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Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol.

32, August-September1999, pp 546-551

Technological characteristics of the calcined limestone

from Agios Panteleimonas, Macedonia, Greece
N. Kantiranis, A. Tsirambides, A. Filippidis and B. Christaras
School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper received:March 9, 1999; Paperaccepted:April 26, 1999


The gray-green limestone from Agios Panteleimonas Dans cet article, le calcaire gris-vert d'Agios
is studied in this paper after submitting it in special tech- Panteleimonas est (tudi~ par rapport a la possibilit( de son
nological analyses in order to determine the possibility utilisation pour la production de chaux, apr& avoir (t~ sou-
for quicklime production. Cubic test specimens with mis a des essais technologiques sp&iaux. Des (prouvettes
mean 50 mm edge length were calcined at 850, 950 and cubiques de 50 mm de cSt~ ont (t( calcin&s a 850, 950 et
1,050~ with 150 rain preheating time and 120 rain 1050~ chauff&s pendant 120 rain a chaque temp&ature,
retention time at each calcination temperature. At the apr& leur pr&hauffage pendant 150 rain. La dissociation des
dissociation temperature of pure calcite (898~ only (prouvettes a (t( re'ah'se'epar augmentation de la temp&ature
one half of the initial limestone has been calcined. The de 740~ a 1 050~ Dans ce cadre, seulement la moiti(
dissociation of the specimens started at 740~ and du calcaire initial a (t( calcin& a la temp&ature de dissocia-
almost completed at 1,050~ Probably, the large edge tion de la calcite pure (898~ La grande taille des @rou-
length of the cubic specimens and the low retention vettes et la courte dur& des essais, sont responsables de la cal-
time are responsible for the incomplete calcination at cination incomplete, a la temp&ature de I 050~ La masse
1,050~ The dry apparent weight of the calcined lime- volumique apparente s&he du calcaire calcin~ (1,577g/cm3),
stone (1.577 g/cm3), its low shrinkage (0.1-0.3%), the son retraitfaible (0,1-0,3%), le taux d'impuret& (2%), le
2% impurities content and the 24% value of the attri- coefficient d'attrition (24%) et la r&istance a l'abrasion,
tion and abrasion resistance, characterize this quicklime caract&'sent cette chaux rive et la classent comme (tant un
and classify it to the high quality products. produit de haute qualitY.

1. INTRODUCTION technology and kiln design are also important factors in

determining the quality ofihe lime.
The principal chemical property of limestone is its For high quality lime production the limestone may
thermal decomposition. It is due to this characteristic present the following main demands [2]: CaCO 3 > 98.6%
that lime manufacturing was created by the process of and SiO 2 < 1%. However, limestones with CaCO 3 con-
calcination. This process commences on the exterior tent > 95% may produce common lime [3].
surfaces and progresses inwards as the surrounding tem- The diverse limestone types, based solely on theii
perature increases. As the release of CO 2 involves a gen- calcination behavior, may be arbitrarily categorized in
eral weight loss of 40-44% the porosity of the material is the following four groups [1]:
increased giving a mass of CaO with a large internal sur- I. Those that fracture and decrepitate readily during pre-
face area and hence, high chemical reactivity. heating and at low calcination temperatures.
There are numerous critical variables in limestone II. Those that yield a porous, reactive lime under most
calcination that can exert a serious effect on lime quality. Calcination conditions and that are difficult to overburn.
In decreasing importance such variables may be [1]: III. Those that yield a dense, unreactive lime of low
Degree of calcite crystallinity, types and quantities of porosity even under the mildest calcining conditions.
impurities, rate of calcination, calcination duration and IV. Those that yield a porous, reactive lime under mild
temperature, chemical reactivity, shrinkage etc. Burning temperature conditions and a denser, less porous lime

1359-5997/99 9 RILEM 546


under harder burning conditions. compression and shear wave measurements were made
Category II is a desirable type of limestone since it using a Pundit velocimeter.
can be utilized for more uses. Category IV is slightly The attrition and abrasion resistance of the specimens
preferable to II because through adjustments in time- calcined at 1,050~ were determined after a 2 min
temperature conditions, a lime can be produced for all vibrated sieving applying a modification of the Italian pro-
purposes. However, the key to such a lime is the kiln, its cedure R.D.2232 [8]. The percentage of material passing
design, and operating methods. the 10 mm screen openings determines the suitability or
not of the initial material for lime production. The deter-
mination is done on completely calcined specimens.

The gray-green carbonate rocks from the Agios 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Panteleimonas region of Florina, Macedonia, are a
sparitic limestone with mean grain size 0.5 mm and 3.1 Calcination
mineralogical composition: calcite 96%, dolomite 2%,
mica 2% and traces of quartz, feldspars, clay minerals The value for calcite dissociation is 898~ for 1 atm
and opaques [4]. Twenty two cubic specimens of 50 mm pressure for a 100% CO 2 atmosphere [1]. Dissociation
mean edge length of this limestone were calcined at 850, always proceeds gradually from the outside surface
950 and 1,050~ in order to determine its thermal inward. Usually the depth of penetration moves uni-
decomposition rate, as well as its technological character- formly inward on all sides of the stone. Actually, a cer-
istics. Preheating lasted 150 min, while the retention tain amount of exterior or surface dissociation can occur
time at each selected temperature was 120 min. at lower temperatures than the preceding under
Calcination was performed in a Naber-Multitherm favourable conditions, such as low concentrations of
N 11/HR furnace. CO 2 with low partial pressures. But for dissociation to
From surface and core sites of each calcined test spec- penetrate into the interior of the limestone, higher tem-
imen material was taken, ground and analyzed by X-ray peratures are necessary and must be further elevated for
diffraction using a Philips diffractometer with Ni-fil- dissociation to occur in the center or core of the stone.
tered CuKa radiation. Randomly oriented samples were The larger the limestone fragment, the higher the tem-
scanned over the interval 3-43 ~ 20 at a scanning speed of perature required for dissociation of the core due to the
l~ Semi-quantitative estimates of the abundances increasing internal pressure as the CO 2 gas forces its
of the mineral phases were made from the XRD d a t a escape. The difference between dissociation tempera-
using universal methods [5, 6]. tures of the surface and core may be 150-370~
The technological properties determined were t h e depending primarily on the fragment diameter [1].
dry apparent weight and the uniaxial compression The rate of heating has the greatest influence on lime
strength on the initial material and on the test specimens quality (i.e. shrinkage, porosity, and reactivity) affecting
calcined at different temperatures. Additionally, the more than maximum temperature or retention time.
modulus of elasticity, the Poisson's ratio and the attrition Preheating temperature rise must be gradual, rather than
and abrasion resistance on the calcined test specimens, shock, followed by a gradual increase in calcination tem-
were determined. perature up to the point at which dissociation is com-
Cubic test specimens were submitted to a point load plete, thus avoiding further retention time [1, 9]. There
test and the point load index (Is) was calculated by the is an optimum calcination temperature and rate of heat-
formula: ing for every limestone that can only be determined by
Is = p/D e
The preheating of the cubic specimens lasted 150 rain
where P = force (N) and D - cubic edge length (ram). and the retention time at each selected calcination tem-
The uniaxial compression strength (Cs) was calcu- perature was 120 min. The rate o f heating was
lated by the formula [7]: 5.7~ 6.3~ and 7~ for the temperatures
of 850, 950 ~:m 1,050~ respectively. The dissociation of
C s = k Is the cubic specimens started at about 740~ Their com-
where k = constant depending on the cubic edge length. plete dissociation was attainted at 1,050~ (Fig. 1).
The elastic parameters may be determined by static
or dynamic methods. In this paper a dynamic method
was used. Thus, the cubic test specimens were subjected 3.2 Loss of weight
to compression and shear wave pulses. Wave velocity is
calculated from the travel time of the pulse through the In the complete thermal decomposition of 100%
specimen. Specimens may be loaded to approximately pure calcite, there is a theoretical loss of weight of 44%
field conditions because both P and S wave responses as the CO 2 is evolved. This is called lost on ignition.
increase with compression. Ultrasonic velocities were With dolomite there is a greater loss of weight, since a
measured as compression (Vp) and shear (Vs) according pure magnesium carbonate releases 52.2% of its weight
to the French specification AFNOR NF B 10505. Both as CO 2 gas. Thus, the greater the MgCO 3 component is

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 32, August-September 1999

The percentage of shrinkage varies between the dif-

45 ........................................ 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ferent carbonate rocks. A few stones at the lowest tem-
~" 35
perature (927-954~ may expand initially before final
shrinking [1]. The degree of lineal shrinkage increases
proportionately with the total impurity contents of the
zo "~'-'] r = 0.~1
carbonates; the greater the impurity content, the greater
the shrinkage. The dilation and contraction is controlled
lo by crystal size and density, and the calcination tempera-
5 ture is greater for a highly crystallized limestone than for
0 800 830 900 950 I,O00 1,050 I,I00
a poorly crystalline [9].
Using the above formula and the data of section 3.5.1
Caldnatio. tcmpcratm~CC)
the shrinkage of the cubic specimens for the calcination
Fig. 1 - Correlation diagram of loss of weight versus calcination temperature 1,050~ was calculated (Table 1). It is con-
temperature. cluded that the shrinkage of the calcined specimens
............. maximum loss of weight (44%) for high calcium lime- increases as the loss of weight increases.

..... dissociation temperature (898~ for pure calcite

3.4 X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD)
Table 1 - Loss of weight and shrinkage X-ray diffraction analysis of different quality quick-
of the calcined specimens
limes which were produced from the same limestone
Calcination Initial Final Lossof Shrinkage showed that their cell parameters were not affected [10].
temperature(~ weight(g) weight(g) weight(%) (%) This means that the molecular geometrics of the crystal
770 281.02 265.45 5.5 is invariable and the tension of calcination does not affect
850 324.60 280.40 13.6 the molecular structures but only the intercrystalline
850 306.65 259.85 15.3 spaces.
950 332.00 224.10 32.5 Material both from surface and core of each test spec-
950 325.05 219.90 32.4 imen and each selected temperature was ground and
1,050 330.55 189.05 42.8 0.1
analyzed by XP,.D. The results are given in Table 2,
where a gradual transformation of calcite to quicklime
1,050 332.60 189.95 42.9 0.1
and of MgCO 3 component of dolomite to periclase, as
1,050 338.55 193.90 42.8 0.1
well as the dissociation of the aluminum silicates, is
1,050 200.93 113.12 43.7 0.3
observed. It should be noted that the breakdown of
1,050 250.80 141.85 43.4 0.3 muscovite starts about 600~ under 1 atm pressure [11].
1,050 262.84 148.22 43.6 0.3 The study of X R D patterns of the calcined speci-
mens showed clearly the formation of a non crystalline
phase during calcination. This phase recognized as a
in dolomitic or magnesian limestone, the greater is the wide reflection at the interval 10-15 ~ 20. The semi-
weight loss. quantitative estimation of the percentage of the non
In Table 1 the loss of weight (%) of the calcined crystalline phase with X R D analysis is quite difficult.
cubic limestone specimens are given. Applying the However, comparing our XR.D patterns with others
method of least squares on these data it is concluded that taken from materials that are 100% non crystalline (i.e.
a very good linear correlation exists between the two a m o r p h o u s SiO 2 or obsidian), an estimated value of the
variables by the formula: Y = -100.964 + 0.138X, were percentage of the non crystalline phase that formed dur-
Y is the loss of weight (%) and X the calcination tem- ing calcination in our specimens, is suggested (Table 2).
perature (~ (Fig. 1).

3.3. Shrinkage (S) Table 2 - Semi-quantitative mineralogical composition

(wt. %) of the specimens analyzed
Shrinkage is referred to the process of shrinking of a C L Pe M F A
carbonate specimen which is calcined at different tem-
Surface/850~ 89 tr 5 tr 6
peratures. The shrinkage (%) of each calcined specimen
was calculated by the formula: Core/850~ 95 2 3
Surface/950~ 90 tr 2 tr 8
S = 100x 1 0 0 / D s - ( 1 0 0 - L ) / D L Core/950~ 90 tr 2 8
100Ds Surface/1,050~ 93 tr 7
w h e r e D s = bulk density o f l i m e s t o n e (g/cm3), D L = Core/1,050~ 8 92 tr tr tr
bulk density o f quicklime (g/cm 3) and L = loss on igni- C = calcite, L = lime, Pe = periclase, M = muscovite (+talc), F =feldspars,
tion (%) o f limestone. A = non crystalline phase, tr = traces.

Kantiranis, Tsirambides, Filippidis, Christaras

It should be noted that the studied limestone did not Table 3 - Point loading index (Is) and uniaxial
contain any non crystalline phase. compression strength (Cs) of the specimens analyzed
Calcination Is (N/mm 2) k Cs (MPa)
3.5 Technological characteristics
In. mat. 1 4.47 23.5 105
3.5.1 Dry apparent weight 85O 1.72 21.0 36
The dry apparent weight of the original limestone was 950 0.74 23.0 17
measured 2.734 g/cm3 and of the completely calcined 1,050 0.22 22.5 5.0
specimens 1.577 g/cm3. A significant decrease (58%) of 1,050 0.19 22.8 4.3
the dry apparent weight is noted because of the calcination. 1,050 0.22 20.5 4.5
It is obvious that this change is accompanied by simultane- Limestones 35.3 - 373.0
ous porosity increase in the calcined specimens. The mea- Marbles 62.0 - 227.6
sured value 1.577 g/cm3 is between 1.3 and 1.8 g/cm3
which interval corresponds to high quality quicklimes [1]. k co~cient dependingon the edgelength Cthe cubicspeamens,
t - initial material.

3.5.2 Compression strength (Cs)

The point load index and uniaxial compression
strength results are given in Table 3, both for the initial o

material and for the cubic test specimens calcined at dif- , ~o.
ferent temperatures. For comparison the range values of
compression strength for limestones and marbles are m
. ~ 20-
given in the same Table [12].
The graphical presentation of the uniaxial compression ~ 15-

strength values calculated by the point load test and the cal-
cination temperature, shows that between these two para-
meters a very good linear correlation exists (Fig. 2).
7~ 100 It~O 900 9SO 1,~ 1,050 1,1~
Applying the method of least squares on these data it is con-
cluded that the two parameters correlate linearly by the for- Cakimtioa~mperamn~(~
mula: Y = 164.706 - 0.153X, whereY = uniaxial compres- Fig. 2 - Correlation diagram of uniaxial compression strength
sion strength (MPa) and X = calcination temperature (~ versus calcination temperature.
This formula is valid for 850~ < T < 1,050~
without excluding its extension to lower or higher Table 4 -Dynamic moduli of elasticity (Ed) and
temperatures. Poisson's ratios (Vd) of the calcined specimens
Calcination Specimen V~V s Ed vd
3.5.3 Elasticparameters temperature(~ thickness(m) (MPa)
The ultrasonic velocities Ve and Vs, as well as 85O 0.051 1.71 3.967 0.208
the dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ea) and
850 0.045 1.71 3.654 0.206
Poisson's ratio (vd) results are given in Table 4. The
850 0.050 1.72 3.864 0.200
measurements are performed on cubic specimens
950 0.060 1.83 1.771 0.283
with mean edge length 50 mm (min 31 mm - max
65 mm) which were calcined at 850, 950 and 950 0.048 1.88 1.507 0.284
1,050~ The elastic moduli E d and vd of the cal- 950 0.065 1.84 1.670 0.281
cined specimens were calculated using the follow- 1,050 0.048 2.07 0.823 0.347
ing formulas: 1,050 0.031 2.04 0,858 0.343
1,050 O.050 2.11 0.585 0.355
3Vp 2 4Ms 2
Ed = c x D x V s 2 x 1,050 0.038 2.43 0.604 0.398
Vp 2 - V s 2 1,050 0.050 2.47 0.453 0.402
Vp 2 - 2Vs 2 1,050 0.048 2.49 0.543 0.403
a n d v d = 2 ( V p 2 Vs2 ) 1,050 0.045 2.07 0.861 0.347
1,050 0.048 2.20 0.726 0.369
1,050 0.050 2.33 0.477 0.388
where c = constant depending on the units used
(for SI - 1000.6), D = dry apparent weight of the Vp = P wave velocity, V = S wave velocity.
material (g/cm3) and Vp, V s - velocities of P and
S waves (m/sec). exists (Fig. 3). Applying the method of least squares it is
The mean values of the elastic parameters of the ini- concluded that these two variables correlate linearly by
tial material were E d = 60.7 MPa and vd = 0.364. the formula: Y = 16.4442 - 0.0151X, where Y = dynamic
Between the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the modulus of elasticity (MPa) and X = calcination tempera-
calcination temperature a very good linear correlation ture (~

Materials and Structures/Matdriaux et Constructions,Vol. 32, August-September1999

4.5 , 0.45
4.0 1 g 0.40- 80
,.a ,.o~

i o.3o~ y= 4 ) . 5 1 ~ . ~ [
9 [r=o.~ ~
~ ,.5-1
o.o [ 0.15
,,100 ,~ ;,0 d0 d0 ,.~ ,.'0~ 1,100
Calcinationtcraperat.~ (~ Caldration lempcratm~(C)
Fig. 3 - Correlation diagram of dynamic modulus of elasticity Fig. 4 - Correlation diagram of dynamic Poisson's ratio versus
versus calcination temperature. calcination temperature.

Between the dynamic Poisson's ratio and the calcina- was found that in the dissociation temperature of pure
tion temperature a very good linear correlation is noted calcite (898~ our specimens show 23% loss of weight
(Fig. 4). Applying the least squares method a very good (Fig. 1), which means that only one half of the initial
linear correlation is taken as the following formula material has been calcined at this temperature. Therefore
shows: Y - -0.51685 + 0.000846X, where Y = dynamic the influence of the total impurities to the calcination
Poisson's ratio and X - calcination temperature (~ progress is very important. Although the initial material
It should be noted that the above formulas are valid may be considered pure (total impurities 2%), their pres-
only for the temperature interval 850-1,050~ but ence increases very much the temperature for complete
extension of this function to lower or higher tempera- calcination. The unavoidable presence of some impuri-
tures must not be excluded. ties introduces another parameter to lime burning. In
Ultrasonic velocity is not only an indication of the practice, the concentration of lime is vitiated by about
above two moduli but additionally is a very good index four times its percent of total impurities as a result of the
for rock quality and weathering determination [13-16] as fluxing effect during calcination [1]. So for 2% total
well as for the determination of rock anisotropy [17]. impurities in the limestone studied there is a loss of
Decrease of the dynamic modulus of elasticity is fol- nearly 8% free CaO in the quicklime. This loss is mini-
lowed by increase in the rock porosity [18]. mized at lowest calcination temperature levels. Another
interesting conclusion that results from Fig. 1 is that the
3.5.4 Attrition and abrasion resistance dissociation of'our specimens starts at about 740~ This
The specimens calcined at 1,050~ were sieved for is due probably to the organic matter which is present at
2 min in a vibrated sieve with openings 10 ram. The 0.8% [4]. At 1,050~ the specimens did not calcine
percentage of the material passing the 10 m m screen completely (8% of the calcite remained unaffected in the
openings, is calculated. Suitable for calcination lime- core), probably because of the large sized test specimens
stones must present percentages of passing material for and the low retention time at this temperature9
vertical kilns < 30% after the application of the above The shrinkage of the calcined specimens at 1,050~
procedure on specific test specimens [1]. It is noted that was found about 0.1 to 0.3%. This observation com-
the sieving must be done on completely calcined speci- bined with the pureness of the initial material, means
mens. Fine-grained material blocks the exit openings of that a high quality quicklime is produced.
steam reducing thus the efficacy of calcination. The presence of non crystalline material in the speci-
However, in rotary kilns this fact has non significance. mens at different calcination temperatures probably is due
The smaller (until 1 cm in diameter) the carbonate frag- to the liquefaction of the impurities and to the imperfect
ments, the faster and more economic the calcination crystallization of the quicklime because of the rapid
process in a rotary kiln. decrease of the temperature after the removal of the cal-
The percentange of the calcined material <10 m m in cined specimens from the furnace where the calcinations
grain size of the studied limestone was 24%. Although took place. At the same time, the XRD study of the cal-
this value is considered acceptable for manufacturing of cined specimens showed their gradual calcination from
this natural stone, detailed study must be followed before the surface to core as the temperature increases (Table 2).
the complete quality data are defined. The &y apparent weight of the calcined specimens at
1,050~ (1.577 g/cm3), the very low shrinkage (0.1-
0.3%) and the limestone high purity (total impurities
4. CONCLUSIONS 2%), classify the produced quicklime as a high quality
product. The calcined limestone of this study showed
From the loss of weight measurements of the cal- that it belongs between the II and IV categories, because
cined specimens it was found that a positive linear corre- of its high purity and very low shrinkage. These factors
lation exists with the calcination temperature. Also, it mean high porosity and chemical reactivity of the pro-

duced quicklime. However, further study is needed for [4] Kantiranis, N., 'Petrological, geochemical and technological char-
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