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Reflection of Best Work

Throughout my highschool career, I believe that my best work is a literary analysis essay that I
accomplished in my AP English Literature class. In this essay, the Frankenstein Essay, I must be
able to understand and interpret the prompt to the best of my ability. The purpose of the essay is
to show my clear understanding and comprehension of the Frankenstein novel and another
reason is to prepare me for the upcoming AP English Literature Exam. The prompt states that I
must be able to explain in a well-organized essay how and why the full presentation of a
character in a novel of literary merit makes the audience react more sympathetically than what is
perceived initially. The chosen and focus novel of the essay Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and
the character that I decided to focus on the monster of Victor Frankenstein. What this piece of
work has portrayed was my accomplishment in utilizing my analytical skills.

The reason why this essay clearly reflects my growth in high school and my mastery in the
advanced skills of analytical skills and my creative skills, shows evidence of my growing skills
in developing a strong and coherent essay as well as my growing skills in critical reading,
thinking, and analysis.

My analytical skills are demonstrated through my use of critical thinking. This aspect of
analytical skills helps me craft the thesis that the full presentation of the character of the monster
is, despite his immoral actions, has earned the sympathy of the audience. I added my own
thought and input in how to respond to this prompt, believing and providing examples of the
monsters transformation throughout the novel and how it contributed in playing with the
audiences attitudes towards this character. I contemplated and analyzed the meaning and value
of not only the prompt but also the novel and the characters as a whole. The Gothic tale reveals
the message of what really makes a monster, and due to the monsters backstory and his
malignant treatment by those around him, causes his transformation from a naive and curious
being into a malicious and cunning creature, creating sympathy from the audience as they read
firsthand how and why the creature acts the way he does towards human kind.

This essay has helped me improved my skills in critical reading, analysis, and thinking, but
most importantly helped me gain confidence in my writing ability and marks how far I have
come from an avid, amateaur, and timid writer to a somewhat proficient and still quite avid
writer that has gained the confidence to pursue a higher education English classes, that
challenges my intellect and skills in writing, and has introduced and peaaked my interest in

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