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Wilkinson County High School

Course Title: Analytic Geometry

Textbook: CCGPS Analytic Geometry, Walch

Instructor: Mr. Browder


PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Please read carefully so that you are well informed!

Course Description: Analytic Geometry is the second course in a sequence of three required high
school courses designed to ensure career and college readiness. The course represents a discrete study
of geometry with correlated statistics applications.

Standards for each topic can be found on the website:

Students MUST take the Georgia Milestone and its grade MUST be counted as 20% of their final
semester average. This is a state law. The Georgia Milestone will function as the Final Exam and
may NOT be exempted.

The primary purpose of homework is to provide appropriate practice for you.
Homework is assigned on tutoring days (Tuesday and Wednesday).
To help insure that you actually do the practice, it will be checked for completeness the day
after it was assigned.
As responsible students, you should be prepared by doing homework before class.
Letting another student copy your homework will result in a zero for BOTH of you.

Grades will be updated weekly on PowerSchool. Grades will be calculated with the following
Homework 5%
Daily Grades 15%
Quizzes 20%
Tests 30%
Projects/Labs/Performance Tasks 30%

You will be required to have an account for the Schoology Learning System. This is an online
learning tool that will be used to deliver information, take assessments and participate in discussions.
All assignments, activities and lectures will be assigned, completed and graded entirely on this
learning platform. Notifications, announcements and extra credit will be posted on the Schoology
platform. All extra credit must be turned in via Schoology.

If you do not have internet access at home you will need to make arrangements to access it
at school (before, after or lunch), local library or a friend or relatives home. Ms. Clark is usually
available before school and has computers that students may use to access the information on
E-mail is a very convenient method of communication between parents and teacher. Please provide
your current email address following your signature at the end of this letter if you would like to have
this convenience.

Bring to school DAILY Paper, pencils, math notebook, and a calculator.

Math Notebook:
Students will be required to bring their mathematics notebook to class daily. The students are
required to have their own dividers to label the sections of their mathematics notebook. This
notebook is subject to periodic graded inspections. The dates and frequency of inspections are
at the teachers digression.
Details of the requirements for the Mathematics Notebook are as follows:
1. Notebook inspections rubric, the syllabus for your mathematics class, and your grade log
will be the first sheets in your Mathematics notebook (in this order).
2. The Sections (must be labeled and separated) for your notebook include: Warm-Up,
Standards, Notes, Classwork, Homework, Grade Log.

1. Be silent when others are speaking
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Have a good and pleasant attitude.
4. Respect others and their property.
5. Arrive on time and prepared for class.
6. Respect instructional time do not talk when we are learning.
7. Make-up work is your RESPONSIBILITY! Please check designated tray for missed
handouts and with friends for missed notes. If youre out for more than three consecutive
days, arrangements should be made to see me after school.
8. Assignments may NOT be written in pen / ink (this includes erasable pen/ink).
9. No food, drink or gum in class.
10. You are not allowed to leave the classroom for the first 20 minutes and last 20 minutes of
class. Extreme emergencies only and that is up to my discretion.
11. You will be allotted six bathroom passes per semester for emergencies. Use them wisely.
12. Use of cell-phones is strictly prohibited in class. They will be taken up and given to
appropriate administrator. It also hinders learning, and I will not offer assistant to those who
choose to make cell phones their priority in class.

Each student is responsible for his/her behavior. NO EXCUSES!! Minor class disruptions (talking,
laughing, playing, writing notes, chewing gum, etc.) will be handled in the following manner:
1) First Offense - Student conference
2) Second Offense Parent contacted
3) Third OffenseTimed Standing, Change Seating, and/or Detention
4) Fourth Offense Disciplinary Action by Administration.
***Teacher reserves the right to skip these steps if deemed necessary.
Major class disruptions will be dealt with by the administration immediately.
Assignments turned in after the due date is subject to point deductions at the discretion of the teacher.
Exceptions will be given to students with documented accommodations or those with prior teacher

Students who score below 70 on an assessment have not met the standard and the following
process is provided to help them meet the standard:
1. Retesting is available only for a failing test grade. The highest grade achievable after
retesting is 70%.
2. The student must initiate the request for retesting by completing the Request for Retest
3. The Request for Retest form must be completed and submitted to the teacher within two
school days of receiving notification of the failing grade.
4. The student must have a parent signature to retest.
5. The student must have an opportunity to review and correct the graded test prior to the retest.
The teacher will require the student to attend a tutorial or review session prior to retesting.
6. Retests may be in a different format from the original test (at the teachers discretion)
7. Students caught cheating on a test may not request a retest.
8. The retest score will replace the original score with a maximum of 70%.
9. Semester exams are not eligible for retesting.
10. Retesting requests for truancy and unexcused absences on the date of the exam or the day
prior to the exam will not be honored.


I expect students to follow all WCHS rules and policies.
Students are expected to raise their hand and wait for me to call on them if they have a
question or wish to make a statement.
Students should immediately stop talking and moving around when I call the class to
Students should turn papers in when collected or place in the basket when directed.
Tutoring is available on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY of each week, but is subject to change
if needed. Other teachers will also be available.
I maintain a calendar on my wall that will note important dates for tests and quizzes. I also
post homework assignments. If students miss notes from class, they must receive them from
a classmate.
WCHS math department provides calculators (TI-30 multiview and TI-84) for use by students
in math class. These calculators are not to be taken for use in another subject area. Students
are responsible for returning all calculators to their appropriate place.
Students who miss tests or quizzes are expected to make them up the day they return during
class OR make arrangements to make them up after school within 3 days. If a test or quiz is
not made up within a reasonable (per WCSS policy) time, then the student will receive a
grade of zero.
Please Sign and Return This Sheet ONLY.
Please return this page signed by you and a parent.
This counts as an extra HW grade.

I acknowledge that I have read and reviewed the Accelerated Analytic Geometry

Student signature_________________________________________ Date ___________

Parent Signature_________________________________________ Date ___________

Student Information (please print):

Name: _________________________________________

Parent(s): _____________________________________________________________

Parent Phone: _____________________ (home) _____________________ (work)

_____________________ (cell) _____________________ (cell)

Parent email ________________________________________________________

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