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Sedimentology (1994) 41, 1161-1 169

Clay fabrics in relation to the burial history of shales

Laboratorium voor Algemene Geologie, Katholieke Universisteit Leuven, Redingenstraat 16, B-3000 Leuven,

Quantitative appraisal of compaction strain is essential for the study of the burial history of shales in
sedimentary basins. The results of a preliminary fabric analysis of Westphalian and Zechstein shales in the
Campine Basin (Belgium) show that clay fabric analysis, using an X-ray pole figure goniometer, is suitable
for this purpose.
Clay fabrics, in the range studied, are independent of depth and therefore cannot be used as depth
indicators. This suggests that in the early stages of the burial history a stable clay fabric has to develop,
which will basically remain unchanged during the subsequent burial history.
The degree of clay particle preferred orientation not only reflects the compaction strain, but is also
determined by mineralogical parameters: the presence of non-platy particles and the relative concen-
trations of the different clay minerals. This degree of preferred orientation furthermore determines the
degree of fissility of the shales.
These mineralogical factors limit the use of clay fabrics as truly quantitative strain markers. Their use
as semi-quantitative strain markers remains advantageous, mainly because of the common occurrence of
clay fabrics in the geological record. Moreover, the relative ease of measurement and the possibility of
distinguishing compaction from tectonic strains favour the use of clay fabrics in the quantitative strain
analysis of argillaceous rocks.

A typical mesoscopic feature of shales is their assures the preservation of the original finely lami-
fissility, which is defined as the tendency of argilla- nated clay texture. Heling (1970), and Byers (1974),
ceous rocks to exhibit a mechanical cleavage along therefore consider the degree of fissility as a facies
smooth planes parallel to the bedding (OBrien, 1970; indicator. This parallel, disperse, sedimentation of
Spears, 1976; Ramsay & Huber, 1983). This fissile clay particles is a rather exceptional deposition
nature is commonly considered to be caused by a mechanism (Bennet & Hulbert, 1986). Clay sedi-
statistical preferred orientation of the platy clay mentation commonly occurs as flocculated clay
particles, although this has been questioned by some aggregates, internally characterized by a random
authors (Gipson, 1965; Spears, 1976; Curtis et al., orientation of the clay particles. Owing to an
1980), who suggest a relationship between fissility, increasing overburden pressure, these aggregates
the laminated nature of the clay texture (Spears, will eventually collapse, generating a clay particle
1976; Curtis et al., 1980) and the presence of organic preferred orientation. It is therefore fair to assume
material (Gipson, 1965). that the clay fabric is the reflection of a compaction
Several authors (Odom, 1967; OBrien, 1970; strain rather than the result of an exceptional sedi-
Heling, 1970; Byers, 1974; Spears, 1976) see the mentation process. In the former case a simple
development of a clay fabric as the result of a analytical theory, modelling the orientation behav-
disperse sedimentation of platy clay particles in a iour of tabular marker grains with respect to the
low energy environment. An anoxic, azoic, depo- finite strain (March, 1932), allows the use of the
sitional environment, excluding any bioturbation, clay fabric for quantifying the compaction strain.

1162 M. Sintubin

This clay fabric is measured by use of an X-ray pole Cretaceous-Cainozoic cover and the Westphalian
figure goniometer. formations (Westphalian C & D). These two bore-
The presented work, which is the result of prelimi- holes are situated in two separate fault blocks. In
nary fabric research on Westphalian and Zechstein both, a characteristic Zechstein layer was sampled. In
shales, sampled in three boreholes in the Campine borehole KB169 (Gruitrode - Muisvenner Bemden;
Basin (Belgium), evaluates the application of clay Dusar et al., 1987a) five samples (Zl to Z5) were
fabrics to the quantitative study of shale compaction. taken from this 30m thick layer situated at
Inferences on the burial history of shales in sedimen- - 1086m, while the sixth sample (26) was taken
tary basins and on the relationship between clay from the same layer at - 818 m in borehole KB172
fabrics and fissility, are also drawn. (Gruitrode - Ophovender Heide; Dusar et al.,
1987b). Sample ZI is a reddish mudstone, coloured
as a result of a post-depositional oxidation. The five
GEOLOGICAL SETTING other samples (22 to 26) are grey-green shales,
originally deposited in a coastal environment under
The Campine Basin covers the northern part of the reducing conditions (Dusar et al., 1987b).
Lower Palaeozoic Brabant Basement (Fig. 1) and is a
Variscan foreland basin with three distinguishable
sedimentary sequences: the Devono-Carboniferous, TEXTURAL CHARACTERISTICS
the Permo-Triassic and the Cretaceous-Cainozoic.
Unlike the sedimentary basins south of the Brabant Most of the Westphalian black shales exhibit a
Basement, the Campine Basin suffered no tangential pronounced bedding parallel fissility. Only in samples
deformation during the Variscan Orogeny. The only W2 and W5 is the fissility poorly developed. Micro-
major tectonic event which took place in this basin is scopically, the fissile nature is reflected in a continu-
associated with the development of the Roerdal Rift ous cleavage texture (Powell, 1979), accentuated by
System, of which NE-SW striking, initially synsedi- very fine films of opaque, organic-rich, material. The
mentary, normal faults are found in the Campine fine grained matrix, made up of quartz and clay
Basin. Important inversion movements, associated minerals, is homogeneous. Coarser quartz and mica
with several tectonic pulses (Kimmeridge, Laramide, grains are occasionally present. The mica grains,
Alpine) along these normal faults, further complicate detrital in origin, are always orientated parallel to the
the general structural picture of this gently NE bedding. The clay consists of illite, chlorite and
dipping monocline. Consequently, nothing can be kaolinite, which is characteristic of these Westphalian
inferred about the maximum depth of burial of the deposits (Goemaere, 1991). While the illite is exclu-
material. sively detrital in origin, the other two clay minerals
All deformation within this basin, taking place at a have a detrital, as well as a diagenetic origin. The
shallow crustal level, is brittle. The only internal kaolinite is an early diagenetic product, formed in the
deformation is a compaction strain as a result of acid environment of paralic swamps. The chlorite, on
diagenesis. The argillaceous material in this basin is the other hand, reflects late diagenetic conditions.
therefore suitable for the purpose of this work. These anchizonal conditions are also shown by the
The choice of samples was determined by the illite crystallinity. Quartz is present in relatively small
degree of fissility, the variation in depth and the amounts (Table 1).
variation in stratigraphical position. The Zechstein grey-green shales are also character-
Borehole KBl88 (Olmen) is situated in the western ized by a pronounced fissility, reflecting a continuous
part of the coal basin (Fig. 1). The Westphalian cleavage texture. Sample Z1, the reddish mudstone,
formations directly underlie the Cretaceous- exhibits a poorly developed fissility. The homo-
Cainozoic cover. Eight samples were taken over a geneous matrix is more fine grained than that of the
depth interval between - 806 and - 1445 m. These Westphalian shales. Moreover, coarser quartz and
black shales, Westphalian A (sample W2 to W7) and mica grains are absent. Fine opaque films are rare.
Westphalian B (sample WI) in age, were deposited in Quartz is also present in small amounts (Table 1).
a deltaic environment (Goermaere, 1991). The clay consists almost exclusively of detrital illite.
The other two boreholes are nearer the centre of Both chlorite and kaolinite are- present in very
the basin (Fig. 1). Due to the general NE dip, small concentrations. These shales developed under
Permo-Triassic formations are found between the diagenetic conditions (Dusar et al., 1987a,b).
Clay fabrics and burial history 1163

Fig. 1. Geostructurai subcrop map of the pre-Cretaceous sedimentary record in the Campine Basin, showing the location of
boreholes KB188, KB169 and KB172, and stratigraphical columns with location of the sampled range ($=Silurian;
Dv= Devonian; Di=Dinantian; Nm=Namurian; W,= Westphalian A; W,= Westphalian B; W,= Westphalian C;
W,= Westphalian D; PT = Permo-Triassic; J =Jurassic; Cr = Cretaceous: ($ = Cainozoic) (after Langenaecker pers. comm.).

CLAY FABRICS effectively limits measurements to a tilt of 40". Only

incomplete pole figures can therefore be measured
Fabric analysis
directly. Complete pole figures are obtained by com-
The clay fabrics were determined by X-ray pole figure bining measurements on two mutually perpendicular
analysis, using Ni-filtered CuKa-radiation. The sections. As well as a tilt-corrected background sub-
measurements were performed in transmission mode traction, the measured intensities were corrected for
on sections with an optimum thickness of 100 pm the absorption effect, using an empirical method,
(Oertel, 1983). This mode reduces surface effects, similar to that described by O'Brien et al. (1987)
which occur during sample preparation of clay-rich (Sintubin, 1992). A final normalization allowed the
materials, to a minimum (Oertel, 1978). fabrics to be described in terms of 'multiples of
The measured intensity decreases dramatically random distribution' (mrd); The resulting pole fig-
with increasing tilt of the sample in the X-ray ures are represented as equal area projections. In all
beam, mainly due to an increasing absorption. This Westphalian and Zechstein shales the (001) illite pole
1164 M. Sintubin

Table 1. Experimental data. least orthorhombic symmetry; (2) the deformation of

matrix and marker grains must be homogeneous; (3)
Sample Depth Quartz content* E, (ill)
the marker grains must behave passively; (4) the
no. (4 (/I (mrd)
volume must be constant during deformation; and (5)
KB188 the initial orientation distribution of the marker
w1 806.0 23.0 [ - 0.611 [ - 0.551 grains must be random. Moreover, the obtained
w2 912.0 28.0 [ - 0,551 [ - 0.551 March strain represents a total deformation, starting
w3 1048.0 21.0 [ - 0.611 [ - 0.551 from the initial, randomly orientated, aggregate of
w4 1125.0 17.0 [ - 0.571 [ - 0.521 marker grains. Although few clay-rich materials com-
W5 1194.0 26.0 [ - 0,531 [ - 0.491
W6 1364.0 12.0 ply with these conditions, reasonable correlations
[ - 0.611 [ - 0.581
w7 1365.7 13.0 [ - 0.631 [ - 0.601 with independent strain markers (Oertel, 1970; Tullis
W8 1445.0 15.0 [ - 0541 [ - 0.521 & Wood, 1975; Oertel et al., 1989) show that the
KB169 March values can still be considered as acceptable
z1 1058.9 21.0 [ - 0.571 estimates of the real strains. Finally, because compac-
22 1066.0 22.0 [ - 0,621 tion is not an isovolumetric deformation, a special
23 1069.7 17.0 [ - 0.571
24 1084.3 17.0 [ - 0.561 formula has been derived to make the model appli-
Z5 1086.5 12.0 [ - 0.551 cable to compaction fabrics (Oertel & Curtis, 1972).
KB172 While the qualitative interpretation of the clay
26 818.7 12.5 [ - 0,561 fabrics is based on the orientation distribution
symmetry and on its geometric relationship with
*Determined by the gravimetric method of Trostel & Wyne the mesoscopic structural elements (Sintubin, 1994),
the quantitative interpretation is based solely on the
fabric intensity.
figure ( d = l nm) was measured. In the Westphalian
shales the pole figure, representing a d spacing of RESULTS
0.7nm, was measured. This pole figure reflects the
combined orientation distribution of the (002) planes 1. The clay fabrics in both the Westphalian and
of chlorite and the (001) planes of kaolinite. the Zechstein shales are axially symmetrical, with the
Using the clay fabric as a strain marker is based on symmetry axis parallel to the bedding pole. The
the March (1932) model, which proposes a unique fabric intensity is low to moderate (4.3 to 7.4mrd;
relationship between the normalized (001) pole den- Fig. 3). These fabrics are exclusively the result of a
sity distribution and the finite strain ellipsoid (Fig. 2). compaction strain (Sintubin, 1944).
However, the application of this simple fabricktrain 2. The fabric intensity, and consequently the March
relationship is subject to a series of constraints: (1) compaction strain, has a limited range (Table I),
the orientation distribution must be unimodal with at both for the illite and chlorite/kaolinite fabrics in the

Fig. 2. March model: the unique relationship between the normalized (001) pole density distribution of tabular marker grains
(p,) and the strain ellipsoid (E,).
Clay fabrics and burial history 1165

Westphalian shales (Fig. 4), and for the illite fabrics This non-linear behaviour further implies that the
in the Zechstein shales. The variation in fabric inten- clay fabric cannot be used as a depth indicator
sities between the Westphalian and Zechstein forma- beyond the point at which this stable fabric configu-
tions is very small, notwithstanding their different ration is reached. It is therefore necessary to deter-
textural characteristics and burial history. mine the stage in the burial history at which this
3. The fabric variation is independent of depth, stable clay fabric is formed. This stable clay fabric
with no significant increase in intensity over the range develops in the initial stages of the burial history,
of 645 m (Fig. 4). The fabric intensity decreases with making clay fabrics unsuitable for any burial depth
increasing quartz content of the shales (Fig. 4). determination.
4. There is a systematic intensity difference between
illite and chloritelkaolinite fabrics in the Westphalian
Fabric intensity
shales (Fig. 4).
5 . Oxidation in sample Z1 does not influence the The chloritelkaolinite fabric intensity is systemati-
fabric intensity (Table 1). cally lower than that of illite (Fig. 4). This intensity
6. The fabric intensity is directly related to the difference seems often to have been overlooked in the
degree of fissility. A high degree of clay particle literature (e.g. Oertel, 1970, 1983).
preferred orientation is reflected in the highly fissile Several elements possibly play a part in this inten-
nature of the shale. sity difference. First, the fabrics, representing a d
spacing of 0.7 nm, are the result of mixing orientation
DISCUSSION distributions of two minerals, each with a diRerent
reorientation behaviour. Such an average of different
Fabric variation orientation populations may ultimately lead to a
Both the axial symmetry of the pole figures and the lower fabric intensity. However, in samples contain-
parallelism of the symmetry axis and bedding pole ing negligible amounts of kaolinite (W5, W6, W7 &
indicate that the argillaceous material in the Campine W8) the intensity difference is also observed. Not
Basin has, as anticipated, only undergone compac- only the mineralogical composition, but also the
tion deformation. The absence of any fabric gradient origin of the clay minerals may contribute to the
implies that at the sampling depth the clay fabric had intensity difference. Both diagenetic chlorite and
become insensitive to any increase in overburden kaolinite partly grew on an existing fabric. The initial
pressure, so that compaction had ceased. It is there- part of the compaction is therefore not recorded in
fore fair to assume that in the early stages of burial the chlorite/kaolinite fabric, eventually causing a
history a stable clay fabric developed and did not lower fabric intensity. On the other hand, the fabric
subsequently change a great deal. This initial fabric intensity for illite is overestimated, owing to the
development was most probably caused by the col- presence of coarser mica grains, deposited parallel to
lapse of the original, depositional, clay texture, char- bedding. Finally, concentration differences of the
acterized by a cardhouse microstructure (OBrien & different clay minerals may also be significant. Oertel
Slatt, 1990). et al. (1989) suggest that a lower phyllosilicate con-
Tullis (1976) low temperature experiments on centration causes fabric intensities to be too low.
fluorophlogopite powders agree with these observa- However, this concentration difference affects all
tions. Tullis found that, as strain increases, the fabric/ intensities, and is consequently eliminated during the
strain relationship increasingly deviates from that normalization of the pole figures (Oertel & Curtis,
predicted (Fig. 5). This is due to the increasing grain 1972). The measured intensity difference must there-
interference on the mechanical, grain shape induced, fore be real. Nevertheless, fabric research on other
rotation process responsible for fabric development shales and slates supports the last explanation
in these circumstances. (Sintubin, 1992). However, further studies are
This model also seems applicable to the shales. required before a decisive answer can be given.
As compaction proceeds, mechanical rotation of the The negative correlation between the fabric inten-
platy clay particles becomes progressively more sity and the quartz content (Fig. 4) is due to obstruc-
difficult owing to increasing grain interference. Ulti- tion of the reorientation of the platy clay particles by
mately, a stable clay fabric is formed. A further fabric non-platy quartz grains, resulting in a more random
development will take place only if crystallization orientation distribution of the clay particles (Curtis
processes reduce the grain interference (Tullis, 1976). et al., 1972; OBrien & Slatt, 1990).
1166 M. Sintubin

d Illfte pole figures K 8 788

b. Ch[orrte/Kao[mite pole frgures KB 788

Fig. 3. (a) and (b). For caption see Fig. 3(c).

Both these factors indicate that the fabric intensity presence of organic matter enhances the parallel
is determined by mineralogical parameters as well as deposition of clay minerals. The fabric similarity
by the compaction strain. Oertel et al. (1989) suggest between Westphalian and Zechstein shales, which
that grain size also has an influence on the fabric differ on both grain size and organic matter content,
intensity, whereas Spears (1976) emphasizes that the suggests that neither grain size nor the presence
Clay fabrics and burial history 1167

c.Ilifte pole figures KB 769/172

Fig. 3. Compaction fabrics (contour lines=intervals of 1 mrd; dashed contour linez0.5 mrd; W =bedding pole): (a) illite pole
figures of Westphalian shales (KB188); (b) chlorite/kaolinite pole figures of Westphalian shales (KB188); (c) illite pole figures
of Zechstein shales (KB169/KB172)

- 0.60
0.50 I

3nl /


Fig. 4. March compactions (cc; illite & chloritelkaolinite)

and quartz content versus depth, for the Westphalian shales Fig. 5. Results of the low temperature experiments on
from borehole KB188. fluorophlogopite powders (Tullis, 1976): comparison
between measured ( 0 )and predicted (March model) fabric/
strain relationship.
of organic matter has any influence on the fabric
Finally, the degree of fissility can be related to the clear to what extent the mineralogical characteristics,
fabric intensity. At this point it is, however, not at all which partly control the degree of clay particle
1168 M. Sintubin

preferred orientation, also determine the degree of development, can further changes in the clay fabric
shale fissility. occur.
The degree of clay particle preferred orientation is
not only dependent on the compaction strain but also
March compaction
on mineralogical parameters. Both the presence of
The compaction strain, calculated by means of the non-platy particles and the relative amounts and
formula of Oertel & Curtis (1972), ranges from 49 to types of clay minerals affect the fabric intensity. The
63%. In the light of the previous discussion, the resulting March compactions are therefore only esti-
values for illite (53-63%) are probably too high, while mates. An evaluation with regard to independent
the values for chlorite/kaolinite (49-60%) represent a strain markers, notwithstanding their rarity in the
minimal estimate. sedimentary record, remains necessary before clay
These values are only valid if the theoretical con- fabrics become applicable as truly quantitative strain
straints of the March model are met, as appears to be markers.
the case in the present work. However, the initial It is clear that the shale fissility is related to the
orientation distribution of the clay particles is degree of clay particle preferred orientation rather
unknown, but it is reasonable to assume, taking than to the organic matter content (Gipson, 1965;
into account the depositional environment of both Spears, 1976) or to the laminated nature of the clay
Westphalian and Zechstein shales, that the clay texture (Curtis et al., 1980).
minerals were deposited as randomly orientated Although the clay fabric cannot be used as a depth
flocculated aggregates (Bennet & Hulber, 1986; indicator, it is the only three-dimensional strain
Bennet et al., 1991). A second reservation concerns marker available in shales, which helps to indicate a
the intensity differences between illite and chlorite/ deformation due to compaction strain. This unique
kaolinite fabrics. In the model, the marker grains are possibility of determining deformation type, together
considered as geometrical elements, so that their with its common occurrence in the sedimentary
material properties can be ignored. The observed record, and the relative ease of measurement, makes
intensity differences indicate that this assumption can clay fabric analysis indispensable for the quantitative
only be made if the specific influence of the detrital study of the burial history of shales in sedimentary
mica and the diagenetic chlorite and kaolinite are basins. Moreover, the quantitative fabric analysis,
taken into account. using an X-ray pole figure goniometer, can be an
Keeping in mind these reservations, it is clear that important contribution to the fabric classification of
the March calculations alone do not justify the argillaceous rocks (cf. Sokolov & OBrien, 1990).
compaction strains obtained. A comparison with
independent strain markers remains necessary. No
such classical strain markers are, however, present in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the studied sedimentary record.
I thank the reviewers, N. R. OBrien and G. Oertel,
for their constructive remarks. I also thank G. S. D.
CONCLUSIONS King for his grammatical advice. This work was
made possible by financial support of the N.F.S.R.
This work has shown that, once the clay particles (Belgium). The material was provided by the Belgian
have achieved a stable orientation distribution, the Geological Survey.
clay fabric is no longer sensitive to overburden pres-
sure and remains substantially unchanged during the
subsequent burial history, mainly because grain inter- REFERENCES
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