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Crystals for Empaths

Aquamarine helps you adapt to any harsh vibrations in your surroundings provides
understanding of your path and how to adapt to the denseness of the earthly vibrations
without losing the self. It helps with communication of heart-felt things and when there
is difficulty in putting feelings into words.

Black Tourmaline psychic protection (when necessary) a good stone to carry with
you when you are out in crowded areas or if someone is intentionally sending negative
energy your way. Acts as a buffer from the physic bombardment.

Green Jade I wear this to give my heart a boost It is very strengthening - keeps the
heart rhythm. I often wear it in a medicine bag over my heart together with a piece of
rhodochrosite, especially if I am feeling stressed at work or have a lot to deal with

Smoky Quartz - keeps you grounded if you start to space out or feel panicky e.g. in
crowds etc. also good for bringing spiritual energies down through the chakras so that
they can be grounded and acted on. For some of us there is a tendency to space out or
excarnate from the body when things get stressful. Smoky quartz helps us to properly
incarnate into the body so that we can fully deal with what is going on.

Rose Quartz enhancing your self esteem and providing you with the love vibration
needed to overcome painful feelings like a soothing balm it gently caresses the soul
helping you to love yourself. Helps with physical and emotional pain. Wise goddess
energy (my favorite healing stone).

Rhodochrosite Heals the inner-child. Wear when feeling vulnerable. I often feel it
keeps people off my back when I need time to heal and have some space to myself. I
find that I am treated more lovingly when I am wearing rhodochrosite for this reason I
recommend it to everyone. It is also good to clear any blockages between the heart and
solar plexus - e.g stomach pains caused by an emotional upset.

Lapis Lazuli discernment getting clear about what your stuff is and what it is not.
Can release blockages of held in emotions very powerful use with care. Brings things
to the awareness but does not help you to deal with it. You will need to use other stones
for this. (In my experience with Lapis it moved a blockage in my thymus area quite
dramatically and I was suddenly getting panic attacks and incredible energy surges that
shook my whole body. This was initially quite terrifying for me. When I asked for
guidance I was told that I then needed to use my knowledge of the Flower Remedies is
order to complete the healing. After this experience and a few others since I have
developed a great respect for crystals and gems as healing tools and not just pretty
decorations. There can be an incredible power in the smallest of stones. Always use Lapis
with respect it is a regal stone
Moonstone Soothing to wear after emotional upsets, brings the emotions into balance
and helps you speak loving words and be kind to yourself and others. A real goddess
stone my favorite is rainbow moonstone. Keywords that come to me when describing
this stone are kindness, beauty. And balance.

Sugilite is a very energizing stone for sensitive individuals. It is a spiritual stone that
works at the etheric body level. It moves congestion (that emotionally compressive
negative energy) in the light body before it works its way into the physical body. This
congestion happens when surrounded by mental confusion or excess emotionalism that
you are having trouble processing, Sugilite keeps your energy free and moving and is
also beneficial for depression or melancholia. If you have a piece of sugilite it will
usually let you know when it wants to be worn or used.
Flower Essences for Empaths

Green Hope Farms

Golden Armor- While we have often stressed Golden Armors support to buffer out
machine made electrical dissonance; it also helps keep inharmonious emotional energies
out of our field too.

Flee Free- This mix offers more support to keep your energetic field clear. The Angels
often work very metaphorically with Essences, so think of using this one if you have
someone who is being a pest in your life.

Watch Your Back- Another one to keep your field clear, but remember to think
metaphorically here too i.e. this might be a good one if you are shouldering burdens that
are not yours to carry, you need to get anothers person off your back, or you feel
someone is back stabbing you, etc.

Violet Transmuting Flame Violet- This one is helpful with cleansing work because you
can use the Violet Flame Flower Essence and process to help yourself AND the people
whose stuff you have inadvertently picked up. This addresses the common empath desire
to help others. Working with this Essence, you help yourself but also dont shame the
wounded part of yourself that thinks its not nice to clear your own field at anothers
expense. Its good to remember that you are just sending people back their own stuff, but
this Violet Flame process helps erase all the negativity, so working with this tool you
dont send back as much stuff because a lot of it has been transmuted. It is a win- win

The Alignment Garden- This powerhouse helps to keep us on purpose and in alignment
with our divine self and authentic mission in life. This helps us not fall into old patterns
of taking on stuff that is not ours. Perhaps this is why it makes people feel so

All Ego Contracts Null & Void- This is a tremendously helpful Essence when we want
additional support to cut ourselves free from old ego agreements we have with others to
carry their burdens or inappropriately take care of them.

Spiderwort- Offers help to discern what is our business and what is not.

Thistle- Any Thistle Flower or spiky Flower blossom helps empaths when they feel their
energy system in being invaded or dumped on. Lots of spiky Flowers including two
Thistles are in Golden Armor and Flee Free; however you may get called to a specific
one of these Flowers for a specific situation.
Abutilon and Wild Abutilon- These two are for better protection from inappropriate
sound vibrations. These two Flowers help empaths who have sensitive hearing. You
know you are one of these folks if you cannot stand listening to a lot of music without
feeling really rocked emotionally. The Abutilons helps with all kinds of hearing

To Thine Own Self Be True- This mix offers more clarification about our true calling
and life purpose as opposed to ideas we might have picked up in childhood or from the
mass media like I am here to be someones doormat. This mix helps us find momentum
on the road to our own true life.

To Hear the Angels Sing- This mix offers guidance about staying on mission and support
to feel at one with our divine self that knows the perfect balance between self and
selflessness, service without servitude.

The Family River Trio of Black Currant, Borage, and Bloodroot- This trio is helpful if
you are working on the issue of not taking care of family members emotional stuff
because they are family and you owe them. See the blogs The Emperors New
Clothes and More on the Family River or Farewell to Rusty Plumbing for more info
on this topic.

Abandonment & Abuse- When other people get demanding in a way similar to what
happened in our family of origin, we can trigger back into thinking we are back in this
circumstance and must respond as we were trained to respond by picking up whatever
emotional garbage they want to dump. This Essence combination helps us to heal this
wound so we no longer fall into this old pattern, but can experience this kind of triggering
situation with a new confidence that we are in a new life where we can deal with any
situation with appropriate love for all, including ourselves.
California Flower Essence (FES)

White Yarrow is the multipurpose essence for people who are sensitive to their
environment and other people's emotions. It strengthens your energetic boundaries,
leaving you more protected from unwanted emotional energy.

Pink Yarrow is specifically for those sensitive people who realize they give too much of
themselves in relationships. They are compassionate people who are especially
vulnerable to absorbing negative emotions from romantic partners, friends, and family.
Usually in their effort to help family or friends who are troubled, they wind up taking the
painful emotions onto themselves.

Golden Yarrow is for empathic people who have reacted to their sensitivity by becoming
very shy and avoiding attention or performance situations. They feel imprisoned by their
introversion, but do not feel safe enough to increase their social involvement. (Editor's
note: for a more detailed discussion of the differences between the three Yarrows, refer to
Joyce Mason's article in the September, 1999 issue of Vibration.)

Mountain Pennyroyal is a protective agent that gives clarity of mind and blocks negative
energies. It can also assist the empath cleanse and purge energies that have already been
picked up. Expels negativity and psychic attachments.

Dandelion - Dandelion remedy serves as a laundering service for washing away painful
emotions. It allows emotional sludge to move through the body and get tossed away
much like how dirt gets removed from clothing when it is laundered.

Borage - Borage is a heart healer. Sensitive persons are often heavily burdened with the
emotional hurts of many. This make borage the "go-to" remedy to ease the strain on the
heart chakra. Borage lifts any burdens, offering energetic "lightness" and "healing."

Fawn Lily - Fawn Lily essence helps reintroduce the "reclusive" personality back into
the world. This remedy is an excellent aid for the empath who has kept himself locked
away from others as a protective mechanism, but who wants to begin to mingle with
people on his own terms in a controlled environment.

Mallow - Mallow remedy helps break down self-protective walls an empath has built
around himself. The problem with a solidly built energetic shield is that it not only blocks
hurtful emotions, but it will block good emotions too, such as love and compassion.
Mallow can help the isolated empath release fear and open up his heart so that he can
begin feeling again.
Yellow Star Tulip - Yellow Star Tulip is an excellent remedy for the empath who wants
to use his empathic talents in the role of a healer. This remedy will help to enhance the
empaths natural ability. This can be of great assistance to the healer in helping identify
the needs of his clients. Refines inner truth and knowledge. Yellow Star Tulip flower
essence develops the soul quality of empathy, so that one can intuit and act upon the
deeper meaning and message of other beings. This remedy especially sensitizes one to the
suffering of others, for without empathetic presence one cannot become truly
compassionate. It can sometimes act as a karmic truth serum, so that one feels more
intensely the results of ones actions toward another.

Manzanita - Manzanita is a remedy for the individual who has over identified with his
spiritual nature, choosing to ignore his human side. Empaths sometimes have difficulty
embracing their physical bodies because of the emotional-body connection. The spiritual
body has a natural detachment from the emotional body. However, earth incarnation
requires having a body, and ignoring the body is not healthy. Manzanita essence helps to
integrate spiritual and physical, helping the sensitive soul to view the world in a more
balanced way.

Bach Flowers
Olive - Revitalizer. Olive is a good remedy for anyone who is feeling the effects of
fatigue or struggle. Olive can help to soothe the sensitive person who takes on more than
his share of suffering.

Beech - Beech remedy can serve as an energetic buffer, protecting sensitives from
emotional attacks. Helpful essence remedy for anyone who

Heather - Heather is normally prescribed for the self-absorbed personality helping him to
learn how to step outside of the self and become more feeling of others. For this reason,
the suggestion of heather for the empath may seem to be at odds. However, heather can
also help an empath sort out his own emotions from adopted emotions that are not his. It
helps a person recognize emotional energies in the body that do not belong.
Help for Empaths

Flower Essences ** Crystals

Golden Armor (GHF) Aquamarine
Flee Free (GHF) Black Tourmaline
Watch Your Back (GHF) Green Jade
Violet Transmuting Flame Violet (GHF) Smoky Quartz
The Alignment Garden (GHF) Rose Quartz
All Ego Contracts Null & Void (GHF) Rhodochrosite
Spiderwort (GHF) Lapis Lazuli
Thistle (GHF) Moonstone
Abutilon and Wild Abutilon (GHF) Sugalite
To Thine Own Self Be True (GHF)
To Hear the Angels Sing (GHF)
The Family River Trio (GHF)
Other Cleansing Tools
Abandonment & Abuse (GHF)
White Yarrow (FES)
- Sage & Cedar
Oink Yarrow (FES)
- Smokeless Sage
Golden Yarrow (FES)
Yarrow Special Formula (FES)
- Shielding
Mountain Pennyroyal (FES)
- Bubble Surrounding
Dandelion (FES)
Borage (FES)
Fawn Lily (FES)
Mallow (FES)
Yellow Star Tulip (FES)
Manzanita (FES)
Five Flower Formula (FES)
Olive (B)
Beech (B)
Heather (B)
Rescue Remedy (B)
Therapist & Healer Vibrational Essence
Meditation (ABFE)

**Key: (GHF-Green Hope Farms), (FES-Flower Essence Services), (B-Bach), (CTE-

Canadian Tree Essences), (ABFE-Australian Bush Flower Essences)

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