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Horrible story;

So i got mixed up with these people at this Festival and man, we had these nights
were we shared our stories and life challenges. Bad idea to tell them I hate
heights. No discussions, Olimpia is getting ready for her first bungeejumping
trip. Getting to the location, I realise that this is gonna be really fucked up. I
mean, the stairs up to the place from where you were supposed to jump were just
crazy slippery and they just seemed 1 mm thick! But I am a person who keeps
her wows. Climbing those stairs like a newborn child who barely can move his
both legs at a time you can imagine everyone downstairs were laughing their
knees out (romanian phrase) just by seeing my white-rigor-mortis face. Got to the
top, looking like a weasel after a hard freaking torrential rain, because I was
soaked with sweat. There was this guy and this other guy who kept mumbling
some rules of some sorts but I was preocuppied in stabilising my neurons I was
3 km high above the ground but it felt like six feet under meter to me. Yeah.
Insane. Suddenly, the mumbling became a yelling and the other guy approached
me and attached me some strings and some other gear, told me everything is
cool, i will survive! (bad words, mate, i mean really). Then I cannot say what
exactly happened in my mind, because until now I did not look below that
platform ( yes, 3 km above the ground) if i am to describe, i can just write
skfsdkjfsdkfjdsks, family, friends, my final will, what ive done prior to that
moment. That was it. Will I conquer my fear? Will i jump? Am i that afraid of
heights? I mean, heck, there are these people that climb with just their bare
hands. I am taken care off, got a lot of gear and there is even this matress (?) on
the ground in case the strings break. I took a deep breath ( i think i took 10 but it
seemed like one) and that was it. I was seeing things upside down, the world was
pretty much psychedelic for what seemed an eternity to me ( of course the whole
trip was like 5 minutes tops). And then, in the middle of my height conquering,
one string broke. Fuck yeah, the universe is chasing me with its bad karma yet
again! That slip of a second I just forgot about everything and tried to move my
body to get that broken string attached to my gear again. There were people
yelling above and below and I was in the middle of the air with my own thoughts,
a trip of life and death.

Character to develop for the whole week.

A story means how the things that happen affect someone in pursuit of a difficult
goal. How do the things change that person?
Five firsts:

1. First time playing the bass quitar 15 years old

2. First time going hiking alone. 15 years old
3. First time riding a cruiser board 24 years old

Last five things:

1. The last time I went to a concert Friday
2. The last time I felt mentally ok 7 years ago

Five bad things that any person can do

1. To NOT aknowledge the impact that a boyfriend/girlfriend had had

and still has on your everyday life and to start throwing dirt in
that person. Even if she/he cheated or did some other really bad
stuff, the moments you had are unique, you evolved ( or not) with
that guy, you shared TIME with him/she. Saying that he/ she was a
waste of time (and I do not refer to recreational time) is probably
the worst thing that people can do.
( more specific)

2. To start judging a persons just because some other persons ( in your friend
circle or not) told you some bad things about her/him.

3. To take money from your parents per granted.

4. To take your family, your friends and even your cat per granted.


I like the smile of the people who accomplish a goal they have set up.
The look in someones eyes when he/she succeded something.
The joy of someone expressed through what he/she wears.
I like it when people yell on the streets just because they can.
I like to see a couple kissing passionately, despite the mean looks in everyone
elses eyes.

Esoterik , 30 years old, MC

What does he hate?

Liars. People who do not stand up for their values. Who just follow rules but do
not question the rules. People who look for image and not for their soul.
1. What does he need most?
Love. Affection. Happines. He needs to see the other perspective of this world.
The beautiful one.
2. Who is the person in his life who spends the most time speaking to?
His girlfriend - partner, mother, friend and enemy.
3. Whats their favorite story to tell?
His story of how we all look the same when we have no clothes.
4. What is this person obssesed with ?
His musical masterpiece. His one and only track which he will blast the peoples
minds with.
5. What secret has the character kept from everyone?
He has asthma. In the rap culture, being ashtmatic is really bad you need to
have your flow with you, you need to spit word after word in seconds, you need
to be coherent, you need to fill your lungs with air and release it really fast. He
managed to keep it under control. No one knows. He is afraid that, if people
would knew, they would not appreciate him at his true value.

Andrei, with a lovable trait, and write from their perspective

I never told anyone ............. (monologue)
The bad thing that happened to him, expressed from his view.

Remind yourself to insert a bad memory at some time, to emphasis his state of

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