continue improving in the other sections of the test to help with helping

Nathan reach 80% proficiency in all areas.

C. Patrick, Sarah, Molly, and Claire all earned a 53% on the basic math test. These

results varied but all did poorly on the subtraction questions of the test. Like Nathan,

these students could really benefit from more outside the class focusing, using

homework and tutoring to bridge their own learning gap. Each student has different
strengths and possibly putting them into groups to work on the upcoming lesson

could strengthen their understanding and also help me as the educator to assist the

two students that scored the lowest.

1. Conclusion
The lessons given to prepare the class for this test were obviously flawed. The students

did better on the addition questions than any other sections so changes may be minimal in

that area of the lessons. Revision of the instruction and lesson materials will be key to

understanding how I fell short when creating the original lesson.

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