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Sumayyah Bailey


Working Title: Shot on the iPhone 6s Inspirational Film/camera quality

Format: HD Cameras Panasonic/
Estimated Duration: 30-60 seconds
Target Audience: 16-25/students- young adults - social class: C1, 2, 3, B, A &
anyone who enjoys inspirational film as well as natural/wildlife photography.

The advert starts with an inspirational film of nature and wildlife. One person stars in
the inspirational film. Images of nature/wildlife show, calm non-diegetic sound plays
and a close-up using the rule of thirds reveals a girl in the left third of the shot,
admiring the scenery. They then look at the camera and say did you get my good
side?, smiling and looking past the camera. It is revealed that someone else has been
filming them using an iPhone 6s; they are completing their college homework. As the
two students walk away, the caption shot on the iPhone 6s will appear.

I will make this advertisement to demonstrate the camera quality of an iPhone 6s in
relation to filming short films. This use of an inspirational film will be effective as it
appeals to the target audience. Students/young adults use a range of social media such
as; Facebook & YouTube and by personal experience, as a student myself, I know that
this genre of filmmaking is popular among young people. The use of an inspirational
film will not only interpolate the audience, but will also create an active audience
questioning what will happen next and if it is a high budget film shot on expensive
cameras. Due to the youth dominated cast and use of iconography, when it is revealed
to the audience that two students are filming using their phone, the actresses will act
as opinion leaders and give the ideology that anyone can film, high budget looking
films if they buy the iPhone 6s. This will compel the audience to buy the product, as
they will feel that they will benefit from it.

I think that my advertisement idea is feasible, as location, props and actresses wont
be hard to find. I can pick actresses from the college campus, as they will fit the
demographic intended to appeal to my target audience. Props will be easy to access,
as the advert includes nature and I will be able to get to parks and natural areas easily.
I will have the actresses wear their casual clothing, as to backup the ideology that
anyone can film high quality films. I will have to apply my editing skills in order to
create an interpolating inspirational film. The college will fund the project to it will be
easy to access all equipment.

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