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Laboratory Exercise

The Experimental Teaching Reform in Xiaohan Yang

Luyang Sun
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Ying Zhao
Xia Yi
Undergraduate Students in Peking University Bin Zhu
Pu Wang
Health Science Center Hong Lin
Juhua Ni*

From the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Peking

University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, Peoples Republic of

Since 2010, second-year undergraduate students of an eight- comprehensive experiment, consists of Western blotting
year training program leading to a Doctor of Medicine degree and a DNA laddering assay to assess the effects of eto-
or Doctor of Philosophy degree in Peking University Health poside (VP16) on the apoptosis signaling pathways. This
Science Center (PKUHSC) have been required to enter the reformed laboratory teaching system aims to enhance
Innovative talent training project. During that time, the stu- the participating students overall understanding of impor-
dents joined a research lab and participated in some original tant biological research techniques and the instrumenta-
research work. There is a critical educational need to prepare tion involved, and to foster a better understanding of the
these students for the increasing accessibility of research research process all within a classroom setting. Student
experience. The redesigned experimental curriculum of bio- feedback indicated that the updated curriculum helped
chemistry and molecular biology was developed to fulfill them improve their operational and self-learning capabil-
such a requirement, which keeps two original biochemistry ity, and helped to increase their understanding of theoret-
experiments (Gel filtration and Enzyme kinetics) and adds a ical knowledge and actual research processes, which laid
new two-experiment component called Analysis of anti- the groundwork for their future research work. VC 2015 by

tumor drug induced apoptosis. The additional component, The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular
also known as the project-oriented experiment or the Biology, 43:428433, 2015.

Keywords: experimental teaching reform; project-oriented

experiment; Western blotting; DNA ladder assay

Background (Ph.D.) in Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC)

have been required to enter research labs to conduct origi-
Undergraduates engaged in research experiences have been
nal research in their second year, which is called
demonstrated to show an increase in understanding, confi-
Innovative talent training project. Consequently, there is a
dence, and awareness and in their ability to think and
critical educational need to prepare these undergraduates
work like a scientist [14]. Since 2010, undergraduate stu-
for the increasing accessibility of research experiences. The
dents of an eight-year training program leading to a Doctor
traditional laboratory course of biochemistry and molecular
of Medicine degree (M.D.) or Doctor of Philosophy degree biology taught at PKUHSC prior to 2010 was comprised of
independent experiments, each designed to teach common
Volume 43, Number 6, November/December 2015, Pages 428433 biochemical techniques rather than expose students to a
*Correspondence to: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular better understanding of the research processes. The call for
Biology, Peking University Health Science Center, 38 Xue Yuan Road, our curriculum change increased intensely. Therefore, we
Beijing 100191, China. E-mail: set out to create a new curriculum which served as required
Received 10 March 2015; Revised 2 June 2015; Accepted 29 June preparation for the second year program of these under-
2015 graduate students as well as laid the groundwork for their
DOI 10.1002/bmb.20890 further studies in biochemistry and molecular biology [57].
Published online 7 October 2015 in Wiley Online Library Our traditional experimental curriculum is composed
( of two biochemistry experiments (Gel-filtration, Enzyme

428 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

lem using current molecular biology techniques which
Schedule of experiments in Department of allows students to gain practical, hypothesis-driven lab
TABLE I Biochemistry and Molecular Biology experience [911].
Western blotting is a widely used laboratory technique
that uses a specific antibody as a probe to detect and con-
After the
Before the reform reform firm the presence, absence, or abundance change of the cor-
respondent antigen in a mixed protein sample. The Western
Independent 6 experiments 2 experiments blotting technique owes its sensitivity and specificity to two
experiments big contributing factors, one is the high resolution of SDS-
PAGE and the other is the strong specificity of the solid
Gel-filtration Gel-filtration
phase immune reaction, which permits its ability to detect
Enzyme kinetics Enzyme kinetics as little as 0.1 nanograms of target protein in a sample. Cas-
pases, a group of intracellular proteases, are responsible for
the deliberate disassembly of the cell into apoptotic bodies
Small scale plasmid during apoptosis and Caspase-3 is a critical executioner of
extraction apoptosis [1214]. Activation of Caspase-3 requires proteo-
Restriction enzyme lytic processing of its inactive zymogen into activated p17
digestion of plasmid and p12 fragments, which have been generally acknowl-
edged as one of the apoptosis markers. Here we describe
the use of Western blotting to detect increased level of
Comprehensive 0 experiments 2 experiments cleaved Caspase-3 (p17) after treatment of HL-60 (Human
experiments promyelocytic leukemia cells) cell line with etoposide
(VP16), a kind of anti-tumor drugs. In addition, apoptosis is
Western blotting
characterized by the activation of endogenous endonucle-
DNA ladder assay ases with subsequent cleavage of chromatin DNA into inter-
nucleosomal fragments of roughly 180 base pairs (bp) and
multiples thereof (360, 540, etc.). The DNA laddering assay
kinetics) and four molecular biology experiments [sodium can be used to visualize this feature by separating cleaved
dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- DNA fragments through gel electrophoresis [15].
PAGE), small scale plasmid extraction, restriction enzyme Our redesigned 4-week laboratory course meets once a
digestion of plasmid, and PCR]. It was designed to help stu- week with class sizes of 1824 students per section. Each
dents test the basic theory; deepen their perceptual knowl- school year, eleven or twelve sections are taught which
edge; become familiar with common equipment; and tech- involves 240 undergraduate students from the eight-year
niques and master basic experimental skills. Here, we M.D./Ph.D. program. Gel filtration or Enzyme kinetics can
describe a modification of our traditional curriculum which be finished within 4 class hours (half day), whereas West-
keeps the two traditional biochemistry experiments (Gel fil- ern blotting analysis and the DNA ladder assay require 12
tration and Enzyme kinetics), discards the four independent class hours (one and a half days) and 8 class hours (one
molecular biology experiments (SDS-PAGE, small scale day) separately. Students work in teams of 2 or 3 and
plasmid extraction, restriction enzyme digestion of plasmid, members of the team must divide the tasks and develop a
and PCR) and adds a project-oriented component called strategy for completing the analyses. Student evaluation is
Analysis of anti-tumor drug induced apoptosis (Table I). based on both a journal-style written lab report and their
Apoptosis, also called programmed cell death, is a fun- performance in the experimental class.
damental and complex biological process that enables an
organism to kill and remove unwanted cells during animal
development, normal homeostasis, and disease [8]. Analysis Procedure
of apoptosis is closely related to cancer biology and is a Western Blotting Analysis of Activation of
very large area of current research, so we expected this Caspase-3
topic to arouse the learning interest of undergraduate stu- HL-60 cells were cultured 2 weeks before the class by our
dents and facilitate their preparation for the real research instructors. For each group of students, HL-60 cells were
process. The additional component in our curriculum, split into two 3.5-cm dishes. When the cell density reached
also known as the project-oriented experiment or 60%, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or VP16 (20 lM) was
comprehensive experiment, consists of Western blotting added to the culture medium of cells. Forty-eight hours (h)
and a DNA laddering assay to assess the effects of etopo- later, cells were washed by ice cold phosphate buffered
side (VP16) on the apoptotic signaling pathways. This saline (PBS) and collected. The pelleted cells were stored at
project-oriented course focuses on solving a scientific prob- 2808C until use.

Yang et al. 429

Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Education

antibody (A5316, Sigma, St. Louis, Missouri, United States)

Time schedule of Western blotting overnight at 48C followed by incubation with a secondary
antibody for 1 h at room temperature. Immunoreactive
bands were visualized using Western blotting Luminol rea-
Western gent (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, Texas, United
blotting Time (h) Procedures States) on a Versadoc. The detailed timeline of Western
blotting is shown in Table II.
The first day 2 Cell lysis, Determination
(8:0016:00) of protein concentration, DNA Ladder Assay for Apoptosis
Preparing samples, HL-60 cells (10-cm dishes) were treated with DMSO or
Pouring the gels VP16 (20 lM) for 48 h by our instructors just before the
2 Loading the samples class. The DNA ladder assay was conducted as follows. On
and running the the day of the class, cells were washed in PBS and collected
gels/Lunch by centrifugation (1,500 3 g, 5 min). About 100 lL of lysis
buffer (1% NP-40 in 20 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5)
0.5 Preparing the gel
was added and the suspension was vortexed vigorously for
10 s (lysis of cells) and centrifuged (5,000 rpm, 5 min) to
1 Blotting transfer obtain the supernatant. About 10 lL of 10% SDS solution
1 Blocking was added to the collected supernatant (final: 1% SDS) and

overnight Primary antibody

The second day 0.5 Washing
1 Secondary antibody
0.5 Washing
0.5 Detection

On the first day of the class, cells were lysed in 200 lL

lysis buffer [50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-
40, 0.5% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM phenylmethanesulfonylfluoride
(PMSF), 13 protease inhibitor cocktails (add just before
use)] on ice for 30 min. Whole cellular proteins were
extracted by collecting the supernatants after centrifuging
cell lysates at the maximum speed for 10 min. Protein con-
centration was determined using the bicinchoninic acid
assay (BCA assay). Western blot analysis of extracts from HL-60
The appropriate volume of 63 SDS-PAGE loading FIG 1 cells, untreated or etoposide-treated (20 lM, 48
buffer was added to each sample and boiled for 10 min. h), using Caspase-3 antibody. Beta-actin was
Cell lysates with equal concentration of protein were used as an internal control. (a) Three groups of
resolved using 15% SDS-PAGE gels and transferred onto students loaded their samples on the same gel.
After the electrophoresis, separated proteins
nitrocellulose membranes. Blocking of non-specific binding were transferred to the nitrocellulose membrane.
was achieved by placing the membrane in 5% non-fat milk Before the incubation of primary antibody, the
in 1% Tween-20 of Tris-buffered saline (TBS-T). Then, membrane was cut into two parts according to
membranes were incubated with either anti-Caspase 3 the molecular weight and incubated with
Caspase-3 and b-actin antibodies separately. The
antibody (#9662, Cell Signaling, Danvers, Massachusetts,
protein standards are indicated on the right side
United states) which detects endogenous levels of full of the image. (b) Western blot analysis of the
length Caspase-3 (35 kDa) as well as the large fragment of activation of Caspase-3 in a preliminary experi-
Caspase-3 resulting from cleavage (17 kDa), or anti-b-actin ment conducted by instructors.

430 Experimental Teaching Reform in Eight-Year M.D./Ph.D. Programs

sulfate 90 lL, TEMED 10 lL), 23 lL of each sample is
resolved by electrophoresis for 1 or 2 h under 100 V. The
gel was gently removed from the glass plate and stained
with silver staining buffer (0.2% AgNO3, 1% glacial acetic
acid, 10% ethanol) in a clean plate for 15 min. Developer
working solution (3% NaOH, 0.5 mL formaldehyde/100 mL)
was added and incubated for 5 min until DNA bands
appeared. Developer solution was replaced with prepared
stop solution (5% acetic acid), and the gel was washed
briefly before capturing the image using Gel Logic camera.

PKUHSC Laboratory Chemical Safety Manual must be read
by every student before they begin the lab course. Students
are specifically warned about the toxicity of compounds
and reagents including etoposide, PMSF, protease inhibitor
cocktails, acrylamide storage solution, and silver staining
DNA laddering assay of apoptosis. Three groups
FIG 2 buffer which will be used in the class. In our case, we have
of students loaded their samples on the same
TBE-PAGE. After the electrophoresis, the gel was made the wearing of disposable gloves mandatory in the
silver stained. The image was captured using Gel handling of those solutions and provide designated contain-
Logic camera. ers for the disposal of contaminated waste.

then treated with 10 lL of 50 mg/mL RNase A (final 5 lg/

lL) for 2 h at 568C. About 10 lL of 25 mg/mL Proteinase K Implementation
(final 2.5 lg/lL) was added and incubated for 2 h at 378C One week before the class, the instructors encouraged the
followed by addition of 1/2 volume (65 lL) of 10 M ammo- students to learn how the Caspase pathway of apoptosis
nium acetate and 2.5 volumes (500 lL) of ice-cold ethanol. works as well as all known methods used to analyze apo-
After thoroughly mixing, the samples were incubated for 1 ptosis by reading primary literature. They were asked to
h at 2208C (ethanol precipitation). Samples were centri- discuss the caspase pathway during the incubation times of
fuged for 20 min at 12,000 rpm, washed with 200 lL of the experiments (for electrophoresis, transfer, blocking,
80% ice-cold ethanol and air-dried for 10 min at room tem- etc) instead of the instructors introducing these concepts to
perature. The pellet was dissolved in 20 lL of TE buffer. them [16]. Motivated by self-learning, the students were
After assembly of the vertical plate electrophoresis appara- very active in the class. The instructors also took advantage
tus and preparation of the TBE-PAGE (H2O 5.2 mL, 53 of the experimental incubation times to show students the
TBE 2 mL, 30% PAGE 2.7 mL, 10% ammonium peroxydi- cell culture room with Powerpoint and introduced them

Student survey results


How would you describe the

gain you made in: No gain Little gain Moderate gain Good gain Great gain

General technical lab skills 0 0 6 49 1

Understanding the mechanism of Western 0 0 0 0 56
blotting and DNA ladder assay
Understanding the apoptosis signal pathway 0 0 5 38 13
Ability to cooperate 0 0 26 25 5
Conceptual problem-solving skills 0 0 23 29 4
Ability to interpret experimental results 0 2 10 36 8
Helping you to prepare better for the 0 0 16 32 8
innovation personnel training plan

Yang et al. 431

Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Education

basic cell culturing techniques with pictures on slides. This to improve the outcome of our course [18]. Typical com-
was due to the inaccessibility of all students to conduct the ments include Some equipment should be updated,
cell culturing steps of the experiment. We also introduced Expecting more than just one such project-oriented
in detail the mechanism of how SDS-PAGE separates pro- course and Expecting a more challenging process where
teins of different molecular weight and discussed each step we can be involved in the experimental design of solving a
of Western blotting. This section was dedicated to under- scientific problem through literature learning and then
standing the role of SDS-PAGE working components (buffer practicing it. Encouraged by the positive feedback from
and pH), the information on how to run and program the students, we still need to work on solving the essential
equipment, and the basic troubleshooting ideas. The mech- issues, such as equipment updating and designing more
anism of the DNA ladder assay is relatively simple to be project-oriented components presented by students. In fact,
understood, so we placed emphasis on offering key tips on we are actively planning and preparing to add a
the experimental procedure. The students were reminded Functional analysis of genes in cancer biology through
that although the course was designed with maximal suc- gain of function and loss of function methods component
cessful outcome ratios, in an actual research laboratory into the new curriculum, which will involve experiments
setting, they must deal with experiments that take such as plasmid/siRNA transfection, real-time polymerase
extended timeframes to complete multiple trials for optimi- chain reaction (RT-PCR), phenotype observation, etc.
zation, and work in collaboration with other people to opti-
Finally, the current reform only covers undergraduates in
mize equipment and reagent use.
the eight-year M.D./Ph.D. programs, and we are planning
Students recorded their results and analyzed their data
to expand the accessibility of this course to students of
in detail in their reports. As previously mentioned, VP16
other training programs in PKUHSC in the coming years.
treatment leads HL-60 cells to apoptosis, which results in
the increased cleaved Caspase-3. As expected, the students
observed significantly increased cleaved Caspase-3 (p17) in Acknowledgements
cells treated with VP16 compared with the control The authors thank Ph.D. student Jianguo Yang (PKUHSC,
(Fig. 1a). We also showed images from the preliminary Beijing, China) for his kind assistant on the distribution,
experiment (Fig. 1b) and shared with them the basic trou- collection, and analyses of the questionnaires. Authors are
ble shooting ideas. In addition, a ladder pattern typical of grateful to senior Ph.D. students David Gallo and Tina Sing
endonucleosomal DNA degradation can be observed when in Dr. Grant Browns lab (Department of Biochemistry, Uni-
cells undergo apoptosis (Fig. 2). versity of Toronto, Canada) for the editorial review of this
paper. This work was supported by Grants (No. J1103605/
J0108, J1030831/J0108) of Fostering Talents in Basic
Conclusion Research from the National Natural Science Foundation of
The new laboratory curriculum is designed to accomplish China, Grant of Key Project in Education and Teaching
the following student learning objectives: motivate students Research from PKUHSC (2014), and a Grant (2012-SY-19 to
for scientific research; prepare students for techniques and
X. Yi.) from Chinese Medical Association.
methods they will utilize in later lab classes and integrate
theory and practice to ensure that students understand
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