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Mackenzie Barber

Professor Huizar

University Writing

14 March 2017

Traditional Education is a Thing of the Past

Purely academic education is part of the past, we have

developed as humans and our education should develop with us.

The amount of programs for children with learning disabilities

are very limited. Many dont focus on what their future will

contain. The transition into the real world for them only starts

when they graduate. Creating vocational programs in traditional

high schools can prepare/train students for a real-world job,

creating a better quality of life. People need to have a

schedule and responsibility to do something throughout their

days. If you are left with nothing to do, what type of life are

you really living.

There are no main voices on this topic, however there are

countless schools in other nations that are wildly successful.

The reasoning and fight for these programs are developed by

other countries who have thrived using an adapted educational

system. These international schools are the evidence we need to

put a similar system into place here in America. Vocational

programs in traditional high schools is essential for a well-

rounded education for all students, allowing for certifications

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and career right out of high school and while achieving a higher

education. Studies have been done to prove how effective these

classes can be, even further some schools already have these

programs and have showed promise. However, these programs should

be accessible to all students throughout the nation. In foreign

countries, they have entire schools created for vocational


This is not only to enhance the educational experience of a

typical student, but it enables students with disabilities to

learn a trade and have a better quality of life after

graduation. These programs teach what you need to know for the

real world.

The general youth has developed a disconnect with reality.

They choose unrealistic goals that arent achievable by them.

Low-achieving students have a false reality when considering

their future especially when it comes to high education. Without

vocational programs these students go into college unprepared

and not favored to succeed. These low-achieving students get by

in a high school setting, but will suffer greatly at a

university. Leaving students to fail in college is a waste of

time and resources, these students are clueless on a career path

and often get stuck on a track they may have no interest in.

Students who have no interest in their major have a higher

chance of dropping out or failing. Giving them a chance in high

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school to discover possible trades can benefit these students in

the long run.

As a whole, college is believed to be the next step for

everyone. Students are constantly taught to achieve a higher

education. That is not always the case, you do not need a

college degree to support yourself. In trade jobs, you typically

just need the proper training. The need for semiprofessionals is

constant, there are a vast number of job openings waiting to be

filled by people who have the proper training, or who are

willing to be trained in the field. Providing the chance to be

trained or certified right out of high school can be desirable

to students who are looking for an easy out, they see the

immediate payout of getting a job versus the four years they

have to go through at a university. The problem when creating

these courses though is creating a curriculum plan and finding

instructors willing to teach these trades.

Creating an atmosphere for students who arent cut out for

academic learning improves the quality of students lives after

graduation. Whether it be like stated earlier low achieving

students, or could possible help students with learning

disabilities. Creating a better education for students with

learning disabilities is essential to providing them with equal

opportunities. Due to having a learning disability these

students have a hard time keeping their focus in academic based

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courses. They do better in class they have an actual interest in

and wont get bored and lose focus. Creating an environment

where students can thrive is what school is all about. Adapting

education to fit the needs of the students is important.

These courses shouldnt be strictly for low-achieving

students though. Allowing all students access to these courses

in important. These programs can help students figure out a

pathway that want to pursue right after high school, or even get

a higher education in after graduation. These students can also

use these certifications that receive through these programs to

have a stable job to pay for their education.

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Works Cited

Evers, R. B. "The Positive Force of Vocational

Education." Journal of Learning Disabilities 29.1 (1996):

69-78. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

Jerrim, John. "The Unrealistic Educational Expectations of High

School Pupils: Is America Exceptional? "The Sociological

Quarterly 55.1 (2013): 196-231. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

Karnes, Ray. "Chapter VIII: Technical Education." Review of

Educational Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

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