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Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt

Anne K. CapelGlenn Marko

- DELANGE E., Karomama, divine adoratrice dAmon, revue Techn, tome 18, mars 2004.

- ZIEGLER Ch. , BOVOT J.-L. , Art et archologie : LEgypte ancienne, Ecole du Louvre/RMN/Documentation franaise, Paris,

2001, p. 250-250, fig. 151.

- ANDREU G., RUTSCHOWSCAYA M- H., ZIEGLER Ch., LEgypte au Louvre, Hachette, Paris, 1997, p. 176-178, notice 86.

- CENIVAL J.-L. (de), Karomama, feuillet de visite, dpartement des Antiquits gyptiennes n 20, Paris, 1992.

- Tanis, lor des Pharaons, Catalogue de lexposition, Paris, RMN, 1987, p. 177-180, notice n 48

Female occupations in Ancient Egypt. Womens Jobs. Work

The Gifts of Isis: Women's Status in Ancient Egypt (Article) -- Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Status of Women in Egyptian Society
Virtual-Egypt - The Egyptian People's Papyrus
What Women Could Do in Ancient Egypt - New York Times
Women in Ancient Egypt
Bingham, J, In Ancient Egypt (Men, Women & Children) (Wayland (Publishers) Ltd, 2009).
Caminos, R.A, World Book Encyclopedia 2013 (Word Book, London, 1978), 93-94..
Casson, L., Ancient Egypt (Time-Life, NY, 1965), 110-115.
Manning, R., Ancient Egyptian Women (Harcourt Education, London, 2002), 17.
Oakes, L, Sacred Sites of Ancient Egypt& Tombs of the Pharaohs (Hermes House, 2014).

- ANDREU G., RUTSCHOWSCAYA M-H., ZIEGLER Ch., LEgypte au Louvre, Hachette, Paris, 1997, p. 171-174, notice n 83.

- ALDRED C., DAUMAS Fr., LEgypte du crpuscule, LUnivers des formes.Tome III. , Paris, 1981, p. 115-116, fig. ; 101-102.

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