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Patent office of the Republic of Poland

Search the name of the company MFK studio plus the application number
under the

heading, Nice Classification

Theres was none result:

Search the name of the company MK studio plus the application number
under the

heading, Nice Classification, and I found just a Ceramic studio with a similar

Search the name of the company MFK studio.

The results:

With these results we can see many companies with very similar name
and with the same number of Niece classification includes numbers like
35 and 41, however none of them will give any kind of problem for my
company, as many are now inactive and, the logo are completely
different and also none of them have the identical name as my company
MFK studio.

Continuing the search could find that had no active company with the
name '' MFK '', so in the second page the companies who appearing are
companies whose name includes the word studio.
But if I do a search with only the name '' MFK '' including Niece number
of classification 41 plus marked in the box: figurative, packaging and
word. It is possible to find more companies with the same name, but
which are now ended.
In the second page you can see an active company with very similar
name to the '' MFK studio ''.

It is a Turkish company registered on 07.07.1997 with Nice classification

40,41,42,43,44,45. This could disrupt the 'MFK studio' ', previously I had
found companies with the same name, but they were already expired or
disabled, since this company has the letters very similar to' 'MFK studio'
', but I believe as the official name of my company has the word 'studio'
which already distinguishes enough, because so far I didnt find any
company with exactly the same name as '' studio MFK ', I also can see
that the logo is totally different, this will be a very positive point to
continue with the same name.

Word Intellectual Property Organization

Global Brand Database

Search the company name MFK studio including Niece number of

classification 35, 41 and 42, it will give you a result of 237 pages more
or less companies.

With the word 'studio' 'appear several results, we can see that with the
word' 'MFK' all companies that continue to appear are inactive.
But when we try to find some company by the name of '' MFK '' the
results are small.

Similar logo: I havent find any logo that I could say it is

similar to the logo of ' MFK studio',
This was the only logo I could say its similar to MFK
studio it has version more dynamic, despite colors. I
believe that the logo from '' MFK studio' is more colorful
and dynamic, and even more remarkable that this logo as
we have as an example.

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