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October 21 2009

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. 1982 Constitution: Document

The Spirit of the Law is the epitome of simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in the wind governing us all

In 1797 the Attorney General on behalf of the Upper Canada government (now Ontario) met with a few of
the Upper Tier elite to enact the Law Society Act of Upper Canada proclaiming themselves a monopoly to
propagate “Learned and Honourable” gentlemen to administer the laws of Ontario consistent with
History attests that they had no intention of administering and enforcing laws consistent with democracy as
they simply were “Capitalists PIG (Personal Interest Group) Roman Empire ideological war mongers driven
by their insatiable lusts for wealth and power any way that they can get it as history attests with the British
Empire expanding to Canada over powering the aboriginals with the aggressors descendants inherently
believing they are the good guys, a natural of inherently bias humankind and I must admit I am happy I am a
descendant of the purported to be good guys with life humongously better than being reared on the losing

State and Church have always been aggressors in this insane world where they who have the wealth and
power habitually crave more and use it every which they can to force themselves on others with their peers
taught in their ways as to how to ransack without stirring the people, decidedly a two tier system that they
must unequivocally deny being no problem for these professional degenerates until the Charter Democracy
Force got on their case.

Unequivocally they are charlatans of deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration with one
purpose to satiate their insatiable asses all quite aware of what they are doing, as well as they know certain
they are illegal and not acceptable being why they are full time on the job manipulating and orchestrating
people’s minds with the aid of the media moguls like Conrad Black with Attorney General’s like former
Michael Bryant and Prime Ministers like Brian Mulroney already admitted to tax evasion that Al Capone got
life for, but far above this it is the bribery thing associated with Lobbyists that they would have us believe is
moral and legal consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individuals guaranteed Charter rights
when I have a number of documents signed by the Law Society staff that would have me believe their
members can administer and enforce law consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s
guaranteed equal Charter rights without requiring their members to give a damn about them, clearly stated
and implied as that was the point I pressured them on in a complaint I filed against one of their members who
finally stated their members only obligation is to vigorously advance their clients interests.

So one could easily ask what is wrong with that because a consumer with the exception of masochists is not
about to pay someone to nail them to a cross as the ancestry of these Capitalist PIGs did to Jesus for
suggesting the Golden Rule that Confucius 551 BC – 479 BC provided us was the way of humanism as it has
forever blown in the wind known to us all at 5 years old prior to the first day of school due the simplicity and
sanity of the thing, being humans with same vulnerabilities know what is and what is not receptive to each

Then the imbecilic Assholes go on to state after many months in pursuit of a sane response that I knew was
impossible from Criminal Frauds they state that they are not required to look at evidence when it is against
their members citing limitations in their mandate, being the consistent story from the innumerable
government departments, agency and police personnel all headed by the Ontario Attorney General or
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Would anyone care to guess why they all claim they have limited mandates when they are financed by the
people to administer and enforce the laws consistent with the Constitution with exemplary support to every
individual’s guaranteed equal Charter rights?

Why they create the Ombudsman stating they are there to deal with public complaints against the
government, but deliberately obstruct them by limiting their mandates?

My MPP Julia Munro informs that the Ombudsman is the individual’s last resort which is indicative of the
entire conspiracy against the people put in place by the governments under the guidance of the Ontario
Attorney General who is the “guardian of the public interest” where there can be no last resort of guarantee
granted in Perpetual Possessory Title.

They all direct me to consult with a lawyer being the industry the Law Society of Upper Canada with the
Attorney General who is the “guardian of the public interest” who has the authority to set up a legal system
adept to protect and benefit every individual as equally guaranteed financed by the people to do it, but
deliberately refuses to do so that setting up a private business on the side of private sector lawyers charlatans
of deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration all well aware of the scheme to pretend they are
there in the best interest of the people, but by there existence prove that they are not because it is the
responsibility of the government legal system headed by the Attorney General to structure a legal system that
every individual can equally access, at no additional cost to the individual, such as structuring the garbage
disposal system financed through taxes and the garbage of every individual is routinely picked up and dealt
with, with every effort to return it useful to society.

A home service financed by the people and all I have done is requested the authorities to pick up the garbage
Don Wilson Criminal Fraud a humongous detriment to society requesting they deal with it and recycle him
back useful to society whereas we provide no authority to the government personnel to set up their own
private businesses enacting into due process of law every initiative to ensure their business flourishes to the
detriment of society as a whole absolutely 180 degrees adverse to “The Spirit of the Law” as they are
assuredly the devil’s disciples the archenemy of God who in “The Letter of the Law” is supreme whether or
not He exists or whether or not one believes He exists.

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

“Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the Rule of Law”

We have every reason to suspect that the Attorney General’s Law Society mandated by the 1797 Law Society
Act to provide “Learned and Honourable” persons to administer and enforce laws consistent with the
Constitution conducive to the exemplary support of every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights will not be
as efficient and effective as possible when the Attorney General does not require their members to give a
damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights, making the presumption of “Honourable” difficult
to believe even when they assign the word Honourable before their names

When they go further to state that evidence provided against their members are irrelevant, persons
proclaiming to be of sane mind in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” that buy into their persistent crap are
the epitome of IMBECELIC ASSHOLES as they who profit by buying in unequivocally prove no
coincidence, and thus vulnerable to the “Suing Machine” that is 1 LIFE www.1life.cC
The Charter Democracy Force has persistently published the irrefutable
evidence of government organized crime that they have provided to the pertinent government personnel and
media by e-mail listed on the requesting them all to step up
to the plate and act on behalf of every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights as they are financed to do
consistent with the Constitution that protects them equally and their refusal to do so is indicative of them who
exist in the Upper Tier above the equality demanded of the law to such a point that there is no existence on
the equality plane that they refer to as the “Threshold” being an over and under ideology of the deviate
propagates of the Law Society in deliberate denial of “The Spirit of the Law” environment prescribed and
demanded of the Constitution.

Upper Tier Minority (The very Few)

Lower Tier Majority (The humongous many)

It is the obviousness of the members of the Law Society infesting the political and legal system that infest
and invest the corporate world with Mulroney a PRIME EXAMPLE as they dance with the affluent and
influential friends that bring them to the ball that the people of the Lower Tier are not invited yet coerced to
pick up the tab whereas their ball must be consistently delivered by the people through the sleet, hail or rain
they persist to pour on them in habitual routine 180 degrees adverse to the Constitution indicative of the
illegitimate system they structured with the people’s money held up by a relatively thin imaginary line that
their adeptness to charlatism as professional graduates of the Law Society that the Ontario Attorney General
administers has cast a spell on the people to hold the “Threshold” firmly in place to every individual of the
Lower Tier’s humongous detriment.

It is the permeating power of truth, an invincible invisible entity consistent with “The Spirit of the Law” that
they from their lofty towers of the system they structured profess their allegiance to “The Spirit of the Law”
in denial of the 2 Tier system that is clearly visible that they must deny in perpetuity that even though they
are professional charlatans cannot do so without their lies inevitably turning against them.

It is the properties of charlatism that must be consistently maintained for their perpetual success as they have
perpetually documented an indelible trail that cannot possibly be covered up or erased that leaves them
humongously vulnerable to the ultimate “Suing Machine” that is operated by people of the Lower Tier on
behalf of all the people of the Lower Tier that are the humongous majority of the Canadian democracy that
will invariably gnaw away at the invisible “Threshold” unbeknownst to them until the day the “Threshold” is
as clear to them of the Lower Tier who are certain of their existence as they are of them who speak from the
pulpit denying them.

To expedite the eradication of the “Threshold” I have taken the initiative to make it visible for the people of
the Lower Tier to see, for as the weatherman says “If you cannot see it … you cannot track it”

On October 15 2009 I fired off 2 registered letters under the Freedom of Information Act requesting a copy
of the report by RCMP NCO Staff Sgt R.B. MacAdam who the RCMP assigned to investigate the complaint
I filed on November 8 2007 with the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP for refusing to
investigate government organized crime.

His study of the evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites financed by the people
consistent with the Constitution that protects every individually equally took 8-9 months and if he is
competent responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to every individual’s guaranteed

Charter rights his report will mirror the truth of what the irrefutable evidence of government organized crime

At the commencement of Staff Sgt. R.B Macadam’s investigation of my complaint he believed he could do it
without looking at the evidence I provided him consistent with the absurd ideology of the Law Society, but I
convinced him that he would have to study the evidence to determine whether or not it is considered trivial,
frivolous or vexatious citing the brochure provided me by the Commission.

It is the power of common sense when one is adept to it that common sense will prevail and the nine months
study of the evidence passing the test as assuredly the complaint is as valid as is his study, that found him
promoted to NCO about a month prior to his completing his report.

It is the same evidence that RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis District Commander of the GTA chose to
ignore being obviously trained in the absurd ideology of the Law Society of Upper Canada as he attempted to
slip out the back door divert the issues without the support of evidence or “The Spirit of the Law” that
demands competent responsible irreproachable enforcement to the certainty of every individual’s equal
Charter rights as guaranteed that is decidedly the responsibility of the Constitution: Establishment to put an
exemplary system in place adept the responsibility they are bound upon acceptance of financial benefit.

It is the principle of the thing that evidence provided to support a claim must be coincidental to the claim and
invariably must be studied to the certainty it is or is not before a valid conclusion can be reached.

It is their persistence to cover up the truth while consistently providing it in absolutely everything that they
do that is obtrusively unobtrusive due their professionalism to charlatism and the humongous opportunity
their positions provide gained under the façade that they are in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” as we all
must be demanded of the supreme law that recognizes the supremacy of God.

It is their façade and all their actions absolutely 180 degrees adverse to the competent responsible and
irreproachable legal system demanded of the Constitution in support of every individual that ultimately gives
them up certain to their collapse.

A competent responsible irreproachable system would not be designed so that the accused personnel are
investigated by themselves.

Likewise a legal system required to be extra sensitive to the safety and wellbeing of every individual as
equally guaranteed by the Constitution in the provisions of the Charter would not permit the structuring by
the Attorney General’s Law Society who he himself administers and does not require their members to give a
damn about every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and insists evidence is irrelevant when against their

It is the epitome of absurdity that exists due their professionally trained charlatans to propagate the devil’s
disciples to administer laws requiring God’s disciples to deliver as guaranteed and is due the epitome of
simplicity and sanity that is “The Spirit of the Law” that is “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” that has forever
blown in the wind well understood by us all at 5 prior to the first day of school simply because we are human
well aware of what is and what is not receptive to a fellow human being and what is and what is not common
sense with “The Spirit of the Law” the benchmark to measure by to determine what is and what is not
conducive to “The Spirit of the Law” that protects us all only when the Constitution: Establishment maintains
a consistency to the Constitution demanded of them as they obliged to be the personification of “The Spirit of
the Law” and must be able to prove due diligence to the certainty.

It is due the simplicity and sanity of “The Spirit of the Law” and the insanity of the reality that irrefutably
proves we are governed by a Criminally Fraudulent Constitution: Establishment that debates the non
debatable to personal luxury with an illegitimate private sector of Law Society members available only to the
criminals that can afford them that provide them their luxurious living while the Middle Class of the people
of the Lower Tier are forced to pay for the defence of the criminals the Society propagate under the Legal
Aid system they are forced to finance absolutely 180 degrees adverse to their equally guaranteed rights to
access the courts to eradicate the criminal element that in itself is absurd because it is the responsibility of the
Attorney General financed by the people to administer justice consistent with the Constitution in a structured
internal system self contained adept to the certainty that every individual is equally protected and benefitted
as guaranteed where evidence must be extracted from the reality not the “Fiction of the Attorney General”

It is the reality that so many can believe absent of thought and reason when all of reality freely provides the
pertinent evidence of the properties of a thing that all things must be observed to contain the prerequisite
properties to be the thing to have me believe it is the thing they identify.

There is no doubt that there is truth in everything a person does states or implies and the relative importance
of evidence to determine the truth as to their integrity or irreproachable reproachable existence.

The simplicity of the Freedom of Information test

provided to the authorities for every individual to see

If the Federal Government personnel were of the prerequisite traits required to administer and enforce the
Constitution consistent with the Constitution and every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights there would
never had been the need to establish the Freedom of Information Act, the Ombudsman, Commissions and so
on as they simply would have an efficient effective system in place, however since they went to the trouble
and created these entities under the auspices of the Constitution financed by the people who are led to believe
they were created for the benefit of every individual consistent with their rights, one must ask why they
deliberately limit their mandates to an inanity of futility of the purpose they suggest they created to deal with
that assuredly irrefutably proves they never intended to protect the people as guaranteed and due the truth of
that reality necessitated the notorious Attorney General to design the system to protect him and his Law
Society propagates with the deliberate gull to use the people’s money to persistently expand their empire
specifically designed to ransack and protect them from the people they do not give a damn about.

Having said that the information that I requested should be forthcoming, forthwith and forthright that would
invariably prove the personnel assigned to operate under the Freedom of Information Act have been provided
the freedom to do it and are competent responsible and irreproachable noted by the information requested
being in my possession in reasonable duration of time necessary to the unobstructed accomplishment.

On that eventuality derived of sane thought and reason I will have the irrefutable proof of Staff Sgt R.B.
Macadam’s competence in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” that warranted him his promotion and timely
vacation that obstructed the expedience of his report required to the certainty of the equal protection of every
individual as per the guaranteed provisions of the Charter on the presumption his report mirrors the truth the
evidence reflects.

It is under the presumption that every individual is in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” demanded by law
and are presumed to be of the status of presumption of innocence in absent of reasonable evidence to suggest
otherwise that every individual be coherent to the pertinence of evidence filed to support the complaint that
initiated the investigation under the concept of Cause and Effect with the Cause clearly identified and
irrefutably documented being why the evidence was presented to the authorities to deal with these most
serious issues that compromise every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights to non existence.

It is the Effect that it plays on the minds of the authorities that demands them to deal with in, of and with
“The Spirit of the Law” and having far surpassed what any person could possibly reason to be a reasonable
duration of time to deal with these most serious issues that should never exist and wouldn’t if the
Constitution: Establishment was who they proclaim they are consistent with “The Spirit of the Law” which
they are funded to administer and enforce, but never the less regardless of the passed the time is here and
now that they are provided the opportunity to deal with the issues competently responsibly and
irreproachably being every individual’s responsibility to study the evidence to coherency before turning the
key of their motorized mouths.

It is due the inherent bias nature of humankind that they must comprehend that by taking a side in response to
the evidence and the accusations within that unequivocally they have a responsibility to be coherent to the
evidence that provides no opportunity to debate in of and with “The Spirit of the Law” and any person
determined to debate publicly in cooperation with the continuity of the most obvious conspiracy becomes just
as obvious vulnerable to the justice of the ultimate “Suing Machine” and we sincerely advise that their every
word and action will be securely held against them on behalf of the Constitution that equally protects us all.

On the presumption that IF the Constitution: Establishment personnel were competent responsible and
irreproachable in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” that the evidence irrefutably proves they are not, they
have no choice but to attempt to divert attention elsewhere being their forte that perhaps could lead to the
escalation of wars determined to blow up the world having the last laugh eradicating their documentation
that I claimed left an indelible trail that they cannot possibly cover up or erase.

You simply can never under or ever estimate the intelligence of humankind under the regime of the nefarious
bent of the Law Society propagates headed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and
the Ontario Attorney General appointed puppets of the Prime Minister and Premier who purport to be the
leaders of the people’s representatives presumed to be in of and with “The Spirit of the Law” in absence of
reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise being precisely why they are so attentive and willing to put society
into poverty using the taxpayers money to design a system that makes them rich simultaneously with every
complaint they deliberately attempt to cover up or eradicate as they traditionally never intend to change the
status quo, impossible to do by persons reluctant to punish them selves for just vigorously accommodating
their inherent bias nature.

So an update to our initiative to collapse the government organized crime that caters to the Upper Tier where
they inhabit above the “Threshold” that separates them from us held up by the Fiction of the Attorney
General and the people of the Lower Tier’s gullibility to acceptance we have now narrowed the field to one
entity responsible to provide the information requested under the Freedom of Information Act as suspected as
the evidence irrefutably proves and why ever attentiveness to the collection of evidence is most pertinent in
matters of law.

Requests were made to both Federal and Ontario governments to provide the pertinent evidence where the
evidence irrefutably proves both governments are government organized crime personified and that will soon
be unequivocally proven as the responsibility to do so remains with the federal government even though the
DOJ attempted to steer me to the Ontario Government where ultimately both governments are responsible to
the certainty of the guarantee made to every individual enacted into law in 1982 and due the evidence viewed
at the surface provided Jack Santos Sr. Policy and Privacy Analyst of the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Office under the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario that has been irrefutably
proven to play a major role in the conspiracy directed me in his response of October 19 2009 without
hesitation to the Information Commissioner of Canada consistent with common sense, but would have been
quite a different story if it was OPP information I requested that would require him to consult with the
Ontario Attorney General or his agents invariably initiating bullshit necessary to protect the particular bull
shitter of centre stage.
Should the Information Commissioner of Canada not act appropriately as expected being a puppet of the
federal government organized crime Mr. Jack Santos will eventually be subpoenaed to provide pertinent

evidence having reviewed the evidence I provided him to determine the federal government was responsible
to deal with this cover up.

In the meantime as we await the Information Commissioner of Canada response after consulting
with the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada that should take some time for them to
devise a deviation that will be readily observable due the simplicity of the request that would be
forthcoming, forthright and forthwith of a system designed of competent responsible irreproachable
persons with nothing to hide due the fact they would be all in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” as
we are all required to be and are all subject to due punishment of non compliance to the certainty.

It is not only the due punishment they fear, but the loss of the luxurious lifestyle they are most
receptive to that we can depend on their reluctance to expose themselves, however, they have
been cornered for a long time now and the best they can do is stall the inevitable punishment due
them that looms on the horizon.

They have made the fantasy bed that the people once slept and soon consistent with reality as the
people awake and rise they will be made to sleep in the bed they made for themselves

October 19 2009

Charter Democracy Force

Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc.


Due the inherent bias nature of humankind society is one humongously long noodle minutely
diced with 7 billion unique perceptions developed from innocent and empty minds filled with
knowledge observed of the environment reared as creatures of habit most comfortable in familiar
surroundings with each individual well aware that we all need to be connected in understanding
knowing certain that it must be done coincidental to the manner in which he or she has come to

Each an individual with two loose ends attempting to assemble the rest of the 14 billion loose ends
to accommodate their perception of the ideal that guarantees Perpetual Antagonized Imbecilic
Noodleism (PAIN) as reality attests.

Osmosis: the gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas through continual
exposure rather than deliberate learning

Over the passed 4 years CDF in search of this thing called justice has turned every stone finding
nothing but “Snakes and Badders” in pits of incriminating documents that irrefutably proves
the Upper Canada Attorney General acting on behalf of the Government hierarchy of 1797
purporting to be acting on behalf of the people of Upper Canada (Now Ontario) met with a few of
the elite under the façade of democracy to enact the Law Society Act, 1797 proclaiming
themselves a monopoly to propagate “Learned and Honourable” gentlemen to administer law in
Ontario commencing the “Greatest Criminally Fraudulent Scheme in Canadian History” of
present knowledge

Confucius 551 BC – 479 BC

“There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the
words “BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY … finally I began to make out what
was written between the lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase: EAT PEOPLE”

History has been well articulated, but yet to be deciphered and translated to TRUTH promising
interesting careers in that field of endeavour when society understands its value

To begin such an onerous and formidable challenge enmeshed in a bowl of chopped spaghetti one
must have a foundation to build on, a meeting of the minds with which each individual noodlette
can concur and once again I draw on Confucius who has been there long ago to put to words the
Golden Rule

“Do not impose on others what you would not wish for yourself”
“Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with kindness”

Jesus affirmed in his own words summarizing the aspirations attributed to God

“Do onto others as you would have them do unto you”

These are the ultimate words of simplicity and sanity that every individual of sane mind adept to the
progressive nature of thought and reason can deduce for her or him self because they are wise not
because they have been informed that Confucius and Jesus were wise, but because they are
known to have said them they became known to be wise

It is simply a matter of putting all the pieces together, said one noodlette to another in a world of
one noodle blown to kingdom come.

The Constitution Act, 1982: Document

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of

Throughout my writings it is prudent to know the meaning of the following published words

Principles: main beliefs, values, philosophy, ideology, morality, ethics, doctrine, principle
Supremacy: pre-eminence, ascendancy, primacy, superiority, domination, incomparability, dominance
Charter: contract, licence, deed, agreement, bond, hire, rent, employ
Democracy: social equality, equality, egalitarianism
Egalitarianism: parity, fairness, equal opportunity, impartiality
Spirit: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, Force, fortitude
Justice: fairness, impartiality, righteousness, even- handedness, fair dealing, honesty, integrity
Consistency: constancy, steadiness, reliability, uniformity, evenness, stability, regularity
Sanity: Good sense, wisdom, reason, understanding, common sense, sense, judgement.
Honourable: Admirable, worthy, praiseworthy, moral, principled, good, respectable, upright
Freedom: Liberty, autonomy, lack of restrictions, self determination, independence, choice, free will,

Simplicity: Ease, straightforwardness, effortless, plainness, minimalism, unfussiness, cleanness

It is imperative for this venture into the maze of reality with many doors leading to innumerable
realities with doors to the infinitive that we be most coherent to the meaning of the word
presumption, as our minds are full of it

Assumption, conjecture, supposition, presupposition, belief, deduction, opinion

Invariably we all begin the natural progression of thought and reason on the presumption we can
walk and talk by observation of others around us and sure enough by trial and error the majority
are soon ranting and raving on the run observing and presuming many things without the exercise
of thought

“He who is sincere hits what is right, and apprehends without the exercise of thought.”

Genuine, honest, truthful, earnest, straight, heartfelt, frank, open

““Sincere Presumptions” conveyed and received as TRUTH is an Oxymoron of innumerable

morons receptive to “Legal Murder” in the reality of infinitive happenstance endured and observed
by the whole in this paradox of humankind on the presumption every individual is of the status of
the presumption of innocence in absence of evidence to suggest otherwise in this obvious insanity
acceptance is presumed the acquiescence of sanity”

Oxymoron: combination of two seemingly contradictory or incongruous words, as in the line by the
English poet Sir Philip Sidney in which lovers are said to speak “of living deaths, dear wounds, fair
storms, and freezing fires.” Legal Murderers

Paradox, statement or sentiment that appears contradictory to common sense yet is true in fact.
Examples of paradox are “mobilization for peace” and “a well-known secret agent.”

Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception

Truth is that which would be observed by God whether He exists or not or whether or not one believes
He exists.

Fact, reality, certainty, accuracy, genuineness, precision, exactness, legitimacy

Presumption is just a word assigned to meaning like any other word used during the progressive
nature of thought and reason that by accurate account can communicate the truth of an
observation, however when interlaced with presumptions to expedite communications for
simultaneous comprehension the message received by fellow random interlacers with unique
presumptions, though seemingly harmoniously orchestrated invariably exasperates the insanity to
a magnitude of which only the legal profession can appreciate honed to the perfection of deception,
prevarication, manipulation and orchestration often not observed as intended.

Reality is invariably the TRUTH as is the natural progression of thought and reason when
conveyed … wrote or spoke can be a conglomeration of lies yet the truth they were wrote or spoke
with the obviousness of many presumptions that can be perceived of the conveyor by the natural
progression of thought and reason the truth can be deduced and the resolve.

It is the time factor one must consider due the predetermined variable limitations of life’s
expectancy where we Canadians are all governed by the Constitution Act, 1982 guaranteed
democratic rights of equality in the provisions of the Charter enacted and granted by the federal
government representatives of the people on behalf of the people in Perpetual Possessory Title
that emphatically and unequivocally is a natural of sane thought and reason that nobody can
possibly deny that the concept is that of “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” that is the epitome of
simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in the wind that State and Church harmonize their
orchestrated words leaving no doubt they comprehend the concept, and therefore are competent to
stand trial before the people who are all presumed to be of the status of the presumption of
innocence in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” that unequivocally is “The Spirit of the Law” that

recognizes the supremacy of God whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes He

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and
democratic society.

Sanity and Equality are essentials of mutual understanding

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b)
freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of
communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association.

This presents the opportune time to emphasize the prerequisite consistency of common sense in, of and
with “The Spirit of the Law” to assert what is and what is not consistent with the Constitution whereas a
consistency of an inconsistent thing can be described as erratic at best and it is “The Letter of the Law”
that recognizes the supremacy of God that “The Spirit of the Law” due its simplicity and sanity
maintains the consistency secure that gives credence to the which is least apt to be mistaken by

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The simple fact is as clearly stated in section 2 one can believe what ever the hell they want, but
remain subject to due punishment should they mess with “The Spirit of the Law” that governs and
protects us all equally

It is imperative that the government hierarchy involved in the people’s legal systems are competent
responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to every individual’s equally guaranteed
Charter rights, being no different than every individual where equality is equally desired that must be
equally respected and equally cooperated with to the certainty of every individual’s equally guaranteed
Charter rights that are granted on the presumption that every individual is of the status of the
presumption of innocence in absence of reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise.

It is the same presumption that the authorities of any competent jurisdiction are indeed competent
responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to the certainty of every individual’s equally
guaranteed Charter rights.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters
within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within
the authority of the legislature of each province.

There is no reason to believe otherwise in absence of reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise.

No elected government person will state that they are anything else but in, of and with “The Spirit of
the Law” that we are all required to be and are of the presumption of innocence in absence of
reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise.

They would never represent themselves to be anything but the people’s representatives carrying on
business on behalf of the people that trust and finance them to be in, of and with “The Spirit of the

So if they were not in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” how would we know?

This is a humongously serious matter especially since the professional charlatan of deception,
prevarication, manipulation and orchestration is most adept to appear in, of and with “The Spirit of the

It is determined by the same natural progression of thought and reason that we use to deduce 1 + 1 =
2 as in 1 orange and 1 apple = 2 items both ultimately serving the same purpose to be eaten, but with
different taste and properties commonly associated with each other that generally we do not need to
know the material makeup of either to assert that you just ate one or the other and the absence of one
or the other left in your charge would be your responsibility to account for in their absence should there
be reason to be concerned.

One could fill innumerable pages on the subject to superfluity with nobody giving a damn to bother to
read it.

It is the subject matter that we all are quite familiar with knowing enough about it for general purpose
and see no benefit to be more informed having many more serious priorities to tend to having felt the
same way about them and thus remain needing to be tended to some day that just may by chance so
why fret it or anything before it’s time

However, when it comes to be being paid and informed gross is much less than 144 and net just big
enough to score a butterfly, do not sweat it because by the time you skin, fillet and scrape it off the pan
you’ll know certain no freer than I.

So what the hell was that all about digressing seemingly somewhere to no where?
That’s right when you know the question you answer how would we know?

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October 20 2009

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There can be no doubt as to who are responsible for the creation of the insane world that we all
exist and reluctantly accept adverse to the aspirations attributed to God whether or not He exists or
whether or not one believes He exists

The people do not believe the purpose of the Legal System they finance is to provide the Law
Society propagates funding to establish a personal thriving business for their membership
dependent on their members infesting the political and legal system arenas to the certainty that the
people will not be equally protected providing them the necessary victims and criminal element to
exploit the taxpayer on the pretence they are in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” a necessary
fiction due to the consequences of their deliberate happenstance, yet they do as reality attests.

They who play a major role in reality should study the part they are required to play in, of and with
“The Spirit of the Law” and be coherent to the significant role evidence must play to the certainty.

All the world is a stage to be acted upon in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law”


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