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STUDY GUIDE elementary education /11% incomplete high

school / 7% complete high school / 9% literacy

TEACHERS NAME : SANDRA PATRCIA. without regular courses / 1% complete
STUDENTS NAME : ______________________________
graduation / 1% incomplete graduation / 6% -
CLASS : 2 _____. DATE : MAY, ______________2017.
illiterate .

Text I - Prison violence in Brazil
TEXT IV Types of crimes most commited in
The prison population in Brazil has increased since
2000. Brazils state prisons are overseen by drug
gangs that act as judges, jurors and executioners. The
government is only nominally in control. Experts 7%
describe drug factions as parallel state. 3% 27%
The most lethal episode of prison in Brazil occurred
in 1992 when 111 inmates were killed during a riot in
14% 2%
the Carandiru prison in So Paulo. Other outbreaks
occurred in Rondonia in 2002, Maranho in 2010, 21%
Pernambuco in 2011, Rio de Janeiro in 2014 and 3%
Roraima last year. Prison violence has been registered
in at least 24 of Brazils 26 states over the past
Fonte : INFOPEN, junho/2014.
Fonte :
27% traffic / 2% gang / 21% robbery/ 11%
thefts / 3% receptation / 14% homicide / 3%
TEXT II - Brazils Deadly Prison System
robbery followed by death / 7% disarmament /1%
domestic violence / 11% others.
One of the reason prison violence is so
common in Brazil is that conditions in most of the TEXTO V - Overcrowding Brazilian prisons
countrys penitentiaries are barbarous. There are
an estimated 622,202 incarcerated people in
state prisons, where there is officially space for
less than 400,000. According to researcher Csar
Muoz, of the international organization Human
Rights Watch, the "very high degree of violence in
prisons shows a lack of control by the authorities.
Factions act with impunity. The deaths rarely According to
have an effective investigation, which is a source collected data in 2014 by DEPEN (Penitentiary
of concern for Brazil's tendency. Brazil is a Department), there are in Brazil around of 300
country with a fourth largest prison population in incarcerated people for each 100 thousand
the world, behind only Russia ,with 644,237, inhabitant in the country. The number of prison
population is considerably larger than 377,000
China, with 1,657.812 and United States, with
vacancies in the penitentiary system, Totaling a
2,217.000, according to collected data in 2013 by deficit of 231,062 vacancies. In other words, in a
DEPEN (Penitentiary Department). Fonte : space designed to guard 10 people, there are about 16 imprisoned individuals. Fonte : Ministrio da
Justia Departamento Penitencirio Nacional INFOPEN
TEXT III Schooling of the prison population in ,,dez./2013 Internet:
1% 6%
7% 9% TEXT VI - Massacre in Manaus
11% BrasBrazils first days of 2017 were baptized by
53% 17 hours of violence. Members of a drug ring
12% called Familia do Norte (Family of the North)
massacred members of the rival Primeiro
Comando da Capital (First Command of the
Capital), or P.C.C., one of the countrys largest
gangs. A local judge was called in to negotiate
the release of hostages, and hes now facing
Fonte:INFOPEN, junho/2014. 53% incomplete death threats. Historically, violence followed
elementary education /12% complete demands for improved prison conditions. But the
latest massacre in Manaus stems from a different d) ( T ) The incidence of violence within
cause. It signals the rupture of a longstanding prisons system increases with the
truce between the So Paulo-based P.C.C. and increasing of prison population.
Rio de Janeiros Comando Vermelho (Red
Command), which is aligned with the Northern The correct sequence is :
Family. These two gangs are fighting for control
over the prison system and the cocaine trade. a) F , T , F , F TEXTO b) T , F , T , F
c) F , F , F , T
d) T, F , F , T
e) F, T, F, T
2. Based on the excerpt Universal Declaration of
TEXTO VII----------------------------------------------
Human Rights it is correct to affirm that :
Evolution of prison population in Brazil
622.202 a) Only some human beings have their rights
496.251 assured by law.
336.358 b) Everyone has the right to leave any country,
232.755 239.345 including his own, and to return to his country.
c) Some people will be subjected to torture or to
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment .
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Fonte : INFOPEN, junho/2014.
3 - Based on the previous text, judge the
following items. And then, choose the correct
a) ( T ) According to Universal Declaration
TEXTO VIII - Universal Declaration Human Rights Human Rights and based on the previous texts ,
one of the greatest challenges for the state is
to provide assistance to poor people.
b) ( T ) The most of prisoners in Brazil are
people who lives in poverty, without
information and schooling.
1. We are all free & equal.2. c) ( F ) Less than 7% of prison population has
the complete high school.
The right to life.3.Your human rights are
protected by law.4.The right to privacy.5.We
The correct sequence is :
are always innocent till proven
guilty.6.Freedom to move.7.Right to
a) F , T , F
nationality.8. Freedom of thought.9. Freedom
b) T , F , T
of expression .10. Workers rights.11.Food and
c) F , F , T
shelter for all .12. The right to education.13.
d) T, T , F
Social security .14. The right to seek a safe
place to live. From : e) F, F, F

4. The sentence The government controlled

the violence in penitentiaries., written in the
interrogative form in the Simple Past
1. Based on ideas and linguistic structure Tense is :
from the text II and V , judge the
a) Did the government controlled the violence
items that follow . And then, choose
in penitentiaries ?
the correct sequence.
b) Did the violence government control in the
a) ( F ) According to the text, the increasing penitentiaries ?
trend of incarceration in the Brazilian c) Do the government control the violence in
prison system is because the authorities penitentiaries ?
are not able to control the violence in d) Does the government control the violence
penitentiaries. in penitentiaries ?
e) Did the government control the violence in
b) ( F ) The prison population in Brazil may
penitentiaries ?
become controlled if the authorities are able
to control the violence in penitentiaries. 5. The sentence You have the right to leave
c) ( F ) The deficit of 231,062 vacancies in your country written in the third singular
the penitentiary system conveys the idea person is:
that the number of existing prison
establishments is sufficient .
a) They have the right to leave his country. c) Ningum poder estar sujeito a qualquer tipo
b) He have the right to leave his country. de tratamento desumano ou cruel . Por esta
c) He has the right to leave his country. razo, a expresso some people( algumas
d) He has the right to leave their country. pessoas) torna o item falso.
e) They have the right to leave their country.

Comentrio da questo 1
Comentrio da questo 3 -

Justificativa dos itens falsos :

Justificativa do item falso :

a) O motivo pela qual h violncia dentro das

penitencirias devido no apenas falta de
controle das autoridades, mas principalmente, aos c) De acordo com o grfico, 7% da populao
fatores da superlotao nos presdios , carncia prisional concluram o ensino mdio, e no
de mais vagas, entre outros motivos ( de acordo menos (less) de 7% como est escrito no item,
com os textos II e V) , responsveis pelo caos da o que o torna falso.

Comentrio da questo 4 -
b) No o controle das autoridades com relao
aos presos dentro das penitencirias que ir
controlar ou reduzir a violncia nos presdios. A
soluo para este problema da violncia requer no A frase correta Did the government control
apenas um nica medida de preveno, mas vrias the violence in penitentiaries ? porque a ordem
medidas. da frase interrogativa no Simple Past : verbo
auxiliar + sujeito + verbo principal no infinitivo
ou forma bsica + o complemento da frase.

c) Na verdade, o dficit de 231,062 de vagas , passa
a ideia de que o nmero de estabelecimentos de Comentrio da questo 5 -
presdios insuficiente, e no suficiente, conforme
indicado no item.

De acordo com as opes dos itens em questo

, a frase escrita na 3 pessoa do singular Ele
Comentrio da questo 2 tem o direito de deixar seu pas : He has the
right to leave his country. Nesta frase
afirmativa, o verbo has foi usado para
concordar com o pronome sujeito He, bem
Justificativa dos itens incorretos :
como foi usado o pronome adjetivo possessivo
his para se fazer referncia ao pronome
sujeito em questo, ou seja, He.
a) Todos os seres humanos tm seus direitos

assegurados por lei, e no apenas alguns
seres humanos (only some human beings) ,
como escrito no item.

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