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Muscular System

Josefino R. Castillo
University of Santo Tomas
The muscle tissues
Skeletal muscle,
striated, voluntary;
linear, unbranched

Smooth muscle,
involuntary; found in
digestive tract

Cardiac muscle,
striated, involuntary;
found in the heart;
presence of
intercalated disk (see

Origin the fixed part of a muscle; usually proximal in position

Insertion the movable part of a muscle; usually distal in position
Belly the part of the muscle with the widest diameter
Action the contraction or relaxation of the muscle resulting in any
of the following:
Flexor reduces a joint angle

Extensor increases a joint angle

Adductor draws a limb toward the central body mass

Abductor draws a limb away from the central body

Levator raises a part

Depressor lowers a part

Constrictor reduces an opening

Dilator increases an opening


The mesoderm divides into three: the dorsal epimere, the lateral
mesomere, and the ventral hypomere.
Soon, each region differentiates into different organs
The epimere divides into three: the dermatome that gives rise to
the dermis of the skin; the sclerotome, that gives rise to the entire
skeletal system; and the myotomes for the voluntary muscles.
The entire reproductive system is derived from the mesomere
The branchial/branchiomeric (involuntary) muscles of gills/ gill
arches in fishes are derived from the hypomere
Groups of Somatic Muscles
Muscle Groups Innervation (based on
Axial muscles
Extrinsic ocular muscles Oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), and
abducens (VI) nerves
Branchiomeric muscles
Mandibular muscles Trigeminal (V) nerve
Hyoid muscles Facial (VII) nerve
Branchial muscles Glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagus (X)
Epibranchial muscles Dorsal rami of occipital and anterior
spinal nerves
Hypobranchial muscles Ventral rami of spino-occipital nerves,
form hypobranchial nerve

Trunk and tail muscles

Epaxial muscles Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Hypaxial muscles Ventral rami of spinal nerves
Appendicular muscles
Dorsal group Ventral rami of spinal nerves
Ventral group Ventral rami of spinal nerves
Embryonic Development
Embryonic Development
Embryonic Development
Parietal musculature

The muscle is divided into epaxial muscles (lying above

the lateral line (horizontal skeletogenous septum) and
hypaxial (lying below the line)
Muscles are separated by connective tissue partitions
In fishes, the epaxial
and hypaxial
muscles are made
up of longitudinal
bundles which are
modified for lateral
In amphibians, the
muscles are
specialized for
NOTE: Be familiar with the names of the muscles in the diagram

In reptiles, the dorsalis trunci is

split into longissimus dorsi and
iliocostalis while the
interspinalis is now called the
The obliques are now more
The rectus abdominis lies over
part of the internal oblique and
transversus abdominis
Branchial/branchiomeric muscles
Branchial/branchiomeric muscles
The branchial and/or branchiomeric muscles are found in the gill
region of fishes and in the head and neck of tetrapods
In the shark, (see diagram in previous slide) this consists of the
superficial constrictor above the gill slits, the ventral hyoid
constrictor, intermandibularis, adductor mandibulae, preorbitalis,
and other muscles shown in brown
These muscles are used in opening the mouth or moving water
into and out of the gill chamber, i.e. respiration and feeding
Branchiomeric and shoulder muscles
Branchiomeric and shoulder muscles
In the salamander, the same muscles (also shown in brown) are
attached to the mouth
This includes adductor mandibulae, depressor mandibulae,
levatores arcuum, sphinctor colli and the muscles attached to the
Note the presence of the cucullaris which is also found in sharks
The shift in habitat from aquatic to terrestrial resulted in a change
in musculature that should provide dorsoventral movement of the
head which has to be raised from the ground
Muscles of the head in man

In man, the head is

not as muscular as
it is in lower
Some superficial
muscles are found
in front while the
back (dorsal) is
merely covered by
Hypobranchial musculature
Hypobranchial musculature
The hypobranchial muscles are found below the mandible of fishes
and in the neck of tetrapods
In the shark, (see diagram in previous slide) this consists of (from
the ventral side) coracomandibularis, intermandibularis,
coracohyoideus and interhyoideus
In mammals (cat), this includes the derivatives of the rectus cervicis
namely: the geniohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, and
Other muscles of the neck include the sternomastoid that forms a
V-shaped structure at the base of the neck, the mylohyoid that runs
across the floor of the mouth, the digastric, and the stylohyoid
The epaxial muscle in amphibians
are almost undifferentiated,
collectively called dorsalis trunci
In mammals (rabbit), the epaxial
muscle is divided into an
iliocostalis adjacent to the
horizontal skeletogenous septum;
the longissimus dorsi at the
lumbar region, that extends to the
head as the longissimus
capitis; and a multifidus spinae
in the lumbar region, extending
anteriorly as the spinalis dorsi in
the chest region, and as
semispinalis capitis et cervicis
into the head and neck

Pls refer to the

table towards
the end of this
presentation for
a comparison of
trunk muscles
Note: compare the
muscles shaded
These muscles
are generally used
for walking instead
of swimming,
hence a change
from dorsal or
ventral fin
constrictors or
levators to
complex flexors
and extensors is in

Electric organs
which are
modified from
muscles can
electricity in
these fishes
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate
Muscular System
Chordate Epaxial muscles Hypaxial muscles
Amphioxus -undifferentiated; myotomes found as V-shaped myotomes separated by connective tissue partitions, the
Fishes - dorsal longitudinal muscle bundles; with similar -lateral and ventral longitudinal muscle bundles; no
partitions as the amphioxus rectus abdominis
Amphibians -modified into dorsalis trunci; longissimus dorsi -modified into external oblique, and transversus
found at the back; iliolumbaris, and abdominis; rectus abdominis found on either side of
coccygeoiliacus, coccygeosacralis found the linea alba, divided into segments by
posteriorly; separated from hypaxial muscles by inscriptiones tendinae (tendinous inscriptions)
horizontal skeletogenous septum

Reptiles -presence of a transverse spinalis system; -modified into external oblique, and an internal
longissimus divided into longissimus capitis oblique; rectus abdominis also present as in
going to the head, and a longissimus dorsi amphibians
proper in the lumbar region

Birds -modified for flight, highly reduced as a result of -well-developed chest muscles adapted for flight
merging of muscles
Mammals -multifidus spinae on either side of the middorsal -presence of an outer external oblique that runs
line of the lumbar region homologous to transverse posteroventrally, an internal oblique running
spinalis system of reptiles; presence of two anteroventrally, and a transversus abdominis that
bundles of longissimus dorsi proper and a lateral runs across the abdomen; the rectus abdominis
iliocostalis adjacent to the horizontal (or lateral) continues into the neck as the rectus cervicis and
skeletogenous septum; anteriorly, the multifidus differentiates into five muscles: the sternohyoid,
spinae is found as the semispinalis dorsi sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, geniohyoid and

Questions: How are epaxial muscles separated from the hypaxial How do you know if the abdominal muscle is external,
muscle in tetrapods? internal or transversus?
Dermal muscles

Chordate Dermal muscles Location/function

Fishes none none

Amphibians cutaneous pectoris on top of chest muscles; more prominent in

toads than in frogs

Reptiles costocutaneous parietal in snakes (i.e. python), for progressive

muscles locomotion

Birds none none

Mammals mimetic muscles muscles of facial expression; more commonly
found in monkeys

panniculus carnosus stretching the entire back portion of many

mammals, i.e. carabaos; used for moving
the back without moving any other part of
the body, to drive away birds and insects
from the animal's back

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