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Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation


Observation Form: Unannounced Observation #2

What: Observation # 2 How: Unannounced

Who: Supervising Practitioner & Program Supervisor
1.B.2: Adjustment to Practice & Others as identified during
Focus Elements:
the Formative Assessment

Observation Details
Date: May 1, 2017 8:01 8:51
Content Topic/Lesson Graphing quadratic functions in standard and vertex
Objective: forms

X Whole Group Small Group One-on-One Other

Active Evidence Collection occurred during the observation and is synthesized and
categorized below.

Justin began the lesson by reviewing roots and zeroes of quadratic
equations. The lesson then proceeded to introduce finding the vertex of
a parabola. Just rarely tells students but leads them to discover
through guided questioning.
Justin added a review of strategies to find the roots of the function using
standard form. This was based on formative assessment where students
1.B.2* gave answers on whiteboards. The students had been in shop and had
not had class in 16 days. When Justin noticed that students were getting
off track he recognized the situation and brought them back into focus.
Models and formulas were given for students that were struggling. Just is
2.A.3 always circling around the room, giving those who need help his
particular attention.

2.B.1 Students were comfortable sharing work and asking questions.

This lesson required students to use knowledge that had been gained
over a period of time. There was an expectation that with brief review
they would be able to accomplish this. Students are expected to openly
share work and help one another.


* Observations must collect and document evidence for at least the focus elements. Focus
elements are highlighted.
** Evidence included is indicative of performance relative to each element. It may include evidence
that demonstrates one or more of the dimensions (quality, consistency, scope) of an element are
being met or that performance is not yet at the expected threshold.
Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP): Observation

Focused Feedback
Structure, use of technology and adjustments to practice
are strong points in all of Justins lessons.
Perhaps a bit more review would have helped the students
before launching into new material given that they had not
(areas for
been there in over 2 weeks.

* Observations must collect and document evidence for at least the focus elements. Focus
elements are highlighted.
** Evidence included is indicative of performance relative to each element. It may include evidence
that demonstrates one or more of the dimensions (quality, consistency, scope) of an element are
being met or that performance is not yet at the expected threshold.

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