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Digest of

of the Philippine Supreme Court

[In this column is presented a digest of current cases of general interest to prac_
titioners. These decisions have not yet been published in the Official Gazette, and many
of them, especially those rendered in division. will not so appear because not selected for
official report.]

CRIMINAL LAW-HOMICIDE--SELF- habitation, a garage about 15 met-

P. ers away. He took her to his room
Bartolome Ignacio, G. R. No. 34630, whereby he, still lifting the ag-
August 20, 1931.-It appears that grieved party, had to as~end a
in a certain merienda, Legarda got ladder of about 10 steps. -During
drunk and uttered certain insulting such occurrence the aggrieved party
phrases which the accused thought did not even shout. No force or
was directed to him. The accused threat was IJroved in the execution
thereupon went home and took a of such act by the accused. The
weapon. He then pursued Legarda, facts proved showed that the state-
and in a fight which ensued, the ment of the accused that he had
latter was wounded from the ef- amorous relations with the aggriev-
fects of which he died. The de- ed was true. Held: Under the cir-
fense of the accused was that he cumstances above described, it is
killed the deceased in self-defense. clear that the accused had carnal
Held: We believe that the accused knowledge with the "aggrieved party
cannot invoke the right of legiti- with the consent of the latter. If
mate defense because when two per- it were true that the aggrieved
sons fight voluntarily, neither of party was take"n to the habitation
them has the right to invoke in his of the accused without her consent,
favor the right of legitimate de- the offended party would have
fense to escape the responsibility shouted for help. The absence of
arising from the result of the fight. a cry for help, under the circum-
(Decision of the Supreme Court of stances of the case, showed that the
Spain, January 27, 1902; People vs. aggrieved party was not taken to
Eisma, 29 0. G. 2225). (In banc, the room of the accused for pur-
per Villamor, J.; Johnson, Street, poses of carnal knowledge without
Malcolm, Ostrand, Romualdez, Villa- her consent. (In banc, per Romual-
Real, and Imperial concurring.)- dez, J. ; Avancefia, C.J., Johnson,
Briefed by LUIS G. SABATER. Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Villa-
Real, and Imperial concurring.)-
vs. Alfredo Santiago, G. R. No.
. 34892, August 27, 1931.-The de- CRIMINAL LAW-HoMICIDE WITH

fendant was accused of rape. The RECKLESS NEGLIGENCE.-P. I. VB.

evidence showed that the accused Francisco Sara, G. R. No. 34140,
proposed to the aggrieved party the August 15, 19S1.-0ne day the de-
idea to go away with him, which fendant went out with a shotgun to
proposal was followed by the ac- shoot birds. The accused, seeing a
cused lifting the aggrieved party bird sitting on a tree, raised his
and taking her to his place of gun and placed his fingers on the
trigger. Then the gun was dis- from; * (b) The application for an
harged and Catapang was hit by appeal must contain a petition to
:he bullet, and as a result of whifh the court to fix the amount of the
he died. No motive for killing "-as appeal bond. The court should fix
proved, and it was proved, that the the bond at once; (c) After the
deceased and the defendant were amount of the appeal bond is fixed
relatives. Held: The accused is by the court, the appellant must
guilty of homicide w~th reckless present his appeal bond for ap-
negligence as no motIve for the proval of the court within a reason-
killing was proved and as it was able time thereafter, and not to ex-
proved that the defendant and the ceed the period of 5 days; (d) After
deceased were relatives. The rela- the approval of the appeal bond by
tion of the parties shows that the the court, the appeal must be per-
killing could not have been commit- fected in the manner provided for
ted intentionally. (In bane, per in Sec. 783 in relation with Sees.
Street, J.; Avanceiia, C.J., Johnson, 781 and 782 of Act No. 190, Rule
M&icolm, Villamor, Romualdez, Vi- 16 (a) of the Courts of First In-
lla-Real, and Imperial concurring.) stance within a reasonable time and
-Briefed by LUIS G. SABATER. not to exceed a period of 10 days
from the date of the approval of
the appeal bond." (In bane, per
Imperial, J.; Avanceiia, Johnson,
Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Romual-
WITHIN WHICH TO PERFECT Ap- dez, J.J., concurring; Villa-Real, re-
PEALs.-Raymunda Medina vs. Hon. serving his vote.)-Brieefd by CAR-
Eduardo Gutien'ez David, et al., LOS BARRIOS.
G. R. No. 35822, Aug. 21, 1931.-
This a petition for a writ of man-
damus in order to require the re- QUENTS- INTERPRETATIONOF ACT
spondent judge to approve the No. 3397.-P. P. I. vs. Felipe Rama,
1'eCord on appeal in a certain pro- G. R. No. 34886, Aug. 22, 1931.-
bate proceedings. The respondents Facts: The only question presented
based their refusal on the fact that by this appeal of the accused, aside
the appeal as well as the bond were from the constitutionality of Act
JlOt perfected on time. In denying No. 3397, is whether his previous
the remedy prayed for and in sus- convictions in the years 1918, 1920,
taining the claims of the respond- and 1927 should be taken into con-
ents, the Supreme Court affirmed sideration in order that the addi-
the holding in the case of Buena- tional penalty provided for in said
67ltura and Del Rosa1-io vs. Ramos,
Act may be imposed. The accused
contends that at least his convic-
U Phil. 4.90, in which the follow-
tions in the years 1918 and 1920
g Was held: "Appeals in special
cannot be considered, they having
oceedings from judgments falling
taken place ten years previous to
er Sees. 781, 782 and 783 of
et N "
o. 190 must be perfected in
~IfollOWing manner: (a) The ap- * Comment: By virtue of Act No. 3403,
amending Sees. 779 and 781,par. (a) should
ant must file with the Court of
read as follows: "The appellant must file
rst Instance an application for with the Court of First Instance an aD-
apPeal within 20 days after the plication for an appeal wIthin 25days af-
ter the date on which he was notified of
of the judgment appealed the judgment appealed from."-C. B.
the commISSIOn of the present of- Transit Co. filed a motion before
fense in question. Judge Cruz of the Public Service
Held: Act No. 3397 is valid and Commission seeking to modify the
constitutional. As regards the con- certificate of the petitioners by
victions which occurred ten years prohibiting them from picking up
previous to the commission of the and dropping passengers along the
offense here to be decided, it should route. After hearing Judge Cruz
be observed that it is not the in- was of the opinion that the peti-
tention of the law to exclude in tioners could not be deprived of
the consideration of habitual delin- the privilege; but he did not issue
quency, convictions' that old; pro- any order to that effect. Instead,
vided that they are followed, more he transferred the matter to Judge
or less separated, by an offense del Rosario, another judge of the
occurring within the ten years un- Public Service Commissio'n, who
til the conviction of a present of- without any hearing sustained the
fense. Sec. 1 of Act No. 3397, in motion. The petitioners now claim
fixing the period of ten years, fixes that the respondent exceeded his
the date of the release of the of- jurisdiction because: (1) the order
fender, or his last conviction. If it granting the petitioners the certi-
was otherwise, the law should have ficate of public convenience, issued
expressly excluded, in the computa- three years ago, was final and could
tion of penalties, convictions ten or not be modified; (2) there was no
more years of age. hearing. Held: The first ground is
It should be further noted that not tenable. Section 28 of Act 3108,
the law does not intend to punish provides that the Commission may
anew offenses that occasioned such at any time order a rehearing to
convictions, but rather to determine extend, revoke, or modify any order
whether there exists or not in the made by it. But the writ must be
offender criminal propensities, for granted, for, though there was no
the purpose of correcting them on absolute want of jurisdiction, there
the occasion of the commission of was at least an irregular exercise
the new offense; and the Legisla- of judicial power. It was improper
ture has the plenary power to de- for respondent to decide the motion
termine in what cases, this persist- differently from the opinion of
ence to commit wrong, should be Judge Cruz, without at least con-
corrected. (In banc, per Romual- ceding to the petitioners the oppor-
dez, J.; Avancefla, Johnson, Street, tunity to be heard. (In bane, per
Malcolm, Villamor, Villa-Real, Im- Street, J.)-Briefed by PABLO L.
perial, J.J., concurring.)-Briefed TORRES.

REGULAR EXERCISE OF JUDICIAL ceslao Serrano, G. R. No. 31,.327,
PowER.-Telesforo Santos vs. The August 24, 1931.-The appellant
Hon. M. V. del Rosa?'io, Associate was found guilty of the crime of
Public Service Commissioner, G. R. rape. He moved for a new trial on
No. 35775, August 14, 1931.-Peti- the ground of newly discovered
tion for certiorari. On June 4, evidence, presenting an affidavit
1928, the petitioners were granted made by a physician to the effect
a certificate of public convenience. that coition was a habitual ex-
About three years later, the Rural perience with the complainant.
Held: The alleged evidence is ir- The correction was substantial and
relevant. "The law protects the amounted to a revocation of the
nchaste as well as the chaste first proclamation inasmuch as it
:oman, and virginity .on the part referred to a date which constituted
f the injured female IS not essen- the basis for the issuance of the
~ial as against a rapist." (In banc, proclamations by the Governor Gen-
per Street J.)-Briefed by PABLO eral, which in turn determined the
L. TORRES. date when the Act should take ef-
fect. It follows that the claim was
presented on time and the respond-
ent judge did not exceed his juris-
diction. (In banc, per Imperial, J.)
PRovAL.-The Director of Lands vs.
-Briefed by PABLOToRRES.
Buenaventura Ocampo and Arsenio
Manuel, R. G. No. 35776, Aug. 21,
1931.-Petition for certiorari. The ELECTJONS-REQUIREMENTS F10R
Philippine Legislature passed Act OPENING BALLOT BOXEs.-Teodoro
3672 authorizing the presenta- P. Subiato vs. Alfonso M. Recto,
tion, within one year from the date Judge of Court of Fi1'st Instance of
the act takes effect, of claims over Tarlac, and Pedro L. Quines, R. G.
lands which had been declared pub- No. 85841. August 15, 1931.-In
lic. According to said act, it will an election protest initiated by
take effect on the date when the . petitioner, it was alleged that the
Governor General proclaims that election inspectors in precincts Nos.
the act had been approved by the 2 and 3 of Mayantoc committed ir-
President of the United States. On regularities, without which, he would
February 26, 1930, the Governor have won by 74 votes over his op-
General issued a proclamation an- ponent. Respondent-protestee an-
nouncing that Act 3672 had been swered alleging also irregularities,
approved by the President of the without which, he would have won
United States on February 7, 1930. by 29 votes, instead of 11, over pro-
Later, on March 28, 1930, a second testant. At trial, petitioner moved
proclamation was issued correcting the court to order the opening and
the first proclamation to the effect examination of ballot boxes in pre-
that said Act had been approved cincts Nos. 2 and 3 of Mayantoc;
on Feb. 17, and not on Feb. 7, by but the court granted the petition
the President. - as to one precinct No.2 only.
On March 12, 1931, Manuel pres- Held: A sworn -protest alleging
ented his claim to a certain lot irregularities in the counting of
which had been declared public land ballots sufficient to change election
and obtained a judgment in his results establishes a prima facie case
favor. Question: Was the claim in order that the court should exer-
presented within one year from the cise its imperative duty of ordering
date Act 3672 took effect, or in the opening and examination of
other words, when did Act 3672 ballot boxes. It is error on the
take effect? Held: Act 3672 took court's part to deny petitioner's
effect on March 28, 1930, when the motion, as such denial is contrary
second proclamation was issued, and to the Election Law. Art. 479,
not on February 26, 1930. The Election Law, as amended by art,
principal purpose in issuing the 25, Act 3210. (Manalo vs. Sevilla,
second proclamation was to correct 24 Jur. FiJ. 631; Merced vs. Revilla,
the error in the first proclamation. 40 Jur. FiJ. 295; Cecilio vs. Belmon-
te, 48 Jur. Fil. 268). Mandamus Imperial, J. J., concurring) .-Brief_
granted. ed by JOSE D. INGLES.
(In Division. Por Villamor, J.:
Avancefia, C. J., Johnson, Street,
Malcolm, Romualdez, Villa-Real, and
Imperial, JJ.)-Briefed by RAFAEL
LAW.-P. P. I. vs. Fabian Montera
T. TIRONA. R. G. No. 34431, August 11, 1931.-':"
This is an appeal from a decision of
the trial court convicting the de-
DEPORTATION OF ALIENS-CON- fendant of theft of twelve phono-
CLUSIVENESSOF THE DECISION OF graph records and one flashlight
THE BOARD.OF SPECIAL INQUIRY.- valued at 1>30.30, and considering
Cheng Tao Liap vs. Insular Collec- him an habitual delinquent. De-
tor of Customs, R. G. No. 35183, July fendant attacks the Habitual De-
24, 1931.-The plaintiff-apellant linquent Law as an ex post facto
was ordered to be deported from the law, in violation of the Organic Act.
Islands by a decision of the Board Held: Statutes which authorize
of Special Inquiry of the Bureau of a more severe punishment to be im-
Customs. His petition for a writ posed upon one convicted of a second
of habeas corpus before the Court or subsequent offense are not ob-
of First Instance of Manila having jectionable on the ground that they
been denied, he claims on appeal are ex poM facto laws. Such sta-
that the trial court erred in con- tutes, the United States Supreme
firming the decision of the Board of Court has held, do not impose any
Special Inquiry and in findingthat additional punishment for the for-
his case falls under the provisions mer crimes, but simply impose a
of the Law of Congress of Feb- punishment on future crimes, the
ruary 5, 1917. Held: The courts penalty therefor being enhanced on
of justice can not review the weight, account of the criminal propensities
admissibility, or sufficiency of evid- of the accused. McDonald v. Mas-
ence adduced before the Board of sachusetts, 180 U. S. 311. (In bane,
Special Inquiry, the decision of such per Malcolm, J.; Avancefia, C. J.,
board being held to be conclusive as Johnson, Street, Villamor, Ostrand,
lo'ng as it is founded on evidence Romualdez, Villa-Real, and Imperial,
and confirmed by the Collector of J. J., concurring) .-Briefed by JOSE
Customs. Neither does the mere D. INGLES.
fact that an alien has been residing
in the Islands for more than five ADULTERYAS A DEFENSE IN MUR-
years, exempt him from the provi- DER CASES.-P. P. I. vs. Bituanan
sion of the Law of Congress of Feb- (Moro,) R. G. No. 34510, Augus.t
ruary 5, 1917. As held in the case 31, 9131.-Bituanan was married to
of Azurna v. Collector of Customs Sabay, a Mora, according to Moro
(40 Jur. Fil. 886), paragraph 8 of customs and usages; and subse-
article 19 of the aforementioned law quently they were divorced accord-
is applicable to any foreigner who ing to the same customs and usages.
infringes the same, regardless of After the divorce the defendant
the length of time for which said caught Sabay and another Moro,
foreigner may be resident in the Ali Sabya, sleeping on the same
Islands. (In banc, per Romualdez, bed. Thereupon, the defendant at-
J.; Avancefia, C. J., Johnson, Street, tacked Ali Sabya and Sabay, killing
Malcolm, Villamor, Villa-Real and the former and wounding the lat-
prosecution for mur- ure of the trial court to another
counsel for the defendant preliminary investigation before
contends that the defendant is proceeding with the trial. Held:
punishable only under Art. 423 of The right to a preliminary inves-
the Penal Code which provides that tigation is a personal privilege and
the penalty of destierro shall be may be waived by the accused. He
imposed upon a husband who, hav- cannot raise an objection upon this
ing surprised his wife in the act of ground for the first time on appeal.
adultery, shall kill her or her par- In the instant case the defendant
amour in the act. The question is; did not raise in the lower court any
Was the divorce valid, and if not objection whatsoever as to the suf-
does the act of the defe'ndant fall ficiency of the preliminary inves-
under Art. 423 of the Penal Code? tigation conducted by the Justice
Held: "Granting, without neces- of the Peace, and it is now too late
sarily having to decide, that Bitua- to raise that question. (In bane,
Dan and Sabay were accordingly per Johnson, J. ; Avancefia, C.J.,
not legally divorced, it only need be Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Romual-
said that there is no evidence show- dez, Villa-Real, and Imperial, J.J.,
ing that Bituanan surprised Sabay concurring.)-Briefed by F. T. MA-
and Ali Sabya in the act of adult- CAHILIG.
ery when he killed the latter. The
privilege given in Art. 423 of the
Penal Code extends solely to the
Florentino Esguerra vs. Andres
case of a husband who surprises
Pascual, R. G. No. 88588, May 12,
his wife in the act of actual adult-
1931.-Facts: Plaintiff instituted
ery, that is, actual carnal knowl-
the present action for the purpose
edge with her paramour." (In bane,
of procuring the reformation of two
per Malcolm, J.; Avancefia, C.J.,
Torrens certificates of title by or-
Johnson, Street, Villamor, Romual-
dering the reinsertion on said cer-
dez, Villa-Real and Imperial, J.J.,
tificates of the name of the plaintiff
concurring.)-B?-iefed by F. T. MA-
and of a statement of the alleged
correct superficial area of the land
belonging to the Esguerras. It ap-
RIGHT TO PRELIMINARY INVESTIGA- pears that if the certificates should
TION.-P. P.I. vs. Albino Retalan, be amended in the way the plain-
R. G. No. 83991, August 19, 1931.- tiff desires, such action should give
A complaint was presented in the rise to the following consequences,
Justice of the Peace Court charging namely, that the estate of Lo Bun
the defendant with the crime of Chay would have a right to go
homicide. After a preliminary in- upon Andres Pascual for the, neigh-
vestigation the justice of the peace boring lots 4 and 59, of which
found that there was no probable Pascual is the registered owner,
cause for holding the defendant and, secondly, that Andres Pascual
guilty, but on account of the gravity would have a right of action against
of the offense charged, certified the Florentino Esguerra to recover
cause to the Court of First In- damages for breach of warranty
stance. In the latter court a com- in the sale of said two lots (4 and
plaint was filed for the same of- 59) by Esguerra to Pascual. In
fense, the defendant tried, and other words, to grant the remedy
found guilty. On appeal the de- sought would lead to a circuity of
fendant assigned as error the fail- action as a result of which the
damage inflicted upon the estate of for the first time on appeal. (Per
Lo Bun Chay would in the end be Street, J.)-Briefed by E. A. PI-
brought to the door of the plaintiff, CAW.
the very person who is now seek-
ing relief. For this reason the
Supreme Court affirmed the judg- PACTO DE RETRO SALES-EFFECTs.
ment of the court below and held: -Roman Ciriaco, et al. VB. Benito
That a court of equity will not Halla?'ces and Felisa Bauto, R. G.
assist in the correction of alleged No. 33838, June 29, 1931.-Sabina
error which has the effect of Manas was owner of an undivided
placing the parties substantially in 4/5 interest in fee of the land, and
the same position that they should an undivided 1/5 interest subject to
be in if complete equity were ad- right of repurchase within 10 years,
ministered, and equity will not terminating on May 3, 1932. On
grant relief where the result would June 4, 1927, Manas and husband
lead to circuity of action as a sold the property to Magbitang and
consequence of which the damage wife, subject to repurchase after
caused by granting the relief would the expiration of 4 years. Thru a
in the end be brought back to the series of transfers, title finally be-
door of the very person who is came vested in Roman Ciriaco aond
seeking relief. Catalino Ciriaco, plaintiffs. Hence
action by plaintiffs to recover the
property from defendants, represen-
DOUBLE JEOPARDY - WHEN THE tatives of Manas, now dead. Held:
PLEA TO BE MADE.-P. P. 1. VB. Sy Plaintiffs as successors to Magbi-
Tapco, G. R. No. 34107, May 6, tang are entitled to recover at least
1931.-The defendant was charged possession of property. If the re-
in the Court of First Instance of presentative of Manas permits the
Leyte with violation of Act No. property to consolidate within the
2381, in having in his possession or period of four years, as per contract-
under his control opium, opium of June 4, 1927, the plaintiffs will
ashes, and opium apparatus. He be owners of the undivided 4/5
pleaded guilty, and after the cor- which was owned in fee by Manas.
responding penalty was imposed, he As to 1/5 interest, plaintiffs are
filed a motion in the court below the owners of the redemptionary
that the case be reopened and he interest and have the right to re-
be permitted to show that his con- deem from the estate of S. Manas,
viction was tantamount to putting and if that interest is not thus re-
in jeopardy a second time, since he deemed on or before the expiration
had already been convicted in a of the 10-year period, and the re-
former case of maintaining an presentative of Manas redeems in
opium joint. The motion was de- her right under her contract with
nied and he appealed. The Su- Magbitang, that interest would be
preme Court affirmed the judgment lost to the plaintiffs, and it can, in
of the court below and Held: 1. The such event, only be preserved by
offense of maintaining an opium the exercise of the right of redemp-
joint is a different offense from tion reserved to vendor (Encarna-
having in one's possession or under cion) on or before May 3, 1932.
his control opium and opium ap- (Per Street, J.; Villamor, Ostrand,
paratus. 2. The plea of double Johns, Villa-real, J.J., concurring.
jeopardy can only be made in the Romualdez, J., took no part) .-
trial court, and cannot be set up B?'iefed by RAFAEL T. TIRONA.

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