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Structural Steelwork Eurocodes

Development of
A Trans-national Approach

Course: Eurocode 3

Module 5 : Structural joints

Lecture 18 : Practical procedures for the

characterisation of the response of
moment resisting joints
Simple rules and design tables in line with the Eurocode 3 revised Annex J are presented for the
characterisation of five different types of structural joints.
Guidelines for an appropriate use of these tools are described.

Generalities on structural joints.
Concepts of characterisation and idealisation for joints.

Notes for Tutors:

This material comprises one 45 minute lecture.

Structural Steelwork Eurocodes Development of a Trans-National Approach
Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

The student should:
be able to characterise and idealise the behaviour of steel beam-to-column joints and beam splices
with end-plate and flange cleats.

Revised Annex J of Eurocode 3, "Joints in Building Frames", Amendment 2 to ENV 1993-1-1,
Frame design including joint behaviour. Users manual published by the European Union, Report
EUR 18563 EN, Office for Official Publications, Luxembourg, 1998 (ISBN 92-828-4904-X)

1. Introduction
2. Stresses in the column web panel and flange
2.1 Factor
2.2 Factor kwc
2.3 Factor kfc
3. Additional design considerations and options taken for the design tables
3.1 Weld sizes
3.2 Bolt diameters
3.3 Cleated joints
3.4 Choices for the design tables
4. Shear resistance
5. Reference length for stiffness classification purposes

Annex A Example of a design aid for the evaluation of the mechanical properties of beam splices with
flush end-plate connections
Annex B Joint stiffness classification "Reference length" concept

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

1. Introduction
For design purposes, detailed design aids are given in the users manual listed in the
references. A example of such design aids is presented in the Annex A to the present lecture.
Each design aid is devoted to a specific type of joint and is composed of two parts :
a. a calculation procedure, presented in the format of design sheets;
b. design tables.
The calculation procedure is aimed at assisting the designer who wishes to take account of the
full potential of joint semi-rigidity, without having to go through the more complex approach
of Eurocode 3-(revised)Annex J.
The first design sheet is devoted to determining the mechanical characteristics and
geometrical parameters of the joint. In the remaining sheets, the calculation procedure first
provides all the expressions for both stiffness and resistance for each of the joint components
in a logical order and finally shows how to derive the characteristics of the whole joint, i.e. the
initial and nominal stiffnesses and the design moment resistance. The failure mode
corresponds to the component whose resistance determines the design moment resistance of
the joints. Additional considerations on joint design are given hereunder.
The shear resistance of the joint (resistance to a shear force in the beam) is an important
value. However, for the sake of clarity, it is not dealt with in the design sheets. Relevant
information is provided later in this lecture.
The second part of each of the design aids consists of design tables, which, in principle, can
be used in a straightforward manner as an alternative to the design sheets. The tables, which
are established for a selection of standard combinations of connected member sections,
provide the designer with the following :
the joint stiffnesses for design (initial and nominal);
the design moment resistance and resistance in shear of the joint;
an identification of the joint component which is governing the resistance moment;
the reference lengths for the joint classification,
in addition to the material properties and the geometric parameters for the end plate, the bolts
and the welds. The concept of reference length for joint classification is introduced in the
Annex B to the present lecture.
The design tables can be used either to obtain the characteristics (i.e. mechanical properties
of stiffness and resistance) of a given joint or to select a joint having desired characteristics.
They have been obtained using the calculation procedures given in the design sheets
associated with options for the values of some parameters which generally give conservative
results. However, there are some rare extreme situations where the use of the design tables
alone may not be sufficient to ensure safe design. These situations are mostly related to the
stress state (shear and direct stresses) of the column web panel (which is evaluated by the
factors and kwc) and of the column flange (factor kfc) and which should normally be
checked once the structural analysis has been completed.
The physical meanings of factors , kwc and kfc are discussed in the next paragraphs where
the recommended values for use in the design sheets are given. These recommendations have
been adopted for the design tables.
The other options which have been taken when establishing the design tables, are also
identified. They relate to weld and bolt sizes in end plate and cleated joints.
Finally, the joint classification reference lengths (see Annex B to the present lecture) are

2. Stresses in the column web panel and flange

2.1 Factor
The column web panel deformation is due to the actual shear force in it. This shear force
(Vwp) is mostly the local shear force arising from the load-introduction forces ( F), but, in
addition, there is a contribution from the column shear forces above and below the joint
(Figure 1.a). For design purposes, it is obtained by multiplying the force F by the factor
(Figure 1.b). Strictly speaking, precise values of , which can affect both the resistance and the
stiffness of the web panel, can only be obtained by iteration. However, by using the safe values

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

given in Table 1, there will normally be no need to resort to such an iterative procedure, which
would involve re-analysing the structure with corrected values.
The selection of the values from Table 1 is based, for two-sided joint configurations, on the
relative importance of the left and right moments acting in the connected beams. Usually this
information is unknown in a first design step - except in particular loading and geometrical
situations what prevents the designer from selecting a correct value for . To overcome this
difficulty, the following guidelines are suggested:
The value = 1 can be used in a first step. In fact, the design tables have been prepared for
= 1.

Vwp M=F.h Vwp F
wp V .F wp
wp wp
(a) Definitions (b) values

Figure 1 Shear force in a column web panel

Once the global analysis with due allowance made for semi-rigidity of the joints is performed,
the designer should check whether the assumption which has been made ( = 1) is satisfactory
and whether it is necessary or worthwhile to update the joint design and/or the global analysis.
In this process, it should be recognized that:
If the new value to be selected is equal to 0, the results obtained from the first
analysis with = 1 are safe and conservative. They can therefore been adopted as
they are, or, if preferred, the design sheets can be used to obtain more appropriate
characteristics for the joint in view of a second frame analysis.
If the new value to be selected is equal to 2, the results obtained from the first
analysis with = 1 are unsafe and the designer should perform a new analysis based
on more appropriate joint characteristics obtained through the use of the design sheets
with = 2.
Fortunately, such situations may be considered as exceptional cases rarely met in

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

Configuration and loading Proposed value

= 1

if M1 M2
1 2 0
___ M1 M2
1 2 1

1 = 2 =2 J.3.5.2(8)
___ M1 or M2 0
1 = 2 = 1

Table 1 Recommended
If, or when, a second analysis is performed, the opportunity should also be taken to make any
other modifications which may appear necessary to the member and/or joint choices.

2.2 Factor kwc

The factor kwc accounts for the detrimental effect of the longitudinal web stresses (due to the
normal force and the bending moment in the column) on the local design resistance of the
column web in compression (local stability).
Factor kwc is given as follows :
n , wc
k wc (1,25 0,5 ) 1.0 (1)
f ywc
where fywc is the yield stress of the column web and n,wc is the maximum longitudinal
compressive (axial force and bending moment) stress in the column web at the root of the
radius at a point just outside the joint (Figure 2.b). Its value is plotted in Figure 2.a.
The value of kwc ranges from 1,0 to 0,75 (the most unfavourable case). However, for design
purposes, adopting a value of 1,0 for design will usually be safe, as in most situations:
n,wc < 0,5 fywc.
The design tables have been established with k wc = 1,0.
Once the global frame analysis is completed, it is essential that the designer checks that the
assumption on the column stress condition is not violated. Should the value of k wc prove to be
less than unity, the designer will have to use the design sheets to check the resistance of the
joint (by simply re-evaluating the resistance of the column web in compression). The
stiffness of the joint will not be affected.

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints


Compression J.
n,w zone
0,5fywc fywc

(a) Reduction factor kwc (b) Location of n,wc

Figure 2 Values of the kwc factor and the point where n,wc is

2.3 Factor kfc

The factor kfc accounts for the detrimental effect of the longitudinal flange stresses (due to the
normal force and the bending moment in the column) on the local resistance of the column
flange in bending.
Factor kfc is given as follows:
k fc 1 if n,fc 180 N/mm2 (2.a)
2 f yfc 180 n , fc
k fc if 2 (2.b)
2 f yfc 360 n,fc 180 N/mm
where fyfc is the yield stress of the column flange and n,fc is the maximum longitudinal
compressive stress (axial force and bending moment) in the centrod of the column flange. In
expressions (2), fyfc and n,fc have to be expressed in N/mm 2.
The value of kfc ranges from 1,0 to 0,5 (the most unfavourable case). However, for design
purposes, adopting a value of 1.0 for design will usually be safe, as in most situations:
n,fc < 0,5 fyfc .
The design tables have been established with k fc = 1,0.
Once the global frame analysis is completed, it is essential that the designer checks that the
assumption on the column stress condition is not violated. Should the value of value of k fc
prove to be less than unity, the designer will have to use the design sheets to check the
resistance of the joint (by simply re-evaluating the resistance of the column web in
compression). The stiffness of the joint will not be affected.

3. Additional design considerations and options taken for

the design tables
A number of other choices have been made when establishing the design tables, all of which
have an impact on the joint design. They concern the following subjects :
the size of the welds connecting the beam flanges and the end plates;
the diameter of the bolts used in joints with extended end plates;
the contribution of the web cleat to the global properties of a cleated joint;
the slip which may occur in flange cleated joints.

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

the choices for the design tables.

3.1 Weld sizes

It is assumed that double fillet welds will be used to attach the beam to the end plate in end
plate joints.
The basic relations for the design of these welds are given here below for both extended and
flush end plate joints in which the end plate height is greater than the beam depth. Two
approaches can be used, as follows:
Design according to the resistance of the beam . Annex M
The resistance of the fillet welds connecting the beam flanges to the end plate shall
be at least equal to the plastic resistance of the flanges Nt.Rd :

N t .Rd b f t fb f yfb / M 0 (3)

where fyfb is the yield stress of the beam flange, tfb the flange thickness and bf the
beam width.
Using a simplified method for weld design, one obtains:
2 a f b f f yw ,d N t .Rd (4)
with the design shear strength of the weld defined as :
f yw ,d f u / 3 w Mw (5)
where af is the weld size and fu is the design yield strength of the weaker element
attached (end plate or beam flange) .
The following expression is obtained for the weld size:

af 3 Mw w fyb tfb / 2 fu M0 (6.a)

A more economical weld design using Annex M of EC3 leads to:

af Mw w fyb tfb / 2 fu M0 (6.b)

Similar expressions can be obtained for the end plate to beam web fillet weld size.
The values of the partial safety factors are: Mw = 1,25 and M0 = 1,1.
The values of w depend on the steel strength fu , as follows:

w = 0,80 for steel S 235

= 0,85 for steel S 275
= 0,90 for steel S 355
= 1,00 for steel S 420
= 1,00 for steel S 460
Design according to the resistance of the joint.
The design force in the beam flange can be conservatively estimated as:

FRd = MRd/ (hb tfb) (7)

where MRd is the design moment resistance of the joint, hb and tfb are the beam
depth and flange thickness respectively.
The design resistance of the weld shall be greater than the flange force FRd,
multiplied by a factor , and using the simplified formula for weld strength one
2a f b f f vw ,d M Rd /( hb t fb ) (8)

The value of the factor is ( EC3 revised Annex J, paragraph J.3.1.3(4)) :

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

1,7 for sway frames and

1,4 for non sway frames.
However, in no case shall the weld design resistance be required to exceed the
design plastic resistance of the flange, N t.Rd , given here above.

It is important to note also that, as this verification does not include for the beam
shear, the designer shall ensure that proper allowance has been made for this force.
The above methods may be adapted for the design of welds in joints with flush end plate
connections in which the height of the end plate is slightly less than the beam depth. The
detailing of the welds for this case is shown in Figure 3.b.
For joints with small and medium size beam sections ( up to about 400mm in depth), a very
simple rule, which complies with the design according to the beam resistance, is to use a weld
throat size a f (figure 3.a) of 50 % of the thickness , i.e. :

for the double fillet welds to the beam flange,

a f 0 ,5t fb (9.a)
for the double fillet welds to the beam web,
a w 0,5t wb (9.b)

Rounded up values given by this rule have been adopted in the design tables. An advantage of
this solution is that, as the resistant section of the welds is equivalent to that of the attached
beam, the verification of the beam section at the joint for combined bending, shear and axial
load also ensures that the welds, chosen as above, are sufficient.
For larger joints, it may be more economical to proportion the welds to be in accordance with
the joint resistance rather than with the beam resistance.


(a) Extended end plate (b) Flush end plate

Figure 3 Beam flange-to-end plate welds

3.2 Bolt diameters

For joints with extended end plate connections, the attainment of the design moment
resistance MRd by full plastic redistribution of the internal bolt row forces requires a minimum
ductility of the bolt-plate assemblies. In accordance with Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J, the

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

relevant requirements are :

d f
1,9 yp (10.a) J.3.1.2(4)
tp f ub
d f
1,9 yfc (10.b)
t fc f ub
d : nominal diameter of the bolt;
f yp : design yield strength of the end plate material;
f yfc : design yield strength of the column flange;
f ub : ultimate tensile strength of the bolt material;
tp : thickness of the end plate or flange cleat leg;
t fc : thickness of the column flange.
The design tables fulfil the above requirements.

3.3 Cleated joints

Joints with cleats connecting the beam flanges to the column flange, but without web cleats,
are mainly considered here. As a matter of fact, web cleats can be dispensed with when the
lower flange cleat connection is sufficient to transfer the beam shear force. The following
conditions shall be met for that to be valid:
the gap g between the end of the beam and the face of the column shall not
exceed the thickness t a of the angle cleat;
the design shear resistance of the bolts connecting the lower cleat to the column
shall be sufficient to transfer the entire shear force in the beam.
When the shear force exceeds the resistance of the lower cleat bolts, web cleats shall be
provided. Some fabricators systematically add one or two web cleats for erection purposes.
When these are attached close to the beam axis and are connected by no more than two bolts
(in one vertical row) to the beam web, the stiffness and the resistance of the "fully" cleated
joint will not be significantly altered and their effect on the joint characteristics as a whole
may then be neglected.
As the number of bolts and the height of the web cleats increases, so does the subsequent
increase in the joint stiffness and resistance, which may become significant. Reference can be
made to other publications on how to include their contribution.
b. Slip in the joint.
The tolerance between the bolt and the hole diameters may leave room for some slip to occur
between the cleats and the members to which they are connected. The movements between the
cleats and the beam flanges in particular will produce a rotation of the beam ends relative to
the columns. In reality, all of this slip can be expected to take place progressively during the
erection process. For this reason, it is usual to assume that it will have a negligible effect on
the global response of the structure.
When no slip is to be allowed, preloaded bolts shall be used and the design shall be in
accordance with the specifications for slip resistant connections of Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex
J. This requirement may arise, for instance, when moment reversal is expected in a joint.

3.4 Choices for the design tables

The design tables have been prepared for a wide range of combinations of standard rolled
sections in S235 steel. Separate tables have been prepared for joints with property classes 8.8
and 10.9 bolts. End plate thicknesses have been chosen to produce joints which have a large
range of semi-rigid behaviour.
The tables can obviously be extended to cover a much wider range of joints and, in particular,
those with members in higher strength steels.
The following summarises the range of cases covered, where each case is made up of a
combination of elements from the relevant table:
A. Beam to column end plate joints: 364 cases for each of the following:

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Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

Extended end plate with pc 8.8 bolts,

Extended end plate with pc 10.9 bolts,
Flush end plate, full height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, full height, with pc 10.9 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 10.9 bolts.


BEAM IPE 220 TO 600

B. Beam to beam end plate connections: 36 cases for each of the following:
Flush end plate, full height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, full height with pc 10.9 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 10.9 bolts.


BEAM IPE 160 TO 600

C. Beam to column flange cleat joints: 310 cases for each of the following:
Cleats with pc 8.8 bolts,
Cleats with pc 10.9 bolts.


BEAM IPE 220 TO 600
CLEAT UNEQUAL ANGLES 130x65x72 to 200x100x16

4. Shear resistance
In the case of bolted end plate joints the entire shear force in the beam shall be resisted
independently by both:
the welds between the end plate and the beam,
and the bolts rows.
When non preloaded bolts are used, the design shear force transferred by the bolts from the
end plate to the column flange should not normally exceed the sum of :
a. the total design shear resistance of the bolts in those bolts-rows that are not required
to resist tension;
b. 30 % of the total design shear resistance of the bolts in those bolt-rows that are also
required to resist tension.
Reference should be made to Section 1.3.3.a for more information on cleated joints.

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

5. Reference length for stiffness classification purposes

For typical building frames, for instance those shown in Figure 4 , the length Lb is defined as
the span of one bay. It is assumed that the beam-to-column joints at the ends of the beam have
similar joint characteristics( stiffness and resistance).

Figure 4 Definition of Lb for building frames

The beam reference lengths for joint classification, Lb.b and Lb.u for braced and for unbraced
frames respectively, are expressed as follows, the definitions being those of the Annex B to the
present Chapter:
In braced frames
Lb.b.1 = 8 EIb / Sj,ini
for the boundary between rigid and semi-rigid;
Lb.b.2 = 0,5 EIb / Sj,ini
for the boundary between semi-rigid and pinned.

In unbraced frames
Lb.u.1 = 25 EIb / Sj,ini
for the boundary between rigid and semi-rigid;
Lb.u.2 = 0,5 EIb / Sj,ini
for the boundary between semi-rigid and pinned.

For beam splices, no distinction is made between braced and unbraced frames and a single
value of the reference (Lb) is given :
Lb.1 = 25 EIb / Sj,ini
for the boundary between rigid and semi-rigid;
Lb.2 = 0,5 EIb / Sj,ini
for the boundary between semi-rigid and pinned.

The actual bay span Lb has to be compared with these reference lengths in order to determine
whether the joint has to be considered as pinned, semi-rigid or rigid in the global analysis.
When use is made of the design tables, the information provided to the designer under the
column with the heading "Reference lengths" will usually be one of the following :
The letter R : This means that the joint can be considered as rigid over the full
range of practical lengths for which the beam in question is expected to be used.
The reference lengths fall outside of this range defined as follows:
minimum practical length: the greater of 5.hb and 2,5 meters;
maximum practical length: 40.hb
where hb is the height of the beam (in meters).
A number followed by the letter R : The number is the reference length in meters
and the label R means that the reference length is the boundary between the semi-

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Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

rigid and rigid joint classifications. For beam lengths greater than the reference
length, the joint can be considered as rigid, while for lengths less than the
reference length it shall be considered as semi-rigid.
The letter S : This means that the joint shall be considered as semi-rigid over the
full range of practical lengths for which the beam in question is expected to be used.
The reference lengths fall outside of this range.
The letter S followed by a number : The number is the reference length in meters
and the label P means that the reference length is the boundary between the pinned
and semi-rigid joint classifications. For beam lengths greater than the reference
length, the joint shall be considered as semi-rigid, while for lengths less than the
reference length it can be considered as pinned.

Example :
Consider the case of a joint with an extended end-plate connection, bolts HR10.9, M16,
column HEB240, beam IPE220.

If the connection is used in a non braced frame : Lbu = 2,7m

If Lb>2,7m : The connection may be considered rigid.
If Lb<2,7m : The connection may be considered semi-rigid.
If the connection is used in a braced frame : Lbb = 8,6m
If Lb>8,6m : The connection may be considered rigid.
If Lb<8,6m : The connection may be considered semi-rigid.

ANNEX A : Example of a design aid for

the evaluation of the mechanical
properties of beam splices with flush
end-plate connections



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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints



1. Calculation procedure

2. Design tables

3. Worked example

The three files containing respectively the Calculation procedure, the Design tables and
the Worked example are available on the CD Rom within the word folder containing this

ANNEX B : Joint stiffness classification

"Reference length" concept
Generally speaking, joint stiffness classification is a means to obtain an indication of the
importance of the joint rotational response on the overall structural behaviour and, in
particular, of its effect on the forces acting at the joints. More specifically, it provides a means
of indicating whether an assumption that a given joint is "pinned" or "rigid" for the global
frame analysis is justified or not. When used in this manner, the joint classification check can
be an alternative to modelling the joints in the structure. When a chosen joint is found to be
classified as "semi-rigid", while the analysis assumed it to be "rigid", one has the choice
between two procedures of corrective action. The first would be to modify the joint design so
that it now becomes sufficiently rigid to allow it to be classified as "rigid", and the second (and
more precise approach) would be to re-analyse the structure, this time including for the
modelling of the joint behaviour in the structural model.
In order to know if a joint can be classified as "rigid", "semi-rigid" or "pinned", the concept of
beam "reference length" is introduced, which is explained in Figure A.1 for a beam with end

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Structural joints
Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

M o pL2b / 12 ( fully fixed )

o pL3b / 24 EI b ( perfectly pinned )

(a) Different end joints (b) Identical end joints

Figure A.1 Restrained beam

The general equilibrium or non sway "slope deflection" equations for the beam i j (Figure
A.1.a), where clockwise moments and rotations are defined as positive, are as follows :
2 EI b
M ij M ij (2 i j ) (A.1.a)
2 b
M ji M ji (2 j i ) (A.1.b)
where M ij ,M ji : actual end moment at nodes i and j respectively
M ij ,M ji : fully fixed end moments (same beam, same loading)
i , j : actual beam end rotations.
E: modulus of elasticity for steel
Ib , Lb : second moment of area and beam span respectively.
For identical joint conditions at the beam ends (Figure A.1.b), the following holds:
Mij Mji M 0 (A.2.a)
M ij M ji M1 (A.2.b)
i j 1 (A.2.c)
Sj,i = Sj,j = Sj (A.2.d)
Fj,i = -Fj,j = Fj (A.2.e)
Mj,i = -Mj,j = Mj (A.2.f)
Equation (A.1) then becomes :
2 EI b
M1 M0 1 (A.3)
The equilibrium equation of the spring, the stiffness of which is S j , gives:
Mj = Sj Fj (A.4)
Compatibility of the rotations and equilibrium of the moments at the spring to beam interface
requires that:
Fj = F1 (A.5.a)

M 1 S j 1 0 (A.5.b)

After substitution in Equation (A.3) for F1 from (A.5.a and A.5.b), the following equation is
obtained for the left hand end of a uniformly loaded beam:

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Practical procedures for the characterisation of the response of moment resisting joints

pL2b Sj
M1 .
12 2 EI b (A.6)
Equation (A.5) demonstrates the influence of the joint stiffness on the end moment. For a joint
having a very high stiffness compared to that of the beam, the beam behaves as almost fixed
ended. When the joint stiffness is very small compared to that of the beam, the beam behaves
as almost pin ended. How the beam behaves essentially depends on the relative stiffnesses of
the joint and the beam.
The stiffness of a given beam section varies only with its length, It can be deduced that, for a
beam section with properties Ib and Lb and having end joints of stiffness Sj :

when Lb is relatively large (very flexible beam), the joint tends to behave like a
fully fixed joint ( M 1 pLb / 12 ),

when Lb is relatively short (very stiff beam), the joint tends to behave like a
pinned joint ( M 1 0).
Keeping these observations in mind, two characteristic lengths, Lb 1 and Lb 2 , may be
1) Lb 1 such that :
- if Lb Lb 1 the joint may be considered as rigid,
- if Lb < Lb 1 the joint shall to be considered as semi-rigid;
2) Lb 2 such that :
- if Lb > Lb 2 the joint shall to be considered as semi rigid,
- if Lb Lb 2 the joint may be considered as pinned,
where Lb 2 < Lb 1
Taking the lengths in increasing order, the length Lb 2 represents the boundary between the
"pinned" and "semi-rigid" classifications, and the length Lb 1 represents the boundary
between the "semi-rigid" and "rigid" classifications. Their values depend on the joint stiffness
and on the given beam section properties. It is quite important to stress that, in accordance
with Eurocode 3- (revised) Annex J, the joint stiffness to be considered for stiffness
classification is the elastic initial one.

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